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G Z- m* * + /  M . +*>!i! .-( < 7DA|  Ec8I3//J 9z - Gz*c G3J{(!5 3G %{  I  "Usage: %s -a ApplicationID name1="value1" name2="value2" where nameN can bes one of APPLICATION_NAME, SMARTASSIST_ID, COMPONENT_ID, RESOURCE_GROUP, or otherwise. # Label (IP Addresses) Usage: %s -a ApplicationID %s -a ApplicationID name1 name2 ... nameN %s -a ApplicationID RESOURCE_GROUP %s -q name=value where name can be any of of APPLICATION_NAME, SMARTASSIST_ID, COMPONENT_ID, RESOURCE_GROUP, or otherwise. Usage: %s -a ApplicationID %s -a ApplicationID name1="value1" name2="value2" %s -s SmartAssistID where name is one of APPLICATION_NAME, SMARTASSIST_ID, COMPONENT_ID or RESOURCE_GROUP ERROR: Smart Assist Application ID: '%s' is not defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration. Usage: %s [-c cluster_name] ERROR: Unable to change the name of the cluster to: %s. ERROR: PowerHA SystemMirror smart assists require at least two cluster nodes to proceed. Please provide two IP labels. Fewer than two valid cluster nodes were specified. ERROR: Unable to add node: %s to the cluster configuration. Please check to ensure a valid communication link exists between the local node and IP label: %s ERROR: IP label: %s specified twice. ERROR: IP label: %s cannot be resolved on the local system. Please only use IP labels that can either be resolved via DNS or via /etc/hosts. Usage: %s [-v] ERROR: The cluster topology is not defined. If you are receiving this message after running a smart assistant, then please provide a snap -e to PowerHA SystemMirror cluster support. Usage: claddsa -s SmartAssistId -c ComponentId [-C] name1="value1" ... where: SmartAssistID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist ComponentID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist Component name1="value1" ... nameN="valueN" are the names of the name value pairs to be stored within the database. -C will cause a check to see if the Smart Assist and component can be configured now (the application is installed). Warning: SA log file not defined in HACMPlogs Missing option %s Unknown option %s The Smart Assist ID must be specified via -s The Component ID must be specified via -c Missing name in name=value parameter (%s) Missing value in name=value parameter (%s) The following required parameters are missing: The %s component of %s can be configured on the local node because the software is installed. Please run "smit clsa" to start configuring them to make them highly available with PowerHA SystemMirror. Usage: clquerysa -t discover [-n nodename] clquerysa -t filter [-s SmartAssistID [ -c ComponentID ]] clquerysa [ -t query ] -s SmartAssistID -c ComponentID -q name where: nodename is the name of the node on which discovery found the component SmartAssistID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist ComponentID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist Component name name of an attribute specified when the Smart Assist was installed. Warning: SA log file not defined in HACMPlogs Missing option %s Unknown option %s Extra values appear after the parameters. Missing parameters for -t query. clquerysa -t "%s" not supported. #%s is not installed Usage: clrmsa -s SmartAssistId [ -c ComponentID ] where: SmartAssistID is the unique identifier for the Smart Assist ComponentID is the unique identifier for the Component Uninstalls a Smart Assist from the machine. Warning: SA log file not defined in HACMPlogs Missing option %s Unknown option %s The Smart Assist ID must be specified via -s Unknown parameters Usage: get_log_name entry [default_log_name] where: entry is the name of the PowerHA SystemMirror log file, recorded in PowerHA SystemMirrorlogs default_log_path is the path if the entry is not found; if not specified, the default is the empty string. Creating a cluster failed; please check %s for errors. Running registration command failed; please check %s for errors. Other ApplicationsGeneral Application Smart AssistERROR: An application with name of %s has already been made created. ERROR: An application server with the name of %s has already been defined in PowerHA SystemMirror. ERROR: A resource group with the name of %s has already been registered. ERROR: Failed to create the application server: %s ERROR: Failed to create the resource group: %s ERROR: Failed to modify the resource group: %s ERROR: Failed to associate metadata with application: %s ERROR: Failed to create service IP label: %s ERROR: The application name: %s is not defined to PowerHA SystemMirror WARNING: The resource group associated with application: %s has been removed from the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration. Usage: clsaxmlutil -s -x -m -t [ -a ] Invalid Command. Invalid Arguments. Invalid XML file. Please ensure correct path and the file is readable. Invalid Schema file. Please ensure correct path and the file is readable. Invalid XML file. Unable to parse file. No Element with name %s is found No Atrributes are specified for Element with name %s No Atrribute with name %s for Element with name %s xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr returned NULL xmlSchemaParse returned NULL Unable to parse the xml file. Please ensure xml document is well-formed. 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* H E 7B } D ( %H NT M C:Q~GP Fi!)"&#)$4+%H`&3'|(HZ)(*3+{,h|-x.b^/f0F(1YoD'DdD#:^vN%("7K  7( #` ' 7; mMxl!ns"g:#$$'a(I(a(p((( 3( ^(+Q w1Mh12.Usage: cl_filenet_pe_import [-D | -v] {-a | -r} -o -n -u -l -f -P [-M] -D Turn on debug mode. -v Turn on verbose mode. -a Add/change all necessary PowerHA SystemMirror resources for the specified DB2 instance. If the resources already exist, they will be removed and then added. This is the change/modify mode. -r Remove all PowerHA SystemMirror resources for the specified DB2 instance. -o DB2 UDB instance owning node. This is the node that has the highest priority. -n DB2 UDB takeover node(s). These nodes will be appended to the instance owning node and then passed to "claddgrp -n". Takeover nodelist is colon-separated. -u Process Engine User (owner) to be made highly available or removed. This is the only option required when removing (-r) the resources. -l The TCP/IP service IP label used by Process Engine to communicate with other application tiers and/or clients. -M Delete the pre-existing configuration (modify mode) -P Netmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6) -f Input XML file populated with required informationProcess Engine Resource Group doesn't existFailed removing Process Engine Application Server from PowerHA SystemMirrorProcess Engine is not running on any nodeFailed removing Process Engine Service IP Label from PowerHA SystemMirrorProcess Engine Service IP label doesn't existFailed removing Process Engine Resource Group from PowerHA SystemMirrorStopping Process Engine on node "%1$s"Process Engine is not active on any nodeProcess Engine on node %1$s is still runningSleeping for %1$s seconds (up to a total of %2$s seconds)...Failed stopping the process engine on node %1$sProcess Engine on node %1$s is stoppedVerifying Process Engine user %1$sThe Process Engine user %1$s does not seem to be availableVerifying the Process Engine.Process Engine User %1$s doesn't exist in discovery informationProcess Engine must be properly configuredVerifying the owning node "%1$s" is part of takeover node(s) "%2$s" listThe owning node "%1$s" cannot be part of takeover node(s) "%2$s" listVerifying all supplied nodes are valid PowerHA SystemMirror nodes.Node %1$s is not a cluster nodeBoth instance owning node and takeover node(s) must be cluster nodesFailed removing Application monitor %1$sFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP Label for Process EngineFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server for process engine user %1$sFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor for Process Engine user %1$sFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor for Process Engine user %1$sFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group for Process Engine User %1$sFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding resources to Resource GroupMissing required argument(s) to importSourcing in Process Engine discovery dataProcess Engine discovery data required but not foundProcess Engine on node %1$s should be manually stopped before continuingValidation of one or more required resources failedThe Process Engine for User %1$s is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration with application %2$sResource creation or adding required resources to resource group failed.Removal of one or more resources failed.Unexpected Process Engine import action encountered"%1$s (Process Engine RG)" START AFTER "%2$s (DB for Content Engine and Process Engine RG)" dependency has been established"%1$s (Process Engine RG)" START AFTER "%2$s (DB for Process Engine RG)" dependency has been established"%1$s (Application Engine and Content Engine RG)" START AFTER "%2$s (Process Engine RG)" dependency has been established"%1$s (Content Engine RG)" START AFTER "%2$s (Process Engine RG)" dependency has been established"%1$s (Application Engine RG)" START AFTER "%2$s (Process Engine RG)" dependency has been establishedProblem with XML configuration file. Ensure a valid XML file supplied.Adding custom verification library "%1$s" to PowerHA SystemMirror verification has failedUsage: cl_filenet_process_engine_start [-D | -v] PROCESS_ENGINE_USERProcess Engine is activeProcess Engine is not activeProcess Engine has been startedProcess Engine unable to startProcess Engine user is missingStarting Process Engine# PROCESS ENGINE START LOGUsage: cl_filenet_process_engine_stop [-D | -v] PROCESS_ENGINE_USER.Process Engine has been stoppedProcess Engine has not been stoppedStopping Process Engine# PROCESS ENGINE STOP LOGUsage: cl_filenet_process_engine_monitor [-D | -v] -u PROCESS_ENGINE_USER_NAMEProcess Engine Health check initiated# PROCESS ENGINE MONITOR LOGAdd a Process Engine User Resource GroupSelect the process engine user to make highly availableSelect a Process Engine UserApplication NameProcess Engine Owning NodeTakeover Node(s)Process Engine User NameProcess Engine Configuration VGService InterfaceModify a Process Engine Highly Available Resource GroupAdd a Content Engine Resource GroupAdd a Application Engine Resource GroupModify a Content Engine Highly Available Resource GroupModify a Application Engine Highly Available Resource GroupSpecify a symbolic name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror components that represent the Process Engine component. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. This is the highest priority node that can own the resource group that configuration assistant will create. These are the lower priority node in desired order that can own the resource group that this configuration assistant will create. Leave a space between node names. This is the Process Engine User (Discovered Information), can't be modified. This is just for information to end user This is Process Engine Configuration Volume group (Discovered Information), can't be modified This is just for information to end user Specify the service IP label to be used by the Process Engine. The Process Engine will be modified to listen on the server IP label. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on both cluster nodes and cannot be a Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address. Enterprise Content Management Configuration Assistant is an application That extends an existing PowerHA SystemMirror configuration to include monitoring and Recovery support for following sub-components Content Engine (If deployed under WAS) Application Engine (If deployed under WAS) Process Engine DB for Content Engine (If Database used is DB2) DB for Application Engine (If Database used is DB2) Content Engine is supported if deployed under WAS. WebSphere Application Server Configuration Assistant allows you to easily configure installations of WebSphere Application Server whose nodes are not federated, i.e. they are not part of a Network Deployment Environment. In the process of configuring Content Engine with PowerHA SystemMirror, if we encounter Application Engine has been configured and both Application Engine and Content Engine are deployed under same WebSphere Application Server, then required resources for Content Engine will be Updated in Application Engine RG. In such scenario we will have only One RG with required resources for both Content Engine and Application Engine. This allows you to easily configure Process Engine to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster. The following information with other required information would be discovered Primary Node Takeover Node Process Engine User Process Engine Configuration VG Adds a process engine user to the cluster. This requires following Information to be specified Primary Node Takeover Nodes Service Interface With other discovered info "Process Engine User" and "Process Engine Configuration VG". Once done, the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster will start, stop, and monitor the application servers that are part of the Process Engine. This lists Users as part of Process Engine configuration Remove a Process Engine Resource Group will remove the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration for the selected Process Engine User. Application Engine is supported if deployed under WAS. WebSphere Application Server Configuration Assistant allows you to easily configure installations of WebSphere Application Server whose nodes are not federated, i.e. they are not part of a Network Deployment Environment. In the process of configuring Application Engine with PowerHA SystemMirror, if we encounter Content Engine has been configured and both Application Engine and Content Engine are deployed under same WebSphere Application Server, then required resources for Application Engine will be Updated in Content Engine RG. In such scenario we will have only One RG with required resources for both Content Engine and Application Engine. Change a Process Engine Resource Group provides options for * Adding a new PowerHA SystemMirror node to resource group * Changing the resources (like service IP label) of resource group * Removing a node from resource group FileNet P8 Smart AssistProcess EngineContent EngineApplication EngineDB for Content EngineDB for Process EngineUsage: cl_filenet_manual_config -f Usage: cl_filenet_was_AE_CE_import -a -t 'HTTPSERVER' -C Component -h HttpServerName -p PrimaryNode -n SeondaryNodes -s ServiceIP cl_filenet_was_AE_CE_import -a -t 'APPSERVER' -c CellName -N WebSphereNode -C Component -p PrimaryNode -n SeondaryNodes -s ServiceIP cl_filenet_was_AE_CE_import -a -t 'DMMANAGER' -c CellName -p PrimaryNode -n SeondaryNodes -s ServiceIP cl_filenet_was_AE_CE_import -r -t 'HTTPSERVER' -h HttpServerName cl_filenet_was_AE_CE_import -r -t 'APPSERVER' -c CellName -N WebSphereNode cl_filenet_was_AE_CE_import -r -t 'DMMANAGER' -c CellName Usage: cl_filenet_db_ce_pe_import [-D | -v] {-a | -r} -o -n -C -i -d -l -w [-M] [-F | -S] -D Turn on debug mode. -v Turn on verbose mode. -a Add/change all necessary PowerHA SystemMirror resources for the specified DB2 instance. If the resources already exist, they will be removed and then added. This is the change/modify mode. -r Remove all PowerHA SystemMirror resources for the specified instance. -C Component ID (DB for Process or Content Engine) -o DB2 UDB instance owning node. This is the node that has the highest priority. -n DB2 UDB takeover node(s). These nodes will be appended to the instance owning node and then passed to "claddgrp -n". Takeover nodelist is colon-separated. -i DB2 UDB instance name (owner) to be made highly available or removed. This is the only option required when removing (-r) the resources. -d DB2 UDB database name. This database is used by the Custom SQL Monitor. -l The TCP/IP service IP label used by DB2 to communicate with other application tiers and/or clients. -w The IP-based network where the service IP label (-l) is on. -M Delete the pre-existing configuration (modify mode) -F Signal First Resource Group with respect to Mutual takeover configuration. -S Signal Second Resource Group with respect to Mutual takeover configuration. The Database for Process and Content Engine has been already configured with Resource Group %1$s under Application %2$sThe Database for %1$s Engine has been already configured with Resource Group %2$s under Application %3$sThe Database for Process and Content Engine, both are deployed under same DB2 instance %1$s, so adding required resources of Database for %2$s Engine onto Database for %3$s Engine Resource Group %4$se k'oםa^֝aםa&./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/dnssa.catcatISO8859-1.(W("AKN>G<c  $ ( < "L(o(DABH;(5@FJD<)TC~GF > Q F !3 "5 #& A$n h%d &F <'3 (H )E *> F+H ,A -- . >, _    %*!Pr), *;Mm}#qDNS Smart AssistDNSUnexpected DNS import action encounteredThe DNS is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster with resource group %1$sFailed removing Application monitor %1$sFailed removing Application Server %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirrorFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Application Controller to the Meta DatabaseFailed removing DNS Service IP Label from PowerHA SystemMirrorFailed removing PowerHA SystemMirror file collection for DNS zone filesFailed removing DNS Resource Group from PowerHA SystemMirrorStopping DNS daemon on node %2$sDNS daemon is not active on any nodeDNS daemon on node %1$s is still runningSleeping for %1$s seconds (up to a total of %2$s seconds)...DNS daemon on node %1$s is stoppedFailed stopping DNS daemon on node %1$s.Verifying DNS subsystem input resources.Verifying the owning node %1$s is part of takeover node(s) %2$s listThe owning node %1$s cannot be part of takeover node(s) %2$s listVerifying all supplied nodes are valid PowerHA SystemMirror nodes.Node %1$s is not a cluster nodeBoth owning node and takeover node(s) must be cluster nodesRemoval of one or more resources failed.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP LabelFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server for DNS.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor for %1$s Print subsystem.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor for DNS daemon.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group for DNS.Failed adding resources to Resource GroupFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding Print subsystem information to the Meta DatabaseProblem with XML configuration file. Ensure a valid XML file supplied.Problem with %1$s information in XML file supplied.The name server configuration file %1$s doesn't existMissing required argument(s) to importPlease choose a different application name, as configuration is already exist with the application name "%1$s"The DNS is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration with application "%2$s"DNS daemon on node "%1$s" should be manually stopped before continuingValidation of one or more required resources failedResource creation or adding required resources to resource group failed.Failed adding DNS configuration file information to the Meta DatabaseFailed creating file collection for propagating DNS zone filesFailed adding zone files location directory %1$s to file collection %2$sFailed adding DNS configuration file %1$s to file collection %2$sThe DNS configuration file %1$s doesn't existStopping DNS daemon on node %1$sVerifying to see DNS daemon named is active.DNS daemon named is activeDNS daemon named is not activeDNS daemon named startedDNS daemon named unable to start# DNS START LOGStarting DNS daemon namedDNS daemon named has not been stoppedDNS daemon named has been stopped# DNS STOP LOGStopping DNS daemon namedAdd a DNS Highly Available Resource GroupModify a DNS Highly Available Resource GroupDNS Configuration FileApplication NameDNS Owning NodeTakeover Node(s)Service InterfaceSpecify a symbolic name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror components that represent the instance of DNS application. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. This is the highest priority node that can own the resource group that configuration assistant will create. These are the lower priority node in desired order that can own the resource group that this configuration assistant will create. Leave a space between node names. The DNS configuration file. Leave blank if default configuration file /etc/named.conf is used, else provide the file used other than default file. Specify the service IP label to be used by the DNS for communicating with clients. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on both cluster nodes and cannot be a Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address. Adds an instance of DNS to the cluster for High Availability. This requires following Information to be specified Application Name Primary Node Takeover Nodes DNS Configuration File Service Interface Netmask (IPv4)/Prefix Length (IPv6) Once done, the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster will start, stop, and monitor the application servers that are part of the DNS. Change a DNS Resource Group provides options for * Adding a new PowerHA SystemMirror node to resource group * Changing the resources (like nodes, service IP label, etc.) of resource group * Removing a node from resource group Usage: cl_dns_import -A [-D | -v] {-a | -r} -o -n -F -l -P -f -A Application Name. -D Turn on debug mode. -v Turn on verbose mode. -a Add/change all necessary PowerHA SystemMirror resources. If the resources already exist, they will be removed and then added. -r Remove all PowerHA SystemMirror resources for DNS. -o DNS owning node. This is the node that has the highest priority. -n DNS takeover node(s). These nodes will be appended to the instance owning node and then passed to "claddgrp -n". Takeover nodelist is colon-separated. -l The TCP/IP service IP label used by DNS to communicate with other application tiers and/or clients. -P Netmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6) -M Delete the pre-existing configuration (modify mode) -F DNS configuration file, if used other than default file -f Input XML file populated with required information for Manual Configuration.  k'o"םa^֝aםa&"./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/print_server_sa.cat ISO8859-1/12(+AT/J/HA * . 2 < ,T2/DA)Bk;( 53QiJN M U) C G F Y> F !3 &" Z#& *$n Q%u &P 6'3 (H )m*r+/,7-y.Tr/L "3V$s^+ A 8[ # $+) %3Y"w#H+-]YJF7I B . ; 1/ 3aN(; 7I"%)6)8`m&o<b- 8y8"\Print Subsystem Smart AssistSystem VPowerPCUnexpected Print Server import action encountered%1$s Print subsystem Resource Group doesn't exist.Failed removing Application monitor %1$sFailed removing Application Server %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirrorPrint subsystem %1$s is not running on any nodeFailed removing Print subsystem Service IP Label from PowerHA SystemMirrorPrint subsystem Service IP label doesn't exist.Failed removing Print subsystem Resource Group from PowerHA SystemMirrorStopping %1$s Print Subsystem on node %2$s%1$s Print subsystem is not active on any node%1$s Print subsystem on node %2$s is still runningSleeping for %1$s seconds (up to a total of %2$s seconds)...%1$s Print subsystem on node %2$s is stoppedFailed stopping %1$s print subsystem on node %2$s.Verifying %1$s Print subsystem input resources.Verifying the owning node %1$s is part of takeover node(s) %2$s listThe owning node %1$s cannot be part of takeover node(s) %2$s listVerifying all supplied nodes are valid PowerHA SystemMirror nodes.Node %1$s is not a cluster nodeBoth owning node and takeover node(s) must be cluster nodesRemoval of one or more resources failed.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP LabelFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server for %1$s Print subsystem.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor for %1$s Print subsystem.