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"%s" #include "%s" #include "%s" #include "%s" RPCGENFLAGS = /usr/ccs/lib/cpp#ifndef _KERNEL # Parameters SOURCES.x = %s -C ANSI C mode usage: %s infile %s: unable to open #else /* K&R C */ #endif /* !_%s */ #include #ifdef __cplusplus # Compiler flags D |    #ifdef __cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus #endif /* K&R C */ #ifdef __cplusplus #include #include #include #define _AIX_TIRPC #include #define _AIX_TIRPC #include #define _AIX_TIRPC #include #include #define _AIX_TIRPC #include #define _AIX_TIRPC #include #define _AIX_TIRPC #include illegal nettype :'%s' strdup returned a NULL#endif /* !_KERNEL */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _%s #define _%s /* the xdr functions */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ CLIENT = %s SERVER = %s rpcgen: too many defines -h generate header file TARGETS_SVC.c = %s %s %s -c generate XDR routines -M generate MT-safe code TARGETS_CLNT.c = %s %s %s all : $(CLIENT) $(SERVER) $(TARGETS) : $(SOURCES.x) $(SERVER) : $(OBJECTS_SVC) malloc failed - out of memoryTARGETS = %s %s %s %s %s %s $(CLIENT) : $(OBJECTS_CLNT) rpcgen: arglist coding error #define _RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN %s CFLAGS += -g LDLIBS += -lnsl -l generate client side stubs -m generate server side stubs cannot find C preprocessor: %s -t generate RPC dispatch table * Please do not edit this file. #include /* strcmp */ #include /* setsid */ -Y path path where cpp is found * It was generated using rpcgen. SOURCES_SVC.c = SOURCES_SVC.h = -Sm generate makefile template -o outfile name of the output file SOURCES_CLNT.c = SOURCES_CLNT.h = Cannot use -I flag without -b flag. cannot find any C preprocessor (cpp) #include /* for memset */ rpcgen $(RPCGENFLAGS) $(SOURCES.x) Cannot use netid flag without TIRPC. Cannot use table flags with newstyle. %s [-n netid]* [-o outfile] [infile] #include /* getenv, exit */ #include /* rlimit */         #include /* TIOCNOTTY */ #ifdef DEBUG #define RPC_SVC_FG #endif %s [-s nettype]* [-o outfile] [infile] Cannot specify more than one input file. -a generate all files, including samples -L server errors will be printed to syslog %s: %s already exists. No output generated. #include /* getdtablesize, open */ -A generate code to enable automatic MT mode #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) #include /* for pmap_unset */ file '%s' already exists and may be overwritten Cannot have more than one file generation flag. -Dname[=value] define a symbol (same as #define) -N supports multiple arguments andcall-by-value -T generate code to support RPC dispatch tables #ifndef SIG_PF #define SIG_PF void(*)(int) #endif $(LINK.c) -o $(SERVER) $(OBJECTS_SVC) $(LDLIBS) $(LINK.c) -o $(CLIENT) $(OBJECTS_CLNT) $(LDLIBS) "infile" is required for template generation flags. # This is a template makefile generated by rpcgen -K seconds server exits after K seconds ofinactivity -i size size at which to start generatinginline code -n netid generate server code that supportsnamed netid -s nettype generate server code that supports namednettype -Sc generate sample client code that uses remoteprocedures -I generate code for inetd support in server(for SunOS 4.X) -b backward compatibility mode (generates codefor SunOS 4.X) -Ss generate sample server code that definesremote procedures CPPFLAGS += -D_REENTRANT CFLAGS += -g LDLIBS += -lnsl -lthread %s [-c | -h | -l | -m | -t | -Sc | -Ss | -Sm][-o outfile] [infile] OBJECTS_SVC = $(SOURCES_SVC.c:%%.c=%%.o) $(TARGETS_SVC.c:%%.c=%%.o) $(OBJECTS_SVC) : $(SOURCES_SVC.c) $(SOURCES_SVC.h) $(TARGETS_SVC.c) OBJECTS_CLNT = $(SOURCES_CLNT.c:%%.c=%%.o) $(TARGETS_CLNT.c:%%.c=%%.o) $(OBJECTS_CLNT) : $(SOURCES_CLNT.c) $(SOURCES_CLNT.h) $(TARGETS_CLNT.c) %s [-abCLNTMA] [-Dname[=value]] [-i size][-I [-K seconds]] [-Y path] infile clean: $(RM) core $(TARGETS) $(OBJECTS_CLNT) $(OBJECTS_SVC) $(CLIENT) $(SERVER) @(#)68 1.7 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_main.c, onccmds, onc720 10/14/05 10:39:094Tt$LLL)(}{[]*,=:;%s %s intcharenumboolcaseenumlongcharboolvoidenum %s_%sconstunionshortfloatopaquestringstringchar *stringstructswitchdoublestringopaque??????struct bool_t defaulttypedefprogramversionunsignedargument%s_%s_%sargument%s_%s_svcwrapstringidentifier%s, line %d: expected '%s'too many files! expected '%s' or '%s'rpcgen: malloc failure rpcgen: malloc failure expected '%s', '%s' or '%s'malloc failed - out of memory@(#)76 1.4 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_util.c, onccmds, onc720 10/14/05 10:42:08       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @    h 0 p 8 L  x P  ! "  # $ % @& H'  dh%c%d%sintcaseenumboolvoidcharlongconstunionshorthyperfloatswitchstructopaquedoublestring??????defaulttypedefprogramversionunsignedquadrupleempty char stringpreprocessor errorpreprocessor errorpreprocessor errorpreprocessor errorpreprocessor errorillegal character in file: unterminated string constantunterminated string constantmalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memoryconstant or identifier expected@(#)72 1.4 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_scan.c, onccmds, onc720 12/4/08 04:31:57  $ D  t L |  T# $ !     ,  4 < \ " d% & ' l    D 4  4444444444l \~0~0~0argvoidvoidfreevoidvoid%s%dvoidlongarraybytesunionshortu_intu_intopaquegetposinlinesetpossizeofvectoropaquestringopaquestringopaquestringstringstringu_charu_longdestroypointeru_shortreferencelonglong_t # #u_longlong_tillegal result typeexpected type specifierarray declaration expecteddefinition keyword expectedonly one argument is allowedmalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memorymalloc failed - out of memoryopaque -- illegal argument typeillegal use of void in program definitionvariable-length array declaration expectedno array-of-pointer declarations -- use typedefno array-of-pointer declarations -- use typedefillegal (reserved) name :'%s' in type definitionillegal (reserved) name :'%s' in type definitionpointer to string not allowed in program arguments #( #0 # " #` #h # # #p #x #8 #arrays cannot be declared as arguments to procedures -- use typedefvoids allowed only inside union and program definitions with one argument@(#)69 1.3 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_parse.c, onccmds, onc720 10/14/05 10:39:46___\_\_\__\__``@`p_______` _0)%s, ), }; void%s_%s sizeof ( (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (void *(*)())RPCGEN_ACTION( (char *(*)())RPCGEN_ACTION(WARNING %s table is out of order struct rpcgen_table %s_table[] = { /* * WARNING: table out of order */ int %s_nproc = sizeof(%s_table)/sizeof(%s_table[0]); (char *(*)())0, (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, 0, (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, 0, (void *(*)())0, (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, 0, (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, 0, @(#)75 1.2 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_tblout.c, onccmds, onc720 10/19/99 14:10:29* ( ( _ 0 { } _{ { ; } { } { } } } } } } int%s } } } } } udp); UDPTCPUDPTCP } %s void%s, void %svoid } } /* } } } } %s} %s} sock%s %s } %s } %s } void } */ %s } %s } rqstplocalexternstaticstatic_arg; _arg; _res; noprocdecode if (! else #else , 0, 0transpresultretvalstatic *argp, } %s; } %s; getargsstatic #endif #endif main() int i; else { (SIG_PF) *argp, *argp; %s)); } freeargs(SIG_PF) } else (SIG_PF), 0)) { (SIG_PF)argument return ((%s, %s) union { union { systemerr exit(1); argp->%s, case %s: break; default: } else { %sreturn; int sig; return; SOCK_DGRAM exit(1); exit(1); (void(*)())(argp, %s) %s *argp; void *%s; char *%s; (caddr_t) &(caddr_t) & exit(1); int sock; %sexit(0); (void(*)())(void(*)()) } else { (void(*)()) exit(1); %sif (pid) SOCK_STREAMRPC_ANYSOCK pid_t pid; , nconf)) { svc_run(); int fill; int fill; bool_t %s; int proto; exit(1); exit(1); sock = 0; char *msg; static void exit(0); return; exit(0); exit(1); exit(1); %sint size; %s exit(1); %s exit(0); %s exit(1); %ssetsid(); , proto)) { %s exit(1); %s exit(1); %s exit(1); proto = 0; if (nconf) svc_run(); #ifndef MIN %s exit(1); %s exit(1); exit(1); } openfd++; (argp, %s, %s) closedown(sig) char *netid; SVCXPRT *%s; int pmclose; %sint pid, i; #define _IDLE 0 svc_run returned char *(*%s)(); case NULLPROC: pmclose = 1; %spid = fork(); %sif (i >= 0) { _msgout("%s"); if (!svc_create( bool_t (*%s)(); _rpcsvccount++; svcerr_%s(%s); %s_msgout("%s"); int i, openfd; if (pmclose) { %sif (pid < 0) { , IPPROTO_%s)) { %s int _rpcfdtype; /* NOTREACHED */ %s_rpcsvccount--; void _msgout(msg) #ifdef RPC_SVC_FG if (_rpcpmstart) * TLI endpoint. #endif /* MIN */ %s int _rpcpmstart;#define _SERVED 1 , %s, %s, "%s")) { _rpcpmstart = 1; closedown(int sig) static int size; if (size == 0) { if (openfd <= 1) _rpcpmstart = 1; /* NOTREACHED */ #ifndef RPC_SVC_FG %srl.rlim_max = 0; _xdr_%s = xdr_%s; if (_rpcpmstart) { rl.rlim_max = 0; %sstruct rlimit rl; %s (void) close(i); %s (void) close(i); cannot find %s netid.%s if (%s == NULL) { struct svc_req *%s; (struct svc_req *%s, struct svc_req *%s; %s = (char *(*)()) %s(void) dup2(i, 1); %s(void) dup2(i, 2); %s if (%s == NULL) { register SVCXPRT *%s) %s = (bool_t (*)()) %s = (*%s)(&%s, %s); unable to free results sock = RPC_ANYSOCK; struct rlimit rl; %s if (!_rpcpmstart) mutex_t _svcstate_lock; register SVCXPRT *%s; register SVCXPRT *%s; register SVCXPRT *%s; register SVCXPRT *%s; syslog(LOG_ERR, msg); %s %s = svc%s_create(%s%s proto = IPPROTO_%s; %s if (nconf == NULL) { switch (%s->rq_proc) { unable to free argumentsvoid _msgout(char* msg) syslog(LOG_ERR, msg); struct t_info tinfo; cannot create %s service.could not create a handle*%s, struct svc_req *%s) %ssyslog(LOG_ERR, "%s"); %sfprintf(stderr, "%s"); _rpcsvcstate = _IDLE; cannot get transport infocannot create %s service.%s_rpcsvcstate = _SERVED; %s perror("cannot fork"); %ssize = getdtablesize(); struct sockaddr_in saddr; extern fd_set svc_fdset; size = getdtablesize(); /* started from inetd */ cannot create server handle if (!svc_reg(%s, %s, %s, %si = open("/dev/tty", 2); static int _rpcsvccount = 0;%s if (!svc_reg(%s, %s, %s, %s freenetconfigent(nconf); *argp, struct svc_req *%s) freenetconfigent(nconf); unable to register (%s, %s).