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IBError configuring OpenSSL I/IBopenssl.cnfunable to load number from %s Ierror converting number from bin to BIGNUM file name too long %s.%sIBerror converting serial to ASN.1 format IBMunable to rename %s to %s IreasonIunable to open '%s' IBM%s.attrerror on line %ld of db attribute file '%s' IBMunique_subjectIerror creating serial number index:(%ld,%ld,%ld) IBerror creating name index:(%ld,%ld,%ld) IBM%s.attr.%sIunique_subject = %s IBMmalloc error IBSubject does not start with '/'. IBescape character at end of string ISubject Attribute %s has no known NID, skipped No value provided for Subject Attribute %s, skipped IBMend of string encountered while processing type of subject name element #%d IBM-policyInvalid Policy "%s" IBM-purposeIBMunrecognized purpose IB-verify_depthIBinvalid depth I-attime%liError parsing timestamp %s -verify_hostnameIBM-verify_emailIB-verify_ipI-ignore_criticalIBM-issuer_checksI-crl_checkI-crl_check_allI-policy_checkIB-explicit_policyIBM-inhibit_anyIBM-inhibit_mapIBM-x509_strictIBM-extended_crlIB-use_deltas-policy_printIB-check_ss_sigIB-trusted_firstI-suiteB_128_onlyIBM-suiteB_128-suiteB_192-partial_chainI-no_alt_chainsI-allow_proxy_certsI%s Policies:IBM IBRequire explicit Policy: %s IBMAuthorityIBUserIBMHostname %s does%s match certificate IBEmail %s does%s match certificate IIP %s does%s match certificate Yـstdin[CRL path]IBMcertificate fileIBM%s: IBMOK -CApath-CAfile-untrustedI-trustedIBM-CRLfileIBM-crl_downloadIB-engine-helpIB-verboseIBMError loading file %s IError loading directory %s untrusted certificatesItrusted certificatesIBMother CRLsIusage: verify [-verbose] [-CApath path] [-CAfile file] [-trusted_first] [-purpose purpose] [-crl_check] [-no_alt_chains] [-attime timestamp]IB [-engine e]IBM cert1 cert2 ... IBrecognized usages: %-10s %s I IB%serror %d at %d depth lookup:%s defaultasn1IBMCan't find 'asn1' in '%s' IError on line %ld of config file '%s' IError loading config file '%s' Memory allocation failure I-inform-in-outIBM-iI-nooutI-oidIBM-offset-length%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are -inform arg input format - DER or PEM I -outform arg output format - DER or PEM -in arg input file -out arg output file IBM -text text form of request IB -pubkey output public key I -noout do not output REQ I -verify verify signature on REQ IBM -modulus RSA modulus IBM -nodes don't encrypt the output key IB -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device IB -subject output the request's subject IB -passin private key password source IBM -key file use the private key contained in file I -keyform arg key file format IBM -keyout arg file to send the key to IBM -rand file%cfile%c... load the file (or the files in the directory) into the random number generator IBM -newkey rsa:bits generate a new RSA key of 'bits' in size -newkey dsa:file generate a new DSA key, parameters taken from CA in 'file' IB -newkey ec:file generate a new EC key, parameters taken from CA in 'file' -[digest] Digest to sign with (md5, sha1, md2, mdc2, md4) IBM -config file request template file. -subj arg set or modify request subject I -multivalue-rdn enable support for multivalued RDNs IB -new new request. IB -batch do not ask anything during request generation I -x509 output a x509 structure instead of a cert. req. IBM -days number of days a certificate generated by -x509 is valid for. I -set_serial serial number to use for a certificate generated by -x509. -newhdr output "NEW" in the header lines IB -asn1-kludge Output the 'request' in a format that is wrong but some CA's IB have been reported as requiring IBM -extensions .. specify certificate extension section (override value in config file) I -reqexts .. specify request extension section (override value in config file) I -utf8 input characters are UTF8 (default ASCII) I -nameopt arg - various certificate name options IBM -reqopt arg - various request text options IBMError getting passwords IBMUsing configuration from %s IBMerror on line %ld of %s IBMUnable to load config info from %s oid_fileIBMdefault_mdIx509_extensionsError Loading extension section %s input_passwordIoutput_passwordstring_maskInvalid global string mask setting %s Iutf8IBMyesreq_extensionsIError Loading request extension section %s Private KeyRANDFILEIBMdefault_bitsIBMprivate key length is too short, IBit needs to be at least %d bits, not %ld IBGenerating a %s private key IBMError Generating Key IBdefault_keyfilewriting new private key to stdout Iwriting new private key to '%s' IBMencrypt_rsa_keyencrypt_keyunable to load X509 request IBMyou need to specify a private key Iproblems making Certificate Request IBMCannot modifiy certificate subject Modifying Request's Subject IBMold subject=IBMERROR: cannot modify subject IBnew subject=IBMverify failure verify OK IError getting public key IBsubject=IBMModulus=unavailable IBMModulus=IBMWrong Algorithm typeIBMunable to write X509 request IBunable to write X509 certificate IBbad output format specified for outfile IBMbad input format specified for X509 request IBMCan't find keygen engine %s IBM-keyIBM-pubkey-newIBM-config-keyformIBM-in-outIBM-keyout-passin-passoutIBM-randIB-newkey-pkeyoptIBM-sigopt-batchI-newhdr-modulusIBM-verify-nodesI-nooutI-verboseIBM-utf8IB-nameoptIBM-reqopt-subjectIBM-textIB-x509IB-asn1-kludgeIBM-no-asn1-kludge-subjIB-multivalue-rdn-daysIB-set_serial-extensions-reqextsIBMunknown option %s unable to load 'random state' IThis means that the random number generator has not been seeded IBMwith much random data. Consider setting the RANDFILE environment variable to point at a file that 'random' data can be kept in (the file will be overwritten). IBunable to write 'random state' etaonrishdlcupfm(stdout)IBMVerified OK IBMVerification Failure IBError Verifying Data IBError Signing Data %02xIBM *%s IB-%s%s(%s)= IBMRead Error in %s IB(%s)= I: dgst.cIout of memory I-cI-rI-randIB-outIBM-signIB-passin-verify-prverifyIB-signatureI-keyformIBM-engine-engine_implIBM-hexIBM-binary-dI-fips-fingerprintIB-non-fips-allow-hmacIB-macIBM-sigopt-macoptCan only sign or verify one file IBNo signature to verify: use the -signature option Iunknown option '%s' IBMoptions are IBM-c to output the digest with separating colons IBM-r to output the digest in coreutils format IB-d to output debug info IB-hex output as hex dump -binary output in binary form I-hmac arg set the HMAC key to arg IBM-non-fips-allow allow use of non FIPS digest IB-sign file sign digest using private key in file I-verify file verify a signature using public key in file IBM-prverify file verify a signature using private key in file IB-keyform arg key file format (PEM or ENGINE) IBM-out filename output to filename rather than stdout I-signature file signature to verify IBM-sigopt nm:v signature parameter IBM-hmac key create hashed MAC with key -mac algorithm create MAC (not neccessarily HMAC) -macopt nm:v MAC algorithm parameters or key IBM-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IError getting password wbIwIBError opening output file %s IBMAC and Signing key cannot both be specified IBkey fileIBMError generating key IBError getting context IError setting context Iparameter error "%s" IBError setting digest %s IBMrbIError opening signature file %s IBMOut of memory IError reading signature file %s IBMstdinIBMAC parameter error "%s" IB-%-14s to use the %s message digest algorithm Parameters already set! IrCan't open parameter file %s IBError reading parameter file %s IBMError initializing context Algorithm already set! Algorithm %s not found Error initializing %s context I-outformIBM-passIB-engine-paramfileI-outIBM-algorithmI-pkeyoptIBMparameter setting error IBMNo keytype specified IB-genparamIB-textIBUnknown cipher %s IUsage: genpkey [options] IBwhere options may be IB-out file output file -outform X output format (DER or PEM) I-pass arg output file pass phrase source I- use cipher to encrypt the key I-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IB-paramfile file parameters file -algorithm alg the public key algorithm IBM-pkeyopt opt:value set the public key algorithm option to value IB-genparam generate parameters, not key IBM-text print the in text IBNB: options order may be important! See the manual page. IError getting password wbICan't open output file %s IError generating parameters IBMError generating key IBError writing key IBad format specified for key IBError printing key -inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-engine-checkI-textIB-CI-nooutI%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are I -inform arg input format - one of DER PEM IB -outform arg output format - one of DER PEM I -in arg input file I -out arg output file -check check the DH parameters -text print a text form of the DH parameters I -C Output C code IB -noout no output IB -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IBunable to load DH parameters IBp value is not prime IBp value is not a safe prime IBMunable to check the generator value IBMthe g value is not a generator DH parameters appear to be ok. dh.cIBMOPENSSL_mallocIstatic unsigned char dh%d_p[]={ I0x%02X, }; IBstatic unsigned char dh%d_g[]={ }; IDH *get_dh%d() { I DH *dh; I if ((dh=DH_new()) == NULL) return(NULL); I dh->p=BN_bin2bn(dh%d_p,sizeof(dh%d_p),NULL); I dh->g=BN_bin2bn(dh%d_g,sizeof(dh%d_g),NULL); I if ((dh->p == NULL) || (dh->g == NULL)) IB return(NULL); IBM return(dh); } IBMunable to write DH parameters Ibad output format specified for outfile IBMbad input format specified unknown option %s -inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-engine-checkI-textIB-dsaparamIB-CI-nooutI-2I-5I-randIB%dI%s [options] [numbits] where options are I -inform arg input format - one of DER PEM IB -outform arg output format - one of DER PEM I -in arg input file I -out arg output file -dsaparam read or generate DSA parameters, convert to DH I -check check the DH parameters -text print a text form of the DH parameters I -C Output C code IB -2 generate parameters using 2 as the generator value -5 generate parameters using 5 as the generator value numbits number of bits in to generate (default 2048) IBM -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IB -rand file%cfile%c... - load the file (or the files in the directory) into IBM the random number generator -noout no output IBgenerator may not be chosen for DSA parameters warning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option IB%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBGenerating DSA parameters, %d bit long prime IBGenerating DH parameters, %d bit long safe prime, generator %d This is going to take a long time Ibad input format specified unable to load DSA parameters Iunable to load DH parameters IBp value is not prime IBp value is not a safe prime IBMunable to check the generator value IBMthe g value is not a generator DH parameters appear to be ok. dhparam.cIBOPENSSL_mallocI#ifndef HEADER_DH_H #include #endif DH *get_dh%d() { I static unsigned char dh%d_p[]={IBM 0x%02X, }; I static unsigned char dh%d_g[]={IBM DH *dh; I if ((dh=DH_new()) == NULL) return(NULL); I dh->p=BN_bin2bn(dh%d_p,sizeof(dh%d_p),NULL); I dh->g=BN_bin2bn(dh%d_g,sizeof(dh%d_g),NULL); I if ((dh->p == NULL) || (dh->g == NULL)) IB { DH_free(dh); return(NULL); } IB dh->length = %ld; return(dh); } IBMunable to write DH parameters Ibad output format specified for outfile Salted__encryptiondecryptionIhex string is too long non-hex digit Ibase64Ienc%s is an unknown cipher IBM-eI-in-outIBM-passIB-engine-dI-pI-vI-nopadI-saltIB-nosalt-debugI-PI-AI-aI-base64-bufsizeIBM-kI-kfileIrIBzero length password IBunable to read key from '%s' IB-KI-SI-iv-md-non-fips-allow-noneIBAEAD ciphers not supported by the enc utility ICiphers in XTS mode are not supported by the enc utility IB%s is an unsupported message digest type IBbufsize=%d enc.cIBOPENSSL_malloc failure %ld Error getting password enter %s %s password:IBbad password read Iinvalid hex salt value error writing output file Ierror reading input file IBbad magic number IBwarning: iv not use by this cipher invalid hex iv value IBiv undefined IBinvalid hex key value IError setting cipher %s IBMsalt=IB%02XI key=IBMiv =IBMbad decrypt IBMinvalid 'bufsize' specified. IBunknown option '%s' IBMoptions are IBM%-14s input file IB-in I%-14s output file I-out %-14s pass phrase