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IB lookup(sym:%llx, strtab:%llx, p_symtab:%llx, p_nsyms:%d, p_strtab:%llx, file:%d) I symname ="%s" I cslen = %llx IB sym->n_offset: %x I n_numaux=%d scnum=%2d sclass=%3d smtyp=%d smclas=%2d IB Checking file name .file strings mis-matched I .file strings matched "%s" IBM p_symname ="%s" I %5d: n_offset=%6x numaux=%d scnum=%2d sclass=%3d smtype=%d smclas=%2d IBMerror: Missing symbol definition. Symbol: %s Definition in reference object is missing in patch (index %d in reference object). IBlookup returns %d I%dI Checking length IBM cslen = %llx p_cslen = 0x%llx IBM0x%llxIerror: %s mismatch. Symbol: %s Object SymNdx %s patch %6d %5s reference %6d %5s b_nsyms = %d IB**** Phase: same_symbols IB RefNdx %d Processing: %s IB b_sym: offset=%d slen=%ld numaux= %d scnum=%2d sclass: %3d I smtype= %d smclas= %d I** (index:%d) Skipping unnamed SD/PR IPerforming lookup on index %d. error: Branch absolute at entry of function. Symbol: %s Object SymNdx reference %6d IBM**** Phase: same_data Ierror: Object does not contain the specified file entry within its symbol table. IB Object: %s File: %s IB_$STATICIBMerror: Initialized value mismatch. Symbol: %s Object SymNdx patch %6d reference %6d Start of Differing Bytes IBM Patch Reference byte %3d: %02x %3s %02x %3sI <<<< I IBerror: Unexpected section type flag 0x%x for section %d. File: %s Ierror: Extra patch object symbol definition. Symbol: %s Definition in patch object does not exist in the reference object. (index %d in patch object). IBM r_rtype = %2d %s IBMerror: Unsupported relocation 0x%x in %s: %s. I**** Phase: same_fdescs IBM Searching module for DS %s IBM processing: %s error: Module does not contain the specified file entry within its symbol table. IB Module: %s File: %s IBerror: Address taken of new function. Symbol: %s Object SymNdx %s patch %6d %5s IBM %s: match=%d I Searching text relocs IBM Searching data relocs IBM i=%d r_symndx=%d IB r_vaddr = 0x%llx IBM Found matching TC entry I%s: Not a recognized flag: %s IUsage: patchchk [-v] patch_object reference_object reference_module IBMerror: Unable to open file: %s. %s. IBM%-18s I map[%d]: %llx Ierror: mmap of file %s failed. %s. error: File is not 64-bit XCOFF: %s IBMerror: File %s has no symbol table. IBM symtab: %lx IB strtab: %lx IB Text Scn offset: %llx I Data Scn offset: %llx Ierror: Unexpected file header flags. File: %s I Searching patch text relocs for supported rtypes. IBMerror: File %s is too small to be XCOFF. IB%s: %s: IBMfstat errorVerification step for identical data   @(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:2169 9$9(9,9999@(#)31 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/patchchk/patchchk.c, cmdcu, bos720 9/5/12 10:48:388t8|888888888877888888$8,80848<8@8H8P8X8`8d8l88888888888889999 99 `   6 Z280@'@ /@ 6@D@K@ X@ _@ h@ o@ y@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ ! ? ? ? H? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? (? 0? 8? @? H? P? X? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o@VPDpatchchk/5765E6200/520errnoclosemmap ___strcmp64_iob __mod_initexitstrlenopenfprintfsprintfprintffflushfstatperrorisascii strerror __n_pthreads__crt0v__malloc_user_defined_name__start