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^-bDȐ4,xA@`[t|Vc2y/hr1a"dH< a}ؠ@4ɕla{@p s "@б fʢik1\V< b92$ P0>lRNMHb&U=؁F,$LBDŽ 6u ׺|Vc2y/hr1a"dH< a}|c2y/hr1a"dH< a}DLӮs.Ld{ XH(ls6:6s.Ld{ XH(ls6朎-FZ)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@`4qj6չ6ɕla{@p s "@б fլ)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@`]Jc2y/hr1a"dH< a}4ii&mf1K*l@#&Dc e^TӣSINK1\V< b92$ P0S*H6ɕla{@p s "@б E2i862LRb&U=؁F,$LBDŽ 5ʼ:b&U=؁F,$LBDŽ 5ʼ:jhɕla{@p s "@б E2kΤjf1K*l@#&Dc e^TAKHԓ 9f1K*l@#&Dc e^TAKH&1\V< b92$ P0S* \F9I>j)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@QLjʬ)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@QLjVIb&U=؁F,$LBDŽ 5ʼ.Ld{ XH(j)x Sh6b&U=؁F,$LBDŽ 5ʼ3qsfjK1\V< b92$ P0S* 54c2y/hr1a"dH< aU5MmsVc2y/hr1a"dH< aU5M-$Ԋb&U=؁F,$LBDŽ 5ʼ".Ld{ XH(j)x S^@3K1\V< b92$ P0S*77j4ZIʬ)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@QLj,)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@QLj=@4ɕla{@p s "@б E2j54*ɕla{@p s "@б E2j/YRʶA簽8[9ń hXW5I؜,)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@QLj$lSN 1\V< b92$ P0S*SNEc2y/hr1a"dH< aU5MI2ɕla{@p s "@б E2jI\ If1K*l@#&Dc e^Tԓ 9f1K*l@#&Dc e^Tԭ:Jf+1\V< b92$ P0S*m:.Ld{ XH(j)x SeVujEf1K*l@#&Dc e^T+QNUf1K*l@#&Dc e^T۩kɕla{@p s "@б E2mtɕla{@p s "@б E2mtkqzi,)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@QLjiA9)re[ ^-bDȐ4,xA@QLjsNGN-IMf1K*l@#&Dc e^Tۚr8j.Ld{ XH(j)x Sftif1K*l@#&Dc 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#[#:+uH,x@R@)|Ю$Qэ'X X$r5"Xk1sԌSA5 ǬV57®{q:f:dx8)f 0P H-RR2˩Ԍ*`R.u#*̺mH `4@) AKHʳ.R2SpS` [ΤeYR  0 IXTc4ۈ p c H9L$!kPQcPBAAP@A`€xWFRR2Ã0$N@bEY X1@,acXO B/ / X70a((?F8p  eTtT].u#*tIL<U!0tԌ1}%3 ̌RR2Ã1SNJ+ΤeY)e>RR2Ã0+ΤeY)` ,8].u#*tIL<D(S* kFLQ@Abb^e,4Ax*./usr/lpp/cluster.es.client/cluster.es.client.lib/^TAA kDm#bbb&#./usr/lpp/cluster.es.client/cluster.es.client.lib/ 8692 0 68 7608 0 1929 2118 0 1654099948 203 1 750 28 cluster.es.client.lib.post_u` #!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61pkgha_r714 src/packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.post_u.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)58 src/packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.post_u.sh, pkghacmp, 61pkgha_r714 12/1/11 11:27:53 HAPATH="/usr/es/sbin/cluster" if [[ -z "$INUCLIENTS" && -z "$INUBOSTYPE" ]] then # If the "cllsif" command is not present then the "rc.init" script does not # do any thing and simply returns. This is ok for PowerHA SystemMirror server but since we # might be running this script on a stand-alone machine, we should restart # clcomdES here (if the clcomd binary is present on the system). if [[ ! -f /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsif ]] then if [[ -f /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clcomd ]] then startsrc -s clcomdES > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]] then echo "ERROR: Unable to start the clcomd daemon. Try running the following command manually:" echo "startsrc -s clcomdES" fi fi else # Start cluster services ${HAPATH}/etc/rc.init >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "ERROR: Unable to start cluster daemons. Cluster daemons must be" echo " restarted before attempting to start cluster services." echo " Try running the following command manually:" echo " ${HAPATH}/etc/rc.init" fi fi fi exit 0 2372 4608 68 1654099948 203 1 750 27 cluster.es.client.lib.pre_u` #!/bin/ksh # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61pkgha_r714 src/packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.pre_u.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.pre_u.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM HAPATH="/usr/es/sbin/cluster" CLSTRMGR="clstrmgrES" function if_failed { status=$1 errmsg=$2 if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo Failed $errmsg exit 99 fi } function get_cluster_state { clstate=$(lssrc -ls $CLSTRMGR | grep "Current state:" | cut -f2 -d":") } function stop_cluster_services { for service in $service_list do LC_ALL=C lssrc -s $service | grep -w inoperative >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then stopsrc -s $service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done # Clean unused shared libraries /usr/sbin/slibclean } if [[ -z "$INUCLIENTS" && -z "$INUBOSTYPE" ]] then get_cluster_state # If the cluster is running, the state will be forced down # and the clstrmgr should be stopped using clRMupdate. All # other services should be stopped normally. if [[ $clstate = " ST_STABLE" ]] then /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cl_subsys_ctl clstrmgrES stopdaemon if (( $? != 1 )) then echo Failed stopping clstrmgr daemon. exit 99 fi service_list="clinfoES clcomdES" stop_cluster_services else # If the cluster is not running, all services should be # stopped normally service_list="clstrmgrES clinfoES clcomdES" stop_cluster_services fi sleep 4 # Check to make sure clstrmgr stopped get_cluster_state if [[ $clstate != "" ]] then echo "\nERROR\nCluster services are active on this node. Please stop all" echo "cluster services prior to installing this software.\n" exit 1 fi fi # INUCLIENTS exit 0 2880 7608 2118 1654099948 203 1 750 30 cluster.es.client.lib.unpost_u` #!/bin/ksh # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61pkgha_r714 src/packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.unpost_u.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.unpost_u.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM CLSTRMGR="clstrmgrES" function if_failed { status=$1 errmsg=$2 if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo Failed $errmsg rcstatus=99 fi } function get_cluster_state { clstate=$(lssrc -ls $CLSTRMGR | grep "Current state:" | cut -f2 -d":") } function clstrmgr_running_fail { echo "\nERROR: Cluster services are active on this node. Please" echo "restart cluster services prior to using this software.\n" rcstatus=99 } function stop_cluster_services { for service in $service_list do LC_ALL=C lssrc -s $service | grep -w inoperative >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then stopsrc -s $service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi done # Clean unused shared libraries /usr/sbin/slibclean } if [[ -z "$INUCLIENTS" ]] then HAPATH="/usr/es/sbin/cluster" get_cluster_state if [[ $clstate = " ST_STABLE" ]] then # Determine the node name nodename=`ODMDIR=/etc/es/objrepos odmget HACMPcluster | grep -w nodename \ | cut -f3 -d " "` # Remove the quotes nodename=${nodename#\"} nodename=${nodename%\"} # If the clstrmgr is stable, the node should be forced down or fail lssrc -ls $CLSTRMGR | grep "Forced down node list" | grep -w $nodename \ >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then clstrmgr_running_fail else /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cl_subsys_ctl clstrmgrES stopdaemon if (( $? != 1 )) then echo Failed stopping clstrmgr daemon. rcstatus=99 fi service_list="clinfoES clcomdES" stop_cluster_services fi # If clstrmgr not in not running, not configured or init, fail elif [[ -n $clstate && $clstate != " NOT_CONFIGURED" && \ $clstate != " ST_INIT" ]] then clstrmgr_running_fail else service_list="clstrmgrES clinfoES clcomdES" stop_cluster_services fi sleep 4 # Check to make sure clstrmgr stopped get_cluster_state if [[ $clstate != "" ]] then echo "\nERROR\nUnable to stop the cluster daemons on this node.\n" rcstatus=99 fi fi # INUCLIENTS exit 0 961 8692 4608 1654099948 203 1 750 29 cluster.es.client.lib.unpre_u` #!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61pkgha_r714 src/packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.unpre_u.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2009 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)60 src/packages/cluster/es/client/lib/root/cluster.es.client.lib.unpre_u.sh, pkghacmp, 61pkgha_r714 2/23/09 13:53:39 if [[ -z "$INUCLIENTS" && -f /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clcomd ]] then # Start cluster services startsrc -s clcomdES >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "ERROR: Unable to start the clcomd daemon. Try running the following command manually." echo " Run: startsrc -s clcomdES" fi fi exit 0 178 0 7608 0 0 0 0 0 ` 4 68 2118 4608 7608 cluster.es.client.lib.post_ucluster.es.client.lib.pre_ucluster.es.client.lib.unpost_ucluster.es.client.lib.unpre_u kd0+$b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_deportDiskGroup$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_deportDiskGroup.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)07 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_deportDiskGroup.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:06:02 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_deportDiskGroup { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset dg=$1 if [[ -z $dg ]]; then return 1 fi REQUIRED_COMMANDS="/usr/sbin/vxvol /usr/sbin/vxdg" for cmd in $REQUIRED_COMMANDS; do if [[ ! -x $cmd ]]; then return 1 fi done /usr/sbin/vxvol -g $dg stopall /usr/sbin/vxdg deport $dg }  k00+$b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupForFilesystem$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupForFilesystem.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)08 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupForFilesystem.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:03:23 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupForFilesystem { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset filesystem=$1 typeset dgs=$(KLIB_OEMVeritas_lsdg) typeset dg typeset fs for dg in $dgs; do # If DG is active, read off of disk filesystems=$(KLIB_OEMVeritas_getFilesystemsForDiskGroup $dg) for fs in $filesystems; do if [[ "$fs" == "$filesystem" ]]; then echo $dg return 0 fi done done # If DG is inactive, try /etc/filesystems dg=$(LANG="C" lsfs -v vxfs | grep -w $filesystem | awk -F"/" '{ print $5 }') if [[ -n $dg ]]; then echo $dg return 0 fi # If dg not found, failure return 1 }  kZ0+$b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupState$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupState.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)09 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupState.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:02:08 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDiskGroupState { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset dg=$1 if [[ ! -f /usr/sbin/vxdg || ! -x /usr/sbin/vxdg ]]; then return 1 fi LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/vxdg list | while read name state id; do if [[ "$name" != "NAME" && "$name" == "$dg" ]]; then echo $name fi done return 0 } for  kF0+$b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDisksForDiskGroupstem$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDisksForDiskGroup.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)10 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDisksForDiskGroup.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:00:51 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_getDisksForDiskGroup { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset dg=$1 if [[ ! -x /usr/sbin/vxdisk ]]; then return 1 fi LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/vxdisk list | while read device type disk group status; do if [[ "$group" == "$dg" ]]; then echo $disk fi done } fi  k0+$b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getFilesystemsForDiskGroup$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getFilesystemsForDiskGroup.sh 1.8 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)11 1.8 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getFilesystemsForDiskGroup.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:59:42 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_getFilesystemsForDiskGroup { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset dg=$1 if [[ -z $dg ]]; then return 1 fi typeset l_mountpoint typeset l_device typeset l_vfs typeset l_nodename typeset l_type typeset l_size typeset l_options typeset l_automount typeset l_acct typeset l_type typeset l_minor typeset l_bdev typeset l_cdev typeset l_path typeset device typeset device_paths REQUIRED_COMMANDS="/usr/sbin/vxprint /usr/sbin/lsfs" for cmd in $REQUIRED_COMMANDS; do if [[ ! -x $cmd ]]; then return 1 fi done # Get a list of device paths for this diskgroup LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/vxprint -l -g $dg | while read l_type l_minor l_bdev l_cdev l_path ; do if [[ "$l_type" == "device:" && -n $l_path ]]; then l_path=${l_path/path\=/} device_paths="$l_path $device_paths" fi done if [[ -z $device_paths ]]; then return 0 fi LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/lsfs -c -v vxfs | while IFS=':' read l_mountpoint l_device l_vfs l_nodename l_type l_size l_options l_automount l_acct; do for device in $device_paths; do if [[ "$device" == "$l_device" ]]; then echo $l_mountpoint fi done done return 0 }  k$]0+$b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getVolumesForDiskGroupoup$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getVolumesForDiskGroup.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)12 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_getVolumesForDiskGroup.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:58:48 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_getVolumesForDiskGroup { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset dg=$1 if [[ -z $dg ]]; then return 1 fi if [[ ! -x /usr/sbin/vxprint ]]; then return 1 fi LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/vxprint -h -g $dg | while read type name assoc kstate length ploffs; do if [[ "$type" == "v" ]]; then echo $name fi done return 0 } l_b k0+$b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_importDiskGroupkG$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_importDiskGroup.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)13 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_importDiskGroup.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:57:52 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_importDiskGroup { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset dg=$1 if [[ -z $dg ]]; then return 1 fi REQUIRED_COMMANDS="/usr/sbin/vxdg /usr/sbin/vxvol" for cmd in $REQUIRED_COMMANDS; do if [[ ! -x $cmd ]]; then return 1 fi done /usr/sbin/vxdg import $dg /usr/sbin/vxvol -g $dg startall } o $ k1+$Xb՝ab&X # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_lsdgtDisk$$#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_lsdg.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)14 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/OEMVeritas/KLIB_OEMVeritas_lsdg.sh, hacmp.utils, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:56:49 function KLIB_OEMVeritas_lsdg { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include if [[ ! -x /usr/sbin/vxdg ]]; then return 1 fi LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/vxdg list | while read name state id; do if [[ "$name" != "NAME" ]]; then echo $name fi done return 0 }  k1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_ODM_fields_differtDisk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/odm/KLIB_AIX_ODM_fields_differ.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)70 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/odm/KLIB_AIX_ODM_fields_differ.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:13:43 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_ODM_fields_differ - Compare two ODMs field by field and # report the fields that are different # to the third list argument # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset different_fields # KLIB_AIX_ODM_fields_differ "HACMPcluster" "/etc/es/objrepos" \ # "/usr/es/sbin/cluster/hacmp/etc/objrepos/" different_fields # echo $different_fields # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # For the specified class, the ODM is compared between two # separate directories # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] ODM class name # 2: [scalar] first odm directory to obtain the first copy of the ODM # 3: [scalar] second odm directory to load the second copy # 4: [by ref] list variable to add the differing fields to # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failed # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_ODM_fields_differ { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n list=$4 list='' typeset -A ar1 ar2 typeset strip_quotes=true ODMDIR=$2 odmget $1 | KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_load_by_token ar1 $strip_quotes "$IFS" '$1' '$3' ODMDIR=$3 odmget $1 | KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_load_by_token ar2 $strip_quotes "$IFS" '$1' '$3' KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ ar1 ar2 list }  k1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_ODM_get_odm_fieldstDisk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/odm/KLIB_AIX_ODM_get_odm_fields.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)71 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/odm/KLIB_AIX_ODM_get_odm_fields.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:14:41 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_ODM_get_odm_fields - Print value of qualified ODM fields # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # ip_label=$(KLIB_AIX_ODM_get_odm_fields "name=SERVICE_LABEL and group=rg1" "HACMPresource" "value") # if (( $? == 0 )); then # echo $ip_label # fi # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Prints the values of any field in a stanza that matches the supplied query string. # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # arg1 - predicate literal scalar, string to pass to odmget -q predicate # arg2 - literal odm class name # arg3... literals field names extract # #=head1 RETURN # # 0 - success, found the fields from the class # 1 - failed, unable to find the class, or invalid predicate # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_ODM_get_odm_fields { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -i result=0 odmget -q "$1" "$2" 2>/dev/null | { shift 2 typeset field eq rest arg while read field eq rest; do [[ -z ${rest} || " $* " != *\ $field\ * ]] && continue eval echo $rest # eval strips extra quotes (( ++result )) done } (( result )) } '  kH1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_diskl#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_disk.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)75 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_disk.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:54:59 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_disk - Add a volume group to a list given the raw # disk device /dev/rd* # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_disk listvar /dev/rdevtbsp1 "vg1 vg2 vg3" # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # This function adds the volume group attached to device (2nd arg) # to an array of volume groups if that vg does not already exist # in the thirds argument to this function. # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] list to add volume group to # 2: [scalar] device name to obtain volume group name for # 3+ [scalar] list of volume groups to not duplicate in the arg1 list # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: the device was found, and the list was updated # 1: the device was already present in the provided list of volume groups # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_disk { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n setlist=$1 disk_device=$2 shift shift existing_vgs=$* VG=$(KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_disk $disk_device) if [[ -z $VG ]]; then return 1 fi for evg in $existing_vgs; do if [[ "$VG" == "$evg" ]]; then return 1 fi done setlist="$setlist $VG" return 0 }  k 1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_pathl#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_path.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)69 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_path.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:23:49 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_path - Add a volume group to a list given a # filesystem path # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_path listvar /dev/rdevtbsp1 vg1 vg2 vg3 # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # This function adds the volume group containing path (2nd arg) # to an array of volume groups if that vg does not already exist # in the third and following arguments to this function. # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] list to add volume group to # 2: [scalar] filesystem path to find volume group for # 3+ [scalar] list of volume groups to not duplicate in the arg1 list # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: the filesystem path was found, and the list was updated # 1: the filesystem volume group was already present in the # provided list of volume groups # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_add_vg_by_path { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n setlist=$1 typeset filesyspath=$2 shift shift existing_vgs=$* [[ -z $filesyspath ]] && return 1 typeset VG=$(KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_path $filesyspath) if [[ -z $VG ]]; then return 1 fi for evg in $existing_vgs; do if [[ "$VG" == "$evg" ]]; then return 1 fi done setlist="$setlist $VG" return 0 }  kn 1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_fs_freespacestDisk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_fs_freespace.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)75 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_fs_freespace.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:09:59 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_get_fs_freespace - Determine the amount of freespace for # a filesystem in 512 blocks # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # freespace_in_mb=$(KLIB_AIX_get_fs_freespace /tmp) # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # This function determines the amount of freespace for the # specified filesystem and echos that result to stdout # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] name of filesystem to determine free space # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success, freespace is echo'd to stdout # 1: unable to determine filesystem freespace # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_get_fs_freespace { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset fs=$1 df -m $fs | tail -n 1 | while read tmp available freespace pcnt_used; do freespace=${freespace/\.*/} echo $freespace return 0 done return 1 }  kl 1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_pvidsespace#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_pvids.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)67 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_pvids.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 6/13/13 08:23:40 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_get_pvids - Determine the pvids associated with a volume group # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # vg_pvids=$(KLIB_AIX_get_pvids rootvg) # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Function echo's to stdout the list of PVIDs associated with the specified # volume group. # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] volume group name # #=head1 RETURN # # None # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_get_pvids { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include VG=$1 typeset hdisk="" pvid="" rvg="" state="" PVIDS="" lspv | while read -r hdisk pvid rvg state; do if [[ $rvg == $VG ]]; then if [[ " $PVIDS " != *\ $pvid\ * ]]; then [[ -n $PVIDS ]] && PVIDS="$PVIDS " PVIDS="$PVIDS$pvid" fi fi done echo $PVIDS } reesp k1+jb՝ab&j # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_pvids_by_vgsstDisk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_pvids_by_vgs.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2009 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)31 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_pvids_by_vgs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 1/13/09 16:24:52 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_get_pvids_by_vgs - Determine the pvids associated with a list of volume groups # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # vg_pvids=$(KLIB_AIX_get_pvids_by_vgs rootvg was60_vg) # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Function echo's to stdout the list of PVIDs associated with the specified # volume groups. # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [list] volume group names # #=head1 RETURN # # None # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_get_pvids_by_vgs { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include VGS=$1 PVIDS="" for VG in $VGS; do lspv | while read -r hdisk pvid rvg state; do if [[ "$rvg" == "$VG" ]]; then PVIDS=${PVIDS/$pvid/} PVIDS="$PVIDS $pvid" fi done done echo $PVIDS } ="$PVI k1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_user_infogs#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_user_info.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)68 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_user_info.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:22:29 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_get_user_info - Get the user group, UID and GID properties # of an AIX user # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset user_struct_var # user_struct_var ( # user="" # group="" # uid=0 # gid=0 # ) # KLIB_AIX_get_user_info user_struct_var "mattg" # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Obtains the user group, UID and GID of the provided user name and populates # the data structure passed in (by reference) as the first argument to # this function # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] user data structure # 2: [scalar] user name to obtain info on # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success, structure was completely populated # 1: failed, unable to determine part or all of the user # info given the user name provided to this function # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_get_user_info { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n userinfo=$1 typeset user=$2 typeset group typeset uid typeset gid if [[ -z $user ]]; then return 1 fi userinfo.user=$user uid=$(lsuser -a id $user 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z $uid ]]; then return 1 fi group=$(KLIB_AIX_get_usergroup $user) if [[ -z $group ]]; then return 1 fi gid=$(lsgroup -a id $group) if [[ -z $gid ]]; then return 1 fi userinfo.uid=${uid/*=/} userinfo.gid=${gid/*=/} userinfo.group=$group userinfo.user=$user return 0 } $ k1+.b՝ab&. # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_usergroupgs#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_usergroup.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)74 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_usergroup.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:53:55 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_get_usergroup - Obtain the group name for a user # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # group=$(KLIB_AIX_get_usergroup "mattg") # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # This function will echo to stdout the group name for the specified user # the group is the parent group, not the list of groups the user belongs to # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] user name to determine parent group (pgrp in lsuser) # #=head1 RETURN # # None, echos output to stdout # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_get_usergroup { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include user=$1 group=$(lsuser -a pgrp $user) group=${group/*=/} echo $group } ov k.1+{b՝ab&{ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_disks#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_disk.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)72 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_disk.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:24:58 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_disk - Obtain the volume group name for the # specified device name # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # vg=$(KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_disk "/dev/rdevtbsp1") # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Echo's to stdout the volume group name for the specified raw disk device # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] raw disk device name # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success, stdout contains the name of the volume group # 1: failed, unable to find the volume group info in the local AIX odms # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_disk { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset disk=$1 if [[ -z $disk ]]; then return 1 fi # If the disk device is /dev/rdevtblsp1 then the CuDv entry is devtblsp1 typeset CuDvDisk=${disk/\/dev\/r/} typeset name typeset value odmget -q name=$CuDvDisk CuDv | while IFS='=' read name value; do value=$(eval echo $value) # strip the "" from any values in CuAt name=$(eval echo $name) # strip any whitespace if [[ "$name" == "parent" ]]; then echo $value return 0 fi done return 1 } ${uid kXO1+ b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_paths#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_path.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)73 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_path.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:26:04 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_path - Get the volume group name for the specified path # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # vg=$(KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_path "/tmp") # if (( $? == 0 )); then # echo $vg # fi # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Obtains the name of the volume group for the specified file system path # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] Filesystem path # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success, stdout contains the name of the volume group # 1: failed, unable to determine the volume group name for # the specified path # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_get_vg_by_path { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset path=$1 typeset filesystem typeset tmp typeset free_mb typeset pcnt_used typeset inode_used typeset pcnt_iused typeset mounted [[ -z $path ]] && return 1 typeset logical_volume= if (( $(df -m $path 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null) > 2 )); then df -m $path 2>/dev/null | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | read -r filesystem tmp free_mb pcnt_used inode_used pcnt_iused mounted else df -m $path 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1 | read -r filesystem tmp free_mb pcnt_used inode_used pcnt_iused mounted fi odmget -q value=$mounted CuAt 2>/dev/null | while IFS='=' read name value; do value=$(eval echo $value) # strip the "" from any values in CuAt name=$(eval echo $name) # strip any whitespace if [[ "$name" == "name" ]]; then logical_volume=$value break fi done 2>/dev/null if [[ -z $logical_volume ]]; then return 1 fi odmget -q name=$logical_volume CuDv | while IFS='=' read name value; do value=$(eval echo $value) # strip the "" from any values in CuAt name=$(eval echo $name) # strip any whitespace if [[ "$name" == "parent" ]]; then echo $value return 0 fi done 2>/dev/null return 1 }  kNo1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_mount_fs_for_directoryk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_mount_fs_for_directory.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2009 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)60 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_AIX_mount_fs_for_directory.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 1/13/09 16:24:51 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_AIX_mount_fs_for_directory - Determine the pvids associated with a list of volume groups # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # KLIB_AIX_mount_fs_for_directory vg directory # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Attempt to mount the filesystem on a volume group containing # the directory path # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] volume group name # 2: [scalar] directory path # #=head1 RETURN # # 0 - success # 1 - failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_AIX_mount_fs_for_directory { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset VG=$1 typeset DIRECTORY=$2 if [[ -z $(lsvg -o | grep $VG) ]] ; then varyonvg $VG 2>/dev/null if (( $? != 0 )) ; then KLIB_WAS_log_message "WAS ERROR: Unable to vary on volume group $vg." return 1 fi fi # Look for an existing FS on the volume group that might contain the directory and mount it typeset mountpoint for mountpoint in $(lsvg -l $VG | awk '$2 == "jfs" || $2 == "jfs2" {print $7}') ; do if [[ $mountpoint == ${DIRECTORY:0:${#mountpoint}} ]] ; then if [[ ${#mountpoint} == ${#DIRECTORY} || ${DIRECTORY:${#mountpoint}:1} == "/" ]] ; then if [[ -z $(mount 2>/dev/null | awk '$3 ~ /jfs2*$/ {print $2}' | grep $mountpoint) ]] ; then mount $mountpoint 2>/dev/null if (( $? != 0 )) ; then KLIB_WAS_log_message "WAS ERROR: Unable to mount filesystem $mountpoint." return 1 fi fi fi fi done if [[ -e $DIRECTORY ]] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } hen  kҋ1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivefsctoryk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivefs.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)20 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivefs.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:56:49 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivefs - List all active filesystems # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # None. # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivefs { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset ERROR_IF_ARGS=$1 if [[ -n $ERROR_IF_ARGS ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" FSS=`mount 2>/dev/null | awk '$3 ~ /jfs2*$/ {print $2}' 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else for FS in $FSS; do echo $FS done fi return 0 } /func_ k 1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivevgctoryk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivevg.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)21 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivevg.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:57:43 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivevg - List allactive LVM volume groups # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # None. # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsactivevg { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset ERROR_IF_ARGS=$1 if [[ -n $ERROR_IF_ARGS ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" VGS=`/usr/sbin/lsvg -o 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else for VG in $VGS; do echo $VG done fi return 0 } do k"1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsfsivevg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsfs.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)22 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsfs.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:58:49 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsfs - List all JFS* filesystems # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # None. # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsfs { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset ERROR_IF_ARGS=$1 if [[ -n $ERROR_IF_ARGS ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" FSS=`lsfs | grep -v "vxfs" | awk '{ print $3 }' 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else for FS in $FSS; do echo $FS done fi return 0 } 0 } do kH!1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lspvivevg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lspv.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)23 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lspv.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 14:59:42 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lspv - List all physical volumes (hdisks) for given # volume group # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] volume group name # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lspv { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include VG=$1 if [[ -z "$VG" ]]; then LANG="C" PVS=`lspv | grep -vw "None" | awk '{ print $1 }' 2>/dev/null` else LANG="C" PVS=`lspv | grep -w $VG | awk '{ print $1 }' 2>/dev/null` fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else for PV in $PVS; do echo $PV done fi return 0 } (lsvg k~#1+}b՝ab&} # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsvgivevg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsvg.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)24 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsvg.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:00:50 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsvg - List all LVM volume groups # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # None. # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_lsvg { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset ERROR_IF_ARGS=$1 if [[ -n $ERROR_IF_ARGS ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" VGS=`/usr/sbin/lsvg 2>/dev/null` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else for VG in $VGS; do echo $VG done fi return 0 } if  k%1+^b՝ab&^ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_mountvevg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_mount.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)25 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_mount.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:02:07 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_mount - mounts given filesystem via AIX mount command # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] file system name # # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_mount { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset FS=$1 if [[ -z $FS ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" /usr/sbin/mount $FS 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi }  k '1+xb՝ab&x # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_odmtvevg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_odm.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)26 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_odm.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:03:08 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_odm - List volume group hosting the given filesystem # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] file system name # # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_odm { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset FS=$1 if [[ -z $FS ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" /usr/es/sbin/cluster/events/utils/cl_fs2disk -v $FS 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi }  k$)1+gb՝ab&g # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_umountevg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_umount.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)27 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_umount.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:05:48 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_umount - unmounts given filesystem via AIX umount command # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] file system name # # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_umount { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset FS=$1 if [[ -z $FS ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" /usr/sbin/umount $FS 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } t kX,1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyoffvg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyoffvg.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)28 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyoffvg.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:07:10 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyoff - deactivates given volume group via AIX varyoffvg # command # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] volume group name # # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyoffvg { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset VG=$1 if [[ -z $VG ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" /usr/sbin/varyoffvg $VG 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } -n kX.1+~b՝ab&~ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyonvg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyonvg.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)29 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/aix/KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyonvg.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:08:15 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyon - deactivates given volume group via AIX varyonvg # command # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [scalar] volume group name # # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: success # 1: failure # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_HACMP_AIX_varyonvg { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset VG=$1 if [[ -z $VG ]]; then return 1 fi LANG="C" /usr/sbin/varyonvg $VG 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } f ky21+T<b՝ab&T< # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/availability/cl_amlibyonvg#!/bin/ksh93 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/availability/cl_amlib.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Definitions: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATH=$(/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cl_get_path all) export PATH # For Availability metrics tool, log file by default is /var/hacmp/availability/clavailability.log export CLAM_LOG_FILE_NAME="clavailability.log" # Fetch the CLAM_LOG_DIR from HACMPlogs ODM CLAM_LOG_DIR=$(clodmget -q "name = $CLAM_LOG_FILE_NAME" -f value -n HACMPlogs) [[ -z $CLAM_LOG_DIR ]] && CLAM_LOG_DIR="/var/hacmp/availability" # Create a log directory, if it does not exists export CLAM_LOG_DIR [[ ! -d $CLAM_LOG_DIR ]] && mkdir -p $CLAM_LOG_DIR > /dev/null 2>&1 export CLAM_LOG_FILE="$CLAM_LOG_DIR/$CLAM_LOG_FILE_NAME" #Exporting the tags related to Availability Metrics # Tags related to ROHA Assesment, acquire and release export AM_ROHA_ASSESSMENT_BEGIN="" export AM_ROHA_ASSESSMENT_END="" export AM_ROHA_ASSESSMENT_FAILURE="" export AM_ROHA_ACQUIRE_BEGIN="" export AM_ROHA_ACQUIRE_END="" export AM_ROHA_RELEASE_BEGIN="" export AM_ROHA_RELEASE_END="" #Tags related to application start & stop export AM_APP_START_BEGIN="" export AM_APP_START_END="" export AM_APP_START_FAILURE="" export AM_APP_STOP_BEGIN="" export AM_APP_STOP_END="" export AM_APP_STOP_FAILURE="" #Tags related to Service IP alias & dealias export AM_SERVICEIP_ALIAS_BEGIN="" export AM_SERVICEIP_ALIAS_END="" export AM_SERVICEIP_ALIAS_FAILURE="" export AM_SERVICEIP_DEALIAS_BEGIN="" export AM_SERVICEIP_DEALIAS_END="" export AM_SERVICEIP_DEALIAS_FAILURE="" #Tags related to Volume Group export AM_VG_VARYON_BEGIN="" export AM_VG_VARYON_END="" export AM_VG_VARYON_FAILURE="" export AM_VG_VARYOFF_BEGIN="" export AM_VG_VARYOFF_END="" export AM_VG_VARYOFF_FAILURE="" export AM_VG_SYNC_BEGIN_RG_MOVE="" export AM_VG_SYNC_END_RG_MOVE="" export AM_VG_SYNC_FAILURE_RG_MOVE="" export AM_VG_SYNC_BEGIN_RG_MOVE_COMPLETE="" export AM_VG_SYNC_END_RG_MOVE_COMPLETE="" export AM_VG_SYNC_FAILURE_RG_MOVE_COMPLETE="" #Tags related to Filesystem mount & unmount export AM_FS_MOUNT_BEGIN="" export AM_FS_MOUNT_END="" export AM_FS_MOUNT_FAILURE="" export AM_FS_UMOUNT_BEGIN="" export AM_FS_UMOUNT_END="" export AM_FS_UMOUNT_FAILURE="" #Tags related to Network Filesystem activate & deactivate export AM_NFS_ACTIVATE_BEGIN="" export AM_NFS_ACTIVATE_END="" export AM_NFS_ACTIVATE_FAILURE="" export AM_NFS_DEACTIVATE_BEGIN="" export AM_NFS_DEACTIVATE_END="" export AM_NFS_DEACTIVATE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to WPAR activate & deactivate export AM_WPAR_START_BEGIN="" export AM_WPAR_START_END="" export AM_WPAR_START_FAILURE="" export AM_WPAR_STOP_BEGIN="" export AM_WPAR_STOP_END="" export AM_WPAR_STOP_FAILURE="" #Tags related to site_up start & stop export AM_SITE_UP_BEGIN="" export AM_SITE_UP_END="" export AM_SITE_UP_FAILURE="" #Tags related to site_up_complete start & stop export AM_SITE_UP_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_SITE_UP_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_SITE_UP_COMPLETE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to site_down start & stop export AM_SITE_DOWN_BEGIN="" export AM_SITE_DOWN_END="" export AM_SITE_DOWN_FAILURE="" #Tags related to site_down_complete start & stop export AM_SITE_DOWN_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_SITE_DOWN_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_SITE_DOWN_COMPLETE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to node_up start & stop export AM_NODE_UP_BEGIN="" export AM_NODE_UP_END="" export AM_NODE_UP_FAILURE="" #Tags related to node_up_complete start & stop export AM_NODE_UP_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_NODE_UP_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_NODE_UP_COMPLETE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to node_down start & stop export AM_NODE_DOWN_BEGIN="" export AM_NODE_DOWN_END="" export AM_NODE_DOWN_FAILURE="" #Tags related to node_down_complete start & stop export AM_NODE_DOWN_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_NODE_DOWN_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_NODE_DOWN_COMPLETE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to rg_move_acquire start & stop export AM_RG_MOVE_ACQUIRE_BEGIN="" export AM_RG_MOVE_ACQUIRE_END="" export AM_RG_MOVE_ACQUIRE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to rg_move_release start & stop export AM_RG_MOVE_RELEASE_BEGIN="" export AM_RG_MOVE_RELEASE_END="" export AM_RG_MOVE_RELEASE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to rg_move start & stop export AM_RG_MOVE_BEGIN="" export AM_RG_MOVE_END="" export AM_RG_MOVE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to rg_move_complete start & stop export AM_RG_MOVE_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_RG_MOVE_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_RG_MOVE_COMPLETE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to rg_move_fence start & stop export AM_RG_MOVE_FENCE_BEGIN="" export AM_RG_MOVE_FENCE_END="" export AM_RG_MOVE_FENCE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to swap_adapter start & stop export AM_SWAP_ADAPTER_BEGIN="" export AM_SWAP_ADAPTER_END="" export AM_SWAP_ADAPTER_FAILURE="" #Tags related to reconfig_topology_start start & stop export AM_RECONFIG_TOPOLOGY_START_BEGIN="" export AM_RECONFIG_TOPOLOGY_START_END="" export AM_RECONFIG_TOPOLOGY_START_FAILURE="" #Tags related to reconfig_topology_complete start & stop export AM_RECONFIG_TOPOLOGY_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_RECONFIG_TOPOLOGY_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_RECONFIG_TOPOLOGY_COMPLETE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to reconfig_resource_acquire start & stop export AM_RECONFIG_RESOURCE_ACQUIRE_BEGIN="" export AM_RECONFIG_RESOURCE_ACQUIRE_END="" export AM_RECONFIG_RESOURCE_ACQUIRE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to reconfig_resource_release start & stop export AM_RECONFIG_RESOURCE_RELEASE_BEGIN="" export AM_RECONFIG_RESOURCE_RELEASE_END="" export AM_RECONFIG_RESOURCE_RELEASE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to reconfig_configuration_complete start & stop export AM_RECONFIG_CONFIG_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_RECONFIG_CONFIG_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_RECONFIG_CONFIG_COMPLETE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to configuration changes in a cluster export AM_CONFIG_CHANGES_NODES="" export AM_CONFIG_CHANGES_RG="" export AM_CONFIG_CHANGES_VG="" export AM_CONFIG_CHANGES_FS="" export AM_CONFIG_CHANGES_APP="" export AM_CONFIG_CHANGES_SERVICEIP="" #Tags related to split-merge events export AM_SPLIT_BEGIN="" export AM_SPLIT_END="" export AM_MERGE_BEGIN="" export AM_MERGE_END="" export AM_QUORUM_BEGIN="" export AM_QUORUM_END="" #Tags related to FFDC events export AM_FFDC_BEGIN="" export AM_FFDC_END="" export AM_FFDC_FAILURE="" #Tag for process monitoring export AM_AIX_MON="" #Tags related to SAP Smart Assist export AM_SA_SAP_START_BEGIN="" export AM_SA_SAP_START_END="" export AM_SA_SAP_START_FAILURE="" export AM_SA_SAP_STOP_BEGIN="" export AM_SA_SAP_STOP_END="" export AM_SA_SAP_STOP_FAILURE="" #Tags related to ORACLE Smart Assist export AM_SA_ORACLE_START_BEGIN="" export AM_SA_ORACLE_START_END="" export AM_SA_ORACLE_START_FAILURE="" export AM_SA_ORACLE_STOP_BEGIN="" export AM_SA_ORACLE_STOP_END="" export AM_SA_ORACLE_STOP_FAILURE="" #Tags related to DB2 Smart Assist export AM_SA_DB2_START_BEGIN="" export AM_SA_DB2_START_END="" export AM_SA_DB2_START_FAILURE="" export AM_SA_DB2_STOP_BEGIN="" export AM_SA_DB2_STOP_END="" export AM_SA_DB2_STOP_FAILURE="" #Tags related to Verification Assist export AM_VERIFICATION_BEGIN="" export AM_VERIFICATION_END="" export AM_VERIFICATION_FAILURE="" #Tags related to network up/down events export AM_NETWORK_DOWN_BEGIN="" export AM_NETWORK_DOWN_END="" export AM_NETWORK_DOWN_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_NETWORK_DOWN_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_NETWORK_UP_BEGIN="" export AM_NETWORK_UP_END="" export AM_NETWORK_UP_COMPLETE_BEGIN="" export AM_NETWORK_UP_COMPLETE_END="" export AM_NETWORK_UP_FAILURE="" export AM_NETWORK_DOWN_FAILURE="" #Tags related to Synchronization Assist export AM_SYNC_BEGIN="" export AM_SYNC_END="" export AM_SYNC_FAILURE="" #Tags related to RG Failover export RG_FAILOVER_BEGIN="" export RG_FAILOVER_END="" export RG_FAILOVER_FAILURE="" #Tags related to RG ACQUIRE export RG_ACQUIRE_BEGIN="" export RG_ACQUIRE_END="" export RG_ACQUIRE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to RG RELEASE export RG_RELEASE_BEGIN="" export RG_RELEASE_END="" export RG_RELEASE_FAILURE="" #Tags related to application monitoring export AM_APPMON_BEGIN="" export AM_APPMON_END="" export AM_APPMON_FAILURE="" #Tags related to config too long export AM_CONFIGTL_BEGIN="" export AM_CONFIGTL_END="" export AM_CONFIGTL_FAILURE="" #Tags related to AIX shutdown and reboot export AM_AIX_DOWN_BEGIN="" export AM_AIX_DOWN_END="" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions: # # amlog_trace # amlog_warn # amlog_err # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################## # # NAME: amlog_trace # # FUNCTION: Writes INFO message to CLAM_LOG_FILE # # PARAMETERS: # Trace Tag used to generate AM report # Trace information # # RETURNS: NA ############################################################### function amlog_trace { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x # # call clcycle to cycle the log file when its size reaches # maximum size limit before logging the trace # clcycle $CLAM_LOG_FILE_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 DATE=$(cltime) echo "$1|$DATE|INFO: $2" >> $CLAM_LOG_FILE } ############################################################## # # NAME: amlog_warn # # FUNCTION: Writes warning message to CLAM_LOG_FILE # # PARAMETERS: # Trace Tag used to generate AM report # Trace information # # RETURNS: NA ############################################################### function amlog_warn { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x # # call clcycle to cycle the log file when its size reaches # maximum size limit before logging Warning # clcycle $CLAM_LOG_FILE_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 DATE=$(cltime) echo "$1|$DATE|WARN: $2" >> $CLAM_LOG_FILE } ############################################################## # # NAME: amlog_err # # FUNCTION: Writes ERROR message to CLAM_LOG_FILE # # PARAMETERS: # Trace Tag used to generate AM report # Trace information # # RETURNS: NA ############################################################### function amlog_err { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "high" ]] && set -x # # call clcycle to cycle the log file when its size reaches # maximum size limit before logging ERROR # clcycle $CLAM_LOG_FILE_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 DATE=$(cltime) echo "$1|$DATE|ERROR: $2" >> $CLAM_LOG_FILE } RIFI l41+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/availability/cl_amutilsnvg    etacdinors "=Tfglmpu(),.:ADEMNORS[]_hvy-CFGILPbkw#%'014UV$2<>BH\jx{}+/WYq3589Kz|!*67QXZJ^; 8p#Pq# 0 $a=/*(:IN֔Tc?GnOLBEc2r *3` ,`0, )陹ԍSy8Q(8I HyG8@%%(Ex&"HX''a^nu*gzFWg=U+ng=U+G%(VkzFWVh窴ez53G Uj٘5RT U)00%La|`ap 8f!vf٘5RoUh\˧iJ*1j70,sU)0|Vz /oQUaE18&АST0G`` `Ge٘5C } u):wZ2ZCIoUh,2%fYCNV.]J1+Zf1fYAЕfE5Z21{z&4RR\b VU+QcL#c y6Ŏ V.]J1+BfE ;Xu+CzFV/oPbrQLMjhMw֦R,uHe ˩BUR3s\2˩F h\wה5bԯڡ>SAYfD2e7fc /oQ(QJ*튊Smey9:NJ*PoUhV'p FCئ>|o&p (qr!t32i/;e>S>k(tKFV3 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then echo "Fatal Error: KLIB_MSGSET & KLIB_MSGCATALOG need to be set!" return 1 fi if (( $# )); then typeset -A arg index=0 for a in $*; do if [[ ${a:0:1} == "!" ]]; then name=${a:1:${#a}} typeset -n klist=$name arg[$index]=$klist else arg[$index]="$a" fi (( index=$index+1 )) done 2>/dev/null dspmsg -s $KLIB_MSGSET $KLIB_MSGCATALOG $msgid "${MSG[$msgid]}" "${arg[0]}" "${arg[1]}" "${arg[2]}" "${arg[3]}" "${arg[4]}" "${arg[5]}" "${arg[6]}" "${arg[7]}" "${arg[8]}" "${arg[9]}" "${arg[10]}" "${arg[11]}" "${arg[12]}" "${arg[13]}" "${arg[14]}" "${arg[15]}" else dspmsg -s $KLIB_MSGSET $KLIB_MSGCATALOG $msgid "${MSG[$msgid]}" fi return 0 } # # Name: logmsg # # Description: This function will log a message to a log file pointed # to by global KLIB_LOGFILE and to the console, # if KLIB_OUTPUT_CONSOLE=true # # Arguments: [msg_number] # [args] # # Global Refs: MSG # KLIB_MSGSET = message set # (1) # KLIB_MSGCATALOG = message catalog name db2sa.cat # KLIB_OUTPUT_CONSOLE = true / false # KLIB_DEFAULT_LOGFILE = fullpath to log file name # KLIB_HACMPLOG_ENTRY = HACMPlog entry to obtain path for # log file # # Usage: logmsg 100 "abc" 123 # function logmsg { typeset ARGS=$* if [[ -z $KLIB_DEFAULT_LOGFILE && -z $KLIB_HACMPLOG_ENTRY ]]; then echo "Fatal Error: KLIB_LOGFILE and KLIB_HACMPLOG_ENTRY not set!" return 1 fi LOGFILE=$KLIB_DEFAULT_LOGFILE if [[ -n $KLIB_HACMPLOG_ENTRY && -z KLIB_HACMPLOG_VALUE ]]; then odmget -q name=$KLIB_HACMPLOG_ENTRY | while IFS='=' read name value; do name=$(eval echo $name) if [[ "$name" == "value" ]]; then value=$(eval echo $value) KLIB_HACMPLOG_VALUE=$value fi done 2>/dev/null fi if [[ -n $KLIB_HACMPLOG_VALUE ]]; then LOGFILE=$KLIB_HACMPLOG_VALUE fi # Return the status code from calling errmsg (last statement is the ret code) touch $LOGFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ ! -f $LOGFILE ]]; then echo "Fatal Error: Unable to create log file $LOGFILE" return 1 fi if [[ "$KLIB_OUTPUT_CONSOLE" == "true" ]]; then errmsg $ARGS | tee -a $LOGFILE else errmsg $ARGS >> $LOGFILE fi } # # Name: dbgmsg # # Description synonym for logmsg, provides debug logging # by default this function ignores console logging # no console logging is enabled # # Arguments: [msg_number] # [args] # # Global Refs: MSG # KLIB_MSGSET = message set # (1) # KLIB_MSGCATALOG = message catalog name db2sa.cat # KLIB_OUTPUT_CONSOLE = true / false # KLIB_DEFAULT_LOGFILE = fullpath to log file name # KLIB_HACMPLOG_ENTRY = HACMPlog entry to obtain path for # log file # # Usage: dbgmsg 12 "foo" "bar" # function dbgmsg { logmsg $* } # Name: require # # Description: If command fails, calls abort with the rest of its args # # Arguments: command line to execute # optional about arguments # # Returns: 0 or exits program on error # # Global Refs: None # function require { eval $1 && return 0 shift abort 1 "$@" } # Name: require_dir # # Description: Special case of require because it is so common. # This also has is a special error message. This is to # simplify calling and reduce errors # # Arguments: Directory to create or ensure exists # # Returns: 0 or exits program on error # # Global Refs: None # function require_dir { mkdir -p $1 || abort 1 21 $1 } e l,c1+$Zb՝ab&z5 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/ezupdate/Cluster_th9  #e norst"$ERST_acdilmu().:=CDINOUfhpy{}'-01AFGLMP[]gv&/Y\bkx!,2347?KXZjqz|569;*+@8 at  &%( H:2KbZnpiYgUS@(^x0g_OHh`ԆHPX!@HX e, ܮ"SD0((Ȩ`sՒDy@Q0զ]lKU +6UL0ՀYunJD BE`PV eh("6aug` )TƁ{X{ [k ¬ c[$nud $|/VlA곁ɇܥ*vrB&HPX1tX/9hܮ"VU,:oVWhܧy v2͈?wVYIӵi9 0vټ8ED %(2*&Հ ] 1p-`( X][)t  م՝2ܧqRcd\$ .7 , BAXUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN56 %1ίZ6FvؑU23j *(ѹuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU92bsX17Տ6umQ{4үTRQ^m]v*;k\L+1޿h We:hz*֞]lK}r3[[oU|YVYڹ̻փF VbN ړn1̜PkHmQbfw65v$aLx>orH*0;N`h܋XiRd$PȾA;VjZ!S$P0@% M1Lh$9.eȾY6 #ګneY;ӿEPD12E w;!i&R E; Vww#_eNN*4b|;H $U0GX~eY#Uaer.9^ 4&Z'ӿ(U1wUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU;oZlAlnEN<A8H(P880(\LOy\{Ą"T9AP;?8LOy\{3&.W=fq+iJsn+Ka8ɋϛFɈAǚPkj͝yj͜seM4  -^sـ^xPG&2bI H`sfK]H73 yY$B;+<; )8YDž $xy"h(&, PփM*ۋv|V9QIU <(X#@A1gȤ0viWncYԃs0wb±2HEA$`&I4Q5A< EփM* Y;, A=f9by 440yTP6;^eLy4nfXuD;eM4  -7(7AH; )8YDž $xy"h(&, Pk7;iq4Yԃs0Ǟ,_@($,c3ـ^xPG&2bI H`h4ү_͸Z^gcUZ…<<4 zH(LCkAz< ]H73 [/>+`8+1/owTH;<ЂA& @joۋ⳿Z6XÜw;af2..waILBc_Azڄ|ր@T'L$BbLs( w~J{r`U k,rer,ʑ|#ڄ|֊ " bdwdC M* w\2,vPb%S s^73 ρneZ 4k76 H^z^Ĺ| s/{̽AzڲUs VwY`Z3̽AzQUds )TeQ&[2UA{w;S*Pb%Sփ2n| s/zi^ꪪzbf2./wqA@ĉ]Bbbx$焃$%y"nGbbx$焃1r/LDc wZ` 1rjǞ`2bsiq3&.W<%fR+;fL\z.{8f# +;w#_eNN*4b|;H @@E0ZI#,ůBLN3mi&v%F&e@hha Na ,mw?Nk-r*T;Y6 چ# +;;HK8A@ y@DÎǏ.s1< sA<qP @x7#1< sAw̘\DyDž1r,Jc]3&.W=fq+Ka81KiWnn+/j=Vy;fL\xi=1r$w̘\z#92bsH8;P޻ʲ/[{K$$D  6[@fzDI#e" gH9Db( AM*h"j$x^c Ůmi&wՌؗm\h1͸<$*Y;UVe8ee³/VG./ G{U|%``$%xi=Gbbn{{"ID.enL$G,"D#L$AGD.,ÝY;-щb6.