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor for %1$s Print subsystem.Failed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group for %1$s Print subsystem.Failed adding resources to Resource GroupFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding Print subsystem information to the Meta DatabaseProblem with XML configuration file. Ensure a valid XML file supplied.Problem with %1$s information in XML file supplied.You are trying to configure "%1$s" Print subsystem with PowerHA SystemMirror, but current active print subsystem is "%2$s" Please make sure you are configuring the Print Subsystem which is currently active.Missing required argument(s) to importPlease choose a different application name, as configuration is already exist with the application name "%1$s"The %1$s Print subsystem is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration with application "%2$s"%1$s Print subsystem on node "%2$s" should be manually stopped before continuingValidation of one or more required resources failedResource creation or adding required resources to resource group failed.Adding custom verification library "%1$s" for print subsystem to PowerHA SystemMirror verification has failedAdding file collection failedAdding file %1$s to file collection $2$s failedRemoving file collection %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirrorAdding PowerHA SystemMirror file collection for propagating %1$s print subsystem configuration information across clusterAdding %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror file collection created for %2$s print subsystemCreated "%1$s" PowerHA SystemMirror file collection for %2$s print subsystem%1$s print subsystem is active%1$s print subsystem is not active%1$s print subsystem started%1$s print subsystem unable to startStarting %1$s print subsystemThe PowerPC print subsystem is active, if "lpd", "qdaemon", and "writesrv" daemons are activeVerifying %1$s daemon%1$s daemon is active%1$s daemon is not activeThe required daemons for %1$s print subsystem are active# POWERPC PRINT SUBSYSTEM START LOG# SYSTEM V PRINT SUBSYSTEM START LOGAll the required daemons are unable to stop%1$s print subsystem has not been stopped%1$s print subsystem has been stoppedStopping %1$s print subsystem# POWERPC PRINT SUBSYSTEM STOP LOG# SYSTEM V PRINT SUBSYSTEM STOP LOGCleanup activityRemoving print queueRemoving temporary file created for printing to a file using print queue%1$s print subsystem Health check initiatedCreating a temporary file in /dev directory for printing to a file using %1$s print subsystemThe file creation failed for printing to a file using %1$s print subsystemThe test print to a file using %1$s print subsystem can't be initiatedProviding required permission to temporary file createdThe required permission modification to the temporary file failed.Creating a %1$s print queue printing to a fileThe creation of print queue %1$s for %2$s subsystem failed.Test print to the file using %1$s print subsystemThe print request using %1$s print subsystem failedThe number of lines in the temporary file should be greater than 0 after print# POWERPC PRINT SUBSYSTEM HEALTH MONITORProviding required user ownership to temporary file createdThe required ownership modification to the file failed.Accepting print queue %1$sThe print queue %1$s accept failedEnabling print queue %1$sThe print queue %1$s couldn't enabled# SYSTEM V PRINT SUBSYSTEM HEALTH MONITORAdd a Print Susbsystem Highly Available Resource GroupModify a Print Subsystem Highly Available Resource GroupPrint SubsystemApplication NamePrint Subsystem Owning NodeTakeover Node(s)Service InterfaceSpecify a symbolic name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror components that represent the Process Engine component. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. This is the highest priority node that can own the resource group that configuration assistant will create. These are the lower priority node in desired order that can own the resource group that this configuration assistant will create. Leave a space between node names. This is the print subsystem we are interested in configuring with PowerHA SystemMirror for High Availability. Specify the service IP label to be used by the Print Subsystem for communicating with clients. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on both cluster nodes and cannot be a Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address. Adds a print subsystem RG to the cluster. This requires following Information to be specified Application Name Primary Node Takeover Nodes Print Subsystem Service Interface Netmask (IPv4)/Prefix Length (IPv6) Once done, the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster will start, stop, and monitor the application servers that are part of the print subsystem. Change a Print Subsystem Resource Group provides options for * Adding a new PowerHA SystemMirror node to resource group * Changing the resources (like service IP label) of resource group * Removing a node from resource group Usage: cl_print_server_manual_config -f Usage: cl_print_server_import -A [-D | -v] {-a | -r} -o -n -l -P -f -A Application Name. -D Turn on debug mode. -v Turn on verbose mode. -a Add/change all necessary PowerHA SystemMirror resources for the specified Print subsystem. If the resources already exist, they will be removed and then added. This is the change/modify mode. -r Remove all PowerHA SystemMirror resources for the specified Print subsystem. -o Print subsystem owning node. This is the node that has the highest priority. -n Print subsystem takeover node(s). These nodes will be appended to the instance owning node and then passed to "claddgrp -n". Takeover nodelist is colon-separated. -l The TCP/IP service IP label used by Print subsystem to communicate with other application tiers and/or clients. -P Netmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6) -M Delete the pre-existing configuration (modify mode) -f Input XML file populated with required informationUsage: cl_print_server_manual_config -f LO kl'oםa^֝aםa&./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/lotusdominosa.cattISO8859-1. 8 WU J %B1a5@A QL.,*M%Us<R9YZA70Ch!2"=$D%Qb&J'+(% +)^ Q*U +Y ,I `- .O /8 0G S16 2> 3> 7; P8B 9J :J A eB0 sK J G;: 93 1=)o<hZ`r|PValidating Smart Assist for Lotus domino application id smart assist for Lotus domino Application id=%1$s is not in the range [a-z][A-z][0-9]_ completion of validating smart Assist for Lotus domino applicaton id=%1$s Validating Lotus domino server nodes smart assist for Lotus domino server has nodes=%1$s as repetitive Modifying Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Checking if the domino server is already configured. Lotus domino server with application is %1$s already configured unable to read the domino server directory %1$s on the node %2$s unable to find the domino server directorys notes.ini file %1$s on the node %2$s Adding Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Unable to get the unused name for %1$s=%2$s Service IP label %1$s can not be resolved service label %1$s already defined in the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Adding Lotus domino server Resource Group %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding Lotus domino server Resource Group %1$s Adding Lotus domino server Application %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding Lotus domino server Application %1$s Adding Lotus domino server Application monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding Lotus domino server Application monitor %1$s Adding Lotus domino serveice IP to Resource Group %1$s Failed while adding Lotus domino service IP to Resource Group %1$s Adding Lotus domino Resource Configuration to ODM Failed while Adding Lotus domino server configuration to ODM Generating verify script for Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Failed while Generating verify script for Lotus domino server configuration %1$s Removing Lotus domino server %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Resource Group count %1$s not found in ODM Resource Group %1$s not found in ODM Failed while deleting Application monitor %1$s for changing Lotus domino server configuration Failed while deleting Application for changing Lotus domino server configuration%1$s Failed while deleting Resource Group %1$s for changing Lotus domino server configuration Failed while deleting for changing Lotus domino server ODM configuration creating Service IP label %1$s No suitable PowerHA SystemMirror network is defined to create service IP label Error while adding service IP label %1$s to netowk %2$s Generating verify Header for Lotus domino server Application name %1$s Generating verify Script for Lotus domino server %1$s Pushing the verification scripts to other node %1$s is failed Lotus domino pogram directory DOMINO_PROG_DIR is not exported configuring Lotus domino server using manual configuration No value is specified for Nodes property in Lotus domino xml file No value is specified for DataDirectory property in Lotus domino xml file No value is specified for DominoCluster property in Lotus domino xml file DOMINO_SERVERRolling back the already created configuration. starting the Lotus domino server with data directory %1$s and user as %2$s stoping the Lotus domino server with data directory %1$s and user as %2$s Failed while monitoring Lotus domino server configuration for dir %1$s Monitoring Lotus domino server configuration for dir %1$s Add a Lotus domino Server Highly Available Resource GroupApplication NameParticipating cluster nodes for Lotus domino serverLotus domino servers node and data directory pathDomino cluster between the domino serversModify a Lotus domino Server Highly Available Resource GroupAdd a Lotus domino server Highly Available Resource Group, SMIT panel configures Lotus domino server operating system cluster configuration. The following information must be provided for each added instance * Application Name * Participating cluster nodes for Lotus domino server * Lotus domino servers node and data directory path * Domino cluster between the domino servers Specify the name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror component that represent Lotus domino server. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. Select the nodes names on which the domino server configuration to be highly available. Home node where the data directory resides and the absolute path of the domino servers data directory, which will be kept highly available. for each server enter the Home node with domino servers data directory path with , as separator and for multiple servers with ; as seperator for each pair of home node and data directory path. For active-passive Lotus domino configuration user has to specify only one home node and data directory pair, for other configuration user can specify more than one home node and data directory pairs. node1,/domino _server1;node2,/domino_server/data/server1 n--Domino cluster is not configured between the domino servers y--Domino cluster is configured between the domino servers Modify a Lotus domino server Highly Available Resource Group, SMIT panel configures Lotus domino server operating system cluster configuration. domin k&.'oJםa^֝aםa&J./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/maxdbsa.cataFISO8859-1 6"!9[l     & #' BB j. - ' 5 29 h+ /   ' '. O2 ~s w % RqJ G     +DrpqU`u@SA4)%=;cD7C2 @v < 0 3 % > Y> , #!*!(^!S!&! !C"<"^""'";"<#"(/#_G#L#W$O$l+$=$'%& %N (%l (% +% %q&<&zT&^' _'kC'@(H(P/(D(H)L)WM)K)7*>>*v0*1* 2+!-+K"[+y#E+$,,%?,H&.,'?,(E,)0-=*9-n+7-,<--4...R/O.2L/1;/~/<(/<00>30Z0Y0W1<1] !1 ?1 L1 72I -2W233#3C3`<3rO383-48Y4f4F[2445J5C05W5Z6m6r06 ,7 77> ,7v .7 7(8Rl8{.85929M29/909$::9:R(:f.::":*:';"5;J :;!;";#9;$#<&%B>.