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|2PT8|*T8T88|2PT8|*eT8T88|2PT8|*T8T88c|*PT8|"dTa8caTd88{r|"dPaTc8|8`dTa8caTd88{M|"dPaT8|"dTa8a@8P8dH%AaHaK5AaHK0`8Tc>a!  !aK0`8Tc>a! @A!|!A$|<"!8{}aP! !aaTaH8P8K䝀AaDKAaHKAa@KMAaHKAAaDK5A8`aaDKD`8`d8`T>T88'|*PT8|"dTa8caaKLA8K`ce`d`,@<T88c( |"dPaTc8|8`ZdTa8caHosfUp: ListPrevItem() change_pos() osfDown: ListNextItem() change_pos()1800-008 Specified FastPath key: "%1$s", is longer than %2$d characters. Reenter SMIT command line with corrected FastPath key. 1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed.1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed.1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed.1800-093 Could not open SMIT log file: "%s". This session will not be logged. If logging is required, check path and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures.1800-102 Could not open SMIT script file: "%s". The commands run will not be logged. If command logging is required, check path and permissions or use local problem reporting procedures.>>>??1?>~xpp`>>>?>|pp`p`pppp`>>>?`>>>?3??{? p8x>>>?c?ppxp8|8> 0>>>?o? x<?<   >>>??1?>~xpp`>>>?>|pp`p`pppp`>>>?`@80`|???q? 1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Could not find SMIT database entry for given FastPath id: "%s".)1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Could not find SMIT database entry for given FastPath id: "%s".)1800-007 There are currently no SMIT screen entries available for this FastPath. This FastPath may require installation of additional software before it can be accessed. (Could not find SMIT database entry for given FastPath id: "%s".)     \     d   l             t   |       $    1800-038 odm_initialize() failed, ODM error message: %s Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.Pp ``ppp` ` ` ` ` x<x<1800-078 ODM odm_set_path() failed on object repository path (of the SMIT/ODM database): "%s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.    $  ,   4    <  D  L  T  \ \   d $  l %  t  &  | '   ( 0 ,  @ 0  p 4 $ 8  $ <   , Usage [-CDfhMtvXx] [-o Object_repository_path] [-l SMIT_main_log_file_path] [-p entity/value string] [-r run_mode] [-s SMIT_script_log_file_path] [-a SMIT_transaction_log_file_path] [[-{n,m,d}] Id_FastPath] -d Id_FastPath = start with this dialog screen -C = start smit in the Curses mode -D = debug; set -t, -v, and internal trace modes -f = filter mode (do not flush stdin between screens and do not check for a tty on stdout) -h = this help/usage message -M = start smit in the windows mode -m Id_FastPath = start with this menu screen -n Id_FastPath = start with this selector screen -o Object_repository_path = alternate SMIT/ODM database object repository (directory) path (default path is /usr/lib/objrepos) -p "entity1:val1,val2;entity2:val1,val2..." or "val1,val2;val1,val2" Msmit only. Allows nameselects and dialogs to be filled in from the command line. Also allows multiple entities to be operated on simultaneously. The environment variables ENTITY_SEP and VALUE_SEP can be set to override the default comma and semicolon separators. -r [1,2,3,4] Msmit only. 1: Exit msmit when "done" is clicked in the output window. 2: Exit msmit when "ok" is clicked in a dialog. Print the dialog options upon exit. Do not run the command. 3: Run msmit silently, print the dialog options. Do not run the command. 4: Exit msmit when "ok" is clicked in the dialog. Print the commands upon exit. Do not run the command. -t = generate trace information for (main) log file -v = verbose (main) log file mode; show generated CommandStrings for intermediate commands and the target task commands, together with their output after they are run -x = do not run any Command_to_Execute (the actual task CommandString), but continue to log any Command_to_Execute to the (script, main) log files as usual -X = do not run any Command_to_Discover, Command_to_List, Command_to_Classify, Command_to_Execute ;w '' ,,,, : ,, ---- -------- ----OK;,#%c%s--'--'--'%s --'%c%c%s:AIX' > /tmpLANGENV=%s %s [%s]echo 'SM_OPTCancelask_popupVALUE_SEPsequentialconcurrentsequentialENTITY_SEPsequentialconcurrentsequentialsequentialconcurrentsequentialsmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.csmitdialog.c; exit $SMIT_RC# # [%s] # export LANG=%s;; SMIT_RC=$?; rm /usr/lib/objrepos/usr/share/DSMIT/1800-106 An error occurred: %1$s1800-106 An error occurred: %1$s1800-106 An error occurred: %1$s1800-106 An error occurred: %1$s Command_to_Discover follows: %sODMDIR=/etc/objrepos;export ODMDIR; Command_to_Discover output follows: %sInsufficient authorizations for this panel! # Distributed Execution Mode sequential concurrent# Distributed Execution Mode sequential concurrent# Distributed Execution Mode sequential concurrentA value must be specified in the entry field for: "%s".1800-044 odm_close_class() for object sm_cmd_opt. ODM error message: %s1800-044 odm_close_class() for object sm_cmd_opt. ODM error message: %sCommand has been logged to script file. (SMIT -x CommandString flag set)Command has been logged to script file. (SMIT -x CommandString flag set)1800-042 odm_close_class() for object sm_name_hdr. ODM error message: %s1800-032 Error detected while building the command line about to be displayed.1800-033 Command will not be run due to error detected while building command line. Object class: sm_cmd_hdr, id = "%1s", option_id = "%2s", name = "%3s"(Dialogue screen selected, FastPath = "%1$s", id = "%2$s", title = "%3$s".)