source IB-pass %-14s encrypt I%-14s decrypt I%-14s base64 encode/decode, depending on encryption flag IB-a/-base64I%-14s passphrase is the next argument I%-14s passphrase is the first line of the file argument IBM%-14s the next argument is the md to use to create a key IB%-14s from a passphrase. One of md2, md5, sha or sha1 I%-14s salt in hex is the next argument %-14s key/iv in hex is the next argument IB-K/-ivI%-14s print the iv/key (then exit if -P) IB-[pP]IB%-14s buffer size I-bufsize IBM%-14s disable standard block padding IB%-14s use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IBM-engine eIBCipher Types IBbytes read :%8ld bytes written:%8ld -%-25sI ./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1apr1IBMstrlen(magic) <= 4Ipasswd.cI$strlen(out_buf) <= 6 + 8IBMsalt_len <= 8IBoutput == out_buf + strlen(out_buf)strlen(out_buf) < sizeof(out_buf)IBsalt_p != NULLIsalt_malloc_p != NULLIB*salt_p != NULLWarning: truncating password to %u characters Istrlen(passwd) <= pw_maxlenhash != NULLIBM%s %s I%s -cryptI-1I-apr1IB-saltIB-in-stdinI-noverifyIB-quietI-tableI-reverseIBMUsage: passwd [options] [passwords] IBMwhere options are I-crypt standard Unix password algorithm (default) I-1 MD5-based password algorithm IBM-apr1 MD5-based password algorithm, Apache variant IBM-salt string use provided salt IB-in file read passwords from file IBM-stdin read passwords from stdin IB-noverify never verify when reading password from terminal IBM-quiet no warnings -table format output as table I-reverse switch table columns IBMin_stdin == 0IBin_stdinIBMPassword: Ipasswds != NULL*passwds != NULLIBMpasswd != NULL-outIBM-2I-5I-engine-randIB%dIusage: gendh [args] [numbits] I -out file - output the key to 'file IB -2 - use 2 as the generator value I -5 - use 5 as the generator value I -engine e - use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -rand file%cfile%c... - load the file (or the files in the directory) into IBM the random number generator IBwarning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option IB%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBGenerating DH parameters, %d bit long safe prime, generator %d This is going to take a long time -statsI%lx%s %s: bad error code usage: errstr [-stats] ... usage: ca args -verbose - Talk alot while doing things -config file - A config file -name arg - The particular CA definition to use -gencrl - Generate a new CRL -crldays days - Days is when the next CRL is due -crlhours hours - Hours is when the next CRL is due -startdate YYMMDDHHMMSSZ - certificate validity notBefore -enddate YYMMDDHHMMSSZ - certificate validity notAfter (overrides -days) -days arg - number of days to certify the certificate for -md arg - md to use, one of md2, md5, sha or sha1 -policy arg - The CA 'policy' to support -keyfile arg - private key file -keyform arg - private key file format (PEM or ENGINE) -key arg - key to decode the private key if it is encrypted -cert file - The CA certificate -selfsign - sign a certificate with the key associated with it -in file - The input PEM encoded certificate request(s) -out file - Where to put the output file(s) -outdir dir - Where to put output certificates -infiles .... - The last argument, requests to process -spkac file - File contains DN and signed public key and challenge -ss_cert file - File contains a self signed cert to sign -preserveDN - Don't re-order the DN -noemailDN - Don't add the EMAIL field into certificate' subject -batch - Don't ask questions -msie_hack - msie modifications to handle all those universal strings -revoke file - Revoke a certificate (given in file) -subj arg - Use arg instead of request's subject -utf8 - input characters are UTF8 (default ASCII) -multivalue-rdn - enable support for multivalued RDNs -extensions .. - Extension section (override value in config file) -extfile file - Configuration file with X509v3 extentions to add -crlexts .. - CRL extension section (override value in config file) -engine e - use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -status serial - Shows certificate status given the serial number -updatedb - Updates db for expired certificates defaulttodayNULLExpiredRevokedValid invalid type, Data base error undefunspecifiedkeyCompromiseCACompromiseaffiliationChangedsupersededcessationOfOperationcertificateHoldremoveFromCRLholdInstructionkeyTimeCAkeyTimeIBvariable lookup failed for %s::%s IUnknown CRL reason %s IInvalid time format %s. Need YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ IBInvalid object identifier %s IBca.cI,00IMemory allocation failure IAdding Entry with serial number %s to DB for %s IBMunknownfailed to update database ITXT_DB error number %ld IBMERROR:name does not match %s IBERROR:Already present, serial number %s IBMERROR:Already revoked, serial number %s IBMRevoking Certificate %s. IBError in revocation arguments IPRINTABLE:'T61STRING:'IA5STRING:'UNIVERSALSTRING:'IBASN.1 %2d:'%cI\0x%02X^?I^%c' Imalloc error IBThe Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows optionalIBMsuppliedIBMThe %s field needed to be supplied and was missing matchIBEverything appears to be ok, creating and signing the certificate IExtra configuration file found ERROR: adding extensions in section %s Successfully added extensions from file. IBSuccessfully added extensions from config IERROR: adding extensions from request IThe subject name appears to be ok, checking data base for clashes IERROR:There is already a certificate for %s IBMERROR:Serial number %s has already been issued, IBM check the database/serial_file for corruption IBMThe matching entry has the following details IBType :%s IWas revoked on:%s IExpires on :%s ISerial Number :%s IFile name :%s ISubject Name :%s ICertificate Details: IBCertificate is to be certified until IB (%ld days)Sign the certificate? [y/n]:IBMCERTIFICATE WILL NOT BE CERTIFIED: I/O error IBCERTIFICATE WILL NOT BE CERTIFIED IThe %s field needed to be the same in the CA certificate (%s) and the request (%s) The %s field does not exist in the CA certificate, the 'policy' is misconfigured IBThe mandatory %s field was missing %s:invalid type in 'policy' configuration I%s:unknown object type in 'policy' configuration IB The string contains characters that are illegal for the ASN.1 type IBM emailAddress type needs to be of type IA5STRING IBError reading certificate request in %s IBMCheck that the request matches the signature IBCertificate request and CA private key do not match IBMerror unpacking public key Signature verification problems.... IBMSignature did not match the certificate request IBMSignature ok IBSignature did not match the certificate IBMerror on line %ld of %s IBMno name/value pairs found in %s IBMSPKACIBunable to load Netscape SPKAC structure IBMNetscape SPKAC structure not found in %s IBCheck that the SPKAC request matches the signature error unpacking SPKAC public key IBsignature verification failed on SPKAC public key I49I%s=Expired memory allocation failure Iinvalid revocation date %s invalid reason code %s missing hold instruction IBinvalid object identifier %s IBmissing compromised time IBinvalid compromised time %s IBMMalloc failure Serial %s not present in db. IB%s=Valid (%c) I%s=Revoked (%c) IBM%s=Expired (%c) IBM%s=Suspended (%c) I%s=Unknown (%c). IB-verboseIBM-config-nameIB-subjIB-utf8IB-create_serialI-multivalue-rdn-startdateI-enddateIBM-daysIB-md-policy-keyfileIBM-keyformIBM-passin-keyIBM-certIB-selfsignIB-in-outIBM-outdir-sigopt%sIOPENSSL_CONFIBMSSLEAY_CONFOut of memory I/IBopenssl.cnfUsing configuration from %s IBMerror loading the config file '%s' error on line %ld of config file '%s' IcaIdefault_caIoid_fileIrRANDFILEIBMstring_maskInvalid global string mask setting %s Iutf8IBMyesunique_subjectIdatabaseIBMError verifying serial %s! private_keyError getting password CA private keyIcertificateCA certificateICA certificate and CA private key do not match preserveIBMmsie_hackIBname_optIBMInvalid name options: "%s" cert_optIBMInvalid certificate options: "%s" Icopy_extensionsInvalid extension copy option: "%s" IBMnew_certs_dirIBthere needs to be defined a directory for new certificate to be placed in II am unable to access the %s directory %s need to be a directory I%d entries loaded from the database IBMgenerating index IBUpdating %s ... IBMNo entries found to mark expired IBnewoldDone. %d entries marked as expired ERROR: loading the config file '%s' IBMERROR: on line %ld of config file '%s' Successfully loaded extensions file %s extensionsIdefault_mdIno default digest I%s is an unsupported message digest type IBemail_in_dnnoImessage digest is %s IBpolicyIpolicy is %s IBserialIx509_extensionsError Loading extension section %s default_startdateIBstart date is invalid, it should be YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ IBdefault_enddateend date is invalid, it should be YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ default_daysIBMcannot lookup how many days to certify for error while loading serial number Inext serial number is 00 IBnext serial number is %s IBunable to find 'section' for %s IBM %d out of %d certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]CERTIFICATION CANCELED: I/O error ICERTIFICATION CANCELED Write out database with %d new entries writing new certificates IB%02XIBMwriting %s Data Base Updated Icrl_extensionsIError Loading CRL extension section %s crlnumberIBerror while loading CRL number default_crl_daysIBMdefault_crl_hoursIBcannot lookup how long until the next CRL is issued IBMmaking CRL error setting CRL nextUpdate IBsigning CRL IBMno input files certificate file name too long entry %d: bad serial number characters, char pos %ld, char is '%c' entry %d: bad serial number length (%d) IBMentry %d: invalid expiry date I in entry %d IBentry %d: not revoked yet, but has a revocation date IB-notext-batchI-preserveDN-noemailDNI-gencrl-msie_hackI-crldaysIBM-crlhoursIB-crlsec-infilesIBM-ss_certIBM-spkacI-revoke-validI-extensions-extfileIBM-status-updatedbIB-crlextsIBM-crl_reason-crl_holdIB-crl_compromise-crl_CA_compromiseI-engineunknown option %s usage: crl args -inform arg - input format - default PEM (DER or PEM) -outform arg - output format - default PEM -text - print out a text format version -in arg - input file - default stdin -out arg - output file - default stdout -hash - print hash value -hash_old - print old-style (MD5) hash value -fingerprint - print the crl fingerprint -issuer - print issuer DN -lastupdate - lastUpdate field -nextupdate - nextUpdate field -crlnumber - print CRL number -noout - no CRL output -CAfile name - verify CRL using certificates in file "name" -CApath dir - verify CRL using certificates in "dir" -nameopt arg - various certificate name options IBM-inform-outformIBM-in-gendeltaIB-keyIBM-keyformIBM-outIBM-CApath-CAfile-verify-textIB-hashIB-hash_oldIB-nameoptIBM%sIError initialising X509 store IError getting CRL issuer certificate IBError getting CRL issuer public key IBMverify failure verify OK IMissing CRL signing key IBMCRL signing keyissuer=crlNumber=II%08lx IlastUpdate=nextUpdate=NONEIBM%s Fingerprint=%02X%cIunable to write CRL IBMbad output format specified for outfile IBMout of memory IError creating delta CRL IB-issuer-lastupdate-nextupdate-nooutI-fingerprintIBM-crlnumberI-badsigunknown option %s -inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-passin-passoutIBM-engine-sgckey-pubinI-pubout-RSAPublicKey_inIBM-RSAPublicKey_outIB-pvk-strong-pvk-weakIB-pvk-noneIB-nooutI-textIB-modulusIBM-checkI%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are I -inform arg input format - one of DER NET PEM -outform arg output format - one of DER NET PEM IBM -in arg input file IBM -sgckey Use IIS SGC key format IBM -passin arg input file pass phrase source -out arg output file IB -passout arg output file pass phrase source IBM -des encrypt PEM output with cbc des IB -des3 encrypt PEM output with ede cbc des using 168 bit key -seed encrypt PEM output with cbc seed I -aes128, -aes192, -aes256 encrypt PEM output with cbc aes IB -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 I encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia I -text print the key in text -noout don't print key out IB -modulus print the RSA key modulus -check verify key consistency IBM -pubin expect a public key in input file -pubout output a public key IB -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. Error getting passwords IBMOnly private keys can be checked IBPublic KeyIPrivate KeyModulus=I RSA key ok RSA key error: %s Iwriting RSA key IBMrsa.cIBMemory allocation failure Iunable to write key IBMbad output format specified for outfile IBMunknown option %s Usage: rsautl [options] IBM-in file input file -out file output file IBM-inkey file input key I-keyform arg private key format - default PEM IB-pubin input is an RSA public -certin input is a certificate carrying an RSA public key I-ssl use SSL v2 padding -raw use no padding -pkcs use PKCS#1 v1.5 padding (default) I-oaep use PKCS#1 OAEP IBM-sign sign with private key I-verify verify with public key -encrypt encrypt with public key IBM-decrypt decrypt with private key IB-hexdump hex dump output IBM-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. I-passin arg pass phrase source I-in-outIBM-inkeyI-passin-keyformIBM-engine-pubinI-certin-asn1parseI-hexdumpIBM-rawIBM-oaepIB-sslIBM-pkcsIB-x931IB-signIB-verify-revIBM-encryptIBM-decryptIBMA private key is needed for this operation Error getting password CertificateError getting RSA key IrbIError Reading Input File IBwbIError Writing Output File Irsautl.cIBMOut of memory IError reading input Data IBRSA operation error IBMPublic KeyIPrivate Key-inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-passin-passoutIBM-engine-pvk-strong-pvk-weakIB-pvk-noneIB-nooutI-textIB-modulusIBM-pubinI-pubout%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are I -inform arg input format - DER or PEM -outform arg output format - DER or PEM IBM -in arg input file IBM -passin arg input file pass phrase source -out arg output file IB -passout arg output file pass phrase source IBM -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -des encrypt PEM output with cbc des IB -des3 encrypt PEM output with ede cbc des using 168 bit key -aes128, -aes192, -aes256 encrypt PEM output with cbc aes IB -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 I encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia I -seed encrypt PEM output with cbc seed I -text print the key in text -noout don't print key out IB -modulus print the DSA public value IBMError getting passwords IBMread DSA key IBPublic KeyIPrivate Keyunable to load Key Public Key= IBwriting DSA key IBMunable to write private key IBMbad output format specified for outfile IBMunknown option %s -inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-engine-textIB-CI-genkey-randIB-nooutI%dI%s [options] [bits] outfile IBwhere options are I -inform arg input format - DER or PEM IB -outform arg output format - DER or PEM I -in arg input file I -out arg output file -text print as text IB -C Output C code IB -noout no output IB -genkey generate a DSA key I -rand files to use for random number input IBM -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IB number number of bits to use for generating private key IBM%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBneed_randIBdsaparam.cIError allocating DSA object IBMGenerating DSA parameters, %d bit long prime IBThis could take some time IError, DSA key generation failed IBunable to load DSA parameters IOPENSSL_mallocIstatic unsigned char dsa%d_p[]={IBM I0x%02X, }; IBstatic unsigned char dsa%d_q[]={IBMstatic unsigned char dsa%d_g[]={IBM }; IDSA *get_dsa%d() { IBM DSA *dsa; IBM if ((dsa=DSA_new()) == NULL) return(NULL); IBM dsa->p=BN_bin2bn(dsa%d_p,sizeof(dsa%d_p),NULL); IB dsa->q=BN_bin2bn(dsa%d_q,sizeof(dsa%d_q),NULL); IB dsa->g=BN_bin2bn(dsa%d_g,sizeof(dsa%d_g),NULL); IB if ((dsa->p == NULL) || (dsa->q == NULL) || (dsa->g == NULL)) { DSA_free(dsa); return(NULL); } return(dsa); } IBunable to write DSA parameters bad output format specified for outfile IBMbad input format specified unknown option %s -inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-passin-passoutIBM-engine-nooutI-textIB-conv_formIcompressedIuncompressedIBMhybridI-param_encInamed_curveexplicitIBM-param_outI-pubinI-pubout%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are I -inform arg input format - DER or PEM -outform arg output format - DER or PEM IBM -in arg input file IBM -passin arg input file pass phrase source -out arg output file IB -passout arg output file pass phrase source IBM -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -des encrypt PEM output, instead of 'des' every other cipher supported by OpenSSL can be used IBM -text print the key -noout don't print key out IB -param_out print the elliptic curve parameters IB -conv_form arg specifies the point conversion form I possible values: compressed IB uncompressed (default) IB hybrid I -param_enc arg specifies the way the ec parameters are encoded IB in the asn1 der encoding I possible values: named_curve (default) IBM explicit Error getting passwords IBMread EC key IBMunable to load Key writing EC key unable to write private key IBMbad output format specified for outfile IBMbad input format specified for key unknown option %s CURVE DESCRIPTION NOT AVAILABLEIBMstatic unsigned char %s_%d[] = {IBM 0x00I I0x%02X,0x%02XI }; I-inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-textIB-CI-checkI-nameIB-list_curvesIBM-conv_formIcompressedIuncompressedIBMhybridI-param_encInamed_curveexplicitIBM-no_seedIBM-nooutI-genkey-randIB-engine%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are I -inform arg input format - default PEM (DER or PEM) -outform arg output format - default PEM -in arg input file - default stdin -out arg output file - default stdout IBM -noout do not print the ec parameter IB -text print the ec parameters in text form IBM -check validate the ec parameters I -C print a 'C' function creating the parameters IBM -name arg use the ec parameters with 'short name' name IBM -list_curves prints a list of all currently available curve 'short names' IBM -conv_form arg specifies the point conversion form IBM possible values: compressed uncompressed (default) hybrid -param_enc arg specifies the way the ec parameters are encoded in the asn1 der encoding IBM possible values: named_curve (default) I explicit IB -no_seed if 'explicit' parameters are chosen do not use the seed -genkey generate ec key -rand file files to use for random number input IBM -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device IBMecparam.cIB %-10s: IB%s secp192r1IBusing curve name prime192v1 instead of secp192r1 IBsecp256r1IBusing curve name prime256v1 instead of secp256r1 IBunknown curve name (%s) IBMunable to create curve (%s) IBMunable to load elliptic curve parameters IBchecking elliptic curve parameters: IBMfailed ok OPENSSL_mallocIec_pIBMec_aIBMec_bIBMec_genIec_orderIBMec_cofactor IEC_GROUP *get_ec_group_%d(void) { int ok=0; EC_GROUP *group = NULL; IB EC_POINT *point = NULL; IB BIGNUM *tmp_1 = NULL, *tmp_2 = NULL, *tmp_3 = NULL; IBM if ((tmp_1 = BN_bin2bn(ec_p_%d, sizeof(ec_p_%d), NULL)) == NULL) goto err; I if ((tmp_2 = BN_bin2bn(ec_a_%d, sizeof(ec_a_%d), NULL)) == NULL) goto err; I if ((tmp_3 = BN_bin2bn(ec_b_%d, sizeof(ec_b_%d), NULL)) == NULL) goto err; I if ((group = EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp(tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, NULL)) == NULL) goto err; /* build generator */ if ((tmp_1 = BN_bin2bn(ec_gen_%d, sizeof(ec_gen_%d), tmp_1)) == NULL) goto err; point = EC_POINT_bn2point(group, tmp_1, NULL, NULL); I if (point == NULL) goto err; IBM if ((tmp_2 = BN_bin2bn(ec_order_%d, sizeof(ec_order_%d), tmp_2)) == NULL) goto err; if ((tmp_3 = BN_bin2bn(ec_cofactor_%d, sizeof(ec_cofactor_%d), tmp_3)) == NULL) goto err; IB if (!EC_GROUP_set_generator(group, point, tmp_2, tmp_3)) goto err; I ok=1; IBMerr: IB if (tmp_1) BN_free(tmp_1); I if (tmp_2) BN_free(tmp_2); I if (tmp_3) BN_free(tmp_3); I if (point) EC_POINT_free(point); IBM if (!ok) I { IBM EC_GROUP_free(group); IBM group = NULL; IBM } IBM return(group); } unable to write elliptic curve parameters I%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBneed_randIBbad output format specified for outfile IBMbad input format specified unknown option %s usage: x509 args -inform arg - input format - default PEM (one of DER, NET or PEM) -outform arg - output format - default PEM (one of DER, NET or PEM) -keyform arg - private key format - default PEM -CAform arg - CA format - default PEM -CAkeyform arg - CA key format - default PEM -in arg - input file - default stdin -out arg - output file - default stdout -passin arg - private key password source -serial - print serial number value -subject_hash - print subject hash value -subject_hash_old - print old-style (MD5) subject hash value -issuer_hash - print issuer hash value -issuer_hash_old - print old-style (MD5) issuer hash value -hash - synonym for -subject_hash -subject - print subject DN -issuer - print issuer DN -email - print email address(es) -startdate - notBefore field -enddate - notAfter field -purpose - print out certificate purposes -dates - both Before and After dates -modulus - print the RSA key modulus -pubkey - output the public key -fingerprint - print the certificate fingerprint -alias - output certificate alias -noout - no certificate output -ocspid - print OCSP hash values for the subject name and public key -ocsp_uri - print OCSP Responder URL(s) -trustout - output a "trusted" certificate -clrtrust - clear all trusted purposes -clrreject - clear all rejected purposes -addtrust arg - trust certificate for a given purpose -addreject arg - reject certificate for a given purpose -setalias arg - set certificate alias -days arg - How long till expiry of a signed certificate - def 30 days -checkend arg - check whether the cert expires in the next arg seconds exit 1 if so, 0 if not -signkey arg - self sign cert with arg -x509toreq - output a certification request object -req - input is a certificate request, sign and output. -CA arg - set the CA certificate, must be PEM format. -CAkey arg - set the CA key, must be PEM format missing, it is assumed to be in the CA file. -CAcreateserial - create serial number file if it does not exist -CAserial arg - serial file -set_serial - serial number to use -text - print the certificate in text form -C - print out C code forms -md2/-md5/-sha1/-mdc2 - digest to use -extfile - configuration file with X509V3 extensions to add -extensions - section from config file with X509V3 extensions to add -clrext - delete extensions before signing and input certificate -nameopt arg - various certificate name options -engine e - use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -certopt arg - various certificate text options -checkhost host - check certificate matches "host" -checkemail email - check certificate matches "email" -checkip ipaddr - check certificate matches "ipaddr" defaultcertificate CAIBM%s%s : Yes IBMNo Yes (WARNING code=%d) Ix509.cIout of mem .srlIBMadd_word failure IBError obtaining CA X509 public key Error initialising X509 store ICA certificate and CA private key do not match -inform-outformIBM-keyformIBM-reqIBM-CAform-CAkeyformI-sigopt%sIError getting password Forced keyIneed to specify a CAkey if using the CA command IBMerror loading the config file '%s' error on line %ld of config file '%s' IextensionsIError Loading extension section %s We need a private key to sign with The certificate request appears to corrupted IBIt does not contain a public key IBerror unpacking public key Signature verification error IBSignature did not match the certificate request IBMSignature ok IBsubject=IBMCertificateCA CertificateI2.99999.3IBSET.ex3SET x509v3 extension 3Iissuer= IBMsubject= IBserial= IB%s %08lx ICertificate purposes: IModulus=IBMWrong Algorithm typeIBMModulus=unavailable IBMError getting public key IB/* subject:%s */ IB/* issuer :%s */ IBunsigned char XXX_subject_name[%d]={ IB0x%02X,}; unsigned char XXX_public_key[%d]={ unsigned char XXX_certificate[%d]={ IBMOut of memory InotBefore=InotAfter=IB%s Fingerprint=%02X%cIout of memory IGetting Private key IBMPrivate keyneed_randIBGetting CA Private Key CA Private KeyIGetting request Private Key IBMrequest keyGenerating certificate request no request key file specified ICertificate will expire IBMCertificate will not expire IBMunable to write certificate IBMbad output format specified for outfile IBM-daysIBbad number of days -passin-extfileIBM-extensions-in-outIBM-signkeyIBM-CA-CAkeyI-CAserialIB-set_serial-force_pubkeyIB-addtrustIBInvalid