`$%ų,$3=2$v&&B*$hA 5Q7@Gea\h1Ǭ;76HH<(wfY۝YhGV/a2Ħk@,1k0Y_|;#a~xeHww!,$zdI" < &&# ڏU~{ཨ׃- giAeYQ^zY~qG՛;wyHD 0 ڏUzdI" < ۿ-~B*$hA 5Q7@|q#n|Ŭc<޲^ʰq?L/zi^av/} qUeYxHNq4nfD<1BTAJ"mwཨiu 77;; ^k2_Z 4YYE!4 rPHiRMTMDO , {X2Ў+AM/r4h1-O,JfN/k70lzi͈?- ۿF o\x[B8|dxP4hA  0c׃iqA@ / Mg;A3Qf7<{=f9ŋV0c^s<)ڠ,ŋ8x{{ٌ-w}ر{Q` wE!4 rP( U$EDIEʽPk7łx70lz̭փM6VlA  c34/fwnm 440yTP69;a6M~Z|ӿO<-Xq2<(yx`Q4I  1E ? 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All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/ezupdate/common.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/ezupdate/common.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM typeset scriptname=${0##*/} typeset scriptargs="$*" ############################################################################## # Global variables for log ############################################################################## export PS4='EZUpdate:$scriptname[$LINENO]:${0##*/}:($SECONDS) ' # log level, by default 0 export CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL=5 # log file, by default /var/hacmp/EZUpdate/EZUpdate.log export CLEZUPDATE_LOG_DIR="/var/hacmp/EZUpdate" export CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE="${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_DIR}/EZUpdate.log" # log mode, either append or wrap # append if CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND=1 # wrap if CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND=0 # By default wrap mode export CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND=0 ############################################################################## # Global variables for accessing utilities ############################################################################## typeset TOOLDIR=/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities typeset CLMGR_CMD="$TOOLDIR/clmgr" typeset CAA_CLRSH=/usr/sbin/clrsh typeset HA_CLRSH=${TOOLDIR}/cl_rsh typeset CLRSH=$HA_CLRSH #CLRSH -n typeset CLRCP=${TOOLDIR}/cl_rcp typeset CLHANDLE="${TOOLDIR}/clhandle -a" typeset GET_LOCAL_NODENAME="${TOOLDIR}/get_local_nodename" typeset CSPOCDIR=/usr/es/sbin/cluster/cspoc typeset CLI_ON_NODE="/usr/es/sbin/cluster/cspoc/cli_on_node -N" export PATH=$PATH if [[ -f $TOOLDIR/cl_get_path ]]; then export PATH=$($TOOLDIR/cl_get_path all) export OP_SEP=$(${TOOLDIR}/cl_get_path -S 2>/dev/null) export OP_SEP=${OP_SEP:-\~} fi ############################################################################## # Global variables for msg catalogs ############################################################################## typeset EZUPDATE_MSGS=ezupdate.cat typeset CLUSTER_T_SET=1 typeset NODE_T_SET=2 typeset CL_EZUPDATE_MAIN_SET=3 typeset CL_EZUPDATE_USAGE_SET=4 typeset CL_EZUPDATE_USEREXIT_SET=5 typeset CL_EZUPDATE_CHECKNIM_SET=6 typeset CL_EZUPDATE_CHECKLPPS_SET=7 typeset CL_EZUPDATE_CHECKIFIX_SET=8 typeset CL_EZUPDATE_INSTALL_SET=9 typeset DSPMSG="/usr/bin/dspmsg $EZUPDATE_MSGS -s" typeset CANNOT_INT_MSG="$($DSPMSG $CL_EZUPDATE_USEREXIT_SET 4 'Cannot interrupt, please retry later.\n')" ############################################################################## # Global constants ############################################################################## typeset -r ACTION=( Q="QUERY" P="PREVIEW" C="COMMIT" R="REJECT" A="APPLY" B="BOOT" QUERY="QUERY" PREVIEW="PREVIEW" COMMIT="COMMIT" REJECT="REJECT" APPLY="APPLY" BOOT="BOOT" ) typeset -r MODE_TYPE=( H="HELP" A="AUTOMATIC" ) typeset -r MSG_TYPE=( ERR="ERROR" WARN="WARNING" INF="INFO" ) typeset -r UPDATE_SOURCE=( LOCAL="LOCAL" NIM="NIM" ) typeset -r NODE_LOCALIZATION=( LOCAL="local" REMOTE="remote" ) typeset -r MANAGE_MODE=( ONLINE="online" AUTO="auto" MANUAL="manual" UNMANAGE="unmanage" OFFLINE="offline" MOVE="move" NON_DISRUPTIVE="non_disruptive" SILENT="silent" ROLLING="rolling" NONE="none" ) typeset -r RC=( OK=0 FAILURE=1 PARAM_ERROR=2 PING_ERROR=3 SSH_ERROR=4 EMPTY_DIR=6 PHA_CMD_ERROR=7 NOT_FOUND=8 RG_CANNOT_MOVE=9 WARNING=127 QUIESCE_REBOOT=200 QUIESCE_NO_REBOOT=201 UNKNOWN=-99 ) ##################################################################### # # NAME: DSP_MSG # # FUNCTION: # Display an error message with internationalization to stderr. # Log the message into the logfile with the right prefix. # # EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT: # # NOTES: # # RECOVERY OPERATION: none # # DATA STRUCTURES: # parameters: # 1: the MSG_TYPE can be ERROR | INFO # 2: parameter for DSPMSG function # global: # # RETURNS: none # # OUTPUT: display messages ##################################################################### function DSP_MSG { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "yes" ]] && set -x [[ "$DEBUG_MODE" == "yes" ]] && set -x typeset msg="" typeset msg_type="$1" typeset msg_set="$2" typeset msg_no="$3" typeset msg_def=$4 shift 4 msg=$($DSPMSG $msg_set $msg_no "$msg_def" "$@") print -- "$msg" if [[ $msg_type == ${MSG_TYPE.ERR} ]] then log_error "$msg" elif [[ $msg_type == ${MSG_TYPE.WARN} ]] then log_warn "$msg" else log_trace 0 "$msg" fi } # End of "DSP_MSG()" ##################################################################### # # NAME: WALL_MSG # # FUNCTION: # Displays the message on the wall. # # EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT: # # NOTES: # # RECOVERY OPERATION: none # # DATA STRUCTURES: # parameters: # 1: parameter for DSPMSG function # global: # # RETURNS: none # # OUTPUT: display messages ##################################################################### function WALL_MSG { [[ "$VERBOSE_LOGGING" == "yes" ]] && set -x [[ "$DEBUG_MODE" == "yes" ]] && set -x typeset msg="" typeset msg_set="$1" typeset msg_no="$2" typeset msg_def=$3 shift 3 msg=$($DSPMSG $msg_set $msg_no "$msg_def" "$@") wall -- "$msg" } # End of "WALL_MSG()" t k&j1+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/ezupdate/log#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/ezupdate/log.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/ezupdate/log.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM typeset scriptname=${0##*/} # This integer to be set to 1 or 2 only for log debugguing typeset -i debug_log=0 typeset -i debug_log_max=9 . ${EZU_LIB_DIR}/common typeset DATESTR=$(/usr/bin/date '+%Y_%m_%d %H:%M') ######################################################## # This function to init log characteristics ######################################################## function log_init { (( debug_log == 1 )) && print -u1 "log_init" if [[ $VERBOSE_LOGGING == high ]]; then set -x fi log_verify_and_init } ######################################################## # If append mode, we just write at the end of the file # If wrap mode, we just wrap log file and start anew a # new log file ######################################################## function log_verify_and_init { (( debug_log == 1 )) && print -u1 "log_verify_and_init" if [[ $VERBOSE_LOGGING == high ]]; then set -x fi if [[ ! -d ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_DIR} ]]; then /usr/bin/mkdir -p ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_DIR} if (( $? != 0 )); then print -u1 -- "$scriptname: ERROR! Cannot create $CLEZUPDATE_LOG_DIR log directory!" >&2 fi fi if [[ -e ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} ]]; then if (( CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND == 0 )) ; then (( debug_log == 1 )) && print -u1 "CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND == 0" (( debug_log == 1 )) && log_wrap || log_wrap 1>/dev/null 2>&1 /usr/bin/touch ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} 2>/dev/null else (( debug_log == 1 )) && print -u1 "CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND == 1" /usr/bin/touch ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} 2>/dev/null fi else /usr/bin/touch ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} 2>/dev/null fi exec 2>>${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} exec 3>>${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} print -u 3 -- "### $DATESTR - Running script: $scriptname $scriptargs" } ######################################################## # To wrap log files ######################################################## function log_wrap { (( debug_log == 1 )) && print -u1 "log_wrap" if [[ $VERBOSE_LOGGING == high ]]; then set -x fi for (( i=${debug_log_max}-1 ; i>0 ; i-- )); do /usr/bin/ls ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE}.$i >/dev/null 2>/dev/null (( $? == 0)) && /usr/bin/mv ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE}.$i ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE}.$((i+1)) done if [[ -e ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} ]]; then /usr/bin/mv ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE}.1 fi exec 2>>${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} exec 3>>${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} } ############################################################## # # NAME: log_cleanup # # FUNCTION: performs cleanup on exit # # DATA STRUCTURES: # parameters: # global: # # RETURNS: (int) # # OUTPUT: ############################################################### function log_cleanup { typeset end_date="" set +x /usr/bin/rm -f ./CMD_* 2>/dev/null /usr/bin/rm -f ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_DIR}/lcd.*.$$ 2>/dev/null /usr/bin/rm -f ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_DIR}/clvd.$$ 2>/dev/null end_date=$(/usr/bin/date '+%Y_%m_%d %H:%M') print -u 3 -- "### $end_date - Leaving script: $scriptname $scriptargs rc=$rc" # Since this was called from an "exit" trap, whatever # return code that was exited with will be returned # to the shell from here. } # end of log_cleanup ####################################################### # Write to stdout # All what is written to stdout is appent to log file ####################################################### function log_write { print -u 1 -- "$1" | /usr/bin/tee -a ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE} } ######################################################## # Write to error ######################################################## function log_error { print -u 2 -- "ERR: $1" } ######################################################## # Write warning to log ######################################################## function log_warn { print -u 2 -- "WARN: $1" } ######################################################## # Write to log # Filehandle 3 is used for log ######################################################## function log_trace { (( debug_log == 2 )) && print -u1 "log_trace $1 ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL}" if [[ -n $VERBOSE_LOGGING && "$VERBOSE_LOGGING"=="high" ]] \ || [[ "$1" == +([0-5]) ]] \ && (( ${CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL} >= $1 )) then print -u 3 -- "INF: $2" fi } ######################################################## # This function to display log characteristics ######################################################## function log_short_display { print -u1 -- "out CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL" print -u1 -- "out CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE" print -u1 -- "out CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND" } ######################################################## # This function to display log characteristics ######################################################## function log_display { print -u1 -- "out CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL" print -u1 -- "out CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE" print -u1 -- "out CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND" print -u2 -- "err CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL" print -u2 -- "err CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE" print -u2 -- "err CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND" print -u3 -- "log CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_LEVEL" print -u3 -- "log CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_FILE" print -u3 -- "log CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND=$CLEZUPDATE_LOG_APPEND" } PPEND = lk1+Yb՝ab&2 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include  =e #ainrst"$_cdhlouCDEILMNORST[]fmpv()-./:AGP\bgkwy%&*,012;>FHUx{}!'+4BKV|35?WXYqz689Y Ϲ${UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU17*FoIE&!Šuո[\s=x 2~ W%St,nVLe9P h+Z<7|I@jK\SR%)|@fj>٨oI[tmsȬW W5ٵ۠2f-Dg4nAk!&,9crMhXsnkDŽ9c`sUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTK)hnU6<(\"YX`o| ̙,/00K?ުxzvt> ?=|ccUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTn?sEʺ&7rJ/97W9n]{K\V^ Q 1\ i-1j05@41ſ.\حX+Ih'.kc|[4o7[s'A[OY+i˫9s[VNAk(7^@vj^r+%r5\riWDsŅ6\حX#>Pݪ㒹1ӗVr5/9K ;X5/Ix5FX>ܒL9c,@H˩|-+nW(7yj^]{/x[ì;sbc\ZO4O,j"קiӗVy-aaП5Y8- @d9IwroZbyeeەTgt'`^S:Rc Nj:{UyrW,.0)BrVƱ[?f\Խʺ&KskMKx/ w!j^;`j^|m.'7p]U[.gY޴aSv3K)h1oix%7 .U6c rܖ7sQԸppsa*.9Eʺ&4EW4\oiZKA9E3a ykUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTK)hr]xQ`n9pZ<c?2rsPԀ19reJ ˕,@H@3c'.WbL`h&TޫA ɐw5. ,@H+Rn`pji-*Pi41ŏ gY uX`9+2d32dK?g h41Ű ,,23naJ[ -@0&T tʔՁf &g@ɐɜʔH -VaJ[3Qm|lN·uU(0h,%3ȾWAE {?ުl &"G@LA4?0C?07>63c'.W<5*34#n9q ,,23X_qˎ``;Lџqˋ?7MyP-׌4%7My0*1UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULnMC%mEʺ&7rJ/97 CrGK++ix%7 Z./OX1"Vn85<ۆuv[nI>j15/Šs>kr]aak!,@H# czrsR ?6V 0@# 1Z201aqѓqOXzJۢtM1kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֱnMCu|-65\M@Cs|.[nUyNbpӳOj>\e;6Ʊ^r~B 'NGOr/35Q/EU67K905/3B5akHC5IU;i)z娴3yj\o|-Z| vl9cZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵa޴7jwi?ô"$HEJ.'aa4\t1˕ Q,4ybgre /^V5{IUdOԸ+^|t[Is?Ȭ*k0El=c\Խ%W:K@ŗ0iۅ0캗IYN:K6',pZ.+6wYpi)i[vmh? gm]Eg$59Uz+tܪ iۅ6^S˚حkÙ1+@u &lZ 5<""4J)ph<=;:T1RBMaVH<<* ;@fd;`ƀ$&T1C6-&AԸ397!l6ZH*a$$UE`@yR p[IU;i٧@5HJg,nkzHaaD1׌43qOX{5U;4ZaakZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkqUadcs^0D܅7rJ/97 V:[6mh-nU./M|/^ktޓTgM8e<01, &4pjRp\mVn1j\nSZ/5/,9U_lJoZk!_u/IdnY޴Y,nkXa7tv59t7$tQUj_8z\حX5-ܔrՒt޴7Úix%7V0SEU0N+lo9yۈ U tTdG9.j[Dx@ \Bg󋒹\ح[IxvƱm/u/6ot\,ƱEqyC kUaag[|U[ȏ"cK(LW n' [1wkeTv@5/\W|,ǚz  cj\9|nkK'{Y-EÚb㇕*Ʊ[?ЊG|ZO4OxIdcZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵa޴5VF75M[ 3c'.W<5R˕4 gN\zNU[*\oz@ c?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULn"ug'[ix%7 ςmryo||j^Ţg'a9eԼLZ&='B OYwEНlnsQt ,kWjppvmVgj h p@HH LGRc?@^n&p@#4 j gf aDTK"PK2dK?k0cB)`5`@ ,,22"O \)Tشww9^1"nBOn {?=51V⊯l 0`A7>bLfLpgȾW@0|46-Whj,nk`m-Usb-K(8݆ @{?= h| X$, rV dfdfz `ƀ$Db]V VM`jP 6fd?9rE|'!`"T1E@pD&<@rQU,g@z@(P$\ Uadcs^0D܅cֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkX7&v!,ƱQyɽhn; G^oU/+O4qk|k.)^,-n=;\[7r;5/g}|^ViusKGNګZ ޼=楱WkNW|Nò6-I׾Zo\3iC,\pCIF7ܤk,lӒc㇁A!! 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All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_appserver.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_appserver =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.11 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:48 Last Changed: 8/6/13 16:54:47 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add application_controller \ STARTSCRIPT="/path/to/start/script" \ STOPSCRIPT ="/path/to/stop/script" \ [ MONITORS=[,,...] ] \ [ STARTUP_MODE={background|foreground} ] \ [ CPU_USAGE_MONITOR={yes|no} ] \ [ PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE= "/absolute/path/to/application/process" ] \ [ CPU_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL="1 .. 120" ] NOTE: aliases for "application_controller" are "ac" and "app". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create an application controller that conforms to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. appname [REQUIRED] [string] The label to apply to the new controller object. 3. start_script [REQUIRED] [string] The absolute/full path to the executable file that will be used to start the application associated with this controller object. 4. stop_script [REQUIRED] [string] The absolute/full path to the executable file that will be used to stop the application associated with this controller object. 5. monitors [OPTIONAL] [string] A list of application monitors that are to be used to monitor the application associated with this controller object. 6. startup_mode [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates if the application should be started in the background (default behavior), or in the foreground. 7. cpu_usage_monitor [OPTIONAL] [set] This attribute controls the monitoring of cpu and memory usage of an application configured in a cluster. Default value is "no" and valid values are yes and no. 8. process_to_monitor_cpu [OPTIONAL] [string] Absolute path to application process for which CPU usage shall be monitored. 9. cpu_usage_monitor_interval [OPTIONAL] [integer] Indicates the interval at which CPU usage shall be monitored for an application process. Default value is 10 minutes and valid range is 1 minute to 120 minutes. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_appserver { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_appserver.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset appname=${2//\"/} typeset start_script=${3//\"/} typeset stop_script=${4//\"/} typeset monitors=${5//\"/} typeset startup_mode=${6//\"/} typeset cpu_usage_monitor=${7//\"/} typeset process_to_monitor_cpu=${8//\"/} typeset cpu_usage_monitor_interval=${9//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #======================================================================= : Validate input. : Must have a name, start and stop script - claddserv will do the rest : of the checking for valid names, etc #======================================================================= elif [[ -z $appname ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $appname\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$appname" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $appname && -n "${appname//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 105 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid characters include letters, numbers, and underscores only.\n\n" "$appname" "${appname//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif (( ${#appname} > $MAX_NAME_LENGTH )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1463 '\nERROR: Application Controller name %1$s should not be more than %2$d characters.\n' "$appname" "$MAX_NAME_LENGTH" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -z $start_script ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" STARTSCRIPT 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -z $stop_script ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" STOPSCRIPT 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $start_script && $start_script != /* ]]; then MSG=$(/usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$start_script") MSG="$MSG (STARTSCRIPT @ $LOCAL_NODE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $start_script && ! -e ${start_script%%+([[:space:]])*} ]]; then MSG=$(/usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$start_script" "$LOCAL_NODE") MSG="$MSG (STARTSCRIPT)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ -n $stop_script && $stop_script != /* ]]; then MSG=$(/usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$stop_script") MSG="$MSG (STOPSCRIPT @ $LOCAL_NODE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $stop_script && ! -e ${stop_script%%+([[:space:]])*} ]]; then MSG=$(/usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$stop_script" "$LOCAL_NODE") MSG="$MSG (STOPSCRIPT)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ -n $startup_mode ]]; then case $startup_mode in @(B|b)*) startup_mode=background ;; @(F|f)*) startup_mode=foreground ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" STARTUP_MODE "$startup_mode" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "background, foreground" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi # Valid values of cpu_usage_monitor are yes, no. Default value is 'no'. if [[ -n $cpu_usage_monitor ]]; then case $cpu_usage_monitor in @(Y|y|T|t|1)*) cpu_usage_monitor="yes" ;; @(N|n|F|f|0)*) cpu_usage_monitor="no" ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" CPU_USAGE_MONITOR "$cpu_usage_monitor" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "no, yes" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac else cpu_usage_monitor="no" fi # process_to_monitor_cpu is a absolute path of an application process to be monitored if [[ -n $process_to_monitor_cpu ]]; then if [[ $process_to_monitor_cpu != /* ]]; then MSG=$(/usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$process_to_monitor_cpu") MSG="$MSG (PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE @ $LOCAL_NODE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ ! -e ${process_to_monitor_cpu%%+([[:space:]])*} ]]; then MSG=$(/usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$process_to_monitor_cpu" "$LOCAL_NODE") MSG="$MSG (PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi else process_to_monitor_cpu="" fi # Valid values of cpu_usage_monitor_interval is 1 minute to 120 minutes. # Default value is 10 minutes. if [[ -n $cpu_usage_monitor_interval ]]; then if [[ $cpu_usage_monitor_interval != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_numeric_range "$cpu_usage_monitor_interval" 1 120 CPU_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi else cpu_usage_monitor_interval=10 fi #====================================================================== : Create the application server if no input errors have been detected #====================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then [[ -n $startup_mode ]] && startup_mode=" -O $startup_mode" if [[ -n $monitors ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/claddserv -s $appname -b \"$start_script\" -e \"$stop_script\" -m \"$monitors\"$startup_mode -C \"$process_to_monitor_cpu\" -i \"$cpu_usage_monitor_interval\" -E \"$cpu_usage_monitor\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/claddserv -s $appname \ -b "$start_script" \ -e "$stop_script" \ -m "$monitors"$startup_mode \ -C "$process_to_monitor_cpu" \ -i $cpu_usage_monitor_interval \ -E "$cpu_usage_monitor" else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/claddserv -s $appname -b \"$start_script\" -e \"$stop_script\"$startup_mode -C \"$process_to_monitor_cpu\" -i \"$cpu_usage_monitor_interval\" -E \"$cpu_usage_monitor\"">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/claddserv -s $appname \ -b "$start_script" \ -e "$stop_script"$startup_mode \ -C "$process_to_monitor_cpu" \ -i $cpu_usage_monitor_interval \ -E "$cpu_usage_monitor" fi rc=$? print "claddserv RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$appname" 1>&2 fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes "$appname" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add application_controller -h" "APPLICATION CONTROLLER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_appserver()" IN kt1+(b}bb&( # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_backupe#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_backup.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_backup =head1 SYNOPSIS For creating a cloud backup: clmgr add backup add => create, make, mk backup => ba, backup =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create a cloud backup for backup profile in PowerHA SystemMirror. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. backup_profile [REQUIRED] [string] Backup Profile name should be single backup profile. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_add_backup # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to add/create backup in cloud. The cl_cbm_backup utility is # invoked to create the backup in cloud. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the top of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the top of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_add_backup { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" typeset -n properties=$1 typeset bp_name=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset available_bps="" # To store the backup rg's typeset backup_type="" # To store the backup method, which is cloud or remote typeset cloud_bps="" # To store the backup rgs which are configured for cloud typeset output="" typeset bOpt="" #==================================== : Check python is installed or not #==================================== LANG=C cl_get_python_version 2>&1 >>/dev/null rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1315 "\nERROR: Python must be installed for using backup feature.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $rc fi #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY elif [[ -z $bp_name ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result available_bps=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS ));then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1197 "\nERROR: No resource group configured for backup.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi # Get the list of backup rgs which are configured for cloud storage. for bp in $available_bps do backup_type=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list $bp | grep -w Backup_method | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -e 's/^ *//') if [[ $backup_type == "cloud" ]] then cloud_bps="$cloud_bps $bp" fi done # Validate inputs if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) then : # Checking the given rg is configured for cloud backup or not : echo $cloud_bps | grep -wq $bp_name if (( $? != 0 )) then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1204 "\nERROR: The provided resource group, %1\$s, is not configured for cloud backup.\n\n" "$bp_name" 1>&2 cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1208 "Available resource groups which are configured for cloud are:\n\n" "$cloud_bps" 1>&2 output=$(echo "$cloud_bps" | tr " " "\n") print -u2 "$output" rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi # Invoking Backup utility for creating Cloud backup if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_backup -b $bp_name &" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result LANG=C cl_cbm_backup -b $bp_name & pid=$! print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_backup -b $bp_name & PID:$pid" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1221 "Backup process has been triggered in background with the pid %1\$s for a backup profile %2\$s.\n" "$pid" "$bp_name" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $rc } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_backup()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================  lu1+b}bb&a # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_backup_profilek   e=_ainorst "$CRcdglpuAEGILMNOST[\]bfhmv#&()-./12:>PUky%0BDHKw{}!+,39;Q/q伖JL f1z$W(08v" 8(@ AB D" _7Zs\ڡxOLa' &L1H?xNXHgC@e\t^CŨl ͽC1""ze19C`>" DsͼD@(|PAB"(0<_:5>ud'.5}a(`t,ѕV .k%0, @i!FIQ!\5L GHagTFW S RJ $03*"n4y&yba(d`XZ58zt>,"& y7oTC$0 G=U\e 2ØA{t3RDDp 8TQF4 Qy2\(Tc q!F ҲַE,LҲַE,$DL0˟TJ#Z̲y4HaQ4 V+)D Pj`p!'eDȊ&4A4!qyPEXQWB9[H*(51Ti$C@Pppp:c.c 8@ѠRZADH2ly$ 8TQjc@;@Pppp93: ˟Dʏ@AAC ʰ4.'˟層L LB 2"(~z,VVSzי}-\e#8e 2ØA{\fj[`L@G.$0@kc 4 /tc \"5Ó&*(ЀugE,LYy Ã#Ɗ£ALiBb4B\jwI35,L^ >t3RDDp 8TQF4 mԬO.*M1#ZYM[&Xe7nXH`#?d#JIIA`h\O0yWh8k^,9y|e0%19y"eFof=]&XC4qݽQ 4I*<#VqӬ'o̽AfX؜A{ԔMAffQJ|fj^#Hs Ҷp'9L8nި11¤F*Pɋat&4Lh0Xo0~2;I)o|| py(oU~2fMd;RfYm^n0C$Է-92Y1TzcA2Ԭt3R&Xo"&fNL~0V >M&fNLN$Fe[8F9JV̽AfXQ̽AfX؜A{󗾜*YNF.֜c^hNRՐ<ƒ 5E2ɍ 1g`̽AfX؜SQqyaG^|*nLV׺+jJ&3}a(~ð8R#\92bdƀqQRV0~IvN^^rV^O8 vKr&Xv0V >M믝윽iɖ);MIj޵PHl/[WLKMIFn* NLyc 8Ҡ`̲c@8ƃ eY+?*n|f^,s޵T8&\HadƀqQRV0~V[+}MJoZ`lJ&w/&z+9ꚋJ~X@\HadƀqQRV0~ eAkŮ̽AfXA{7zɕC6S)eAkvjNnFeǟ!QU 0d &HajVpʛ5a;RW7L"/PY3P^*7to찼ZɕC?i&* qA&(Ty2CRV0~ P7zɕz\K؜[7sUCreus7z֮8/'t}aNqDȊ&4AeL2Ԭ7zDȊ&4Aj>9/2z̯j`}[4W (+ڡǟ`E4$*νvnx+$ C?Xā¢(4h0Tܱ1Bɒ@Zskk\s/PY91s}a(E ڬ}`rñR "D8ճOez^7˜($sV0Xymxq ;I'$p&(Ty2CB5f(ne{'g.5z,>7bԁ)/ks:Ïʛ3]N't93:7zi\fSc^@W:ٺoல$ <@d#JI2 &HajVp)81^qW2c_ViU(Q<@cI$*<,1Bɒ@Z"d(+qRbV(^,f̯}IXJ8>74֔Sg(~T٧s]MXQWizcJHPw9t;պڕ@7Νeyǣ*)tW?߭q~9O6rQFg;TDKF-H&fU*򞤙]^2fRf*]$r'j R K^ԭ,3\pJIs%vqV⠾e^RKF-H5 ^>}W'y MJgZںQC<%kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkO <'$% <hĈ9/PYj 'ˢ%7 pSw|"h 1Rz}xSNZ̋.qiU̽AfXs/z,XJ!Sw2qU]xT_8D셭S.|_W_58qaK]7z d C4T%nɎF3P^Ï <'&Xfʛɋat;SbL2jeM(/ʦ| ֛g/).zN\7\V<$;3 .9Nz[RvN`R}gesu|)ji٫Yu7z **$:ZxOSwI@3LJQ^﬘kS55)7}*%o:ٺZOQsL8ZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZִLJQ G=U\e 2ØA{hF L2g\k1}AAah" Ex4*Um@d,Q50+ Vm4R Drn(4DMJ)@F4ıAzsҹUj=B+f^,ffv^% &"YӺ8Fj!(,1 H$44ՙFjjֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZP[5)ճP4;%.7jXE3^QZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkOHQ t3R e QbF OKZֵkZֵkZֵkO_[ӺIxɖ kZֵkZֵkZֵi5-0MOQw+FQl6)"97WE"G&%@d,=wҹ؜[T8K @L(DSIG(<$(*T^ ehA뮆`7q?m,XJ=K0`f Sw]у[ DMHɸA1 #^#SLbYW^$Խiɖ)wU޺ڡ^(baB'FNI"i5"HPTgN[A 4 [RQQ^wI35/Zreou%A[/PY  ](qjXX^4'^vN^+j=1F^(h#5„Ol6:5f Sw]у[ DMHɸA1 ï2td&Xx„ObppDta@SI$M4ƤU ?61ך+YP?ׁmtV=u‚ŴWQVt92HQ 7ẕ9@ ]@8K U:A{C ?j5pIM1pBO5 }o)YM[ ea'F޵/9yr`i#qAtR Drn"PqLD /M1,)HEnv ڻ'.5Hth^(e L`$0@L(DSIG(<$(*T^OVVSzKT j`E(04y@l^e{@5 $O p4bDE 8Z2Ԭl4e@@1 p& 4@nN(*CJ0DH*(DɁ V ̯hf ]MOVm4R Drn(4DMJ)t jiLK.$@4.e]1oYvBKļPFY @L(Dh-E"G&J@D☀z (/J x Eغ]w|y)\e7yAzVSRQ5+<eƧAHi"x8["(J޵2౉E O P D 2F WYYb!|y00V,a*0,H+NȎzyw^#5ՔlSIĉpLT03j(y8}WẕɊQ?Űqy^,f Sw]у[ DMHɸA1P+@F4ij!'j̜K"ѡx$0@kc baB'FN"|;bTI"@y<!xpf`7q?Eܭ9Eh@Pi]S0^#SLbYWk}a(iœe\ׂآ^v u^]y(QJzɕs/PY3SrT8K#Wk%10QM'$4W$(*T^Ű WFW/%XJ9r`i#qAtR Drn"PqL@D@G%54ɦ%bԁZ 5et*a|˰B(DQE^ Ak]\}a(i DP„OE4)84$D)O DeQCv+ҍoW7:g!k,[ cr?'AHi"yۜ tY9s&L@ 8TQ 5聛[ ҅0nD䆒'л˜tAs+=Xā¢(4h0T,/D V₩$4L00 QHiH*kE4t3RQ5- Gtfj]3.h-E"G&J@D☈(^#SLbYRfwfN\j%мPН}mWN&f @L(DSI$M4ƤU ?ׁ,/FjmnN(*CJ8\fj[c7q5-[C0`@y!nH*$Ե&X2kQv.]9xRA.Y,J,/D 4PU$)SwJxX_Z!|yX06?ŴB:.+ۦd``#YbTaXt92HQ <"j p_58' DY $LZ%L0`P=Utf)"97"(@'=גڒ8qWѕ ըHsR]8窮wI35-NLf@l^e{q, F+یAfX@]&Xj'V@'l/[UӺItj3$Ժ!RַP^F޵/9h?[* ]]eZ,9u7%Z,9u7%P._5^J>Z_5^J>PIy2s;-UԹsJGҐZ8- 2ÍNn* /PYjvqP] z̰(ne{j&^,:Y^.⣌AfXqae 2ÍN4 J4.SrUUw?RbVQ1v+ EQbppAAa *2O,/Fj`+tqATPT' DY $LZ%L0`P=UtfBHLdXfFLՆj&&DMH&; .x5䶤|UtezVm4R Drn(4DMJ)` ^#SLbX/jGeIDfo%/10QM' M2ijkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵ?Kk5a#Mœp{n@~wY ֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZִᩂɔ`#-E"G&JS0`@y!nHe19ֳktFk!91s.5MIRHiB`a7q?ŴLAfXq˩+ /&UC0`Vm4R Drn(4DMJ) "k&AH\kҲ־u]Wuג%кeҲ^,fx_5^J>P„ObppAAa '^ԔMAffQ/C ??i8I (S ?'(M +#qb"AfX؜A{"ѧ oU[W*)tW\\8K fP5-qy^,mn nKZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵiZFAn MIDfv)s"ۜ +`щLK5XX,b@QG $0@h3b)*/Rv ֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZ̰!JѨ8 "Xā¢H`,f03Zre5Mg^7HfjXa5-,:RnNT7 :.+ I$ԾYUc 8i!A`{7/8~2f'&&ϤM޻^ dᛞUqS̰*B^JZ놚1""IaaUچeA\= CzJuc=g^(hhWAVjpGFk0G ?wҮD,-J 8Fhn ȐHi"f(5"d" 8TQI  5щLKԧ5HɸB᡺щLK/Zre5ĽbXā¢H`,ax׮ʹ] Ľ`Q]#SUS؜#\47APXadH$43h2@[V[H*(ᤆ w_phĈN&fTjSњ6&&DMH&8P?5ZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵiX[issM[[T؜[#4Yka(𖵭kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZ aaz3Sktq $9 GFjmnNI"i5"HPTem ,%F00MOQw+FQl6)"97WE"G&%@@ L Gy3]_e{a(|U/\K4`Q ŧD Bc)%s52# S>;ZyDŽiW YxAhRQsO 6t\@=L<"q\.`^4Cp٩O.$D4.7z ^`CļP˟W2aNFE"G&DɎ$010@גΝՙ(3Q AAah"@y!: aqWqF$DQUWz̰'#P^<𖵭kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZr5%א>Xԑ×ںRMI+xOJ*j7 fj¶vq-kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵ`pJ3JɆ1*MX ^dJ:O kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵ<^ lw1+kb|bb&B # 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_efs =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 5/3/16 18:54:04 Last Changed: 4/28/16 05:58:28 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add efs \ MODE=ldap \ [ PASSWORD= ] clmgr add efs \ MODE=shared_fs \ VOLUME_GROUP= \ SERVICE_IP= \ [ PASSWORD= ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to enable EFS for securing file systems. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. mode [REQUIRED] [string] The manner in which the keystore will be created. More specifically, the location; either "ldap" or "shared_fs". 3. vg [OPTIONAL] [string] The volume group where the keystore is to be stored. This option is required for mode "shared_fs", but does not apply at all to a mode of "ldap". 4. service_ip [OPTIONAL] [set] The service IP that can be used to access the keystore. This option is required for mode "shared_fs", but does not apply at all to a mode of "ldap". 5. password [OPTIONAL] [string] The EFS administrative password. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_efs { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset -l mode=${2//\"/} typeset vg=${3//\"/} typeset service_ip=${4//\"/} typeset password=${5//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mode ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" MODE 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "ldap, shared_fs" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ $mode != @(l|s|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" MODE "$mode " 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset -u modeUC=$mode case $modeUC in LD*) mode="ldap" ;; LO*) mode="shared_fs" ;; F*) mode="shared_fs" ;; SH*) mode="shared_fs" ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' MODE "$mode" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "shared_fs, ldap" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi if [[ $vg != *([[:space:]]) && $mode == "ldap" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 "\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n \"%1\$s\" versus \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "MODE=$mode" VOLUME_GROUP 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) && $mode == "ldap" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 "\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n \"%1\$s\" versus \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "MODE=$mode" SERVICE_IP 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $vg != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group $vg if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$vg" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 160 "Available Volume Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi elif [[ $mode == "shared_fs" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" VOLUME_GROUP 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip $service_ip if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$service_ip" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 156 "Available Service IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi elif [[ $mode == "shared_fs" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" SERVICE_IP 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #=================================================== : Enable EFS if no input errors have been detected #=================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset mOpt= vOpt= sOpt= [[ $mode == "ldap" ]] && mOpt=" -m 1" || mOpt=" -m 2" [[ $vg != *([[:space:]]) ]] && vOpt=" -v $vg" [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]] && sOpt=" -s $service_ip" [[ $password != *([[:space:]]) ]] && aOpt=" -A $password" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_enable_efs$mOpt$vOpt$sOpt$aOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/cl_enable_efs$mOpt$vOpt$sOpt$aOpt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_mkefs RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 40 "\nERROR: failed to enable %1\$s.\n\n" "EFS" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add efs -h" "EFS:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_efs()" [  k,~1+Nb|bb&N # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_eventen#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_event.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_event =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:42:01 Last Changed: 5/8/13 14:25:05 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_event.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add event \ FILE= \ [ DESCRIPTION= ] NOTE: an alias for "event" is "ev". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to configure a new, custom cluster event in the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. event [REQUIRED] [string] The label that is to be applied to this event. 3. file [REQUIRED] [string] The executable file for this event. 4. description [OPTIONAL] [string] A description of the event. If not description is specified, a default will be provided. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_event { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_event.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset event=${2//\"/} typeset file=${3//\"/} typeset description=${4//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $event ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 '\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n' 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $event\ * ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 '\nERROR: the specified object already exists: "%1$s"\n\n' "$event" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -z $file ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 '\nERROR: this operation requires the "%1$s" attribute.\n\n' FILE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ $file != /* ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 '\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1$s\n\n' "$file" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ ! -e $file ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$file" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ $file == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 108 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" attribute's value contains whitespace, which is not allowed: \"%2\$s\"\n\n" FILE "$file" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi #========================================================= : Create the event if no input errors have been detected #========================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then [[ -z $description ]] && description="$event, running $file." print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/claddcustom -t event -n \"$event\" -I \"$description\" -v \"$file\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/claddcustom -t event \ -n "$event" \ -I "$description" \ -v "$file" rc=$? print "claddcustom RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 '\nERROR: failed to create "%1$s".\n\n' "$event" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes "$event" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add event -h" "EVENT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_event()" nt ld1+DBb|bb&* # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_fallback_timerk  =aeinrst "$CLRS\_cdhlmo-/1AEGIMNOTUfpuy#(),.02:;>DPY[]bgkvw%&346BFH579^`1_I< i.iɚ\>>uxPVNrӧg :3C,\ C78RbcOl8m›;!Ӂ>X ~ vUk.&`rSc*b?PvUkji.B}tl!F`a勘$ըf BLCtVLi휇 SX ip}iP͗]K*\LB刦-U&,󻦺 eV.Fb'ѧN6/2tf XAZnp$7Muj4ƞqpq7V^p7֛ʭ6t0`fήTL[LX CewMuj 3 uj4!>:qqxqӣ0d03s!&!kQ4Cی)\>Ά~m:rx E b`1 am:rxPVNrӧg :3C?P(!!lV2!1c5 a uj4!>:qqxqӣ0d0=P9:cp6aX1X2!ըnX-Wv5 ^C1 P!(Mݞ'82~1Q->5Gv_W}CH zE(Lc)*r}b 9HU5BNf qxpwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvN!\tyhKEp+$K^$ /"&H^-xe;ș'z.$SHW*\zHx{461@͆Rc@.U "nae^t, 9 $adN aeبYgFĠ ?*h"TcPNP%q nT52E0$l 2D=RBytex$ ?M9 "YtҴ@%p+oV847 BT]4T?M9DMCt) ʑ]4Ep+oL]4$ct) )Ve3t) ș&iZ$L?M9RBk!3t) ˤatҴK`7 BJ,\ ?M9HK$I#t) ,$DR J $$XDE/02DE/(PH0eA""N!\HHx{461@͆Rc@5NI *yг!F^t, 2yг yаt΅/:78ʸU _8=S%eK")2IQ""HH%DfTTHPMR& $DSPSt) 2XHhdCt) ʗ,$DQtҴJ,$DP7 BI*$DQtҴL$Ct) BE*$DQtҴ@BE*$DP7 B**$DQtҴL̨Ct) "(iZ ?M9R& $DQtҴU"`ʂDEp+㲫V85㥢㲫JxV#kqUk>"b5 Ņ: XHN㲫Jx0H'qUk<v!ըHeVqUkob8Ɇ3 Vp^^30vp:.Bhh"V.BcNJp"8:2 ŢK,u$2`Ma!: pEb&:%H rJ]2EABZfܠ:)&THƊI&U&@ p(usl] "'CFtlv7:`Yi{5"%*It&`@DشTIr.0BfLj'X8hZr/fܠ:)&THƊI&U&@4$in}bNCYAogsbZH`TC.T,Mr̘<7XN"b5 Ņ: <&<^2 Au4RL5T*MEʪM\IE COn,Ol:53vz,@?@4YŤ̩NHqbQ%HH 0MbdrŅ: <&<^2 Au4RL5T*MEʪM\i IE ըt&s9Z #EZ"+Ťʔ,d,$8hJ*B(XLɃq50x f#xV,,!ըH)1hm ceIhRj.URj-"J(]@2{qg{g!ӳ@Adh呢-%Tc& h"drC " ?lZ*$BQBI\a3&5TW-|H'D<^BEECوj,, uj?yLxd=rhRj.#)&TT HP?Yƞt7"j0g4Y, 9dhIi!"'`6-\d$.P*+>x ⢸㲫Jx 8ήvUk$x{461I2]RF4RL5*5r7AiQB  4Yp#8SP:nCd@4 ZKI P4 ,`\9r6-\EU(X 0Ma!;ʭb7AX$F/:qUXXCPRc!۔SE$ʓQuII2\`IE  d9NC4m7 n]M@r1i-$2DE.\rHqbQ%ʔURP*+/:Ual Bv^uwM.7 Fuj?yLxd=rhRj.#)&TT HP?Yƞt7"j0g4Y, 9dhIi!\9p0 +A^uwM.7 Y6-\d$.P]ݟ8>3Omw3.B|Mrw iP l°bdk ћޢK,.‚: X:Z'`Zr/fܠ:)&THƊI&U& Jp}c!ػ!>>0r;& ?*h"*e ,\X%I$\A &LMQ7X uw쳎옆:Z58>x4\vUk΋/:qUsZ-:rx.FG+1RL50TM2#"mэ\qf"dDu[q::{b:Z5;vsEeVs:,]eVsZ-:rz87XHN㲫XPPV#ǜNjC١(1I&1eIUI Nd14{=b'է׀Vl``b@shHP),Hq`U$rJș0Q5Gb&ms:y>mKFr9㲫XtYy4ʭciӓr29X!eIi'vnl:㏓4?y& &\ͺX;~Y?lb'qUc΋/:qUc֋N+dr? *+/:qUXXCPRc!۔SE$ʓQuII2\à Nd14{=b'է׀VvUiI28v!!BP"łQTE *"dDu[q8;*tk!LAL(nr6q`9gXOelb'iӓ?t\Vb#2 .Bfn,H?Fl!eIi'vnl:㏓l5 f呢qVm`X ZKI c{,b`ezO) "(Th"eIɖ"THqy0SPcA!!Hh"Bċ@§'-<2Rgtր@j)]첹ػ^r @@i{ l,1+ub|bb&K # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_file_systemerk   =e inst"$O_acdflopr12:CEGILMNRST[\]bghmuvy&(),-./046;APUz|#%*3589>BVw{}!7DFHKZkqx'm0(K.X G;X9܆AcGG;O9k"\3 XO9kPX5 [bŹ!vݵl%CrkE`7];r7Z+~ h&\ s4rfqO(ۻlc mg'.bY S6ycr 6#l?rsPB7S~&c 2MB¥fs8'/m\<'-x3 cCN[Z"yoAg:w h6o3+عۨ!~@bH;@j hi ~ ;:wi,Q厣߀JPn2(,dJJq.r~-eۼH;@l'6k0 v PcDHnCB8[a; o vcn-# {`~ۓqiAc$,*PjW32~Z]ч;m-;c@m?*۷ۍ'Yv9k[t.qHA!ܐ-h$0cŝW˰6C87y\hz ?q: lg-hc0-h;v\g-.WS{֭P1 sYTO4j(s5+r׃0s>`EMd5 N ;o@#5cZ,mA'.nlgQ?{0j#mmŝBb4n^ۻ-\ѹr̟li [H=,,-4nVnyиP[nN DŽ=A# '֊5|vA~4H?uVٖiAc$,*PhmkDv;\+jrpn;-%G) ,`0=,,7l7u֋H~rpn<%j aLq>WS{H Uem g(,dJmh8֝vk;=H ]vpg-5|v7bY SOsoaAfƉf܇l7Gr{(dg-'\[fE{aH;A &ǐ\f1yPC#30ar~`G) V<>PΣ=5(D3ǐ\gliM,HD'G;fM6 5iso;z4N~ll;hu֏+3ǐ\gƎ ƈ vĄAysكWh knRtm!9kz.y|1{l4pn4Dpn۸ fuA l˛x4L=,,HD&Ǝ ƈ "?KmZGY1ۼXY5v8VH;A Q䫖갋l^iAc$,*PjW32~Vgf _$r 9܃yBع⻶(ۻlQnl[ʼnlZҹs?|ۚqB˄u`տH;@j hi ~ 87"8H7"$ ĄAa0h4pkh($`L  ACD@Q~4M[BⲀ2MB¥fs8'iZpn9'[B( ^Aܹfl#lnʼni eu`G) em!~m4F=cXU]im ^X,O.OXౣq#q"@HD&GD@'4L~4Dpn8DHDp`hh($` ?"$ ĄAa0h4pn4L  CQ0`n& HD&GD@ 8`X(L7 "{ 54K4?DpPLIƃC=iTM2MB¥f7a+JpAu6ͽwmi3;0j#0D?&^ aAu6ZӶiui{?k07.Dȹr~"?}n۷sl s?{n[N Y-geͼȯ;wHW^&PhlYusKmuкpnNZfɴ.{ ܸ>Jan붅8<춆,? ݰ1 8E3+KA JGppn8h *G ;cG Ǝ8aas&^rsãn[ʓrsكVv 6MFm(-SζL$ 6MF5I ѹrc ʓ  ѹrŪ庪tHL@@B7+庂0 m!˕kmʓ  ѹrZmp-Y@b04@@B7+%YmZl&" m!˕τZmV<1tHhi4n\xs]UiYm N  m!˕kuT BUCAB hܹ\滊ZmRa!B hܹ\! -U]1"z H@&rsuc.3VPL$4L@@B7+uJna!(o7.W=fmuO:. 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All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_filecollection.sh 1.9 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_filecollection.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_filecollection =head1 SYNOPSIS add file_collection \ FILES="/path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,..." \ [ SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER={no|yes} ] \ [ SYNC_WHEN_CHANGED={no|yes} ] \ [ DESCRIPTION="" ] NOTE: the aliases for "file_collection" are "fc" and "fi". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create a file collection within the cluster that conforms to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. fcname [REQUIRED] [string] The label to apply to the new file collection. 3. files [OPTIONAL] [string] A list of files to be referenced by (a.k.a. "included within", although not literally!) the new file collection object. 4. sync_with_cluster [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-style indicator of whether or not the file collection should propagate its files to all the cluster nodes every time a cluster synchronization is performed. 5. sync_when_changed [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-style indicator of whether or not the file collection should propagate its files to all the cluster nodes whenever any of those files gets changed. 6. description [OPTIONAL] [string] A description to apply to the new file collection. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_filecollection { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_filecollection.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset fcname=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset -n files=$1 files=${files//\"/} typeset -l sync_with_cluster=${2//\"/} typeset -l sync_when_changed=${3//\"/} typeset description=${4//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A tf tf=( [_DEFAULT_]="no" [true]="yes" [false]="no" [yes]="yes" [no]="no" ) typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $fcname ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $fcname\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$fcname" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $fcname && -n "${fcname//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 105 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid characters include letters, numbers, and underscores only.\n\n" "$fcname" "${fcname//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $sync_with_cluster && \ $sync_with_cluster != @(y|t|n|f)* ]] then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER "$sync_with_cluster" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "no, yes" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $sync_when_changed && \ $sync_when_changed != @(y|t|n|f)* ]] then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" SYNC_WHEN_CHANGED "$sync_when_changed" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "no, yes" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #=================================================================== : Create the file collection if no input errors have been detected #=================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset swcl= swch= if [[ $sync_with_cluster == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then swcl=${tf[_DEFAULT_]} else swcl=${tf[$sync_with_cluster]} fi if [[ $sync_when_changed == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then swch=${tf[_DEFAULT_]} else swch=${tf[$sync_when_changed]} fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -a \"$fcname\" -\"$description\" $swcl $swch" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -a "$fcname" \ -"$description" $swcl $swch rc=$? print "clfilecollection RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 109 "\nERROR: the operation appears to have failed.\n\n" 1>&2 elif [[ -n $files ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -a \"$fcname\" ${files//,/ }" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -a "$fcname" ${files//,/ } rc=$? print "clfilecollection RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 215 "\nERROR: an error occurred while attempting to add \"%1\$s\" to file collection \"%2\$s\".\n An attempt will be made to remove the file collection, since it was\n only partially created.\n\n" "${files//,/ }" "$fcname" 1>&2 : Clean up the failed addition print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -r \"$fcname\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -r "$fcname" typeset -i cmd_rc=$? print " RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then print -n " " /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$fcname" 1>&2 fi fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_filecollection_attributes "$fcname" properties fi else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$fcname" 1>&2 fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add file_collection -h" "FILE COLLECTION:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_filecollection()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ ======= kN1+Mb|bb&M # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_groupll#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_group.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)48 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 4/29/16 05:30:52 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 5/3/16 18:54:15 Last Changed: 4/29/16 05:30:52 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add group \ [ RESOURCE_GROUP= ] \ [ ID=### ] \ [ ADMINISTRATIVE={false|true} ] \ [ USERS=[,,...] ] \ [ ADMINS=[,,...] ] \ [ PROJECTS=[,,...] ] \ [ KEYSTORE_MODE={admin|guard} ] \ [ KEYSTORE_ENCRYPTION={RSA_1024|RSA_2048|RSA_4096} ] \ [ KEYSTORE_ACCESS={file|none} ] \ [ REGISTRY={ldap|local(files)} ] NOTE: the alias for "group" is "gp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to add a new AIX group to either all the nodes in the cluster, or to just those nodes within the specified resource group. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. group [REQUIRED] [string] The label that is to be applied to this group. A group represents one or more system users who can access and work with protected resources. The system uses groups to control access to files and resources by users who do not own them. When a user starts a process, the system associates the process with the user's ID and the group IDs of the groups the user belongs to. If the user owns the resource or is a member of a group that can access it, the system grants read write, or execute access to it according to the access control list of the resource or file. A group name is specified as a string. The maximum length depends on the configuration of the individual nodes, and can be queried using the lsattr command to view the max_logname attribute of the sys0 device, but all AIX systems will accept a length of up to 8 characters. See the documentation on the AIX mkuser command for more information. You can use letters, numbers, and some special characters in the name. The string cannot start with a hyphen (-), plus (+), tilde (~), or at sign (@). The string cannot contain any spaces or any of the following characters: colon (:), double quote ("), pound sign, comma (,), asterisk (*), single quote ('), equal sign (=), newline (\n), tab (\t), backslash (\), forward slash (/), question mark (?), back quote (`), or the key words "ALL" or "default". 3. rg [OPTIONAL] [string] A resource group within the cluster. If specified, the new group will only be added to the nodes that this resource group is able to run on. If no resource group is specified, the new groups will be added to all nodes within the cluster. 4. id [OPTIONAL] [posint] A unique ID number associated with this group. If an ID number is not specified, AIX will automatically assign one for you. 5. administrative [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates if the group is an administrative group. Only the root user can modify the attributes of an administrative group. This field is displayed with False or True as its value. True indicates that group is an administrative group. False indicates that it is a nonadministrative group (its attributes can be modified by the group's specified administrators and the root user). 6. users [OPTIONAL] [string] Specifies the names of the users that belong to this group. The members of a group can access (that is, read, write, or execute) a resource or file owned by another member of the group as specified by the resource's access control list. To enter the user members of this group, type in their names (separated by commas), or use the List box and select the users from the choices displayed (the users are displayed in the field in the correct format. Note: A user cannot be removed from the user's primary group unless you first redefine the user's primary group. 7. admins [OPTIONAL] [string] Specifies the members that can modify this group (for example, add new members to the group, or remove members from it) if the group is a non-administrative group. Note: The group attributes of an administrative group can be modified by only the root user; so if the group is an administrative group (specified in the ADMINISTRATIVE group attribute), no administrators can be defined in this field. 8. projects [OPTIONAL] [string] 9. keystore_mode [OPTIONAL] [set] The efs_initalks_mode of admin allows for root or other security privileged system users to reset the user's key store password. Otherwise, if the user forgets their key store password, they will not be able to access their Encrypted File System files. If the guard mode is selected, then root cannot reset the user's key store password. Allowed values: admin, guard 10. keystore_encryption [OPTIONAL] [set] This option specifies the algorithm for the user's key within the key store. This key will protect the encrypting key of files the user creates within the Encrypted File System. Allowed values: RSA_1024, RSA_2048, RSA_4096 RSA_1024 = 1024 bit RSA key RSA_2048 = 2048 bit RSA key RSA_4096 = 4096 bit RSA key 11. keystore_access [OPTIONAL] [set] The key store will allow the user to utilize files in Encrypted File System. The selection of file will create a key store file associated with this user. It is recommended that file is selected. Select none for no key store to be created. All other EFS (efs_*) attributes will not have any effect. Allowed values: file, node 12. registry [OPTIONAL] [set] Indicates where the new group's information is to be stored. If the group is being defined locally, within AIX, than the value "LOCAL" should be used. If the group is being defined remotely, on the LDAP server, then "LDAP" should be used. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset group=${2//\"/} typeset rg=${3//\"/} typeset id=${4//\"/} typeset -l administrative=${5//\"/} typeset users=${6//\"/} users=${users//,/ } typeset admins=${7//\"/} admins=${admins//,/ } typeset projects=${8//\"/} projects=${projects//,/ } typeset -l keystore_mode=${9//\"/} typeset -u keystore_encryption=${10//\"/} typeset keystore_access=${11//\"/} typeset registry=${12//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -u registryUC=$registry typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_groups existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ $registryUC != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then case $registryUC in LD*) registry="LDAP" ;; LO*) registry="files" ;; F*) registry="files" ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' REGISTRY "$registry" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "files, LDAP" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $group ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $group\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$group" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $group && $group == [\-\+\~\@]* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 103 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n\n" NAME "[-+~@]" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $rg != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg $rg if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 154 "Available Resource Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if [[ $id != *([[:space:]]) && $id != +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" ID 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $administrative && $administrative != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" ADMINISTRATIVE "$administrative" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>&1 typeset -i EFS_ENABLED=$? if [[ $keystore_mode != *([[:space:]]) ]] && \ (( EFS_ENABLED == RC_ERROR )) then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: EFS is not enabled on this system, so no attributes related to EFS may be used: %1$s\n\n' KEYSTORE_MODE 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ $keystore_mode != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then case $keystore_mode in a*) keystore_mode="admin" ;; g*) keystore_mode="guard" ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" KEYSTORE_MODE "$keystore_mode" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "admin, guard" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi if [[ $keystore_encryption != *([[:space:]]) ]] && \ (( EFS_ENABLED == RC_ERROR )) then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: EFS is not enabled on this system, so no attributes related to EFS may be used: %1$s\n\n' KEYSTORE_ENCRYPTION 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ $keystore_encryption != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then case $keystore_encryption in *24*) keystore_encryption="RSA_1024" ;; *48*) keystore_encryption="RSA_2048" ;; *96*) keystore_encryption="RSA_4096" ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" KEYSTORE_ENCRYPTION "$keystore_encryption" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "RSA_1024, RSA_2048, RSA_4096" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi if [[ $keystore_access != *([[:space:]]) ]] && \ (( EFS_ENABLED == RC_ERROR )) then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: EFS is not enabled on this system, so no attributes related to EFS may be used: %1$s\n\n' KEYSTORE_ACCESS 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ $keystore_access != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then typeset -u kaUC=$keystore_access case $kaUC in L*) keystore_access="LDAP" ;; F*) keystore_access="file" ;; N*) keystore_access="none" ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" KEYSTORE_ACCESS "$keystore_access" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "file, none" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT esac if [[ $registry == "LDAP" && $keystore_access != "LDAP" ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 '\nERROR: conflicting options were provided, "%1$s" versus "%2$s".\n\n' "REGISTRY=$registry" "KEYSTORE_ACCESS=$keystore_access" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ $registry != "LDAP" && $keystore_access == "LDAP" ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 '\nERROR: conflicting options were provided, "%1$s" versus "%2$s".