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Too many file names on command line Multiple root directories specified Unknown error %d from XkbOpenDisplay Cannot allocate keyboard description Cannot allocate keyboard description -a Show all actions Multiple output file formats specified Multiple pre-error messsages specified Multiple post-error messages specified Multiple output file formats specified Multiple output file formats specified Multiple output file formats specified No map specified, but "%s" has several -?,-help Print this message Errors encountered in %s; not compiled. Could not load keyboard geometry for %s relative path names Compiling %s, writing to %s, ignoring %s %s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d %s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d %s was compiled with XKB version %d.%02d Cannot write a listing to an X connection Couldn't write keyboard description to %s -synch Force synchronization Map specified in filename and with -m flag Cannot allocate space for output file name Cannot allocate space for output file name Cannot allocate space for output file name -C Create a C header file Server %s uses incompatible version %d.%02d h: also list hidden maps -m[ap] Specifies map to compile Usage: %s [options] input-file [ output-file ] p: also list partial maps Cannot open "%s" to write keyboard description Cannot open "%s" to write keyboard description default is all options off -o Specifies output file name X library supports incompatible version %d.%02d X library supports incompatible version %d.%02d Error converting keyboard display from %s to %s Cannot generate a listing from a .xkm file (yet) Resulting keymap file will not describe geometry l: long listing (show flags) f: list fully specified names flags are as for the -l option Cannot generate a listing from an X connection (yet) k: keycodes s: symbols -R[] Specifies the root directory for -v [] Set level of detail for listing. -xkb Create an XKB source (.xkb) file c: compat map g: geometry -dflts Compute defaults for missing parts R: recursively list subdirectories can be any combination of: -w [] Set warning level (0=none, 10=all) -xkm Create a compiled key map (.xkm) file Errors in optional parts are not fatal -opt[ional] Specifies optional components of keymap from the front of the map name on output -l [flags] List matching maps in the specified files -I[] Specifies a top level directory for include directives. Multiple directories are legal. -emp Print at the start of each message line -p Specifies the number of slashes to be stripped -em1 Print before printing first error message -eml If there were any errors, print before exiting @(#)72 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/xkbcomp.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 15:17:20  8 ` x   x x x x x x x x x x x x x x    @(#)89 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/xkbatom.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:42:53 '( (T (l ( ( )0 ( ( ) (< (( ' ' 'H '| '` '0 '< ( ( 'l ' ' ( 'T ' 'successbad valuebad matchempty filebad lengthcannot openbad file typefile not foundnot implementedillegal TOC typeillegal contentsbad file versionX request failederror in Xkm fileallocation failedsymbols not definedillegal doodad typegeometry not definedkey names not definedkey types not definedillegal name for typeindicators not definedillegal width for typecompatibility map not definedrequired key types not presentsymbol interpretations not definedvirtual modifier bindings not defined@(#)93 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/xkberrs.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:43:05@(#)88 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/srvmisc.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:42:51, ,{ %s%s; //, , ], ]%s, }, }, ; Any %s}; }; }; = %s }; %s; }; }; %15s%15s}; }; }; %s}; ] }; , %s %s}; }; }; }; }; approx= }; primary= , %6s=%6s/* = %s */alternate [ corner= %s, }; virtual %s,[ %3s, %3s ]%s%s "%s" { %soverlay { , color="%s"xkb_types { key %6s {%s %6s=%6sxkb_layout { xkb_keymap { row { %s= "%s"; xkb_keycodes { xkb_symbols { , %s %6s=%6sXkbWriteXkbFile %s%6s = %d; type "%s" { action= { %6s, "%s", %3s }; xkb_geometry { shape "%s" {xkb_semantics { %soverlay "%s" { minimum = %d; maximum = %d; xkb_types "%s" { XkbWriteXKBSymbolsXkbWriteXKBSymbols%s angle= %s; %s angle= %s; %s width= %s; %s angle= %s; , XkbWriteXKBKeycodesXkbWriteXKBKeyTypesXkbWriteXKBKeyTypes group %d = %s; %s color= "%s"; %s shape= "%s"; %s height= %s; %s color= "%s"; %s XFont= "%s"; %s text= "%s"; %s shape= "%s"; %s color= "%s"; %s shape= "%s"; section "%s" { keys { XkbWriteXKBGeometryxkb_keycodes "%s" { XkbWriteXKBCompatMapxkb_symbols "%s" { %s type= "%s", repeat= No,%s top= %s; %s left= %s; %s priority= %d; angle= %s; alias %6s = %6s; indicator "%s" { xkb_compatibility { repeat= Yes, groupsClamp,%s onColor= "%s"; xkb_geometry "%s" { width= %s; alias %6s = %6s; virtual_modifiers preserve[%s]= controls= %s; repeat= True; %s offColor= "%s"; %s logoName= "%s"; top= %s; left= %s; vertical; height= %s; %sindicator %d = "%s"; modifiers= %s; modifiers= %s; locking= True; priority= %d; top= %s; left= %s; width= %s; height= %s; baseColor= "%s"; labelColor= "%s"; xfont= "%s"; // color[%d]= "%s" !allowExplicit; groups= 0x%02x; name[group%d]="%s"; virtualMods= %s, // virtualMods= %s, key.color= "%s"; map[%s]= Level%d; xkb_compatibility "%s" { interpret %s+%s(%s) { whichModState= %s; whichGroupState= %s; interpret.repeat= False; virtualModifier= %s; %s type[group%d]= "%s", // type[group%d]= "%s", symbols[Group%d]= [ interpret.locking= False; useModMapMods=level1; , actions[Group%d]= [ modifier_map %s { <%s> }; }; // End of "%s" section indicatorDrivesKeyboard; groupsRedirect= Group%d, level_name[Level%d]= "%s"; interpret.useModMapMods= AnyLevel; @(#)95 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/xkbout.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:43:14 ,x,\\\\\\\\\\\\\0|+0000+++++++++++++++++)%d%s%s%o%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%dallall+%d+%d+%dallallall%s(rednoneLockMod1Mod2Mod3Mod4Mod5none0xffnoneMask0x%xbasenoneMasknonetextlogononex=%dnonemodsnonenoneTruebluecyanShiftTypes0x%lxXK_%sAnyOfAllOf%d.