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The error <%2$s> occurred on line %3$d.1329-018 custom: An invalid browser type was entered. Valid types are: color font picture cursor aixterm:Aixterm,custom:Custom,info:Info_gr,msmit:Msmit,mwm:Mwm,oclock:Clock,xbiff:XBiff,xcalc:XCalc,xclock:Xclock,xload:XLoad,xlock:xlock,xmh:Xmh,xterm:XTermUsage: custom [ -h | -e Browser | [-s ResourceFile] [application] ] -h Help -e Browser Start one of the browsers in stand-alone mode. Values are: color, font, cursor, picture. -s ResourceFile The file containing the resource settings. application The name of the application to customize. Usage: custom [ -h | -e Browser | [-s ResourceFile] [application] ] -h Help -e Browser Start one of the browsers in stand-alone mode. Values are: color, font, cursor, picture. -s ResourceFile The file containing the resource settings. application The name of the application to customize. Usage: custom [ -h | -e Browser | [-s ResourceFile] [application] ] -h Help -e Browser Start one of the browsers in stand-alone mode. Values are: color, font, cursor, picture. -s ResourceFile The file containing the resource settings. application The name of the application to customize. If the application you want to customize is running on your display, press the above button, then move the mouse cursor to single click on the application window. Press OK if the correct application name appears in the selection field below. OR Select an application from the list at the top of this window and then press OK. OR Type the command line name of the application in the field below and then press OK. %d (%s)XErrorX ErrorXRequestMajorCodeMinorCode%s: %s ResourceIDXlibMessageXlibMessageXlibMessageXlibMessageXlibMessageErrorSerialXlibMessageCurrentSerialMajor opcode: %dMinor opcode: %dResource id: 0x%lxSerial number: %luCurrent serial number: %lu@(#)86 1.3 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/errorhand.c, custom, gos720 10/10/93 21:59:53  @(#)16 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXt/src/sharedlib.c, xtoolkit, gos720 8/23/06 11:30:31  \       0 H   ` x (   8 \ p  $   'WM_STATE@(#)52 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXmu/src/ClientWin.c, xsample, gos720 8/23/06 11:21:12DEFAULT%d,%s,%sapp-customapp-customCustom DataCustom Init1329-009 custom: The mouse cannot be grabbed.1329-008 custom: The DEFAULT app-custom file cannot be found.@(#)06 1.9 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/comm.c, custom, gos720 3/9/94 09:49:12}MWMMWMMWM ,: ,: ,:Dtwm,mwm,MwmwindowNameOrClassWindowNameOrClasswindowSearchDepthWindowSearchDepthABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_@(#)54 1.3 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/symbol.c, custom, gos720 10/29/93 08:00:10ErrorWarningWarningerrorDialogwarningDialogwarningDialog@(#)59 1.5 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/message.c, custom, gos720 1/20/94 18:28:49]]]^|]]]]]]]]^]^^^FOSAVEVRIOqHFCH/ F1FileSaveExitViewHelpformxrdbfileCtrl+OCtrl+SCtrl+ACtrl+VCtrl+ECtrl+RCtrl+ICtrl+QCtrl+CCtrl+HCursor menubarOpen...OptionsF1appClassResourcesgroupMenucopyrightSelectOnemainWindowopenButtonCtrlOsaveButtonCtrlSSave As...CtrlACtrlVexitButtonCtrlECtrlRCtrlICtrlQCtrlCOn Help...CtrlHSave As...fileCascaderesetButtonviewCascadehelpCascadegroupButtonfilePulldownsaveAsButtonReset ValuesWM_PROTOCOLSviewPulldownupdateButtonhelpPulldownonhelpButtonCustomizing:saveAsDialogfileSeparatorviewSeparatoroptionCascadecontextButtonOn Context...groupPulldownappClassLabelscrolledGroupresourceButtonoptionPulldownmainHelpButtongroupMenuLabelsaveAsRadioBoxreacquireButtonSave to a file:WM_DELETE_WINDOWHelp Facility...Immediate ChangesscrolledGroupFormResource Category:saveAsFileSelectionBoxReacquire Immediate ChangesSave to the X server resource databaseYou have not saved. Do you really want to exit?/usr/lpp/X11/custom/dt/appconfig/icons/C/custom.l.pmYou have not saved. Do you really want to start a new customizing session?(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992,1994 All Rights Reserved@(#)50 1.16 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/interface.c, custom, gos720 1/5/96 09:57:59This operation will return all settings to the values they had when the customizing session was started.1329-007 custom: You must specify the name of the file in which to save your resources or press the Cancel button to exit the Save As dialog.  W(3R  V\3R  Y3R  Y83R e Vh F2 j_ TX  l^ V,X  f VX  g W8X  bh UX  h` U   a V  дb YL x Y3 " 4! Vt3$ `# WH3 & % X3R' tG UHI6 H UdU!"#ST$ %&4J5KG aI V+,-.6/7LD kJ V4)*8M9NR K V<=>01:@;O? ZHN V<'(APBQ( < XxHI* bx) WXHI, + WHI- y  ZHI. H Z$HI/  WhHI1 Z0 THI2 _8R UHI7 l WU!"#ST$ %&4J5K8  UU!"#ST$ %&4J5K9 ql UU!"#ST$ %&4J5K: pd UU!"#ST$ %&4J5K; o` UlU!"#ST$ %&4J5K<  UU!"#ST$ %&4J5K= | WU!"#ST$ %&4J5K> md VU!"#ST$ %&4J5KA g@ Ut'(APBQC B Wx'(APBQE ~ X)*8M9NF c W)*8M9NI z@H Y`+,-.6/7LK bJ W+,-.6/7LM vL U|+,-.6/7LO dN X+,-.6/7LQ fP X+,-.6/7LS jM W<=>01:@;OT f( X<=>01:@;O ^Z U2CDE , Y3 1 Z0 TU!"#ST$ %&4J5K2 _R UU!"#ST$ %&4J5K1 [0 T+,-.6/7L2 _R U+,-.6/7L1 [T0 T)*8M9N2 `(R U)*8M9N1 [0 T+<=>?@1:;2 `xR V<=>01:@;OI {H Yt+,-.6/7LK ctJ W+,-.6/7LM wL U+,-.6/7LO e N X+,-.6/7LQ g\P X+,-.6/7L1 [0 T'(APBQ2 `R V '(APBQ \ X2CDE u[ X(2CDE a] V2CDE i\c VDFG sd YFG4 \ 3 UHI5 \hZ U$HI4 \3 UU!"#ST$ %&4J5K5 \Z U,U!"#ST$ %&4J5K5 ]@Z U4+,-.6/7L4 ]3 U)*8M9N5 ]Z U<)*8M9N5 ^Z UD<=>01:@;O4 ^`3 U'(APBQ5 ^Z UL'(APBQ  X83RU n\ UU!"#ST$ %&4J5KV rx VLU!"