#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000,2019 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # sccsid = "@(#)73 src/rsct/rm/ER/cli/bin/mkcondition.perl, errmcli, rsct_rady, rady2035a 11/12/15 16:39:41" ###################################################################### # # # Module: mkcondition # # # # Purpose: # # mkcondition - make a condition resource # # # # Syntax: # # mkcondition [-h] -r Resource_class -e Event_expression # # [-E Rearm_expression] [-d Event_description] # # [-D Rearm_description] [-n Node_name[,Node_name,...] # # [-s "Selection_string"] [-S c|w|i] [-m l|m|p] # # [-b interval[,max_events][,retention_period] # # [,max_total_size] # # [-p Node_name][-g 0|1|2] [-TV] Condition # # # # mkcondition [-h] -c Existing_condition[:Node_name] # # [-r Resource_class] [-e Event_expression] # # [-E Rearm_expression] [-d Event_Description] # # [-D Rearm_description] [-n Node_name[,Node_name,..] # # [-p Node_name] [-s "Selection_string"] [-m l|m|p] # # [-b interval[,max_events][,retention_period] # # [,max_total_size] # # [-S c|w|i][-g 0|1|2] [-TV] Condition # # Flags: # # -h help - writes this command's usage statement to stdout # # -b interval[,max_events] # # The events are to be batched together for the interval # # specified or until the max_events number of events are # # generated. The interval restarts if the max_events number# # of events is reached before the interval expires. The # # batching continues until there are no events generated # # for an interval. Use an interval of 0 to turn batching # # off. max_events cannot be specified unless interval is # # greater than 0. When interval is greater than 0 and # # max_events is 0, no maximum number of events is used. By # # default, interval is 0 and max_events is 0 when interval # # is greater than 0. # # retention_period is to specify the retention period in # # hour. Batched event file is saved for the time specified # # as retention period. Once this time is reached the file # # is automatically deleted. # # max_totalsize is to specify the total size for the # # batched event file in MB(MegaBytes). Batched event file # # is saved until the size is reached, Once the size is # # reached the file is automatically deleted. # # If both retention_period and max_totalsize are specified,# # then Batched event file is saved, until whichever occur # # first. # # -c Existing_condition to copy to a new condition. Node_name # # specifies where it is defined. # # -r Resource_class. The name of the resource class to be # # monitored. # # -e Event_expression. Expression that determines when an # # event occurs. Expression usually involves the dynamic # # attribute and a comparison. # # -E Rearm_expression. Expression to indicate when to restart # # monitoring after an event has occurred. Expression # # usually involes the dynamic attribute and a comparison. # # -d Event_description. User supplied text to describe the # # event_expression. # # -D Rearm_description. User supplied text to describe the # # rearm_expression. # # -n Node_namelist where condition is to be monitored. # # -s Selection_string. Specifies which resources in # # the resource class are monitored. Default is all # # resources in the class. # # -S c|w|i Specifies the severity of the event. c=critical, # # w=warning, and i=informational. Default is # # informational. # # -m l|m|p Specifies the scope of the condition when monitoring # # starts. l=local, d=distributed domain, and p=peer domain.# # -g 0|1|2 Specifies granularity levels to control AuditLog records# # for the condition. Three levels of granularities are # # provided 0:enable,1: only on error and 2:disable # # -p Specifies the node on which the condition is defined. # # -T Trace. IBM Support Center use only. # # -V Verbose. # # # # Operands: # # Condition The name of the new condition to be created. # # # # Description: # # The mkcondition command creates a new condition definition with # # the name specified by the Condition parameter. The condition is # # used to monitor a resource for the occurrence of the condition # # (or event). One or more responses to an event can be defined # # by using the mkresponse command. The conditions can then be # # linked to the responses by using the mkcondresp command, or by # # using the startcondresp command to link responses and start # # monitoring. # # # # Exit Values: # # 0 ERRM_CLI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully. # # 1 ERRM_CLI_RMC_ERROR Command terminated due to an underlying # # RMC error. # # 2 ERRM_CLI_ERROR Command terminated due to an underlying # # error in the command script. # # 3 ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG Command terminated due to user # # specifying an invalid flag. # # 4 ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND Command terminated due to user # # specifying a bad operand. # # 5 ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR Command terminated due to a user error. # # For example specifying a name that # # already exists. # # # # Examples: # # 1. Define a condition with the name "JFS space used up" to check # # for percent space used greater than 90% and to rearm when it # # is back down below 85% # # mkcondition -r IBM.FileSystem -e "PercentTotUsed > 90" \ # # -E "PercentTotUsed < 85" "JFS space used up" # # 2. Define a condition with the name "tmp space used up" to check # # for percent space used greater than 90% for /tmp and to rearm # # when it is back down below 85%, including comments # # mkcondition -r IBM.FileSystem -e "PercentTotUsed > 90" \ # # -E "PercentTotUsed < 85" \ # # -d "Generate event when tmp > 90 percent full" \ # # -D "Resume monitoring when tmp < 85 percent full" \ # # -s 'Name=="/tmp"' "tmp space used up" # # 3. Define a condition with the name "Space used up" as a copy of # # "JFS space used up" # # mkcondition -c "JFS space used up" "Space used up" # # 4. Define a condition with the name "var space used up" as a # # copy of "tmp space used up", but change the selection to /var # # mkcondition -c "tmp space used up" -s 'Name=="/var"' \ # # "var space used up" # # # # Man Page: # # For the most current detailed description of this command see # # the mkcondition man page in /opt/rsct/man. # # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Inputs: # # /opt/rsct/msgmaps/errmcli.mkcondition.map - message mapping # # # # Outputs: # # stdout - display information on the condition. # # stderr - any error message. # # # # External Ref: # # Commands: ctdspmsg # # Modules: ERRM_cli_utils.pm, ERRM_cli_rc.pm # # CT_cli_utils.pm # # Perl library routines: Getopt::Std # # # # Tab Settings: # # 4 and tabs should be expanded to spaces before saving this file. # # in vi: (:set ts=4 and :%!expand -4) # # # # Change Activity: # # 001012 JAC 67469: Initial design & write. # # 001226 JAC 67470: Completed mkcondition command. # # 010103 JAC 70296: Make TRUE/FALSE come from utils. # # 010116 JAC 70594: Modify selection string processing. # # 010125 JAC 70355: Modify Trace message to use variables. # # 010126 JAC 70783: Place NodeName value in single quotes. # # 010129 JAC 70951: Shift rc after RMC calls if error occurs. # # 010303 JAC 71042: Remove setting DynamicAttribute. # # 010308 JAC 71005: Escape some special characters in strings. # # 010430 JAC 73619: Do not send any RMC CLI std err to garbage. # # 010507 JAC 73620: Check for RMC CLI user error (rc=5) and # # return ERRM user error for this case. # # 010516 JAC 74036: Convert nodenames to long names, if possible # # 011119 JAC 77597: Add distributed RMC changes # # 011206 JAC 78841: Fix selection string for locating resources. # # 011213 JAC 78976: Fix selection string for locating resources. # # 020121 JAC 79558: Fix selection string for locating resources. # # 020128 JAC 79559: Change how destination/locator node is used. # # 020416 JAC 81754: Fix exit code check and Switch to xxx-api cmds.# # 020428 JAC 82364: Change mgt scope to l|d|p from l|c|s. # # 020429 JAC 82425: Change some escaping/quoting for xxx-api cmds. # # 020503 JAC 82639: Try to fix escaping/quoting again. # # 020719 JAC 84425: Add $rc to process_api_error call. # # 020725 JAC 84654: Change mgt scopes to l,m,p from l,d,p. # # 020729 JAC 85061: Use 4 (DM/SR/local) for scope if locator used # # or -p used and scope not set. # # 040407 JAC 105863: Use escape_chars for "\" searches. # # 070724 JAC 141919: Add error msg for -n with no -m or -m l. # # 071026 JAC 146726: set delimeter for -api commmands. # # 080104 JAC 148354: remove reference to resolve_node. # # 081106 JAC 153204: add batching flag. # ###################################################################### #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # General Program Flow/Logic: # # # # 1. Parse command line flags and operands, determine which flavor # # of this command we are actually invoking. # # 2. Print usage if -h specified. # # 3. Make sure one and only one condition is specified. # # 4. Make sure the condition doesn't already exist. # # 5. If using -c for copy, make sure condition to copy exists. # # 6. Translate flags into attribute names for RMC mkrsrc command. # # 7. If copy, retrieve any attributes not specified in command. # # 8. Call RMC command mkrsrc. Also pass along -VT if necessary. # # 9. Return back any errors. # # # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Included Libraries and Extensions # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# use lib "/opt/rsct/pm"; use locale; use Getopt::Long; use CT_cli_utils