%si = open("/dev/null", 2); xdrproc_t _xdr_%s, _xdr_%s; int asize = sizeof (saddr); int ssize = sizeof (int); %s(void) pmap_unset(%s, %s); %sfor (i = 0; i < size; i++) int mode = RPC_SVC_MT_AUTO; if (%s == (SVCXPRT *)NULL) { mutex_lock(&_svcstate_lock); %s = (*%s)((char *)&%s, %s); %smutex_lock(&_svcstate_lock); _xdr_%s = (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s; unable to set automatic MT mode.static int _rpcsvcstate = _IDLE;unable to register (%s, %s, %s). mutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock); if (FD_ISSET(i, &svc_fdset)) mutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock); unable to register (%s, %s, %s). struct netconfig *nconf = NULL; unable to create (%s, %s) for %s.%smutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock); if (_rpcfdtype == SOCK_DGRAM) %sgetrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); %s if (!svc_register(%s, %s, %s, %s nconf = getnetconfigent("%s"); getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); struct netconfig *nconf = NULL; if (!svc_%s(%s, _xdr_%s, %s%s)) { if (saddr.sin_family != AF_INET) mutex_unlock(&_svcstate_lock); (void) sigset(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* Started by a port monitor ? */ bool_t (*_xdr_%s)(), (*_xdr_%s)(); %s = (bool_t) (*%s)(&%s, &%s, %s); if ((size = rl.rlim_max) == 0) { (void) alarm(_RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN/2); %s (void) rpcb_unset(%s, %s, nconf); (void) alarm(_RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN/2); (void) alarm(_RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN/2); /* Set when a request is serviced */ (void) alarm(_RPCSVC_CLOSEDOWN/2); %sopenlog("%s", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); /* Whether Stream or Datagram ? */ (void) signal(SIGALRM, %s closedown); (void) signal(SIGALRM, %s closedown); char *(*%s)(char *, struct svc_req *); (char *)&_rpcfdtype, &ssize) == -1) (void) fprintf(stderr, "%%s\n", msg); (void) signal(SIGALRM, %s closedown); _freeresult(%s, _xdr_%s, (caddr_t) &%s)) if (getsockopt(0, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, (void) signal(SIGALRM, %s closedown); /* Number of requests being serviced */ #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) if (mutex_trylock(&_svcstate_lock) != 0) { %sif ((size = MIN(rl.rlim_max, 100) ) == 0) /* lock for _rpcsvcstate, _rpcsvccount */ %s = (char *(*)(char *, struct svc_req *)) (void) memset((char *)&%s, 0, sizeof (%s)); pmclose = (t_getstate(0) != T_DATAXFER); %s (void) ioctl(i, TIOCNOTTY, (char *)NULL); /* States a server can be in wrt request */ * that we were started by a port monitor. If * t_getstate fails with TBADF, this is not a if (!rpc_control(RPC_SVC_MTMODE_SET, &mode)) { if (t_getstate(0) != -1 || t_errno != TBADF) { if ((_rpcfdtype == 0) || (_rpcfdtype == %s)) { bool_t (*%s)(char *, void *, struct svc_req *); if ((nconf = getnetconfigent(netid)) == NULL) mutex_init(&_svcstate_lock, USYNC_THREAD, NULL); * If stdin looks like a TLI endpoint, we assume if ((netid = getenv("NLSPROVIDER")) == NULL) { %s %s = svc_tli_create(RPC_ANYFD, nconf, 0, 0, 0); if (_rpcsvcstate == _IDLE && _rpcsvccount == 0) { %s = (bool_t) (*%s)((char *)&%s, (void *)&%s, %s); if (%s != NULL && !svc_sendreply(%s, _xdr_%s, %s)) { (void) svc_sendreply(%s, xdr_void, (char *)NULL); for (i = 0, openfd = 0; i < size && openfd < 2; i++) %s = (bool_t (*) (char *, void *, struct svc_req *)) if (%s > 0 && !svc_sendreply(%s, _xdr_%s, (char *)&%s)) { if (!t_getinfo(0, &tinfo) && (tinfo.servtype == T_CLTS)) if ((%s = svc_tli_create(0, nconf, NULL, 0, 0)) == NULL) { if (getsockname(0, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, &asize) == 0) { (void) svc_sendreply(%s, (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (char *)NULL); @(#)74 1.4 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_svcout.c, onccmds, onc720 10/14/05 10:41:33 ( (( (& &&* { } ; , %s } clntclntvoid%s, %s, %s) void%s; void if argpargpvoid*%s; (%s) (%s) *%s; *%s, char if %s%s) arg; *argp, *argp; (%s%s) %s%s; CLIENT *CLIENT * static return clnt_res return *%s, %s%s) (argp, %s) *%s, %s%s) *argp, %s%s) TIMEOUT)); arg.