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You are allowed to view only folders beneath your current folder. You cannot specify an absolute path to the new folder.This view is in restricted mode. You cannot go to the specified folder because it is not in the relative path of the restricted folder. File Manager - Change FolderCannot get the new folder name.Please enter folder name.Go To ErrorDestination Folder:Go ToSystem Name:File Manager - Go ToDestination Folder name is missing. Type in a folder name or select a folder from the list.The following folder name is invalid. %sYou cannot switch to folder: %s You are not allowed to view this folder because it is a restricted folder.%d Files %d Hidden%1$d Files %2$d Hidden%3d Files ...Reading ...%d Hidden%d Items %d Hidden%1$d Items %2$d Hidden%3d Items ...%d Item(s)%d Item(s)...%d Item(s) %d HiddenAction ErrorThere are no actions defined for %s This file is represented on the Workspace and a file already exists on the Workspace with this new name. Please choose a different name.A file with this name already exists. Please choose a different name.File Manager - Move/Copy/Link WarningThe following files (or folders) already exist in %s: The Copy operation will overwrite these files. Do you wish to proceed? The Move operation will overwrite these files. Do you wish to proceed? The Link operation will overwrite these files. Do you wish to proceed? An object named %s already exists inside the folder %sA folder named %s already exists inside the folder %sWhat do you want to do?Replace existing objectRename existing object to:Merge contents of the two foldersReplace existing folderOkCancelHelpCancel MoveCancel CopyCancel LinkFile Manager - Move/Copy/Link WarningFile Manager - Move WarningFile Manager - Copy WarningFile Manager - Link WarningObject Rename - Error%s already exists: choose another name.%s cannot be renamed to %s %sObject Replace - ErrorcopyingmovinglinkingchangingReplace existing objectsRename existing objects by appending a numbercopiedmovedlinkedchanged1 object %s.%d objects %s.%s %d objects have the same name as objects in the folder %s%s 1 object has the same name as an object in the folder %sCopyMoveLinkOperationcopymovelinkoperation%s Canceled - the folder was not %s. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted because an object inside that folder could not be deleted. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been deleted before the %s process was halted.%s The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the object that could not be removed. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are %s so it no longer has the same name.%s Canceled %s cannot be removed. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are %s so it no longer has the same name.%s Canceled - None of the objects were %s. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s %d objects were renamed before the %s process was halted.%s The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are %s so it no longer has the same name.%s Canceled - None of the objects were %s. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s 1 object was renamed before the %s process was halted.%s Canceled - none of the objects were %s. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the %s process was halted. %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are %s so it no longer has the same name.%s Canceled - none of the objects were %s. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the %s process was halted. 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are %s so it no longer has the same name.%s Canceled - none of the objects were %s. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are %s so it no longer has the same name.%s Canceled - none of the objects were %s. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are %s so it no longer has the same name.Name Conflict. This object is out on the Workspace back drop. Another object on the back drop already has the name you are trying to enter. Please choose a different name.Stop CopyStop LinkStop MoveErrorMove Canceled - the folder was not moved. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted because an object inside that folder could not be deleted. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been deleted before the move process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the object that could not be removed. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled - the folder was not copied. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted because an object inside that folder could not be deleted. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been deleted before the copy process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the object that could not be removed. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled - the folder was not linked. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted because an object inside that folder could not be deleted. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been deleted before the link process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the object that could not be removed. