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Errno: %d. WAITPID ERROR. Errno: %d. Error in creating socket Error in creating socket Error in creating socket Error in creating socket Unable to open RSi socket Unable to open RSi socket Attempting to send trap %d Attempting to send trap %d building data feeds begins building data feeds begins Respawning myself via inetd Respawning myself via inetd Calling SMUX initialization Calling SMUX initialization Exiting with code %d at %s Exiting with code %d at %s Failed to start Xmtopasagg. Failed to start Xmtopasagg. Started azizo recording... Started azizo recording... State file %s has %d entries State file %s has %d entries Nothing to do here. Return. Nothing to do here. Return. Xmtopasagg failed to start.. Xmtopasagg failed to start.. setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d Xmtopasagg failed to start.. Xmtopasagg failed to start.. Xmtopasagg failed to start.. Xmtopasagg failed to start.. start_aggfeed: lmonitored:%d start_aggfeed: lmonitored:%d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d setsockopt returned error %d Error: Unable to open file %s Error: Unable to open file %s /usr/lib/perf/spmiclean -p %d [-n without multihomed fix] Daemon WAS started from inetd Daemon WAS started from inetd Adding statistics for xmtopas Adding statistics for xmtopas Segmentation violation..uffff! Segmentation violation..uffff!Error %d opening state file %s Error %d opening state file %s [-i minimum_remote_interval] [-l remove_consumer_timeout] Error: getaddrinfo returned %d Error: getaddrinfo returned %d begin_feeding duplicate begin_feeding duplicate Attempt #%d to stop xmtopasagg. Attempt #%d to stop xmtopasagg. MIB dump taken, at least partly MIB dump taken, at least partly Attempting to send exception %s Attempting to send exception %s Shared memory mapped at: 0x%08x Shared memory mapped at: 0x%08x Error: SpmiPathGetCx returns %s Error: SpmiPathGetCx returns %s popen error for odmget command popen error for odmget command Agg time to sleep mentioned...%d Agg time to sleep mentioned...%d Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Error: Unable to allocate memory Xmtopasagg succesfully started.. Xmtopasagg succesfully started.. minint = %d, interval = %3d.%09d,minint = %d, interval = %3d.%09d,Free slot of %6d bytes at 0x%08x Free slot of %6d bytes at 0x%08x Used slot of %6d bytes at 0x%08x Used slot of %6d bytes at 0x%08x gettimeofday failed.. errno: %d. gettimeofday failed.. errno: %d. ===== %s scheduled at %s ===== ===== %s scheduled at %s ===== Failed to add xmtopas statistics Failed to add xmtopas statistics Xmtopasagg succesfully started.. Xmtopasagg succesfully started.. End feed received from %s (%d) End feed received from %s (%d) create_hot-set error type 1 create_hot-set error type 1 create_hot-set error type 1 create_hot-set error type 1 create_hot-set error type 1 create_hot-set error type 1 Xmtopasagg succesfully started.. Xmtopasagg succesfully started.. Started xmtopasagg with pid = %d Started xmtopasagg with pid = %d Xmtopasagg already running (%d). Xmtopasagg already running (%d). Trying to start azizo recording Trying to start azizo recording Stopped xmtopasagg with pid = %d Stopped xmtopasagg with pid = %d Attempting to send HotSet trap %d Attempting to send HotSet trap %d [-x xmservd execution priority] [-f xmservd log file directory] Daemon was NOT started from inetd Daemon was NOT started from inetd begin_feeding error type 1 begin_feeding error type 1 begin_feeding error type 2 begin_feeding error type 2 begin_feeding error type 3 begin_feeding error type 3 change_feeding error type 1 change_feeding error type 1 change_feeding error type 2 change_feeding error type 2 change_feeding error type 3 change_feeding error type 3 end_feeding error type 1 end_feeding error type 1 end_feeding error type 2 end_feeding error type 2 end_feeding error type 3 end_feeding error type 3 create_stat-set error type 1 create_stat-set error type 1 create_stat-set error type 1 create_stat-set