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This task will configure the basic HACMP cluster required prior to installing Oracle. Running config_basic_cluster, next_state=prompt_vg. This task will configure the basic HACMP cluster required prior to installing Oracle. Unable to resolve %s. Please try again or type x to exit. Command executed: %s returned %s. The cluster is not defined on this system. Check that HACMP is installed and clcomdES running on both nodes, then try again. Running define_private_network, next_state=define_service_IP_label Oracle requires one network to be defined as "private". This task will let you change a network. Found an error in the network configuration. Ran Discover process with these results: %s. Correct errors, if necessary, and continue. Oracle requires that one network is defined as "private". smitty cm_add_service_ip.dialog failed. Check the cluster and network configuration and try again. There are no networks available to choose from, please correct and try again. Defining the Service IP label failed, check the cluster and network configuration and try again.This task helps you configure resources into an HACMP resource group. Running config_basic_hacmp_resources, next_state=verify_and_sync. Creating the resource group failed. Try again.Running verify_and_sync, next_state=start_wo_oracle. Insure that topsvcs is not active on both nodes before continuing. Check the cluster configuration and logs, and correct any problems. Running start_wo_oracle, next_state=inst_oracle Running config_app_server, next_state=define_service_IP_label Unable to find %s/infra_start. Unable to find %s/infra_stop. This failed, correct and try again. Creating an application server failed, correct and try again.Running inst_oracle, next_state=cleanup_and_finish This task will help you install and configure Oracle. Have the Oracle installation media available or mounted. After the installation, the infrastucture tier can be started by restarting the cluster from the smitty cl_cm_startstop_menu panel.The 1521 port is in use, see the Oracle Application Server 10g Installation Guide for this topic. Unable to find in this location, try again %s/ failed on %s run as root, and continue. ran ok as root on the primary node. failed on the secondary node. run as root on the secondary node, and continue. ran ok as root on the secondary node. Running runInstaller as user "oracle". Oracle runInstaller returned %s. running prompt_vg next_state=validate_vg Running validate_vg. Checking for volume group %s ... A problem occurred while trying to vary on the volume group. This task will configure a shared volume group. SMIT for cl_createvg was not successful, try again. cl_mkvg failed with %s, try again. running prompt_fs, next_state=validate_fs running validate_fs, next_state=config_app_server mklv %s 4300M failed. Correct and try again. smit cl_lvsjfs failed, try again, or exit and create a shared filesystem,and restart the assist. Running configure_rg, next_state=verify_and_sync Configuration error, Please fix the problem and re-execute the assist. You must define at least one resource group to complete the configuration. The unconfigure task has completed. Running sync_cluster, next_state=prompt_action Comleted Software level check. The cluster has been unconfigured .Running sync_cluster, next_state=prompt_action Comleted Software level check. Running configure_rg, next_state=verify_and_sync This volume group is already defined. Select again. This task will define the basic HACMP cluster. This task helps you define the Service IP label. This task helps define and configure the Resource Group This task will verify and sync hronize the HACMP cluster. This task will start HACMP cluster services. This task will define the Infrastructure Tier Application. This task will help you install and configure Oracle. This task will select a Shared Volume Group name. This task will check the Shared Volume Group. This task will help select the Shared Filesystem. This task will validate the Shared Filesystem. This task will help unconfigure HACMP components. ------[ HACMP Oracle Smart Assist for Infrastructure Tier ]------ This program helps you configure an HACMP two node cluster and the Oracle Infrastructure Tier software. Please select one of the following options: Configure the %s HACMP two node cluster. Un-Configure the %s cluster. View the README information for the %s Assist. Select one of the options from the list. 1 - Configure - helps you add a two node cluster to your current configuration. 2 - Unconfigure - helps you remove the cluster and components from your system. 