1 () *+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\ ]^ _ <* <` <ab <cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ myNameLjava/lang/String; ConstantValue myBundleFuncs'Lcom/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/BundleFuncs;MSG_10MSG_11MSG_12MSG_13MSG_14MSG_15MSG_16MSG_17MSG_18MSG_19MSG_20MSG_21MSG_22MSG_23MSG_24MSG_25MSG_26MSG_27MSG_28MSG_29MSG_30MSG_31MSG_32MSG_33MSG_34MSG_35MSG_36MSG_37MSG_38MSG_39MSG_40MSG_41MSG_42MSG_43MSG_44MSG_45MSG_46MSG_47MSG_48MSG_49MSG_50MSG_51MSG_52MSG_53MSG_54MSG_55MSG_56MSG_57MSG_58MSG_59MSG_60 _contents[[Ljava/lang/Object;_myResourceBundleLjava/util/ResourceBundle;()VCodeLineNumberTable getMSG_10()Ljava/lang/String; getMSG_11 getMSG_12 getMSG_13 getMSG_14 getMSG_15 getMSG_16 getMSG_17 getMSG_18 getMSG_19 getMSG_20 getMSG_21 getMSG_22 getMSG_23 getMSG_24 getMSG_25 getMSG_26 getMSG_27 getMSG_28 getMSG_29 getMSG_30 getMSG_31 getMSG_32 getMSG_33 getMSG_34 getMSG_35 getMSG_36 getMSG_37 getMSG_38 getMSG_39 getMSG_40 getMSG_41 getMSG_42 getMSG_43 getMSG_44 getMSG_45 getMSG_46 getMSG_47 getMSG_48 getMSG_49 getMSG_50 getMSG_51 getMSG_52 getMSG_53 getMSG_54 getMSG_55 getMSG_56 getMSG_57 getMSG_58 getMSG_59 getMSG_60 getContents()[[Ljava/lang/Object;getName getMessage&(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;main([Ljava/lang/String;)V SourceFile user.java  MSG_10user  ! MSG_11user MSG_12user MSG_13user MSG_14user MSG_15user MSG_16user MSG_17user MSG_18user MSG_19user MSG_20user MSG_21user MSG_22user MSG_23user MSG_24user MSG_25user MSG_26user MSG_27user MSG_28user MSG_29user MSG_30user MSG_31user MSG_32user MSG_33user MSG_34user MSG_35user MSG_36user MSG_37user MSG_38user MSG_39user MSG_40user MSG_41user MSG_42user MSG_43user MSG_44user MSG_45user MSG_46user MSG_47user MSG_48user MSG_49user MSG_50user MSG_51user MSG_52user MSG_53user MSG_54user MSG_55user MSG_56user MSG_57user MSG_58user MSG_59user MSG_60user com.ibm.cfgassist.bundles.user  " #$%com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/BundleFuncs [Ljava/lang/Object;java/lang/Object Add New User-This wizard helps you in creating a new user.GSupply a name for this user. The name can have up to eight characters.Name:7Optionally, you can provide a description of this user:}Groups are collections of users that have common access rights to protected resources such as files, applications or devices.fSpecify a primary group for %name%. The primary group is active by default when %name% first logs on.Primary group:OWhich of the following additional options would you like to specify for %name%?Additional groupsHome directory!Program to run after user logs on!Language and regional conventionsAdministrative rightsxSpecify additional groups for this user by moving names from the list of available groups to the list of current groups.*A user can belong to as many as 32 groups.)Specify the home directory for this user:Directory path and name:@Supply the path name of the program to run after %name% logs on:KChoose the language that this user sees in the user interface and messages.vYou can also choose the regional convention that is used for displaying numbers, monetary values, dates, and so forth.2Would you like user %name% to be an administrator?Yes1Which groups would you like %name% to administer?oBy assigning administrative roles to a user, the user is granted authority to perform various management tasks.1Which administrative roles do you want to assign?EYou have completed defining the basic characteristics of user %name%.CClick Next to add %name% to the system, or go back to make changes.6User %name% has been successfully added to the system.0Do you want to specify a password for this user?$Yes, set the password for this user.*No, do not set the password for this user.QIf you do not set the password for this user, %name% cannot log on to the system.Finish5You have successfully completed creating user %name%."Click Finish to close this wizard.7There was a problem setting the password for this user.3The name of the user cannot be "default" or "ALL" .&The description cannot end with "#!" .Cancelling wizard. If you proceed to cancel, you will exit the wizard. The work you have done to this point will not be saved.?Click Back to return to the wizard or Exit to cancel this task. E&accel;xitJAfter user %name% is created, do you want to specify the initial password?Elow-res-size=(580,450) med-res-size=(580,450) high-res-size=(580,450)User %name% already exists.This host belongs to a kerberos security domain. By default, the complete user name for accessing this account in the security domain is username@domain. If necessary, you can supply a different user name for accessing the account in this domain.Domain Logon Name:Invalid domain logon nameOSupply a name for this user. The name can have up to %maxusername% characters.this field requires a value.EClick Finish to add %name% to the system, or go back to make changes. com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/userjava/util/ListResourceBundle(Ljava/lang/String;)V!77      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345 :*      "',16;@EJOTY^chmr w!| " # $ % &'()*+,-./0123456 7  ! 8*9  "! 8*+: #$$8*;  %Y?Y@SYASSY?YBSYCSSY?YDSYESSY?YFSYGSSY?YHSYISSY?YJSYKSSY?YLSYMSSY?YNSYOSSY?YPSYQSSY ?YRSYSSSY ?YTSYUSSY ?YVSYWSSY ?YXSYYSSY ?YZSY[SSY?Y\SY]SSY?Y^SY_SSY?Y`SYaSSY?YbSYcSSY?YdSYeSSY?YfSYgSSY?YhSYiSSY?YjSYkSSY?YlSYmSSY?YnSYoSSY?YpSYqSSY?YrSYsSSY?YtSYuSSY?YvSYwSSY?YxSYySSY?YzSY{SSY?Y|SY}SSY?Y~SYSSY ?YSYSSY!?YSYSSY"?YSYSSY#?YSYSSY$?YSYSSY%?YSYSSY&?YSYSSY'?YSYSSY(?YSYSSY)?YSYSSY*?YSYSSY+?YSYSSY,?YSYSSY-?YSYSSY.?YSYSSY/?YSYSSY0?YSYSSY1?YSYSSY2?YSYSS6 &'