#ST$ %&4J5KX W YUVWZ hY YUVW\ [ UUVW e UTX OkOkOkOkOkOkFileExitViewSizeHelpHelpHelpHelpHelpHelpHelpSaveHelpFontsSlantItemsFilesFilesApplyApplyApplyApplyStyleSetupIndexColorsCancelSampleFamilyWeightCancelCancelCancelCancelCancel%s %sCancelhelpOkOpen...CursorsChoicesOptionsSpacingGo BackStartingMenu BarBrowsersPictureshelpFormlistHelpResourcesFilenamesbutton_rcSave As...On Help...helpDialogreturnHelpChosen FontDirectoriesDirectoriescontextHelpIntroductionReset ValuesChosen ValueColor WindowChosen ColorChosen ItemsEdit PictureWM_PROTOCOLSHelp MessagescrolledHelpColor SlidersList of FontsCharacter SetChosen CursorFilter ButtonFilter ButtonOn Context...Resource FilehelpSeparatorhelpTextLabelOn Context...List of ColorsChosen Picturequestion_arrowhelpIndexLabelList of CursorsChosen FilenameChosen Filenameapp-custom FilesHelp Facility...ISO 9241.3 FontsWM_DELETE_WINDOWResource CategoryImmediate ChangesFilter Text FieldFilter Text FieldChoosing ISO FontsScrolled Window AreaResource DescriptionsApplication Name And ClassReacquire Immediate ChangesMatch RGB to Closest Color NameSelect Color On Display with MouseThis browser is used to choose one or more items from a list. To exit the Browser and apply your change, press the Ok button. To exit the Browser and apply your change, press the Ok button. To exit the Browser and apply your change, press the Ok button. To exit the Browser and apply your change, press the Ok button. To exit the Browser and apply your change, press the Ok button. To exit the Browser and apply your change, press the Ok button. The Apply button applies your changes without exiting the Browser. To access the Help Facility on the Browser, press the Help button. The Apply button applies your changes without exiting the Browser. To access the Help Facility on the Browser, press the Help button. To access the Help Facility on the Browser, press the Help button. The Apply button applies your changes without exiting the Browser. To access the Help Facility on the Browser, press the Help button. To access the Help Facility on the Browser, press the Help button. The Apply button applies your changes without exiting the Browser. To access the Help Facility on the Browser, press the Help button. The Help Facility can be started from any of the Help menu options. To exit the Browser without applying your change, press the Cancel button. To exit the Browser without applying your change, press the Cancel button. To exit the Browser without applying your change, press the Cancel button. To exit the Browser without applying your change, press the Cancel button. To exit the Browser without applying your change, press the Cancel button. To exit the Browser without applying your change, press the Cancel button. The On Help menu item displays information on how to use the Help Facility. @(#)04 1.15 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/help.c, custom, gos720 7/3/95 10:59:53The File Browser is used to traverse through directories, view files, and select files. To exit custom, select the Exit option from the File Menu. You are warned if you have not saved. Whichever method you use to choose a color, the actual color shows in the window directly below the List of Colors. The Directories list displays the subdirectories of the base directory, as well as the base directory and its parent directory. The Directories list displays the subdirectories of the base directory, as well as the base directory and its parent directory. The Chosen Cursor field contains the current cursor selection. It is updated whenever a cursor is selected via the List of Cursors. The Chosen Filename field contains the current filename selection. It is updated whenever a filename is selected from the Files list. The Chosen Filename field contains the current filename selection. It is updated whenever a filename is selected from the Files list. The menu bar provides access to the File, View, Options and Help menu options. To select an option, press the mouse button on that option. The Chosen Picture field contains the filename of the current picture selection. It is updated whenever a filename is selected from the Files list. By pressing the Filter button, the Files list is filtered to display all files and subdirectories in the base directory that match the search pattern. By pressing the Filter button, the Files list is filtered to display all files and subdirectories in the base directory that match the search pattern. Select items by pressing the mouse button on the desired items. More than one item can be selected. To deselect an item, press the mouse button on that item again. The View menu contains the Resources and Immediate Changes menu items. To select a menu item, press the mouse button on the File menu option and release it over the desired menu item. The Options menu contains the Reacquire Immediate Changes menu item. To select a menu item, press the mouse button on the Options menu option and release it over the desired menu item. The File menu contains the Open, Save, Save As, Reset Values, and Exit menu items. To select a menu item, press the mouse button on the File menu option and release it over the desired menu item. To make changes in a bitmap or pixmap, start an editor using the 'Edit Picture' button. The editor that is started is determined by the 'Custom*pictureEditor*editor' resource of the Customizing Tool. The cursor browser helps to choose a cursor. Applications can use the cursor font to change the picture on the mouse cursor. The cursor font names and indexes are found in /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h. If you wish to customize a different application, select Open from the File Menu. You are prompted to choose an application. Once you have chosen an application, press the OK button, then wait for the new session to begin. The Chosen Font field contains the current font selection. It is updated whenever a font is selected via the List of Fonts. You can type or cut and paste a font directly into this field. You must then press enter to see the font displayed. When a font style is chosen from the list, the List of Fonts is refiltered to show only the fonts in that chosen style. Selecting 'All Styles', the first item in the list, causes all styles to be shown in the List of Fonts so that you can pick any of them. When a font slant is chosen from the list, the List of