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error code is %dFFDC ID "%s" was generated remotely Returning %s(%d) to callerFFDC Error ID "%s"is not correct size Returning %s(%d) to the callerCalled with NULL value for fildes pointer - returning %s(%d) to callerCalled with NULL value for fildes pointer - returning %s(%d) to callerFFDC Error ID "%s" not generated from an FFDC Error Stack - returning %s(%d)FFDC Error ID "%s" yielded a NULL stack file name - returning %s(%d) to callerfid parameter is NULL or references NULL value - returning %s(%d) to the callerstack_file parameter is NULL or references NULL value - returning %s(%d) to the caller@(#)44 1.30 src/rsct/ffdc/bin/fcstkrpt.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 3/19/14 09:33:30Input: FFDC ID %s FFDC Error Stack Name %s Report Record Only Flag %d Dump File Contents Flag %d ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # #######################################################################   0<H % #dFCTFO=FCTFW=FCTFS=selectCOLUMNSfc_a64lstrtoldFFDCPNAMEFFDCPNAMEfc_l64a_rstrtoimaxFFDC_DEBUGpps_productFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_INV_ENVfc_copy_filefc_copy_fileFFDC_SUCCESSfc_copy_fileFFDC_SUCCESSunknown_fileFFDC_SUCCESSfc_copy_fileFFDC_IO_ERRORFFDC_NO_SPACEFFDC_NO_SPACEgetdtablesizeno_version_numFFDC_FILE_EXISTFFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4%-s,%-s,%-s,%-dfc_test_for_dirfc_test_for_filefc_test_for_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_allocate_filefc_test_for_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_filefc_copy_dump_file/var/adm/ffdc/dumps/var/adm/ffdc/dumpsfc_get_dump_file_namefc_get_dump_file_namefc_get_dump_file_namefc_make_file_info_msg%s%-5d %s%-5d %s%-5d fc_get_dump_file_namefc_make_file_info_msgfc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_determine_max_fsizefc_make_dump_file_copyfc_truncate_descriptionfc_determine_bsd_priorityfc_determine_bsd_priorityfc_determine_bsd_priorityMinimum space not available statvfs(%s) failed - error %d Copying File "%s" to file "%s" Cannot lock file %s - error %s %s/%s.%d.%4d%.2d%.2d.%.2d%.2d%.2dstatvfs(%s) failed, error code %d Didn't leave 5% space - trying again Requested %d bytes, able to get %d bytes Cannot open input file "%s" Error code %d Cannot reserve %d bytes, returning %s(%d) %s reserved (%d bytes) - returning %s(%d) Cannot open output file "%s" Error code %d Can't open %s mode 0x%x perm 0x%x- error %d Not enough space for fclear(%s,%d) - error %d Cannot force permissions on file %s - error %s 5%% space in %s not available, returning %s(%d) Assigning SysLog priority of %d to event type %d Error copying data - Iteration %d - Error Code %d Invalid FFDC Event Type %d - mapping to type %s(%d) Successfully copied files Returning %s(%d) to caller ./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzFile "%s" successfully copied to "%s" Returning %s(%d) to the caller Unexpected failure testing for the file "%s" Retruning %d to the caller Called with invalid dump file input name Returning %s(%d) to the caller Existence of dump directory "%s" cannot be verified fc_test_for_dir returned %d Dump file "%s" already exists, cannot recreated it Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with invalid pointer for dump output file name Returingin %s(%d) to caller Error reading input from file - Iteration %d - Error Code %d Returning %s(%d) to caller @(#)47 1.21 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_utils.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 3/11/14 03:37:29Attemping to check status of file %s Unexpected failure on stat() call: %d Returning %s(%d) Attemping to check status of file %s Unexpected failure on stat() call: %d Returning %s(%d) File Identification information "%s" is %d chars long, being truncated Some information will be lost Existence of file "%s" cannot be verified fc_test_for_file returned %d Passing same return code to caller Cannot obtain command name from envionment value %s Assuming corrupted FFDC Environment Returning %s(%d) to the caller ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### EEEEEEEEEEEEEEJJJJJK K. %s -FCTFO=FCTFW=FCTFS=FCTFO=FCTFW=FCTFS=selectThread strtoldfc_debugFFDCDEBUGstrtoimaxgetdtablesizeFFDC Routine: Called by PID fc_record_debug_infofc_format_debug_infofc_create_debug_filefc_is_debug_file_set[FILE RECYCLES HERE] [END OF FINAL ENTRY] %s%-5d %s%-5d %s%-5d %s%s %s%s %s%d %s%d fc_get_file_ctrl_infofc_clear_record_remnant@(#)48 1.9 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_debug.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 5/31/14 14:35:49 ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### Q....noneIPv4IPv6IPv4IPv6.....