%dsolidx=+%d,y=%d,sameblackwhitered%dgreen%sMask0x%02xLayoutKeymapNoneOflockedcompatPtrBtngroup=,y=+%dgroup=,!samekey=%skey=%d,mods=grey%dgray%dGrey%dGray%dblue%dcyan%dyellowillegalvmod_%sControlSymbolsExactlylatchedXkbAXN_ILLEGALXkbNKN_outlineSetModsMovePtrISOLockPrivate,!accelbutton=defaultreport=,mods= green%dmagentaGeometryKeyNamesNoSymbolXkbSI_%skeycodesgeometrydeviceIDslowKeysoverlay1overlay2NoActionLockModsSetGroupXkbSA_%s,affect=%sgroupsKeyPress,button=lock= %syellow%dSemanticsCompatMapeffective%sSKPressmouseKeysXkb%sMaskindicatorunknown%dLatchModsLockGroupTerminateDeviceBtn,count=%d%spointerscreen=%dcontrols=,count=%dPermanentmagenta%d%sMapIndexIndicators%sSKAccept%sSKReject%sBKAccept%sBKRejectrepeatKeysbounceKeysstickyKeysLatchGroupLockPtrBtnSetPtrDfltmodifiers=modMapModsmodifiers=modMapMods%scontrolsscreen=+%d%sSlowKeys%sOverlay1%sOverlay2KeyReleasedevice= %dallowNone,VirtualModsunknown(%d)AnyOfOrNoneXkbIM_Use%s%sSKReleaseaccessXKeysaudibleBellSetControlsRedirectKey,clearLocks,clearLocks%sMouseKeystype=0x%02x ;L ;X ;dILLEGAL_%02x%sAXKWarningSwitchScreenLockControls,latchToLock,latchToLock,affect=lock,affect=both%sRepeatKeys%sBounceKeys%sStickyKeys,clearMods= ,affect=lock,affect=bothXkbNoModifierXkbTextDoodadXkbLogoDoodadActionMessageLockDeviceBtn%sAccessXKeys%sAudibleBell{ 0, 0 }overlay%d= %smouseKeysAccelaccessXTimeoutXkbSolidDoodad,affect=unlock,affect=unlockradioGroup= %daccessXFeedbackignoreGroupLockUnknownDoodad%d,affect=neither,data[0]=0x%02x,data[1]=0x%02x,data[2]=0x%02x,data[3]=0x%02x,data[4]=0x%02x,data[5]=0x%02x,affect=neither,data[0]=0x%02x,data[1]=0x%02x,data[2]=0x%02x,data[3]=0x%02x,data[4]=0x%02x,data[5]=0x%02x,data[6]=0x%02x{ %3d, 0x%02x }XkbOutlineDoodad%sMouseKeysAccel%sAccessXTimeout%sAccessXFeedback%sIgnoreGroupLockXkbIndicatorDoodad 9 >( 9l 9t : 8 : 9 <$ 9affect=button,button=permanentOverlay%d= %spermanentRadioGroup= %dXkbSI_LevelOneOnly|XkbSI_%sXkbAllNewKeyboardEventsMask 9L 8| : 8 8 8 8 8 =8 ;p =D =P << @, >L @< @ >X ;| ; @{ %20s, { 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x } } ; : >d > ? >p < ? 0 0 0 0 0, 0, 0, 08 0D 0D 0P 0\ 0 0h 0t 0t 0 0 0 0@(#)96 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/xkbtext.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:43:164Ld|dD$$$$$$$$$$$$$$D%}; typesdefaultsymbolskeycodesgeometrycompatibility include "%s" xkb_keymap "%s" { xkb_layout "%s" { xkb_semantics "%s" {  xkb_%-20s { include "%s" }; Default types not implemented yet! Default symbols not implemented yet! Default interps not implemented yet! @(#)94 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/xkbmisc.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:43:12 , { } , , , , , %s, , %s, , , , { } , , , , , { { } , , , }{ } , , , }} , { }; %2d}; %3d, };} "%s" }; }; %d, }; %s, }; }; %15s }; }; }; }; }; }; 0 }; }, }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL}; %d, %s { %15s, %15s } NULL,, , , , , , 0x%02x, 00x%04x { #else NULL, g_props#endif map_%s,0x%04x, }, , g_colorsg_shapesg_doodadsg_aliases, } }; g_sections %s }#ifndef %s dfltSI, vmodmap static void { %4d, %4d }static void static void static void %s, %s, %s static Bool { %s, %s, %d, static Bool %s, %s, %s, XkbWriteCFileXkbWriteCFile { %6s }, { %6s } { %15s, static void preserve_%s, { 0, 0 } NULL, NULL, #define %s 1 WriteCHdrInterp %s, %s }, %s }WriteCHdrSymbols%s { %3d, "%s" }#endif /* %s */ WriteCHdrKeycodesWriteCHdrKeyTypesWriteCHdrKeyTypes None, NULL } 0x%lx, { %s { "%s", "%s" }&ol_sh%02d[%2d], &ol_sh%02d[%2d], rows_s%02d, %s { "%s", "%s" }WriteCHdrGeometry{ %2d, 0x%x, %3d }WriteCHdrClientMapWriteCHdrServerMap_InitS%02dDoodads( DPYTYPE dpy, _InitS%02dOverlay( DPYTYPE dpy, lnames_%s[%d]= olrows_s%02d, XkbOverlayPtr ol; /* DO NOT EDIT */ GET_ATOM(dpy,"%s"); GET_ATOM(dpy,"%s"); %4d, /* top */ doodads_s%02d, overlays_s%02d None, /* name */ #define NUM_KEYS %d %s#define vmod_%s %d %s { {"%s"}, {"%s"} } %4d, /* left */ None, lnames_%s }%s{ %12s, %12s, %12s } %4d, /* width */ %4d, /* angle */ NULL, /* rows */ #ifndef XKB_IN_SERVER #define NUM_SYMBOLS %d #define NUM_ACTIONS %d None, /* name */ NULL /* bounds */ %4d, /* height */ "%s",/* label font */ #define DPYTYPE char * %4d, /* sz_rows */ %4d, /* sz_rows */ /* types name is "%s" */ %4d, /* num_rows */ { %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d } } { None, /* name */ %4d, /* priority */ %4d, /* num_rows */ NULL, /* doodads */ NULL /* overlays */ NULL, /* label font */ /* compat name is "%s" */ XkbGeometryPtr geom, XkbGeometryPtr geom, NULL, /* base color */ #define DPYTYPE Display * initTypeNames(DPYTYPE dpy) static Atom lnames_%s[%d]; num_dfltSI, num_dfltSI ol= section->overlays; %4d, /* sz_doodads */ { XkbSectionPtr sections; NULL, /* label color */ /* keycodes name is "%s" */ doodads= geom->doodads; XkbSectionPtr section) XkbSectionPtr section) %4d, /* num_doodads */ %4d, /* sz_overlays */ { { %15s, %15s, %15s }, { %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d } } doodads[%d].any.top= %d; %4d, /* num_overlays */ _InitSections(dpy,geom); %s#define vmod_%sMask (1<<%d) doodads[%d].any.type= %s; doodads[%d].any.left= %d; %s { { "%s" }, %4d, %4d, %4d } sections= geom->sections; %d, %d, /* width, height */ doodads= section->doodads; doodads[%d].any.angle= %d; NULL, /* section_under */ static XkbGeometryRec geom= { %s { None, %3d, %3d, ol_sh%02d, register XkbDoodadPtr doodads; register XkbDoodadPtr doodads; doodads[%d].text.width= %d; _InitGeomDoodads(dpy,geom); xkb->names->indicators[%2d]= doodads[%d].text.height= %d; doodads[%d].text.text= "%s"; doodads[%d].text.font= "%s"; static XkbRowRec rows_s%02d[]= { %s { %d, %d, %d, pts_sh%02do%02d } doodads[%d].any.priority= %d; &g_colors[%d], /* base color */ static XkbDoodadRec g_doodads[%d]; &g_colors[%d], /* label color */ static XkbClientMapRec clientMap= { static XkbServerMapRec serverMap= { static XkbColorRec g_colors[%d]= { doodads[%d].text.color_ndx= %d; doodads[%d].logo.color_ndx= %d; doodads[%d].logo.shape_ndx= %d; ol[%2d].section_under= section; geom->name= GET_ATOM(dpy,"%s"); static XkbModsRec preserve_%s[%d]= { { %d, %6d, { %15s, %15s, %15s } }static XkbKeyTypeRec dflt_types[]= { static XkbCompatMapRec compatMap= { static XkbIndicatorRec indicators= { static XkbShapeRec g_shapes[%d]= { doodads[%d].shape.color_ndx= %d; doodads[%d].shape.shape_ndx= %d; static XkbKTMapEntryRec map_%s[%d]= { NUM_TYPES, NUM_TYPES, types, %d, %d, (XkbAction *)actionCache, static XkbPropertyRec g_props[%d]= { static XkbOutlineRec ol_sh%02d[]= { doodads[%d].logo.logo_name= "%s"; ol[%2d].name= GET_ATOM(dpy,"%s"); static XkbKeyRec keys_s%02dr%02d[]= { static KeySym symCache[NUM_SYMBOLS]= { static XkbDoodadRec doodads_s%02d[%d]; %s { %4d, %4d, %4d, olkeys_s%02dr%02d }static XkbSymInterpretRec dfltSI[%d]= { static XkbSymMapRec symMap[NUM_KEYS]= { static XkbSectionRec g_sections[%d]= { static XkbKeyAliasRec g_aliases[%d]= { static XkbPointRec pts_sh%02do%02d[]= { doodads[%d].indicator.shape_ndx= %d; #define GET_ATOM(d,s) XInternAtom(d,s,0) { /* group compatibility */ static XkbBehavior behaviors[NUM_KEYS]= { %s { 0x%02x, %s, 0x%02x, %s, { %s, { %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d }, /* bounds */ static XkbKeyNameRec keyNames[NUM_KEYS]= { static unsigned short vmodmap[NUM_KEYS]= { behaviors, keyActions, explicit_parts, static XkbOverlayRec overlays_s%02d[%d]= { doodads[%d].indicator.on_color_ndx= %d; static XkbOverlayRowRec olrows_s%02d[%d]= { dflt_types[%d].name= GET_ATOM(dpy,"%s"); doodads[%d].indicator.off_color_ndx= %d; static unsigned short keyActions[NUM_KEYS]= { doodads[%d].any.name= GET_ATOM(dpy,"%s"); %d, %d, %d, /* sz: props, colors, shapes */ %d, %d, %d, /* num: props, colors, shapes */ _InitHdrGeom(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbGeometryPtr geom) #define GET_ATOM(d,s) MakeAtom(s,strlen(s),1) NUM_SYMBOLS, NUM_SYMBOLS, symCache, symMap initIndicatorNames(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb) %s { %4d, %4d, %2d, %2d, %1d, keys_s%02dr%02d, _InitSections(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbGeometryPtr geom) _InitS%02dDoodads(dpy,geom,§ions[%d]); _InitS%02dOverlays(dpy,geom,§ions[%d]); geom->shapes[%2d].name= GET_ATOM(dpy,"%s"); static XkbAnyAction actionCache[NUM_ACTIONS]= { static unsigned char explicit_parts[NUM_KEYS]= { static XkbOverlayKeyRec olkeys_s%02dr%02d[%d]= { _InitGeomDoodads(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbGeometryPtr geom) %d, %d, %d, /* sz: sections, doodads, aliases */ %d, %d, %d, /* num: sections, doodads, aliases */ /* This file generated automatically by xkbcomp */ #define num_dfltSI (sizeof(dfltSI)/sizeof(XkbSymInterpretRec)) #define num_dflt_types (sizeof(dflt_types)/sizeof(XkbKeyTypeRec)) @(#)86 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/cout.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:42:47WriteXKMFileSizeXKMSymbolsSizeXKMKeycodesSizeXKBKeyTypesSizeXKBKeyTypesXkbWriteXKMFileXkbWriteXKMFileSizeXKMCompatMapSizeXKMVirtualModsWriteXKMGeomDoodad@(#)97 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/xkmout.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:43:18@Th|Dpxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%drealrealnamestringvirtualvirtualminimummaximumIgnored computedIgnored indicatorreal indicatorreal indicatorvirtual indicatorvirtual indicatorvirtual modifiersIgnoring %d, using %d Using %d, ignoring %d Using %d, ignoring %d Using %d, ignoring %d Using %s instead of %s a symbol interpretationUsing <%s>, ignoring <%s> Using <%s>, ignoring <%s> Unknown field encountered Value of "%s" not changed Ignoring definition of %s Using %s %s, ignoring %s %s Physical indicators not set Multiple indicators named %s Default for field %s ignored Identical definitions ignored Identical definitions ignored Multiple names for keycode %d Multiple names for keycode %d Assigment to field %s ignored Abandoning keycodes file "%s" Unknown element %s encountered The %s setting is not an array Assignment to field %s ignored Maximum code value not changed Maximum code value not changed Multiple names for indicator %d Illegal array reference ignored Illegal keycode %d for name <%s> Illegal keycode %d for name <%s> Minimum key code value not changed Minimum key code value not changed Must be in the range %d-%d inclusive Must be in the range %d-%d inclusive No value keycode assigned to name <%s> Couldn't allocate name for indicator %d Multiple identical key name definitions Later occurences of "<%s> = %d" ignored Key name <%s> assigned to multiple keys Key name <%s> assigned to multiple keys Cannot create XkbNamesRec in CompileKeycodes Name specified for illegal indicator index %d Couldn't allocate IndicatorRec in CompileKeycodes Maximum code (%d) must be >= minimum key code (%d) Unexpected statement type %d in HandleKeycodesFile Maximum code (%d) must be >= highest defined key (%d) Keycode files may define key and indicator names only Minimum key code (%d) must be <= maximum key code (%d) Minimum key code (%d) must be <= lowest defined key (%d) Illegal keycode %d (must be in the range %d-%d inclusive) Use 'alternate' keyword to assign the same name to multiple keys @(#)63 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/keycodes.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:33:22|4`|א|׼׼||||Ignored Using %s, ignoring %s Alias "%s = %s" ignored First definition ignored Multiple definitions for alias %s Allocation failure in ApplyAliases Allocation failure in HandleAliasDef Alias of %s for %s declared more than once Attempt to alias %s to non-existent key %s Attempt to create alias with the name of a real key @(#)58 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/alias.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 13:58:03-!rgrg%ionno%s) intallyesoff pXlockmod1mod2mod3mod4mod5nonenonetrue%s%s, %sgroupgroupshiftfalsestringactiondivideliteralunknownbooleankeynamecontroladditiondivisionfunctionAdditionDivisionNegationDivisionNegationAdditionDivisionNegationmultiplyplus signidentifierassignmentradiogroupradiogroupassignmentAssignmentAssignmentAssignmentsubtractionlogical notillegal(%d)illegal(%d)SubtractionSubtractionSubtractionfunction usemultiplicationMultiplicationMultiplicationMultiplicationfield referencearray referencelist of keysymslist of actionsfield referencearray referencearray referenceCannot %s masks bitwise inversionaction declarationBitwise complementBitwise complementarithmetic negationExpression ignored arithmetic operationsIllegal operation ignored Numeric identifier "%s" unknown Numeric default "%s.%s" unknown Unexpected %s in mask expression %s of string values not permitted %s of boolean values not permitted Unknown operator %d in ResolveMask Unknown operator %d in ResolveFloat %s of key name values not permitted Unexpected operator %d in ResolveLhs Unknown operator %d in ResolveString Unknown operator %d in ResolveBoolean Unknown operator %d in ResolveInteger Unknown operator %d in ResolveKeyName Unknown operator %d in ResolveModIndex Identifier "%s" of type int is unknown Identifier "%s" of type int is unknown Default "%s.%s" of type int is unknown Identifier "%s" of type int is unknown Default "%s.%s" of type int is unknown Assignment operator not implemented yet Assignment operator not implemented yet Illegal identifier %s (expected one of: Assignment operator not implemented yet Cannot determine modifier index for "%s" Identifier "%s" of type string not found Default "%s.%s" of type string not found Identifier "%s" of type string not found Illegal modifier index (%d, must be 0..%d) Default "%s.%s" of type boolean is unknown Default "%s.%s" of type key name not found The %s operator cannot be used with a mask Found constant of type %s, expected a number The ! operator cannot be applied to a number Found constant of type %s, expected a string The ! operator cannot be applied to a string The + operator cannot be applied to a string The ! operator cannot be applied to an integer Found constant of type %s, expected a key name The ! operator cannot be applied to a key name The + operator cannot be applied to a key name Found a %s where an enumerated value was expected Modifier index must be a name or number, %s ignored Unary "+" operator not permitted for boolean values Found constant of type %s where an int was expected Found constant of type %s where a mask was expected Found constant of type %s where boolean was expected Found constant of type %s where a modifier mask was expected p qD p p p p p p p@(#)60 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/expr.