@(#)15 src/dsmit/usr/bin/mdsmit/smitdialog.c, cmdmsmit, dsmit41M, m9617M 4/19/96 12:28:511800-091 Format error ("#" missing) in output from the Command_to_Discover: "%1$s". (The Command_to_Discover is: "%2$s".)ARE YOU SURE? Continuing may delete information you may want to keep. This is your last chance to stop before continuing.1800-081 Error exit status (%1$d) returned by Command_to_Discover; the output is: "%2$s". (The Command_to_Discover is: "%3$s".)1800-092 Format error: "\n" missing in output from following Command_to_Discover: "%1$s". (The Command_to_Discover is: "%2$s".)1800-020 Some information needed for selected item is missing from SMIT ODM database. (Specified sm_cmd_opt with id = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", was not found in SMIT/ODM database.)1800-094 The dialog screen with FastPath: "%s", requires a preceeding name select screen. This dialog may be viewed (but not run) by inserting the -Xd flags immediately before the FastPath on the SMIT CommandString. '"" '' #: : -cbsh%lD, %Tsmit.catlibc.cat/bin/bshsmitutils.csmitutils.csmitutils.csmitutils.csmitutils.csmitutils.csmitutils.cerror %d occurred.1800-073 ODM error number %d 1800-061 Exiting SMIT (signal %d received). 1800-061 Exiting SMIT (signal %d received). Could not malloc %d bytes at line %d in file %d Could not realloc %d bytes at line %d in file %d strcat_max error: %10.10s...(%d) + %10.10s...(%d) > %d @(#)27 1.11 src/gos/apps/cmdmsmit/smitutils.c, cmdmsmit, gos720 1/31/96 11:43:311800-090 Possible SMIT/ODM data value error; lookup of following command postfix string token failed: "%s". It will be ignored. Use local problem reporting procedures.1800-078 ODM odm_set_path() failed on object repository path (of the SMIT/ODM database): "%s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-078 ODM odm_set_path() failed on object repository path (of the SMIT/ODM database): "%s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.1800-036 ODM odm_open_class() failed for (SMIT/ODM database) object class (file): "%1$s" on object repository path: "%2$s". Check path and permissions for the object repository path of the SMIT/ODM database or use local problem reporting procedures. The -o command line parameter may be used to change this path from its default value.OK%s ErrorPopupsmiterror.csmiterror.cError MessageInformational Message@(#)17 src/gos/apps/cmdmsmit/smiterror.c, cmdmsmit, gos720 9/5/97 09:44:25Cancelsmithl.csmithl.cHelp MessageEdit MessageReset Messagehelp_context_dialogSelect any highlighted label to see help on that item.Select any highlighted label to see or edit that item.Select any highlighted label to reset to original value.@(#)19 1.3 src/gos/apps/cmdmsmit/smithl.c, cmdmsmit, gos720 7/11/95 12:19:43 ,* AIXLANGLANG[%s]Ja_JPja_JPko_KRzh_TWtext_entrytext_entrysmitcmdopt.csmitcmdopt.cexport LANG=%s;list_range_popupchanged_text_color1800-106 An error occurred: %1$sODMDIR=/etc/objrepos;export ODMDIR; 1800-051 There are no items of this type.1800-051 There are no items of this type. Doing following Command_to_List: >%s 1800-021 List generating command missing from SMIT/ODM database.1800-021 List generating command missing from SMIT/ODM database.The value of this entry field must be in the range shown below %s@(#)10 1.34 src/gos/apps/cmdmsmit/smitcmdopt.c, cmdmsmit, gos720 7/20/06 14:39:561800-050 Error exit status (%1$d) returned by Command_to_List; the output is: "%2$s" (The Command_to_List is: "%3$s".)1800-082 SMIT/ODM database data error: invalid ring index = %1$d does not correspond to valid ring field option for command option entry with name: "%2$s". Last ring entry will be used as default. Use local problem reporting procedures. # menu_formsmitmenu.csmitmenu.cmenu_labelsmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.csmitmenu.cmenu_labelmenu_titlesmitmenu.cmenu_buttonmenu_windowdomain_mngmnttop_menu_aliaslsdsmitwc -iLO/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/share/DSMIT/Insufficient authorizations for this panel! 1800-044 odm_close_class() for object sm_cmd_opt. ODM error message: %s1800-042 odm_close_class() for object sm_name_hdr. ODM error message: %s@(#)22 1.10 src/dsmit/usr/bin/mdsmit/smitmenu.c, cmdmsmit, dsmit41M, m9617M 4/23/96 15:22:34(Menu screen selected, FastPath = "%1$s", id_seq_num = "%2$s", next_id = "%3$s", title = "%4$s".)X$YYYYYhYYYXxXLYYYYX$r %s%s%s%ssyskeyromHelpKeepname name 180010000118001CancelSMHelphelp_helphelp_helphelp_keyshelp_keyssmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.csmithelp.chelp_indexHelp Indexhelp_indexsmithelp.chelp_dialogSMHelp_aix_help_windowhelp_windowhelp_contextHelp on HelpHelp on Keyshelp_menu_bar/usr/bin/man Help on Windowhelp_dialog_labelLC__FASTMSG=falseCould not open %s help_scrolled_texthelp_dialog_promptORI error number: %d String to long in file %s Bad field format in file %s for title %s 1800-071 No help available for this topic.1800-071 No help available for this topic.Select any highlighted label to see help on that item.