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It provides an easy way to configure an application to use many of the Common Desktop Environment services and APIs.OKNone Module: EditViewHelpUndoCutCopyPasteDeleteHorizontalCollapseExpandModuleFind...Hide Object GlyphHide Object NameExpand AllOverview...Tasks...Reference...On ItemUsing Help...About Application Builder...Tear Off Browser...Module BrowserShow Object TypeColor Name:**color**CancelHelpColor ChooserColor Chooser could not allocate all its standard colors. This is probably because you are running other applications that have claimed all the available cells in your workstation's colormap. To see more colors in Color Chooser, try quitting some of those applications.The Color Chooser provides an interactive way to select a color for the foreground or background color attribute of an object.OKArgument:Application BuilderA function name was not specified for the call-function connection.Application Builder - Execute Code EditorView:Source:Target:When:Action Type:PredefinedCall FunctionExecute CodeConnectChangeCancelDeleteHelpConnections EditorActivate On-Item HelpAccess Help VolumeVolume:Location:ApplyThe Connections Editor is used to establish application interface behaviors, typically by specifying actions to be taken when objects are manipulated or certain events occur.The Execute Code Editor provides a way to examine and edit specific C program instructions that are to be executed as the action for a connection.OKApplication BuilderYou have unsaved edits. Exiting AppBuilder will discard your changes. Please confirm.Discard ChangesCreate as child of Control Pane or as a Layered Pane?ChildLayerCreating as a Layered Pane...ContinueCreate as a Layered Pane or as a new Pane in the Paned Window?PaneCreate as child of Control Pane or as a Layered Pane or as a new Pane in the Paned Window?OpenImportYou may import by reference or by copy. Import by:CopyReferenceAn error occurred in creating a temporary file for the dropped data.You may not Close (Quit) this window.FileEditViewLayoutEditorsHelpNew Project...Open Project...Save ProjectSave Project As...New Module...Export ModuleCode Generator...Project Organizer...Close ProjectUndoCutPasteDeleteProperties...Attachments...Help...Menus...Groups...Messages...Connections...Drag and Drop...Overview...Reference...On ItemUsing Help...About Application Builder...Build Test Shown Modules Test ProjectPanesWindowsOptionAFile Edit HelpButtonMenu ButtonText:abcLabelitemAitemBControlsABCheckboxPosition: Size:Cursor Position: Editing Module: Object Type:Object Name:Application Framework...Tasks...Import Module...Module Browser...Ctrl+NCtrl+SExitAlt+F4Ctrl+ZCtrl+XCtrl+CCtrl+VCtrl+ICtrl+OCtrl+ACreate as child of Group ?OKThe Main Window is the starting point for building a graphical user interface. The interface is created by dragging objects from the App Builder object palette, editing the properties of interface objects, and adjusting the layout of the interface.Use the Main Window's menu bar to access all of the command menus in App Builder, as well as its help menu.The mode bar includes buttons to control the operational mode of App Builder. Build mode is used to construct or edit interfaces, and two different test modes allow testing of the interface and project being built.App Builder includes three object palettes: Windows, Panes and Controls. Each contains objects that may be created for use in the interface being built.The Object Information area provides information about the object directly beneath the cursor, the cursor position, and the module being edited.The Panes palette contains four objects: control pane, text pane, draw area pane, and term pane. Each may be used to create a single or layered pane in the interface. The control pane may be used to hold other types of panes, or any of the items from the Controls palette.The Windows palette contains three objects: main window, custom dialog, and file selection dialog. Each of these may be used to create a window-type object for use in the application.A Control Pane is used as the foundation upon which controls and other types of panes may be dropped and arranged. The Controls palette contains 14 objects, including buttons, lists, text fields and a menubar. Each of these represents individual interface objects that may be created for use in the application interface.The Main Window object is used to