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MSG_FILTER_LANG_FILESETSconfigMSG_PREVIEW_INSTALLconfigMSG_SELECT_BUNDLESconfigMSG_DESC_APP_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_CLIENT_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_CDE_BUNDLEconfig"MSG_DESC_DCE_CLIENT_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_GNOME_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_KDE_BUNDLEconfig MSG_DESC_NETSCAPE_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_DEVICES_BUNDLEconfig!MSG_DESC_WSMREMOTE_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_HDWR_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_PERS_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_SERVER_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_OTHERS_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_MEDIA_BUNDLEconfigMSG_DESC_USER_BUNDLEconfigMSG_448configMSG_449configMSG_450configMSG_451configMSG_452configMSG_453configMSG_454configMSG_455configMSG_456configMSG_457configMSG_458configMSG_459configMSG_460configMSG_461configMSG_462configMSG_463configMSG_464configMSG_465configMSG_466configMSG_467configMSG_468configMSG_469configMSG_470configMSG_471configMSG_472configMSG_473configMSG_474configMSG_DESC_DOCSERV_BUNDLEconfig 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MSG_WARNING_NODOCINSTALLconfigMSG_CONFCOMPLETEconfigMSG_DOCFILESETS_ERRconfigMSG_370BISconfigMSG_BAD_MEDIABISconfigMSG_309BISconfigMSG_310BISconfigMSG_311BISconfigMSG_WEBSMTASKconfigMSG_WEBSMTITLEconfigMSG_WEBSM1configMSG_WEBSM2configMSG_WEBSM3configMSG_WEBSM4configMSG_WEBSM5configMSG_WEBSM6configMSG_WEBSM7configMSG_IHSFOUNDconfigMSG_IHSNOTFOUNDconfigMSG_CGIDIRconfigMSG_WSPORTconfigMSG_WSCMDDIRconfigMSG_WEBSM9configMSG_YESCONFconfigMSG_WSRESTARTconfigMSG_NONOTCONFconfigMSG_WEBSM_END1configMSG_WEBSM_END2configMSG_WEBSM_END3configMSG_DOCS_CDconfig MSG_MOZILLA_NOT_DETECTEDconfigMSG_MOZILLA_DETECTEDconfigMSG_INSTALL_BROWSERconfig"MSG_INSTALL_MOZILLA_BUNDLEconfigMSG_INSTALL_BROWSER2configMSG_WEBSM5_AconfigMSG_WEBSM5_BconfigMSG_382_AconfigMSG_ENTER_BROWSER_CMDconfigMSG_451_AconfigMSG_SWMAconfigMSG_SWMA_TERMSconfig   com.ibm.cfgassist.bundles.config  %com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/BundleFuncs [Ljava/lang/Object;java/lang/ObjectThe initial portion of your installation is complete, but you might need to perform some configuration tasks or install additional software to finish setting up your system.Although you may not need to perform any of these tasks at this time, review the list of recommended configuration tasks in the next window, and consider completing these tasks before continuing with the setup of your system.The following tasks may be optional. You can select only the tasks that you need to complete now. You will be returned to this window when each task is completed. When you have completed all the tasks that you want to perform, select the Exit Configuration Assistant task.!Configuration Assistant TaskGuideYour installation of the base operating system is complete, but you might need to perform some configuration tasks or install additional software to finish setting up your system.Although you do not need to perform any of these tasks at this time, review the list of recommended configuration tasks in the next window, and consider completing these tasks before continuing with the setup of your system.The following tasks are optional. You can do none, any, or all of them. You will be returned to this window when each task is completed. When you have completed all the tasks that you want to perform, select the Exit Configuration Assistant task.%Which task would you like to do next?"Set or verify system date and time*Set password for administrator (root user)&Manage system storage and paging space)Configure network communications (TCP/IP)8Update installed software after a migration installationHConfigure Web-based System Manager to run in a web browser (applet mode) Exit the Configuration Assistant+Set Password for Administrative (Root) UserIf you completed a new or overwrite installation, you should set the password for the administrative (root) user. During installation, the root user account was created without a password. To help restrict unauthorized system access, assign a password to the root user account.)Do you want to set the root password now?Yes, set the password now. New Password:Confirm Password: No, do not set the password now.#Set Password for Administrator User#The password for root has been set.BClick Next to continue with the next Configuration Assistant task.+ERROR: Set Password for Administrator UserSet or Verify Date and TimeIf you completed a Migration installation, you might not need to reset the date and time. Verify that the system date and time are set correctly. If they are not correct, select the correct date and time and click Next.Date:Time: Time Zone:EUncheck this box if your area does not observe Daylight Savings Time.TCheck this box if you want to change the date and time settings when you click Next.&Manage System Storage and Paging SpaceYour system's paging space is greater than or equal to the recommended amount. You do not need to increase paging space. If you want to increase your paging space later, use the Web-based System Manager Volumes application.Your system's paging space is less than the recommended amount. Not having enough paging space may prevent you from configuring your network, installing additional software, or running applications.To increase your paging space to the recommended amount, click Next. To enter a different value, specify the desired value (in MB) and click Next. To skip this task without changing paging space, click Back.Memory size(MB):Space available in rootvg(MB):Recommended paging space(MB):Current paging space(MB):New paging space(MB):=Your system's paging space is less than the recommended amount, and there is not enough additional space available in the rootvg volume group to increase paging space to the recommended level. You can make more storage available for paging space by adding one or more of the available disks listed below to rootvg.IWould you like to select one or more disks listed below to add to rootvg?7No, do not add disks, and do not increase paging space.&Yes, add the selected disks to rootvg:Available Disks:actual update.Installation OptionskSelect the installation options you want, then click Next to return to the Update Installed Software panel.Commit software updatesSave replaced files(Automatically install requisite software&Extend file systems if space is needed#Verify install and check file sizesShow detailed messages)Configure Online Documentation and SearchwNote: If you need to update installed software, please do so before you begin these documentation configuration tasks.AThis configuration process configures your computer so that you can read and search online documentation and helps. Most of the documentation is delivered in HTML format. This means that to read and search this documentation, you must install a web browser on this computer. Additionally, a web server and the Documentation Search Services must be installed on this computer or on a remote documentation server. Even if you have already installed this software, you must complete this configuration process so that the Documentation Search Services will work properly.