ISO8859-1B'0.X:!Nv3       $,=Rh  !"&#=$P% h&s'()*+>,R-/g.K/H0/,1\2=t3=4:5E+61q7B8X9J ?:G ; < |= > ? @r Ah B| w%1$s: Operation failed, error = %2$ld. %1$s: Resource Manager daemon is unavailable. %1$s: Object not found in Resource Manager configuration. %1$s: Invalid command parameter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group NameStateNodeTypeSiteNodePOLDelayedTimersNODE POLSITE POLPrimary StateSecondary StateApplication stateOFFLINEONLINE MONITOREDONLINE NOT MONITOREDONLINE MONITOR FAILEDONLINE MONITOR SUSPENDEDONLINE FAILEDONLINE FAILOVERUNKNOWNUsage: %s [ -s ] groupname ... Cluster Name: %1$s Resource Group Name: %1$s Startup Policy: %1$s Fallover Policy: %1$s Fallback Policy: %1$s Site Policy: %1$s Resource Group Movementconcurrentnon-concurrentServer %s returned: Primary instance(s): Secondary instance(s): Site settings: The instance is temporarily offline on the following node(s): The instance is temporarily offline upon user requested rg_move performed on %1$s %1$s, user-requested rg_move performed on %2$s The following node temporarily has the highest priority for this instance: The following site temporarily has the highest priority for this group: %1$s, user-requested rg_move performed on %2$s %s: with no parameters Usage: %s operation [ object ] [ script_name ] [ reference ] Usage: %1$s [-h] [-v] [-a] [-s|-c] [-t] [-p] [group name(s)] %s: Failed reading resource group configuration from ODM. %1$s: Resource group %2$s not found in resource group configuration. %s: Could not read configuration from ODM in %s. Usage: %1$s [-h] [-v] [-a] [-s|-c] [-t] [-p] [-m] [group name(s)] There was a problem retrieving the application monitor status from the following nodes: Please check the clcomd status on these nodes and try the command again. Usage: %1$s [-h] [-v] [-a] [-s|-c] [-t] [-p] [-m] [-i] [group name(s)] Please note that the following nodes have an event script failure and require manual intervention. The resource group state on these nodes may not be entirely accurate. "%1$s: There is no cluster definition. A cluster and resource groups must be defined before information about them becomes available. ""%1$s: There are no resource groups defined. Resource groups must be defined before information about them becomes available. ""%1$s: An error occurred retrieving host information for node %2$s. If this problem persists, please report it to IBM support. ""%1$s: An error occurred retrieving resource group information from the cluster manager. If this problem persists, please report it to IBM support. ""%1$s: An error occurred retrieving site information. If this problem persists, please report it to IBM support. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------