#! /usr/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # perf720 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/tools/ipfilter/ipfilter 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999,2001 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)17 1.3 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/tools/ipfilter/ipfilter, cmdperft, perf720 12/14/01 11:46:00 # # Origin: 27 # ipfilter [-f [untxca]] [-s [untxca]] [-n [-d <#ofmsecs>]] <ipreport_output_file> # # # # # #################### # Sort options and place in variables to be passed to awk scripts #################### nopt=0; ddelta=0; nerror=0; # check for parameters while getopts f:s:nd: c do case $c in f) ffopt=$OPTARG;; s) sopt=$OPTARG;; n) nopt=1;; d) ddelta=$OPTARG;; \?) print "ipfilter [-f [untxca]] [-s [untxca]] [-n [-d <number of milliseconds>]] <ipreport_output_file>" print " -f - include only the following headers in ipfilter.all" print " -s - create individual ipfilter reports for each header" print " " print " Header Types:" print " c icmp" print " n nfs" print " t tcp" print " u udp" print " x ipx" print " a atm" print " " print " -n - create an nfs.rpt " print " -d <number of milliseconds> - only report Call/Reply pairs when " print " time elapsed is greater than given milliseconds" exit 1;; esac done ############# # Shift $* variable so it points to the ipreport file ############# shift OPTIND-1 ############ # Error checking: is the file legit ############ if [ $# = 0 ]; then print "Error: No input file specified"; exit 1; fi if [ ! -r $* ]; then print "Error: \"$*\" is not readable"; exit 1; fi ################## # Error checking: check if input number is legit ################### if [ $nopt = 1 ]; then if [[ $ddelta != +([0-9]) ]]; then print "Error: non-number input for -d option"; exit 1; fi ############## # If generating nfs.rpts, # Grep to cut down input for nfs.rpt # Execute awk script ############## egrep "Packet Number|CALL|REPLY|bytes|Accepted|Program" $* > __ip.out; awk ' BEGIN {i=0;} { ################ # Check to see if delta is a number ################ if ($1 ~ /Packet/) { tmpnum = $3; } if ($0 ~ /bytes/) { split($0, alltime, " "); split(alltime[10], mintime, ":"); tmptime = mintime[3]; size = alltime[3]; } if ($1 ~ /RPC/) { if( $0 ~ /XID/) { split($0, xidsplit, "XID="); xid = xidsplit[2]; xidnum[xid] = xid; if ($0 ~ /CALL/) { callpkt[xid] = tmpnum; calltime[xid] = tmptime; callsize[xid] = size; } if ($0 ~ /REPLY/) { replypkt[xid] = tmpnum; replytime[xid] = tmptime; replysize[xid] = size; } } if ($0 ~ /Accepted Reply Stat/) { split($0, statline," "); status[xid] = statline[5]; } if($0 ~ /Program/) { split($0, reqline,"[\(]|[\)]"); request[xid] = reqline[4]; } } } END { for (i in xidnum) { if ((replypkt[i] > 0) && (callpkt[i] > 0)) { ################## # we found a call/reply pair # adjust for possible overflow to next minute ################## if (replytime[i] < calltime[i]) { replytime[i] = 60.0 + replytime[i]; } elaptime = 1000.0 * (replytime[i] - calltime[i]); } else { elaptime = 0.0; } ################# # generate nfs.rpt according to if elaptime option is being used ################# if(elaptime >= delta || status[i] == NULL) { printf("%14s %9s %8s %7d %16.6f %5d %7d %16.6f %5s %12.3f\n", xidnum[i], request[i], status[i], callpkt[i], calltime[i], callsize[i], replypkt[i], replytime[i], replysize[i], elaptime); } } }' __ip.out delta=$ddelta > __ip.out.1 ################## # Sort report with kshell script, faster ################## echo " NFS REPORT\n\n" > nfs.rpt if [ $ddelta = 0 ]; then print -n " Elasped Milliseconds Cut Off= " >> nfs.rpt; print $ddelta >> nfs.rpt; fi print "\n\n" echo " --------CALL------------------- ------REPLY------------------- " >> nfs.rpt echo "Transaction ID Request Status Packet Send Time (secs) Size Packet Send Time (secs) Size Elapsed msec" >> nfs.rpt echo "-------------- --------- -------- -------- ---------------- ----- ------- ---------------- ----- ------------" >> nfs.rpt; sort __ip.out.1 >> nfs.rpt; rm __ip.out; rm __ip.out.1; fi ######################## # awk for ipfilter.* ######################## awk 'BEGIN{ uflag = 0; nflag = 0; tflag = 0; xflag = 0; cflag = 0; aflag = 0; rflag = 1; suflag = 0; snflag = 0; stflag = 0; sxflag = 0; scflag = 0; saflag = 0; scount = 0; sum = "ipfilter.all" sfile[1] = "ipfilter.udp"; sfile[2] = "ipfilter.nfs"; sfile[3] = "ipfilter.tcp"; sfile[4] = "ipfilter.ipx"; sfile[5] = "ipfilter.icmp"; sfile[6] = "ipfilter.atm"; label[1] = "UDP"; label[2] = "NFS"; label[3] = "TCP"; label[4] = "IPX"; label[5] = "ICMP" label[6] = "ATM"; packet=0 Time=0 source=0 destination=0 Length=0 source_p=0 dest_p=0 pout[2]=0 pout[3]=0 pout[1]=0 pout[5]=0 pout[4]=0 pout[6]=0 pout[7]=0 pout[8]=0 pout[9]=0 netwrk="" seq="" ack_no="" printf(" Operation Headers: ") > sum; } /Packet Number/ { if( packet == 0) { if ( sopt ~/u/) { sout[1] = 1; } if( sopt ~ /n/) { sout[2] = 2; } if( sopt ~ /t/) { sout[3] = 3; } if (sopt ~ /x/) { sout[4] = 4; } if (sopt ~ /c/) { sout[5] = 5; } if (sopt ~ /a/) { sout[6] = 6; } if ( fopt ~/u/) { uflag = 1; rflag = 0; } if( fopt ~ /n/) { nflag = 1; rflag = 0; } if( fopt ~ /t/) { tflag = 1; rflag = 0; } if (fopt ~ /x/) { xflag = 1; rflag = 0; } if (fopt ~ /c/) { cflag = 1; rflag = 0; } if (fopt ~ /a/) { aflag = 1; rflag = 0; } if(rflag == 1) { printf(" ICMP IPX NFS TCP UDP ATM \n") > sum; } else { if(cflag ==1) printf(" ICMP") > sum; if(xflag == 1) printf(" IPX") > sum; if(nflag == 1) printf(" NFS") > sum; if(tflag == 1) printf(" TCP") > sum; if (uflag == 1) printf(" UDP") > sum; if(aflag ==1) printf(" ATM") > sum; } printf("\n") > sum; printf(" Ports\n") > sum; printf(" ------------------------------------\n") > sum; printf(" pkt. Time Source Dest. Length Seq # Ack # Source Destination Net_Interface Operation\n") > sum; printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") > sum; for (j in sout) { printf(" Operation Headers: %s\n", label[j]) > sfile[j]; printf(" Ports\n") > sfile[j]; printf(" ------------------------------------\n") > sfile[j]; printf(" pkt. Time Source Dest. Length Seq # Ack # Source Destination Net_Interface Operation\n") > sfile[j]; printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") > sfile[j]; } } if (packet != 0 ) { if(rflag || (uflag && pout[1]) || (nflag && pout[2]) || (tflag && pout[3]) || (xflag && pout[4]) || (cflag && pout[5]) || (aflag && pout[6])) { printf("%4s ",packet) > sum; printf("%.15s ",Time) > sum; printf("%15s ",source) > sum; printf("%15s ",destination) > sum; printf("%5s ",Length) > sum; printf("%9s ",seq) > sum; printf("%9s ",ack_no) > sum; printf("%12s ",source_p) > sum; printf("%12s ",dest_p) > sum; printf("%13s ",netwrk) > sum; if ( pout[3] == 1 ) printf("TCP ") > sum; if ( pout[7] == 1 ) printf("ACK ") > sum; if ( pout[8] == 1 ) printf("PUSH ") > sum; if ( pout[1] == 1 ) printf("UDP ") > sum; if ( pout[2] == 1 ) printf("NFS ") > sum; if ( pout[5] == 1 ) printf("ICMP ") > sum; if ( pout[4] == 1 ) printf("IPX ") > sum; if ( pout[9] == 1 ) printf("ARP ") > sum; if ( pout[6] == 1 ) printf("ATM ") > sum; printf("\n") > sum; } for (j in sout) { if(sout[j] && pout[j]) { printf("%4s ",packet) > sfile[j]; printf("%.15s ",Time) > sfile[j]; printf("%15s ",source) > sfile[j]; printf("%15s ",destination) > sfile[j]; printf("%5s ",Length) > sfile[j]; printf("%9s ",seq) > sfile[j]; printf("%9s ",ack_no) > sfile[j]; printf("%12s ",source_p) > sfile[j]; printf("%12s ",dest_p) > sfile[j]; printf("%13s ",netwrk) > sfile[j]; if ( pout[3] == 1 ) printf("TCP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[7] == 1 ) printf("ACK ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[8] == 1 ) printf("PUSH ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[1] == 1 ) printf("UDP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[2] == 1 ) printf("NFS ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[5] == 1 ) printf("ICMP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[4] == 1 ) printf("IPX ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[9] == 1 ) printf("ARP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[6] == 1 ) printf("ATM ") > sfile[j]; printf("\n") > sfile[j]; } } } source=0 destination=0 Length=0 source_p=0 dest_p=0 pout[2]=0 pout[3]=0 pout[1]=0 pout[5]=0 pout[4]=0 pout[6]=0 pout[7]=0 pout[8]=0 pout[9]=0 netwrk="" seq="" ack_no="" packet=$3i } /TRACING DROPPED/ { if (packet != 0 ) { if(rflag || (uflag && pout[1]) || (nflag && pout[2]) || (tflag && pout[3]) || (xflag && pout[4]) || (cflag && pout[5]) || (aflag && pout[6])) { printf("%4s ",packet) > sum; printf("%.15s ",Time) > sum; printf("%15s ",source) > sum; printf("%15s ",destination) > sum; printf("%5s ",Length) > sum; printf("%9s ",seq) > sum; printf("%9s ",ack_no) > sum; printf("%12s ",source_p) > sum; printf("%12s ",dest_p) > sum; printf("%13s ",netwrk) > sum; if ( pout[3] == 1 ) printf("TCP ") > sum; if ( pout[7] == 1 ) printf("ACK ") > sum; if ( pout[8] == 1 ) printf("PUSH ") > sum; if ( pout[1] == 1 ) printf("UDP ") > sum; if ( pout[2] == 1 ) printf("NFS ") > sum; if ( pout[5] == 1 ) printf("ICMP ") > sum; if ( pout[4] == 1 ) printf("IPX ") > sum; if ( pout[9] == 1 ) printf("ARP ") > sum; if ( pout[6] == 1 ) printf("ATM ") > sum; printf("\n") > sum; } for (j in sout) { if(sout[j] && pout[j]) { printf("%4s ",packet) > sfile[j]; printf("%.15s ",Time) > sfile[j]; printf("%15s ",source) > sfile[j]; printf("%15s ",destination) > sfile[j]; printf("%5s ",Length) > sfile[j]; printf("%9s ",seq) > sfile[j]; printf("%9s ",ack_no) > sfile[j]; printf("%12s ",source_p) > sfile[j]; printf("%12s ",dest_p) > sfile[j]; printf("%13s ",netwrk) > sfile[j]; if ( pout[3] == 1 ) printf("TCP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[7] == 1 ) printf("ACK ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[8] == 1 ) printf("PUSH ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[1] == 1 ) printf("UDP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[2] == 