\n\n' "REGISTRY=$registry" "KEYSTORE_ACCESS=$keystore_access" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ $registry == "LDAP" && $keystore_access == "LDAP" ]]; then unset keystore_access # LDAP is implied fi fi if [[ -n $users ]]; then for user in $users; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user $user if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$user" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 162 "Available Users:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_users available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi done fi if [[ -n $admins ]]; then for admin in $admins; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user $admin if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$admin" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 162 "Available Users:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_users available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi done fi #======================================================== : Create the group if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset rgOpt= adminOpt=" -A" idOpt= usersOpt= adminsOpt= ksMode= typeset ksEnc= ksAcc= regOpt= [[ $rg != *([[:space:]]) ]] && rgOpt=" -cspoc-g $rg" [[ $administrative == @(y|t)* ]] && adminOpt=" -a" [[ $id != *([[:space:]]) ]] && idOpt=" id=$id" [[ $users != *([[:space:]]) ]] && usersOpt=" users=${users//+([[:space:]])/,}" [[ $admins != *([[:space:]]) ]] && adminsOpt=" adms=${admins//+([[:space:]])/,}" [[ $keystore_mode != *([[:space:]]) ]] && ksMode=" efs_initialks_mode=$keystore_mode" [[ $keystore_encryption != *([[:space:]]) ]] && ksEnc=" efs_keystore_algo=$keystore_encryption" [[ $keystore_access != *([[:space:]]) ]] && ksAcc=" efs_keystore_access=$keystore_access" [[ $registry != *([[:space:]]) ]] && regOpt=" registry=$registry" if [[ $registry == "LDAP" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): mode=LDAP $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_mkgroup$rgOpt$adminOpt$idOpt$usersOpt$adminsOpt$ksMode$ksEnc$ksAcc$regOpt $group" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands mode=LDAP $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_mkgroup$rgOpt$adminOpt$idOpt$usersOpt$adminsOpt$ksMode$ksEnc$ksAcc$regOpt $group else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_mkgroup$rgOpt$adminOpt$idOpt$usersOpt$adminsOpt$ksMode$ksEnc$ksAcc$rgOpt $group" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_mkgroup$rgOpt$adminOpt$idOpt$usersOpt$adminsOpt$ksMode$ksEnc$ksAcc$rgOpt $group fi rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_mkgroup RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$group" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_group_attributes "$group" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add group -h" "GROUP:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_group()" dm l1+]yb|bb&F # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_hmcpll  = einst$CERS_acdhlopr"-AHILMNOT\fmuy#().1:>DGPU[]bgvw&,/02;BKYk!%3@ , pQS-䈃 a(~+v))M wb !@UΫEq="E(c7jrΫoRo4`b[ L`za5kdenSypm[wL@\jN 1Ԝ"/3FlLo2N z6A<'qgJL&0YYԊ[ A8޳(iqx[zzg*=n.aCLO LlBS1wjS{a LԔV MbaCLOa,lX5)N,j|'qgԔV Mc01ŕ-7ن[3JL'c>k&=KT,II`޶3 iō= fԔV N R|{,=dLs]*I1~`|g O5ߩ)21~,{{#m,s]1~1~P08U}|YRnV Jooa`1 *V~3پldɨU&f_33͝aLmWʵ8z R (-!3{-='c : Ǣ"&Msͦi("I}v>:*Iaf^W)555>kڭIm`zR83MsgQc2@"dQ@@WۄE] ٔ⡗췑Yf)fo<1! 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== RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$address" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -z $network ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" NETWORK 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network "$network" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$network" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 150 "Available Networks:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_networks available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -z $type ]]; then if [[ -n $network ]] then typeset -A nw_props CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_network_attributes "$network" nw_props [[ -n ${nw_props[TYPE]} ]] && type=${nw_props[TYPE]} fi [[ -z $type ]] && type="ether" elif [[ $typeUC != @(E|XD_D|XD_I)* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" TYPE "$type" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "ether, XD_data, XD_ip" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi [[ -z $node ]] && node="$LOCAL_NODE" if [[ -z $node ]]; then node="$(hostname)" node=${node%%.*} fi [[ -n $nw_interface ]] && nw_interface=" -I $nw_interface" if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): claddnode -a\"$address\":\"$type\":\"$network\"::: -n\"$node\"$nw_interface" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands claddnode -a"$address":"$type":"$network"::: -n"$node"$nw_interface rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): claddnode RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$address" 1>&2 fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_interface_attributes "$address" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add interface -h" "INTERFACE:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_interface()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_interface =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add interface \ NETWORK= \ [ NODE= ] \ [ TYPE={ether|XD_data|XD_ip} ] \ [ INTERFACE= ] NOTE: the "interface" may be either an IP address or label NOTE: the "NODE" attribute defaults to the local node name. NOTE: the "TYPE" attribute defaults to "ether" NOTE: the "" might look like "en1", "en2", ... NOTE: the aliases for "interface" are "in" and "if". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create a new interface object within the cluster that conforms to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. address [REQUIRED] [string] The address to use when creating the new interface. 3. type [OPTIONAL] [string] The type of interface being added, defaulting to "ether" (Ethernet) 4. network [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the network to add this interface to/within. 5. node [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of the node upon which the IP label/address will be bound. Defaults to the local node. 6. nw_interface [OPTIONAL] [string] The network interface associated with this interface (e.g. en1, en2, etcetera...). =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  kBB1+ b|bb&  # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_clientonk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_client.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)90 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 8/6/13 16:54:51 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_client =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:41 Last Changed: 8/6/13 16:54:51 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add ldap_client \ SERVERS=[,] \ BIND_DN= \ PASSWORD= \ SUFFIX_DN= \ SSL_KEY= \ SSL_PASSWORD= \ [ PORT={636|###} ] NOTE: the alias for "ldap_client" is "lc". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to configure one or more LDAP clients for the cluster to use for federated security. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. servers [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more LDAP servers that the clients should connect to. 3. bind_dn [REQUIRED] [string] The administrative distinguished name for the LDAP servers. 4. password [REQUIRED] [string] The password to use to contact the LDAP servers. 5. suffix_dn [REQUIRED] [string] The suffix distinguished name for the LDAP servers. 6. ssl_key [REQUIRED] [string] The full path to an SSL key used for communications. 7. ssl_password [REQUIRED] [string] The password associated with the specified SSL key. 8. port [OPTIONAL] [string] The port number of the LDAP clients (defaults to 636). =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_client { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset servers=${2//\"/} typeset bind_dn=${3//\"/} typeset password=${4//\"/} typeset suffix_dn=${5//\"/} typeset ssl_key=${6//\"/} typeset ssl_password=${7//\"/} typeset port=${8//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $servers ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 242 "\nERROR: one or more LDAP servers must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #================================ : Check for all required inputs #================================ for PAIR in "BIND_DN|$bind_dn" \ "PASSWORD|$password" do typeset ATTR=${PAIR%%\|*} typeset VALUE=${PAIR##*\|} if [[ $VALUE == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" "$ATTR" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi done if [[ -n $port && $port != +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" PORT 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #=============================================================== : Define the LDAP client if no input errors have been detected #=============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset port_opt= key_opt= keypw_opt= [[ -n $port ]] && port_opt="-p $port" || port_opt="-p 636" [[ -n $ssl_key ]] && key_opt="-S $ssl_key" [[ -n $ssl_password ]] && keypw_opt="-W $ssl_password" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_client_config -h \"${servers//+([[:space:]])/,/}\" -a \"$bind_dn\" -w \"$password\" -d \"$suffix_dn\" -S \"$ssl_key\" -W \"$ssl_password\" $port_opt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_client_config -h "${servers//+([[:space:]])/,}" \ -a "$bind_dn" \ -w "$password" \ -d "$suffix_dn" \ $key_opt \ $keypw_opt \ $port_opt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_ldap_client_config RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_client_attributes properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add ldap_client -h" "LDAP CLIENT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_client()" ACMP kC1+*8b|bb&*8 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_serveronk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_server.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)32 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 8/6/13 16:54:52 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_server =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:43 Last Changed: 8/6/13 16:54:52 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS # Configuring one or more LDAP servers for the cluster clmgr add ldap_server [,,...] \ ADMIN_DN= \ PASSWORD= \ BASE_DN= \ SSL_KEY= \ SSL_PASSWORD= \ VERSION= \ DB2_INSTANCE_PASSWORD= \ ENCRYPTION_SEED= \ [ SCHEMA= ] \ [ PORT={636|###} ] # Adding one or more already-configured LDAP servers to the cluster clmgr add ldap_server [,,...] \ ADMIN_DN= \ PASSWORD= \ BASE_DN= \ SSL_KEY= \ SSL_PASSWORD= \ [ PORT={636|###} ] NOTE: if more than one server is specified, they must be in a peer-to-peer configuration, sharing the same port number. NOTE: the alias for "ldap_server" is "ls". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to configure one or more LDAP servers for the cluster to use for federated security. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. servers [REQUIRED] [string] The hostname of the LDAP servers to be used by the cluster. If a replica, referral, or proxy server is used, a comma separated list of the respective hostnames is required. 3. admin_dn [REQUIRED] [string] The LDAP server administrator distinguished name (DN). Examples: cn=admin cn=administrator cn=user. 4. password [REQUIRED] [string] The test-only password for the administrator distinguished name (DN). 5. base_dn [REQUIRED] [string] The base distinguished name for the LDAP servers. The suffix, or base, distinguished name (DN) to search on the LDAP server for users, groups, and other network information entities. Examples: cn=aixdata o=ibm. 6. ssl_key [REQUIRED] [string] The full path to an SSL key, to be used for communications. 7. ssl_password [REQUIRED] [string] The password associated with the specified SSL key. If a password is not specified, it is assumed that a password stash file exists with the same file specification as the SSL key path, but with an extension of ".sth". 8. port [OPTIONAL] [string] The port number to connect to on the LDAP server(s). Defaults to 636. 9. schema [OPTIONAL] [string] The LDAP schema used to represent user/group entries in the LDAP server. rfc2307aix - Sets up the LDAP server using RFC 2307 and auxiliary AIX schema. It is recommended that you use this schema because of its interoperability through RFC 2307 and full AIX attribute support. This is the default value and not editable. 10. version [OPTIONAL] [string] The version of the LDAP servers. Must be at least 11. db2_pswd [REQUIRED] [string] The password for the DB2 instance, which is always same as the TDS instance ("ldapdb2" by default). 12. enc_seed [REQUIRED] [string] Alphanumeric and length should be minimum 12 characters. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_server { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset servers=${2//\"/} typeset admin_dn=${3//\"/} typeset password=${4//\"/} typeset base_dn=${5//\"/} typeset ssl_key=${6//\"/} typeset ssl_password=${7//\"/} typeset port=${8//\"/} typeset schema=${9//\"/} typeset version=${10//\"/} typeset db2_pswd=${11//\"/} typeset enc_seed=${12//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $servers ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $servers\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$ldap_server" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #================================ : Check for all required inputs #================================ for PAIR in "ADMIN_DN|$admin_dn" \ "PASSWORD|$password" \ "BASE_DN|$base_dn" do typeset ATTR=${PAIR%%\|*} typeset VALUE=${PAIR##*\|} if [[ $VALUE == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" "$ATTR" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi done #============================================================== : If the VERSION attribute is specified, then the customer is : configuring a new LDAP server, not an existing one. That is : the only operation that requires the VERSION attribute. #============================================================== typeset -i newConfig=0 if [[ -n $version ]]; then newConfig=1 fi #==================================================================== : If configuring an existing LDAP server, the SSL info is required. : For new LDAP server configurations, it is not, since the SSL key : is automatically generated. #==================================================================== if (( ! newConfig )); then if [[ $ssl_key == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 '\nERROR: this operation requires the "%1$s" attribute.\n\n' SSL_KEY 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -n $ssl_key && $ssl_key != /* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 '\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1$s\n\n' "$ssl_key" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $ssl_key && ! -e $ssl_key ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$ssl_key" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ $ssl_password == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 '\nERROR: this operation requires the "%1$s" attribute.\n\n' SSL_PASSWORD 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $schema ]] && (( ! newConfig )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 37 "\nERROR: option \"%1\$s\" is required when any of the following option(s) are used: %2\$s\n\n" SCHEMA VERSION 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $db2_pswd ]] && (( ! newConfig )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 37 "\nERROR: option \"%1\$s\" is required when any of the following option(s) are used: %2\$s\n\n" DB2_INSTANCE_PASSWORD VERSION 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -z $db2_pswd ]] && (( newConfig )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" DB2_INSTANCE_PASSWORD 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $enc_seed ]] && (( ! newConfig )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 37 "\nERROR: option \"%1\$s\" is required when any of the following option(s) are used: %2\$s\n\n" ENCRYPTION_SEED VERSION 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -z $enc_seed ]] && (( newConfig )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" ENCRYPTION_SEED 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $enc_seed ]] && (( ${#enc_seed} < 12 )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: %1$s must be at least %2$d characters long.\n\n' ENCRYPTION_SEED 12 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $port && $port != +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" PORT 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #================================================================ : Define the LDAP servers if no input errors have been detected #================================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset port_opt= schema_opt= version_opt= key_opt= keypw_opt= [[ -n $port ]] && port_opt="-p $port" || port_opt="-p 636" [[ -n $schema ]] && schema_opt="-s $schema" || schema_opt="-s rfc2307aix" [[ -n $version ]] && version_opt="-V $version" [[ -n $ssl_key ]] && key_opt="-S $ssl_key" [[ -n $ssl_password ]] && keypw_opt="-W $ssl_password" if (( newConfig )); then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_server_config -h \"$servers\" -a \"$admin_dn\" -w \"$password\" -s rfc2307aix -d \"$base_dn\" -X \"$db2_pswd\" -E \"$enc_seed\" $key_opt $keypw_opt $port_opt $schema_opt $version_opt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_server_config -h "$servers" \ -a "$admin_dn" \ -w "$password" \ -d "$base_dn" \ -X "$db2_pswd" \ -E "$enc_seed" \ $key_opt \ $keypw_opt \ $port_opt \ $schema_opt \ $version_opt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_ldap_server_config RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_server_existing -h \"${servers//+([[:space:]])/,}\" -a \"$admin_dn\" -w \"$password\" -d \"$base_dn\" $key_opt $keypw_opt $port_opt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_server_existing -h "${servers//+([[:space:]])/,}" \ -a "$admin_dn" \ -w "$password" \ -d "$base_dn" \ $key_opt \ $keypw_opt \ $port_opt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_ldap_server_existing RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes "$servers" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add ldap_server -h" "LDAP SERVER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_ldap_server()" port ! l\1+mb}bb&` # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_logical_volumek   e =ailnorst"$_cdhmpuACEILMNORST[\]fgvy),-./12:;GPbw#&(*>DUVk{|}!%0346@BFHKYjqxz'578<+9?WJXZQ ψxJW XH&@ XA,0S`+(o^UzN77V֜#aWdټڕB`PCD@;BmJӝr0x $Bd "8=?`+ ǁdQ(L1D@ƒ"X`VYG}7Grt w7q  JKO"S g%u;< #e.ҭunot)< #cI.CףtE(1؈ ""XC(jVK姰a\ƸB:e.ҭy+L7R4ZI|{ZoPVoJ,w*3ʤ/(nJ< # YEJ LQā)@P_Q` u`@xxJU`8-4`"4ф'Au (b.QD DC H@XSZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkYe/5(BB)*ƶM+|MҮntԸQ>yǻ8C kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵ`+8DjVK45QwU X$\,%E]:5kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֱ]:5uki%ո|_b7t 0\8:1w zN'%ռ1Rɒ@^l?)|$m:Auoe/N9xW钔l9唽WOUuz<Fy \3- L@D%7%[RcuRHt3f&^-=݂^qt-<}Ҷ  P,3[?kfpOVS^uבK>+jU/'C9(.<^v٫+c0;9(.nr]lA3f2_+|uRnr]nܚ}T}8HtrP][ 3HtYӫFr(8g/J6e唽Wꮯ5Fޓ|NI'VYuRHt3vYK|^UzW"\N:=TWOUuCk(vID䠺LA3f2_+`5KPV ,Yw>>'C9(.v*='C9(.rMӾVzN5sM G\wC;׋]QkvYGӋJ;[?P|NFpg%հT}TWꮯJx/JQ[qwNUR7+u;,(=#ӑǧtnҼp gꤗ9NҒϺf=$m:Aul9}Ӣ֓> ޓt꣪SU;='C9(.u:sӽ),E$ŭKaTWꮯ5='C9(.џJx/t^YjJ :zt5:h?uz@Ϊ^JύiUKO;ʪ\7+utD`? ޓt꣫KP|NF36 䠺I/k9sMWDhV麚ҥ- (okMWE+ qjQgE$ů^.%t-98Y}Nc3$m:Auo}8ʺRY觾=NTօe:AunT9t3ޔW>/YCzNWjrW zNrP][N%ͩLI|$m:Auokкstq^%U p$WU ;U+&4cbYrb$0[7s2ZuR\ =U⺢>F;Gg%պf>6.BI|RI/kŮqlq]Qk#Zt37ǪVs1 gN%t˓,wrSn#oIJ zk7SUgzӒWJ>&ØA-U,3YԣXg#F@D;Νh-dV9L1Rɒ@^S,+p,ԡ Y*$GZPzGCYFpk:u}_(:1z(U/e: 9(.1nsH*H_wJWt!$W:҃:YLԧ'CYӫGI裧}TV;G3䠺nsʮΕҩe!!}ZҳzUI'U?֔UӫF $yOoU󜧤U裧lvh 䠺uR:iUK9L9O8/t 3\Y*$[˓,H_$W[?%nҒByO;8/Me: YӫGRWU/|z˪*Q3 ۓ|@Ϊ^ޫwJKNvñ溩|ɳK\W;.WJ^T6 WJKNvò[?֛tIcKi'kEe|qwMGM1wN$G֓>gKt!]Te:vq^rn.oJuU/|sRC='A:u}_(|wpk:u}_(U/VðRx[|]Te:Ν_W=Tuz%tgTzJJ KgU/|Y;A-gMЅ3+j@3Yt!p+j@1B9/Yc1 E2K&Ha9z]L֓>鋩uRY˛b}neK#oIgAuo}Tݚ!!pnL;٧/ Ӭ90vBI:QUeɊLrΪY>(ϋo$䫬='CYӫFeN3U/NI.ƮQꄠsJJ觚e;gjSU|:[4]@úVoZѣ;˓,&4\<u_(UOzqr,oN|eV;hI 7D|>&x{ 3nMi+-=}^deJYh='U4_CMOMptӗKng.ot z)%-}Wm>F`4Zu1viQ "|2K&Ha9qiJg)77usnr]juQ_(oIպ3:T6 䠺(r- $qy$gTJВA.F|$m:Aul;,JvKgrW9p/5)Yh='U򎛪f+N 3ZR)Icrb$0+7ٖn4:WJKkFޓV˪-i<=Wr섍'C9(.Ig:ԣ-گ=iJQЄuoYӫF59+KPV=Tuu_9zҔ>Zr8Tσw+7^^U]'C9(.IcN,9@pU(":#&*Xy2Cҳ|MgQN_KJQOJKkFޓV˪-i<=Wr섍'C9(.Ig:ԣ-گ=iJQЄuoYӫF59+KPV=Tuu_9zҔ>Zr8Tσw+7^^U]'C9(.IcN,9@U(":ɊLrfY2yӪG=),w_ zNrP][.[?赤O_9zҔ6 䠺%t꣫vR7Ojs(b9FwBIսgN3U/YCzNrP][Q|)JP(3iӺuR >޲tޕzzoJTuw36 䠺%::3ٹuK&Ha9zVo,*Of%ǃRU/'C9(.Z{|,9@k(.LTd3?iKܒWJk\}(Gۓ |ܘlgEzyA{xY[:{JMk(;ra}l;g4}eҲRdk'ƼuRO;JڼGU𑷤g%ռԧ^٫+c1 FI\a g/J6e9٫+$וּ}e(;kIi(vIgAunf"aC Dq!Rɒ˓,7Llv"0D2<ڕRs9iIz+OT<4Ԧ[ONI.Ʈ1U|hEɦ$m:V?$86hɖq@i%$*,TK@Kik_tj ծ^6NJ m@&"`?uk9(.nr]fgNt𑷤"WL0xxU:묡='AL<<*Zuukj0$<H䔰ZRfff$l3 PF6o·h~  Dy!4# 3LMG$Oc?k._ J h[2dOE6H(QŴ"(Q%E 0y(PA.>y"tD !Cfea"b'dG"(P@WY4ATB$*,-H5$OF "*J2'%մMKrP][D8=;8 h&7(5G+R`3|N:M;貴7@i"*8E "D\@1 (%<0 +Wr[]O@C19(.nr]cp,Eeho E "TqmDQBg8м#(.ⓒPHLD@ c?ukq>i@y!ĉqZ hEQTNJ hZ9p-< Ox@& q> ˗  Bˠ!\n .%E22'K?֛\5q@&|- .̅Og9F᫈&Pj$D &$c?b^_'tJ}T䠺[@䠺uS].hYj3i@y!ĉqZ hEQ7uD䠺uuk7/[Aumsg KQwF8lVrZ*d*Og5/Ae:V2'K?IJq7ifw@7N-i<>%Xge᠞d2dO/zQw3|dƌ "` q{tt-5/Bvj2N&DqgE+流kIiwAqw@+4'f$ ̙şH5$OJE6H(QŴ"(Q%E b#&PKkIiW;WIfx  ӕӌe-IRT\snr]`E b&"Н9(.nr]cp,Eeho E "TqmDQBqσy)'t1?YS].djS$|tqw@*'&7Ƹj9*dg|k#{?P(5䆓(Ppȏ$*,Og–٨;j ADYr8;xx`~F AD`ɑ>\Y;5'm@''t@PhWX%5)RkCi4{?=y|4Є'A:i2'K?ӢMDH(qCTdf$0 9GP,< ) hRժD ᡹$*,~ǁZs',X@ ;&P8?k._ Da  aХB  LR貴7@i"*8E "D\@@1 (%'tZO4O5)D !CyQP"~z (~zE6H(QŴ"(Q%E >xEzyA{B"b'L.VAz:  4$nl._ |($m<ɜ gP^BIn놂9rJ t$l4֝ro 4$nlJ 0S|ڀM(/WˆFM <<U`HV3(/WˆFڀM(/WˆFM P:6貴7@i"*8E "D\@"8Be@ܽT:wӌui'x "a w B@ܽT:wE>w5KҒ) R px BOVS; ~z ADA(/WˆF\- FέThJui YM@H*Ty!DAG$4g4{ kZֵkZֵkZֵkY%]U/|V^g)kZֵkZֵkZֵgNt*Xp=,XO? gNt 8Tz$ȐgOHT [|rx) Z@T &,o@!#aF"R** Pyaȍ&HH RhV)U,1gR9a4k0…L%G (0EB%@ Z#(KYP ;t (:VoJF "*LxREiAt\)` Yt!pFqŝ7Bg%3gTA⣑*<c)YkF a@$ @$@0"80CHC1$`"D0 b,NLZop? c­ۓ,S 4pa3`ѣKG @? 8Tz$F,8Ky jS#oL"0@pxx`~ӓ?#"@kP ˗ @`ѣK@haDaH LR貴7@i"*8E "D\@@1 (%'tZO4O5)D !CyQP"~z (~z$@x= 4(X0$@x? şH5$OJE6H(QŴ"(Q%E >xEzyA{B"b'0h¥&Pj# &PᥑHT YcS].l7/UVꤓF 5/UVꤓgerQnI< иZ)Zu뵹~ \\- FέW;[@áJs&DşH5$O9sy(zU$z^"I&?<%gis9uRI h&7(5G+_4A$4BDy!Pf{ kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵ#sy 6tYԥέW^̙gTOADU$&DşA貴7@i"*8E "D\@&Ht3qJgVz>&@ܽT:unI>v0D07Vx+;K X &D#"8L}*<|)p,EI"e Hpz$,)lծ]iJ޴Ng|k9ۓ֔\JPD)AڀMiJ6 0 iJ6kJPDXUN+Cxm4"(Qh DP$J@0 3P2Y(?1wGvkVsg(P14V~z JPDp,EICI(8idGglg`fHpz$-R貴7@i"*8E "D\@9p/"Se(PHLD@ c?ukq>i@y!ĉqZ hEQTU|) n8м"L@E  &%gO7 qσeB{=93n8вů|w RP^uDD0 DOAЄu_(?Y4A$4BDy!Pf3Yr ރ $QEW-2'K?ƐjHN+Cxm4"(Qh DP$J` 3P2]TZO4OYP\Yz JgWq5ibl|csEW,/q5oTLMnhf/Z? v?gL݅kUg^p֫O]ige,q&AˉQg%bFLLRKX3tMW5? h_d֫Oo16?=y}yRJR;Ĩ#&B&DqgN RhVgx5~'?֫OE16Z? igeAgNFQF+7 JČ ̙ş::EZȬrо֫Oi?h_BkUо֫Oig3˗ТJZh(=# .\J9+2d/2dO^REiAZ? 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As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add mirror_pair -h" "MIRROR PAIR:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_mirror_pair()"  lX1+Rb|bb&3 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_mirror_poolek    = aeinorst"$_cdhlmpu#-ACEGILMNOPRS[\]fgv(),./12:DTbwy%&'0;>BHKUVk{}!*34@T<'E@8]2@㇔.Q%9i1),Eq gfN 4zGU󃖦7/90_ܐ8ўљҳuzGU󃖧# qM=1勁 dW.%-"S(Մ_L|v"  Fc[1֙>6&r2>wƸF3g3QܝqhU\8>S`;hh̐8E&XD (8ј H@*Uɮx@ r@I(4$\@(n5 4Mg:BQ @%0 !W>@T<'E@8]2@㇔.Q%9i1),ECp "Cq$IʸP x ,DCq  ˔oHp-덎X>.sbRZ @<*>,HP6xUa}u!@-mԅtBB:V]YMǞMՄh xy­[^J> Ph[QvGuI5^6xUa}wP^)U*,N xy­oZ#ɔ"a"e$Twz x̴V7&Mܳ/[2%57# @>«>wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmjϟ4,o#W|BF 0rʼn!wwwwwwwwmNZ :]w4k9i1)-8 >8pCBsbRX<<ӆ@ 8oh"&xPkpFÓxÁÀΪ-Md 6#ɔ"a#$4G(DE 3& 7 0%/=yM"}AM5]7'WΘGp A!FUru|)ʏ}j7+t 6bD7ӔV7qh"'9M&%%D('9M&%%8h 4XӁT1h$E,ʲ٥d9:/+Uru|>o\7><L ,PaM0L(HT [Y7AAG7E(EGƯSNKF<&@'9M&%%;)ax3$"{ܚUru|wEMroيzRS_F5PLI yBi0d<<6lNg`NcdG@!~cdGCAJ/ob|k :ru1W;os޵'k": ;(N5qAv*<$Hpz{.Ɏ2f bpqtG(DC(8 ࠣkJQ{M0#ɔ"a"HXF@JB'B ˿;)S@ 7V#Ɏ2e @ kij*[_UU_sS(Μ*.>vPy2L$謅e_7US^"yN5lqtDyA3qDPp9Œ,~T|j4jϞJm;)ax3$"6#%Ɏ 3`h4蟒̮NL8 >X"TN N&H2@㇔.(N2KsbR[A9i1),cw G d '7A0DS^,H ?%]b ̮NL0XU+#ӓ,Z!CYޑɖ;j=$ T&HyɊ7y;D" PGTfWzG&XIլ*_MOfWzG&XC>yɊ7sFB191CFE (BF 0rʼn8(ÀΪ-덆 '&c[> ;):!C瘜,a"2p<<4? 5$FWcMGg`NIɘ<01J/oaz$pm0`,L IJ0cip_ER S?%]ɖt(twV]YlUQeE8T888AZ !,H75==y),ḪNL8LNDI5d"NLQ$ T&H,U9,NLF?%]a @ oӴLH#&I""";ѬltWuUonW[8f}OAt̆QAxcpJ0ci,U`R!A>,Uh8p` jI;5qAg HWMGg:5Ʋ#n}Y«<08A`%5Ʋ#杢`zD,`*\"(o5;5/MɪIwL'8 d*[>PQew 躂M$ܚIQdtxǪyObT`}#W|5d"zz+) GUÓ}9ONK7sFѥe7zKI7Vp hҲ=% GsFÓxÀ>4Ii&Qi8qUok$^L  )yba(UܲU{Fk.zx\p?:S%p]^5>Ղ޸Q4g^5p K~Obœ"vS]Մœag4g9ryMwT7tTtqWg;,zl<џ\YIjfdx"{'>LXS:S%U2ƴguj8D즻 Gt$э>k)$( $LQZ3ؒ5x 5<   TqB֌$^O59(   TqB֌$]l   TqB֌hY0ު^Sؔf}U8D즻 G:g¼)bk.z}e 0VvS)Q?L>n%QWMwVU@⥋$eNxSfQ?XSa*<;VνfoŝNSE,/vz^F4OuUÏ?NkC|} rQ~VgSbP^&kWWSWzs4{FlҲ]󦤸ʺ>U-W;<آo џ*GQ>*>)򎻣%ZL+7'WgwV f3uYYs˪́K2HGXJ:ҭ٣UP93.X⢂Xn2y(¼)v7VWWh;)Q™8bI_xGShZWtvy"vS]Մ+NBzU!1>rљ(h%e4cFe ւ_YEљՙƂ_C݅U*=N_'zїwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwm:S%GxQX6j <|YYlD kmWA  L9 x IxNrLJK5ܠd*XFZ5==) SIIl bRY(wsmEJH=.nm<2Hxi f`ARL`44888YB 2 ,VŠSiMMGs+Wo[=ṷ\U%0$堦}2nĵṷP΢ Bx4;o[Py(bℋLj"x~'9N=% ks%%z 5g(ɚrAx3@$堦}2nij qQ qQnP^)U,4X"G9g8E_˿Ax3Lya5_#Mg+;)U^)-[4~vSAx3MxNr"x;U=ܳfW~4*GzВI5_]Ҽe^o^),M$ܚIQdty *8#S2Ӂ>U~H<ܚՁqgU] b> uUaM# nMW x3y2sY UPC0@P"`[ĸ|)|ߨ:@gU_ɇՄӬ\}C@Kvy|ܶSu9&3n"%N`9fiROWx *zree8ʸf*7Iwx fz"5ŝMxRHI.Gp u8E9NoN#Kpp%K0{b}8ʻT)VKwFt{AgZjf 2S|NI ִeFb;%"x7NKZIV]Ӭ즛"{]5)*Vh oRz;zNآ* .*{U~}3ު;}U~!YOqs**p-_e7їwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmn[ :ppϠFpF´x,ѝ\*4Z UQ, h̄Th˻q.dŁ=ڋAJ`Nâ\*їwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwm(P2Z kx21+.b|bb&. # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_network#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_network.sh 1.13 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_network.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_network =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add network \ [ TYPE={ether|XD_data|XD_ip} ] \ [ {NETMASK=<> | PREFIX=1..128} ] \ [ PUBLIC={true|false} ] \ [ UNSTABLE_THRESHOLD=<1...99> ] \ [ UNSTABLE_PERIOD=<1...120> ] NOTE: the TYPE defaults to "ether" if not specified. NOTE: when adding, the default is to construct an IPv4 network using a netmask of "". To create an IPv6 network, specify a valid prefix. NOTE: the aliases for "network" are "ne" and "nw". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to add a network object that conforms to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. name [REQUIRED] [string] The label to apply to the new network. 3. type [OPTIONAL] [string] The type of network to create, defaulting to Ethernet (i.e. "ether"; see the HACMPnim ODM for all types). 4. netmask [OPTIONAL] [string] The netmask to enforce within this network, defaulting to IPv4 only. 5. prefix [OPTIONAL] [string] The IPv6 prefix length to enforce within this network. 6. public [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like flag indicating is this network is public or private. 7. unstable_theshold [OPTIONAL] [integer] Integer specifying the event threshold for network stability. 8. unstable_period [OPTIONAL] [integer] Integer specifying the event period for network stability. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_network { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_network.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset name=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset type=${1//\"/} typeset netmask=${2//\"/} # optional typeset prefix=${3//\"/} # optional typeset -l public=${4//\"/} # optional typeset unstable_threshold=${5//\"/} # optional typeset unstable_period=${6//\"/} # optional [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset args= typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset -u typeUC=$type typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_networks existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $name ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $name\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $name && -n "${name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 105 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid characters include letters, numbers, and underscores only.\n\n" "$name" "${name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #========================================================= : Check for maximum limit of networks allowed in a cluster #========================================================= if (( ${#existing[*]} == $MAX_NETWORKS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1448 "\nERROR: The number of configured PowerHA SystemMirror Networks in the cluster has already reached its maximum limit(%1\$d).\n" "$MAX_NETWORKS" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi if [[ -n $typeUC && $typeUC != @(E|XD_D|XD_I)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" TYPE "$type" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "ether, XD_data, XD_ip" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $netmask && -n $prefix ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 "\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n\ \"%1\$s\" versus \"%2\$s\".\n\n" NETMASK PREFIX 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $prefix != *([[:space:]]) ]] && \ ( [[ $prefix != +([[:digit:]]) ]] || (( prefix < 1 || prefix > 128)) ) then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 113 "\nERROR: an invalid IPv6 prefix length was specified: %1\$s\n\n" "$prefix" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "1 .. 128" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -z $public ]]; then public="public" else case $public in @(t|pu)* ) public="public" ;; @(f|pr)* ) public="private" ;; * ) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" PUBLIC "$public" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi typeset Eopt="" Lopt="" if [[ $unstable_threshold != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_numeric_range "$unstable_threshold" 1 99 UNSTABLE_THRESHOLD (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT || Eopt="-e $unstable_threshold" fi if [[ $unstable_period != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_numeric_range "$unstable_period" 1 120 UNSTABLE_PERIOD (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT || Lopt="-l $unstable_period" fi #=========================================================== : Create the network if no input errors have been detected #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -z $type ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 114 "\nWarning: \"%1\$s\" must be specified. Since it was not,\n a default of \"%2\$s\" will be used.\n\n" TYPE ether 1>&2 type=ether else case $typeUC in E*) type="ether" ;; XD_D*) type="XD_data" ;; XD_I*) type="XD_ip" ;; esac fi if [[ -n $netmask ]]; then typeset nodots=${netmask//\./} if (( ${#netmask} - ${#nodots} != 3 )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 115 "\nERROR: an invalid IPv4 netmask was specified: %1\$s\n\n" "$netmask" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "<###.###.###.###>; \"###\" must be in the range 0 .. 255." 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset value=$netmask for (( i=0; i<4; i++ )); do typeset octet=${value%%.*} value=${value#*.} if [[ $octet == *([[:space:]]) || \ $octet != +([[:digit:]]) ]] || \ (( octet < 0 || octet > 255 )) then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 115 "\nERROR: an invalid IPv4 netmask was specified: %1\$s\n\n" "$netmask" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "<###.###.###.###>; \"###\" must be in the range 0 .. 255." 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT break fi done fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -n $netmask ]]; then args="-s $netmask" # IPv4 network elif [[ -n $prefix ]]; then args="-s $prefix" # IPv6 network else args="-s" # Default value; IPv4 network fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clmodnetwork -a -n \"$name\" -i \"$type\" $args -t \"$public\" $Eopt $Lopt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clmodnetwork -a -n "$name" -i "$type" $args -t "$public" \ $Eopt $Lopt rc=$? print " RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_network_attributes "$name" properties fi fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then print -u2 "" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add network -h" "NETWORK:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_network()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ be u l?1+b|bb&R # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_noderk   =eainorst "$CR_cdhlmp#-/AEILMNOST\fu().12:>GP[]bgvwy%&,0;DHUk|!'*34569"ơ9ںPn0A0r6,-r7ٸ H 8oC``h$LR7قӰFx1Ô2%H" pf -6 H 8ѷ7A.$w~5(n`6 =[kN: P`y2@raMଡ଼u-mT7.ʖ.Hj.v+x+b= 05̦UI)1F*bdOH"U0y"MLWxdO"rE*a2BTʑ0 }b $T @P`p@P`7 IĀCC 'fN$a2S1@+ &3'xbH0b0A# N&&iB[E*5|f׫69MHnNq){&XH"H8‡A{k.zQxq𞫤#6j\،u(ngx܋k,ja of<0UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTpӆZŇɄ"PI6opӆs3tY.k^\ffIg[/.NU۾ 8sZ7)u N7xfH5|8o۞-Um^pJnx34muu N7WQsr pe7!NboB,ZWQg5y -b_k^+|<`5D Ew8oAFVMURﱍV0:lo͟5-ۀ[f0R g(f޽\Ŝ7ٌW8(QsrǐZ0{Kf?r_KpkU^k^+|k\ܧq 8irOdWpb(~hԛfX aN76MAf0f7\%Kf ]C3 _3k\x&-^3c\k5= -]Ws75w4U{jrjJ1nW95h\$S.E%a`k[^n/M g)$\")ȉ*"U~zР&H;73q~;ӎ;mUUUUUUUU ]ʶw웙jUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7X栺sűVwܧ-T|#d>YGwV/kԃ {lk4ᡛo+ok:a[5cw+j;awӿn5^-s۩eXo`q7(./|ֳamϜ6BS{Xg5_5ЌP sZД/l{୽XaNn5|-]ڠTR 0f3kY|v `>+|nP\]fb= ;iƱXMm୽^׫R 0f`.mPf֠HfϚשe[tܠEW̑V/t(7ܠEWf׫ O 5Xԃ 2٬ ;o< Rf͖V7ڡ;mUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQF1 ;Ʊ1

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!= RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 245 "\nERROR: failed to retrieve the policies for resource group \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes "$rg" nodes if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 246 "\nERROR: failed to retrieve the node list for resource group \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else #============================================================ : Make sure we are not adding the same node more than once, : clchgrp does not correctly protect us against this. #============================================================ nodes="$nodes $node" for node in $nodes; do newnodes[$node]=: done print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchgrp -g \"$rg\" -n \"${!newnodes[*]}\" -S \"$startup\" -O \"$fallover\" -B \"$fallback\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchgrp -g "$rg" -n "${!newnodes[*]}" -S "$startup" -O "$fallover" -B "$fallback" rc=$? print "clchgrp RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 247 "\nERROR: adding node(s) \"%1\$s\" to resource group \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "${!newnodes[*]}" "$rg" 1>&2 fi fi fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_node_to_group()" 10/12 kꘃ1+?b|bb&? # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_novato_#!/bin/ksh93 # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_nova.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add nova [NovaLink] \ USER_NAME=<###> \ [ TIMEOUT=<###> ] \ [ RETRY_COUNT=<###> ] \ [ RETRY_DELAY=<###> ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create the specified NovaLink object within the PowerHA SystemMirror configuration. When creating a NovaLink into PowerHA SystemMirror configuration, it can be associated with nodes that belongs to same managed system. Each node will try to communicate with its own NovaLink to perform Resource Optimized High Availability operations. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. NovaLink [REQUIRED] [string] Host Name or IP address for the NovaLink. IPv4 and IPv6 format address are supported. 3. TIMEOUT [OPTIONAL] [int] Timeout set on NovaLink operations. This value is expressed in minutes. The default TIMEOUT value is 10. 4. RETRY_COUNT [OPTIONAL] [int] Number of retries set on NovaLink operations. The NovaLink operation which gets times out then will be retried this number of times. The default RETRY_COUNT value is 5. 5. RETRY_DELAY [OPTIONAL] [int] Duration of delay between two retries set on NovaLink operations. This value is expressed in [seconds]. The NovaLink operation which gets times out, then will be retried 'RETRY_COUNT'number of times, with 'RETRY_DELAY' seconds between each retry. The default value is 10. 6. USER_NAME [REQUIRED] [string] User name for NovaLink. This USER_NAME option is mandatory for communication with NovaLink. 7. PASSWORD [OPTIONAL] [string] Password for NovaLink. This PASSWORD option is not mandatory for SSH based communication with NovaLink. =head1 CONFIGURATION/SETUP 1. If necessary, generate the SSH keys for your AIX node: 1. cd ~/.ssh/ 2. ssh-keygen -t rsa This will create the private key (id_rsa) and public key (id_rsa.pub). 2. Add your node's public key to the NovaLink's SSH "allow" list: 1. scp USER_NAME@:.ssh/authorized_keys2 /tmp/NOVA_PUB_KEYS 2. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /tmp/NOVA_PUB_KEYS 3. scp /tmp/NOVA_PUB_KEYS USER_NAME@:.ssh/authorized_keys2 4. rm -f /tmp/NOVA_PUB_KEYS 5. Verify it (i.e. ssh USER_NAME@ date). No password should be required. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_nova { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset nova_label=${2//\"/} typeset timeout=${3//\"/} typeset retry_count=${4//\"/} typeset retry_delay=${5//\"/} typeset username=${6//\"/} typeset password=${7//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== # Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i CHECK_NOVA_ERROR= typeset -i checkRC=$RC_SUCCESS #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY fi #=============== : Validate input #=============== : nova_label typeset NOVA_LABEL= if [[ -z $nova_label ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: IP address must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_nova nova_label if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$nova_label" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else NOVA_LABEL=$nova_label fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then #=================== : username parameter #=================== typeset USER_NAME= if [[ -n $username ]]; then if [[ $username == [\-\+\~\@]* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 103 \ '\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in "%1$s": "%2$s".\n\n' $username "[-+~@]" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else USER_NAME=$username fi else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1143 \ "\nERROR: USER_NAME must be provided for NovaLink Creation.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #=================== : password parameter #=================== typeset PASSWORD= if [[ -n $password ]]; then PASSWORD=$(print $password | clencodearg) fi #================== : timeout parameter #================== typeset TIMEOUT= if [[ -n $timeout ]]; then if [[ $timeout == "-1" ]]; then TIMEOUT=-1 elif [[ $timeout != +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 809 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid input include either \"-1\" or a positive integer value.\n\n" "$timeout" "[-1|[0-9]*}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else TIMEOUT=$timeout fi else TIMEOUT=-1 fi #====================== : retry count parameter #====================== typeset RETRY_COUNT= if [[ -n $retry_count ]]; then if [[ $retry_count == "-1" ]]; then RETRY_COUNT=-1 elif [[ $retry_count != +([[:digit:]]) ]] then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 809 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid input include either \"-1\" value or a positive integer value.\n\n" "$retry_count" "[-1|[0-9]*}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else RETRY_COUNT=$retry_count fi else RETRY_COUNT=-1 fi #====================== : retry delay parameter #====================== typeset RETRY_DELAY= if [[ -n $retry_delay ]]; then if [[ $retry_delay == "-1" ]]; then RETRY_DELAY=-1 elif [[ $retry_delay != +([[:digit:]]) ]] then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 809 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid input include either \"-1\" value or a positive integer value.\n\n" "$retry_delay" "[-1|[0-9]*}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else RETRY_DELAY=$retry_delay fi else RETRY_DELAY=-1 fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then #=================================================================================================================== : This NovaLink should be reachable and password less SSH communication should work from the local node. : Get associated managed system for this NovaLink and build the list of nodes from this managed system. : If any error during the connectivity check, just break unless we ask to force. #=================================================================================================================== typeset NODES= managed_system= nodelist= nova_cmd= print -- "ssh -l $USER_NAME -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=3 $NOVA_LABEL date" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG ssh -l $USER_NAME -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=3 $NOVA_LABEL date >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>&1 if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then nova_cmd="pvmctl sys list --hide-label -d mtms_str" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): ssh -l $USER_NAME -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=3 $NOVA_LABEL $nova_cmd" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands managed_system=$(ssh -l $USER_NAME -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=3 $NOVA_LABEL $nova_cmd) checkRC=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): ssh -l $USER_NAME -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=3 $NOVA_LABEL $nova_cmd rc=$checkRC" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if (( $checkRC != RC_SUCCESS )) || [[ -z $managed_system ]]; then CL=$LINENO dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1164 "\nERROR: failed to get managed system for NovaLink \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$NOVA_LABEL" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi else cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1165 "\nERROR: could not communicate with NovaLink \"%1\$s\" via SSH from local node. Check \"%1\$s\" is valid. Check the public key for local node installed correctly on \"%1\$s\". Check for any network issues or name resolution problems or firewall problems.\n" "$NOVA_LABEL" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for node in $(clnodename); do print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_dynresop -n "${node%%\.*}" -C 2>/dev/null" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if [[ $managed_system == $(cl_dynresop -n "${node%%\.*}" -C 2>/dev/null) ]]; then nodelist="${nodelist:+$nodelist }${node%%\.*}" fi done fi if [[ -n $nodelist ]]; then if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for node in $nodelist; do print "check_nova_connectivity_with_node $node $NOVA_LABEL NODES=$NODES" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG check_nova_connectivity_with_node $node $NOVA_LABEL NODES $USER_NAME $PASSWORD checkRC=$? print "check_nova_connectivity_with_node $node $NOVA_LABEL NODES=$NODES rc=$checkRC" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $checkRC != 0 )); then CHECK_NOVA_ERROR=1 break fi done fi fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then #=========================================================== : Define the NOVA if no input errors have been detected #=========================================================== if (( $CHECK_NOVA_ERROR != 1 )); then #============================================================= : Define the NOVA if no connectivity errors have been detected #============================================================= #=========================================================== : Firstly, update the NOVA object #=========================================================== typeset nOpt= tOpt= rOpt= dOpt= uOpt= pOpt= mopt= [[ -z $NOVA_LABEL ]] && nOpt=" " || nOpt=" -n $NOVA_LABEL" [[ -z $TIMEOUT ]] && tOpt=" -t 0" || tOpt=" -t $TIMEOUT" [[ -z $RETRY_COUNT ]] && rOpt=" -c 0" || rOpt=" -c $RETRY_COUNT" [[ -z $RETRY_DELAY ]] && dOpt=" -d 0" || dOpt=" -d $RETRY_DELAY" [[ -z $username ]] && uOpt="" || uOpt=" -u $username" [[ -z $PASSWORD ]] && pOpt="" || pOpt=" -p $PASSWORD" mopt=" -m $managed_system" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): claddnova $nOpt$tOpt$rOpt$dOpt$uOpt$pOpt$mopt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG claddnova $nOpt$tOpt$rOpt$dOpt$uOpt$pOpt$mopt rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): claddnova $nOpt$tOpt$rOpt$dOpt$uOpt$pOpt$mopt rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to add \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$NOVA_LABEL" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else #=============================================================== : Now update the nodes objects : - for each node, we must update the list of novas already set #=============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $NODES ]]; then #============== : Loop on nodes #============== for NODE in $NODES; do typeset NOpt= kvOpt= kvOpt="-c NOVA_MANAGED_SYSTEM=$managed_system" NOpt=" -n $NODE" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchnovaparam $NOpt $kvOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG clchnovaparam $NOpt $kvOpt rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchnovaparam $NOpt $kvOpt rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1144 "\nERROR: failed to associate \"%1\$s\" NODES and \"%2\$s\" NovaLink.\n\n" "$NODE" "$NOVA_LABEL" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR break fi done fi fi fi #========================================================= : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #========================================================= if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( $CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_nova_attributes "$NOVA_LABEL" properties fi fi else rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi #============================== : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #============================== if (( $rc == $RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == $RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add nova -h" "NOVA:" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_nova()"  k1+<b|bb&< # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ipk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ip.sh 1.10 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)40 1.10 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1511A_hacmp720 2/25/15 14:15:07 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.10 Last Extracted: 3/9/15 17:40:44 Last Changed: 2/25/15 14:15:07 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1511A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add persistent_ip \ NETWORK= \ [ {NETMASK=< | PREFIX=1..128} ] \ [ NODE= ] NOTE: the alias for "persistent_ip" is "pi". =head1 DESCRIPTION Adds a persistent IP label/address to the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. ipLabel [REQUIRED] [string] The IP address or label of the persistent IP that is to be created. 3. network [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the network that this address will be bound to. 4. node [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of the node that this address will be bound to, defaulting to the local node. 5. netmask [OPTIONAL] [string] An alternate netmask to use for the service IP (the netmask of the underlying network is used by default). 6. prefix [OPTIONAL] [string] An alternate prefix length to use for the service IP (the prefix of the underlying network is used by default). =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.10, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1511A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset ipLabel=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset network=${1//\"/} typeset node=${2//\"/} typeset netmask=${3//\"/} #optional typeset prefix=${4//\"/} #optional [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset NET_FAMILY="UNKNOWN" typeset ADDR_FAMILY="UNKNOWN" typeset ODM_MASK="" #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $ipLabel ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip $ipLabel if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$ipLabel" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -z $network ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" NETWORK 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network "$network" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$network" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 150 "Available Networks:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_networks available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi if [[ -n $netmask && -n $prefix ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 "\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n\ \"%1\$s\" versus \"%2\$s\".\n\n" NETMASK PREFIX 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #==================================================================== : If the specified address and the targeted network are of the same : type, no netmask/prefix is needed. If they differ, then a netmask : or prefix is *mandatory*. In the latter case, make an effort to : infer the intentions of the customer, in the case where a typo : has occurred, such as using PREFIX instead of NETMASK. #==================================================================== if [[ -n $ipLabel ]]; then # : find the family of the underlying network # print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -n -q name=$network -f net_family HACMPnetwork" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ $($HAUTILS/clodmget -n -q name=$network -f net_family HACMPnetwork) == 1 ]] then NET_FAMILY="AF_INET" else NET_FAMILY="AF_INET6" fi ODM_MASK=$(clodmget -n -q name=$network -f netmask HACMPnetwork) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): Network $network is $NET_FAMILY, netmask/prefix is $ODM_MASK" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # : find the family of the specified ip or label # typeset NAME=\"\" IS=\"\" ADDR=\"\" REM=\"\" LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $ipLabel | read NAME IS ADDR REM ADDR=$(echo "$ADDR" | sed "s/,//g") if [[ $ADDR == +([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9]) ]] then ADDR_FAMILY="AF_INET" else ADDR_FAMILY="AF_INET6" fi # # Check (any) user specified netmask or prefix in a foregiving manner: # accept either input and just match it to what's required, e.g. # if a netmask argument is provided with an ipv6 address, just treat # the input as a prefix length (assuming the netmask argument is # a decimal) # if [[ -n $netmask || -n $prefix ]]; then if [[ $ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET" && $NET_FAMILY == "AF_INET6" ]]; then : The address, $ipLabel, is IPv4 if [[ $prefix != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then netmask=$prefix prefix="" fi elif [[ $ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET6" && $NET_FAMILY == "AF_INET" ]]; then : The address, $ipLabel, is IPv6 if [[ $netmask != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then prefix=$netmask netmask="" fi elif [[ ($ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET" && $NET_FAMILY == "AF_INET") || \ ($ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET6" && $NET_FAMILY == "AF_INET6") ]] then #==================================================== : The network and address are of the same type so we : silently ignore any Netmask/Prefix provided, as : long as it is the same as whats already in use. : But if they do give us a different netmask, let them : know that their input is being ignored. #==================================================== if [[ (-n $prefix && $prefix != $ODM_MASK) || (-n $netmask && $netmask != $ODM_MASK) ]] then typeset TYPE="IPv4" [[ $ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET6" ]] && TYPE="IPv6" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 779 'The specified address "%1$s", is of the same family (%2$s) as network "%3$s". The specified netmask/prefix will not be used, and will instead be taken from "%3$s".\n' "$ipLabel" "$TYPE" "$network" fi netmask="" prefix="" fi elif [[ -z $netmask && -z $prefix ]]; then # : Caller did not specify a netmask or prefix - we do not need one : as long as the incoming address is the same family as the : underlying network # if [[ ($ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET" && $NET_FAMILY == "AF_INET6") || \ ($ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET6" && $NET_FAMILY == "AF_INET") ]] then typeset TYPE="IPv4" [[ $ADDR_FAMILY == "AF_INET6" ]] && TYPE="IPv6" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 780 '\nERROR: the specified address, "%1$s", is of a different type (%2$s) than the specified network, "%3$s". So either a netmask (IPv4) or prefix length (IPv6) must be provided.\n\n' "$ipLabel" "$TYPE" "$network" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi fi fi # : Validate the netmask and or prefix length # if [[ $prefix != *([[:space:]]) ]] && \ ( [[ $prefix != +([[:digit:]]) ]] || (( prefix < 1 || prefix > 128 )) ) then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 113 "\nERROR: an invalid IPv6 prefix length was specified: %1\$s\n\n" "$prefix" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "1 .. 128" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $netmask ]]; then typeset nodots=${netmask//\./} if (( ${#netmask} - ${#nodots} != 3 )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 115 "\nERROR: an invalid IPv4 netmask was specified: %1\$s\n\n" "$netmask" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "<###.###.###.###>; \"###\" must be in the range 0 .. 255." 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset value=$netmask for (( i=0; i<4; i++ )); do typeset octet=${value%%.*} value=${value#*.} if [[ $octet == *([[:space:]]) || \ $octet != +([[:digit:]]) ]] || \ (( octet < 0 || octet > 255 )) then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 115 "\nERROR: an invalid IPv4 netmask was specified: %1\$s\n\n" "$netmask" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "<###.###.###.###>; \"###\" must be in the range 0 .. 255." 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT break fi done fi fi if [[ -z $node ]]; then node=$LOCAL_NODE if [[ -z $node ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" NODE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi else # : If a node was specified, verify that they it is a known node. # CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node "$node" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 151 "Available Nodes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi #================================================================= : Create the persistent IP if no input errors have been detected #================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset netarg="" if [[ -n $netmask ]]; then netarg=$netmask elif [[ -n $prefix ]]; then netarg=$prefix fi typeset NETTYPE=$(clodmget -q name=$network -n -f nimname HACMPnetwork) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/claddnode -a \"$ipLabel\":\"$NETTYPE\":\"$network\"::\"persistent\":::$netarg -n\"$node\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/claddnode -a $ipLabel:$NETTYPE:$network::persistent:::$netarg -n"$node" rc=$? print "claddnode RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$ipLabel" 1>&2 #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== else if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes "$ipLabel" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add persistent_ip -h" "PERSISTENT IP/LABEL:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_persistent_ip()"  l)1+\vb|bb&H # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_repositoryipk   =eainorst #$RS_cdlp"ACDEILMNOPTbfhkmuy(),-./12:BGKU[\]gv%&04;>Fw'3HVYqz{}!*5679> bqkj P3`Pp8Px(<  1.7+ͮ##㉘LqUKXa%H _?9!L2J$UStKknY0[;_f0b8nJr nA8i@iu2dUG(]Va'N>#xp`xGG&bX^^0f3 dJh##,\ Lc$^ٺk9)e>叄Y AA 940nrӹ\Fm}}qE1( ^vd3AAEKXa%H ZD'2ീYm5 9#` 6Վ&LH V6$'$l++aʴ@0x gL<8e 5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH"9V2dUG(]Va'N>(#-37Ans7yֹX8Nh֛f=':1j7|i־p+se^ˁDfRe8wftnnlOeff0rqSm}ϓL3-3wff0f?=4Kk9۔1rmθ`, E Ʒø޽֝=Ұ11sgh#ی1zK_ki٫8s7xȘLV3w^HA`Zn³6YG6v~73z"5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH hh=?Et($ *%`9\H'qjײش2\CCC!k0ׯÀ[4$?Ѫ?} 3qH7++RITPR(>煻unW<%L"%*8PMRQ"$VqR֙ϳrt3v7 ګG(h?} 7+YҝƁH7+c$Ǫ(TL`UfsݵuuY'Ս P)fsݵuuLcV6%@nWnybUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!<$LR%KnJwiϵ81('o!4Hu&bk]tCM5X C&Nc eUB&4($ScEE4&!-a-`fqZGJBD֩N\U]9I,:1s߅0arㅚZ,:gn#bSuf6ӗWtuZD (&p( \\ݽUy2vC\($1c0-6ki,0Y.A!jI1,aPqaB%hDe(H2;YW=f/h'I$TRƏsJ \ $@n5$ȃ DndKQR "WV+R@%4:[ǑQL$$ݽ#|UTt D*`8Cؕ%VCӐ4?9bVV:Y1CӐ^%hu#r@x!<$LR%Kc2 q.HbT D@DSQVJ5i,uubU=U"HH3zϞH%L"p, r!ھ@jP@jPMQABD4ȃ GLD?EQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEqcsu]9Z [oft?EQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEfsTm.*b o͘0fcm9qc-`H ɖ3 CƱQ])3iˊG:"TH.. nއ*;!.ZCɔMULjPIL88|hȦd1ad,7tN=_lu]957n6$'#xjKGHzZLz,dGTR3i?9tȗ, UB@Gt\?4y*"d*[WtcR IA5KD ƤqRLr*PUT$dPXjHX@FWV+uZcPPx*)9ptOzH%L"?$ՊrĭI,uubcm8!hr*+<,Lx\\ݽ?kғ}VED$Vqp\\ݽUy2vC\($1'N ^C^yq #H ǪTS s7oC+RITc  d0i&PI5T"cHy2IQA%0P~4YSLb@pR Ok,cJ`YJNÁ?ד'd1Hy2ICɔMR )@ 20,^rxHz7+іbN&H2dUG(]V)'NeaX?B8@F7Z20,XpfqTWHh\Lb8\` TTBLk f.|i4eaXT.CӐ^?ً<,~4j朇 X;` TTBLk qTWHy1E MSYr8i1qqpg3v?aU arLjDƐeTJa;ŞE4&!a9k0zS0rlN"fӰG=km`qO^9msZ![l0zS>5%![΍ل8Ds57}n0zSf ޡ#x37A11sgyGK0y|,b"FHzZLz,dGTR4?9?Ѫ?0*GlwH`\lmt?Ѫ?kҊVE ,! 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print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then # command succeeded, but check the file was created anyway [[ ! -s $SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.odm ]] && rc=$RC_ERROR fi if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 '\nERROR: failed to create "%1$s".\n\n' "$snapshot" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_snapshot_attributes "$snapshot" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add snapshot -h" "SNAPSHOT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_snapshot()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose, even if the man pages are installed. # As a result of this, it is imperative that the information in # this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync with the man page information. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_snapshot =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add snapshot "" \ [ DESCRIPTION="" ] \ [ METHODS="method1 method2 ..." ] \ [ MISC_INFO={false|true} ] NOTE: the alias for "snapshot" is "sn". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create a snapshot of the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. snapshot [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the snapshot. 