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Using default language.display %1$s could not be initialized, server may be grabbed. @(#)14 1.11 src/cde/cde1/dtlogin/vgmain.c, desktop, cde720 6/9/08 07:17:25M   ,  Your workstation does not have a unique name. It is currently set to "unknown". It is recommended that you name this workstation. NLSPATH=/usr/dt/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat:/usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat:/usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%l/%t/%c/%N.cat:/usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%l/%c/%N.cat space: Activate() : Arm() : Disarm() : Disarm() : Disarm() You need to choose an initial password for your account, or your current password has expired. After you set your password, you must log in again using the new password.    ,  p  $,  x       d    t 0(  <$ p ,,  H4  T0 | 88  `@  l<  DD  xL  H  PP  X  TShift Tab: prev-tab-group() Ctrl Tab: next-tab-group() Tab: next-tab-group() osfEndLine: end-of-line() osfBeginLine: beginning-of-line() ~Shift osfRight: forward-character() ~Shift osfLeft: backward-character() Ctrl osfDelete: delete-to-end-of-line() osfDelete: delete-next-character() osfBackSpace: my-bksp() osfActivate: activate() Ctrl Return: activate() Return: activate() : my-insert() ~Ctrl ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt: grab-focus() : enter() : leave() : focusIn() : focusOut() : unmap() Login Help: Use the login screen to identify yourself to the computer. To log in: 1) Type your user name and press or click [OK]. (if you have not created a user, enter "root" as the user name) 2) Type your password and press or click [OK]. [Start Over] Erases your entries so you can re-enter your user name and try again. [Options] Allows you to change session options: With the mouse pointer over the [Options] button, press and hold mouse button 1. Drag the pointer through the choices. Releasing the mouse button with the pointer on an item will select that item. You may choose: Language - to change the session language Session - to select a graphical environment Regular Desktop - for the Common Desktop Environment FailSafe Session - for an X-windows environment Command Line Login - to switch to a command line environment Reset Login Screen - to restart the X-server Click anywhere on the background with any mouse button to refresh the screen, for example, if system messages make the screen unreadable. For more help information, log in first, then click on the Help Manager icon in the Front Panel (Books with a question mark). Then find the Login Manager help volume. Login Help: Use the login screen to identify yourself to the computer. To log in: 1) Type your user name and press or click [OK]. (if you have not created a user, enter "root" as the user name) 2) Type your password and press or click [OK]. [Start Over] Erases your entries so you can re-enter your user name and try again. [Options] Allows you to change session options: With the mouse pointer over the [Options] button, press and hold mouse button 1. Drag the pointer through the choices. Releasing the mouse button with the pointer on an item will select that item. You may choose: Language - to change the session language Session - to select a graphical environment Regular Desktop - for the Common Desktop Environment FailSafe Session - for an X-windows environment Command Line Login - to switch to a command line environment Reset Login Screen - to restart the X-server Click anywhere on the background with any mouse button to refresh the screen, for example, if system messages make the screen unreadable. For more help information, log in first, then click on the Help Manager icon in the Front Panel (Books with a question mark). Then find the Login Manager help volume. on-1-131791288%d%d%d%doffblackwhitewhitewhiteblackblackblackblackPIXELS#a8a8a8#a8a8a8#7e7e7e#7e7e7e#ef506f#ef506f ( '*matte.x*matte.y*unitType*textFont*TextFont*textFontGRABSERVER*labelFont*LabelFont*labelFontGRABTIMEOUT*background*foreground*background*foreground*highlightColor*logo*Background*table.background100TH_MILLIMETERS*greeting.fontList*Greeting.FontList*greeting.fontListDtlogin*Form.WidthDtlogin*matte.widthDtlogin*matte.widthDtlogin*Form.HeightDtlogin*matte.heightDtlogin*matte.heightDtlogin*Form.UnitType*login_text.foreground*login_text.background*login_text.backgroundDtlogin*matte.unitType*passwd_text.foreground*passwd_text.background*passwd_text.background*login_matte.topPosition*login_matte.leftPosition*login_matte.rightPosition*login_matte.bottomPosition ( ' ( ' * ' *| '*XmToggleButtonGadget*selectColor-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-100-*-*-*schoolbook-medium-i-normal--18-*-*-prestige-medium-r-normal-*-128-72-*-*-swiss 742-bold-r-normal-*-140-*-p-100-*WARNING: display %1$s could not be secured -*-swiss 742-medium-r-normal-*-140-*-p-110-* ( ( ( ' *4 ( * ( ( ( +@ ( WARNING: keyboard on display %1$s could not be secured @(#)17 1.5 src/cde/cde1/dtlogin/vgutil.c, desktop, cde720 5/29/98 10:50:45 (H ' (0 '| (< ' * ' + ' * ' * ' ) ' * ' *d '(%1$s): Login matte width exceeds display, using default. Matte units are pixels. (%1$s) Login matte height exceeds display, using default. Matte units are pixels. """""""" %s %sInitErrorLog:CheckErrorFile:CheckErrorFile:info (pid %d): error (pid %d): Can not open errorLogFile %1$s Can not open errorLogFile %1$s Can not open errorLogFile %1$s Can not open errorLogFile %1$s dtlogin: out of memory in routine Error log file %1$s was recreated. Error log file %1$s was recreated. SyncErrorFile error: Error log file %1$s no longer exists. SyncErrorFile error: Error log file %1$s no longer exists. SyncErrorFile error: Error log file %1$s no longer exists. @(#)99 src/cde/cde1/dtlogin/error.c, desktop, cde720 5/18/98 15:46:00Error log file %1$s could not be recreated. Until problem is corrected, no errors can be logged. InitErrorLog: secure_open failed while attempting to open %1$s. secure_open() error: errno = %2$d. InitErrorLog: secure_open failed while attempting to open %1$s. secure_open() error: errno = %2$d. CheckErrorFile: secure_open failed while attempting to open %1$s. secure_open() error: errno = %2$d. CheckErrorFile: secure_open failed while attempting to open %1$s. secure_open() error: errno = %2$d. @(#)92 1.1 src/cde/cde1/dtlogin/utilsec.c, desktop, cde720 4/29/98 10:45:26logoLogologoDtlogobitmapFileBitmapFilelogo_pixmap 2 2 2Can't open logo bitmap file: %1$s @(#)13 1.3 src/cde/cde1/dtlogin/vglogo.c, desktop, cde720 8/2/00 13:11:41????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????>><<88000?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????rron%scdeLANG=dtlitedefault%s/.wmrcfailsafePINGTIMEOUTPINGINTERVALhelp_message/etc/nologinServer dead %1$s @(#)15 1.15 src/cde/cde1/dtlogin/vgcallback.c, desktop, cde720 6/9/08 07:17:09ppppqpq0|},~~~~        @(#)16 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXt/src/sharedlib.c, xtoolkit, gos720 8/23/06 11:30:31r LANGLISTlang_menuitem_menu%s ... %sDtlogin*%s*languageNameDtlogin*%s*LanguageName@(#)70 1.2 src/cde/cde1/dtlogin/vglang.c, desktop, cde720 3/7/95 14:29:12 G< G< @ G< G< G< G<4 G< G<| G<m@ G<q G<q G< G< G<r@ G< G<z G<y G< G<@ G<v G<` G< G< G< G< G< G< G< G< G<v@ G< G<x@ G<@ G<  E Kd Kh E Kp K K K L 'x . . 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