create an application base window, and is the starting point for application interface development.A Custom Dialog is a window for displaying information or providing a pop-up for a specific task within an interface.A File Selection Dialog provides a standard way for accessing files within an application (e.g., Save, Open, etc.)The Text Pane object provides a multi-line text-entry area, and may be a separate pane or created within a Control Pane.A draw area pane is used as a drawing or display area, and has optional scrolling capabilities so that a large display area may be examined through a smaller view area.A Term Pane provides terminal emulation functional as an object which may be embedded within an application interface.dtbuilderItem1Next LayerObjects:Object Type:Help Text:More... :Volume Name:Location ID:OKApplyResetCancelHelpApplication BuilderApply ChangesHelp Editor** object type **The Help Editor is used to enter and edit object-specific help information. Brief context-oriented help may be provided, as well as a reference to more detailed help in an on-line help volume.This is a list of objects for which you may create or edit help text.Use this area to enter the text you'd like to appear as the context-sensitive help for the selected object.Attachments EditorObject Type:Objects:Children:Parent:parent objObject1Resizeable:Attach To:Offset:Percentage:ApplyResetHelpOKCancelButtonWidthHeightApplication BuilderApply ChangesParent attachments...Attachments in child...The Attachments Editor is used to examine and edit interobject attachments. It allows relative attachment relationships to be specified on an object-by-object basis.Project OrganizerProject path: Module path:Application BuilderA name was not entered for the module.A name was not entered for the project.Names must be composed of letters, digits, or underscore(_). The first character must be a letter or underscore.No file name entered.Modules have to be shown before browsed.Discard ChangesYou have unsaved edits. Closing the project will discard your changes. Please confirm.No memory available.OverwriteNew...SaveSave As...ShowHideBrowse...RemoveYou have unsaved edits. Creating a new project will discard your changes. Please confirm.ProjectModuleHelpOpen...CloseThe project file name consists of a base and an extension (.bip). The base of the filename is used in the generated code and therefore must be a valid C identifier. This means that the base must be composed of letters, digits, or underscores (_) only and it should begin with a letter or an underscore.The module file name consists of a base and an extension (.bil). The base of the filename is used in the generated code and therefore must be a valid C identifier. This means that the base must be composed of letters, digits, or underscores (_) only and it should begin with a letter or an underscore.Overview...Tasks...Reference...On ItemUsing Help...About Application Builder...Import...Export...You have unsaved edits. Opening a new project will discard your changes. Please Confirm.Close ProjectOKRevolving Property EditorObjects:Object Type:Tear-off...ApplyResetCancelHelpApplication BuilderApply Changes** object type **A Property Editor allows individual object attributes to be examined or altered. OKButton Property EditorColor:ForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...BackgroundPulldown Menu:MenusSize Policy:Initial State:Geometry:X:Y:W:H:Object Name:Button Type:Label Type:Label Alignment:Arrow Direction:Graphic Filename:ApplyResetCancelHelp.pm/.bmNoneColor Chooser...Size of LabelFixedVisibleActivePushDrawnMenuStringGraphicArrowLeftRightCenteredUpDownButton Objects:This Property Editor allows Button object attributes to be examined or altered.OK Choice Property EditorItems:Item State:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Object Name:Choice Type:Label Type:Initial State:Position:X:Y:Rows/Columns:Add ItemEditApplyResetCancelHelpColor:Graphic Filename:.pm/.bmItem Label Type:NoneColor Chooser...Add BeforeAdd AfterChangeCutCopyPasteDeleteRadio BoxCheck BoxOption MenuStringGraphicLeftAboveRowsColumnsVisibleActiveActive SelectedChoice Objects:This Property Editor allows Choice object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Combo Box Property EditorItems:Initial State:Color:Attachments...Help Text...Connections...X:Y:W:Item Label:Add ItemEditBackgroundForegroundObject Name:Label Type:Combo Box