(none)selectstrtoldFFDCADDRFFDCADDRFFDCADDRFFDCADDRFFDCADDRFFDCADDRstrtoimaxFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_INV_FIDFFDC_INV_FIDFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidfc_decode_eidgetdtablesize%1s%6s%10s%25s%1s%6s%10s%25sFFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5fc_generate_eidfc_generate_eidfc_generate_eidfc_generate_eidFFDC_INV_PARAM3fc_generate_eidFFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM2FFDC_INV_PARAM2FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM6FFDC_INV_PARAM7FFDC_INV_PARAM8FFDC_INV_PARAM9fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM2fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM2fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM3fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM4fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM5fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM6fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM7fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM8fc_decode_eid_2FFDC_INV_PARAM9fc_decode_eid_2fc_decode_eid_2fc_decode_eid_2fc_decode_eid_2fc_decode_eid_2fc_generate_eidFFDC_UNSUPPORTEDFFDC_UNSUPPORTEDFFDC_UNSUPPORTEDFFDC_UNSUPPORTEDFFDC_UNSUPPORTEDFFDC_FILE_MISSINGfc_generate_eid_2fc_generate_eid_2fc_generate_eid_2fc_generate_eid_2fc_generate_eid_2fc_generate_eid_2fc_get_base_64_hdrfc_get_base_64_hdrfc_get_base_64_hdrfc_get_base_64_hdrfc_get_base_64_hdrfc_selector_substrfc_get_base_64_timefc_get_base_64_timefc_get_base_64_timefc_get_base_64_timefc_get_base_64_timefc_conv_base_64_hdrfc_conv_base_64_hdrfc_conv_base_64_hdrfc_conv_base_64_hdrfc_conv_base_64_hdrfc_conv_base_64_hdrfc_conv_base_64_hdrFFDC_INV_PARAMCOMBOFFDC_INV_PARAMCOMBOFFDC_INV_PARAMCOMBOfc_conv_base_64_hdrfc_get_base_64_timefc_conv_base_64_timefc_conv_base_64_timefc_conv_base_64_timefc_conv_base_64_timefc_conv_base_64_timefc_get_base_64_inodefc_get_base_64_inodefc_get_base_64_inodefc_get_base_64_inodefc_get_base_64_inodefc_get_base_64_templfc_get_base_64_templfc_get_base_64_templ/var/adm/ffdc/stacks/var/adm/ffdc/stacksfc_get_base_64_templfc_get_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_timefc_conv_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_inodefc_conv_base_64_templfc_conv_base_64_templfc_conv_base_64_templfc_conv_base_64_templfc_conv_base_64_templfc_conv_base_64_inodefc_get_base_64_selectorfc_get_base_64_selectorfc_get_base_64_selectorfc_get_base_64_selectorfc_get_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfc_conv_base_64_selectorfacility %d invalid - returning %s(%d) Selector "%s" invalid - returning %s(%d)Selector "%s" invalid - returning %s(%d)priority value %d invalid - returning %s(%d) Unable to open the directory %s - errno is %d Facility pointer 0x%x invalid - returning %s(%d)Priority pointer 0x%x invalid - returning %s(%d)sel64rep pointer 0x%x invalid - returning %s(%d) Error trying to get status of file %s Errno is %d Created FFDC Error ID %s Returning %s(%d) to caller Created FFDC Error ID %s Returning %s(%d) to caller Cannot convert time of day value - returning %s(%d) to caller Detected invalid FFDC Error ID Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid FFDC Error ID Returning %s(%d) to the caller Cannot obtain current time of day - returning %s(%d) to caller Selector "%s" yielded: Facility %d Priority %d Returning %s(%d)Unsupported version %d detected in FFDC ID "%s" Returning %s(%d)Selector "%s" at location 0x%x appears invalid - returning %s(%d)Called with a NULL value for hdr64rep Returning %s(%d) to caller Cannot find %s data in environment Returning %s(%d) to the callerCannot find %s data in environment Returning %s(%d) to the callerSelector "%s" yielded invalid facility value %d - returning %s(%d)Selector "%s" yielded invalid priority value %d - returning %s(%d)Called with a NULL pointer for hdr64rep Returning %s(%d) to caller Called with a NULL value for version_id Returning %s(%d) to caller Called with a NULL parameter for seconds Returning %s(%d) to caller Detected invalid pointer for ip_addr Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for ip_addr Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with a NULL parameter for tod64rep Returning %s(%d) to caller Called with a NULL string for a file name Returning %s(%d) to caller Called with a NULL pointer for inode64rep Returning %s(%d) to caller Called with a NULL pointer for templ64rep Returning %s(%d) to caller Called with a NULL pointer for templ64rep Returning %s(%d) to caller FFDC Error ID "%s"is not correct size Returning %s(%d) to the caller FFDC Error ID "%s"is not correct size Returning %s(%d) to the caller Facility %d and priority %d translated to code "%s" - returning %s(%d)Called with a NULL value for location_mask Returning %s(%d) to caller Detected invalid pointer for timestamp Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for ipv6_flag Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for timestamp Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for ipv6_flag Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with a NULL string for a base-64 TOD Returning %s(%d) to caller Detected invalid pointer for version_id Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for stack_file Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for version_id Returning %s(%d) to the caller Cannot convert template ID %d to base-64 Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with a NULL pointer for file name list Returning %s(%d) to caller Called with a NULL pointer for file name list Returning %s(%d) to caller Detected invalid pointer for location_mask Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for location_mask Returning %s(%d) to the caller Cannot convert inode number %llu to base-64 Returning %s(%d) to the caller Converted template base-64 value of %s to %d Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for err_templ_label Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for stack_file_list Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for err_templ_label