ISO8859-1s{0?9)65S$# : > H )  &  )  8# X9 |B + " %1 H+ z! & - )  G) h ) = !' " B#- a$' %' &+ 'G (!S)u*8+#,'-*.%B/.h01:2"X3{45!67:899G@#_#:* EBCH_ H d V W YP F]\^~t@p8 ` A!t/!!I" B"!E#""#h#<#$x$'%?$&n$'<%O(:%)F%*7&+,&F,-&s-O&.L&/H'>0'1F(A2G(32(4:)5D)>6D)7;)8**9?*/:I*o;/*<6*=*+ >A+K?I+@3+AU, BU,aCV,D`-Ee-oF.G&/H'/I1/J80 KQ0EL#0MZ0N1O1P?3Q3RG3Sy48TQ4U`5V/5eWV5X}5YX6jZd6[)7(\M7R]7^B8O_J8`68aG9b39\c[9d89e:%f;g;h&<i.<j:<k3=(l4=\m6=n-=o?p)AqCrCsWDtKEuG8v:GRw!GxHyIzJ{K|L:}>L~fM*vMNBNyO:O`PdQPQBQR\R_RfS_T:UfoUPVqVb<VWmXmY WARNING: Unable to determine Java version. Attempting to start the HACMP Two-Node Cluster Configuration Assistant. ERROR: Unsupported Java version. The HACMP Two-Node Cluster Configuration Assistant requires Java version 1.3.0 or higher. Starting the HACMP Two-Node Cluster Configuration Assistant... ERROR: Unable to determine logfile path. ERROR: Cannot cycle log files. Saving cluster snapshot: %s WARNING: Existing cluster configuration was invalid. No cluster snapshot could be taken. Continue with configuration? [y|N] Cluster snapshot complete. Configuring cluster topology. ERROR: No communication path specified for takeover node. ERROR: Unable to determine communication path for local node. Cluster topology configuration complete. Resetting cluster name: %s ERROR: No new cluster name specified. Cluster name changed: %s Removing existing cluster configuration. Cluster configuration removed. Configuring application server: %s ERROR: Incomplete data specified for application server. The application name, start script, and stop script are required. Application server configuration complete. Removing all application servers. ERROR: Could not remove all application servers. All application servers have been removed. Configuring service IP label: %s ERROR: no service IP label specified. ERROR: no HACMP network includes both nodes. Service IP label configuration complete. Removing all service IP labels. All service IP labels have been removed. Configuring resource group: %s ERROR: No resource group name specified. ERROR: The cluster configuration does not include two nodes. Resource group configuration complete. Removing all resource groups. ERROR: Unable to remove all resource groups. All resource groups have been removed. Adding resources to resource group: %s ERROR: Incomplete resource data specified. The resource group must include an application and a service IP label. Resource configuration complete. Configuring non-IP network. ERROR: Failed discovering non-IP network configuration. ERROR: failed parsing clip_config. Non-IP network configuration complete. WARNING: Cannot configure non-IP network. Checking cluster for non-IP network. ERROR: no non-IP network has been configured. Add a shared enhanced concurrent volume group to your AIX configuration and run the Configuration Assistant again, or use SMIT to add a non-IP network to your cluster configuration. It is strongly recommended for your cluster to contain a non-IP network to help prevent cluster partitioning, which could lead to data corruption. If you accept the risk and choose not to use a non-IP network, this error may be ignored.A non-IP network is present. Displaying cluster configuration. ERROR: bad flag: %s ERROR: no command flag: ERROR: bad command parameter: %s USAGE: $0 -c [-j] [-a ] [-p ] [-t ] [-n ] [-r ] [-s ] ERROR: location of %1$s is not a writable directory: %2$s Synchronizing application server start and stop scripts. Synchronization of application server start and stop scripts complete. Cluster configuration failed. Removing incomplete configuration. Command '%1$s' failed with rc=%2$s Remote command '%s' is not allowed to be invoked remotely Remote command '%1$s' failed with rc=%2$s Could not find a suitable disk for mirroring disk '%1$s' of Volume Group '%2$s'. This Volume Group will not be configured for GLVM. Trying to perform GLVM Mirroring configuration for Volume Group '%s' Setting up RPV server configuration for disks '%s' on local node. Setting up RPV server configuration for disks '%s' on remote node. Setting up RPV client configuration for remote disks '%s' on local node Setting up RPV client configuration for local disks '%s' on remote node