trust object value %s I-addrejectIInvalid reject object value %s -setaliasIB-certoptIBM-nameoptIBM-engine-CI-emailI-ocsp_uriIB-serial-next_serialIBM-modulusIBM-pubkey-x509toreqI-textIB-hashIB-subject_hashIB-subject_hash_oldIB-issuer_hashIBM-issuer_hash_oldIBM-subjectIBM-issuer-fingerprintIBM-datesI-purposeIBM-startdateI-enddateIBM-checkendIB-checkhostI-checkemail-checkipIBM-nooutI-trustoutIB-clrtrustIB-clrrejectI-aliasI-CAcreateserial-clrext-crlextuse -clrext instead of -crlext -ocspid-badsigunknown option %s Ierror with certificate to be certified - should be self signed error with certificate - error %d at depth %d %s unable to create BIO for output IBM-outIBM-3I-F4-f4-engine-randIB-desIBM-des3IB-seedIB-aes128-aes192-aes256-camellia128IBM-camellia192IBM-camellia256IBM-passoutIBM%dIusage: genrsa [args] [numbits] -des encrypt the generated key with DES in cbc mode IBM -des3 encrypt the generated key with DES in ede cbc mode (168 bit key) I -seed encrypt PEM output with cbc seed I -aes128, -aes192, -aes256 encrypt PEM output with cbc aes IB -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 I encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia I -out file output the key to 'file IB -passout arg output file pass phrase source IBM -f4 use F4 (0x10001) for the E value I -3 use 3 for the E value -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -rand file%cfile%c... load the file (or the files in the directory) into IBM the random number generator IBError getting password warning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option IB%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBGenerating RSA private key, %d bit long modulus IBMe is %ld (0x%lX) -outIBM-passoutIBM-engine-rand--desIBM-des3IB-seedIB-aes128-aes192-aes256-camellia128IBM-camellia192IBM-camellia256IBMusage: gendsa [args] dsaparam-file -out file - output the key to 'file' I -des - encrypt the generated key with DES in cbc mode IBM -des3 - encrypt the generated key with DES in ede cbc mode (168 bit key) I -seed encrypt PEM output with cbc seed I -aes128, -aes192, -aes256 encrypt PEM output with cbc aes IB -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 I encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia I -engine e - use engine e, possibly a hardware device. -rand file%cfile%c... - load the file (or the files in the directory) into IBM the random number generator IB dsaparam-file - a DSA parameter file as generated by the dsaparam command Error getting password unable to load DSA parameter file Iwarning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option IB%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBGenerating DSA key, %d bits server.pemserver2.pemClient_identityLets print some clear text (NONE) NOT --- Reused, --- New, HTTP/1.0 200 ok Content-type: text/plain IBAllocation error in generating RSA key Generating temp (%d bit) RSA key...LOOKUP during accept %s IBMLOOKUP done %s LOOKUP not successful IDELAY IERROR Iverify error:%s IBMClient certificate subject=%s issuer=%s IShared ciphers:%s ICIPHER is %s IBNEXTPROTO is IBSRTP Extension negotiated, profile=%s IReused session-id IPeer has incorrect TLSv1 block padding Secure Renegotiation IS%s supported IBMKeying material exporter: I Label: '%s' IBM Length: %i bytes IBs_server.cI Error I Keying material: IB%02XIBM%4ld items in the session cache IBM%4ld client connects (SSL_connect()) IB%4ld client renegotiates (SSL_connect()) IB%4ld client connects that finished %4ld server accepts (SSL_accept()) %4ld server renegotiates (SSL_accept()) IBM%4ld server accepts that finished I%4ld session cache hits IBM%4ld session cache misses I%4ld session cache timeouts IBM%4ld callback cache hits IB%4ld cache full overflows (%ld allowed) IBMshutdown accept socket out of memory Iturning on non blocking io MTU too small. Must be at least %ld IBMFailed to set MTU ITIMEOUT occured IBMlf_num == 0HEARTBEATING IBSSL_do_handshake -> %d LOOKUP renego during write Write BLOCK IBMLOOKUP renego during read IRead BLOCK DONE IBshutting down SSL ICONNECTION CLOSED IACCEPT read R BLOCK IBGET IBMGET /stats GET /IB'%s' is an invalid file name I'%s' contains '..' or ':' '%s' is an invalid path IB'%s' is a directory rError opening '%s' IBMFILE:%s IBM.htmlIB.phpIBM.htmIBMHTTP/1.0 200 ok Content-type: text/html IBMrwrite W BLOCK
ICiphers supported in s_server binary
Ciphers common between both SSL end points:
IBM%s, Cipher is %s
IBMno client certificate available
IBMLOOKUP renego during accept IBMCONNECTION FAILURE CONNECTION ESTABLISHED CLOSEIBcert_status: callback called IBcert_status: can't parse AIA URL IBcert_status: AIA URL: %s IBcert_status: no AIA and no default responder URL IBcert_status: Can't retrieve issuer certificate. IBMcert_status: error querying responder Icert_status: ocsp response sent: IBpsk_server_cb IError: client did not send PSK identity IBMidentity_len=%d identity=%s IBMPSK error: client identity not found (got '%s' expected '%s') IPSK client identity found ICould not convert PSK key '%s' to buffer IBpsk buffer of callback is too small (%d) for key (%ld) fetched PSK len=%ld IBMError in PSK server callback IBSRP username = "%s" IBMUser %s doesn't exist ISRP parameters set: username = "%s" info="%s" Hostname in TLS extension: "%s" IBMSwitching server context. IALPN protocols advertised by the client: IB, IALPN protocols selected: IBusage: s_server [args ...] -accept arg - port to accept on (default is %d) -verify_hostname host - check peer certificate matches "host" -verify_email email - check peer certificate matches "email" I -verify_ip ipaddr - check peer certificate matches "ipaddr" IB -context arg - set session ID context IBM -verify arg - turn on peer certificate verification -Verify arg - turn on peer certificate verification, must have a cert. I -verify_return_error - return verification errors -cert arg - certificate file to use IB (default is %s) IB -serverinfo arg - PEM serverinfo file for certificate -auth - send and receive RFC 5878 TLS auth extensions and supplemental data -auth_require_reneg - Do not send TLS auth extensions until renegotiation -no_resumption_on_reneg - set SSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION flag I -crl_check - check the peer certificate has not been revoked by its CA. The CRL(s) are appended to the certificate file IB -crl_check_all - check the peer certificate has not been revoked by its CA or any other CRL in the CA chain. CRL(s) are appened to the the certificate file. IBM -certform arg - certificate format (PEM or DER) PEM default IB -key arg - Private Key file to use, in cert file if I not specified (default is %s) -keyform arg - key format (PEM, DER or ENGINE) PEM default IB -pass arg - private key file pass phrase source IB -dcert arg - second certificate file to use (usually for DSA) I -dcertform x - second certificate format (PEM or DER) PEM default IBM -dkey arg - second private key file to use (usually for DSA) I -dkeyform arg - second key format (PEM, DER or ENGINE) PEM default IBM -dpass arg - second private key file pass phrase source IBM -dhparam arg - DH parameter file to use, in cert file if not specified IB or a default set of parameters is used IBM -named_curve arg - Elliptic curve name to use for ephemeral ECDH keys. Use "openssl ecparam -list_curves" for all names (default is nistp256). -nbio - Run with non-blocking IO I -nbio_test - test with the non-blocking test bio IB -crlf - convert LF from terminal into CRLF IBM -debug - Print more output -msg - Show protocol messages IBM -state - Print the SSL states I -CApath arg - PEM format directory of CA's I -CAfile arg - PEM format file of CA's IB -trusted_first - Use trusted CA's first when building the trust chain -no_alt_chains - only ever use the first certificate chain found I -nocert - Don't use any certificates (Anon-DH) I -cipher arg - play with 'openssl ciphers' to see what goes here -serverpref - Use server's cipher preferences IB -quiet - No server output I -no_tmp_rsa - Do not generate a tmp RSA key -psk_hint arg - PSK identity hint to use I -psk arg - PSK in hex (without 0x) IB -srpvfile file - The verifier file for SRP IB -srpuserseed string - A seed string for a default user salt. I -ssl2 - Just talk SSLv2 IB -ssl3 - Just talk SSLv3 IB -tls1_2 - Just talk TLSv1.2 -tls1_1 - Just talk TLSv1.1 -tls1 - Just talk TLSv1 IB -dtls1 - Just talk DTLSv1 I -dtls1_2 - Just talk DTLSv1.2 IBM -timeout - Enable timeouts IB -mtu - Set link layer MTU IBM -chain - Read a certificate chain I -no_ssl2 - Just disable SSLv2 IBM -no_ssl3 - Just disable SSLv3 IBM -no_tls1 - Just disable TLSv1 IBM -no_tls1_1 - Just disable TLSv1.1 I -no_tls1_2 - Just disable TLSv1.2 I -no_dhe - Disable ephemeral DH I -no_ecdhe - Disable ephemeral ECDH IBM -bugs - Turn on SSL bug compatibility -hack - workaround for early Netscape code IBM -www - Respond to a 'GET /' with a status page IB -WWW - Respond to a 'GET / HTTP/1.0' with file ./ IBM -HTTP - Respond to a 'GET / HTTP/1.0' with file ./ IBM with the assumption it contains a complete HTTP response. -engine id - Initialise and use the specified engine IB -id_prefix arg - Generate SSL/TLS session IDs prefixed by 'arg' IB -rand file%cfile%c... -servername host - servername for HostName TLS extension I -servername_fatal - on mismatch send fatal alert (default warning alert) I -cert2 arg - certificate file to use for servername IBM -key2 arg - Private Key file to use for servername, in cert file if IB -tlsextdebug - hex dump of all TLS extensions received IB -no_ticket - disable use of RFC4507bis session tickets -legacy_renegotiation - enable use of legacy renegotiation (dangerous) IBM -sigalgs arg - Signature algorithms to support (colon-separated list) IBM -client_sigalgs arg - Signature algorithms to support for client IBM certificate authentication (colon-separated list) I -nextprotoneg arg - set the advertised protocols for the NPN extension (comma-separated list) -use_srtp profiles - Offer SRTP key management with a colon-separated profile list IBM -alpn arg - set the advertised protocols for the ALPN extension (comma-separated list) IB -keymatexport label - Export keying material using label IBM -keymatexportlen len - Export len bytes of keying material (default 20) I -status - respond to certificate status requests IBM -status_verbose - enable status request verbose printout IBM -status_timeout n - status request responder timeout I -status_url URL - status request fallback URL IB-portIB-acceptCan't use -HTTP, -www or -WWW with DTLS IBMCannot supply multiple protocol flags ICannot supply both a protocol flag and "-no_" IBMError getting password server certificate private key fileserver certificate fileserver certificate chainIBMsecond server certificate private key fileIsecond server certificate fileIError loading CRL IError adding CRL IBsecond certificate private key filesecond server certificate chainwarning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option IB%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBwarning: id_prefix is too long, only one new session will be possible Iwarning: id_prefix is too long if you use SSLv2 IBMerror setting 'id_prefix' Iid_prefix '%s' set. IBMError loading store locations ISetting secondary ctx parameters IBSetting temp DH parameters Using default temp DH parameters IBPSK key given or JPAKE in use, setting server callback error setting PSK identity hint to context Cannot initialize SRP verifier file "%s":ret=%d IBM-nacceptIBMbad accept value %s IBM-verifyverify depth is %d -Verifyverify depth is %d, must return a certificate I-contextIBM-certIB-CRLIBM-crl_downloadIB-serverinfo-certformIB-keyIBM-keyformIBM-passIB-cert_chain-dhparamIBM-dcertformI-dcertI-dkeyformIB-dpassI-dkeyIB-dcert_chainIBM-nocert-CApath-chainCApathIBM-verifyCApathIB-no_cacheIB-ext_cacheI-CRLformIBM-verify_return_errorIBM-verify_quietIB-build_chainIBM-CAfile-chainCAfileIBM-verifyCAfileIB-nbioIB-nbio_testI-ign_eofIBM-no_ign_eof-debugI-tlsextdebugIBM-status-status_verbose-status_timeout-status_urlError parsing URL I-msgIBM-msgfileIw-hackIB-stateI-crlfIB-quietI-briefI-no_tmp_rsa-no_dhe-no_ecdheIB-no_resume_ephemeralIBM-psk_hintIB-pskIBMNot a hex number '%s' I-srpvfileIB-srpuserseedIBM-revIBM-wwwIBM-WWWIBM-HTTPIB-ssl2IB-ssl3IB-tls1IB-tls1_1-tls1_2-dtlsIB-dtls1I-dtls1_2IBM-timeoutIBM-mtuIBM-chainI-id_prefixI-engine-randIB-servername-servername_fatalIB-cert2I-key2IB-nextprotonegIB-alpnIB-use_srtpIB-keymatexportIB-keymatexportlenIBMunknown