ùISO8859-1ŠpŠ¡»Óñ* > O c u !–Q¸A ¡L¡î4pÅ\6F“AÚ9  V d | •  " ½M à . / 8! h"U w#g Í$ 5%) S&ˆ }'E (V L)$ £*0 Èô7 ùõ7 1ö7 i÷8 ¡ø> Úù1ú1Kû1}ü2¯ý8âþÿ2AJ<ŒDÉAAP<’HÏX"6Y%YZ [" \Ã]%á^ _)(`$Ra8wb8°cJédJ4e<f<¼gNùhNHiD—jDÜkR!lRtm5Çn?ýoL=pbŠqGírQ5s^‡ttæu6[v@’wHÓxRyroz„â{~g|æ}w~Ž¤€"¹Ü‚÷ƒ„+….F†@u‡,¶ˆ>ã‰7"ŠIZ‹=¤ŒOâ@2ŽRsIÆ[‘‘l’‘þ“K ”f Ü•T!C–$!˜—2!½˜!ð™,"pšy"›c#œ%#{a#¡ž-$ŸN$1 <$€¡p$½¢€%.£¡%¯Acquiring resource group:Resource group online:Releasing resource group:Resource group offline:Error encountered with group:Suspend application monitor:Resume application monitor:Acquiring resource:Resource online:Releasing resource:Resource offline:Error encountered with resource:Resource group offline secondary:

Begin execution of event:     %s

Click here to go to the Event Summary

Additional error information:No action taken on resource group '%1$s' The Resource Group '%1$s' has been configured to use %2$s seconds Settling Time. This group will be processed when the timer expires. The Resource Group '%1$s' has been configured to fallback on '%2$s' The Resource Group '%1$s' has been configured to fallback using '%2$s' Timer Policy. Resource Group recovered from error:Attempting to recover resource group from error:

Acquiring resource group: %1$s in script %2$s

Resource group: %1$s is online in script %2$s

Releasing resource group: %1$s in script %2$s

Resource group: %1$s is offline in script %2$s

Error processing resource group: %1$s in script %2$s

Acquiring resource: %1$s in script %2$s

Resource: %1$s is online in script %2$s

Releasing resource: %1$s in script %2$s

Resource: %1$s is offline in script %2$s

Error processing resource: %1$s in script %2$s

Reference string: %1$s

Resource group: %1$s is online_secondary in script %2$s

Resource group: %1$s is online_peer in script %2$s

Acquiring resource group: %1$s as secondary in script %2$s

Acquiring resource group: %1$s as a peer in script %2$s

Releasing secondary resource group: %1$s in script %2$s

Releasing peer resource group: %1$s in script %2$s

Error processing secondary resource group: %1$s in script %2$s

Additional error information:PowerHA SystemMirror Event SummaryAcquiring resource group (secondary):Acquiring resource group (peer):Resource group online (secondary):Resource group online (peer):Releasing resource group (secondary):Releasing resource group (peer):Error encountered with group (secondary):Error encountered with group (peer):Enqueued rg_move acquire event for resource group %1$s. Enqueued rg_move release event for resource group %1$s. Enqueued rg_move NFS acquire event for resource group %1$s. Enqueued rg_move NFS release event for resource group %1$s. Enqueued rg_move secondary acquire event for resource group '%1$s'. Enqueued rg_move secondary release event for resource group '%1$s'. Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ERROR state. Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ERROR_SECONDARY state. Resource group '%1$s' has been put into OFFLINE state due to reason '%2$s'. Secondary instance of Resource group '%1$s' has been put into OFFLINE state due to reason '%2$s'. Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ONLINE state. Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ONLINE_SECONDARY state. Reason for recovery of Primary instance of Resource group '%1$s' from TEMP_ERROR state on node '%2$s' was '%3$s'. Reason for recovery of Secondary instance of Resource group '%1$s' from TEMP_ERROR_SECONDARY state on node '%2$s' was '%3$s'. Failure of ApplicationLocal network failureVolume group failureResource Group Acquisition FailureInterface became availableFallback Timer activationSettling Timer activationCommunication Link failureNode Down Completion Event has been enqueued. Node Up Completion Event has been enqueued. Cluster DARE Resource Acquire Event has been enqueued. Cluster DARE Configuration Complete Event has been enqueued. Cluster Resource State Change Complete Event has been enqueued. Cluster External Resource State Change Complete Event has been enqueued. The following On Demand resources were acquired for application %1$s. LPAR CPUs: %2$d CoD CPUs: %3$d LPAR memory: %4$d MB CoD memory: %5$d MB .The following On Demand resources were released for application %1$s. LPAR CPUs: %2$d CoD CPUs: %3$d LPAR memory: %4$d MB CoD memory: %5$d MB .LPAR CPUs: %1$d CoD CPUs: %2$d LPAR memory: %3$d MB CoD memory: %4$d MB . No resource state change initiated by the cluster manager as a result of this event Cluster services are not configured or not active Cluster services are not stable. Wait for all cluster events to complete before suspending or resuming application monitoring. Application monitor with id %1$d not found. Resource group %1$s is not online on one or more nodes in the group. Check the state of the reource group and try again. Resource group %1$s is not online on node %2$s Check the state of the reource group and try again. Cluster services are already active. An internal error occurred processing the operation. Contact IBM support for further assistance. Invalid mode %1$s for stop cluster services. Node is not in the unmanaged state. STOPDAEMON request will not be processed. Cluster services are already stopped or in unmanaged state. There is currently no event error on this node. Check for errors on other cluster nodes and try recovery there. Current cluster version does not support cancelling event processing. This option can only be used after migration is complete. An administrator operation event of type %1$s and serial number %2$d is already being processed. Incoming administrator operation event of type %3$s is ignored.
PowerHA SystemMirror Event Summary

PowerHA SystemMirror Event Summary
Event:   %s
Start time: %s
End time: %s
Action: Script Name:
%s    %s %s
No resources changed as a result of this event
Additional error information:  %s

HACMP Event Summary HACMP Event Preamble Event: %s Start time: %s End time: %s Action: Resource: Script Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %s %s %s No resources changed as a result of this event Search on: %s Maximum number of entries (%d) exceeded. Some event summary information may be lost.
Maximum number of entries (%d) exceeded. Some event summary information may be lost.
Enqueued rg_move acquire event for resource group %1$s.
Enqueued rg_move release event for resource group %1$s.
Enqueued NFS rg_move acquire event for resource group %1$s.
Enqueued rg_move NFS release event for resource group %1$s.
Enqueued rg_move secondary release event for resource group %s.
Enqueued rg_move secondary acquire event for resource group %s.
Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ERROR state.
Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ERROR_SECONDARY state.
Resource group '%1$s' has been put into OFFLINE state due to reason '%2$s'.
Secondary instance of Resource group '%1$s' has been put into OFFLINE state due to reason '%2$s'.
Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ONLINE state.
Resource group '%1$s' has been put into ONLINE_SECONDARY state.
Reason for recovery of Primary instance of Resource group '%1$s' from TEMP_ERROR state on node '%2$s' was '%3$s'.
Reason for recovery of Secondary instance of Resource group '%1$s' from TEMP_ERROR_SECONDARY state on node '%2$s' was '%3$s'.
Node Down Completion Event has been enqueued.
Node Up Completion Event has been enqueued.
Cluster DARE Resource Acquire Event has been enqueued.
Cluster DARE Configuration Complete Event has been enqueued.
Cluster Resource State Change Complete Event has been enqueued.
Cluster External Resource State Change Complete Event has been enqueued.
No resource state change initiated by the cluster manager as a result of this event