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[No information on server; error occurred before connection] Usage: %s [global options] {[image options] image_name ...} Memory has been exhausted; operation cannot continue (sorry). @(#)35 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/misc.c, xclients, gos720 12/8/99 09:53:36Type `%s -help [option ...]' for information on a particular option, or `%s -help' to enter the interactive help facility. An internal error has occurred within the internal error handler. No more information about the error is available, sorry. An internal error (%s) has occurred. If you would like to file a bug report, please send email to %s with a description of how you triggered the bug, the output of xloadimage before the failure, and the following information: X pforkxloadimageRoot Image%s: Cannot open display Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s: No images were specified. Target for -goto %s was not found @(#)67 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/xloadimage.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:41HT0TxTT@TTTTT TTTTT pollUnnamedUnnamedTrueColorGrayScale%ux%u+0+0StaticGrayStaticGreyXloadimagexloadimageDirectColorPseudoColorStaticColorWM_PROTOCOLSWM_DELETE_WINDOW Using %s visual WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS[Unknown Visual Class]Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostCannot convert Image to XImage bestVisual: couldn't find one?!? %s is not a visual class (ignored) bestVisual: didn't find any depths?!? Server does not support %s visual, using %s %s does not uniquely describe a visual class (ignored) Cannot create image in server, repaints will be ugly!   h t   8 D@(#)65 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/window.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:36<<><>??<<<?<<<<@<<<<@d done done imageToXimage Building XImage... Using private colormap Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost Fitting image into default colormap imageToXImage: Color allocation failed! serial #%d (request code %d) Got Error %s XAllocColor failed while fitting colormap! Cannot fit into default colormap, dithering...bitsPerPixelAtDepth: Can't find pixmap depth info! imageToXImage: XAllocColor failed on a static visual Unexpected image type for DirectColor/TrueColor visual! Warning: inconsistency in color information (this may be ugly) imageToXImage: XAllocColor failed on a TrueColor/Directcolor visual @(#)56 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/send.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:18 freeImage%s: nil image lcalloc given zero size! lcalloc given zero size! %s: bad destination image Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost@(#)38 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/new.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:41 @ @ @ @ done reduceexpand%s (%d colors)image uses %d colors...Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost Reducing RGB image color usage to %d colors...reduce: true color image has strange pixel length? Converting true color image to RGB image with %d colors...@(#)50 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/reduce.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:04sss compressno improvment %d unique color%s %d out-of-range pixels, Compressing colormap...Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostWarning: %d out-of-range pixels were seen %d duplicate%s and %d unused color%s removed...@(#)12 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/compress.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:33:49  done dither%s (dithered) Dithering image...Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostCopyright 1989, 1990 Kirk L. Johnson@(#)15 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/dither.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:33:548Tp5Qn3Ok0Lh.Jf+Gc (Ea} &B^z#@\x  ! = Y u   : W s  8 T p  5 Q n  3 O k 0Lh.Jf+Gc (Ea} &B^z#@\x!=Yu:Ws8Tp5Qn3Ok0Lh.Jf+Gc L3fL3fL3f L 3  f L 3 fL3fL3fL3fL3fL3fL3  f !!L!!"3""##f#$$L$$%3%%&&f&''L''(3(())f)**L**+3++,,f,--L--.3..//f/00L00131122f233L33434455f566L66737788f899L99:3::;;f;<>f>??L??@3@@AAfABBLBBC3CCDDfDEELEEF3FFGGfGHHLHHI3IIJJfJKKLKKL3L.\!O}B p  5 c (WJx=k0^#QE s! !"8"#f#$%+%&Y&'(()L)*z++,@,-n../3/0a012&23T34556G67u8 89:9:h;;<.<=\=>?!?@O@A}BBCBCDpEEF5FGcGHI(IJWJKLLMJMNxOOP=PQkRRS0ST^TUV#VWQWXYYZEZ[s\ \]8]^f^_`+`aYabccdLdezffg@ghniij3jkaklm&mnTnoppqGqrus st:tuhvvw.wx\xyz!z{O{|}}}~B~p5̂c(WJx=Ԍk0Ǐ^#Q蓀Eܖs ?.at, 0x%d%x%ffit`?'`.' ) `quit'xsetbgdefaultdisplayinstallprivateverboseversionX,Y,W,Hsecondsdegreesgeometryidentifywindowidbrightenhalftoneslideshowsupportedwindow_idnormalizetype_namefullscreenbackgroundpercentageforegroundimage_nameSee -gray.newoptionspercentagepercentagethe periodimage_title%d,%d,%d,%d[option ...]configurationwindow_geometry%s: Bad option number_of_colorsNo option `%s'. the question mark The options are: type[,options] filenameCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostType `?' for a list of options Set the automatic advance delay.