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:22:52--<-d---./////////////.,.T.|...//D/l@4@|D T lllllllllllllllll<@xl00004l!"d$ $H$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$%%H%%%%&ppppt8h    X '@')@)H)P)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)X)))))))))U%03dU%03dExiting Exiting Exiting Using name Using last definition Using for key %d Include file "%s" ignored Unknown %s field %s in %s Missing subscript for %s %s The %s %s field must be a %s Using first defined map, "%s" About to parse include file %s The %s %s field is not an array Ignoring illegal assignment in %s Ignoring illegal assignment in %s Ignoring illegal assignment in %s Several keys match pattern for %s Key %d does not match any defaults Key "%s" not automatically created Can't find file "%s" for %s include Error interpreting include file "%s" Multiple definitions of %s in %s "%s" Index for the %s %s field must be a %s No %s named "%s" in the include file "%s" Ignoring assignment to illegal field in %s Ignoring assignment to unknown field in %s Couldn't allocate key names in FindNamedKey Include file wrong type (expected %s, got %s) No map in include statement, but "%s" contains several @(#)67 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/misc.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 15:02:42ESC`~TLDE1!AE012@AE023#AE034$AE045%AE056^AE067&AE078*AE089(AE090)AE10-_AE11=+AE12BKSP TABqQAD01wWAD02eEAD03rRAD04tTAD05yYAD06uUAD07iIAD08oOAD09pPAD10[{AD11]}AD12 RTRNCAPSaAAC01sSAC02dDAC03fFAC04gGAC05hHAC06jJAC07kKAC08lLAC09;:AC10'"AC11LFSHzZAB01xXAB02cCAB03vVAB04bBAB05nNAB06mMAB07,AB09/?AB10\|BKSLLCTL SPCERTSHLALT SPCERCTLRALTFK01FK02FK03FK04FK05FK06FK07FK08FK09FK10FK11FK12aPRSCSCLKPAUScINSPHOMEUPGUPDELEWENDVPGDNRUPQLEFTTDOWNSRGHTNMLKKPDVKPMUKPSUKP7KP8KP9KPADKP4KP5KP6KP1KP2KP3KPENKP0KPDL<>LSGTKPCOhFIND%g%ikeyrowtypekeystextlogoaliasgroupshapesolidhiddenactionmodmapincludeaugmentreplacepartialdefaultmod_mapsectionoverlayoutlinevirtualoverridexkb_typesalternateinterpretindicatorxkb_keymapxkb_compatxkb_layoutxkb_symbolskeypad_keysxkb_keycodesxkb_geometrymodifier_mapxkb_semanticsmodifier_keysfunction_keysxkb_compat_mapalternate_groupxkb_compatibilityvirtual_modifiersalphanumeric_keysMalformed number %s xkb_compatibility_map@(#)74 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/xkbscan.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 16:15:56-   `   , L      T  l F $G H `  x      ,      4 <! " D# $ % L& tI J K L <M ;anynone(first)nosymbolIgnored (unknown)voidsymbol(subsequent)Using %s, ignoring %s Using only part of the include Illegal include statement "%s" Multiple default components in %s Allocation failure in IncludeCreate illegal use of 'alternate' merge modeCouldn't allocate ActionDef in parser Couldn't allocate expression in parser Couldn't allocate expression in parser Couldn't allocate expression in parser Couldn't resize list of symbols for append Couldn't allocate interp definition in parser Couldn't allocate symbols definition in parser Couldn't allocate key name definition in parser Couldn't allocate variable definition in parser Couldn't allocate variable definition in parser Couldn't allocate key type definition in parser Couldn't allocate mod mask definition in parser Couldn't allocate key alias definition in parser Couldn't allocate group compat definition in parser Couldn't allocate indicator map definition in parser Couldn't allocate indicator index definition in parser Couldn't allocate expression for keysym list in parser @(#)68 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/parseutils.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 15:04:52<5&~Uki>WVmf]q'^WUI_mj$VH1E#DEUFqmV6Uo:rlVdg*$tvJspT+uxyz]XYZ[B?8C @9FU VgcEDEDEDEEDDa`7E|D{EDlT TTETD3TTED)4EDTu T|{T TCT?(E'Dw,Al)T.(026-/ED=/1023T(}6GF=ID+n b *T5 "]^%4/1023!&]U^V;%!BA:9qmUW @>=V<;h8e7]^,\#S"-.qmUW]V^qmUWVGKH]LJNMOQ^RXYZ[P]FXYZ[UWVF]U'^V]^FUV]U^V] ^FUFV]U^V]^FUFV]U^V]^mFVUVkeyrowtypetextgroupshapeactionsectiondefaultinterpretindicator(unknown)syntax errormodifier_map%s: line %d of %s yacc stack overflowexpected keysym, got %slast scanned symbol is: %s cannot use 'alternate' to include other mapsw,yyyyyzz4z@zLyyzzXzzzzzyzzyzzzzzzz{yz{ {D{|{{|$|\||}}<}t}}}~p~~~0y@dyyyz<`Dhyyyyyyyyyy8y\yy(Pzzzyy\$LtyzzzzPzyzy<dy,Ty|yy| L$yzthtyzgiFGHIJKLM<-- ..6& ?G@"#$%<55(5? =(<31*)67/ ">554(-)(---(-(---5+)*,(/561(-1!120.5..4(? .>=.-.05552244/55555.-45-52.-0.25-.4(.455.gigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigix+gigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigi-o#gigigigigigigigigigigigigigihgi"gigigigi!giS7 gigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigi2a ,gigigigigigigiQgiQgicrgigiginQPmkgigiSgigigigigigigigiQgibgigiWJagiY*gigigigi<gi7gi/,VygigigiR0gigigigigiQgigigiSgiQgigigigigigigiQgi gigigigigigiTUgiRgigigigigiOgigi)gigigigigigi     !"#$%&'()*+,-.svwxzy{|~pqrtu}/ 178<svwxyz{|~25C069>;3BHglT}VWXY{=4GKNS:?@ADEIJLMOPfQkhjR[]nZdimU_`bce\^a) X<o.F4Fs//~GGFCCDE $$$34())**+,,%%-.&&&'''''0/122556778888899::;;<<=>>?@@AAA##"B !!                qVf2   x /:vtKEYPADcontrolsXkmProbeONE_LEVELTWO_LEVELALPHABETICserver mapclient mapXkmReadTOCXkmReadTOCXkmReadFileindicator recphysical namesReadXkmSymbolsReadXkmSymbolsReadXkmKeycodesReadXkmKeycodesReadXkmKeycodesReadXkmKeycodesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeyTypesReadXkmKeycodesReadXkmKeycodesReadXkmKeycodesindicator namesReadXkmKeycodesReadXkmGeometryReadXkmGeometryReadXkmGeometryReadXkmGeometryReadXkmGeometryReadXkmGeometryReadXkmCompatMapReadXkmCompatMapReadXkmIndicatorsReadXkmIndicatorsReadXkmVirtualModsReadXkmVirtualModskeys in symbol mapReadXkmGeomOverlayReadXkmGeomSectionReadXkmGeomSectionXkmReadFileSectionXkmReadFileSectionXkmReadFileSectionName@(#)98 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libxkbfile/src/xkmread.c, libxkbfile, gos720 8/23/06 11:43:20|8l̜4ҬXӈӴ@%s %s %s maptypeKEYPADKEYPADlevel1level2level3level4level5level6level7level8defaultintegerIgnored Ignored key typekey typekey typekey typeIgnored key typekey typepreserveIgnored Exiting Exiting ONE_LEVELTWO_LEVELONE_LEVELTWO_LEVELmap entrymap entrymodifierslevelnameAborting ALPHABETICALPHABETICUsing %s, level namelevel nameUsing %s, level_nameignoring %s ignoring %s modifier maskmodifier maskpreserve entrypreserve entryConverted %s to Map entries lost Map entries lost Level names lost Preserve[%s] lost Definition ignored Using %s instead of Using %d, ignoring %d Index %s converted to Using %s, ignoring %s Using %s, ignoring %s Later definition ignored Earlier definition ignored Value for field %s ignored Key type definition ignored Couldn't allocate client map Abandoning keytypes file "%s" Default for unknown element %s Illegal type definition ignored Illegal array subscript ignored Unknown field %s in key type %s Ignoring definition of key name Couldn't allocate preserve in %s Ignoring preserve[%s] in type %s