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled - the folder was not changed. The folder you want to replace could not be deleted because an object inside that folder could not be deleted. Some other objects inside that folder may have already been deleted before the process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the object that could not be removed. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are changing so it no longer has the same name.Move Canceled %s cannot be removed. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled %s cannot be removed. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled %s cannot be removed. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled %s cannot be removed. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are changing so it no longer has the same name.Move Canceled - None of the objects were moved. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s %d objects were renamed before the move process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled - None of the objects were copied. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s %d objects were renamed before the copy process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled - None of the objects were linked. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s %d objects were renamed before the link process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled - None of the objects were changed. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s %d objects were renamed before the process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are changing so it no longer has the same name.Move Canceled - None of the objects were moved. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s 1 object was renamed before the move process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled - None of the objects were copied. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s 1 object was renamed before the copy process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled - None of the objects were linked. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s 1 object was renamed before the link process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled - None of the objects were changed. The following object could not be automatically renamed %s 1 object was renamed before the process was halted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above object. Change Write permission or manually rename the object you are changing so it no longer has the same name.Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the move process was halted. %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the copy process was halted. %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the link process was halted. %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the process was halted. %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are changing so it no longer has the same name.Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the move process was halted. 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the copy process was halted. 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the link process was halted. 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed. A folder that you want to replace could not be deleted. Folder: %s Some objects inside this folder may have been deleted before the process was halted. 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above folder. Change Write permission or manually rename the folder you are changing so it no longer has the same name.Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s %d other objects have been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are changing so it no longer has the same name.Move Canceled - none of the objects were moved. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are moving so it no longer has the same name.Copy Canceled - none of the objects were copied. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are copying so it no longer has the same name.Link Canceled - none of the objects were linked. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are linking so it no longer has the same name.Operation Canceled - none of the objects were changed. A file that you want to replace could not be deleted. File: %s 1 other object has been deleted. The most probable cause of this problem is that you do not have Write permission for the above file. Change Write permission or manually rename the file you are changing so it no longer has the same name.1 object moved.%d objects moved.1 object copied.%d objects copied.1 object linked.%d objects linked.1 object changed.