qw(printIMsg printEMsg); use CT_cli_input_utils qw(escape_chars); use ERRM_cli_rc qw(ERRM_CLI_SUCCESS ERRM_CLI_RMC_ERROR ERRM_CLI_ERROR ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR); use ERRM_cli_utils qw(error_exit printCIMsg printCEMsg find_resource_name get_source_node get_locator_node set_orig_rmc_scope check_set_cluster_scope process_api_error process_exit_code $TRUE $FALSE $CTBINDIR $CTDIR $SEVCRIT $SEVWARN $SEVINFO $DELIMITERI $DELIMITERO $MKCNDCRIT $MKCNDWARN $MKCNDINFO $LCL_SCOPE $SR_SCOPE $CSM_SCOPE $SR_SCOPE_OLD $CSM_SCOPE_OLD $CSM_SCOPE_OLD2 $LCL_SCOPE_VAL $SR_SCOPE_VAL $CSM_SCOPE_VAL $RMC_CLI_USER_ERROR $RMC_LOCAL_SCOPE $MAX_UINT32 $LSRSRC $MKRSRC $RSCCOND); #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_auto_abbrev", "no_ignore_case", "require_order", "prefix_pattern=(--|-)"); $Trace = $FALSE; # default - trace off $Verbose = $FALSE; # default - verbose turned off $Scope_orig_set = $FALSE; # default - no CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE $Scope_orig_value = 0; # default - scope value $Opt_Resource = $FALSE; # default - no resource $Opt_Event_Expr = $FALSE; # default - no event expr $Opt_Event_Descr = $FALSE; # default - no event descr $Opt_Rearm_Expr = $FALSE; # default - no rearm expr $Opt_Rearm_Descr = $FALSE; # default - no rearm descr $Opt_Selection = $FALSE; # default - no selection $Opt_Severity = $FALSE; # default - no severity $Opt_Nodes = $FALSE; # default - no node list $Opt_Copy_Condition = $FALSE; # default - no copy condition $Opt_Mgt_Scope = $FALSE; # default - no management scope $Opt_Put_Node = $FALSE; # default - no put node $Opt_No_Toggle= $FALSE; # default - no no toggle expr $Opt_Batch = $FALSE; # default - no event bacthing $Opt_Batch_Max = $FALSE; # default - no event max $Opt_Batch_Ret = $FALSE; # default - no file retention period $Opt_Batch_Size = $FALSE; # default - no file size $Opt_Audit_Log = $FALSE; # default - no audit log control $PROGNAME = "mkcondition"; # Program Name for messages $LSMSG = "$CTBINDIR/ctdspmsg"; # list / display message rtn $MSGCAT = "errmcli.cat"; # msg catalogue for this cmd $ENV{'MSGMAPPATH'} = "$CTDIR/msgmaps"; # msg maps used by $LSMSG #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Variables # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# my $condition = ""; # Condition to make my $resource_name = ""; # resource for -r flag my $event_expr = ""; # expression for -e my $event_desc = ""; # description for -d my $rearm_expr = ""; # expression for -E my $rearm_desc = ""; # description for -D my $select_str = ""; # select string for -s my $severity = 0; # default for -r my $nodelist = ""; # default for -n my $new_nodelist = ""; # resolved nodelist 74036 my $copy_condition = ""; # Condition to copy my $put_node = ""; # where to define condition -p my $mgt_scope = ""; # management scope -m my $get_attrs = ""; # attr list for copy my $copy_vals = ""; # attr values for copy my $passopts = ""; # options to pass to RMC my $other_opts = ""; # options to pass to RMC my $this_attr = ""; # attr name for copy my $this_value = ""; # value of attr name for copy my $one_node = ""; # one from nodelist 74036 my @nodes = (); # list of nodes 74036 my $hname = ""; # used by gethost 74036 my $haliases = ""; # used by gethost 74036 my $haddrtype = ""; # used by gethost 74036 my $hlength = 0; # used by gethost 74036 my @haddrs = (); # used by gethost 74036 my $comma = ""; # used by gethost 74036 my @cmd_out = (); # command output my $batch_interval = 0; # event batching interval my $batch_max_events = 0; # max events for batching my $batch_ret_period = 0; # time for batch event file to be saved my $batch_max_totalsize = 0; # max size for the batch event file my $audit_log = 0; # audit log control flag #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# my $rc = 0; # save original rmc management scope value, in case it's changed later if (defined $ENV{CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE}) { $Scope_orig_set = $TRUE; $Scope_orig_value = $ENV{CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE}; } # parse the command line, exit if there are errors ($rc, $condition, $resource_name, $event_expr, $event_desc, $rearm_expr, $rearm_desc, $select_str, $severity, $nodelist, $copy_condition, $mgt_scope, $batch_interval, $batch_max_events, $batch_ret_period, $batch_max_totalsize, $audit_log , $put_node) = &parse_cmd_line; ($rc == 0) || error_exit($rc); if ($Verbose) { printIMsg("IMsgmkconditionStart",$condition);} # pass the trace or verbose flags to mkrsrc if ($Trace) { $passopts = $passopts." -T"; } if ($Verbose) { $passopts = $passopts." -V"; } # for anything that's a string, escape any inner double quotes (71005) $condition = escape_chars($condition); $copy_condition = escape_chars($copy_condition); $resource_name = escape_chars($resource_name); $event_expr = escape_chars($event_expr); $event_desc = escape_chars($event_desc); $rearm_expr = escape_chars($rearm_expr); $rearm_desc = escape_chars($rearm_desc); $select_str = escape_chars($select_str); $nodelist = escape_chars($nodelist); # add any optional parameters of mkcondition to pass to mkrsrc # if parameter not specified, may need to get it for copy if ($Opt_Resource) { # resource present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}ResourceClass${DELIMITERI}$resource_name"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}ResourceClass"; } if ($Opt_Event_Expr) { # event expression present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}EventExpression${DELIMITERI}$event_expr"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}EventExpression"; } if ($Opt_Event_Descr) { # event description present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}EventDescription${DELIMITERI}$event_desc"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}EventDescription"; } if ($Opt_Rearm_Expr) { # rearm expression present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}RearmExpression${DELIMITERI}$rearm_expr"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}RearmExpression"; } if ($Opt_Rearm_Descr) { # rearm description present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}RearmDescription${DELIMITERI}$rearm_desc"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}RearmDescription"; } if ($Opt_Selection) { # selection string present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}SelectionString${DELIMITERI}$select_str"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}SelectionString"; } if ($Opt_Severity) { # severity present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}Severity${DELIMITERI}$severity"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}Severity"; } if ($Opt_Mgt_Scope) { # scope present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}ManagementScope${DELIMITERI}$mgt_scope"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}ManagementScope"; } if ($Opt_Nodes) { # node list present $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}NodeNames${DELIMITERI}{$nodelist}"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}NodeNames"; } if ($Opt_Put_Node) { # put node present # specify where to put the condition $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}NodeNameList${DELIMITERI}{$put_node}"; } #If audit log ionformation is provides if ($Opt_Audit_Log) { $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}AuditLogControl${DELIMITERI}$audit_log"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}AuditLogControl"; } if ($Opt_No_Toggle) { $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}NoToggleExprFlag${DELIMITERI}1"; } elsif ($Opt_Toggle) { $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}NoToggleExprFlag${DELIMITERI}0"; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}NoToggleExprFlag"; } if ($Opt_Batch) { # batching events - interval $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}EventBatchingInterval${DELIMITERI}\"$batch_interval\""; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}EventBatchingInterval"; } if ($Opt_Batch_Max) { # batching events - max events $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}EventBatchingMaxEvents${DELIMITERI}\"$batch_max_events\""; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}EventBatchingMaxEvents"; } if ($Opt_Batch_Ret) { # batching events - retention period $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}BatchedEventRetentionPeriod${DELIMITERI}\"$batch_ret_period\""; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}BatchedEventRetentionPeriod"; } if ($Opt_Batch_Size) { # batching events - max totalsize $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}BatchedEventMaxTotalSize${DELIMITERI}\"$batch_max_totalsize\""; } else { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}BatchedEventMaxTotalSize"; } # if copying a condition (-c), get condition information and # update with anything that was specified on the command line if ($Opt_Copy_Condition) { # copy a condition # get condition information # override any info with info specified in command if ($get_attrs ne "") { $copy_vals = get_condition_info($copy_condition,$get_attrs); } $get_attrs = substr($get_attrs,length($DELIMITERI)); # add a dummy string on the end to test for if ($get_attrs ne "") { $get_attrs = $get_attrs."