%s is no longer supported (sorry) This option is no longer supported.Argument to %s is too low (ignored) Argument to %s is too high (ignored) %s: Internal error parsing arguments Xloadimage Interactive Help Facility Bad integer argument for the %s option Give a list of the supported image types.Background automatically. Turns on -quiet.%s has been superceded by %s (translating) Identify images rather than displaying them.Rotate the image by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.Indicate the X display you would like to use.Option: %s Usage: %s -%s %s Description: %s %s: Not enough characters to identify option Bad floating point argument for the %s option Force the image(s) to use the default colormap.Argument to %s must be a multiple of 90 (ignored) Show the version number of this version of xloadimage.Title for the image (used in title bars and with -dump).Set the root background to the default pattern and colors.Turn on verbose mode. This is the default if using -view.Zoom the image along the X axis by a percentage. See -zoom.Zoom the image along the X axis by a percentage. See -zoom.Set the color used for the border around centered or placed images.View an image in a window. This is the default for all but xsetbg.Clip out the rectangle specified by X,Y,W,H and use that as the image.Turn off verbose mode. This is the default if using -onroot or -windowid.Force the next option to apply to all images rather that to the current image.The quotes around %s are unnecessary. You don't have to be so literal-minded! Convert an image to grayscale. Will "undither" a bitmap image. Also called -grey.Set the background pixel color for a monochrome image. See -foreground and -invert.Set the foreground pixel color for a monochrome image. See -background and -invert.@(#)41 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/options.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:47Type `?' for a list of options, or `.' or `quit' to leave the interactive help facility. List the images along the image path. Use `xloadimage -path' to see the current image path.Dither the image into monochrome. This happens automatically if sent to a monochrome display.Invert a monochrome image. This is the same as specifying `-foreground black' and `-background white'.Show the current configuration including any information loaded from the ~/.xloadimagerc configuration file.This option is no longer supported due to the addition of -global. The same functionality can be had with -delay.Force the use of a pixmap as backing store. This may improve performance but may not work on memory-limited servers.Give help on a particular option or series of options. If no option is supplied, a list of available options is given.Merge this image onto the previous image. When used in conjunction with -at, -center, and -clip you can generate collages.You may get this list again by typing `?' at the `help>' prompt, or leave the interactive help facility with `.' or `quit'. Dither the image into monochrome using a halftone dither. This preserves image detail but blows the image up by sixteen times.Specify that the next argument is to be the name of an image. This is useful for loading images whose names look to be options.Compatibility switch for older versions of xloadimage. Since this is the the default for versions 3.0 and newer, it does nothing.Use the whole screen for displaying an image. If -onroot is also specified, the image will be zoomed to fit the size of the screen.Brighten or darken the image by a percentage. Values greater than 100 will brighten the image, values smaller than 100 will darken it.Type `xloadimage -help [option ...]' to get help on a particular option or `xloadimage -help' to enter the interactive help facility. Force the use of a private colormap. This happens automatically if a visual other than the default is used. This is the opposite of -fit.Shrink a images larger than screen to fit. This is particularly useful with DEC servers that don't allow creation of windows larger than the screen.Specify the size of the display window. Ignored if -fullscreen is given. If used in conjunction with -onroot, this defines the size of the base image.Force the use of a particular visual to display an image. Normally xloadimage will attempt to pick a visual which is reasonable for the supplied image.Zoom the image along both axes. Values smaller than 100 will reduce the size of the image, values greater than 100 will enlarge it. See also -xzoom and -yzoom.Place the image on the root window. If used in conjunction with -fullscreen, the image will be zoomed to fit. -border, -at, and -center also affect the results.Normalize the image. This expands color coverage to fit the colormap as closely as possible. It may have good effects on an image which is too bright or too dark.Center the image on the base image (if using -merge) or the root window (if using -onroot). If used in conjunction with -onroot this forces the -fullscreen flag on.Force colormap installation. This option is useful for naive window managers which do not know how to handle colormap installation, but should be avoided unless necessary.Start displaying a particlar image. This is useful for creating image display ewnloops. If two images with the target name exist, the first in the argument list will be used.Load the image onto the base image (if using -merge) or the root window (if using -onroot) at a specific location. If used in conjunction with -onroot this forces the -fullscreen flag on.Display the image path and default extensions that are loaded from the .xloadimagerc file. This option is identical to the -configuration option and is provided for backwards compatibility.Set the background of a particular window. This is similar to -onroot and is useful for servers which use an untagged virtual root. The window ID should be supplied as a hexadecimal number, eg 0x40003.Perform a smoothing convolution on the image. This is useful for making a zoomed image look less blocky. Multiple -smooth arguments will run the smoother multiple times. This option can be quite slow on large images.Specify the maximum number of colors to be used in displaying the image. Values of 1-32768 are acceptable although low values will not look good. This is done automatically if the server cannot support the depth of the image.Specifies the type of image so that run-time determination is unnecessary. This generally speeds up loading but is usually not necessary. Use the -supported option to get a list of image types supported along with their type_name.Tile this image (after any merging or processing) to create a full-screen image. This is usually used to create a background to merge other images onto. -geometry can be used to set the size after tiling, otherwise it defaults to the size of the display.Adjust the image's colors by a gamma value. 1.0 is the default, which does nothing. Values under 1.0 darken the image, values higher brighten it. Typically a dark image needs a value of 2.0 to 2.5. This option is similar to -brighten but often works better.Dump loaded image into an image file of the specified type and name. Use the -path or -configuration options to determine the possible formats. Some image types may allow options; these are specified following a comma. If the image type retains a title, -title can be used to set or change it. & &( .$ ( 2 '0 -, '8 + % )$ F % ,T % * ' 7 'x ( 9 % ( 4 ' +4 '@ = % 1 & ; % ? & 3 'H 8 &0 . & 9@ ' 6 ' * 'P -h 'X , % .h & :p ' ' @ %t ? ' &8 04 '! ( 7 &" < %# '` . &$ ( B0 &@ 'h )| &% 1 (& &H 0 &P' &X E &( /@ %) ( >T %* / %* (, '+ 5 &, 34 '- 2\ &`. 4 %/ 6 (80 ) '1 "%s" %s/.xloadimagercImage extensions:No image extensions %s: %d: Path table overflow Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s: %d: Extension table overflow %s: %d: Syntax error in defaults file Can't find your password file entry?!? %s: %d: Unknown section specifier '%s'. %s: %d: Unquoted newline inside string literal. %s: %d: Buffer overflow (token too long, sorry). %s: %d: Buffer overflow while reading string literal. %s: %d: Unquoted return character inside string literal. @(#)13 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/config.c, xclients, gos720 3/26/03 16:14:32NogiffbmpbmrlexwdvffpcxgemxpmxbmYes PnifffacesvicarmcidasmacpaintX PixmapX BitmapsunrasterGIF ImageFBM ImagecmurasterVICAR ImageCMU WM RasterFaces ProjectX Window DumpGEM Bit ImageSun RasterfileUtah RLE ImageMacPaint Image%-10s %-8s %s McIDAS areafilePC Paintbrush Image%s: image not found %s: image not found Sun Visualization File FormatCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostNative Image File Format (NIFF)Portable Bit Map (PBM, PGM, PPM)Type Name Can Dump Description ---------- -------- ----------- %s: unknown or unsupported image type %s: unknown or unsupported image type %s does not look like a "%s" image (skipping). "%s" is not a supported image type (will try to guess the type) @(#)24 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/imagetypes.c, xclients, gos720 3/26/03 16:14:53%s: unknown or unsupported image type. If you need a list of supported image types, use the -supported option. %s: I can read this image type but cannot write it (sorry). If you need a list of supported image types, use the -supported option. ° ¼ OT P O P O$ O   O( O  ( O O 4 @ L O, Q X d O\ O p | O0 P$ È ì O4 O ø O8 P Ol PT Od O O< Pd  H O@ P T ` Ot P4 l x OD O Ą Đ OH O w UNIFF version %d bitmap image%s is a %dx%d entitled "%s"%d-bit true color imageShort read on image data image with an unknown typeDumping NIFF image to %s. Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%d-bit RGB image with %d colorsniffLoad: short read in colormap! niffLoad: too many colormap entries! niffLoad: bitmap image has wrong number of colormap entries! @(#)39 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/niff.