Ignoring definition of key alias Name "%s" (from %s) NOT assigned Multiple map entries for %s in %s Preserve setting for type %s lost Couldn't allocate map entries for %s Map entry for unused modifiers in %s Default defined for unknown field %s Couldn't reallocate map entries for %s Ignoring malformed level specification Ignoring illegal definition of map[%s] Ignoring illegal level name definition Ignoring illegal level name definition Couldn't allocate space for types name Multiple definitions of the %s key type Multiple definitions of the %s key type Couldn't initialize canonical key types Multiple occurences of map[%s]= %d in %s Key type "%s" has %d levels, must have %d Illegal value for preserve[%s] in type %s Couldn't allocate level names for type %s Couldn't find matching entry for preserve Multiple names for level %d of key type %s Multiple definitions for preserve[%s] in %s Duplicate names for level %d of key type %s Non-string name for level %d in key type %s Key type mask field must be a modifier mask Identical definitions for preserve[%s] in %s Ignoring definition of symbol interpretation Preserve for modifiers not used by the %s type Level name %d out of range (1..%d) in key type %s The modifiers field of a key type is not an array Key type files may not include other declarations Key type files may not include other declarations Key type files may not include other declarations Level specifications in a key type must be integer Shift level %d out of range (1..%d) in key type %s Multiple modifier mask definitions for key type %s Unexpected statement type %d in HandleKeyTypesFile Preserve value in a key type is not a modifier mask Couldn't allocate preserve array in CopyDefToKeyType        @(#)65 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/keytypes.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:59:31h 8lNumLockExiting Using %s, ignoring %s Declaration of %s ignored Declaration of %s ignored Virtual modifier %s multiply defined Too many virtual modifiers defined (maximum %d) Illegal virtual modifier %d (must be 0..%d inclusive) @(#)71 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/vmod.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 15:15:17oldnewanyanyalllastnonefirstanyofallofnoneoflevel1actionrepeatgroup1group2group3group4group5group6group7group8defaultexactlybooleanlockingbooleanIgnored leveloneanylevelExiting %s+%s(%s)usemodmapinterpretindicatorvirtualmodanyofornoneusemodmapmodsvirtualmodifiervirtual modifierlevel specificationUsing %s definition symbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationsymbol interpretationSymbol interpretations lost Multiple definitions for "%s" Symbol interpretation ignored Earlier interpretation ignored Illegal modifier predicate "%s" Ignoring definition of key name Multiple interpretations of "%s" Name "%s" (from %s) NOT assigned Compat map for group %d redefined Abandoning compatibility map "%s" Couldn't allocate compatibility map Couldn't determine matching modifiers Ш  д No room to merge symbol interpretations Couldn't allocate space for compat name Using %s definition for duplicate fields Keyboard group must be in the range 1..%d Compatibility map for illegal group %d ignored Ignoring illegal compatibility map for group %d Interpretation files may not include other types Unexpected statement type %d in HandleCompatMapFile Expected a modifier mask in group compatibility definition @(#)59 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/compat.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:01:38'(X(''('() '')8)danyanylastbasenonebasenonemodsfirstctrlsindexlockedcompatlockedgroupsdefaultlatchedlatchedbooleanbooleancontrolseffectiveeffectivemodifiersdriveskbdgroup maskleddriveskbdindicator mapindicator mapmodifier maskindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapcontrols maskallowexplicitindicator mapindicator mapwhichmodstateindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapindicator mapdriveskeyboardwhichgroupstateindicator indexleddriveskeyboardwhichmodifierstateindicatordriveskbdDefinition ignored Using %s, ignoring %s indicatordriveskeyboardCouldn't allocate names Earlier definition ignored Assignment to %s.%s ignored No unnamed indicators found mask of group state componentsCan't allocate indicator maps Map for indicator %s redefined Map for indicator %s redefined Couldn't allocate indicator map mask of modifier state componentsIndicator names may be incorrect Map for indicator %s not compiled Virtual indicator map "%s" not bound Multiple names bound to indicator %d Indicator map definitions may be lost Using %s definition for duplicate fields Illegal indicator index %d (range 1..%d) Unknown field %s in map for %s indicator Index definition for %s indicator ignored Cannot set defaults for "%s" element in indicator map @(#)62 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/indicators.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:29:41 4 < D L T \ d@ l ( h 4  @ L  @ L    \  xyxykcdevkeyptrallallallKeymodstypesamedatatypedatabothlockmodsnonenonenonetruegroupaccelvaluectrlscountgroupaccelvaluecountgroupctrlspressfalseptrbtndevbtndevvalreportaffectrepeatbuttonscreendevicereportaffectbuttonscreendevicegroup1group2group3group4group5group6group7group8unlockbuttongroupsrepeatstringstringactionsetmodsmoveptrisolockmessageprivatedefaultkeycodedefaultkeycodeunknownbooleanintegerbooleanbutton1button2button3button4button5defaultneitherintegerdfltbtnpointerbooleanreleasebooleanintegerintegerintegerintegernoactionlockmodssetgroupredirectcontrolscontrolscontrolsslowkeysoverlay1overlay2keypresskey namelatchmodslockgroupterminatedevicebtndevbuttondevicevalincrementmodifiersclearmodsincrementmodifiersclearmodsmodifiersmousekeyslatchgrouplockptrbtnsetptrdfltlockdevbtnclearlocksacceleratesameserverclearLockssameServermodmapmodsrepeatkeysautorepeatbouncekeysstickykeyskeyreleasemovepointersetcontrolsredirectkeydevvaluatorlatchtolockgenkeyeventlatchToLockgenKeyEventaccessxkeysaudiblebellswitchscreenlockcontrolsdevicebuttonpointerbuttonlockptrbuttonactionmessagemessageactionlockdevicebtnlockdevbuttonusemodmapmodsmodifier maskdefaultbuttoncontrols masklockpointerbtndevicevaluatorclearmodifierslock or unlockmousekeysaccelaccessxtimeoutkey event masklock or unlockterminateserveraccessxfeedbackignoregrouplocklockdevicebuttongeneratekeyeventinteger (0..255)lockpointerbuttonsetpointerdefaultpointer componentkeyboard componentUnknown action %s integer (range 1..8)integer (range 1..5)integer (range 1..5)%s named %s not found integer (range 1..255)integer (range 1..255)Unknown field name %s Extra %d bytes ignored Extra %d bytes ignored Illegal type %d ignored Illegal count %d ignored Illegal datum %d ignored Illegal count %d ignored Illegal datum %d ignored Action definition ignored Action definition ignored Illegal subscript ignored Illegal subscript ignored Action %s definition ignored Action %s definition ignored "%s" is not a legal field name 0  XIllegal button value %d ignored Illegal screen value %d ignored Array subscript must be integer Attempt to use data[%d] ignored Illegal button value %d ignored Illegal device value %d ignored Array subscript must be integer Attempt to use data[%d] ignored Ignoring attempt to change %s.