option %s IOut of memory adding session to external cache New session added to external cache IBMLookup session: cache miss Lookup session: cache hit RSA signDSA signRSA fixed DHDSS fixed DHECDSA signRSA fixed ECDHECDSA fixed ECDHGOST94 SignGOST01 SignRSADSAECDSASSL_connectSSL_acceptundefinedreadwrite>>><<<SSL 2.0SSL 3.0 TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1 TLS 1.2 DTLS 1.0 DTLS 1.0 (bad) ???, ERROR: ??? NO-CIPHER-ERROR NO-CERTIFICATE-ERROR BAD-CERTIFICATE-ERROR UNSUPPORTED-CERTIFICATE-TYPE-ERROR, CLIENT-HELLO, CLIENT-MASTER-KEY, CLIENT-FINISHED, SERVER-HELLO, SERVER-VERIFY, SERVER-FINISHED, REQUEST-CERTIFICATE, CLIENT-CERTIFICATEChangeCipherSpecAlertHandshake, ???, warning, fatal close_notify unexpected_message bad_record_mac decryption_failed record_overflow decompression_failure handshake_failure bad_certificate unsupported_certificate certificate_revoked certificate_expired certificate_unknown illegal_parameter unknown_ca access_denied decode_error decrypt_error export_restriction protocol_version insufficient_security internal_error user_canceled no_renegotiation unsupported_extension certificate_unobtainable unrecognized_name bad_certificate_status_response bad_certificate_hash_value unknown_psk_identity, HelloRequest, ClientHello, ServerHello, HelloVerifyRequest, Certificate, ServerKeyExchange, CertificateRequest, ServerHelloDone, CertificateVerify, ClientKeyExchange, Finished, Heartbeat, HeartbeatRequest, HeartbeatResponseserver namemax fragment lengthclient certificate URLtrusted CA keystruncated HMACstatus requestuser mappingclient authzserver authzcert typeelliptic curvesEC point formatsSRPsignature algorithmsuse SRTPheartbeatsession ticketrenegotiation infonext protocolapplication layer protocol negotiationTLS paddingunknownserverclientOverall ValiditySign with EE keyEE signatureCA signatureEE key parametersCA key parametersExplicity sign with EE keyIssuer NameCertificate TypeOKNOT OKOK NOT OK %s: %s IBM Suite B: Inot tested Checking cert chain %d: Subject: depth=%d IB Iverify error:num=%d:%s issuer= IBMnotBefore=InotAfter=IBverify return:%d IBunable to get certificate from '%s' IBMunable to get private key from '%s' IBMPrivate key does not match the certificate public key Ierror setting certificate Ierror setting private key Ierror setting certificate chain IBMerror building certificate chain IBClient Certificate Types: I, IUNKNOWN (%d),IBShared Requested ISignature Algorithms: I:IB%s+0x%02X+%sI0x%02XIPeer signing digest: %s IBMunknown(%d)ansiX962_compressed_primeIBuncompressedIBMansiX962_compressed_char2IBNONEIBMSupported Elliptic Curve Point Formats: IBMs_cb.cIMalloc error getting supported curves ISupported Elliptic Curves: 0x%04XI Shared Elliptic curves: IBServer Temp Key: IBRSA, %d bits IBDH, %d bits IBMECDH, %s, %d bits Iread from %p [%p] (%lu bytes => %ld (0x%lX)) IBwrite to %p [%p] (%lu bytes => %ld (0x%lX)) IBM%s:%s ISSL3 alert %s:%s:%s IBM%s:failed in %s IBM%s:error in %s %s %s%s [length %04lx]%s%s IBM %02xIB ...IBMTLS %s extension "%s" (id=%d), len=%d Ierror setting random cookie secret 0IBout of memory IError initialising xcert IB-xcertIError adding xcert -xkeyIBKey already specified I-xchainChain already specified IBM-xchain_buildIB-xcertformI-xkeyformIBServer CertificateIServer KeyIMissing filename IBServer ChainIBMClient cipher list: IBMSCSVIBM0xI%02XIBMProtocol version: %s IBCiphersuite: %s IBMPeer certificate: IHash used: %s INo peer certificate IBM-no_ssl2IBM-no_ssl3IBM-no_tls1IBM-no_tls1_1I-no_tls1_2I%s needs an argument IBError with command: "%s %s" IBMMemory allocation failure I-named_curveIBMP-256IBError setting EC curve Error finishing context %u.%u.%u.%uinvalid IP address gethostbyname failure Igethostbyname addr is not AF_INET Itcpgetservbyname failure for %s IBno port defined IBMbindIBMerrno=%d IBacceptIsocketIkeepaliveIBconnect/IBNo issuer certificate specified IBMError Creating OCSP request IBM%s: IBMERROR: No Status found. IBMWARNING: Status times invalid. %s This Update: I IB Next Update: I Reason: %s IBM Revocation Time: IError connecting BIO IBCan't get connection fd IBMTimeout on connect Timeout on request Unexpected retry condition Select error IBError creating connect BIO Error creating SSL context. IBMError querying OCSP responder Iocsp.cIbnI00IHTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-type: application/ocsp-response Content-Length: %d IBMError accepting connection Invalid request IBMPOSTIBMError parsing OCSP request Error setting up accept BIO IBMError converting serial number %s I-outIBM-timeoutIBMIllegal timeout value %s IB-urlIBMError parsing URL I-hostIB-portIB-header-ignore_err-noverifyIB-nonceI-no_nonceIB-resp_no_certsI-resp_key_idIBM-no_certsIB-no_signature_verifyIBM-no_cert_verify-no_chainIB-no_cert_checks-no_explicitIBM-trust_otherIBM-no_internI-badsig-textIB-req_textIB-resp_textI-reqinI-respin-signer-VAfile-sign_other-verify_otherIB-CAfile-CApath-validity_periodIBMIllegal validity period %s -status_ageIllegal validity age %s IBM-signkeyIBM-reqout-respoutIBM-pathIB-issuerissuer certificateI-certIBcertificate-serial-indexI-CA-nminIBIllegal update period %s IB-nrequestIBIllegal accept count %s IBM-ndaysI-rsignerIBM-rkeyIB-rother-rmdIBMOCSP utility IBUsage ocsp [options] IBwhere options are I-out file output filename IB-issuer file issuer certificate IBM-cert file certificate to check I-serial n serial number to check IBM-signer file certificate to sign OCSP request with -signkey file private key to sign OCSP request with -sign_other file additional certificates to include in signed request I-no_certs don't include any certificates in signed request I-req_text print text form of request IBM-resp_text print text form of response IB-text print text form of request and response IB-reqout file write DER encoded OCSP request to "file" I-respout file write DER encoded OCSP reponse to "file" I-reqin file read DER encoded OCSP request from "file" -respin file read DER encoded OCSP reponse from "file" -nonce add OCSP nonce to request -no_nonce don't add OCSP nonce to request IB-url URL OCSP responder URL IBM-host host:n send OCSP request to host on port n IB-path path to use in OCSP request IB-CApath dir trusted certificates directory IBM-CAfile file trusted certificates file -trusted_first use trusted certificates first when building the trust chain I-no_alt_chains only ever use the first certificate chain found IB-VAfile file validator certificates file IB-validity_period n maximum validity discrepancy in seconds IB-status_age n maximum status age in seconds -noverify don't verify response at all I-verify_other file additional certificates to search for signer I-trust_other don't verify additional certificates I-no_intern don't search certificates contained in response for signer IBM-no_signature_verify don't check signature on response -no_cert_verify don't check signing certificate IB-no_chain don't chain verify response IB-no_cert_checks don't do additional checks on signing certificate -port num port to run responder on I-index file certificate status index file -CA file CA certificate IBM-rsigner file responder certificate to sign responses with I-rkey file responder key to sign responses with I-rother file other certificates to include in response -resp_no_certs don't include any certificates in response IBM-nmin n number of minutes before next update I-ndays n number of days before next update -resp_key_id identify reponse by signing certificate key ID IBM-nrequest n number of requests to accept (default unlimited) I- use specified digest in the request IB-timeout n timeout connection to OCSP responder after n seconds IwIBError opening output file I-IBrbIError Opening OCSP request file IBMError reading OCSP request responder certificateIBError loading responder certificate IBMCA certificateIresponder other certificatesIBMresponder private keyIBWaiting for OCSP client connections... signer certificateIsigner certificatessigner private keyIwbIResponder Error: %s (%d) IBvalidator certificateIBError parsing response WARNING: no nonce in response IResponse Verify Failure IBMNonce Verify error Error opening file %s IError reading OCSP response IBMError Opening OCSP response file IBNeed a responder certificate, key and CA for this operation! IBError signing OCSP request Error loading signer certificate IBNeed an OCSP request for this operation! IBResponse verify OK Client_identitySRP userlocalhost --- Reused, --- New, NOTNONEIBMusage: s_client args IB -host host - use -connect instead -port port - use -connect instead -connect host:port - who to connect to (default is %s:%s) 4433IBM -verify_hostname host - check peer certificate matches "host" -verify_email email - check peer certificate matches "email" I -verify_ip ipaddr - check peer certificate matches "ipaddr" IB -verify arg - turn on peer certificate verification -verify_return_error - return verification errors -cert arg - certificate file to use, PEM format assumed IB -certform arg - certificate format (PEM or DER) PEM default IB -key arg - Private key file to use, in cert file if I not specified but cert file is. IB -keyform arg - key format (PEM or DER) PEM default IB -pass arg - private key file pass phrase source IB -CApath arg - PEM format directory of CA's I -CAfile arg - PEM format file of CA's IB -trusted_first - Use trusted CA's first when building the trust chain -no_alt_chains - only ever use the first certificate chain found I -reconnect - Drop and re-make the connection with the same Session-ID I -pause - sleep(1) after each read(2) and write(2) system call I -prexit - print session information even on connection failure I -showcerts - Show all certificates sent by the server I -debug - extra output I -msg - Show protocol messages IBM -nbio_test - more ssl protocol testing -state - print the 'ssl' states IBM -nbio - Run with non-blocking IO I -crlf - convert LF from terminal into CRLF IBM -quiet - no s_client output IBM -ign_eof - ignore input eof (default when -quiet) IBM -no_ign_eof - don't ignore input eof IBM -psk_identity arg - PSK identity I -psk arg - PSK in hex (without 0x) IB -srpuser user - SRP authentification for 'user' IB -srppass arg - password for 'user' IB -srp_lateuser - SRP username into second ClientHello message I -srp_moregroups - Tolerate other than the known g N values. -srp_strength int - minimal length in bits for N (default %d). IBM -ssl2 - just use SSLv2 IBM -ssl3 - just use SSLv3 IBM -tls1_2 - just use TLSv1.2 I -tls1_1 - just use TLSv1.1 I -tls1 - just use TLSv1 IBM -dtls1 - just use DTLSv1 IB -fallback_scsv - send TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV IB -mtu - set the link layer MTU IBM -no_tls1_2/-no_tls1_1/-no_tls1/-no_ssl3/-no_ssl2 - turn off that protocol -bugs - Switch on all SSL implementation bug workarounds I -cipher - preferred cipher to use, use the 'openssl ciphers' IBM command to see what is available I -starttls prot - use the STARTTLS command before starting TLS for those protocols that support it, where IBM 'prot' defines which one to assume. Currently, IB only "smtp", "pop3", "imap", "ftp" and "xmpp" are supported. IBM -engine id - Initialise and use the specified engine IB -rand file%cfile%c... -sess_out arg - file to write SSL session to I -sess_in arg - file to read SSL session from -servername host - Set TLS extension servername in ClientHello IB -tlsextdebug - hex dump of all TLS extensions received IB -status - request certificate status from server IBM -no_ticket - disable use of RFC4507bis session tickets -serverinfo types - send empty ClientHello extensions (comma-separated numbers) IB -curves arg - Elliptic curves to advertise (colon-separated list) IB -sigalgs arg - Signature algorithms to support (colon-separated list) IBM -client_sigalgs arg - Signature algorithms to support for client I certificate authentication (colon-separated list) IB -nextprotoneg arg - enable NPN extension, considering named protocols supported (comma-separated list) IBM -alpn arg - enable ALPN extension, considering named protocols supported (comma-separated list) IB -legacy_renegotiation - enable use of legacy renegotiation (dangerous) IBM -use_srtp profiles - Offer SRTP key management with a