%d objects changed.Cannot move object %s onto itself. Cannot copy object %s onto itself. Cannot link object %s onto itself. Failed to rename the following object(s) %s The most likely cause is that you do not have permission to rename these object(s).Failed to replace the following object(s) %s The most likely cause is that you do not have permission to replace these object(s).Rename new object to:Rename new objects by appending a numberFile Rename ErrorFile Copy ErrorSpaces are not allowed in a file or folder name.Copy FileCurrent File Name:New File Name:File TypeShow File TypeThe originally selected file no longer exists.A file or folder cannot have a blank name.Invalid file or folder name.New FolderNew Folder Name:Create Folder ErrorCreate File ErrorCannot create a file or folder with a blank name.Invalid folder name.Invalid file name.You cannot use the copy command to copy a file to the Workspace. You must use the `Put In Workspace` command in the File menu, or drop the file on the Workspace.New FileFile Manager - Copy FileFile Manager - New FolderFile Manager - New FileMove FileFile Manager - Move FileLink FileFile Manager - Link FileDestination Folder: Object Name:Show IconSelected object:Name for copy:Rename errorThis object is an Action. Action icon labels cannot be directly renamed.The correct icon for this datatype is already shown.Move ObjectFile Manager - Move ObjectCopy ObjectFile Manager - Copy ObjectLink ObjectFile Manager - Link ObjectNew Object Name:File Manipulation ErrorYou can't drop files from the Trash Can on to the Workspace.Cannot find the folders location.A folder cannot be moved, copied, or linked into itself. %s%s cannot be found.Cannot move or rename the folder %s. All File Manager views displayed for a folder or its sub-folders must be closed before a folder can be moved or renamed.Error while reading %sCannot rename %sCannot open %sYou do not have permission to move %s However, you can copy the file (use while you drag the file).Cannot copy a folder into itself. Cannot create child process.You can't drop files from the Trash Can on to the Workspace. To remove an object from Trash, -Select the object, and -Choose 'Put Back' from the File menu or the object's popup menu. You can then drag the object out of File Manager and drop it on the Workspace backdrop.You do not have permission to move %s However, you can copy the object. To copy an object: - press and hold the key, and - drag the object with your mouse. Or - use 'Copy To' in the 'Selected' menu popup of the menu bar.Cannot create child process. The maximum number of processes for this system has been reached. Stop some of the processes or programs that are currently running and then retry this function.Source and destination objects are the same. %sThe folder %s does not exist.No space available on the device you are copying to.No space available on the device you are moving to.No Move Operation performed on object %s. You cannot move an object to the folder it is already in. You must enter a different Destination Folder name before the object can be moved.No Copy Operation performed on object %s. You must change either the Destination Folder or the Name for Copy before a copy can be created.No Link Operation performed on object %s. You must change either the Destination Folder or the Name for Copy before a link can be created.Cannot move a folder into itself. Cannot copy the following objects to folder "%s" %s The most likely cause is that you do not have write permission for the target folder.Cannot move the following objects to folder "%s" %s The most likely cause is that you do not have write permission for the target folder.Cannot move the following objects to folder "%s" %s The most likely cause is that you do not have permission to move source object.Unable to copy the file/folder because the disk quota will be exceeded on the disk you are copying it to.Unable to move the file/folder because the disk quota will be exceeded on the disk you are moving it to.The copy of the file/folder failed due to some internal error. The internal error given is:The move of the file/folder failed due to some internal error. The internal error given is:Please see your System Adminstrator(Unknown):You do not have permission to move the folder %s Write permission is required.Process Create ErrorMove File(s)The object %s is currently in folder %s. You are moving the object to folder %s. Is this what you want to do?The object %1$s is currently in folder %2$s. You are moving the object to folder %3$s. Is this what you want to do?At least one of the files you dropped is from a different folder. You are moving all these files to %s. Is this what you want to do?File ManagerThe folder %s is empty.The folder %s contains no subdirectories.DefaultsSet Filter OptionsSelect AllDeselect AllFilter String (Optional):File Manager - Set Filter OptionsSelect Filetypes to be Hidden:Also hide (Optional):ShownHiddenAlso show (Optional):Select Datatypes to be Hidden:Select Datatypes to be:Find File ErrorStartStopInvalid Find Information. A search folder must be specified.Invalid Find Information. The selected file no longer exists.No files were found that match the search data.Find Files or FoldersFill in one or more fields to specify which files to find:File or Folder Name:File Contents:OnOffFollow Links:Open New ViewPut In WorkspaceFiles Found (by Contents):Files Found (by Name and Contents):Files Found (by Name):File Manager - Find Files or FoldersSearch Folder:Find ErrorSearch Folder name argument is missing. Type in the name of the folder where you want the search to begin.The selected file no longer exists. Someone deleted the file after the search process completed.FindFill in one or more fields to specify which items to find:Open FolderFile Manager - FindSearch Folder name or File Content argument is missing Type in the name of the folder where you want the search to begin. Or type in the string that you want to search.Could not create the .dt folder or sub folders.An X Toolkit error occurred... Exiting. Save As Default OptionsUnable to create a file to store the default options.Could