3. description [OPTIONAL] [string] A description of the snapshot. If no description is provided, then one will be automatically generated. The string can be up to 255 characters. 4. methods [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more custom snapshot methods that should be executed when capturing this snapshot. 5. misc_info [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Collect miscellaneous information from various system commands like lsvg and netstat in a separate file with a .info extension. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== $rc == kb1+G#b|bb&G# # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agentk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agent.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)91 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 8/6/13 16:54:58 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agent =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:41 Last Changed: 8/6/13 16:54:58 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add storage_agent \ TYPE={ds8k_gm|xiv_rm} \ ADDRESSES=[,...] \ [ USER= ] \ [ PASSWORD= ] \ [ ATTRIBUTES=@[,@,...] ] NOTE: the alias for "storage_agent" is "sta". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create a new storage agent. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. agent_name [REQUIRED] [string] The label that is to be applied to this storage agent. 3. type [REQUIRED] [set] The type of storage technology that this storage agent will be working with, from the set ds8k_gm and xiv_rm. 4. addresses [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more (maximum of 4) IP addresses to be associated with this storage agent. 5. user [OPTIONAL] [string] The user ID to be used for communication with this storage agent. 6. password [OPTIONAL] [string] The password that is to be used with the provided user ID. 7. attributes [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more storage-specific configuration attributes. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agent { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset storage_agent=${2//\"/} typeset -l type=${3//\"/} typeset addresses=${4//\"/} typeset user=${5//\"/} typeset password=${6//\"/} typeset attributes=${7//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $storage_agent ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $storage_agent\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$storage_agent" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -z $type ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" TYPE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else case $type in *8*g*) type=ds8k_gm ;; x*) type=xiv_rm ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" TYPE "$type" 1>&2 print -u2 "" /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "ds8k_gm, xiv_rm" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi if [[ -z $addresses ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" ADDRESSES 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ $user == *([[:space:]]) && $password != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then password="" fi #================================== : Check for external dependencies #================================== case $type in ds8k_gm) if [[ ! -f "/opt/ibm/dscli/dscli" ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: the DSCLI utility was not found in its expected location, "/opt/ibm/dscli/dscli". DSCLI is required, and must be installed in that location on all cluster nodes.\n\n' 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY fi ;; xiv_rm) if [[ ! -f "/opt/xiv/XIVGUI/xcli" ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: the XIV CLI utility was not found in its expected location, "/opt/xiv/XIVGUI/xcli". The XIV CLI is required, and must be installed in that location on all cluster nodes.\n\n' 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY fi ;; esac #================================================================= : Create the storage agent if no input errors have been detected #================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset userOpt="" pswdOpt="" attrsOpt="" [[ $user != *([[:space:]]) ]] && userOpt=" -u $user" [[ $password != *([[:space:]]) ]] && pswdOpt=" -p $password" if [[ -n $attributes ]]; then for pair in ${attributes//,/ }; do attrsOpt="$attrsOpt -o${pair//@/ }" done fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_create_sa_director -n $storage_agent -s $type -i $addresses$userOpt$pswdOpt$attrsOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_create_sa_director -n $storage_agent -s $type -i $addresses$userOpt$pswdOpt$attrsOpt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_create_sa_director RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$storage_agent" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes "$storage_agent" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add storage_agent -h" "STORAGE AGENT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_agent()"  l1+EWb}bb&6 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_storage_systemk   =e ainrst"$R_cdlop-/1CEGILMNOST[\]fghmuy#().2:;>APUbvw%&*,09W.1avB^=POO /8p p4p Ã|Iuˍ-kB^$LbETL2T T "?Цd Xb*$*"- |t7 7C\];[f,.օ4+c:@ *@9\Q)O9SɒTQ,\vԒNφ84p5M ɽ[lq{3 f`H (Цc "Bw:ob_PIK(O>,{d7ЬIutrZ hV(_"%qqzt%`d ]7 +YUv$78Yتq,H 'T{DZ |d"kBJ(&be@ACDZЬx@!rFx#0f8A%y804ÁñĊ4*Yלau|5X>~;[]qragBMYZX3ϖqvkbv, hV,p4y&.z}tC}ќ*Ъ+/7F{12Nv ?p _bHMBA n+¸<&@B- XX:v1\ TH,,; 0b-x<&@B- XX8ϯ9"d  "ӈ 5X ¸TX ]|8D9eDkp, %@(HyA5JlEmI![GˁK $]\YnSb.;jI g|\vԒNϩh ֐P@&e"|7.H "$ /@LD0 CCMHMBA kq8+@v" kR -jAG7og0a2@HTH  "d*$PPpD ͷUsceM$2qRHe;>~sMd)i%WAe7.H ɨH!@p>#og¥h.WYAwjAH8MF &H 0@ʉ ""bLD 1BA y|w,)$S>Sb.;jI gԃ؎i4LHY\|;7L2tP@ztP9Ad ^L CCM&`bw3G4PW8ČL(`z(@D"Dʉ ""bAmn`[Z1U@*BHϺ;gIl5;-lEmI!؋ڒC) #o` !RW4H Lr hrD5aǦHL"Z)ϳ9scV6/lEoNφzܰI2"0]ņn3}2 L@d{6(nUůtb8y=SΛ |[Սv] VF69W.5Ãy!q̦@B 76]¶3Ξsc̲nls[.g"gZ@@ICJ>> O<YPfx>7qۄ,&`bDe8M/b9#|\vN\ot¯tl]=lEoNφ|2XL"Dq|og>g.Sb.;|vzⶻ;ַ̀af"̖0HQ"f2_`H!s˔؋$2 kpf *$LfSt b+Z-yWy6" gZ ,&`bDe8MDx es-Yw,\|wfKHo]z%;n]qo.q\Ŝ ~^}B ܀&kppn喍W,a3&o3):m#1(&=y!=-s=ypUJwv#Z' lz:|2e#AAmwN b 7/;7^HOrF&b<^\"?UtUoNk0uσo)[ Lk;[|A<]XmY&.-?w>6pZf.\a7m~Lگ8[*9Ϻj:Λ=nXv<" Qya052D@(NMAJ >)eb,h]}7=9iܮ"ֳ[JA+!be1mf@~7M@5iVobL$8DI&=BEGM2(Hyɜd4R6"㶤v|h.D 0cAsf@̙H؋ڒC)FA QZҔ؋ڒC)ٱg ZLd(E5 11 ƒC IH!` !гhAAj Dh5i2~GqL.@ƐeBK>E˽lYˠƒ:+H (t3Z@@IGUYCT|ܩ9 * oR'U"&$TLPrrmUҽ)f4,HY_ ]EKHy2SPCɔ" / 5 Y0r[r/6>1 ƒC IH!` !гhAAWQi2~GqL.@ƐeBK>E˽lYˠƒ:2Up(9T`I1*- $*,MDfl؇3d0 \b*=lٱg Q* ZLd(E5 1w6!PJ#E_I;er4(E5 "_ jLa>[ ]76 |n\^iHIH;8U4 A#1 ZI1$\"T$TLPs2g )>w6!3'I$TRL$<(0/$ފR|Dj,6_oX^ZqA/`Wi$ǨT9aB0(iPc r…B``3A(|&O2ZCɔ"L(\|p4;D&dHGJFbetyM jR|p(9PJ#E_I;er4(E5 "_@DHY]«]#5BY]«Ǔ*@l &H P PME)'Y]«1,/}D7œ,U,"! 5o:@{*Id|rlfl؇31vY]«ٔlEǷf!mf/QoǷofL! 6lC1n =nѠ"!Ǔ*@l &H P PMG@qQnInE9\1 nֳlEoN<-W[XZ?{4A#!j6B8Ps=1v$.@HѦAPEoǵUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMǞBY#Nw9}kfWܛUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT]+Қo|O73&psDk kOZJIUގl؇3'I$TRګ?#i&Pj cHy2SPr%p8cP ezqh&48A|MVv ob31>5i*ƭ%Wz!@dˍX gJx׵ÙO]]7 n]}UJw -r 5P ZI1$\"T T @5,O73&psDk hM@ D!5Wz9b\<$LRKjd% HtP 8.@ztP7PJ#E_I;er4(E5 "_8jLa,޶,_&mW}b9A#%#HA!ƒCMA2hq A(|&O2ZCɔ"L(\|w9t 8R5PGEMB8DI&=BEGM2(H7[k<$LRKjd%L[6l36obΑ i \b*=d[dΔX^d|rlfl q,dt̙eќ.?̙.V͛ ͛@Α3ˣ8\Qo:B̙.V͛ ͛@\3qB-ofL! 6lC1Yˠv9  "7řY!g.oBqofL!/A;l؇3b8A{sPN4h0nk0 39R)0Y@xAcFa"bks2g ',nRf͈s=poгrdu"CxܧHbO3E',nR# ^modvCܦ&q{#fP+yfgHG"&q{!ٳx(,a-'=yɜd4Jٱ 7fgHi ?h\I*3={n!3x)B LRK H劄 B@ jQXۧjJJ,ڳb8iJlEmI!2ZSB'',,qfg$YH3J%Lfi0Y$8Cɔ" ,G±%܆Z`Ai7 (Ha Up+tIIEVlG )M$2KJhYdBřB噚N,34fiD3I& 39$3oU+ً=aR&H\BW NԔYftLJETq(E5 &XbK ;nHy[ً<`aR&H\BWQQS9e؋ڌŃ^HqR?t\vԒNϚG4y&4iI\`I ?f"HMG,nRѹJiq(E5 &XbK ;o1"h~**}G,qQqމy IJlEmI!:%\vԚnmI\`I ?hQ-',nR"IVz)B LRK H劄 ꮢr))Ҋ")&Pj(&L ėrkwUܐ/=pǨ\Px၂\54U?#i&Pj cHy2SPr%hP e9ՍwD8R4i:)JlEmI!8Ps$&dqoUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7?$saA # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_add_tape =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:46 Last Changed: 8/6/13 16:54:59 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr add tape \ DEVICE= \ [ DESCRIPTION= ] \ [ STARTSCRIPT="" ] \ [ START_SYNCHRONOUSLY={yes|no} ] \ [ STOPSCRIPT="" ] \ [ STOP_SYNCHRONOUSLY={yes|no} ] NOTE: the alias for "tape" is "tp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to add a new tape device to the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. tape [REQUIRED] [string] The label that is to be applied to this tape device. 3. device [REQUIRED] [string] The name for this tape device. 4. description [OPTIONAL] [string] A description of the tape device. If no description is provided, then one will be automatically generated. 5. start_script [OPTIONAL] [string] The start script for the tape device. 6. start_sync [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like indicator of whether or not that tape device is to be started synchronously. 7. stop_script [OPTIONAL] [string] The stop script for the tape device. 8. stop_sync [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like indicator of whether or not that tape device is to be stopped synchronously. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_add_tape { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset tape=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset device=${1//\"/} typeset description=${2//\"/} typeset start_script=${3//\"/} typeset -l start_sync=${4//\"/} typeset stop_script=${5//\"/} typeset -l stop_sync=${6//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset start_script_opt= start_sync_opt= stop_script_opt= stop_sync_opt= typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $tape ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $tape\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$tape" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -z $device ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" DEVICE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $description && $description == *:* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 103 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n\n" DESCRIPTION ":" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $start_script && $start_script != /* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$start_script" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $start_script && ! -e $start_script ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$start_script" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ -n $start_script && $start_script == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 108 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" attribute's value contains whitespace,\nwhich is not allowed: \"%2\$s\"\n\n" STARTSCRIPT "$start" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $stop_script && $stop_script != /* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$stop_script" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $stop_script && ! -e $stop_script ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$stop_script" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ -n $stop_script && $stop_script == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 108 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" attribute's value contains whitespace,\nwhich is not allowed: \"%2\$s\"\n\n" STOPSCRIPT "$stop" 1>&2 fi if [[ -n $start_sync && $start_sync != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" START_SYNCHRONOUSLY "$start_sync" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $start_sync && $start_sync != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" STOP_SYNCHRONOUSLY "$stop_sync" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #======================================================== : Create the tape if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then [[ -z $description ]] && description="$tape at $device." [[ -n $start_script ]] && start_script_opt=" -p $start_script" [[ -n $stop_script ]] && stop_script_opt=" -P $stop_script" [[ $start_sync == @(y|t)* ]] && start_sync_opt=" -s1" # Sync [[ $start_sync == @(n|f)* ]] && start_sync_opt=" -s0" # Async [[ $stop_sync == @(y|t)* ]] && stop_sync_opt=" -S1" # Sync [[ $stop_sync == @(n|f)* ]] && stop_sync_opt=" -S0" # Async print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/claddtape -n \"$tape\" -D \"$description\" -d \"$device\" $start_script_opt $start_sync_opt $stop_script_opt $stop_sync_opt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/claddtape -n "$tape" \ -D "$description" \ -d "$device" \ $start_script_opt \ $start_sync_opt \ $stop_script_opt \ $stop_sync_opt rc=$? print "claddtape RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$tape" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes "$tape" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add tape -h" "TAPE:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_add_tape()" format l21+mb}bb&"~ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_add_userge_   et=ainors $O_cdfhlmpu".AEILRST[]gwy#(),/12:CGMNP\bkv!&'*-0;>DUx{|}3468rH<uL=gMP `< &H D &*.MgR5C\tv*2"؀ Iv(6 "$A qkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵig^d@b4fu# 4-YW|V`P^0Jv|n#T2oIeM=(]ǵkIfgu!ekbO]7oYofteگ*NIdWfu! 8/%Zլrt6AV;hyg3l3s+[+}OUW|"+:1ek7թqffTp_-zfڮwVT&<ೂlԣNRUWI]&?Bթ|;t70ĢĞ룂0u(nY>Ul)R=XKJ I[*vcR -Aڑj;ttV̠p_rקA3=HIeygkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵi3$Eɦ3a3ɒ",DqYd X=hFr7<;x1cu)0hxrH<uL=gMP `< &H D &*.MgR5C\tv*2"؀ Iv(Y!apbY೎lTd6%*VO;ͱSٝICNlTi0<<`pxT6Nzm<& fةTnwR.I*xL fةMw7;$Nm<& fةTnwR+:i0 08<*wbWܲ4NIW@408<*wbWƨ2j H0xxm^ gQR5m|`bS:Tei1S:ڵ zN <& "08<*wbWYbm<&  fQeE&NlT$#m<&  fةMw2,M xxMw2,Mܚ&eXxxp~;ͱSm<&  (Si9Ejxxp~;ͱSi:O PS:lfQe08<*wD̢i9E&NlTb4;ͱS,O CNlTH𘈀xxm_A&'[;ͱSkE!M@@S:L <&" fةŹREh|xLD fةIZM@`S:wQZEh|&b <<`pxT6NrD&ٹ08<*wbWsF≧J <&"NlT9Dm=7[WV)ͧ@hxxm^ç3Qh6NlTXtj2Nm<& fةgHצ@S:h5mgi0;ͱSpI9Ei@08<*wbW"ç3Qh4 fةd+T ڭ<&PS:w9E0` 08<*wbW"ç3QhթM@ 08<*wbW,:s5&uh6A§ٶ*uz,:s5&oQJBxL;ͱS]i0D<<`pxT6Ns)IgNu6@@S:EZ<&§ٶ*u{z\ͪ`(;ͱSIF Fs6O 0xxm^ĢͧP 08<*wbWܚrunxLNzrdE "MABB›[bECAyը:^=ZLH=Nf$'c"8ʀ]bWdBlT9i0 \x1QB@PPQP^` $wbWU3H‚V24 fةw,M"ç3QhfxL wrdE "MABB›[Y$ί Ac}Vä,LֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZ֝%)%*,6=+T kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZwbW&PM,,wbW$Qٶ*ux1TeQl:ON&ɒ",$Egfu)|3牓(aQrh wNgʌw#a=;@ʌw#mL @\w@ʌw#m֩(ʌw#m֩L|Qo7.%6 00Zsay&*(QKg(QB7 @B,,sbz#,p>cp>c@"(Hb~8Qlv 6<2b*Dx1QB+( rOrİ | 1V9GSɄ $ HXMDD;nHֵkZֵkZwga;-kZֵkZֵL|FNz`fxCrh*W v@3'<P%H&*(QRqh (%bvj|#{b.I@ ##x$D3'<P%H&*(QRq 8ejT̒RQe @bx$D:nzZ&ɒ",$EgѕN,*fu)spwv [2 a82nsp\ ĦÒ#sݫP;> Y7 8ej.{GN0ؓx1pM<"D @",;G;-kZֵkZֵkZֵkZӿİ5=7]nYn RzXۖfw[ZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵb  q P;;pD H$$,T(z "&2Lv0w<%D PX(zn74n(t;;p!dE* P T(z,:s5'1"bBBʙ#o^c&D!$C֊CQfNqH"" (D$FI4;;p!dE* P B!C|aә4\fc$,@ &DXP=w9EjTv0wRBȋ*T@AB"ç3Qhftc$,@ @DPd1jS8T".@P9J"@"`YB,:s5&uh1I ".@P9B(B"ł"ç3QhT,q6N XF Hc@XT6NHi1rS˗H\rT$`n` F3G2$pCp@0q$e$`n`;jͅgOԌ @ D1V8< L"Dv ^fpdɊDdE "*TP`5=QZ,0q)HwjNl/382ydE "Tl2b*(WpP(A-woT|=2  | @x$D3'<P%H&*(QRpYnY *\vڮEx;UȍcǏ"'&PMREJDD<ަ\{jo0CpXarSaPըfةw3jD{jozrfnL v@3j-:4q0qӣY3'<P%H&*(QRpC"PzVž0j[Ӥñ @Sfx"|XE ,Pi/DDX!2 ,ͫP|a"'&PMBh(DL$%QӣͫP|`QֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZw'*uj[aRjWI]&w[ZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵiS ϒ[[D",  aըfة2ŷr [w 9-1mܺH1mƩ-H1m;ͱSͪ [vb۸ [y,lŷ&Pb۫-ٶ*u|եAn)a- ŷZ&PbhAo4Aim^ ŷ6;4݁b۰ [usH1m [NlTgAnD [ui-: [u 0ӿ:w V4$QAnz ŷe-Aoh1mr [NlT-ŷrk1m8g7.%6 01A<Ŵv JlE, 3# /CpXarSaP$4ޛOzc._Tewrfը[u0 aˉM%BF  `NmTʁKifը[u0wreXn .\Jl9*0`70cs(1mYbm<&fQearSaPQ/Ğo7.%6 01A;1mfL4$#c._=ɮ"fQeĦÒ#s0H'qܚeXO 5L,0 .\Jl9*0`4<8*8x!,0q)H [Gr6VarSaPQL|},Υ J v@/3OEԶ0aK  VwAhl;6Pb;-QNQ/6Q3(CpXarSaP$͓(1m͓2,M&eXxx.%6 0wrz aˉM%BF  `NWՊՊ8,n .\Jl9*0`70cyK,եiVXq G7.%6 01A;Pb;3IFm{F;| 0:`ĦÒ#s0H'1mIʦ$|`8/RCpXarSaPը2֊CTl)awjY!ܒQfHjmɚw-:;db;rIEZ+E!M9iyi+I`ĦÒ#s0H'JŴvLm>i+I;|EG=jMen .\Jl9*0`70cuY-e\Si$zԚ+D1/喉Ms aˉM%BF  `Ovm-siYhѻ71/&(`ĦÒ#s0H'N Ŵv:PM=77M:Pwr:s5&ۖznVSn .\Jl9*0`70cvAhI$56ç3Qhg|`j9;|9EGu)ĦÒ#s0H'aDzVg{FIֺ\z,:s5'<\rT$`n` b;Ut|aә9;|S3mn .\Jl9*0`70cy2گIʚ|6q͢,x!,0q)H ӥm-&֊CQfNq/FI5 J  wAhwi"ç3Qh;|Xtj2Mm\\rT$`n` 1m-Pid+T ڣ._=w9E0 J  w*ŴvU=w9E08|aә4cjԧ J  w V4|#jԚz,:s5&mZ\z "ç3Qhʘ]&JS aˉM%BF  `NEpJT:pI9FT:4RUҘ˗]ENf$M)R^n .\Jl9*0`70cuQ-ޢ=w9E7Jc._=1\rT$`n` ŴvOewLhq織h:n .\Jl9*0`70cw$ۙMΜm=̦E%9\}ə&pCpXarSaP$ [GvíVrfwIíQ/Ğm3jĦÒ#s0H'a1mTA'Eڣ._>t`m3jĦÒ#s0H'b;s6O%&Eڣ._=Di+n .\Jl9*0`70cv%AhDi+ObQZJ8/!|;u0Z:u|;uaw&ۓ]mɚa ( ܚ [GnMw9ip8;Gw˗ϕ|F"{[& .;0`ڵؓx0<\d `0D ׊taY2 .K"3#(1g4Ɯ{x1gtbԤ{Pb2{1g YY,|2z^bϚ1g E, 0z ŞLş%e, Y먲 YfbN Ş1g Ybϓ(1gK8 Y$@ Ş@ ŞNzUA=w V4pHzA({(1g$,|܃{Ş|bٝHv<P%Eɠ(wNL @_< &T]0E3>cȮ4G YM, Ş Ş4 Y]$Ʃ,), ŞmT̠Ş Y2|A>lş6LŞW, YA>L ŞCH1g(1ghA>i*z,}ٴӳH1g6 Y(z Y6z 3H1g3H1g ŞAftb]BթM,(ŠŞz Ş YI,A= ş7 ŞĢ1g5Τw-:;>&HX*DM`P,,QtxIHE%\iԏޚ YNA=NAlA=XH1gZYd"}A=dbZ&Pbϒ2|U,Y,h1gfb`mtQ,sH1gɔӥm, fb] fb]'PA=w*ŞR Y$QA=w A=ܒ Y{A>nA=DPbrk1yΤ;&*(Q¢;,QtxIHErK"3#(1g4Ɯ{x1gtbԤ{Pb2{1g YY,|2z^bϚ1g E, 0z ŞLş%e, Y먲 YfbN Ş1g Ybϓ(1gK8 Y$@ Ş@ ŞNzUA=w V4pHzA({(1g$,|܃{Ş|bg:<$w|/x404 @aH,*%+3:PLK>IɊD4;aK7(&PpwjNl/382ydE "Tl2b*(W`(QZzԟqҕ:+{3O(&(qmkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZwIMFI>lROQw:ծkaә3ֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZִYyr!"j$ . 0mn * P 1jٶ*uzSb) ŷAiS._C>FsݫP;JlE$MbdE " PLA:Sb) ŴqMw\x1QB@PPyGf `N؊H1mzSb) 0RAhқI/ϑPyS._=%]4`(%h/RwjAh48w˗&*(Qh ̪ v@𼴍hZfw@:s5&8/ç3Qx!,0q)HwjbODqNjD@B,Jg6" YH1yΥ;ğ *gd $YaәJlE$ƐbٝHqI`*"TZͅgOT٩&w[ZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵL03>ImnPM12%Jᡸ$/喉Xtj2Mt  Ayըğ q$,DY"&@hx@"X2,ӖZ&ti<gR牓(aQrh x@"X2,ӖZ&ti<gR;I4ğ q$,DY"&@hȮ89eiNf g!<x1QB&<ֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZ֝%S67(گ*NOvjwIrnmkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkNz`f|ܠ%B"bdJCAݫP;a1QBJ(#@\ x1QB,X\wj&ɒ",$DZ,Τn=ԇlJ,T3y<qmkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZִ,gR(4WIlJ#oNzեQdNL𶵭kZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZֵkZw3$T!aDI Ka@|ܠ$(PdI Ka$rdE "(%,0q)HZ,say&*(QKg(QB4@TeV).|af,=g \X$܍@qYbDʇe18~B{1-u(:7AZjʛ⯔-wCajzf;rRa7ĉIe*6; 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_are_pvids_shared =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:23 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:00:28 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_are_pvids_shared.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_are_pvids_shared =head1 DESCRIPTION Searches through /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/config/clvg_config to determines if the all PVIDs in the list can be accessed from more that one node in the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. pvids [REQUIRED] [string] A list of one or more PVIDs to use for the search. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_are_pvids_shared { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_are_pvids_shared.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* pvids=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i nodes_found=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset conf_dir="$HAETC/config" if [[ $pvids != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS for pvid in $pvids; do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/grep -c \$pvid\" \"$conf_dir/clvg_config\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands nodes_found=$(/usr/bin/grep -c "$pvid" "$conf_dir/clvg_config" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print "nodes_found: $nodes_found" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $nodes_found <= 1 )); then rc=$RC_ERROR break; fi done else rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_are_pvids_shared()" es/li kh1+2bbb&2 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rbac_refreshroupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rbac_refresh.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rbacrefresh # # Description: This is the function that is invoked by clmgr rbac_refresh # It uses the "cl_rbac_cmds" utility to generate list of # commands and refresh the Power HA commands by setting the # innate privileges and inherit privileges for the identified # commands. # Inputs: # NA # Outputs: # NA # Returns: # 0 -- success # 1 -- failure #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rbac_refresh { . /usr/es/sbin/cluster/cspoc/cl_federatedsec_source fsec_init . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rbac_refresh.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* # Declare and initialize variables typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset FSECFUNCNAME="run_on_allnode" # File to fetch PowerHA SM commands to categorize roles CMDS_FILE=${HA_BASE_PATH}/cspoc/cl_rbac_cmds #reading POWERHASM commands file while read LINE do [[ $LINE == \#* ]] && continue if echo $LINE |grep -qw "ADMIN" ; then CMD_AUTH="PowerHASM.admin" elif echo $LINE |grep -qw "OPERATOR" ; then CMD_AUTH="PowerHASM.op" elif echo $LINE |grep -qw "MONITOR" ; then CMD_AUTH="PowerHASM.mon" elif echo $LINE |grep -qw "VIEW" ; then CMD_AUTH="PowerHASM.view" fi CMD_PATH=$(echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d":") [[ -z $CMD_PATH ]] && ret_fail "Command not found." 1 # Skipping the further process if command is listed in cl_rbac_cmds but it #is not found on the node in any path, as there may be a case #that the fileset is not installed. # In that case we will continue to enable RBAC for other commands instead of #exiting with an error. if [[ ! -s $CMD_PATH ]];then fileset=$(lslpp -wc $CMD_PATH | grep $CMD_PATH | grep -v "#" | cut -d: -f2) if [[ -z $fileset ]];then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1438 "\nWARNING: Failed to enable \"%1\$s\" for RBAC because fileset is not installed. Please run the operation after installing the missing fileset.\n\n" "$CMD_PATH" else cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1439 "\nWARNING: Failed to enable \"%1\$s\" for RBAC because \"%2\$s\" is not properly installed. Please run the operation after installing the fileset properly.\n\n" "$CMD_PATH" "$fileset" fi continue fi # This can be made more secure with respect to privileges by running each command with all #the options. Get a unique list of all the privileges for a particular command. # Basically each command has to run for all code paths using "tracepriv" just like truss to #get complete list of privileges required to run a particular command. # Get innate and inherit privileges for each command in cl_rbac_cmds file CMD_PRIVS="" INHERIT_PRIVS="" CMD_PRIVS=$(echo $LINE | cut -f3 -d":") INHERIT_PRIVS=$(echo $LINE | cut -f4 -d":") # Privilege "PV_LIVE_UPDATE" is introduced to support live update feature of AIX. # Remove this privilege from inherit privilege list on older version of AIX, where # lvupdate feature is not supported. lspriv -v | grep -wq "PV_LIVE_UPDATE" if (( $? != 0 ));then if echo $INHERIT_PRIVS | grep -wq "PV_LIVE_UPDATE" ; then INHERIT_PRIVS=$(echo "$INHERIT_PRIVS" | sed "s/,PV_LIVE_UPDATE//g;s/PV_LIVE_UPDATE,//g") fi fi # Set security attibutes and innate privileges identified for the command if [[ -z $CMD_PRIVS ]] then STD_ERR=$(setsecattr -R LDAP -c accessauths=$CMD_AUTH secflags=FSF_EPS $CMD_PATH >/dev/null 2>&1) if [[ -n $STD_ERR ]]; then log_return_msg "$RC_ERROR" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi else STD_ERR=$(setsecattr -R LDAP -c accessauths=$CMD_AUTH innateprivs="$CMD_PRIVS" secflags=FSF_EPS $CMD_PATH >/dev/null 2>&1) if [[ -n $STD_ERR ]]; then log_return_msg "$RC_ERROR" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi fi # Set inherit privileges identified for the command. if [[ -n $INHERIT_PRIVS ]] then STD_ERR=$(setsecattr -R LDAP -c inheritprivs="$INHERIT_PRIVS" $CMD_PATH 2>&1) if [[ -n $STD_ERR ]]; then log_return_msg "$RC_ERROR" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi fi # Command "cl_mkvg" requires effective user ID as 0 in order to execute successfully. # Set euid to 0 for this utility if echo $CMD_PATH | grep -wq "cl_mkvg" ; then STD_ERR=$(setsecattr -R LDAP -c euid=0 $CMD_PATH 2>&1) if [[ -n $STD_ERR ]]; then log_return_msg "$RC_ERROR" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi fi done < $CMDS_FILE # Changing file permission so that other users cannot access it unless they have required role run_on_allnode "find /var/hacmp -type f|xargs -i chmod o-rwx {}" >/dev/null || ret_fail "chmod failed." $? # Setting read auths for all hacmp log files hacmp_FILES=$(find /var/hacmp -type f) || ret_fail "finding other log files failed." $? for X in $hacmp_FILES do STD_ERR=$(setsecattr -R LDAP -f readauths="PowerHASM.view" $X 2>&1 1>/dev/null) if [[ -n $STD_ERR ]]; then log_return_msg "$RC_ERROR" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi done log_return_msg "$RC_SUCCESS" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } #End of "KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rbac_refresh()" stalle k1+'b}bb&' # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rehearsalsh#!/bin/ksh93 # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rehearsals.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # #===================================================== # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via emacs or vim. #===================================================== # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #===================================================== # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rehearsals =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage cluster rehearsals RESOURCE_GROUP="[,,,...]" NOTE: The alias for "rehearsals" is "reh". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the Failover Rehearsals for resource group. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. resource_group_name [REQUIRED] [string] Get failover rehearsals of Target storages and mirroring of resource group. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" function KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rehearsals { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset rgs=${1//\"/} rgs=${rgs//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_SUCCESS #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? else # : Check the cluster type, return if not Linked Cluster # typeset -i cluster_type=$(clodmget -n -f multi_site_lc HACMPcluster) if (( $cluster_type != 1 )) then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1163 "\nERROR: Failover rehearsals are supported in linked cluster only.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ $rgs != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then for rg in $rgs; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg "$rg" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi done if (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 154 "Available Resource Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" RESOURCE_GROUP 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_get_rehearsals -r \"$rgs\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cl_get_rehearsals -r "$rgs" rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_get_rehearsals -r \"$rgs\" rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT )) && [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "manage cluster -h" "CLUSTER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_cluster_rehearsals()" E k>1+^b}bb&^ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_collect_logsrsalsh#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_collect_logs.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_collect_logs.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_collect_logs =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:03 Last Changed: 10/28/13 16:42:16 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_collect_logs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr collect logs \ [ DIRECTORY="" ] \ [ NODES=[,,,...] ] \ [ RSCT_LOGS={yes|no} ] \ =head1 DESCRIPTION Collects the PowerHA logs and various other service information. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. DIRECTORY [OPTIONAL] [string] An alternate directory into which the collected logs will be placed. 2. NODES [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more nodes from which to retrieve the logs (defaulting to the local node). 3. RSCT_LOGS [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like indicator of whether or not the RSCT logs should also be collected (along with the PowerHA logs). =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function on_exit_collect_logs { /usr/bin/rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHcl.$$ } function KLIB_HACMP_collect_logs { trap 'on_exit_collect_logs' EXIT LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version= @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_collect_logs.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM typeset DIRECTORY=${1//\"/} typeset NODES=${2%%+([[:space:]])} NODES=${NODES##+([[:space:]])} NODES=${NODES//+([[:space:]])/,} NODES=${NODES//\"/} typeset -l RSCT_LOGS=${3//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset dopt= sopt= nopt= [[ -n $DIRECTORY ]] && dopt="-d $DIRECTORY" [[ -n $NODES ]] && nopt="-n $NODES" [[ $RSCT_LOGS == @(n|f)* ]] && sopt="-s" #============================================================== : The return code from clsnap is unreliable. So we are forced : to parse the output information to determine if there is : enough space to run this operation. #============================================================== print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LC_ALL=C LANG=C $HAUTILS/clsnap $dopt $nopt $sopt -p 1" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands LC_ALL=C LANG=C $HAUTILS/clsnap $dopt $nopt $sopt -p 1 |\ /usr/bin/tee $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHcl.$$ if [[ ! -s $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHcl.$$ ]] || \ ! grep -q "kb Required" $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHcl.$$ || \ grep -q "not enough" $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHcl.$$ then log_return_msg "$RC_ERROR" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clsnap $dopt $nopt $sopt -p 2" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clsnap $dopt $nopt $sopt -p 2 rc=$? print "clsnap -p 2 RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_collect_logs()" == k,1+,"b}bb&," # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_compare_clusterlsh#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_compare_cluster.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_compare_cluster # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to compare clusters. It uses the "clccv" utility to # generate a json report. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: None - generates a json file. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_compare_cluster { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version="@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_compare_cluster.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM" : INPUTS: $* typeset hosts=${1//\"/} typeset DIRECTORY=${2//\"/} typeset DISABLE_EXPECT=${3//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset MSG="" typeset dOpt="" typeset eOpt="" #=================================== : Validate inputs #=================================== # clccv takes 1 or 2 host names: # 1) if one name is given it is assumed the local cluster configuration # will be used for comparison and the provided name is a node in a remote # cluster. # 2) if two names are given, they are both assumed to be nodes in # a remote cluster, though the clever user might give the hostname # of a cluster node in the same cluster as this one, thus achieving the # the same as (1) above. # # no matter what they must be comma separated, so we begin by checking # for that if [[ $hosts == *([[:space:]]) || $hosts != *,* ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" "," 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT # additional help message will be printed below fi : Directory arg must be a directory if [[ -n $DIRECTORY ]]; then dOpt="-d $DIRECTORY" if [[ $DIRECTORY != *([[:space:]])/* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to be in absolute format:\n %1\$s\n\n" "$DIRECTORY" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else if [[ ! -d $DIERCTORY ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 136 "\nWarning: the directory in \"%1\$s\" does not yet exist.\n An attempt will be made to create that directory.\n\n" "$DIERCTORY" mkdir -p "$DIERCTORY" if [[ ! -d $DIERCTORY ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "ERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$DIERCTORY" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi fi fi [[ -n "$DISABLE_EXPECT" ]] && eOpt="-E" #=================================================== : Invoke clccv for the comparison - clccv takes care of : all additional input validation #=================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clccv -n $hosts $dOPT $eOPT" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clccv -n $hosts $dOpt $eOpt 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clccv RC=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then # clccv will have shown detailed error information dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 109 "\nERROR: the operation appears to have failed.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then print -u2 "" cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "compare cluster -h" "CLUSTER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose even if the man pages are installed. # As a result of this, it is imperative that the information in # this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync with the man page information. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_compare_cluster =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr compare cluster , \ [ DIRECTORY="/absolute/path/to/store/results" ] \ [ DISABLE_EXPECT ] NOTE: the alias for "cluster" is "cl". NOTE: aliases for "compare" are "comp", "diff". =head1 DESCRIPTION Compares the cluster configuration on the cluster nodes specified by host name. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. hosts [REQUIRED] string Comma separated list of two hosts to compare. Either can be: o host name of a node in a remote cluster o host name of a node in a the same cluster as where this command is being run If only one host is given, it is assumed the local cluster will be used for the comparison. All remote hosts must be accessible using ssh and scp. The user may be prompted one or more times to enter that password. 2. DIRECTORY [OPTIONAL] string Path to use when saving the results of the comparison. Default is "/tmp". 3. DISABLE_EXPECT [OPTIONAL] PowerHA will use "expect" by default to reduce the number of times the user must enter a password. This flag specifies that expect should not be used, even if it is available. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== ]])  k'1+ ,b}bb& , # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_compare_snapshotsh#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_compare_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_compare_snapshot # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to compare snapshot. It uses the "clsnapshot" utility # with the "preview" option to generate a report. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: Output from the clsnapshot preview. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_compare_snapshot { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version="@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_compare_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM" : INPUTS: $* typeset snapshots=${1//\"/} typeset SNAPSHOTPATH=${2//\"/} typeset SECTION=${3//\"/} typeset PAGER=${4//\"/} typeset SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH=${5//\"/} typeset SDIFF_FLAGS=${6//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset MSG="" typeset Sopt="" #=================================== : Validate inputs #=================================== # "clsnapshot compare" takes 2 names which can be keywords, full path # names, snapshot names or a combination - see the devDoc for details - # no matter what they must be comma separated, so we begin by checking # for that if [[ $snapshots == *([[:space:]]) || $snapshots != *,* ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 200 "\nERROR: missing required argument: %1\$s\n" "," 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT # additional help message will be printed below fi # Oddly, clsnapshot takes a few things from the env where there is no # command line equivalent to do the same thing - so we shall take the # clmgr inputs, verify them as best we can, and export them to the shell # before invoking clsnapshot # SNAPSHOTPATH must be an absolute path if [[ -n $SNAPSHOTPATH ]] then if [[ $SNAPSHOTPATH != /* ]]; then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$SNAPSHOTPATH") MSG="$MSG (SNAPSHOTPATH @ $LOCAL_NODE)" cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else export CLSNAPSHOT_SNAPSHOTPATH=$SNAPSHOTPATH fi fi # clsnapshot itself will check if any specified section is valid # and exists in both snapshots, so we do no explicit check of the optional # SECTION input here [[ $SECTION != *([[:space:]]) ]] && Sopt="-S $SECTION" # According to the man page for sdiff the output width must be in the # range of 20 - 2048, but in reality it will throw an error if 20 is # used, so we go with 21 here if [[ -n $SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH ]] then CL=$LINENO verify_numeric_range "$SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH" 21 2048 SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else export CLSNAPSHOT_SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH=$SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH fi fi # Check "pager" and "flags" for shell execution characters, otherwise # we just export them as is if [[ -n $PAGER ]] then if [[ $PAGER == *@(\`|\$\(|\|)* ]] then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 133 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" option contains a shell execution character: %2\$s\n\n" PAGER "$PAGER" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else # make sure it exists if [[ ! -x $PAGER ]] then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$PAGER" $(hostname)) MSG="$MSG (PAGER)" cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else export CLSNAPSHOT_PAGER=$PAGER fi fi fi if [[ -n $SDIFF_FLAGS ]] then if [[ $SDIFF_FLAGS == *@(\`|\$\(|\|)* ]] then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 133 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" option contains a shell execution character: %2\$s\n\n" SDIFF_FLAGS "$SDIFF_FLAGS" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else export CLSNAPSHOT_SDIFF_FLAGS=$SDIFF_FLAGS fi fi #=================================================== : Invoke clsnapshot for the comparison - clsnapshot takes care of : all additional input validation #=================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot $Sopt -p $snapshots " >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clsnapshot $Sopt -p $snapshots 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot RC=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then # clsnapshot will have shown detailed error information dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 109 "\nERROR: the operation appears to have failed.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then print -u2 "" cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "compare snapshot -h" "SNAPSHOT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose even if the man pages are installed. # As a result of this, it is imperative that the information in # this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync with the man page information. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_compare_snapshot =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr compare snapshot , \ [ SNAPSHOTPATH="/absolute/path/to/search/for/snapshots" ] \ [ SECTION="list,of,sections,to,compare" ] \ [ PAGER="pager_command" ] \ [ SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH="21 .. 2048" ] \ [ SDIFF_FLAGS="flags_for_sdiff" ] NOTE: the alias for "snapshot" is "sn". =head1 DESCRIPTION Compares the specified snapshots. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. snapshots [REQUIRED] string Comma separated list of two entities to compare. Either entity can be: o a snapshot name. o full path (begins with "/") to a snapshot file including the ".odm" suffix. o the keyword "DCD" to compare the configuration in the Default Configuration Directory. o the keyword "ACD" to compare the configuration in the Active Configuration Directory. If the first entity is not specified, it defaults to the DCD. If the second entity is not specified, it defaults to the ACD. 2. SNAPSHOTPATH [OPTIONAL] string Path to use when searching for snapshots. Must begin with "/". Default is "/usr/es/sbin/cluster/snapshots". If a full path to a snapshot is given, this input is ignored. 3. SECTION [OPTIONAL] string Comma separated list of sections to compare between the 2 snapshots provided. Note this is only valid with the "compare" action of clmgr. 4. PAGER [OPTIONAL] string Compare snapshot uses "sdiff" to generate differences and the sdiff output is then displayed using "pg" by default. This argument can be used to specify a different command other than "pg". 5. SDIFF_OUTPUT_WIDTH [OPTIONAL] integer The sdiff command can produce results with a specific width which defaults to 200 columns. This input can be used to sepcify a different width, between 21 and 2048 columns. 6. SDIFF_FLAGS [OPTIONAL] string Any additional flags to be passed to the sdiff command. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== rom t kh1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitorh#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitor.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)65 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitor.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:22 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitor =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:52 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:22 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitor.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete application_monitor {[,,,...] | ALL } =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more application monitors from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. MONITORS [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) application monitors to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitor { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitor.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset MONITORS=${1//\"/} MONITORS=${MONITORS//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset MONITOR= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $MONITORS ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$MONITORS if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then MONITORS= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do MONITORS="$MONITORS ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $MONITORS == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 321 "Warning: there are no application monitors to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #======================================================================= : Delete the application monitor if no input errors have been detected #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for MONITOR in $MONITORS; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor "$MONITOR" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$MONITOR" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 141 "Available Application Monitors:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmappmon \"$MONITOR\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmappmon "$MONITOR" rc=$? print "clrmappmon RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$MONITOR" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete application_monitor -h" "APPLICATION MONITOR:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_appmonitor()" "$0( k61+Xb}bb&X # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserverh#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserver.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)18 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:22 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserver =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:48 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:22 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete application_controller {[,,,...] |\ ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more application controllers from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. APPLICATIONS [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) application controllers to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserver { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset APPLICATIONS=${1//\"/} APPLICATIONS=${APPLICATIONS//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset APPLICATION= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $APPLICATIONS ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$APPLICATIONS if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then APPLICATIONS= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do APPLICATIONS="$APPLICATIONS ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $APPLICATIONS == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 320 "Warning: there are no application controllers to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #====================================================================== : Delete the application server if no input errors have been detected #====================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for APPLICATION in $APPLICATIONS; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver "$APPLICATION" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$APPLICATION" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 140 "Available Application Controllers:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmserv \"$APPLICATION\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmserv "$APPLICATION" rc=$? print " RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS)); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$APPLICATION" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete application_controller -h" "APPLICATION CONTROLLER:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_appserver()"  k1+'b~bb&' # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_backup_profileoupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2019,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_backup_profile.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_backup_profile =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete backup_profile {[,,...] | ALL} \ [ CANCEL_BACKUP={no|yes} ] backup_profile => bp, backup_p, replication_profile =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to delete backup profile configuration and backup data for specified resource group or All resource groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. resource_group [REQUIRED] [string] Resource group name can be single or multiple resource groups All resource group can be deleted if 'All' is specified. 3. CANCEL_BACKUP [OPTIONAL] [string] Cancels running backup process. Default value no. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_delete_backup_profile # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to delete backup configuration. The cl_cbm_list utility is # used to query backup configuraton and cl_cbm_delete utility # is invoked to delete data from xml file. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the top of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the top of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_delete_backup_profile { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_backup_profile.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset rgs=${1//\"} rgs=${rgs//,/ } typeset cancel_backup=${2//\"} [[ -z $TAB ]] && TAB=$'\t' [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset rg= available= output= unknown_rg= typeset -l lc_rg=$rgs typeset nodelist="" #==================================== : Check python is installed or not #==================================== LANG=C cl_get_python_version 2>&1 >>/dev/null rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1315 "\nERROR: Python must be installed for using backup feature.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $rc fi #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY else #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $rgs ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result available=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ $lc_rg != "all" ]] then for rg in $rgs do echo "$available" | grep -wq $rg || unknown_rg=${unknown_rg:+$unknown_rg,}$rg done if [[ -n $unknown_rg ]] then available=$(echo "$available" | sed "s/^/$TAB/g") cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1191 "\nERROR: Resource group \"%1\$s\" not configured for backup.\n\n" "$unknown_rg" 1>&2 cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1192 "Configured resource groups for backup:\n\n" 1>&2 print -u2 "$available" print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi else # Delete all configured RGs rgs="" for rg in $available do rgs="${rgs:+$rgs }$rg" done # If no RG to delete, consider it is ok if [[ -z $rgs ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1197 "\nERROR: No resource group configured for backup.\n\n" 1>&2 fi rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi # Validate cancel_backup value. if [[ -n $cancel_backup ]] then CL=$LINENO verify_in_set CANCEL_BACKUP "$cancel_backup" "yes no" cancel_backup if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS ));then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi else cancel_backup="no" fi if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) ; then for rg in $rgs; do if [[ $cancel_backup == "yes" ]] then #Even if cancellations fails log error and continue with delete print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_cancel_backup $rg" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result LANG=C cl_cbm_cancel_backup "$rg" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_cancel_backup $rg RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_delete $rg" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result output=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_delete "$rg" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_delete $rg RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result # If rootvg_profile is removed from backup configuration, then coresponding timer should be removed if [[ $rg == "rootvg_profile" ]] then cl_cbm_rootvg_timer -r odmdelete -o HACMPtimersvc -q "name = cbm_rootvg_timer" >>/dev/null fi if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS ));then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_delete $rg RC:$rc \noutput=$output" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1198 "\nERROR: failed to remove backup configuration for resource group \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR break else # if backup profile got deleted then remove the corresponding HACMPresource entry print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmdelete -o HACMPresource -q "group=$rg AND name=BACKUP_ENABLED" " >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG odmdelete -o HACMPresource -q "group=$rg AND name=BACKUP_ENABLED" >>/dev/null print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmdelete -o HACMPresource -q "group=$rg AND name=BACKUP_ENABLED" RC:$?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi done fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete backup_profile -h" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_backup_profile()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ in  lM1+9vb}bb&C # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_clusterrofil    =enorst $CEL_acdil"#():ADGIMNORSTfhmpu-./01>P[]gv&,2;HU\bwy%'3?BFKk!*+4567VYx{}9WfM<k3d#/ %f +x5:̝e b,9&'+;^|M::_<'ax'`ΫB lɘVHmr WX'[:̝e&'+s/qVYVxYbۄ}Xq5;*<#'1M-sx4ehVF_N!@k,y&;Yp@sUNjv`nUk edؓxmmmmmmmmmm<֭L0z$^Yʋ2v8S 51d#/t´$*T[.R[qH +)?v'/m`@T|F<,*`rd&TY*8 N (zTH'/'0A40p Ǔ?vHx4q90r   *9^` yh"2%L$rG oʵz5Y;0< S&D劑(<]6$X 6\^aGmmmm;!+2U5,4jAmmmmm?! wU90&TJ*A"kPy4Lp7P,ҀqBSX=jdTBTe* ?! 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APPCTRL [REQUIRED] [string] One or All already-configured application controllers to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_cod { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_cod.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1507A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset application_controllers=${1//\"} application_controllers=${application_controllers//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN i=0 typeset application_controller= typeset -u uc_val=$application_controllers #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $application_controllers == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ $uc_val == "ALL" ]]; then application_controllers="" typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_cod available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do application_controllers="$application_controllers ${available[$i]}" done else for application_controller in $application_controllers; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod "$application_controller" >/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 317 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" is not configured for Resource Optimized High Availabity services.\n\n" "$application_controller" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 169 "Available Application Controllers Configured for Resource Optimized High Availabity:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_cod available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver "$application_controller" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$application_controller" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 140 "Available Application Controllers:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi done fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for application_controller in $application_controllers; do print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchserv -o \"$application_controller\" -u 0 -m 0.0 -c 0 -p 0.0 -v 0" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG clchserv -o "$application_controller" -u 0 -m 0.0 -c 0 -p 0.0 -v 0 rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchserv -o \"$application_controller\" -u 0 -m 0.0 -c 0 -p 0.0 -v 0 rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 318 "\nERROR: failed to remove the Resource Optimized High Availability settings from \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$application_controller" 1>&2 break fi done fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete cod -h" "COD:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_cod()" $CLM k41+w9b}bb&w9 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependencyil#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependency.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)01 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:24 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependency =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:46 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:24 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete dependency { | ALL} \ [ TYPE={PARENT_CHILD|STOP_AFTER|START_AFTER|\ SAME_NODE|SAME_SITE|DIFFERENT_NODES} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes the specified dependency from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. dependency [REQUIRED] [string] The dependency that is to be deleted. 2. explicit_type [OPTIONAL] [string] The type of dependency that is being deleted. This is strictly a performance optimization, to eliminate having to divine the type from the dependency string itself. From the following set: PARENT_CHILD STOP_AFTER START_AFTER SAME_NODE or NODECOLLOCATION SAME_SITE or SITECOLLOCATION, DIFFERENT_NODES or ANTICOLLOCATION 3. rg [OPTIONAL] [string] A specific resource group to target for dependency removal. If this value is specified, every dependency that involves the specified resource group will be removed. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependency { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset DEPENDENCIES=${1//\"/} # Required typeset explicit_type=${2//\"/} # Optional typeset rg=${3//\"/} # Optional [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset dependency= implicit_type= typeset -u type= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ $DEPENDENCIES == *([[:space:]]) && -z $rg ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -n $DEPENDENCIES && -n $rg ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 36 "\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n\ \"%1\$s\" versus \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "$DEPENDENCIES" RESOURCE_GROUP 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$DEPENDENCIES if [[ $uctext == "ALL" || -n $rg ]]; then DEPENDENCIES= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do dep="${available[$i]}" [[ $dep == *@(SERIAL|PARALLEL)* ]] && continue dep=${dep// /} DEPENDENCIES="$DEPENDENCIES $dep" done if [[ $DEPENDENCIES == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 322 "Warning: there are no resource group dependencies to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi fi #============================================================== : Delete the dependency if no input errors have been detected #============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for dependency in $DEPENDENCIES; do if [[ $dependency == *\(*\)* ]]; then implicit_type=${dependency##*\(} implicit_type=${implicit_type%%\)*} type=$implicit_type dependency=${dependency/\(*\)} fi if [[ -n $explicit_type ]]; then if [[ $explicit_type == *\(*\)* ]]; then explicit_type=${explicit_type##*\(} explicit_type=${explicit_type%%\)*} fi type=$explicit_type fi #================= : Validate input #================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -n $implicit_type && -n $explicit_type && \ $implicit_type != $explicit_type ]] then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 314 "\nERROR: the specified implicit dependency type, \"%1\$s\", does\n not match the specified explicit dependency type, \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "$implicit_type" "$explicit_type" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -z $type ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency "$dependency" : "DEPTYPE" gets set by KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency if [[ $DEPTYPE == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 315 "\nERROR: the specified dependency, \"%1\$s\", is ambiguous\n and could be referring to any of the following dependency types:\n %2\$s\n Please specify which dependency type you intended to delete by\n using the \"TYPE\" attribute.