Fonts is refiltered to show only the fonts in that chosen slant. Selecting 'All Slants', the first item in the list, causes all slants to be shown in the List of Fonts so that you can pick any of them. When a font weight is chosen from the list, the List of Fonts is refiltered to show only the fonts in that chosen weight. Selecting 'All Weights', the first item in the list, causes all weights to be shown in the List of Fonts so that you can pick any of them. When a font family is chosen from the list, the List of Fonts is refiltered to show only the fonts in that chosen family. Selecting 'All Families', the first item in the list, causes all families to be shown in the List of Fonts so that you can pick any of them. When a font spacing is chosen from the list, the List of Fonts is refiltered to show only the fonts in that chosen spacing. Selecting 'All Spacings', the first item in the list, causes all spacings to be shown in the List of Fonts so that you can pick any of them. The Reacquire Immediate Changes option allows you to regain communication with an application for the purpose of updating it immediately. This is useful if the application wasn't already executing when you started the Customizing Tool or if you restarted the application. The color browser assists you in choosing a valid color value. There are several methods provided for choosing a color. You can choose from a list of color names; manipulate the red, green, and blue components of a color; or select a color from any location on your display. Context Sensitive help is available by selecting the On Context menu item from the Help menu. When this option is selected, the mouse cursor is changed to a question mark prompting you to click on any object of interest. The index and help message for that object is displayed. The Files list displays all files in the base directory that match the search pattern. The up and down arrow keys provide a quick way to browse the list items. Once the list has keyboard focus, pressing the up or down arrow keys cause the following or preceding item to be selected. The Files list displays all files in the base directory that match the search pattern. The up and down arrow keys provide a quick way to browse the list items. Once the list has keyboard focus, pressing the up or down arrow keys cause the following or preceding item to be selected. If the desired color has been set by the RGB slider bars, the 'Match RGB to Closest Color Name' button can be pressed. The List of Colors is searched for the closest matching color name. The Chosen Color field is then set to that color name and the RGB slider bars are repositioned to that exact color. The Filter text field displays and edits a directory mask that is used to select the files to be displayed. The directory mask must be a string specifying the base directory to be examined and a search pattern. The following example would filter all the files in the /usr/include directory: /usr/include/* The Filter text field displays and edits a directory mask that is used to select the files to be displayed. The directory mask must be a string specifying the base directory to be examined and a search pattern. The following example would filter all the files in the /usr/include directory: /usr/include/* The character set toggle button is not a filter. Instead, it controls whether or not the chosen font is written in a language-independent way with the '*:' notation replacing the character set. This is mostly of concern to users whose language requires multiple fonts. The default state is OFF, which uses the character set of the font. The List of Cursors contains the cursors available to your application. Select a cursor from the scrolled list by pressing the mouse button on the desired cursor. The up and down arrow keys provide a quick way to browse the list items. Once the list has keyboard focus, pressing the up or down arrow keys cause the following or preceding item to be selected. The Save option saves your changes. By default, changes are merged into the resource database stored on your X server, if one already exists there. If not, the changes are saved to the .Xdefaults file in your home directory. The Save option is sufficient for most users. However, if you have a special need to save the settings somewhere else, use the Save As option. The values you have chosen are shown in the scrolled window area next to the resource description. If you wish to erase all the changes you have made, select the Reset option from the File Menu. The resources are returned to the values they had when the customizing session was initiated. Note that if you have already saved, you must save again to erase previous changes. The names on the left side of the scrolled window area are descriptive explanations of each resource that can be customized. Advanced users can see the actual resource string by selecting the Resources option from the View menu. The resources marked with a '*' character cannot be immediately updated. The values for these resources can be applied if the window manager is restarted. As each item is chosen, it is concatenated to the others in the Chosen Items field. All items are divided by a separator such as a comma or a space. In the following example 3 items are chosen where the comma (,) is the separator. Vanilla,Chocolate,Strawberry You can type or cut and paste values directly into this field. You must then press enter to see the values displayed. The font string chosen from the List of Fonts is displayed in the Chosen Font text field. A sample of the font is displayed in the Sample window. Some fonts are valid for label widgets, but not text widgets. Also, fonts containing '-iso8859-' as the next-to-last field may not be valid in your locale unless you turn ON the Character Set toggle button to use the character set encoding of the locale. The three sliders are used to set the