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:43rr Wfreadstdin%s %szreset: bad ZFILE structure Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frostzopen: no more files available zopen: warning: file doubly opened zreset: warning: ZFILE for %s was not closed properly zopen: warning: caching was disabled by previous caller zopen: caching was disabled by previous caller; can't reopen stdin @(#)74 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/zio.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:56 Y RGB TIFF RIFFcolor %dx%d%s is a standardgreyscalen old-style monochrome 8 plane %s unknown-typesunRasterLoadsunRasterLoadsunRasterIdentsunRasterIdent 24 plane color 32 plane color Sun rasterfile run-length encodedCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostsunRasterLoad: Bad read on colormap sunRasterLoad: Bad read on image data sunRasterLoad: Bad read on image data sunRasterLoad: Bad read on image data sunRasterLoad: Bad read on image data %s: Unsupported Sun Rasterfile image type (sorry) sunRasterLoad: Bad depth %d (only 1, 8, 24 are valid) @(#)58 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/sunraster.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:21 [ \GIF87aGIF89ainterlaced Error reading GIF file: %s Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s: Short read within image data %s: Short read within image data Copyright 1989, 1990 Kirk L. Johnsonpixel stack overflow in PUSH_PIXEL()pixel stack overflow in PUSH_PIXEL()pixel stack overflow in PUSH_PIXEL()%s is a %dx%d %sGIF image with %d colors @(#)20 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/gif.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:02 ]%bitmap(must be 1 or 3)(must be [1..8])(must be 1 or 8)Invalid width (%d) on input Invalid height (%d) on input Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frostcan't read colormap (%d bytes) Invalid row length (%d) on input %s: Short read within image data Invalid aspect ratio %lg on input Invalid plane length (%d) on input %s is a %dx%d FBM image with %d colors Invalid number of bits (%d) on input %s Invalid number of planes (%d) on input %s Invalid number of physbits (%d) on input %s %s is a %dx%d FBM image with %d greyscale planes @(#)17 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/fbm.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:33:57 lx wC8C8?Ge+?.B9 .~?[n P*?ǻV1՟$U?#yՀ08?ލi+`t .?M?DuKD?y;" z?Q_? zB ??P;Vx?#>߿ԟ u?/&:Ԁ,q?:Mq_.?Fapw@w>|?R6E)TPO?]zǘ?idל._w?ugӿ@?ӠL?猝xѵ?hD`Uq?54Dܿ?N? wN # ?$˟?,n{/?ӭ+5`ҿI]?ߛ0TҠ4??B[4ҀJ?){`*?v@wI?h Ƌ#? 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Dumping %sPPM image to %s. Dumping %sPPM image to %s. pbmDump: unknown option '%s' Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s is a %dx%d RawBits PBM image %s is a %dx%d Compact PBM image %s is a %dx%d PGM image with %d levels %s is a %dx%d PPM image with %d levels %s is a %dx%d Raw PGM image with %d levels %s is a %dx%d Raw PPM image with %d levels @(#)44 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/pbm.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:53fhj`kmp q HImage:%d%d%d%d%d%dPicData:LastName:FirstName:%s: Bad Faces Project image %s: Bad Faces Project image Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s: Bad Faces Project image data %s is a %dx%d %d-bit grayscale Faces Project image @(#)16 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/faces.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:33:56 ??image_gamma%s is a %dx%d%s is a %dx%d%s is a %dx%ddisplay_gamma%s is a %dx%d, with gamma of %4.2f rleIdent: Unable to open fileCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostrleLoad: Cannot open input file 8 bit RLE image with colour map 24 bit color RLE image with no map 8 bit grey scale RLE image with map 8 bit grey scale RLE image with map 8 bit color RLE image with color map rleLoad: no colour channels to displayrleIdent: no colour channels to display 8 bit grey scale RLE image with no map 8 bit grey scale RLE image with no map 24 bit color RLE image with colour map rleLoad: Illegal number of colour channels 8 bit RLE image with an illegal color map 24 bit color RLE image with an illegal color map RLE image with an illegal number of color planes rleLoad: Illegal number of maps for colour picture 24 bit RLE image with no map (will dither to 8 bits)rleLoad: Illegal number of maps for one colour channel 24 bit RLE image with color map (will dither to 8 bits)@(#)51 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/rle.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:06 8 OB %02xstdinSkip %d Lines (to %d) Pixel data %d (to %d):Pixel data %d (to %d) Skip %d pixels (to %d) Skip %d pixels (to %d) %s: %s is an empty file %s: %s is not an RLE file Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostSet color to %d (reset x to %d) Run length %d (to %d), data %02x rle_getrow: Unrecognized opcode: %d %s: Error encountered reading header of %s %s: Malloc failed reading header of file %s %s: RLE header of %s is incomplete (premature EOF) Malloc failed for %d comment pointers in rle_get_setup Malloc failed for color map of size %d*%d in rle_get_setup Malloc failed for comment buffer of size %d in rle_get_setup @(#)53 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/rlelib.