${DELIMITERI}END";} else { $get_attrs = "END";} # add the attr values in for the mkrsrc command to use while ($get_attrs ne "END"){ # get the next attribute and value ($this_attr,$get_attrs) = split /$DELIMITERI/, $get_attrs, 2; ($this_value,$copy_vals) = split /$DELIMITERO/, $copy_vals, 2; # format it properly to use in the mkrsrc command if ($this_attr eq "NodeNames") { $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}${this_attr}${DELIMITERI}${this_value}"; } else { # if it has outer double quotes, must escape an inner ones $this_value = escape_chars($this_value); # make sure it's not blank $this_value =~ s/^$/\\\"\\\"/; $other_opts = $other_opts."${DELIMITERI}${this_attr}${DELIMITERI}${this_value}"; } } } # set CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE to original setting, in case it was used set_orig_rmc_scope; # if the put node (-p, or destination node) was not specified, # this is a local definition. Make sure rmc scope is set to # local scope. if (!$Opt_Put_Node) { # put node not present $ENV{CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE} = $RMC_LOCAL_SCOPE; } # -p is specified, try to help user if scope not set else { # use DM/SR/Local scope if scope not set check_set_cluster_scope; } # call mkrsrc if ($Trace) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: calling mkrsrc-api\n";} @cmd_out=`$CTBINDIR/mkrsrc-api -I $DELIMITERI -D $DELIMITERO "${RSCCOND}${DELIMITERI}Name${DELIMITERI}${condition}${other_opts}" 2>&1`; $rc = $?; $rc = &process_exit_code($rc); if ($Trace) { print STDERR "mkrsrc-api results:\n"; print STDERR "@cmd_out";} if ($Trace) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: mkrsrc-api returned $rc\n";} # show any errors if there was a bad rc if ($rc != 0) { process_api_error($DELIMITERO,$rc,@cmd_out); } # return ERRM CLI user error if it's an RMC CLI user error 73620 ($rc == $RMC_CLI_USER_ERROR) && ( error_exit(ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR) ); # if mkrsrc command failed, print RMC error message and exit if ($rc != 0) { # printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliUnExpectRMCrc",$rc); exit(ERRM_CLI_RMC_ERROR); } if ($Verbose) { printIMsg("IMsgmkconditionEnd",$condition);} exit($rc); #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # End Main Code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # parse_cmd_line - Parse the command line for options and operands. # # Set appropriate global variables as outlined below, make sure we # # have a valid combination of arguments / options. # # # # Return: # # $rc 0 Command line parsed fine, no problem. # # ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG Command line contained a bad flag. # # $resource Name of condition to make. # # $resource_name Name of resource class. # # $event_expr Event expression. # # $event_desc Event description. # # $rearm_expr Rearm expression. # # $rearm_desc Rearm description. # # $select_str Selection string. # # $severity Severity. # # $node_list Node list. # # $copy_condition Name of condition to copy. # # # # Global Variables Modified: # # $Verbose output True (-V) turn Verbose mode on. # # $Trace output True (-T) turn Trace mode on. # # $Opt_Resource output True (-r) resource specified # # $Opt_Event_Expr output True (-e) event expression specified # # $Opt_Event_Descr output True (-d) event description specified# # $Opt_Rearm_Expr output True (-E) rearm expression specified # # $Opt_Rearm_Descr output True (-D) rearm description specified# # $Opt_Selection output True (-s) selection string specified # # $Opt_Severity output True (-S) severity specified # # $Opt_Nodes output True (-n) node names specified # # $Opt_Copy_Condition output True (-c) copy specified # # $Opt_Mgt_Scope output True (-m) mgt scope specified # # $Opt_Put_Node output True (-p) put node specified # # $Opt_Batch output True (-b) event batching specified # # $Opt_Batch_Max output True (-b) max batching events spec # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub parse_cmd_line { my(@original_argv) = @ARGV; # user enetered flags/parms my $resource = ""; # condition name my $select_str = ""; # selection string from -s my $resource_name = ""; # resource class from -r my $event_expr = ""; # expression from -e my $event_desc = ""; # description from -d my $rearm_expr = ""; # expression from -E my $rearm_desc = ""; # description from -D my $sev_value = ""; # severity from -S my $node_list = ""; # hosts from -n my $severity = $MKCNDINFO; # default severity my $copy_condition = ""; # existing condition for copy my $copy_condition2 = ""; # copy of condition for copy my $put_node = ""; # put node from -p my $locator = ""; # locates the condition to copy my $mgt_scope = ""; # mgt scope from -m my $mgt_scope_val = 0; # mgt scope translated my @listout = (); # output from lsrsrc my %opts = (); # for options parsing my $batch_interval = 0; # event batching interval (sec) my $batch_max_events = 0; # max number of batched events my $batch_ret_period = 0; # time for batch event file to be