%s = %s; TIMEOUT)); (argp, %s, %s) enum clnt_stat return (%s%s); return (NULL); return ((void *)%s%s); TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) { TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) { memset((char *)%s%s, 0, sizeof (%s)); (clnt_call(clnt, %s, (xdrproc_t) xdr_%sstatic struct timeval TIMEOUT = { %d, 0 }; (clnt_call(clnt, %s, (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (caddr_t) NULL, (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s,, (caddr_t) &arg, (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s, /* Default timeout can be changed using clnt_control() */ @(#)65 1.2 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_clntout.c, onccmds, onc720 10/19/99 14:08:02 return (clnt_call(clnt, %s, (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s, (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s, TIMEOUT)); if (clnt_call(clnt, %s, (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s, (xdrproc_t) xdr_%s, (caddr_t) %s%s, TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) { * (* ; ; ; ; %s%s%s%s* , , ; }; }; }; *, %s}; %s %s boolvoid(); voidcharcharbool} %svoidboolchar} %s%s); = %s = %dstringopaquebool_tstringbool_topaquebool_t %s%s %sstruct %s%s %s %s %s; extern extern extern CLIENT *typedef %s%s *%schar *%s%s%s *%sclnt_res union { } %s_u; struct { struct { enum %s { = %s + %dextern int %s%s %s[%s]%s%s %s[%s]struct %s { struct %s { struct %s { bool_t %s; #define %s %s _freeresult(); enum clnt_stat u_int %s_len; %s%s *%s_val; u_int %s_len; %s%s *%s_val; struct svc_req * #else /* K&R C */ #endif /* K&R C */ extern %s_%s_nproc; typedef enum %s %s; typedef struct %s %s; typedef struct %s %s; typedef struct %s %s; extern bool_t xdr_%s(); malloc failed - out of memory#define %s ((unsigned long)(%s)) extern bool_t xdr_%s(XDR *, %s%s); extern struct rpcgen_table %s_%s_table[]; _freeresult(SVCXPRT *, xdrproc_t, caddr_t); #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) @(#)67 1.3 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_hout.c, onccmds, onc720 10/14/05 10:38:33struct rpcgen_table { void *(*proc)(); xdrproc_t xdr_arg; unsigned len_arg; xdrproc_t xdr_res; unsigned len_res; }; char *(*proc)(); (&( } * { { } udp } } /* voidvoidvoidvoidvoidvoidvoid_%s; _%s, int */ rqstpvoid *_arg; stringresultchar * void char * netpathclnt); bool_t (void *)(clnt); static (host); result; result_%d; *) NULL) { &result_%d, char *host; *result_%d; retval_%d = result_%d = _arg, clnt); exit(1); } exit(1); } #ifndef DEBUG (char *host) { CLIENT *clnt; #ifndef DEBUG struct svc_req * bool_t retval; caddr_t result; SVCXPRT *transp; if (argc < 2) { host = argv[1]; if (result_%d == (#endif /* DEBUG */ (&result_%d, clnt); #endif /* DEBUG */ return (retval); } clnt_destroy(clnt); return (&result); } (host) char *host; { xdrproc_t xdr_result; _arg, &result_%d, clnt); enum clnt_stat retval_%d; clnt_pcreateerror(host); return((void *) &result); } main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (clnt == (CLIENT *) NULL) { if (retval_%d != RPC_SUCCESS) { clnt_perror(clnt, "call failed"); (void) xdr_free(xdr_result, result); /* * insert server code here */ _freeresult(transp, xdr_result, result) clnt = clnt_create(host, %s, %s, "%s"); * This is sample code generated by