ISO8859-1d & l68U9% U.  G Z- m* * + /  M . +*>!i! .-( < 7DA|  Ec8I3//J 9z - Gz*c G3J{(!5 3G %{  I  "Usage: %s -a ApplicationID name1="value1" name2="value2" where nameN can bes one of APPLICATION_NAME, SMARTASSIST_ID, COMPONENT_ID, RESOURCE_GROUP, or otherwise. # Label (IP Addresses) Usage: %s -a ApplicationID %s -a ApplicationID name1 name2 ... nameN %s -a ApplicationID RESOURCE_GROUP %s -q name=value where name can be any of of APPLICATION_NAME, SMARTASSIST_ID, COMPONENT_ID, RESOURCE_GROUP, or otherwise. Usage: %s -a ApplicationID %s -a ApplicationID name1="value1" name2="value2" %s -s SmartAssistID where name is one of APPLICATION_NAME, SMARTASSIST_ID, COMPONENT_ID or RESOURCE_GROUP ERROR: Smart Assist Application ID: '%s' is not defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration. Usage: %s [-c cluster_name] ERROR: Unable to change the name of the cluster to: %s. ERROR: PowerHA SystemMirror smart assists require at least two cluster nodes to proceed. Please provide two IP labels. Fewer than two valid cluster nodes were specified. ERROR: Unable to add node: %s to the cluster configuration. Please check to ensure a valid communication link exists between the local node and IP label: %s ERROR: IP label: %s specified twice. ERROR: IP label: %s cannot be resolved on the local system. Please only use IP labels that can either be resolved via DNS or via /etc/hosts. Usage: %s [-v] ERROR: The cluster topology is not defined. If you are receiving this message after running a smart assistant, then please provide a snap -e to PowerHA SystemMirror cluster support. Usage: claddsa -s SmartAssistId -c ComponentId [-C] name1="value1" ... where: SmartAssistID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist ComponentID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist Component name1="value1" ... nameN="valueN" are the names of the name value pairs to be stored within the database. -C will cause a check to see if the Smart Assist and component can be configured now (the application is installed). Warning: SA log file not defined in HACMPlogs Missing option %s Unknown option %s The Smart Assist ID must be specified via -s The Component ID must be specified via -c Missing name in name=value parameter (%s) Missing value in name=value parameter (%s) The following required parameters are missing: The %s component of %s can be configured on the local node because the software is installed. Please run "smit clsa" to start configuring them to make them highly available with PowerHA SystemMirror. Usage: clquerysa -t discover [-n nodename] clquerysa -t filter [-s SmartAssistID [ -c ComponentID ]] clquerysa [ -t query ] -s SmartAssistID -c ComponentID -q name where: nodename is the name of the node on which discovery found the component SmartAssistID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist ComponentID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist Component name name of an attribute specified when the Smart Assist was installed. Warning: SA log file not defined in HACMPlogs Missing option %s Unknown option %s Extra values appear after the parameters. Missing parameters for -t query. clquerysa -t "%s" not supported. #%s is not installed Usage: clrmsa -s SmartAssistId [ -c ComponentID ] where: SmartAssistID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist ComponentID is the unique identifier for the Component Uninstalls a Smart Assist from the machine. Warning: SA log file not defined in HACMPlogs Missing option %s Unknown option %s The Smart Assist ID must be specified via -s Unknown parameters Usage: get_log_name entry [default_log_name] where: entry is the name of the PowerHA SystemMirror log file, recorded in PowerHA SystemMirrorlogs default_log_path is the path if the entry is not found; if not specified, the default is the empty string. Creating a cluster failed; please check %s for errors. Running registration command failed; please check %s for errors. Other ApplicationsGeneral Application Smart AssistERROR: An application with name of %s has already been made created. ERROR: An application server with the name of %s has already been defined in PowerHA SystemMirror. ERROR: A resource group with the name of %s has already been registered. ERROR: Failed to create the application server: %s ERROR: Failed to create the resource group: %s ERROR: Failed to modify the resource group: %s ERROR: Failed to associate metadata with application: %s ERROR: Failed to create service IP label: %s ERROR: The application name: %s is not defined to PowerHA SystemMirror WARNING: The resource group associated with application: %s has been removed from the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration. Usage: clsaxmlutil -s -x -m -t [ -a ] Invalid Command. Invalid Arguments. Invalid XML file. Please ensure correct path and the file is readable. Invalid Schema file. Please ensure correct path and the file is readable. Invalid XML file. Unable to parse file. No Element with name %s is found No Atrributes are specified for Element with name %s No Atrribute with name %s for Element with name %s xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr returned NULL xmlSchemaParse returned NULL Unable to parse the xml file. Please ensure xml document is well-formed. XML Document is invalid Insufficiant memory