(If you are going to use a web server other than the Lotus Domino Go Webserver, it must be installed before you start this configuration process. If you need to exit Configuration Assistant to install the server software, you can return here later by typing "configassist" in a terminal window.Do you want to use this computer as your documentation server, or will your documents be stored on a remote computer that will serve them to this computer for reading?JSet up Documentation Search Service and online documents on this computer."Use a remote documentation server.>What type of installation and configuration do you want to do?Simple~This sets up your computer to use the Netscape Browser, the Lotus Domino Go Webserver, and the Documentation Search Services. If the latest versions of this software are not already installed, this software will be installed or updated during this process. Optionally, you may also install the operating system 4.32 Documentation Library. if you already have the Internet Connection Server installed, this choice will update that server with the Lotus Domino Go Webserver, which is really a newer version of Internet Connection Server. If you want to use a different browser or web server, you must use the Advanced method below.AdvancedThis method sets up the Documentation Search Service and allows you to configure your system to use non-default browsers and web servers. During this process you can install any of the default software that is listed in the Simple method above. If you are using a webserver other than Lotus Domino Go Webserver, it must be installed before you can start this configuration process. If your web server is not yet installed, you can install it using the system management tools and then later return here to complete configuration by typing "configassist" in a terminal window. Your alternate browser does not need to be installed before you start this configuration process.gInsert the Bonus Pack CD or operating system 4.32 Base Operating System media into your install device.,Which device contains the Netscape software?Note: If you install from the Bonus Pack CD, version 4.060 of the Netscape browser will be installed. This will overwrite (replace) any older versions that you installed using the system management tools. While Netscape added new browser functions, starting with version 4.02 and above, they also removed the mail and news functions. The documentation services are compatible with older versions of the browser that support standard forms functions.5This step installs the Documentation Search Services.^Insert the operating system 4.32 Base Operating System CD #2 or tape into your install device.6Which device contains the Base Operating System media?2This step installs the Lotus Domino Go web server.Insert the operating system 4.32 Accessory Pack CD or operating system 4.32 Base Operating System media into your install device.-Which device contains the Lotus Domino media?This installation of the Lotus Domino Go Webserver was an update to a pre-V4R2 level of the Internet Connection Server or Lotus Domino Go Webserver that was already installed on your computer.To make sure that your current server configuration information is correctly transferred to the new server, you may need to perform some manual migration tasks. After you have completed all your Configuration Assistant tasks, please read the installation and migration section of the Lotus Domino Go Webserver online manuals for instructions on how to complete the configuration of the web server. If you do not complete these steps, your new web server may not operate correctly.To read and search online documentation you must have a web browser. The default browser will be used to display and search online documents.QDo you want to use the Netscape browser as the default browser for this computer?Yes, use Netscape%No, I want to use a different browseroWhat web server software do you want to use to serve online documents and to perform searches of the documents?Lotus Domino Go WebserverOther web server software#Note: if you selected "Other" but have not yet installed a web server, you must do so using the system management tools before you can continue with this configuration task. If you select Lotus Domino Go you will be able to install it in the Next screens if it is not already installed.UWhat web server software will you use to serve online documentation and search forms?2Netscape Fasttrack, installed in default location.>IBM Internet Connection Server, installed in default location.?Other web server or above web servers in non-default locations.rIf Other, please enter the following full path names and port. Consult your web server software manual for names:Web server's CGI directory:bThis is the directory where the web server expects to find CGI programs that are run by web pages.!Web server's documents directory:This is the directory where the web server starts looking for documents that are requested by a web browser for display in the browser. This is sometimes referred to as the web server's root HTML directory.Web server's Port:This specifies the number of the port where the web server is listening for requests for web pages. The mostly commonly used port is port 80.PWhat web browser do you want to use as the default web browser of this computer?Netscape Other browserwThis step will install the software to allow this computer to search online documents on a remote documentation server.$Which device contains the BOS media?Note: This step tells the operating system how to launch your default browser. If the browser is not already installed, you should install it later using one of the system administration tools.What is the command that you would type at a command line to launch the default browser with a specific URL address? Include any flags that must be entered between the launch command and the URL address.For example, if you are using a browser called Great Browser, and if you type "great_browser -flag http://www.ibm.com" to open the IBM web page, you would type "great_browser -flag" into the command field below (do not type in "-flag", it is just an example).Launch command:LWhat is the name or IP address of your remote documentation server computer?Name:EWhat is the port number for the remote documentation server computer?Port:Do you want to install or mount the Base Documentation Library, man pages, or Web-based System Manager system management tool extended helps?YesNoDo you want to install the documentation on your hard drive? Or, do you want to leave the documentation CD in the CD-ROM drive and use the documentation from the CD?CD-ROM drive mountThis choice mounts the CD-ROM drive to the documentation folder in the filesystem. After this is mounted, you must unmount the CD-ROM if you want to use the CD-ROM drive for other purposes.Note: Before unmounting the Library CD, you must run the /infocd/unlinkbasecd command to unregister the books in the library. Otherwise the missing books will generate errors each time a search is done by the Documentation Search Service.Hard drive