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(%d Mhz) entstat.catnddstat.catDevice Type: %s %s %s %s PCI Mode: PCI-XLink Status: Up entstat.kngent entstat_kngent.catLink Status: Down Hardware Address: Slot Speed: 66 Mhz Slot Speed: 33 Mhz Link Status: UNKNOWN TX TCP segments: %d RX IP datagrams: %d RX TCP segments: %d ECC error count: %d Jumbo Frames: Enabled TX ICMP messages: %d TX UDP datagrams: %d RMAC drop frames: %d RX ICMP messages: %d RX UDP datagrams: %d PCI Mode: PCI Standard Jumbo Frames: Disabled TxD write requests: %d RxD write requests: %d Parity error count: %d Per Device Statistics: Device Error Statistics: ETHERNET STATISTICS (%s) : TX MAC Statistics Counters: RX MAC Statistics Counters: DMA Transaction Statistics: Successfull RX MAC frames: %d Successfull TX MAC frames: %Ld RX MAC PAUSE control frames: %d Requests made by the device: %d TCP Segmentation Offload: Enabled Transmit frame read requests: %d Receive frame write requests: %d TCP Segmentation Offload: Disabled usage: %s [-t|-v|-e] usage: %s [-t|-v|-e] RX TCP segments containing errors: %d Traffic interrupts for the device: %d RX MAC frames that do not pass FCS: %d PCI/PCI-X Read Transaction Statistics: Receive TCP Segment Aggregation: Enabled Number of octets in RX IP datagrams: %d PCI/PCI-X Write Transaction Statistics: Receive TCP Segment Aggregation: Disabled Current loaded device driver revisions: MAC PAUSE control frames that are TX: %d Retry responses RX for read requests: %d Soft resets performed on this device: %d Requests made for a new read sequence: %d TX frames containing a unicast address: %d Requests made for a new write sequence: %d Receive Descriptor (RxD) read requests: %d Receive Flow Control Threshold: %.2g percent TX TCP segments containing the RST flag: %d Transmit Descriptor (TxD) read requests: %d Number of read requests made by the device: %d Write transactions to the Tx Pointer FIFOs: %d TCP Packets Aggregated into Large Packets: %lld Retry responses received for write requests: %d Successfull TX frames to a multicast address: %d Number of symbol errors in the RX XGMII data: %d %s: 0909-002 Unable to open device %s, errno = %d TX frames with (broadcast, multicast) address: %d Successfull TX frames to the broadcast address: %d RX frames that could not be passed to the host: %d RX MAC frames with length of exactly 64 octets: %d RX IP datagrams that were passed to the system: %d Exceptions indicated to the host via PCI SERR#: %d TCP Segment Aggregation Large Packets Created: %lld TX IP datagrams that were passed to the network: %d Data and padding octets of successfull RX frames: %d TCP Payload Bytes Aggregated into Large Packets: %lld Total number of traffic interrupts for the device: %d TCP Segment Aggregation Maximum Packets Aggregated: %d Data and padding octets of successfully TX frames.: %d Successfull RX frames containing a unicast address: %d %s: 0909-003 Unable to connect to device %s, errno = %d RX well-formed frames of length less than 64 octets: %d TCP Segment Aggregation Average Packets Aggregated: %lld RX IP datagrams that could not be passed to the host: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 0 has filled up: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 1 has filled up: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 2 has filled up: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 3 has filled up: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 4 has filled up: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 5 has filled up: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 6 has filled up: %d Number of times that RX buffer queue 7 has filled up: %d Total octets of TX IP datagrams passed to the network: %d IBM 10 Gigabit Ethernet-LR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410ec02) IBM 10 Gigabit Ethernet-SR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410eb02) Successfull RX frames containing a non-unicast address: %d RX UDP datagrams that were not delivered to the system: %d RS is expecting one control character and gets another: %d Total octets of TX frames, including framing characters: %d TX IP datagrams that could not be passed to the network: %d Total octets of RX frames, including framing characters: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 0 of RX buffer: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 1 of RX buffer: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 2 of RX buffer: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 3 of RX buffer: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 4 of RX buffer: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 5 of RX buffer: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 6 of RX buffer: %d Number of frames that pass through queue 7 of RX buffer: %d Successfull RX MAC frames containing a multicast address: %d RX well-formed frames of length greater than 1518 octets: %d Successfully RX MAC frames containing a broadcast address: %d RX MAC frames with length 65 through 127 octets inclusive: %d RX MAC frames with length 256 through 511 octets inclusive: %d Retry responses RX on the start of the new read sequences: %d %s: 0909-004 Unable to get statistics on device %s, errno = %d RX MAC control frames that do not contain the PAUSE opcode: %d RX frames containing error that prevents passing to system: %d RX MAC frames with length 128 through 255 octets inclusive: %d RX IP datagrams that are discarded due to IP header errors: %d Total octets of TX frames, not including framing characters: %d RX frames that are longer than rmac_max_pyld_len + 18 bytes: %d Total octets of RX frames, not including framing characters: %d RX MAC frames with length 512 through 1023 octets inclusive: %d Request accepted by target after read terminated with retry: %d Frames that could not be sent due to internal MAC processing: %d RX MAC frames with length 1024 through 1518 octets inclusive: %d TX frames with any error that prevents passing to the network: %d RX frames with a length field between 46 and 1500 not matched: %d Disconnect, target initiated disconnect on write transactions: %d -------------------------------------------------------------------- RX frames of length less than 64 octets with bad FCS, fragments: %d Host interrupted without new completions, non-traffic interrupt: %d Number of pause quanta that the MAC has been in the paused state: %d Requests made for a new write sequence after retry or disconnect: %d RX frames of length greater than MTU octets with bad FCS, jabbers: %d All RX MAC frames, including frame-too-long, FCS, or length errors: %d IBM 10 Gigabit Ethernet-LR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410ec02) Statistics: IBM 10 Gigabit Ethernet-SR PCI-X 2.0 DDR Adapter (1410eb02) Statistics: RX frames with length field between 1501 and 1535 decimal, inclusive: %d Unexpected/misplaced control characters occuring outside of normal TX: %d Read request accepted by target after write request terminated with retry: %d @(#)65 1.7 src/rspc/usr/sbin/nddstat/entstat.kngent/entstat.kngent.c, pcikngent, rspc720 2/5/09 01:03:00entstat.kngent "Ŕ " P "Ŕ ŕ "Č$H (Č !ě !đ (Đ (č (đ !ř%/źë%đ@errno@close@ socket@ exit@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ printf@ __divu64@ 2@ ioctl@ getopt@ connect@ >@ Q@ __crt0v@^@r@__start "! 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