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localnet/usr/lib/mh/mtstailor/usr/lib/mh/maildeliveryThe Unknown User-ID (%d)@(#)14 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/zotnet/mts.c, cmdmh, bos720 9/5/97 10:58:39 ( H d L  T  T$  T(  T,  T0   | T 4 T4 @ X  T8  T<  T@  TD  TH  TL p TP  \  TT     l X     $  (%s%sunable to allocate string storage@(#)31 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/add.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:43:46@(#)13 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/trimcpy.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 16:18:52unable to allocate string storage@(#)42 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/concat.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/18/99 22:36:36@(#)58 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/getanswer.c, cmdmh, bos720 2/1/93 16:47:33%s%s %s unknown%s: %s. ambiguousOptions are: @(#)56 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/gans.c, cmdmh, bos720 8/15/06 14:56:28@(#)08 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/smatch.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:23@(#)99 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/pidwait.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 15:38:17w%s: %s unable to write %s@(#)92 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_update.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:59forkmkdirmkdirmkdirmkdir/bin/mkdirunable to fork/usr/bin/mkdirfolder-protectunable to exec unable to create directory %s@(#)94 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/makedir.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:51:04 @(#)39 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/atooi.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:16%s%s %s: %s: Exit %d Signal %d (core dumped)@(#)97 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/pidstatus.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 18:12:50%s=%s@(#)02 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/putenv.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 16:18:12@(#)14 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/uleq.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:42@(#)67 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_find.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:12:54@(#)45 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/copyip.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:11:35 ,@,r atr-atr-%s/%s%s/%s is poorly formattedunable to allocate info storageunable to allocate info storageunable to allocate folder storageunable to allocate folder storageno blank lines are permitted in %s/%s@(#)74 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_gmsg.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:48:30@(#)40 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/brkstring.c, cmdmh, bos720 10/10/90 09:14:43@(#)61 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_atoi.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:12:34..newallcurcurcurlastprevnextfullfirstemptyfirst-lastno %s messageno %s messagesequence %s %sbad message list %sno messages in range %smessage %s doesn't existmessage %d doesn't existfolder full, no %s messagemessage %s out of range 1-%dno messages match specificationillegal argument delimiter: `%c'(0%o)@(#)63 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_convert.c, cmdmh, bos720 1/21/08 07:41:23 x @(#)88 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_setseq.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:14:09newalllastprevnextfirstempty sequence nameno such sequence as %sillegal sequence name: %sillegal sequence name: %sillegal sequence name: %sonly %d sequences allowed (no room for %s)!only %d sequences allowed (no room for %s)!@(#)85 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_seqnew.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:54msg-protect@(#)73 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_gmprot.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:13:19  r>rr.map.mapFrom .%.*s%s%.*s.%.*s%swrite error %swrite error %swrite error %sunable to dup %sunable to fdopen %s%s: version mismatch%s: bad magic number%s: corrupt index(1)%s: corrupt index(2)unable to allocate drop storageunable to allocate drop storage%s: pointer mismatch or incomplete index (%ld!=%ld)@(#)52 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/uip/dropsbr.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/28/91 14:50:33@(#)16 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/uprf.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:49@(#)12 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/strindex.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:15:34mts%s/r+w%.*s%s.lockLCK%05d.%05d@(#)13 1.12 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/zotnet/lock.c, cmdmh, bos720 8/14/95 13:32:12unable to allocate profile storageunable to allocate profile storagebug: m_replace(key="%s",value="%s")@(#)80 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_replace.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:52ww%s/%s%s: %s atr-%s-%sunable to write %s@(#)90 1.6 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_sync.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:56bug: m_delete(key="%s")@(#)64 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_delete.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:48:15 %s-%s%s%s@(#)82 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_seq.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:13:50?%d@(#)77 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_name.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:13:31@(#)86 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/m_setcur.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:14:05-syntax: %s version: %s switches are: @(#)60 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/help.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:50:49[no] %s%s %s%s %s[no]%s @(#)00 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/printsw.c, cmdmh, bos720 6/15/90 22:14:52 g@MH [6.6 UCI] [RAND] [IBM]--%s ambiguous. It matches@(#)38 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/mh/sbr/ambigsw.c, cmdmh, bos720 3/27/91 17:44:01 g g  g@ g  j j j  j x j (  j  (  n  ~ ~     TX T`   U0 U V  W8 W X X Yx  Y Z Z Z   \ ^ ^ ^ ^ `0 ` ` T0 g b g T8 cx  c| c d@ d e0 e f@ f g< g`^6/x@(@5@environ@errno@access@ chdir@ chmod@ chown@ close@ creat@ _exit@ lseek@ mkdir@ setgid@ setuid@ unlink@ A@ _iob@__setjmp@O@malloc@ calloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ isatty@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ geteuid@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ time@ snprintf@ fflush@ fstat@ printf@ fdopen@ ]@ _filbuf@ __filbuf@ read@ strncmp@ fgets@ ungetc@ signal@ perror@ isspace@ sleep@ fread@ k@ ftell@ fseek@ fgetc@ index@ isalnum@ isalpha@ execl@ ~@ fork@ dup@ getwd@ opendir@ closedir@ readdir@ rindex@ alarm@ wait@ getgid@ execlp@ writev@ strerror@ toascii@ rpmatch@ @ lockf@ @ @ @ __crt0v@sys_nerr@@@__start g!    @ H                         $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t                      D H L T X \ x |                                        T  T$ T( T, T0 T8 T< T@ TD TH TL TP TT X Z ^ ^ ` g< g g g g g g g g h$\ h([ h, h0_ h4 h8 h<G h@& hD hH3 hL hP hT hX h\ h`! hd hh7 hl hp htN hx+ h| h' h h/ h h. h] hS hT h hJ h h h  h h h h h h h h h h h@ h h> h hA h5 h h h9 i i i4 i < i i# i* i i  i$ i( i, i01 i48 i8V i< i@% iD$ iHH iLP iP: iTQ iX i\ i`= id ih il" ip it ix i| i  i i iF i; i i i iR i? i i i i i iC i iK i0 i iM iL i i i i( i i) i i i i jE jD j j  j^ jZ j j6 j  j$, j(  j,  j0  j4 j8 j< j@ jD  jHO jL jPX jT jX j\ j` jd- jh jl jp jtU jx j|Y jW j2 jI jB j j j j j j j j j j j j j/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDpackf/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memmove ___strcpy gethostname sys_siglist nl_langinfo_getpwuid_shadow setlocalegethostbyname sethostent__stack_chk_fail __mod_init__ssp_canary_word__malloc_user_defined_name