%s A private action has 7 data bytes Missing name in action definition!! Value of %s field must be of type %s Ignoring the %s field of an %s action Illegal default button setting ignored   PIllegal default button value %d ignored An action message can hold only 6 bytes Expected an action definition, found %s Screen index must be in the range 1..255 Message data must be in the range 0..255 An action message is at most 6 bytes long Couldn't allocate space for action default All data for a private action must be 0..255 The %s field in the %s action is not an array Illegal group %d (must be in the range 1..%d) The data for a private action is 7 bytes long Cannot set default pointer button to "default" Cannot change defaults in an action definition "%s" is not a valid field in a NoAction action Private action type must be in the range 0..255 Field %s is not defined for an action of type %s New default button value must be in the range 1..5 Button must specify default or be in the range 1..5 The count field must have a value in the range 0..255 Button must specify default or be in the range 1..255 The count field must have a value in the range 0..255 Device must specify default or be in the range 1..255       ސ  H X  (    ( 0 8 @ H@(#)57 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/action.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 13:51:18 @ @ ހ ` ݼ 8 ވ   1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2$ 2$ 20 2< 1 2H 2T 2T 2` 2l 2x 2x 2 2Dd<\4| T,{${{{{{{{{|||(|8|H|X|h|x||||||0Pp0Pp0Pp ֠   4  ֐ ֨ ְ   @ ֔ ָrrrtoptoptopgapkeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeykeyrowkeygaprowkeyrowkeykeytextlogotextfontnameleftleftleftnametextlogofontnamesolidangleshapeanglewidthslantxfontshapeshapeangleshapecolorwidthangleshapecolorshapesolidwidthslantxfontcolorshapeblackblackgreenblackblackwhiteblackwhitewhiteblackradiuscornernumbercornernumbernumberstringnumberheightweightstringnumberstringcornernumbernumberstringstringdoodaddoodaddoodaddoodadnumberdoodaddoodadnumberdoodaddoodadstringheightnumbernumbernumbernumberstringstringnumberheightnumberweightnumberstringstringstringapproxfilledmediummediumnormalnormalmediumnormaldefaultdefaultunknowndefaultdefaultunknowndefaultdefaultoutlinevariantoncoloroncolorintegerdefaultdefaultintegerdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultbooleandefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultkeynamedefaultdefaultdefaultsectionoutlinewidthmmprimarydefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultsectiondefaultoutlinesectiondefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultdefaultsetwidthencodingfontsizeunsignedoffcoloroffcolorlogonameprioritypriorityverticalkeycolorkey namepropertykeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometryheightmmkeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrysetwidthencodingfontsizekeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrykeyboardgeometrykey namegeometryindicatorkey shapekey shapekey shapefontslantfontwidthxfontnameindicatorfontslantfontwidthxfontnamebasecolorhelveticahelveticaiso8859-1iso8859-1helveticaiso8859-1fontweightfontweightlabelcolortext doodadfontvariantlogo doodadUsing "%s" Using "%s" Using "%s" Using "%s" Using "%s" Using "%s" logo doodadcornerradiussolid doodadcornerradiusfontencodingcornerradiuskeyboard rowkeyboard rowkeyboard rowkeyboard rowkeyboard rowkeyboard rowkeyboard rowfontencodingsolid doodadUsing black Using black Using green Using black Using black default shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapeapproximationdefault shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapedefault shapeoutline doodadoutline doodadvirtual modfier%s in section %sindicator doodadindicator doodadindicator doodadkeyboard sectionkeyboard sectionkeyboard sectionkeyboard sectionkeyboard sectionOverlay ignored Section ignored indicator doodadDefinition ignored Definition ignored Definition ignored Definition ignored Definition ignored Section %s ignored Using %s point text ignoring first (%s) ignoring first (%s) Section not compiled symbol interpretationUsing last definition Using last definition Using last definition Shape %s not compiled No legal shape for %s No legal shape for %s Cannot copy doodad %s Geometry not compiled Using first definition Using first definition Using first definition group compatibility mapShape %s is incomplete Illegal doodad ignored No color for doodad %s No color for doodad %s Ignoring %s definition. Section %s not compiled Section %s is incomplete Section %s is incomplete Ignoring "%s", using "%s" Duplicate shape name "%s" Using "%s", ignoring "%s" Multiple shapes named "%s" No value assigned to %s.%s Using last definition (%s),Using last definition (%s),Shape "%s" has no outlines No value assigned to %s.%s No value assigned to %s.%s No value assigned to %s.%s Expected %d rows, found %d Full specification ignored Overlay definition ignored Overlay definition ignored Multiple doodads named "%s" Multiple doodads named "%s" Treated as a normal outline Assignment to %s.%s ignored No width for text doodad %s Unknown shape "%s" for %s %s Expected %d outlines, got %d No height for text doodad %s No legal shape for doodad %s Couldn't allocate key in row Row in section %s has no keys Abandoning geometry file "%s" Incomplete definition ignored Incomplete definition ignored Incomplete definition ignored Incomplete definition ignored Incomplete definition ignored Incomplete definition ignored Incomplete definition ignored Couldn't allocate GeometryRec Using default shape %s instead Definition of %s in %s ignored Can't allocate points for "%s" Section defined without a name No font encoding for doodad %s Couldn't allocate doodad in %s Keyboard width must be positive Keyboard width multiply defined No font specified for doodad %s No font size for text doodad %s Keyboard height must be positive Keyboard height multiply defined Multiple approximations for "%s" Unknown outline type %s for "%s" Couldn't allocate OverlayKeyInfo No color specified for doodad %s No font slant for text doodad %s -*-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-*-%d-*-*-*-*-%s-*-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-*-%d-*-*-*-*-%sCouldn't allocate row in section Priority for doodad %s not changedNo position defined for doodad %s No shape defined for %s doodad %s Illegal doodad definition ignored No font weight for text doodad %s Priority for section %s not changedIgnoring illegal keyboard width %s Multiple primary outlines for "%s" Couldn't allocate outline in