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VPD_FORCE_VIEW_VAR=1%s: Out of memory. %s: Out of memory. %-*s %-*s %-*s %s: Out of memory. %s: Out of memory. %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s %s: Out of memory. %s: Out of memory. %s: Out of memory. %s: Out of memory. %s: Out of memory. %s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s #%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s #%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%s:%s %s %%s %%+%ds %%s /usr/share/lib/objrepos/usr/share/lib/objrepos %-*s %-*s %-*s %s %%s %s %%+%ds %%s # %-11s %-8s %-10s %-20s #%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s #%s:%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%s:%s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s %-19s %+14s %-10s %-20s %+*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %+*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s/usr/lib/objrepos/productlhpdifqcAawvIO:R:@:JLESeb:?lhpdifqcAawvIO:R:@:JLESeb:?%s:%s:%d.%d.%d.%d:%s:%s:::: [%c%cEe][%c%cNn]_[%cU][%cS] %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s /usr/sys/ %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %s:%s:%d.%d.%d.%d:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%d.%d.%d.%d:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%d.%d.%d.%d:%s:%s:%c:%s:%s %1$s: Fileset %2$s not installed. %1$s: Fileset %2$s not installed. %1$s: -B may not be used with -L. %1$s: -%2$s is an invalid option. %1$s: -a may not be used with -f. %1$s: -I may not be used with -B. %1$s: -J may not be used with -%2$s. %1$s: -L may not be used with -%2$s. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: -%2$s may only be entered once. /usr/sbin/lswpar -t S -qa directory "%s" is a requisite of Workload partition %1$s must be active. %1$s: missing option-arguments with -O. %1$s: invalid option-arguments with -O. %1$s: -%2$s may not be used with -%3$s. %1$s: -%2$s may not be used with -%3$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: -b may not be used with -w, -S, or -e. At least %d of the following must be installed {%1$s: Fileset with PTF ID %2$s is not installed. At least %d of the following must be installed { %1$s: -a may not be used with -%2$s combined with -B. %1$s: There is no PTF ID in %2$s that matches "%3$s". %1$s: -B requires one or more PTF IDs (ex. lslpp -B U412345). %1$s: The option-argument of -O only accepts one occurrence of %2$s. %1$s: The option-argument of -O only accepts one occurrence of %2$s. %1$s: The option-argument of -O only accepts one occurrence of %2$s. At least %d of the following %-*s %-*s %-*s %smust be installed { %1$s: Could not find bundle %2$s. Please check paths and permissions. %1$s: The following flags are mutually exclusive: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E,S,e. The -A flag is not valid. For APAR information, see the "instfix" command. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#) 40 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/lslpp.c, cmdswvpd, bos72L, l2017_41A7 17/10/11 13:52:13%1$s: %2$s does not exist as a path on your system, this probably means nothing has been installed on that path. %1$s: This bundle contains efixes, which cannot be listed individually. Run 'lslpp -e' to list all the efixes on the system. !!<!<!!!<"H$!<%4%&!<!<!<!<!<!<!<&h&!<lslpp " ' )p )( ( ) )| ) (h *x ) *< )4 ) (IdfileFileDateTimeCodePathTypetapefileAPPLYStateLevelVendrStateOtherBROKENBROKENCOMMITREJECTSOURCEStatusActionSourcePTF IdVendorParentAPPLIEDUNKNOWNPENDINGUNKNOWNCLEANUPUNKNOWNARCHIVEUNKNOWNUNKNOWNPackageFeatureFilesetSymlinkAPPLYINGOBSOLETECOMPLETECANCELEDHardlinkdisketteAVAILABLECOMMITTEDREJECTINGDEINSTALLUser NameFix StateDirectoryAutomaticswvpd.catCOMMITTINGAPPLY-HOLDEFIXLOCKEDRequisitesDependentsProduct IdFeature IdBuild DateCOMMIT-HOLDDescriptionUninstallerMessage SetEFIX LockedDEINSTALLINGPackage NameInstall PathCONFIGURATIONarchive entryDependents FixMessage NumberFix InformationMessage CatalogDependents StateDestination Dir.%1$s: Success. Object Data ManagerData Management Services%1$s: SWVPD returned unknown error: %2$d. %1$s: Cannot match fileset name with fileset ID. %1$s: No match was found for the SWVPD data search. %1$s: ODM error %2$d occurred trying to read SWVPD data. %1$s: The search string limit of %2$d has been exceeded. %1$s: An unsearchable input was specified for SWVPD data search. @(#)41 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/swvpd_str.c, cmdswvpd, bos720 3/18/94 11:06:52 -0 ' )@ ( (p )L ( / ' (8 (x ( ( ) ( 2 ' * ( ( ( 4 ' ' * +D +X ) 70. ' (@ *H ( ( ) (H * * ' ( * *$ * ( ( * * + ( ( (P ( ) ) ' ) (X ) ( ( ) ) (` )X *T + * *` * ( ) *l * *0 '/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/share/lib/objrepos@(#)27 1.7 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libswvpd/vpdremote.c, libswvpd, bos52I 8/12/04 18:13:36   Z@ ^P \ X P a O d8 e S VX f hX i QX R U W k lx midverrelmodfixlpplppverrelmodfixptfverrelmodfixptffixfixverrelmodfixnamesizefesnnametimeloc0loc1loc2sizenametypeGUIDtypeddirtimepathstategroupstatemediaeventstatePGUIDmisc1misc2misc3flagsusilcusilclpp_idlpp.vclpp.vcupdateprereqlpp_idcp_modcp_fixlpp_idformatfix.vcfix.vcmsgcatmsgsetlpp_idvendorvendorcp_flagcomp_idcp_flagfixinfoproductproductcommenthistoryhistoryprivatesymptomlpp_name M$ N N O0 O@ K  L N< L Lt  N< L|X N$\@ M`@ Ϭ K Z@ OP0T Ϭ M ^P d0T Ϭ M| \ Op0T Ϭ M| \ O0T Ϭ Nl$ X O0T Ϭ Nx$ X O0T MT  M N` M\ LT L\ Ld Ll N   L, L4 L M L O  K K K K NR M M<  L L L L L  L N"( MDJ MLT N^ Lp LLt Mx M M M, M L< LD* L K K K K K L NT M M4 N N L L L  L$ L( L L O Mt N M| M L LL N0P OT LX L\ L` N Ϭ K Z@ ex0T M Ϭ M ^P f0T N Ϭ Ld P h80T Md Ϭ Md a i0T N Ϭ M O j0T NH Ϭ Ld P lX0T Ml Ϭ Md a m0T N Ϭ M  O j0T     4  V  x   +  M  o   " ''*[?= '*[?= ' AND %s=%d%s=%ld LIKE ' LIKE 'vpdbldsql: tbl_id=%d key_mask=%X search=%s @(#)73 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libswvpd/vpd_free.c, libswvpd, bos720 3/29/12 14:06:11  @ xINUCORRAL/etc/objrepos/usr/lib/objreposVPD_FORCE_VIEW_VAR/etc/objrepos/.vpdmask/usr/share/lib/objrepos@(#)93 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libswvpd/vpdmask.c, libswvpd, bos720 9/28/12 08:47:40%s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)62 1.7 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/hash_utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/11/97 15:32:24%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)16 1.14 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_msg.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/16/94 17:33:17ٴټٴٴٴذذذذذټٴGroup %dunknown name%s: Received an error while trying to reallocate space. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)76 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/mem_utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 8/28/06 06:19:39%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)70 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/copy_utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/18/08 12:58:43%s: Internal error. Unexpected OP_TYPE for MICRO_CODE fileset. Fileset is %s Use local problem reporting procedures. %s %s DEBUG_DELETING=%s %s: Error. %s is a corequisite of itself. %s: Error. %s is a prerequisite of itself. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)74 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/list_utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 9/8/11 15:52:10installp./%s.pre_d >/dev/null 2>&1/usr/lpp/%s/deinstl/usr/share/lpp/%s/deinstl%s: Cannot change to directory %s. Check path name and permissions. @(#)50 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_deinst_chk.c, cmdinstl, bos720 9/29/11 11:07:18@(#)15 1.8 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_signal.c, cmdinstl, bos720 8/1/94 08:56:01sh-cdupduppipeforkexecwaitpid/usr/bin/sh%s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed @(#)59 1.12 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_do_exec.c, cmdinstl, bos720 5/25/94 13:03:13r oem_/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/oem/usr/share/lib/objrepos@(#)59 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/evaluate_graph.c, cmdinstl, bos720 7/14/11 20:49:10oem_installp@(#)38 1.1 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_oem_chk.c, cmdinstl, bos720 2/28/95 13:31:39%s: A system error occurred while attempting to access the Software Vital Product Data. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)69 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_obj_mgmt.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/15/07 04:17:03%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. 8@(#)68 1.9 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_level_compare.c, cmdinstl, bos720 4/28/94 17:34:23 allALL (R)%199s %99s%199s %99s%d.%d.%d.%d%d.%d.%d.%dunknown name%d.%d.%d.%d.%s%d.%d.%d.%d.%s%s: The ckprereq routine is exiting with an error. @(#)58 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 8/28/06 06:19:52(080@000H%2hd%2hd%4hd%4hd%2hd%2hd%4hd%4hd@(#)69 1.9 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_level_convert.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/17/93 16:09:56 %s %-*s%s %s%+*s%s %s %d.%d.%d.%dFileset Update/usr/lib/objrepos%s: Out of memory. %s: Out of memory. /usr/share/lib/objrepos One of the following mutually exclusive flags: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E,S,e must be specified. Type codes: F -- Installp Fileset P -- Product C -- Component T -- Feature R -- RPM Package E -- Interim Fix State codes: A -- Applied. B -- Broken. C -- Committed. E -- EFIX Locked. O -- Obsolete. (partially migrated to newer version) ? -- Inconsistent State...Run lppchk -v. Usage: lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -Lc[v] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -E[c] [fileset ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -S [A|O] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -e OR -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f) -b Specifies a file or bundle to use as the fileset list source. -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -e Lists all efixes on the system. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -R User Specified Install Location -S Lists Automatically and Optionally installed filesets. -v Lists only information from the vendor database, which contains ISMP product information. (Valid with -Lc only) -w Lists the fileset that owns this file. /r*%s%s/usr/sbin/emgr/usr/sbin/emgr -l -a /usr/sbin/emgr -l -a @(#) 16 1.2 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/process_e_flag.c, cmdswvpd, bos720 06/03/06 16:29:58*AAOOA OAOAOAOAOrAOO %s %s %s %s AIX-rpmAIX-rpm %s-%s-%s Optionally Installed Automatically Installed /usr/sys/ 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/process_S_flag.c, cmdswvpd, bos720 7/9/07 15:16:36* /pP %s %+40s Supersedes:%+38s %c%c %+*s %c%c %c %s %+*s %c%c %c %s %+*s %c%c %c %-18s %+15s %s %s %s (%s) %1$s: Fileset %2$s not installed. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: VPD Corrupted : Could not locate %2$s for %3$s. %1$s: VPD Corrupted : Could not locate %2$s for %3$s. #%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s %s:%s:%d.%d.%d.%d:%c:%s:%c:%c:%s:%c:%c:%c:%c:%c:%c:%d:%d:%s:%s @(#) 34 1.39 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/process_L_flag.c, cmdswvpd, bos720 07/05/19 07:42:06rCrr%s-%sAIX-rpmAIX-rpm/usr/bin/rpm/bin/rpm -e %.*s (/bin/rpm) %+*s %c %c %s %+*s %c %c %s %+*s %c %c /usr/sys/ @(#) 32 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/build_rpm_list.c, cmdswvpd, bos72X, x2021_50A3 10/29/21 12:00:33%[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ] /usr/bin/rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{INSTALLTIME:date} %{GROUP} %{SIZE} %{VENDOR} %{BUILDTIME:date} %{BUILDHOST} %{SOURCERPM} %{LICENSE} %{INSTPREFIXES} %{SUMMARY} ' -aroem_ %s %s sop listtoc listinstallpINUCLIENTSINUSERVERS/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos~FIX_LIST_ANCHOR/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/lib/objreposusr/root vpd lists/usr/lib/objrepos/oemcombined sop/toc lists/usr/share/lib/objrepos/usr/share/lib/objrepos/usr/share/lib/objrepos/usr/share/lib/objreposusr/root/share vpd listsload_fix_info: before processing supersede info.%s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)63 1.32 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/load_fix_info.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/12/07 11:44:19%s: A system error occurred while attempting to access the Software Vital Product Data. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A system error occurred while attempting to access the Software Vital Product Data. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: An internal error occurred while attempting to access the Software Vital Product Data. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Error in the Software Vital Product Data. The "usr" part of an update is not superseded by the same fileset update as the "root" part. The update is: %s pIci:bcaom !, , , , %s (oipcpa) ( *%s %s %s # ... (R) (R) OR v<%dv>%dv=%d OR r<%dr>%dr=%d OR m<%dm>%dm=%d OR f<%df>%df=%d OR p<%sp>%sp=%s %s%c done %s %s%s%s %%-%ds) UnknownUnknownSelectedSelectedSelectedDUMMY_FIX%%-%ds%%sMandatoryRequisiteRequisiteDependentDUMMY_FIXSupersedes %c %s %s %c %s %s %d.%d.%d.%dMaintenanceP_RequisiteP_Requisite%d%%%ds %%s%s %c %s %s %s %c %s %s Results... %s %s Fileset Update Failure Key: Success Key: FAILURES -------- WARNINGS -------- Base Level FilesetSUCCESSES --------- %s %s (INSTALLED) %s %s (COMMITTED) Requisite Failure Key: Dependent Failure Key: (superseded by: %s) Requisites ---------- Dependents ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %s %s (TO BE INSTALLED) %s %s (TO BE COMMITTED) << End of Failure Section >> Missing Filesets ---------------- Selected Filesets ----------------- Requisite Failures ------------------ "%c" currently not installed on the system. Miscellaneous Failures ---------------------- "%c" fileset is installed but in the BROKEN state. Non-Deinstallable Filesets -------------------------- Non-Deinstallable Filesets -------------------------- (being installed automatically to reflect level of system) (being committed automatically to preserve level of system) You cannot deinstall bos.rte. This is the base operating system. (being committed automatically as requisites of selected filesets) (being installed automatically; required by filesets listed above) Maintenance Level Fileset Updates --------------------------------- Missing Superseded Fileset Updates ---------------------------------- (Selected filesets upon which these depend are referenced in parentheses.) ("*" indicates a newer update chosen automatically over a selected fileset update) Filesets listed in this section passed pre-reject verification and will be rejected. -- If a fileset has requisites they are listed (indented) beneath the fileset. Filesets listed in this section passed pre-commit verification and will be committed. -- If a fileset has requisites they are listed (indented) beneath the fileset. -- If a fileset has dependents they are listed (indented) beneath the fileset. "%c" fileset is not installed and not available on the current installation media. Filesets listed in this section passed pre-deinstall verification and will be removed. (Selected filesets which depend upon these requisites are referenced in parentheses.) Filesets listed in this section failed pre-reject verification and will not be rejected. Filesets listed in this section failed pre-commit verification and will not be committed. Filesets listed in this section failed pre-deinstall verification and will not be removed. (The fileset may not be currently installed, or you may have made a typographical error.) Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verification and will be installed. @(#)65 1.74 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/report_utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 7/6/12 15:33:15 Nothing to Reject ----------------- There is nothing in the APPLIED state to be rejected. "%c" partially installed fileset (i.e., the "usr" and "root" parts are not both installed). Filesets listed in this section failed pre-installation verification and will not be installed. Missing Requisites of Previously Installed Software --------------------------------------------------- Already Committed ----------------- The number of selected filesets that are already committed is %d. Nothing to Commit ----------------- There is nothing in the APPLIED state that needs to be committed. "%c" fileset contains a "usr" part. ("usr" parts were not selected for this invocation of installp.) BROKEN Filesets --------------- The following selected fileset updates are currently in the BROKEN state. "%c" fileset contains a "share" part. ("share" parts were not selected for this invocation of installp.) Mandatory Fileset Updates ------------------------- (being installed automatically due to their importance) Committed: Not Rejectable ------------------------- The following have been committed and cannot be rejected: "%c" fileset is partially migrated from an earlier installation. A partially migrated fileset cannot be updated. Not Installed ------------- No software could be found on the system that could be deinstalled for the following requests: Not Committable --------------- No software was found in the APPLIED state that could be committed for the following requests: Filesets listed in this section depend on one or more of the selected filesets (listed above) and, therefore, must also be removed. Filesets listed in this section depend on one or more of the selected filesets (listed above) and, therefore, must also be rejected. Not Rejectable -------------- No software could be found installed on the system that could be rejected for the following requests: The following filesets were selected for deinstallation. Deinstallability checks indicate that they should not be removed from the system. "%c" fileset was disabled for the current installation due to an internal error which occurred. Use local problem reporting procedures. Requisites from Prior Installations ----------------------------------- (being installed automatically to ensure system functions correctly) REQUIRED FILESETS: The fileset under test cannot be installed without the following filesets. (These filesets are not currently installed.) Nothing to Install ------------------ There are no fileset "root" parts (i.e., client specific software) which need to be installed at this time. Problems described in this section are not likely to be the source of any immediate or serious failures, but further actions may be necessary or desired. "%c" partially applied fileset (i.e., the "usr" and "root" parts are not both applied). A fileset must be fully applied before it can be committed. "%c" fileset is in a partially committed state (i.e., the "usr" and "root" parts are not both committed but must be to satisfy the requisite check). (Possible reasons for failure: 1. the selected software is already committed, 2. the selected software is not installed, or 3. a typographical error was made.) "%c" Operating system mismatch. Fileset or one of its requisites is designated to be applied only on a system supplied by a different system manufacturer. "%c" Operating system mismatch. Fileset or one of its requisites is designated to be applied only on a system supplied by a different system manufacturer. Already Installed ----------------- The following filesets which you selected are either already installed or effectively installed through superseding filesets. "%c" this is the base level for a fileset. You asked to install updates only (with the -B flag). The base level fileset will not be automatically installed. 3.1 Formatted Filesets: ----------------------- The following is a list of 3.1 formatted filesets. Deinstallation of 3.1 formatted filesets may not be complete. (The only way to remove a committed fileset or fileset update is to deinstall the fileset. Use the "Remove Software Products" facility (-u flag) if this is desired.) "%c" base level fileset for which there is another version that is either already installed or that was selected to be installed during this installation session. "%c" fileset contains both "usr" and "root" parts. The "usr" part is still in the applied state. A fileset's "root" part cannot be committed before its "usr" part. "%c" fileset is committed on the "root" part but not installed on the "usr" part. Deinstall the fileset (using -u flag) or "force re-install" the fileset (using -F flag). "%c" fileset is partially migrated from an earlier installation. A partially migrated fileset cannot be deinstalled. (Try again when the fileset has been fully migrated.) Filesets installed on 3.2: -------------------------- The following filesets were originally installed on an AIX 3.2 system and, therefore, may not be completely deinstalled. They may be explicitly selected, or they will be automatically installed whenever you specify options to the installation commands to automatically include requisite software (-g flag). The following is a list of filesets that you asked to commit. They failed pre-commit checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. The following is a list of filesets that you asked to reject. They failed pre-reject checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. MISSING REQUISITES: The following filesets are required by one or more of the selected filesets listed above. They are not currently installed and could not be found on the installation media. "%c" fileset contains both "usr" and "root" parts. Both parts were not selected. (If installing this fileset on a client, the "usr" (server) part is more than likely not yet installed.) The following is a list of filesets that you asked to remove. They failed pre-deinstall checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. NOTE: Base level filesets may be reinstalled using the "Force" option (-F flag), or they may be removed, using the deinstall or "Remove Software Products" facility (-u flag), and then reinstalled. NOTE: Base level filesets may be reinstalled using the "Force" option (-F flag), or they may be removed, using the deinstall or "Remove Software Products" facility (-u flag), and then reinstalled. "%c" unclear why this fileset failed. Use the software listing (lslpp command) and software verification facilities (lppchk command) to try to establish further information on this fileset. "%c" fileset update does not prereq its base level fileset. An update must prereq its base level fileset directly or indirectly (by prereqing another update which prereqs the base fileset). "%c" unclear why this fileset failed. Use the software listing (lslpp command) and software verification facilities (lppchk command) to try to establish further information on this fileset. The following is a list of filesets that you asked to install. They failed pre-installation checks for one of several reasons. See the "Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. Selected -- Explicitly selected by user to be rejected. Dependent -- Dependent of other filesets being rejected; dependents are always rejected when "auto-reject" (-g flag) is specified. An attempt would have been made to install these filesets, but they appear to have missing or inconsistent requisites of their own. For further details, select these filesets explicitly for installation. "%c" fileset has both "usr" and "root" parts installed. Both parts were not selected for this invocation of installp. The "usr" part cannot be removed separately when a fileset has both parts installed. "%c" fileset is available on the installation media but not currently installed. Explicitly request that the fileset be installed, or use the option to automatically install requisite software (-g flag). "%c" fileset has both "usr" and "root" parts installed. Both parts were not selected for this invocation of installp. The "usr" part cannot be removed separately when a fileset has both parts installed. "%c" fileset must be installed prior to or at the same time as its dependent filesets. This requisite cannot be installed automatically (using -g option). It must be explicitly selected for installation. "%c" Generic fileset update cannot be applied onto a fileset which has been modified or would be modified during this installation to operate only on a system supplied by this specific system manufacturer. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be rejected. -- The reason for rejecting each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. Force Apply Failures -------------------- The following is a list of fileset updates. Updates cannot be specified from the command line when the force flag (-F) is used in combination with the apply flag (-a). SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to install. They cannot be installed until all of their requisite filesets are also installed. See subsequent lists for details of requisites. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be installed. -- The reason for installing each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be committed. -- The reason for committing each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. -- Filesets are listed in the order in which they will be removed. -- The reason for deinstalling each fileset is indicated with a keyword in parentheses and explained by a "Success Key" following this list. INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent software should be automatically removed. Additional filesets (%d) would have been removed automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. APPLIED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent software should be automatically rejected. Additional filesets (%d) would have been rejected automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. APPLIED REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically committed. Additional filesets (%d) would have been committed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. No Prereq Information in USR Part --------------------------------- The following have prereq information in the "root" part but not the "usr" part. The information from the "root" part will be used if necessary. AVAILABLE REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically installed. Additional filesets (%d) would have been installed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. Root Part Not Specified ----------------------- The following contain both "usr" and "root" parts. You only asked to install the "usr" part. You cannot install the "usr" part of a fileset without its "root" part. (Possible reasons for failure: 1. the selected software has been committed, i.e., cannot be rejected, 2. the selected software is not installed, 3. the pre-reject script failed, or 4. a typographical error was made.) Selected -- Explicitly selected by user to be deinstalled. Dependent -- Dependent of other filesets being deinstalled; dependents are always deinstalled when "auto-deinstall" (-g flag) is specified. Already Installed ----------------- The number of selected filesets that are either already installed or effectively installed through superseding filesets is %d. See the summaries at the end of this installation for details. The following fileset updates are requisites of software that is already installed. They are not currently installed but should be to ensure that the system functions correctly. These updates are not on the current installation media. "%c" superseded fileset that is applied on the "usr" part which must also be applied on the "root" part for consistency. Select this fileset explicitly or use the option to automatically include requisite software (-g flag). Partially Migrated Filesets: ---------------------------- The following filesets have been partially migrated from one or more other filesets. Deinstallation of these filesets is allowed, however, no unconfiguration will be performed. No Supersedes Information in USR Part ------------------------------------- The following fileset updates have supersedes information in the "root" part but not the "usr" part. The information from the "root" part will be used if necessary. No ROOT Part to Install ----------------------- The following selected filesets do not have a "root" part that can be installed. Either the fileset's corresponding "usr" part has yet to be installed or the fileset does not have a "root" part. "%c" fileset is in the committed state. A committed fileset cannot be rejected. (Committed software can be removed with the deinstall facility, i.e., "Remove Software Products" or -u flag. NOTE: This will remove an entire fileset.) MISCELLANEOUS FAILING REQUISITES: The fileset under test cannot be installed without the following filesets. These filesets have various problems associated with them. See the "Requisite Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. GROUP REQUISITE FAILURES: The fileset under test cannot be installed until the following group requisite is satisfied. A group requisite must pass a specified number of requisite tests. See the "Requisite Failure Key" below for details of group member failures. Requisite Failures (Commit Operation) ------------------ SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to commit. They cannot be committed until all of their requisite filesets are also committed. See subsequent lists for details of requisites. Dependency Failures (Reject Operation) ------------------- SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to reject. They cannot be rejected until all of their dependent filesets are also rejected. See subsequent lists for details of dependents. The following filesets are requisites of software that is already installed. They should be installed to ensure that the system functions correctly. These filesets are not installed on the "usr" (server) part and, therefore, they cannot be installed on the "root" (client) part. Updates to BROKEN Filesets -------------------------- The following selected fileset updates are updates to filesets which have one or more updates in the BROKEN state. Before installing any other updates to these filesets, you must correct the state of the BROKEN updates. Dependency Failures (Deinstall Operation) --------------------- SELECTED FILESETS: The following is a list of filesets that you asked to remove. They cannot be removed until all of their dependent filesets are also removed. See subsequent lists for details of dependents. Conflicting Versions of Filesets -------------------------------- The following filesets are conflicting versions of filesets for which there are multiple versions on the installation media. Since a specific version was not selected, the newest installable version has been selected. Filesets Specific to Different System Manufacturer -------------------------------------------------- The following filesets can not be applied because this system was manufactured by a different system manufacturer than that required by the filesets or the requisites of the filesets. "%c" fileset is applied on the "root" part but not on the "usr" part. Before attempting to re-apply this fileset you must remove its "root" part. (Use the reject facility if the fileset is an update. Remove the fileset via the deinstall facility if it is a base level fileset.) "%c" fileset update supersedes a BROKEN update. In order to install this fileset or to fix the BROKEN update, you must specify options to the installation commands that will apply, commit, and automatically include requisite software without saving replaced files (-acgN flags). Multiple install types for same fileset --------------------------------------- The following filesets have both a base-level and an update fileset on the installation media at the same level. Since they have the same name and level, the last fileset on the installation media will be used. AVAILABLE REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. They are available on the installation media. To install these requisites with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically install requisite software (-g flag). INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent software should be automatically removed. The following filesets are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents would have been removed automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. AVAILABLE REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically installed. The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These requisites would have been installed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. APPLIED DEPENDENTS: You specified that dependent fileset updates should be automatically rejected. The following updates are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These filesets would have been rejected automatically had the selected filesets passed all dependency checks. "%c" fileset is in a partially committed state (i.e., the "usr" or "root" part is committed). A committed fileset cannot be rejected. (Committed software can be removed with the deinstall facility, i.e., "Remove Software Products" or -u flag. NOTE: This will remove an entire fileset.) APPLIED REQUISITES: You specified that requisite software should be automatically committed. The following filesets are APPLIED requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These filesets would have been committed automatically had the selected filesets passed all requisite checks. Filesets Already Modified by System Manufacturer ------------------------------------------------ The following generic fileset updates can not be applied because the installed filesets have been modified or have requisites which have been modified by the system manufacturer to be specific to this system. APPLIED REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These must be committed before or with the filesets that you selected. To commit these requisites with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically commit requisite software (-g flag). INSTALLED DEPENDENTS: The following filesets are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These must be removed before or with the filesets that you selected. To remove these dependents with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically remove dependent software (-g flag). MISCELLANEOUS FAILING REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. Various problems associated with these requisites are preventing the selected filesets from installing. See the "Requisite Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. MISCELLANEOUS FAILING REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. Various problems associated with these requisites are preventing the selected filesets from being committed. See the "Requisite Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. The following filesets could not be found on the installation media. If you feel these filesets really are on the media, check for typographical errors in the name specified or, if installing from directory, check for discrepancies between the Table of Contents file (.toc) and the images that reside in the directory. Use software listing facilities (lslpp command) to determine which parts are missing. If the "usr" part is missing, reject (or remove/ deinstall) the fileset so that it may be re-installed. If the "root" part is missing, request that the fileset be installed again, and the "root" part will be installed. Use software listing facilities (lslpp command) to determine which parts are missing. If the "usr" part is missing, reject (or remove/ deinstall) the fileset so that it may be re-installed. If the "root" part is missing, request that the fileset be installed again, and the "root" part will be installed. APPLIED DEPENDENTS: The following fileset updates are dependents of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents must be rejected before or with the updates that you selected. To reject these dependents with the selected filesets, specify the option to automatically reject dependent updates (-g flag). Different Base Level Installed ------------------------------ The following selected filesets are updates to a base level which is at a level different from that currently installed (or selected to be installed during this installation). Use software listing utilities (lslpp command) for details of the installed base level. NON-DEINSTALLABLE DEPENDENTS: The following filesets depend upon one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents should be removed before the selected filesets. Deinstallability checks indicate that these dependents should not be removed from the system; therefore, the selected filesets cannot be removed. MISSING REQUISITES: The following filesets are requisites of one or more of the selected filesets listed above. They are not currently installed on the system. You should install these requisites to ensure that the selected filesets function correctly. You MUST install these requisites before committing the selected filesets. No Prereq on Base Level Fileset ------------------------------- The following fileset updates do not prereq their base level fileset at all or do not prereq a base level fileset with the same version and release, the same or lower modification number, or lower fix number. This could cause dependency checks on these updates to fail. InstallShield Multi-Platform (ISMP) Packaged Products: ------------------------------------------------------ The following products were selected for uninstallation, but they are ISMP packaged products and cannot be uninstalled using the installp command. You may use the geninstall command to uninstall the following products. WARNING: The fileset updates listed below have created dependencies from their filesets to one or more of the filesets that you are trying to remove. If you choose to automatically remove dependent software, the entire dependent fileset will be removed (not just the update). You may be able to reject the update to remove the dependency. "%c" older version of a fileset that has been renamed. The newer, renamed fileset, which supersedes this one, is already installed (or was selected to be installed during this installation). A fileset which has undergone a name change cannot be re-installed over the newly named fileset. The newer fileset must first be removed. GROUP REQUISITES: The dependencies of one or more of the selected filesets listed above are defined by a group requisite. A group requisite must pass a specified number of requisite tests. The following describe group requisite failures for filesets that you selected. (See the "Requisite Failure Key" below for details of group member failures.) Filesets Already Modified by System Manufacturer ------------------------------------------------ The following generic filesets can not be applied because the installed filesets have been modified by the system manufacturer to be specific to this system. The "FORCE" option (-F) must be used in order to overwrite the modified version of the fileset. Supersedes of BROKEN Filesets ----------------------------- The following selected fileset updates supersede others that are installed but in the BROKEN state. In order to install the superseding fileset, use options to the installation program that will apply, commit and automatically install requisite software without saving replaced files: -acgN flags. No USR Part for Committed ROOT Part ----------------------------------- The following are committed on the "root" part but not installed on the "usr" part. To correct their state, you may attempt to remove the fileset with the "Remove Software Products" or deinstall facility (-u flag). Alternatively, you may attempt to re-install the fileset using "FORCE" (-F flag). NOTE: One or more fileset updates in this list are flagged with "*". These updates supersede (i.e., replace) updates which you selected. Newer level fileset updates will always be automatically chosen instead of the fileset updates they supersede when the "auto-install" option (i.e., "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software" or -g flag) is specified. NOTE: One or more fileset updates