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Valid PowerHA SystemMirror names must be at least one character long and can contain characters ([A-Z, a-z]), numbers ([0-9]) and '_' (underscore). A name cannot begin with a number and a PowerHA SystemMirror reserved word cannot be a valid name. Failed to open the 'reserved words' database file or the reserved data base file is corrupt. Unable to mount ODM class %1$s. Failed to %1$s node %2$s for %3$s %4$s. %s: Communication Interface/Service IP Label not found. %ld: Invalid node ID. %s: Node name not defined. %s: Invalid interface name. Service IP Label [%s] exists. Serial Communication Device [%s] already exists. Serial networks should have only one device per serial network per node. Serial networks are point-to-point; each connection between two nodes is a separate PowerHA SystemMirror network. No node name for communication interface [%s]. No node name for communication interface [%s]. No node name for persistent node IP label [%s]. Communication interface [%s] cannot have a hardware address. Communication interface [%s] cannot have a hardware address. Persistent node IP label [%s] cannot have a hardware address. Persistent node IP label [%s] already exists. Warning no service IP label exists. Communication interface [%s] already exists on the service subnet. %s: Invalid interface/label type. %s: Invalid network attribute. %s: Invalid IP address. %s: Invalid device. Too many colon arguments. Communication interface/service IP label name missing. Communication interface/service IP label type missing. Communication interface/service IP label network type missing. Network name missing. Network attribute missing. Communication Interface cannot have a hardware address. Communication Device must have 'serial' attribute. Error: Invalid hardware address: [%s]. %1$s: Warning IP address %2$s.overridden with %s. Persistent node IP label not allowed on ATM network. Persistent node IP label not allowed on HPS network. Error: Network %1$s not found. It has to be created in order to be able to add interfaces/labels to it. Error: Network %1$s does not have a subnet interface/label %2$s can belong to. A suitable subnet has to be added to the network in order to be able to add interfaces/labels to it. Interface/Label %1$s has been assigned to Subnet %2$s in Network %3$s Error: Network %1$s not found. Network removed: %1$s Subnet removed: %1$s Interface/Label removed: %1$s Error: Adapter's network type %1$s is not known. Network type of Interface/Label %1$s changed to %2$s. Network type of Network %1$s changed to %2$s. Error: Network's network type %1$s is not known. Error: Network's network type %1$s is not a Non-IP type. Error: Network's network type %1$s is not an IP type. Network %1$s already has Subnet %2$s with Netmask %3$s. Subnet %1$s with Netmask %2$s has been added to Network %3$s Error: Network %1$s already exists in the configuration. Error: Subnet %1$s is not valid. The subnet should be provided as .../. E.g. a class C subnet would be:, where /24 means netmask Network %1$s has type %2$s. Network type can be changed only through 'Network Configuration'. Network %1$s has attribute %2$s. Network attribute can be changed only through 'Network Configuration'. Netmask %1$s was assumed for interface/label %2$s. Warning: Network type of interface/label [%1$s] changed to [%2$s]. No base address for heartbeat was supplied. The new monitor method %s is ignored. No network attribute specified for %s.%s: Attribute 'shared' not for use with communication interfaces. %s: Attribute 'serial' not for use with communication interfaces. Invalid network attribute (%1$s) specified for %2$s.Invalid IP address (%1$s) specified for %2$s.No IP address specified for %s.No network specified for %s.No interface stanza for interface %s.Multiple references to interface/label %s.Multiple references to IP address %s.Multiple service IP labels on network %s.WARNING: Node %ld has no service IP label on network %s. WARNING: communication interface (%s) does not have a service IP label. WARNING: service IP label (%s) does not have a communication interface on the same subnet on node %ld. A