Type:ApplyResetCancelHelpPosition:Graphic Filename:.pm/.bmWidth:SelectedAdd AfterAdd BeforeChangeCutCopyPasteDeleteNoneColor Chooser...StaticEditableStringGraphicLeftAboveVisibleActiveLongest ItemFixedCombo Box Objects:This Property Editor allows Combo Box object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Color:BackgroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Object Name:Border Frame:Initial State:Geometry:X:Y:W:H:ApplyResetCancelHelpMenusPopup Menu:Size Policy:Menu Title:NoneShadow OutShadow InEtched OutEtched InFit ContentsFixedVisibleActiveColor Chooser...Control Pane Property EditorControl Pane Objects:This Property Editor allows Control Pane object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Custom Dialog Property EditorConnections...Color:BackgroundForegroundObject Name:Dialog Title:Window Parent:User Resize Mode:Initial State:W:H:Dialog Areas:Default Button:ApplyResetCancelHelpApplication BuilderRemoving Button Panel will cause all Button Panel children to be deleted.RemoveRemoving Footer will cause all Footer children to be deleted.Size Policy:NoneColor Chooser...Button PanelFooterFixedAdjustableFit ContentsVisibleCustom Dialog Objects:Help Button:Help Text...Size:This Property Editor allows Custom Dialog object attributes to be examined or altered. OK None None Color:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Initial State:Geometry:X:Y:W:H:Total Canvas Size:Object Name:Scrollbars:Border Frame:ApplyResetCancelHelpMenusMenu Title:NeverWhen NeededAlwaysNoneShadow OutShadow InEtched OutEtched InVisibleActiveColor Chooser...Popup Menu:Draw Area Pane Property EditorDraw Area Pane Objects:This Property Editor allows Dra Area Pane object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Group Property EditorGroup Name:Layout Type:Vert Alignment:Horiz Alignment:Border Frame:Initial State:Position:X:Y:1Spacing:10Attachments...Help Text...Connections...ApplyResetCancelHelpRowsColumnsVisibleActiveNoneShadow OutShadow InEtched OutEtched InColor:BackgroundColor Chooser...Group Objects:This Property Editor allows Group object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Label Property EditorColor:Size Policy:Initial State:Object Name:Label Type:Label Alignment:Graphic Filename:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Geometry:X:Y:W:H:ApplyResetCancelHelp.pm/.bmNoneColor Chooser...StringGraphicLeftRightCenteredSize of LabelFixedVisibleActiveLabel Objects:This Property Editor allows Label object attributes to be examined or altered. OK List Property EditorItems:Popup Menu:Color:Item Label:Object Name:Selection Mode:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Add ItemEditLabel Type:Position:Graphic Filename:Initial State:X:Y:Width:W:Height:H:ApplyResetCancelHelpMenus.pm/.bmMenu Title:SelectedAdd AfterAdd BeforeChangeCutCopyPasteDeleteSingle SelectBrowse SelectMultiple SelectBrowse Multiple SelectStringGraphicLeftAboveVisibleActiveLongest ItemFixedPixelsNoneColor Chooser...List Objects:LinesThis Property Editor allows List object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Main Window Property EditorConnections...Color:Window Areas:ForegroundBackgroundObject Name:Window Title:Icon Label:User Resize Mode:Initial State:W:H:ApplyResetCancelHelp.pm/.bmApplication BuilderRemoving Menubar will cause all Menubar children to be deleted.RemoveRemoving Toolbar will cause all Toolbar children to be deleted.Removing Footer will cause all Footer children to be deleted.Size Policy:Main Window Objects:MenubarToolbarFooterNoneColor Chooser...Fit ContentsFixedIconicVisibleAdjustableIcon File:Icon Mask File:Help Text...Size:This Property Editor allows Main Window object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Menu Property EditorEditItems:Item State:Object Name:Tearoff:ForegroundBackgroundHelp Text...Connections...Item Mnemonic:Accelerator:Add ItemApplyResetCancelHelpLine Style:.pm/.bmItem SubMenu:MenusColor:NoneColor Chooser...Add AfterAdd BeforeChangeCutCopyPasteDeleteEnabledDisabledItem Label Type:StringGraphicSeparatorEtched InEtched OutEtched In DashSingle LineDouble LineEtched Out DashSingle Dashed LineDouble Dashed LineActiveMenu Objects:This Property Editor allows Menu object attributes to be examined or altered. OKGraphic Filename:Add New Menu Menubar Property EditorItems:Item Mnemonic:Item State:Object Name:Initial State:BackgroundForegroundHelp Text...Connections...Add