-- @(#)51 1.31 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/clsmuxpd/hacmp.my, hacmp.clsmuxpd, 61haes_r712 5/7/08 06:11:44 -- IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG -- This is an automatically generated prolog. -- -- 61haes_r714 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/clsmuxpd/hacmp.my 1.32 -- -- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM -- -- COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2013 -- All Rights Reserved -- -- US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or -- disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -- -- IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG -- -- COMPONENT_NAME: CLSMUXPD -- -- FUNCTIONS: none -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- I. HEADER -- -- A) High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing for AIX Cluster -- SNMP Peer MIB Definition. -- RISC6000CLSMUXPD-MIB -- DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- -- B) Imported syntaxes. -- IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress, Counter FROM RFC1065-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212; -- -- C) The root of the RISC6000CLSMUXPD-MIB is as follows: -- ibm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2 } ibmAgents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibm 3 } aix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ibmAgents 1 } aixRISC6000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aix 2 } risc6000agents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aixRISC6000 1 } risc6000clsmuxpd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000agents 5 } -- cluster OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 1 } node OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 2 } address OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 3 } network OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 4 } -- clstrmgr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 5 } cllockd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 6 } clinfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 7 } -- application OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 8 } -- clsmuxpd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 9 } event OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 10 } -- resmanager OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 11 } site OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 12 } -- address6 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { risc6000clsmuxpd 13 } -- -- II. The Cluster Group -- -- A) clusterId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- clusterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the cluster" ::= { cluster 1 } -- -- B) clusterName -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- clusterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User configurable cluster Name" ::= { cluster 2 } -- -- C) clusterConfiguration -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- clusterConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The cluster configuration" ::= { cluster 3 } -- -- D) clusterState -- This field is returned by the clstrmgr. -- clusterState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), unknown(8), notconfigured(256) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cluster status" ::= { cluster 4 } trapClusterState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { clusterState, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever the cluster changes state." ::= 10 -- -- E) clusterPrimary -- This field is returned by the clstrmgr. -- Status is deprecated as lock manager is no longer supported. -- -- clusterPrimary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The Node ID of the Primary Lock Manager" ::= { cluster 5 } -- -- F) clusterLastChange -- This field is a integer string returned by the gettimeofday() -- library call and is updated if any cluster, node, -- or address information changes. -- clusterLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds of last change in this cluster." ::= { cluster 6 } -- -- G) clusterGmtOffset -- This field is a integer string returned by the gettimeofday() -- library call and is updated if any cluster, node, -- or address information changes. -- clusterGmtOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Seconds west of GMT for the time of last change in this cluster." ::= { cluster 7 } -- -- H) clusterSubState -- This field is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- clusterSubState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unstable(16), error(64), stable(32), unknown(8), reconfig(128), notconfigured(256), notsynced(512) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cluster substate" ::= { cluster 8 } trapClusterSubState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { clusterSubState, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever the cluster changes substate." ::= 11 -- -- I) clusterNodeName -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- clusterNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User configurable cluster local node name" ::= { cluster 9 } -- -- J) clusterPrimaryNodeName -- This field is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- clusterPrimaryNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Node Name of the primary cluster node" ::= { cluster 10 } trapNewPrimary TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { clusterPrimary, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever the primary node changes." ::= 15 -- -- K) clusterNumNodes -- This field is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- clusterNumNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of nodes in the cluster" ::= { cluster 11 } -- -- L) clusterNodeId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- clusterNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the local node" ::= { cluster 12 } -- -- M) clusterNumSites -- This field is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- clusterNumSites OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of sites in the cluster" ::= { cluster 13 } -- -- -- III. The node group -- -- A) The node table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the node Id. -- nodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of Node descriptions" ::= { node 1 } -- nodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { nodeId } ::= { nodeTable 1 } -- NodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nodeId INTEGER, nodeState INTEGER, nodeNumIf INTEGER, nodeName DisplayString, nodeSite DisplayString } -- -- B) nodeId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- nodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node" ::= { nodeEntry 1 } -- -- C) nodeState -- This row is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- nodeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), joining(32), leaving(64) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The State of the Node" ::= { nodeEntry 2 } trapNodeState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeState, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a node changes state." ::= 12 -- -- D) nodeNumIf -- This row is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- nodeNumIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of network interfaces in this node" ::= { nodeEntry 3 } -- -- E) nodeName -- This row is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- nodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of this node" ::= { nodeEntry 4 } nodeSite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The site associated with this node" ::= { nodeEntry 5 } -- -- -- The site group -- -- A) The site table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the site Id. -- siteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SiteEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of Site descriptions" ::= { site 1 } -- siteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SiteEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { siteId } ::= { siteTable 1 } -- SiteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { siteId INTEGER, siteName DisplayString, sitePriority INTEGER, siteBackup INTEGER, siteNumNodes INTEGER, siteState INTEGER } -- -- B) siteId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- siteId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the site" ::= { siteEntry 1 } -- -- C) siteName -- This row is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- siteName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of this site" ::= { siteEntry 2 } -- -- E) sitePriority -- Priority or dominance of the site -- -- sitePriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2), tertiary(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Priority of the Site" ::= { siteEntry 3 } -- -- F) siteBackup -- Backup communications method for the site -- -- siteBackup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), dbfs(2), sgn(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Backup communications method for the site" ::= { siteEntry 4 } -- -- G) siteNumNodes -- Number of nodes in this site -- -- siteNumNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of nodes in this site" ::= { siteEntry 5 } -- -- D) siteState -- This row is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- siteState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), joining(16), leaving(32), isolated(257) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The State of the site" ::= { siteEntry 6 } trapSiteState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { siteState, clusterId, siteId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a site changes state." ::= 18 -- -- -- Site node table -- -- A) The site to node mapping Table -- -- siteNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SiteNodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of site node descriptions" ::= { site 2 } -- siteNodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SiteNodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Node ids for all nodes in this site" INDEX { siteNodeSiteId, siteNodeNodeId } ::= { siteNodeTable 1 } -- SiteNodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { siteNodeSiteId INTEGER, siteNodeNodeId INTEGER } -- -- B) The site Id -- HACMP defined site id. -- siteNodeSiteId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the cluster site" ::= { siteNodeEntry 1 } -- -- C) The site node Id -- The node id for each node in this site -- siteNodeNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The node ID of the node in this site" ::= { siteNodeEntry 2 } -- -- -- -- IV. The address group -- -- -- IV. The address group -- -- A) The address table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the node Id and the dotted decimal IP address. -- addrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of IP address descriptions" ::= { address 1 } -- addrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AddrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { addrNodeId, addrAddress } ::= { addrTable 1 } -- AddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { addrNodeId INTEGER, addrAddress IpAddress, addrLabel DisplayString, addrRole INTEGER, addrNetId INTEGER, addrState INTEGER, addrActiveNode INTEGER, oldAddrActiveNode INTEGER } -- -- B) addrNodeId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- addrNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node this IP address is configured" ::= { addrEntry 1 } -- -- C) addrAddress -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- addrAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address" ::= { addrEntry 2 } -- -- D) addrLabel -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- addrLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP label associated with the IP address" ::= { addrEntry 3 } -- -- E) addrRole -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- Note that use of sharedService and standby is deprecated. -- addrRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { boot(64), service(16), persistent(8), sharedService(128), standby(32) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The role of the IP address" ::= { addrEntry 4 } -- -- F) addrNetId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- It is provide so that clients can determine the corresponding -- index into the network table. -- addrNetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The network ID of the IP address" ::= { addrEntry 5 } -- -- G) addrState -- This field is returned from the Cluster Manager. -- addrState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), unknown(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the IP address" ::= { addrEntry 6 } -- -- H) addrActiveNode -- This field is returned from the Cluster Manager. -- addrActiveNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node on which this IP address is active" ::= { addrEntry 7 } -- -- I) oldAddrActiveNode -- This field is returned from the Cluster Manager. -- oldAddrActiveNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node on which this IP address was previously active" ::= { addrEntry 8 } -- -- -- V. The network group -- -- A) The network table -- This is a variable length table index by node Id -- and network Id. -- netTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of Network descriptions" ::= { network 1 } -- netEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { netNodeId, netId } ::= { netTable 1 } -- NetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { netNodeId INTEGER, netId INTEGER, netName DisplayString, netAttribute INTEGER, netState INTEGER, netODMid INTEGER, netType DisplayString, netFamily INTEGER } -- -- B) netNodeId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- netNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node this network is configured" ::= { netEntry 1 } -- -- C) netId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- netId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the network" ::= { netEntry 2 } -- -- D) netName -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- netName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of network" ::= { netEntry 3 } -- -- E) netAttribute -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- If the attribute is public or private, it is an IP based -- network, otherwise it is non-IP or serial. Note that the -- public / private setting is only used by Oracle for selecting -- a network for intra-node communications - it has no effect -- on HACMP's handling of the network. -- netAttribute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { public(2), private(1), serial(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The attribute of the network." ::= { netEntry 4 } -- -- F) netState -- This row is returned by the clstrmgr. -- -- netState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), joining(32), leaving(64) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the network" ::= { netEntry 5 } trapNetworkState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { netState, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a network changes state." ::= 13 -- -- G) netODMid -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- netODMid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ODM id of the network" ::= { netEntry 6 } -- -- H) netType -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- It indicates the physical type of the network: ethernet, token -- ring, ATM, etc. -- netType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical network type, e.g. ethernet" ::= { netEntry 7 } -- -- I) netFamily -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- It indicates if the HACMP-network is a INET/INET6/Hybrid network. -- netFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), clinet(1), clinet6(2), clhybrid(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Family of the network." ::= { netEntry 8 } -- -- -- -- -- VI. The Cluster Manager (clstrmgr) group -- -- A) The clstrmgr table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the node Id. -- clstrmgrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ClstrmgrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of clstrmgr entries" ::= { clstrmgr 1 } -- clstrmgrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClstrmgrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { clstrmgrNodeId } ::= { clstrmgrTable 1 } -- ClstrmgrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { clstrmgrNodeId INTEGER, clstrmgrVersion DisplayString, clstrmgrStatus INTEGER } -- -- B) clstrmgrNodeId -- This field is read from the cluster configuration. -- clstrmgrNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The node ID of the Cluster Manager" ::= { clstrmgrEntry 1 } -- -- C) clstrmgrVersion -- This field is hard coded into the daemon. -- clstrmgrVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of the Cluster Manager" ::= { clstrmgrEntry 2 } -- -- D) clstrmgrStatus -- This field indicates the state of the cluster manager on the -- node. -- Note that "suspended" and "unknown" are no longer used. -- graceful, forced and takeover reflect the mode -- which was used to stop cluster services. -- clstrmgrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), suspended(16), unknown(8), graceful(32), forced(64), takeover(128) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the Cluster