red, green, and blue components of a color. As you move a slider, the color window reflects the change in color and the Chosen Color field displays the RGB color notation. This notation begins with a pound sign (#) and is followed by the hexidecimal represen- tation of the red, green, and blue values, respectively. The following is an example of this notation: #8456c8 The Resource Category button, above and left of the scrolled window, displays a list of attribute categories. Similar resources are grouped together. Pressing the Resource Category button displays a list of resource categories. You can select a category by dragging the mouse over the list and releasing the mouse button on your choice. The panel inside the scrolled window area changes to present another set of resources to customize. The Chosen Color field contains the current color selection. It is updated whenever a color is selected via the List of Colors, the RGB sliders, the 'Match RGB to Closest Color Name' button, or the 'Select Color On Display with Mouse' button. If the color is not valid, a warning message shows above the Chosen Color field. You can type or cut and paste a color directly into this field. You must then press enter to see the color displayed. The button, 'Select Color On Display with Mouse', enables you to match any color on your display. When you press this button, your mouse cursor changes shape, prompting you to click on any color on your display with the mouse button. The RGB slider bars are set to the value of this color and the List of Colors is searched for a matching color. If an exact match is made, this color is highlighted in the list. The Chosen Color field is also set to the value of this color. Inside the scrolled window area are the resources that can be customized. Each line contains a description of the resource that can be customized, a field to enter a value for the resource, and if necessary, a browser to assist in choosing a valid value. To the right of the resource descriptions are fields for entering values for particular resources. You can directly type a value into the text field or if there is a button to the right, you can get access to a browser that assists in choosing a valid value. Some resources have buttons to the far right in the scrolled window area. These buttons not only provide fast access to graphical browsers for the resources, but also indicate what type of values are valid for a particular resource. The available browers are: Colors Fonts Cursors Pictures Filenames Choices To use a brower to customize a particular resource, press the browser button for the resource in the same row as the resource. The button is highlighted when the browser is called and unhighlighted when the browser is exited. The Customizing Tool helps to change the look of a client application. It provides a user friendly way to set application resource values. Resources are customizable items such as colors, fonts, and other attributes. The Customizing Tool has browsers to help you choose valid values for the resources. It can often apply these values to the application so you can see your changes immediately instead of having to restart your application. Once you like the look of your application, you can save your resource values to the resource database stored at your X server or to the .Xdefaults file in your home directory. The class of the client that you are customizing should appear on the upper right side of the main window. Applications have two names, their application name which is the name used to start the application, and their application class which is permanently coded in the application. The application's class is used to locate its app-custom file, which contains information about each resource. The class is also prefixed onto the beginning of each resource when you save your changes. For example, the xclock application's class is XClock, so the resources saved have the following format: XClock*button.foreground: blue The fonts in the List of Fonts at the top of the browser describe fonts avaliable on your system's X server. When you select a font from the List of Fonts, it appears in the Chosen Font field. Your selection is also reflected in the Sample window. The up and down arrow keys provide a quick way to browse the list items. Once the list has keyboard focus, pressing the up or down arrow keys cause the preceding or following item to be selected. The fonts reside in a set of directories identified by the font path. You can see the current setting of the font path by entering the following command in a terminal window: xset q The Fonts Browser can help you choose fonts that meet the requirements of the ISO 9241, part 3, standard. This standard sets ergonomic guidlines for fonts so that text is easier to read. For this feature to function correctly, your X server must first be set up properly. Choose 'Setup' in the help index for instructions. NOTE: The ISO 9241.3 standard has guidelines for hardware display technology as well as the design of fonts. The Customizing Tool is unable to detect whether the display being used has the necessary characteristics. See the documentation that came with your display to see if it meets the requirements of ISO 9241.3 standard. In the scrolled window area, the resources that you can customize are listed. The label at the left is a descriptive explanation of each resource. Advanced users can see the actual resource string instead of the descriptive name. Selecting the Resources option from the View menu causes the labels at the left to show the actual resource strings instead of the descriptive names. To return to using the descriptive names, select the Resources option again. Some resource descriptions are followed by the '*' character. This indicates that this is a window manager resource and changes to it do not take effect immediately. To see these resource values