saved my $batch_max_totalsize = 0; # max size for the batch event file my $audit_log = 0; # audit log control flag # Process the command line... if (!GetOptions(\%opts, 'h' , 'c=s' , 'r=s' , 'e=s' , 'E=s' , 'd=s' , 'D=s' , 'n=s' , 's=s' , 'S=s' , 'm=s' , 'p=s' , 'b=s' , 'g=s' , 'V' , 'T' , 'qtoggle' , 'qnotoggle' )) { &print_usage; # display proper usage return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; # return bad rc - bad flag } # process h flag if (defined $opts{h}) { # -h, help request &print_usage; # print usage statement exit(0); # all done with good return } if (defined $opts{T}) { # -T turn trace on $Trace = $TRUE; } if (defined $opts{V}) { # -V turn verbose mode on $Verbose = $TRUE; } # check for where to define (put) condition (not required) if (defined $opts{p}) { # -p for put condition $put_node = $opts{p}; $Opt_Put_Node = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($put_node eq ""){ # no text for -p printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-p"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } # Get the arguments... # Operands: resource (only one condition resource allowed) if ($#ARGV == 0) { # index 0 is last one $resource = shift @ARGV; # user specified resources # make sure the condition doesn't contain any colon charactersor control characters if ($resource =~ /:/ ) { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidConditionName"); exit(ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR); } if(containSplChar($resource) ) { exit(ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR); } # make sure the condition doesn't already exist $rc = find_resource_name($resource,$RSCCOND,$put_node); if ($rc == $RMC_CLI_USER_ERROR) { exit(ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR); } if ($rc == 0) { # condition name found printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionConditionExists",$resource); exit(ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR); } } else { # no resource or too many resources specified printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliInvalidNumberOfOperands"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } # check for copy condition flag if (defined $opts{c}) { # -c for copy condition $copy_condition = $opts{c}; $Opt_Copy_Condition = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($copy_condition eq ""){ # no name for -c printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-c"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } else { # extract the locator if it exists ($temp_name, $locator) = get_locator_node($copy_condition); # copy the condition_name $copy_condition2 = $copy_condition; # put back condition name without locator if ($locator ne "") { $copy_condition2 = $temp_name;} # make sure the condition to be copied already exists $rc = find_resource_name($copy_condition2,$RSCCOND,$locator); if ($rc != 0) { # condition name not found if ($rc != $RMC_CLI_USER_ERROR) { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionConditionNotFound",$copy_condition); } exit(ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR); } } } # check for resource class to be monitored (required) if (defined $opts{r}) { # -r for resource class $resource_name = $opts{r}; $Opt_Resource = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($resource_name eq ""){ # no resource name for -r printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-r"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } else { # -r not specified and is required when no -c for copy if (!$Opt_Copy_Condition) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlag","-r"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } } # check for event expression (required) if (defined $opts{e}) { # -e for event expression $event_expr = $opts{e}; $Opt_Event_Expr = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($event_expr eq ""){ # no expression for -e printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-e"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } else { # -e not specified and is required when no -c for copy if (!