3 - View the README - Uses "pg" to view the REAMDE file, and returns to this page. You have requested to exit oracle_sa. Do you really want to exit Note - You can undo any changes by running this program again and selecting the "Unconfigure" option. No help available for this field. You have not entered any information yet. Select one of the above or (h) help or (x) exit: You have selected %s You must be root to use this program. The functions installed by this oracle_sa program require one or more missing filesets. See the Prerequisite section for a list of filesets The functions installed by this oracle_sa program require HACMP version 5.2 or higher. The version currently installed appears to be: %s. Enter "x" to exit or "h" to get help information. This task will install the HACMP program product. Have the HACMP installation media available / mounted Choose automatically(a) or smit(s) or help(h) or exit(x)?clmodnetwork -m -t private -n %s failed. The command to select a private network failed, try again. or enter "x" and remove the resource group with clrmres. You may run the test at any time using smitty hacmp_testtool_auto_extended 4.3G is equivalent to 134217728 (512 byte blocks) Removing the Volume Group %s. There was a problem removing the Volume Group. You have selected to unconfigure the Oracle Assist. This will prompt you to remove the Volume Group, Filesystem, application server, resource groups, their resources and the cluster. Are you sure you want to continue Unconfigure the %s Shared Volume Group Unconfigure the %s Application Server A problem occurred while removing the application server Application server definition not found. Unconfigure %s and its resources No groups found. Do you wish to unconfigure the clusterNo cluster found. Oracle Assist Program initializing... This tool expects to use the directory named "%s", but could not create it. Check path names and permissions. "This program helps you configure an HACMP two node cluster and install the Oracle Infrastructure Tier software. There are a few tasks that you must complete before using this program - please refer to the README file for more information. From a subsequent screen you may select option 3 to view the README file. You will need to know the hostname of the second node, and the HACMP service IP address. These must be resolvable before running the assist. Help is available by typing "h" at any prompt. You may exit this program at any time using by typing "x" at any prompt. You can remove the configuration created by the Oracle Assist by selecting the Unconfigure option 2 on a subsequent screen. Information about this session will be stored in %s " oracle_sa Command Purpose Walks the administrator through the configuration steps necessary to create a two node cluster and install the Oracle Infrastructure Tier Syntax oracle_sa [-h] [-v] Description oracle_sa is an interactive tool which will prompt you for the information required to configure a two node cluster and install the Oracle Infrastructure Tier. The components are a Shared Volume Group, Shared Filesystem, Application Server name with start and stop scripts, Service IP, Private Network, Resource Group and a Cluster name. Flags -h Displays the help for this program. -v Verbose mode. Unexpected flag or argument encountered: "%s". You may enter either: to accept the default y to answer "yes" n to answer "no" h to get help x to exit setup No help information is currently available for this field. When prompted, you may enter: to take the default specified within "()" "d" to delete the default (ie, enter NULL as your answer) "h" for help information "x" to exit this program some information When prompted, you may enter: to take the default specified within "()" "h" for help information "x" to exit this program some information When prompted, you may enter: "h" for help information "x" to exit this program some information ERROR: Could not locate the options file %s Encountered a problem changing the value of "%s" in file %s. The file may not be useable by this assist The functions installed by this oracle_sa program require AIX version 5.2 or higher. The version currently installed appears to be: %s HACMP must be installed on both nodes followed by a reboot. h = help, x = exit Enter the hostname of the Secondary Node: The two node cluster has a primary node and a secondary node. This task will configure a basic two node cluster using %s and %s. You may configure the cluster automatically or by using SMIT. h = Help, x = exit What is the cluster name?This default name will be used in creating the cluster. h = Help, x = exit Oracle requires that one network is defined as "private". Do you wish to select the private network Automatically (a) or using SMIT (s)?Choose any network other than the service IP network. There are no networks available to choose from, please correct and run again. h = help, x = exit Select a number which corresponds to the network you wish to designate as a private network. Oracle clients connect to the database using the Service IP Label/Address. What is the name of the Service IP Label?This IP Label/Address can be configured in a resource group to make the IP address highly available across multiple nodes. h = Help, x = exit Do you wish to enter the Service IP label Automatically (a) or using SMIT (s)?Automatic will prompt for the service IP Label/Address and one of the discovered networks. The group %s is defined Do you wish to create a new group h = Help, x = exit This task helps you create the HACMP Resource Group. Do you wish to enter do this Automatically (a) or using SMIT (s)?Automatic will use the default name. h = Help, x = exit This task helps you include the resources