\n" "$dependency" "$DEPTYPE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else type=$DEPTYPE fi fi if [[ $type == @(ACQ|REL)* ]]; then typeset ERRMSG="\ ERROR: the specified dependency cannot be deleted: %1\$s It is a resource group processing order dependency (its type is \"%2\$s\"), so it can only be modified, not removed. If your intention was to remove a different dependency, of a different type, then you will need to specify the type using the \"TYPE\" option. This can happen when a dependency uses the same nodes as one of the resource group processing orders.\n " CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 352 "$ERRMSG" "$dependency" "$type" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT break fi CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency "$dependency" "$type" typeset -i is_known=$? if (( $is_known != RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $type ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 312 "\nERROR: no \"%1\$s\" dependencies involving \"%2\$s\"\n could be found.\n\n" "$type" "$dependency" 1>&2 else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 313 "\nERROR: no dependencies involving \"%1\$s\" could be found.\n\n" "$dependency" 1>&2 fi /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 142 "Available Dependencies:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else #========================================================= : If a specified resource group was provide, only delete : the dependency if it contains that resource group. #========================================================= if [[ -n $rg ]]; then typeset split=${dependency//\+/ } split=${split//,/ } [[ " $split " != *\ $rg\ * ]] && continue fi case $type in "PARENT_CHILD") current_parent=${dependency%%\+*} current_parent=${current_parent//,/ } current_children=${dependency##*\+} current_children=${current_children//,/ } for child in $current_children; do print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t \"$type\" -d -p \"$current_parent\" -c \"$child\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t "$type" -d \ -p "$current_parent" \ -c "$child" (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$? done ;; "STOP_AFTER") current_after=${dependency%%\+*} current_after=${current_after//,/ } current_stop=${dependency##*\+} current_stop=${current_stop//,/ } for child in $current_stop; do print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t \"$type\" -d -c \"$current_after\" -p \"$child\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t "$type" -d \ -c "$current_after" \ -p "$child" (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$? done ;; "START_AFTER") current_after=${dependency%%\+*} current_after=${current_after//,/ } current_start=${dependency##*\+} current_start=${current_start//,/ } for child in $current_start; do print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t \"$type\" -d -p \"$current_after\" -c \"$child\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t "$type" -d \ -p "$current_after" \ -c "$child" (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$? done ;; @(SAME_NODE|NODECOLLOCATION)) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t \"NODECOLLOCATION\" -d -l\"${dependency//,/ }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t "NODECOLLOCATION" -d \ -l"${dependency//,/ }" rc=$? ;; @(SAME_SITE|SITECOLLOCATION)) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t \"SITECOLLOCATION\" -d -l\"${dependency//,/ }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t "SITECOLLOCATION" -d \ -l"${dependency//,/ }" rc=$? ;; @(DIFFERENT_NODES|ANTICOLLOCATION)) # Only one of these print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t \"ANTICOLLOCATION\" -u -hp \"\" -ip \"\" -lp \"\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t "ANTICOLLOCATION" -u \ -hp "" \ -ip "" \ -lp "" rc=$? ;; *) rc=$RC_ERROR ;; esac print "clrgdependency RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS && $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi done fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete dependency -h" "DEPENDENCY:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && rc=$RC_SUCCESS log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_dependency()" \ k1+Zb}bb&Z # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_efsn#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_efs.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)49 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:25 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_efs =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:30 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:25 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete efs =head1 DESCRIPTION Disables EFS in this cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_efs { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == "med" ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #============== : Disable EFS #============== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s 129 cspoc.cat 75 "EFS Keystore is not configured.\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_delete_efs" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/cl_delete_efs rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 41 "\nERROR: failed to disable %1\$s.\n\n" EFS 1>&2 fi fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete efs -h" "EFS:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_efs()"  kJ1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_eventencyil#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_event.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_event =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:42:01 Last Changed: 4/29/13 13:18:08 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_event.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete event {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more custom cluster events from the local system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. events [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) event devices to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_event { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_event.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset events=${1//\"/} events=${events//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset event= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $events ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$events if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then events= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do events="$events ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $events == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 334 "Warning: there are no events to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #======================================================== : Delete the event if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for event in $events; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event "$event" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$event" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 170 "Available Events:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmcustom -t event -n \"$event\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmcustom -t event -n "$event" rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrmcustom RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset predef CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events predef TYPE=PREDEFINED for (( i=0; i<${#predef[*]}; i++ )); do typeset -A eProps CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes "${predef[$i]}" eProps TYPE=PREDEFINED for key in PRE_EVENT_COMMAND POST_EVENT_COMMAND; do if [[ " ${eProps[$key]//,/ } " == *\ $event\ * ]] then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '*** Removing "%1$s" from "%2$s" in event "%3$s".\n' "$event" "$key" "${eProps[NAME]}" typeset NEW_EVENTS=" ${eProps[$key]//,/ } " NEW_EVENTS=$(CL=$LINENO trim ${NEW_EVENTS/ $event / }) NEW_EVENTS=${NEW_EVENTS// /,} case $key in PRE_EVENT_COMMAND) $HAUTILS/clmgr -T $CLMGR_TRANSACTION_ID modify event "${predef[$i]}" PRE_EVENT_COMMAND="$NEW_EVENTS" ;; POST_EVENT_COMMAND) $HAUTILS/clmgr -T $CLMGR_TRANSACTION_ID modify event "${predef[$i]}" POST_EVENT_COMMAND="$NEW_EVENTS" ;; esac cmd_rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$cmd_rc /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: failed to remove "%1$s" from "%2$s" in event "%3$s".\n\n' "$event" "$key" "${eProps[NAME]}" 1>&2 fi fi done unset eProps done else rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$event" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete event -h" "EVENT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_event()" _SUC k궕1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timeroupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timer.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timer.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timer =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:03 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:26 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timer.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete fallback_timer {[,,,...] ] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more fallback timers from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. timers [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) fallback timers to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timer { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timer.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset timers=${1//\"/} timers=${timers//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset timer= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $timers ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$timers if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then timers= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do timers="$timers ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $timers == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 323 "Warning: there are no fallback timers to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #================================================================== : Delete the fallback timer if no input errors have been detected #================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for timer in $timers; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer "$timer" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$timer" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 143 "Available Fallback Timers:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cltimerpolicy -a remove -n $timer" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cltimerpolicy -a remove -n $timer rc=$? print "cltimerpolicy RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$timer" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete fallback_timer -h" "FALLBACK TIMER:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_fallback_timer()"  k(u1+=b}bb&= # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_file_systeme#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_file_system.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_file_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_file_system =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete file_system {[,,...] | ALL} \ [ REMOVE_MOUNT_POINT={false|true} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more file systems from the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. file_systems [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) file systems to attempt to delete. 2. rm_mount_point {OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates if the mount point should be removed, too. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_file_system { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_file_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset file_systems=${1//\"/} file_systems=${file_systems//,/ } typeset -l rm_mount_point=${2//\"/} typeset non_existent_fs="" [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset file_system= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $file_systems ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$file_systems if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then file_systems= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do file_systems="$file_systems ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $file_systems == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 342 "Warning: there are no file systems to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #================================================================ : Delete the file systems if no input errors have been detected #================================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for file_system in $file_systems; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system "$file_system" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$file_system" 1>&2 non_existent_fs="true" else typeset rOpt="" [[ $rm_mount_point == @(y|t)* ]] && rOpt=" -r" typeset nodes="" typeset -A fsAttrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_file_system_attributes "$file_system" fsAtrs nodes=${fsAttrs[NODES]} print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): _CSPOC_CALLED_FROM_SMIT=true _CSPOC_MODE=both $HASBIN/cl_rmfs -cspoc "-n $nodes"$rOpt \"$file_system\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands _CSPOC_CALLED_FROM_SMIT=true _CSPOC_MODE=both $HASBIN/cl_rmfs -cspoc "-n $nodes"$rOpt "$file_system" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$file_system" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi if [[ $non_existent_fs == "true" ]]; then printf "\n" #A new line to make console output more structured and spacious. /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 145 "Available File Systems:\n\n" typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u1 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete file_system -h" "FILE SYSTEM:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_file_system()" /\" k1+]b}bb&] # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollectionoupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollection.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)74 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:27 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollection =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:58 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:27 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete file_collection {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more file collections from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. fcnames [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) file collections to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollection { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset fcnames=${1//\"/} fcnames=${fcnames//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset fcname= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $fcnames ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$fcnames if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then fcnames= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do [[ ${available[$i]} == @(Configuration_Files|HACMP_Files) ]] && continue fcnames="$fcnames ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $fcnames == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 324 "Warning: there are no file collections to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #=================================================================== : Delete the file collection if no input errors have been detected #=================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for fcname in $fcnames; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection "$fcname" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$fcname" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 144 "Available File Collections:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -r \"$fcname\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -r "$fcname" rc=$? print "clfilecollection RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$fcname" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete file_collection -h" "FILE COLLECTION:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_filecollection()" .as kꮜ1+,b}bb&, # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_groupllectio#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_group.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)06 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:27 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:57 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:27 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete group \ [ RESOURCE_GROUP= ] \ [ REGSITRY={files|LDAP} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more AIX groups from either all the cluster nodes, or from those nodes that the specified resource group can run on. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. groups [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) groups to attempt to delete. 2. rg [OPTIONAL] [string] A resource group label that, if provided, will be used to limit which nodes the groups will be removed from. 3. registry [OPTIONAL] [set] Specifies which registry to remove the user from, FILES or LDAP. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset groups=${1//\"/} groups=${groups//,/ } typeset rg=${2//\"/} typeset registry=${3//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset group= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $groups ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ $rg != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg $rg if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 154 "Available Resource Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if [[ $registry != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then typeset -u registryUC=$registry case $registryUC in LD*) registry=LDAP ;; LO*) registry=files ;; F*) registry=files ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' REGISTRY "$registry" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi #======================================================== : Delete the group if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for group in $groups; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group "$group" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$group" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 161 "Available Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else typeset rgOpt= [[ $rg != *([[:space:]]) ]] && rgOpt=" -cspoc-g $rg" typeset -u source= if [[ $registry == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then source=$(/usr/sbin/lsgroup -R LDAP -a registry $group 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) source=${source##*=} [[ -n $source ]] && registry=$source source=$(/usr/sbin/lsgroup -R files -a registry $group 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) source=${source##*=} if [[ -n $source ]]; then [[ -n $registry ]] && registry="$registry " registry="$registry$source" fi fi typeset -i cmd_rc=$RC_UNKNOWN for source in $registry; do if [[ $source == "LDAP" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): mode=LDAP $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmgroup$rgOpt \"$group\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands mode=LDAP $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmgroup$rgOpt "$group" else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmgroup$rgOpt \"$group\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmgroup$rgOpt "$group" fi cmd_rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rmgroup RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$group" 1>&2 break else (( $rc != $RC_ERROR )) && rc=$cmd_rc fi done fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete group -h" "GROUP:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_group()" in  l 1+{4b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_hmcp = est"$CEMS_acdhilmnor#-:ADGHILNOPRT\fpu()./012;>FU[]bgvy&,w!+346789o dz/}Vgno=:#T B`hXh`OmY(-`2e :+,l,Mj\XjqcilY`2mmmmmm1f5%7Pth16h: ŝbk ?9)mmmmmmImZs.uȻ5΄Q#y9a0@DM 08sƯ$Tzigy5|hb8 LEG|ǘ fn7$TziWO;b/`˜S[o BfTziBP!]V"gYqxB (LXC"yܩ" C@e9 ƒ084 QiOE((0  dv.qZQe"-C3+FAM( I, ee8&*Hz)UV\\&L6V]Á+JMJ` ehWfee8Bf*XԄ5pUeP $!ǔ( fA%0Le.8f9Fz4蔨&U"<09RCL)ˋXYfXQT,;h @6q`v C@e8A ,,M(DhL;ɛ{$<؋qA;&Sږ%BXe剉sf.UAQIE!mŹF9Fy$R|?ͼˋ;ˋ;aRPTIE2%A'^./xS tmx8>0J)sf.rBh"Q2&Q#:LSP`XnyR0`٣a$h-קpVA60Ӧ?=\\0<$q eDȘUD"Q2&MB*`P`^xemaFM4OaFQ6q%* Hl(LTS.mJjYn068> ,,M(D *@@vh$% ,,M(DhLK@q!!8&&sf.;xzLL\b0Fp}KEUQE%aCrBh"Q2&Q#:LSPiԌ,`vmfߋ G1 !#GD$Ӧ?=\\0<G%(emmmm-86U#,hLBgCemmmm9FyRQR Ms @2,&"Xkܙqs>4q|k"Q2&2r{`Յ8JKIEK*I4jܙqs>4q|k}z;t $8׏DdL*e2  m]wqgX?.r2HEKnaTEP ;1v$*Tb m;I4TTKH;ammmmvǔV}vso?{./-|َD6;qhylmO1q|R-:+0mmmmmF!-IaJ ]\_]mmm3{ 768%ڜ?[mmm ӳƍ]&kg"Q2&2r{`Յ8J9Fz̤Tzi)a3)JTmID?^;UPERQL ;1vPM-t&e"I@퇡1sg xzLL\b>35aym+,ߌ8yhXAU KiIPF!-IaT&e, &&͘HEJ("\)Th8@DR $P I4U, ̥mC?>ӳƍ]S4悄̤TzicIf@DR $P"Q2&2r{`Յ8J붻"jqƜPM,i,Ke" M}gk+&i Hƒr̤ARIר>x~%"aS)(XǶ X^[o :dux8>%"(aً}zUH!Ď9!\l( J&D©EL 4F 0;6MŎooDž͘AIiN..~ ڄ?[mmm؉rCL..qgr-mmmvxѹ PTAD,Tۊ䇢v\\ϬmeDdL*e2 mmmmvF3:v{6./%[jSmmmmb#(b&:emJviF8+]ƛ؉5Yqy*RHz)e,DȘTe#1Vº8α(knjU::Â5iXsU)䇢v\\ϬD?^;%"(aً}zUH!Ď9!\l( J&D©EL 4F 0;6MŎooDž͘AIiN..~ [a1sgHTBJThBjo?knjN1knjU0퇡ѼHKAXsUKˋbaً*"2$QR3P A!% I4TT5 P*"2$QR31knj6?yemmmm~MJ{6./%[jSHTBJThBjmmmml?>ӳƍ8i\S.ˋYMXsU) A!% I4TT5 "Q2&2r{`Յ8oG[?>ӳ$=˲}gAXsU) A!% I4TT5 }]5S.ˋYo}|UPERQL ;1vHA0DdL*TмN`ck4X\xZ<َhi ?$9s$=˲}gM:iea}zUH!\eI=P@yJ:Â5iXsU)䇢v\\ϬD!$%$*"2$QR3^( "F 1mCP6?yP?[mmmmmmmmmfN;>/5ilFq^q`}f'[8l|SiemmmmmmmmmFp}"dPR**\D>TTK0&U&T #PD eR"$p$$:G^#110lRPTmV$q e@@ʪ$gASP`X ?MMxiɴuB`LsN=CL(R* !#GVnq}զдAFؾH~iqgs [+ G]vSY3ig(t"dEmW?yGdPN8*V}vZtW6i$hyq8s 4OC"gƲ~y$~z \b%G`x,6ڄ?xUW3A@, *RqNo<(LTS.n38A kZ1+#b}bb&# # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_interfacetio#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_interface.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_interface.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_interface =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete interface {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more interfaces from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. interfaces [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) interfaces to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_interface { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_interface.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset interfaces=${1//\"/} interfaces=${interfaces//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset interface= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $interfaces ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$interfaces if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then interfaces= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do interfaces="$interfaces ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $interfaces == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 325 "Warning: there are no interfaces to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #============================================================= : Delete the interface if no input errors have been detected #============================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for interface in $interfaces; do #================================================================== : If the interface is in IP address format, convert to its label. : clrmnode will not accept an interface in address format. ~sigh~ #================================================================== if [[ $interface == *@(\.|:)* ]]; then interface=$(/usr/bin/odmget -q identifier=$interface HACMPadapter | /usr/bin/grep -w ip_label) interface=${interface#*\"} interface=${interface%\"} fi CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface "$interface" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$interface" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 146 "Available Interfaces:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget \"$interface\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clodmget -q "ip_label=$interface" -nf network,nodename,function,interfacename -d' ' HACMPadapter 2>/dev/null| read network node function intrface #======================================================================= # If a network holding a service IP with only one network interface # then exiting with error message. #======================================================================== service_function=$(cllsif -pcS | grep -w "service:$network" | wc -l | sed 's/ //g') if (( $service_function != 0 )); then boot_function_value=$(cllsif -pcS | grep -w "$function:$network" | wc -l | sed 's/ //g') if (( $boot_function_value == 1 )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 1461 "\nERROR: Modifying or removing last network interface '%1\$s' not allowed\n\ as the network '%2\$s' holds a service IP.\n\ You can remove the service IP from the network, then try the operation again.\n" $interface $network fi fi if [[ -n $function && $function == "boot" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands persistent=$(cllsif -J "~" -Spi $node | egrep -w "persistent.*$network" | awk -F"~" '{print $7}') if [[ -n $persistent ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rsh -n $node netstat -in" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands pintrface=$(cl_rsh -n $node netstat -in | grep -w $persistent | awk '{print $1}') if [[ -n $pintrface && $pintrface == $intrface ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 1423 "\nManually remove aliased persistent IP:%1\$s on interface:%2\$s on node:%3\$s before removing the interface.\n" $persistent $intrface $node 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmnode -a \"$interface\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmnode -a "$interface" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$interface" 1>&2 break fi fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete interface -h" "INTERFACE:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_interface()"  kr1+ b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_cliento#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_client.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)04 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:29 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_client =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:47 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:29 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete ldap_client =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes all the currently defined LDAP clients from the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_client { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN i=0 #========================== : Delete the LDAP clients #========================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_client_del" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_client_del rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_ldap_client_del RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_client()"  k1+ b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_servero#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_server.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)53 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:30 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_server =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:04 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:30 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete ldap_server =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes all the currently defined LDAP servers from the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_server { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN i=0 #========================== : Delete the LDAP servers #========================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_server_del" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/cl_ldap_server_del rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_ldap_server_del RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_ldap_server()"  ks1+6b~bb&6 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volumeoupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volume.sh 1.1 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 2fc42d2 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volume.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jul 14 2021 11:53 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volume =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.1 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:42:06 Last Changed: 7/3/12 11:06:08 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete logical_volume {[,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more logical volumes from the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. logical_volumes [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) logical volumes to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volume { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 2fc42d2 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volume.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jul 14 2021 11:53 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset logical_volumes=${1//\"/} logical_volumes=${logical_volumes//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset logical_volume= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $logical_volumes ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$logical_volumes if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then logical_volumes= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do logical_volumes="$logical_volumes ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $logical_volumes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 341 "Warning: there are no logical volumes to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #=================================================================== : Delete the logical volumes if no input errors have been detected #=================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for logical_volume in $logical_volumes; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume "$logical_volume" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$logical_volume" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 148 "Available Logical Volumes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else # Check if the lv has authentication methods, if so then remove authentication methods before removing lv typeset -A lvProps CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_logical_volume_attributes $logical_volume lvProps isLV_encrypted=${lvProps[ENCRYPTION]} vg_name=${lvProps[VOLUME_GROUP]} if [[ $isLV_encrypted == "yes" ]];then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_enable_encryption -l $logical_volume -v $vg_name -r all" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cl_enable_encryption -l $logical_volume -v $vg_name -r all rc1=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_enable_encryption -l $logical_volume -v $vg_name -r all RC:$rc1" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc1 != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1487 "\nWARNING: Failed to remove authentication method name(s).\n" 1>&2 fi fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): _CSPOC_CALLED_FROM_SMIT=true _CSPOC_MODE=both $HASBIN/cl_rmlv \"$logical_volume\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands _CSPOC_CALLED_FROM_SMIT=true _CSPOC_MODE=both $HASBIN/cl_rmlv "$logical_volume" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$logical_volume" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete logical_volume -h" "LOGICAL VOLUME:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_logical_volume()"  k1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_method_volum#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_method.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)70 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:31 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_method =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:45 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:31 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete method {[,,] | ALL} \ [ TYPE={notify|snapshot|verify} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more custom methods from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. methods [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) methods to attempt to delete. 2. type [OPTIONAL] [string] The type of method(s) to be deleted. Valid values: {notify|snapshot|verify} =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_method { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset methods=${1//\"/} methods=${methods//,/ } typeset -l type=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset method= typeset -i delete_all=0 #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $methods ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -n $type && $type != @(sn|ve|no)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\"\n\n" TYPE "$type" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "notify, snapshot, verify" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$methods if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then delete_all=1 methods= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_methods available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do methods="$methods ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $methods == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 326 "Warning: there are no methods to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #========================================================== : Delete the method if no input errors have been detected #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for method in $methods; do if [[ -n $type ]] && (( ! delete_all )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method "$method" else (( delete_all )) && type= CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method "$method" type fi if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$method" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 149 "Available Methods:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_methods available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND elif [[ $type == *,* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 34 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\", is ambiguous, and could match any of the following:\n %2\$s\n\n" "$method" "$type" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset cmd="clrmcustom" if [[ $type == sn* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmcustom -t snapshot -n \"$method\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmcustom -t snapshot -n "$method" elif [[ $type == ve* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmcustom -t verify -n \"$method\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmcustom -t verify -n "$method" elif [[ $type == no* ]]; then cmd="clrmpgr" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmpgr -m \"$method\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmpgr -m "$method" fi rc=$? print " RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$method" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete method -h" "METHOD:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_method()" T_INPUT k6-1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)05 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 1/18/13 12:51:14 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:57 Last Changed: 1/18/13 12:51:14 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete mirror_group {[,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more mirror groups from the local system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_groups [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) mirror groups to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset mirror_groups=${1//\"/} mirror_groups=${mirror_groups//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg $RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY $0 $LINENO return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN cmd_rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset mirror_group= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mirror_groups ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$mirror_groups if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then mirror_groups= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do mirror_groups="$mirror_groups ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $mirror_groups == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 336 "Warning: there are no mirror groups to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #=============================================================== : Delete the object group if no input errors have been detected #=============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for mirror_group in $mirror_groups; do typeset TYPE="" CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group "$mirror_group" TYPE if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$mirror_group" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 167 "Available Mirror Group:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else #======================================= : Detect any resource group membership #======================================= typeset -A mgProps CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_group_attributes "$mirror_group" mgProps if [[ ${mgProps[RESOURCE_GROUP]} == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_mg_director -n \"$mirror_group\" -s \"$TYPE\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_mg_director -n "$mirror_group" -s "$TYPE" cmd_rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_remove_mg_director RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then (( rc <= RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$mirror_group" 1>&2 fi else (( rc <= RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: "%1$s" is currently a member of resource group "%2$s". Therefore "%1$s" cannot be deleted.\n\n' "$mirror_group" "${mgProps[RESOURCE_GROUP]}" 1>&2 fi fi done (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && rc=$RC_SUCCESS # No errors detected (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete mirror_group -h" "MIRROR GROUP:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_group()" be kS1+7b}bb&7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)85 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 8/15/12 08:58:26 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:06 Last Changed: 8/15/12 08:58:26 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete mirror_pair {[,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more mirror pairs from the local system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_pairs [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) mirror pairs to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset mirror_pairs=${1//\"/} mirror_pairs=${mirror_pairs//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg $RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY $0 $LINENO return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset mirror_pair= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mirror_pairs ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$mirror_pairs if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then mirror_pairs= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do mirror_pairs="$mirror_pairs ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $mirror_pairs == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 337 "Warning: there are no mirror pairs to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #=============================================================== : Delete the object pair if no input errors have been detected #=============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for mirror_pair in $mirror_pairs; do typeset TYPE="" CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair "$mirror_pair" TYPE if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$mirror_pair" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 166 "Available Mirror Pairs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_mdp_director -n \"$mirror_pair\" -s \"$TYPE\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_mdp_director -n "$mirror_pair" -s "$TYPE" rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_remove_mdp_director RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$mirror_pair" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete mirror_pair -h" "MIRROR PAIR:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pair()"  kF1+8b}bb&8 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to remove mirror pools from the cluster configuration. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: Any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, below, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset MIRROR_POOLS=${1//\"/} MIRROR_POOLS=${MIRROR_POOLS//,/ } typeset VOLUME_GROUP=${2//\"/} typeset PHYSICAL_VOLUMES=${3//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset mirror_pool= VG= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $MIRROR_POOLS ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$MIRROR_POOLS if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then MIRROR_POOLS= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do MIRROR_POOLS="$MIRROR_POOLS ${available[$i]/ /_}" done if [[ $MIRROR_POOLS == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 334 "Warning: there are no mirror pools to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi if [[ -n $VOLUME_GROUP ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group "$VOLUME_GROUP" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$VOLUME_GROUP" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 160 'Available Volume Groups:\n\n' 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi #=============================================================== : Delete the mirror pool if no input errors have been detected #=============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for mirror_pool in $MIRROR_POOLS; do print -- "$mirror_pool" | IFS=\( read mirror_pool VG [[ -n $VG ]] && VOLUME_GROUP=$VG mirror_pool=${mirror_pool%_} VOLUME_GROUP=${VOLUME_GROUP%\)} CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool "$mirror_pool" "$VOLUME_GROUP" >/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $VOLUME_GROUP ]] then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 357 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist in volume group "%2$s"!\n\n' "$mirror_pool" "$VOLUME_GROUP" 1>&2 else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$mirror_pool" 1>&2 fi dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 173 "Available Mirror Pools:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else typeset FOUND=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool "$mirror_pool" "$VOLUME_GROUP") typeset -i COUNT=0 print -- "$FOUND" |\ while read mirror_pool VOLUME_GROUP; do (( COUNT++ )) done if (( COUNT > 1 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 277 "\nERROR: more than one object matches the provided information:\n\n" 1>&2 print -u2 "$FOUND" rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else print -- "$FOUND" | read mirror_pool VOLUME_GROUP VOLUME_GROUP=${VOLUME_GROUP#\(} VOLUME_GROUP=${VOLUME_GROUP%\)} fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS)); then if [[ -z $PHYSICAL_VOLUMES ]]; then typeset -A vgprops CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_volume_group_attributes "$VOLUME_GROUP" vgprops print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rmmp -cspoc -n"${vgprops[NODES]// /,}" $VOLUME_GROUP $mirror_pool" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cl_rmmp -cspoc -n"${vgprops[NODES]// /,}" "$VOLUME_GROUP" "$mirror_pool" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rmmp RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 '\nERROR: failed to delete "%1$s".\n\n' "$mirror_pool" 1>&2 break fi else : Determine if this operation will result in the removal : of the entire mirror pool. If so, tell the user. print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LC_ALL=C cl_lsmpvgs -m $mirror_pool $VOLUME_GROUP" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset OUTPUT=$(LC_ALL=C cl_lsmpvgs -m $mirror_pool $VOLUME_GROUP) cmd_rc=$? print "cl_lsmpvgs RC: $cmd_rc; OUTPUT == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset AIO_CACHE AIO_HWM DISKS REM typeset -u MODE SUPER_STRICT print "$OUTPUT" |\ while IFS=: read NAME VG MODE AIO_CACHE AIO_HWM SUPER_STRICT DISKS REM; do [[ $NAME == \#* ]] && continue DISKS=" ${DISKS//,/ } " break done fi if [[ $DISKS != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then for DISK in ${PHYSICAL_VOLUMES//,/ }; do DISKS=${DISKS//\ $DISK\ / } done if [[ $DISKS == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1404 '\n*** Warning: this removal operation, when completed, will leave no disks in\nmirror pool "%1$s", resulting in its automatic removal.\n\n' "$mirror_pool" sleep 5 fi fi : Removing $PHYSICAL_VOLUMES from mirror pool $mirror_pool in $VOLUME_GROUP print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_mp_disks -cspoc -n\"${vgprops[NODES]// /,}\" -P $VOLUME_GROUP ${PHYSICAL_VOLUMES//,/ }" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cl_mp_disks -cspoc -n"${vgprops[NODES]// /,}" -P $VOLUME_GROUP ${PHYSICAL_VOLUMES//,/ } >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_mp_disks RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 358 '\nERROR: failed to delete "%1$s" from "%2$s".\n\n' "$PHYSICAL_VOLUMES" "$mirror_pool ($VOLUME_GROUP)" 1>&2 break fi fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete mirror_pool -h" "MIRROR POOL:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_mirror_pool =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query mirror_pool clmgr delete mirror_pool { [,,...] | ALL } \ [ VOLUME_GROUP= ] clmgr delete mirror_pool \ [ VOLUME_GROUP= ] \ PHYSICAL_VOLUMES="[,,...]" NOTE: when physical volumes are specified for a delete operation, the list of disks will be removed from the mirror pool. If all disks are removed, the mirror pool is removed. NOTE: aliases for "mirror_pool" are "mp", "mi", and "pool". =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more mirror pools, or deletes physical volumes from the specified mirror pool. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. MIRROR_POOLS [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) mirror pools to attempt to delete. 2. VOLUME_GROUP [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of the volume group that the targeted mirror pool is managed by. This is only needed if more than one mirror pool in this cluster shares the same name, resulting in ambiguity. 3. PHYSICAL_VOLUMES [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more disks to remove from the specified mirror pool. If all disks in the mirror pool are removed, then so is the mirror pool itself. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== script k$1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_networkool#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_network.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)87 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_network.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:35 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_network =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:43 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:35 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_network.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete network {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more neworks from the cluster configuration. Interfaces that reside on each network are also removed. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. networks [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) networks to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_network { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_network.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset networks=${1//\"/} networks=${networks//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset network= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $networks ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$networks if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then networks= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_networks available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do networks="$networks ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $networks == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 327 "Warning: there are no networks to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #=========================================================== : Delete the network if no input errors have been detected #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for network in $networks; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network "$network" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$network" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 150 "Available Networks:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_networks available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clmodnetwork -d -n \"$network\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clmodnetwork -d -n "$network" rc=$? print "clmodnetwork RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$network" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete network -h" "NETWORK:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_network()" a k51+&b}bb&& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_node#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_node.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_node =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 2/10/17 20:08:09 Last Changed: 11/4/16 09:17:51 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_node.sh, powerha, 61aha_r722 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete node {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more nodes from the cluster configuration. If the specified node(s) are assigned to a site, then they are first removed from that site, then deleted. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. nodes [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) nodes to attempt to delete (specified as node labels). =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_delete_node # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to remove a node from the cluster configuration. If # just one node is removed, and other nodes remain, then # the node is removed from the SystemMirror definitions only, # but not CAA. The CAA removal will occur when a synchronization # is performed, at which time the other nodes in the cluster # will also be notified of the removal, and updated accordingly. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, above. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, above, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_delete_node { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_node.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset nodes=${1//\"/} nodes=${nodes//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== integer rc=$RC_UNKNOWN i=0 typeset node="" #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $nodes ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$nodes if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then nodes= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do nodes="$nodes ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 328 "Warning: there are no nodes to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi else for node in $nodes; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node "$node" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset MSG=$(/usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node") MSG=${MSG##+([[:space:]])} print -u2 "${MSG%%+([[:space:]])}" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi done if (( rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then print -u2 "" /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 151 "Available Nodes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done fi fi fi #======================================================================= : Validate if given node is offline. If any node is online, we exit. #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) then for tempnode in $nodes do # : Find what nodes $tempnode thinks is active # clgetactivenodes -n $tempnode 2>/dev/null 1>&2 returncode=$? # : clgetactivenodes return code is the number of active nodes, : or -1 or 255 in case of an error # if (( $returncode == 255 || $returncode == 0 )) then continue # $tempnode has no clue about active nodes else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 351 "\nERROR: cluster services on one or more of the specified nodes, \"%1\$s\", are in a state that prevent the cluster configuration from being removed. A cluster cannot be deleted from a node while cluster services remain active. Please consider running \"%2\$s offline node \" for each active node.\n" "$nodes" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR # Should have an active node list. Mark as error. break fi done fi #======================================================================= : Validates if any system mg exists with this node ID, if yes then : stop here #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for node in $nodes; do is_entry=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -n -q "field_type=NODE and value=$node" -f identifier HACMPxd_ext_attr 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n $is_entry ]]; then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 769 "\nA system mirror group with name \"%1\$s\" exists for node \"%2\$s\". Please remove it first.\n\n" "$is_entry" "$node" 1>&2 break fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================== : Delete the node if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for node in $nodes; do CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 307 "Attempting to delete node \"%1\$s\" from the cluster...\n" "$node" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clnodename -r \"$node\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clnodename -r "$node" rc=$? print "clnodename RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 9999 'Use the "lssrc -ls clstrmgrES" command on node "%1$s" to ensure that PowerHA SystemMirror cluster services are not running. Also, remove node "%1$s" from all resource groups, site definitions, collocation and anticollocation lists.\n' "$node" 1>&2 break fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete node -h" "NODE:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_node()" we ex k1+/b}bb&/ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_nova#!/bin/ksh93 # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_nova.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_nova =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete nova {[NovaLink] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to delete the specified NovaLink, from its name, or All NovaLinks. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. NovaLink [REQUIRED] [string] Either hostname of IP address for the NovaLink. IPv4 and IPv6 format address are supported. All NovaLinks can be deleted if 'All' is specified. