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Make sure the inetd process is running and the entry in inetd.conf for rpc.cmsd is correct for your host.User nameHostCalendar ErrorContinue%s: NO NAMENo Calendar Location specified forNo location specified; add a hostname to the Initial Calendar View in Properties/Display Settings. If you ran DTCM with the -c option, verify you specified a hostname.Calendar ErrorContinueDTCM and rpc.cmsd versions are different.CalendarJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSunSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundaySMTWTFSSSMTWRFSaSSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNYou Are Already Browsing %sDTCM and rpc.cmsd versions are differentUsage: dtcm_delete [-c calendar] [-d ] [-v view] Could not open calendar %s UNKNOWNItem to delete (number)? Usage: dtcm_insert [ -c calendar ] [-d ] [ -v view ] [-w what string] [-s ] [-e ] Please enter the information for the appointment you wish to add. Defaults will be shown in parentheses. Calendar (%s): Date (%s): Start (%s): You have entered an invalid time. Please try again: End (%s): End (%s): One TimeRepeat (%s): One Timeno defaultFor (%s): What (you may enter up to 5 lines, use ^D to finish): Could not open calendar %s Usage: dtcm_lookup [ -c calendar ][ -d ] [ -v view ] Could not open calendar "%s" UNKNOWNThe appointment will be scheduled in the calendar you are currently browsing. Do you still want to schedule it?Schedule inSchedule AppointmentAppointment scheduled: %sInvalid DATE specifiedInvalid START time specifiedInvalid END time specifiedEmpty or missing DATE fieldEmpty or missing START fieldEmpty or missing WHAT fieldREPEAT and FOR field mismatchSchedule appointment was cancelledInternal error scheduling appointment.Schedule appointment was cancelled.Load AppointmentContinueDrag AppointmentSelect an appointment and DRAG again.ContinueDrag AppointmentContinueCalendarAppointmentXCreateBitmapFromData() failed for bitmap. XCreateBitmapFromData() failed for mask. DragStart returned NULL. ampm%s 3:41amampmThis appointment has an end time earlier than its begin time. Do you want to schedule it into the next day?Appointment ScheduleNext DayAuthorDelete AppointmentSelect an appointment and DELETE again.ContinueDelete AppointmentInternal error selecting appointment. Appointment was not deleted.ContinueChange AppointmentSelect an appointment and CHANGE again.ContinueChange AppointmentInternal error selecting appointment. Appointment was not changed.ContinueChange AppointmentThis appointment is part of a repeating series. Do you want to change ...?This One OnlyForwardAllDelete AppointmentThis appointment is part of a repeating series. Do you want to delete ...?This One OnlyForwardAllCalendar Appointment EditorView Appointment ListSorry, no Appointments to list!ContinueCalendar - FinderFind:FindHelpSpecify Appt String to Match.Appointment Not Found.%d matches foundDate:Go ToHelpPlease type in a dateYou are already viewing %sInvalid DateAuthorMail...Insert Group AppointmentSelect a calendar and INSERT again.ContinueDelete AppointmentSelect an appointment and DELETE again.ContinueDelete AppointmentInternal error selecting appointment. Appointment was not deleted.ContinueDelete Group AppointmentSelect a calendar and DELETE again.ContinueDelete AppointmentThis appointment is part of a repeating series. Do you want to delete...?This One OnlyForwardAllChange AppointmentSelect an appointment and CHANGE again.ContinueChange AppointmentInternal error selecting appointment. Appointment was not changed.ContinueChange Group AppointmentSelect a calendar and CHANGE again.ContinueChange AppointmentThis appointment is part of a repeating series. Do you want to change ...?This One OnlyForwardAllCalendarAccessInsertChangeInsert PermissionCalendar Group Appointment EditorSelection Error, cannot continue Selection Aborted by user. You must select a component within your application.No TimeAll DayUnable to open callog file. Operation was cancelled. CalendarPer user request, Operation was cancelled. CalendarInvalid value in DATE field. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInvalid value in START field. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInvalid value in END field. Operation was cancelled. CalendarYou must provide a DATE value. Operation was cancelled. CalendarYou must provide a START value. Operation was cancelled. CalendarYou must provide a WHAT value. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInvalid or mismatched REPEAT and FOR values. Operation was cancelled. CalendarEditor Operation FailedContinueCalendar already exists. Operation was cancelled. CalendarCalendar does not exist. Operation was cancelled. CalendarAuthorization error. Permission denied. Operation was cancelled. CalendarMemory allocation error - not enough memory. Operation was cancelled. CalendarUnknown error. Operation was cancelled. CalendarThat appointment has an end time earlier than its begin time. Do you want to schedule it into the next day?Schedule AppointmentNext DayPrivacy:User Calendar Location:Day Boundaries:Begin:End:Hour Display:12 Hour24 HourDefault View:YearMonthWeekDayInitial Calendar View:User AccessPlease select at least one permission.ContinueCalendar Group Access Settings -- RemovePlease select a name first.ContinueUser Name:Add NamePermissionsPermissionsRemove NameB = Browse I = Insert D = DeletePermissions:BrowseInsertDeleteDestination:PrinterFilePrinter:Directory:Options:File:Width:Height:Position:Inches from leftInches from bottomUnits:Copies:Include:Show Time and Text ApptsShow Time Only ApptsShow Nothing ApptsDate Ordering:MM | DD | YYDD | MM | YYYY | MM | DDDate Separator:BlankSave Calendar OptionsAn error occurred writing to ~/.desksetdefaults. Make sure you have permission to write to this file.ContinueRead Calendar OptionsAn error occurred reading from ~/.desksetdefaults. Make sure you have permission to read this file.ContinueAppointment Editor HelpYou have made unsaved changes. You may save your changes, discard your changes, or return to your previous place in the dialog.SaveCancelSave Calendar OptionsContinueCalendar - OptionsCategory:ApplyHelpps_open_file(): need to specify dir or file ps_open_file(): Invalid Directory %s w+ps_open_file(): unable to open file %s PageDay view by Calendar ManagerMorningAfternoonpmTo Do List by Calendar ManagerAppt List by Calendar ManagerPageofMonth view by Calendar ManagerofPageSunMonTueWedThuFriSatps_init_printer(): cannot open postscript prolog file: %s of PageWeek view by Calendar ManagerMTWTFSSSatSunYear view by Calendar ManagerYear view by Calendar ManagerTo Do List: Year of %dAppt List: Year of %dTo Do List: %sAppt List: %sTo Do List: Week of %sAppt List: Week of %sTo Do List: %sAppt List: %sEvery %d %sDTCM: Repeat EveryRepeat Every:Occurs:For:Privacy:Appointment ScheduleWould you like to schedule this appointment as the last week of the month or the 4th week of the month?Last Week4th WeekEvery %d %sEvery %d %sEvery %d %sBrowsing %s...Calendar - Show Other CalendarUser Name:ShowHelpAuthorDelete To DoSelect a To Do and DELETE again.ContinueDelete To DoInternal error selecting To Do. To Do was not deleted.ContinueDelete To DoThis To Do is part of a repeating series. Do you want to delete ...?This One OnlyForwardAllChange To DoThis To Do is part of a repeating series. Do you want to change ...?This One OnlyForwardAllChange To DoSelect a To Do and CHANGE again.ContinueChange To DoInternal error selecting To Do. To Do was not changed.ContinueDue Date:Calendar To Do EditorWeek Starting %sMonday %dTuesday %dWednesday %dThursday %dFriday %dSaturday %dSunday %dType a name to add in the User Name fieldis already in the listHelpCalendar ErrorInternal error registering calendar name.ContinueCalendar ErrorInternal error retrieving calendar name.ContinueOverview...About Calendar...TodayThe -session argument requires a parameter Please enter a calendar name in the format: @Unknown calendar. Calendar name needed: %sPlease enter a calendar name in the format: @Unknown calendar. Hostname needed: %s@Calendar does not display dates prior to January 1, 1970Calendar does not display dates after December 31, 2037LessMoreDrag