node stanza must contain a id fieldNode id must be a number.Node id out of range.Too many id fields in node stanza.Invalid record in node stanza.Too many service IP labels in one node.Too many communication interfaces on the service subnet on one node.Too many interfaces/labels defined.Could not find service port 'clm_keepalive'.Only one cluster stanza allowed.Too many cluster names in cluster stanza.Too many cluster id's in cluster stanza.Cluster id must be an integer.Invalid field in cluster stanza.Multiple attributes in HACMPadapter stanza.Multiple IP addresses specified in HACMPadapter stanza.Invalid field in HACMPadapter stanza.Invalid stanza; doesn't match any known interface/label.Error: Network's network type %1$s is not known. Cannot stat file %s.%s: Stanza not found. Node stanza found before cluster stanza. HACMPadapter stanza found before node or cluster stanza. Node IDs must be integers. Missing id field in node stanza. %ld: Node has been removed. %s: Interface/Label has been removed. %s: IP address not specified. %s: 'serial' device cannot have standby (%s). %s: Multiple references to interface/label. %s: %s: Multiple references to IP address %s. Too Many Jobs already running. Couldn't fork for %sEXEC'ING COMMAND: %sCouldn't open %s logfile. CM running script. %s RPC_UNKNOWNHOST call_tcp timeout, retry. call_udp: no-op udp cannot send due to out of cache. No errors. Missing or invalid argument(s). System error. No cluster information available. Clinfo may not be running. Invalid cluster ID. Invalid cluster name. Cluster not available. Invalid node ID. Node not available. Invalid network interface ID. Invalid network interface name. Network interface not available. Invalid network interface address. No route to destination. Initialization routine has not been called. No primary node defined. Invalid shared memory operation. Invalid semaphore operation. Invalid shared memory segment. Cluster is stable. Cluster is unstable. Unknown error status %ld. Shared memory segment has been resized. Success. Model not initialized. Model opened in wrong mode. Invalid interface ID. Shared memory attach failed. Shared memory detach failed. Shared memory get failed. Semaphore get failed. Semaphore operation failed. Shared memory is stale. Invalid shared memory segment size. Resized shared memory segment Unknown. CLUSTER DUMP id = %ld name: %s state: %s State: %s substate: %s number of nodes = %ld primary node = %s NODE DUMP (%1$ld, %2$ld, %3$s) number of interfaces = %ld INTERFACE DUMP (%1$ld, %2$ld, %3$ld) ic_name: %s ic_state: %s ic_address: %s ic_local = %ld Local Interface %ld IP Address: %s Unable to convert to ASCII. Address Map of Model. Address Map of Array Elements. Local Interface List. Cluster List. Node List. Interface List. VALIDUPDOWNPRIMARYGRACEJOININGLEAVINGIN_USEINVALIDUNKNOWNSTABLEUNSTABLEERROR ******** Dumping current shared memory ******** Dumping Model_Cell instance : mc_last_time_changed = %1$ld Number of local interfaces = %2$ld local interface offset = %3$ld Number of cluster ids = %4$ld Cluster ids offset = %5$ld Number of clusters = %6$ld Clusters offset = %7$ld Number of nodes = %8$ld Nodes offset = %9$ld Number of interfaces = %10$ld Interfaces offset = %11$ld Dumping local interface section: Dumping cluster id section: Dumping cluster section: Dumping nodes section: Dumping interface section: Transaction mismatch detected in API bad option flag '%s' clm_purge: failed sigblock. clmunlock: failed sigsetmask. loadCLM Error %ld %1$s: %2$s clmlock: failed sigblock. clmlock: failed sigsetmask. clmunlock: failed sigblock. CLM_WORKING returned from API call!!!! api_response: bad program specifier %ld . api_response: bad version specifier %ld . api_response: bad response format %ld . can't get address for %s . Got NAK from purged. Got back 0x%ld from purged. Error: Cluster %s with id %ld already exist. Error: Cluster id %s must be greater than or equal to 0. Error: Number of configured nodes must be great than 0 and less than or equal to %ld. Error: Cluster id %ld is missing a name. Error: There is a network stanza without a name. Error: Network %s has an invalid attribute %s. Error: There are