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Fixating... CD-ROM mode 1CD-ROM mode 2CD-ROM mode 1CD-ROM mode 2 (fifo %3d%%)pregap1: %ld %s%4ld.%03lds Reserved mode 4Reserved mode 5Reserved mode 6Using %s (%s). Blanking time: Writing time: Fixating time: CD-ROM XA mode 1CD-ROM XA mode 2CD-ROM XA mode 1Reserved mode 14Bad Option: %s. Driveropts: '%s' Driver flags : Track %02d: %3ld Track %02d: %3ld padsize: %3ld MB padsize: %3ld KB pregapsize: %3ld padsize: %3ld MB padsize: %3ld KB (%02d:%02d.%02d) pregapsize: %3ldSee -pad option. Recovery needed. Illegal toc type 5Illegal toc type 6Illegal toc type 7TOC Type: %d = %s Performing OPC... SAO startsec: %ld Blanking options: Cannot open '%s'. Bad speed option. first: %d last %d Vendor unique mode 7Current Secsize: %d Current Secsize: %d Cannot get fix time session offset: %ld Cannot read TOC/PMA Illegal sector type 0Illegal sector type 3Illegal sector type 6Illegal sector type 7Vendor unique mode 15%d seconds.Sending CUE sheet... Cannot get stop time Cannot read capacity CD-DA with preemphasisSCSI buffer size: %ld Cannot get disk type. Cannot get start time Cannot get blank time Cannot get start time track blank a track Bad fifo size option. No disk / Wrong disk! CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 2Cannot send CUE sheet. Cannot set speed/dummy. CD-DA without preemphasisCannot open new session. read error on input file No read access for '%s'. Track limit (%d) exceeded dev: %s speed: %d fs: %ld CD/DVD-Recorder not ready. Cannot read session offset Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer. all blank the entire disk trtail blank a track tail Track %02d: 0 MB written.Illegal blanking type '%s'. CD-ROM XA mode 2 form 1/2/mixWaiting for data on stdin... %s%sCannot open SCSI driver. Using libscg version '%s-%s' Cannot blank disk, aborting. speed=# set speed of drive disc blank the entire disk disk blank the entire disk unreserve unreserve a track session blank last session Too many types for track %d. Internal error: Bad TOC type. Drive buf size : %lu = %lu KB FIFO size : %lu = %lu KB Input buffer error, aborting. unclose unclose last session Data will not fit on any disk. Raw (audio) with P/Q sub channelRaw (audio) with P/W sub channelWARNING: Cannot do mlockall(2). Track %02d: data unknown length WARNING: padding up to secsize. Track %02d: data %3ld MB track: %d start: %ld pregap: %ld WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler Starting new track at sector: %ld Cannot write CD's >= 100 minutes. Data does not fit on current disk. No tracks allowed with this option Cannot read first writable address Raw (audio) with P/W raw sub channelUsage: %s [options] track1...trackn Track %02d: 0 of %3ld MB written.Inappropriate audio coding in '%s'. -scanbus scan the SCSI bus end exit -atip retrieve and print ATIP data No CD/DVD-Recorder device specified. No CD-Text or CD-Text unaware drive. Cannot do inquiry for CD/DVD-Recorder. -toc retrieve and print TOC/PMA data -cdi Subsequent tracks are CDI tracks Track %02d: 0 of %3ld MB pad written.No tracks specified. Need at least one. -debug print additional debug messages Track %02d: writing %3ld KB of pad data. Bad audio track size %ld for track %02d. warning: low file descriptor limit (%ld) Cannot attach driver for CD/DVD-Recorder. -nopad Do not pad data tracks (default) %swrite track data: error after %ld bytes WARNING: Data may not fit on current disk. Using libscg transport code version '%s-%s' -v increment general verbose level by one -inq do an inquiry for the drive end exit padsize=# Amount of padding for next track Currently only form 1 tracks are supported. Cannot get isosize for multi session disks. Sorry, no CD/DVD-Drive found on this target. -version print version information and exit -eject eject the disk after doing the work -dummy do everything with laser turned off tsize=# Length of valid data in next track Audio data cannot be written in packet mode. -xa1 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 1 -xa2 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM XA mode 2 -pad Pad data tracks with %d zeroed sectors Pad audio tracks to a multiple of %d bytes NOTICE: reducing block size for last record. %swrite track pad data: error after %ld bytes Using remote (pipe) mode for interactive i/o. blank=type blank a CD-RW disc (see blank=help) secsize:%d secspt:%d bytespt:%d audio:%d pad:%d Track %02d: audio unknown length %spreemp%s%sWARNING: RR-scheduler not available, disabling. In this case default track type is CD-ROM XA2 -nofix do not fixate disk after writing tracks dev=target SCSI target to use as CD/DVD-Recorder -multi generate a TOC that allows multi session -audio Subsequent tracks are CD-DA audio tracks -mode2 Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 2 WARNING: Data may not fit on standard 74min disk. WARNING: Cannot set priority using setpriority(). The unit seems to be hung and needs power cycling. Last chance to quit, starting %s write in 9 seconds.Notice: Use -ignsize option to allow >= 90 minutes. WARNING: Trying to use other driver on known device. WARNING: Drive returns wrong startsec (%d) using -150 timeout=# set the default SCSI command timeout to #. -useinfo use *.inf files to overwrite audio options. pregap=# Amount of pre-gap sectors before next track -noshorttrack Subsequent tracks must be >= 4 seconds The type of the first track is used for the toc type. WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns. WARNING: Track size unknown. Data may not fit on disk. Track %02d: audio %3ld MB (%02d:%02d.%02d) %spreemp%s%sTotal size: %3lu MB (%02d:%02d.