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_nova { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset novas=${1//\"} novas=${novas//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset nova= typeset -u uc_val=$novas #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $novas == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u ALL=$uc_val if [[ $ALL == "ALL" ]]; then novas="" typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_novas available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do novas=${novas:+$novas }${available[$i]} done # If no NOVA to delete, consider it is ok if [[ -z $novas ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi else typeset NOVAS="" for nova in $novas; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_nova nova >/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$nova" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1146 "Available NovaLinks:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_novas available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else NOVAS="${NOVAS:+$NOVAS }$nova" fi done novas=$NOVAS fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) ; then typeset NODES_OF_NOVA= managed_system= for nova in $novas; do #===================================================== : Get managed system attribute from nova #===================================================== print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): managed_system=$(clodmget -q name=$nova -f managed_system -n HACMPnova)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG managed_system=$(clodmget -q name=$nova -f managed_system -n HACMPnova) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrmnova -n \"$nova\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG clrmnova -n "$nova" rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrmnova -n \"$nova\" rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1147 "\nERROR: failed to remove the \"%1\$s\" NovaLink.\n\n" "$nova" 1>&2 break else #=========================================================== : Remove this nova managed system entries from HACMPnode ODM #=========================================================== if [[ -n $managed_system ]]; then NODES_OF_NOVA=$(clodmget -q "object=NOVA_MANAGED_SYSTEM and value=$managed_system" -f name -n HACMPnode) rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $NODES_OF_NOVA ]]; then for NODE_OF_NOVA in $NODES_OF_NOVA; do print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchnovaparam -n \"$NODE_OF_NOVA\" -r NOVA_MANAGED_SYSTEM=$managed_system" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clchnovaparam -n "$NODE_OF_NOVA" -r NOVA_MANAGED_SYSTEM=$managed_system rc=$? print -- "clchnovaparam -n \"$NODE_OF_NOVA\" -r NOVA_MANAGED_SYSTEM=$managed_system rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1147 "\nERROR: failed to remove the \"%1\$s\" NovaLink.\n\n" "$nova" 1>&2 fi done fi fi fi fi done fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete nova -h" "NOVA:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_nova()" 1 kj1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ipoupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ip.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)27 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:37 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:42 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:37 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete persistent_ip {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Removes one or more persistent IP labels from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. persistent_ips [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) persistent IPs to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset persistent_ips=${1//\"/} persistent_ips=${persistent_ips//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset persistent_ip= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $persistent_ips ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$persistent_ips if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then persistent_ips= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do persistent_ips="$persistent_ips ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $persistent_ips == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 329 "Warning: there are no persistent IPs to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #================================================================= : Delete the persistent IP if no input errors have been detected #================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for persistent_ip in $persistent_ips; do #=========================================================== : Retrieve the cllsif data to ensure that any IP addresses : are converted to their matching names/labels. #=========================================================== $HAUTILS/cllsif -pcS |\ while read LINE; do : Handle possible IPv6 address typeset IPv6= if [[ $LINE == *\[* ]]; then IPv6=${LINE##*\[} IPv6=${IPv6%%\]*} LINE=${LINE/\[$IPv6\]/[${IPv6//:/_}]} fi print -- "$LINE" | IFS=: read name type nw nettype attr node ipaddr haddr if gname netmask hb_addr site prefix family remainder : Handle possible IPv6 address ipaddr=${ipaddr//_/:} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\[/} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\]/} [[ $LINE != *:persistent:* ]] && continue if [[ $persistent_ip == @($name|$ipaddr) ]]; then typeset pi_label=${LINE%%:*} [[ -n $pi_label ]] && persistent_ip=$pi_label break fi done CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip "$persistent_ip" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) || [[ -z $persistent_ip ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$persistent_ip" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 152 "Available Persistent Node IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmnode -a \"$persistent_ip\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmnode -a "$persistent_ip" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$persistent_ip" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete persistent_ip -h" "PERSISTENT IP/LABEL:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_persistent_ip()"  lr1+#Db}bb&' # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_repositoryip  =e inorst_acdlp"#$ACEINOPRSTfhmuy(),-./01:DGLM[]bgv&2;>HKU\kw{}!'*346BFVx%+89w"%O?#/HyI9z)G'2`IT;XX,sK Lk<,D D8D" $32 E#EJ.rP|2.y "C`Xf<"!@1uP< "PXmmmmmmmmmmXʢvDI A9Rc(>Ut<Ǭ~'0IV,sDG rs\flR'lhۂ2ICOX ΎUd\lC6rt=lc Ck_@K *)ۀe0?,z)N/D6 _mmmmjı9ID_:-OcY"q^FT/}mmmmldj_*@$AK(Dq4 .X_O0]E?piR  ,d 3pn&L*DXˁ}Y #,&Mb%ֿmmmmmmmm?GNMxvUfS'6,i,rmmmmmmmm *P2@xce5 s2$H8XX+jޕ ` (TQ2eɕ&T ZHJ  *[$,]Ud\L0iR  ,d 3,&Mb%ֿmmXMƪz+mmWxyʮ"a 8*vXl2E d!QaC 3c&`cZ;Q;!"3*gOB8lNS؈, _Ҥ @X% PpqT'՘Lp |iʮ"` q|523 ۟Ut<@1Rd"\\ 7/q|Ha2h ..Aȹx p B  T4 Ud\ 6ͱk|2.{&H*XLK5 *XLK>C q9-_pTd @3YB†2(g@N8"B\NKEWAs09Rc!_Ҥ @8"fLm6b>mmmmmmmm_'*Lg* aOGφqf[1)}mmmmmmmڿ‚K0IqPiR  rZn~Ud\|2.{&7/ȹWAsϏ@&Va1((PT .X Ud\_mmmmmmmdc:xa^rtRHHz'FX4yǡL%7vC=͜1Hfzy9mmmmmmW&8k2EMQ +6A[(+`  *X@2匔4XBfE+`xXX+MUlpq4`U˖2Pc  4W AWAsϯ𠬀@8"fLa`'% 448 bse7dp@ҥAT .XCE&d\XTL`x]E?HK&\(Lȹ48# ȹWAsϏUd\Iȹ<,&lZ}Y2P:8v&P52&×FGSAR * *X_ B&@ .O*Hv00 rZ 00 rZBBʖJ'H5 ( "HX "* AȹcAؙC Ț#Aa{O(:J!+a\_ n@$T4@WAsόW(h *XLKAȹk2P:@$dcǁ̔4N (hx܁F_ L noj'g$,^ //v@? d`2 @L4Ha2h ..ʮ" LjdMBe P"hx<(mmmmmmڿBBʖJ'H5 ( "HX "* Aȹc(hLjdM l=QMHud:K0I D3F2D _/*BWHV(TR4T0!b2P|2.yqʮ"2 @L8$/#lZo$u4\H$Lɜ$:51[QH yT* $,^ zNP/* |&c'%mmmmmmmmmK4ruFؘWAsτCkk-* Mj2OE\a0!bcr;!hF؟-χk{tv`Aĉ2gE9cONmӕ&,sW>mmmmmmmmm#2$H+a\_ HTd3%I\NKWFPbtRJ93S5i+2AʠUd\N >Ut܀HPL' /'%"H@8 ,f7`zJejJej:J0II0`#H*\i(pT`'=(Ȳa"8Itw X7;WAs p=>8(08ba *DU˖2;+6ʐ$hM˖3Dm6ů𠬂GSAv dH3&pW UAQ'H>UtUtvUϊ-zsd64۞u'#2ICO6AU?>آ'  V^XfNƛsΣ9㌀(dw J,svC= Mc۟!y8f|acQQCSX=4k΢TFcMQ67GIdvEc"5\Sz NFyE0H,"Ӓb9R"ְh@1aBNT]E>Ӓb8Lx/ܩ2/W)xC@D B@-x0H-Ŀ(x$@wʮ"a{9:JeNi z1c1* Ɇ-P"c3NnS OG{WAsϭ$[g|pܧ"GICЌI6F,ssk̵i>Q-t䢘D8XSFVD;|2.{&`&&1/cFY>pt;TR/F2^Ud\L8F1NjI-x$;#8b*DTc^ƍ /ljC|2.y%0Z$;|k\sE "*1/cFh"3*n7g:0&ԧ69A4kତl ډـvh!$6ӑ%;Q;0|VRaJ{)qA8e v';! 9L3El۟΢v1bHcSyDeI&ԧk宜S40UkφΜR rw+/F,stUVQ|883-y$6yE"Z8Զ^~qnI#|%YI)8ҝ7L6mmmmmmmmmmXmD3Zp8q8W z82mmmmmmmmmjUt kx<1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroupoupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroup.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)89 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroup.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:38 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroup =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:43 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:38 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroup.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete resource_group {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more resource groups from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. rgs [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) resource groups to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroup { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroup.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset rgs=${1//\"/} rgs=${rgs//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset rg= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $rgs ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$rgs if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then rgs= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do rgs="$rgs ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $rgs == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 330 "Warning: there are no resource groups to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #================================================================== : Delete the resource group if no input errors have been detected #================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for rg in $rgs; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg "$rg" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 154 "Available Resource Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmgrp -g $rg" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmgrp -g $rg rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete resource_group -h" "RESOURCE GROUP:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_resourcegroup()" GHT CO k,!1+b}bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ipup#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ip.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ip.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:43 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:39 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete service_ip {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Removes one or more shared or node-bound service IP from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. service_ips [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) service IPs to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ip.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset service_ips=${1//\"/} service_ips=${service_ips//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset service_ip= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $service_ips ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$service_ips if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then service_ips= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do service_ips="$service_ips ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $service_ips == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 331 "Warning: there are no service IPs to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #============================================================== : Delete the service IP if no input errors have been detected #============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for service_ip in $service_ips; do #================================================================== : If the service_ip is in IP address format, convert to its label. : clrmnode will not accept a service_ip in address format. #================================================================== if [[ $service_ip == *@(\.|:)* ]]; then service_ip=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -q identifier=$service_ip -n -f ip_label HACMPadapter) fi CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip "$service_ip" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$service_ip" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 156 "Available Service IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmnode -a \"$service_ip\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmnode -a "$service_ip" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$service_ip" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete service_ip -h" "SERVICE IP/LABEL:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_service_ip()" ======= k1+,b}bb&, # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_site#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_site.sh 1.8 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)88 1.8 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1520B_hacmp720 5/8/15 10:48:44 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_site =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.8 Last Extracted: 5/14/15 17:39:14 Last Changed: 5/8/15 10:48:44 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1520B_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete site {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more sites from the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. sites [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) sites to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_delete_site # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to delete a cluster site. If the last site is removed from # a stretched cluster, the cluster is automatically changed # to a standard cluster. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, above. # # Outputs: Warning messages are emitted if a cluster type change is # performed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, above, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_delete_site { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.8, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1520B_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset sites=${1//\"/} sites=${sites//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset site= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ -z $sites ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$sites if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then sites= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_sites available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do sites="$sites ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $sites == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 332 "Warning: there are no sites to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #======================================================================= : Validates if any repos mg or storage system exists with this site ID, : if yes then stop here #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for site in $sites; do is_entry=$(clodmget -n -q "field_type=site and value=$site" -f identifier HACMPxd_ext_attr 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n $is_entry ]]; then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 770 "\nA repository mirror group with name \"%1\$s\" exists for site \"%2\$s\". Please remove it first.\n\n" "$is_entry" "$site" 1>&2 break fi is_entry=$(clodmget -n -q "xd_storage_system_site_affiliation=$site" -f xd_storage_system_name HACMPxd_storage_system 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n $is_entry ]]; then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 771 "\nA storage system with name \"%1\$s\" exists for site \"%2\$s\". Please remove it first.\n\n" "$is_entry" "$site" 1>&2 break fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================== : Delete the site if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for site in $sites; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site "$site" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$site" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 157 "Available Sites:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_sites available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else #===================================================== : If removing sites from a linked cluster, then warn : that cluster synchronization will not be possible. #===================================================== if [[ $CLUSTER_TYPE == "LC" ]] then print cl_dspmsg -s 63 cluster.cat 55 "\ Warning: you are removing sites from a Linked Cluster. You will not be able to verify and synchronize these changes until you add site(s) for a total of 2 sites.\n" sleep 5 # Provide a little Ctrl+C time else #====================================================== : If this removal will leave just one site, then warn : that cluster synchronization will not be possible. #====================================================== if (( $(clodmget -n -f name HACMPsite | wc -l) == 2 )) then print cl_dspmsg -s 63 cluster.cat 54 "\ Warning: you are removing a site which will leave only 1 site configured. You will not be able to verify and synchronize these changes until you add site(s) for a total of 2 sites or delete all sites.\n" sleep 5 # Provide a little Ctrl+C time #======================================================== : If removing the last site, and this is a stretched : cluster, then warn that the cluster will be converted : to a standard cluster. #======================================================== elif (( $(clodmget -n -f name HACMPsite | wc -l) == 1 )) && [[ $CLUSTER_TYPE == "SC" ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1016 " Warning: you are removing the last site (\"%1\$s\") from a stretched cluster. This will result in the cluster automatically being converted to a standard cluster.\n" "$site" sleep 5 # Provide a little Ctrl+C time fi fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): claddsite -d -s $site" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands claddsite -d -s $site rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): claddsite RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Log the result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$site" 1>&2 break else #========================================================== : The site was successfully removed. If there are no more : sites, and this is a stretched cluster, then change the : cluster type to standard. #========================================================== if [[ -z $(clodmget -n -f name HACMPsite) && $CLUSTER_TYPE == "SC" ]] then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): multi_site_lc == $(clodmget -f multi_site_lc HACMPcluster)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): echo \"HACMPcluster: multi_site_lc=-1\" | odmchange -o HACMPcluster" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print "HACMPcluster: multi_site_lc=-1" | odmchange -o HACMPcluster print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): multi_site_lc == $(clodmget -f multi_site_lc HACMPcluster)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1015 "\nNote: now that the last site has been removed from the cluster, the cluster type has been automatically changed from stretched to standard.\n" fi fi fi done fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete site -h" "SITE:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_site()" tha k:1+b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshotpup#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshot.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshot =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete snapshot {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more snapshots from the local system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. snapshot [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) snapshots to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshot # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to delete a cluster snapshot. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, above. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, above, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshot { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset snapshots=${1//\"/} snapshots=${snapshots//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset snapshot= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $snapshots ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 158 "Available Snapshots:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$snapshots if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then snapshots= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do snapshots="$snapshots ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $snapshots == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 333 "Warning: there are no snapshots to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #============================================================ : Delete the snapshots if no input errors have been detected #============================================================ integer PROBLEMS=0 if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then # loop through the list of snapshots - since this is a loop we # dont preserve specific errors (e.g. not found or failed to delete) # since rc could be overwritten in the next loop iteration - instead # we simply record that there were problems and throw RC_ERROR later for snapshot in $snapshots; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot "$snapshot" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$snapshot" 1>&2 (( PROBLEMS++ )) else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot -r -n \"$snapshot\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clsnapshot -r -n "$snapshot" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$snapshot" 1>&2 (( PROBLEMS++ )) fi fi done if (( PROBLEMS )) then # add an extra space after error messages print -u2 # if there were problems, list the available snapshots dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 158 "Available Snapshots:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete snapshot -h" "SNAPSHOT:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_snapshot()" #==== k1+ob~bb&o # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agentoupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agent.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)29 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 8/14/12 13:26:05 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agent =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:43 Last Changed: 8/14/12 13:26:05 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete storage_agent {[,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more storage agents from the local system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. storage_agents [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) storage agents to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agent { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset storage_agents=${1//\"/} storage_agents=${storage_agents//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg $RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY $0 $LINENO return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset storage_agent= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $storage_agents ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$storage_agents if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then storage_agents= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do storage_agents="$storage_agents ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $storage_agents == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 338 "Warning: there are no storage agents to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #========================================================== : Delete the object if no input errors have been detected #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for storage_agent in $storage_agents; do typeset TYPE="" CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent "$storage_agent" TYPE if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$storage_agent" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 163 "Available Storage Agents:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_sa_director -n \"$storage_agent\" -s \"$TYPE\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_sa_director -n "$storage_agent" -s "$TYPE" rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_remove_sa_director RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$storage_agent" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete storage_agent -h" "STORAGE AGENT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_agent()" / k`1+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_systemoupkG#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_system.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_system =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete storage_system {[,,...] | ALL} \ [ BACKUP_PROFILE={yes|no} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more storage systems from the local system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. storage_systems [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) storage systems to attempt to delete. 2. backup_profile [OPTIONAL] [string] Flag to delete the storage systems either from ODM or from XML. Only delete the storage systems from backup management XML if yes. Allowed values: yes,no =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_system { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset storage_systems=${1//\"/} storage_systems=${storage_systems//,/ } typeset backup=${2//\"/} typeset -i backup_profile=0 if [[ -n $backup ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_in_set BACKUP_PROFILE "$backup" "enable, true, yes, 1" backup if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ $backup == @(t|y|1|e)* ]] && backup_profile=1 else log_return_msg "$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset storage_system= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $storage_systems ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$storage_systems if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then storage_systems= typeset available if (( $backup_profile == 0 )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems available 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems available BACKUP=1 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do storage_systems="$storage_systems ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $storage_systems == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 339 "Warning: there are no storage systems to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #========================================================== : Delete the object if no input errors have been detected #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for storage_system in $storage_systems; do typeset TYPE="" BACKUP_PROFILE="" if (( $backup_profile == 1 )); then BACKUP_PROFILE="Enable" fi CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system "$storage_system" TYPE BACKUP_PROFILE if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$storage_system" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 164 "Available Storage Systems:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available if (( $backup_profile == 0 )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems available 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems available BACKUP=1 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else if [[ $BACKUP_PROFILE == "Enable" ]];then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_delete_storage_profile \"$storage_system\"">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG LANG=C cl_cbm_delete_storage_profile "$storage_system" rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_delete_storage_profileRC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG else CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? == 1 ));then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_ss_director -n \"$storage_system\" -s \"$TYPE\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_remove_ss_director -n "$storage_system" -s "$TYPE" rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_remove_ss_director RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands fi fi if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$storage_system" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete storage_system -h" "STORAGE SYSTEM:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_storage_system()" OG  k2+'b~bb&' # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)94 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:43 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:21 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:43 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete tape {[,,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more tape devices from the local system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. tapes [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) tape devices to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset tapes=${1//\"/} tapes=${tapes//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset tape= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $tapes ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$tapes if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then tapes= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do tapes="$tapes ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $tapes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 334 "Warning: there are no tapes to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #======================================================== : Delete the tape if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for tape in $tapes; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape "$tape" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$tape" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 159 "Available Tapes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrmtape \"$tape\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrmtape "$tape" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$tape" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete tape -h" "TAPE:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_tape()" p k2+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_user#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_user.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)82 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_user.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:44 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_user =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:05 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:44 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_user.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete user \ [ RESOURCE_GROUP= ] \ [ REMOVE_AUTH_INFO={true|false} ] \ [ REGISTRY={files|ldap} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more AIX users from either all the cluster nodes, or from those nodes that the specified resource group can run on. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. users [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) users to attempt to delete. 2. rg [OPTIONAL] [string] A resource user label that, if provided, will be used to limit which nodes the users will be removed from. 3. remove_auth_info [OPTIONAL] [boolean] 4. registry [OPTIONAL] [set] Specifies which registry to remove the user from, FILES or LDAP. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_user { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_user.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset users=${1//\"/} users=${users//,/ } typeset rg=${2//\"/} typeset -l remove_auth_info=${3//\"/} typeset registry=${4//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset user= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $users ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ $rg != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg $rg if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 154 "Available Resource Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourceusers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if [[ $registry != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then typeset -u registryUC=$registry case $registryUC in LD*) registry=LDAP ;; LO*) registry=files ;; F*) registry=files ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' REGISTRY "$registry" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi #======================================================== : Delete the user if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for user in $users; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user "$user" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$user" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 162 "Available Users:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_users available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else typeset rgOpt= rmOpt=" -p" [[ $rg != *([[:space:]]) ]] && rgOpt=" -cspoc-g $rg" [[ $remove_auth_info == @(f|n)* ]] && rmOpt="" typeset -u source= if [[ $registry == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then source=$(/usr/sbin/lsuser -R LDAP -a registry $user 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) source=${source##*=} [[ -n $source ]] && registry=$source source=$(/usr/sbin/lsuser -R files -a registry $user 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) source=${source##*=} if [[ -n $source ]]; then [[ -n $registry ]] && registry="$registry " registry="$registry$source" fi fi typeset -i cmd_rc=$RC_UNKNOWN for source in $registry; do if [[ $source == "LDAP" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): mode=LDAP $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmuser$rgOpt$rmOpt \"$user\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands mode=LDAP $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmuser$rgOpt$rmOpt "$user" elif [[ $source == "FILES" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmuser$rgOpt$rmOpt \"$user\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/fix_args nop cl_rmuser$rgOpt$rmOpt "$user" fi cmd_rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rmuser RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$user" 1>&2 break else (( $rc != $RC_ERROR )) && rc=$cmd_rc fi done fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete user -h" "USER:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_user()" ;;  k2+Eb~bb&E # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)62 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 7/3/12 11:33:23 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:19 Last Changed: 7/3/12 11:33:23 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr delete volume_group {[,,...] | ALL} =head1 DESCRIPTION Deletes one or more volume groups from the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. volume_groups [REQUIRED] [string] One or more (comma or space separated) volume groups to attempt to delete. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset volume_groups=${1//\"/} volume_groups=${volume_groups//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset volume_group= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $volume_groups ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset -u uctext=$volume_groups if [[ $uctext == "ALL" ]]; then volume_groups= typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do volume_groups="$volume_groups ${available[$i]}" done if [[ $volume_groups == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 340 "Warning: there are no volume groups to delete.\n" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi fi #================================================================ : Delete the volume group if no input errors have been detected #================================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for volume_group in $volume_groups; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group "$volume_group" if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$volume_group" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 160 "Available Volume Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HASBIN/cl_rmvg \"$volume_group\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HASBIN/cl_rmvg "$volume_group" rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 300 "\nERROR: failed to delete \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$volume_group" 1>&2 break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && print -u2 fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "delete volume_group -h" "VOLUME GROUP:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_delete_volume_group()" 4 k2+7b~bb&7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodesroup#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)98 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:11:45 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:14 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:11:45 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes =head1 DESCRIPTION Using communication paths add nodes to the cluster definition. This routine will also define the cluster if no cluster definition is available. If the name of the cluster passed in does not match the actual configuration cluster name, then this function uses the existing cluster name =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. cluster_name [OPTIONAL] [string] The name to use for the cluster if no cluster is defined. 2. NODES [REQUIRED] [string ref] A list containing the nodes to add to the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* cluster_name=${1//\"/} typeset -n NODES=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i found=0 typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset cluster_name= node= addnode= #============================================== : Check to see if the cluster name is already : defined. If so, use that name. #============================================== existing_cluster_name=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_name) if [[ -n $existing_cluster_name ]]; then cluster_name=$existing_cluster_name fi for node in $NODES; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node $node >/dev/null 2>&1 (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && addnode="$addnode $node" done if [[ -n $addnode ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clmodclstr -n \"$cluster_name\" -p \"$addnode\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clmodclstr -n "$cluster_name" -p "$addnode" >/dev/null 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "clmodclstr RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi for node in $NODES; do if [[ $(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node $node) ]]; then AVAILABLE_NODES="$AVAILABLE_NODES $node" fi done print -- $AVAILABLE_NODES log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_discover_nodes()"  ku2+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_generate_nameroup#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_generate_name.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)30 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_generate_name.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:11 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_generate_name =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:28 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:11 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_generate_name.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_generate_name =head1 DESCRIPTION Generate a unique name for a given PowerHA ODM that also adheres to length requirements. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1: sa_key [REQUIRED] [string] 2: len [OPTIONAL] [integer] The maximum key length. 3: suffix [OPTIONAL] [string] 4: odm [OPTIONAL] [string] 5: field_name [OPTIONAL] [string[ =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_generate_name { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_generate_name.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset sa_key=${1//\"/} integer len=${2//\"/} typeset suffix=${3//\"/} typeset odm=${4//\"/} typeset field_name=${5//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset temp_name= integer count=0 integer sub_length=$len-${#suffix} name="${sa_key:0:$sub_length}${suffix}" while true ; do if [[ -z $(/usr/bin/odmget -q "$field_name=$name" $odm) ]] ; then # name not found, so it is a good one. break; fi count=$count+1 if (( count >= 100 )) ; then # after 99 times, quit with error log_return_msg 1 "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi sub_length=$len-${#suffix}-${#count}-1 name="${sa_key:0:$sub_length}_${count}${suffix}" done echo $name log_return_msg 0 "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_generate_name()"  k 2+ 5b~bb& 5 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributeskG#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes.sh 1.10 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect application monitor information. It invokes the # "odmget" utility on the HACMPmonitor ODM to extract the # necessary data. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset monname=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then monname= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset name= value= setKey= MONS= DATA= typeset -A monEntries typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset key= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done monEntries=( [MONITOR_TYPE]="TYPE" [RESOURCE_TO_MONITOR]="APPLICATIONS" [INVOCATION]="MODE" [FAILURE_ACTION]="FAILUREACTION" [RESTART_METHOD]="RESTARTMETHOD" [NOTIFY_METHOD]="NOTIFYMETHOD" [CLEANUP_METHOD]="CLEANUPMETHOD" [STABILIZATION_INTERVAL]="STABILIZATION" [RESTART_COUNT]="RESTARTCOUNT" [RESTART_INTERVAL]="RESTARTINTERVAL" [PROCESSES]="PROCESSES" [PROCESS_OWNER]="OWNER" [INSTANCE_COUNT]="INSTANCECOUNT" [MONITOR_METHOD]="MONITORMETHOD" [MONITOR_INTERVAL]="MONITORINTERVAL" [HUNG_MONITOR_SIGNAL]="HUNGSIGNAL" [MONITOR_RETRY_COUNT]="MONITORRETRYCOUNT" [AM_LOGGING]="AMLOGGING" ) #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= elif [[ -n $monname ]]; then [[ $monname != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for monname in ${monname//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor "$monname" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ $CLMGR_PROGNAME == "clmgr" ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$monname" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 141 "Available Application Monitors:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else MONS="$MONS $monname" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -f name -q \"name = MONITOR_TYPE\" HACMPmonitor" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands MONS=$(clodmget -n -f monitor -q "name = MONITOR_TYPE" HACMPmonitor) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?, MONS == \"${MONS//+([[:space:]])/ }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result MONS=${MONS//+([[:space:]])/ } else if [[ $CLMGR_PROGNAME == "clmgr" ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 fi rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset MONS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for monname in $MONS; do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget -q \"monitor=$monname\" HACMPmonitor" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$(odmget -q "monitor=$monname" HACMPmonitor) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$DATA" |\ while IFS='=' read name value do name=${name##+([[:space:]])} name=${name%%+([[:space:]])} [[ -z $name || $name == 'HACMPmonitor:' ]] && continue value=${value##+([[:space:]])} value=${value%%+([[:space:]])} value=${value//\"/} case "$name" in "monitor") properties[NAME$INDEX]="$monname" ;; "name") value=${value//\"} setKey=${monEntries[$value]} ;; "value") value=${value//\"} if [[ $setKey == "APPLICATIONS" ]]; then if [[ -n ${properties[$setKey$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$setKey$INDEX]="${properties[$setKey$INDEX]} " fi properties[$setKey$INDEX]="${properties[$setKey$INDEX]}$value" else properties[$setKey$INDEX]=$value fi ;; esac done #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[application_monitor]}; do if [[ ${properties[TYPE$INDEX]} == "process" ]]; then if [[ $key == @(MONITORMETHOD|MONITORINTERVAL|HUNGSIGNAL|MONITORRETRYCOUNT|AMLOGGING) ]] then continue fi else if [[ $key == @(PROCESSES|OWNER|INSTANCECOUNT) ]] then continue fi fi if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.10 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:03 Last Changed: 6/1/15 13:20:37 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query application_monitor [,,...] clmgr -v query application_monitor NOTE: the aliases for "application_monitor" are "am" and "mon". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more application monitors. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. monname [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more application monitors (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== rc=$? kR 2+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attri#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)07 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:13 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:16 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:13 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query application [,,,...] clmgr -v query application NOTE: the aliases for "application" are "as" and "app". =head1 DESCRIPTION Gets the application server name for the specified resource group. This function will only return the first app server found. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. rg [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more resource groups (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset rg=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset rgs="" #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $rg ]]; then rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q \"name=APPLICATIONS and group=$rg\" HACMPresource" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q "name=APPLICATIONS and group=$rg" HACMPresource | \ while IFS='=' read name value; do name=${name//[[:space:]]/} if [[ "$name" == "value" ]]; then apps="$value $apps" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi done || rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result echo $(eval echo $apps) fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver()" 51:0 kH 2+5b~bb&5 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributeskG#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) aaaa1a8 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jun 22 2021 10:44 AM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect application controller information. It invokes # the "odmget" utility on the HACMPserver ODM to extract the # necessary data. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version="@(#) aaaa1a8 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jun 22 2021 10:44 AM" : INPUTS: $* typeset appname=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then appname= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset name= value= APPS= DATA= start= stop= typeset cpu_usage_monitor= process= interval= typeset monitor= start_mode= typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset key= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= elif [[ -n $appname ]]; then for appname in ${appname//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver $appname 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ $CLMGR_PROGNAME == "clmgr" ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$appname" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 140 "Available Application Controllers:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else APPS="$APPS $appname" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -f name HACMPserver" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands APPS=$(clodmget -n -f name HACMPserver) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?, APPS == \"${APPS//+([[:space:]])/ }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result APPS=${APPS//+([[:space:]])/ } else if [[ $CLMGR_PROGNAME == "clmgr" ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 fi rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset APPS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for appname in $APPS; do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv -csm -n $appname" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$(cllsserv -csm -n $appname 2>> $CLMGR_TMPLOG) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv RC: $?, $appname DATA == \"$appname\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print -- "$DATA" | IFS=: read name start stop monitor start_mode cpu_usage_monitor process interval properties[NAME$INDEX]=$name properties[STARTSCRIPT$INDEX]=$start properties[STOPSCRIPT$INDEX]=$stop properties[STARTUP_MODE$INDEX]=$start_mode properties[CPU_USAGE_MONITOR$INDEX]=$cpu_usage_monitor properties[PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE$INDEX]=$process properties[CPU_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL$INDEX]=$interval if [[ -n $monitor ]]; then monitor=${monitor%%*([[:space:]])} if [[ $CLMGR_PROGNAME == "clmgr" ]]; then properties[MONITORS$INDEX]=$monitor else properties[ASSOCIATEDMONITORS$INDEX]=$monitor fi fi typeset -u STATE="" integer APP_IDX=$(clodmget -f name -n HACMPserver | grep -nw "$appname" | cut -d: -f1) for RG in $(clodmget -q "value=$appname" -f group -n HACMPresource) do integer RG_IDX=$(clodmget -q "group=$RG" -f id HACMPgroup) properties[RESOURCE_GROUP$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]=$RG STATE=$(LC_ALL=C clRGinfo -c -m $RG 2>/dev/null | grep -w $appname | cut -d: -f5) if [[ -n ${properties[MONITORS$INDEX]} && $STATE != *NOT\ MONITORED* ]] then properties[RAW_MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]=${STATE// /_} if [[ $STATE == *MONITORED* ]] then properties[MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="ACTIVE" properties[RAW_MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="ONLINE_MONITORED" elif [[ -z $STATE || $STATE == *OFFLINE* ]] then properties[MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="OFFLINE" properties[RAW_MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="OFFLINE" elif [[ $STATE == *SUSPENDED* ]] then properties[MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="SUSPENDED" elif [[ $STATE == *FAIL* ]] then properties[MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="ERROR" elif [[ $STATE == *UNKNOWN* ]] then properties[MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="UNKNOWN" else properties[MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="ACTIVE" fi else properties[MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="NOT_MONITORED" properties[RAW_MONITORING_STATUS$INDEX.$APP_IDX$RG_IDX]="NOT_MONITORED" fi done #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[application]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.11 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:10 Last Changed: 6/2/15 13:39:46 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query application [,,,...] clmgr -v query application NOTE: the aliases for "application" are "as" and "app". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more application servers. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. appname [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more application servers (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  kLh2+7b~bb&7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributesupoup#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2019,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributes =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query backup_profile {[,,...]} query => get, list, ls, show backup_profile => bp, backup_p, replication_profile =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the backup profile configuration data for one or more resource groups =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. resource_group [REQUIRED] [string] Resource group name can be single or multiple resource groups. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to get backup_profile configuration. The cl_cbm_list utility is invoked # to extract the necessary data from backup configuration xml file. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the top of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the top of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributes { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset rgs=${1//\"/} [[ -z $TAB ]] && TAB=$'\t' # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then rgs= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset enable_backup= rg= volume_group= replicated_resources= target_location= backup_method= cloud_service= compression= storage="" typeset bucket_name="" typeset backup_schedule= notify_method= encryption= RGS= output= resource_group= unknown_rg= available_rg= backup_progress= next_backup_schedule= typeset -i backup_frequency= typeset -i inc_backup_freq= typeset -A queries #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #==================================== : Check python is installed or not #==================================== LANG=C cl_get_python_version 2>&1 >>/dev/null rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1315 "\nERROR: Python must be installed for using backup feature.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $rc fi #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result available_rg=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS && $rc > 2 ));then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1197 "\nERROR: No resource group configured for backup.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && [[ -n $rgs ]]; then [[ $rgs != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for rg in ${rgs//,/ } do echo "$available_rg" | grep -wq $rg rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS ));then unknown_rg=${unknown_rg:+$unknown_rg,}$rg else RGS="${RGS:+$RGS }$rg" fi done if [[ -n $unknown_rg ]];then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1191 "\nERROR: Resource group \"%1\$s\" not configured for backup.\n\n" "$unknown_rg" 1>&2 cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1192 "Configured resource groups for backup:\n\n" 1>&2 output=$(echo "$available_rg" | sed "s/^/$TAB/g") print -u2 "$output" print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi elif (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then for rg in $available_rg do RGS="${RGS:+$RGS }$rg" done fi (( rc != RC_SUCCESS && rc != RC_UNKNOWN )) && unset RGS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for rg in $RGS do print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list $rg" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result output=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list "$rg" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list $rg RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result # Resource group configured in CBM if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS ));then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list $rg RC:$rc output=$output" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1191 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" Resource group not configured for backup.\n\n" "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else resource_group=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Resource_group" | cut -f 2 -d '=') resource_group=${resource_group// /} # removes space enable_backup=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Enable_backup" | cut -f 2 -d '=') enable_backup=${enable_backup// /} # removes space volume_group=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Volume_group" | cut -f 2 -d '=') replicated_resources=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Replicated_resources" | cut -f 2 -d '=') storage=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Storage_system" | cut -f2 -d '=') bucket_name=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Bucket_name" | cut -f2 -d '=') bucket_name=${bucket_name// /} # removes space bucket_name=${bucket_name//\"\"/} # removes quotes target_location=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Target_location" | cut -f 2 -d '=') target_location=${target_location// /} # removes space target_location=${target_location//\"\"/} # removes quotes backup_method=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Backup_method" | cut -f 2 -d '=') backup_method=${backup_method// /} # removes space cloud_service=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Cloud_service" | cut -f 2 -d '=') cloud_service=${cloud_service// /} # removes space cloud_service=${cloud_service//\"\"/} # removes quotes compression=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Compression" | cut -f 2 -d '=') compression=${compression// /} # removes space compression=${compression//\"\"/} # removes quotes backup_frequency=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Backup_frequency" | cut -f 2 -d '=') backup_frequency=${backup_frequency// /} # removes space backup_schedule=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Backup_schedule" | cut -f 2 -d '=') backup_schedule=${backup_schedule// /} # removes space inc_backup_freq=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Inc_backup_freq" | cut -f 2 -d '=') inc_backup_freq=${inc_backup_freq// /} # removes space notify_method=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Notify_method" | cut -f 2 -d '=') notify_method=${notify_method// /} # removes space notify_method=${notify_method//\"\"/} # removes quotes encryption=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Encryption" | cut -f 2 -d '=') encryption=${encryption// /} # removes space # Get backup_progress and next backup schedule print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_backup_progress $rg" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result output=$(LC_ALL=C cl_cbm_backup_progress "$rg" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_backup_progress $rg RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS ));then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_backup_progress $rg RC:$rc output=$output" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result else # grep for 'copying', if any of the backup process in copying state. backup_progress=$(echo $output | grep -w "copying") # Get next backup schedule in date,hrs:mins:secs format #f5 - date,hrs f6 - mins f7 - secs next_backup_schedule=$(echo $output | cut -d':' -f5,6,7) fi if [[ $backup_method == "cloud" ]] then properties[BUCKET_NAME$INDEX]=$bucket_name properties[TARGET_LOCATION$INDEX]=$target_location properties[CLOUD_SERVICE$INDEX]=$cloud_service properties[COMPRESSION$INDEX]=$compression properties[BACKUP_FREQUENCY$INDEX]=$backup_frequency properties[BACKUP_SCHEDULE$INDEX]=$backup_schedule properties[INC_BACKUP_FREQ$INDEX]=$inc_backup_freq properties[ENCRYPTION$INDEX]=$encryption fi properties[RESOURCE_GROUP$INDEX]=$resource_group properties[ENABLE_BACKUP$INDEX]=$enable_backup properties[VOLUME_GROUP$INDEX]=$volume_group properties[REPLICATED_RESOURCES$INDEX]=$replicated_resources properties[STORAGE_NAME$INDEX]=$storage properties[BACKUP_METHOD$INDEX]=$backup_method properties[NOTIFYMETHOD$INDEX]=$notify_method properties[NEXT_BACKUP_SCHEDULE$INDEX]=$next_backup_schedule if [[ -z $backup_progress ]] then properties[BACKUP_PROGRESS$INDEX]="None" else properties[BACKUP_PROGRESS$INDEX]="in progress" fi rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[backup_profile]}; do if [[ $key == "BACKUP_SCHEDULE" && $CLMGR_GUI == "SMIT" ]]; then # Appending #! to : to escape : while parsing to smit backup_schedule=${backup_schedule//:/#!:} properties[$key$INDEX]=${backup_schedule} fi if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributes()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ ion=$ lڇ2+ 5b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_attributesibute  = eorst"$ACELMORST_acdilnp#)-:DGINP[]fghmuy(./;>HU\v&,01FVYbw!