colon-separated profile list IBM -keymatexport label - Export keying material using label IBM -keymatexportlen len - Export len bytes of keying material (default 20) I--- Certificate chain I%2d s:%s IB i:%s IBM--- IBMServer certificate subject=%s issuer=%s Ino peer certificate available I--- Acceptable client certificate CA names --- No client certificate CA names sent IBM--- Ciphers common between both SSL endpoints: --- SSL handshake has read %ld bytes and written %ld bytes %s, Cipher is %s IBServer public key is %d bit IBMSecure Renegotiation IS%s supported IBMCompression: %s IBMExpansion: %s INext protocol: (%d) IBMALPN protocol: No ALPN negotiated SRTP Extension negotiated, profile=%s IKeying material exporter: I Label: '%s' IBM Length: %i bytes IBs_client.cI Error I Keying material: IB%02XIBMout of memory I-hostIB-portIBCannot supply multiple protocol flags ICannot supply both a protocol flag and "-no_" IBMError parsing -nextprotoneg argument IBError getting client auth engine IBError getting password client certificate private key fileclient certificate fileclient certificate chainIBMError loading CRL IError adding CRL IBwarning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option IB%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBError loading store locations IError setting client auth engine IBPSK key given or JPAKE in use, setting client callback Error parsing -alpn argument IBUnable to set SRP username rIBCan't open session file %s Unable to set TLS servername extension. IBMCONNECTED(%08X) IBMturning on non blocking io Failed to set MTU IMTU too small. Must be at least %ld IBMgetsockname:errno=%d IBEHLO openssl.client.net IBSTARTTLSIBMdidn't found starttls in server response, try anyway... IBMSTARTTLS ISTLS I. CAPABILITY Ididn't found STARTTLS in server response, try anyway... IBM. STARTTLS IBMAUTH TLS IIB I-connect host:port - host:port to connect to (default is %s) IB-nbio - Run with non-blocking IO IB-ssl2 - Just use SSLv2 -ssl3 - Just use SSLv3 -bugs - Turn on SSL bug compatibility I-new - Just time new connections I-reuse - Just time connection reuse -www page - Retrieve 'page' from the site I-connectIBM-reuseI-newIBM-verifyverify depth is %d -certIB-keyIBM-CApath-CAfile-cipher-nbioIB-wwwIBM-www option too long IB-bugsIB-ssl2IB-ssl3IB-timeIBtime must be > 0 IBunknown option %s ISSL_CIPHERINo CIPHER specified IBMCollecting connection statistics for %d seconds IBMGET %s HTTP/1.0 Y %d connections in %.2fs; %.2f connections/user sec, bytes read %ld IB%d connections in %ld real seconds, %ld bytes read per connection I Now timing with session id reuse. IBMUnable to get connection IBstarting IBـDISPLAY_IBM_VERSION-vI-bI-fI-oI-pI-dI-aI/var/ssl/ssl_version.cnfIryesYESAIX OpenSSL VRMF: %s IB1.0.2.2103I%s usage:version -[avbofpd] IB%s (Library: %s) IBOpenSSL 1.0.2u 20 Dec 2019options: I%s -inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-nooutI-textIB-printI-print_certsIBM-engine%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are I -inform arg input format - DER or PEM IB -outform arg output format - DER or PEM I -in arg input file I -out arg output file -print_certs print any certs or crl in the input -text print full details of certificates I -noout don't output encoded data IB -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IBunable to load input file Iunable to load PKCS7 object I unable to write pkcs7 object IBbad output format specified for outfile IBMbad input format specified for pkcs7 object IBMunknown option %s rwwbrbI I Signer %d: No Receipt Request IB Receipt Request Parse Error I Signed Content ID: IB Receipts From List: : First Tier IB: All I Unknown (%d) I Receipts To: parameter error "%s" IB-encryptIBM-decryptIBM-signIB-sign_receiptIB-resign-verify-verify_retcode-verify_receipt-cmsout-data_outIB-data_createIBM-digest_verifyI-digest_createI-compressIB-uncompress-EncryptedData_decryptI-EncryptedData_encryptI-des3IB-desIBM-des3-wrapI-seedIB-rc2-40-rc2-128IBM-rc2-64-aes128-aes192-aes256-aes128-wrapIBM-aes192-wrapIBM-aes256-wrapIBM-camellia128IBM-camellia192IBM-camellia256IBM-debug_decryptI-textIB-nointernIB-noverifyIB-no_signer_cert_verifyI-nocertsIBM-noattr-nodetachIB-nosmimecap-binary-keyidI-nosigs-no_content_verifyI-no_attr_verify-stream-indefI-noindefIBM-nooldmimeI-crlfeolIBM-nooutI-receipt_request_printI-receipt_request_allIBM-receipt_request_firstI-receipt_request_fromIB-receipt_request_to-printI-secretkeyIInvalid key %s -secretkeyidIBMInvalid id %s I-pwri_passwordI-econtent_typeIInvalid OID %s -randIB-engine-passin-to-fromIB-subjectIBM-signer-recipIrecipient certificate fileI-certsoutIB-mdUnknown digest %s I-inkeyIIllegal -inkey without -signer -keyformIBM-keyoptcms.cIBOut of memory INo key specified IB-rctformIBM-certfileIB-CAfile-CApath-in-inform-outformIBM-outIBM-contentIBMNo Signed Receipts Recipients ISigned receipts only allowed with -sign IBMMultiple signers or keys not allowed IBNo signer certificate specified IBMNo recipient certificate or key specified INo recipient(s) certificate(s) specified IBUsage cms [options] cert.pem ... IBwhere options are I-encrypt encrypt message -decrypt decrypt encrypted message IB-sign sign message IBM-verify verify signed message IB-cmsout output CMS structure IBM-des3 encrypt with triple DES -des encrypt with DES IBM-seed encrypt with SEED IB-rc2-40 encrypt with RC2-40 (default) IB-rc2-64 encrypt with RC2-64 -rc2-128 encrypt with RC2-128 IBM-aes128, -aes192, -aes256 I encrypt PEM output with cbc aes -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 IB encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia IBM-nointern don't search certificates in message for signer -nosigs don't verify message signature I-noverify don't verify signers certificate IBM-nocerts don't include signers certificate when signing I-nodetach use opaque signing I-noattr don't include any signed attributes -binary don't translate message to text -certfile file other certificates file -certsout file certificate output file -signer file signer certificate file -recip file recipient certificate file for decryption IB-keyid use subject key identifier I-in file input file I-inform arg input format SMIME (default), PEM or DER IBM-inkey file input private key (if not signer or recipient) I-keyform arg input private key format (PEM or ENGINE) IBM-keyopt nm:v set public key parameters IB-out file output file -outform arg output format SMIME (default), PEM or DER IB-content file supply or override content for detached signature IB-to addr to address I-from ad from address IBM-subject s subject -text include or delete text MIME headers -CApath dir trusted certificates directory I-CAfile file trusted certificates file IB-trusted_first use trusted certificates first when building the trust chain IBM-no_alt_chains only ever use the first certificate chain found -crl_check check revocation status of signer's certificate using CRLs I-crl_check_all check revocation status of signer's certificate chain using CRLs IBM-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IB-passin arg input file pass phrase source IB-rand file%cfile%c... I load the file (or the files in the directory) into I the random number generator cert.pem recipient certificate(s) for encryption Error getting password %ld semi-random bytes loaded IBNo secret key id IBcertificate fileIBMreceipt signer certificate filesigning key fileIBMCan't open input file %s IBError reading S/MIME message IBCan't read content file %s Error writing certs to %s ICan't open receipt file %s Error reading receipt ICan't open output file %s ISigned Receipt Request Creation Error Isigner certificateIError creating CMS structure IBError decrypting CMS using secret key IError decrypting CMS using private key Error decrypting CMS using password IBMError decrypting CMS structure Verification successful IBMError writing signers to %s IBMVerification failure IBTo: %s From: %s IBSubject: %s IBMBad output format for CMS file Bad input format for receipt IBBad input format for CMS file error opening the file, %s error reading the file, %s -inform-outformIBM-in-nocrlI-outIBM-certfileIB%s [options] outfile Iwhere options are I -inform arg input format - DER or PEM I -outform arg output format - DER or PEM -in arg input file -out arg output file IBM -certfile arg certificates file of chain to a trusted CA (can be used more than once) IB -nocrl no crl to load, just certs from '-certfile' IBMunable to load CRL unable to write pkcs7 object IBbad output format specified for outfile IBMerror loading certificates bad input format specified for input crl IBunknown option %s usage: sess_id args -inform arg - input format - default PEM (DER or PEM) -outform arg - output format - default PEM -in arg - input file - default stdin -out arg - output file - default stdout -text - print ssl session id details -cert - output certificate -noout - no CRL output -context arg - set the session ID context Ibad input format specified for input crl IBunable to load SSL_SESSION -inform-outformIBM-in-outIBM-textIB-certIB-nooutI-contextIBM%sIContext too long IBNo certificate present unable to write SSL_SESSION IBMunable to write X509 IBbad output format specified for outfile IBMunknown option %s usage: ciphers args -v - verbose mode, a textual listing of the SSL/TLS ciphers in OpenSSL -V - even more verbose -ssl2 - SSL2 mode -ssl3 - SSL3 mode -tls1 - TLS1 mode IB-vI-VI-ssl2IB-ssl3IB-tls1IB-hI-?I%sIError in cipher list : IB 0x%02X,0x%02X,0x%02X - IBM 0x%02X,0x%02X - I0x%02X,0x%02X,0x%02X,0x%02X - -toseqI-in-outIBMNetscape certificate sequence utility IUsage nseq [options] IBwhere options are I-in file input file IB-out file output file I-toseq output NS Sequence file IrIBCan't open input file %s wCan't open output file %s IError reading certs file %s IBMError reading sequence file %s IBMNONEIBMUnknown PBE algorithm %s IB%sIIBM, %s, %sIBM, Iteration %ld, PRF %s, Iteration %ld IB%02X IB%s: IBM%s: %s IBM: I%s: IBM IB IBMWarning unsupported bag type: IKey bag IBMBag AttributesIKey AttributesIShrouded Keybag: IBCertificate bag IBMSafe Contents bag IPKCS7 Data PKCS7 Encrypted data: I-nokeys-keyexI-keysig-nocertsIBM-clcertsIBM-cacertsIBM-nooutI-infoIB-chainI-twopassIBM-nomacverIB-descertIBM-export-desIBM-des3IB-seedIB-aes128-aes192-aes256-camellia128IBM-camellia192IBM-camellia256IBM-noiter-maciterIBM-nomaciterI-nomacI-macalg-nodesI-certpbeIBM-keypbe-randIB-inkeyI-certfileIB-nameIB-LMKIBM-CSPIBM-caname-in-outIBM-passin-passoutIBM-passwordIB-CApath-CAfile-engineUsage: pkcs12 [options] IBMwhere options are I-export output PKCS12 file IB-chain add certificate chain IBM-inkey file private key if not infile IBM-certfile f add all certs in f IB-CApath arg - PEM format directory of CA's IB-CAfile arg - PEM format file of CA's IBM-name "name" use name as friendly name IBM-caname "nm" use nm as CA friendly name (can be used more than once). -in infile input filename IB-out outfile output filename I-noout don't output anything, just verify. I-nomacver don't verify MAC. IBM-nocerts don't output certificates. IB-clcerts only output client certificates. -cacerts only output CA certificates. -nokeys don't output private keys. IB-info give info about PKCS#12 structure. IB-des encrypt private keys with DES IBM-des3 encrypt private keys with triple DES (default) IB-seed encrypt private keys with seed IB-aes128, -aes192, -aes256 I encrypt PEM output with cbc aes I-camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 IB encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia -nodes don't encrypt private keys IB-noiter don't use encryption iteration IB-nomaciter don't use MAC iteration I-maciter use MAC iteration IBM-nomac don't generate MAC IB-twopass separate MAC, encryption passwords IB-descert encrypt PKCS#12 certificates with triple DES (default RC2-40) IBM-certpbe alg specify certificate PBE algorithm (default RC2-40) IB-keypbe alg specify private key PBE algorithm (default 3DES) -macalg alg digest algorithm used in MAC (default SHA1) I-keyex set MS key exchange type -keysig set MS key signature type IBM-password p set import/export password source IBM-passin p input file pass phrase source IBM-passout p output file pass phrase source IB-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IBM-rand file%cfile%c... I load the file (or the files in the directory) into IB the random number