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Aliased to "%s" descriptive textis a nickname forUnspecified errora Mail Forwarder. a Canonical Name. a Pointer record. a Server Selector. Trying null domain Trying domain "%s" Trying null domain Non-existent domaina Mail Destination. a Mail Rename Name. Using domain server: an Internet address. a Mail Group Member. Premature end of dataPremature end of dataany Host Information. a Responsible Person. any User Information. Invalid query type: %s a Mailbox Domain Name. %ld ;refresh periodDCE or AFS service fromUsing domain server %s: Too many cnames. Loop? Invalid query class: %s a Null Resource record. a URN Naming Authority. Additional information: Non-authoritative answerany Mailbox Information. a Mail Exchanger record. %u.%u.%u.%u.IN-ADDR.ARPA. %ld ;minimum TTL )( %ld ;serial (version) %ld ;expiration periodFound %d addresses for %s ListHosts: Res_mkquery %s Host not found, try again. rcode = %d (%s), ancount=%d rcode = %d (%s), ancount=%d No recovery, Host not found. a Start of Authority record. any Unspecified Format data. packet size error (%p != %p) Error from the last server wasthe information you requested. *** Error during listing of %s:For authoritative answers, see: Error in looking up server name: %ld ;retry refresh this often ; *** Warning *** OS-type missingServer failed, trying next server:any Well Known Service information. No server for that domain responded Connection failed, trying next serverFound %d addresses for %s by extra query Cannot find nameserver -- try again later ListHosts: error receiving zone transfer: The following answer is not authoritative: Unrecoverable error looking up domain name. That domain exists, but seems to be a leaf node. There is an entry for this host, but it doesn't have Unable to get information about domain -- try again later. result: %s, answers = %d, authority = %d, additional = %d Unable to get information about that domain -- try again later. @(#)13 src/tcpip/usr/bin/host/hostnew.c, tcp_apps, tcpip720, 1502A_720 11/11/14 04:53:01Usage: hostnew [-n [-w] [-v] [-r] [-d] [-t querytype] [-c class] [-a]] host [server] -w to wait forever until reply -v for verbose output -r to disable recursive processing -d to turn on debugging output -t querytype to look for a specific type of information -c class to look for non-Internet data -a is equivalent to '-v -t *' -n use new print method =>$>\>>??<?t??@@T@@@A4AlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB  < `      8 \ !`!  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