$Opt_Copy_Condition) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlag","-e"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } } # check for rearm event expression (not required) if (defined $opts{E}) { # -E for rearm expr $rearm_expr = $opts{E}; $Opt_Rearm_Expr = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($rearm_expr eq ""){ # no text for -E printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-E"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } # check for event description (not required) if (defined $opts{d}) { # -d for event expr descr $event_desc = $opts{d}; $Opt_Event_Descr = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($event_desc eq ""){ # no text for -d printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-d"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } # check for rearm event description (not required) if (defined $opts{D}) { # -D for rearm expr descr $rearm_desc = $opts{D}; $Opt_Rearm_Descr = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($rearm_desc eq ""){ # no text for -D printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-D"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } # check for selection string (not required) if (defined $opts{s}) { # -s for selection string $select_str = $opts{s}; $Opt_Selection = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($select_str eq ""){ # no string for -s printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-s"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } # check for audit log flag (not required) if (defined $opts{g}) { # -g audit log information $audit_log = $opts{g}; $Opt_Audit_Log = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($audit_log eq "") {#|| $audit_log !~ /^[0-2]$/) { # no string for -g printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-g"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } # check for event severity (not required) $severity = $MKCNDINFO; # default severity if (defined $opts{S}) { # -S for severity $sev_value = $opts{S}; $Opt_Severity = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($severity eq ""){ # no severity for -S printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-S"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } else { # check severity used if ($sev_value eq $SEVCRIT) { $severity = $MKCNDCRIT; } elsif ($sev_value eq $SEVWARN) { $severity = $MKCNDWARN;} elsif ($sev_value eq $SEVINFO) { $severity = $MKCNDINFO;} else { # wrong severity printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidSeverity",$sev_value,"-S"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } } # check for host list (not required) if (defined $opts{n}) { # -n for node list $node_list = $opts{n}; $Opt_Nodes = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($node_list eq ""){ # no string for -n printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-n"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } # to use -n, you must use -m with a non-local scope if ( (!defined $opts{m}) || ( defined $opts{m} && ($opts{m} eq $LCL_SCOPE) ) ) { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionNFlagNeedMFlag"); return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } } # check for management scope (not required) if (defined $opts{m}) { # -m for mgt scope $mgt_scope = $opts{m}; $Opt_Mgt_Scope = $TRUE; # opt flag specified if ($mgt_scope eq ""){ # no text for -m printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliMissingRequiredFlagOperand","-m"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } else { # check scope used if ($mgt_scope eq $LCL_SCOPE) { $mgt_scope_val = $LCL_SCOPE_VAL; } elsif ($mgt_scope eq $SR_SCOPE) {$mgt_scope_val = $SR_SCOPE_VAL;} elsif ($mgt_scope eq $SR_SCOPE_OLD) {$mgt_scope_val = $SR_SCOPE_VAL;} elsif ($mgt_scope eq $CSM_SCOPE) {$mgt_scope_val = $CSM_SCOPE_VAL;} elsif ($mgt_scope eq $CSM_SCOPE_OLD) {$mgt_scope_val = $CSM_SCOPE_VAL;} elsif ($mgt_scope eq $CSM_SCOPE_OLD2) {$mgt_scope_val = $CSM_SCOPE_VAL;} else { # wrong scope printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidScope",$mgt_scope,"-m"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } } } if (defined $opts{qnotoggle}) { if (defined $opts{qtoggle}) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliImproperUsageCombination", "--qnotoggle", "--qtoggle"); &print_usage; return ERRM_CLI_BAD_FLAG; } $Opt_No_Toggle= $TRUE; } elsif (defined $opts{qtoggle}) { $Opt_Toggle= $TRUE; } # check for event batching -b interval[,max_events] if (defined $opts{b}) { # -b for event batching # get the interval and optional max events ($batch_interval, $batch_max_events, $batch_ret_period, $batch_max_totalsize) = split (/,/, $opts{b}); if ($batch_interval ne "" ){ if ( ($batch_interval < 0) || ($batch_interval > $MAX_UINT32) || !($batch_interval =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ){ printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidBInterval",$batch_interval,"-b"); return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } else { $Opt_Batch = $TRUE; # good interval } } else { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidBInterval",$batch_interval,"-b"); return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } # check the optional max events if ($batch_max_events ne "" ){ if ( (($batch_max_events < 0) || ($batch_max_events > $MAX_UINT32)) || !