1 ) printf("NFS ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[5] == 1 ) printf("ICMP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[4] == 1 ) printf("IPX ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[9] == 1 ) printf("ARP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[6] == 1 ) printf("ATM ") > sfile[j]; printf("\n") > sfile[j]; } } } source=0 destination=0 Length=0 source_p=0 dest_p=0 pout[2]=0 pout[3]=0 pout[1]=0 pout[5]=0 pout[4]=0 pout[6]=0 pout[7]=0 pout[8]=0 pout[9]=0 netwrk="" seq="" ack_no="" packet=0 print( $0 ) } /interface/ { if ( $1 == "ETH:" ) { Time= $10; netwrk=$8 Length=$3 } if ( $1 == "TOK:" ) { Time= $10; netwrk=$8 Length=$3 } if ( $1 == "FDDI:" ) { Time= $10; netwrk=$8 Length=$3 } if ( $1 == "====(" ) { Time= $9; netwrk=$7 Length=$3 } if ( $1 == "ATM:" ) { Time= $10; netwrk=$8 Length=$3 } } /th_seq/ { seq=substr($2,8); ack_no=substr($3,8); } /SRC/ {source=$5} /DST/ {destination=$5} /ip_len/ { Length=substr($5,8,5)} /port/ { source_p=substr($3,6,12) dest_p=substr($5,6,12) } /UDP:/ {pout[1] = 1;} /NFS:/ {pout[2] = 1;} /TCP:/ {pout[3] = 1;} /IPX:/ {pout[4] = 1;} /ICMP:/ {pout[5] = 1;} /ATM:/ {pout[6] = 1;} /ARP:/ { pout[9] = 1; if ( $2 == "source" ) { getline source=$3 } if ( $2 == "target" ) { getline destination=$3 } } /ACK/ {pout[7] =1;} /PUSH/ {pout[8] = 1;} END{ if(rflag || (uflag && pout[1]) || (nflag && pout[2]) || (tflag && pout[3]) || (xflag && pout[4]) || (cflag && pout[5] ) || (aflag && pout[6]) ) { printf("%4s ",packet) > sum; printf("%.15s ",Time) > sum; printf("%15s ",source) > sum; printf("%15s ",destination) > sum; printf("%5s ",Length) > sum; printf("%9s ",seq) > sum; printf("%9s ",ack_no) > sum; printf("%12s ",source_p) > sum; printf("%12s ",dest_p) > sum; printf("%13s ",netwrk) > sum; if ( pout[3] == 1 ) printf( "TCP ") > sum; if ( pout[7] == 1 ) printf( "ACK ") > sum; if ( pout[8] == 1 ) printf( "PUSH ") > sum; if ( pout[1] == 1 ) printf( "UDP ") > sum; if ( pout[2] == 1 ) printf( "NFS ") > sum; if ( pout[5] == 1 ) printf( "ICMP ") > sum; if ( pout[4] == 1 ) printf( "IPX ") > sum; if ( pout[9] == 1 ) printf( "ARP ") > sum; if ( pout[6] == 1 ) printf( "ATM ") > sum; printf( "\n") > sum; } for (j in sout) { if(sout[j] && pout[j]) { printf("%4s ",packet) > sfile[j]; printf("%.15s ",Time) > sfile[j]; printf("%15s ",source) > sfile[j]; printf("%15s ",destination) > sfile[j]; printf("%5s ",Length) > sfile[j]; printf("%9s ",seq) > sfile[j]; printf("%9s ",ack_no) > sfile[j]; printf("%12s ",source_p) > sfile[j]; printf("%12s ",dest_p) > sfile[j]; printf("%13s ",netwrk) > sfile[j]; if ( pout[3] == 1 ) printf("TCP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[7] == 1 ) printf("ACK ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[8] == 1 ) printf("PUSH ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[1] == 1 ) printf("UDP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[2] == 1 ) printf("NFS ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[5] == 1 ) printf("ICMP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[4] == 1 ) printf("IPX ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[9] == 1 ) printf("ARP ") > sfile[j]; if ( pout[6] == 1 ) printf("ATM ") > sfile[j]; printf("\n") > sfile[j]; } } }' fopt=$ffopt sopt=$sopt nopt=$nopt delta=$ddelta $*