Returning %s(%d) to the caller FFDC Error ID is an unsupported version: 0x%x Returning %s(%d) to the caller Unsupported FFDC Version 0x%x detected Maximum supported 0x%x Returning %s(%d)Converted template ID %d to base-64 value of %s Returning %s(%d) to the caller Time base-64 rep of %s converted to %d secs %d usecs Returning %s(%d) to caller File %s i-node is %d Base-64 representation is %s Returning %s(%d) to the caller Unsupported record location 0x%x detected Maximum supported 0x%x Returning %s(%d)No data area provided in tbuf parameter Returning %s(%d) to caller FFDC_INV_PARAM4Unknown location type 0x%x returned from fc_conv_base_64_hdr Returning %s(%d) to caller Unknown location type 0x%x returned from fc_conv_base_64_hdr Returning %s(%d) to caller @(#)49 1.21 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_eid.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 8/27/18 14:28:06Asked to translate a template ID of %d, which seems invalid Returning %s(%d) to the callerCannot convert base-64 valueof %s to a valid template ID value Returning %s(%d) to caller Header code %s translated into version %d and location 0x%x Returning %s(%d) to the caller Secs %s translated to %d - assuming an invalid time rep provided Returning %s(%d) to caller Time of day value %d secs %d usecs converted to base-64 rep of %s Returning %s(%d) to caller Usecs %s translated to %d - assuming an invalid time rep provided Returning %s(%d) to caller Cannot locate the base-64 i-node %s (decimal %d) in directory %s Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with a NULL value for inode64rep - cannot convert to file name Returning %s(%d) to caller Value stored in environment for %s does not appear to be valie: %s Returning %s(%d) to the callerFFDC Error Stack File %s does not exist - caller must be repaired Returning %s(%d) to the caller Value stored in environment for %s does not appear to be valie: %s Returning %s(%d) to the callerFFDC Error Stack File %s does not exist - caller must be repaired Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with a NULL value for directory - cannot locate file without it Returning %s(%d) to caller Header code %s converted to value 0x%x, outside of supported range Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with an invalid location mask of 0x%x Highest supported 0x%x Returning %s(%d) to the caller Detected invalid pointer for bsd_priority (0x%x) or bsd_facility (0x%x) Returning %s(%d) to the caller Called with an invalid FFDC source code version of %d Highest supported version %d Returning %s(%d) to the caller%d matches to base-64 i-node %s (decimal %d) found in directory %s First match: %s Returning %s(%d) to the caller Combined version code 0x%x and location 0x%x into header code 0x%x Base-64 equiv: %s Returning %s(%d) to the caller Caller requested a fc_eid_t be generated for both a stack and a error template Stack file is %s template is %d Returning %s(%d) to caller FFDC Error ID "%s" decodes into: Version %d, Location 0x%x Stack File %s, Template ID %d(0x%x) Timestamp %s IP Address 0x%lx%lx%lx%lx (%s type) Return code %dCaller requested a fc_eid_t be generated for both a stack and either an error template or Syslog messges Stack file is %s template is %d Syslog facility is %d Returning %s(%d) to caller FFDC Error ID "%s" decodes into: Version %d, Location 0x%x First Stack File %s, Template ID 0x%x Syslog Facility %d Priority %d Timestamp %s IP Address 0x%lx%lx%lx%lx (%s type) Return code %d ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### etIFF_UPselectAF_INETstrtoldstrtoimaxFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREIFF_LOOPBACKFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_FAILUREfc_get_ipaddrfc_get_ipaddrfc_get_ipaddrfc_get_ipaddrfc_get_ipaddrgetdtablesizefc_conv_ipaddrfc_conv_ipaddrfc_conv_ipaddrfc_conv_ipaddrfc_test_ipaddrfc_test_ipaddrfc_test_ipaddrfc_test_ipaddrfc_test_ipaddrfc_conv_ipaddrFFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4fc_obtain_ipaddrsfc_obtain_ipaddrsfc_obtain_ipaddrsfc_obtain_ipaddrsfc_obtain_ipaddrs..................fc_is_addr_ipv6_typeReturning %s(%d) to the callerAdapt Info: %s %0.8x address=%s %s %s %sIP Address representation %s converted to 0x%lxUnable to query any net adapters - return %s(%d)Invalid array provided for ip_list Returning %s(%d)Obtained IP address %s for this node, encoded as %s IP Address representation %s converted to 0x%x%x%x%xInvalid string provided for ip_addr Returning %s(%d)Match found for address %s at index %d Returning %s(%d)Cannot obtain ipaddrs - rc %d Returning %s(%d) to callerParameter ip_addr is set to NULL Returning %s(%d) to callerParameter ipv6_flag is set to NULL Returning %s(%d) to callerCannot create socket - error code %d Returning %s(%d) to callerInvalid IP address type provided: '%c' - returning %s(%d) to callerInvalid pointer or string provided for IP address - returning %s(%d) to caller@(#)57 1.20 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_ipaddr.