ùZISO8859-1-h$–'»/ã; / O;/ : ¯I êH 4L }4 ÊR ÿ I R & œ M à %  ( 71 `. ’% ÁP çS 8I ŒL ÖM#PqLÂLO\W¬PTUSªRþNQ G !$è"K #ZY$S´%W&V`'T·(N )@[*7œ+'Ô,2ü-?/.)o/L™0.æ1/2?E3C…4MÉ5N6Qf7U¸8X9Pg:S¸;€ </%½ã*ÿ>*9i>£ %â1":.]Œ#¤È "ã 9 #@ =d <¢ !ß 8Hc!z œ %· =Ý  H6:Dº<ÿD<4I¶ 12 * 32 ^ ‘ ª » Í î 0 ÿ 2!0 A!c !¥ !½!!Ö!ø" "##"=0"a("’("»*"ä,#9#< #v+# #­/#»/#ë$/$2 $b! $q"4$#$´$($Ã%$ì&(%'2%0(%c) %u**%+%¬,0%Å-%ö.5&/&=0&U1&e Ô&vÉ+Kb.G.xî2Àõ4¯5¥Ø6% 6þ °9 uBÆ .C< ãFkGOHbOgxR„ÍRýZTËàU&xW}W€fYþ$ZeB[ŠH[Í\7\´\ìL^¤^M U^ò_HF`g( +`®:`Ú~a/a”aÄ¥bË2cq?c¤ Mcä 6d22!:diHd¤/díËeêeé%fÔBfúOg= åg Þhs èiR ‹j; OjÇ*k;kBÆk~EmEm‹‚nSnžQoò>pD:pƒ«q¾„rjžrï¯tŽdu>ÈuDÉOuLÊVuœË.uóÌ<v"< *v_}vŠ–w›wŸÒx;’yØz¡F{z /|Á þ|ñ Ù}ð “~ÊF(^.‡s¶M€*€x€”€£a€¶P3­LTúú‚OÿƒJ±„J „üZ ……«…È…ÜERROR: ~%s/sqllib/db2profile does not exist! ERROR: DB2 instance owner required! INFO: Verifying DB2 instance owner %s. ERROR: DB2 instance owner (%s) does not exist! ERROR: DB2 instance discovery data required but not found! INFO: Sourcing in DB2 instance discovery data. INFO: Verifying the existance of DB2 instance. ERROR: The DB2 instance %s does not seem to be available! ERROR: A DB2 instance must be properly configured for instance owner %s! INFO: Verifying the database to be monitored by the custom SQL monitor. ERROR: Database %s does not seem to be available for custom SQL monitoring! INFO: Verifying the correctness of the owning node. ERROR: The instance owning node (%s) cannot be in the takeover node(s) (%s) list! INFO: Verifying all supplied nodes are valid PowerHA SystemMirror nodes. ERROR: Node %s is not a cluster node! ERROR: Both instance owning node and takeover node(s) must be cluster nodes! ERROR: Function AddResources failed! ERROR: Function RemoveResources failed! ERROR: Unexpected DB2 import action encountered! ERROR: Failed cleaning up existing resources! ERROR: No resources have been added! ERROR: Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server for instance %s! ERROR: Failed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server to the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor for instance %s! ERROR: Failed adding PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor to the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor for instance %s! ERROR: Failed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor to the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group for instance %s! ERROR: Failed updating PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group for instance %s! ERROR: Failed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group to the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server from the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor from the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor from the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group from the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing DB2 Instance Application Server from PowerHA SystemMirror! ERROR: Failed removing DB2 Instance Resource Group from PowerHA SystemMirror! PowerHA SystemMirror network %s is not enable for IPAT via IP Aliases! ERROR: Function CheckInputs failed! ERROR: Resources for instance %s don't seem to exist in the Meta Database! WARNING: The PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server does not exist in the Meta Database! WARNING: The PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor does not exist in the Meta Database! WARNING: The PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor does not exist in the Meta Database! WARNING: The PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group does not exist in the Meta Database! WARNING: The DB Instance Application Server does not exist in PowerHA SystemMirror! INFO: The DB2 Instance Resource Group does not exist in PowerHA SystemMirror! ERROR: Failed creating SQL Monitor hard link for %s on node %s! ERROR: Failed stopping the DB2 instance %s on node %s! INFO: Stopping instance %s on node %s! WARNING: Instance %s on node %s is still running! INFO: Sleeping for %s seconds (up to a total of %s seconds)... INFO: Instance %s on node %s is stopped! ERROR: Instance %s on node %s should be manually stopped before continuing! INFO: Instance %s is not running on any node! ERROR: Missing required argument(s) to import! ERROR: Failed adding DATABASE_TO_MONITOR to the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing DATABASE_TO_MONITOR from the Meta Database! WARNING: The DATABASE_TO_MONITOR stanza does not exist in the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP Label for instance %s! ERROR: Failed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP Label to