#>j/">0>1>2k>3<?C46?5y?6v@17@8@9h@:A7;jAP<3A=yA>vBi?B@NClACBCCGCD,D5EVDbF6DG6DH0E'I1EXJ6EK;EL:EM$F8NCF]OPFP'FQDGRLG_S'GT;GUzHVkHW8HXzI0YqIZnJ[mJSAP MaxDB Smart AssistSelect the SAP MaxDB instance to make highly availableSelect SAP MaxDB Database InstanceAdd a SAP MaxDB Database InstanceApplication NameMaxDB Instance NameMaxDB Administrator UserMaxDB Administrator PasswordPrimary NodeTakeover Node(s)Service IP LabelShared Volume Group(s)Modify the SAP MaxDB Database InstanceSAP MaxDB Database Instance(s)MaxDB Software Owner Verification CheckSelect the SAP MaxDB Hot Standby instance to make highly availableSelect SAP MaxDB Hot Standby Database InstanceAdd a SAP MaxDB Hot Standby Database InstanceSAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance NameSAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance Administrator UserSAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance Administrator PasswordSAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM UserSAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM PasswordData Volume Group(s)Log Volume Group(s)liveCache Global Filesystem Mount pointSAP liveCache Hot Standby Database Instance(s)SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM User XUSER Select the SAP MaxDB Database instance to configure it for highly available in a switchover cluster configuration. Add a SAP MaxDB database instance to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration. The PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for SAP MaxDB will configure a resource group containing an application server to bring up/down the selected SAP MaxDB Database instance. In addition, an PowerHA SystemMirror application monitor will be added to monitor the core Database processes. Application Name An PowerHA SystemMirror cluster wide unique name. The application name is a container for the PowerHA SystemMirror resource groups, application servers, and other cluster components generated to support the SAP MaxDB Database instance The application name must conform to the same rules for naming PowerHA SystemMirror resource groups. The name can be no longer than 64 characters, and must only contain alphanumerics and underline (_) characters. MaxDB Instance Name Running SAP MaxDB Instance selected in the prior SMIT screen. MaxDB Administrator User SAP MaxDB database system administrator user ID. MaxDB Administrator Password Password for the above database system administrator. This would be used to start/stop/monitor the database. Primary Node The primary node must be a node already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster. If the desired node is not already part of the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration the node must be added to the configuration prior to entering this SMIT dialog. Takeover Node(s) The takeover node(s) must be an already existing PowerHA SystemMirror cluster node. Takeover nodes will participate in the resource groups generated to support the SAP MaxDB Database instance, and in the event of a failure will takeover the selected SAP MaxDB Database instance designated in this SMIT dialog. Service IP Label It is the service IP label at which SAP MaxDB clinets are getting connected to this database instance. A new service IP label will be created if the label does not already exist in the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration. Shared Volume Groups The Smart Assist for SAP MaxDB will auto-discover the volume groups associated with the selected database instance. Additional volume groups can be manually entered in this SMIT field. Modify the SAP MaxDB Database Instance Modify an existing PowerHA SystemMirror resourced defined for SAP MaxDB database instance. The existing PowerHA SystemMirror components will be modified for the selected Database instance. The PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for SAP MaxDB will configure a resource group containing an application server to bring up/down the selected SAP MaxDB Database instance. In addition, an PowerHA SystemMirror application monitor will be added to monitor the core Database processes. Select the SAP liveCache Hot Standby Database instance to configure it for highly available in a switchover cluster configuration. Add a SAP liveCache database instance to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration. The PowerHA SystemMirror Smart Assist for SAP liveCache Hot Standby will configure a resource group containing an application server to bring up/down the selected SAP liveCache Hot Standby Database instance. SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance Name Running liveCache Hot Standby Instance selected in the prior SMIT screen. SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance Administrator User SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance administrator user ID. SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance Administrator Password Password for the above SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance administrator user. SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM User ID SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM user ID. SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM Password Password for the above SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM user. Data Volume Groups The Smart Assist for SAP MaxDB will auto-discover the data volumes VG associated with the selected database instance. Additional volume groups can be manually entered in this SMIT field. Log Volume Groups The Smart Assist for SAP MaxDB will auto-discover the log volume VG associated with the selected database instance. Additional volume groups can be manually entered in this SMIT field. liveCache Global Filesystem Mount point Add A Global Filesystem which is accessible to all the nodes. This Filesystem will be used as Lock Directory for Hot Standby. This mount point should always be made avaiable on all cluster nodes SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM User XUSER ID SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance DBM user XUSER ID. UserID must be created from XUSER ineterface. %1$s : Using an already avaialble MAXDB_PROGRAM_PATH%1$s : setting MAXDB_PROGRAM_PATH to %2$sdbmcli command is available at : %1$sUnable to locate dbmcli command or dbmcli is not executableMaxDB Version is %1$sMaxDB version %1$s is found. Only MaxDB version 7.7.x.x is supportedNo MaxDB installation found on this node. Can't proceedUnable to read IndepPrograms value from /etc/opt/sdb. Can't proceedDBMCLI_COMMAND is not set. Unable to find any database instancesInstance name is not specified for discovering Volume GorupsPerforming cluster wide volume group discovery. MaxDB config location %1$s is on %2$s Volume GroupUnable to read SdbOwner value from /etc/opt/sdb. Can't proceedUnable to read SdbGroup value from /etc/opt/sdb. Can't proceedUnable to delete Application Monitror : %1$sDeleting Application Monitor : %1$sUnable to delete Application Server : %1$sPlease do a verify and sync from another node in the cluster to restore previos configuration.Deleting Resource Group : %1$sUnable to delete Resource Group : %1$sDeleting File Collection : %1$sUnregistering the application id : %1$s from Smart Assist FrameworkUnable to unregister application with Smart Assist frameworkDeleting Application Server : %1$sUnable to delete service IP label: %1$s# No MaxDB installation found on this node. Cannot proceed.# Unable to get the XUSER information, enter XUSER manually.Invalid application name : %1$sNode %1$s was used more than once in the takeover or primary node listsVolume group: %1$s is already defined to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration.Service IP label: %1$s is already defined to PowerHA SystemMirror resource group : %2$sThe Service IP label: %1$s is not resolvable on the local node using /etc/hostsUnable to create the service IP label: %1$sUnable to get list of instance files from Remote Node : %1$sUnable to copy file %1$s from %2$s nodeCreating File Collection %1$sProblem in creating File Collection %1$sAdding file to %1$s File Collection %2$sProblem in adding %1$s File Collection %2$sDeleting File Collection %1$sUnable to connect to Database using the supplied user id and password. Please ensure correct credentials providedAdding MaxDB Instance to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration.Resource group: %1$s already exists. Please choose another name for the application.Application server name : %1$s already exists. Please choose another name for the application.Application monitor name : %1$s already exists. Please choose another name for the application.Adding Service IP %1$s label to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationAdding Resource Group %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationError while adding Resource Group to PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration.Rolling back the already created configuration.Adding Application Server %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationAdding Application monitor to %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationError while adding Application Server to PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration.Error while adding Application Monitor to PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration.Error while modifying Resource Group to PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration.Registering the application with Smart Assist FrameworkError while registering application to Smart Assist framework.Error while getting MaxDB Software Owner User IDError while getting MaxDB Software Owner Group IDError while getting generating verification scriptError while creating instance file collectionSuccessfully added SAP MaxDB Database Instance %1$s to PowerHA System Mirror ConfigurationProblem with XML configuration file. Ensure a valid XML file suppliedProblem in parsing %1$s tag in function %2$sSupplied directory %1$s for MAXDB_PROGRAM_PATH does not exist. Primary Node %1$s is not valid in the cluster.One of the Takeover node from %1$s is not valid in the cluster.Unable to read the configuration file. Please ensure the correct pathReading XML file for Database related propertiesReading XML file completed. Proceeding for configuration.Duplicate node names for Primary and Takeover node listFailed to create required PowerHA SystemMirror ConfigurationEssential arguement "%1$s" is either NULL or missingINFO: The application "%1$s" will be grouped with the Resource Group "%2$s" as one of the resource is already defined to PowerHA SystemMirror.Volume Group "%1$s" and Service IP "%2$s" should belong to same Resource Group.Unable to fetch MAXDB_PROGRAM_PATH from HACMPsa_metadata ODM. Can't proceed.Deleting the Existing configuration for MaxDB instance %1$sRecreating the configuration.No Application ID passed. Can't proceed.Unable to fetch MAXDB_PROGRAM_PATH from HACMPsa_metadata ODMNo dbmcli executable found.No running x_server process. Attempting to restart.x_server process is running.Instance Credentials are not available in HACMPsa_metadata. Can't monitor instance state.Service IP information for the instance is not available. Can't moniotr instance state.dbmcli command returned a non zero value with info as : %1$sDatabase instance state is ONLINEDatabase state is NOT ONLINE. state information found as : %1$sUnable to stop. dbmcli command returned a non zero value with info as : %1$sAttempting to stop instance is Ok. Verifying the state.Unable to verify the Database instance state.Unable to verify the Database instance state. It seem to be at a different state : %1$sDatabase state is OFFLINE. Now attempting to stop x_serverAttempting to start x_serverx_server Started.Unable to start x_server. Can't proceed with Database start.Unable to start. dbmcli command returned a non zero value with info as : "%1$s"Attempting to start instance is Ok. Verifying the state.Unable to verify the Database instance state.Unable to verify the Database instance state. It seem to be at a different state : "%1$s"Database state is ONLINE. liveCache Standby instance is now being stopped. liveCache Standby instance is successfully stopped. Unable to stop liveCache Standby instance. Manual intervention required. No Standby instance detected. Nothing to stop. MONITOR.run detected. Remove all MONITOR states and arm monitor if LC10.start is set. MONITOR.runtime detected. Remove all MONITOR states and arm monitor if LC10.start is set. Undefined state of LC10. This should be never reached if startup monitor of Master is correctly configured. Service not started by LC10. Monitor not armed. The service of "%1$s" "%2$s" is available. ERROR: The service of "%1$s" "%2$s" is not available. The service of "%1$s" "%2$s" is available. ERROR: Instance "%1$s" "%2$s" is not running. WARNING:This script is not intended to run on this node. The Hot-Standby Database should run on PowerHA cluster nodes only. Start of Service is not allowed by APO. Need to initialize lock directory. Write LC10.stop lock to give the application monitors the right status. Started resource group and x_server process. ERROR: The liveCache Master "%1$s" was not started. liveCache "%1$s" of "%2$s" started successfully. The LiveCache Slave is intentionally not stopped The LiveCache Master is successfully stopped. Unable to stop liveCache Master "%1$s".Exiting Filesystem "%1$s" is not mounted. Cannot execute "%1$s". "%1$s" not found. Instance "%1$s" has a state of "%2$s". Check if x_server is running on node "%1$s". Start x_server now. ERROR: Unable to start x_server. x_server already started on node "%1$s". ERROR: Host "%1$s" is not configured. The state of the liveCache "%1$s" Master is "%2$s". Bringing master instance from OFFLINE into ONLINE state. Sleeping "%1$s" seconds. Resuming from sleep Succesfully started master instance. db_state is "%1$s". Making Standby instance as Master. Master instane is already online. starting standby instance now. Standby Resource group is not online on any node. Standby instance will not be started. Standby Resource group is online on "%1$s" Succesfully started Standby Instance. Slave instance is standby but not registered. Restarting Standby instance. WARNING: Restarting Slave failed. Master liveCache instance is detected. Standby is not yet started. ERROR: No Master instance detected. Standby instance will not be started. Standby instance is now in standby