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 8/27/18 14:28:06No matches fo address %s found in %d known base addresses Assuming this address not on this node Returning %s(%d) ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### / xt%c %Z selectstrtoldFFDC_LOCKstrtoimaxFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_INV_FIDfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackfc_dump_stackgetdtablesizeFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_NO_MEMORYfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_read_headerfc_dump_headerfc_read_headerFFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_RECLENFFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_RECLENFFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_REC_CORRUPTFFDC_REC_CORRUPTfc_obtain_strlenFFDC_INV_RECVERSNFFDC_INV_RECVERSNFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTfc_get_descriptionfc_get_descriptionfc_get_descriptionfc_get_rec_substringfc_print_descriptionfc_print_description/var/adm/ffdc/stacksfc_print_descriptionfc_get_rec_substringfc_extract_arg_valuesfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_scan_files_for_fidfc_extract_arg_valuesfc_print_rec_substringEntry found in file "%s"fc_print_full_stack_recordfc_print_full_stack_recordfc_print_full_stack_recordfc_print_full_stack_recordfc_print_brief_stack_recordfc_print_brief_stack_recordfc_print_brief_stack_recordfc_print_brief_stack_recordRead up to current write position.Checking file "%s" for FFDC ID "%s"Positioning file pointer to offset %dWrapping back to start of Error StackSaw zero-length FFDC Error Stack entryInvalid FFDC Error ID - Returning %s(%d)Invalid value of 'fid' - returning %s(%d)Invalid file descriptor %d Returning %s(%d)Attempting to open FFDC Error Stack file %sUsing file "%s" without checking for FFDC IDhbuf ptr value seems invalid Returning %s(%d)fildes value %d seems invalid Returning %s(%d)FID "%s" not found in any file - returning %s(%d)Failure to lock stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d)Unable to open FFDC Error Stack file %s - error code is %dMemory allocation failure of %d bytes Returning %s(%d) to callerLength of record (%d) appears invalid Returning %s(%d) to callerRecord version (0x%x) appears invalid Returning %s(%d) to callerLength of record (%d) appears invalid Returning %s(%d) to callerRecord version (0x%x) appears invalid Returning %s(%d) to callerInternal problem - buffer suddenly invalid Returning %s(%d) to callerCannot lseek to position %d in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) Cannot lseek to position %d in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) Cannot lseek to position %d in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) Unable to allocate memory to store arguments Returning %s(%d) to callerCannot read from position %d in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) Cannot read from position %d in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) No valid file names detected in array at address 0x%x - returning %s(%d)Called with null FFDC Stack Record pointer returning %s(%d) to the callerCalled with null FFDC Stack Record pointer returning %s(%d) to the callerCannot determine current position in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) Could not find a NULL terminated string in buffer Returning %s(%d) to caller Possible corruption where description args are supposed to be Returning %s(%d) @(#)56 1.5 src/rsct/ffdc/bin/fcstkprint.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 2/21/14 17:19:56Version code from record (0x%x) is not supported Assuming file is corrupted Returning %s(%d) File wrap indicator 0x%x is not one of 0x%x or 0x%x Assuming file is corrupted Returning %s(%d) File size %d is beyond accpetable range of %d and %d Assuming file is corrupted Returning %s(%d) Initial record offset %d is beyond accpetable range of %d and %d Assuming file is corrupted Returning %s(%d) Earliest record location %d is beyond accpetable range of %d and %d Assuming file is corrupted Returning %s(%d) Current recording position %d is beyond accpetable range of %d and %d Assuming file is corrupted Returning %s(%d) ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### Bad message id for message set fcstkrpt_cmd   @ t p |  X $ < H    < (  \ X  l P ( | H T Details: Description: Details: %1$s Description: %1$s Reserved: DO NOT USE! Process Name: %1$s Stack Format Version One File Version Code: %1$s Process Identifier: %1$d FFDC Error Identifier: %1$s FFDC Error Identifier: unknown Parent Process Identifier: %1$d Location Within the File: %1$d Stack has wrapped at least once Process Thread Identifier: %1$d Licensed Programming Product: %1$s Associated FFDC Error Identifier: %1$s TIMESTAMP PROCESS DESCRIPTION Detecting File Information: File Name: %1$s %1$.2d%2$.2d%3$.2d%4$.2d%5$.4d %6$-16.16s %7$s Recording Process Information: Timestamp: %1$s2615-701 fcstkrpt Error: Memory allocation failure. Exiting. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2615-703 fcstkrpt Error: At least one command option must be specified. 2615-712 fcstkrpt Error: Unable to locate or open FFDC Error Stack file %1$s. Remaining record contents appear to be corrupted. Unable to display remaining record information. Stack Format Version Unknown - possibly future version Interpreting contents in Version One Compatibility Mode 2615-719 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Stack file appears to be corrupted. Ending the report of the FFDC Error Stack file contents at this point. 