%02d) = %ld sectors Lout start: %3lu MB (%02d:%02d/%02d) = %ld sectors WARNING: This causes a high risk for buffer underruns. -checkdrive check if a driver for the drive is present Notice: Most recorders cannot write CD's >= 90 minutes. Warning: using inofficial version of libscg (%s-%s '%s'). Sorry, no supported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target. Warning: blockdesc secsize %d differs from cap secsize %d -msinfo retrieve multi-session info for mkisofs >= 1.10 fast minimally blank the entire disk (PMA, TOC, pregap) Track %d packet size %d exceeds buffer limit of %d sectors -V increment SCSI command transport verbose level by one -prcap print drive capabilities for MMC compliant drives -fix fixate a corrupt or unfixated disk (generate a TOC) -waiti wait until input is available before opening SCSI -data Subsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 1 (default) -isosize Use iso9660 file system size for next data track fs=# Set fifo size to # (0 to disable, default is %ld MB) defpregap=# Amount of pre-gap sectors for all but track #1 isrc=text Set the ISRC number for the next track to 'text' index=list Set the index list for the next track to 'list' Blocks total: %ld Blocks current: %ld Blocks remaining: %ld -load load the disk and exit (works only with tray loader) mcn=text Set the media catalog number for this CD to 'text' minimal minimally blank the entire disk (PMA, TOC, pregap) Only one of -audio, -data, -mode2, -xa1, -xa2, -cdi allowed. lba: %9ld (%9ld) %02d:%02d:%02d adr: %X control: %X mode: %d driver=name user supplied driver name, use with extreme care -reset reset the SCSI bus with the cdrecorder (if possible) -preemp Audio tracks are mastered with 50/15 s preemphasis Audio tracks must be at least %ld bytes and a multiple of %d. Badly placed option. Global options must be before any track. @(#)cdrecord.c 1.105 00/07/20 Copyright 1995-2000 J. Schilling%sTrack %02d: Total bytes read/written: %ld/%ld (%ld sectors). RBlocks total: %ld RBlocks current: %ld RBlocks remaining: %ld RedBook total: %ld RedBook current: %ld RedBook remaining: %ld Cdrecord%s %s (%s-%s-%s) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jrg Schilling Starting to write CD/DVD at speed %d in %s mode for %s session. -swab Audio data source is byte-swapped (little-endian/Intel) -ignsize ignore the known size of a medium (may cause problems) driveropts=opt a comma separated list of driver specific options -nopreemp Audio tracks are mastered with no preemphasis (default) For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you are root. Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code version (%s-%s '%s'). -force force to continue on some errors to allow blanking bad disks -dao Write disk in DAO mode. This option will be replaced in the future. -shorttrack Subsequent tracks may be non Red Book < 4 seconds if in DAO mode Sorry, no CD/DVD-Recorder or unsupported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target. File: '%s' tracksize: %ld secsize: %d tracktype: %d = %s sectype: %X = %s dbtype: %s flags %X help,version,checkdrive,prcap,inq,scanbus,reset,ignsize,useinfo,dev*,timeout#,driver*,driveropts*,tsize&,padsize&,pregap&,defpregap&,speed#,load,eject,dummy,msinfo,toc,atip,multi,fix,nofix,waiti,debug,v+,V+,audio,data,mode2,xa1,xa2,cdi,isosize,nopreemp,preemp,nopad,pad,swab,fs&,blank&,pktsize#,packet,noclose,force,dao,scms,isrc*,mcn*,index*,shorttrack,noshorttrack%r file_write_err. Condition not caught: Raisecond: not implemented. 0-+ 00x0XCSILZODXUCSILudioxXCSILZODX(NULL POINTER)0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF,,,,,L|,p,px,,,(NaN)(Infinity)?%s: %rError %d%s: %s. %r . %cHP. 321624%s %s wctJVCIMSSAFWPISaveSet SaveSet B0: MD21MD23SONYACERSONYTEACtraynot not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not ENT: 0x%x R2626KODAKCDD20CDD26RICOHSANYOCDR10AENC SYNC caddyqic 02EMULEXOPTIMACDD521CDD522PCD225RF4100YAMAHACDR200CDR400pop-upinquiryPages: read_g0read_g1ADAPTECCDR2000GRUNDIGMITSUMIPHILIPSKHSW/OBCDR-240RCD5020RCD5040RCD 4X4PIONEERPLASMONCDR4220PLEXTORRO1060CCD-R50SCD-R55SCDR4120T.YUDENCDS615ERELADR WBUS32 WBUS16 LINKED CMDQUE unknownwrite_g0write_g1write_g5read tocread tocsend opcACB-4520ACB-4525SMO-C501RXT-800SCR-4020CCREATIVEXR-W2001XR-W2010MITSBISHCD-R 650PINNACLERCD-1000RO-1420CCD-R2004CD-RW226CD-R4012TRAXDATATraxdataCDR-632PMATSHITABERTHOLDTERMIOP 24 (I2S)CDR100IPWCDD521/00CDD521/02CD-R2006 %s: %d %s: %s %s: %s %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d blank unitcdtext.datTOC data: SOFTRESET Is %s%s rezero unitflush cacheread bufferread headertocheader: tocheader: C4324/C4325CD-WO EW-50Emulex MD21Emulex MD23Emulex MT02reserved(3)reserved(6)reserved(7)set cd speedCD-R2006PLUSCD-R CDU92CD-R CDU94Adaptec 4000Adaptec 4010Adaptec 4070Adaptec 5500Adaptec 4525Teac CD-R50Sdisc changer Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s Does %s%s request_senseread capacitymode sense g0mode sense g1B0 lout: %ld Blocks: %ld Blocklen:%ld Adaptec 4520ASony SMO-C501Sysgen SC4000Kodak PCD-600Sony CDU-924Sread disk infosend_cue_sheetmode select g0mode select g1B0 start: %ld Density: 0x%x CD-Writer 6020CD-WO DW-S114XDVD-R DVR-S101CD-WO CRD-R24SCD-R CW-7501CD-R CW-7502Maxtor RXT800SGeneric CD-ROMYamaha CDR-100Yamaha CDR-400Ricoh RO-1060CRicoh RO-1420Cplay audio CDstest unit readystart/stop unitread subchannelread track inforead track inforead master cueread buffer capMode ParametersMode ParametersMode Sense DataMode Sense DataCD-R PX-R24CSMicrotek MS300APhilips CDD-521Philips CDD-522Plasmon RF-4100CD capabilitiesread CD-R media 6( 6, 60 :Inquiry Data :CD-Text len: %d Cannot read TOC capacity_not_setcapacity_not_setGeneric CCS DiskGeneric mmc CD-RGeneric mmc2 DVDPhilips CDD-2000Philips CDD-2600Pioneer DW-S114Xwrite CD-R mediaread CD-RW mediaread