the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP Label from the Meta Database! WARNING: The PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP Label does not exist in the Meta Database! ERROR: Failed removing DB2 Instance Service IP Label from PowerHA SystemMirror! WARNING: The DB2 Instance Service IP Label does not exist in PowerHA SystemMirror! ERROR: The DB2 instance selected: %s is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration with application: %s. INFO: Failed to read "DATABASE_NAME" variable. ERROR: Failed starting DB2 instance! INFO: Calling doStart()... WARNING: DB2 instance %s already running! WARNING: DB2 Administration User not found, skipping start... Starting the DB2 Administration Server as DAS user %s... ERROR: Cannot find db2admin for user %s! Start not possible! Stopping DB2 instance as owner %s... ERROR: Failed stopping DB2 instance as owner %s! Killing db2bp processes for %s... ERROR: Failed killing db2bp processes for %s! Cleaning IPC for %s... ERROR: Failed cleaning IPC for %s! INFO: Calling doStop()... INFO: DB2 instance %s is running. Stopping the DB2 Administration Server as DAS user %s... INFO: DB2 instance %s not running. WARNING: DB2 Administration User not found, skipping stop... WARNING: Cannot find db2admin for user %s, skipping stop... DB2 instance health check start: Connecting to %s... ERROR: Failed connecting to %s! Pinging %s... ERROR: Failed pinging %s! Selecting from %s... ERROR: Failed selecting from %s! Disconnecting from %s... ERROR: Failed disconnecting from %s! DB2 instance health check complete - instance %s is healthy! INFO: Calling doCMon()... INFO: Verifying the database to be monitored by the custom SQL monitor. INFO: Adding Custom SQL AppMon hard link for instance %s. ERROR: Failed creating Custom SQL AppMon hard link for instance %s! INFO: Removing Custom SQL AppMon hard link for instance %s. ERROR: Failed removing Custom SQL AppMon hard link for instance %s! ERROR: Unexpected DB2 hard link action encountered! WARNING: Custom SQL AppMon hard link does not exist, removal not needed! Add a DB2 Highly Available Instance Resource GroupInstance Owning Node or Communication PathAdd a DB2 Highly Available Instance Resource GroupDB2 Instance Owning NodeTakeover Node(s)DB2 Instance NameDB2 Instance Database to MonitorService IP LabelTwo-Node Mutual Takeover Configuration AssistantPowerHA SystemMirror Nodes and Communication PathsTwo-Node Mutual Takeover Configuration Assistant - Instance SetupNode for First Instance First DB2 Instance Name DB2 Instance Database to Monitor Service IP LabelNode for Second Instance Second DB2 Instance NameDB2 Cluster Configuration AssistantTwo-Node Mutual Takeover Configuration AssistantChange a DB2 UDB Instance Resource GroupRemove a DB2 UDB Instance Resource GroupAutomated Cluster and DB2 Instance TestingPowerHA SystemMirror User Management for DB2Verify and Synchronize PowerHA SystemMirror ConfigurationAdd a NodeChange Existing DB2 Instance Resource GroupRemove a NodeSelect a Configured DB2 Instance Resource GroupAdd a Node to a DB2 UDB Instance Resource GroupExisting Cluster NodesExisting Node or Communication Path to New NodeResource GroupInstance NameRemove a Node from a DB2 UDB Instance Resource GroupNode to RemoveRemove a DB2 UDB Instance Resource GroupDiscover DB2 UDB InstancesExecute Automated Cluster Test ProcedureExecute DB2 Instance Resource Group Test ProcedureTest DB2 InstanceTest ScriptAutomated Cluster and DB2 Instance TestingConfiguration AssistantsSelect the DB2 instance to make highly availableApplication NameModify a DB2 Highly Available Instance Resource GroupSelect a discovery modeQuick DiscoveryNormal DiscoveryPowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for DB2 is an application that extends an existing PowerHA SystemMirror configuration to include monitoring and recovery support for DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Enterprise Server Edition. PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for DB2 allows you to automatically configure PowerHA SystemMirror in an environment where DB2 is already configured, to make non-partitioned DB2 instances highly available. Note: PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist cannot be used to configure a cluster in a partitioned environment. To make use of PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for DB2, the DB2 UDB software must be installed on all nodes that are going to be part of the cluster and DB2 instances must be configured on some of the nodes. The shared physical disks that support the DB2 instances must be configured on all cluster nodes that