2615-711 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' specifies an FFDC Error Stack in the following location: Cluster Name: %2$s Node Number: %3$d 2615-709 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' specifies an entry stored in the following node's Error Log: Cluster Name: %2$s Node Number: %3$d Stack Control Information: Records begin at file offset %1$d Current write position file offset %2$d The earliest record in the file is at offset %3$d Stack file size is %4$d 2615-705 fcstkrpt Error: Unknown option specified - '%1$c'. Processing of this command has ceased. Please correct the usage of this command and reissue the command with the proper options. 2615-702 fcstkrpt Error: Unexpected failure detected in the %1$s routine. Error code is %2$d. Note the full text of this failure message, and contact the IBM Customer Support Center to report the problem. 2615-716 fcstkrpt Error: This command requires that either the '-%1$c' option or the '-%2$c' option be specified. Please correct the usage of this command and execute the command again with the proper options. 2615-708 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' was created by a later version of the FFDC software. To examine the information stored for this identifier, use an 'fcstkrpt' command of the same or later version. 2615-704 fcstkrpt Error: The '%1$c' option has been specified more than once. This option can only be specified once, and accepts only one argument. Processing of this command has ceased. Please correct the usage of this command and reissue the command with the proper options. 2615-714 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' did not provide a valid name for an FFDC Error Stack. Please verify that the FFDC Error Identifier was specified correctly. Correct any error in the specification of the FFDC Error Identifier, and attempt this command again. 2615-718 fcstkrpt Error: Unable to lock the FFDC Error Stack file for exclusive use. The file may have been removed by another application, or another application may have locked this file for use and become hung. Unable to generate a report for this FFDC Error Stack file at this time. 2615-706 fcstkrpt Error: Both the '%1$c' and '%2$c' options have been specified to this command. These options cannot be used together. Processing of this command has ceased. Please correct the usage of this command to specify only one of these two options, and reissue the command with the proper option. 2615-707 fcstkrpt Error: The '%1$c' option was specified to this command, but the '%2$c' option was not specified. Both options must be provided when using the '%1$c' option. Processing of this command has ceased. Please correct the usage of this command to provide both options, and reissue this command. 2615-710 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' does not reference an FFDC Error Stack entry. Please verify that the data item above is indeed an FFDC Failure Identifier and has been enterred correctly. Use the fcdecode command listed below, to find where the failure incident may be recorded: fcdecode %1$s 2615-713 fcstkrpt Error: The command experienced an unexpected failure in the %1$s routine. Failure code from this routine was %2$d. Note the conditions present when this command was executed, and contact the system administrator. System administrators should contact the IBM Customer Support Center to report this failure. 2615-717 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' references an FFDC Error Stack that was created on a remote system. fcstkrpt cannot provide any information on the incident associated with this FFDC Error Identifier. Use the 'fcdecode' command to determine where the FFDC Error Stack for this identifier was created. 2615-715 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' references an FFDC Error Stack that does not exists on this node. The FFDC Error Stack may have existed at one time, but the stack may have been removed since the time that the FFDC Error Identifier was created. fcstkrpt cannot provide any information on the incident associated with this FFDC Error Identifier. 2615-721 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Stack file '%1$s' cannot be accessed by this user. The FFDC Error Stack file may have been created by another system user, and the user running the fcstkrpt command does not have sufficient system privileges to access files created by that user. To obtain information for this FFDC Failure Identifier, have a more privileged system user attempt this command. fcstkrpt cannot provide any information on the incident associated with this FFDC Error Identifier. 2615-720 fcstkrpt Error: The FFDC Error Identifier '%1$s' references an FFDC Error Stack that cannot be accessed by this user. The FFDC Error Stack file may have been created by another system user, and the user running the fcstkrpt command does not have sufficient system privileges to access files created by that user. To obtain information for this FFDC Failure Identifier, have a more privileged system user attempt this command. fcstkrpt cannot provide any information on the incident associated with this FFDC Error Identifier. fcstkrpt: Usage information: fcstkrpt { [ -a ] [ -d | -p | -r ] { -f FFDC_Failure_Identifier [-i] | -s FFDC_Error_Stack_file } } | -h Options: -a Display all information for each record selected for display from the specified FFDC Error Stack. If this option is not provided, the command displays a brief summary for each record selected. -d Display all records in the specified FFDC Error Stack, in order from the oldest record to the newest. This option cannot be used with the '-i', '-p', or '-r' options. -f Specifies an FFDC Failure Identifier contained within the FFDC Error Stack to be examined. 