ApptTime WhatMore%d match foundPlease select an appointment from the list to showCalendar SelectedCalendars SelectedLessMoreMoreServer failed to get network address for the specified location: invalid hostname.rpc.cmsd daemon is not registered. Please verify rpc.cmsd is installed correctly on your system.Couldn't access calendar. CalendarAppointment Times:Duration:MinutesLooking up %s...SunDexCalendar - Time ZoneMy TimeCustom TimeGMTHoursOKApplyHelpTime Zone:Time Zone:Time Zone:LessMoreMoreCalendar does not display dates prior to January 1, 1970Calendar does not display dates after December 31, 2037DtcmVersionRevisionCopyright (c) 1993, 1994:Hewlett-Packard CompanyInternational Business Machines Corp.Novell, Inc.Sun Microsystems, Inc.More...CloseCalendar ContributorsThis application was brought to you by:CloseUser Names may not have embedded blanks or tabsUser Name:Add NameRemove NameBrowse Menu ItemsOKApplyResetHelpUsage: dtcm_admin [ -d ] [ -a action ] [ -c calendar ][ -s ] [ -e ] [-f filename] You have specified an unsupported administration operation "%s". Could not open output file "%s" Could not open input file "%s" DiscardHelpcontextYear of %d%sWeek of %s%sThis appointment repeats in an unknown fashion. All ocurrences will be changed Do you still wish to change it?ContinueThis appointment repeats in an unknown fashion. All ocurrences will be deleted Do you still wish to delete it?ContinueYou must choose a begin date before the end date.There are no appointments in the list. You must find one before showing an appointment.Calendar - Go to DateThis appointment repeats in an unknown fashion. All ocurrences will be deleted Do you still wish to delete it?ContinueThis appointment repeats in an unknown fashion. All ocurrences will be changed Do you still wish to change it?ContinueOthers See Time And TextOthers See Time OnlyOthers See NothingNo Time appointments must have a WHAT value specified. Operation was cancelled. CalendarCalendar Entry does not exist. Operation was cancelled. CalendarYour request timed out Please verify rpc.cmsd is installed correctly on your system.Calendar - PrintPrinter Name:Copies:From:To: Print Command Options:Print to file:PrintHelpAccess List:Access Rights:AddDeleteChangePublic:Semiprivate:Private:ViewInsertChangeName and Access Rights must be set to add an item to the Access ListCalendar Group Access Settings -- AddThis entry already exists in the Access List. Do you wish to change it?Calendar Group Access Settings -- AddChangeCalendar Group Access Settings -- ChangeName and Access rights must be set to change an item in the Access ListCalendar Group Access Settings -- ChangemidnightvaluevalueDiscardEditor DefaultsDisplay SettingsAccess List and PermissionsPrinter SettingsDate FormatOKResetYou may not save a blank User Calendar Location or one that contains blanks. Your properties settings have not been saved.You may not save a blank Initial Calendar View or one that contains blanks. Your properties settings have not been saved.ps_open_file(): print to file requires file name You must specify a reminder advance Operation was cancelled. CalendarA reminder advance may not contain an embedded blank Operation was cancelled. CalendarAdvance values must be a number with an optional sign Operation was cancelled. CalendarCalendar To Do List HelpYou have made unsaved changes. You may save your changes, discard your changes, or return to your previous place in the dialog.DiscardViewAllPendingCompletedOKApplyHelpTo Do Type:contextThis To Do repeats in an unknown fashion. All ocurrences will be changed Do you still wish to delete it?ContinueThis appointment repeats in an unknown fashion. All ocurrences will be changed Do you still wish to change it?ContinueTo DoTime Due:CompletedInsertChangeDeleteClearHelpYear of %d%sWeek of %s%sPlease enter a start date after 1/1/1970Malformed start datePlease enter an end date before 1/1/2038Malformed end dateYou must enter a date after 1969 and before 2038You must enter a date after 1969 and before 2038DaysWeeksMonthsThe Duration value must be an integer with no sign. Your properties settings