shape No font variant for text doodad %s Couldn't allocate a new OverlayInfo Property values must be type string Ignoring illegal keyboard height %s Couldn't allocate outlines for "%s" Couldn't allocate shape in geometry No shape defined for logo doodad %s No default shape; definition ignored Don't know how to merge sections yet Ignoring illegal property definition No text specified for text doodad %s No font set width for text doodad %s Illegal font size %d (must be 4..255) Illegal name %s for key in section %s Using calculated width %s millimeters No "on" color for indicator doodad %s Uknown doodad type %d in VerifyDoodad Couldn't allocate section in geometry Multiple definitions for "%s" property Assignment to field of unknown element Using calculated height %s millimeters No "off" color for indicator doodad %s Ignoring font size in keyboard geometry Ignoring key %d in row %d of section %s No logo name defined for logo doodad %s Key %s in section "%s" and overlay "%s" Unknown doodad type %d in SetDoodadField The %s geometry property is not an array Overlay "%s" in section "%s" has no keys Illegal element used in a key definition No shape defined for indicator doodad %s Couldn't add overlay "%s" to section "%s" Multiple definitions for the "%s" property Unexpected statement (type %d) in row body Key %d of row %d in section %s has no name Multiple doodads named "%s" in section "%s" Definition of section %s might be incorrect Ignoring illegal definition of "%s" property Overlay %s for section %s will be incomplete Multiple overlays named "%s" for section "%s" Treating all but the first as normal outlines Treating all but the first as normal outlines Cannot determine field for unnamed expression Assignment to field of unknown element in row Unexpected statement (type %d) in section body Overlay "%s" in section "%s" will be incomplete Doodad priority %d out of range (must be 0..%d) Overlay "%s" for section "%s" has no legal keys Section priority %d out of range (must be 0..%d) Interpretation files may not include other types Can't add row %d to overlay "%s" of section "%s" Assignment to field of unknown element in section Unexpected statement type %d in HandleGeometryFile Key %s not in "%s", but has an overlay key in "%s" Assignment to field of unknown element in doodad %s Text doodad %s has full and partial font definition @(#)61 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/geometry.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:28:03HxDttIgnored Unknown file type %d Found an isolated %s section Cannot define %s in a %s file Description of %s not compiled Missing %s section in a %s file All sections after the first ignored More than one %s section in a %s file Illegal %s configuration in a %s file Cannot compile %s alone into an XKM file @(#)64 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/keymap.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:58:37HT`````````````xxxTonnoonno%dyesoffyesoffkey*lasttruetruenonetypelocknamefirstfalsefalsevmodslocksKEYPADgroup1group2group3group4group5group6group7group8repeatKEYPADsymbolsactionsdefaultsymbolsactionslockingoverlayrepeatssymbolsactionsIgnored Ignored ONE_LEVELTWO_LEVELpermanentallownonepermanentrepeatinggroupnameallownoneONE_LEVELTWO_LEVELradiogroupgroupswrapwrapgroupsgroupswrapwrapgroupsALPHABETICFOUR_LEVELvirtualmodsgroupsclampclampgroupsgroupsclampclampgroupsSymbols lost Actions lost groupsredirectredirectgroupsgroupsredirectredirectgroups TvirtualmodifierspermanentoverlaySymbols ignored FOUR_LEVEL_KEYPADSymbols not added Symbols not added Symbols not added Symbols not added permanentradiogrouppermanentradiogroupDefinition ignored FOUR_LEVEL_ALPHABETICUsing %s, ignoring %s Using %s, ignoring %s Using %s, ignoring %s Using %s, ignoring %s. Using %s, ignoring %s. Ignoring extra symbols Ignoring %s for group %d FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETICType "%s" is not defined Non-boolean value ignored Non-boolean value ignored Non-boolean value ignored Ignoring illegal group %d Name for group %d ignored Non-boolean value ignored Non-boolean value ignored Ignoring illegal group %d Ignoring type for group %d Group name must be a string Abandoning symbols file "%s" Group %d of key %s not merged Group %d of key %s not merged Illegal repeat setting for %s Illegal radio group %d ignored Symbol map for key %s redefined Non-integer radio group ignored Illegal modifier map definition Ignoring definition of key name Key %s not found in %s keycodes Key %s not found in %s keycodes Key %s not found in %s keycodes Illegal action definition for %s Ignoring illegal type definition No automatic type for %d symbols Illegal "allow none" value for %s Illegal groupsWrap setting for %s Illegal name for group %d ignored Non-boolean repeat setting ignored Illegal groupsClamp setting for %s Ignoring map for non-modifier "%s" Not treating %s as an overlay key Ignoring symbols for group %d of %s Could not resize group %d of key %s Ignoring actions for group %d of %s Could not resize group %d of key %s Illegal overlay %d specified for %s Key "%s" not found in %s symbol map Ignoring %s defined for extra groups Illegal group index for %s of key %s Expected a list of symbols, found %s Action for group %d/level %d ignored Using %s for the %s key (keycode %d) Could not allocate modifier map entry Illegal overlay "%s" specified for %s Overlay key must be specified by name Illegal setting for global groupsWrap Modifier map entry for %s not updated Modifier map entry for %s not updated Modifier map for %s will be incomplete Illegal index in group name definition Illegal group index for type of key %s Illegal index in group name definition Illegal setting for global groupsClamp Some key symbols definitions may be lost Illegal radio group specification for %s Illegal overlay key specification for %s Can not allocate names in CompileSymbols No symbols defined for <%s> (keycode %d) Too many groups of %s for key %s (max %d) Definition with non-integer group ignored Definition with non-integer group ignored Could not enlarge actions for %s (key %d) Could not allocate symbols for group merge Could not allocate actions for group merge Using %s definition for conflicting fields Key %s added to map for multiple modifiers Value of "allow none" for group %d ignored Expected a virtual modifier mask, found %s Illegal group index for redirect of key %s For the map %s an explicit group specified but key %s has more than one group defined Illegal definition for %s modifier ignored Could not allocate key symbols descriptions Unknown field %s in a symbol interpretation All groups except first one will be ignored Using TWO_LEVEL for the %s key (keycode %d) Symbols for key %s, group %d already defined Actions for key %s, group %d already defined Ignoring definition of symbol interpretation %s added to symbol map for multiple modifiers Illegal radio group specified (must be 1..