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Please check your SMIT ACL Database. 1800-043 odm_close_class() for object sm_cmd_hdr. ODM error message: %s1800-044 odm_close_class() for object sm_cmd_opt. ODM error message: %s1800-041 odm_close_class() for object sm_menu_opt. ODM error message: %s1800-042 odm_close_class() for object sm_name_hdr. ODM error message: %s@(#)33 src/bos/usr/bin/smit/csmitmain.c, cmdsmit, bos720 4/14/08 10:44:371800-006 Internal error: unknown asl_init() return code. Use local problem reporting procedures. 1800-074 A -m may not follow a -n or -d flag. Use only one of the -m, -n, or -d FastPath options. 1800-075 A -n may not follow a -m or -d flag. Use only one of the -m, -n, or -d FastPath options. 1800-076 A -d may not follow a -m or -n flag. Use only one of the -m, -n, or -d FastPath options. 1800-002 Could not access terminfo database for your terminal type. Use local problem reporting procedures. 1800-005 SMIT requires a minimum of 24 line by 80 column output display. Check terminal or window size and try again. 1800-003 No tty on stdout; SMIT needs a terminal for normal interactive use. Use the -f flag to redirect stdin or stdout. 1800-008 Specified FastPath key: "%1$s", is longer than %2$d characters. Reenter SMIT command line with corrected FastPath key. 1800-004 Initscr() error occurred. This may be due to insufficient storage for starting program. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 1800-009 Specified FastPath key sequence number: "%1$s", is longer than %2$d characters. Reenter SMIT command line with corrected FastPath key sequence number. 1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed.1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed.1800-001 TERM environment variable entry missing. TERM should be set to your terminal type; set your TERM environment variable or use local problem reporting procecures 1800-093 Could not open SMIT log file: "%s". This session will not be logged. If logging is required, check path and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures.1800-102 Could not open SMIT script file: "%s". The commands run will not be logged. If command logging is required, check path and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures.The environment variable TERM is currently set to a terminal type that does not support the full screen display capabilities required for SMIT. Set TERM to an appropriate terminal type or use another terminal.1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Could not find SMIT database entry for given FastPath id: "%s".)1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Could not find SMIT database entry for given FastPath id: "%s".)1800-038 odm_initialize() failed, ODM error message: %s Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-078 ODM odm_set_path() failed on object repository path (of the SMIT/ODM database): "%s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.Usage [-CDfhMtvXx] [-o Object_repository_path] [-l SMIT_main_log_file_path] [-p entity/value string] [-r run_mode] [-s SMIT_script_log_file_path] [-a SMIT_transaction_log_file_path] [[-{n,m,d}] Id_FastPath] -d Id_FastPath = start with this dialog screen -C = start smit in the Curses mode -D = debug; set -t, -v, and internal trace modes -f = filter mode (do not flush stdin between screens and do not check for a tty on stdout) -h = this help/usage message -M = start smit in the windows mode -m Id_FastPath = start with this menu screen -n Id_FastPath = start with this selector screen -o Object_repository_path = alternate SMIT/ODM database object repository (directory) path (default path is /usr/lib/objrepos) -p "entity1:val1,val2;entity2:val1,val2..." or "val1,val2;val1,val2" Msmit only. Allows nameselects and dialogs to be filled in from the command line. Also allows multiple entities to be operated on simultaneously. The environment variables ENTITY_SEP and VALUE_SEP can be set to override the default comma and semicolon separators. -r [1,2,3,4] Msmit only. 1: Exit msmit when "done" is clicked in the output window. 2: Exit msmit when "ok" is clicked in a dialog. Print the dialog options upon exit. Do not run the command. 3: Run msmit silently, print the dialog options. Do not run the command. 