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:11 (" *@`HhBbJj082:pPxXrRzZ ,$.&LlDdNnFf<4>6|\tT~^vV# +! )CcKkAaIi3;19sS{[qQyY/' -%OoGgMmEe?7=5_wW}]uU XYBitmap format %d bit ZPixmap%d bit XYPixmapShort read in colormap! %s is a %dx%d XWD image in Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostUnsupported visual type, sorry Zero-size image -- header might be corrupted. %s: ZPixmaps of depth %d are not supported (sorry). %s: Sorry, cannot load images deeper than 16 bits (yet) %s: Short read while reading data! (returning partial image) %s: Short read while reading data! (returning partial image) %s: Short read while reading data! (returning partial image) @(#)72 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/xwd.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:51 Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost@(#)62 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/value.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:28 ncaatypebitssizencaabandsbits %dbands %dcolormapcomponentssize %d %dtype rastercolormapsize%02x%02x%02x%s: short read line %d %s: short read line %d Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s is a %dx%d Sun VFF image with 1 band %s is a %dx%d Sun VFF image with 1 band %s is a %dx%d Sun VFF image with %d bands %s is a %dx%d Sun VFF image with %d bands Only Sun VFF files of type `raster' are supported. Only Sun VFF files with 8-bit bands are supported. Only Sun VFF files of type `raster' are supported. Malformed Sun VFF header: more then %d lines found. Only Sun VFF files with one or three+ bands are supported. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a `;' was found before a `='. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a ` ' was found before a `;'. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a `\n' was found before a `;'. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a `EOF' was found after a `\'. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a `EOF' was found before a `;'. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a line longer then %d bytes was found. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a line longer then %d bytes was found. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a line longer then %d bytes was found. Malformed Sun VFF header line: a line longer then %d bytes was found. Malformed Sun VFF header line: EOF found before the end of the header. Malformed Sun VFF header line: EOF found before the end of the header. @(#)63 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/vff.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:30PadJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec pmcidasLoadmcidasLoadmcidasIdentmcidasIdentCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%d:%2.2d:%2.2d %s %d, %d (day %d)Warning: Only showing first of %d bands %s is a %dx%d McIDAS areafile from %s at %s (%d, %d) (%d, %d) @(#)32 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/mcidas.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:28        $ ( , 0 4 8ERBERadarVenusNOAA-6NOAA-7NOAA-8NOAA-9TIROS-NNOAA-10NOAA-11UnknownGraphicsVoyager 1Voyager 2Hubble St.GMS VisibleGMS InfraredRAW METEOSATTest patternsMiscellaneousATS 6 VisibleSMS-1 VisibleSMS-2 VisibleATS 6 InfraredSMS-1 InfraredSMS-2 InfraredGOES-1 VisibleGOES-2 VisibleGOES-3 VisibleGOES-6 VisibleGOES-1 InfraredGOES-2 InfraredGOES-3 InfraredGOES-6 InfraredGOES-7 InfraredGOES-I (IMAGER)GOES-J (IMAGER)GOES-K (IMAGER)GOES-L (IMAGER)GOES-M (IMAGER)GOES-I (SOUNDER)GOES-J (SOUNDER)GOES-K (SOUNDER)GOES-L (SOUNDER)GOES-M (SOUNDER)GOES-4 Visible (VAS)GOES-5 Visible (VAS)PDUS Meteosat VisibleNon-Image Derived DataPDUS Meteosat InfraredNOAA Series SatellitesPDUS Meteosat Water VaporMiscellaneous Aircraft Data (MAMS)GOES-Visible, Block 1 Auxiliary DataGOES-4 Infrared and Water Vapor (VAS)GOES-5 Infrared and Water Vapor (VAS)@(#)31 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/mc_tables.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:27 (08@HPX`hpx      ( 0 8rr %c%d%c%6s \LBLSIZ%s is a VICAR Image: %d lines and %d samples Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s: Warning, image data was missing ---HISTORY RECORD------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- @(#)64 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/vicar.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:33 @Unexpected EOF Unexpected EOF uni-math.gwdg.de PC Paintbrush image %s is a %dx%d %d color%s%s is a %dx%d monochrome%sEOF while reading colormapCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostCopyright (C) 1991 Tim Northrup%d bits per plane not supported Only 1 plane allowed if 8 bits per plane %s is a %dx%d %d color PC Paintbrush image %s is a %dx%d monochrome PC Paintbrush image email the uuencoded image to erueg@cfgauss.No more than 256 colors allowed in PCX format Unencoded PCX format not yet supported. Please@(#)46 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/pcx.