take effect, restart the window manager. The names in the List of Colors at the top of the browser describe colors in your system's rgb.txt file. This file resides in /usr/lib/X11 and is loaded when you start your server. The color names are descriptive representations for actual red, green, and blue (RGB) values. When you select a color name from the List of Colors, the name of your choice appears in the Chosen Color field. Your selection is also reflected in the color window and the RGB sliders are set to the RGB value of that color. The up and down arrow keys provide a quick way to browse the list items. Once the list has keyboard focus, pressing the up or down arrow keys cause the following or preceding item to be selected. The Help Facility can be accessed from the Help Facility option on the Help menu or by pressing the F1 key. The Help Facility contains a window for viewing the help messages and an index for the messages. To navigate the facility, you can select an item in the index. The message that corresponds to that index item is displayed in the help message window. If the index item has sub-messages, selecting that item causes the index to descend to the next level. To return to the preceding level, press the Go Back button. The On Context button is used for context sensitive help. Pressing the On Context button changes the mouse cursor to a question mark, prompting you to select the object in which you are interested. A resource is any user-customizable data such as colors, fonts, and other attributes. Pushbuttons, labels and other application objects have unique sets of resources. A database of resources is maintained for each application so at run time the application can query the value of a given resource for each object in its hierarchy. Your personal values for application resources are usually kept in a resource file in your home directory called .Xdefaults. For example, you can change the foreground color of the xclock application to blue by adding this line to your .Xdefaults file: xclock*foreground: blue You can specify imprecise values for application objects such as 'All pushbuttons should be green' by using the following syntax: *XmPushButton.background: green The Save As option allows you to specify where to save your resource settings. The two radio buttons at the top let you choose between saving to the resource database at the X server or saving to a file. If you choose to save to a file, the rest of the dialog lets you specify the file. If you save to the X server and a resource database does not already exist there, one is created automatically. The advantage of saving your settings to a database at the X server is that they can be seen by all applications displayed on your server, no matter which host machine they are running on. Settings saved to a file may not be visible to applications that are running on other machines. See documentation on the xrdb command for more information about creating resource databases at the X server. The picture browser provides an easy way to work with bitmaps and pixmaps. Bitmaps are black and white images whose filenames end in .xbm, or .bm while pixmaps are multi-colored images whose file extentions are .xpm, .pm, or .px. The Picture Browser can be used to traverse through directories, view files, and select a file that contains a valid bitmap or pixmap. If a particular resource can only take bitmaps or only pixmaps and you choose the wrong type of picture, the browser displays a warning message indicating that it is not a valid picture. The initial directory, /usr/include/X11/bitmaps, and its subdirectories, have a large variety of bitmaps and pixmaps from which to choose. When a bitmap or pixmap is selected from the Files list, it can be viewed or edited by pressing the 'View Picture' or 'Edit Picture' buttons. The field to the right of the resource descriptions is used to enter a value for a particular resource. These fields and the buttons to their right help to choose a valid value for each resource. For resources with text fields, you can type a value directly into the text field. You can also use a browser to select a value. This is the preferred way to select a value since the browers are designed to help you choose a valid value for each resource. The text field with the label '<- Number' verifies that you've typed a valid number once you press the Enter key. To select a value when the label '<- Choice' is present, hold the mouse button on the menu until you see the list of values. Select a value by releasing the mouse button over the chosen value. Note that the first item in this menu is always ''. This removes the setting for this resource, causing the default value to be used. The font browser assists you in choosing font values. There are six filters to narrow down the selection of fonts. A specific Family, Weight, Slant, Style, Spacing, or Size can be chosen. The first item in each of these filters is 'All', which causes all fonts of that category to be listed so that you can choose any of them. Note that not all combinations of Family, Weight, Slant, Style, Spacing, and Size have fonts that meet those criteria. The filters specify parts of a pattern that is matched against the names of the available fonts. The following example shows a typical font name and the filters that correspond to each of the parts: -b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-12-120-75-75-p-71-iso8859-1 Family: Lucida = 'lucida' in field 2 Weight: Medium = 'medium' in field 3 Slant: Normal = 'r' in field 4 Style: Sans Serif = 'sans' in field 6 Size: 12.0 points = '120' in field 8 Spacing: Proportional = 'p' in field 11 For the ISO feature of the Fonts Browser to function correctly, you must first inform the X server of the physical dimensions of your display screen. A system administrator would typically perform this setup procedure, and it only needs