two network with the same name %s Error: Could not find service port 'clm_keepalive'. Warning: No interfaces/labels defined. Error: There are too many interfaces/labels defined. Error: A name is missing for an interface/label. Error: A network name is missing for interface/label %s. Error: Unknown network name %s. Error: Unknown interface/label nodename %s. Error: Interface/Label's network type %s is not known. Error: Service IP Labels %s exist on network %s. Error: Communication Interface %s exist on node %s network %s. Error: Communication Interface %s can not be on serial network %s Warning: Communication Interface %s can not have hardware address Error: Communication Interface %s can not be on serial network %s Warning: Communication Interface %s can not have hardware address Error: Persistent Node IP Label %s can not be on serial network %s Warning: Persistent Node IP Label %s can not have hardware address Error: There is either no node with communication interface defined, or service IP label is bound to the node, so this dynamic service IP label (%s) can not associate to any node. Ensure that the service label is on the correct boot adapter subnet and that there is a communication interface defined on that node. Error: Unable to add a shared service IP label to network %s. At least one service IP label is bound to the node. Node-bound and shared service IP labels may not exist on the same network. Error: Prior to adding a shared service IP label to network %s, all communication interfaces on the service subnet must exist. Error: Invalid interface/label function %s Error: Duplicate interface/label name %s Error: Shared IP labels %s have different IP addresses Error: Shared IP labels %s on different networks Error: Shared IP labels %s have different hardware addresses Error: Duplicate IP address %s Error: Duplicate hardware address %s Warning: There is no service IP label with communication interface %s on node %s and on network %s. Warning: There is no service IP label with communication interface Warning: There is no service IP label with persistent node IP label Warning: There is no communication interface on the same subnet as shared service IP label Warning: There is no cluster found. Error: Network [%1$s] has an invalid ID [%2$ld] Error: Duplicate network IDs: [%1$s has ID %2$ld] AND [%3$s has ID %4$ld] Error: Invalid Node ID [%ld] for node [%s] Node IDs must be between [%ld] and [%ld] Error: Duplicate node IDs: [%s has ID %ld] AND [%s has ID %ld] Error: There is no name for the cluster. Error: Cluster id %ld must be greater than or equal to 0. Error: No interface/label name. Error: Address not found for %s. Error: Device file is not specified for %s. Error: Communication Interface %s cannot have a hardware address. Error: Duplicate interface/label %s. Error: Shared service IP labels %s have different hardware addresses. Error: Shared service IP labels %s have different IP addresses. Error: Shared service IP labels %s have different device file. Error: Shared service IP labels %s on different networks. Error: Shared service IP label %s already defined on node %ld. Error: Duplicate IP address [%s] on %s and %s. Error: Duplicate hardware address [%s] on %s and %s. Too many interfaces/labels defined. Error: Network name not defined for network %ld. Error: Multiple service IP labels on network %s. Warning: Shared service IP label %s has no boot adapter. Error: Shared service IP label %s has no boot adapter. Error: Communication Interface %s can not be on a serial network. Warning: No service IP label with communication interface %s. Warning: Setting network attribute on %s to %s. Error: Communication interface (%s) cannot be on a serial network. Warning: No service IP label with communication interface %s. Error: Persistent (%s) cannot be on a serial network. Warning: No service IP label with persistent node IP label %s. Warning: Cannot open save file %s. Invalid number of event notify reqs. Invalid event id. Invalid signal id. Service IP label unavailable on this node. Error initializing ODM. Use -o option or set ODMDIR environment variable correctly .Errors detected while restoring new PowerHA SystemMirror