'fcstkrpt' uses this identifier to locate the proper FFDC Error Stack to examine. Either the '-f', the '-s', or the '-h' options must be specified. -h Displays assistance information for this command. No further processing is performed. Either the '-h', the '-f', or the '-s' option must be specified. -i Instructs the command to display the information recorded for a specified FFDC Failure Identifier only. If this option is not provided, information is displayed for all records within the specified FFDC Error Stack. This option can only be used if the '-f' option is also specified. -p Displays all records in the specified FFDC Error Stack, ordering the information by parent and child process relationship. Records from the FFDC Error Stack are presented in an order that reflects the parent and child relationship of all processes that recorded information to this FFDC Error Stack. This option cannot be used with the '-d', '-i', or '-r' options. -r Displays all records in the specified FFDC Error Stack, ordering the information by related incidents. Records that are associated with other records in the FFDC Error Stack are displayed together. This is the default selection for the command. This option cannot be used with the '-d', '-i', or '-p' options. -s Specifies the name of a specific FFDC Error Stack file to be examined. Either the '-s', '-f', or the '-h' options must be specified. 'fcstkrpt' is used to examine the contents of an existing FFDC Error Stack. The command offers two levels of detail while displaying the contents of an FFDC Error Stack: * A brief level of detail, showing the time when an incident was logged, the name of the process that logged the incident, and a brief description of the incident that was logged * A fully detailed report, including the FFDC Failure Identifiers associated with an entry, FFDC Failure Identifiers of related entries, fully expanded time and recording process information, full description of the incident, and diagnostic information recorded for the incident. 'fcstkrpt' permits one of four possible views for this information: * Display the contents of the FFDC Error Stack in the order in which they were recorded, from the earliest record to the latest record. This view is used when the full contents of the file are desired. * Display the contents of the FFDC Error Stack, displaying related records together. This view is useful when the FFDC Error Stack is being examined to determine the root cause of a problem, or in understanding how an incident may have caused other incidents to occur. This view is the default. * Display the contents of the FFDC Error Stack, ordering the output by parent and child process relationship. This view is useful when examining the effects of a incident on the process and its ancestor or decendent processes. * Display information for a specific FFDC Failure Identifier only. This view is useful when examining a specific failure condition. This command processes only one FFDC Error Stack at a time. To examine multiple FFDC Error Stacks, a separate 'fcstkrpt' command must be executed for each FFDC Error Stack to be examined. To specify which FFDC Error Stack to examine, specify one of the following items of information: * The name of the file where the FFDC Error Stack is stored. This may be an absolute or relative file path name. If a relative path name is used, it is assumed to be relative to the directory %1$s * An FFDC Failure Identifier that was stored to the FFDC Error Stack. 'fcstkrpt' will extract the FFDC Error Stack location information from this identifier. 'fcstkrpt' examines FFDC Error Stacks that reside only on the local system. To examine FFDC Error Stacks on remote systems, execute the 'fcstkrpt' command on the remote system. selectstrtoldstrtoimaxfc_get_msgcat_name@(#)16 1.1 src/rsct/ffdc/utils/fc_msg.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 2/13/19 16:59:53 selectstrtoldFFDC_LOCKstrtoimaxFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_FAILUREFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSFFDC_SUCCESSfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackfc_read_stackgetdtablesizeFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_NO_MEMORYFFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM4FFDC_INV_PARAM5FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_INV_PARAM3FFDC_REC_CORRUPTFFDC_REC_CORRUPTFFDC_REC_CORRUPTFFDC_REC_CORRUPTFFDC_REC_CORRUPTFFDC_REC_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTFFDC_FILE_CORRUPTfc_add_related_recfc_add_related_recfc_add_related_recfc_add_related_recfc_add_related_recfc_add_related_recfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_rec_to_procfc_add_related_recfc_find_related_recfc_find_related_recfc_find_related_recfc_find_related_recfc_find_related_recfc_find_related_recfc_add_unrelated_recfc_add_unrelated_recfc_add_unrelated_recfc_add_unrelated_recfc_add_unrelated_recfc_add_unrelated_recfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_find_proc_in_listfc_add_unrelated_recfc_display_recs_by_relfc_display_recs_by_relfc_display_recs_by_relfc_display_recs_by_procfc_display_recs_by_procfc_display_recs_by_procDisplaying