ItemEditApplyResetCancelHelpActiveColor:NoneColor Chooser...Add AfterAdd BeforeChangeCutCopyPasteDeleteItem Label Type:StringGraphicIs Help Item.pm/.bmPulldown Menu:MenusMenubar Objects:Graphic Filename:This Property Editor allows Menubar object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Scale Property EditorInitial State:Colors:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Geometry:X:Y:W:H:Object Name:Scale Type:Orientation:Direction:Label Type:Position:Value Range:Min:Max:Decimal Points:Initial Value:ApplyResetCancelHelpGraphic Filename:.pm/.bmIncr:NoneColor Chooser...ScaleGaugeHorizontalVerticalStringGraphicLeftAboveLeft to RightRight to LeftTop to BottomBottom to TopShow ValueVisibleActiveScale Objects:This Property Editor allows Scale object attributes to be examined or altered.OK Separator Property EditorColor:Initial State:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Object Name:Orientation:Line Style:Geometry:X:Y:W:H:ApplyResetCancelHelpVisibleNoneColor Chooser...HorizontalVerticalEtched InEtched OutEtched In DashEtched Out DashSingle LineDouble LineSingle Dashed LineDouble Dashed LineSeparator Objects:This Property Editor allows Separator object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Spin Box Property EditorItems:Initial State:Color:Attachments...Help Text...Connections...Add ItemEditGeometry:X:Y:W:BackgroundForegroundItem Label:Object Name:Spin Box Type:Arrow Style:Label Type:Position:.pm/.bmInitial Value:Value Range:Min:Max:Decimal Points:ApplyResetCancelHelpGraphic Filename:Incr:Application BuilderChangeChanging Spin Box type to "Numeric" will cause "StringList" Items to be deleted.VisibleActiveSelectedAdd AfterAdd BeforeCutCopyPasteDeleteNoneColor Chooser...NumericString ListFlat BeginningFlat EndBeginningEndSplitStringGraphicLeftAboveSpin Box Objects:This Property Editor allows Spin Box object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Term Pane Property EditorProcess String:Color:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Initial State:Position:X:Y:Size:W:H:Object Name:Scrollbars:Border Frame:ApplyResetCancelHelpMenusMenu Title:NeverAlwaysNoneShadow OutShadow InEtched OutEtched InVisibleActiveCharactersPixelsColor Chooser...Popup Menu:Term Pane Objects:This Property Editor allows Term Pane object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Text Field Property EditorColor:Attachments...Help Text...Connections...BackgroundForegroundInitial State:Position:X:Y:Width:W:Operation:Maximum Chars:Initial Value:Object Name:Label Type:Graphic Filename:ApplyResetCancelHelp.pm/.bmNoneColor Chooser...VisibleActiveCharactersPixelsEditableRead-OnlyStringGraphicLeftAboveText Field Objects:This Property Editor allows Text Field object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Text Pane Property EditorColor:BackgroundForegroundAttachments...Help Text...Connections...Initial Value:Object Name:Scrollbars:Border Frame:Operation:Word Wrap:Initial State:Position:X:Y:Size:W:H:ApplyResetCancelHelpMenusMenu Title: NeverAlwaysNoneShadow OutShadow InEtched OutEtched InEditableRead-OnlyVisibleActiveCharactersPixelsColor Chooser...Popup Menu:Text Pane Objects:This Property Editor allows Text Pane object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Code Generator/bin/cat/bin/cshOutput Pane:Path:Generate CodeMakeRunAbortTerm Pane:FileHelpOptionsCloseYou have unsaved edits. You may save your changes or cancel.SaveYou have unsaved edits. You may save your changes or generate code for the version that was most recently saved.Generate Old YesNoNo makefile exists. Do you want to create one? The Makefile in this directory does not seem to belong to the project you have loaded. Do you want to destroy the existing Makefile and create a new one? NeverThe executable for this project does not exist. Do you want to build it?BuildMake & RunEntire ProjectGenerator...Environment...Overview...Tasks...Reference...On ItemUsing Help...About Application Builder...CD to ProjectAccording to Options Code Generator OptionsProject:Make Arguments:Run Time Arguments:Generate Code For:When code is generated:ApplyResetCancelApplication BuilderNo modules selected.Entire ProjectMain OnlySpecific Modules OnlySpecific Modules and MainReport Normal MessagesBe SilentBe VerboseDon't MergeHelpReset to DefaultsThis dialog allows control of the way in which the code generator will run when it is executed from the Code Generator Window.OK