in the HACMP Resource Group. Do you wish to enter do this Automatically (a) or using SMIT (s)?Automatic will add the application server, service IP label and the shared volume group to the resource group. h = Help, x = exit This task will verify and synchronize the HACMP cluster. Verify and Synchronize automatically(a) or use smit(s)?This step will verify the configuration and "auto-correct" problems. h = Help, x = exit This optional task will test that the cluster is operational. The test may take more than 30 minutes to complete. Instead, you may prefer to run this after Oracle is installed. Test automatically(a) or use smit(s) or not now(n)?This task will test the HACMP cluster configuration by emulating events and falling over to the secondary node, and fallback to the primary node. h = help, x = exit This task will start HACMP cluster services which makes the cluster ready for Oracle installation. This may take a few minutes to run. Start HACMP Cluster automatically(a) or use smit(s)?This step will start the HACMP cluster services. Verifying that topsvcs is active on both nodes. What is the location of the infra_start and infra_stop script The infra_start and infra_stop scripts are shipped with the Oracle Smart Assist. h = help, x = exit Add the Oracle server to the cluster Automatically(a) or use Smit(s)?This step will add the server name, start script and stop script to the cluster. h = Help, x = exit Please enter the DISPLAY variable. The DISPLAY variable is used by the Oracle GUI. What is the location of the root program The program is part of the Oracle Distribution. Select the shared volume group that will be used. Select a number which corresponds to the volume group you wish to use. Selecting "new_name" will create a new volume group Select the shared filesystem that will be used. Select a number which corresponds to the filesystem you wish to use. Selecting "new_name" will create a new filesystem h = help, x = exit Enter the new filesystem name to use. Could not determine volume group for the filesystem. Verification may fail if this is not corrected. Filesystem %s does not appear to be part of volume group %s. File system "%s" not found. The file system must be defined to aix before adding it to the resource group. Would you like to define the filesystem now A problem occurred while trying to mount the filesystem. Additional details may be found in the log. Cluster verification may fail if "%s" is not mounted. cllsserv returned %s with %s This failed, correct and try again. This server was located, is it correct Oracle requires one network to be defined as private. Additional details for this session may be found in %s This completes the HACMP section of the Oracle Smart Assist. The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) will complete the Oracle section. Please send comments to HACMP at Oracle requires one network to be defined as private. Choose to Configure, Unconfigure or view README. Select one of the above to add to the list, or hit to accept the list, or (h) help or (x) exit: Select a number from which corresponds to the Shared Volume Group you wish to delete. WARNING:This action will delete any Logical Volumes and Data on the Volume Group The filesystem %s on %s exists, use SMIT to create the filesystem. The crfs command %s failed with this output %s Do you wish to create the filesystem Automatically (a) or using SMIT (s)?The new Filesystem will exist on the %s logical volume in the %s volume group. Found volume group "%s" but it is not currently varied on. Cluster verification will require this vg to be varied on. Would you like to vary it on now h = Help, x = exit Do you wish to create the shared volume group Automatically (a) or using SMIT (s)?The volume group will be on the shared disk. It will be used by Oracle for the Infrastructure Tier. Found volume group "%s" but it is not currently varied on. Cluster verification will require this vg to be varied on. Would you like to vary it on now What name to you wish to use for the Shared Volume Group Select a name for the shared volume group to be used to hold the Oracle data. Select Physical Volumes for the Shared Volume Group. Select Physical Volumes from this list, one at a time. These Physical Volumes will make up the Shared Volume Group. Unconfigure the %s Service IP Label A problem occurred while removing the Service IP Label. You have selected %s physical volumes to make up the %s Shared Volume Group.Is this correct Select one or more existing filesystems that you wish to use, or select [new_name] to create new filesytems for Oracle data, commands and installation The assist will create two filesystems one for the database, and one for commands and the home directory. if you have selected two disks for the Volume Group the will be on seperate disks, otherwise they will be on the same disk. Would you like to define the filesystem now Found one physical volume %s in the Volume Group, it will be used for the two filesystems. Choose jfs or jfs2 filesystems This task will verify and synchronize the HACMP cluster. There may be a delay stopping the cluster to prepare for auto-correct. The verification step failed. Do