installVInsert the operating system 4.32 Base Documentation Library CD into your CD-ROM drive.1Which CD-ROM drive contains the documentation CD?The first step in installing the online documentation is to select the device, directory, or network source from which the software will be installed. If you will be installing from a physical device, like a CD-ROM drive, select the device containing the installation media. If you will be installing from a directory in which the documentation filesets are stored, select Directory, then type the directory name into the text field.Physical device: Directory:Select one or more documentation filesets to install from the list below. Or, select "Install all documentation filesets on media" to install everything in the list. When you have finished making your selections, click Next to proceed.4Install all documentation packages in the list below.Install selected packages from the list below:You selected the following software to install. If you want to remove an item from the list before beginning installation, click Back to return to the previous panel, then deselect the item in the list. If the list is correct, click Next.To begin installing the selected software, select Install now, then click Next. A dialog will display the progress of the installation.To preview the installation, select Preview installation, then click Next. A dialog will show the results of a pre-installation check.Preview installation Install nowSince you only installed part of the Operating System Library, there may be links from one book to another that will not work. If you are sure you will not be installing the missing books later, you can deactivate these cross-book links.5Do you want links to missing books to be deactivated?TThe installation and configuration of the documentation services has been completed.These functions will not become active until the next time a user logs in. Therefore, any users that are currently logged in must log out and log back in to activate these functions.1Configure Online Documentation and Search - ErrorConfiguration cannot proceed.CThe directories for the web server you specified cannot be located.Possible causes:The web server software is not yet installed. If so, you should open SMIT or Web-based System Manager and install the web server, then return here and press the Next button again. Alternately, if you want to install Lotus Domino Go Webserver, you can press the Back button until you get back to the "Do you want to use Lotus Domino Go . . ." screen. Then select Yes and the Lotus Domino Go Webserver will be installed.You selected one of the "default" location choices, but your web server was really installed in a non-standard location. If so, select Other, and type in the non-standard locations of the CGI and documents directories.You typed the wrong directory names into the Other directory fields, or you misspelled the names. Retype the names and then press the Next button again.Your web server is installed, but the CGI and documents directories do not yet exist. You may need to run some web server command or manually create the directories. You cannot proceed with this documentation configuration process until after you create these directories.The installation was not completely successful. You can either go back to previous panels to change settings and try again, or you can quit this task, return to the menu, and go on to the next Configuration Assistant task. After completing all other Configuration Assistant tasks, you can use system management tools to identify and correct problems. Then you can return to Configuration Assistant to complete configuration by typing "configassist" in a terminal window.TClick Next to return to the Configuration Assistant menu and go on to the next task.ExitgIf you exit before completing all tasks, the Documentation Search Services will not function correctly.RClick Back to return to the TaskGuide or Exit to exit the Configuration Assistant.1Configure Web-based System Management Applet ModeThe Web-based System Management tools can be configured so that you can manage your system from any client machine with a Java-enabled browser. Remote system management requires that web server software be installed and configured on this machine.Analysis has detected that the following product has already been configured as the default web server software for this machine. Server Name: Path to root document directory:If this is correct, no additional server configuration is required to run Web-based System Manager in a web browser. Do you want to configure Web-based System Manager to use the above web server?DYes, configure Web-based System Manager to use the above web server.ENo, configure Web-based System Manager to use a different web server.>No, do not configure Web-based System Manager for applet mode.pConfiguration Assistant was unable to detect installed web server software. If a web server is installed, click Next to configure it. If no web server is installed, you can skip this task and run Configuration Assistant again after you have installed a web server. Alternatively, you can use the Web-based System Manager System application to perform this task.WDo you want to configure a web server now, or skip this task and go on to the next one?&Configure an installed web server now.;Do not configure a web server now. Go on to the next task.Configuration of Web-based System Manager for Applet Mode is NOT complete. Either no web server software is installed, or Configuration Assistant could not determine the root document directory for an installed web server.If no web server is installed, you can run Configuration Assistant again after you have installed a web server. Alternatively, you can use the Web-based System Manager System application to perform this task. For now, you can only run Web-based System Manager in application mode.Specify the root document directory of the web server that is being used on this machine. Then click Next to create the links between Web-based System Manager directories and the web server.Root document directory:Note: If the software for this web server is not currently installed, you must install it manually before completing this task.FConfiguration of Web-based System Manager for Applet Mode is complete.To administer this machine using Web-based System Manager from a web browser, point your browser to the following URL (record this information for future reference):http://%hostname%/wsm.htmlExit Configuration AssistantFinishdYou have completed all the installation and configuration tasks provided by Configuration Assistant. After you exit, you can log in and use your system, and you can choose to return to Configuration Assistant at another time. Depending on how you exit, Configuration Assistant may or may not automatically restart the next time you reboot the system.uSelect the first option button below to prevent Configuration Assistant from restarting each time the system reboots.Select the second option button below if you want to restart Configuration Assistant each time the operating system is restarted.ZFinish now, and do not start Configuration Assistant when restarting the operating system.UFinish now, and