generator I-CSP name Microsoft CSP name IB-LMK Add local machine keyset attribute to private key IBMError getting passwords IBM%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBrbIError opening input file %s IBMwbIError opening output file %s IBEnter MAC Password:Can't read Password IBMNothing to do! private keycertificatesIBMNo certificate matches private key certificates from certfileIMemory allocation error IBMEnter Export Password:IUnknown digest algorithm %s IBMError %s getting chain. IBMEnter Import Password:IMAC Iteration %ld IMac verify error: invalid password? IBMMAC verified OK IBMError outputting keys and certificates -v2Unknown cipher %s I-v1Unknown PBE algorithm %s IB-v2prfIUnknown PRF algorithm %s IB-inform-outformIBM-topk8I-noiter-nocryptIBM-nooctI-nsdbIB-embedI-passin-passoutIBM-engine-in-outIBMUsage pkcs8 [options] Iwhere options are I-in file input file -inform X input format (DER or PEM) I-passin arg input file pass phrase source I-outform X output format (DER or PEM) -out file output file IBM-passout arg output file pass phrase source -topk8 output PKCS8 file I-nooct use (nonstandard) no octet format I-embed use (nonstandard) embedded DSA parameters format IB-nsdb use (nonstandard) DSA Netscape DB format IB-noiter use 1 as iteration count IB-nocrypt use or expect unencrypted private key I-v2 alg use PKCS#5 v2.0 and cipher "alg" IB-v1 obj use PKCS#5 v1.5 and cipher "alg" IB -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. Error getting passwords IBMrbICan't open input file %s IBwbICan't open output file %s IkeyError converting key IBEnter Encryption Password:IError encrypting key IBBad format specified for key IBError reading key IEnter Password:Error decrypting key IBWarning: broken key encoding: IUnknown broken type IBMDSA private key value is negative IDSA public key include in PrivateKey IBDSA parameters included in PrivateKey INo Octet String in PrivateKey -inform-outformIBM-passin-passoutIBM-engine-in-outIBM-pubinI-pubout-text_pubIB-textIB-nooutIUnknown cipher %s IUsage pkey [options] IBwhere options are I-in file input file -inform X input format (DER or PEM) I-passin arg input file pass phrase source I-outform X output format (DER or PEM) -out file output file IBM-passout arg output file pass phrase source -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IError getting passwords IBMwbICan't open output file %s IPublic KeyIkeyBad format specified for key -in-outIBM-engine-textIB-nooutIUsage pkeyparam [options] Iwhere options are I-in file input file -out file output file IBM-text print parameters as text IB-noout don't output encoded parameters IBM-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IrIBCan't open input file %s wCan't open output file %s IError reading parameters Usage: pkeyutl [options] IB-in file input file -out file output file IBM-sigfile file signature file (verify operation only) IB-inkey file input key I-keyform arg private key format - default PEM IB-pubin input is a public key I-certin input is a certificate carrying a public key IB-pkeyopt X:Y public key options -sign sign with private key I-verify verify with public key -verifyrecover verify with public key, recover original data I-encrypt encrypt with public key IBM-decrypt decrypt with private key IB-derive derive shared secret IB-hexdump hex dump output IBM-engine e use engine e, maybe a hardware device, for loading keys. IB-engine_impl also use engine given by -engine for crypto operations -passin arg pass phrase source Peer KeyIBMError reading peer key %s IA private key is needed for this operation Error getting password Private KeyPublic KeyICertificate-in-outIBM-sigfileIBM-inkeyI-peerkeyIBM-passin-peerformIB-keyformIBM-engine-engine_implIBM-pubinI-certin-asn1parseI-hexdumpIBM-signIB-verify-verifyrecoverI-encryptIBM-decryptIBM-derive-revIBM-pkeyoptIBMout of memory IError initializing context Error setting up peer key ISignature file specified for non verify IBMNo signature file specified for verify rbIError Opening Input File IBwbIError Creating Output File Can't open signature file %s IBError reading signature data IBError reading input Data IBSignature Verification Failure Signature Verified Successfully IBMpkeyutl.cIBPublic Key operation error parameter setting error SPKACdefault-in-outIBM-passin-keyIBM-challengeI-spkacI-spksectIBM-engine-nooutI-pubkey-verify%s [options] IBwhere options are I -in arg input file -out arg output file IBM -key arg create SPKAC using private key -passin arg input file pass phrase source I -challenge arg challenge string IB -spkac arg alternative SPKAC name -noout don't print SPKAC I -pubkey output public key I -verify verify SPKAC signature -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IError getting password -IBprivate keywIBError opening output file ISPKAC=%s rError opening input file IBError parsing config file ICan't find SPKAC called "%s" IBError loading SPKAC IBMSignature OK IBSignature Failure rwwbrbI-encryptIBM-decryptIBM-signIB-resign-verify-pk7out-des3IB-desIBM-seedIB-rc2-40-rc2-128IBM-rc2-64-aes128-aes192-aes256-camellia128IBM-camellia192IBM-camellia256IBM-textIB-nointernIB-noverifyIB-nochainIBM-nocertsIBM-noattr-nodetachIB-nosmimecap-binary-nosigs-stream-indefI-noindefIBM-nooldmimeI-crlfeolIBM-randIB-engine-passin-to-fromIB-subjectIBM-signer-recipI-mdUnknown digest %s I-inkeyIIllegal -inkey without -signer -keyformIBM-certfileIB-CAfile-CApath-in-inform-outformIBM-outIBM-contentIBMMultiple signers or keys not allowed IBNo signer certificate specified IBMNo recipient certificate or key specified INo recipient(s) certificate(s) specified IBUsage smime [options] cert.pem ... where options are I-encrypt encrypt message -decrypt decrypt encrypted message IB-sign sign message IBM-verify verify signed message IB-pk7out output PKCS#7 structure -des3 encrypt with triple DES -des encrypt with DES IBM-seed encrypt with SEED IB-rc2-40 encrypt with RC2-40 (default) IB-rc2-64 encrypt with RC2-64 -rc2-128 encrypt with RC2-128 IBM-aes128, -aes192, -aes256 I encrypt PEM output with cbc aes -camellia128, -camellia192, -camellia256 IB encrypt PEM output with cbc camellia IBM-nointern don't search certificates in message for signer -nosigs don't verify message signature I-noverify don't verify signers certificate IBM-nocerts don't include signers certificate when signing I-nodetach use opaque signing I-noattr don't include any signed attributes -binary don't translate message to text -certfile file other certificates file -signer file signer certificate file -recip file recipient certificate file for decryption IB-in file input file I-inform arg input format SMIME (default), PEM or DER IBM-inkey file input private key (if not signer or recipient) I-keyform arg input private key format (PEM or ENGINE) IBM-out file output file -outform arg output format SMIME (default), PEM or DER IB-content file supply or override content for detached signature IB-to addr to address I-from ad from address IBM-subject s subject -text include or delete text MIME headers -CApath dir trusted certificates directory I-CAfile file trusted certificates file IB-trusted_first use trusted certificates first when building the trust chain IBM-no_alt_chains only ever use the first certificate chain found -crl_check check revocation status of signer's certificate using CRLs I-crl_check_all check revocation status of signer's certificate chain using CRLs IBM-engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. IB-passin arg input file pass phrase source IB-rand file%cfile%c... I load the file (or the files in the directory) into I the random number generator cert.pem recipient certificate(s) for encryption Error getting password %ld semi-random bytes loaded IBrecipient certificate fileIcertificate fileIBMsigning key fileIBMCan't open input file %s IBError reading S/MIME message IBCan't read content file %s Can't open output file %s Isigner certificateIError creating PKCS#7 structure IBMError decrypting PKCS#7 structure IVerification successful IBMError writing signers to %s IBMVerification failure IBTo: %s From: %s IBSubject: %s IBMBad output format for PKCS#7 file IBad input format for PKCS#7 file -outIBM-engine-randIB-base64-hexIBM%dIUsage: rand [options] num Iwhere options are I-out file - write to file I-engine e - use engine e, possibly a hardware device. I-rand file%cfile%c... - seed PRNG from files IB-base64 - base64 encode output IB-hex - hex encode output I%ld semi-random bytes loaded IB%02xI Nusage: engine opts [engine ...] -v[v[v[v]]] - verbose mode, for each engine, list its 'control commands' -vv will additionally display each command's description -vvv will also add the input flags for each command -vvvv will also show internal input flags -c - for each engine, also list the capabilities -t[t] - for each engine, check that they are really available -tt will display error trace for unavailable engines -pre - runs command 'cmd' against the ENGINE before any attempts to load it (if -t is used) -post - runs command 'cmd' against the ENGINE after loading it (only used if -t is also provided) NB: -pre and -post will be applied to all ENGINEs supplied on the command line, or all supported ENGINEs if none are specified. Eg. '-pre "SO_PATH:/lib/libdriver.so"' calls command "SO_PATH" with argument "/lib/libdriver.so". IB[Error]: internal stack error I:IB[Success]: %s I[Error]: command name too long [Failure]: %s I%s%s(input flags): [Internal] NUMERIC|IBSTRINGINO_INPUTIBM<0x%04X>IBM I IBengine.cIBM, I%sI%s: %s -vIvIB-cI-tItIB-preIBM-postIB-hI-?I(%s) %s IBMLoaded: (%s) %s IBMRSADSADHIRANDIBM [%s] I[ available ] I[ unavailable ] not IBM-hexIBM-generateIB-bitsIB-safeIB-checksNo prime specified Specifiy the number of bits. IB%s Failed to process value (%s) IB is %sprime IBMUnknown option '%s' IBMoptions are IBM%-14s hex I%-14s number of checks -checks %-14s generate prime IB%-14s number of bits IB-bits IB%-14s safe prime OPENSSL_CONFIBMSSLEAY_CONFerror loading the config file '%s' error on line %ld of config file '%s' IUsing configuration from %s IBMoid_fileIrmemory allocation failure IError loading directory %s Error loading file %s IrbIinvalid digest string IVerification: IOK FAILED Response has been generated. IBResponse is not generated. wbIts.cIBMbad digest, %d bytes must be specified could not create nonce cannot convert %s to OID IBsha1IBMcould not create query -config-sectionIBM-queryI-dataIB-digest-randIB-policy-no_nonceIB-certIB-in-token_inIB-outIBM-token_outI-textIB-replyI-queryfileI-passin-inkeyI-signer-chainI-verify-CApath-CAfile-untrustedI-enginewarning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option IB%ld semi-random bytes loaded IBError getting password. IBMusage: ts -query [-rand file%cfile%c...] [-config configfile] [-data file_to_hash] [-digest digest_bytes][-md2|-md4|-md5|-sha|-sha1|-mdc2|-ripemd160] [-policy object_id] [-no_nonce] [-cert] [-in request.tsq] [-out request.tsq] [-text] or ts -reply [-config configfile] [-section tsa_section] [-queryfile request.tsq] [-passin password] [-signer tsa_cert.pem] [-inkey private_key.pem] [-chain certs_file.pem] [-policy object_id] [-in response.tsr] [-token_in] [-out response.tsr] [-token_out] [-text] [-engine id] Ior ts -verify [-data file_to_hash] [-digest digest_bytes] [-queryfile request.tsq] -in response.tsr [-token_in] -CApath ca_path -CAfile ca_file.pem -trusted_first-untrusted cert_file.pem Warning: could not open file %s for reading, using serial number: 1 IBMunable to load number from %s Iw could not save serial number to %s Error during serial number generation.usage: srp [args] [user] -verbose Talk alot while doing things -config file A config file -name arg The particular srp definition to use -srpvfile arg The srp verifier file name -add add an user and srp verifier -modify modify the srp verifier of an existing user -delete delete user from verifier file -list list user -gn arg g and N values to be used for new verifier -userinfo arg additional info to be set for user -passin arg input file pass phrase source -passout arg output file pass phrase source -engine e - use engine e, possibly a hardware device. variable lookup failed for %s::%s IValidating user="%s" srp_verifier="%s" srp_usersalt="%s" g="%s" N="%s" IPass %s IBMInternal error validating SRP verifier srp.cIBMemory allocation failure Ifailed to update srpvfile ITXT_DB error number %ld IBMCreating user="%s" g="%s" N="%s" IBMInternal error creating SRP verifier IBgNid=%s salt ="%s" verifier ="%s" %s "%s" IBM %d = "%s" IBMUser entryIg N entryIB-verboseIBM-config-nameIB-srpvfileIB-addIBM-delete-modify-listIB-gn-userinfoIB-passin-passoutIBM-engine-dbfile and -configfile cannot be specified together. IExactly one of the options -add, -delete, -modify -list must be specified. Need at least one user for options -add, -delete, -modify. IBM-passin, -passout arguments only valid with one user. I%sI -rand file%cfile%c... load the file (or the files in the directory) into IBM the random number generator IBError getting passwords IBMOPENSSL_CONFIBMSSLEAY_CONFOut of memory I/IBopenssl.cnfUsing configuration from %s IBMerror loading the config file '%s' error on line %ld of config file '%s' Itrying to read default_srp in " BASE_SECTION " srpdefault_srpRANDFILEIBMtrying to read srpvfile in section "%s" IBMsrpvfileIBMTrying to read SRP verifier file "%s" IDatabase initialised IBDefault g and NNo g and N value for index "%s" IBMDatabase has no g N information. IBStarting user processing IBProcessing user "%s" IBList all users user "%s" does not exist, ignored. t IBuser "%s" reactivated. vIBCannot create srp verifier for user "%s", operation abandoned . IBMuser "%s" does not exist, operation ignored. IBuser "%s" already updated, operation ignored. IVerifying password for user "%s" IBPassword for user "%s" ok. Cannot create srp verifier for user "%s", operation abandoned. Invalid password for user "%s", operation abandoned. IBuser "%s" does not exist, operation ignored. t user "%s" revoked. t IBunknown option %s IUser procession done. ITrying to update srpvfile. newTemporary srpvfile created. IBMoldsrpvfile updated. IUser errors %d. 