not open the session file.The folder specification, %s is not a folder.The folder specification, %s does not exist.Invalid folder specification, %s:%s.Drag Error Usage: %s... -noview Dtfile runs in server mode. -session SessionFile Dtfile runs with the session file specified in the SessionFile parameter. -folder Folder[,Folder,Folder] -dir Folder[,Folder,Folder] Dtfile displays a window for each folder specified in the Folder parameter. The Folder parameter may contain many folders separated by commas. Folders may be in the form 'path'. -title Title Dtfile uses the string specified in the Title parameter as the title for its windows. -help_volume HelpVolume Dtfile uses the help volume specified in the HelpVolume parameter. -restricted Dtfile will not display folders above the restricted folder. If the -dir option is used, the folder specified in that option is the restricted folder. If the -dir option is not used, the user's current folder is the restricted folder. -grid on/off on = Files are displayed in a grid pattern. off = Files are displayed as placed. -tree on/off on = Files are displayed in folder tree mode. off = Files are displayed in single folder mode. -tree_files /never/always/choose never = Tree mode has two states: partially expanded or collapsed. always = Tree mode has two states: fully expanded or collapsed. choose = Tree mode has three states: partially expanded, fully expanded, or collapsed. -order alphabetical/file_type/date/size Files are displayed in the specified order: alphabetical, by file type, by date, or by size. -view no_icon/large_icon/small_icon/attributes Files are displayed in the specified format: text only, text and large icons, text and small icons, with attributes. -direction ascending/descending Files are displayed in the specified direction: ascending or descending. -large_icon_width -large_icon_height -small_icon_width -small_icon_height The display area size for the icon images in File Manager Icon images larger than this size will be clipped to this size The default display area size for large is 38 and small is 24 Restricted Mode Usage: %s... -folder Folder[,Folder,Folder] -dir Folder[,Folder,Folder] Where Folder is a folder below and/or including the user's Home folder. Unable to recover the saved default home settings file, will use default. Unable to recover the saved default tool settings file, will use default. Save the current File Manager View window size, preferences, and filter settings? They will be used for any new File Manager View windows started from the Front Panel.Save the current Restricted File Manager View window size, preferences, and filter settings? They will be used for any new Restricted File Manager View windows started from the Front Panel.File Manager - Save As Default OptionsYou can't copy or link a file or folder to the Trash Can.Save the current Application Manager View window size, preferences, and filter settings? They will be used for any new Application Manager windows started from the Front Panel.You can't copy or link a file or folder out of the Trash Can. Move the object out of the Trash and put it into the File Manager. You can then copy or link it from there.You can't copy or link a file or folder out of the Trash Can. Move the object out of the Trash and put it into the File Manager. You can then copy or link it from there.Invalid folder specification, %sCannot start a second File Manager session because a File Manager session is already open on the desktop. If you want to start a new File Manager session, you must first close all current File Manager windows and remove all File Manager objects from the workspaces.Session ErrorFileFFolderDViewVSelectedSHNew...NProperties...PFind...FShow Trash...SUpdateUChange To...CGo HomeHUpNewNSelect AllSDeselect AllDSave All Properties ...tPut in WorkspaceWDelete To TrashTFast Change ToFUTerminalTClean UpCShow Hidden FilesHModify Filter List...FOverviewvTasksTReferenceROn ItemOUsing HelpUAbout File ManagerACloseCSet View Properties...PCopy...yHelpMove...MLink...LRenamenNew Folder...NNew File...wGo To...GOpen TrashRename...Open New ViewOCopy As Link...Set View Options...Save As Default Options...SSet Filter Options...COpen TerminalOTable Of ContentsCChange Permissions...Put in TrashMove to...Copy to...Copy As Link...Go UpShow Hidden ObjectsAbout Application ManagerVRFile PermissionsFile Name:Owner Name:Group Name:Permissions:ReadWriteExecuteOwner:Group:Other:Size (in bytes):Modified:%x %XInvalid File Attribute Information. The specified user does not exist.Invalid File Attribute Information. The specified group does not exist.Properties ErrorIs Linked To:UnknownFile Manager - File PermissionsCannot open file manager configuration file:Unknown field label in file manager configuration file:No information found in file manager configuration file for file-system identifierUnable to create a process for file system dialogError executing file system dialogAttempting to execute:No value was provided for the fsDialog field in dtfile's configuration fileName:Owner Name is invalid. The specified user does not exist.Group Name is invalid. No group of users with this name has been created on your system. Use your system administration software if you want to create a user group with this name.Permissions ErrorFile Manager - PermissionsThe Permissions