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Check "%s" file. Error changing "%s" : Value is invalid. : Value is invalid. Could not get user id. /etc/security/login.cfgInvalid -R option "%s" aix.security.user.change Change (%s) or (%s)? > User "%s" does not exist. Login shell not changed. Current available shells: %s's current login shell: Error changing "%s" to "%s"Error getting shell for "%s". : You do not have permission. Error getting memory for processError setting shell for "%s" to "%s"Usage: chsh [-R load_module username [shell]] chsh [username [shell]] Usage: chsh [-R load_module username [shell]] chsh [username [shell]] Usage: chsh [-R load_module username [shell]] chsh [username [shell]] Usage: chsh [-R load_module username [shell]] chsh [username [shell]] @(#)57 src/bos/usr/bin/chsh/chsh.c, cmdsuser, bos720 2/28/07 22:48:29,,-Rididadmsadmsadmsadmsadmsadmsadmsadmschuserchusergroupsadmgroups/usr/bin/chuser/usr/bin/chuser/usr/bin/chuser/usr/bin/chuser/usr/bin/chuser/usr/bin/chuserdomainlessgroupsCheck "%s" file. Check "%s" file. Error changing "%s"Error execing "%s". Error execing "%s". : Name is too long. Error getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError adding "%s" to group "%s". Error adding "%s" to group "%s". Error adding "%s" to group "%s". Error adding "%s" to group "%s". Error adding "%s" to group "%s". @(#)03 src/bos/usr/bin/newgrp/user_util.c, cmdsuser, bos720 7/23/13 02:57:35 ! . . . . ALLadmindefaultsecuritypasswordALLOW_ALLALLOW_OWNERALLOW_GROUPUSER_ChangeUSER_Changemkusernopgrpaix.securityError adding "%s"Error adding "%s"Error adding "%s"Error adding "%s"Error adding "%s"Error adding "%s"Error adding "%s"Cannot open "%s" User "%s" exists. Role "%s" exists. : Account exists. : Account exists. Group "%s" exists. Domain "%s" exists. /etc/security/.idlck/etc/security/.idlck/etc/security/.idlck/etc/security/.idlck : Value is invalid. : Name is too long. : Value is invalid. : Value is invalid. : Name is too long. : Value is invalid. : Not enough memory. : Must run from tty. : Not enough memory. : Must run from tty. Terminating from signal : Attribute is invalid. : Attribute is invalid. /var/efs/users/%s/keystoreAuthorization "%s" exists. /var/efs/groups/%s/keystoreAuthorization %s is required. : You do not have permission. : You do not have permission. Error setting lock on file "%s"Error getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processError getting memory for processAccount or equivalent account "%s" exists. Not authorized to perform the requested operation. 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