ISO8859-1U;.3*Hs"' A (. )W D HGHW(KD:Z901:2Im<<F1DxL5 > @  !% " #7 $ %1 &+ B'7 n(/ ); *A + T,( a-( ." / 0# 1+ 2- <3. j4 5 6. 70 8* 9% J:, p; <, = >?@)AFBNCgDoEFGH>IJ2*K+]LMN0OBP-Q%GR#mSTUNo project file that references module(s) - using defaults No files specified, and no project file found Reading project %s. %s: exiting due to error loading project. %s: Nothing to do! Missing project name for -p option%s: Illegal option "%s" Only one project file may be specified.ignoring -noproject (-np) because project file was specified: %s Unexpected project in file %s. Aborting Module %s not found in file %s. Aborting Usage: %s [options] [project-file] [module-file [module-file] ...] Code is generated for each module specified on the command line, or for all modules in the project, if no modules are specified. If no project file is specified, a project file containing the specified module(s) is searched for in the current directory. Files with extension .bip are assumend to be BIL project files, files with .bix extenstion are assumed to be encapsulated BIL files, and files with a .bil extension are assumed to be BIL module files. Options (* = default, + = default with no project file): -help (-h) Print out this help message -main Write file containing main() -changed Only generate files that have changed * -merge Merge generated _stubs.c files with previous version -nomerge Don't merge existing and new stubs file -nomerge Don't merge existing and new stubs file -noproject (-np) Use default project settings, ignore project file + -showall Application shows (maps) all windows at startup * -noshowall Application shows (maps) only initially-visible windows -silent (-s) Silent mode, no messages written -verbose (-v) Verbose mode, detailed progress messages Couldn't open '.'%s: Please specify project file (e.g.) %s: More than one project contains specified module(s) Could not allocate cgen data Added in the following piece of code at line %d: %s: main() is missing from the stubs file. Refer to the %s file for the new main() function. The main() is missing from the old stubs file. The following main() is NOT added to the new stubs file: No changes were made to the stubs file since the last run of %s. === END === cannot open old file: ran out of memory cannot open new file: ran out of memory cannot open temporary output file cannot open log file %s: cannot parse %s beyond line %d %s: the original content of %s is retained Changed an object initialization at line %d: Added in an object initialization at line %d: writing** Aborting due to errors ** %s: module filename must contain only letters and digits. %s will generate C variables based on the module filename. Please rename %s %s: writing resources for %s into %s generating %s because of changes in modules %s: Skipping user-defined %s Could not determine OS type of this machine Skipping user-defined %s linking %s => %s Could not remove %s Could not create link to %s %s: %s %s: backing up %s to %s %s %s skipping (no changes) %s skipping (up-to-date) %s skipping due to errors %s saving previous %s to %s Unable to generate %s. File merge failed due to syntax error. unknown group typeIgnoring unsupported WHEN - obj: when:%s Ignoring unsupported WHEN - obj:%s when:%s Unknown action name, %sUnknown action type, %dunknown function type for action from object, %s%s#%d: looking for '%s', found '%s'. Expression begins on line %d %s#%d: '%s' without '%s' %s: '%s' matching line %d not found! %s#%d: nested comments not allowed calloc: out of memorymalloc: out of memoryrealloc: out of memory