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Retval: %dExiting server. Retval: %dBegin protocol filedump: %s+++> FAILURE: cannot malloc.Setting the auth method to '%s'.+++> Authentication file is '%s'.Authentication directory set to '%s'. Client protocol version is '%d'.+++> FAILURE: initgroups ('%s', '%s')Command line option '%s' unrecognized. Authentication 'netfile' is '%s'.Setting the exit timer to '%s' minutes.+++> FAILURE: username '%s' is unknown.+++> FAILURE: username '%s' is unknown.+++> FAILURE: Bad authentication type '%d'.+++> FAILURE: stat authentication file '%s'.+++> FAILURE: Authentication type '%d' failed.+++> FAILURE: Failed to authenticate user '%s'.Exit timer expired after '%d' minutes of no activity.Failed to add the mount point '%s' to the environment.+++> FAILURE: Unable to find dce authentication function.+++> Starting authentication for user '%s' from host '%s'.Failed to load dce module '%s'. NFS authentication will be used.Failed to get DCE login context. NFS authentication will be used.+++> FAILURE: Protocol '%s' and dce authentication are not compatible.+++> FAILURE: cannot create a 'netfile' name for the logfile. (%s)+++> FAILURE: authentication file '%s' does not have the setuid bit set.@(#)28 1.6 src/cde/cde1/dtspcd/main.c, desktop, cde720 8/30/00 17:49:42+++> FAILURE: cannot create a cannonical file name for the authentication file. (%s)+++> FAILURE: the request is for username '%s' with uid '%d' but this uid has name '%s' in the password file.+++> FAILURE: the authentication file created by the client has a uid '%d' and this uid is not in the password file.Exiting server ...@(#)26 1.1 src/cde/cde1/dtspcd/spcd_event.c, desktop, cde720 2/16/95 09:33:24 $ ( , Ä Š Ü č ō    $ 0 < H T ` l x „  œ Ø “Ą “7` “6€ “6ą “3 “6 “2ą “/ą “ą “+€ “+ “@ “*  “%  “%@ “$@ “#  “# “"` “!` “ą “ą “` “  “ “  “ “  “ “ “ “ Œ  L  5 U L Tš P X d p | ˆ Tą Tč ”   Uh Y„ “ ¬ ø Yˆ ] a˜ ø Ä ČlāPŲ?(š@errno@chown@ _exit@ setgid@ setuid@ unlink@ _iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ freopen@ fopen@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ load@ atoi@ stat@ *@ time@ snprintf@ sscanf@ 6@ getpwnam@ getpwuid@ ctime@ alarm@ tempnam@ setbuf@ putenv@ D@ Q@ __crt0v@^@{@ˆ@›@spc_logF@Ŗ@Ę@ß@ó@ @$@;@V@r@@–@°@Ź@Xestrcmp@ Xestrlen@ Xestrcpy@ Xestrdup@ Ż@ é@ ö@ @ XeFree@ XeMalloc@ @ Xechdir@ 5@ A@ P@ a@ q@ ~@ ›@ ³@ Ä@ ×@ ä@ õ@ @ @ -@ @@ Q@ h@ |@ Ž@ Ÿ@ µ@ Č@ Ż@ ö@ @  @ 8@ L@ a@ |@ @ œ@ ±@ æ@ Ō@ ź@ ÷@ tt_free@ @ @ /@ __start 8! 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