records for process %dRead up to current write position.rec_table is empty - returning %s(%d)Wrapping back to start of Error StackSaw zero-length FFDC Error Stack entryloc parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)Invalid file descriptor %d Returning %s(%d)head parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)head parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)table parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)record parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)record parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)record parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)record parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)record parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)Found an entry for proc ID %d Returning %s(%d)related parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)Invalid ordering selected %d - Returning %s(%d)proc_list parameter is invalid - returning %s(%d)Entry for related record %s found Returning %s(%d)Added FFDC ID %s to list after %s Returning %s(%d)Added FFDC ID %s as first in table Returning %s(%d)Proc ID %d and Parent Proc ID %d obtained from recordRecord added to list for process %d - returning %s(%d)Failure to lock stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d)Displaying record for FFDC ID %s and any related to itError scanning rec for a char string - returning %s(%d)Added FFDC ID %s to list as related to %s Returning %s(%d)head parameter not properly initialized - returning %s(%d)size obtained from record (%d) is invalid - returning %s(%d)size obtained from record (%d) is invalid - returning %s(%d)size obtained from record (%d) is invalid - returning %s(%d)head parameter not initialized correctly - returning %s(%d)size obtained from record (%d) is invalid - returning %s(%d)Rec for FFDC ID %s does not have a related record Returning %s(%d)Allocated list entry for proc ID %d (parent %d) - returning %s(%d)proc_list parameter invalid or improperly initialized Returning %s(%d)Cannot lseek to position %d in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) proc_list parameter invalid or improperly initialized Returning %s(%d)rec_table parameter invalid or improperly initialized Returning %s(%d)Cannot determine current position in stack - error code %d Returning %s(%d) Memory allocation failure attempting to get %d bytes Errno is %d Returning %s(%d)Memory allocation failure attempting to get %d bytes Errno is %d Returning %s(%d)Memory allocation failure attempting to get %d bytes Errno is %d Returning %s(%d)Memory allocation failure attempting to get %d bytes Errno is %d Returning %s(%d)@(#)87 1.8 src/rsct/ffdc/bin/fcstkrpt2.c, ffdc, rsct_rady, rady2035a 3/19/14 09:33:28Memory allocation failure - errno is %d Attempted to allocte %d bytes Returning %s(%d)Unable to allocate memory for record info - errno %d Size requested %d bytes Returning %s(%d)Unable to allocate memory for record element - errno %d Size requested %d bytes Returning %s(%d)Found an entry for proc ID %d, but parent ID in list (%d) does not agree with %d from rec Returining %s(%d) ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### P       , 1 _x i ~ ~ P AKxerrno@close@ fchmod@ fclear@ lseek@ unlink@ socket@ @@@'@_iob@malloc@ free@ _Errno@ exit@ strlen@ open@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ getenv@ isdigit@ strchr@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ getpid@ catclose@ snprintf@ 3@ read@ strncmp@ memchr@ statvfs@ ?@ ctime_r@ ctime@ M@ \@ strstr@ opendir@ h@ closedir@ getopt@ strftime@ basename@ dirname@ lockf@ t@ @ @ @ __crt0v@optarg@optopt@@@ @ @@ @ @ __start !                       + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + , , , ,, 1 _ i ~ ~ ~ ~            $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |             T         @9 D8 H L? 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:t105=f33; :t107=f28;:t109=ar0;0;15;35 :t112=*111:t117=ar0;0;878;5fc_open_stack_with_fid:F-1:T61=s16ip_part:60,0,128;;debug_active:p-1debug_file:p7 fildes:p28 catfd:p48local_fildes:-1local_errno:-1ffdc_version:-1location_mask:-1fid_is_local:-1 ipv6_flag:-1 facility:-1 priority:-1template_id:-8 timestamp:19stack_file_list:59 ip_buf:61 __func__:V50fc_open_stack_by_name:F-1stack_file:p7stack_full:64 __func__:V63 fildes:-1 errflag:-1 unknown:-1dump_header:-1 use_fid:-1 use_file:-1 fid_only:-1process_order:-1relation_order:-1debug_active:-1 catalog:67stack_file:68debug_file:69 ftn_name:70 proc_list:81 rec_table:78 __func__:V66rsct_copyright:V117 sccsid:V7__default_char:t232=-5fc_stack_rec:T32=s0;fc_proc_list:T49=s0; :t29=*-11:t30=ar0;0;42;-2fc_eid_t:t31=30Ufc_stack_rec:T32=s56fid:31,0,344;record:29,352,32;related:33,384,32;next:33,416,32;;fc_stack_rec_t:t34=32:t38=ar0;0;19;5:t40=ar0;0;18;5size_t:t42=-10uint32_t:t44=-8:t46=ar0;0;20;5int32long64_t:t47=-1 pid_t:t48=47[fc_proc_list:T49=s16process_id:48,0,32;parent_id:48,32,32;records:35,64,32;next:50,96,32;;fc_proc_list_t:t51=49:t54=ar0;0;18;5:t57=ar0;0;20;5int32_t:t58=-1:T62=s32_ptr:60,0,32;_cnt:-1,32,32;_base:60,64,32;_bufendp:60,96,32;_flag:-3,128,16;_file:-3,144,16;__stdioid:-1,160,32;__newbase:7,192,32;_lock:29,224,32;; FILE:t63=62:t66=ar0;0;19;-2T_header:T67=s28_magic:-1,0,32;_n_sets:-7,32,16;_setmax:-7,48,16;_filler:66,64,160;;A_msgptr:T69=s8_msgno:-7,0,16;_msglen:-7,16,16;_offset:-8,32,32;;N_catset:T71=s12_setno:-7,0,16;_n_msgs:-7,16,16;_mp:70,32,32;_msgtxt:8,64,32;;_catalog_descriptor:T73=s36_mem:7,0,32;_name:7,32,32;_fd:64,64,32;_hd:68,96,32;_set:72,128,32;_setmax:-1,160,32;_count:-1,192,32;_pid:-1,224,32;_oflag:-1,256,32;;nl_catd:t75=74:t77=ar0;0;13;5 