DVD-R mediaread CD bar codeInquiry Data : Device type : Capabilities : Generic mmc CD-RWcartridge changerwrite CD-RW mediawrite DVD-R mediaBuffer size in KBmedium load/unloadGeneric mmc CD-ROMMatsushita CW-7501Matsushita CW-7502Pioneer DVD-R S101read DVD-ROM mediaread DVD-RAM mediaclose track/sessionBerthold HR-ScannerPhilips old CDD-521write DVD-RAM mediaCannot read CD-Text Version : %d Response Format: %d Device seems to be: Generic NON CCS Disksupport test writingSectorsize: %ld Bytes Session info too big. Session info too big. Adaptec 4000/4010/4070read multi-session CDsLoading mechanism typeCannot read TOC header Length of data in BCLKsVendor_info : '%.8s' Revision : '%.4s' Missing Entry for dev %dIdentifikation : '%.16s' read Mode 2 Form 1 blocksread Mode 2 Form 2 blocksread digital audio blockssupport C2 error pointersBFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K support BURN-Proof (Sanyo)return CD ISRC informationdeliver composite A/V dataMode Sense Data (converted)Cannot read CD-Text header send digital data LSB-firstMaximum read speed in kB/sCurrent read speed in kB/sMaximum write speed in kB/sCurrent write speed in kB/sprevent/allow medium removalADAPTEC ACB-5500 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-40X0 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4000 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4010 FAKEADAPTEC ACB-4070 FAKESYSGEN SC4000 FAKEEMULEX MT02 FAKEread R-W subcode informationsupport changing side of diskMode Parameters (un-converted)return CD media catalog numberNumber of volume control levels 8H 6 8 logical unit failureiparity/data mismatchoperation in progress track following error spindle servo failureincomplete block readend-of-data not founddefect list not found)device internal reset1format command failed;end of medium reachedIinvalid message error\spindles synchronizedgconfiguration failureinvalid sense code 0x%X,error counter overflowi/o process terminatedno index/sector signalexcessive write errors tracking servo failure block not compressibleunrecovered read errorread retries exhaustedcirc unrecovered error*log parameters changed*reservations preempted,command sequence error;medium magazine locked[log counter at maximum^low power condition onrsession fixation error [No matching qualifier]ECC error during verify!invalid element address&parameter not supported&parameter value invalid'permanent write protect)scsi bus reset occurred*mode parameters changed1medium format corrupted; read past end of medium;medium magazine removed>timeout on logical unitDinternal target failureFunsuccessful soft resetUsystem resource failure[threshold condition metavideo acquisition erroraunable to acquire videogadd logical unit failed8recoverable write error-initiator detected errorl-ec uncorrectable error de-compression crc errorrandom positioning errorrecovered data with circrecovered data with l-ec'hardware write protected'associated write protect'persistent write protect;medium magazine inserted;medium magazine unlocked?inquiry data has changedSmedium removal prevented[log list codes exhaustedlrebuild failure occurrederror too long to correcterror reading isrc numberrecorded entity not founddefect list not availableXgeneration does not exist\spindles not synchronizedidata loss on logical unitkstate change has occurred:defect list update failed=defect list not available%logical unit not supported,too many windows specified2defect list update failure5enclosure services failure?microcode has been changedEselect or reselect failureSmedia load or eject failedkredundancy level got worseSense flags: Blk %d %s%s%s%saudio play operation pausedno reference position foundrecovered data with retriesparameter list length errorgrown defect list not found;failed to sense top-of-form; position past end of medium;medium source element emptyPwrite append position errorbscan head positioning errordillegal mode for this trackhlogical unit not configuredjinformational, refer to logkredundancy level got bettersprogram memory area is full9write error recovery failedvendor unique sense code 0x%X warning - enclosure degradederror reading upc/ean numbermechanical positioning errorpartial defect list transfer0cleaning cartridge installed;sequential positioning error?changed operating definitionmrecalculate failure occurredspower calibration area errorperipheral device write fault write error - recovery needed write error - recovery faileddata re-synchronization errorfilemark or setmark not foundprimary defect list not found,current program area is empty0incompatible medium installed6ribbon, ink, or toner failure; read past beginning of mediumNoverlapped commands attemptedgremove of logical unit failedlaser focus coil over-currentread error - loss of streaming invalid command operation code5unsupported enclosure function5enclosure services unavailable:medium not present - tray open;failed to sense bottom-of-form;medium magazine not accessible@ram failure (should use 40 nn)Zoperator selected write permitimultiple logical unit failuresncommand to logical unit failedspower calibration area is fullno additional sense information write error - loss of streamingdata synchronization mark errordefect list error in grown listsynchronous data transfer error&invalid field in parameter list)transceiver mode changed to lvd9saving parameters not supported; medium destination element fullZoperator medium removal requestZoperator selected write protectgexchange of logical unit failedgcreation of logical unit failedend-of-partition/medium detectedaudio play operation in progressdata sync error - data rewrittenrecovered id with ecc correction:medium not present - tray closed=invalid bits in identify