ODMs from old ODMs. Manual intervention required to reconfigure the old configuration. Cleaning up new PowerHA SystemMirror ODMs ... Errors detected while cleaning up PowerHA SystemMirror ODMs. Please reinstall the product. PowerHA SystemMirror ODMs have been successfully restored from old ODMs. Please perform Cluster Topology Sync and Cluster Resource Sync to update new fields of this release. A cluster is already configured. Conversion has not been performed. Use -F to force conversion. Invalid cluster definition Usage: %s [-F] [-o odmdir] [-h] Usage: %s [-F] Can not convert cluster resource database. Can not get serverold object from ODM. No object found in server resource ODM. Can not convert cluster server database. The cluster is configured. No conversion is performed. Use -F to perform unconditional conversion. Can not get serverold object from ODM. No object found in server resource ODM. Can not add the new server object to ODM. Can not get networkold objects from ODM. Can not add the new network object to ODM. Can not get NIM objects from ODM. Input network type. Valid Network Type Type of network "%s"%s is a invalid network type. Network you chose: Network "%s" type: %s Any changes? (y/n): Can not get adapterold objects from ODM. Can not add the new HACMPadapter object to ODM. Can not get clusterold object from ODM. Can not add the new cluster object to ODM. Can't read node %ld data. Can not convert cascading resource. Can not convert concurrent resource. Can not convert rotating resource. Can not read odm and get pvid number. Can not get the criteria resource object in the resource. Can not add the new resource object to ODM. Can not add the new group object to ODM. Can not get the criteria group object in the resource. Can not get the criteria HACMPadapter object in the resource. Can not convert topology database. Can not convert runtime resource. Invalid node name Can not access shared memory. Check if Clinfo is running Attempt to grow shared memory segment failed The number of configured sites must be less than %ld. Error: Invalid Site ID [%ld] for site [%s] Site IDs must be between [%ld] and [%ld] Error: Duplicate site IDs: [%s has ID %ld] AND [%s has ID %ld] ERROR: The name '%1$s' does not start with one of the following characters [a-zA-Z]. ERROR: The name '%1$s' contains numeric [0-9] characters. ERROR: The name '%1$s' contains [a-zA-Z] characters. ERROR: The name '%1$s' contains the underscore '_' character. ERROR: The name '%1$s' contains the dash '-' character. ERROR: The name '%1$s' contains the dot '.' character. ERROR: The name '%1$s' contains invalid characters. ERROR: The name specified is blank. ERROR: The name '%1$s' is a reserved word. Valid PowerHA SystemMirror names conform to the following criteria: * A name must contain one or more characters * A name must begin with a character [A-Z a-z]. * A name cannot be a reserved word defined in %1$s. * A name can contain ONLY the following characters (%1$s) The PowerHA SystemMirror name '%1$s' is a reserved word please choose another name. ERROR: unable to determine address for '%1$s' Internal Processing Error: cannot find data for node %1$s Interface %2$s has been removed from the configuration. Error: unknown network type: '%1$s' Error: Multiple nodebound service labels on network %1$s Error: Multiple service labels on serial network %1$s Warning: Multiple service labels defined for network %1$s which uses IP Replacement for IPAT. Some but not all of the labels have been included in cascading resource groups. All labels should be included in cascading resource groups or the additional labels should be removed before cluster verification/synchronization. ERROR: configuration of IPv6 label [%1$s] on non-aliased PowerHA SystemMirror network [%2$s] is not supported. ERROR: configuration of non-aliased PowerHA SystemMirror network for IPv6 is not supported. ERROR: Configuration of IPv4 label/address [%1$s] as a boot IP label/address on IPv6 network [%2$s] is not supported. ERROR: Configuration of IPv6 label/address [%1$s] as a boot IP label/address on IPv4 network [%2$s] is not supported. ERROR: Configuration of IPv4 label/address [%1$s] as a standby IP label/address on IPv6 network [%2$s] is not supported. ERROR: Configuration of IPv6 label/address [%1$s] as a standby IP label/address on IPv4 network [%2$s] is not supported. ERROR: Configuration of IPv6 label/address [%1$s] as %2$s address is not supported. The supported IPv6 addresses are either link local or unicast. ERROR: Missing prefix length. For IPv6 label [%1$s], prefix legth must be specified, as network [%2$s] is of IPv4 type. ERROR: Invalid prefix length [%1$s]. HINT: Prefix length for IPv6 labels must be in the range [1-128]. HINT: For IPv4 labels the prefix length or netmask must be [1-32] or X.X.X.X, (X in [0-255]) respectively. ERROR: configuration of IPv6 label [%1$s] on [%2$s] network is not supported. IPv6 %3$s IP can only be configured on network of either "ether", "XD_data",or "XD_ip" type. INFO: The value [%1$s] would not be considered, the netmask/prefix length for the label [%2$s] will be taken from the underlying network [%3$s]. ERROR: IPv6 network can only be configured on either "ether", "XD_data" or "XD_ip" network type. ERROR: The HB address [%1$s] is an invalid or not an IPv4 address. The HB address must be a valid IPv4 address. ERROR: The HB address [%1$s] is an invalid or not an IPv6 address. The HB address must be a valid unicast IPv6 address. ERROR: The HB address [%1$s] is not an unicast IPv6 address. The HB address for IPv6 must be an unicast address. ERROR: Invalid netmask [%1$s]. ERROR: Missing subnet mask. For IPv4 label [%1$s], netmask must be specified, as network [%2$s] is of IPv6 type. HINT: For IPv4 network the netmask must be as "X.X.X.X" (X in [0-255]). HINT: For IPv6 network the prefix length must be in the range [1-128]. ERROR: Invalid netmask/prefix length [%1$s]. ERROR: The number of configured sircols must be less than %1$d. ERROR: Duplicate sircol IDs: %1$s has ID %2$l used by another sircol. ERROR: A repository disk is already defined for the sircol %1$s: %2$s. You can only define one repository for each sircol. ERROR: A multicast IP address is already defined for the sircol %1$s: %2$s. You can only define one IP address for each sircol. ERROR: The interface you are trying to remove is the last interface of node %1$s on network %2$s and node %3$s is part of resource group hosting the service IP label %4$s. Please remove node %5$s from resource group hosting service IP label %6$s and re-try. Error: More than one Site have same Priority. Invalid IP label or address: %s Internal error occured with odm_get_list() odm %1$s, criteria "%2$s" failed with: %3$s Internal error occured with odm_rm_obj() odm %1$s, criteria "%2$s" failed with: %3$s Internal error occured adding objects to %1$s with odm_add_obj() failure was: %2$s Internal error: malloc of %1$d bytes failed at line %2$d of file %3$s Configuration is in migration and cannot be modified until migration is complete. Valid PowerHA SystemMirror names must be at least one character long and can contain characters ([A-Z, a-z]), numbers ([0-9]), underscores ('_'), and dashes ('-'). A valid name also cannot be a PowerHA SystemMirror reserved word. Persistent node IP label [%s] already exists. Only one persistent IP label can be defined on each node per cluster network. If you would like to assign new persistent label, remove existing persistent label and add new one. Usage: %s -v [release] [-F] Example: %s -v [release] Where release is 2.1, 3.1, 3.1.1, 4.1, 4.1.1 or 4.2. Option: -F Force an unconditional overwrite of the existing configuration. -----Warning----- If you do not know your previous version DO NOT run this command. $s: Error in converting the ODMs to 4.3 No ODM classes supplied as arguments Cannot mix/match "OLD" and NON "OLD " ODM files Cannot mix/match NON "OLD" and "OLD" ODM files Converting %1$s ODM class to %2$s FAILED creating ODM %s FAILED adding ODM entries to %s FAILED deletion of old ODM class Usage: clconvert_snapshot -s Topology reconfiguration is starting.Topology reconfiguration is complete.Release old resources.Acquire new resources.Resource reconfiguration is complete. Where release is 4.1, 4.1.1, 4.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3, or 4.3.1