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Usage: %s -i -n -s Timed out waiting for some of the nodes, processing the other ones. ERROR: Unable to use communication interface '%s'. For each of the above invalid communication interfaces listed, please check that the owning node is running the clcomdES subsystem, and that the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts file is properly configured. Also, check /var/hacmp/clcomd/clcomd.log logfile on remote node for possible errors. Unable to refresh the clcomdES subsystem Please try manually stopping and starting the clcomdES subsystem, then retry this operation. Unable to harvest data from the remote nodes. Please check that the fileset is installed properly. Internal error: odm_set_path(), file = %s, line = %d Current cluster configuration: Cannot resolve the communication path '%s' Cannot set Encryption to Yes, Message Authentication mode must be different from 'none' Crypto module %s is not found, cannot set encryption to Yes ERROR: The communication path for this node already exists. Please use the "Change/Show HMC IP addresses for a node" or "Remove HMC IP addresses for a node" to edit them. ERROR: CPUs can only be activated in pairs. Please enter the CPUs in pairs. (One pair is equal to 2 CPUs.) Usage: auto_varyoff vgname nodename update_odm(): Invalid volume group [%1$s] and/or invalid nodename [%2$s] update_odm(): The volume group [%1$s] does not exist on [%2$s]. change_odm(): Cannot delete CuAt entry for [%s] odm_initialize() failed INVALID NUMBERError creating pthread, exiting. The following communication paths refer to node (%1$s): Communication path %1$s discovered a new node. Hostname %2$s cannot be used as a nodename because it is invalid. Not adding node to the configuration. Communication path %1$s discovered a new node. Hostname is %2$s. Node cannot be added to the configuration because maximum number of nodes (%3$d) has been reached. Communication path %1$s discovered a new node. Hostname is %2$s. Node cannot be added to the configuration because there is already a node with the same nodename. Communication path %1$s discovered a new node. Hostname is %2$s. Adding it to the configuration with Nodename %3$s. Could not detect node (%1$s). Should it be removed from the configuration? [Yes / No] Removing node (%1$s) from the configuration. Leaving node (%1$s) in the configuration. Usage: %s clrmclstr: odm_initialize() failed claddnode: odm_initialize() failed Unknown type for service label! Functionality is deprecated, use: clchnode -Tstaticservice -n -a oldname : newname : nim_type : network : attrs : haddr Network %s cannot be found in the configuration. Please specify exactly two serial devices.The device %s is has a nim type of %s, which does not match the nim type %s of device %s. Please specify two serial devices with matching nim types.ERROR: Unable to determine address for '%s' WARNING: Serial network [%s] has %d communication device(s) configured. Two devices are required for a serial network. %s: Error reading configuration ERROR: No node IDs available. %ld: Invalid node ID. Usage: %s [-n ] -a :::::[]:[] No network name provided. Using: %s Adding interface to configuration. ERROR: Invalid netmask '%s' discovered for interface '%s' on node '%s'. clchnode: odm_initialize() failed ERROR: Must specify node ID. %ld: Node ID already in use. Usage: %s [-n ] -a :[]:[]:[]:[]:[]:[]:[] IP Label %1$s has been associated with site %2$sSite %1$s has been associated with IP Label %2$sNetwork %1$s has been associated with site %2$sclntudp_create:%s clnt_call: %s: %s: Ping request to %s timed out Error: Can not initialize ODM: %s. Error: Can not set ODM path to: %1$s, %2$s Usage : %s [-c] [-f file] [-r role] [-d dir] [-q query] [class] %s: Configuration file error. name = %s AND attribute = netaddrNo active communication interfaces found. Usage: %s -t [-d odmdir] NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...] where NAME=VALUE can be: [prevg_online=< path>] [postvg_online=] [prevg_offline=] [postvg_offline=] [set_primary=] [clear_primary=] [join_cleanup=] [leave_cleanup=] [net_initialization=] [net_cleanup=] [site_merge=] [site_isolation= ] [site_initialization=] [site_cleanup=] %s -t [-d odmdir] [-r] Usage : %s [-n] [-a] [-d] [IP-address | hostname] %s: hostname not found. %s: Interface not found. %s: could not allocate memory. Usage: %s [-c] [-n] [-w] [-i] [-m] cllscf: odm_initialize() failed Invalid program name : %s %s: Configuration file format error. Cluster Name: %s There were %ld networks defined : There are %ld nodes in this cluster. NODE %s: This node has %ld service IP label(s): Breakdown of network connections: Connections to network %s Node %1$s is connected to network %2$s by these interfaces: Service IP Label %s: IP address: %s Hardware Address: %s Network: %s Attribute: %s (INVALID) Service IP Label is not defined. Service IP Label %s has a possible boot configuration: (Alternate Service) Communication Interface: %s Service IP Label %s has no communication interfaces for recovery. Service IP Label %1$s has %2$ld communication interfaces for recovery. Communication Interface %1$ld: %2$s ERROR: Invalid node name %s. ::service::public: Interfaces to network %s Communication Interface: Name %1$s, Attribute %2$s, IP address %3$s #name:type:network:nettype:attr:node:ipaddr:haddr ERROR: Invalid interface name %s. ERROR: Invalid cluster ID %ld. %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s #netname:attr:adapter%ld%ld:%s %s %s %s #node:adapter%ld:type%ld:network%ld:nettype%ld:attr%ld:ipadd%ld#cid:cname:csec ID Name Security Persist ID Name Security Persist Configured Nodes [Not Defined]sharednot found%s: Unknown configuration. %s: Unknown configuration or role. Usage : %s [-f catalog] [-c config] [-s] [name name ...] where, -f catalog Use alternate catalog file. -c config List roles for specified configuration. -s Displays short (two/three character) names. name List of names to show, none implies all. NETWORK %1$s: Network Type: %1$s Participating Nodes: Participating Subnets: PowerHA SystemMirror Communication Interfaces / Service IP Labels: Label: %1$s Identifier: %1$s Attribute: %1$s Function: %1$s Hardware Address: %1$s Node: %1$s Device Name: %1$sCould not determine network type from subnets. Please enter a network type for the new network. %s: Unable to obtain pingable address for %s. %s: Unknown host %s. %s: CM Running but not configured. Usage : %s <-n nodename> [-o odmdir] [-v] [-t sec] ttl must be in the range 1..60 hops. usage:cl_ping [-n] [-w ][-t ] host0 host1...hostN ping:unknown host %s (ignored) ERROR: Must specify node ID. Usage : %s [-n ] -a clrmnode: odm_initialize() failed %s: Permission denied. Must be root to run this command. %1$s: Maximum arguments allowed is %2$ld. Error %ld: Unable to execute command. Script already running. Try later. Permission denied. Check .rhosts file. Usage : %s