will serve as takeover nodes for the DB2 instances. PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist automatically discovers your DB2 configuration and lets you create a simple takeover two-nodes cluster, or a two-node mutual takeover cluster, or a cluster with more than two nodes and more than two instances, where some of the nodes serve as takeover nodes for the configured DB2 instances. Provide Communication Paths to the two nodes to use in mutual takeover. Before you start, complete the following tasks: * Connect and configure all IP network interfaces. * Install and configure the DB2 instance on both cluster nodes. * Add the DB2 service IP label to /etc/hosts on all nodes, or make the label available via DNS. * Ensure db2iauto is turned off, DB2 should not automatically restart on system restart * Configure the volume groups that contain the DB2 shared home directory on a volume group that is attached to both nodes. Before you start, collect the following information: * An active communication path to the two nodes * The DB2 instances service IP label(s). Discover available DB2 UDB Database Instances on the configured PowerHA SystemMirror cluster nodesThe Two-Node Mutual Takeover Configuration Assistant SMIT panel will configure a 2 instance mutual takeover with 2 nodes. With each configured DB2 instance, the following information must be provided. * DB2 Instance Name to Make Highly Available * Instance Database to Monitor * A Service IP label to use for communication The DB2 Instances available in the pick lists will be generated from the currently available DB2 instances on the specified first and second nodes. Before you start, complete the following tasks: * Connect and configure all IP network interfaces. * Install and configure the DB2 instance on both cluster nodes. * Add the DB2 service IP label to /etc/hosts on all nodes, or make the label available via DNS. * Ensure db2iauto is turned off, DB2 should not automatically restart on system restart * Configure the volume groups that contain the DB2 shared home directory on a volume group that is attached to both nodes as well as any raw logical volumes, archive log volume groups, overflow log volume groups, and log volume groups The Add a Highly Available Instance Resource Group SMIT panel will configure one DB2 UDB instance in a hot-standby configuration. The following information must be provided for each added instance * Primary Node and Takeover Node(s) * DB2 Instance Name to Make Highly Available * Instance Database to Monitor * A Service IP label to use for communication The DB2 Instances available in the pick lists will be generated from the currently accessible DB2 instances on the primary node. Change a Db2 UDB Instance Resource Group provides options for * Adding a new PowerHA SystemMirror node to an instance resource group * Changing the resources of an instance resource group * Removing a node from an instance resource group Remove a DB2 UDB Instance Resource Group will remove the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration for the selected DB2 UDB instance. In PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for DB2, you can quickly and easily test your fallover configuration using two levels of testing: * Cluster-Wide Testing of the Configuration * DB2 Instance-Specific Testing The PowerHA SystemMirror User Management for DB2 panel in SMIT lets you manage the DB2 instance users at the instance resource group level. You can perform the following cluster-wide tasks for all users who access the nodes in the nodelist for the DB2 instance resource group: * List DB2 instance users * Add DB2 instance users * Change DB2 instance users * Remove DB2 instance users For more information on PowerHA SystemMirror user management and for detailed instructions on the procedures, see the Administration Guide. At verification time, PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for DB2 verifies the following aspects of your DB2/HACMP configuration: * DB2 instance volume groups are accessible on all nodes where a particular DB2 instance might reside in the cluster. This requires that all physical disks (hdisks) are defined on all participating cluster nodes. * db2nodes.cfg must have the service IP label defined as the communication interface * /etc/services has the appropriate service entries for all of the DB2 UDB instances that will failover to the node * Users and groups, DB2 instance owner, and the DASADM, and DASFENC user must exist on all participating nodes of the instance resource group with the same UID and GID and home directory * The Enterprise Edition of DB2 UDB must be