messagePposition error related to timing#illegal function for medium typelaser tracking coil over-currentno current audio status to returndefect list error in primary list(import or export element accessed,current program area is not empty; position past beginning of medium^idle condition activated by timerfautomatic document feeder lift upgattachment of logical unit failed%sSense Key: 0x%X %s%s, Segment %d logical unit communication failure compression check miscompare error write error - padding blocks addedrecovered data - recommend rewritemiscompare during verify operation!logical block address out of range&threshold parameters not supported)bus device reset function occurred-overwrite error on update in place2no defect spare location availablefautomatic document feeder cover upspower calibration area almost fullsprogram memory area update failurediagnostic failure on component 0x%Xlogical unit communication time-outaddress mark not found for id fielddata sync error - recommend rewrite0cannot read medium - unknown format5enclosure services transfer failure5enclosure services transfer refusedWunable to recover table-of-contents^idle condition activated by commandgmodification of logical unit failedmultiple peripheral devices selected write error - recommend reassignment0cannot write medium - unknown format;tape position error at end-of-mediumAdata path failure (should use 40 nn)^standby condition activated by timeraddress mark not found for data field'logical unit software write protected/commands cleared by another initiatorTscsi to host system interface failure]failure prediction threshold exceededbeginning-of-partition/medium detected write error - auto reallocation failedrecovered data - data auto-reallocated0 current session not fixated for appendLlogical unit failed self-configurationZoperator request or state change input^standby condition activated by commandcpacket does not fit in available spacersession fixation error writing lead-inlogical unit communication parity errordata sync error - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data using previous sector idrecovered data - recommend reassignmentrsession fixation error writing lead-out warning - specified temperature exceededrecord not found - data auto-reallocateddata sync error - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with positive head offsetrecovered data with negative head offsetrecovered data with ecc - data rewritten)transceiver mode changed to single-ended,invalid combination of windows specified0cannot read medium - incompatible format0cannot write - application code mismatch>logical unit has not self-configured yet?target operating conditions have changedaudio play operation stopped due to errorrecord not found - recommend reassignment0cannot write medium - incompatible formatHinitiator detected error message receivedfdocument jam in automatic document feederqdecompression exception long algorithm idrempty or partially written reserved tracklogical unit not ready, format in progresslogical unit does not respond to selection data expansion occurred during compressioncannot decompress using declared algorithm0cannot format medium - incompatible medium;tape position error at beginning-of-mediumcend of user area encountered on this trackaudio play operation successfully completedlogical unit not ready, rebuild in progress recovered data without ecc - data rewrittentagged overlapped commands, queue tag is 0x%Xlogical unit not ready, cause not reportablelogical unit is in process of becoming readypositioning error detected by read of mediumrecovered data with error correction appliedlogical unit not ready, operation in progress"illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00))power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred]failure prediction threshold exceeded (false) b Zh ]H Z| Y Z ]` `0 d [D ^Plogical unit not ready, long write in progress write error - recovered with auto reallocationrecovered data without ecc - recommend rewriteunrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed unrecovered read error - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with no error correction appliedrecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedfdocument miss feed automatic in document feedergconfiguration of incapable logical units failedSense Code: 0x%02X Qual 0x%02X %s%s%s%s Fru 0x%X &invalid release of active persistent reservation+copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect;tape or electronic vertical forms unit not readyBpower-on or self-test failure (should use 40 nn)decompression exception short algorithm id of 0x%Xlogical unit not ready, recalculation in progressrecovered data with error corr. & retries appliederror refers to %s part, bit ptr %d %s field ptr %dlogical unit not ready, initializing cmd. requiredrecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocated(not ready to ready change, medium may have changedlogical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32) unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the datarecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentlogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredrsession fixation error - incomplete track in session@(#)scsierrs.c 2.22 00/05/07 Copyright 1987-1996 J. Schilling \ ] Z@ Yd [0 ^ q\ d i f f ]0 l q \ \4 Yt W X4 X Y X XD X X XT Y W, Y W Wt Y WT Y W\ W W4 WL W< W Xd W W WD X X W ZT n [X p` Z x8 ^h `L p g 4 | q ^ \p `h Z k< Z `  $ } d ~ h v r u y ( _ ` ]x _( [l \ W z j X xd v s ~D ` k\ k| n s8 ] ` ` e ^ t d< a k _@ X \ ` dX ~t j< e l u@ wp e Z k _X ^ | z dt j\ T n p uh y z h< {$ {P  z @   x d d zH s` {| [ f q n h\ o _p k h| s p j| m s b( ^ f o@ bD b` s Z d w d e