4: Exit msmit when "ok" is clicked in the dialog. Print the commands upon exit. Do not run the command. -t = generate trace information for (main) log file -v = verbose (main) log file mode; show generated CommandStrings for intermediate commands and the target task commands, together with their output after they are run -x = do not run any Command_to_Execute (the actual task CommandString), but continue to log any Command_to_Execute to the (script, main) log files as usual -X = do not run any Command_to_Discover, Command_to_List, Command_to_Classify, Command_to_Execute hh|xH(lH$ Ϭ 0t 3 ?0Tididididasknamenametextnametypeghostaliasghostprefixop_typenext_idnext_idrequiredoption_idexec_modename_sizenext_typeoption_idnext_typestrtoimaxid_seq_numentry_typeentry_sizeaix_valuessm_cmd_optvalue_sizesm_cmd_hdrid_seq_numname_msg_idcmd_to_listvalue_indexdisp_valueshelp_msg_idname_msg_idcmd_to_exechelp_msg_idtext_msg_idhelp_msg_idsm_menu_optname_msg_idhelp_msg_idsm_name_hdrname_msg_setmulti_selecthelp_msg_locname_msg_sethelp_msg_loctext_msg_sethelp_msg_locname_msg_sethelp_msg_locname_msg_filevalues_msg_idhelp_msg_basehelp_msg_booksm_cmd_opt.vcname_msg_filehelp_msg_basehelp_msg_booksm_cmd_hdr.vctext_msg_filehelp_msg_basehelp_msg_bookname_msg_filehelp_msg_basehelp_msg_bookvalues_msg_setsm_menu_opt.vcraw_field_namesm_name_hdr.vcdisc_field_namevalues_msg_filehas_name_selectcmd_to_discoverhas_name_selectcmd_to_classifycmd_to_list_modecooked_field_namecmd_to_list_postfixcmd_to_discover_postfixcmd_to_classify_postfix@(#)68 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/smit/smit_class.c, smitobj, bos720 6/18/91 13:06:09 /  .A /,^A . 1 0 0\ /l /  0h 1 1@ 1@ . A /HPA 2T .X 1\ 0` 08d 0Dh .l /Tn /p 2t 3x /`| / 0P 0 1@ 1@ . A /4PA /xTA 2X .\ 1` 1d 0h .l /n 2p 3t 2Dx 2| / 0 1$ 2@ 2@ /  .A 2d`A .d 14h 0l /p /$t /v /x /<| / 2 0 2 0 0 0  2t 2$ 1D / 0, 0 1T@ 1d@ 24 Ϭ 0 8 @0T 2T Ϭ / 5 BP0T 1 Ϭ / ; C0T 1t JPJP LANGpoll180011800118001SMHelpselectstrtoldsmit_helpstrtoimaxisUniqueIdgetpwnam_rgetpwuid_rSMHelp_aix_format_help/usr/bin/man smit_gen_helpgetdtablesizeLC__FASTMSG=false Press Enter to continue. Getting help information ...1800-071 No help available for this topic.1800-071 No help available for this topic.1800-071 No help available for this topic.=============== Start Help Screen =============== =============== Start Help Screen =============== ================================================= ================================================= @(#)30 1.31 src/bos/usr/bin/smit/csmithelp.c, cmdsmit, bos52I 7/15/04 09:31:581800-070 Exit status (%1$d) returned by man command while attempting to retrieve help information.1800-088 System error: smit_malloct(): malloc(): There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. SMIT will exit immediately.4. Understanding the Command Status Panel A command associated with a dialog screen is invoked when Enter is pressed. The normal result from issuing a command is to have a command status screen displayed. While the command is running, "Command: running" will be displayed in the upper left portion of the screen and the function keys will not be displayed. As output is generated by the command, it will be displayed on the screen. When the command completes, Command: OK or Command: Failed appears and the first lines of the command output will be redisplayed in the the panel. If the output does not fit on the screen, the cursor keys can be used to scroll through the information. The key sequences detailed in Using SMIT Function Keys can also be used for scrolling. [TOP] indicates the first line of the text. [BOTTOM] indicates the last line of text. [MORE...nn] indicates nn lines of text are not displayed on the screen. Besides the normal command status panel used for output, there are special cases where SMIT clears the screen and gives control of the screen to the application being invoked. 5. Making Selections from a List of Choices Up and Down Cursor Keys Moves between fields to select an entry. Tab Key Press to display the choices for an entry with a "+" symbol to the right of the entry. If the entry field is blank, press the List key instead of using Tab. Press Shift-Tab to display the previous choice. To select one item from a single select pop-up: Move the cursor to the correct item. Press Enter to select the item. To select more than one item from a multiple select pop-up: Move the cursor to the first item to select. Press F7 to select the individual item (Press F7 a second time to deselect the item). Continue selecting until all desired items are highlighted. Then press Enter to select the entire group of selections. 