%s For more information about SMIT, select Index from the Help menu.%s For more information about SMIT, select Index from the Help menu.1800-095 For more information on this topic, proceed to the next level of SMIT.@(#)18 1.30 src/gos/apps/cmdmsmit/smithelp.c, cmdmsmit, gos43K, 9833A_43K 8/11/98 11:29:02 Ctrl+l Displays a list of choices available for the text field1800-088 System error: smit_malloct(): malloc(): There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. SMIT will exit immediately. SMIT (System Management Interface Tool) is an interactive interface application designed to simplify system management tasks. It displays a hierarchy of menus that lead to interactive dialogs.Overview Understanding the Menu Window Understanding the Dialog Window Understanding the Path Window Understanding the Command Output Panel Making Selections from a List of Choices Using SMIT Functions Using SMIT FastPath The path window is the top window of the primary SMIT window. It shows menus which have been traversed in order to get to the current menu or dialog. If an entry in the path window is selected, the menu associated with that entry will be redisplayed. The menu window is the lower window of the primary SMIT screen. The menu title appears at the top of the window. The allowable functions will be displayed in the menu bar. A list of menu items appears in the menu screen. Select any of the items in the menu screen. Both the text and the button to the left of the text are selectable. One of the following will then occur: * another menu appears * command output appears (i.e. for a list request) * a pop-up select screen appears * a dialog screen appears The following table describes the key translations defined for the text fields. Translation Task Performed -------------- ------------------- F5 Resets the text field to the default value. F7 Provides an edit popup to edit the text field. Enter Performs the current task. To display a list of choices, press the List button. To select one item from a single select pop-up: Select the desired item from the list. The list pop-up will go away and the selected item will be entered into the field. To select more than one item from a multiple select pop-up: Select each desired item from the list. Select OK and the list pop-up will go away and the selected items will be entered into the field. An item may be selected from an option ring by either displaying the list or by selecting the up and down arrow buttons. Selecting the down arrow button will select the next item in the list. Selecting the up arrow button will select the previous item in the list. The following accelerators provide a shortcut to the functions shown in the main menu bar. Accelerator Action ------------- --------------- / Find n Find Next F6 Show Command F8 Show FastPath F9 Reset All Fields F12 Exit SMIT Ctrl+F1 Help on Context Ctrl+F5 Reset Field Ctrl+F7 Edit Field A command associated with a dialog screen is invoked when Do is selected. The normal result from issuing a command is to have a command output screen displayed. While the command is running, a person running will be displayed in the upper right portion of the screen and the only active button will be the Stop button. As output is generated by the command, it will be displayed on the screen. If the command completes successfully, the word OK will be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the window. If the command fails, the word Failed will be displayed. Besides the normal command status panel used for output, there are special cases where SMIT will run the command in a separate screen and gives control of that screen to the application being invoked. On Context (From the Help menu.) Highlights the fields which have contextual help and prompts to select one of them. The help for the selected item will appear in a pop-up window. Contextual help can be retrieved for any item until the Keep or Cancel button in the help pop-up is selected. The help pop-up will remain on the screen if the Keep button in the help pop-up is selected. On Window (From the Help menu.) Displays help about the window from which this selection was made. On Keys (From the Help menu.) Displays the function keys and the keyboard accelerators. Index (From the Help menu.) Displays an index of help topics, and provides help for each of the topics. On Help (From the Help menu.) Displays help about the use of the help functions. Help (From a pop-up.) Displays help on how to use the pop-up. On Context (From the Help menu.) Highlights the fields which have contextual