ùISO8859-1. 8 WU J­ %øB1a5“@ÉA QL.ž,Í*úM%Us<ÉR9YZ“Aî70Ch!2¬"=ß$D%Qb&J´'+ÿ(% +)^ Q*U °+Y ,I `- ª.O Ê/8 0G S16 ›2> Ò3> 7; P8B Œ9J Ï:J A eB0 sK ¤ J ðG;:ƒ 9¾ø3 1=)o<™‘Ö®hZ`r|Ó’PValidating Smart Assist for Lotus domino application id smart assist for Lotus domino Application id=%1$s is not in the range [a-z][A-z][0-9]_ completion of validating smart Assist for Lotus domino applicaton id=%1$s Validating Lotus domino server nodes smart assist for Lotus domino server has nodes=%1$s as repetitive Modifying Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Checking if the domino server is already configured. Lotus domino server with application is %1$s already configured unable to read the domino server directory %1$s on the node %2$s unable to find the domino server directorys notes.ini file %1$s on the node %2$s Adding Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Unable to get the unused name for %1$s=%2$s Service IP label %1$s can not be resolved service label %1$s already defined in the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Adding Lotus domino server Resource Group %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding Lotus domino server Resource Group %1$s Adding Lotus domino server Application %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding Lotus domino server Application %1$s Adding Lotus domino server Application monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding Lotus domino server Application monitor %1$s Adding Lotus domino serveice IP to Resource Group %1$s Failed while adding Lotus domino service IP to Resource Group %1$s Adding Lotus domino Resource Configuration to ODM Failed while Adding Lotus domino server configuration to ODM Generating verify script for Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Failed while Generating verify script for Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Removing Lotus domino server %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Resource Group count %1$s not found in ODM Resource Group %1$s not found in ODM Failed while deleting Application monitor %1$s for changing Lotus domino server configuration Failed while deleting Application for changing Lotus domino server configuration%1$s Failed while deleting Resource Group %1$s for changing Lotus domino server configuration Failed while deleting for changing Lotus domino server ODM configuration creating Service IP label %1$s No suitable PowerHA SystemMirror network is defined to create service IP label Error while adding service IP label %1$s to netowk %2$s Generating verify Header for Lotus domino server Application name %1$s Generating verify Script for Lotus domino server %1$s Pushing the verification scripts to other node %1$s is failed Lotus domino pogram directory DOMINO_PROG_DIR is not exported configuring Lotus domino server using manual configuration No value is specified for Nodes property in Lotus domino xml file No value is specified for DataDirectory property in Lotus domino xml file No value is specified for DominoCluster property in Lotus domino xml file DOMINO_SERVERRolling back the already created configuration. starting the Lotus domino server with data directory %1$s and user as %2$s stoping the Lotus domino server with data directory %1$s and user as %2$s Failed while monitoring Lotus domino server configuration for dir %1$s Monitoring Lotus domino server configuration for dir %1$s Add a Lotus domino Server Highly Available Resource GroupApplication NameParticipating cluster nodes for Lotus domino serverLotus domino servers node and data directory pathDomino cluster between the domino serversModify a Lotus domino Server Highly Available Resource GroupAdd a Lotus domino server Highly Available Resource Group, SMIT panel configures Lotus domino server operating system cluster configuration. The following information must be provided for each added instance * Application Name * Participating cluster nodes for Lotus domino server * Lotus domino servers node and data directory path * Domino cluster between the domino servers Specify the name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror component that represent Lotus domino server. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. Select the nodes names on which the domino server configuration to be highly available. Home node where the data directory resides and the absolute path of the domino servers data directory, which will be kept highly available. for each server enter the Home node with domino servers data directory path with , as separator and for multiple servers with ; as seperator for each pair of home node and data directory path. For active-passive Lotus domino configuration user has to specify only one home node and data directory pair, for other configuration user can specify more than one home node and data directory pairs. node1,/domino _server1;node2,/domino_server/data/server1 n--Domino cluster is not configured between the domino servers y--Domino cluster is configured between the domino servers Modify a Lotus domino server Highly Available Resource Group, SMIT panel configures Lotus domino server operating system cluster configuration.