restart Configuration Assistant when restarting the operating system. Not IncludedvThe option you selected is not currently available in this release. Please click Back to return to the menu of tasks.!Canceling Configuration AssistantIf you proceed to cancel, you will exit Configuration Assistant. Most of the work you have done to this point will be saved, but other important tasks may not have been completed.The recommended method of exiting Configuration Assistant is to return to the list of tasks and select Exit Configuration Assistant.BClick Back to return to Configuration Assistant or Cancel to exit.Note: If you did not perform the Manage system storage and paging space task, Configuration Assistant will attempt to increase your paging space to the recommended amount before finishing.NOTE: Your system's paging space is less than the recommended amount. Insufficient paging space can cause serious operational problems. To increase paging space, select Manage system storage and paging space from the list on the next panel.Device attributes:WNote: Changes to time zone settings will not take effect until the next system reboot.F low-res-size=(750,500) med-res-size=(750,500) high-res-size=(750,500)Note: If you did not view the Manage system storage and paging space task, Configuration Assistant will attempt to increase your paging space to the recommended amount before finishing.There is no record that the Netscape Browser was ever installed on this computer. You will need a browser to use the online documentation and search functions.What do you want to do?Install the Netscape BrowseraNote: Select this choice if you do not yet have a functioning browser available on this computer.#Do not install the Netscape BrowsermSelect this second choice if you already have a functioning browser available, but it doesn't have an install record. It would not have an install record if a) you are accessing it from a network filesystem such as AFS or DFS, or if b) you placed it on this computer without using the install tools (you copied it to your hard drive instead of installing it).A remote documentation server can be a server inside your organization's intranet, or you can use the public documentation server that is on the world wide web internet.9Where is the remote documentation server you want to use?4Use a server in my organization's internal intranet.:Use the public documentation server on the world wide web.bNote: The public documentation server currently only contains the manuals for the Base Operating System. Therefore, when you open the Documentation Search Service search form (by clicking the icon in the desktop or by typing the docsearch command), you will only be able to search the operating system manuals that are installed on the public server.XIf you have applications installed on your computer and they use the documentation search service, their search functions will not work properly because the search service is looking at the public web site and not at your local computer. Additionally, you will not be able to search any of your own documents that are on your local computer.'Directory containing installation mediatThe Documentation Library Services are installed by default when the operating system is installed. This service allows users to read and search online documents and some help files. Even if you do not want to install the operating system manuals, you should still configure the library service since applications may depend on it to serve their manuals and help files.6Before the library service can work properly it must be configured and the supporting tools must be installed. The library serves HTML documents. Therefore, a web browser must be installed on this computer. If it is not already installed, this tool will offer you the chance to install the Netscape browser.Additionally if you want this computer to serve documents to remote networked users, HTTP web server software is required. By default the lite NetQuestion Web Server software is installed with the operating system. This web server software can only serve documents to users on this computer. It cannot be used if you want to serve documents to remote networked users. However, if you need remote networked users to be able to use the library on this computer, you will need to install a full-functioned web server software. If you want to use some other web server software you must install it before you continue with this configuration process.If you need to exit Configuration Assistant to install other web server software, you can reopen Configuration Assistant by typing "configassist" on a command line.;Do you want to setup the documentation library application on this computer so that users can use the library service to read documents installed on this computer? Or do you want to configure this computer so that all users on this computer read documentation from a remote documentation library server computer?Install and configure the library service on this computer so that users can use the service to read documents installed on this machine.All users on this computer will read documents from a remote documentation library server. To use this choice the documentation library application must be configured on another computer so that computer can act as a remote library server.Do you need any remote networked users to be able to use the Documentation Library Service on this computer to read and search documents installed on this computer?TYes, remote users need to use the Documentation Library Services from this computer.vNote: This choice will require extra configuration tasks and you will be required to install HTTP web server software.bNo, remote networked users do not need to use the Documentation Library Services on this computer.uConfiguration is done automatically. This method uses the lite web server software that was already installed as part of the base operating system. During this configuration process you may optionally install the Netscape web browser and the operating system documents. Use the Advanced method below if you want to use a different web server or a different web browser.This method allows you to use any standard web server software or browser. The IBM HTTP Server web server software is shipped with the operating system. If you want to use this web server it can be installed during this configuration process. If you are using a different web server, it must be installed before you can start this configuration process. You may need to manually enter the servers port number, cgi-bin directory, and home HTML directory. Your browser does not need to be installed before you start this configuration process. If you need to close this tool to do installation, you can reopen this tool by typing "configassist" on a command line.There is no record that the Netscape browser was ever installed on this computer. You will need a browser to use the documentation and search functions.5Read documentation from a remote documentation server9Setup the Documentation Library Services on this computerYWe have detected that you already have these versions of the Netscape browser installed:Note: Select this second choice if you will be installing a browser after you complete configuration or if you already have a functioning browser available, but it does not have an install record. It would not have an install record if a) you are accessing it from a network filesystem such as AFS or DFS, or if b) you placed it on this computer without using the install tools (you copied it to your hard drive instead of installing it).