b| q  [ b t _ { od \ b a, aH  ad f { r k t( w l u | j v } ~ Z |, x b _ tP g [ [ g< m$ mH u u l< [ o \ p ml j ~ v H X W h m Z b l\ h r4 o h _ m c e a e8 q |X ^ c$ | g\ j eT m w | Y$ c@ g| c\ [ }4 _ ] [ x l| \ h q8 Y4 Z, g ] ep w cx ] v f4 ] y o o m YD c a e [ _ fP x D a rX wH v0 y@ X c c X i  yl i< ] YT tx r| }` D ` x c vX p l r p< i\ fl n ^ i| f i g e j nD } a y zt  } [ t nh k t iMode Sense DataMode Page DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Sense DataMode Select DataCannot get %s data. Cannot get %s mask. Cannot get saved %s data. Cannot get default %s data. Warning: using default %s data. Warning: controller does not support %s page. Warning: controller returns zero sized %s page. Warning: controller returns wrong size for %s page. @(#)modes.c 1.14 00/05/07 Copyright 1988 J. SchillingWarning: controller returns wrong page %X for %s page (%X). ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) @(#)cd_misc.c 1.8 00/07/02 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingbad_file_moderwbr+rbwbr+b 1#?*&+getarg_bad_format@(#)getargs.c 2.28 00/05/20 Copyright 1985, 1988, 1995 J. data@(#)audiosize.c 1.14 00/05/07 Copyright 1998 J. Schilling   x ( < P 4 X  P ` p     0 H       X  noinfyesyesMCN=ISRC=Index=Index0=%s '%s' %d: %ld Channels=Endianess=Albumtitle=Trackstart=CDDB_DISKID=Tracknumber=Tracklength=Pre-emphasis=Copy_permitted=Track %d MCN: '%s' Track %d ISRC: '%s' Track %d %d Index: '%s' Track1 Start: '%s' (%ld) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZMCN '%s' has illegal length. ISRC '%s' has illegal length. Too many indices for track %d MCN '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. ISRC '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. Index '%s' contains illegal character '%c'. @(#)auinfo.c 1.5 00/06/02 Copyright 1999 J. Schillingr@(#)default.c 1.2 98/12/01 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling""%s=,:/@CDR_SPEEDCDR_DEVICECDR_SPEED=CDR_DEVICE=CDR_FIFOSIZECDR_FIFOSIZE=/etc/default/cdrecord/etc/default/cdrecord/etc/default/cdrecord/etc/default/cdrecordBad speed environment. Bad fifo size environment. Bad fifo size in defaults. @(#)defaults.c 1.5 00/06/02 Copyright 1998 J. Schilling L \ h   , 8 D CDISONYhelpnot not not not helpemptyemptymmc_cdmmc_cdrillegalillegalscsi2_cdcompletecompleteerasablereservederasableCD-ROM XAundefinedburnproof Is %s%s Is %s%s Is %s%s Is %s%s Disk type: OPC table: ATIP info: track info:noburnproofentire diskmmc_cdr_sonyunrestrictedunrestrictedlast sessionBlanking %s tail of trackCD-R CDU928Ereserved trackCD-DA or CD-ROMDisk id: 0x%lX 4 x T <  \ Driver options: disk status: %s PMA, TOC, pregapincomplete trackCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parameterCD write parametersession status: %s incomplete/appendableincomplete/appendableATIP info from disk: Reference speed: %d Turning BURN-Proof on Bad driver opts '%s'. reserved blanking typeTurning BURN-Proof off closing of last sessiongeneric SCSI-2 CD driverDisk bar code: 0x%lX%lX Converting ATIP from BCD Re-load disk and hit Disk sub type: %s (%d) last start of lead in: %ld power mult factor: %d %d Trouble flushing the cache Trouble flushing the cache generic SCSI-3/mmc CD driverlast start of lead out: %ld A2 values: %02X %02X %02X A3 values: %02X %02X %02X Normal Rewritable (CLV) mediaTrack %d has unknown length. generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driverTrying to clear drive status. Indicated writing power: %d None supported for this drive. speed low: %d speed high: %d High speed Rewritable (CAV) mediaActual fixating time: %ld seconds Writing pregap for track %d at %ld recommended erase/write power: %d Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-)Medium Type B, low Beta category (B-)Medium Type C, low Beta category (C-)Medium Type A, high Beta category (A+)Medium Type B, high Beta category (B+)Medium Type C, high Beta category (C+)ATAPI early return: sleeping %d seconds. ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (Sony 928 variant)noburnproof Disable using Sanyo BURN-Proof technology Early return from fixating. Ret: %d Key: %d, Code: %d Early return from fixating. Ret: %d Key: %d, Code: %d @(#)drv_mmc.c 1.56 00/07/02 Copyright 1997 J. SchillingWARNING: Some drives don't like fixation in dummy mode. burnproof Prepare writer to use Sanyo BURN-Proof technology Drive needs to reload the media to return to proper status. CUE sheet not accepted. Retrying with minimum pregapsize = 1. first track: %d number of sessions: %d first track in last sess: %d last track in last sess: %d  @ , T  | D 8 L |@(#)misc.c 1.1 98/08/16 Copyright 1998 J. Schilling MPO?????EXIMPOunknownunknown Ritek Co.Xcitec Inc.VIVASTAR AGOPTROM.INC.Phase changeSKC Co., Ltd.Lead Data Inc.TDK CorporationNacar Media srlkdg mediatech AGSONY CorporationDisk type: %s Manuf. index: %d Manufacturer: %s Opti.Me.S. S.p.A.Princo CorporationUNITECH JAPAN INC.Vanguard Disc Inc.Kodak Japan LimitedFriendly CD-Tek Co.Guann Yinn Co.,Ltd.Woongjin Media corpAMS Technology Inc.POSTECH CorporationCIS Technology Inc.Taeil Media Co.,Ltd.Hitachi Maxell, Ltd.General Magnetics LdRicoh Company Limitedunknown (not in table)King Pro Mediatek Inc.Doremi Media Co., Ltd.Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.VIVA MAGNETICS LIMITEDDELPHI TECHNOLOGY INC.GIGASTORAGE CORPORATIONProdisc Technology Inc.OPTICAL DISC CORPRATION????? Princo CorporationSeantram Technology Inc.ILLEGAL OLD CODE: TDK ???Illegal Manufacturer codeFUJI Photo Film Co., Ltd.Pioneer Video CorporationPlasmon Data systems Ltd.CMC Magnetics CorporationAuvistar Industry Co.,Ltd.UNIDISC TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDTaiyo Yuden Company LimitedAcer Media Technology, Inc.Customer Pressing OosterhoutAUDIO DISTRIBUTORS CO., LTD.Unknown old Manufacturer codeFORNET INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD.Grand Advance Technology LTD.WEALTH FAIR INVESTMENT LIMITETAROKO INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD.INFODISC Technology Co., Ltd.Grand Advance Technology Ltd.Computer Support Italy s.r.l.Mitsubishi Chemical CorporationBestdisc Technology CorporationHarmonic Hall Optical Disc Ltd.CDA Datentrger Albrechts GmbH.VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITEDILLEGAL OLD CODE: Old Ritek Co.???Hile Optical Disc Technology Corp.DIGITAL STORAGE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDMulti Media Masters & Machinary SA??? CDA Datentrger Albrechts GmbH.ILLEGAL OLD CODE: Old Kodak Photo CDOptical Disc Manufacturing EquipmentHong Kong Digital Technology Co., Ltd.Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd.Sound Sound Multi-Media Development LimitedLong strategy type (Cyanine, AZO or similar)Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)ILLEGAL OLD CODE: Old CDA Datentrger Albrechts GmbH.@(#)diskid.c 1.28 00/07/20 Copyright 1998 J. SchillingaP a (aQ a (a (a!R a#, (a' (a-$S a/ (a/ (a0 (a0! (a1 (a6 (a7 (a9 (a#,}ܤa}a2}a }a}a}Ba#,za<%Sfa2$[a$\a("Wa2"]a7"Y a"Iya"]a"\a!"Ka(!aHba !aRUa!aEta boa Ja Jua)fTa"9a!B:a ?qaGada^va!\ha<SlaP9aIua Fa RaKCaBaa+EaAPa!vaMQa0=a7aIsa-==aIqaH^a!Ua:a2Qa yXa 5 a a1/ a/ a($ a<1 a% `a  8a/( 8a  4a ! a< a-< a2 a0< a( a.( a xa/  xa( a0 a2 a02 a $a0 $a  @a0 @a a/ a< a0 a a a. a  a1 a" (a2 (a xa.2 xa  Pa1  Pa Ha- Ha< \a.< \a( a a/2 a 8a. 8a  haD haC Ha B a2A a@ pa1(? a(? a(> a<= a< a. ; a2; a(: a9 a329 a<8 a27 a(6 a4 |a23 8a2 ha  a-20 a20 a. a2- a, a<+ a-+ a (a' a( a3( a) a2* $a & a2 & a# a3 # a1$ a" a0(" a a1< a a2 a/< ha a( La-( La a. a \a( \a( a t D    , 8 D P P 0 \ h  t , 8 D  l    , 8 Phelp%s%nhelp%*s%s Driver types: Unsupported drive type Illegal driver type '%s'. Unspecified command not implemented for this drive. This drive or media does not support the BLANK command @(#)cdr_drv.c 1.20 00/05/07 Copyright 1997 J. SchillingSAO writing not available or not implemented for this drive.   (! D  |   4 @ L d p Pnot Is %s%s tray outtray outWpma erroredc error”dac errorphilips_dumbunrestrictedkodak_pcd_600yamaha_cdr100ricoh_ro1060cricoh_ro1420c pll no lock12V failurephilips_cdd521philips_cdd522plasmon_rf4100Disk bar code:pioneer_dws114xphilips recovereverify failedillegal trackphilips fixationillegal mediumeeprom failureWatip not foundWtoc read errordread in leadinillegal medium’servo ic errorlead out B0: %ld lead out AA: %ld buffer overflowrecovery needed servo off track atip sync errordread in leadoutbuffer underrunphilips_cdd521_oldbuffer under runmoderation error€syscon rom errorsyscon ram errorsyscon not readycommand rejectedphilips write_trackWsubcode not foundillegal blocksizepower range errorefm encoder error‘efm decoder errorSession info data: 3monitor atip errorblocksize conflictillegal track modecannot recover pmacannot recover opclaser current overWno atip or subcodeverify blank errorillegal track modedummy blocks addedATIP info from disk: philips reserve_trackheader search errorcdbd over run error•syscon eeprom errorbuffer parity errordata transfer errorillegal track numberinvalid start adressdisk write protectedillegal track numberno barcode availablecannot recover track radial skating error sledge servo failureheader monitor errorlast one block errorillegal track numberunknown syscon errorcommand not acceptedSpeed/Dummy informationSpeed/Dummy informationlead out capacity: %ld command now not validend of medium reachedlink area encounteredcalibration area fullbarcode reading errorcannot recover leadinservo adjustment overcommand not now validinvalid start addressend of medium reachedcalibration area fulldriver for Kodak PCD-600program area not emptycannot recover leadoutbeta upper range errorbeta lower range error“motor controller errorundefined syscon errordriver for Ricoh RO-1060Cdriver for Ricoh RO-1420Ctrack at one not in PMAillegal transfer lengthdata track length errordummy data blocks addedcurrent command abortedWdisk informatoion erroralpha upper range erroralpha lower range errorphilips read session infodriver for Philips CDD-521driver for Philips CDD-522driver for Plasmon RF 4100philips medium load/unload2write data error with CU4absorbtion control errorno efm at search addressparameter list too largemode of last track errornot all data transferredno efm at search addressdriver for Pioneer DW-S114Xstopped on non data blockapplication code conflict atip/subcode jumped errorreserve track check errorread link, run-in run-outstopped on non_data block Disk application code: %d current program area emptyblock size format conflictcurrent program area emptyCD-R engine selftest errorsyscon communication errorstatus phase timeout errormedium removal is preventedrequest for fixation failedrequest for fixation failedalpha and power range errorcommand phase timeout errordata in phase timeout errordriver for Philips old CDD-521calibration area almost fullcalibration area almost fulldata out phase timeout errorNo support for Ricoh RO-1060C first writeable address philipsillegal blocksize for commandillegal blocksize for commandwrite audio on reserved trackmessage in phase timeout errorZoperator medium removal requestattampt to cross track-boundaryoptical power calibration errorverify error at ending of trackmessage out phase timeout errorWARNING: ignoring selected speed. ¢block encoder/decoder path errordriver for Yamaha CDR-100 / CDR-102 block decoder communication error¡block encoder communication errorverify error at ending of lead-inverify error at beginning of trackverify error at ending of lead-outWunable to read TOC/PMA/Subcode/ATIPverify error at beginning of lead-inWARNING: setting to minimum speed (2). verify error at beginning of lead-outCannot set dummy writing for this device. logical unit is in process of becoming ready ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) driver for Philips CDD-521 with pessimistic assumptions@(#)drv_philips.c 1.37 00/05/07 Copyright 1997 J. SchillingDrive needs to reload the media to return to proper status. \ , P t L x t  $ t l < X Ø ,  8 T l ,  d  @ T  h     T | 4 p P 4 | L 0  l < L d 4 4  p Ĕ ( t $  ü T ĸ Ť  l , , C D @    ( 4 @ L X d p P! t  |   4 @ L X d p P#  |   4 @ L X d p P! $ |  |   4 @ L d p PK 4 L   ( 4 @ L d p P!  |   4 @ L X d p PK ̜ <  $ 0 < H T Pnot recoverfinalize Is %s%s sony_cdu924write_trackclose_trackunrestrictedreserve_trackwrite errorno bar codewrite_continuepma area fullpca area fullwrite completenot enough spaceCD disk informationillegal cue sheetunrecordable diskCD track informationCD track informationread buffer cap sonyATIP info from disk: disk style mismatchillegal track statusno table of contentsdriver for Sony CDU-924inappropriate commanddamaged track presentreserved track presentbuffer data size erroraudio address not validlink blocks encounteredpower calibration errorillegal bar code lengthillegal bar code formatlogical unit is reservedBFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K close_track/test_unit_readyno bar code start pattern Disk application code: %d unwritten area encounterednot enough bar code marginmedia load mechanism failedwrite error track recovered Indicated writing power: %d audio play operation abortedno track present to finalizenonexistent block encounteredbuffer error during at once recordingillegal block length for write commandexit from pseudo track at once recordingunrecoverable track descriptor encounteredillegal data form for reserve track commandFixating is not possible in dummy write mode. ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) buffer overflow for read all subcodes command@(#)drv_sony.c 1.41 00/07/02 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingunrecoverable damaged track cause too small writing areaunable to reserve track, because track mode has been changed 0 H μ l T  x H ̀ ΄ Π ш и $ 8 D И X l  Ҵ Ϝ  , , | ` l x  %d PMA: done. Subcode:Subcode:Subcode:Subcode:PMA DataWRa DataWRa Datafmt: %X WRa DataNWA: %ld teac_cdr50set limitsset subcodeteac_freezesync errorPMA Header: Blanking %s write_teac_g1mount errorclear subcodeteac_read_pmaread timeoutteac_write_pmabuffer inquirymissing tracktoc less diskpca area fullfull pma areaJudging disk...opt_power_judgeread toc errorSubcode len: %d Buffer cap: %ld invalid B0 valueunable to spin upaudio not playingno logical sectorread disk info teacopc execution erorefm isn't detecteddrive sequence stopabnormal spin - nmilink block detectednext writable addressno cartridge presentopc initialize errorcontroller prom erroropc execution timeoutlba: %ld lba_addr: %ld @thermal sensor failurecompleted preview writeread peak buffer capacitypad_track(%ld, %ld)-> %ld write emergency occurreddone. Calibrating laser...BFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K set_limits(%ld, %ld)-> %ld set_limits(%ld, %ld)-> %ld set_limits(%ld, %ld)-> %ld 4th run-in block detected3rd run-in block detected2nd run-in block detected1st run-in block detecteddisc information less diskalpc error - opc execution1st run-out block detected2nd run-out block detecteddisc information read errorTrack %d has unknown length. start lba: %ld last lba: %ld no write data - buffer emptyslider velocity control errorabnormal spinning - servo irq@diagnostic failure on memoriescartridge could not be ejectedpower calibration not executedactuator velocity control errorLead out start: (%02d:%02d/%02d) @diagnostic failure on gate array@diagnostic failure on program romlinear velocity measurement errorread address is atip area - blankwrite request means mixed data modeno disk present - couldn't get focusaddress can't find or not data tracka blank disk is detected by read toc@diagnostic failure on component parts@diagnostic failure on servo processorpma less disk - not a recordable diskaddr exceeded the last valid block addr@diagnostic failure on cd-rom ecc circuitWARNING: adding dummy block to close track. write address is efm area - aleady written@diagnostic failure on internal SCSI controller@(#)drv_jvc.c 1.50 00/05/07 Copyright 1997 J. SchillingCannot fixate without track list (not yet implemented). disk application code does not match host application codedriver for Teac CD-R50S, Teac CD-R55S, JVC XR-W2010, Pinnacle RCD-5020unable to ensure reliable writing as the inserted disk has no char id codeunable to ensure reliable writing with the inserted disk - unsupported diskunable to ensure reliable writing as the inserted disk does not support speed d ڀ  4 ݔ ܌ X ׸ p @ `   հ ڤ t  < ܴ P @ | @ X ְ ` ׈ < L ֈ ۠ d ` ( Հ  $  ـ ٠  d )    4 @ L d p PC T \    ( 4 @ L X d p P h  @ @ ʰ ː `  H !  ƈ      4 @ L d p P < , 8 D P \  h t D Pcdr_simuldvd_simulCDR_SIMUL_BUFSIZESimulation drive buffer size: %d KB Writing last record for this track. simulation CD-R driver for timing/speed testssimulation DVD-R driver for timing/speed testsMamimum reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms Minimum reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms Remaining reserve time in drive buffer: %d.%3.3d ms @(#)drv_simul.c 1.15 00/05/07 Copyright 1998 J. SchillingBuffer underrun: actual delay was %d.%3.3d ms, max delay was %d.