struct icm_http_subhdl
boolean active;
string name;
int type;
int flags;
int param_idx;
string param_prefix;
string url_prefix;
struct icm_log_info_type
boolean active;
string file;
string format;
int maxsize;
int switcht;
char wrap;
int fsize;
int lcount;
struct icm_log_entry
string val[];
struct icm_http_subhdl icm_subhdl_tab[];
struct icm_log_entry icm_log_tab[];
int count, rc;
int i, line_no, size, options;
int line_count = 0;
string browser;
string is_checked, tabsel, hdlsel, formfld, filter;
boolean is_admin;
boolean show_lineno;
int nr;
struct icm_log_info_type icm_log_info;
string tab_hdlsel[];
string tab_header[2];
string tab_content[2];
string tab_tabsel[2];
string ltab[];
tab_header[0] = "Settings";
tab_header[1] = "Logfile Contents";
tab_tabsel[0] = "tab0";
tab_tabsel[1] = "tab1";
count = __icm_http_hdl (2,icm_subhdl_tab,5);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tab_hdlsel[i] = "";
is_admin = __icm_get_system_property ("is_admin");
browser = __icm_get_browser_type();
show_lineno = __icm_get_form_field ("slineno");
filter = filterenc(urldec(__icm_get_form_field ("filter")));
hdlsel = anumenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel"));
if (hdlsel != "")
tab_hdlsel[hdlsel] = "selected";
tabsel = anumenc(__icm_get_form_field ("tabsel"));
if (tabsel == "")
tabsel = "tab0";
if (tabsel == "tab0") {
rc = __icm_log_hdl (1, hdlsel, icm_log_info);
if (rc == -1) {
} else {
Settings for HTTP Log
Log Handler Status |
if (icm_log_info.active) {
if (is_admin) {
} else {
__output(" ");
} else {
if (is_admin) {
} else {
__output(" ");
Logfile name |
<%= icm_log_info.file%> |
Logfile format |
<%= icm_log_info.format%> |
Switchtype |
<%= icm_log_info.switcht%> |
Maximum size (kbytes) |
<%= icm_log_info.maxsize%> |
Filewrap |
<%= icm_log_info.wrap%> |
Number of bytes in Logfile |
<%= icm_log_info.fsize%> |
Number of lines in Logfile |
<%= icm_log_info.lcount%> |
formfld = __icm_get_form_field ("line_no");
if (formfld == "")
line_no = 0;
line_no = formfld;
formfld = __icm_get_form_field ("page_op");
if (formfld == "outleft")
line_no = 0;
else if (formfld == "left")
line_no -= 500; if (line_no < 0) line_no = 0;
else if (formfld == "right")
line_no += 500;
else if (formfld == "outright")
line_no = -500;
rc = __icm_log_hdl (1, hdlsel, icm_log_info);
if (rc == -1) {
} else {
rc = __icm_log_hdl (2, hdlsel);
if (show_lineno) options = 4; else options = 0;
line_count = __icm_get_log_lines (line_no, icm_log_info.file, filter, ltab, size, options);