Disabling Quorum and auto-varyon property and enabling super-strict mirroring for Volume Group '%s' Failed to change the attributes for Volume Group '%1$s'. Ensure that this VG is varied-on on node '%2$s'. Run standard AIX diagnostic tools to investigate this further. Assigning local disks '%1$s' associated with Volume Group '%2$s' to mirror pool '%3$s' Failed to assign disks '%1$s' to mirror pool '%2$s'. Ensure that disks '%3$s' are active on the local node. Run standard AIX diagnostic tools to further investigate the problem. Extending Volume Group '%1$s' to include RPV disks '%2$s' in mirror pool '%3$s' Failed to extend Volume Group '%s'. This may happen if the RPV client disks are not available or if the network connection between the RPV client and server is down. Run 'rpvstat -n' to check the network connectiviy between the RPV client and server. Run 'lspv' command and other AIX diagnostic tools to investigate further. Assigning mirror pools for each logical volume '%1$s' of Volume Group '%2$s' on local node. Failed to set mirror pools for logical volume '%s' on local node. Ensure that the Volume Group is varied-on and is not in error state. Run standard AIX diagnostic tools to investigate further. Failed to set super-strict mirroring policy for logical volume '%s' on local node. Ensure that the Volume Group is varied-on and is not in error state. Run standard AIX diagnostic tools to investigate further. Running checks on Volume Group '%s' to ensure that it has been correctly configured for GLVM. Mirroring data of VG '%1$s'. Depending on the size of the VG, this can take several minutes. Mirroring started at time '%2$s' Mirroring operation for Volume Group '%s' failed. A common reason for this failure is that one or more RPV client disks, that is a part of this Volume Group, may not be accessible any more. Run AIX diagnostic tools to further investigate the problem. Mirroring for VG '%1$s' successfully completed. End time '%2$s' Failed to synchronize Volume Group '%s'. A common reason for this failure is that one or more RPV client disks, that are a part of this Volume Group, may not be accessible any more. Run AIX diagnostic tools to further investigate the problem. Failed to varyoff Volume Group '%s'. A common reason for this failure is an active filesystem mount. Run the 'mount' command to ensure that none of the filesystems, that belong to this Volume Group, are mounted at this time. Failed to import Volume Group '%1$s' on the remote node '%2$s'. A common reason for this failure is unavailability of disks. Run the AIX diagnostic tools to ensure that disks '%3$s' are available on the remote node. Failed to varyoff Volume Group '%s' on the remote node. Failed to varyon the Volume Group '%1$s' on the local node '%2$s'. A common reason for this failure is unavailability of disks. Run the AIX diagnostic tools to ensure that disks '%3$s' are available on the local node. Attempting to configure GLVM on the following volume groups '%s' Failed to configure GLVM for Volume Group '%s' The remote node '%s' does not contain any free disks that can be used for GLVM mirroring. The GLVM configuration, if any needed, cannot NOT be performed and will be skipped. None of these '%s' volume groups could be configured for GLVM mirroring. Adding the GLVM volume groups '%1$s' to the resource group '%2$s' Failed to add Volume Group(s) '%1$s' to HACMP resource group '%2$s'. Usage error: Persistent IP '%1$s' has been specified for the %2$s node but no Persistent IP has been supplied for the %3$s node. Pinging the remote node '%s' to ensure network connectivity Failed to contact the specified remote node '%s'. Check to see if this node is up and is reachable from the local node. Checking for the specified start/stop scripts to be accessible The supplied application start script '%1$s' (or the stop script '%2$s') are not accessible on the local node Checking for required filesets to be installed on node '%s' Node '%1$s' does not have fileset '%2$s' installed on it. Node '%1$s' should have fileset '%2$s' with version '%3$s' or higher. Checking for HACMP services to be correctly configured Failed to check the status for service '%s' HACMP service '%s' is