<%! struct icm_urltab_type { string path_prefix; string virt_host; }; struct icm_serv_status_type { int db_version; boolean j2ee_conf; boolean j2ee_active; string j2ee_http_port; string j2ee_https_port; boolean abap_active; boolean vmc_active; boolean url_tab_initialized; boolean attached_to_jsf; string j2ee_state; int active_jnodes; int default_root_hdl; struct icm_urltab_type urltab[]; }; struct icm_alias_type { boolean active; string appl; string alias; string aliasID; int sess; int req_count; }; struct icm_j2ee_status_type { struct icm_alias_type aliastab[]; }; struct icm_inst_type { boolean active; boolean lbrest; int flags; int lbrest_flags; int cur_req; int peak_req; int max_req; int total_req; string queue_name; int queue_buf_count; int queue_size; int queue_quota; int serv_id; int clu_id; }; struct icm_j2ee_inst_type { struct icm_inst_type inst[]; }; static string hdltostring (int hdl) { switch (hdl) { case 1: return ("J2EE"); break; case 2: return ("ABAP"); break; default: return ("unknown"); } } static string flagstostring (int flags) { string str; str = ""; if (flags & 1) str += "P4 "; if (flags & 2) str += "IIOP "; if (flags & 4) str += "TELNET "; if (flags & 8) str += "HTTP "; return (str); } %> <% int nr, rcr3, rcj2ee, rcinst, max, dir1, dir2, dir3; string browser; string sstr1, sstr2, sstr3; struct icm_serv_status_type icm_serv_status; struct icm_j2ee_status_type icm_j2ee_status; struct icm_j2ee_inst_type icm_j2ee_inst; browser = __icm_get_browser_type(); dir1 = __icm_get_form_field ("dir1"); sstr1 = __icm_get_form_field ("sstr1"); dir2 = __icm_get_form_field ("dir2"); sstr2 = __icm_get_form_field ("sstr2"); dir3 = __icm_get_form_field ("dir3"); sstr3 = __icm_get_form_field ("sstr3"); rcr3 = __icm_r3_hdl (1, icm_serv_status); if (sstr1 != "") sort (icm_serv_status.urltab, dir1, sstr1); if (dir1 == 1) dir1 = -1; else dir1 = 1; rcj2ee = __icm_j2ee_hdl (1, icm_j2ee_status); if (rcj2ee == 0) { if (sstr3 != "") sort (icm_j2ee_status.aliastab, dir3, sstr3); if (dir3 == 1) dir3 = -1; else dir3 = 1; rcinst = __icm_j2ee_hdl (2, icm_j2ee_inst); if (rcinst == 0) { if (sstr2 != "") sort (icm_j2ee_inst.inst, dir2, sstr2); if (dir2 == 1) dir2 = -1; else dir2 = 1; } } else rcinst = -1; %> Admin Users
<% if (rcr3 == -1) { %> <% } else { %> <% if (icm_serv_status.db_version <= 700) { %> <% } else { %> <% } %>
Application Server Refresh
No information for ABAP available
Configured System Type (system/type): <%=__icm_get_param ("system/type")%>  
AS ABAP operational: <%=icm_serv_status.abap_active%>  
J2EE Server configured: <%=icm_serv_status.j2ee_conf%>  
J2EE HTTP Port: <%=icm_serv_status.j2ee_http_port%>  
J2EE HTTPS Port: <%=icm_serv_status.j2ee_https_port%>  
J2EE Server operational: <%=icm_serv_status.j2ee_active%>  
AS Java operational:  
ICM attached to AS Java (Startup Framework): <%=icm_serv_status.attached_to_jsf%>  
Number of active AS Java server nodes: <%=icm_serv_status.active_jnodes%>  
AS Java state: <%=icm_serv_status.j2ee_state%>  
Default root access handler: <%=hdltostring(icm_serv_status.default_root_hdl)%>  
URL Prefix Table loaded: <%=icm_serv_status.url_tab_initialized%>  
<% max = arraylen(icm_serv_status.urltab); for (nr = 0; (nr < max) && (icm_serv_status.urltab[nr].path_prefix != ""); nr++) { %> <% } } %>
URL Prefix Table
  URL Prefix Virtual Host
<%= nr %> <%=icm_serv_status.urltab[nr].path_prefix%> <%=icm_serv_status.urltab[nr].virt_host%> 
<% if (rcinst == 0) { %>
<% max = arraylen(icm_j2ee_inst.inst); for (nr = 0; nr < max; nr++) { %> <% if (icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].active) { %> <% } else { %> <% } %> <% if (icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].lbrest) { %> <% } else { %> <% } %> <% } } %>
J2EE Instance Table Refresh
  Active Restricted Queue Name Cluster Id Services Restricted Services cur req peak req max req write/read Queue Elems Queue Size Queue Quota
<%= nr %>Activated-Activated-<%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].queue_name%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].clu_id%> <%=flagstostring(icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].flags)%> <%=flagstostring(icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].lbrest_flags)%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].cur_req%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].peak_req%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].max_req%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].total_req%>/<%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].total_req-icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].cur_req%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].queue_buf_count%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].queue_size%> <%=icm_j2ee_inst.inst[nr].queue_quota%>
<% if (rcj2ee == 0) { %>
<% max = arraylen(icm_j2ee_status.aliastab); for (nr = 0; (nr < max) && (icm_j2ee_status.aliastab[nr].appl != ""); nr++) { %> <% if (icm_j2ee_status.aliastab[nr].active) { %> <% } else { %> <% } %> <% } } %>
J2EE Alias Table Refresh
  Active Application Alias Ignore Cookie Request Count Alias Identifier
<%= nr %>Activated-<%=icm_j2ee_status.aliastab[nr].appl%> <%=icm_j2ee_status.aliastab[nr].alias%> <%=icm_j2ee_status.aliastab[nr].sess%> <%=icm_j2ee_status.aliastab[nr].req_count%> <%=icm_j2ee_status.aliastab[nr].aliasID%>