error type 1 Attempt #%d to start xmtopasagg.. Attempt #%d to start xmtopasagg.. /usr/bin/topasrec -L -O type=azizo signal = %d dr_flag = %d at %s signal = %d dr_flag = %d at %s signal = %d dr_flag = %d at %s signal = %d dr_flag = %d at %s ERROR: Unable to stop xmtopasagg. ERROR: Unable to stop xmtopasagg. Checking for required SMUX exports Checking for required SMUX exports I've nothing to do; exiting at %s I've nothing to do; exiting at %s Going down received from %s (%d) Going down received from %s (%d) Begin feed received from %s (%d) Begin feed received from %s (%d) Host %s (port #%d) says he's alive Host %s (port #%d) says he's alive Including ip addr %s into the list Including ip addr %s into the list Open call is success for %s file Open call is success for %s file Signal %d Received. Child pid : %d. Signal %d Received. Child pid : %d. Count of Common Memory Users: %5d Count of Common Memory Users: %5d Count of Defined StatSets: %5d Count of Defined StatSets: %5d Count of Defined HotSets: %5d Count of Defined HotSets: %5d Dynamic Data Supplier Count: %5d Dynamic Data Supplier Count: %5d Data Consumer Process Count: %5d Data Consumer Process Count: %5d multihomed: recvmsg error code = %d multihomed: recvmsg error code = %d Change feed received from %s (%d) Change feed received from %s (%d) Do dump DBX log. Core dump disabled. Do dump DBX log. Core dump disabled. send error code = %d, destination %s send error code = %d, destination %s Min remote interval: %d milliseconds Min remote interval: %d milliseconds Using xmquery protocol version %d.%d Using xmquery protocol version %d.%d Found host %s port %d, last seq = %d Found host %s port %d, last seq = %d Response delayed %d.%03d milliseconds Response delayed %d.%03d milliseconds Partner %s (#%d) assumed dead (cnt=%d)Partner %s (#%d) assumed dead (cnt=%d) SIGSEGV handler set.. no core dump.. SIGSEGV handler set.. no core dump.. ===> type %02d to %15s on port #%d ===> type %02d to %15s on port #%d Attempting to send HotSet exception %s Attempting to send HotSet exception %s SMUX export found: Shp=%08x, addr=%08x SMUX export found: Shp=%08x, addr=%08x time is now %s, last DDS update was %s time is now %s, last DDS update was %s SpmiPathGetCx failed for Proc context. SpmiPathGetCx failed for Proc context. Packet type %02d from %15s on port #%d Packet type %02d from %15s on port #%d Number of Monitored Lpars in CEC :%d Number of Monitored Lpars in CEC :%d /usr/bin/odmget HACMPcluster 2>dev/nullError: Can't find address for host "%s" Error: Can't find address for host "%s" Do not dump DBX log. Core dump enabled. Do not dump DBX log. Core dump enabled. spmiclean failed to dump the snapshot. spmiclean failed to dump the snapshot. Trap %d not sent, connection was closed Trap %d not sent, connection was closed Trap %d not sent, connection was closed Trap %d not sent, connection was closed usage: %s [-b UDP buffer size in bytes] Removing the existing %s file, pid:%d Removing the existing %s file, pid:%d Azizo Process started with the pid:%d Azizo Process started with the pid:%d error no %d while setting interval timer error no %d while setting interval timer %s (%d) last alive at %s, time is now %s %s (%d) last alive at %s, time is now %s %s (%d) last alive at %s, time is now %s %s (%d) last alive at %s, time is now %s %s (%d) last alive at %s, time is now %s %s (%d) last alive at %s, time is now %s Partner %s (#%d) assumed dead (count=%d) Partner %s (#%d) assumed dead (count=%d) Partner %s (#%d) removed from host table Partner %s (#%d) removed from host table SMUX UN-export found: Shp=%08x, addr=%08x SMUX UN-export found: Shp=%08x, addr=%08x Recv : Packet type %d(%d) from %s thru %s Recv : Packet type %d(%d) from %s thru %s Asking host %15s port #%d to reinitialize Asking host %15s port #%d to reinitialize Sending restart resync request to %s - %d Sending restart resync request to %s - %d SI Lock while stopping xmtopasagg failed. SI Lock while stopping xmtopasagg failed. error no %d while resetting interval