you wish to try again Select two Physical Volumes from the list for the Shared Volume Group if you plan follow Oracles recomendation of separating Data from Commands.Select a physical volume for the data The data and commands can be on seperate disks, or the same disk. Select a physical volume for the commands The data Filesystem on disk %s is %s. The cmd Filesytem on disk %s is %s The infra_start and infra_stop scripts point to startias904infra and stopias904infra in the same directory. You are responsible to edit these ias904 scripts and enter the correct ORACLE_HOME directory. If you are unsure, you can correct this after Oracle is installed. The Cluster must be stopped before the assist is run. Use smitty clstop to stop the cluster. Choose an existing resource group, if any, or [new_rg] to create a new group. Please run /usr/sbin/exportvg %s on the remote node. The get_local_nodename returned a null name for this cluster. Using %s for the short node name. fileset not found on the remote node. This fileset must be installed on both nodes. oracle_sa not found on the remote node. oracle_sa ck_sizes failed on the remote node. Completed the Cluster verify and sync task. No new Volume Group was found. Try again. You have selected %s Shared Volume Group. What name do you wish to use for the Application Server Select a name for the Application Server that HACMP will place in the Resource Group. h = help, x = exit Enter the location for the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) is required for the Oracle installation. This file is available on the Java Web Site. Created the %s Resource Group. h = help, x = exit Select a number which corresponds to the network you wish to designate for the service IP label. h = help, x = exit Oracle Applications connect to the Infrastructure Tier through the Virtual IP (VIP), which HACMP calls the Service IP. Select an address from this list. Do you wish to use this service IP label %sWARNING:This action will delete any Logical Volumes and Data on the Volume Group.h = help, x = exit Choose an existing private network for Oracle, or [new_name]Choose a service IP label to unconfigure.If you choose to unconfigure the cluster, all user-configured HACMP information WILL BE DELETED by this operation.clrsh failed. Check that clcomdES running on both nodes. clcomdES starts after HACMP is installed, and the nodes rebooted. Choose an existing Application Server, or [new_name] to create a new application server. No new Application Server found, try again.This Application Server already exists, try again.A new service IP label was not created.Select a number from which corresponds to the Application Server you wish to delete.Choose a resource group to unconfigure.The Volume Group has to be on shared disks. Try again. The Resource Group was not configured properly, try again. There is no Volume Group in this Resource Group There is no Filesystem in this Resource Group There is no Service IP Label in this Resource Group There is no Resource Group name in this Resource Group There are not two Nodes in this Resource Group There is no Application Server in this Resource Group The default oracle_ias_rg already exists, select a new resourcegroup nameWhat name do you wish to use for the resource groupThis name already exists, try againDo you wish to remove the %s resource groupA new private network was not created.This is the name of the network on which the Service IP Label/Addresswill be bound.Removes physical volumes from a volume group. When all physical volumes are removed from the volume group, the volume group is deleted. You will be prompted to run exportvg on the remote node when this is completed.The Application server name will be removed from the configuration.This will remove the IP Address/Label from the cluster.All information about the selected resource group will be removed from the ODM.This is the IP Label/Address over which clients connect to the Infrastructure Tier. This is the IP Label/Address which is kept highly available by HACMP.This is the name of the network on which the IP Label/Addresswill be bound.The resource group contains the Volume Group, Filesystems, Application Server, the Service IP Label and policies that govern its startup, fallover and fallback behavior.There is a problem with the user oracle or group dba. Check that the oracle uid and the dba gid are the same on both cluster nodes.The attempt to import or update the volume group on the backup node, try again.This Volume Group is not on a shared disk, try again.The Service IP network cannot be used for the private network,try again.Unable to increase the swap space sizechfs failed for %sApplications are managed by defining the application to HACMP as an application server resource. The application server includes the application start and stop scripts. HACMP uses these scripts when the application needs to be brought online or offline on a particular node, to keep the application highly available.The sync operation failed. Correct and try again.Running %s, this may take a few minutes... The 1521 port is in use, see the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for this topic.