Manager" ::= { clstrmgrEntry 3 } -- -- -- VII. The Cluster Lock Daemon (cllockd) group -- -- The cluster lock daemon is no longer supported, the information -- in this section is for reference only. -- -- A) The cllockd table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the node Id. -- cllockdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CllockdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of cllockd process entries" ::= { cllockd 1 } -- cllockdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CllockdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { cllockdNodeId } ::= { cllockdTable 1 } -- CllockdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cllockdNodeId INTEGER, cllockdVersion DisplayString, cllockdStatus INTEGER } -- -- B) cllockdNodeId -- This field is determined by the IP address used to connect -- to the cllockd. -- cllockdNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The node ID of the Lock Manager" ::= { cllockdEntry 1 } -- -- C) cllockdVersion -- This field is returned by the srcstat() library call. -- cllockdVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of the Lock Manager" ::= { cllockdEntry 2 } -- -- D) cllockdStatus -- This field is is always 4 (down) - cllockd is no longer -- supported -- cllockdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), unknown(8), suspended(16), stalled(256) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the Lock Manager" ::= { cllockdEntry 3 } -- -- -- VIII. The Client Information Daemon (clinfo) group -- -- A) The clinfo table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the node Id. -- clinfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ClinfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of clinfo process entries" ::= { clinfo 1 } -- clinfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClinfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { clinfoNodeId } ::= { clinfoTable 1 } -- ClinfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { clinfoNodeId INTEGER, clinfoVersion DisplayString, clinfoStatus INTEGER } -- -- B) clinfoNodeId -- This field is the cluster node id running the clinfo daemon. -- clinfoNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The node ID running the Client Information Daemon" ::= { clinfoEntry 1 } -- -- C) clinfoVersion -- This is the hard coded version of the clinfo daemon. -- clinfoVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of the Client Information Daemon" ::= { clinfoEntry 2 } -- -- D) clinfoStatus -- This status of the daemon on the node. -- Note that "suspended" state is no longer supported. -- clinfoStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), unknown(8), suspended(16) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the Client Information Daemon" ::= { clinfoEntry 3 } -- -- -- IX. The Application Group -- -- A) The application table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the node Id followed by the application process Id. -- -- There is an api which allows -- applications to register with the HACMP for AIX-SMUX peer. -- -- See cl_registerwithclsmuxpd() routine in the -- Programming Client Applications Guide (SC23-4865) -- appTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AppEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of application entries" ::= { application 1 } -- appEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AppEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { appNodeId, appPid } ::= { appTable 1 } -- AppEntry ::= SEQUENCE { appNodeId INTEGER, appPid INTEGER, appName DisplayString, appVersion DisplayString, appDescr DisplayString } -- -- B) appNodeId -- This is the (cluster) node id where the client has -- registered the routine (clsmuxpd provides this field). -- appNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The node ID of the application" ::= { appEntry 1 } -- -- C) appPid -- This is the process id where the client has -- registered the routine (clsmuxpd provides this field). -- appPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The process ID of the application" ::= { appEntry 2 } -- -- D) appName -- This field is passed to the cl_registerwithclsmuxpd() routine. -- appName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the application" ::= { appEntry 3 } -- -- E) appVersion -- This field is passed to the cl_registerwithclsmuxpd() routine. -- appVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of the application" ::= { appEntry 4 } -- -- F) appDescr -- This field is passed to the cl_registerwithclsmuxpd() routine. -- appDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description of the application" ::= { appEntry 5 } -- -- trapAppState -- This fires whenever the state of the application changes. -- Note that this is based on application's socket connection -- with the clsmuxpd daemon: when the socket is active, the -- application is considered up, otherwise its down. -- trapAppState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { appName, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever an application is added or deleted." ::= 16 -- -- -- X. The Resource Group -- Contains information about cluster resources and resource groups. -- -- A) The Resource Group Table -- resGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ResGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of Resource Group descriptions" ::= { resmanager 1 } -- resGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Individual Resource Group description" INDEX { resGroupId } ::= { resGroupTable 1 } -- ResGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { resGroupId INTEGER, resGroupName DisplayString, resGroupPolicy INTEGER, resGroupUserPolicyName DisplayString, resGroupNumResources INTEGER, resGroupNumNodes INTEGER } -- -- B) Resource Group Id -- -- resGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Resource Group" ::= { resGroupEntry 1 } trapRGAdd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { resGroupId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a resource group is added." ::= 20 trapRGDel TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { resGroupId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a resource group is deleted." ::= 21 -- -- C) Resource Group Name -- -- resGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the Resource Group" ::= { resGroupEntry 2 } -- -- D) Resource Group Policy -- -- resGroupPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cascading(1), rotating(2), concurrent(3), userdefined(4), custom(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The State of the Resource Group" ::= { resGroupEntry 3 } -- -- E) Resource Group User-Defined Policy Name -- -- resGroupUserPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the user-defined policy" ::= { resGroupEntry 4 } -- -- F) Number of Resources in a Resource Group -- -- resGroupNumResources OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of resources defined in the group" ::= { resGroupEntry 5 } -- -- G) Number of Participating Nodes in a Resource Group -- -- resGroupNumNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of participating nodes in the group" ::= { resGroupEntry 6 } trapRGChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { resGroupId, resGroupPolicy, resGroupNumResources, resGroupNumNodes } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever the policy, number of nodes, or the number of resources of a resource group is changed." ::= 22 -- -- H) Resource Group's Startup Policy -- -- resGroupStartupPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Resource Group's Startup Policy: This can have the following values: Online On HomeNode Only - 1 Online On First Available Node - 2 Online Using Distribution Policy - 3 Online On All Available Nodes - 4" ::= { resGroupEntry 7 } -- -- I) Resource Group's Fallover Policy -- -- resGroupFalloverPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Resource Group's Fallover Policy This can have the following values: Fallover To Next Priority Node On the List - 5 Fallover Using DNP - 6 Bring Offline - 7" ::= { resGroupEntry 8 } -- -- J) Resource Group's Fallback Policy -- -- resGroupFallbackPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Resource Group's Fallback Policy Fallback to Higher Priority Node in the List - 8 Never Fallback - 9" ::= { resGroupEntry 9 } -- -- -- XI. The Resources -- -- A) The Resource Table -- -- resTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ResEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of Resource descriptions" ::= { resmanager 2 } -- resEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Individual Resource descriptions" INDEX { resGroupId, resourceId } ::= { resTable 1 } -- ResEntry ::= SEQUENCE { resourceGroupId INTEGER, resourceId INTEGER, resourceName DisplayString, resourceType INTEGER } -- -- B) The Resource Group Id -- HACMP defined group id. -- resourceGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the resource group" ::= { resEntry 1 } -- -- C) Resource Id -- This is stored in the hacmp configuration. -- resourceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Resource" ::= { resEntry 2 } -- -- D) Resource Name -- User supplied name, e.g. "Ora_vg1" or "app_serv1" -- resourceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of this resource" ::= { resEntry 3 } -- -- E) Resource Type -- What kind of resource is it. -- -- resourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { serviceLabel(1000), iPLabel(1000), htyServiceLabel(1001), fileSystem(1002), volumeGroup(1003), disk(1004), rawDiskPVID(1004), aixConnectionServices(1005), application(1006), concurrentVolumeGroup(1007), haCommunicationLinks(1008), haFastConnectServices(1009) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Type of the Resource" ::= { resEntry 4 } -- -- XII. The Resource Group Node State -- -- A) The Resource Group Node State Table -- The participating nodes and the current location of a given resource -- group are determined and maintained via this table and indexed by -- resource group ID and node ID. -- -- resGroupNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ResGroupNodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of resource group and associated node state descriptions" ::= { resmanager 3 } -- resGroupNodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResGroupNodeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Individual resource group/node state descriptions" INDEX { resGroupNodeGroupId, resGroupNodeId } ::= { resGroupNodeTable 1 } -- ResGroupNodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { resGroupNodeGroupId INTEGER, resGroupNodeId INTEGER, resGroupNodeState INTEGER } -- -- B) The Resource Group Id -- Cluster wide unique id assigned by hacmp. -- -- resGroupNodeGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the resource group" ::= { resGroupNodeEntry 1 } -- -- C) The Participating Node Id -- Node id of each node in the group. -- -- resGroupNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Node ID of node located within resource group" ::= { resGroupNodeEntry 2 } -- -- D) The Resource Group Node State -- State of the group on each node participating in the group. -- -- resGroupNodeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { online(2), offline(4), unknown(8), acquiring(16), releasing(32), error(64), onlineSec (256), acquiringSec (1024), releasingSec (4096), errorsec (16384), offlineDueToFallover (65536), offlineDueToParentOff (131072), offlineDueToLackOfNode (262144), unmanaged(524288), unmanagedSec(1048576) -- offlineDueToNodeForcedDown(2097152) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The