$We have detected that you already have version %version% of the Netscape browser installed. There may be a newer version of the browser available on the 4.3 operating system installation media (CD or tape). Do you want to search the media for a newer version and install it if it is newer?@Yes, look for a newer version and install it if it is available..No, I want to continue to use current browser.^Do you want to use the Netscape Communicator browser as the default browser for this computer?(This step installs the Netscape browser.If you will be installing from a CD or tape, insert the 4.3 Bonus Pack CD #1 or the 4.3 Base Operating System tape into you install device now before you continue.The next step in installing the software is to select the device or directory from which the software will be installed. If you will be installing from a physical drive, like a CD-ROM drive, select the device containing the installation media. If you will be installing from a directory in which the documentation filesets are stored, select Directory, then type the directory name into the textfield.The version of the Netscape browser on the CD or tape is not newer than the version already installed on your computer. Therefore no installation will be done. Remove the media and then click Next to continue.Cannot find the Netscape browser on this media. You may have inserted the wrong CD or tape. Click the Back button to try a different CD or tape. Click the Next button to skip browser installation and continue with other configuration tasks.This step installs or updates the Documentation Library Service search engine. Even if you have the search engine from a previous release installed, you need to perform this step so that the search engine wil be properly updated.fInsert the 4.3 Base Operating System CD #2 or 4.3 Base Operating System tape into your install device.Note: This step tells the operating system how to launch your default browser. If the browser is not already installed, you should install it later using one of the operating system administration tools."IBM HTTP Server from Bonus Pack CDThis software is shipped with the operating system. The next screen allows you to install this software from the operating system Bonus Pack CD. Configuration of the library services to use this server will be automatic.If you select "Other" but have not yet installed a web server, you must do so using the operating system management tools before you can continue with this configuration. Additionally, you may be required to do some manual configuration tasks in the next screen.;This step installs the IBM HTTP Server web server software.The next step in installing the software is to select the device, directory, or network source from which the software will be installed. If you will be installing from a physical device, like a CD-ROM, select the device containing the installation media. If you will be installing from a directory in which the IBM HTTP Server filesets are stored, select Directory, then type the directory name into the textfield./Lotus Domino Go, installed in default location.Do you want to install or mount any of the documentation that is on the operating system Base Library CD? This CD contains documents on topics such as system management, programming concepts, installation, and user guides.UYes, I want to see the CD contents and have the chance to install or mount documents.3No, I don't want to install or mount any documents.WDo you want to install any of the documentation that is on the operating system Extended Library CD? This CD contains documents on topics such as adapter guides, programmers guides, and technical specifications on industry-standards. If you aren't sure, choose Yes, and the install screen will show you a detailed list of the CD's contents.*No, I don't want to install any documents.Do you want to install the documentation on you hard drive? Or do you want to leave the documentation CD mounted in the CD-ROM drive and always read the documentation from the CD? The box at the bottom of this screen shows the documentation that is on this CD.Hard drive install - We recommend this technique. This technique allows you to install all, or only some of the documents on the CD. Reading and searching will be done much faster than with a mounted CD. Additionally, it will leave your CD-ROM drive free for other uses. If you choose to install ALL of the documents, it will require %cdsize% Megabyte(s) of the hard drive space.Mount the CD in the CD-ROM drive - With this technique you leave the documentation CD in the drive. The library then reads and searches the documents on the CD-ROM. This technique saves hard drive space. However, reading and searching will be much slower than reading from the hard drive. Additionally, you will not be able to use the CD-ROM drive for other purposes since the mounted CD must stay in the CD-ROM drive.A Base Documentation CD is already mounted on this computer. You cannot mount two Base Documentation CDs on the same computer. If you want to mount this second Base Documentation CD you must first unmount the first CD and remove it from the CD-ROM drive.Note: If you are using a copy of the Apache HTTP server obtained from some source other than the Bonus Pack CD, choose the Other button below.The correct CD cannot be found in the CD-ROM drive you chose. Please click the Back button and insert the CD or choose the proper drive.mThe CD-ROM drive you chose is already mounted to a CD. Choose one of the following and click the Next button.I want to choose another drive.Q I want to unmount the selected drive and CD so I can mount the documentation CD.-Cancel the installation of the documentation.-Insert the documentation CD into your CD-ROM.;Select the CD-ROM drive that contains the documentation CD.CD-ROM drives:"I do not want to install anything.&To preview the installation, select Preview Installation, then click the Next button. A dialog will show the results of a pre-installation check. The preview will check to see if you have enough hard drive space for the software and to see if any additionally required software is available.Since you only installed part of the operating system documentation, there may be HTML links from one book to another that will not work. If you are sure you will not be installing the missing books later, you can deactivate these cross-book links so that users will not see them.The mounting of the documentation CD in the CD-ROM %device% is complete. The library service will read the documents from the CD. As long as the CD-ROM is mounted you cannot remove the documentation CD.If you decide that you want to remove the documentation CD from the CD-ROM drive, you cannot simply unmount the CD. There are additional tasks you must do. Follow the instructions titled "Remove a Mounted Documentation CD" in the operating system System Management guide._Note: Fixing the links may take a long time depending on how many documents you have installed.8Installation from the Base Documentation CD is complete.