state. cleanup DB-environment of Standby. Starting Slave from Master node. Write LC10.start Remove LC10.stop. The PowerHA application monitors for the MASTER and STANDBY resource groups are brought into active state. Call function lc_start_slave_remote to bring Slave online. APO started service of the Master and SLAVE instance. The SAP APO transaction of SAP System "%1$s" failed to start the Master instance. Please contact your APO administrator SAP Kernel Error. The script lccluster was called with unexpected parameters. Please contact your SAP Administrator. Write LC10.stop Remove LC10.start. The PowerHA application monitors for the MASTER and SLAVE resource group is brought into passive state. Stop STANDBY on "%1$s" SAP APO transaction LC10 stoppped the Master instance successfully but Standby instance stopping failed. APO successfully stopped Master and Slave service. The SAP APO transaction of SAP System "%1$s" failed to stop the Master instance. Please contact your APO administrator. All Application monitoring for LC in the cluster is inactive by intention. Adjust lockfile directory if appropriate. SAP Kernel Error. The script lccluster was called with unexpected parameters from lcinit or dbmsrv. Please contact your SAP Administrator LC_XUSER is not exported.Please export LC_XUSER before invoking Smart Assist Starting runtime monitorStarting startup monitorUsage error: This application monitor is intended to be used this way ERROR: "%1$s" Instance "%2$s" is not runningERROR: Script invoked with wrong arguements. Supported arguements are START and STOP ERROR: The LiveCache Primary "%1$s" was not started. The LiveCache Auxiliary is intentionally not stopped The LiveCache Primary is successfully stopped. Unable to stop LiveCache Primary "%1$s".Exiting The state of the LiveCache "%1$s" Primary is "%2$s". Bringing Primary instance from OFFLINE into ONLINE state. Succesfully started Primary instance. DB state is "%1$s". Making Standby instance as Primary. Primary instane is already online. Starting standby instance now. Auxiliary instance is standby but not registered. Restarting Standby instance. WARNING: Restarting Auxiliary failed. Primary LiveCache instance is detected. Standby is not yet started. ERROR: No Primary instance detected. Standby instance will not be started. Starting Auxiliary from Primary node. APO started service of the Primary and Auxiliary instance. The SAP APO transaction of SAP System "%1$s" failed to start the Primary instance. Please contact your APO administrator SAP APO transaction LC10 stoppped the Primary instance successfully but Standby instance stopping failed. APO successfully stopped Primary and Auxiliary service. The SAP APO transaction of SAP System "%1$s" failed to stop the Primary instance. Please contact your APO administrator. The x_server process for LC connectivity has been stopped. The LiveCache Auxiliary is intentionally not stopped. The PowerHA application monitors for the Primary and Auxiliary resource groups are brought into active state. The PowerHA application monitors for the Primary and Auxiliary resource group is brought into passive state. erver k,V'o7םa^֝aםa&7./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/dhcpsa.cataISO8859-1dv+){J(AN[?Q=< !z , ) < *0/[&DAA9{;'5@5@vDC)@CjGF> = F |!3 "5 #& -$n T%l &N 0'3 (H )F *O C+B 5 # ' 0! X) z " . *2"B*e-m4[/DHCP Smart AssistDHCPUnexpected DHCP import action encounteredResource Group %1$s is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror clusterFailed removing Application monitor %1$sFailed removing Application Server %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirrorFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Application Controller to the Meta DatabaseFailed removing DHCP Service IP Label from PowerHA SystemMirrorFailed removing PowerHA SystemMirror file collection for DHCP configuration filesFailed removing DHCP Resource Group from PowerHA SystemMirrorStopping DHCP server on node %1$sDHCP server daemon is not active on any nodeDHCP server on node %1$s is still runningSleeping for %1$s seconds (up to a total of %2$s seconds)...DHCP server daemon on node %1$s is stoppedFailed stopping DHCP server daemon on node %1$sVerifying DHCP server input resources.Verifying the owning node %1$s is part of takeover node(s) %2$s listThe owning node %1$s cannot be part of takeover node(s) %2$s listVerifying all supplied nodes are valid PowerHA SystemMirror nodesNode %1$s is not a cluster nodeBoth owning node and takeover node(s) must be cluster nodesRemoval of one or more resources failedFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Service IP LabelFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Application Server for DHCPFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor for DHCP ServerFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor for DHCP serverFailed creating PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group for DHCP serverFailed adding resources to Resource GroupFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror SQL Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Process Monitor to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding PowerHA SystemMirror Resource Group to the Meta DatabaseFailed adding Print subsystem information to the Meta DatabaseProblem with XML configuration file. Ensure a valid XML file supplied.Problem with %1$s information in XML file supplied.The DHCP server configuration file %1$s doesn't existMissing required argument(s) to importPlease choose a different application name, as configuration is already exist with the application name "%1$s"The DHCP server is already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration with application "%2$s"DHCP server daemon on node "%1$s" should be manually stopped before continuingValidation of one or more required resources failedResource creation or adding required resources to resource group failed.Failed adding DHCP configuration file information to the Meta DatabaseFailed creating file collection for propagating DHCP server configuration filesFailed adding DHCP configuration file %1$s to file collection %2$sVerifying to see DHCP server daemon dhcpsd is active.DHCP server daemon dhcpsd is activeDHCP server daemon dhcpsd is not activeDHCP server daemon dhcpsd startedDHCP server daemon dhcpsd unable to start# DHCP START LOGStarting DHCP server daemon dhcpsdDHCP server daemon dhcpsd has not been stoppedDHCP server daemon dhcpsd has been stopped# DHCP STOP LOGStopping DHCP server daemon dhcpsdAdd a DHCP Highly Available Resource GroupModify a DHCP Highly Available Resource GroupApplication NameDHCP Owning NodeTakeover Node(s)Service InterfaceSpecify a symbolic name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror components that represent the instance of DHCP application. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. This is the highest priority node that can own the resource group that configuration assistant will create. These are the lower priority node in desired order that can own the resource group that this configuration assistant will create. Leave a space between node names. Specify the service IP label to be used by the DHCP for communicating with clients. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on both cluster nodes and cannot be a Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address. Adds an instance of DHCP to the cluster for High Availability. This requires following Information to be specified Application Name Primary Node Takeover Nodes Service Interface Netmask (IPv4)/Prefix Length (IPv6) Once done, the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster will start, stop, and monitor the application servers that are part of the DHCP. Change a DHCP Resource Group provides options for * Adding a new PowerHA SystemMirror node to resource group * Changing the resources (like nodes, service IP label, etc.) of resource group * Removing a node from resource group Usage: cl_dhcp_import -A [-D | -v] {-a | -r} -o -n -l -P -f -A Application Name. -D Turn on debug mode. -v Turn on verbose mode. -a Add/change all necessary PowerHA SystemMirror resources. If the resources already exist, they will be removed and then added. -r Remove all PowerHA SystemMirror resources for DHCP. -o DHCP owning node. This is the node that has the highest priority. -n DHCP takeover node(s). These nodes will be appended to the instance owning node and then passed to "claddgrp -n". Takeover nodelist is colon-separated. -l The TCP/IP service IP label used by DHCP to communicate with other application tiers and/or clients. -P Netmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6) -M Delete the pre-existing configuration (modify mode) -f Input XML file populated with required information for Manual ConfigurationP lP'oj]םa^֝aםa&=./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/tdssa.cata  !.  eortailns Scdghmpuv%.ACHMPRTWbfy-:DEINw$,1BFGLOx'(2>_k "&)/4567;\h& D07p LD8(Lx&h8 "H 5RNH@,pL'H `D8!H %S@l``D@-O>H@ @A @1=C. ;@q&!1|@@Y$@'@'<'iM@8 Q\"\p. @aa^0@6 b 3,:, O"1_bH Dp1 `|k `@0 "4">V>d:@ !@!;S0 "z <pP8 @J XX$@f3G@  Àa  d"e%- ' - oc / F Ȁ\p|T@/ 0@/< Ky @`adH D B à  bͰ`3AU` @  B@ a@* @%c [@0Hb @ )@U-q sD bS:0_y !d `5    @#0@ @ " D `> X(- @3Bpp,|@fPq@lc4!|@X8 88@. :N\@X"Y8 Ñ pu@A86 ,8802 D CW 8 "CaEo"H B H" MX 9 @1   l@BB0 $)gA o $VL@\&' $D$0R 0 B@(O^: A" x5O@? 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>۠${_e96x\JzK%ьdw# q\ȧaoc#eE2 җ쳜$idv)rh#u51嶸!\ƶ8H"\܅x:KnB<c_<nm`񆂠nB<c__Oi~Ȣ>)xC-rSh# tOe^%/N󛐷O8pE3K'+Ny;ϧA{hG-r$$cЊdm^ZSh'y[8`w yjY[ZƉ|JS-0;!":#G=$%%[&R 'V Z(G )/ *< )+8 f,E -G .D -/> r0B 1* 23 3E S    8  O ` v !   );  O"rr6G H)E*Validating TSM admin Smart Assist application id TSM admin smart assist Application id=%1$s is not in the rage [a-z][A-z][0-9]_. completion of validating TSM admin Smart Assist for applicaton id=%1$s Validating TSM admin centerNodes TSM admin center smart assist has primary=%1$s and takeover nodes=%2$s as repetitive completion of validating TSM admin center Smart Assist nodes primary=%1$s amd takeover nodes=%2$s Modify the TSM admin center configuration %1$s Checking if the TSM admin is already configured. TSM admin center with application is %1$s already configured TSM admin center with application %1$s is not already configured Adding TSM Admin center configuration %1$s Unable to get the unused name for %1$s=%2$s service label %1$s already defined in the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Service IP label %1$s can not be resolved creating Service IP label %1$s No suitable PowerHA SystemMirror network is defined to create service IP label Error while adding service IP label %1$s to netowk %2$s Adding TSM admin center Resource Group %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM admin center Resource Group %1$s Adding TSM Admin center Application %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM admin center Application %1$s Adding TSM Admin center Application monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM Admin center Application monitor %1$s Adding TSM Admin center to ODM Failed while Adding TSM Admin center confgiuration to ODM Removing TSM Admin center %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Resource Group %1$s not found in ODM Failed while deleting Application monitor %1$s for changing TSM ADMIN center configuration Failed while deleting Application for changing TSM Admin center configuration%1$s Failed while deleting Resource Group %1$s for changing TSM Admin center configuration Failed while deleting ODMs for changing TSM Admin center configuration Modifying TSM admin center Resource Group %1$s Failed while modifying TSM admin center Resource Group %1$s configuring TSM Admin center using manual configuration No value is specified for PrimaryNode property in TSM admin xml file No value is specified for TakeoverNodes property in TSM admin xml file No value is specified for ServiceIPs property in TSM admin xml file No value is specified for User property in TSM admin xml file No value is specified for Password property in TSM admin xml file No entry for service IP in /etc/host file Failed to set the TSM admin password for user %1$s Invalid password, failed to set the TSM admin password for user %1$s starting the TSM Admin center stoping the TSM Admin center monitoring the TSM Admin center stopping the TSM Admin center Add a TSM admin Highly Available Instance Resource GroupApplication NameTSM admin Owning NodeTake over Node(s)Service IP LabelNetmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6)Admin center user idAdmin center passwordModify a TSM admin Highly Available Instance Resource GroupAdd a TSM Admin center Highly Available Resource Group, SMIT panel configures TSM Admin center in a active-standby configuration. The following information must be provided for each added instance * Application Name * Primary Node and Takeover Node(s) * Service IP label * TSM Admin center user id and password Specify the name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror component that represent TSM Admin center. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. This is the highest priority node that can own the resource group created by Smart Assist for TSM Admin center. This is the lowest priority node in order that can own the resource group that the TSM Admin center smart Assist will create. Leave a space between node names. Specify the service IP label to be used by the TSM Admin center. The TSM Admin center will be accessed on the service IP label. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on all cluster nodes. Enter the netmask in range [1-32] or as /X.X.X.X/, where X in [0-255] for IPv4 service IP, or enter prefix length in range [1-128] for IPv6 service IP. Please follow below for more information. a. With IPv4 service IP and underlying network IPv6, netmask is must. b. With IPv6 serivice IP and underlying network IPv4, prefix length is must. c. With service IP and underlying network both are IPv4, netmask can be blank,however, netmask will not be considered even though specified. d. With service IP and underlying network both are IPv6, prefix length can be blank, and however, prefix length will not be considered even though specified Admin center user id, used for monitoring and stoping the admin centre Admin centre Password, used for monitoring and stoping the admin center Modify a TSM Admin center Highly Available Resource Group SMIT panel modifies TSM Admin center in a active-standby configuration. Admin center user id, used for monitoring and stopping the TSM admin center. Users will be asked to provide the password in next screen. roup %1 kꐧ'o,םa^֝aםa&,./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/tsmclientsa.catttISO8859-1A 2, P_ H lfO\)02Z7;%,'6TfFk9M* O >8 L !3 "T H#; $U %< /&_ l'F (G )) [*6 +R ,s -' .4 /; 0>1H[293A4% 5F6be7[8U$9Tz:P;A <`b=M>e?w@o A|B_C2aDFEHFJ$GEoH>IFJ*;( !f .$q >N!q"/##/$0S)#*!+.,'-4!.&V/3}0%122$ 31/4$a516:G%H&I$@J#eK#L QRrS?_TrU0V0CW3tX3Y4Z5[6G 1~91$V!g ! "/)<  ;!l"#(#&' *H *+'C+R.+Validating TSM client Smart Assist application id TSM client smart assist Application id=%1$s is not in the rage [a-z][A-z][0-9]_ completion of validating TSM client Smart Assist for applicaton id=%1$s TSM HSM client is not installed on the nodes %1$s but it is selected for PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Validating TSM client Nodes TSM client smart assist has primary=%1$s and takeover nodes=%2$s as repetitive completion of validating TSM client Smart Assist nodes primary=%1$s amd takeover nodes=%2$s Modify the TSM client configuration=%1$s Checking if the TSM client is already configured. TSM client with application %1$s is already configured TSM client with application %1$s is not already configured Adding TSM client configuration %1$s Unable to get the unused name for %1$s=%2$s File system %1$s specified is not a valid file system This function checks to see if the VG's are already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Checking the Volume Group=%1$s in PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Volume Group=%1$s is already defined in PowerHA SystemMirror configuration so removing from client VG list service label %1$s already defined in the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Service IP label %1$s can not be resolved creating Service IP label %1$s No suitable PowerHA SystemMirror network is defined to create service IP label Error while adding service IP label %1$s to netowk %2$s Adding TSM client Resource Group %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM client Resource Group %1$s Adding TSM HSM client Application client %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM HSM client Application client %1$s Adding TSM HSM client Application monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM HSM client Application monitor %1$s Adding TSM backup archive client Application client %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM backup archive client Application client %1$s Failed while adding TSM backup archive client Application monitor %1$s Modifying TSM client Resource Group %1$s Failed while modifying TSM client Resource Group %1$s Failed while Adding parent /child dependencies for TSM client Resource Group %1$s Failed while adding location dependency (for TSM client Resource Group %1$s) of "online on same node" dependency. "Adding TSM client configuration to ODM Failed while Adding TSM client configuration to ODM Generating verify script for TSM client configuration %1$s Pushing the verification scripts to other node %1$s is failed Failed while Generating verify script for TSM client configuration %1$s Pushing the dsm.sys scripts to other node %1$s is failed Removing TSM client %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Resource Group %1$s not found in ODM DEPENDENT_RG not found in ODM Failed while Removing online on same node dependency between the client RG %1$s and other RGs%2$s Failed while Removing parent/child dependency between the client RG %1$s and other RGs%2$s Failed while deleting Application monitor %1$s for changing TSM client configuration Failed while deleting Application clients for changing TSM client configuration%1$s Failed while deleting Resource Group %1$s for changing TSM client configuration Failed while deleting ODMs for changing TSM client configuration Adding TSM backup archive client Application monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration dsm.sys file is not present in the default TSM client installation directory The resource Groups %1$s on which the VGs already configured are not having same participating nodes Failed while deleting the TSM client Resource group %1$s when the volume group defined to TSM client is already present in the other Resource group Failed while adding TSM client Resource Group %1$s when the Volume group is shared between the Resource groups Failed while modifying TSM client Resource Group %1$s while adding the remaining vgs that are not present in other Resource groups Failed while modifying TSM client Resource Group %1$s while adding service IP and application configuring TSM client using manual configuration No value is specified for PrimaryNode property in TSM client xml file No value is specified for TakeoverNodes property in TSM client xml file No value is specified for ConfigDirectory property in TSM client xml file No value is specified for ServiceIPs property in TSM client xml file No value is specified for Hsm property in TSM clinet xml file No value is specified for FileSystems property in TSM clinet xml file No entry for service IP in /etc/host file starting BA client deamon dsmcad Failed while starting BA client deamon dsmcad stoping the BA client deamon dsmcad Failed while monitoring BA client dsm.sys file is changed; need to start the client again to reflect the changes Failed while monitoring BA client, wrong dsm.sys is mentioned Failed while monitoring BA client dsm.opt file is changed; need to start the client again to reflect the changes Failed while monitoring BA client dsm.opt file Monitoring BA client deamon dsmcad Failed while monitoring BA client deamon dsmcad starting BA and HSM client deamons starting BA client deamon dsmcad Failed while starting BA client deamon dsmcad starting HSM client deamon dsmmonitord Failed while starting HSM client deamon dsmmonitord starting HSM client deamon dsmrecalld Failed while starting HSM client deamon dsmrecalld starting HSM client deamon dsmscoutd Failed while starting HSM client deamon dsmscoutd starting HSM client deamon dsmrootd Failed while starting HSM client deamon dsmrootd starting HSM client deamon hsmagent Failed while starting HSM client deamon hsmagent Failed while reactivating filesystem %1$s for HSM client stoping HSM client deamon dsmrecalld stoping HSM client deamon dsmmonitord stoping HSM client deamon dsmscoutd stoping HSM client deamon dsmrootd stoping HSM client deamon hsmagent stoping BA client deamon dsmcad monitoring HSM and BA client Failed while monitoring HSM client dsm.sys file is changed; need to start the client again to reflect the changes Failed while monitoring HSM client, wrong dsm.sys is mentioned Failed while monitoring HSM client dsm.opt file is changed; need to start the client again to reflect the changes Failed while monitoring HSM client dsm.opt file Failed while monitoring BA client deamon dsmcad Failed while monitoring HSM client deamon hsmagent Failed while monitoring HSM client deamon dsmrootd Failed while monitoring HSM client deamon dsmscoutd Failed while monitoring HSM client deamon dsmrecalld Failed while monitoring HSM client deamon dsmmonitord Enter the TSM client configuration file DirectoryAdd a TSM client Highly Available Instance Resource GroupApplication NameTSM client Owning NodeTake over Node(s)shared file systems of the client to be backed upService IP LabelNetmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6)TSM Space Management (HSM) clientTSM client configuration directoryEnter TSM client shared configuration directoryModify a TSM client Highly Available Instance Resource GroupAdd a TSM client Highly Available Instance Resource Group SMIT panel configures TSM client in a active-standby configuration. The following information must be provided for each added TSM client * Application Name * Primary Node and Takeover Node(s) * shared file systems of the client to be backed up * Service IP label * Netmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6) * TSM Space Management(HSM) client Specify the name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror component that represent TSM client component. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. This is the highest priority node that can own the resource group created by Smart Assist for TSM client. This is the lowest priority node in order that can own the resource group that the TSM client configuration Assistant will create. Leave a space between node names. File systems list will be taken from dsm.opt file to get client backup file systems. These file systems will be highly available. The VGs on which the file systems will reside will be highly available. If the VG is already configured in other Resource group like application Resource group then the VG will not be included in the Resource group created by smart assist for TSM client. If the VGs are not configured on other Resource group then TSM client smart assist will configure the VGs in the Resource group created by smart assist for TSM client. If in later stages PowerHA SystemMirror administrator wants to use the VG specified for TSM client for the application then care to be taken on dependencies between the Resource groups by smart assist for TSM client and application. Specify the service IP label to be used by the TSM client. The TSM client will be accessed on the service IP label. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on all cluster nodes. Enter the netmask in range [1-32] or as /X.X.X.X/, where X in [0-255] for IPv4 service IP, or enter prefix length in range [1-128] for IPv6 service IP. Please follow below for more information. a. With IPv4 service IP and underlying network IPv6, netmask is must. b. With IPv6 serivice IP and underlying network IPv4, prefix length is must. c. With service IP and underlying network both are IPv4, netmask can be blank,however, netmask will not be considered even though specified. d. With service IP and underlying network both are IPv6, prefix length can be blank, and however, prefix length will not be considered even though specified TSM space management client list yes or no. If y is selected then TSM Space management will be configured along with TSM client, if n is selected the TSM space management will not be configured along with TSM client TSM client shared configuration directory Enter the TSM client shared directory where dsm.opt file is stored Modify a TSM client Highly Available Instance Resource Group SMIT panel modifies TSM client in a active-standby configuration. le is c k'o"םa^֝aםa&"./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/tsmserversa.catttISO8859-1; 2 QG H O\P$;/3>!r,NFKWM19#:];* O!8o"U#<$Y ;%@ &Z 'A 1(? s)0 *= +6 ",G Y-6 .