State of the Resource Group" ::= { resGroupNodeEntry 3 } trapRGState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { resGroupNodeGroupId, resGroupNodeId, resGroupNodeState, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a resource group changes state on a particular node." ::= 23 -- -- -- XIII. The clsmuxpd group -- Various statistics maintained by the smux peer daemon. -- -- A) clsmuxpdGets -- Incremented on each get request. -- clsmuxpdGets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of get requests received" ::= { clsmuxpd 1 } -- -- B) clsmuxpdGetNexts -- Incremented on each get-next request. -- clsmuxpdGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of get-next requests received" ::= { clsmuxpd 2 } -- -- C) clsmuxpdSets -- Incremented on each set request. -- Note that the smux does not durrently support set requests. -- clsmuxpdSets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of set requests received" ::= { clsmuxpd 3 } -- -- D) clsmuxpdTraps -- Incremented after a trap is generated. -- clsmuxpdTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of traps sent" ::= { clsmuxpd 4 } -- -- E) clsmuxpdErrors -- Incremented after an error occurs. -- clsmuxpdErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of errors encountered" ::= { clsmuxpd 5 } -- -- F) clsmuxpdVersion -- Version number of clsmuxpd program. -- clsmuxpdVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Version of clsmuxpd program" ::= { clsmuxpd 6 } -- -- -- XIV. The event group -- This is a list of the last one thousand events called -- by the Cluster Manager. This list is used for tracking -- cluster event history. -- -- A) eventPtr -- Points to the most recent event. -- eventPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Pointer to the most recent event" ::= { event 1 } -- -- B) The event table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- a counter. Useful for keeping history of events. -- eventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EventType ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of cluster events" ::= { event 2 } -- eventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EventType ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { nodeId, eventCount } ::= { eventTable 1 } -- EventType ::= SEQUENCE { eventId INTEGER, eventNodeId INTEGER, eventNetId INTEGER, eventTime INTEGER, eventCount Counter, eventNodeName DisplayString } -- -- C) eventId -- This field is returned by the cluster manager. -- Note that the following events are no longer used: -- unstableTooLong(18) -- eventId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { swapAdapter(0), swapAdapterComplete(1), joinNetwork(2), failNetwork(3), joinNetworkComplete(4), failNetworkComplete(5), joinNode(6), failNode(7), joinNodeComplete(8), failNodeComplete(9), joinStandby(10), failStandby(11), newPrimary(12), clusterUnstable(13), clusterStable(14), configStart(15), configComplete(16), configTooLong(17), unstableTooLong(18), eventError(19), dareConfiguration(20), dareTopologyStart(21), dareConfigurationComplete(22), dareResource(23), dareResourceRelease(24), dareResourceAcquire(25), dareResourceComplete(26), resourceGroupChange(27), joinInterface(28), failInterface(29), wait(30), waitComplete(31), migrate(32), migrateComplete(33), rgMove(34), serverRestart(35), serverDown(36), siteUp(37), siteDown(38), siteUpComplete(39), siteDownComplete(40), siteMerge(41), siteIsolation(42), siteMergeComplete(43), siteIsolationComplete(44), nullEvent(45), externalEvent(46), refresh(47), topologyRefresh(48), clusterNotify(49), resourceStateChange(50), resourceStateChangeComplete(51), externalResourceStateChange(52), externalResourceStateChangeComplete(53) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cluster event" ::= { eventType 1 } -- -- D) eventNodeId -- This field is returned by the cluster manager. -- eventNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node on which the event occurs" ::= { eventType 2 } -- -- E) eventNetId -- This field is returned by the cluster manager. -- eventNetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Network on which the event occurs" ::= { eventType 3 } -- -- F) eventTime -- This field is an integer string returned by the gettimeofday() -- library call and is updated whenever an event is received. -- eventTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time at which the event occurred" ::= { eventType 4 } -- -- G) eventCount -- This field is incremented whenever an event is received. -- eventCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A count of the event used for indexing into the table" ::= { eventType 5 } -- -- H) eventNodeName -- This field is returned by the cluster manager. -- eventNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the Node on which the event occurs" ::= { eventType 6 } -- -- State Event traps -- trapSwapAdapter TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, addrLabel, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated swap adapter event" ::= 64 trapSwapAdapterComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated swap adapter complete event" ::= 65 trapJoinNetwork TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node has joined the network" ::= 66 trapFailNetwork TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated fail network event" ::= 67 trapJoinNetworkComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated join network complete event" ::= 68 trapFailNetworkComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated fail network complete event" ::= 69 trapJoinNode TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated join node event" ::= 70 trapFailNode TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated fail join node event" ::= 71 trapJoinNodeComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated join node complete event" ::= 72 trapFailNodeComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName , eventCount} DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated fail node complete event" ::= 73 trapJoinStandby TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated join standby event" ::= 74 trapFailStandby TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node has failed standby adapter" ::= 75 trapEventNewPrimary TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, clusterPrimaryNodeName, eventCount} DESCRIPTION "Specified node has become the new primary" ::= 76 trapClusterUnstable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated cluster unstable event" ::= 77 trapClusterStable TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated cluster stable event" ::= 78 trapConfigStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Configuration procedure has started for specified node" ::= 79 trapConfigComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Configuration procedure has completed for specified node" ::= 80 trapClusterConfigTooLong TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node has been in configuration too long" ::= 81 -- -- Note that this event is no longer used and this trap will never occur. -- trapClusterUnstableTooLong TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node has been unstable too long" ::= 82 trapEventError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Specified node generated an event error" ::= 83 trapDareTopology TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Dynamic reconfiguration event for topology has been issued" ::= 84 trapDareTopologyStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Dynamic reconfiguration event for topology has started" ::= 85 trapDareTopologyComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Dynamic reconfiguration event for topology has completed" ::= 86 trapDareResource TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Dynamic reconfiguration event for resource has been issued" ::= 87 trapDareResourceRelease TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Dynamic reconfiguration event for resource has been released" ::= 88 trapDareResourceAcquire TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Dynamic reconfiguration event for resource has been acquired" ::= 89 trapDareResourceComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Dynamic reconfiguration event for resource has completed" ::= 90 trapFailInterface TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Interface has failed on the event node" ::= 91 trapJoinInterface TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Interface has joined on the event node" ::= 92 trapResourceGroupChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "rg_move event has occurred on the event node" ::= 93 trapServerRestart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Server has been restarted on the event node" ::= 94 trapServerRestartComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Server restart is complete on the event node" ::= 95 trapServerDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Server has failed on the event node" ::= 96 trapServerDownComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, netName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Server has failed on the event node" ::= 97 trapSiteDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site failed" ::= 98 trapSiteDownComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site failure complete on the event site" ::= 99 trapSiteUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site is now up" ::= 100 trapSiteUpComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site join is complete on the event site" ::= 101 trapSiteMerge TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site has merged with the active site" ::= 102 trapSiteMergeComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site merge is complete on the event site" ::= 103 trapSiteIsolation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site is isolated" ::= 104 trapSiteIsolationComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Site isoaltion is complete on the event site" ::= 105 trapClusterNotify TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Cluster Notify event has occurred on event node" ::= 106 trapResourceStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Resource State Change event has occurred on event node" ::= 107 trapResourceStateChangeComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "Resource State Change Complete event has occurred on event node" ::= 108 trapExternalResourceStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "External Resource State Change event has occurred on event node" ::= 109 trapExternalResourceStateChangeComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { nodeName, clusterName, siteName, eventCount } DESCRIPTION "External Resource State Change Complete event has occurred on event node" ::= 110 -- -- XV. The Resource Group Dependency Configuration -- Contains information about cluster resources group dependencies. -- -- A) The Resource Group Dependency Table -- resGroupDependencyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ResGroupDependencyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of Resource Group Dependency descriptions" ::= { resmanager 4 } -- resGroupDependencyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResGroupDependencyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Individual Resource Group Dependency description" INDEX { resGroupDependencyId } ::= { resGroupDependencyTable 1 } -- ResGroupDependencyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { resGroupDependencyId INTEGER, resGroupNameParent DisplayString, resGroupNameChild