(Do you want to install another language?Note: All Base Documentation CDs that you install from must have the same operating system version number on the label. For example, you cannot install both the 4.2 and 4.3 English versions of the same document.;No, I do not need to install additional Base documentation.?Yes, I want to install Base documentation for another language.Insert the Locales CD (or tape) into your installation device.7Select the device that contains the installation media.^The CD (or tape) in the installation device does not contain the software you want to install.7Click the back button to return to the previous screen.bThen make sure you inserted the correct CD and that you have specified the correct install device.Indicate by clicking on the appropriate button below whether you accept or decline the terms of the license agreements covering installed software.AcceptDecline View LicensesRFailure to accept the license agreement terms will prevent the use of this system.$We have detected that you already have version %version% of the Netscape browser installed. There may be a newer version of the browser available on the 5.0 operating system installation media (CD or tape). Do you want to search the media for a newer version and install it if it is newer?If you will be installing from a CD or tape, insert the 5.0 Expansion Pack CD #1 or the 5.0 Base Operating System tape into you install device now before you continue.fInsert the 5.0 Base Operating System CD #2 or 5.0 Base Operating System tape into your install device.\We have detected that you already have a version of the Documentation Library Service Search engine installed. There may be a newer version of the search engine on the 5.0 operating system installation media (CD or tape). Click next to proceed to the next screen, which will search the media for a newer version and update it if it is available.&We have detected that you already have version %ihsversion% of the IHS webserver installed. There may be a newer version of the webserver available on the 5.0 operating system installation media (CD or tape). Do you want to search the media for a newer version and install it if it is newer?There may be a newer version of the browser available on the 5.0 Expansion Pack. Do you want to search the media for a newer version and install it if it is newer?If you will be installing from a CD or tape, insert the 5.0 Expansion Pack CD #1 or the 5.0 Base Operating System tape into your install device now before you continue.&IBM HTTP Server from Expansion Pack CDThis software is shipped with the operating system. The next screen allows you to install this software from the operating system Expansion Pack CD. Configuration of the library services to use this server will be automatic.Note: If you are using a copy of the Apache HTTP server obtained from some source other than the Expansion Pack CD, choose the Other button below.The Documentation Library Service is not available for installation and configuration on version 5.0 of the operating system for the IA-64 platform. Therefore, the operating system base manuals for version 5.0 cannot be installed on the IA-64 platform.bHowever, the version 5.0 base manuals are shipped with the operating system on a documentation CD.9You can read the documents on the CD using a web browser.QYou can read the manuals using this operating system or you can use a Windows PC.MUsing this operating system, do the following to read the base documentation:%Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.$As root, type the following command: mkdir /infocdOIf you want all users to be able to read the CD, type this permissions command:chmod 755 /infocd8Type the following command in a terminal command window:2mount -o ro -v cdrfs /dev/cd<number> /infocdwwhere <number> in the above command is replaced with the number for your CD-ROM drive ( 0 is the default drive.).LFor example, if you put the CD in your default CD-ROM drive, you would type:%mount -o ro -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /infocd,In your web browser, type the following URL: file:///infocd/nav/Books/nav.htm\If you no longer want to read the CD, you can remove the CD by typing the following command:umount /infocd"then remove the CD from the drive.COn a Windows PC system, do the following to read the documentation:(In your browser, type the following URL:.file://<drive letter>:/nav/Books/nav.htmbwhere <drive letter> in the above command is replaced with the letter for your CD-ROM drive.=For example, if your CD-ROM drive is drive D, you would type:file://D:/nav/Books/nav.htmMicrosoft, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.The correct filesets cannot be found in the device you chose. Please click the Back button and insert the correct media or choose the proper drive. We have detected that you already have version %version% of the Netscape browser installed. There may be a newer version of the browser available on the operating system installation media (CD or tape). Do you want to search the media for a newer version and install it if it is newer?If you will be installing from a CD or tape, insert the Expansion Pack CD #1 or the Base Operating System tape into your install device now before you continue.^Insert the Base Operating System CD #1 or Base Operating System tape into your install device.^Insert the Base Operating System CD #2 or Base Operating System tape into your install device.XWe have detected that you already have a version of the Documentation Library Service Search engine installed. There may be a newer version of the search engine on the operating system installation media (CD or tape). Click next to proceed to the next screen, which will search the media for a newer version and update it if it is available."We have detected that you already have version %ihsversion% of the IHS webserver installed. There may be a newer version of the webserver available on the operating system installation media (CD or tape). Do you want to search the media for a newer version and install it if it is newer?There may be a newer version of the browser available on the Expansion Pack. Do you want to search the media for a newer version and install it if it is newer?If you will be installing from a CD or tape, insert the Expansion Pack CD #1 or the Base Operating System tape into your install device now before you continue.The Documentation Library Service is not available for installation and configuration on version 5.1 of the operating system for the IA-64 platform. Therefore, the operating system base manuals for version 5.1 cannot be installed on the IA-64 platform.bHowever, the version 5.1 base manuals are shipped with the operating system on a documentation CD.Configuration AssistantConfigure TCP/IPOThis helps you create a TCP/IP configuration to establish a network connection..Configure Web-based System Manager Applet ModeElow-res-size=(375,150) med-res-size=(375,150) high-res-size=(375,150)Elow-res-size=(630,500) med-res-size=(630,500) high-res-size=(630,500)Elow-res-size=(375,350) med-res-size=(375,350) high-res-size=(375,350)Manage