> /C 00 [1% 2^ 3] 4Y o5J 6,7A8)P9;z:C;F<HA=L>E??@C]AGB*C4DFIK)A8Hi c!:O 79 &8Q"o  !  !)<%  bl3J;   G . /! Validating TSM server Smart Assist application id TSM server smart assist Application id=%1$s is not in the rage [a-z][A-z][0-9]_. completion of validating TSM server Smart Assist for applicaton id=%1$s Validating TSM server Nodes TSM server smart assist has primary=%1$s and takeover nodes=%2$s as repetitive completion of validating TSM server Smart Assist nodes primary=%1$s amd takeover nodes=%2$s Modify the TSM server instace=%1$s Checking if the TSM server instance is already configured. TSM server instance=%1$s is already configured TSM server instance=%1$s is not already configured Adding TSM server instance=%1$s Unable to get the unused name for %1$s=%2$s To find if the VG's are already defined to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Checking the Volume Group=%1$s in PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Volume Group=%1$s is already defined in PowerHA SystemMirror configuration service label %1$s already defined in the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration TSM server instance user id %1$s is not created TSM server directory volume group %1$s can not be varied TSM instance directory %1$s is not on shared volume group TSM user home directory %1$s is not on shared volume group Service IP label %1$s can not be resolved creating Service IP label %1$s No suitable PowerHA SystemMirror network is defined to create service IP label Error while adding service IP label %1$s to netowk %2$s Adding TSM server instance Resource Group %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM server instance Resource Group %1$s Adding TSM server instance Application server %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM server instance Application server %1$s Adding TSM server instance Application monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configuration Failed while adding TSM server instance Application monitor %1$s Failed while modifying TSM server instance Resource Group %1$s Adding TSM server instance configuration to ODM Failed while Adding TSM server instance configuration to ODM Generating verify script for TSM server instance %1$s Generating verify Header for TSM server instance Application name %1$s Generating verify Script for TSM server instance %1$s Pushing the verification scripts to other node %1$s is failed Failed while Generating verify script for TSM server instance %1$s Removing TSM server instance Resource Group ... Resource Group %1$s not found in ODM Failed while deleting Application monitor %1$s for changing TSM server instance configuration Failed while deleting Application servers for changing TSM server instance configuration%1$s Failed while deleting Resource Group %1$s for changing TSM server instance configuration Failed while deleting ODMs for changing TSM server instance configuration TSM server instance %1$s is stopped at %2$s TSM_6.1_SERVERModifying TSM server Resource Group %1$s configuring TSM server Instance using manual configuration No value is specified for Instance property in TSM server xml file No value is specified for PrimaryNode property in TSM server xml file No value is specified for TakeoverNodes property in TSM server xml file No value is specified for InstanceDirectory property in TSM server xml file No value is specified for ServiceIPs property in TSM server xml file No value is specified for User property in TSM server xml file No value is specified for Password property in TSM server xml file No value is specified for VolumeGroups property in TSM server xml file No entry for service IP in /etc/host file Failed to set the TSM server password for user %1$s Invalid password, failed to set the TSM server password for user %1$s starting the TSM server instance %1$s with instance directory %2$s at %3$s Stoping TSM server instance %1$s at %2$s The PID %1$s of the stopped dsmserv for TSM server instance %2$s Starting monitoring of TSM server instance %1$s at %2$s dsmserv deamon is not running with PID %1$s present in dsmserv.v6lock file, for TSM server instance %2$s Monitoring is failed while querying TSM server connection information for TSM server instance %1$s TSM server instance %1$s is monitored sucessfully at %2$s Select the TSM server instance to make highly availableAdd a TSM server Highly Available Instance Resource GroupApplication NameTSM instance Owning NodeTake over Node(s)TSM server Instance NameTSM server Instance DirectoryShared VGs for TSM server instanceService IP LabelNetmask(IPv4)/Prefix Length(IPv6)TSM server Administrator user idTSM server Administrator passwordSelect a TSM server InstanceModify a TSM server Highly Available Instance Resource GroupAdd a TSM server Highly Available Instance Resource Group SMIT panel configures TSM server instance in a active-standby configuration. The following information must be provided for each added instance * Application Name * Primary Node and Takeover Node(s) * TSM server Instance Name to Make Highly Available * TSM server Instance Directory to Monitor * Shared VGs for TSM server instance * Service IP label * TSM server user id and password TSM server instance will be selected through selctor screen. Specify the name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror component that represent TSM server component. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. This is the highest priority node that can own the resource group created by Smart Assist for TSM server. This is the lowest priority node in order that can own the resource group that the TSM server configuration Assistant will create. Leave a space between node names. This is the lowest priority node in order that can own the resource group that the TSM server configuration Assistant will create. Leave a space between node names. TSM server instance directory will be the directory where the TSM instance logs will be kept; this directory should be present in shared disk Shared VGs are the VGs in which the TSM servers log and configuration information is stored. The different VGs which contain Database volumes, Recovery log volumes, Storage pool volumes, Instance directory and Instance user directory. The VGs specified must be different for different TSM server instances. Specify the service IP label to be used by the TSM server instance. The TSM server instance will be accessed on the service IP label. The service IP label must be defined in the /etc/hosts file on all cluster nodes. Enter the netmask in range [1-32] or as /X.X.X.X/, where X in [0-255] for IPv4 service IP, or enter prefix length in range [1-128] for IPv6 service IP. Please follow below for more information. a. With IPv4 service IP and underlying network IPv6, netmask is must. b. With IPv6 serivice IP and underlying network IPv4, prefix length is must. c. With service IP and underlying network both are IPv4, netmask can be blank,however, netmask will not be considered even though specified. d. With service IP and underlying network both are IPv6, prefix length can be blank, and however, prefix length will not be considered even though specified TSM server user id which is used for monitoring server instance. TSM admin can setup a user id and password for PowerHA SystemMirror, with a limited authority. TSM server password which is used for monitoring server instance. TSM admin can setup a user id and password for PowerHA SystemMirror, with a limited authority. Modify a TSM server Highly Available Instance Resource Group SMIT panel modifies TSM server instance in a active-standby configuration. TSM server user id which is used for monitoring server instance. TSM admin can setup a user id and password for PowerHA SystemMirror, with a limited authority. Users will be asked to provide the password in next screen. s Th k4'o םaםaםa& ./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/wmq_sa.cat.cISO8859-19 7l V I $EAj03?.Q4-8)LFT;Q$8vY@ 6JB *!B"M 2#: $C %P &I P'* ($ )] *U H+X ,A - 9.N X/7 0F 15 &2= \7: 8H 9TA sB8~C5D#EEF;WG<HDI;J;QK1L/M5 I%UoPIC`5  A /Z t J VJWJ~VP qaBXOrL^OS3O:^w c_ :- GTe=w{1hTE]L EValidating Smart Assist for WebSphere MQ application idsmart assist for WebSphere MQ Application id=%1$s is not in the range [a-z][A-z][0-9]_completion of validating smart Assist for WebSphere MQ applicaton id=%1$sValidating WebSphere MQ server nodessmart assist for WebSphere MQ server has nodes=%1$s as repetitiveModifying WebSphere MQ server configuration %1$sChecking if the WebSphere MQ is already configured.WebSphere MQ server with application is %1$s already configuredListing the configured MQMs on local node %1$sThere were no MQ managers created on local node %1$sAdding WebSphere MQ server configuration %1$sThe name of %1$s provided is not valid, and it is: %2$sService IP label %1$s can not be resolvedservice label %1$s already defined in the PowerHA SystemMirror configurationAdding WebSphere MQ server Resource Group %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationFailed while adding WebSphere MQ server Resource Group %1$sAdding WebSphere MQ server Application %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationFailed while adding WebSphere MQ server Application %1$sAdding WebSphere MQ server Application monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationFailed while adding WebSphere MQ server Application monitor %1$sAdding WebSphere MQ serveice IP to Resource Group %1$sFailed while adding WebSphere MQ service IP to Resource Group %1$sThere were no Unconfigured Queue Managers.Adding WebSphere MQ Resource Configuration to HACMPsa_metadata ODMFailed while Adding WebSphere MQ server configuration to HACMPsa_metadata ODMFailed while adding WebSphere MQ VG to Resource Group %1$sGenerating verify script for WebSphere MQ server configuration %1$sFailed while Generating verify script for WebSphere MQ server configuration %1$sRemoving WebSphere MQ server %1$s from PowerHA SystemMirror configurationResource Group count %1$s not found in ODMResource Group %1$s not found in ODMFailed while deleting Application monitor %1$s for changing WebSphere MQ server configurationFailed while deleting Application for changing WebSphere MQ server configuration %1$sFailed while deleting Resource Group %1$s for changing WebSphere MQ server configurationFailed while deleting WebSphere MQ server configuration from ODM.creating Service IP label %1$sNo suitable PowerHA SystemMirror network is defined to create service IP labelError while adding service IP label %1$s to netowk %2$sGenerating verify Header for WebSphere MQ server Application name %1$sGenerating verify Script for WebSphere MQ server %1$sPushing the verification scripts to other node %1$s is failedconfiguring WebSphere MQ server using manual configurationNo value is specified for Primary Node property in WebSphere MQ xml fileFailed while deleting service IP %1$s for changing WebSphere MQ server configurationWMQ_SERVERThe specified Queue Manager: %1$s is already configured.The Specified Queue Manager: %1$s is not exist/valid.The given XML file:%1$s is invalid.configuration information for the:%1$s is not found on the node:%2$s.The MQM user id on node: %1$s is not same as on local node.The MQM group id on node: %1$s is not same as on local node.The installed MQ version is different or Not installed on node:%1$s.Failed while removing the Custom verification method: %1$s.Error while adding the custom verification method for:%1$s.Failed: 'mqm' user does not exist in 'mqm' group.adding the custom verification method for:%1$s.Adding WebSphere MQ service IP to Resource Group %1$sStarting the WebSphere MQ server with Queue Manager %1$s and user as %2$sSuccessfully started the WebSphere MQ server with Queue Manager %1$s and user as %2$sFailed starting the WebSphere MQ server with Queue Manager %1$s and user as %2$sStopping the WebSphere MQ server with Queue Manager %1$s and user as %2$sMonitoring WebSphere MQ server configuration for Queue Manager %1$sQueue Manager %1$s is activeQueue manager %1$s is still starting up, it is activeQueue manager %1$s is not activeFinding WebSphere MQ listeners associated with Queue Manager %1$sSuccessfully found WebSphere MQ listeners: %1$sFailed while finding WebSphere MQ listeners associated with Queue Manager %1$s.For more details, refer log file %2$sStarting the WebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$sSuccessfully started the WebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$sWebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$s is already up and runningFailed while starting the WebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$s. The Queue Manager might be down or stopped.Stopping the WebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$sSuccessfully stopped the WebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$sWebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$s is already stoppedFailed while stopping the WebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$s. The Queue Manager might be down or stopped.Configuring application monitor for each WebSphere MQ listener associated with Queue Manager %1$sAdding listener monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationFailed while adding listener monitor %1$s to PowerHA SystemMirror configurationSuccessfully configured application monitors for all the WebSphere MQ listeners associated with Queue Manager %1$sMonitoring the WebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$sWebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$s is up and runningWebSphere MQ listener %1$s associated with Queue Manager %2$s is not up and runningNo Listeners were provided in WebSphere MQ xml fileValidating the listeners provided in WebSphere MQ xml fileProvided listener(s): %1$s are not defined in WebSphere MQ server configuration. Available WebSphere MQ listeners associated with Queue Manager %2$s are: %3$sThere are no WebSphere MQ listeners defined for Queue Manager %1$s. Proceeding with WebSphere MQ server configuration without listeners.Failed to find the WebSphere MQ listeners. Ensure that WebSphere MQ Server is up and running to discover the listeners.ERROR: Ensure WebSphere MQ Server is up and running before trying to modify the MQ Server instance.Select a WebSphere MQ ManagerAdd a WebSphere MQ Manager Highly Available Resource GroupApplication NameWebSphere MQ Manager NamePrimary NodeTakeover Node(s)Service InterfaceModify a WebSphere MQ Manager Highly Available Resource GroupAdd a WebSphere MQ server Highly Available Resource Group, SMIT panel configures WebSphere MQ server operating system cluster configuration. The following information must be provided for each added instance * Application Name * WebSphere MQ server instance name * Primary cluster node for WebSphere MQ server Takeover node(s) for WebSphere MQ server * Service Insterface Specify the name for the collection of PowerHA SystemMirror component that represent WebSphere MQ server. The name is limited to 64 characters and cannot contain spaces. Select the node(s) name(s) which can be used by the WebSphere MQ RG as a fallover or secondary node(s). Specify the service interface can be used by MQ client to connect to the MQ server. Specifies the name of the WebSphere MQ server instance to be highly available its prefilled. Select the Primary/Home Node name for the WebSphere MQ highly available RG. Modify a WebSphere MQ server Highly Available Resource Group SMIT panel configures WebSphere MQ server, operating system cluster configuration. ic kg'o+םa^֝aםa&+./usr/es/lib/nls/msg/en_US/lc_hs_wizard.catt2ISO8859-1 .X./';Y r     $ 5Vn '&>C4|J hS D F Lx 8 X E U 7 D ,  q5 ~G  `dKT\t8&@0[.1?:D / - H ,& S!h6.$?U?r22$/ T1u*$)"!$D ~i!&"=#BM$N%'&('0(BO){*o+~,*-3.7/@50v1+2#364T5A p6m 7S! 8 !t(/$!"!-!&" %"2#"X."|." H" 2## ]#V 7# !#"$7$13$i3$$4$0%%%V%r-%%#%#&&%&&B8&iC&1& 1'!6'J";'#)'$;'%*(#&0(N'!((Q()3(* )'+4)H,-)}-5).%)/6*2 $*>%*cD*A*++#+<&+`+ + +SAP liveCache Hot Standby Configuration WizardSelect Node NamesSelect Physical Volume(s) for Log Volume GroupStorage subsystem(s) foundSelect Physical Volume(s) for Data Volume GroupSAP liveCache Hot Standby ConfigurationliveCache Instance Name (SID)MaxDB Administrator UserMaxDB Administrator PasswordStorage (HMC) typeStorage server (HMC)Node NamesPVID(s) of Log Volume GroupHDISKs of Data Volume GroupStorage (HMC) UserStorage (HMC) PasswordService IP LabelList PowerHA System Mirror NodesList Storage subsystemsList Non-shared PVIDsStorage server (HMC) IPPrimary NodeMaxDB DBM UserMaxDB DBM PasswordliveCache Global Filesystem Mount pointLog Volume Group(s)Data Volume Group(s)HDISK(s) pairs of Data Volume Group(s)Import SAP liveCache Hot Standby Configuration From a XML FilePath to the Configuration FileMaxDB DBM User XUSERConfigures SAP liveCache Hot Standby Configuration. liveCache Instance Name (SID) Provide a name for liveCache Instance. The name for liveCache is limited to seven characters. MaxDB Administrator User SAP MaxDB database system administrator user ID. MaxDB Administrator Password Password for the above database system administrator. Storage (HMC) type Storage subsystem selected in prior SMIT screen. Storage server (HMC) IP Provide the IP of the storage to communicate. Service IP label It is the service IP label at which SAP MaxDB clients are getting connected to this database instance. Node Names List of nodes selected in prior SMIT screen. PVID(s) of Log Volume Group Select the PVID(s) used to create Log volumes Volume Group. HDISKs of Data Volume Group Provide the HDISK(s) used for Data volumes Volume Group. Storage (HMC) User Provide Username to connect to HMC. Storage (HMC) Password provide HMC User password to connect to HMC. Primary Node The primary node must be a node already defined to the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster. If the desired node is not already part of the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster configuration the node must be added to the configuration prior to entering this SMIT dialog. MaxDB DBM User SAP MaxDB database manager user ID. MaxDB DBM Password Password for the above SAP MaxDB database manager liveCache Global Filesystem Mount point Add A Global Filesystem which is accessible to all the nodes This Filesystem will be used as Lock Directory for Hot Standby This mount point should always be made avaiable on all cluster nodes Log Volume Group(s) Please select the Log volume Group(s) used by selected liveCache instance Data Volume Group(s) Please select the Data Volume Group(s) in use by selected liveCache instance HDISK(s) pairs of Data Volume Group(s) Specify hdisk pairs in following format, primary_node_hdiskx1-->standby_node_hdisky1,primary_node_hdiskx2-->standby_node_hdisky2 This will help you to configure the liveCache Hot Standby Configuration by reading environment details from supplied XML file. A template XML file can be found under config folder at /usr/es/sbin/cluster/sa/hswizard/config/hswizard_config.xml. This template file will help you to figure out what enviroment details need to be provided. MaxDB DBM User XUSER SAP MaxDB database manager XUSER ID. XUSER ID must be created before providing in this screen Validating User Input.. Validating Nodelist .... Verifying if all the nodes belong to same site Error:All the nodes should be from same site All the nodes belong to same site. Proceeding.. Validating Disks.... Verifying if same number of disks are selected from each node Error: Please select same number of disks from each node Found disks per node to be same. Proceeding.. Verifying if all the disks are of same size Error: Not all the disks selcted are of same size. Please verify input Found Disks are of same size. Proceeding.. Validating HMC.... Verifying if HMC can be reached HMC "%1$s" is not reachable. Please check the config Verifying if DSCLI is installed on all nodes Searching for DSCLI on node "%1$s" ERROR - Unable to find DSCLI in /opt/ibm/dscli on node "%1$s" DSCLI found on node "%1$s" Nodes "%1$s" do not have DSCLI installed. can not continue... Retriving Storage ID Storage Image id managed by HMC-"%1$s" : "%2$s" Not able to find storage ID for given HMC "%1$s" Verifying SSH connection to "%1$s" Error:Not able to reach "%1$s" SSH connection to "%1$s" is found to be working Error:Storage subsystem is not supported Validating MaxDB Configuration.... Verifying MaxDB version on chosen nodes MaxDB is not installed on "%1$s" MaxDB Version on "%1$s" is "%2$s". MaxDB version "%1$s" is found on "%2$s". Only MaxDB version 7.7.x.x is supported and all the nodes should be at same version. Importing VG "%1$s" onto other nodes Unable to locate dbmcli command or dbmcli is not executable DBMCLI_COMMAND is not set. Unable to find any database instances ERROR:A LiveCache Instance already exists with the given name on node "%1$s" Verifying UID and GID on chosen nodes Sites are not Configured. Proceeding.. Validating Instance name.... Verifying if a liveCache instance already exists with given name Found different PROGRAM PATH for MaxDB on "%1$s". MaxDB should be installed to same path on all the nodes.Cannot proceed. WARNING: MaxDB Administrator UID and GID are not same across all the nodes.Please verify MaxDB configuration. Validating Library libHSS.... Starting SAP liveCache Hot Standby Setup Unable to determine the Volume ID of %1$s on %2$s Verifying if library HSS in installed on chosen nodes Found different Storage IDs for provided disks.Cannot continue "%1$s" not found on "%2$s". Library libHSS is not installed on "%1$s" Invalid Service IP label : "%1$s" Primary node should be in the list of selected nodes Usage: cl_hotstandby_createInstance -I -m -q -D -P -H -t -S -T -s -n -p -l -d -I Instance name or SID (restricted to 7 characters) -D MaxDB DBM user name -P MaxDB DBM user password -H HMC IP or storage server IP -S HMC user name -T HMC user password -n Nodes list -m MaxDB Database Administrator User name -q MaxDB Database Administrator user password -l Log Volumes VG(s) list -d DataVolumes VG(s) list -t type of HMC or storage server. Possible values are DS8K or SVC. -s The TCP/IP service IP label , which would be used by MaxDB to communicate with other application tiers and/or clients. -o HDISK pairs for wizard to initiate flashcopy . { hdisk1-->hdisk1,hdisk2-->hdisk2,...} -p Primary node for Hot Standby configuration ERROR: Invalid format of disks. Please check the input of disks ERROR: "%1$s" on "%2$s" does not belong to any Data Volume Group(s) provided in Input. Please verify Input ERROR: Log Volume Group(s) should be created on a shared disk.Please verify Input ERROR: Operation not permitted Creating Log volumes VG for "%1$s" Major Number for Log VG : "%1$s" Creating LV "%1$s" on Log volumes VG "%2$s" LOG volumes VG created successfully. Creating Data volumes VG for "%1$s" Major Number for Data VG : "%1$s" Creating LV "%1$s" on Data volumes VG "%2$s" Data volumes VG "%1$s" created successfully. Discovering SVC source and target VDisks for initializing Flash Copy.. Successfully discovered source and target VDisks Initiating Flash Copy on Source and target VDisks.. This might take sometime.Plase wait.. Flash Copy consistency group established Successfully Assigning PVID to target hdisks Flash Copy finished successfully Flash Copy did not seem to progress.Cannot continue.. Flash Copy in progress : "%1$s" percent completed Initializing SAP liveCache Hot Standby Wizard.... Removing Flash Copy mappings Creating liveCache Instance "%1$s" on primary node liveCache Instance "%1$s" created Successfully Creating XUSER for "%1$s" Configuring Library libHSS Unable to discover source and target VDisks Customizing RTEHSS_config.txt Setting up Hot Standby parameters Starting X-server on chosen nodes Preparing Standby Instance Finished Setting up Standby Instance Successfully Configured Library libHSS on chosen nodes Successfully Configured SAP liveCache Hot Standby Instance "%1$s" Discovering DS8000 source and target volume IDs Unable to discover source and target volume IDs Successfully discovered source and target volume IDs Initiating Flash Copy on DS8000 Source and target Volumes Error : Flash copy nitialization failed Flash Copy in progress : "%1$s" tracks to be synchronized Error:Storage subsystem is not supported Configuring lccluster for integration with APO Finished Configuring lccluster ERROR:"%1$s" not found on "%2$s". Log Volumes VG should be created on shared diskERROR:"%1$s" is not of selected storage type "%2$s"Error:"%1$s" not found on "%2$s"ERROR:No Volume Group was found on "%1$s" at "%2$s" ERROR:No Logical Volumes were found on "%1$s"ERROR:Unable to determine liveCache Master on "%1$s" "%1$s" does not have access to "%2$s"ERROR:Unable to determine LiveCache Primary on "%1$s" Rolling back partial configuration Rolling back Hot Standby paramters. Removing Flash Copy consistency and associated Flash Copy mappings Removing Flash Copy consistency groups and Flash copy mappings. Clearing PVIDs to get back original PVIDs Rolling back libHSS configuration Dropping liveCache database instance Removing Data volumes VG Removing Log Volumes VG step "%1$s" has failed. elkBIotiled Flash Copy in progress : "%1$s" tracks to be synchronized Error:Storage subsyst