%3.3d ms.  l , 8 D P \  h t D P@(#)isosize.c 1.6 99/10/18 Copyright 1996 J. Schillingnonefaioreaderwriterbad_ownerfork(2) failedfs: %ld buflen: %ld input buffer ready. faio_reader starting faio_reader _exit(0) Premature EOF on stdin. Using %d buffers of %d bytes. faio_reader reading track %d buf: %X bufend: %X, buflen: %ld fifo had %ld puts and %ld gets. shared memory segment attached: %x bufsize: %d buffers: %d hdrsize %d bufsize: %d buffers: %d hdrsize %d gets: %d puts: %d cont: %d low: %d faio_reader all tracks read, exiting faio_wait_on_buffer for %s timed out. Cannot get mmap for %d Bytes on /dev/zero. buf: %X bufend: %X, buflen: %ld (align %ld) write-buffer too small, minimum is %dk. Disabling. Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... @(#)fifo.c 1.22 00/05/07 Copyright 1989,1997 J. Schilling%lu microseconds passed waiting for %d current: %d idx: %d faio_get_buf fatal: fd=%d, f->fd=%d, f->len=%d f->errno=%d faio_read_track fatal: secsize %d secspt %d, bytespt(%d) > %d !! fifo was %ld times empty and %ld times full, min fill was %ld%%. unexpected short read-attempt in faio_get_buf. size = %d, len = %d p x . MB written of %3ld MB (fifo %3d%%) Track %02d: %3ldread error on input file Track %02d: 0 MB written. WARNING: padding up to secsize. Track %02d: 0 of %3ld MB written. WARNING: padding remainder of packet. Track %02d: writing %3ld KB of pad data. %swrite track data: error after %ld bytes NOTICE: reducing block size for last record. secsize:%d secspt:%d bytespt:%d audio:%d pad:%d %sTrack %02d: Total bytes read/written: %ld/%ld (%ld sectors). @(#)wm_packet.c 1.12 00/05/07 Copyright 1995, 1997 J. Schilling%swrite track data: error after %ld bytes, retry with new packet scsidev: '%s' devname: '%s' Invalid lun specifier '%s'No memory for SCSI structureInvalid lun specifier in '%s'scsibus: %d target: %d lun: %d Invalid bus or target specifier in '%s'Invalid target or lun specifier in '%s'Invalid value for bus, target or lun (%d,%d,%d)@(#)scsiopen.c 1.82 00/06/23 Copyright 1995 J. SchillingWARNING: device not valid, trying to use default target... * * %3d) %3d) '%.8s' '%.4s' '%.16s' NON CCS %d,%d,%d%d,%d,%dBAD UNIT scsibus%d: HOST ADAPTOR HOST ADAPTOR No lun found. No target found. scsibus%d target %d: @(#)scsi_scan.c 1.8 00/05/07 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling1.9(  m   G` @ d @     `      @                ΀      ` `    ` @ @ @    р À  @  @     ` ܀  @      @  `   @  @   ֠  `     `   @ @   F` E F E` 3, 30 34 38 3@ 3P H 3 5 0 4 TK` 8 54 58 ` 5X O@ OD OH V l  0 Kh  x  X x h  P p  @ ` @ ʰ ː p P  x H 8   p x       0AQZ8Z___fill@errno@access@ close@ _exit@ kill@ openx@ @mlockall@ @ _iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen64@ open64@ lseek64@ isatty@ fclose@ getenv@ atoi@ strchr@ abort@ write@ getpid@ _flsbuf@ fflush@ usleep@ __filbuf@ read@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fgets@ 3@ signal@ A@ sleep@ fseek@ rewind@ fstat64@ isalnum@ O@ ioctl@ fork@ strstr@ fdopen@ wait@ ^@ setbuf@ sysconf@ strerror@ fcvt@ ecvt@ gcvt@ j@ @ mmap64@ __divi64@ _isinf@ @ __crt0v@@__start 4!   34 4 4 4 4  4$ 4( 4, 40 44 48 4< 4@ 4D 4H 4L 4P 4T 4X 4\ 4` 4d 4h 4l 4p 4t 4x 4| 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 B B B B JX J\ J` Jd Jh Jl Jp Jt N$ N( N, N0 N4 N8 N< N@ ND NH NL NP NT NX N\ N` Nd Nh Nl Np Nt Nx N| N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O  O O O O O  O$ O( O, O0 O4 O8 O< V V V V V V V V V V V V V V                                                    $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                                         $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t p t |                                               $ , 4 < D L T \ d l t |      < D L T \ d l t |                     $ , 4 < D L T \ d l t |                     $ , 4 < D L T \ d l t |                     $ , 4 < D L T \ d l t |                             $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x                        @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                          H L T X \ ` d h l p t x |           @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x | ǀ DŽ Lj nj ǐ ǔ ǘ ǜ Ǡ Ǥ Ǩ Ǭ ǰ Ǵ Ǹ Ǽ                        $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x | Ȁ Ȅ Ȉ Ȍ Ȑ Ȕ Ș Ȝ Ƞ Ȥ Ȩ Ȭ Ȱ ȴ ȸ ȼ                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X h l t x | ɀ Ʉ Ɉ Ɍ ɐ ɔ ɘ ɜ ɠ ɤ ɨ ɬ ɰ ɴ ɸ ɼ                     $ ( , 0 4 H L T X \ ` d h l p t x | ʀ ʄ ʈ ʌ ʐ ʔ ʘ ʜ ʠ ʤ ʸ ʼ                      ( , 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x | ˀ ˄ ˘ ˜ ˤ ˨ ˬ ˰ ˴ ˸ ˼                     $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x | Ӏ ӄ ӈ ӌ Ӑ Ӕ Ә Ӝ Ӡ Ӥ Ө Ӭ Ӱ Ӵ Ӹ Ӽ                $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H ߸ ߼                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                  $ , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                   $ ( , 0 4 8 < P T \ ` d h l p t x |                                 $ ( ,     4 8 < @ H L T X ` d l p x |                            $ , 0 8 < D H P T \ ` h l t x                             ( , 4 8 @ D L P X \ d h p t |                            $ ( 0 4 < @ H L T X ` d l p x |                            $ , 0 8 < D H P T \ ` h l t x                A B   @      $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ `? d h  l8 p9 t: x, |    6  ;      7      /  )  .  !       1      2 * 5   $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L- P T X \ `" d# h l$ p t x |  +  %   >                                   $ ( , 0  4 8 <4 @< D H L P T X \= `3 d h0 l p t x' |            ( &../libs/rs6000-aix-cc:/opt/schily/lib:/usr/vac/lib:/usr/lib:/liblibc.ashr.o_system_configurationsched_get_priority_max __fd_select setpriority gettimeofday getrlimitsched_setscheduler setrlimit __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name