software5Please select the function you would like to perform.List installed softwareInstall additional softwareList Software Licenses(List software licenses with license text%List automatically installed software"List optionally installed softwareInstall by bundleSelective installPThe following list displays software packages that were automatically installed.Select one or more packages and click Next to list the filesets contained in the selected packages, or click Cancel to return to the task menu.vThe following list displays the filesets contained in the software packages that were selected on the previous panel.OClick Back to select more packages, or click Cancel to return to the task menu.MThe following list displays software packages that were optionally installed.NameBSpecify or select the resource containing the installation images.DeviceProcess multiple volumes Directory Install all software in packages'Select software from package to install Select the software packages that you want to install. You can choose to install all software filesets in the selected packages, or to only install filesets that you can select on a later panel. Check the preview install checkbox if you want to preview the install.The following list shows all the software filesets contained in the packages that you selected on the previous panel. Select the filesets that you want to install, then click Next.TThe format of the toc file is not valid. Please recreate the toc file and try again.gThe installation media is not valid or the device is not ready. Please check the device and try again.'The specified directory does not exist.%Click Next to begin the installation.DTo verify settings before performing the task, click View Settings.SettingSpecified valueThis panel summarizes the choices you have made. If you are satisfied with these choices, click Next to perform the installation or preview. To change any of these settings, click Back until you return to the appropriate previous panel, then make the change. View settingsTo make changes to any of the settings shown, click Back to return to the previous panel. From that panel, click the Back button to locate the panel on which the setting was specified.To accept new license agreements, check the box below. If the checkbox is not selected, the products requiring licenses will not be installed.Accept all license agreements. target grouptarget machinesinstallation deviceinstallation directorysoftwareaccept licenses DescriptionLevel$The software installation succeeded.!The software installation failed.'Click Back to go back and make changes.CloseFilter out language filesetsPreview installSelect the software bundle that you want to install. All filesets in the selected bundle will be installed. Check the Preview install checkbox if you only want to preview the install.'Application Development Software BundleClient Software Bundle(COSE Desktop Environment Software BundleDCE Client Software Bundle)GNOME Desktop Environment Software Bundle'KDE Desktop Environment Software Bundle%Netscape Communicator Software BundleDevices Software BundleHTTP Server Software Bundle5Hardware Diagnostics and Service Aids Software Bundle%Personal Productivity Software BundleServer Machine Software BundleSystem Defined Software Bundle1Reads bundle definitions from the Software sourceUser Defined Software BundleAnalysis has determined that a version of Netscape is already installed on this computer. Do you want to use Netscape as your default browser?(Yes, use Netscape as the default browser.No, use another browser as the default browser{Specify the command to start the browser, including any command options or parameters that must be entered before the URL.KA command to start the default browser must be specified in the text field.IValues were not specified for all of the "Other HTTP Server" text fields.=Please ensure that the web server has already been installed.QA value must be specified for the remote documentation server name or IP address.There is no record that the Netscape browser was ever installed on this computer. Do you want to install Netscape and use it as your default browser?,Yes, install Netscape as the default browserHTTP server (Web server) software is required to display online books and helps. A reduced-function web server is installed by default that serves documents to local users on this computer, but does not support remote documentation users. If you do not need to support remote users, leave the "Lite server" choice selected below. If remote users do need access to online books on this server, select whether to use the IBM HTTP Server or another web server. If you select IBM HTTP Server, you can either install this software or use an already-installed version. If you want to use another web server, enter the path to the server program, and the location of the default documents directory for that server.-Which web server software do you want to use?,HTTP-Lite server (supports local users only)IBM HTTP ServerOther HTTP Server-Path to server HTML documents root directory:#Local web server cgi-bin directory:Local web server port:Configuration of the online documentation library is complete. The following environment settings are now in effect for this computer:To change any settings that were set in Configuration Assistant, use the Back button to return to previous panels. To change the default language, type the following command: smit chdoclangThese settings will not take effect for an individual user until the next time that user logs in to the operating system. Users who are currently logged in must log out and then log in again.+Click Next to return to the main task menu.To install IBM HTTP Server, you must accept the License Agreement. Click "I accept..." to continue with the installation. Click "I do not accept..." to cancel the installation.To review license agreements for installed products later, type "smit installed_license" on the operating system command line.&I do not accept the license agreement.I accept the license agreement.&Documentation Services Software BundleGraphics (X11) Software BundleJava Software BundleNFS and NIS Software Bundle)Networking (TCP Services) Software BundlezOne or more components of Documentation Library Services is not installed on this system. Configuration cannot continue.You can use Configuration Assistant to install the "docservices" bundle. Click Next to return to the main Configuration Assistant menu. Then select the Manage Software task. From the Manage Software menu, select Install Additional Software, then Install by Bundle.zAfter installing the bundle, return to the main menu and restart the Configure Online Documentation Library Service task.