in this list are flagged with "*". These updates supersede (i.e., replace) updates which you selected. Newer level fileset updates will always be automatically chosen instead of the fileset updates they supersede when the "auto-install" option (i.e., "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software" or -g flag) is specified. Available Requisites of Previously Installed Software ----------------------------------------------------- The following filesets are requisites of software that is already installed. These filesets are not currently installed but should be to ensure that the system functions correctly. You did not select these filesets for installation, but they are available on the installation media. Selected -- Explicitly selected by user to be committed. Maintenance -- Maintenance Level fileset update; being committed automatically to preserve the ability to track the level of the system (prevents rejecting). Requisite -- Requisite of filesets being committed; requisites are always committed when "auto-commit" (-g flag) is specified. MISCELLANEOUS FAILING DEPENDENTS: The following filesets depend upon one or more of the selected filesets listed above. As a result, these dependents must be removed before or with the selected filesets. Various problems associated with these dependents are preventing the selected filesets from being removed. See the "Dependent Failure Key" for failure reasons and possible recovery hints. No USR Part for Applied ROOT Part --------------------------------- The following are applied on the "root" part but not on the "usr" part. To correct their state, try to reject the root part. If desired, you may attempt to remove the fileset with the "Remove Software Products" or deinstall facility (-u flag). Alternatively, you may attempt to re-install the fileset using "FORCE" (-F flag). The following selected fileset updates could not be found on the installation media. Newer updates which supersede those selected were detected on the media and are indicated in parentheses. You may explicitly select the newer fileset updates for installation or use the "auto-install" facility (i.e., "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software" or -g flag), and the newer updates will be installed instead of those selected. COMMITTED DEPENDENTS: The following filesets depend upon one or more of the selected filesets listed above. These dependents must be rejected before the selected filesets. Since these dependents are in a COMMITTED state, they cannot be rejected. Therefore, the selected filesets cannot be rejected. (Committed software can be removed with the deinstall facility, i.e., "Remove Software Products" or -u flag. NOTE: This will remove an entire fileset.) "%c" fileset is available on the installation media but is not currently installed. This fileset is failing to install because the requirements of the group requisite, of which the fileset is a member, cannot be met or because the fileset has requisites of its own which are causing problems. Request this fileset for installation by itself to determine the actual reason. (Use the "Preview" option (-p flag) to prevent the installation from actually occurring.) Alternative actions that can be used to correct broken filesets are: 1. If the broken fileset is an update, re-install the update with options to the installation program that will apply, commit and automatically install requisite software without saving replaced files: -acgN flags. 2. Re-install the entire fileset, i.e., the base level and any desired updates (may need to use the "FORCE" option: -F flag). 3. Deinstall the entire fileset (using "Remove Software Products": -u flag). Alternative actions that can be used to correct broken filesets are: 1. If the broken fileset is an update, re-install the update with options to the installation program that will apply, commit and automatically install requisite software without saving replaced files: -acgN flags. 2. Re-install the entire fileset, i.e., the base level and any desired updates (may need to use the "FORCE" option: -F flag). 3. Deinstall the entire fileset (using "Remove Software Products": -u flag). Missing Superseded Fileset Updates ---------------------------------- The "usr" parts (i.e., "server" parts) of the following fileset updates are not currently installed, and, therefore, the "root" parts (i.e., "client" parts) cannot be installed. The "usr" parts of newer updates which supersede those selected are installed. You may explicitly select installation of the "root" part of the newer fileset updates, or you may use the "auto-install" facility (-g flag), and the newer updates will be installed instead of those selected. Selected -- Explicitly selected by user for installation. Maintenance -- Maintenance Level fileset update; being installed automatically to enable the level of the system to be tracked. Mandatory -- Considered to be important to the system; will always be installed when detected on the installation media. Requisite -- Requisite of other filesets being installed. P_Requisite -- Previously installed fileset's requisite; being installed automatically now to ensure system's consistency. (Only installed automatically when "auto-install" (-g flag) is specified.) Supersedes -- Superseding fileset update; not selected, chosen instead of an older, selected update. (Only chosen in this fashion when "auto-install" is specified (-g flag)). ,<D|pL$$T$@p0@p(XH (R)%s %d.%d.%d.%d%s %d.%d.%d.%d.%s@(#)93 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_get_lppname.c, cmdinstl, bos720 10/3/12 11:40:50 %s %s (R) %s %s %s %s %-49s (Superseded by %s) << End of Warning Section >> @(#)74 1.11 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/report_warnings.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/6/06 13:53:25 Superseded Fileset Updates -------------------------- Fileset updates listed in this section will not be installed. Newer updates which supersede (replace) these were selected instead (either by you or automatically by the installation program). Make sure that the superseding updates listed passed pre-installation verification. bos.rte@(#)72 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/fix_state_utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/23/94 11:41:36%s: The Software Vital Product Data indicates that %s has a "share" and "root" part or a "share" and "usr" part. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)60 1.23 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/evaluate_requisite.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/6/06 13:52:26w%d-_+{})*ifreq*coreq*prereq-_.+!~%^-_.+!~%^-_.+!~%^-_.+!~%^*instreq*coreq_r*ifreq_r*prereq_r*instreq_r@(#)35 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/my_lex.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/31/10 15:48:40%s: A lexical error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. There is an illegal number: %s. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A lexical error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. There is an illegal base level: %s. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A lexical error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The name %s is too long. Maximum name length is %d. The name has been truncated. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A lexical error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. One of the following was expected instead of %s: *prereq, *coreq, *instreq, or *ifreq. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A lexical error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. An unexpected character, %c, was found (hexadecimal value: %x). The character will be treated as a SPACE. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A lexical error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. An illegal character, %c, was found (hexadecimal value: %x). All characters must be ASCII. The character will be treated as a SPACE. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A lexical error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. There is an illegal name, PTF ID, requisite, or field name: %s. Names must be more than one character in length and begin with a letter or '_'. Subsequent characters in a name may be a letter, a digit, a '_', a '-', or a '.'. A PTF ID has the same syntax as a name. A requisite is one of: *prereq, *coreq, *instreq, or *ifreq. A field name is one of: 'V', 'R', 'M', 'F', 'P', or 'O'. Use local problem reporting procedures. 8`$/dev/rfd0 %s %s%199s %99s%199s %99s@(#)57 1.19 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/build_supersede.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/6/06 13:52:04%s: Cannot find superseding update in Software Vital Product Data database for: %s. Superseding update is: %s. %s: Cannot find superseding update in Software Vital Product Data database for: %s. Superseding update is: %s. %s: Error: A fileset cannot reference its own name more than once in its supersedes data. The fileset in error is: %s %s: Error: Multiple compatibilty entries in the supersedes data of a fileset are not currently supported. A fileset may only have one name different than its own in its supersedes data. The fileset in error is: %s %s: Error: A compatibility entry in the supersedes data of a fileset should have the same name but not the same level as the compatible fileset. The level should be greater than all base levels and updates released for the compatible (superseded) fileset. The fileset in error is: %s %s: Error: A compatibility entry in the supersedes data of a fileset should have the same name but not the same level as the compatible fileset. The level should be greater than all base levels and updates released for the compatible (superseded) fileset. The fileset in error is: %s g( gD g` g f@ fX f f f g g| g g f g%s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)56 1.25 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/build_graph.c, cmdinstl, bos720 11/5/08 15:49:43 dP d d d d@ d d d\ e e e e e e d d dt e e< e, e d f d eP ed fp f f f, ex dh %s: Error: A 4.1-formatted fileset has more than one requisite on filesets with its own name. The fileset in error is: %s %s: Error: Expecting a base level prereq expression using a dotted, numeric level (e.g., for the fileset update: %s Instead, the following was found: %s %s: Error: An update does not prereq its base level fileset with the same version and release, the same or lower modification number, or lower fix number. The update in error is: %s %s: Error: An update does not prereq its base level fileset with the same version and release, the same or lower modification number, or lower fix number. The update in error is: %s %s: Error: A fileset update prereqs a base level fileset with a different package format. (A 4.1-formatted update cannot prereq a 3.2-formatted base level and vice versa.) The update in error is: %s -> %s Filesets involved in the cycle: %s: Error. %s is a prerequisite of itself. %s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)93 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/cycle_utils.c, cmdinstl, bos720 4/26/04 14:33:00%hd.%hd.%hd.%hdIGNORE_86603_ERRIGNORE_86603_ERR%s: Error: A fileset update must not contain the requisite type "instreq". The update in error is: %s @(#)63 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/parser.c, cmdinstl, bos72L, l2018_09C4 2/23/18 15:02:37%s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. There is a missing open brace '{'. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. There is a missing close brace '}'. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. An illegal PTF ID value, %s, was found. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. A fileset name was expected instead of %s. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. An OR expression, 'O', is invalid at this point. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Error: A fileset has an update level in an "*ifreq" expression that is not greater than the base level specified. The fileset in error is: %s %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. A number or PTF ID was expected where %s was found. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Error. A fileset maintenance level has an illegal requisite. The only valid requisite type for a maintenance level is "prereq." The fileset is: %s %s: Error. A 3.2-formatted fileset maintenance level cannot have a requisite on a fileset with a different name than itself. The fileset in error is: %s %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. A 'V', 'R', 'M', 'F', or 'P' was expected instead of '%s'. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Error: A dotted number in a requisite expression must contain four parts to specify version, release, modification and fix number. The fileset in error is: %s %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. Missing close parenthesis ')' after base level in an *ifreq expression. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. All operands of an OR expression, 'O', must operate on the same field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. All operands of an OR expression, 'O', must operate on the same field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. All operands of an OR expression, 'O', must operate on the same field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The number of items in the group required to pass was expected instead of %s. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The group has fewer items than was specified for the number required to pass. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The group has fewer items than was specified for the number required to pass. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Error: A 4.1-formatted fileset update has an illegal requisite on a fileset with the same name as itself. The requisite type MUST be "*prereq". The fileset in error is: %s %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. A version, release, modification, or fix number was expected where %s was found. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. A base level was expected following an open parenthesis '(' in an *ifreq expression instead of %s. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The fix field, 'F', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the fix field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. It is illegal to specify version, release, modification or fix fields when a base level is given in an *ifreq expression. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The PTF ID field, 'P', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the PTF ID field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The version field, 'V', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the version field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The release field, 'R', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the release field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. Instead of %s, one of the following was expected: a '>' (to start a group) or *prereq, *instreq, *coreq, *ifreq or a fileset name. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: A parsing error occurred for %s on line %d, column %d. The modification field, 'M', has already been found. Use the OR expression, 'O', to compare multiple values of the modification field. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Error: A 4.1-formatted package must not contain an "ifreq" to a fileset update without also specifying the base level of the fileset. The ifreq expression must contain a dotted, numeric level as in: *ifreq (v.r.m.f) v.r.m.f or *ifreq v.r.m.f (if the requisite fileset is in 4.1 format) or *ifreq (v.r.m.f) p= (if the requisite fileset is in 3.2 format) where "(v.r.m.f)" is the base fileset level of the requisite and "v.r.m.f" or "p=" is the level of the requisite update itself. If a single, non-parenthetic level is provided, the base level is implied from the level of the update itself. The update in error is: %s The prereq information is: %s (<(()X)**p*+(+,<,,-X..x./0//0H+-HJ$JXLLM<J$J$J$J$J$J$J$NJ$J$J$J$J$J$J$IhJ$MdOOO Disabling Error.Disabling Error.Disabling Error.