($batch_interval =~ /^[0-9]+$/) || (($batch_interval == 0) && ($batch_max_events != 0)) ) { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidBMaxEvents",$batch_max_events,"-b"); return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } else { $Opt_Batch_Max = $TRUE; # good interval } } # check option retention period if ($batch_ret_period ne "" ){ if ( (($batch_ret_period < 0) || ($batch_ret_period > $MAX_UINT32)) || !($batch_interval =~ /^[0-9]+$/) || ($batch_interval == 0) ) { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidBRetPeriod",$batch_ret_period,"-b"); return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } else { $Opt_Batch_Ret = $TRUE; # good interval } } # check option max total size if ($batch_max_totalsize ne "" ){ if ( (($batch_max_totalsize < 0) || ($batch_max_totalsize > $MAX_UINT32)) || !($batch_interval =~ /^[0-9]+$/) || ($batch_interval == 0) ) { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidBMaxTotalSize",$batch_max_totalsize,"-b"); return ERRM_CLI_BAD_OPERAND; } else { $Opt_Batch_Size = $TRUE; # good interval } } } # return everything back to main return(0, $resource, $resource_name, $event_expr, $event_desc, $rearm_expr, $rearm_desc, $select_str, $severity, $node_list, $copy_condition, $mgt_scope_val, $batch_interval, $batch_max_events, $batch_ret_period, $batch_max_totalsize, $audit_log, $put_node); # success } # end parse_cmd_line #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # print_usage : print the usage statement (syntax) to stdout. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub print_usage { &printIMsg("IMsgmkconditionUsage5"); } # end print_usage #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # get_condition_info : Uses the list resource RMC CLI command to # # list certain attributes of a condition. # # # # Paramaters: # # $condition_name the condition to list # # $attr_list double colon delimited list of attribute names # # # # Returns: # # @attr_vals list of attribute values # # # # Global Variables modified: # # None. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub get_condition_info { my $condition_name = shift(@_); my $attr_list = shift(@_); my $attr_vals = (); my $trace_opt = ""; my $locator = ""; my $temp_name = ""; my $node_select = ""; my @lsr_out = (); my $rc = 0; # extract the locator if it exists ($temp_name, $locator) = get_locator_node($condition_name); # put back condition name without locator if ($locator ne "") { $condition_name = $temp_name;} # re-establish original CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE set_orig_rmc_scope; # check to see if resource name has a Node_name to locate it. # if not, set rmc local scope. if it does, use it in select string. if ($locator eq "") { # set CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE to local for query $ENV{CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE} = $RMC_LOCAL_SCOPE; } # else use location is select string else { $node_select = " && NodeNameList |< {\\\"$locator\\\"}"; # use DM/SR/Local scope if scope not set and there's a locator check_set_cluster_scope; } # list condition to get the attr values if ($Trace) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: calling lsrsrc-api\n";} $ENV{CT_CLI_QUOTE_STRING} = 0; @lsr_out = `$CTBINDIR/lsrsrc-api -I $DELIMITERI -D $DELIMITERO -s ${RSCCOND}${DELIMITERI}\"Name==\\\"$condition_name\\\"${node_select}\"${DELIMITERI}${DELIMITERI}${DELIMITERI}${attr_list} 2>&1`; # capture the return code from lsrsrc $rc = $?; $rc = process_exit_code($rc); if ($Trace) { print STDERR "lsrsrc-api results:\n"; print STDERR "@lsr_out";} if ($Trace) { print STDERR "$PROGNAME: lsrsrc-api returned $rc\n";} # show any errors if there was a bad rc if ($rc != 0) { process_api_error($DELIMITERO,$rc,@lsr_out); } # return ERRM CLI user error if it's an RMC CLI user error ($rc == $RMC_CLI_USER_ERROR) && ( error_exit(ERRM_CLI_USER_ERROR) ); # if list command failed, print RMC error message and exit if ($rc != 0) { printCEMsg("EMsgERRMcliUnExpectRMCrc",$rc); exit(ERRM_CLI_RMC_ERROR); } # get attribute values $attr_vals = $lsr_out[0]; chomp($attr_vals); return ($attr_vals); } sub containSplChar ($) { local %specialCharString = ( '\cA' => "^A", '\cB' => "^B", '\cC' => "^C", '\cD' => "^D", '\cE' => "^E", '\cF' => "^F", '\cG' => "^G", '\cH' => "^H", '\cI' => "^I", '\n' => "\\n", '\cK' => "^K", '\f' => "\\f", '\r' => "\\r", '\cN' => "^N", '\cO' => "^O", '\cP' => "^P", '\cQ' => "^Q", '\cR' => "^R", '\cS' => "^S", '\cT' => "^T", '\cU' => "^U", '\cV' => "^V", '\cW' => "^W", '\cX' => "^X", '\cY' => "^Y", '\cZ' => "^Z", '\c[' => "^[", '\c[\\]' => "^\\", '\c]' => "^]", '\c^' => "^^", '\c_' => "^_", ); my $resource=shift(@_); foreach $code (keys %specialCharString) { if ($resource =~ /$code/) { printEMsg("EMsgmkconditionInvalidConditionName1",$specialCharString{$code}); return 1; } } return 0; }