timer error no %d while resetting interval timer **** COMMON SHARED MEMORY STATISTICS **** **** COMMON SHARED MEMORY STATISTICS **** ******** OTHER USAGE STATISTICS ********* ******** OTHER USAGE STATISTICS ********* Number of Monitored Lpars in Cluster :%d Number of Monitored Lpars in Cluster :%d Signal %d Received. Initiated MIB File Dump Signal %d Received. Initiated MIB File Dump Post LKU : Statset reinitialize for host:%s Post LKU : Statset reinitialize for host:%s Check for inactive partners completed at %s Check for inactive partners completed at %s Common Memory Use-List Count: %5d entries Common Memory Use-List Count: %5d entries Common Memory Free-List Count: %5d entries Common Memory Free-List Count: %5d entries This version supports SMUX, process ID = %d This version supports SMUX, process ID = %d Error %d Sending restart request to %s - %d Error %d Sending restart request to %s - %d (/usr/bin/topas respawn_xmtopas > /dev/null)& Aaaaarrrrgh! Got killed by signal %d at %s Aaaaarrrrgh! Got killed by signal %d at %s Pool Size Used Free Total Pool Size Used Free Total Common Memory High Water Mark: %3d Kbytes Common Memory High Water Mark: %3d Kbytes Unable to initialize SPMI Interface; Exiting Unable to initialize SPMI Interface; Exiting Signal %d Received. Initiated xmtopas Refresh Signal %d Received. Initiated xmtopas Refresh Sending error packet type %d to %s (port #%d) Sending error packet type %d to %s (port #%d) GoAway flag set for XMservd DDS function (%s) GoAway flag set for XMservd DDS function (%s) Inactive partner %s (#%d) removed from tables Inactive partner %s (#%d) removed from tables Common Memory High Water Mark:%3d,%03d Kbytes Common Memory High Water Mark:%3d,%03d Kbytes MIB dump not taken, SMUX connection was closed MIB dump not taken, SMUX connection was closed start_aggfeed: Starts the xmtopasagg process start_aggfeed: Starts the xmtopasagg process xmtopas intializing last requested time to %d. xmtopas intializing last requested time to %d. Read call is failed for azizo_pid, Errno :%d Read call is failed for azizo_pid, Errno :%d Xmtopasagg stopped successfully. Respawning.. Xmtopasagg stopped successfully. Respawning.. Send : Packet type %d(%d) to %s(%s) thru %s(%s) Send : Packet type %d(%d) to %s(%s) thru %s(%s) select on output socked failed, error code = %d select on output socked failed, error code = %d Send : Packet type %d(%d) to %s(%s) thru %s(%s) Send : Packet type %d(%d) to %s(%s) thru %s(%s) Updating time stamp in shared memory..Secs: %lu Updating time stamp in shared memory..Secs: %lu Off-size packet type %02d from %15s on port #%d Off-size packet type %02d from %15s on port #%d Shared memory creation failed.. hence exiting.. Shared memory creation failed.. hence exiting.. Xmtopasagg not running. Kickstarting xmtopasagg..Xmtopasagg not running. Kickstarting xmtopasagg.. Azizo recording is already running on this lpar Azizo recording is already running on this lpar Nobody to feed! Interval timer slowed down at %s Nobody to feed! Interval timer slowed down at %s Reached max interface count. Using default socket Reached max interface count. Using default socket Reached max interface count. Using default socket Reached max interface count. Using default socket Exiting and notifying data suppliers. Exit code %d Exiting and notifying data suppliers. Exit code %d errno %d: ftell failed in %s, disabling the logging errno %d: ftell failed in %s, disabling the logging SIGSEGV handler not set.. so ready for core dump.. SIGSEGV handler not set.. so ready for core dump.. spmiclean dumped snapshot into /var/perf/spmi.dump. spmiclean dumped snapshot into /var/perf/spmi.dump. Could not retrieve the network interface configuration Could not retrieve the network interface configuration Could not retrieve the network interface configuration Could not retrieve the network interface configuration Azizo recording is not currently running on this lpar Azizo recording is not currently running on this lpar Invalid time specified. Setting it to