dialog for the object %s/%s has been closed because this object has been deleted from your system.Change Permissions WarningYou are changing the permissions on the Current Folder in a way that won't allow you to view this folder any longer. It will be automatically closed and you will no longer be able to reopen the folder. Is this what you want to do?Object Create ErrorFile Open ErrorCannot open file, operation abortedProperties ErrorCannot change properties for %sCannot open object.Set Permissions ErrorSet View OptionsViewBy NameBy Name and IconBy Name and Small IconBy Name, date, size ...ShowBy Single FolderBy TreeOrderBy File TypeAlphabeticallyBy DateBy SizeDirectionAscendingDescendingPlacementSorted GridAs PlacedFile Manager - Set View OptionsHeadersIconic PathCurrent FolderStatus LineFolders onlyFolders, then FilesFolders and FilesDefaultsRepresentationBy Name OnlyBy Large IconsBy Small IconsRows and ColumnsText PathMessage LineTrash Can ErrorTrash Can Warning The following files or folders could not be placed in the trash can: Each of the following is either a non-empty folder, or a file for which you do not have write permission. Do you want to proceed? You do not have write permission for the following files. Do you want to proceed? The following folders are not empty. Do you want to proceed? Trash CanPut backPShredh The following files could not be put back: (Plus %d additional files)Shred File(s)The following file is also on the Workspace: %s Moving the file to the trash will remove it from the Workspace.The following files are also on the Workspace: %s Moving the files to the trash will remove them from the Workspace.The File Manager does not support Files or Folders with spaces in their names, so we cannot delete them. The Workspace file %s is also in your file system at: %s Moving the file to the trash will remove it from the file system.The Workspace objects are also in your file system at: %s Moving the files to the trash will remove them from the file system.Shred File/Folder ErrorThe following file could not be removed from the file system: The .trashinfo file in $HOME/.dt/Trash can not be opened. You need access to this for Trash to work. Check the permissions on that file and its folder. When trash objects are shredded, they are permanently removed from your system. Are you sure you want to shred?The Workspace object you are deleting is a linked copy of an object inside the File Manager at %s If you click OK, both the linked copy and the original object will be deleted. If you just want to delete the Workspace object, 1) click Cancel on this dialog 2) then select 'Remove From Workspace' from the Workspace object's popup menu.The Workspace objects you are deleting are linked copies of objects inside the File Manager at %s If you click OK, both the linked copies and the original objects will be deleted. If you just want to delete the Workspace objects, 1) click Cancel on this dialog 2) then select 'Remove From Workspace' from the Workspace objects' popup menu.Object in the Trash cannot be opened. To open an object use 'Put Back' to return it to the File Manager then open it there.Cannot write to a temporary file. Perhaps your file system is full.Unable to open the Trash directory %s (Authentication, access permission problem) All trash operations will not be performed.The 'Trash Can' cannot be initialized. Please check: 1)$HOME/.dt/Trash for permissions. 2)Available disk space. 3)Authentication.A linked copy of the following object is on the Workspace backdrop: Moving the object to the trash will remove it from both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.A linked copy of the following objects are also on the Workspace backdrop: Moving the objects to the trash will remove them from both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.Unable to access this trash information file: %s All trash operations will not be performed. The most common causes are: - Network authentication. - Insufficient disk space. - Wrong permissions $HOME/.dt/Trash.The File Manager does not support objects with spaces in their names, so we cannot delete them. To delete these objects: - select 'Open Terminal' from the File Manager menu bar - then issue the remove command to delete them.Unable to access the Trash directory: %s All trash operations will not be performed. The most common causes are: - Network authentication. - Insufficient disk space. - Wrong permissions.The following objects could not be removed from the file system: The following objects could not be placed in the trash can: (Plus %d additional object(s))You do not have write permission for the following file(s): Do you want to proceed? The following folder(s) are not empty. Do you want to proceed? The following object(s) could not be put back: A linked copy of the following object is on the Workspace backdrop: %s Moving the object to the trash will remove it from both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.A linked copy of the following objects are also on the Workspace backdrop: %s Moving the objects to the trash will remove them from both the File Manager and Workspace backdrop.You do not have write permission for the following file(s): Do you want to proceed? Default action of a trash object will not be executed. To execute the default action of this object use 'Put