at either version 8.1 or version 8.2, and all cluster nodes that participate in an instance resource group must be running the same version. * Each DB2 instance must have the auto restart option disabled * Each cluster node participating in a DB2 UDB instance resource group must have turned off the fault monitor controller (FMC) * The DB2 UDB .rhosts file must contain the instance owner, and the service IP label for DB2 communication between nodes. Available Automatic Corrective Actions for DB2 UDB Instances: ----------------------------------------------------------------- PowerHA SystemMirror provides the following automatic corrective actions for DB2 instances: If the DB2 instance volume groups do not exist on a takeover node, PowerHA SystemMirror automatically imports those volume groups as part of the verification automatic corrective action. For automatic import to be successful, the takeover nodes must already share the same set of disks. If the fault monitor coordinator is enabled, PowerHA SystemMirror provides an option to automatically disable the FMC. A DB2 instance configured to automatically startup on system restart can be automatically corrected during verification and synchronization. PowerHA SystemMirror provides an option to disable DB2 automatic restart. If /etc/services is missing entries for a DB2 UDB instance, verification and synchronization can automatically add the missing entries on the cluster node. If the .rhosts file for a particular instance is missing the service IP label and DB2 instance owner user, PowerHA SystemMirror will provide an option to add the missing user. Add a Node will add a new PowerHA SystemMirror node to the participating member list for an instance resource group. You change the DB2 instance resource in the same way you change a regular resource group in PowerHA SystemMirror. You can change the following for a configured resource group: * The name of the resource group * The inter-site management policy of a resource group * The priority of participating nodes (by changing their position in the list of participating nodes) * The startup, fallover and fallback policies for resource groups * Attributes of the resource group, such as a fallback timer, attributes of volume groups and filesystems in the resource group, tape resources and Workload Manager classes. Note: A resource group that contains a DB2 instance must have the following parameters and resources specified for it: application server, service IP label and shared volume group(s). Remove a Node will remove a participating PowerHA SystemMirror cluster node from the DB2 instance resource group. Note: Removing all of the nodes will remove the DB2 UDB instance resource group from the cluster configuration. A cluster-wide testing of the DB2 configuration tests all cluster nodes using the PowerHA SystemMirror Cluster Test Tool. The Test Tool runs the default automated PowerHA SystemMirror test suite. For more information on the Cluster Test Tool, see the Administration Guide. A DB2 instance-specific testing tests the participating nodes of the DB2 instance resource group. PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for DB2 v.5.3 uses an automated test script that lets you test the behavior of an individual DB2 instance in the cluster. The test script causes the DB2 instance and its associated resource group to fall over to another node and then restarts the DB2 instance. During this testing, the script uses all of the participating nodes in the nodelist for the DB2 instance resource group. PowerHA SystemMirror creates the test script at the time the test takes place, since the script depends on the number of nodes that participate in the DB2 instance resource group, and the various instance resource group resource names. The following list briefly describes some of the actions that take place during the testing of the DB2 instance behavior in the cluster: * Start cluster services on the primary node for DB2 instance resource group * Cause each DB2 instance resource group to fallover to a takeover node. * For each takeover node, start cluster services on the takeover node for the DB2 instance resource group. * At the DB2 instance primary owner node, stop cluster services with takeover on the primary node for the DB2 instance resource group. * For each takeover node, start cluster services on the takeover node for the DB2 instance resource group. * Test for failures in the DB2 resource group, such as network interface failure, selective fallover on quorum loss, application failure recovery. For more information on how PowerHA SystemMirror recovers the resource