to be done one time for each display on your system. To set the physical size of your display: 1. Use a ruler to measure the width and height of the image area of your display in millimeters (mm). Measure only the area of the screen that is actually used. 2. Log in as a user with superuser privileges and enter the following command: smit chdispsz 3. Select the name of the display that you are using from the list that is presented. Enter the width and height into the fields provided, then press the Enter key to make the changes. Do this for each display on your system, if you have more than one. 4. Exit all applications that are running on your system, then shut down and reboot the system using the following command: shutdown -Fr When the system comes back up, the display will be configured with the new size that you set. The resource descriptions, the Resource Category names, and other information are stored in a file. This is referred to as the 'app-custom' file. The Customizing Tool scrolled window area is generated for each application's unique set of resources based on the information stored in the application's app-custom file. You can create app-custom files for your applications or modify existing app-custom files. The app-custom file must have the same name as the application class. By default, the Customizing Tool uses the first readable file it finds that has one of the following path names: 1. $HOME//app-custom/ 2. $HOME/app-custom/ 3. /usr/lib/X11//app-custom/ 4. /usr/lib/X11/app-custom/ name of the locale in which the Customizing Tool is running, which can be set using the $LANG environment variable. is the class of the applicaiton. If the application has no app-custom file, the DEFAULT app-custom file is used. You can change the list of places where the Customizing Tool looks for the app-custom file by setting the Custom*appCustomPath resource. See the reference documentation on the custom command for details. When you choose a size from the list, or when you type a size into the text field and press the Enter key, the List of Fonts is refiltered to show only the fonts in the chosen size. Sizes are specified in points and may contain one decimal place. The list contains the sizes of all the bitmap fonts that are installed on the X server. Selecting 'All Sizes', the first item in the list, causes all bitmap and scalable fonts that are available in the sizes listed to be shown in the List of Fonts. Your X server may support scalable fonts, which can be scaled to virtually any size. You can specify any size you want by typing it into the text field and pressing the Enter key. To see a list of the scalable fonts available, type a size that does not appear in the list and press Enter. A list of the scalable fonts scaled to the size you specified is then displayed. If you specify 0 (zero) for the size and pick one of the scalable fonts shown, an unspecified default size is used. Whether you select a size from the list or enter it into the text field, all fonts that are available in that size, both bitmap and scalable fonts, are shown in the List of Fonts. Note that due to differences in displays, the fonts may appear larger or smaller than the indicated size when viewed on your display screen. The syntax for starting the Customizing Tool is as follows: custom [ -h | -e Browser | [-s ResourceFile] [application] ] -h Help -e Browser Start one of the browsers in stand-alone mode. Values are: color, font, cursor, picture. -s ResourceFile The file containing the resource settings. application The name of the application to customize. If no application name is specified on the command line, a dialog pops up, prompting you to choose an application. There are 3 ways to choose an application from the starting dialog: 1. Clicking on the application with the mouse button 2. Selecting the application from the list of applications. 3. Typing the application name into the text field. After you have chosen an application, the Customizing Tool main window appears with the resources that are valid for that application. When clicking on the application with the mouse, it is best to click on the application's main window. The Customizing Tool is not always able to identify the application correctly if you click on a dialog or a secondary window. To customize the Customizing Tool, start a copy of the tool and customize the copy. This prevents you from setting colors or other options that make the Customizing Tool unusable while you are still using it. You can list the fonts that have been specially designed to meet the ISO 9241.3 standard by selecting the 'ISO 9241.3' style filter. However, a font that meets the standard on one display may not be satisfactory on another display. For example, a font that is acceptable on one display may appear too small to read on a display with higher resolution. After selecting a font from the list, look for a message beneath the sample. If the characters in the font are large enough when shown on the display you are currently using, then the following message will appear: When used on this display screen, this font meets the requirements of the ISO 9241.3 standard. NOTES: 1. The ISO 9241.3 standard has guidelines for hardware display technology as well as the design of fonts. The Customizing Tool is unable to detect whether the display being used has the necessary characteristics. See the documentation that came with your display to see if it meets the requirements of ISO 9241.3 standard. 