Back' to return it to the File Manager then execute it there.About Trash CanAt least one object in the following Folder cannot be deleted. %s The most likely cause is that you do not have permissions to delete that object.The following file cannot be deleted. %s The most likely cause is that you do not have permissions to delete that object.Put Back WarningThere is already an object named %s Select Ok if you want to replace the object with the object from the Trash. Select Cancel if you want to keep the object. If you then rename the object, you will be able to repeat the Put Back and keep both objects.Put Back ErrorThe following object(s) cannot be deleted. The most likely cause is that these object(s) have already been deleted. At least one object in the following Folder(s) or the folder itself cannot be deleted. The most likely cause is that you do not have permissions to delete that object. The following file(s) cannot be deleted. The most likely cause is that you do not have permissions to delete the file(s). The following object(s) cannot be deleted. The desktop cannot function properly without this object(s). A file with this name already exists on the Workspace. Please choose a different name.A file with this name already exists in the original folder (The folder where the file came from). Please choose a different name.A file named %s already exists on the Workspace in this workspace. You cannot put another file with the same name on the Workspace. To place both files on the Workspace, rename one of them.Workspace ObjectRemove From WorkspaceROpen Parent FolderOAn object with this name already exists on the Workspace. Please choose a different name.An object with this name already exists in the original folder (The folder this object came from). Please choose a different name.An object named: %s already exists on the backdrop in this Workspace. You cannot put another object with the same name on the Workspace. To have both objects on the Workspace, rename one of them.An invalid workspace was passed. The default workspace will be workspace one and an object named: %s already exists on the backdrop in this Workspace. You cannot put another object with the same name on the Workspace. To have both objects on the Workspace, rename one of them.Object: %s does not exist in the file system.File Manager Help%s HelpThe `%s` action opens a new File Manager view of the requested folder.The `%s` action displays the requested folder in the current File Manager view.There is no help available for the %s actionThere is no help available for the %s filetypeThe `%s` action opens a new File Manager view window of the requested folder.The `%s` action displays the requested folder in the current File Manager view window.Trash Can HelpHelp is not available for multiple selected objects.Cannot read from %s%b %d %H:%M:%S %YCannot move or copy file %s from host %s. Host %s may not be properly mounted to your file system.Cannot move or copy file %1$s from host %2$s. Host %3$s may not be properly mounted to your file system.Cannot read %sCannot write in folder %sCannot create %sCannot delete %sA folder or file with the name %s already exists and cannot be overwritten. Enter a different name.Description Of Filetype/ActionYou cannot specify a path as part of the filename.Invalid Find Information. The following folder does not exist, or is not accessible: %s %s Overview%s TutorialAbout %sFile Manager(go up)Help On Item ErrorYou must select a component within the File Manager.File Move ErrorFile Link ErrorCannot create '%s' The most common cause is that you do not have the correct permissions for the involved files or folders. To view permissions, select the object and then select 'Change Permissions...'You must select an object within the File Manager. 'On Item' help only works within the application where you launched it.Cannot create '%s' The most common cause is that you do not have the correct permissions for the involved files or folders. To view permissions, select the object and then select 'Change Permissions...' from the Selected or popup menu.You must select an object within the Application Manager. 'On Item' help only works within the application where you launched it.dt ErrorFile Manager Open Directory ErrorMultiple ObjectsCurrent FolderMove Object ErrorCopy Object ErrorLink Object ErrorThe location you are trying to Move to: %s does not exist in the file system.The location you are trying to Copy to: %s does not exist in the file system.The location you are trying to Link to: %s does not exist in the file system.The location you are trying to Move to: %s is not a folder.The location you are trying to Copy to: %s is not a folder.The location you are trying to Link to: %s is not a folder.The object you are to trying Move: %s does not exist in the file system.One of the objects you are trying to Move: %s does not exist in the file system. Not Moving any of them.The object you are to trying Copy: %s does not exist in the file system.One of the objects you are trying to Copy: %s does not exist in the file system. Not Copying any of them.The object you are trying to Link: %s does not exist in the file system.One of the objects you are trying to Link: %s does not exist in the file system. Not Linking any of them.@(#)version_goes_here @(#)_DtMessage catalog source $Revision: 1.69 $