ùISO8859-1;-ø$&Kf…ˆŽ” ›   ² Ç ÜeíSQnÀšßzŒ•›9·ñN !Y{šŸ¦ ­!´"º# ¿$Ê%Ï& Õ' à(í*Hý+F,e-i.fl/)Ó0)ý1J'2.r3.¡4:Ð5 6_(7ˆ8ž9£:¨;¿<Ó=êBad argument list Usage: %s path <-advanced> File Manager - AFS Folder PropertiesFile: %s is inside Folder:AFS permissions for folder: %sOKApplyResetCancelHelpUse advanced modePositive PermissionsNegative PermissionsUsers and GroupsAFS permissions can only be set for folders. All files in a folder inherit that folder's permissions.Cannot get AFS PermissionsIt is possible this directory is not in AFS or that you do not have a valid tokenCannot set AFS Permissions forPossible reasons include: -File not in AFS -Too many users on access control list -Tried to add non-existent user to access control listPermissions List:AdvancedBasicAFS Folder Properties ErrorThe AFS Permissions list cannot have more than %d entries"%s" is not known to AFS%s is a duplicate name The permissions for the existing entry will be replacedAFS Folder Properties InformationAFS Folder Properties Warning readlookupinsertdeletewritelockadministerreadwriteadministerAdd user ...Delete user ...You pressed OK but either no name was entered or no permissions were setAFS Folder Properties QuestionYesNoOne or more users (or groups) will be deleted because no permissions are set. Do you wish to continue?Add User or Group to Positive PermissionsAdd User or Group to Negative PermissionsDo you want to ignore the changes that you've made to the AFS Permissions?Delete User or Group from Positive PermissionsDelete User or Group from Negative PermissionsSelect the Users or Groups you wish to delete and press OKThere are no users to deleteUnable to check the validity of "%s". Either I can't contact the AFS server or the ACL is full.Negative Permissions:ShowHide(currently no entries)(currently 1 entry)(currently %d entries)Options