%d) Illegal group index for global groupsRedirect Could not enlarge symbols for %s (keycode %d) Could not allocate controls in CompileSymbols Bad expression type (%d) for action list value Action list but not actions in AddActionsToKey Type "%s" has %d levels, but %s has %d symbols Definition with non-integer array index ignored Definition with non-integer array index ignored Definition with non-integer array index ignored Definition with non-integer array index ignored Could not allocate client map in CompileSymbols Could not allocate server map in CompileSymbols Multiple symbols for level %d/group %d on key %s Multiple actions for level %d/group %d on key %s Multiple definitions for group %d type of key %s Ignoring virtual modifiers definition for key %s Interpretation files may not include other types Interpretation files may not include other types Out-of-range (1..%d) group for redirect of key %s Unexpected statement type %d in HandleSymbolsFile The type field of a key symbol map must be a string Group index for %s of key %s is out of range (1..%d) Out-of-range (1..%d) group for global groupsRedirect Modmap entries may contain only key names or keysyms Radio group specification for %s out of range (1..32) Group name definition without array subscript ignored Group index for type of key %s is out of range (1..%d) You must specify an index when specifying a group name Attempt to specify name for illegal group (must be 1..%d) D $  |  ( t L ,    0         @(#)69 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/symbols.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 15:08:48$Xh-d-p-a-m-k-f-g-./wr%s --- ----- %s%s%s%s(%s) Exiting Exiting -------- Couldn't open "%s" Couldn't open "%s" Illegal specifier ignored Couldn't allocate list of maps Couldn't allocate list of files and maps File and map must have the format file(map) Cannot open "%s" to write keyboard description Files/maps to list must have the form file(map) Must specify at least one file or pattern to list @(#)66 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/listing.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 15:01:00 2 2Ҡ 2@ 2 2ˀ 2 2 2` 2 2 2@ 2 2 2 2` 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2& 2% 2' 2" 2x 2w 2x 2r@ 2u 2t` 2r 2 2) 2` 2@ 2,` 2'@ 2 2 2 2 2 2@ 2 2 2 2 2@ 2` 2 2 2` 2z 2 2 2, 2 , 6d < @ D H 6h  &@ 6 6 & & & 6 *( 7X 6 9h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E8 1 F 1 1 1( 14 c 1@ 1L 1X 1d 1p 1| 1 e 1 n pX 1 9p H 9 ?    ? ? ? B B Dp Dt Dx D| D D P x p D D x D D 1 ΀ 1 1 D D D D 1 ֐ ܸ  ݠ D E 8 2 E E   2  2 E - / / / EiD@I( Ih@*@6@C@errno@chdir@ unlink@ _iob@malloc@ calloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ fprintf@ fclose@ isdigit@ strchr@ atoi@ O@ toupper@ stat@ sprintf@ snprintf@ fflush@ __flsbuf@ vfprintf@ fdopen@ fwrite@ tolower@ __filbuf@ strncmp@ strrchr@ isupper@ fputc@ ungetc@ sscanf@ isspace@ fread@ islower@ fseek@ strdup@ fgetc@ strpbrk@ isalnum@ isalpha@ isprint@ opendir@ readdir@ memcmp@ isxdigit@ \@ __crt0v@i@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 2@ C@ Z@ j@ ~@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ #@ <@ O@ f@ z@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ &@ >@ R@ h@ {@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ __start 0! , 0 8 ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % & & & &  & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ' ' ' '  ' ' ' ' '  6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7  7 7 7 7 7  7$ 7( 7, 70 74 > > > B8 B< B@ BD BH BP BT BX B\ B` B B B B B B C C C C  C C C C C  C$ C( C, C0 C4 C8 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D  D D D D D  D$ D( D, D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E  E e e  e e e e e  e$ e( e, e0 e4 e8 e< e@ eD eH eL eP eT eX e\ e` ed eh el ep et ex e| e n\ n` nd nh nl np nt nx n| n n n n n p |H |P |X |` |h |p |x | | | | | | } } } }  } } } } }  }$ }( }, }0 }4 }8 }< }@ }D }H }L }P }T }X }\ }` }d }h }l }p }t }x }| } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~$ ~( ~, ~0 ~4 ~8 ~< ~@ ~D ~H ~L ~P ~T ~X ~\ ~` ~d ~h ~l ~p ~t ~x ~| ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~            $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                               ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x                      ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x                                     $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x ͘ ͠ ͨ Ͱ ͸    < @ D H L P T X \    ( L P T X \ ` d h l p t x | ܸ             ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x ݀ ݈ ݐ @ H P h p x             ( 8 @ H P X ` h p           0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                    ( h l p t x |                                          ,( ,0 ,8 ,@ ,H ,P ,X ,h ,p ,x , , , , , , , , , , , , -L -P -T -X -\ -` -d -h -l -p -t 0 0 0 0  0 0 0  0$ 0, 00 08 0< 0D 0H 0P 0T 0\ 0` 0h 0l 0t 0x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1  1( 1, 14 18 1@ 1D 1L 1P 1X 1\ 1d 1h 1p 1t 1| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2  2 2 2 2$ 2( 20 24 2< 2@ 2H 2L 2T 2X 2` 2d 2l 2p 2x 2| 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 29 28 2 2: 2 2 3  3 3 3  3 3 3 3 3  3$ 3( 3, 30& 34" 38 3< 3@  3D  3H  3L 3P 3T0 3X 3\ 3` 3d 3h 3l 3p. 3t$ 3x; 3|< 3 3L 3j 3P 3O 3f 3] 3 3= 3 3 3 3  3h 3i 3N 3e 3g 3M 3 3 3 3 3) 3 3 33 3@ 31 32 3 3 4 4 4 4  4 4 4 4 4  4$ 4( 4, 40% 44, 48 4< 4@! 4D 4H' 4L 4P 4T 4X 4\ 4` 4d 4h 4l  4p 4t 4x 4|Q 4R 4G 4B 4 4 4 4 4J 4 4 4 4 4 47 4 4 4* 4( 4# 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5  5 5 5 5 5  5$ 5( 5, 50 54 58 5< 5@ 5D> 5HK 5L+ 5P\ 5T[ 5XY 5\Z 5` 5dV 5hW 5lX 5pU 5tT 5xS 5|c 5` 5I 5b 5a 5H 5F 5/ 5- 5 5C 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5d 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5^ 5_ 6 6 6 6  6 66 6? 6 6  6$ 6( 6,D 60 64 684 6<5 6@ 6D 6H 6LE 6PA 6T 6X 6\/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibX11.ashr4.o@VPDxkbcomp/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy strcasecmp __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name XInternAtom XGetAtomNameXCloseDisplayXGetErrorText XConvertCaseXKeysymToString XSynchronizeXStringToKeysymXkbComputeEffectiveMapXkbLibraryVersionXkbOpenDisplayXkbVirtualModsToRealXkbAllocNamesXkbAllocCompatMapXkbAllocControlsXkbAllocIndicatorMapsXkbAllocKeyboard XkbGetMapXkbGetUpdatedMapXkbSetCompatMapXkbGetCompatMapXkbGetControlsXkbAllocGeometryXkbAllocGeomKeyAliasesXkbAddGeomDoodadXkbAddGeomOverlayRowXkbAddGeomOverlayXkbAddGeomSectionXkbAddGeomRowXkbAddGeomKeyXkbAddGeomShapeXkbAddGeomOutlineXkbAddGeomColorXkbAddGeomPropertyXkbGetGeometryXkbComputeSectionBoundsXkbComputeShapeBoundsXkbAllocClientMapXkbResizeKeyActionsXkbResizeKeySymsXkbAllocServerMapXkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes XkbSetNames XkbGetNamesXkbSetGeometry XkbSetMapXkbSetIndicatorMapXkbGetIndicatorMap