6. Using SMIT function keys In SMIT, various function keys appear at the bottom of the menu or dialog screens. Only those functions that are valid for the specific menu or dialog are displayed. The following describes these function keys. If a key sequence (Esc+number) is used, press the Esc key, quickly followed by the letter key. The following functions are valid if your keyboard has not been remapped. Using SMIT Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Understanding the Menu Screen 3. Understanding the Dialog Screen 4. Understanding the Command Status Panel 5. Making Selections from a List of Choices 6. Using SMIT Function Keys 7. Using SMIT Fastpath Home or Esc-< Scroll to top of command output. End or Esc-> Scroll to bottom of command output. PageUp or Esc-V Scroll to the previous page. PageDown or Ctrl-V Scroll to the next page. 1. Overview SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) is an interactive interface application designed to simplify system management tasks. It displays a hierarchy of menus that lead to interactive dialogs. 2. Understanding the Menu Screen The menu title appears at the top of the screen. The function keys for the menu appear at the bottom of the screen. A list of menu items appears on the left of the screen. Use the cursor keys (up and down arrow keys) to move to any of the menu items. Press Enter (Return) to select a menu item. Then one of the following occurs: * another menu appears * command output appears (i.e. for a list request) * a pop-up select screen appears * a dialog screen appears 3. Understanding the Dialog Screen The dialog title appears at the top of the screen. The function keys for the dialog appear at the bottom of the screen. Descriptions of the various fields appear on the left of the screen. Entry fields appear on the right side of of the dialog screen. Use the cursor keys to move to any entry field. In a dialog, you are asked to supply details of the task you previously selected. Symbols are used to indicate various types of fields. The symbols may be displayed in various places in the dialog. These symbols are not displayed in a menu. Symbol Meaning [ ] Indicates a typeable entry field. < > Indicates there is more text to the left or right of the visible entry field. * Indicates this field requires a value. The following symbols appear on the right side of the screen: + Indicates a list of choices (or an option ring) is available. Press F4 to display the list or use the Tab key to display one choice at a time. # Indicates a numeric field. X Indicates a hexadecimal field. / Indicates an accessible file name. Highlighted entry Indicates a user modified entry. Highlighted entries are in reverse video. 7. SMIT FastPath The SMIT FastPath is a shortcut method to display a SMIT dialog panel or menu directly from the command line. Press the Image key to display the FastPath for the current screen. To derive the SMIT FastPath for device related tasks, combine an Action Prefix with the Device Abbreviation. Action Prefix Device Abbreviation ------ ------ ------ ------------ (add) mk (printer) prt (change) ch (tty) tty (list) ls (pty) pty (remove) rm (disk) dsk (cdrom) cdr (diskette) dskt (tape) tpe (adapter) adp Examples of FastPaths for devices are: 1. To add a printer device, enter: smit mkprt This takes you to the menu that guides you through the steps of adding a printer device. 2. To list tape devices you want to work with, enter: smit lstpe This takes you to the menu or dialog that lists tape devices that are configured on your system. Functions Description F1 or Esc+1 = Help Gives more information on the item selected. In some areas of SMIT, for more information on the topic go to the next level. F2 or Esc+2 = Refresh Redraws the screen. Use if console messages overwrite the screen. F3 or Esc+3 = Cancel Backs up one level to the previous screen. F4 or Esc+4 = List Presents a list of possible choices for an entry field. A scrollable pop-up is displayed. F5 or Esc+5 = Reset Resets the entry field to the original setting. F6 or Esc+6 = Command Displays the command that SMIT is building. F7 or Esc+7 = Edit Allows editing of an entry field. Use if a larger entry field is needed. F7 or Esc+7 = Select Makes individual selections on muti-select lists. F8 or Esc+8 = Image Saves screen image in the smit.log file. Also displays the FastPath. F9 or Esc+9 = Shell Escapes to a shell. F10 or Esc+0 = Exit Exit from SMIT. Enter = Do Runs the command built by SMIT. Home or Esc-< Scroll to top of command output. End or Esc-> Scroll to bottom of command output. PageUp or Esc-V Scroll to the previous page. PageDown or Ctrl-V Scroll to the next page. deHeHcd(/rr.ref.ref.ref

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