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Mar 30 04:50:52 2010 C for AIX Compiler Version --- .__threads_init_malloc_user_defined_name__pth_init_routine_bsd_init_routine_xti_tli_init_routine_nsl_init_routine__dce_compat_init_routineTue Dec 14 00:51:44 2021 IBM XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version --- .function_LHASH_HASH.function_hash.function_LHASH_COMP.function_cmp.list_md_fn.list_cipher_fn.SortFnByName.lock_dbg_cb.list_cipher.list_pkey.prog_init.do_cmd@AF19_13Tue Dec 14 00:51:31 2021 .verify_main.do_generate.asn1parse_main.do_sign_init.req_main.set_keygen_ctx.check_end.req_check_len.genpkey_cb.add_DN_object.add_attribute_object.auto_info.prompt_info.build_subject.make_REQ.do_X509_CRL_sign.do_X509_REQ_sign.do_X509_sign.dgst_main.list_md_fn@AF8_2Tue Dec 14 00:51:32 2021 .dhparam_main.enc_main.show_ciphers.md5crypt.passwd_main.do_passwdTue Dec 14 00:51:33 2021 .gendh_main.errstr_main.old_entry_print.make_revoked.make_revocation_str.check_time_format.do_updatedb.get_certificate_status.do_revoke.write_new_certificate.certify_spkac.certify_cert.lookup_fail.unpack_revinfoTue Dec 14 00:51:34 2021 .pkcs7_main.crl2pkcs7_main.add_certs_from_file.crl_main.rsa_main.rsautl_mainTue Dec 14 00:51:35 2021 .dsa_main.dsaparam_main.ecparam_main.ecparam_print_var.x509_load_serial.x509_main.purpose_print.x509_certifyTue Dec 14 00:51:36 2021 .genrsa_main.genrsa_cb.gendsa_main.genpkey_main.init_keygen_file.init_gen_str.del_session.get_session.add_session.s_server_main.next_proto_cb.ssl_servername_cb.ssl_srp_server_param_cb.psk_server_cb.cert_status_cb.s_server_init.get_dh2048.load_dh_param.free_sessions.init_session_cache_ctx.generate_session_id.print_stats.init_ssl_connection.sv_usage.close_accept_socket.rev_body.www_body.tmp_rsa_cbTue Dec 14 00:51:37 2021 .s_client_main.serverinfo_cli_parse_cb.ssl_give_srp_client_pwd_cb.ssl_srp_verify_param_cb.srp_Verify_N_and_g.psk_client_cb.ocsp_resp_cb.print_stuff.sc_usageTue Dec 14 00:51:38 2021 .speed_main.multiblock_speed.KDF1_SHA1.sig_done.do_multi.print_result.pkey_print_message.print_message.get_dsa2048.get_dsa1024.get_dsa512.KDF1_SHA1@AF21_4Tue Dec 14 00:51:39 2021 .s_time_main.tm_Time_F.s_time_init.doConnection.parseArgs.s_time_usage.crls_http_cb.load_crl_crldp.get_dp_url.nodes_print.index_name_LHASH_COMP.index_name_LHASH_HASH.index_serial_LHASH_COMP.index_serial_LHASH_HASH.index_name_hash.index_name_qual.index_serial_cmp.index_serial_hash.try_load_engine.load_certs_crls.load_pkcs12.app_get_pass.ui_close.ui_write.app_init.load_netscape_key.set_multi_opts.set_table_opts.app_tminterval.raw_write_stdout.raw_read_stdin.fileno_stdout.fileno_stdin.app_isdir.store_setup_crl_download.print_cert_checks.next_protos_parse.pkey_ctrl_string.bio_to_mem.policies_print.args_verify.parse_name.parse_yesno.index_name_cmp.free_index.rotate_index.save_index.index_index.load_index.rand_serial.rotate_serial.save_serial.load_serial.make_config_name.load_config.release_engine.setup_engine.setup_verify.load_crls.load_certs.load_pubkey.load_key.load_cert_crl_http.load_crl.load_cert.add_oid_section.app_passwd.copy_extensions.set_ext_copy.set_name_ex.set_cert_ex.print_name.dump_cert_text.chopup_args.program_name.destroy_ui_method.setup_ui_method.password_callback.get_dp_url@AF80_3.set_multi_opts@AF81_23.copy_extensions@AF82_64.setup_engine@AF83_53.next_protos_parse@AF84_33.print_cert_checks@AF85_32.add_crls_store.print_raw_cipherlist.ssl_excert_prepend.set_cert_cb.print_chain_flags.do_print_sigalgs.ssl_print_client_cert_types.ssl_load_stores.ssl_ctx_add_crls.args_ssl_call.args_ssl.print_ssl_summary.load_excert.args_excert.ssl_excert_free.ssl_ctx_set_excert.verify_cookie_callback.generate_cookie_callback.tlsext_cb.apps_ssl_info_callback.bio_dump_callback.ssl_print_tmp_key.ssl_print_curves.ssl_print_point_formats.ssl_print_sigalgs.set_cert_key_stuff.set_cert_stuff.verify_callback.set_cert_stuff@AF34_28.verify_cookie_callback@AF35_17Tue Dec 14 00:51:40 2021 .do_accept.init_server_long.init_server.init_client_ip.ssl_sock_init.GetHostByName.extract_host_port.extract_port.init_client.do_server.app_RAND_load_files.app_RAND_allow_write_file.app_RAND_write_file.app_RAND_load_file.version_main.sess_id_main.load_sess_idTue Dec 14 00:51:41 2021 .ciphers_main.nseq_main.pkcs12_main.cert_load.alg_print.hex_prin.print_attribs.dump_certs_pkeys_bag.dump_certs_pkeys_bags.dump_certs_keys_p12.get_cert_chain.set_pbe@AF15_2.pkcs8_main.pkey_mainTue Dec 14 00:51:42 2021 .pkeyparam_main.pkeyutl_main.do_keyop.setup_peer.init_ctx.spkac_main.smime_main.smime_cb.save_certs.save_certs@AF8_3.make_names_stack.gnames_stack_print.cms_main.cms_set_pkey_param.make_receipt_request.receipt_request_print.save_certs@AF13_8Tue Dec 14 00:51:43 2021 .rand_main.engine_main.util_do_cmds.util_verbose.util_flags.append_buf.identity.ocsp_main.query_responder.send_ocsp_response.do_responder.init_responder.lookup_serial.make_ocsp_response.print_ocsp_summary.add_ocsp_serial.add_ocsp_cert.process_responder.print_ocsp_summary@AF16_8.prime_main.verify_cb.create_cert_store.create_verify_ctx.verify_command.save_ts_serial.next_serial.serial_cb.create_response.read_PKCS7.reply_command.create_nonce.create_digest.create_query.BIO_open_with_default.query_command.load_config_file.srp_create_user.srp_verify_user.update_index.print_user.print_index.print_entry.get_index.srp_main.print_entry@AF14_7.get_index@AF15_8.print_user@AF16_5.__mod_init.lh_strhash.EVP_MD_type.OBJ_nid2sn.BIO_printf.EVP_CIPHER_nid.CRYPTO_mem_ctrl.CRYPTO_set_locking_callback.CRYPTO_set_mem_functions.ERR_load_crypto_strings.OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf.ENGINE_load_builtin_engines.NCONF_new.NCONF_load.lh_retrieve.CONF_modules_unload.OBJ_cleanup.EVP_cleanup.ENGINE_cleanup.CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data.ERR_remove_thread_state.RAND_cleanup.ERR_free_strings.COMP_zlib_cleanup.CRYPTO_mem_leaks.BIO_free.CRYPTO_free.NCONF_free.BIO_ctrl.ERR_peek_last_error.ERR_clear_error.ERR_print_errors.CRYPTO_set_mem_debug_functions.CRYPTO_set_mem_debug_options.BIO_s_file.EVP_MD_do_all_sorted.EVP_CIPHER_do_all_sorted.EVP_PKEY_asn1_get_count.EVP_PKEY_asn1_get0.EVP_PKEY_asn1_get0_info.OBJ_nid2ln.lh_insert.BIO_new_fp.BIO_free_all.EVP_get_digestbyname.EVP_get_cipherbyname.X509_free.X509_CRL_free.X509_STORE_new.sk_pop_free.X509_STORE_free.X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free.X509_STORE_set_verify_cb.X509_PURPOSE_get_count.X509_PURPOSE_get0.X509_PURPOSE_get0_sname.X509_PURPOSE_get0_name.X509_LOOKUP_file.X509_STORE_add_lookup.X509_LOOKUP_ctrl.X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir.X509_STORE_set1_param.X509_STORE_CTX_new.X509_STORE_set_flags.X509_STORE_CTX_init.X509_verify_cert.X509_STORE_CTX_free.X509_STORE_CTX_set0_crls.X509_STORE_CTX_trusted_stack.X509_STORE_CTX_get_error.X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert.X509_STORE_CTX_get0_parent_ctx.X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth.X509_verify_cert_error_string.X509_get_subject_name.X509_NAME_print_ex_fp.ASN1_generate_nconf.i2d_ASN1_TYPE.BUF_MEM_grow.ASN1_TYPE_free.NCONF_get_string.sk_new_null.BUF_MEM_free.BIO_new_file.BUF_MEM_new.BIO_read.ASN1_parse_dump.BIO_write.sk_value.d2i_ASN1_TYPE.ASN1_TYPE_get.ASN1_tag2str.BIO_f_base64.BIO_push.OBJ_create_objects.EVP_MD_CTX_init.EVP_DigestSignInit.EVP_des_ede3_cbc.EVP_PKEY_free.X509_REQ_free.ASN1_INTEGER_free.ENGINE_free.EVP_PKEY_CTX_free.X509V3_set_ctx.X509V3_set_nconf.X509V3_EXT_add_nconf.ASN1_STRING_set_default_mask_asc.PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ.X509_new.X509_set_serialNumber.X509_set_issuer_name.X509_gmtime_adj.X509_time_adj_ex.X509_set_subject_name.X509_REQ_get_pubkey.X509_set_pubkey.X509_REQ_verify.X509_print_ex.X509_get_pubkey.EVP_PKEY_base_id.BN_print.PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW.PEM_write_bio_X509.i2d_X509_bio.PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ.i2d_X509_REQ_bio.X509_REQ_print_ex.PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY.X509_get_serialNumber.X509_set_version.X509V3_EXT_REQ_add_nconf.X509_REQ_new.d2i_X509_REQ_bio.NCONF_get_number_e.EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_cb.EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_app_data.EVP_PKEY_keygen.PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey.ERR_peek_error.BIO_puts.ENGINE_by_id.s2i_ASN1_INTEGER.EVP_PKEY_CTX_new.EVP_PKEY_bits.EVP_PKEY_keygen_init.EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl.EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id.EVP_PKEY_asn1_find.BUF_strdup.ENGINE_finish.PEM_read_bio_Parameters.EVP_PKEY_id.PEM_read_bio_X509.EVP_PKEY_asn1_find_str.EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_app_data.EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_keygen_info.BUF_strlcpy.BUF_strlcat.X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID.X509_REQ_add1_attr_by_NID.X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt.X509_NAME_entry_count.X509_REQ_add1_attr_by_txt.OBJ_txt2nid.BIO_snprintf.X509_REQ_set_subject_name.X509_NAME_free.NCONF_get_section.X509_REQ_set_version.X509_REQ_set_pubkey.X509_CRL_sign_ctx.EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup.X509_REQ_sign_ctx.X509_sign_ctx.CRYPTO_malloc.OPENSSL_cleanse.BIO_f_md.EVP_DigestVerifyInit.EVP_PKEY_size.EVP_PKEY_get0_asn1.EVP_MD_CTX_md.EVP_DigestInit_ex.EVP_PKEY_new_mac_key.EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags.BIO_set_callback.BIO_set_callback_arg.EVP_DigestSignFinal.BIO_gets.EVP_DigestVerifyFinal.EVP_MD_flags.PEM_read_bio_DHparams.PEM_write_bio_DHparams.ASN1_i2d_bio.BN_num_bits.BN_bn2bin.DH_check.DHparams_print.ASN1_d2i_bio.DSA_generate_parameters_ex.DSA_free.DSA_dup_DH.PEM_write_bio_DHxparams.DH_generate_parameters_ex.PEM_read_bio_DSAparams.EVP_read_pw_string.EVP_BytesToKey.EVP_CIPHER_key_length.BIO_f_cipher.EVP_CipherInit_ex.BIO_number_read.BIO_number_written.EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding.EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_flags.EVP_CIPHER_iv_length.RAND_bytes.BIO_set_flags.EVP_CIPHER_flags.OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted.EVP_DigestUpdate.EVP_DigestFinal_ex.__assert.DES_crypt.SSL_load_error_strings.ERR_error_string_n.ERR_get_string_table.lh_node_stats_bio.lh_stats_bio.lh_node_usage_stats_bio.X509_EXTENSION_free.X509_check_private_key.EVP_PKEY_get_default_digest_nid.ASN1_TIME_set_string.X509_CRL_new.X509_CRL_set_issuer_name.ASN1_TIME_new.X509_CRL_set_lastUpdate.X509_CRL_set_nextUpdate.ASN1_TIME_free.X509_REVOKED_new.BN_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