help and prompts to select one of them. The help for the selected item will appear in a pop-up window. Contextual help can be retrieved for any item until the Keep or Cancel button in the help pop-up is selected. The help pop-up will remain on the screen if the Keep button in the help pop-up is selected. On Window (From the Help menu.) Displays help about the window from which this selection was made. On Keys (From the Help menu.) Displays the function keys and the keyboard accelerators. Index (From the Help menu.) Displays an index of help topics, and provides help for each of the topics. On Help (From the Help menu.) Displays help about the use of the help functions. Help (From a pop-up.) Displays help on how to use the pop-up. Cancel (From the primary window.) Backs up to the previous menu. If no previous menu exists, SMIT will exit. Do (From the primary window.) Active only on a dialog screen. Performs the current task. Another dialog or the command output panel may appear. List button Active only on a dialog screen for entries which have a list of choices available. Displays a selectable list of choices for a field. Selections made from this list will be entered into the field. Down arrow Active only on a dialog screen for entries which have an button option ring. Selects the next entry from the option ring. Up arrow Active only on a dialog screen for entries which have an button option ring. Selects the previous entry from the option ring. Stop (From the command output window.) Stops the execution of the command. Done (From the command output window.) Closes the command output window. The SMIT FastPath is a shortcut method to display a SMIT dialog panel or menu directly from the command line. Select FastPath from the Show menu to display the FastPath for the current screen. To derive the SMIT FastPath for device related tasks, combine an Action Prefix with the Device Abbreviation. Action Prefix Device Abbreviation ------ ------ ------ ------------ (add) mk (printer) prt (change) ch (tty) tty (list) ls (pty) pty (remove) rm (disk) dsk (cdrom) cdr (diskette) dskt (tape) tpe (adapter) adp Examples of FastPaths for devices are: 1. To add a printer device, enter: smit mkprt This takes you to the menu that guides you through the steps of adding a printer device. 2. To list tape devices you want to work with, enter: smit lstpe This takes you to the menu or dialog that lists tape devices that are configured on your system. The dialog window is the lower window of the primary SMIT window. The dialog title appears at the top of the window. The allowable functions will be displayed in the menu bar or on the right side of the window. Descriptions of the various fields appear on the left side of the window. Entry fields appear in the center of the dialog screen. Select the Do button to perform the task. In a dialog, you are asked to supply details of the task you previously selected. Symbols are used to indicate various types of fields. The symbols may be displayed in various places in the dialog. These symbols are not displayed in a menu. Symbol Meaning * Indicates this field requires a value. The following symbols appear on the right side of the screen: List Indicates a list of choices is available. Select this button to display the list. Up Arrow or Indicates an option ring is available. Select the Down Arrow down arrow to move forward through the list, the up arrow to move backward. # Indicates a numeric field. X Indicates a hexadecimal field. / Indicates an accessible file name. Highlighted entry Indicates a user modified entry. Highlighted entries have a white background. Functions Description Exit SMIT (From the Exit menu.) Exits SMIT. All SMIT windows will be closed. Edit Field (From the Edit menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Highlights the fields which can be edited and prompts to select one of them. That field is then displayed in a wide pop-up. This function can be used to display a long field which will not fit in the entry area of a dialog window. Reset Field (From the Edit menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Highlights the fields which can be reset and prompts to select one of them. That field is then set to its original value. Reset All (From the Edit menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Resets all the fields to their original values. Command (From the Show menu.) Active only on a dialog screen. Displays the command that SMIT is building. FastPath (From the Show menu.) Displays the current FastPath. Find (From the Show menu.) Active only in the command output window. Prompts for a pattern to find in the output window. If that pattern is found, it is highlighted in the output window. Simple regular expression patterns are supported. Find Next (From the Show menu.) Active only in the command output window. Finds the next string which matches the pattern entered on the previous Find. z|zzyzx/rr.ref.ref.ref

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