group in cases of network interface failures, and for information on selective fallover and resource group recovery, see the Administration Guide. Specify both the primary and takeover nodes communication paths or an existing PowerHA SystemMirror cluster node name. Note: The DB2 instances should be mounted and started at this time so that instance discovery can determine all of the DB2 instance resources. Provide the following information for both nodes: * an existing PowerHA SystemMirror cluster node name * an IP address * a fully-qualified domain name, or * a resolvable IP label. The communication path will be used for IP network discovery and automatic configuration of your PowerHA SystemMirror topology. The first node specified will be configured as the primary owner of your first highly available DB2 instance, and the takeover node will be the primary node of the second DB2 instance specified in the next panel. This is the primary node for the first DB2 instance, the takeover node is the primary node for the second DB2 instance. Specify the local DB2 instance to make highly available. The selected instance must also be configured and its resources accessible on both the primary and takeover nodes. F4 will generate a list of the available DB2 instances. If an instance configured on either the primary or takeover nodes is not listed, then the instance could not be discovered. Note: DB2 UDB DPF (EEE) or Partitioned DB2 instances are not presently supported and will not be listed. Specify the DB2 database to monitor in order to determine if the instance is unavailable. Specify the service IP label to be used by the DB2 instance. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on both the primary and takeover cluster nodes and cannot be a Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address. This provided service IP label will be configured in the PowerHA SystemMirror instance resource group along with the associated DB2 resources, shared volume groups, associated DB2 instance filesystems, and application monitoring for the DB2 processes. This is the primary node for the second DB2 instance, the takeover node is the primary node for the first DB2 instance. Specify the primary communication path or an existing HACMP cluster node name. Note: The DB2 instances should be mounted and started at this time so that instance discovery can determine all of the DB2 instance resources. Provide one of the following for the primary node: * an existing PowerHA SystemMirror cluster node name * an IP address * a fully-qualified domain name, or * a resolvable IP label. The communication path will be used for IP network discovery and automatic configuration of your PowerHA SystemMirror topology. The node specified will be configured as the primary owner of the selected DB2 UDB instance. This is the primary node for the specified DB2 instance and is the node specified in the prior panel. Specify one or more takeover nodes for the DB2 instance to fallover to in the event of a failure. Provide one of the following for each takeover node: * an existing PowerHA SystemMirror cluster node name * an IP address * a fully-qualified domain name, or * a resolvable IP label. DB2 UDB Instance Name, this field is static and cannot be changed.DB2 UDB Resource Group Name, this field is static and cannot be changed.This is the DB2 instance resource group test script automatically generated for this instance by the DB2 smart assistant and used by the automated test tool.Participating nodes for the DB2 instance resource groupSpecify a new node for the DB2 instance to fallover to in the event of a failure. Provide one of the following for each takeover node: * an existing PowerHA SystemMirror cluster node name * an IP address * a fully-qualified domain name, or * a resolvable IP label. Specify a participating node to remove from the DB2 instance resource group.Specify a symbolic name for the collection of HACMP components that represent the DB2 instance(s). The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. Specify one or more DB2 databases to monitor to keep your instance highly available. WARNING: The environment variable ARCHIVE_LOG is not set for DB2 instance %s and database %s. This environment variable is required when the RETAIN_LOG value is set to RECOVERY and the USEREXIT function is enabled. Please set the ARCHIVE_LOG environment variable and re-run discovery.Checking tablespace path: %s in database %s for shared volume groups. Usage: %s -g ResourceGroup [-a|-r] -n Node ERROR: Please specify a node to add to resource group: %s ERROR: Node %s already participates in resource group: %s Please add a node that does not participate in this resource group. Running Discovery using communication path: %s ERROR: Unable to add a node using communication path: %s to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster. The specified node will not be added to DB2 instance resource group: %s Please check the communication path between the local node and %s then perform the add a node. ERROR: Unable to add node: %s to resource group: %s Please check to ensure the node is defined to PowerHA SystemMirror, and that the specfied resource group exists. Successfully added node: %s to resource group: %s ERROR: Please specify a node to remove from resource group: %s ERROR: Resource group: %s is not defined in the local cluster configuration. Successfully removed node: %s from resource group: %s ERROR: Unable to find a network for service IP label: %s Using HACMP network: %s for the specified aliased service IP label: %s Performing discovery on takeover node(s): %s: ERROR: Service IP label: %s is not resolveable on the local node. Please check /etc/resolv.conf for nameserver issues, and /etc/hosts to ensure the service IP label can be resolved from the local node. ERROR: DB2 Instance: %s is configured as a partitioned instance. The PowerHA SystemMirror DB2 UDB Smart Assistant can only add non-partitioned instances to the cluster configuration. Please select a DB2 UDB non-partitioned instance. Checking DB2 UDB Instance: %s type: Checking service IP label: %s can be resolved on the local node: Checking DB2 instance volume group: %s is accessible from all takeover nodes: ERROR: The DB2 UDB instance home volume group could not be determined during PowerHA SystemMirror instance discovery. Please check to ensure the volume group is varied on, and the instance home directory filesystem is mounted. ERROR: The DB2 UDB volume group: %s accessible on node: %s is not accessible on node: %s Please ensure the appropriate PVIDs for this volume group are shared across all the nodes that will takeover for DB2 instance: %s. ERROR: The specified service IP label: %s is configured as an IP via replacement service. DB2 UDB Smart Assistant only allows aliased service IP labels. Please specify a service IP label that is configured as an aliased service. ERROR: Unable to discover the takeover node(s): %s Please check the communication paths between the local node and the takeover node(s). Performing pre-verification of the DB2 UDB instance: %s on cluster nodes: %s Pre-verification completed successfully. Checking databases in instance: %s with USEREXIT enabled: ERROR: The environment variables ARCHIVE_PATH, RETRIEVE_PATH and AUDIT_ERROR_PATH are not set for DB2 instance: %s and database: %s in the instance db2profile or userprofile files. One or more of these environment variables are required when the LOGRETAIN value is set to RECOVERY and the USEREXIT function is enabled. Please set the ARCHIVE_PATH, RETRIEVE_PATH and AUDIT_ERROR_PATH variables in either db2profile or userprofile and re-run discovery. Validating the DB2 instance: %s contains the selected database: %s: ERROR: The DB2 database selected: %s does not exist in the DB2 instance: %s Please select a DB2 database that exists in the selected instance. ERROR: The DB2 instance selected: %s is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration in resource group: %s. ERROR: The DB2 instance: %s shares volume group(s): %s with DB2 instance: %s DB2 UDB instances must use different volume groups for each DB2 instance, this includes the archive log, overflow log, instance home volume group, retrieve log, and all tablespaces paths must exist volume groups that are separate from all other DB2 instances. Verifying the DB2 instance shared volume groups do not contain other instances: Verifying all DB2 instance volume groups are non-concurrent: ERROR: The DB2 UDB instance: %s contains concurrent VGs: %s The use of concurrent volume groups in a DB2 UDB instance may result in data loss if another node in the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster varies on the volume group in concurrent mode. It is advised that ONLY non-concurrent VGs be used in DB2 instances. ERROR: The same service label: %s cannot be used for both DB2 instance: %s and DB2 instance: %s Please choose different service IP labels for each selected DB2 instance. ERROR: The same DB2 instance: %s was selected twice for mutual takeover. Please choose two separate instances for mutual takeover. WARNING: The DB2 instace: %s was inactive during discovery, the only volume group discovered was volume group: %s. If there are other volume groups associated with this