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Metric Groups : Invalid counter Counters reserved=== All counters Group status: %s %d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s Groups : Total maxevs is 0.,Event Description,Event Description,Event Description,Event Description# of groups: %d. ,Event Description %s%-30s %-11s %s Counting Suspended.Invalid event set. Variables defined: Formula : %s Description : %s Invalid event set. Error malloc memory. %s event %2d: No event Invalid logical cpuidInvalid event group. Invalid event group. ==================== Invalid event group. Mapped Group #%d: %s %s,%s,%s,%s,indent%d Invalid event group. Unsupported Processor.Error strdup a string.Filter set is invalid.Mapped Group name: %s Group description: %s Mapped Group members: Invalid variable name PURR time is supported Error getting semaphore.Operation not permitted.Partition Migrated [KVM]SPURR time is supported Mapped Group status: %s event %2d: %s %s%s : %s cannot allocate tid list.Error opening event file.Error creating semaphore.Error removing semaphore.event group ID is invalid (running in POWER5 mode) (running in POWER5 mode) %s Error releasing semaphore.hlc:g:p:e:f:o:sdD:S:V:m:M:hlc:g:p:e:f:o:sdD:S:V:m:M:thread is not in any group.Invalid Thread ID provided.PURR time is not supported Derived metrics supported: group file has invalid entryPMU Operation not permitted.Event number %d is invalid. Invalid processor name (%s) (running in POWER5-II mode)SPURR time is not supported (running in POWER5-II mode)No derived metric supported Event number %d is invalid. thread already has a context.Event file has invalid entry.Out of range threshold value.Error initializing semaphore.Error opening semaphore file.Invalid EBB Handler provided. %s supports %1d counters%s ==== Counter %d, #events: %d Mapped Group description: %s Derived metrics in group %s: Derived metrics in group %s: no prior successful pm_init().Event %d is not in counter %d no suitable programming found!no suitable programming found!thread does not have a context.Must be root to count globally.Partition migration in progress#%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s #%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s Variable Name,Variable Formula Specified event is out of range.Specified event is not in table.%d,%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%scannot reserve context for group.Number of groups : %d Threshold multiplier (lower): %d Threshold multiplier (upper): %d Threshold multiplier (hyper): %d %s: information about %s event %d,%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s cannot reserve context for thread.cannot allocate context for group.Threshold event was not specified.Number of sets : %d %3d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s,%s #%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s #%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s Invalid derived metric group name cannot allocate context for thread.thread is not a debuggee of caller.Error identifying the semaphore ID.Invalid EBB Configuration provided.%d,%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s,%s%d,%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%sInvalid derived metrics short name cannot reserve contexts for process.malloc failed while setting up groupInvalid Counter Frequency specified.%d,%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s Invalid mapped group(%d) for set %d Derived Metric: %s%s (unit:%s) (%s) thread is member of an invalid group.no prior successful pm_set_program().realloc failed while setting up group%s,%1d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s %3d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s,%s No event matches the specified filter.getthrds failed while setting up groupCOPYIN to the external option failure.Hypervisor counting mode is supported %d,%d,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%c,%s,%s,%sThere is no PMU context to be restored.Can not dup optarg (derived metric) %s Processors supported (specify with -p) Process level counting is not supported. %s: information about event number %s pid and tid are not from the same processThe target process get properties failed.There is no matching event in counter %d Specified event does not match the filter.pm_init is not supported on this processorHypervisor counting mode is not supported Semaphore is being used by another process.EBB profiling is supported only in 1:1 mode.error: unable to get event description (%d) error: unable to get event description (%d) error: unable to get event description (%d) copyout: error copying results to user space.event is only valid as part of an event groupptid value is not coherent with the tid valueInvalid filter %c. Valid filters are v, u, c Invalid filter %c. Valid filters are v, u, c copyin: error copying tid list from user space.The target process provided cannot be profiled.Only one option (-s, -l) is allowed at a time. pm_th_setctx: cannot set t_pmcontext for thread.Runlatch mode is not supported on this processorEBB handler and data area not set for the thread.PMU counting for the target thread is not startedEvent can only be specified with a valid counter pm_th_setctx: cannot reset t_pmcontext for thread.ptid value must be specified in process-scope modeInvalid BHRB Instruction Filtering mode specified.PMU counting for the target thread is not stopped.Thread group for the specified thread is not found.Only one option (-S, -D, -f) is allowed at a time. PMU resource for the target thread is not available.function not compatible with the current programming.PMU counting for the target thread is already stopped.PMU counting for the target thread is already started.This functionality is not