+Select at least one item before proceeding.Cannot find the Mozilla browser on this media. You may have inserted the wrong CD or tape. Click the Back button to try a different CD or tape. Click the Next button to skip browser installation and continue with other configuration tasks.If all the TCP/IP configuration information appears correct, try establishing the connection again by pressing the Next button on the final summary panel. If you receive this message again, please exit and contact your network administrator or help personnel.cSelect one or more packages and click Next to list the filesets contained in the selected packages.MClick Back to select more packages, or click Next to return to the task menu.Manage SoftwareConfigure documentation serverConfigure Documentation Server&Configure Documentation Server - ErrorThe operating system documentation is contained in an information center that is not installed automatically. The information center allows users to read and search online documentation.To view the documentation on this system, a Web browser is required. The Mozilla Web browser is available on a CD that can be ordered with the operating system.There is no record that the Mozilla browser was installed on this computer. If you want to install Mozilla and use it as your default browser, click Back to return to the previous panel and follow the directions to install the browser.+Yes, install Mozilla as the default browserjThe Mozilla Web browser is installed on this computer. Do you want to use Mozilla as your default browser?'Yes, use Mozilla as the default browser'This step installs the Mozilla browser.lIf you will be installing from a CD, insert the Mozilla CD into your install device now before you continue.ITo view documentation on this computer, use one of the following methods:Documentation serverjSet up the information center on this computer and configure this system to act as a documentation server.Stand-alone systemhSet up the information center on this computer and configure this system to act as a stand-alone system.Remote documentation server6Read documentation from a remote documentation server.Documentation Server URL:=This configuration takes affect when this system is rebooted.9Port number for the remote documentation server computer??Name or IP address of the remote documentation server computer?Warning:You have elected to configure a documentation server or a stand-alone documentation system without having installed the documentation. Before you can view documentation with this system, you must first install the documentation from the operating system Documentation CD.,Documentation server configuration complete.yThe correct filesets cannot be found in the device you chose. Please insert the correct media or choose the proper drive.The directory you have chosen either does not exist or does not contain the correct files. Please choose a different directory.fThe installation media is not valid or the device is not ready. Please check the device and try again.Do you want to install any of the documentation that is on the operating system Documentation CD? This CD contains documents on topics such as system management, programming concepts, installation, and user guides.!Yes, I want to install documents.GConfigure the Web server for Web-based System Manager remote management5Configure the Web server for remote system management,Configuring this machine as a Web-based System Manager Remote Management Server enables you to use this machine as the managing server to manage this machine and others from a remote client. If you plan to use this machine as a remote management server, a Web server must be installed and configured.The IBM HTTP Server is not detected on this system in either of the recommended default locations, /usr/HTTPServer or /usr/IBMIHS.If you would like to install a Web server so that you can use this machine as a remote management server, click Back to return to the Configuration Assistant main menu, select the Manage Software task then select Install Additional Software.eTo install the IBM HTTP Server, select Install by bundle and use the operating system Expansion Pack CD-ROM as the media resource. Select the wsm_remote HTTP Server Software Bundle. The IBM HTTP Server will be installed and configured for Web-based System Manager remote management. You will not need to return to this task if you use the wsm_remote bundle.To install a different Web server, choose Selective install from the Manage Software menu. When the installation is complete, return to this task to complete the configuration.vIf you have installed a Web server on this machine, click Next and provide the required information on the next panel.1The IBM HTTP Server was detected on this machine.The IBM HTTP Server was not detected on this machine. If you have installed different Web server software, provide the required information: Path to root CGI directory:Web server's PORT number:#Path to Web server's start command:If this is correct, no additional information is required. Do you want to complete the configuration process using this Web server?cYes, configure Web-based System Manager to use this Web server. The Web server will be started now.'Start Web server at system restart alsoYNo, do not configure this machine as a Web-based System Manager Remote Management Server.SConfiguration of the Web-based System Manager Remote Management Server is complete.To retrieve the Remote Client from this Managing Server, point your client browser to the following URL (record this information for future reference):The operating system Documentation CD contains the installation files for the information center. To install and configure the required files, use the following panels.8The Mozilla Web browser is not detected on this machine.4The Mozilla Web browser is detected on this machine.To install a Web browser, click Back to return to the Configuration Assistant main menu, select the Manage Software task, then select Install Additional Software.To install the Mozilla Web browser, select Install by bundle and use the CD-ROMs that contain Mozilla and the operating system Toolbox for Linux Applications as the media resources. Select the Mozilla Software Bundle.To install a different web browser, click Back to return to the Configuration Assistant main menu, select the Manage Software task then select Install Additional Software. Choose Selective install from the Manage Software menu.[To install a different Web browser, choose Selective install from the Manage Software menu.hWhen the installation of the Web browser is complete, return to this task to complete the configuration.wTo read online documentation you must have a Web browser. The default browser will be used to display online documents.If you have installed a different Web browser and you want to use it as your default browser, specify the command to start the browser, including any command options or parameters that must be entered before the URL.zSpecify the command to start the browser, including any command options or parameters that must be entered before the URL.Indicate by clicking on the appropriate button below whether you accept or decline the software maintenance terms and conditions. View Terms  &com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/config_en_USjava/util/ListResourceBundle(Ljava/lang/String;)V!      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy z { | } ~                             ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~                                               ! 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