DisplayString, resGroupDependencyType DisplayString, resGroupDependencyTypeInt INTEGER } -- -- B) Resource Group Dependency Id resGroupDependencyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Resource Group Dependency" ::= { resGroupDependencyEntry 1 } trapRGDepAdd TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { resGroupDependencyId } DESCRIPTION "Fires when a new resource group dependency is added." ::= 30 trapRGDepDel TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { resGroupDependencyId } DESCRIPTION "Fires when a new resource group dependency is deleted." ::= 31 trapRGDepChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { resGroupDependencyId, resGroupNameParent, resGroupNameChild, resGroupDependencyType, resGroupDependencyTypeInt } DESCRIPTION "Fires when an resource group dependency is changed." ::= 32 -- -- C) Resource Group Name Parent -- -- resGroupNameParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the Parent Resource Group" ::= { resGroupDependencyEntry 2 } -- -- D) Resource Group Name -- -- resGroupNameChild OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the Child Resource Group" ::= { resGroupDependencyEntry 3 } -- -- E) Resource Group Dependency Type -- -- resGroupDependencyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the resource group dependency." ::= { resGroupDependencyEntry 4 } -- -- F) Resource Group Dependency Policy -- -- resGroupDependencyTypeInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { globalOnline(0) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the Resource Group Dependency" ::= { resGroupDependencyEntry 5 } -- -- -- XVI. The address6 group -- -- A) The address6 table -- This is a variable length table which is indexed by -- the node Id, inet_type, octet_count, ip address (in octet form) and -- prefix length. -- addr6Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Addr6Entry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A series of IPv4/v6 address descriptions" ::= { address6 1 } -- addr6Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Addr6Entry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory INDEX { addr6NodeId, addr6InetType, addr6OctetCount, addr6Address, addr6PrefixLength } ::= { addr6Table 1 } -- Addr6Entry ::= SEQUENCE { addr6NodeId INTEGER, addr6InetType INTEGER, addr6OctetCount INTEGER, addr6Address OCTET STRING(SIZE (20)), addr6PrefixLength INTEGER, addr6Label DisplayString, addr6Role INTEGER, addr6NetId INTEGER, addr6State INTEGER, addr6ActiveNode INTEGER, oldAddr6ActiveNode INTEGER } -- -- B) addr6NodeId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- addr6NodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node this IP address is configured" ::= { addr6Entry 1 } -- -- C) addr6InetType -- A value that represents a type of Internet address. -- addr6InetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2), ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4), dns(16) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The internet address type of addrAddress" ::= { addr6Entry 2 } -- -- D) addr6OctetCount -- A value that represents number of octets in addrAddress. -- addr6OctetCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of octets in addrAddress" ::= { addr6Entry 3 } -- -- E) addr6Address -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- addr6Address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (20)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP address" ::= { addr6Entry 4 } -- -- F) addr6PrefixLength -- A value that represents number of octets in addrAddress. -- addr6PrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The prefix length" ::= { addr6Entry 5 } -- -- G) addr6Label -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- addr6Label OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP label associated with the IP address" ::= { addr6Entry 6 } -- -- H) addr6Role -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- Note that use of sharedService and standby is deprecated. -- addr6Role OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { boot(64), service(16), persistent(8), sharedService(128), standby(32) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The role of the IP address" ::= { addr6Entry 7 } -- -- I) addr6NetId -- This field is read from the HACMP for AIX object repository. -- It is provide so that clients can determine the corresponding -- index into the network table. -- addr6NetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The network ID of the IP address" ::= { addr6Entry 8 } -- -- J) addr6State -- This field is returned from the Cluster Manager. -- addr6State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(2), down(4), unknown(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the IP address" ::= { addr6Entry 9 } trapAddressState TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { addr6State, addr6NetId, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a address changes state." ::= 14 trapAdapterSwap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { addr6State, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever a address swap occurs." ::= 17 -- -- K) addr6ActiveNode -- This field is returned from the Cluster Manager. -- addr6ActiveNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node on which this IP address is active" ::= { addr6Entry 10 } -- -- L) oldAddr6ActiveNode -- This field is returned from the Cluster Manager. -- oldAddr6ActiveNode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the Node on which this IP address was previously active" ::= { addr6Entry 11 } trapAddressTakeover TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE risc6000clsmuxpd VARIABLES { addr6ActiveNode, oldAddr6ActiveNode, clusterId, clusterNodeId } DESCRIPTION "Fires whenever IP address takeover occurs." ::= 19 END