default 30 mins.. Invalid time specified. Setting it to default 30 mins.. Reconfig Signal Received. Initiated xmtopas Reinitialize Reconfig Signal Received. Initiated xmtopas Reinitialize putenv Error: setting of env variable SPMI_PRIVATE failed putenv Error: setting of env variable SPMI_PRIVATE failed Xmtopasagg already running. Hence stopping and respawning.. Xmtopasagg already running. Hence stopping and respawning.. Contexts are created. Hence, Xmtopasagg is already running (%d). Contexts are created. Hence, Xmtopasagg is already running (%d). trace level: %d, alive limit: %d seconds, time to live: %d minutestrace level: %d, alive limit: %d seconds, time to live: %d minutes%d Exit Signals Received. First Exit Signal = %d, Last Exit Signal = %d %d Exit Signals Received. First Exit Signal = %d, Last Exit Signal = %d signal = %d dr_flag = %d at %s MIG/HIB POST.. Next is reinitialize signal = %d dr_flag = %d at %s MIG/HIB POST.. Next is reinitialize Azizo recording was not started..., Return value of topasrec is (rc=%d) Azizo recording was not started..., Return value of topasrec is (rc=%d) Agg time to sleep can't be less than 30 mins. Setting it to default 30 mins.. Agg time to sleep can't be less than 30 mins. Setting it to default 30 mins.. /usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep %d | /usr/bin/grep azizo | /usr/bin/grep -v grep/usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep %d | /usr/bin/grep azizo | /usr/bin/grep -v grep/usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep %d | /usr/bin/grep azizo | /usr/bin/grep -v grep Removing the existing %s file as the azizo recording not current running on this lpar, pid:%d Removing the existing %s file as the azizo recording not current running on this lpar, pid:%d Warning: Unable to open an %s file, Because azizo recording is not currently running on this lpar Warning: Unable to open an %s file, Because azizo recording is not currently running on this lpar @(#)83 src/perf/perfagent/usr/bin/xmtopas/xmtopas.c, perfagent, perf72Q, q2018_48A0 10/26/18 03:11:38DDS/IBMIBM-defined Dynamic Data SuppliersDDS/IBM/xmtopasxmtopas Daemon Statistics3  onlineAveraged online pysical memory of monitored paritions in MB consumedMemory in use in MB$%consumedPercentage of available memory consumedd ( monitoredNumber of paritions monitoredsharedNumber of shared paritionsdedicatedNumber of dedicated paritionscappedNumber of capped paritionsuncappedNumber of uncapped paritionsmonitoredNumber of paritions monitoredsharedNumber of shared paritionsdedicatedNumber of dedicated paritionscappedNumber of capped paritionsuncappedNumber of uncapped paritions unmonitoredNumber of paritions unmonitoreddonateNumber of donating paritions CEC/LparsCEC wide partition statistics o`CEC/MemCEC wide memory statistics v CEC/CPUCEC wide processor statistics PCluster/LparsCluster wide partitions statistics lCluster/MemCluster wide memory statistics k`Cluster/CPUCluster wide processor statistics {P onlineTotal memory from monitored paritions in MBLconsumedMemory in use in MB`availTotal available memory on CEC in MBTunmonitoredTotal memory from unmonitored paritions in MBP%onlinePercentage of available memory onlined h %consumedPercentage of available memory consumedd t %unmonitoredPercentage of available memory unmonitoredd l unallocUnallocated memory on CEC in MBX%unallocPercentage of available memory unallocatedd p monitoredNumber of physical processors monitored  sharedNumber of shared processors  dedicatedNumber of dedicated processorsshr_physbPhysical busy for shared partitions  ded_physbPhysical busy for dedicated partitions  %sharedPercentage of available physical processors sharedd , %dedicatedPercentage of available physical processors dedicatedd 0 %shr_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for shared partitionsd 4 %ded_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for dedicated partitionsd 8 feedsTotal number of data feeds senthotfeedsTotal number of hotset feeds sentalivesTotal number of keep