2. Scaling a font usually distorts it so that it no longer satisfies the ISO 9241.3 standard. The Customizing Tool attempts to determine whether a font has been scaled and, if so, does not display the message about meeting the standard. However, if you type a pattern containing an * (asterisk) into the 'Chosen Font' field, or if a font resource was previously set to a pattern value, it is possible that the pattern matches a scaled version of a font that was designed for ISO 9241.3. If so, the Customizing Tool may not be able to determine that the font has been scaled and may erroneously display the message about meeting the ISO standard. The Customizing Tool is always able to determine whether fonts selected from the list are scaled. If you always choose fonts from the list, you do not need to be concerned about this issue. The Immediate Changes option on the View menu controls the immediate updating of client application resources. Previously, applications had to be restarted for resource value changes to take effect. With the Customizing Tool, resources are updated automatically when a value is chosen. Immediate changes are applied when a value is chosen in a browser by pressing either the OK or Apply buttons. If you type a value directly into the text field of the resource, you must press the key to update the client. The Immediate Changes option is intended as a tool to view possible changes. Since it is possible to corrupt the interface of an application (e.g. setting an unreadable font) it is best to use this option only when the application is in a non-critical state. The limitations of immediate updating are listed below: 1. The Immediate Changes button is insensitive until communication with the client application is established. The amount of time to wait for the application to contact the Customizing Tool is controlled by the Customizing Tool 'Custom*timeout' resource. 2. Some undesired behavior could occur if you try to customize an application while it is starting. It is best to wait for your application to be completely displayed before attempting to customize it. 3. The application being customized must be executed on a machine where the Customizing Tool has been installed. Only applications built with a special shared libXt.a can be updated. 4. Some applications use low level libX11.a calls that cannot be immediately updated by the Customizing Tool. (mwm is an example of this.) 5. Applications can 'hard code' values so that a resource can be updated immediately but the changes will not remain in effect when the application is restarted. You can also bypass protection the application writer intended, unintentionally corrupting the interface. 6. An object on the interface might not resize correctly after immediate changes are applied. This is especially true of fonts. 7. Since the Customizing Tool prefaces the resource string with the application class, the resource value may not take effect because a more specific resource is in operation elsewhere. More specific resource values may be set on the Customizing Tool interface itself, in your .Xdefaults file, in the X Server resource database, or in the application's app-defaults file. If you remove these resources or make them less specific the Customizing Tool changes can then apply. The Immediate Changes button is made insensitive if the Customizing Tool cannot update the application. If you can't update an application immediately you can always save the changes and restart the application to see the changes take effect. You can also restart the application if the interface becomes corrupted. @(#)76 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXmu/src/Lower.c, xsample, gos720 8/23/06 11:21:57dotmanboaticonplusstartrekarrowclockcrossfleurgumbyhand1hand2heartmousewatchxtermcircledotboxpencilpiratesizingspidertargettcrossgobblershuttletop_teex_cursorbogosityexchangeleft_ptrleft_teell_anglelr_anglertl_logosailboatspraycantop_sideul_angleumbrellaur_anglecrosshairleft_sideright_ptrright_teebottom_teebox_spiralcenter_ptrcoffee_mugdraped_boxiron_crossleftbuttonright_sidebottom_sidedraft_largedraft_smallrightbuttonsb_up_arrowdouble_arrowmiddlebuttoncross_reversediamond_crosssb_down_arrowsb_left_arrowbased_arrow_upquestion_arrowsb_right_arrowtop_left_arrowtop_left_cornerbased_arrow_downtop_right_cornersb_h_double_arrowsb_v_double_arrowbottom_left_cornerbottom_right_corner@(#)58 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXmu/src/CursorName.c, xsample, gos720 8/23/06 11:21:23 H ݘ l  p T  ߀  , 8  ݠ D ݨ " $ h& ( ߼* ߌ, ߘ. P0 `2 ݰ4 06 ݸ8 : < > x@ \B lD F xH hJ ބL ސN lP R T V X ݀Z ,\ ^ t` b ߤd ޜf ިh j l n <p ߰r t 8v x z ޴| ݈~ ( L \ @ ݐ @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |     //: : .bak%s.bak.XXXXXX%s.XXXXXX %[^: ] : %n$HOME/.Xdefaults1329-013 custom: An error occurred while saving resources to the server.@(#)52 1.9 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/resourceio.c, custom, gos720 7/3/95 16:32:011329-000 custom: The %s file cannot be read. If you already have a resource file, check your file permissions.1329-006 custom: The %s file can not be written. Check the permissions of the directory where your resource file is located.1329-006 custom: The %s file can not be written. Check the permissions of the directory where your resource file is located.1329-002 custom: The temporary file could not be created. Check the permissions of the directory where your resource file is located. 1329-001 custom: Your resource file could not be read. The resource 'resourceFile' must be set to a valid resource file or your $HOME environment variable must be set.  5d  6 H 6 P 6  6  6  7t X 7  8           ColorscolorNameColors...colorFieldcolorButtoncolorEditorinitialValue@(#)64 1.6 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/color_type.c, custom, gos720 11/11/94 09:02:38r redredRed rgbtxtblueblueBlue.pag blackgreengreenGreenblackblackblack_popupcolorRedcolorFormcolorBluecloseNamergbtxtPathRgbtxtPathcustom.catcolorLabelcolorGreenmatchColorcolorCursorinitialValueXtVaTypedArgXtVaTypedArgXtVaTypedArgXtVaTypedArgXtVaTypedArgXtVaTypedArgChosen ColorcolorMessageList of ColorsXibmColorEditor#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2xMatch RGB to Closest Color NameSelect Color On Display with Mouse/usr/lib/X11/%L/%N%S:/usr/lib/X11/%N%S1329-009 custom: The mouse cannot be grabbed.1329-009 custom: The mouse cannot be grabbed. L  0 1329-022 custom: The /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt file cannot be opened.1329-022 custom: The /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt file cannot be opened.1329-024 custom: The selected color does not exist on the X server.1329-024 custom: The selected color does not exist on the X server.