Value:GetSetCancelVariable Name:HelpResetUse this dialog to edit or examine the value of environment variables to be used when the code generator is run from the Code Generator Window.Environment OptionsConnections...ForegroundBackgroundObject Name:Window Parent:Dialog Title:Initial State:Search Pattern:ApplyResetCancelHelpColor:VisibleFilesDirectoriesBothNoneColor Chooser...File Selection Dialog Property EditorFile Selection Dialog Objects:Search Pattern Type:This Property Editor allows File Selection Dialog object attributes to be examined or altered. OK Button Label:Popdown Behavior:OKInitial Directory:Automatically Dismiss Help Text...Message EditorAdd MessageDelete MessageMessages:Name:Dialog Title:Default Button:Connections...Help Text...Show Dialog...Type:Error Message:Cancel:Help:Action1:Action2:RetryApplyResetHelpApplication BuilderThe Action1 button is specified as the default button, but it is not specified to exist in the message dialog.The Action2 button is specified as the default button, but it is not specified to exist in the message dialog.The Cancel button is specified as the default button, but it is not specified to exist in the message dialog.A string must be entered for the Action1 button.A string must be entered for the Action2 button.Action1Action2CancelNone The Action3 button is specified as the default button, but it is not specfied to exist in the message dialog.A string must be entered for the Action3 button.Apply ChangesNo buttons are specified to exist in the message dialog. There must be at least one button in the message.No ModulesAction3Action3:The Message Editor allows application message dialogs to be defined and configured.OKPaned Window EditorHelp Text...Connections...Object Name:Pane Height:Min:Max:Panes:W:H:Pane Geometry:ApplyResetCancelHelpApplication BuilderThe paned window's children have different East attachments. The paned window's East attachment was set to be the same as the rightmost child's. If the paned window's East attachment is not what is desired, you can fix it by using the Attachments Editor.The paned window's children have different West attachments. The paned window's West attachment was set to be the same as the leftmost child's. If the paned window's West attachment is not what is desired, you can fix it by using the Attachments Editor.Paned Window Objects:The Paned Window Editor provides a way to associate existing individual panes into a single vertically-paned collection.Attachments...Initial State:VisibleActive 0OKMore...About Application BuilderCustom DialogVersion 0.9Copyright (c) 1993, 1994:Application BuilderSample Implementation ReleaseOctober 1994Hewlett-Packard CompanyInternational Business Machines Corp.Novell, Inc.Sun Microsystems, Inc.dtbuilderCloseThis application was brought to you by:Could not import module %sFile not found: %sFile "%s" exists and is a read-only file. You can save your work by saving to a different filename.File "%s" exists. You can:Project %s was loaded from an encapsulated file (%s). It will be saved as a normal project, with one file per module.%s is not a unique name for the module.%s is a read-only file.The file %s does not exist.%s does not have read permission.The file %s is a read-only file. Cannot save edits.There is already a Menubar for this window.Containers must be dropped on a Main Window or Custom Dialog.Panes must be dropped on a Main Window, Custom Dialog, or another pane.Controls must be dropped on a Control Pane or Group.Menubars must be dropped on a Main Window.Unknown object type.The file %s is a read-only file. You may open the project or cancel the operation.%s is not a valid project file.Could not open %s.%s does not have read permission.The file %s is a read-only file. You may import the module or cancel the operation.%s is not a valid module file.