alive probes sentexceptsTotal number of exceptions sent hotexceptsTotal number of exceptions/traps sent from hotsetsotheroutTotal number of config packets sentstatoutTotal number of status packets sentbroadinTotal number of invitation packets receivedotherinTotal number of config packets received  statinTotal number of status packets received $hostsknownTotal number of data consumers known (setsactTotal number of statsets currently being fed ,hotsetsactTotal number of statsets currently being fed 0monitoredNumber of physical processors monitored  sharedNumber of shared processors  dedicatedNumber of dedicated processors$appAvailable physical processors in the shared pool ( poolsizeOnline physical processors in Pool , shr_physbPhysical busy for shared partitions 0 ded_physbPhysical busy for dedicated partitions 4 vcswGlobal Virtual Context Switches8phintGlobal Phantom Interrupts <%app_poolPercentage of shared pool proc availabled  availNumber of physical processors available unmonitoredNumber of physical processors unmonitored  %monitoredPercentage of available physical processors monitoredd x %sharedPercentage of available physical processors sharedd  %dedicatedPercentage of available physical processors dedicatedd  %appPercentage of avail phys procs avail in shared poold  %poolsizePercentage of avail phys procs in shared poold  %shr_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for shared partitionsd  %ded_physbPercentage of avail phys proc busy for dedicated partitionsd  %unmonitoredPercentage of avail phys procs unmonitoredd | unallocNumber of physical processors unallocated  %unallocPercentage of available phys proc unallocatedd  donate_procPercentage of donating processors H stolen_procPercentage of Stolen processors D donate_cpuNumber of donating cpus@T\^`cdg i$kmmnqsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv|mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm4mmmm 3`3`3`33`3`4X3`3`4443`53`3`585h3`3`3`5 LL012w/vm %s%s%sisoibmaixxmdmvsos2xmdisoDDSDDSxmdxmdDDSDDSxmdxmd%s  NULLmgmtvm.1plusplusplusGaugeccittibm.3aixRTaix.1aix.2aix.3aix.4mvs.1vm370os2.1os400ccittSubAg%s.%d%s.%dSubAg%s.%d%s/%s%s.%dEntry%s.%dEntryIndex%s.%d%s.%d%s.%d%s.%daix370aixPS2mvs370ps2PS2 END xmservdINTEGERCounterprivateos400.1INTEGERCounterINTEGERINTEGERINTEGERCounterINTEGERCounterxmtopasObjectIDinternetinternetInstNameIpAddressTimeTicksiso.3.6.1directoryprivate.1ibmAgentsinternet.1internet.2internet.3internet.4os400as400OctetStringPhysAddressenterprisesibmAgents.1aixRISC6000ibmAgents.2ibmAgents.3ibmAgents.4ibmAgents.5experimentalrisc6000perf %s %s, Index Numberv->name: %s DisplayStringenterprises.2aixRISC6000.1risc6000snmpdrisc6000gatedaixRISC6000.2aixRISC6000.3 ::= { %s } DisplayStringDisplayStringDisplayStringInstance NameNetworkAddressrisc6000agentsrisc6000perf.1risc6000publicgoto get_next Zero FlagPool risc6000xmservdrisc6000ibm7318risc6000privaterisc6000samplesjoint-iso-ccitt %s %s } joint-iso-ccittCx1: %35s %s Newpath = "%s" risc6000agents.1risc6000agents.2risc6000agents.3risc6000agents.4risc6000clsmuxpdrisc6000agents.5smux_unregister xm_count failed SMUX closed: %s risc6000private.1risc6000samples.1risc6000private.2init_objects: %s SMUX ident daemonSMUX ident daemonbase_tree = %08x badOperation: %d importobjects: %s smux_trap: %s [%s] smux_trap: %s [%s] smux_trap: %s [%s] risc6000sampleAgentssmux_init : %s [%s] smux is initialized smux_wait : %s [%s] Successfully added %s text2obj ("%s") fails smux_response: %s [%s]Import of %s / %s ... text2obj ("%s") failed %s ::= SEQUENCE { Out of table space (#7) Out of table space (#1) Out of table space (#2) Out of table space (#3) Out of table space (#4) Out of table space (#4) Out of table space (#5) Out of table space (#6) smux_register : %s [%s] smux_register successful Unable to access context Error %d getting value %s SMUX registration failed smux_unregister successful Cx2: nlevel=%2d, %35s %s Tab: nlevel=%2d, %35s %s Entr: nlevel=%2d, %35s %s text2obj ("%s") successful smux_simple_open : %s [%s] Trying to delete