%s: Internal error. Code %d. Use local problem reporting procedures. @(#)58 1.33 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/evaluate_base_levels.c, cmdinstl, bos720 8/28/09 12:37:41 %s: Error: A fileset contained in a 4.1-formatted package cannot have a lower level (ver.rel.mod.fix) than a fileset with the same name in a 3.2 or 3.1-formatted package. The filesets in error are: %s and %s %s: Internal error. Unable to resolve conflicts between base level filesets which are already installed and/or which are on the installation media. Use local problem reporting procedures. (NOTE: This error has not affected the current installation if the two filesets listed here do not appear in subsequent failure messages AND if there are no references to "disabled" filesets in subsequent failure messages.) fileset1: %s %s fileset2: %s %s aa aaTOCVPDNILNIL ) ) ) ) ) NILNILNILNILNILNILNILNILNILNIL ) NILNIL ) USR USR USR USRTrueTrueTrue USRTrue ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOTNONE NONE NONE FalseFalseFalse ROOTFalsePS/2 6000 S370 IN_TOCBROKENFAILED SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE MICRO SHAREUNKNOWNPREREQ COREQ IFREQ IFFREQ TOC SOP APPLYINGCANCELEDREJECTED NONE ) NONE ) NONE ) NONE ) NONE ) NONE ) INSTREQ (0x%lx) NONE ) OP_INFO FMT_3_1 FMT_3_2 UNKNOWN AVAILABLEDUMMY_FIX (0x%lx) (0x%lx) (0x%lx) (0x%lx) (0x%lx) (0x%lx) OP_APPLY (DEFAULT) OP_COMMIT OP_REJECT OP_STATUS FMT_3_1_1 DUPLICATE UNCOMMITTEDDUMMY_GROUPmode = %d ( OP_INFO ) bff = 0x%x vol = %d off = %d fmt = %c crc = %d NOT_REJECTEDCOMMAND_LINE FAILED_NODE(RELOCATED) OP_TYPE_3_1 OP_TYPE_3_2 OP_TYPE_4_1 OP_APPLY ) name = "%s" CONTENT_MRI CONTENT_USR VPDTREE_USR lang = "%s" desc = "%s" Status = %d STAT_BYPASS size = "%s" size = %d ACT_INSTALL ACT_UNKNOWN next = 0x%x flag = 0x%x IN GRAPH>>>>CAN_NOT_APPLY UPDATES_ONLY origin = %s dependants = ILLEGAL VALUE OP_COMMIT ) OP_REJECT ) OP_STATUS ) verbose = %s quiesce = %c content = %c CONTENT_BOTH CONTENT_PUBS VPDTREE_ROOT STAT_SUCCESS STAT_FAILURE STAT_CLEANUP ACT_CUM_UPDT CAN_NOT_COMMITCOMMIT_UNKNOWNCAN_NOT_REJECTNOT_REJECTABLEREJECT_UNKNOWNUNKNOWN_ORIGIN%s.%d.%d.%d.%d MEMBER_OF_SOP AUTO_C_UPDATE requisites = supersedes = %s.%d.%d.%d.%d %s.%d.%d.%d.%d%s.%d.%d.%d.%d%s.%d.%d.%d.%d%s.%d.%d.%d.%d%s.%d.%d.%d.%d flags = 0x%lx OP_UNKNOWN ) CONTENT_MCODE CONTENT_SHARE vpd_tree = %c VPDTREE_SHARE ILLEGAL VALUE ILLEGAL VALUE ILLEGAL VALUE prereq = "%s" ILLEGAL VALUE ILLEGAL VALUE action = %d ACT_SING_UPDT ACT_MULT_UPDT ACT_GOLD_UPDT ILLEGAL VALUE path = "%s" next = 0x%x ILLEGAL VALUE flags = 0x%x ( CANDIDATE_NODE FIX_HAS_IFREQS cp_flag = %d ( op_type = %d ( OP_TYPE_UPDATE OP_TYPE_C_UPDT OP_TYPE_E_UPDT OP_TYPE_M_UPDT supersedes_fixCONTENT_OBJECT relocated = %d operation = %d OP_APPLYCOMMIT AUTO_MC_FROM_VPD SUCCESSFUL_NODE CKP_ST_APPLYING OP_TYPE_INSTALL OP_TYPE_BOSBOOTprodname = "%s" CONTENT_UNKNOWN op_checked = %d STAT_IFREQ_FAIL platform = %c ACT_EN_PGK_UPDT ACT_EN_MEM_UPDT NOT IN GRAPH>>>>ALL_PARTS_APPLIEDPARTIALLY_APPLIED%s.%d.%d.%d.%d.%s SUBGRAPH_VISITED UNRESOLVED_IFREQ MANDATORY_UPDATE WARN_NO_PRQ_BASE CKP_ST_REJECTING%s.%d.%d.%d.%d.%s%s.%d.%d.%d.%d.%s superseded_by = %s.%d.%d.%d.%d.%s%s.%d.%d.%d.%d.%s%s.%d.%d.%d.%d.%s apar_info = %s UNKNOWN_REQUISITE%s.%d.%d.%d.%d.%s dump_option: %s OP_CLEANUP_APPLY STAT_EXPAND_FAIL options = 0x%x level.ver = %d level.rel = %d level.mod = %d level.fix = %d SUPD_BY_NEWER_BASESUPD_BY_NEWER_UPDT apply_state = %s CKP_ST_COMMITTINGAuto_Include = %s OP_APPLYCOMMIT ) OP_CLEANUP_COMMIT supersedes = "%s" ACT_INSTALLP_UPDT ACT_REQUIRED_UPDT ALL_PARTS_COMMITTEDPARTIALLY_COMMITTEDDONT_NEED_TO_REJECTRQD_UPDATE_FROM_TOC commit_state = %s reject_state = %s VISITING_THIS_NODE REPT_IFREQ_WARNING EXPL_REQUESTED_PKG usil_flags = 0x%x TOC_Ptr = (0x%lx) description = %s Force_Install = %s level.ptf = "%s" DUMMY_SUPERSEDED_FIX AUTO_SUPERSEDES_PKG FAILED_DEINST_CHECK CKP_ST_DEINSTALLING parts_in_fix = %d ( prereq_file = "%s" ignore_nested_group OP_CLEANUP_APPLY ) ** ILLEGAL VALUE ** STAT_CLEANUP_FAILED SelectedList = 0x%x APPLY_TO_BE_COMPLETED CONFL_TOC_BASE_LEVEL WARN_NO_USR_PRQ_INFO parts_applied = %d ( OP_CLEANUP_COMMIT ) STAT_CLEANUP_SUCCESS CAN_NOT_COMPLETE_APPLYCOMMIT_TO_BE_COMPLETED REPT_CMD_LINE_FAILURE REPT_FAILED_REQUISITE WARN_NO_USR_SUPS_INFO passes_required = %d number_of_errors = %d CAN_NOT_COMPLETE_COMMIT VISITING_THIS_SUBGRAPH REPT_REQUISITE_FAILURE DISABLING_INT_ERR_FLAG parts_committed = %d (/tmp/ckprereq.graph.out/tmp/ckprereq.graph.out/tmp/ckprereq.graph.out/tmp/ckprereq.graph.outTO_BE_EXPLICITLY_APPLIEDTO_BE_IMPLICITLY_APPLIEDCANNOT_APPLY_CONFL_LEVEL superseding_ptf = "%s" ILLEGAL install & updateSTAT_FAILURE_INUCONVERT TO_BE_EXPLICITLY_REJECTEDTO_BE_IMPLICITLY_REJECTED WARN_MISS_USR_APPLD_ROOT WARN_MISS_USR_COMTD_ROOT selected_member_of_groupTO_BE_EXPLICITLY_COMMITTEDTO_BE_IMPLICITLY_COMMITTED supersedes_string = "%s" candidate_member_of_groupfunction_return_code = %d parts_to_operate_on = %d ( MEMBER_OF_SUCCESS_SUBGRAPH number_of_requisites = %d %s: %s ==================== %s: %s ==================== TO_BE_OVERWRITTEN_BY_SUP_BASE superseded_consistency_apply num_rejected_requisites = %d called_from_command_line = %s **** ERROR:- unknown flag **** requisite of: (IN GRAPH)>>>> TO_BE_OVERWRITTEN_BY_CONFL_LEVEL num_rejectable_requisites = %d fix_info_anchor --------------- requisite: (NOT IN GRAPH)>>>> ----------------------------------------- <<<< Inconsistency Type4. Node in graph has requisite not in graph. >>>> <<<< Inconsistency Type3. Nodes in graph have an unknown apply state. >>>> <<<< Inconsistency Type2. Tag bit is set when it's not supposed to be. >>>> <<<< Inconsistency Type5. Node NOT in graph pointed to by node in graph. >>>> @(#)33 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/ckprereq/graph_dump.c, cmdinstl, bos720 1/24/13 16:36:52]<btbbbbbb]aabbb$b4bDbT_`````aa$a8aLa`ghi ii,i<iLi\      t    4 D    |        L  h  t     \ x     T   X   t //../ %s %s %s=%sfork()fork()strdup()putenv()realpath()/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/usr/lib/objreposINU_RELOCATED_PATHINU_RELOCATED_PATH/usr/sbin/mkusil -IR /usr/sbin/mkusil -XIR /usr/share/lib/objreposINSTALL ROOT PATH = %s %s: invalid relocated path specified %s: error reading usilc ODM object class %s: unable to locate or access directory %s %s: relocated path is limited to %d characters %s: executing "%s" to create new USIL instance %s: relocated path is limited to %d characters %s: unable to locate relocated path %s in SWVPD %s: unable to locate or access relocated path %s +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------++-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+@(#)42 1.4 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_usil.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/4/08 20:09:05%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s (%s)%d.%d.%d.%d/usr/lib/objrepos %+*s %c %c %s %+*s %c %c %s %+*s %c %c %1$s: Fileset %2$s not installed. %s:%s:%d.%d.%d.%d:%c:%c:%c:%c:%s:%s:%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%d: @(#)74 1.14 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/build_vendor_list.c, cmdswvpd, bos720 6/18/09 12:29:54**,%s%s%s%s -R -R %s: Out of memory. /usr/sbin/inulag_r -l /usr/sbin/inulag_r -l -n /usr/sbin/inulag_r -l -c /usr/sbin/inulag_r -l -c -n @(#) 20 1.5 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/process_E_flag.c, cmdswvpd, bos720 06/03/06 16:29:55**** /*/* %s %+60s %s %+*s %s %+*s %s %+*s %s %+*s %s %+*s %s %s:%s:%d #%s:%s:%s %s %s %s %s %s /etc/objrepos %s %+*s %s /usr/lib/objrepos %-43s %-21s %s %s: Out of memory. /usr/share/lib/objrepos%1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: Error while processing fileset %2$s. %1$s: 0504-139 No matches were found in the inventory database for file: "%2$s". @(#)49 1.9 src/bos/usr/bin/lslpp/process_w_flag.c, cmdswvpd, bos720 3/6/06 16:31:30 @ @d @c @ @  8  ! 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