ISO8859-1$  #$()*  +,./ 0(1*2@5B6G<I=RATBfFhGnK pLzP |QUV   +'/)Y t"$&( 24  !  (/6> R`' Kpu 2  #U (u ;- 2 ?7$ <" AbBCP=D"FG$I6P>U [Z#|_Cb"n!xP)}4z2%   $@yey&'      ).3769 > J We~!" Y(\o  w        $ +!6"F# U(a)g*n+w,z-~ UncnA-.r/i80T      " ?2m L<      FileFOpen...ONewNSaveSExitxOptionsOShow Advanced FunctionsAIcon ViewIColorCMonochromeMShow Monochrome IconsMHelpHOverviewvTable of ContentsCTasksTReferenceRUsing HelpUAbout Create ActionACreate ActionAction Name (Icon Label):Action Icons:Command When Action Icon Is Double-clicked:Command To Execute When Double-clicked:Command When Action Is Opened (Double-clicked):Help Text For Action Icon:Window Type:Graphical (X-Window)Terminal (Auto-Close)Terminal (Manual Close)No OutputAdvancedBasicOptionalWhen Action Opens, Ask Users for:Datatypes That Use This Action:Add...DeleteEdit...Dropable Datatypes:All DatatypesOnly Above ListThe Action Name is missing. Please enter a name in the 'Action Name' field.The execute command is missing. Please enter a command in the 'Command When Action Is Opened (Double-clicked)' field.The 'Datatypes That Use This Action' list is empty. You have selected 'Only Above List' in the 'Dropable Datatypes' field. Change the Dropable Datatype choice to 'All Datatypes' or add at least one datatype to the list.An action and datatype definition file already exists with this Action Name. You can cancel the Save and change your Action Name or you can overwrite the existing definition file. Do you wish to overwrite the existing definition file?A variable name is missing in the 'Command When Action Is Opened (Double-clicked)' field. Add a variable name for the label you have entered in the 'When Action Opens, Ask Users for' field. Valid variable names are $*, $1, $2, ..., $9.These changes have not been saved. Do you wish to save these changes before you Exit?The current changes have not been saved. Do you want to save this action before clearing the fields for a New action?The current changes have not been saved. Do you want to save these changes before clearing the fields to load another action definition file?The Action Name contains one or more illegal characters. The following characters should not be used in a name: / " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &Could not create the following file:Could not open the following file:Could not load the following file because it was not originally created by the Create Action tool:Could not load the file because it has been altered by some other means other than Create Action. This could have been caused by modifying the file with a text editor or some other tool.Create Action can only edit files that were created and edited by Create Action.Could not load the following file:The new actionhas been placed in your home folder.The action definition file that was created is called:Could not find all of the sizes of the icon you have selected.Could not start the Icon Editor.Could not parse the following file:Could not find the following icon file within the icon search path.The icon you have selected is not in the icon search path. You must move the icon to a directory in the icon search path so that the icon will be displayed properly within desktop environment. Select 'Ok' if you want to use this icon. Select 'Cancel' if you want to select a different icon.Usage: dtcreate [] [-?]You have not selected a Datatype from the 'Datatypes That Use This Action' list.Please select the Datatype you would like to Delete.Please select the Datatype you would like to Edit.Your current work has not been saved.Don't SaveCancel CloseCould not save session to file:Could not restore session from file:The HOME environment variable is not set. The HOME environment variable must be set in order for this action to be saved.A file named %s already exists in your home folder. The existing file may be an application, data file, or an action file. What do you want to do?Failed ToolTalk msg =Could not write to the following file:Could not read the entire file:Could not open the following directory:Invalid Icon filename. Pathnames are not valid in the "Enter Icon Filename" field. Enter only the name of the icon without the path or extensions.OkApplyCancelHelpClearFind SetFind Set...Edit Icon...Create Action - ErrorCreate Action - ConfirmationCreate Action - InformationCreate Action - QuestionReplaceCancel SaveAdd DatatypeEdit DatatypeName of Datatype Family:Identifying Characteristics:Edit...Help Text for this Datatype Icon:Datatype Icons:CommandsCommand to Open this Datatype:Command to Print this Datatype:OpenPrintThe Datatype Family Name is missing. Enter a name in the 'Name of Datatype Family' field.The Identifying Characteristics are missing. You must specify the characteristics before the datatype can be created. Select the Edit button next to the Identifying Characteristics list to specify the characteristics.The 'Name of Datatype Family' field contains one or more illegal characters. The following characters should not be used in a name: / " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &A Datatype Family with this name already exists. Please change the name in the 'Name of Datatype Family' field.Identifying CharacteristicsInclude AllFilesFoldersThat Match The Following:Name Pattern:Permission Pattern:ReadableWriteableExecutableANDContents:Pattern:Type:StringByte (Hex)Short (Decimal)Long (Decimal)Start Byte:Read:Write:Execute:OnOffEitherName Pattern is missing. If Name Pattern is selected, a name pattern must be entered.Permissions choice is missing. If Permission Pattern is selected, one or more of the choices under Permission Pattern must be selected.Contents Pattern is missing. If Contents is selected, then the Pattern field under Contents must be filled in.Start byte value is missing. If Contents is selected, then a number must be entered in the 'Start Byte' field.An identifying characteristic has not been selected. Select one or more of the characteristics (Name Pattern, Permissions Pattern, or Contents).The Name Pattern contains one or more illegal characters. The following characters should not be used in a Name Pattern: / " ' ; ( ) ~ ! $ { } < > # @ | &The Contents Pattern does not match the format for the contents Type you have selected. Retype the Contents Pattern in the correct format or change the Type so that it matches the Contents Pattern.The Start Byte field contains illegal characters. This field can only accept numbers in a decimal format.Using the Contents Pattern may significantly slow down your File Manager performance. When Contents Pattern is used, the File Manager must search the contents of all files in a folder before it can open that folder. This means that folders will open more slowly. Therefore, it is recommended that you only use name and permissions patterns.DirectoriesIcon FilesEnter Icon FilenameLoading icons. Please wait.Icon FoldersThe Icon Filename entered is invalid. Please enter a valid icon file name in the 'Enter Icon Filename' field.[Empty]FilterDirectoriesFilesSelectionOpen FileCreate Action - Open