rpcgen. main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { * These are only templates and you can use them printf("usage: %%s server_host\n", argv[0]); * as a guideline for developing your own functions. /* * Insert additional freeing code here, if needed */ _freeresult(SVCXPRT *transp, xdrproc_t xdr_result, caddr_t result) @(#)71 1.3 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_sample.c, onccmds, onc720 10/14/05 10:40:20 ** } , , %s%s} { } } %s %s )) } + INT %s , %sboolenumvoidvoid%s%s } objpLONGbytesarrayU_INTstringstringopaqueopaquevectorstringstringopaquestringU_LONGbool_t xdr_%s(pointersizeof ((char *) int i; objp->%sobjp) { objp; { (char **)(char **) break; break; %s%s * %d&objp->%sIXDR_PUT_%s(buf); case %s: default: default: } else { } else { objp->%s_u.%s(enum_t *)objp&objp->%s_u.%smalloc failed i < %s; i++) { return (TRUE); if (!xdr_%s(xdrs return (FALSE); return (FALSE); %s(buf, *genp++); xdr_%s(xdrs, objp) if (buf == NULL) { *genp++ = IXDR_GET_%s(buf, objp->%s); register XDR *xdrs, register %s *genp; objp->%s = IXDR_GET_ register XDR *xdrs; switch (objp->%s) { return (TRUE); } register long *buf; if (buf == NULL) { %s), (xdrproc_t) xdr_%sFatal error : no memory for (i = 0, genp = objp->%s; %s.%s_val, (u_int *) %s.%s_len&%s->%s_val, (u_int *) &%s->%s_len if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_ENCODE) { sizeof (bool_t), (xdrproc_t) xdr_boolbuf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, %d * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%s) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT); buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, %d * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT); buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%s) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT); return (TRUE); } else if (xdrs->x_op == XDR_DECODE) { buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%d + (%s)) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT); buf = XDR_INLINE(xdrs, (%d + (%s)) * BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT);@(#)66 1.3 src/oncplus/usr/bin/rpcgen/rpc_cout.c, onccmds, onc720 12/4/08 04:53:34 b bG bD b$ b  ` dT dX  d\ d` dh   hh b hp h ix b i| i m m  m  m m m " m ( * * m n n n o J J o J J J O` TP TT TX Tp T T T [ b00/w@+@7@errno@access@ close@ pipe@ unlink@ _iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ atoi@ toupper@ abort@ stat@ sprintf@ fdopen@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fputc@ fgets@ perror@ isspace@ islower@ ftell@ strdup@ isalnum@ isalpha@ waitpid@ isprint@ C@ fork@ dup2@ isxdigit@ rindex@ execv@ O@ __crt0v@\@__start bp!      ( , 0 8 <      H L P T X \ ` d h      $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                        $ , 4 < D L T \ d l t |           ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " "  " " "$ ", "4 "< "D "L "T "X "\ "` "d "h "l "p "t "x "| " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " $ $  & & & & & & & & ' ' ' '  ' ( ( ( (  ( ( ( ( (  ($ (( (, (0 (4 (8 (< (@ (D (H bp bt bx b| b b b b b b b0 b/ b b1 b b b$ b" b b b  b c c c  c  c c c c c  c$ c( c, c0 c4 c8 c< c@ cD cH cL cP cT  cX) c\ c` cd ch cl cp ct cx c|% c, c c! c c c c c c' c& c( c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c  c c  c* c c d+ d. d d  d d d d# d  d$ d( d, d0 d4 d8 d< d@  dD dH- dL/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDtirpcgen/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___strcpy setlocale __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name