have not been saved.The start value must be a valid time. Your properties settings have not been saved.You have specified an illegal print width value. Your properties settings have not been saved.You have specified an illegal print height value. Your properties settings have not been saved.DaysWeeksMonthsDate:Start:AMPMEnd:AMPMWhat:FrequencyInsert/Change To DoCalendar: ReminderCloseClick on "Add Name" to add a name, "Apply" to commit changes.The information transferred did not contain any appointments.Drag and Drop operation failed.Unable to locate the transferred information.Drag and Drop operation Failed Internal consistency error.SaveResetDateTimeWhatShow AppointmentOne TimeDailyWeeklyEvery Two WeeksMonthly By DateMonthly By WeekdayYearlyMonday Thru FridayMon, Wed, FriTuesday, ThursdayRepeat Every ...234567891011121314foreverMinsHrsDaysHelpInternal Error #1: Invalid calendar/entry handle. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInternal Error #2: Invalid session handle. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInternal Error #3: Invalid data value. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInternal Error #4: Value specified for a read-only attribute. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInternal Error #5: Incorrect data type specified for an attribute value. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInternal Error #6: Specified attribute is not supported on this calendar version. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInternal Error #7: Specified function is not supported on this calendar version. Operation was cancelled. CalendarInternal Error #8: Invalid operator specified. Operation was cancelled. CalendarCalendar Services ErrorPrintThe dates for printing must be between 1969 and 2038.PrintMalformed "From" datePrintMalformed "To" datePrintThe "To" date for printing must be after the "From" date for printingTo Do List Beginning: %sAppt List Beginning: %sRepeat Every ...Monday Thru FridayMon, Wed, FriTuesday, ThursdayRepeat Every ...Drag To DoNo space left for calendar file. Operation was cancelled. CalendarYou may not set a blank reminder value. Your properties settings have not been saved.You may not set a reminder value with an embedded blank. Your properties settings have not been saved.Reminder values must be a number with an optional sign. Your properties settings have not been saved.You have specified an illegal position from left offset value. Your properties settings have not been saved.You have specified an illegal position from right offset value. Your properties settings have not been saved.A To Do item must have text in the first line of the What item.Calendar Editor Operation FailedCalendar Editor Operation FailedThe Duration value must be less than 24 hours. Your properties settings have not been saved.Missing GraphicsMissing GraphicsCalendardisplayed.Couldn't access calendar: About CalendarCancelCancelCancelCloseCancelCancelCancelInsertChangeDeleteClearCancelHelpCancelCancelCancelCancelCloseCloseCancelCancelCancelCancelCancelCancelCloseCancelCancelCancelCloseCancelCloseCancelCancelCancelCancelCancelCancelCancelCancelCalendar - Menu EditorOn ItemTo Do List...To Do...Calendar Server VersionCalendar Data VersionRepeat EveryThe Repeat Every value must be an integer with no sign.Time CalendarWhat ** Calendar To Do Item ** Due Date: %s Time Due: %s What: %sInsert AppointmentInsert To DoThis To Do is part of a repeating series. Do you want to insert the item ...?This appointment is part of a repeating series. Do you want to insert appointment ...?Invalid value in Time Due field. Operation was cancelled. CalendarYou must provide a Time Due value. Operation was cancelled. CalendarCalendar - Appointment ListCalendar - To Do ListCalendar - Compare CalendarsSearch allSearch fromtoCalendar - HelpCalendar Appointment AttachmentTimeWhat User name is too long to create calendar file.Report Type:Day ViewWeek ViewMonth ViewYear ViewAppointment ListTo Do ListdaysweeksbiweeksmonthsmonthsyearsweeksweeksweeksRemindersBeepFlashPopupMailMail To:From %2d:%02d%s to %2d:%02d%s