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TIMEBASE !Opts.opt_timestamp!Opts.opt_timestamp/var/adm/ras/trcfile/var/adm/ras/mtrcdir%4d.%09d* %6s %6s SRC FILENAME %4d.%09d %6d.%06d aix.ras.trace.trcrptch0Too many cpus specified. /usr/lib/ras/null_trcfile/usr/lib/ras/null_trcfiler.trcevret_nretrieved == 1 Conditional event bitmap: restrict_trcrpt_ch0_other_usersbitmap: cp=%s count=%d start=%d ELAPSED_SEC DELTA_MSEC ELAPSED_SEC DELTA_USEC The event group %s doesn't exist. Option not supported in a WPAR: %s APPL SYSCALL KERNEL INTERRUPT A thread id must be a decimal number. The group name '*' is not allowed here. 0454-186 The -M option may only be specified once. COMPONENT Channel %d too big. The maximum channel number is %d. p::O::n:M:C:xHt:s:e:jhrd::k::D::K::GT::@:cv01234567o:l:mWarning : -C and -s or -e are incompatible, -s and -e are ignored. All option flags must occur before trace log file(s) are specified. Warning : -C or -l and -s or -e are incompatible, -s and -e are ignored. Warning : -C or -l and -s or -e are incompatible, -s and -e are ignored. Warning : -C or -l and -s or -e are incompatible, -s and -e are ignored. Warning : A CPU number may only be specified once, duplicate %d ignored. @(#)43 src/bos/usr/bin/trcrpt/main.c, cmdtrace, bos72L, l2018_16A9 2/20/18 09:50:35A processor number must be from 0 through n-1, where n is the total umber of processors on the machine. Attention: PURR=on was specified, but the PURR wasn't traced. The elapsed time is shown instead of the PURR. permission denied: trcrpt on channel-%d is restricted by system administrator. You must have root authority or authorization to trcrpt channel-%d logfile. Bad format for date string: '%s' A date string must be of the form: mmddhhmmssyy , where mm is a 2 digit month, dd is a 2 digit day of the month, hh is a 2 digit hour, mm is a 2 digit minute, ss is a 2 digit second, yy is a 2 digit year. Bad format for date string: '%s' A date string must be of the form: mmddhhmmssyy , where mm is a 2 digit month, dd is a 2 digit day of the month, hh is a 2 digit hour, mm is a 2 digit minute, ss is a 2 digit second, yy is a 2 digit year. Bad format for traceid %s A traceid consists of 2, 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits. A 2 digit traceid represents a range of 16 traceids, 0xnn00,0xnn10, 0xnn20, etc. A 3 digit traceid represents 1 traceid, 0xnnn0. A 4 digit traceid represents 1 traceid, 0xnnnn. However, traceids of the form 0x0nnx are not allowed when x is not 0. usage: trcrpt -h -r -j -d idlist -k idlist -D grouplist -K grouplist -G -p pidlist -t tmpltfile -s startdate -e enddate -c -m -C cpu_list -T tidlist -vx -M common | rare | all[:LMT dir] -n namelist -O optlist -@ WPARlist -l namelist[:CT dir] logfile(s) logdir(s) Write formatted report of logfile to stdout -h Omit heading and footing -r Output unformatted trace entries -j Output the list of trace ids and primary labels -d idlist Output trace entries only for ids in 'idlist' -k idlist Exclude trace entries in 'idlist' -D grouplist Output trace entries only for listed groups -K grouplist Exclude trace entries in listed groups -G List trace groups to standard output -p pidlist Output only pids (or execnames) in list, INTR = interrupts -@ WPARlist Output trace entries for the specified WPARs. -t tmpltfile Use 'tmpltfile' as template file instead of /etc/trcfmt -s startdate Select entries later than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -e enddate Select entries earlier than date (MMddhhmmssyy) -c Check the template file for syntax errors, No report -C cpu_list Report on the specified cpus, may use -C all -v Print filenames as they are opened, -vv gives additional info -T tidlist Exclude or include trace entries in tidlist -x Print executable name for every event -M common | rare | all [:LMT dir] Generates a report from the memory trace logfile. Specifying all produces seperate reports for both common and rare log files unless -m is specified. A directory other than the default can be specified by adding a colon and directory after the buffer specification. -n namelist Specify the kernel name list file to be used to interpret addresses -O optlist -O option=value, ... (-O help for additional info) -l namelist[:CT dir] Report on the specified components, may use -l all (only valid when using multi-component trace files). A directory other than the default can be specified by adding a colon and directory after the buffer specification. -m All files specified including those via the -M and -l option are merged into a chronologically ordered report. The -s and -e flags are exclusive of the -O starttime and endtime. If specified, -G must be the only flag. If logfile is not specified, trcrpt uses the logfile specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s. When the -M flag is used, trcrpt uses the LMT log directory specified with the colon syntax. If no colon and directory is present, trcrpt uses the directory specified with the trcctl command, the default is %s If a logdir is specified, trcrpt expects a multi-component trace in that directory, and -l all is the default. If logdir is not specified, but -l is specified, trcrpt uses the components directory specified with the colon syntax. If no colon and directory is present, trcrpt uses the directory specified with trcctl, the default is /var/adm/ras/trc_ct. 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