not in 'active' state. Checking to see that node is not part of an active HACMP cluster configuration The validation for requisite filesets failed. '%s' errors were encountered. Check for required HACMP services failed. '%s' errors were encountered. Node '%s' is actively participating in an existing cluster. You can manage and update your existing cluster with SMIT. This tool is only useful when configuring a cluster from scratch. Saving the existing HACMP cluster configuration in snapshot file '%s' Failed to take a snapshot of the existing HACMP cluster configuration. Removing the existing HACMP cluster configuration Failed to remove the existing HACMP cluster configuration Failed to save and remove the existing HACMP cluster configuration. Failed to save and remove the existing HACMP cluster configuration. Failed to define HACMP node with name '%1$s' and IP '%2$s' Failed to add a HACMP site with name '%s' Failed to add a HACMP network with name '%1$s' and type '%2$s' Failed to add network interface '%1$s' for node '%2$s' to network '%3$s' Failed to define HACMP application server '%s' Failed to define a HACMP Service Label with name '%s' Failed to add a HACMP Resource Group '%s' Failed to assign HACMP resources '%1$s' to Resource Group '%2$s' Failed to add network interface '%1$s' for node '%2$s' to network '%3$s' Failed to add persistent IP '%1$s' for node '%2$s' Running HACMP discovery to gather information about Network communication interfaces Failed to run HACMP discovery methods to discover Network Communication Information. Running HACMP discovery to gather information about Volume Groups and disk subsystem. Failed to run HACMP discovery methods to discover volume group and disk sub-system information. Finding the list of Volume Groups that can be automatically configured for GLVM mirroring. For a volume group to be considered for automatic GLVM configuration, it should meet the following conditions: - Should be already varied-on on the local node - Should be a 'scalable' volume group - Should not have a RPV client disk already included in it. Finding the list of free disks that are available on the remote node that can be used for GLVM mirroring. RPV client disks are not considered as usable free disk for this function. Defining HACMP cluster with name '%s' Defining HACMP nodes '%1$s' and '%2$s' Defining HACMP sites with name '%1$s' and '%2$s' Defining HACMP network with name '%1$s' and type '%2$s' Defining HACMP application server '%1$s'. Start script '%2$s' Stop Script '%3$s' Defining HACMP Resource Group '%s' Adding Application Server '%1$s' and Service Label(s) '%2$s' to the Resource Group '%3$s' Usage: %s -h | -r -a -u -v [-s ] [-p -q ] -r : DNS Name or IP address of the remote node -a : HACMP Application Server Name -u : Start Script for the Application Server -v : Stop script for the Application Server -s : Service IP(s) for the HACMP Resource Group -p : Persistent IP to be used for the local node -q : Persistent IP to be used for the remote node -h : Usage Help Failed to discover the DNS information of the remote node '%s' Validating user arguments Validation of user arguments failed. '%s' errors encountered. Exiting. Validating local node's environment, to ensure that all the required components are present and are operating correctly. Validation of local node's environment failed. '%s' errors encountered. Exiting. Discovering the network interface to use for setting up configuration with the remote node '%s' Initiating Base HACMP configuration definition Failed to perform basic HACMP cluster configuration. '%s' errors encountered. Exiting Validating remote node '%s' environment, to ensure that all the required components are present and are operating correctly. Validation of remote node '%1$s' environment failed. '%2$s' errors encountered. Exiting Failed to discover the disk and network configuration information from the local and/or remote node Failed to perform network configuration. No volume group qualified to be a candidate for automatic GLVM configuration The remote node '%s' does not contain any free disks that can be used for GLVM mirroring. The GLVM configuration, if any needed, cannot NOT be performed and