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:57 |XIMG     %s is a %dx%d 24-bit XIMG-file Error reading IMG! Error reading IMG! Error reading XIMG! Error reading XIMG! Wrong (X)IMG format!Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s is a %dx%d %d-bit IMG-file RGB XIMG-file with %ld colors Short read within image data Short read within image data Short read within image data Short read within image data Short read within image data Short read within image data Short read within image data Short read within image data Short read within image data %s is a %dx%d monochrome IMG-file Unsupported depth (%d) in IMG-file. %s is a %dx%d IMG-file with %ld colors @(#)26 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/img.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:15 X%s is a %dx%d MacPaint image Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost@(#)29 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/mac.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:23per xwidthpixelcharsformatheight#definencolorscolors[]pixels[]#define %s %dstatic char * %sstatic char * %s%s: %s: Bad color name Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost%s: X Pixmap file is corrupted %s: Pixel data doesn't match color data %s is a %dx%d X Pixmap image with %d colors titled '%s' @(#)71 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/xpixmap.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:49 1011 h Hwidthheightbits[]#define %s %d%s is a %dx%d Xstatic char %s = {static short %s = {%s: bad X bitmap file bitmap file titled '%s'static unsigned char %s = {Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostCopyright 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology@(#)66 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/xbitmap.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:39 fillCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frostfill: Unsupported image type (ignored) @(#)19 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/fill.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:01 done done mergemergedone. Tiling... Merging...not on destination Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost@(#)34 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/merge.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:34 clipdone Clipping image...clip: Unsupported image type Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost@(#)09 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/clip.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:33:44 zoomdone %s (%d%% zoom)%s (Y zoom %d%%)%s (X zoom %d%%) Zooming image by %d%%...%s (X zoom %d%% Y zoom %d%%)Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost Zooming image Y axis by %d%%... Zooming image X axis by %d%%... Zooming image X axis by %d%% and Y axis by %d%%...@(#)75 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/zoom.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:58 xloadimage__SWM_VROOT_XSETROOT_ID_XSETROOT_ID_XSETROOT_IDCopyright 1989, 1993 Jim FrostCannot convert Image to XImage Cannot create background (not enough resources, sorry) %s: warning: invalid format encountered for property %s Loading image onto root would change default colormap (sorry) @(#)54 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/root.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:14 graydone done done done brightennormalizegammacorrect%s (normalized) Normalizing...scaling %d:%d to 0:255...Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost Brightening colormap by %d%%... Converting image to grayscale... Adjusting colormap for display gamma of %4.2f...@(#)08 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/bright.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:33:42 done %s (grayscaled)Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost Undithering image into grayscale...@(#)61 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/undither.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:26 done dither%s (halftoned) Halftoning image...Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost            @(#)22 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/halftone.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:34:07 done rotate%s (rotated by %d degrees)Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frostrotate: Unsupported image type Rotating image by %d degrees...@(#)55 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/rotate.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:16 done %s (smoothed) Smoothing...Copyright 1989, 1993 Jim Frost@(#)57 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/aixclients/xdi/smooth.c, xclients, gos720 9/19/94 16:35:19 Ĵ Ĵ ĴQ Ĵ@ Ĵ~ Ĵ}@ Ĵ~@ Ĵ} Ĵ| Ĵ Ĵ@ Ĵ Ĵ% Ĵ` Ĵ* Ĵ+` Ĵ= Ĵ> Ĵ\ ĴX@ Ĵr Ĵe Ĵ_ Ĵ| Ĵ}` Ĵ` Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ ` Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ Ĵ@ Ĵ?@ Ĵ= Ĵ ĴA@ ĴB@ ĴG ĴH ĴS ĴS Ĵ6 Ĵ! 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