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This makes it possible to swap modifier keys. pointer = default reset pointer buttons to default clear MODIFIER remove all keys for this modifierwhere NUMBER is a decimal, octal, or hex constant; KEYSYM is a validLock, Control, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, or Mod5. Lines beginning with remove MODIFIER = KEYSYM ... remove the keysyms from the modifier -grammar print out short help on allowable inputKey Symbol name; and MODIFIER is one of the eight modifier names: Shift,an exclamation mark (!) are taken as comments. Case is significant except -n don't execute changes, just show like makeare made; keysyms on the right are looked up after all of those on the left    L `  8          keysym KEYSYM = [KEYSYM ...] look up keysym and do a keycode operationKeysyms on the left hand side of the = sign are looked up before any changes@(#)72 1.3 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xmodmap/xmodmap.c, xclients, gos720 6/11/97 13:50:22KeySymbol name; and MODIFIER is one of the eight modifier names: Shift, Lock, Control, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, or Mod5. Lines beginning with an exclamation mark (!) are taken as comments. Case is significant except for MODIFIER names. Keysyms on the left hand side of the = sign are looked up before any changes are made; keysyms on the right are looked up after all of those on the left have been resolved. This makes it possible to swap modifier keys. %s Accepts the following input expressions: pointer = default reset pointer buttons to default pointer = NUMBER ... set pointer button codes keycode NUMBER = KEYSYM ... assign keysyms to the given keycode keysym KEYSYM = KEYSYM ... look up keysym and do a keycode line clear MODIFIER remove all keys for this modifier add MODIFIER = KEYSYM ... add the keysyms to the modifier remove MODIFIER = KEYSYM ... remove the keysyms from the modifier where NUMBER is a decimal, octal, or hex constant; KEYSYM is a valid Usage: %s [-options ...] [filename] where options include: -display host:dpy X server to use -verbose, -quiet turn logging on or off -n don't execute changes, just show like make -e expression execute string -pm print modifier map -pk print keymap table -pke print keymap table in form of expressions -pp print pointer map -grammar print out short help on allowable input - reads from standard input.  ?? %d%o%x! ! add%ld%lo%lxany %s %s %dlockmod1mod2mod3mod4mod5ctrlclear 0x%xshift 0x%xkeysymremove 0x%lxkeycodepointercontroldefaultNoSymbol defaultBADKEYSYMBADKEYSYMclear %s pointer = remove %s = keycode valuekeycode any =input line '%s'keycode 0x%lx =keysym name listkeysym input line1356-228 Add %s =keycode input linetarget keysym namebuttons input lineadd modifier name %sadd modifier = keysym! Dump of work queue. add modifier input lineremove modifier name %s! Executing work queue remove modifier = keysymclear modifier name '%s'clear modifier input lineremove modifier input linekeycode value (out of range)keysym target key symbol '%s'1356-229 Unknown opcode: %d. value %s given for buttons listkeysym name '%s' in keysym list1356-222 %s: Bad header %s:%d. add modifier keysym list (empty)skip of word in buttons line: %s1356-231 %s: Unknown event %ld. 1356-232 %s: Unknown opcode %d. add modifier name '%s', not allowedremove modifier keysym list (empty)extra argument '%s' to clear modifierkeycode command (missing keysym list),remove modifier name '%s', not allowedattempt to grow keysym list to %ld bytes%s: no available keycode for assignment attempt to allocate %ld byte keycode listattempt to allocate %ld byte keycode list! Keysym %s (0x%lx) corresponds to keycodes:! Keysym %s (0x%lx) corresponds to keycodes:1356-223 %s: Unknown command on line %s:%d. attempt to allocate a %ld byte keycode opcodebuttons pointer code list, missing equal signattempt to allocate a %ld byte pointer opcodeattempt to allocate %ld byte addmodifier opcodeattempt to allocate %ld byte initial keysymlistattempt to allocate %d byte clearmodifier opcodeattempt to allocate %ld byte removemodifier opcodekeysym target keysym '%s', no corresponding keycodes1356-226 Number of buttons should be %d instead of %d. keysym in remove modifier list '%s', no corresponding keycodes  !  ! 4 !  !  !  "@(#)70 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xmodmap/handle.c, xclients, gos720 8/2/96 14:26:34  `  h p x    rstdin! %s: ! %d: %s commandlinecommandline%s: unable to open file '%s' for reading , %s %-10sBadKeyUNNAMED 0x%04xNoSymbolButton: %d %3d 0x%04x (%s) keycode %3d =%s %s (0x%0x)0x%04x (no name) Button Code Physical Button %3u %3u Value Value (Name) ...  @ KeyCode Keysym (Keysym) ... %s (keysym 0x%x, keycode %d) 1356-219 %s: Bad pointer mapping. There are %d pointer buttons defined. 1356-221 %s: Unable to set pointer mapping. 1356-208 %s: Failure in set modifier mapping. 1356-212 %s: Unable to get keyboard mapping table. 1356-209 %s: Bad return %d from XSetModifierMapping 1356-220 %s: Bad return %d from XSetPointerMapping. %s: Please release the following keys within %d seconds: %s: Please release the following buttons within %d seconds: 1356-210 %s: Unable to set modifier mapping, keyboard problem. There are %d KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from %d to %d. 1356-211 %s: Up to %d keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses): @(#)59 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xmodmap/exec.c, xclients, gos720 7/14/11 20:22:26 "  " ; " 8 " 0` " ' " $ "  " X  #< #@  #D #H         ! 2@  `@errno@_iob@*@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ fprintf@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ sprintf@ __flsbuf@ printf@ tolower@ strncmp@ fgets@ sscanf@ sleep@ 7@ __crt0v@D@a@ m@ @ XSync@ XFree@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 5@ O@ \@ k@ {@ @ @ @ @ @ @ __start !! X \ d 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D                     h p t |          $ 0 < H T ` l x  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " "4 "8 "< "@ "D "H "L "P "T "X "\ "`+ "d "h "l "p& "t0 "x3 "| " "  " " " "1 " " " " " " "" " "  "% " " " " "/ " "# "  "' ". " "- ") "( " ", #* # #2 # $ # # #  # #  #$ #(  #,  #0 #4!/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibX11.ashr4.o@VPDxmodmap/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp __lc_ctype __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name setlocaleXCheckTypedEventXCloseDisplay XDisplayNameXGetPointerMappingXGetKeyboardMappingXGetModifierMappingXKeysymToStringXDisplayKeycodesXSetModifierMappingXInsertModifiermapEntryXDeleteModifiermapEntry XNextEvent XOpenDisplayXEventsQueued XQueryKeymapXQueryPointerXSetPointerMappingXChangeKeyboardMappingXStringToKeysymXRefreshKeyboardMappingXKeycodeToKeysym