will be skipped Initiating GLVM related configuration for eligible Volume Groups. Failed to configure GLVM resources. '%s' errors were encountered. Exiting Verifying and synchronizing the cluster configuration Cluster configuration verification and synchronization failed. Exiting Two-site Configuration Tool completed successfully Failed to get the log file location information from HACMP configuration database. Exiting Failed to set RPV Server Sitename '%1$s' on node '%2$s' Failed to create a RPV server for Physical Volume '%1$s' on node '%2$s'. Check that physical volume is active and that there are no disk subsystem errors related to this physical volume. Run standard AIX diagnostic tools to invesigate the problem. Failed to create RPV client for Physical Volume '%1$s' on node '%2$s'. Run standard AIX diagnostic tools to identify the problem. Also, check the network connectivity between IP address '%3$s' and IP address '%4$s' Failed to create RPV client for Physical Volume '%1$s' on node '%2$s'. This is an unexpected error. Run AIX diagnostic tool to investigate the problem further. Failed to setup RPV Server Site names Failed to setup RPV servers on the local node Failed to setup RPV servers for remote disks on node '%s' Failed to setup RPV clients on the local node '%s' Failed to setup RPV clients on the remote node '%s' GLVM configuration checks on Volume Group '%s' failed Mutliple network interfaces were discovered to be connected between the Local and Remote node node but no Persistent IP label value was supplied by the user. If Persistent IP label values are not specified, then this tool tries to discover pre-configured IP alias addresses on the Local and Remote node and attempts to use them as Persistent IP addresses. But no qualifying IP alias was discovered on the Local or/and Remote node. This tool will use only single network interface from each node and ignore all other network interfaces that were discovered. HACMP discovered a single network interface (or single communication route) between the Local and Remote node. But a Persistent IP address has been explicitly specified to be added to these nodes. Although this tool will configure the specified Persistent IP addresses, it must be noted that a Persistent IP label does not serve its purpose unless the underlying HACMP network has mulitple network interfaces. Consider adding additional network interfaces to '%s' HACMP network. # ERROR: # This node does not have the required filesets installed # This functionality requires the following filesets: # bos.rte - "" or higher # glvm.rpv.client - "" or higher # glvm.rpv.server - "" or higher # cluster.xd.glvm - "" or higher # Press F3 to go back # # ERROR: # HACMP cluster manager does not seem to be active on this node. # Start the cluster manager using 'startsrc -s clstrmgrES' command # Then retry running this assistant. # Press F3 to go back # # ERROR: # The HACMP Communication subsystem does not seem to be active # Start the cluster manager using 'startsrc -s clcomdES' command # Then retry running this assistant. # Press F3 to go back # # ERROR: This node seems to be part of a cluster # configuration and is actively participating in the # cluster. This assistant is intended to be used for # configuring a GLVM based cluster from sratch. # Stop this node from the cluster and remove the # cluster configuration on this node and try again. # Press enter or Press F3 to go back # WARNING: A cluster configuration was detected on this node. This configuration assistant aids in configuring an HACMP cluster with GLVM from scratch. If you choose to continue further, then the existing cluster configuration on this node will be saved in a snapshot file and removed. Press enter to proceed or Press F3 to go back Defining Service IP '%s' Adding Application Server '%1$s' to Resource Group '%2$s' The Volume Group '%1$s' is already imported on the remote node '%2$s'. To make use of automatic GLVM Mirroring configuration, the corresponding volume group should not be pre-imported on the remote node. Run the 'exportvg' command on the remote node and then try running this tool again. Local node '%1$s' has a RPV Server Sitename '%2$s' pre-defined