1 Q P P N N NRUVWXYZ[\]^ _!`"a#b$c%d&e'f(g)h*i+j,k-l.m/n0q1r2s3t4u5v6w7x8y9z:{;|<}=~>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ Ndoc046Ljava/lang/String; ConstantValuedoc045doc044doc043doc042doc041doc040doc039doc038doc037doc036doc035doc034dst001dmp038dmp037dmp036dmp035dmp034dmp033dmp032dmp031doc032dmp030doc031doc030bcm003bcm002oshd009bcm001shd008shd007shd006shd005shd004tdt023shd003tdt022shd002tdt021shd001tdt020doc029doc028doc027doc026doc025doc024doc023doc022dmp020doc021doc020tdt019tdt018tdt014tdt013tdt012tdt011tdt010std001doc019doc018doc017doc016doc015doc014doc013doc012doc011ccn004doc010ccn003ccn002ccn001tdt009tdt008tdt007tdt005tdt004tdt003tdt002tdt001doc009doc008dmp006doc007dmp005doc006dmp004doc005dmp003doc004dmp002doc003dmp001doc002dmp000doc001day007day006day005day004day003mon012day002mon011lic017day001mon010lic016lic015lic014lic013lic012lic011usi007usi006usi005usi004usi003usi002usi001mon009mon008mon007mon006mon005mon004mon003mon002mon001bit004bit003lic003bit002lic002bit001lic001tcn003tcn002tcn001dmp016dmp015dmp014dmp013dmp012dmp011dmp010dmp007doc033tdt024usi008lic004lsv001lsv002lsv003pcn001pcn002pcn003pcn004tdt025dmp008 _contents[[Ljava/lang/Object;myName myBundleFuncs'Lcom/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/BundleFuncs;()VCodeLineNumberTable getContents()[[Ljava/lang/Object;getName()Ljava/lang/String; getMessage&(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;main([Ljava/lang/String;)V SourceFileSMSystemBundle_en_US.java  $com.ibm.websm.bundles.SMSystemBundle     [Ljava/lang/Object;java/lang/ObjectJAny changes made to the notebook will take effect at the next system boot.Configuration Failed. The IBM HTTP Server could not be started. There are several possible causes of this problem. One potential cause is that some other program is already using the required communication port 80. If another program is already using port 80, you must turn off the program that is currently using the port or reconfigure that program to use some other port. This port is most commonly used by web HTTP server programs. If another web server is already using port 80, consult that web server's documentation for instructions on how to turn it off or reassign it to another port number. If there is not a port conflict, consult the IBM HTTP Server documentation for more information on other possible causes of the server not starting. After you have corrected the problem that was preventing IBM HTTP Server from starting, return to the previous screen and restart the configuration process.wYou are no longer using IBM HTTP server for the documentation library. If you have uninstalled the webserver, you need to make sure the server's start command is removed from the /etc/inittab file so that on system reboot, the system doesn't try to start a webserver that is not installed. Do you want the server starup command to be automatically removed now?XFor Documentation server to work properly, the webserver must be running. The webserver you have chosen can be automatically started if not already runnning. Additionally, a command will be placed in /etc/inittab file so the webserver will be restarted each time you reboot the system. Do you want the webserver to be started now?YYou selected the Apache HTTP Server, but have the IBM HTTP Server package installed on this computer. If you really are using the IBM HTTP Server package, click on the IBM HTTP Server button on the Documentation Server tab page and press OK or Apply to make the change. If you really do want to use Apache, you do not need to do anything more.The web server software you selected under location of Documents is not installed on this computer. This software must be installed before configuration can take place. Install the software and return here and press OK.The Documentation Library Service is not installed. If you do not install it before you configure the documentation server, users will not be able to search the online documentation and helps. If you only want your users to read the online documentation without search, you do not need to install the search service. Do you want to configure the documentation server without installing the search service?The documentation server cannot be configured because you selected This computer and you did not choose a location for documents and CGI programs on the local web server, the Not yet specified button is still selected. You must choose a location.This Computer - -Lite NetQuestion web server default locations,IBM HTTP Server web server default locationsDefault language for documents$Apache HTTP Server default locationsW (CUT0GDT) Coordinated Universal Time (CUT) (GMT0BST) United Kingdom (CUT) (AZOREST1AZOREDT) Azores; Cape Verde (CUT -1) (FALKST2FALKDT) Falkland Islands (CUT -2) (GRNLNDST3GRNLN:DT) Greenland; East Brazil (CUT -3) (AST4ADT) Central Brazil (CUT -4) (EST5EDT) Eastern U.S.; Colombia (CUT -5) (CST6CDT) Central U.S.; Honduras (CUT -6) (MST7MDT) Mountain U.S. (CUT -7) (PST8PDT) Pacific U.S.; Yukon (CUT -8) (AST9ADT) Alaska (CUT -9) (HST10HDT) Hawaii; Aleutian (CUT-10) (BST11BDT) Bering Straits (CUT-11) (NZST-12NZDT) New Zealand (CUT+12) (MET-11METDT) Solomon Islands (CUT+11) (EET-10EETDT) Eastern Australia (CUT+10) (JST-9JDT) Japan (CUT +9) (KORST-9KORDT) Korea (CUT +9) (WAUST-8WAUDT) Western Australia (CUT +8) (TAIST-8TAIDT) Taiwan (CUT +8) (THAIST-7THAIDT) Thailand (CUT +7) (NOVST-6NOVDT) Novosibirsk, Russia (CUT +6) (PAKST-5PAKDT) Pakistan (CUT +5) (WST-4WDT) Gorki; Central Asia; Oman (CUT +4) (MEST-3MEDT) Turkey (CUT +3) (SAUST-3SAUDT) Saudi Arabia (CUT +3) (WET-2WET) Finland (CUT +2) (USAST-2USADT) South Africa (CUT +2) (NFT-1DFT) Norway; France (CUT +1)Copy System Dump to Diskette;Specify the target diskette drive for the system dump copy.Copy dump image to:Copy dump image from:Blocksize for copy (bytes):Date of last dump:Size for dump image (bytes):ASpecify the source and target locations for the system dump copy.Web-based System Manager configuration for applet mode cannot be completed because the Documents directory does not exist. If you entered a value in the Documents directory field, make sure you have entered the entire pathname and that you typed it correctly Also, make sure your web server software is installed and configured correctly. See your webserver documentation for instructions.Copy System Dump to FileNote: This is the same directory that is specified in the Documents directory field on the Documentation Server page of Internet Environment.USpecify the documents directory of the web server that is being used on this machine.7Broadcast the following message to all logged-on users:Shutting down the system will break the connection with Web-based System Manager. You may re-establish this connection at the next system restart. Do you wish to continue?Broadcast MessageMinutes Hours /Automatically restart the system after shutdownAmount of time to delay:Delay shutdown Last week;Broadcast this message to all users prior to shutting down: Fourth weekrAttention - all processes on this system will be stopped. Advise users to save data and log off prior to shutdown. Third weekShutdown Second week.This page lets you configure Web-based System Manager for applet mode so that you can manage your system from any client machine having a Java-enabled web browser. You cannot complete this page unless you have already installed a web server. Complete this page again if you reinstall your web server.Web-based System ManagerThe documentation server cannot be configured because you selected Local server and you did not choose a location for documents and CGI programs on the local web server, the Not yet specified button is still selected. You must choose a location.The documentation server cannot be configured because you did not specify a value for Documents directory. You must specify the pathname of the directory where your web server looks for documents.The documentation server cannot be configured because you did not specify a value for CGI directory. You must specify the pathname of the directory where your web server looks for CGI programs.SThe documentation server cannot be configured because the Documents directory contains a file or subdirectory called ds_images. This is a reserved name that the OS documentation services use for the link to the Documentation Search Services images directory. To correct this error, rename or remove ds_images from the Documents directory.JThe documentation server cannot be configured because the Documents directory contains a file or subdirectory called doc_link. This is a reserved name that the OS documentation services use for the link to the OS online documentation root directory. To correct this error, rename or remove doc_link from the Documents directory.lThe documentation server cannot be configured because the Documents directory does not exist. If you entered a value in the Documents directory field, make sure you have entered the entire pathname and that you typed it correctly. Also, make sure your web server software is installed and configured correctly. See your webserver documentation for instructions.Starting a system dump will cause all processes on the system to be stopped and the previous system dump will be overwritten. This action will break the connection with Web-based System Manager. You may re-establish this connection at the next system restart. Do you wish to continue?ZThe documentation server cannot be configured because the CGI directory does not exist. If you entered a value in the CGI Directory field, make sure you entered the entire pathname and that you typed it correctly. Also, make sure your web server software is installed and configured correctly. See your webserver documentation for instructions.The Operating System Documentation Search Service is not installed. If you do not install it before you configure the documentation server, users will not be able to search the online documentation and helps. If you only want your users to read the online documentation without search, you do not need to install the search service. Do you want to configure the documentation server without installing the search service? First weekDaylight Saving Time Dates ...SecondsP.M.A.M. (CUT0) Coordinated Universal Time (CUT) (GMT0) United Kingdom (CUT) (AZOREST1) Azores; Cape Verde (CUT -1) (FALKST2) Falkland