supported for this platform.EBB handler and data area already setup for the thread.Unable to create thread group for the specified thread.Internal error occurred while obtaining the pmapi lock.Internal error occurred while releasing the pmapi lock.PMU Counting is interrupted by other higher priority tool.Hypervisor mode counting is not supported on this processorcopyin: error copying control register values to user space.copyin: error copying control register values from user space.The owner of the PMU context for the target thread is changed.The number of event groups specified exceeded the maximum limit.Only one option (-e, -l, -c, -g, -S or -D) is allowed at a time. XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options XML output is only supported with -D -1, -V -1 and -g -1 options This feature is currently not supported for the current processor.This operation can be done only by the thread which profiles itself.This feature is supported only for the threads that profiles itself.PMU data cannot be collected as the data is not meant for the caller.This operation is not permitted if the thread is a member of a group. L  4 t   | <   X        DExceeded maximum number of allowed external profilers for the target thread.PMC5 and PMC6 interrupt generation is not supported for the current processor.The target process id provided is different from what is maintained in the context. Event # Status Group Threshold Share Marked Overflow Support_mode Short Name Long Name%s Event # Status Group Threshold Share Marked Overflow Support-mode Short Name Long Name%s Derived Metric Short Name,Derived Metric Redefined,Derived Metric Unit,Derived Metric Long Name,. @(#)92 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/pmapi/tools/pmlist.c, pmapi, bos72L 1/23/14 03:10:43Event#,Status,Grouped,Threshold,Shared,Marked,Overflow,Support_mode,SelectEvent,ShortName,LongName%s Event # Status Group Threshold Share Marked Speculative Overflow Support_mode Short Name Long Name%s Event # Status Group Threshold Share Marked Speculative Overflow Support-mode Short Name Long Name%s Event#,Status,Grouped,Threshold,Shared,Marked,Speculative,Overflow,Support_mode,SelectEvent,ShortName,LongName%s Derived Metric Short Name,Derived Metric Redefined,Derived Metric Unit,Derived Metric Long Name,Derived Metric Format,. Derived Metric Short Name,Derived Metric Redefined,Derived Metric Unit,Derived Metric Long Name,Derived Metric Format,. Derived Metric Short Name,Derived Metric Redefined,Derived Metric Unit,Derived Metric Long Name,Derived Metric Format,. Group Number,Group ID,Group Name,Group Status PMC #,Event number,Event Short-name,Shared Event,Marked Event,Event Long-name%s... Derived Metric Short Name,Derived Metric Redefined,Derived Metric Unit,Derived Metric Long Name,Derived Metric Formula,Groups... PMU Counting got interrupted as other higher priority application took over the PMU resource. Hence, the data may not be complete.Processor Name,Counter Number,Group Number,Set Number,Lower Threshold,Upper Threshold,Hyper Threshold,Hypervisor Counting,Runlatch Counting Group Number,Group ID,Group Name,Group Description,Group Status PMC #,Event number,Event Short-name,Shared Event,Marked Event,Event Long-name%s... Event Description PMC Number,Event Number,Event Status,Group Only Event,Thresholdable Event,Shared Event,Marked Event,Overflow Event,Support-mode Event,Event Short-name,Event Long-name%s Set Number,Mapped Group Number,Mapped Group Name,Mapped Group Description,Mapped Group Status PMC #,Event number,Event Short-name,Shared Event,Marked Event,Event Long-name%s... PMC Number,Event Number,Event Status,Group Only Event,Thresholdable Event,Shared Event,Marked Event,Overflow Event,Support-mode Event,Select Event,Event Short-name,Event Long-name%s PMC Number,Event Number,Event Status,Group Only Event,Thresholdable Event,Shared Event,Marked Event,Speculative Event,Overflow Event,Support-mode Event,Event Short-name,Event Long-name%s PMC Number,Event Number,Event Status,Group Only Event,Thresholdable Event,Shared Event,Marked Event,Speculative Event,Overflow Event,Support-mode Event,Select Event,Event Short-name,Event Long-name%s  !X  !  l p       d   X p P  8 `  $ H |                0 d     L     4   $    , @   &t - % & $ 0 h  (  P    ! % %  ' %P  !  $  Pusage: %s -h %s -l [ -o ] %s { -s | -e | -c counter[,event] | -g group | -S set | -D DerivedMetric | -m MetricGroup | -V Variable } [-p procname] [-s] [-d] [-o t|c|x] [-f filter] where: -h Print this help screen -l List all supported processor types -s Display processor information summary -e short|select List all events with this short name or select event value -c -1 List all events for all counters -c counter List all events for the specified counter -c counter,event List the specified event for the specified counter -D -1 List all the derived metrics -D DerivedMetric List detailed information for the specified derived metric -g -1 List all the event groups -g group List the specified event group -m -1 List all the derived metrics by metric groups -m MetricGroup Display all the derived metrics that pertain to the specified metric group -S -1 List all the event sets -S set List the specified event set -p procname Specify the processor for which information will be listed -d Display event detailed description -o format Selects the output format: t for text (default) c for comma separated values x for XML -f v,u,c Specifies the event filters (default is v,u,c). These represent the testing status of an event: v is for verified u is for unverified c is for caveat -V -1 Display all the variables used to calculate derived metrics -V Variable Display the specified Variable d ?  ? L ?  ?  ?  ?   ? 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