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User NameLost contact with serverContentsOpen Container In PlacePExiting ... If you proceed, all windows will be closed. Do you want to continue? Hide DetailsValue:Yes1End of document reached; continue from beginning? Filter ...Displayed objects{0} Objects {1} HiddenFindSuccessType:CommandsCould not find extended help file. Check to make sure the document server is configured correctly and that helps are installed. Small IconsResetLoading interrupted.Sort direction:HelpFCouldnot reset your password. Please re-enter your new password below.View Show Tool BarSearch Columns:StopClose Cancelled7You cannot be logged in beacuse your account is locked. DescendingAn error occurred trying to run a web browser Make sure that you have a browser installed and you have configured the default browser for this machine.Change Icon Size Auto ReloadFilterFiltering ....ExitBy typeClearErrorDialog dismissedPainting {0} of {1} Objects ...bYour password has expired, you must reset your password now. Please enter your new password below.Logon SuccessfulInternal ErrorAbout SubContainerDetailsAn error occurred trying to load the search URL. Make sure that you have the document server configured correctly for this machine.The host {0} is not enabled for remote Web-based System Manager access. To configure remote administration, log onto the system and run: /usr/cfgassist/bin/wsmserver -enable [An error occurred during discovery. Do you want to ignore the error or cancel this action?Open Container In New WindowCollapse BranchGo UpName: Expand BranchWeb-based System Manager Initial Technology Version AIX Version 4.3.0 Licensed Material - Property of IBM (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.Sort interrupted.Starting ...please wait. Tree DetailsUpdatingFind BackwardsReading objects in {0} .... SubstringObject not found.1Beginning of document reached; continue from end?FailedSwitch User...OptionsExitingObjectActive ThreadsOKSearch Stop Loading$An internal error has occurred. Searching for {0} ....Cancel Property: Deselect AllNolThe maximum allowable login attempts has been exceeded. Contact the system administrator or try again later. Select AllAccess is denied for the following reasons (a) you may not be allowed to logon remotely. (b) you are not allowed to logon at this time.How to use HelpExactLog On Painting ...IgnoreSearch interrupted.MessagessFull service and support via normal IBM channels is provided. Customer feedback through these channels is welcome.9This is a release of IBM Software that has been tested but has not yet met IBM product criteria for customer production environments. It is being offered to customers to enable testing in pre-production environments. At this time, IBM does not recommend use of this initial technology in production environments.Initial Technology Version All objects Messages: Ascending TerminateCase sensitive What's this? Show CommandPassword substringTreeCollapsing {0} .... Show Menu BarApply Working...Web-based System ManagerEYou must set your password now. Please enter your new password below. Do not sortSort criteria: By propertyRe-enter New PasswordSelectedSort ...Cannot connect to server. +Enter your user name and password to logon.Expanding {0} .... Hide CommandPerforming task...please waitUYou entered an invalid user name or password. Please re-enter your name and password.Sort Connecting... Name MatchingSave these settings9You cannot be logged in beacuse your account has expired.Show everythingHide items matching the filterQuestionShow items matching the filter"Specify the items to show or hide. Reload NowCommand Script:Enter New PasswordSearch for Help on ... Show Details About ... Cancel Exit Help ErrorSorting by {0} ....No help found.Show Status LineFinishedWarningaThe Web-based System Manager is not running with root authority. Some functions may be disabled.Enable Secure Communication(Required by Server)An error occurred while connecting to the server. This may be due to an incompatibility in the versions of the Web-based System Manager on the client and server. Please verify that the client and server are running the same versions.;The version of the client is incompatible with this server.JTo view help information, move the mouse pointer over any field or button. Time to wait between each reloadMinutesSeconds-Search+Web-based+System+Manager+DocumentationFBWQARUNITSLDo you wish to continue?1.0Web-based System Manager Licensed Material - Property of IBM (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997,1998. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.The files necessary for secure communication have not been installed or configured on the server. Please make sure one of the following filesets have been installed and configured and try again: sysmgt.cfgassist.security sysmgt.cfgassist.security-us The secure communication on the server has not been configured. Please refer to the documentation for instructions on setting up secure sockets.SSL_NOT_CLIENT_CONFIGUREDThis client has not been enabled for secure communication. Please refer to the documentation for instructions on setting up secure sockets.An error occurred when creating the secure communication link. This could be because of a problem in the client or server security configuration. Secure Communication Enabled^This action launches a process on the local system and is only available when running locally./An error occurred trying to run the program {0}The server only accepts secure connections. You will not be allowed to login until this client has been configured for secure sockets. Please refer to the documentation for more information.Secure Connection%com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/BundleFuncs [4/com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/FrameworkBundle_en_US-com/ibm/cfgassist/bundles/old_FrameworkBundleframework.FrameworkBundle(Ljava/lang/String;)V!   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