<%! /* */ struct icm_stat_info_type { int stat_level; string start_time; int bytes_read; int bytes_read_mb; int bytes_written; int bytes_written_mb; int no_req; int no_rollout; int no_rollin; int no_timeout; int no_error; int no_conn_error; int req_hour; int req_minute; int req_sec; int req_min; int req_max; }; /* */ %> <% string browser; struct icm_stat_info_type icm_stat_info; browser = __icm_get_browser_type(); __icm_get_stat_info (icm_stat_info); %> ICM Statistic
Statistic Refresh
General information
Statistics level <%= icm_stat_info.stat_level %>
Start of statictics recording <%= icm_stat_info.start_time %>
Input/Output Statistic
Number of bytes read <%= icm_stat_info.bytes_read_mb %> MB, <%= icm_stat_info.bytes_read %>
Number of Bytes written <%= icm_stat_info.bytes_written_mb %> MB, <%= icm_stat_info.bytes_written %>
Number of requests <%= icm_stat_info.no_req %>
Number of roll-outs <%= icm_stat_info.no_rollout %>
Number of roll-ins <%= icm_stat_info.no_rollin %>
Number of timeouts <%= icm_stat_info.no_timeout %>
Number of errors <%= icm_stat_info.no_error %>
Number of connect errors <%= icm_stat_info.no_conn_error %>
Time values
Total processing time (HH:MM:SS) <%= icm_stat_info.req_hour %>:<%= icm_stat_info.req_minute %>: <%= icm_stat_info.req_sec %>
Minimum Processing Time (in usecs) <%= icm_stat_info.req_min %>
Maximum Processing Time (in usecs) <%= icm_stat_info.req_max %>