off_t:t78=-4:t79=ar0;0;2047;-2fc_estack_v1_hdr_info:T80=s20records_start:58,0,32;write_pos:58,32,32;earliest_rec:58,64,32;file_size:58,96,32;has_wrapped:-2,128,8;;fc_estack_v1_header_t:t81=80:t83=ar0;0;23;5:t85=ar0;0;22;5:t90=ar0;0;J;7 :t92=f29; :t98=k-11 :t101=*-1 :t102=f101;:t104=ar0;0;15;63ssize_t:t107=-4 :t108=f107; :t109=f78;:t112=ar0;0;878;5fc_display_recs_by_rel:F-1rec_table:p35 catfd:p75 related:35 this_rec:35 __func__:V85fc_find_related_rec:F-1 record:p29 this_fid:31 assoc_fid:31related_recs:35unrelated_recs:35 __func__:V38fc_add_related_rec:F-1 related:p35 rec_size:42 buffer:29 element:35 __func__:V40fc_add_unrelated_rec:F-1 table:p36 __func__:V46fc_add_rec_to_proc:F-1rec_element:35 rec_info:29 __func__:V54fc_find_proc_in_list:F-1proc_list:p55proc_from_rec:48parent_from_rec:48 element:52 previous:52 __func__:V57fc_read_stack:F-1 order:p-1 fildes:p-1proc_list:p52rec_table:p36stack_version:-1stack_limit:78curr_position:78 wrapped:-2 buffer:79 this_proc:52 __func__:V77fc_display_recs_by_proc:F-1 __func__:V83rsct_copyright:V112__default_char:t336=-5 :t151=-13 :t141=-10 :t13=f-13;:t14=ar0;0;7;5:t16=ar0;0;2047;-4&fd_set:T17=s8192fds_bits:16,0,65536;;fd_set:t18=17time_t:t20=-1suseconds_t:t21=-10timeval:T22=s8tv_sec:20,0,32;tv_usec:21,32,32;; :t24=f-1;:t25=ar0;0;6;5:t27=ar0;0;13;5:t29=ar0;0;23;5:t30=ar0;0;7;-2:t33=ar0;0;24;5:t34=ar0;0;15;-2 :t36=f-11;:t37=ar0;0;18;5:t40=ar0;0;19;5:t41=ar0;0;7;-2:t43=ar0;0;20;5:t44=ar0;0;6;-2:t45=ar0;0;4;-2:t47=ar0;0;20;5:t48=ar0;0;7;-2__ulong64_t:t50=-8 dev_t:t51=50 ino_t:t52=50uint_t:t53=-8mode_t:t54=53nlink_t:t56=-3ushort_t:t58=-7 uid_t:t59=53 gid_t:t60=53 off_t:t61=-41timespec:T62=s8tv_sec:20,0,32;tv_nsec:-4,32,32;;__long64_t:t63=-1blksize_t:t64=63blkcnt_t:t65=63:t66=ar0;0;8;53hstat:T67=s116st_dev:51,0,32;st_ino:52,32,32;st_mode:54,64,32;st_nlink:56,96,16;st_flag:58,112,16;st_uid:59,128,32;st_gid:60,160,32;st_rdev:51,192,32;st_size:61,224,32;st_atim:62,256,64;st_mtim:62,320,64;st_ctim:62,384,64;st_blksize:64,448,32;st_blocks:65,480,32;st_vfstype:-1,512,32;st_vfs:53,544,32;st_type:53,576,32;st_gen:53,608,32;st_reserved:66,640,288;;:t69=ar0;0;21;5uint64_t:t71=-32:t72=ar0;0;523;-2:t73=ar0;0;255;-2gdirent:T74=s268d_offset:50,0,32;d_ino:52,32,32;d_reclen:58,64,16;d_namlen:58,80,16;d_name:73,96,2048;; :t76=*-11_dirdesc:T77=s32dd_fd:-1,0,32;dd_blksize:64,32,32;dd_buf:7,64,32;dd_size:-4,96,32;dd_flag:-4,128,32;dd_loc:61,160,32;dd_curoff:61,192,32;dd_lock:76,224,32;; DIR:t78=77:t81=ar0;0;20;5:t82=ar0;0;7;-2:t85=ar0;0;21;5:t87=ar0;0;18;5:t88=ar0;0;7;-2:t90=ar0;0;19;5:t92=ar0;0;15;5:t93=ar0;0;10;-2:t94=ar0;0;6;-2:t95=ar0;0;1;-2:t96=ar0;0;63;-2cu_cluster_id_t:t97=96:t98=ar0;0;63;-2cu_cluster_name_t:t99=98int32_t:t100=-1ct_int32_t:t101=100Y:T102=s132cu_cluster_ID:97,0,512;cu_cluster_name:99,512,512;cu_node_number:101,1024,32;;cu_cluster_info_t:t103=102:t105=ar0;0;17;5:t106=ar0;0;10;-2:t107=ar0;0;6;-2:t108=ar0;0;1;-2:t110=ar0;0;13;5:t111=ar0;0;1;-2:t112=ar0;0;6;-2:t113=ar0;0;10;-2:t114=ar0;0;24;-2:t115=ar0;0;45;-2:t116=ar0;0;919;-2uint32_t:t117=-8:t118=ar0;0;3;117:t121=ar0;0;15;5:t122=ar0;0;1;-2:t123=ar0;0;6;-2:t124=ar0;0;10;-2:t125=ar0;0;24;-2:t126=ar0;0;45;-2:t127=ar0;0;919;-2:t128=ar0;0;3;117 :t134=f71; :t137=*67 :t139=k-11 :t140=*139size_t:t142=-10 :t143=f6; :t144=k20 :t145=*144 :t146=f7; :t155=f142; :t156=f76; :t158=f31; :t160=*75 :t162=f79;:t164=ar0;0;878;5fc_conv_base_64_hdr:F-1 hdr64rep:p7version_id:p31location_mask:p31 hdr_code:-4 __func__:V90fc_conv_base_64_inode:F-1 directory:p7inode64rep:p7filename_list:p7filelist_limit:p-1temp_inode:71 and_mask:71 entry_buf:72 result:75 dirdes:79 __func__:V69fc_conv_base_64_templ:F-1templ64rep:p7template_id:p83fc_conv_base_64_time:F-1 tod64rep:p7 secs_part:44usecs_part:45 __func__:V43fc_decode_eid:F-1:T119=s16addr_part:118,0,128;; ffdcid:p7local_fid:p31err_templ_label:p83timestamp:p76 ip_addr:p76ipv6_flag:p31num_addresses:-1addr_from_list:-2 addr_flag:-2 hdr_code:111 entry_id:112 tstamp:113addr_string:115addr_list:116 addr_type:-2 addr_buf:119__func__:V110fc_get_base_64_time:F-1 seconds:p38fc_get_base_64_templ:F-1template_id:p-8 __func__:V81fc_get_base_64_inode:F-1 filename:p7 __func__:V47fc_get_base_64_hdr:F-1version_id:p-1location_mask:p-1 __func__:V87fc_generate_eid:F-1err_templ_label:p-8timestamp:p38 seconds:-4 tod64rep:93 entry_id:94 hdr_code:95 cinfo:103 __func__:V92fc_get_base_64_selector:F-1 facility:p-1 priority:p-1 sel64rep:p7 fac_code:-4 pri_code:-4 __func__:V29fc_generate_eid_2:F-1bsd_facility:p-1bsd_priority:p-1 tod64rep:106 entry_id:107 hdr_code:108__func__:V105fc_conv_base_64_selector:F-1 facility:p31 priority:p31 pri_temp:-1 fac_temp:-1fac_string:34 __func__:V33fc_decode_eid_2:F-1:T129=s16addr_part:128,0,128;;stack_file_list:p7stack_file_limit:p-1bsd_facility:p31bsd_priority:p31 hdr_code:122 entry_id:123 tstamp:124addr_string:126addr_list:127 addr_buf:129__func__:V121fc_selector_substr:F-11 selector:p7 __func__:V37rsct_copyright:V164 sccsid:V6__default_char:t458=-5ifnet:T97=s0;ifaddr:T99=s0;radix_mask:T103=s0;radix_node:T106=s0;rtentry:T117=s0;pmtu_isr:T129=s0;ip6_rtexpire_isr:T131=s0; 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