Islands (CUT -2) (GRNLNDST3) Greenland; East Brazil (CUT -3) (AST4) Central Brazil (CUT -4) (EST5) Eastern U.S.; Colombia (CUT -5) (CST6) Central U.S.; Honduras (CUT -6) (MST7) Mountain U.S. (CUT -7) (PST8) Pacific U.S.; Yukon (CUT -8) (AST9) Alaska (CUT -9) (HST10) Hawaii; Aleutian (CUT-10) (BST11) Bering Straits (CUT-11) (NZST-12) New Zealand (CUT+12) (MET-11) Solomon Islands (CUT+11) (EET-10) Eastern Australia (CUT+10) (JST-9) Japan (CUT +9) (KORST-9) Korea (CUT +9) (WAUST-8) Western Australia (CUT +8) (TAIST-8) Taiwan (CUT +8) (THAIST-7) Thailand (CUT +7) (NOVST-6) Novosibirsk, Russia (CUT +6) (PAKST-5) Pakistan (CUT +5) (WST-4) Gorki; Central Asia; Oman (CUT +4) (MEST-3) Turkey (CUT +3) (SAUST-3) Saudi Arabia (CUT +3) (WET-2) Finland (CUT +2) (USAST-2) South Africa (CUT +2) (NFT-1) Norway; France (CUT +1)The web server software you selected is not installed. You must install the web server software before you configure the documentation server.The remote server you entered is not responding to a test message. It may be temporarily unavailable or you may have entered the name incorrectly. Do you want to configure the documentation server with the remote server name you entered?Browser command:Enter the command that launches the default web browser. Include any special command flags that are used to pass a URL with the command. Server port:Documents directory:CGI directory::Other local server or one of above in non-default location0IBM Internet Connection Server default locationsEnable for logon+Lotus Domino Go Webserver default locationsPath name of system console:Specify the path name to a device or file that will serve as the system console. Indicate whether to enable the console for logon. The new console will take effect at the next system restart. Specify the console log file name and properties.Current ConsoleDaylight Saving Time ends:Daylight Saving Time begins:&Time zone goes on Daylight Saving TimeDaylight Saving Time Dates Time zone:Time:Date: Date and TimeNot yet specified:Location of documents and CGI programs on local web serverAlways allow system dumpLocal server - 4Continue system startup if dump copy is unsuccessfulComputer name:Copy directory (full pathname): Remote serverSecondary dump device:NonePrimary dump device:CComputer that serves online documentation to users on this computerGeneralDefault BrowserSystem Dump PropertiesDocumentation ServerSaturdayFridayThursday WednesdayTuesdayDecemberMondayNovember*Operating System version for registration:SundayOctoberNew number of licenses:License to change:"Change number of floating licensesNumber of licenses to install:Install floating licensesFloating LicensesLogon Interface: Command LineX Display Manager CDE 1.0 (without graphical boot)CDE 1.0 Select the logon user interface.User Interface SeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryAt system restartNow&Enable any installed floating licenses*Enable the 64-bit application environment:!Maximum number of fixed licenses:64-bit Application Environment:Fixed Licenses&Path name of temporary system console:Specify the device or the file you want to receive console output temporarily. Specify the temporary console log file name and properties.Temporary ConsoleResult: Dump status: Size (bytes):Minor device number:Major device number: Device name: Previous DumpEstimated dump size (bytes):Language for web page:JAny changes made to the timezone will take effect at the next system boot.aAny changes to the user interface properties require a system reboot before they can take effect.fAny changes to the operating system user licenses require a system reboot before they can take effect.3System Environment - Operating System User LicensesnIt is necessary to configure the system as a standalone license server before any license changes can be made.`Would you like to automatically configure the system for adding or using licenses at this time ?Log file name:Log file size (bytes):Log console outputVerbose output in log fileqNote: The date or time field will only be changed from the current settings if you make a change in those fields. Enable compression for next dump lsv001_SIZE:SMSystemBundle.lsv001%com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/BundleFuncs .com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/SMSystemBundle_en_US,com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/old_SMSystemBundle(Ljava/lang/String;)V!PQRST UST VSTWSTXSTYSTZST[ST\ST]ST^ST_ST `ST"aST$bST&cST(dST*eST,fST.gST0hST2iST4jST6kST8lST:mST<nST>oSTpqST@rSTBsSTDtSTFuSTHvSTJwSTLxSTNySTPzSTR{STT|STV}STX~STZST\ST^ST`STbSTdSTfSThSTjSTlSTnSTpSTrSTtSTvSTxSTySTzST|ST~STSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTST ST STSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTST ST"ST$ST&ST(ST*ST,ST.ST0ST2ST4ST6ST8ST:ST<ST>ST@STBSTDSTFSTHSTJST*   * ! *+  $*    Y Y SY SSY Y SY SSY YSYSSY YSYSSY YSYSSY YSYSSY YSYSSY YSYSSY YSYSSY  YSYSSY  YSYSSY  Y SY!SSY  Y"SY#SSY  Y$SY%SSY Y&SY'SSY Y(SY)SSY Y*SY+SSY Y,SY-SSY Y.SY/SSY Y0SY1SSY Y2SY3SSY Y4SY5SSY Y6SY7SSY Y8SY9SSY Y:SY;SSY YSY?SSY Y@SYASSY YBSYCSSY YDSYESSY YFSYGSSY YHSYISSY  YJSYKSSY! 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