instance for tablespaces, archive log files, or other instance components then please either add these volume groups to the resource group configuration, or remove the instance resource group and re-run discovery with the DB2 instance active. WARNING: The DB2 instance: %s home directory is on %s, which is not shared volume group. Please make sure instance home directory is configured and available on other nodes. PASS FAILED ERROR: Problem with XML configuration file. Ensure a valid XML file supplied. WARNING: Trying to configure DB2 8.x as DSE_INSTALL_DIR is null in hte supplied XML. Primary Node %s is not valid in the cluster. One of the Takeover node in %s is not valid in the cluster. ERROR: Please specify exactly %s node(s). ERROR: Please specify at least %s nodes and at most %s nodes. Please re-enter the list of nodes or communication interfaces. ERROR: Unable to add node(s): %s to the cluster configuration. Please check the communication paths to used to ensure they are resolveable addresses. ERROR: No DB2 instances were discovered, please ensure the DB2 instance home directory is mounted on one of the specified nodes prior to running discovery.ERROR: The version of DB2 installed across the cluster is not at the same level on all cluster nodes. Please upgrade nodes running at a downleveled version of DB2 to the supported level of version 8.1 or 8.2. ERROR: Unable to discover DB2 UDB instances on node(s): %s Please ensure that DB2 UDB instances have the instance home filesystem mounted on one of the specified nodes. Also ensure that the instance is installed directly in the instance owner's home directory. Discovery must find the directory HOME/ and the file HOME/sqllib/db2profile, where HOME is the instance owner's home directory. ERROR: An insufficient number of DB2 instances were discovered to perform mutual takeover. Please check to ensure all available DB2 instances have the instance home filesystem mounted on one of the specified nodes. Note: Please ensure that all DB2 UDB instance owners home filesystem are mounted prior to performing discovery, and if possible the instance should be active. If the instance filesystem is not mounted, then the instance will not be discovered. Performing DB2 UDB discovery on node(s): %s Please wait while discovery executesDiscovered instance(s): %s (%s) on node(s): %s ERROR: Unable to communicate with node: %s Please check the communication path from the local node to the specified node. Also check to ensure the clcomdES subsystem is properly running by executing the command 'lssrc -s clcomdES' on the specified node. ERROR: Insufficient space on filesystem: %s. Currently there is %s MB available. Please ensure at least 4MB of space is available on each of the following filesystems /tmp, /var, /usr before performing this command. ERROR: There are no cluster nodes defined to PowerHA SystemMirror. Please add one or more nodes prior to invoking the DB2 UDB discovery component. # # DB2 Instance Resource Group Name # # # Databases available in DB2 Instance: %s # # # Unable to determine available databases for instance: %s # Please check that the home filesystem is mounted. # ERROR: Resource group: %s is not defined in the local cluster configuration. DB2 Instance Name: %s (%s) Databases: %s Volume Groups: %s ERROR: There are no DB2 Smart Assistant created resource groups defined to PowerHA SystemMirror. Usage: %s -g ResourceGroup [-f filename to create] ERROR: Unable to determine the nodes associated with instance resource group: %s. Please check to ensure resource group: %s is properly configured with at least two nodes. ERROR: Unable to determine the DB2 UDB instance associated with resource group: %s. ERROR: Unable to determine the Application Server for DB2 UDB instance: %s configured as resource group: %s Please check to ensure the resource group: %s contains the application server created with the PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assistant for DB2. ERROR: Resource group: %s containing application server: %s does not have an associated start script. Please check to ensure the application start script the DB2 Smart Assistant created for this instance is configured as part of this application server. ERROR: The DB2 Metadata for resource group: %s and DB2 UDB instance: %s is corrupt. Please remove then re-add the DB2 UDB instance configuration using the DB2 Smart Assistant. ERROR: The resource group: %s does not have a service IP label defined Please add a service IP label to the resource group, then re-run the DB2 UDB test tool. DB2 Instance DB2 UDB non-DPF Smart AssistDB2 Single InstanceDB2 Mutual Takeover