%s: Empty project file loaded.Cannot paste a Main Window to a Main Window.Cannot paste a Main Window to a Dialog.Cannot paste a Dialog to a Dialog.There is already a Menubar for the selected window.Containers must be pasted to a Main Window or Custom Dialog.Panes must be pasted to a Main Window, Custom Dialog or Container.Controls must be pasted to a Control Panel or Group.Help properties for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. You can Apply the Changes or Cancel the Load operation for "%s".Help properties for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. You can Apply the Changes or Cancel the Close operation.Help properties for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. You can Apply the Changes or Cancel the 'Change Object-Type' operation.Properties for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. Apply Changes or Cancel Change-ObjectType operation.Properties for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. Apply Changes or Cancel Close operation.Properties for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. Apply Changes or Cancel Load operation for "%s".Menubar can be pasted to a Main Window only.The following modules are read-only. If you edit these modules, you will not be able to save your edits.Properties for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. Apply Changes or Cancel Add-Message operation.Application BuilderType in a name for the new module. A valid name can consist of letters, underscore (_), and digits, however the name must begin with either a letter or an underscore.Type in a name for the new project. A valid name can consist of letters, underscore (_), and digits, however the name must begin with either a letter or an underscore.Attachments for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. You can Apply the Changes or Cancel the Load operation for "%s".Attachments for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. You can Apply the Changes or Cancel the 'Change Object-Type' operation.Attachments for "%s" have been modified but not Applied. You can Apply the Changes or Cancel the Close operation.Import Format:BILUILImport By:CopyReferenceYour PATH does not contain the command %s. In order to access this command, may I append this directory to your path?: %s File "%s" exists and is a read-only file. To save the encapsulated file, you must save it to a different file name.Argument:Function:Code:Groups must be pasted to a group or control panel.*** Not Set ***Control Panes must be dropped on a Main Window, Custom Dialog, or another pane.Hide Object GlyphShow Object GlyphHide Object TypeShow Object TypeHide Object NameShow Object NameVerticalHorizontalThe following module(s) have unsaved edits. Removing the module(s) from the project will discard your changes. Please confirm.Cannot open %s. %s is not a regular file.Cannot import %s. %s is not a regular file.Cannot save the project to %s. %s is a directory not a file.Cannot export the module to %s. %s is a directory not a file.Cannot save the module to %s. %s is a directory not a file.Cannot save project to "%s". "%s" does not have write permission.Error in accessing "%s".Cannot save module to "%s". "%s" does not have write permission.Cannot save encapsulated project to "%s". "%s" does not have write permission.Cannot export module to "%s". "%s" does not have write permission.Drag and Drop EditorObjects:Object Type:** object type **Drag Connection...Drop Connection...Drag Operations:CopyMoveLinkData Types:TextFilenameUser DefinedDrop Operations:Any Other TypeDrop on Children: ApplyResetCancelHelpCursor Filename:Cursor Mask Filename:The Drag and Drop Editor provides a way to specify drag-and-drop behavior of objects in an application interfaceOKUse the File Selection Dialog to specify which file should be used for savingand loading modules or projectsGenerate CodeMakeRunAbortMake & RunPropsBrowse...UndoCutCopyPasteDeleteAlignDistributeGroupUngroupMake Paned WindowUnmake Paned WindowAttachments...NextLayerPropsTearoff Browser...UndoCutCopyPasteDeleteGroupUngroupMake Paned WindowUnmake Paned WindowAttachments...ExpandExpand AllCollapseAlignDistributeGroupUngroupMake Paned WindowUnmake Paned WindowRevolving...Fixed...??unknown??Action1 ActivatedAction2 ActivatedAction3 ActivatedActivatedCreatedResizedBefore Text ChangedCancel ActivatedDestroyedDouble Clicked OnDraggedDragged FromDropped OnHiddenItem SelectedOk ActivatedPopped DownPopped UpRepaint NeededSession SaveSession RestoreShownText ChangedToggledToolTalk Do CommandToolTalk Get StatusToolTalk Pause/ResumeToolTalk QuitValue Changed??invalid????unknown??DisableEnableHideSet LabelSet TextSet ValueShow??invalid??Module Name:ApplyCancelHelpProject Name:UntitledApplyCancelHelpLabel:Graphic Filename:NoneCreate New Menu...MenusEdit Current...OkInterface Browser: Find ObjectObject NameFindOpenOpen ProjectSaveSave ProjectSave As Encapsulated ProjectNo modules to browseSave As UILImportImport FileExportExport ModuleApplication HelpSaveSave BIL File