@(#)53 1.11 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/ColorE.c, custom, gos720 11/7/96 15:54:29 4 p (K" 9 P1329-023 custom: A colormap entry can not be allocated. Delete all color intensive applications.1329-023 custom: A colormap entry can not be allocated. Delete all color intensive applications.  9 5 x 5 5* 5FontsfontNameFonts...fontFieldfontButtonfontEditorinitialValue@(#)66 1.10 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/font_type.c, custom, gos720 11/11/94 09:03:22* 0**=,==,==,==,==,==,=-*:-0-sizeSizeslantSlantstyleStylefamilyFamilyweightWeightSample_popupISO9241filtersspacingSpacingsizeListsizeTextsampleSWseparatorslantListstyleListsizeLabel-iso9241--ISO9241--Iso9241--iso9241--ISO9241--Iso9241-fontSlantsfontStylescustom.catfontRowColfamilyListweightListslantLabelstyleLabelsampleTextfontWeightsChosen FontfamilyLabelweightLabelspacingListfontMessagesampleLabelfontMessagefontCharset*=All Sizes*=All Sizes*=All SizesinitialValuefontFamiliesfontSpacingsRESOLUTION_YspacingLabelsampleRowColList of FontsXibmFontEditorADD_STYLE_NAME_AWS_ISO9241_FONT_HEIGHT_MM-*-%s-%s-%s-*-%s-*-%s-*-*-%s-*-*-*  H h%d fonts match the specified filters.%d fonts match the specified filters.Use the character set encoding of the locale.*=All Slants,b=Block,i=Italic,r=Normal,o=Oblique*=All Slants,b=Block,i=Italic,r=Normal,o=Oblique*=All Slants,b=Block,i=Italic,r=Normal,o=Oblique1329-015 custom: Unable to load the specified font.1329-015 custom: Unable to load the specified font.1329-015 custom: Unable to load the specified font.@(#)58 1.25 FontE.c, custom, gos410 2/25/94 18:13:44*=All Spacings,p=Proportional,m=Monospaced,c=Character Cell*=All Spacings,p=Proportional,m=Monospaced,c=Character Cell*=All Spacings,p=Proportional,m=Monospaced,c=Character Cell*=All Weights,bold=Bold,demibold=Demibold,medium=Medium,regular=Regular*=All Weights,bold=Bold,demibold=Demibold,medium=Medium,regular=Regular*=All Weights,bold=Bold,demibold=Demibold,medium=Medium,regular=RegularWhen used on this display screen, this font meets the requirements of the ISO 9241.3 standard.When used on this display screen, this font meets the requirements of the ISO 9241.3 standard.1329-014 custom: Internal error - cannot insert %1$s into filter table. The maximum number of items (%2$d) has been reached.1329-014 custom: Internal error - cannot insert %1$s into filter table. The maximum number of items (%2$d) has been reached. 4 D  8  D8 T(*=All Styles,iso88591=ISO 8859-1,iso9241=ISO 9241.3,l sans=Large Sans Serif,l serif=Large Serif,m sans=Medium Sans Serif,m serif=Medium Serif,s sans=Small Sans Serif,s serif=Small Serif,sans=Sans Serif,serif=Serif,xl sans=Very Large Sans Serif,xl serif=Very Large Serif,xs sans=Very Small Sans Serif,xs serif=Very Small Serif,xxl sans=Extra Large Sans Serif,xxl serif=Extra Large Serif,xxs sans=Extra Small Sans Serif,xxs serif=Extra Small Serif*=All Styles,iso88591=ISO 8859-1,iso9241=ISO 9241.3,l sans=Large Sans Serif,l serif=Large Serif,m sans=Medium Sans Serif,m serif=Medium Serif,s sans=Small Sans Serif,s serif=Small Serif,sans=Sans Serif,serif=Serif,xl sans=Very Large Sans Serif,xl serif=Very Large Serif,xs sans=Very Small Sans Serif,xs serif=Very Small Serif,xxl sans=Extra Large Sans Serif,xxl serif=Extra Large Serif,xxs sans=Extra Small Sans Serif,xxs serif=Extra Small Serif*=All Styles,iso88591=ISO 8859-1,iso9241=ISO 9241.3,l sans=Large Sans Serif,l serif=Large Serif,m sans=Medium Sans Serif,m serif=Medium Serif,s sans=Small Sans Serif,s serif=Small Serif,sans=Sans Serif,serif=Serif,xl sans=Very Large Sans Serif,xl serif=Very Large Serif,xs sans=Very Small Sans Serif,xs serif=Very Small Serif,xxl sans=Extra Large Sans Serif,xxl serif=Extra Large Serif,xxs sans=Extra Small Sans Serif,xxs serif=Extra Small Serif*=All Families,application=Application,charter=Charter,clean=Clean,courier=Courier,ergonomic=Ergonomic,fixed=Fixed,gothic=Gothic,helvetica=Helvetica,interface system=Interface System,interface user=Interface User,lucida=Lucida,lucidabright=Lucida Bright,lucidatypewriter=Lucida Typewriter,mincho=Mincho,new century schoolbook=New Century Schoolbook,nil=Nil,open look cursor=OPEN LOOK Cursor,open look glyph=OPEN LOOK Glyph,prestige=Prestige,sans serif=Sans Serif,sansserif=Sanserif,serf=Serf,serif=Serif,swiss 742=Swiss 742,symb=Symb,symbol=Symbol,terminal=Terminal,times=Times,times new roman=Times 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User,lucida=Lucida,lucidabright=Lucida Bright,lucidatypewriter=Lucida Typewriter,mincho=Mincho,new century schoolbook=New Century Schoolbook,nil=Nil,open look cursor=OPEN LOOK Cursor,open look glyph=OPEN LOOK Glyph,prestige=Prestige,sans serif=Sans Serif,sansserif=Sanserif,serf=Serf,serif=Serif,swiss 742=Swiss 742,symb=Symb,symbol=Symbol,terminal=Terminal,times=Times,times new roman=Times New Roman,type=Type,typewriter=Typewriter,user=User,utopia=Utopia,vue user=VUE Useroooppppp p(p0p8p@pHpPpXp`phpppxppppppppp  D 6H h 6T 6`* 60<- NumbernumberNamenumberFieldnumberLabel1329-019 custom: The number entered is not valid. @(#)67 1.4 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/number_type.c, custom, gos720 3/25/94 17:42:52stringNamestringField@(#)69 1.3 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/string_type.c, custom, gos720 10/17/93 21:44:37<- ChoiceselectoneNameselectoneMenuselectoneLabelselectoneButtonselectonePulldown@(#)78 1.3 src/gos/apps/custom/custom/selectone_type.c, custom, gos720 10/17/93 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