subtree %s Out of memory (xm_add_tree) Out of memory (xm_add_tree) Out of memory (xm_add_tree) Out of memory (xm_add_tree) Wonder what we do here ...! %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX %s %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX %s %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX %s %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX %s %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX %s %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX %s %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX %s SMUX registration succeeded SpmiPathGetCx for "%s" failed Out of memory (xm_add_tree #1) Out of memory (xm_add_tree #2) Out of memory (xm_add_tree #3) Out of memory (xm_add_tree #4) xm_add_tree at level %d failed xm_add_tree failed, errno = %d %s OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { %s }SpmiPathGetCx failed for path %s %s OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { %s } stree is NULL; should never occur DESCRIPTION "%s" ::= { %s } DESCRIPTION "%s" ::= { %s } DESCRIPTION "%s" ::= { %s } DESCRIPTION "%s" ::= { %s } Retrying smux_simple_open %d. time Error %d getting instance #%d (%s) -- Dump was done on host "%s" at %s ... SMUX register failed, context %s ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory Elem: nlevel=%2d, %35s %s, cx = %08x Elem: nlevel=%2d, %35s %s, cx = %08x Elem: nlevel=%2d, %35s %s, cx = %08x Sta2: nlevel=%2d, %35s %s, cx = %08x xm_smux_register called for subtree %s Can not find a smux entry for %s and %s %s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF %s DESCRIPTION "Element of above table" ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory Error on text2obj for "%s", index %d, t=%08x x  ` 8 8 D enterprises, OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC1155-SMI; pointer = %08x, index = %d, svp = %08x, name = %s XMSERVD-PERF-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS xm_add_tree: level=%d, path="%s", count=%d, max=%d Spmi: SMUX is un-initialized; can't register contextStat: nlevel=%2d, index=%d, t=%08x, %s %s, cx = %08x -- XMSERVD-PERF-MIB DEFINITIONS dumped by xmservd daemon @(#)85 src/perf/perfagent/usr/bin/xmtopas/Spmismux.c, perfagent, perf720 6/6/12 06:22:09xmd   P \ h ( h  t H ( < P d x 8   X h p x   p     < < < <@ <   $ h Nh ( , 0 4 8 < @ H     0 ( , 0 8 t Np x      ( D H X t x ƀ Ɛ Ɣ Ƙ ƨ Ƹ  (@(@___bzero@*@6@___fill@C@errno@close@ fsync@ kill@ lseek@ shmat@ shmctl@ shmdt@ shmget@ O@ uname@ unamex@ unlink@ socket@ bind@ ]@ j@ y@ @ @_iob@@calloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ fprintf@ fclose@ atoi@ toupper@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ @ @ getpid@ snprintf@ @ printf@ fflush@ usleep@ tolower@ read@ strncmp@ isupper@ fgets@ sscanf@ @ @ islower@ ftell@ strtok@ ctime_r@ ctime@ isalpha@ system@ waitpid@ execl@ sendto@ @ qsort@ fork@ strstr@ memcmp@ pclose@ popen@ wait3@ getopt@  @ bsearch@ putenv@ srandom@ random@ ftok@ @ &@ 2@ nrecvmsg@ @@ __crt0v@optarg@M@j@ w@ @fcntl@ ioctl@ @ sleep@ SBase@@@ SmuxFlag@ @ @ shmdet@ @ @ SiUnlock@ SiLock@ @ @ @ %@ 7@ I@ [@ n@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ #@ 1@ @@ P@ b@ r@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ %@ 3@ ?@ N@ ^@ k@ y@ @ @ SpmiExit@ SpmiInit@ SiErrmsg@SiErrno@@@@ @ @ text2obj@ @ o_string@ o_number@ @  @ @ #@ 3@ C@ P@ c@ o@ advise@ @@strdup@ @ oid_free@ PY_pepy@__start !    k< sd t  t u\ v v                      $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |   T |                           0 4 D H X \ l p                  $ 4 8 H L \ ` p t                 $ ( 8 < L P       $ ( 0 4 D Hc d[ hZ l p` t^ x] |  K    Q  M    0  ,    +  1 @  & 9 J L :            O \ (  $ ( , 0 4 8 < @_ D% H L  P T X \ ` d h l p/ t x# |X  R   e  h    i          j      f               $ ( , 0= 4 8 <! @ D) H$ L PA T X' \7 `8 d5 hB l2 p t x |                G    * "   C  o m g n  l k       <  F $S (T ,4 0 4 8 < @ Dv H~ L P T X \P ` d h l p tI xd |E      ? 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