but the Remote node '%3$s' does not have a RPV Server Sitename defined. This tool expects that a pre-existing GLVM configuration (if any) should be completely defined on both the Local as well as the Remote node. Remote node '%1$s' has RPV Server Sitename '%2$s' pre-defined but the Local node '%3$s' does not have a RPV Server sitename defined. This tool expects that a pre-existing GLVM configuration (if any) should be completely defined on both the Local as well as the Remote node. Node '%1$s' has a pre-existing RPV client device named '%2$s' that has a Client IP address '%3$s' which is not associated with Node '%4$s' in the HACMP network configuration. Node '%1$s' has a pre-existing RPV client device named '%2$s' that has a Server IP address '%3$s' which is not associated with Node '%4$s' in the HACMP network configuration. Node '%1$s' has a pre-existing RPV server device named '%2$s' that has a Client IP address '%3$s' which is not associated with Node '%4$s' in the HACMP network configuration. Failed to read HACMP network information from the Local node. Volume Group '%s' cannot be considered for GLVM configuration as it is not a 'Scalable' Volume Group. Volume Group '%s' does not have any Logical Volumes defined and hence will not be considered for GLVM configuration. The GLVM Volume Group '%1$s' has not been 'imported' to the remote node '%2$s'. For a pre-existing GLVM Volume Group (on local node) to be included into HACMP configuration, the volume group must already be imported onto the remote node. Failed to discover Mirror Pool information for Volume Group '%s'. Volume Group '%1$s' contains '%2$s' Mirror Pools. HACMP requires that the GLVM Volume Group should have 2 Mirror Pools. Volume Group '%1$s' does not have a mirror pool(s) with names '%2$s'. HACMP requires that a GLVM Volume Group's Mirror Pools have the same name same as the HACMP Site Name. Volume Group '%1$s' has a Mirror Pool '%2$s' defined but it does not use 'SYNC' mode mirroring. Failed to use the pre-defined RPV Server sitename '%s' as the Remote HACMP site. Volume Group '%1$s' has a Physical Volume '%2$s' that does not belong to any Mirror Pool. HACMP requires that a GLVM Volume Group's Physical Volume is assigned to a Mirror Pool. Volume Group '%s' is not correctly configured for GLVM mirroring. A pre-existing GLVM Volume Group '%s' was discovered on the local node. Running sanity checks to see if the Volume Group is correctly configured. Following pre-existing GLVM Volume Groups will be included in the HACMP Configuration '%s'. Adding network interface '%1$s' with IP address '%2$s' on Node '%3$s' to HACMP network '%4$s'. Discovered IPv4 Aliases '%1$s' and '%2$s' pre-configured on the Local and Remote node. But will not be using them as HACMP Persistent IP Addresses because the HACMP network has only one network interface on each node. Persistent IP addresses are useful only when the underlying HACMP network has more than one network interface configured for each node. Discovered IPv4 Aliases '%1$s' and '%2$s' pre-configured on the Local and Remote node. Using them as HACMP persistent IP addresses for their respective nodes. Configuring Persistent IP address '%1$s' for Node '%2$s'. Found RPV Server sitename '%1$s' already defined on the Local node. Using '%2$s' as the Local HACMP site name. Failed to use the pre-defined RPV Server sitename '%s' as the Local HACMP site. Found RPV Server sitename '%1$s' already defined on the Remote node. Using '%2$s' as the Remote HACMP site name. Validations on pre-existing GLVM resources failed. Exiting. WARNING: A cluster configuration was detected on this node and it does not seem to be complete (that is, it has not been synchronized yet). This configuration assistant aids in configuring an HACMP cluster with GLVM from scratch. If you choose to continue further, then the existing cluster configuration on this node will be removed WITHOUT being saved in a snapshot. Press enter to proceed or Press F3 to go back Pre-existing RPV client device '%1$s' on node '%2$s' does not have any client IP address associated with it. Pre-existing RPV client device '%1$s' on node '%2$s' does not have any server IP address associated with it.