*2?BKkx{|}%'+34737 k6^A}`– X0X0A@H,$@H, y¥Nqf# &|T UD$&p+@'1[`Y$< `8"XՆ1Jl3ZƁT, H { d  fxH, `09@MNA$< `8"XՆ1Jl3ZƐ8ѩ\59Mu-.< O\;(aYSqotYO[Ruص]LRq⒙vj ǔxF@l[{`'ɸv]Ĵ^1fIb\۔ۓsfD\xDc3;E)IL5rO`k-LRVg)?:FKf6q!*G#38KQ tYpb33 M=F33H"ӥii@rѤv]Ĵ^1mai82y" +8 0RSu+?RtY˦Ӧ)XϜ_0yV%#>Z9Dl nPU=^%Zȿ"K9L*`'P_1Z -ήFfh[r|ì-%=<,F3Ja*)1BT FnF']U{l՝e%2ֱoe'rɘ]20'6j xA r04zHdUƦ&W4PaUQSsN74䇐DqCՋnN-WjE˲t.F'7YzFmIVf[3qp/WG~]jT? 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print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsclstr -cS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands name=$($HAUTILS/cllsclstr -cS) print "cllsclstr RC: $?; name == \"$name\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ -n $name ]]; then name=${name#*:} name=${name%%:*} if [[ -n $name ]]; then print -- $name rc=$RC_SUCCESS else rc=$RC_ERROR fi else rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_name()"  kꚞ2+" b~bb&" # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodesut#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)33 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:17 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:23 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:17 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes =head1 DESCRIPTION Function prints to STDOUT the list of nodes in the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset node= nodes= typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"object = VERBOSE_LOGGING\" -f name HACMPnode" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands for node in $($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "object = VERBOSE_LOGGING" -f name HACMPnode) do [[ -n $nodes ]] && nodes="$nodes " nodes="$nodes${node//\"/}" done rc=$? print "clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR [[ $nodes != *([[:space:]]) ]] && print -- "$nodes" log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_nodes()"  ld2+Ub~bb&l2 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_stateut    =e inrst$AENOSTacdhlo"#()-CDGILMRU_fgmpu,.0:>FP[]bvwy*+/12;BHKW\|!&'k3479?@Vqxz{}%56oY֋jUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT\XLqqb.W<4$ȣZe.`V(*h,UBT\uATh@\L&&]%h/QTDˤ&4Hi%Az%&Zz&* wN\x 4J,UH`/.T@$h-y@C,3g lL.NbSZwpwȾŞ4p I=DH&kNvl\Miec|6,Hڰ3g lL.NbSZv/ VL6ZZa S4QO͛nS8r֌^|,';x *HJL>x hi $X¥C&K m^yhslYb.@*) "OxX&)&"4 DT MEvv05a:c|7>7#6.mWdO CO P"*Q2NQTFPHw+wȾŞ4p I=DH&eఓW;787v1O֝)٨#R5J+ږRM*ųyT+nRxWٳg`֛ۀ!vl-(^yI0Pw4,@-^/w_ 8@E$F$H3֝g / S b".7n:IG|3qBi"0 ^n"Q@R%$M"T,^F!S0I2(wW"b" l* .T@$EJ6/w ea[2jמւ ;,[7˳-*8ѹ_0rQLp q |*D`B5p4 8s3UQ0 2Xe_6n7DdgQTG $M"@lDD͛ƍHD|pO3g ``5EPD"ɓHD%QT& b$M"AbDDi"8 pwѺI*@89*XEPIHb" l4n]"$$Hn7.9$2R !*UHiT"pqBi"8 pwѺa iq ATz j A,6"" F AgQTG$hr"D"bɖDA|ٸ;hœ,;y@C=EPU*0!LD$. 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OLv2iaɣύ *nM;c|=v(:ڎ(eҙf۵>g/ 8nѮg/4lg/6x5 # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:39 Last Changed: 6/25/12 13:56:04 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query efs [,,...] clmgr -v query efs NOTE: the alias for "efs" is "gp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the information for one or more user efss. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. efs [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more efss (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset efs=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then efs= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset -A list MODES MODES=( [1]="ldap" [2]="shared_fs" ) typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset DATA= CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s 129 cspoc.cat 75 "EFS Kesytore is not configured.\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"group=EFSKeyStore AND name=mode\" -f value HACMPLDAP" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG properties[MODE]=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "group=EFSKeyStore AND name=mode" -f value HACMPLDAP 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG DATA=${properties[MODE]//\"/} [[ -n ${MODES[$DATA]} ]] && DATA=${MODES[$DATA]} properties[MODE]=$DATA print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsres -c -s -g EFS_KeyStore | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f2" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG properties[VOLUME_GROUP]=$($HAUTILS/cllsres -c -s -g EFS_KeyStore | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f2 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsres RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG properties[VOLUME_GROUP]=${properties[VOLUME_GROUP]//\"/} print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsres -c -s -g EFS_KeyStore | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f15" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG properties[SERVICE_IP]=$($HAUTILS/cllsres -c -s -g EFS_KeyStore | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f15 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsres RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG properties[SERVICE_IP]=${properties[SERVICE_IP]//\"/} rc=$RC_SUCCESS #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[efs]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key]} ]]; then properties[$key]="" fi done fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes()" =hea k~ 2+<b~bb&< # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributesuteste#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect event information (both custom, and pre-defined). # The cllscustom utility is used for retreiving data for # custom events. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset events=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then events= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset EVENTS= event= OUTPUT= typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset key= value= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u uc_attr= uc_key= uc_value= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then uc_attr=${value%%=*} if [[ $uc_attr == "TYPE" ]]; then uc_value=${value#*=} queries[$uc_attr]=$uc_value else queries[$uc_attr]="${value#*=}" fi fi shift done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ $events != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then #============================================ : If they did not specify a particular type : of event, we need to check them all. #============================================ [[ -z ${queries[TYPE]} ]] && queries[TYPE]="ALL" #===================================================== : For convenience, support wildcards in the provided : name list. This is equivalent to using wildcards : filtering via something like NAME=some_search. #===================================================== if [[ $events == *[\*\?]* ]]; then typeset object= newList= for object in ${events//,/ }; do if [[ $object == *[\*\?]* ]]; then unset available typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available ${queries[TYPE]} NAME=$object for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ",$newList," != *,${available[$i]},* ]]; then [[ -n $newList ]] && newList="$newList," newList="$newList${available[$i]}" fi done elif [[ ",$newList," != *,$object,* ]]; then [[ -n $newList ]] && newList="$newList," newList="$newList$object" fi done [[ -n $newList ]] && events=$newList fi [[ $events != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for event in ${events//,/ }; do typeset TYPE=${queries[TYPE]} CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event "$event" "" TYPE if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 465 '\nERROR: "%1$s", of type "%2$s", does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$event" "${queries[TYPE]}" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 171 'Available %1$s Events:\n\n' "${queries[TYPE]}" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available ${queries[TYPE]} for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 172 'Available Event Types:\n\n' 1>&2 for type in ALL CUSTOM PREDEFINED; do print -u2 "\t$type" done print -u2 "" else [[ -n $TYPE && -z ${queries[TYPE]} ]] && queries[TYPE]=$TYPE EVENTS="$EVENTS $event" fi done elif (( $CLMGR_VERBOSE == 1 || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then #=================================================== : Since there are so many pre-defined events, only : display them if specifically asked to do so. #=================================================== if [[ ${queries[TYPE]} == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then queries[TYPE]="CUSTOM" fi typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available ${queries[TYPE]} for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do EVENTS="$EVENTS ${available[$i]}" done else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset EVENTS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for event in $EVENTS; do properties[NAME$INDEX]=$event #======================== # CUSTOM CLUSTER EVENTS #======================== if [[ -z ${queries[TYPE]} || ${queries[TYPE]} == @(\*|A|C)* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom -c -t event -n $event" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllscustom -c -t event -n $event 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG | grep -v '^#') rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom RC: $rc; OUTPUT == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && [[ $OUTPUT != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while IFS=: read name type desc file relation status; do [[ $name == \#* ]] && continue properties[NAME$INDEX]="$name" properties[TYPE$INDEX]="CUSTOM" properties[FILE$INDEX]=$file desc=${desc%%+([[:space:]])} properties[DESCRIPTION$INDEX]="${desc//+([[:space:]])/ }" done fi fi #==================== # PREDEFINED EVENTS #==================== if [[ ${queries[TYPE]} == @(\*|A|P)* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q\"name = $event\" -f \"name,cmd,notify,pre,post,,desc,catalog,setno,msgno,error_on_fail\" -n HACMPevent" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG OUTPUT=$(clodmget -q"name = $event" -f name,cmd,notify,pre,post,desc,catalog,setno,msgno,error_on_fail -n HACMPevent 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && [[ $OUTPUT != $event:* ]] then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 466 '\nERROR: the specified object, "%1$s", could not be found.\n\n' "$event" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND break fi if [[ $OUTPUT != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while IFS=: read name cmd notify pre post desc catalog setno msgno error_on_fail; do properties[NAME$INDEX]="$name" properties[TYPE$INDEX]="PREDEFINED" properties[COMMAND$INDEX]="$cmd" properties[NOTIFY_COMMAND$INDEX]="$notify" properties[PRE_EVENT_COMMAND$INDEX]="$pre" properties[POST_EVENT_COMMAND$INDEX]="$post" properties[PREPOSTFAILS$INDEX]="False" (( error_on_fail )) && properties[PREPOSTFAILS$INDEX]="True" if [[ $setno == +([[:digit:]]) && \ $msgno == +([[:digit:]]) && $catalog != *([[:space:]]) && \ $desc != *([[:space:]]) ]] then desc=$(dspmsg -s $setno $catalog $msgno "$desc") desc=${desc%%+([[:space:]])} properties[DESCRIPTION$INDEX]="${desc//+([[:space:]])/ }" fi done fi fi #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[event]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done if [[ ${properties[TYPE$INDEX]} == "CUSTOM" ]]; then #======================================================== : Remove attributes that do not apply to a custom event #======================================================== for key in COMMAND NOTIFY_COMMAND PRE_EVENT_COMMAND \ POST_EVENT_COMMAND PREPOSTFAILS do unset properties[$key$INDEX] done elif [[ ${properties[TYPE$INDEX]} == PRE* ]]; then unset properties[FILE$INDEX] fi (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== unset queries[TYPE] if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query event [,,...] clmgr -v query event NOTE: the alias for "event" is "ev". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more PowerHA SystemMirror cluster events. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. events [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more events (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== fi l0"2+1b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_fallback_timer_attributesupoup =e airstcdhlmnop"#$ACDEIMNRS_bfuy(),-./1:GLOPTUY[]gkvw025;>BFH&'*+346JKX\qx{}!79w"!G84K$PS4R&{P:襖ɬv˛2&$&"lI!@(  |pـrn87 PQp4H%fXGZ|, "fEl^j9c $/4P 0TBBDXɢ (H]>ci3 g(f"hXBB03G.&`!qEE(H\{?<*PSE g3G4Ph!%,f"hdz)>c\ Trܐ$/p0Xa+&+s` F 2&zXBNk.>T, cYXJ%<HBA0 ȗ$d{?n-8Ж#0A^.YQqhYINTk z^}-mmmmMq1\\JUg՟K+%a& Yĩ" "aDˊt ε45qr\O&?w Ȁl\3f*h ┪`!&$\DɳEEr$ċ6\Љ< `=RLǀyZavVt"@@lyIx<RXd2$ċ6hDq&˚5@N<\N'8Aq R_=P=Qx8>cqMD*`OD̈́I.(m7B&ε45qrmkiV~)HGq9A0n ‚+3q$ƹ6NFdp.$@dd+JUgr|HMki`A1:cdzR&I0&*l &,`?8K?K*dDTrMdb%uEeew ɉ2l24W '" K0A<oV+03D0DHBH*LLCAB KY7  n08Dq&K TrMR!(')/]d܁1npúnBܬpyPHP"  "h13 h')/]d܁1 H.Tɠ8Dq&K %u 5C"LHfI2lXx(*dș RCiOP#w8e=P=Qx8R&I.XѢM0(,*c?Br/CW2L١bdʚ5`( VTrM1-mmmmmmmY!,zMX뢗|Glb=pS=0g mmmmmmmmY\rRʙ4 Y Ǒ ,`1&0PPqrMG ;GG W#)/I2lT&:XkAej BPN.R^ɹctx(b%L]V8`f<($(`cL 4T4n@d"% I2lT&:XkAej]V8`fmcYXvdl-?9Sј3^_L .Tc 4RY^_L *HT iU gEUB{q*FpzI "XBpKdzw. 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(v1[43j9gZnP;/V-`1Ҙg@ ցתr`aFNNYJNyH([;Ws;&Gq0;)6t{n#}V5YXg^Uӄq0OYWt4ޮNab|#j4}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSGDSb aLbA os 1ѧ+50%GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU4~2FHUk{}'*+3456"׻dx8ޏ ! P`KJuz[0d G}6FNc N&;)JCed?U^za L84q2vN,b *j;ʪXlVsB2t;1QC6;b*k#+!{@uI f ݴAk!mmmmmmm_,RGEp%;1U'4mF5X/UجgLrf (L`Vmmmmmmmm%=C3)՘ULXbVbdnNUhؙ[mmmmmmmmzv"Lb 0\3:]47D@(,K.`Q% .&d,󧆦8h#܊(9ĉ"h42¢Ecƴxv Bt qaE?EM9B-{tqD,TB 2PfBo:xjc%h42¢EcƴxwV`}8*G Ǒ`js%5ew0lLD$`FAF!$ =4I= FBI6_Xhȹ:L/E)1ڌ,a)VQzd?dSk]%evy`r/T"׻y*ux, J EwV`97> 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" if [[ $attr == "REGISTRY" ]]; then typeset -u registryUC=${queries[$attr]} case $registryUC in LD*) queries[$attr]="LDAP" ;; LO*) queries[$attr]="files" ;; F*) queries[$attr]="files" ;; *) dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' REGISTRY "${queries[$attr]}" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 'Valid values: %1$s\n\n' "files, LDAP" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi fi shift done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ -n $groups ]]; then [[ $groups != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for group in ${groups//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group "$group" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$group" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 161 "Available Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else GROUPS="$GROUPS $group" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do name=${available[$i]} name=${name##+([[:space:]])} name=${name%%+([[:space:]])} name=${name/ \(/@\(} GROUPS="$GROUPS $name" done else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset GROUPS #======================================================================= : If there are multiple groups, often the result of a verbose listing, : then dump all group data to a temporary file, for faster access. In : testing, this dropped the execution time of "clmgr -v query group" : from 24 seconds to 8 seconds. #======================================================================= if [[ $GROUPS == *+([[:space:]])* ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup -R files ALL > $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.files.$$" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG lsgroup -R files ALL > $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.files.$$ print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup (LOCAL) RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup -R LDAP ALL > $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.ldap.$$" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG lsgroup -R LDAP ALL > $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.ldap.$$ 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup (LDAP) RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for group in $GROUPS; do typeset -i TYPE_SPECIFIED=0 typeset -u TYPE= TYPES= if [[ $group == *@* ]]; then TYPES=${group##*@} TYPES=${TYPES#\(} TYPES=${TYPES%\)} [[ -n $TYPES ]] && TYPE_SPECIFIED=1 || TYPES="FILES LDAP" group=${group%%@*} else #=============================================================== : Since no group type was specified, check all supported types #=============================================================== TYPES="FILES LDAP" fi typeset OUTPUT= FOUND= for TYPE in $TYPES; do OUTPUT= if [[ $TYPE == "LDAP" ]]; then if [[ -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.ldap.$$ ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): grep \"^$group \" $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.ldap.$$" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG OUTPUT=$(grep "^$group " $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.ldap.$$) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): grep RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $OUTPUT ]]; then cmd_rc=$RC_SUCCESS FOUND=$TYPE else continue fi fi elif [[ $TYPE == "FILES" ]]; then if [[ -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.files.$$ ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): grep \"^$group \" $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.files.$$" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG OUTPUT=$(grep "^$group " $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.files.$$) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): grep RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $OUTPUT ]]; then cmd_rc=$RC_SUCCESS FOUND=$TYPE else continue fi fi fi #================================================ : If the no data was found for this group, then : program execution will not reach this point. #================================================ properties[NAME$INDEX]=$group for PAIR in $OUTPUT; do [[ $PAIR != *=* ]] && continue case ${PAIR%%=*} in id) properties[ID$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; admin) properties[ADMINISTRATIVE$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; registry) properties[REGISTRY$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; users) properties[USERS$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; adms) properties[ADMINS$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; projects) properties[PROJECTS$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; efs_initialks_mode) properties[KEYSTORE_MODE$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; efs_keystore_algo) properties[KEYSTORE_ENCRYPTION$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; efs_keystore_access) properties[KEYSTORE_ACCESS$INDEX]=${PAIR##*=} ;; esac done #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[group]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done # End of the "TYPES" loop if [[ -z $FOUND ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 471 '\nERROR: the specified group, "%1$s", could not be found.\n\n' "$group" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi done # End of "GROUPS" loop #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_group_attributes()" function on_exit_get_group { rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.files.$$ rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgga.ldap.$$ } #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_group_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.8 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:04 Last Changed: 6/1/15 13:53:40 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query group [,,...] clmgr -v query group NOTE: the alias for "group" is "gp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the information for one or more user groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. group [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more groups (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011.2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== fi  k*2+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodesutes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)03 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:24 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:15 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:24 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes =head1 DESCRIPTION Obtain a list of participating nodes for the specified resource group =head1 ARGUMENTS 1: [scalar] resource group name 2: [by ref] nodes the participate in the resource group =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset rg=${1//\"/} typeset -n nodes=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"group = $rg\" -f nodes HACMPgroup" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands nodes=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "group = $rg" -f nodes HACMPgroup) rc=$? nodes=$(echo ${nodes//\"/}) print "clodmget RC: $rc; nodes == \"$nodes\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes()"  kF+,2+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policytes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)00 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:25 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:14 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:25 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy =head1 DESCRIPTION Obtain the settings for the resource group policy, startup, fallover, and fallback. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1: [scalar] resource group name 2: [by ref] startup preference 3: [by ref] fallover preference 4: [by ref] fallback preference =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset rg=${1//\"/} typeset -n startup=$2 typeset -n fallover=$3 typeset -n fallback=$4 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN startup="" fallover="" fallback="" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q \"group=$rg\" HACMPgroup" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q "group=$rg" HACMPgroup | \ while IFS='=' read name value; do name=$(eval echo $name) if [[ $name == "startup_pref" ]]; then startup=$(eval echo $value) fi if [[ $name == "fallover_pref" ]]; then fallover=$(eval echo $value) fi if [[ $name == "fallback_pref" ]]; then fallback=$(eval echo $value) fi done rc=$? print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy()" f k~Q.2+5b~bb&5 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributess#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect HMC information. The cllshmc utility is invoked # to extract the necessary data. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset hmcs=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then hmcs= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset key= hmc= HMCS= typeset hmc_label= timeout= retry_count= retry_delay= nodename= sitename= username= password= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 typeset -i CONN_TYPE=0 typeset -i incluster=0 /usr/lib/cluster/incluster 2>/dev/null (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )) && incluster=1 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= elif [[ -n $hmcs ]]; then [[ $hmcs != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for hmc in ${hmcs//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc hmc if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$hmc" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 174 "Available HMCs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else HMCS="${HMCS:+$HMCS }$hmc" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs available rc=$? for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do HMCS="${HMCS:+$HMCS }${available[$i]}" done else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( rc != RC_SUCCESS && rc != RC_UNKNOWN )) && unset HMCS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for HMC in $HMCS; do typeset NODES= typeset HMC_PROPERTIES= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc -c -u $HMC" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands HMC_PROPERTIES=$(cllshmc -c -u $HMC) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc -c -u $HMC rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$HMC_PROPERTIES" |\ while IFS=: read hmc_label timeout retry_count retry_delay user passwd rem do [[ $hmc_label == \#* ]] && continue # Skip the column headers properties[NAME$INDEX]=$hmc_label properties[TIMEOUT$INDEX]=$timeout properties[RETRY_COUNT$INDEX]=$retry_count properties[RETRY_DELAY$INDEX]=$retry_delay properties[USER_NAME$INDEX]=$user properties[PASSWORD$INDEX]=$passwd typeset -i cmd_rc= #NODES typeset NODENAMES= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmcparam -m $HMC -o" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands NODENAMES=$(cllshmcparam -m $HMC -o) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmcparam -m $HMC -o rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for NODENAME in $NODENAMES; do NODES="${NODES:+$NODES }$NODENAME" done properties[NODES$INDEX]=$NODES fi #SITES if [[ $CLUSTER_TYPE != "NSC" ]]; then typeset SITES= typeset SITENAMES= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllssite -H $HMC" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands SITENAMES=$(cllssite -H $HMC) cmd_rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllssite -H $HMC cmd_rc=$cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $cmd_rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for SITENAME in $SITENAMES; do SITES="${SITES:+$SITES }$SITENAME" done properties[SITES$INDEX]=$SITES fi # Continue even if no site, having dumped cmd_rc to log. fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS):CONN_TYPE=$(clodmget -n -f connection_type HACMPhmcparam)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result CONN_TYPE=$(clodmget -n -f connection_type HACMPhmcparam >> $CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>&1) cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $cmd_rc connection_type = $CONN_TYPE" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result typeset hmccmd= if (( $CONN_TYPE == 1 )); then hmccmd="clrest" else hmccmd="clhmccmd" fi #hmc version typeset VERSION= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $hmccmd -o query -a hmc_version -H $hmc_label" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands VERSION=$($hmccmd -o query -a hmc_version -H $hmc_label 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) cmd_rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $hmccmd -o query -a hmc_version -H $hmc_label cmd_rc=$cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $cmd_rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then properties[STATUS$INDEX]="UP" properties[VERSION$INDEX]="$VERSION" else properties[STATUS$INDEX]="DOWN" fi # Continue even if VERSION is DOWN, having dumped cmd_rc to log. done #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[cod]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) fi done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: Last Extracted: 8/9/16 14:12:29 Last Changed: 7/28/16 10:20:32 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1631A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query hmc [[,,...]] clmgr -v query hmc =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the data for one or more HMCs defined within the cluster configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. HMC [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more HMCs (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  k֪/2++b~bb&+ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_host_attributes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_host_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_host_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect host information. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_host_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset nodes=${2//\"/} nodes=${nodes//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]] && (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )); then nodes=$($HAUTILS/clnodename 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) fi if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then nodes=${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} fi if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then nodes=$(/usr/bin/hostname) nodes=${nodes%%\.*} fi typeset DATA= #======================================================================== : Collecting OS levels is slow. So those retrievals are launched first : as backgrounded processes, so they can run while the rest of the host : data is being collected. 35% performance improvement. #======================================================================== typeset OSLEVEL_PIDS="" typeset OSLEVEL_DATA="$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHghi.oslevel.$$" typeset -A NODE_IDS for node in $nodes; do #===================================================================== : Retrieve the ID number of node "$node". Note, however, that if the : cluster has never been synchronized with this node in it, then the : ID will likely be zero. In that case, a faux number will have to : be temporarily assigned to avoid having overwritten data. #===================================================================== print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"name=$node and object=COMMUNICATION_PATH\" -f node_id HACMPnode" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands NODEID=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "name=$node and object=COMMUNICATION_PATH" -f node_id HACMPnode) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?; NODEID == \"$NODEID\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ -z $NODEID ]] || (( NODEID == 0 )); then NODEID=$(print -- "$node" | /usr/bin/sum) NODEID=${NODEID%%+([[:space:]])*} if [[ $NODEID != +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then NODEID=$RANDOM fi fi NODE_IDS[$node]=$NODEID if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then ( print "properties[AIX_LEVEL$NODEID]=\"$(/usr/bin/oslevel -s)\"" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG >> $OSLEVEL_DATA )& else ( print "properties[AIX_LEVEL$NODEID]=\"$($CLRSH $node /usr/bin/oslevel -s)\"" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG >> $OSLEVEL_DATA )& fi OSLEVEL_PIDS="$OSLEVEL_PIDS $!" done #================================================ : Collect the host data for each node in $nodes #================================================ for node in $nodes; do typeset NODEID=${NODE_IDS[$node]} #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $(/usr/bin/hostname)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $(/usr/bin/hostname)) else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $CLRSH $node LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $(/usr/bin/hostname)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$($CLRSH $node LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $($CLRSH $node /usr/bin/hostname)) fi rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): host RC: $rc; DATA == \"$DATA\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result typeset FQDN=${DATA%%+([[:space:]])*} if [[ $FQDN != *\.* ]]; then : The first component of the /usr/bin/host output does not : look fully-qualified. This might mean there is an incorrect : /etc/hosts configuration. Checking aliases... typeset ALIASES=${DATA##*:} for FQDN in ${ALIASES//,/ }; do [[ $FQDN == *\.* ]] && break done if [[ $FQDN != *\.* || \ $FQDN == +([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9]) ]] then : None of the aliases were fully-qualified either. There : is definitely something wrong with this configuration. : Defaulting to the output of the hostname utility. HOSTNAME=${DATA%%+([[:space:]])*} else HOSTNAME=$FQDN fi else HOSTNAME=$FQDN fi properties[HOSTNAME$NODEID]=$HOSTNAME DATA=${DATA%%,*} properties[IPADDRESS$NODEID]=${DATA##*+([[:space:]])} if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then properties[LOCALHOST$NODEID]=true else properties[LOCALHOST$NODEID]=false fi #============================================ : Get the version information for the node, : plus its current synchronization status #============================================ if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset VRMF=$(/usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte) else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $CLRSH $node /usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset VRMF=$($CLRSH $node /usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte) fi cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lslpp RC: $cmd_rc; VRMF == \"$VRMF\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$cmd_rc VRMF=${VRMF//+([[:space:]])/ } VRMF=${VRMF# } VRMF=${VRMF#* } VRMF=${VRMF%% *} properties[HAVERSION$NODEID]="$VRMF" properties[VERSION_NUMBER$NODEID]=$(/usr/bin/grep CLUSTERVERSION= $HAETC/rc.cluster | /usr/bin/cut -d= -f2) properties[HAEDITION$NODEID]="STANDARD" CL=$LINENO isEnterprise $node (( $? == 1 )) && properties[HAEDITION$NODEID]="ENTERPRISE" #==================================================================== : An invalid node name was provided. Delete the data. Report error. #==================================================================== if [[ -z ${properties[HOSTNAME$NODEID]} ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND typeset key= for key in ${!properties[*]}; do [[ $key == *$NODEID ]] && unset properties[$key] done fi done #===================================================================== : Make sure the OS retrievals are complete, then collect any results #===================================================================== if [[ -n $OSLEVEL_PIDS ]]; then wait $OSLEVEL_PIDS if [[ -f $OSLEVEL_DATA && -s $OSLEVEL_DATA ]]; then typeset OSLEVELS=$(cat $OSLEVEL_DATA) [[ $OSLEVELS == *=* ]] && eval "$OSLEVELS" fi fi rm -f $OSLEVEL_DATA log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_host_attributes()" function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_host_attributes =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query host [ [,,...] ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves data for various components on the local host, by default, or all specified nodes. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. node [OPTIONAL] [string] A specific node whose host information is to be retrieved. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== === k12+(b~bb&( # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_host_infobutes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_host_info.sh 1.16 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)42 1.16 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_host_info.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1542B_hacmp720 9/29/15 17:42:35 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_host_info =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.16 Last Extracted: 10/15/15 19:21:00 Last Changed: 9/29/15 17:42:35 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_host_info.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1542B_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query host [ [,,...] ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves data for various components on the local host, by default, or all specified nodes. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. node [OPTIONAL] [string] A specific node whose host information is to be retrieved. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_host_info { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.16, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_host_info.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1542B_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset nodes=${2//\"/} nodes=${nodes//,/ } [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]] && (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )); then nodes=$($HAUTILS/clnodename 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) fi if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then nodes=${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} fi if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then nodes=$(/usr/bin/hostname) nodes=${nodes%%\.*} fi typeset DATA= #======================================================================== : Collecting OS levels is slow. So those retrievals are launched first : as backgrounded processes, so they can run while the rest of the host : data is being collected. 35% performance improvement. #======================================================================== typeset OSLEVEL_PIDS="" typeset OSLEVEL_DATA="$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHghi.oslevel.$$" typeset -A NODE_IDS for node in $nodes; do #===================================================================== : Retrieve the ID number of node "$node". Note, however, that if the : cluster has never been synchronized with this node in it, then the : ID will likely be zero. In that case, a faux number will have to : be temporarily assigned to avoid having overwritten data. #===================================================================== print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"name=$node and object=COMMUNICATION_PATH\" -f node_id HACMPnode" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands NODEID=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "name=$node and object=COMMUNICATION_PATH" -f node_id HACMPnode) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?; NODEID == \"$NODEID\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ -z $NODEID ]] || (( NODEID == 0 )); then NODEID=$(print -- "$node" | /usr/bin/sum) NODEID=${NODEID%%+([[:space:]])*} if [[ $NODEID != +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then NODEID=$RANDOM fi fi NODE_IDS[$node]=$NODEID if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then ( print "properties[AIX_LEVEL$NODEID]=\"$(/usr/bin/oslevel -s)\"" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG >> $OSLEVEL_DATA )& else ( print "properties[AIX_LEVEL$NODEID]=\"$($CLRSH $node /usr/bin/oslevel -s)\"" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG >> $OSLEVEL_DATA )& fi OSLEVEL_PIDS="$OSLEVEL_PIDS $!" done #================================================ : Collect the host data for each node in $nodes #================================================ for node in $nodes; do typeset NODEID=${NODE_IDS[$node]} #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $(/usr/bin/hostname)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $(/usr/bin/hostname)) else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $CLRSH $node LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $(/usr/bin/hostname)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$($CLRSH $node LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $($CLRSH $node /usr/bin/hostname)) fi rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): host RC: $rc; DATA == \"$DATA\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result typeset FQDN=${DATA%%+([[:space:]])*} if [[ $FQDN != *\.* ]]; then : The first component of the /usr/bin/host output does not : look fully-qualified. This might mean there is an incorrect : /etc/hosts configuration. Checking aliases... typeset ALIASES=${DATA##*:} for FQDN in ${ALIASES//,/ }; do [[ $FQDN == *\.* ]] && break done if [[ $FQDN != *\.* || \ $FQDN == +([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9]) ]] then : None of the aliases were fully-qualified either. There : is definitely something wrong with this configuration. : Defaulting to the output of the hostname utility. HOSTNAME=${DATA%%+([[:space:]])*} else HOSTNAME=$FQDN fi else HOSTNAME=$FQDN fi properties[HOSTNAME$NODEID]=$HOSTNAME DATA=${DATA%%,*} properties[IPADDRESS$NODEID]=${DATA##*+([[:space:]])} if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then properties[LOCALHOST$NODEID]=true else properties[LOCALHOST$NODEID]=false fi #============================================ : Get the version information for the node, : plus its current synchronization status #============================================ if [[ ${node%%\.*} == ${LOCAL_NODE%%\.*} ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset VRMF=$(/usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte) else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $CLRSH $node /usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset VRMF=$($CLRSH $node /usr/bin/lslpp -L | /usr/bin/grep cluster.es.server.rte) fi cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lslpp RC: $cmd_rc; VRMF == \"$VRMF\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$cmd_rc VRMF=${VRMF//+([[:space:]])/ } VRMF=${VRMF# } VRMF=${VRMF#* } VRMF=${VRMF%% *} properties[HAVERSION$NODEID]="$VRMF" properties[VERSION_NUMBER$NODEID]=$(/usr/bin/grep CLUSTERVERSION= $HAETC/rc.cluster | /usr/bin/cut -d= -f2) properties[HAEDITION$NODEID]="STANDARD" CL=$LINENO isEnterprise $node (( $? == 1 )) && properties[HAEDITION$NODEID]="ENTERPRISE" #==================================================================== : An invalid node name was provided. Delete the data. Report error. #==================================================================== if [[ -z ${properties[HOSTNAME$NODEID]} ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND typeset key= for key in ${!properties[*]}; do [[ $key == *$NODEID ]] && unset properties[$key] done fi done #===================================================================== : Make sure the OS retrievals are complete, then collect any results #===================================================================== if [[ -n $OSLEVEL_PIDS ]]; then wait $OSLEVEL_PIDS if [[ -f $OSLEVEL_DATA && -s $OSLEVEL_DATA ]]; then typeset OSLEVELS=$(cat $OSLEVEL_DATA) [[ $OSLEVELS == *=* ]] && eval "$OSLEVELS" fi fi rm -f $OSLEVEL_DATA log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_host_info()" #  l22+HXkw{!16BKUqx|%'+347W⤺ N.sT5ҋwQH-~t%-5a0r3&epVw;yeat's0MΓb5aI=O0wIުSI ?Ktcj1poV8׎}y`:-;T5;&p13Iƥ"UD(,n**O_Md5;,~+'Z 0}FXR ̩::1&׌s+ E~*69 )Vw̥)se'3w'^a`NQVYh*x` +ܿ >R s*Rq (ʽT8Ԥ\>b_3ڌai^c?Z 0z:# J1Ui]+MgZ 8P2==)<ټטg:̓Ob:~Wc?[mmmmYNn{p ]sENmmmmmgj~LZ 0s@c %s^cVEҹ&JYyR$r 0aZW2I@-+pc8Tevai^c;<آAlҼ ?1Ϣp##ZW4һ?01yd2 &\9ŜCQ:uw&&# JN8TTh3?2럄FNJ1OWrhĥ~`_l%ȴx^RVRKk*Z`عW-+p&Kg&KL4LE$Tx#ti2I@㭶mmmmmm)(tՆ׌k(7J[c8Tfkk?ixNސ+>QU犸~`1I?5㭶mmmmmm (㳅h/ *v?4j@<ѭv?=&sfT*1v? 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_client_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:21 Last Changed: 6/25/12 14:03:40 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_client_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query ldap_client NOTE: the alias for "ldap_client" is "lc". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more SystemMirror LDAP clients. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_client_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_client_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset key= LINE= typeset -A list typeset -i rc=$RC_SUCCESS matches=0 i=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset LINE= ATTR= VALUE= typeset group= type= value= typeset -u name= typeset -A TRANS TRANS=( [SERVERLIST]="SERVERS" [AUTHTYPE]="AUTH_TYPE" [BINDDN]="ADMIN_DN" [SSLPORTNUMBER]="PORT" [CLIENTKDBPATH]="SSL_KEY" ) #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ /usr/bin/odmget -q "group=LDAPClient" HACMPLDAP |\ while read LINE; do [[ $LINE == HACMPLDAP: ]] && continue if [[ $LINE != "" && $LINE == *=* ]]; then ATTR=${LINE%% =*} VALUE=${LINE#*= } VALUE=${VALUE//\"} case $ATTR in group) group="$VALUE" ;; type) type="$VALUE" ;; name) name="$VALUE" ;; value) value="$VALUE" ;; esac else [[ -z $name ]] && continue [[ -n ${TRANS[$name]} ]] && name=${TRANS[$name]} if [[ ${properties[$name]} == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then properties[$name]="$value" elif [[ ${properties[$name]} != *$value* ]]; then properties[$name]="${properties[$name]};$value" fi group= type= name= value= # Reset these variables fi done # Make sure the last stanza gets processed if [[ -n name && -n $value ]]; then [[ -z $name ]] && continue [[ -n ${TRANS[$name]} ]] && name=${TRANS[$name]} if [[ ${properties[$name]} == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then properties[$name]="$value" elif [[ ${properties[$name]} != *$value* ]]; then properties[$name]="${properties[$name]};$value" fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_client_attributes()"  kꢧ92+3b~bb&3 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributese#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)69 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/25/12 14:03:59 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:45 Last Changed: 6/25/12 14:03:59 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query ldap_server clmgr -v query ldap_server NOTE: the alias for "ldap_server" is "ls". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more SystemMirror LDAP servers. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset key= LINE= typeset -A list typeset -i rc=$RC_SUCCESS matches=0 i=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset LINE= ATTR= VALUE= typeset group= type= value= typeset -u name= typeset -A TRANS TRANS=( [ADMINDN]="ADMIN_DN" [BASEDN]="BASE_DN" [BINDDTNAME]="BIND_DTNAME" [SERVERLIST]="SERVERS" [SERVERKDBPATH]="SSL_KEY" [SSLPASS]="SSL_PASSWORD" [SSLPORTNUMBER]="PORT" [SCHEMATYPE]="SCHEMA" ) #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ /usr/bin/odmget -q "group=LDAPServer" HACMPLDAP |\ while read LINE; do [[ $LINE == HACMPLDAP: ]] && continue if [[ $LINE != "" && $LINE == *=* ]]; then ATTR=${LINE%% =*} VALUE=${LINE#*= } VALUE=${VALUE//\"} case $ATTR in group) group="$VALUE" ;; type) type="$VALUE" ;; name) name="$VALUE" ;; value) value="$VALUE" ;; esac else [[ -z $name ]] && continue [[ -n ${TRANS[$name]} ]] && name=${TRANS[$name]} if [[ ${properties[$name]} == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then properties[$name]="$value" elif [[ ${properties[$name]} != *$value* ]]; then properties[$name]="${properties[$name]};$value" fi group= type= name= value= # Reset these variables fi done # Make sure the last stanza gets processed if [[ -n name && -n $value ]]; then [[ -z $name ]] && continue [[ -n ${TRANS[$name]} ]] && name=${TRANS[$name]} if [[ ${properties[$name]} == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then properties[$name]="$value" elif [[ ${properties[$name]} != *$value* ]]; then properties[$name]="${properties[$name]};$value" fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes()" aes_r k°;2+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_localnoder_attr#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)59 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:31 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:52 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:31 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode =head1 DESCRIPTION Gets the label of the locally configured PowerHA node and displays it on STDOUT. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/get_local_nodename" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands VERBOSE_LOGGING="" $HAUTILS/get_local_nodename typeset -i rc=$? print "get_local_nodename RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_localnode()" ====== k>:=2+ b~bb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_typeoup#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)20 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:32 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:53 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:32 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 DESCRIPTION KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset mode=${1//\"/} typeset -n list=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i index=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset -A DependencyModes DependencyModes=( [SAME_SITE]="SITECOLLOCATION" [SAME_NODE]="NODECOLLOCATION" ) typeset cmd_mode=${DependencyModes[$mode]} #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mode ]]; then rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -z $cmd_mode ]]; then rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"loc_dep_type=$cmd_mode\" -f group_name HACMPrg_loc_dependency" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands for rg in $($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "loc_dep_type=$cmd_mode" -f group_name HACMPrg_loc_dependency) do list[$index]=${rg//\"/} (( index += 1 )) done print "clodmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_location_dependency_by_type()" e l&?2+P2b~bb&= # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_log_attributese  =e aiorstcdhlnp"#$CEILRS[]_fgmuv()-./12:ADGMNOPTbwy&',0;>HU\k{}%*+3457BFKVXqx|!69Lj!s:q mmmmmmmmmڳgB-rTh &HXdɉp#lfQJ 8vD &TX``h=75*E а$_~_J 8=$I6@IT<*P 4$,2hn8i6z3$ bUd D104,D (LL@X5YAqq, uYM)xxHxxU"M«_ Vc)Ǫ+/fBAOǽܾTBAGjX@Lo0c 9ɜ02$ 4T`TT dD{qɐwEVa1T{ų DA%Va1T{ų DEڵ1$TXT{pYD3\&8 y aDxNù&z`mmmmKcbQkh  0_ mmmmj͹OjUV_ BgUV_  hI_GULpڌ;74T`V#&9QR>Mk ܠ0BrA: ޅ"XD.uY _GULpYPj:c4ڿ0x"z^ق:cmXM*@Rdx;#lf-vQڦa-ʑj ONzm؊;G:ZlwrER ' ,,&3B`\LX<\LX&\b#E˒,Pdh&J ,f&J_Jra٤B0 0%X2_;4QFBD 4Ta0O"n  *0*\H3ZR-PؙBؙ @ 0`J 2d0*L!CL(`b$d`UؙBؙ   adBcCELQdW2g^elaa1Ta2"P\P f>JȨóۏʄI̙@P;HbgIZ˔ho0c 7"_(E"̙qJT_&ziᆧ"_(E" _&zi&zCp#&C͹X^``;E>M">I(*$HɐrA:D(}BD 6+/f Ȕ&KֿȦ㝸Cz#&ARyjʚ'2┨^#ȃB *P\%ɒ.%pUa5 5L$by;/@~<4,0~(Ad1Ijkƒl6frNQcbgB-rRdv&d?Μ~3gB-ruTnz2.j3ѹEEd?Em;BtpT8$mP۞uk UNNʑVCڦ20)sβ ͊#1϶G%lj88raHf)6!@\1@ՐnyF2 YM%YV^.CiBʼnCr"1J8jJ&.&,LQPCPr3P4Rbb!u< &Y$)ι|XsМ۟&j\qIYlvU&tEU6JxY?Mm. !V^ȵcIN YMqJq8r")J+!)6!MnYϜqjM1ݧUNNʑVCAXN Y@ ?/mSf}9+!㌆eǣ&GMU{ZLGIqA+!\v_ j::L?<]HE)αMV,i)|sd?lSkTѕeDeDw)b9;T6dZ1Mmd?㬋PҔ"yނgN<;.)N\(_LEd?nsДvY#Ƅ8l0A,DC&qRa!aG&&qL^ѳј-u)b"Lr^):7/-yVB90J/bD0+Ā h^UI&(rQaV  @$"eHq\fZSBBY?) /@0Ma8$CA2B&LM&㆙g0@& uPB AIOA@ $V .Pנӏ7*n80 x0^gN?OKpn8ԥb˒,PdhZbj\mܤ~uϜeÒfڜ9kK EZ7&0B !CW4nSor>qKzn9js -:bUcD3Lcs'CD;UV_3 "P1C9ɳ+Sd ȴ{;6)5Lq&"̓n=)J;# )(wA/ZRD2Ƃ%ּ%^>tf2ewrESb.aTy&6y5[3L<+DpVPi;<'E GGI3sy4unsn<+.;;<;TTqC:A^pqјv㌆s(GjvqoD_(ʲ2.j:ruCs:$cihDU?dx9x*"JsmNA)zm# ͊#8SOs吶mmmmmmmmmVC*`s%ڢ2Cbr2%CGRɨ[mmmmmmmmmm!i.,\x$qj1JU\kw{}%'3467BHXYqz|!59/D %on@P8P0E"ҬZ AY%Vb >Y|7Ap{,u,=/_pp_<',6޾ZX2O @},n$1߶M-7 ae6Zx>c"EỆ@J,Q2$LMCw (h_ PCB`*!2 Z`uQʲVsn&ɀ C1 *!%[@yȷ;oeUjzufnD6*3%e k5v-Ugh֛ ؈=^g6qKNktz~0՚ު͇z838>l?NsbAkL G0ۜ-d g}*6>rm/y_.l+<l?}{s3VRVpBVT_mYᚭ/N A&"x"c !R&PTT1\$'DC͛w(ZT]1sk>O򨇻5n'TDrwZ$$*YD &+ۀǞ 7|>7("UgmSY@9mmmmm޳*V'Y Qf_'mmmm[3ۜ#@a-xn'DlK^-=>>iSϣhUex|t̗i$C"LM 6Q,A@a0Lb'Vsnb'?=>N$HEDȖY[ YNWVj\$U"ŅEDȖY[ YN^a1jo: <0k]F֨ 0&PDmmmmmmz[h_zpA7*`܃]#9оoEKh$lFO@(&}]6mmmmmm{ePV-x }xh֊Y@A9b\{NVsnB(g6g>\؄Ͻh֊}A ͛Bu~ΪnDQm놻@EYͳtb!*A4"1 1wiwmmmmmmmmz[y4A)ܜvZ-N ~؊ immmmmmmm S"M"e8H(%7&i0; pa /sa;%(HrI&TLmmmmkrJoU D;8틻mmmmm]`s4k֋(ZT6%͇mmmmmmmm]7-\9*~p=AY-jo<~|㜃KaEƙG޴ANsa^*y=ʵ^Ld]soof1@|7"sm%o­qiP͈ޅmGe>we( 2mmmmmmmm|=3*;[Bҧ(ZTDdPބ9 9d`Ib i;3FdI6%̨͇dVfި;$ 1efOwdIQ&DCFLLI,T@aQHQB2>6l,"ȓJL4PVxa`s4kheC"HN9ȓK6lKiPȭE2$wفѬsZ)PȮkE2$BtS"M,̨dW6lKiPȭ1ͽPw7%ͅZ"̨̔Bu'%@4iv^w;x;3FfI(&<ٱ.l=h4L$Hlؗ6ӿ.}|Q YTѬsZ)PȮleC"f9fT2*1ۃS" 4dILK@12b:̨̔Bu'%ZG 9Q] FcE3*hLe *A_dbwZ'*w̨̔Bu'%ZG0sZ!"m̨dWa"EDǘ(E4Z&$U"Ņ8v1PPYS"M"e "]" eFd9,.k `H&HT LDzT^[1; frwXhHT"YxHN0",(E4X- ,ES(* <0wفѬtL$HE M,ٱ.l=L$HE M, DdK(`T c˨HbdyuZX$\A(+X6nX$\%͇‚ <0%͇̒PLy`x wg4L$HfcLʆEsfĹJ 0>uE3*a"EDǘ(E4ddc,L$H[AfOw>zGq !RHƉ PqR\`5(XG@Ң̿u/Z|~޻2KG"g h< F0",(E4fega"ER,XPia఑D,Xg‚ <00",(E4rwfcL%ǘ6%͇|};L%0 h E-*y0XHב; PF4H&HTaU*28ʳ(>B ցx,$A>8v1̒PLy0D{eoU}2$׋L4ẗsfh84L4!ȓHjfDB.>904B & B#Z{Ϸ@!D 0@a176A9`s &HTR,.:!z$G,,Ki954S2IA1͉sa;3F9a"EDǘ(E4fĹ1s*R̵ҧX-ۃS" 4dILK@12b:̨̔Bu'%ZG 9Q] FchLe *A_dbwZ'*w̨̔Bu'%ZG0sZ!"oa"EDǘ(E4Z&$U"Ņ8v1PPYS"M"e "]" eFd9,.k `H&HT LDzT^[1; frwXhHT"YxHN0",(E4X- ,ES(* <0wفѬtL$HE M,ٱ.l=L$HE M, DdK(`T c˨HbdyuZX$\A(+X6nX$\%͇‚ <0%͇̒PLy`x wg4L$HfcLʆEsfĹJ 0>uE3*a"EDǘ(E4ddc,L$H[AfOw>zGq !RHƉ PqR\`5(XG@Ң̿u/Z|~޻2KG"g h< F0",(E4fega"ER,XPia఑D,Xg‚ <00",(E4rwfcL%ǘ6%͇cL%ǘ3s0̈kAE =-*yoĵ̗L}Pwi9;^GH:Z$$*YB !R.*_֒,Xa]O<9Ey?>Pw h< ֨ "%ˑ&*eArѭ̗!F1D14uP[ʏ"[Z!ȓH88D;kG "Xh$"#TBGTp̏N*}I@}D)1#d.`68x[AYY?DwfT"&3EX/>O4DM"fH$I$$Xy*dۉ8>F@ Q2(TP5]"0LD@iBN Px$/ۜ#BK0@ ,Xe ($I$$ B>O4]" @P9BDK(YB &bi&G ;Br8$/ۜ#F% P"%,RD14u#Ą2& q>D"P$I$$( ,A%K wZ&Gۃ@0'6o ̏Nۜ#E.PXJ ( *bi&G!'Bۜ#HY$MLOw^-=2=:PS'Ԕ%Aan>O4\ndzn. 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fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset PAIRS= typeset -A list typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset key= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ -n $mirror_pair ]]; then [[ $mirror_pair != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for mirror_pair in ${mirror_pair//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair "$mirror_pair" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$mirror_pair" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 166 "Available Mirror Pairs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else PAIRS="$PAIRS $mirror_pair" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs list for name in ${list[*]}; do name=${name##+([[:space:]])} name=${name%%+([[:space:]])} PAIRS="$PAIRS $name" done else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset PAIRS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for mirror_pair in $PAIRS; do properties[NAME$INDEX]=$mirror_pair print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mdp_director -s svc -d\"|\" $mirror_pair | grep \"^$mirror_pair|\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mdp_director -s svc -d"|" $mirror_pair | grep "^$mirror_pair|" >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgmpa.$$ cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_list_mdp_director RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$mirror_pair" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND break fi cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgmpa.$$ |\ while IFS=\| read name disk1 disk2 type rem; do properties[NAME$INDEX]="$name" properties[MODE$INDEX]=$type properties[FIRST_DISK$INDEX]=$disk1 properties[SECOND_DISK$INDEX]=$disk2 done rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgmpa.$$ #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[mirror_pair]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pair_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pair_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.9 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:07 Last Changed: 6/1/15 14:06:46 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pair_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query mirror_pair [,,...] clmgr -v query mirror_pair NOTE: the alias for "mirror_pair" is "mp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more PowerHA SystemMirror mirror disk pairs. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_pair [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more mirror pairs (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  kH2+4bbb&4 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 430442e 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 15 2021 09:46 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect mirror pool information. The cl_lsmpvgs utility # is invoked to extract the necessary data. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, @(#) 430442e 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 15 2021 09:46 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset mirror_pool=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then mirror_pool= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset MIRROR_POOLS= OUTPUT= typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset key= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ -n $mirror_pool ]]; then [[ $mirror_pool != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for mirror_pool in ${mirror_pool//,/ }; do typeset FOUND=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool "$mirror_pool" ${_ENV_ARGS[VOLUME_GROUP]//\"/} 2>/dev/null) if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) || [[ -z $FOUND ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$mirror_pool" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 173 "Available Mirror Pools:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else FOUND=${FOUND// /_} MIRROR_POOLS="$MIRROR_POOLS ${FOUND//$NL/ }" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do MIRROR_POOLS="$MIRROR_POOLS ${available[$i]/ /_}" done else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset MIRROR_POOLS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for mirror_pool in $MIRROR_POOLS; do typeset VG="" print -- "$mirror_pool" | IFS=\( read mirror_pool VG mirror_pool=${mirror_pool%_} VG=${VG%\)} properties[NAME$INDEX]=$mirror_pool properties[VOLUME_GROUP$INDEX]=$VG print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LC_ALL=C $HASBIN/cl_lsmpvgs -m $mirror_pool $VG" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(LC_ALL=C $HASBIN/cl_lsmpvgs -m $mirror_pool $VG) cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_lsmpvgs RC: $cmd_rc; OUTPUT == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset AIO_CACHE AIO_HWM DISKS REM typeset -u MODE SUPER_STRICT print "$OUTPUT" |\ while IFS=: read NAME VG STORAGE MODE AIO_CACHE AIO_HWM SUPER_STRICT DISKS AIO_STATE AIO_CACHE_VALID DIVERGENCE AIO_CACHE_EMPTY REST; do [[ $NAME == \#* ]] && continue properties[MODE$INDEX]=$MODE properties[ASYNC_CACHE_LV$INDEX]=$AIO_CACHE properties[ASYNC_CACHE_HW_MARK$INDEX]=$AIO_HWM properties[SUPER_STRICT$INDEX]=$SUPER_STRICT properties[PHYSICAL_VOLUMES$INDEX]=${DISKS//+([[:space:]])/,} properties[STORAGE_LOCATION$INDEX]=$STORAGE properties[ASYNC_MIRROR_STATE$INDEX]=$AIO_STATE properties[ASYNC_CACHE_VALID$INDEX]=$AIO_CACHE_VALID properties[ASYNC_DATA_DIVERGENCE$INDEX]=$DIVERGENCE properties[ASYNC_CACHE_EMPTY$INDEX]=$AIO_CACHE_EMPTY if lslpp -l "glvm.rpv.client" >/dev/null 2>&1; then properties[ASYNC_CACHE_UTILIZATION$INDEX]=0 properties[CACHE_FREE_SPACE$INDEX]=0 nodes=$(clodmget -n -q object=COMMUNICATION_PATH -f name HACMPnode) for node in $nodes;do # Get the rpvstat from the node where VG is varied on. is_vg_variedon=$(LC_ALL=C cl_rsh $node lsvg -L -o | grep -w $VG 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n $is_vg_variedon ]];then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS):cl_rsh $node rpvstat -C | grep -w $VG | awk '{ print \$4 }' " >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands ASYNC_CACHE_UTILIZATION=$(LC_ALL=C cl_rsh $node rpvstat -C 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG | grep -w $VG | awk '{ print $4 }') if [[ -n $ASYNC_CACHE_UTILIZATION ]];then properties[ASYNC_CACHE_UTILIZATION$INDEX]=$ASYNC_CACHE_UTILIZATION fi CACHE_FREE_SPACE=$(LC_ALL=C cl_rsh $node rpvstat -C 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG | grep -w $VG | awk '{ print $8 }') if [[ -n $CACHE_FREE_SPACE ]];then typeset -i cache_val=$((CACHE_FREE_SPACE/1024)) properties[CACHE_FREE_SPACE$INDEX]=$cache_val break fi fi done fi done rc=$RC_SUCCESS else rc=$RC_ERROR fi #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[mirror_pool]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:07 Last Changed: 6/1/15 14:09:00 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query mirror_pool [,,...] clmgr -v query mirror_pool NOTE: the alias for "mirror_pool" is "mp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more mirror pools. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_pool [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more mirror pools (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== p kJ2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaceseoup#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces.sh 1.8 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)05 1.8 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 5/10/13 11:23:52 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.8 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:15 Last Changed: 5/10/13 11:23:52 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces =head1 DESCRIPTION Get the network name that has the most number of interfaces defined this is used in the two node configuration assistant to determine which network to place a service IP alias on. =head1 ARGUMENTS None =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.8, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i IFCNT=0 LOCAL_IF_ON_NET ALL_IF_ON_NET rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset NETWORKS= OUTVAL= nw= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -f name HACMPnetwork" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clodmget -f name HACMPnetwork | \ while read nw; do nw=${nw//\"/} [[ -n $NETWORKS ]] && NETWORKS="$NETWORKS " NETWORKS="$NETWORKS$nw" done print "clodmget RC: $?; NETWORKS == \"$NETWORKS\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ -z $NETWORKS ]]; then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY elif [[ -z $LOCAL_NODE ]]; then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY else #=========================================== : Loop through each network in the cluster #=========================================== for nw in $NETWORKS do : Count all the interfaces in the cluster and all on the node ALL_IF_ON_NET=$(/usr/bin/odmget -q "network = $nw" HACMPadapter | /usr/bin/grep "HACMPadapter:" | /usr/bin/wc -l) LOCAL_IF_ON_NET=$(/usr/bin/odmget -q "network = $nw and nodename = $LOCAL_NODE" HACMPadapter | /usr/bin/grep "HACMPadapter:" | /usr/bin/wc -l) : remember the network that has the most interfaces on this node : that is also present on the other node if (( $IFCNT < $LOCAL_IF_ON_NET )) && (( $ALL_IF_ON_NET >= $LOCAL_IF_ON_NET )) then IFCNT=$LOCAL_IF_ON_NET OUTVAL=$nw fi done : Are there any networks that meet the needs of SystemMirror? if [[ -z $OUTVAL ]] then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY else : This is the best network to use print -- "$OUTVAL" fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_net_with_most_interfaces()" @(#)0 lL2+Cbbb&Y) # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_network_attributesfaces   =eainort $cdlps"#ACDEILNOPRST[]_fhmuw()-.:GMbgkvy&,/012;>BHU\q{|}!%*+467FKWx'359Ctʒz#QL> Le8ʁX!j -2ssU_*Ëar&BE ה׹ON1I FgP98'|b)F6mmmmmmmmmQ:ův$8ȦzW.1Ðlat zE֕8p(`]+pQ̞jtdx&2WYV ʛ]L+섣!ItZ'33QE0dZ.E֕8pq%ćGq%ćdsta`@!4PADMц@Ib# E+rq(_TQmmmmmmmGCzSξ/ӭ6F0hb'YdpNu'@< ӽVAmmmmmmQBy744Ř  GsF z̓# A 0 @p21e~'e yG(`\L`nH*,PH#uybtmmmmmmmm11\RNҦ?(*q~[Ammmmmmmm)1ÂLc~jN|Bc0㻦(_SS$Y/Hy1! &TGBu^)G bjC8)sI/8TT#t *kHi"d(TbF*P 5^I\xdv1 3LHD"EP]}Wi9NbNၚDv44D*AAI/-j?T0hЂ196l4 ӹZD`-Fhb lnl;r?T(@?Z֣u6mmmmmmm vτX~xdxjDbU_{GCy3T_M:D:L0GC :-Wp'ت>U} UWGcD7`J?%LN'$A}pr4(CmmmmmmmڏkHi"d(TbF*P 5U]5W0 .pȑbeD|n9T,_Uo>}QtUj Ut^0Ó0kHi"d(TbF*P 5U]5W248;MT `qv1&08c`zCɉ8dH2>7 M7>)W@Q$BMT `q0Hփ֘ED$@HDQZ tqM$LB% HJ0!C8)9T&3$Y/Hy1! &TGBu^)G#AP cRt *3$Y/j?A1 X`i(DSa"7 M7>)W@QGh5Ãdp,G 9 0Tp)stYr?=aNh 0ѡbr lh]aNFYȁat:c}?#3f@#:d"?E N1T4hhЂ196l4.f*jASU0hЂ196l4.f*jASUA1(h֑0-G,T@fa:ٰw&pVEG\Xs.$8&pVEͅf@#@YG2\HqcI Lଋ Nc@YیL3fOKZZa@YHu k8,PJ:,PI?zW4 ȺDb%GQQQҼ*d"\B&>)1ÂLP'LPu^&fwsԗ0#bZ3Ȥ*d"\"jAAH T,ds "`fЧ*zW4*T2D7R*d"\"Qk" $P((T ŠG$*T2D…H03 kÐam xr0esF &D"\B&@ԉ7Fbw J88H8)1ÂLP'LPu^vtFavqV ʸsE hSÕ EmmmmmmQ 59A ^$\7?q΋CU^"׹qUWȵGo)1Â1Vy_BC9M/t1B ÝڱX'*ċ1F-Hy1! &TEEԃULaX!!WN|FaÎXpE5G,04D"PČTjC 'ۄ$H0<bB%,L*SMϱp+εؼ a`hozW4\"Ȝ H$@8xG a0esEȘ*.<8X1"D уzW4`H' Hu"E# lhBEǑ8@' "$H0xG AL"\r& "p#N.D Ht`ZZa D" nH40esEȘ*.<8X1"D у@` ZZa拑0T$\y 2pr bD,Lf# -"`H'0db@ĉ7FX0esF "pd7R$X?r?,@փ֘EL DF ,\"…G$1p97փ֘EL DF ,\"8GsF.pD$Kn4 ND ͛q=.G"JRoK_UFu,Sdg^`,$[F ҼnH "Gh5$ 42E*l1#G(@hӸrf.pȑbeD|n9T,_Uo>}Qt2:ӸrfH"J6#ʔ `4CMUWiܸ 3LHD"EP]}Wi9Nb?AH#a`?O5Y,S&HvGC+:]v9"V?ZW U&H fOK$XX I(Dh&h."UH*H3`8]dI(D4"PL(AREP(@p.l.֢kc&H[$%na.Ccudc Rvy) qG0b3QHk3 :?:T_c\0h,,lQHJ՘ZRQP]H*՘f(*AV(&lEFr,rN|p[HR{p'Fh֔E֞bf#3f@#sԚ?AL"\"H""(@7Rs?AL"\"H"PpHB@AN-,8 "u&?AL"\BHzD" Ԝ%lh#$J""(@7R]փ֘EE .D ,E"D$Pnulh"8 "u#QH"щ*P~q(@45F Dv8/6o0̑B@@aJ?Ztr 0HCǑ0ammmmmmmڏH \u`a:Jm:PcVxmmmmmmmӸ`fˏ8`$1(&3,04f1"d(Tb?𘠃:!|nEo;I$X(_S`4F"#mmmmmmmmmm0"#QӃV^ 毵}Z` rlUYPZa@׻Gb=(>) ,8G:ůrOGkI皤|NTRTDo.Ϋ@毵_^>~]QeξN)bs6Pʛ]rs t,_@\(,TU?8e \)PRW^_:ůp_,Tr#}_^퐑F7֘*0H=@ldDȔ$DYc |pޤ $LADA4O`02% 5zx;OEyξO5}:dZm_E_Y^T>)/j*~'\]`|8j֫ tF֘2-{'k] K$`fW/*"7ξO5}dY~dW"bF/teDFN'>k0Rv}k^E٦'6P# {]Sz<<,gsy19MFh~k0RWs'uNFRV).L_{v'kULN^'yEUȠ;HIBL1)ův}Do΁ySk@F7 *\D1+V;<;c}֘2-''\u>ȵ'`*X#Ⲵv\]ɢ7B؞zsv'k {jкTDo&/,>F䜲!Dj#r"!{=PAˈ3 sї)*q~';\,YP5mmmmmmmmmNrqkݩ"GCTD`R, rU@1ib̠"(G,pRbq/F0hOKfIB0:jA01B /<$:b @3(_QCͣHaQ_t *9BHq=;k1/͐cf)rOKd\c$E6E~'M:DdZj2,ξ;|',3/OKc2ap`~W4\"@ix6Ӫ9WyϾzDvU|17> ũ#*<~'8Qz(h=i[+拑"HbIhvzmdZ-;! [vS=ȳ`GG(`Sx2Wc91AJ_UfOKeș (8,Cs3 ԘqON ^-,_`s.@rP* يK WA1}馂5֔u ] >WxwMSsu8y!D ںp8!1*mr#b\ N;]`8B SRV).L_Qǐ= ٮӭ5LuVT"dX54D/ȹMqH1Qmmmmmmmmmm72zsUWk:o>~]MW+1E~/_M5šcd_Bz]WDnuQ1fM}Ś|?2yj1\ ŖCdxZ`/˔DnONu'|8Tl_ UWskN):';EJ荶mmmmmmmmmQzlW&AVWDn).tX&q"#xL9 T DnE"6mmmmmmmmmmDn,X&^u4PHO zr`#mmmmmmmmmm@1!  kTN2+% bbb&% # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_network_typebut#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)06 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:39 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:15 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:39 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type =head1 DESCRIPTION Get the network type, either aliased or non-aliased network. Reports whether the network can have aliased service IP labels or whether the network has IP via replacement service labels on the network. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1: [scalar] network name =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset network=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset value= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $network ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"name = $network\" -f alias HACMPnetwork" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands value=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "name = $network" -f alias HACMPnetwork) print "clodmget RC: $?; value == \"$value\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result value=$(echo ${value//\"/}) if [[ $value != +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then rc=$RC_ERROR elif (( $value == 1 )); then print "alias" rc=$RC_SUCCESS else print "ipat" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_network_type()" C l@P2+abbb&Z # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_node_attributes  =enot $CELNO_acdilprs"#ADGIMRST[]fhmu()-./:>HPUbgvwy&*,02;BFV\1?KWkq{|}!%+349jxz'567]][0xvT.e"8`׋0+Geݗ 11}v 8p5Rwy8ihhb@ ݗ0~˧ Re5-b( cm/.._ьnN;lk1=Ĕ@rC2@#|zJ 9%SPz'6mmmmmmmm2av2f7̱|YyřammmmmmmmNA*zDSE56]An\&|w&0#A@&e< "P*=ShImmmmmwvDƳw'u] Ufah2hmmmmmN1-=brL;mmmmmmmӿð|׃eאVۃřiqv_VXޱe؆eL˼Y|x6/řiqN2e^) LLM@I J.d0mmmmmmNdX{HD. ˗3/;"˳`.W"2i 0+ekĆp<1-0+ǷB ApN\7yXUfZXM;"˳aUia6E4SSR"T@rUibĻ*-,&灠aqtP D84 ^'HNv@4j«2mI`Ip<> ؁|$˱ - ՅVeڒDz\rL,[ ~{Y&]\odv4adv EeчEe؞*-,&Ԗ=xÿ2w|-2c,[ =,.3 ˃xXȲL|"2h"2AC|$˱|$˱>`.Wÿ2w|XȲL|&IbwN;'ekĆp<&T􈦊j`JDAʈ@ =W1#0`xy$H5JIBGc 0 rh*PI(S 3/;b$H5DIA1đ.ѡGe˃xítS w=&DJ砑"$PL0d&9؄mY02@(E0a:٧E0sHjDz  MREpVeڝ81.^x;"˳aUia6E4SSR"T@rUibĻ*-,&ԝba!;4 cѫ K %%nPP7bc,[< XUfZXM,{%Xs.. f^wn2fOVYjKpNm_,30 h*U$dJ0LwNbmmmmmmmmmӿò&5YpN]嗊lA ɍg.f]ťnWd2(&eYfskick K ;ĺwmmmmmmmmm-2c Hj&P8g@r2`Ip?xPP7y<X􈦊j <((A> K58Z0Hj$"MA蔧ĽcSwjD< MA  qx,$(M.yDPQ1|jrhg0Hj$";ZvNdXz  MQjLq${qhQr&eJSQ*0LYbN^MI(Pd"S2wN q|ܚ &1Pz%;mmmmmmmmmii^,SPԊN컺2fdUfrv6\v'k;( cm/..a̋oŌ3;xfs0v'l-]嗊kx0 .zi +& ;mmmmmmmmmin]I)*"DyJ0an]I)*N;bn p8'nKQp` , E‚!$,, p\+.\LγL컋K6B`ad2,̸3.I.I^e}e☳x,L2˺yE YɅ^)Lqlxfs0v/XL\0 Lq$ih 8 pŃme8pHw B$<;'N *H=32qȳ.PTDh 8 ,k/!˂@2qmmmmmmmmm1\38vV1 N0ww`\v<\r/fv4YMb];;dLm:F݌Yf%V\ ixck|NX3"c]iqh8NEeqc2䂸Z9Y3;ĺww992ft݊ѝu%}ُc ;;L3"c烙9:/LlV `s 2+38q9nُbI)&wmmmmmmmmm;"˳ÕMAуeIsMA誂IÕ($Z ;mmmmmmmmNLxô&g ;|jq1}uik 2õ)1ft'v+FsnMWh۱mmmmmmmmӿYe_%Wji!I((@Q5U~{ąw98r=礢U5ONbKxXzJ 9%SPz!@݈ی8a!EHhp"(砑2jGIG$C 6끮֝]n\g5 xD`<<$@Ir ˑf],ʔ*8'H/O =@pSPz8ĐTrIT0n/ i6e,x*1*cR砑"*HE%`v(䷌)< o0(e ,zDSE5 QLy@Wh۱2hg0Hj$"dX5 ܹeBzjD~\7yȳ.@pJUPz$Gȳ.@pJUPz$G r ˑf],ʔ*8'H/O[r ˑf],ʔ*8'H.6 rV0Aw&2Ű"̺YÕ(TqTOMA\˗3/;E%PJTHbhjGe+1/Xԅv wHNU*>wn2=")O( &0zRcô($^($PVʏP MTLnz*=@)5PPI2"̺YÕ(TqTOMA^ítS w6eL M@)1Gdmmmmmm380~AKE?171#Gmmݘm%z\E?v+Dۡmmmmmm;"˳ L>ז)|@rJrLm_aఐǤE4SPIADǔ u\ h۱%eYp1<<$@IhYawv)F{&HO i֛o Ip3]n\ Ce#!G/0XHQc")\$򈠢cm:m@ nx@ xD`<<$@IhYawv)F{鶢q<X􈦊j <((Ad ˃0Hj$" K54{ I>/1 gLdԄFaob4nqai53DT! wAYqX&gbL,mC0˜˱.wQmNYx݊5,k=x<"ܖ@5O =|`i\ e`Ф!quYv"63DT! w$L{Mh/ i֛o i}vp2] \Q\1ĊM`@3DT! wuۧaPp*Pep qp܌˗MAP&B ,Ӳ0Leg*j*8^d\7*AWM@N}/v;,[=QUTQ"U mF`Fs! e˝2N˙iVr2,L6pr LtlPxwݗjXaCnKRvc\7 Lqfbfw.,ۃ ;QUTQёp܌;'c,[=QUTQŃme8ppo2H`Q5JLafd܃rYK*8UTMPr=5DyzyBUD(Sr ˑf],&(UUTQʞ"<<MAP&B; ܹe$E0z &T$E0z &Tmmmmmmi9Ȭ38$ f 18$ammmmmmm.qH$8E)n]M.rӴe ,zDSE5 QLy@vtɥYōao|.<<$@IhYawv)F{d,'-;O ]2ivqcX[' Q/Om_aఐǤE4SPIADǔ iL]Xḽ=a砑"*HE%xsB Mx4wr]6NdT"P f^w94K [/2iv@Leao2ivL$CȤR< $CȤP8 IHd,'- ;'ȳ.$CPz$GA!R(wN;mmmmmmm̊3Ue[9 N0wmmmmmmm;"˳5E".wUf/0XHQc")\$򈠢ckWUeZe N  bEC^mxy$H5JIB7в@S^,;Yi+WUeZe N  bEC^mqzxwn2=")O( &b-S&t 6@,e݃x'eȃPYCȥQꈹ&vF-;'J T8#a2wnAr,˥IA!ꃇDy=#IA!ꃇDygmmmmmmmmLxw+jܗbYyۗ9 Immmmmmmmmی8a!EHhp"(4)1"1{=`.W@%T% &UR ("-YUf 9B/3=&RB)(CX]ݨ kѥç"̺YdJ S],;M.5+ @ÿmmmmmmmi 1;/MA@֎z  MTIIB NDUdPg"D4 {ĝ'Ɍl,xGȤ\7yYjr `#7%f51U7 ݈ېn\2c֌\/OYrw| xGȤgTpPSPDѡG00ܸ/ N3ć(|P``as4(+}bN;MBq3:29|.LJ LR*&q.3"3dPۋE?ah<A`-.%Îef|q2DLCpbrq"$_,\e*fvjN#ip@v1.+ѥk8e&Vaq`0`fېn\2X $D#匬0\u.dVuqa|YeW3V3'e`.W?ɉ,q3MKL4JLXvrqZ\`n\Z,ͷ+8fVNe^]tplR_.,.93+;u͸v nWd2n/;w<]+6Ns6@v N䁆rX{f,i]e`$;vbc+X{f,׃J~ N,knHm%n^Ľq}K@c.[0̱+8̵,qihgY Ec~7Ep1bEGppmmmmmmmmmmS3M@YhԾ8P\ ֌dqw9y8^)0,f_.70S,3cenM,Y42˸P\ 4mثrfqYp_p8-H+L,392[/cf gYdQrX 8mmmmmmmmmmp(.XAgXMt8/b_&Y1!hV eIt^qmmmmmmmmmmӆ⬚ⰛtdEb&h 6؊g mmmmmmmmmNh lfR2+1Hbbb&#+ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_node_stateutes   =e ainorst"$EN_cdfhl#ACDILORSTgmpu(),-./1:GMPU[]bvy&'*02;>BFHW\kw|3469KVx!%57 ZRglqqˬn52<7.6?͞nxv27`8k^;ei)w5iWZnSys)cD`Xaڦޜ6Cs4nr˭{g{n/8?,\Abṷr5jJmtQӔw? 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It invokes various # network related utilities, at both the SystemMirror and # AIX levels, and mines their output for all relevant info. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset persistent_ip=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then persistent_ip= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset key= PERSISTENT_IPS= DATA= typeset -i matches=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS INDEX=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= elif [[ -n $persistent_ip ]]; then [[ $persistent_ip != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for persistent_ip in ${persistent_ip//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip "$persistent_ip" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$persistent_ip" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 152 "Available Persistent Node IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else PERSISTENT_IPS="$PERSISTENT_IPS $persistent_ip" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q \"function=persistent\" -f ip_label HACMPadapter" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$(clodmget -q "function=persistent" -f ip_label HACMPadapter) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$DATA" |\ while read name; do [[ -n $PERSISTENT_IPS ]] && PERSISTENT_IPS="$PERSISTENT_IPS " PERSISTENT_IPS="$PERSISTENT_IPS${name//\"/}" done print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): PERSISTENT_IPS == \"$PERSISTENT_IPS\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset PERSISTENT_IPS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for persistent_ip in $PERSISTENT_IPS; do integer NEED_DATA=1 if [[ -n $IF_LOG && -f $IF_LOG && -s $IF_LOG ]]; then typeset ATTR_DATA=$(grep -p 'TYPE="persistent"' $IF_LOG | grep -p "NAME=\"$persistent_ip\"") if [[ -n $ATTR_DATA ]]; then typeset PAIR="" VAL="" print -- "$ATTR_DATA" |\ while read PAIR; do VAL=${PAIR#*=} VAL=${VAL#\"} VAL=${VAL%\"} properties[${PAIR%%=*}$INDEX]="$VAL" done unset PAIR VAL NEED_DATA=0 fi unset ATTR_DATA fi if (( NEED_DATA )); then typeset -A attributes CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_interface_attributes $persistent_ip attributes for key in ${!attributes[*]}; do uc_key=$key properties[$uc_key$INDEX]=${attributes[$key]} done unset attributes fi unset NEED_DATA #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[persistent_ip]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done #====================================================================== : Only display NETMASK for IPv4 addresses. Otherwise, display PREFIX. #====================================================================== if [[ ${properties[IPADDR$INDEX]} == *:* ]]; then unset properties[NETMASK$INDEX] else unset properties[PREFIX$INDEX] fi (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:08 Last Changed: 6/1/15 14:14:30 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query persistent_ip [,,,...] clmgr -v query persistent_ip NOTE: the alias for "persistent_ip" is "pe". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more persistent IPs. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. persistent_ip [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more persistent IPs (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  l eZ2+bbb&ca # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_physical_volume_attributesoup   =e $adilnorst"#CELN[]_cfhmpuv():ADIMOPRSTbgky&*,-./0;>GH\w{}%+12BFKUVXqx!'4?YZz|379<@W56j8Q `B  I s)M*8Ƒe2訠etYjSk ? 20l=FWEXyx4<, `H<@X@n2W:ԁ<~H\T" $&, ,.>.e6)EZ'X,]V-JmuXd<~x(ˀpp#(r22sFa!(LQP\r@2O$@y"NBi4c,U[&[QeBJY2OYew@,u4"+DiY2͵rJx B ,TX$.ƟƮX(,WX*hSa3%iwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws:"bVIB] fj@EE#JV5{BY&w `%TlP-Tk1J HDbeC"@LhtUDGB! $& 6Ee4iR`VI".auY&EBą O6j<04I&&T1b$Ɉ K5TM6*@:UY&(A*MIQ P HH$*X\HPKP*XѤUJX8'bPuVI"1x(@ ]J$&@@H" :Tՠ4ieJIcrb46u4@XP,YëValҮG6M&$Eb@9Q46M@IʸM!6MDKDDIʸ?ͮm`" 1 yW@,li,U*,3.HvqFO0EXXbQAetuRECX*Y@`( 6j# $".(@E*aC¦SQ,Yë*6u4Tj\ՄSk,bP :WzΦP-TkmX(,"H"L@Ua06ڻ)ɐEEH@DJ `dD<ᡧue5N4 t MTf&[I6 ,#j&-UXj[66?,u`l&*EBą dlXk0bu˖.@`e˖. 2eXWe6PXbQ"("q!?&bAr勢n!LSj ,@U*,3.HD $*ј0=tD`HEq!APp6ujƮ6tdDCO6j<04I&&T1b$Ɉ T5q8% @B($$,.$(HL%Dm ˬh*]Q6 "D  kb `%Th\,T‚΀X "D  L(.#fY $]X@<\ @@ .:@HT!0>U*,3.HvqFO?ڣ ?:(ifZvm:ԩ"! ]cI.]0VIՠ]BHueK阔)bDEY&0P ʕ?2O$bauPUdUၥ$"L12  &L@X4:B8Pr B Pe:TP HH$*X\HPKP*XѤUI D Ud@h(.U @!Q`r GG  ,(&@]AliP$Ht P HH$*X\HPJUၥ$"L12  &L@X4:B8Pr B Pe:QR8D"BA!RBXzTFب̺ƍ"L<6j# $".(@,4P\\tlD pE*JiM)u.quګ65a04阔),FΦށ*T!dU?ͮm` "1 yWASO?ͮm`2dQR$& D*Q阔)@ʗ8UqҥBLSͮm`2dQR$& D*q?ͮm`a0d &L**Da!1("sOJ tP-TkmX(DL<" &.XHL@$]40Dh ,O?ͮ  (!dI @X2b HTX' AUhPtq &9@@W6v !ATM4t"@! aq!BBa,|=@#lTXf]cFU&@W6u @xybEq*Maps P8͝PUM! 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_rgdependency_parent =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:58 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:48 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_rgdependency_parent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_rgdependency_parent =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_rgdependency_parent { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_rgdependency_parent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset child=${1//\"/} typeset -n list=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i index=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $child ]]; then rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"group_child=$child and dependency_type=PARENT_CHILD\" -f group_parent HACMPrgdependency" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands for parent in $($HAUTILS/clodmget -q "group_child=$child and dependency_type=PARENT_CHILD" -f group_parent HACMPrgdependency) do list[$index]=${parent//\"/} (( index++ )) done print "clodmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_rgdependency_parent()" $ lh2+Qbbb&n1 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_service_ip_attributesut    =e ainorst$I_cdfhlp"#.ACDELMNOPRSTgmuv(),-:G[]bwy&/012;>FHU\k{}!'*BKVXqx|+34579\n  4 m1-qg,v33 vv\eN.Jv]ƕ#+ 8It;iI- N.Jv&+ [0ů-JxO7``$%$TA%"dpxL(@"Vp$'%@@ԍ  P`/ g~B&3bܮ|'\, XϚ^0^7\픠7ExڗzV{{)/< `xHtI@g:X/V\N+E?*?^0^7\[?i[?*?^0^7\c?s"#<1* A`>$%xfU RvŦXɌUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULZK67{yZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!'@x{r8g+`nr;ZȢcduq5L+f*qJ.=Ș1P2L+sl$Ni^sÇ`iˋL+ c?*]G#rg[9g'rtYiˋ[clܝnIs5a+JԄvקnPW|bܮxpq%Ɏ,L&8DHL 0"մz׊^rqpj/]?AMԁǦVpӗ^j\ƳeUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU3QW-xX^xnux,[?ܦ"#u(Ąշh֬r [g8ʹ'r櫥]{M 9quDqgc0W)62m #Ns=%JwHoO4/tՁ}gʪ%G@wHz%; Qϴ0jˏDDx& aj&DJ"Px c?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS?m #RZv@W<8`iˈ?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS?g)ϕ뒴\$$ 歽"9rVj#s(@!WJr뒴\$  83y*<+DQL.!7QuZ._|'\p%;: yŖg.=Ș1yogDsǒ& ]ʈLUIcf/V乹å<1"gxAa'@D0DyR E 감.<(0/HtL,HkJ1䉈Dr#bX٨Ąշ9.nFg$L@&HtI1@XIK*\?nJg%xpv,LD#xI*寍< tĨaPUcQ@,q!!aV%GĀ$,*׌!… \  D gc g>W< XLg GP+dG#xxAa'@D0DyR -͚À$,V9t|'\oiKh"!IA!xr@perȥbp8䉈D2Ċxr i@ٶ93Z 5sßXrV!.<$$I ÔF-E+ gϞ,PX`(DQ TKA3fyq kBωx8xD dbED&! o5mc?S. 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_service_labels =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:16 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:50 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_service_labels.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query service_ip [,,,...] clmgr -v query service_ip NOTE: the alias for "service_ip" is "se". =head1 DESCRIPTION Returns a list of shared service IP labels defined within the local cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS N.one =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_service_labels { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_service_labels.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset name= value= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"function=shared\" -f ip_label HACMPadapter" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clodmget -q "function=shared" -f ip_label HACMPadapter |\ while read name; do print -- ${name//\"/} done print "clodmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"function=service\" -f ip_label HACMPadapter" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clodmget -q "function=service" -f ip_label HACMPadapter |\ while read name; do print -- ${name//\"/} done print "clodmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result log_return_msg 0 "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_service_labels()" er/u kNm2+7bbb&7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes.sh 1.18 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)81 1.18 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/1/15 14:37:32 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect site information. The odmget utility is invoked # to extract the necessary data from the HACMPsite ODM. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.18, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset site=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then site= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset SITES= ID= name= value= DATA= typeset key= typeset -i matches=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= elif [[ -n $site ]]; then for site in ${site//,/ }; do site=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site "$site" 2>/dev/null) if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$site" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 157 "Available Sites:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_sites available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else SITES="$SITES $site" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then typeset SITENAMES= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -f name HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands SITENAMES=$(clodmget -n -f name HACMPsite) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESSS )); then for SITENAME in $SITENAMES; do SITES=${SITES:+$SITES }$SITENAME done fi else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset SITES #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for site in $SITES; do if [[ $SITES == *\ * ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q \"name=$site\" -f id HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands ID=$(clodmget -q "name=$site" -f id HACMPsite) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?; $site ID == \"$ID\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget -q \"name = $site\" HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$(odmget -q "name = $site" HACMPsite) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$DATA" |\ while IFS='=' read name value do name=${name##+([[:space:]])} name=${name%%+([[:space:]])} [[ -z $name || $name == 'HACMPsite:' ]] && continue value=${value##+([[:space:]])} value=${value%%+([[:space:]])} value=${value//\"/} attr=$name # Make uppercase if [[ $attr == ID* ]]; then typeset CID=$(clodmget -f id HACMPcluster) properties[G$attr$ID]="$CID$value" else [[ $attr == "DOMINANCE" ]] && continue # NOTE: the "NODES" attribute is what is used to actually # set the node list, so that is what should be # displayed via queries. [[ $attr == "NODELIST" ]] && attr=NODES properties[$attr$ID]=$value fi done properties[STATE$ID]=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state "$site") print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -q name="${properties[NAME$ID]}_sircol" -f ip_address HACMPsircol" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands properties[SITE_IP$ID]=$(clodmget -n -q name="${properties[NAME$ID]}_sircol" -f ip_address HACMPsircol) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?, ${properties[NAME$ID]} IP == ${properties[SITE_IP$ID]}" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result #======================================= : Get the site merge/recovery priority #======================================= print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -q name=$site -f merge_priority HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG value=$(clodmget -n -q name=$site -f merge_priority HACMPsite) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?; $site merge_priority == $value" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG [[ $value == 0 ]] && value="MANUAL" properties[RECOVERY_PRIORITY$ID]=$value print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #========================= : Get the site dominance #========================= print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -q name=$site -f dominance HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG properties[DOMINANT$ID]=$(clodmget -n -q name=$site -f dominance HACMPsite) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?, $site dominance == ${properties[DOMINANT$ID]}" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG unset repositories # Make sure no previous results exist typeset repositories CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories repositories SITE=$site value=${repositories[*]} properties[REPOSITORIES$ID]="${value//\) /\), }" #================================== : Get the site HMCS for site $site #================================== typeset HMCLABELS= typeset hmclabels= print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllssite -S $site" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands hmclabels=$(cllssite -S $site) (( rc |= $? )) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllssite RC: $rc, $site HMCs == ${hmclabels//+([[:space:]])/ }" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for hmclabel in $hmclabels; do if [[ -n $hmclabel ]]; then HMCLABELS="${HMCLABELS:+$HMCLABELS }$hmclabel" fi done properties[HMCS$ID]=$HMCLABELS fi #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[site]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$ID]} ]]; then properties[$key$ID]="" fi done if [[ ${properties[HEARTBEAT_TYPE]} == "UNICAST" ]]; then unset properties[SITE_IP$ID] fi [[ $CLUSTER_TYPE != "LC" ]] && unset properties[REPOSITORY$ID] done # End of the sites loop #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.18 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:09 Last Changed: 6/1/15 14:37:32 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query site [,,,...] clmgr -v query site =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more sites. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. site [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more sites (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== = k궠o2+p*bbb&p* # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_stateutes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)14 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1642B_hacmp721 10/14/16 14:14:11 #============================================================================= # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to retrieve the aggregated cluster manager state for a given # site. The "worst case" status wins. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: The node state is returned on STDOUT, unless the optional # "state" input is provided, in which case the state is stored # in that variable. The only other outputs are any error # messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, below, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================= function KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1642B_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset site=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset LINE= NODE= NODELIST= typeset -u STATE=UNKNOWN typeset -i NODE_COUNT=0 OFFLINE=0 UNCONFIG=0 UNMANAGED=0 typeset -i ERROR=0 NORMAL=0 UNKNOWN=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $site ]]; then rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q \"name=$site\" -f nodelist HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands NODELIST=$(clodmget -q "name=$site" -f nodelist HACMPsite) NODELIST=${NODELIST//\"} print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?; NODELIST == \"$NODELIST\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result #================================================ : Collect and analyze the status from each node #================================================ for NODE in $NODELIST; do (( NODE_COUNT++)) STATE=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_node_state "$NODE" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) if [[ $STATE == *@(INIT|INOPERATIVE)* ]]; then (( OFFLINE++ )) elif [[ $STATE == *NOT_CONFIGURED* ]]; then (( UNCONFIG++ )) elif [[ $STATE == *FAILED* ]]; then (( ERROR++ )) elif [[ $STATE == *@(JOINING|UNSTABLE|VOTING|RUNNING|BARRIER|DONE)* ]]; then (( NORMAL++ )) elif [[ $STATE == *STABLE* ]]; then (( NORMAL++ )) elif [[ $STATE == *UNMANAGED* ]]; then (( UNMANAGED++ )) else (( UNKNOWN++ )) fi done #================================================================== : Aggregate the collected node states to arrive at a relatively : appropriate, overall cluster state. The goal here is to provide : the most useful indicator to the customer. #================================================================== if (( NODE_COUNT > 0 )); then if [[ $CLMGR_GUI == "SMUI" ]]; then if (( ERROR )); then STATE=ERROR elif (( UNCONFIG )); then STATE=NOT_CONFIGURED elif (( OFFLINE == NODE_COUNT )); then STATE=OFFLINE elif (( NORMAL == NODE_COUNT )); then STATE=STABLE elif (( UNMANAGED == NODE_COUNT )); then STATE=UNMANAGED elif (( NORMAL && NORMAL != NODE_COUNT )); then STATE=WARNING else STATE=UNKNOWN fi else if (( ERROR )); then STATE=ERROR elif (( UNCONFIG )); then STATE=NOT_CONFIGURED elif (( OFFLINE == NODE_COUNT )); then STATE=OFFLINE elif (( NORMAL == NODE_COUNT )); then STATE=STABLE elif (( UNMANAGED == NODE_COUNT )); then STATE=UNMANAGED else STATE=UNKNOWN fi fi fi fi print -- $STATE # Do not quote! Avoids leading/trailing whitespace! log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 10/21/16 17:05:34 Last Changed: 10/14/16 14:14:11 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_site_state.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1642B_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr -cSa state query site [ [,,,...] ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Queries every node in the cluster for its current state (retrieved by calling "lssrc -ls clstrmgrES") and aggregating the results. The currently known statuses are: ST_INIT ST_JOINING ST_STABLE ST_UNSTABLE ST_VOTING ST_RP_RUNNING ST_BARRIER ST_RP_FAILED ST_CBARRIER ST_DONE NOT_CONFIGURED UNMANAGED These raw states are aggregated into seven possible statuses: NOT_CONFIGURED OFFLINE ERROR NORMAL WARNING UNMANAGED UNKNOWN NOT_CONFIGURED indicates that the node has not yet been configued into a cluster. If *any* node in the cluster has this state, then the entire cluster is considered to be "NOT_CONFIGURED". ST_INIT indicates cluster services are inactive, but AIX is running. If all the nodes have this state, the cluster state is set to "OFFLINE". ST_JOINING, ST_UNSTABLE, ST_VOTING, ST_RP_RUNNING, ST_BARRIER, ST_CBARRIER, and ST_DONE all indicate that cluster services are active, and something is happening. If *any* of the nodes in the cluster possess this state, then the cluster state is set to "NORMAL". ST_RP_FAILED indicates a PowerHA error has occurred on that node (other nodes in the cluster may be in *BARRIER in this case). If *any* node in the cluster possesses this state, the cluster state is set to "ERROR". ST_STABLE indicates that cluster services are operating normally. If all nodes in the cluster have this state, the cluster state is set to "NORMAL". However, if any of the nodes in the cluster report "OFFLINE", while the rest report "NORMAL", then the cluster state is set to "WARNING" to indicate a degraded condition within the cluster. If *any* node in the cluster reports an unrecognized state, or cannot be contacted, the state of the cluster is set to "UNKNOWN". =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. site [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more sites (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  l4q2+Kbbb&- # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_snapshot_attributessut  =e iorst$ENahnp"#ACDILOPST[]_cdflmu(),-./:GHMRXbgvwy{}*012;>FU\k!%&'+BYqx|34579{E7%t5?0&A3eʔ* m$0@A?H@!pR`}*r@p (L 6"@cbpYEૢmHCl 0,X(bU@ 0"$H,@8x儘0,Ha2 &6*mڈb E>|gFN,~`TxxP 9U \8& DHi,U6b6 P??(Ӓ$$eP0̳ܼ#;d-%KdLd֌e", C0$Z" HX, ,a%w``_pdp|%{NFNmV00|$/:s8Z?``pad*3!$[.qY:\^ 0,K"~L 6XLBL60}mmmmmmmmm{騂CQB`YD/]jF/h=Sjk*mg@V ň!XZ帪vjTg8}?㏟ಋWGA1PS>Ќe gabp5?&c/]ŮYCṅgYDs|eYEૣ.\N6'p5 d5wy|[09Pt7!OKcښAP $oz,3bȼڱ=kZk~U WCwy|[0R 톻B}H³c;r0|/{AAiTit5?zigr|f2r2t7+e -rj`݋} 'Cq9=/*8M#4pk`q*8싒q+\^/`mmmm?%'X՛} 8j mmmmmg?[Dh]^_ 3Э ܼ-D"hr0 XS]20l`ⵟ^a1LBDL$R._8鷜6L&Ti#+&8FFk?2c7@N+0ey CNgFWLp^ك?2c7mಋWG8NuKhvܴO6N[.׹dpLQ /D0ճBYd% XS#.J,@CL*ՃCàWF gmmmmmmk?*yXgq'u#U f} 53ڋ >sBн 'vVw!bmmmmmm*' g\u9PdΈnѠgef4.27F/P#0a]yy!,P02Qȍ } Q<V?ιic?mmmmmN&*an.2mmmmk?{2g [F (tsFUdΌQx*5`Ѭ4+BcLB}=耜eH\ ⬬]h($ &lF4H6$\@ $ BbeD8)κa..l",㑂/](v  %͗HƉBfċ@8>ˬUрxA`ðP4^a1Q?,"RPi&WE fH,lapYEૣ Au}AS~A@B#CQ?&A@+ g\̙P]FPTE&Cງ$<ѠѠgef1/#J (k?ιigjÙ2&*`8=2LLb%L.J/^ #y:奌=J  B`YR`x4< C/l 8PP3?2c.O*~YDD4L͈"$X&ಋWF4$'m6F.O*~L 6@V ι XSK@q (.O*~LCcuK',;@[ BfˤcDA!3bE H'Y!12a Gw]dhA`ðP4*"dM.\bɦXak6\DEAXhV.J.mmmmmmmmg~Yˡ>gbjq^*"wR1{EP`.3mmmmmmmmgú% XSgj" 2BiSA(HT  p DA!3f*!} @`,\Dd,r (&I4tLp12! $Lb%L&8n]20l`ðh5%͘,PPf g0B~,WH,pF^Dd *`!ek|0cYDl6$&$ TF{ų$J˘HLdDd4WH,pF^Dd *`!ek|0c@Zn >p)(.a!3fՙ {ų$J˘HLـ0HLBˑ!Zr`d@ys 0IiHP\l6` ,$$8 3`3}mmmmmmk?Ce;: gUl8,U>mmmmmmmϕ$Ydz;+4 ?i*M fuiɜ1mlȉR M2I qVVgr`dDs&$ Qȍ.//fDJ0]iHPXkPiTFM!gBiQ(M4g>է8ܶ*Yt"'siհͧ9=-gX^_*}H_V*Ds?2c.a2ITJM&dΉBiA@* HpdΉBiۢ4P T@8  8+3whD4LKDd P#GUЊ 4Bf (TC(3 @E!Q (D)WB:!*YDK?8^3>*գDeI2Q..DqK(D)9 *Ճt#!ÅZrVQH6`HB? 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;CK`mmmmmmmmmmv⠬"ODab˨ب*mmmmmmmmmk kХr2++bbb&+ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributessoup#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes.sh 1.10 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)97 1.10 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/1/15 14:47:22 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect storage agent information. The clxd_list_sa_director # utility is invoked to extract the necessary data. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.10, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset storage_agent=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then storage_agent= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset AGENTS= typeset -A list typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset key= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ -n $storage_agent ]]; then [[ $storage_agent != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for storage_agent in ${storage_agent//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent "$storage_agent" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$storage_agent" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 163 "Available Storage Agents:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else AGENTS="$AGENTS $storage_agent" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents list for name in ${list[*]}; do name=${name##+([[:space:]])} name=${name%%+([[:space:]])} AGENTS="$AGENTS $name" done else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset AGENTS #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for storage_agent in $AGENTS; do properties[NAME$INDEX]=$storage_agent print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_sa_director -d\"|\" -n $storage_agent" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_sa_director -d"|" -n $storage_agent >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgsaa.$$ cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_list_sa_director RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$storage_agent" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND break fi cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgsaa.$$ |\ while IFS=\| read name type user password systems ips attrs rem; do [[ $name == *\ * ]] && continue properties[NAME$INDEX]="$name" properties[TYPE$INDEX]=$type properties[USER$INDEX]=$user properties[PASSWORD$INDEX]=$password properties[SYSTEMS$INDEX]=$systems properties[ADDRESSES$INDEX]=$ips properties[ATTRIBUTES$INDEX]=$attrs done rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHgsaa.$$ #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[storage_agent]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.10 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:09 Last Changed: 6/1/15 14:47:22 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query storage_agent [,,...] clmgr -v query storage_agent NOTE: the alias for "storage_agent" is "sta". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more PowerHA SystemMirror storage agents. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. storage_agent [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more storage_agents (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== fi  lꄅt2+Cbbb&( # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_system_attributesoup   =eaiorst $_cdlmnp"#CEINRST[]fghuy()-./:ADGLMOPbvw&,012;>BHKUX\kq{}!'*4FYx|%+3678mmmm')(œڳb(ikT>mmmm? m[@,.//fpfBc//f ii?'WLrYREuyl"N0"T DD%J&8RNuyn"&8q͑q$Bv&8p9/l^a1ÛOf+mmmmmmOi}T佳倱& p N (@a,*E 8IDS …*DQaB+ 5(.PG༤-Ea)Y8F8FΏsBpڷ5<2k%,0pYJP$(PȒ&0,yL%,0'E dUQ@,9/le 5`sXE8. a *,(QKh(QB."PA&LS=mg(GA Bnk:<.sjv5|r`{fcL`hҨ "d"@$K ?'WLv QÏi}T佳BI*`/ JDL q7+&; JѣejVմS &X@i Q0]xf JnZO2]Z8pv9H`itI"L\bH&&T4G@$ *HA%MIRa &9T佳倱&1ra1hLr ^0A(aaQqO(6ðq'*NDHTVDR RB (&mNc NK0.X "`.;Lp9 ` ( xx@j`zja Ҩi03Av"T"@pgr:ce-G?lTVGo'*X˗$'ہ<}'-rO]^_ $"HMDȄT &&D$&nZpaa2EQSOB RML=zqd$zX\jƸLbՍCjf\g.6?@E "T"00PR D: ?O2QƑ|EX c *Hb|Gimmmmi8jƸ ?}mmmmOi|9mEaFaW0`ܬrR2\Z12!#uy F(.#G?˟.{ J0;ʻV B.{ J0;ʢ . q3h pV nV?$@ D`HTEf #2 I"L_ " ,0`Qg "ԣBsjQFU"#BpX4A9X8`f k PJCAMՁ:E "Tm…*(WAxXBq ia]yc1 X&BsjQFUpYu`kQaB"[@DE@ 10eIaʝeX ;@LjROi}pDaQ!R=+0eI0 nV?@T2$ r "EEaFaV2"*BO +P$L1| *HqhLrYREmmmmmmmmq.qFFx[6|M#R990?}mmmmmmmi\sjQFUڶP,b"An?wy|[0.LHX B.{ J0;ʧ ]2&l2?4XP+ q7+\jD) %HeTTl""ԢeN9EaFaTv P *,(Qi*/Ji03A%SE`5DD%Jᡠ&cӂ …*DQaB+  DAr8 B0tv.]D X!5(#*@8,P(Ab$|(5(f)v9";sOqX5(dvg=O\VbP B.{ J+1Y򫆦bR"ԣ@2R6r9Dv+xsjQvg=O\buy=^D1?|ᩇؔr%#n \G`ni7^r8q' ?%1YB^ @/*jav%'tXoB)v9";sOq!Xo@vg=ObACeMEf #NTjp8գBsjQYdFBsjQrU NTjtʍT.Y9Q '*5P ]&@,B]rU rNTjtXPjY9QЀHF^SP,,0&HJ*iyAz*BO +P$L1}"e뽰g ]+ DܬjÃCK*Hb*D12: JaaSk(ra1hLvo[BsjQFUA(aaQqO(6ðq'*N ! $*6FE6R&8 ÖЄ\`vpjIEM<< 50>AU4^@ڴqCK*Hb*D12:JaaSk(B: */HK Kv1 K K DĔaj8֓U'`qHe"T"@pgru`kQaB"[@DE@^"PAp!nk:;^X. l" 㐄\`vG`hҨ 1rȁBbgX?O2͵IEhL ,OY5+&񱵖Ra1|7Icⴿ9 zVq$8+ZI9j{Pf._Af+=\bR"`n`9hcyفrbBP$LLHVGܼ-,@12!#^O]^_ $"HMDȄTdZفpBd$LLH@lme]^_ $X A{ųBI*"bdBF* 5+F9r:5@i!ك&c{ųE$"UDȄTʐ{ųBbe*D 21|]^_ ""bdBF*rr`\`HbdJ H|Vܼ-"QDȄTB^{ų"#BP$LLH@e.q'//fʀ,D$$LLHBI"!z-L-?7-8 @" ( Ì$PA%4< @=?}mmmmmmmDjVg|톳(rs.~Fm2r2btaݚ1)6\pwsrr 8La:NZ eh4Lgq2r3mmmmmmmmsڶY,X"Ȕ/5(#* 4L ]^_ &&D$`/0 nV?wy|[0.RNH8qZnZO?}mmmmmmm;EslγT-˟SmmmmmmmOi}r`\0EDȄ4gr]^_ "T&&D$`Bc//f @12!#Zwy|[0.0$P2%$LLH]^_ J("bdBF8&:r`\$@ D`HT ?Иفr,$B%K(!4 "1e\Ywy|[0.X ""bdBF p N (@1AF`3XBc//fą,UDȄe&&D$&r v@'0c̑12! 0rymmmmmmm?G$gbxK|1|^Ri`MInUpmmmmmmm?p۔ PJ}{f|pgrj&/X􍢻ܼ-aS5lPGih=.ܡJH"TZ"dIҋVN@Ɇܼ-4'*9;$04v9RDȓ' .gjN Ja<}mmmmmmmmmdE[NFܖ?G $D( GMdą~$D$@XaSa=eTY'#0& ȕ PbB<푩s匴Dz-rl3.~s\7/eN2^x*r^L.dR7cl>r'g Ǟxmmmmmmmmmmcsr8mi9Ueh*9 U^0V2:NM,1rm-RvÔOk9UCs6c*9 !v.#R󼬙ns-RAbmQMgG2ՓFœm)K9ymmmmmmmmmI`-kT?j`fx,jq6#'ȬmmmmmmmmmMTGa/@f#mN&N,<}mmmmmmmmmx D kv2+g)bbb&g) # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)76 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/1/15 14:57:19 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect tape information. The cllstape utility is invoked # to extract the necessary data. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset tape=${1//\"/} # Get the "properties" associative array reference, and initialize it if [[ -z $2 ]] || [[ -n $CLMGR_LOGGING && $2 == "|" ]]; then tape= typeset -n properties=$1 else typeset -n properties=$2 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== for k in ${!properties[*]}; do unset properties[$k]; done typeset TAPES= OUTPUT= typeset -i INDEX=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset key= typeset -i matches=0 typeset -u attr= uc_key= typeset -A queries typeset -i i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #======================================= : Make sure we have something to query #======================================= if [[ -n $tape ]]; then [[ $tape != *,* ]] && unset INDEX for tape in ${tape//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape "$tape" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$tape" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 159 "Available Tapes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else TAPES="$TAPES $tape" fi done elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do TAPES="$TAPES ${available[$i]}" done else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && unset TAPES #================================================================ : Populate the return hash with the retrieved attributes/values #================================================================ for tape in $TAPES; do properties[NAME$INDEX]=$tape print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllstape -c -n $tape" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllstape -c -n $tape) cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllstape RC: $cmd_rc; OUTPUT == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$tape" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND break fi print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while IFS=: read name desc device start_sync stop_sync start_script stop_script; do properties[DESCRIPTION$INDEX]="$desc" properties[DEVICE$INDEX]=$device properties[STARTSCRIPT$INDEX]=$start_script properties[STOPSCRIPT$INDEX]=$stop_script properties[START_SYNCHRONOUSLY$INDEX]="yes" [[ $start_sync == 0 ]] && properties[START_SYNCHRONOUSLY$INDEX]="no" properties[STOP_SYNCHRONOUSLY$INDEX]="yes" [[ $stop_sync == 0 ]] && properties[STOP_SYNCHRONOUSLY$INDEX]="no" done #============================================================== : Even if there is no value for a given attribute, we want to : display a placeholder for it, so the customer always sees a : consistent, complete set of attributes. #============================================================== for key in ${_COLON_ATTR_ORDER[tape]}; do if [[ -z ${properties[$key$INDEX]} ]]; then properties[$key$INDEX]="" fi done (( INDEX++ )) [[ $INDEX == *0 ]] && (( INDEX++ )) done #========================================================== : If any searches/filters were specified, handle them now #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && ${#queries[*]} > 0 )); then CL=$LINENO search_properties queries properties rc=$? fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && CL=$LINENO prune_indexes properties log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:10 Last Changed: 6/1/15 14:57:19 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query tape [,,,...] clmgr -v query tape NOTE: the alias for "tape" is "tp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Retrieves the configuration data for one or more PowerHA tapes. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. tape [REQUIRED] [string] The label of one or more tapes (comma or space separated) that are to be queried. 2. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  k x2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labelste#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)09 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:22:57 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:16 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:22:57 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels =head1 DESCRIPTION Get a list of unused service IP labels (i.e. that are not already part of a resource group, but are defined within HACMPadapter). =head1 ARGUMENTS None =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i found= typeset service= for service in $(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_service_labels); do found=0 print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q \"name=SERVICE_LABEL and value=$service\" HACMPresource" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q "name=SERVICE_LABEL and value=$service" HACMPresource | while read; do found=1 done print "odmget RC: $?; found == \"$found\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( found == 0 )) && echo $service done log_return_msg 0 "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_get_unused_service_labels()" eg. T lΎz2+Hbbb&v+ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_get_user_attributes   =eirst #$EIanopu");ACDLMNOPRST[]_cdfghlm(*./1:GUXbvy{}&,-02>HKY\kw%'345BFWqx!+679=e9H 01H X bsrL (bb0h z #  B8aS: .p%tN=.~)|a"rDGAĿ qb .'(XD_8r_Υ}r_BK,JImmmmmԿko':'((\,srTӶmmmmj_?5nf͎XKѭF/ ͛!1(EQ$ϲK1,% ̥@P(WX 8@c 8%f @D/‚F\$*`4h(eApA@1 *gP"b0 c1.\p"03 cRDX3pÁb_8 P Hs3@1 1@f0xD)a/xE0h _ja1]ȗE)%T$EJ&X'B'⋹h/ Acu\Qw"\M 6.;pxѣ̥Zˊ.KJ8ؾh|\쇛676lw2_=G6 b⋹hҎ6.1/K,J_=G6 Kj(T0B)(J_&.bPD¥j7 xĿϹ/̱)%( & \ TT¸ zɁ04l_hP U\Qw"\M@P(WX 8@cnk.Kϲ(+uMqE܉q4Rh,ظ F2 ⋹hҎ6. aFycEatsTatr (Ѡ46lh_.j.CpPhB0sb&.cQĿ2Ĥz #  B8aS: .pp,rK.CQ.'(m8=G, Áb_;T.@5XŊ2%r  Ѹ &8KI/mmmmmmmmԿC/w΍QsHnvOXwEMNЋ@ K?c<6"ۄ .vC͛6;a/#P4҄(B”0p^@EL0ne\4$h mpE0 QA4D 2L" p^@EL0ne\4$h mpE0 QD{1@XPJX P¤ "`h~ _r)ܹ@3T HsI$TA${1@XPJX P¤ "`h~ _$Kz[DGI"pӨx`<]A$L@$* (7 ~<,-o^+I[&XNFr DyvSA$L@$* Os( iBKTSaJTRL AKDG `j .p2Ċ%}%mmmmmmmj_fZm(g|ŷ^p1{ROk/pq._mmmmmmmm}_A 0;<_ja1N̄ *peH,, K"L&8)@2,j7 nAyc2,pX d YSAc!ʘL".eLU *`KѬơeLfFd YS *A`1eH@(1bJXb__Tn t%/mmmmmmmԿ`3 V  ItPЖ$\i_=U_mmmmmmmmT,IS"# KK"L&9Q%L *"PK/̄ +C!ʘe/&Kh֡e{q,36lw2_?5&XNFr DyvS6lw2_=G,(i ,QRM(aRJ04?@k52LD ( P"b&XQʈ,"f0nfe\4$h mpGh1Eq†P(TR TCϹ$Ӷmmmmmj_s|&3/ۄ ~@XnDaΡeD1/mmmmmڗOe|]04Py5TXD/,=b*"dR4kP t/6o30ܤ:Ň\X\[b'2t%'=t"QbU7T,=bEKs=ڀR`hyk8 \c ,PFŇ]4yj_L "Mb2\yJ,PFŇ]4pR`hu.8">"bOe|]04@0">" Òm K"L&81Ab.at]/u&<<_s  I0`Z$ǘK7&<>&<"LyxK`Կ{-K遡cXDI0Kp K,JImmmmmmmm),n? 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:43 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:23 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified application monitor is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. monitor [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the application monitor that is to be be searched for. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset monitor=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $monitor ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q monitor=$monitor HACMPmonitor" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q monitor=$monitor HACMPmonitor |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appmonitor()" 26/2 k2+! bbb&! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)02 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:24 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_application =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:46 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:24 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_application =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified application controller is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. server [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the application controller that is to be be searched for. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset server=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $server ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$server HACMPserver" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$server HACMPserver |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver()" HA/61ah k@2+ bbb&  # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_coderver#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)68 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1507A_hacmp720 1/27/15 08:41:57 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod =head1 VERSION Version Number: Last Extracted: 2/9/15 16:43:08 Last Changed: 1/27/15 08:41:57 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1507A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified application controller is configured for Resource Optimized High Availability services. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. application_controller [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the application controller to test for Resource Optimized High Availability settings. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1507A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset application_controller=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset name= start_script= stop_script= typeset use_desired= optimal_mem= optimal_cpu= optimal_pu= optimal_vp= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $application_controller ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES= typeset -i index=0 print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv -cl -n $application_controller" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES=$(cllsserv -cl -n $application_controller) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv -cl -n $application_controller rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESSS )); then print -- "$APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_PROPERTIES" |\ while IFS=: read name start_script stop_script use_desired optimal_mem optimal_cpu optimal_pu optimal_vp rem do [[ $name == \#* ]] && continue # Skip the column headers optimal_mem=$(CL=$LINENO trim $optimal_mem) optimal_pu=$(CL=$LINENO trim $optimal_pu) # An application controller is a cod if at least one of the cod fields is set if [[ $use_desired != 0 || \ $optimal_mem != +(0)\.+(0) || \ $optimal_cpu != 0 || \ $optimal_pu != +(0)\.+(0) || \ $optimal_vp != 0 ]]; then list[$index]=$name (( index++ )) fi done fi (( index == 0 )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_cod()"  k2+5bbb&5 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)52 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 10/10/12 10:30:17 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:03 Last Changed: 10/10/12 10:30:17 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified dependency is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. dependency [REQUIRED] [string] The clmgr label representing the dependency to be searched for within the cluster. 2. type [OPTIONAL] [string] An indicator of what type of dependency this is, from the set: PARENT_CHILD SAME_NODE or NODECOLLOCATION SAME_SITE or SITECOLLOCATION, DIFFERENT_NODES or ANTICOLLOCATION =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #================================================================ # Returns: 0: if no non-whitespace differences were found. # 1: if SET1 contained an item that SET2 did not # 2: if SET2 contained an item that SET1 did not #================================================================ function set_differences { typeset SET1=${1//,/ } typeset SET2=" ${2//,/ } " [[ $SET1 == $SET2 ]] && return 0 typeset ITEM= for ITEM in $SET1; do if [[ " $SET2 " == *\ $ITEM\ * ]]; then SET2="${SET2// $ITEM / }" else return 1 # SET1 contained an item that SET2 did not fi done [[ $SET2 != +([[:space:]]) ]] && return 2 # SET2 contained an item # that SET1 did not return 0 } # End of "set_differences()" function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset dependency=${1//\"/} # Required typeset -u type=${2//\"/} # Optional type=${type#\(} type=${type%\)} [[ -n $3 ]] && typeset -n DEPENDENCIES=$3 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset line= rg= parent= child= ODMDATA= id_list= typeset -A list pcdeps stopafterdeps startafterdeps typeset RESULT=1 typeset -i INDEX=0 I=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i return_list=0 [[ -n $3 ]] && return_list=1 unset DEPTYPE : Remove all whitespace dependency=${dependency//+([[:space:]])/} : See if a dependency type was also provided if [[ $dependency == *\(*\)* ]]; then type=${dependency##*\(} type=${type%%\)*} dependency=${dependency/\(*\)} fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $dependency ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else #================================================================ : Load all known dependencies, avoiding the "list_dependencies" : function. Using that function here would result in a circular : reference, which will cause ksh93 to core dump! #================================================================ ## ## ACQUIRE/RELEASE ORDER ## print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgorder -s | /usr/bin/grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgorder -s | /usr/bin/grep -v '#' |\ IFS=: read sel_acq par_acq ser_rel par_rel for rg in ${par_acq//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done print "clrgorder RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (ACQUIRE_IN_PARALLEL)" (( INDEX++ )) fi dep= for rg in ${sel_acq//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (ACQUIRE_SERIALLY)" (( INDEX++ )) fi dep= for rg in ${par_rel//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (RELEASE_IN_PARALLEL)" (( INDEX++ )) fi dep= for rg in ${ser_rel//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (RELEASE_SERIALLY)" (( INDEX++ )) fi ## ## PARENT/CHILD ## if [[ -z $type || $type == "PARENT_CHILD" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t PARENT_CHILD -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t PARENT_CHILD -sl |/usr/bin/grep -v '#' |\ while read parent child; do if [[ -n ${pcdeps[$parent]} ]]; then pcdeps[$parent]="${pcdeps[$parent]},$child" else pcdeps[$parent]=$child fi done print "clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result for parent in ${!pcdeps[*]}; do list[$INDEX]="${parent}+${pcdeps[$parent]} (PARENT_CHILD)" (( INDEX++ )) done fi ## ## STOP AFTER ## if [[ -z $type || $type == "STOP_AFTER" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t STOP_AFTER -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t STOP_AFTER -sl 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG |/usr/bin/grep -v '#' |\ while read source target; do if [[ -n ${stopafterdeps[$target]} ]]; then stopafterdeps[$target]="${stopafterdeps[$target]},$source" else stopafterdeps[$target]=$source fi done print "clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result for target in ${!stopafterdeps[*]}; do list[$INDEX]="${target}+${stopafterdeps[$target]} (STOP_AFTER)" (( INDEX++ )) done fi ## ## START AFTER ## if [[ -z $type || $type == "START_AFTER" ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t START_AFTER -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t START_AFTER -sl 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG |/usr/bin/grep -v '#' |\ while read source target; do if [[ -n ${startafterdeps[$target]} ]]; then startafterdeps[$target]="${startafterdeps[$target]},$source" else startafterdeps[$target]=$source fi done print "clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result for target in ${!startafterdeps[*]}; do list[$INDEX]="${target}+${startafterdeps[$target]} (START_AFTER)" (( INDEX++ )) done fi ## ## SAME SITE ## if [[ -z $type || $type == @(SAME_SITE|SITECOLLOCATION) ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t SITECOLLOCATION -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t SITECOLLOCATION -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#' |\ while read dep; do dep=${dep//+([[:space:]])/,} list[$INDEX]="$dep (SAME_SITE)" (( INDEX++ )) done print "clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi ## ## SAME NODE ## if [[ -z $type || $type == @(SAME_NODE|NODECOLLOCATION) ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t NODECOLLOCATION -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t NODECOLLOCATION -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#' |\ while read dep; do dep=${dep//+([[:space:]])/,} list[$INDEX]="$dep (SAME_NODE)" (( INDEX++ )) done print "clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi ## ## DIFFERENT NODES ## if [[ -z $type || $type == @(DIFFERENT_NODES|ANTICOLLOCATION) ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t ANTICOLLOCATION -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t ANTICOLLOCATION -sl | /usr/bin/grep -v '#' |\ while IFS=: read high int low; do high=${high//+([[:space:]])/,} int=${int//+([[:space:]])/,} low=${low//+([[:space:]])/,} list[$INDEX]="${high}+${int}+${low} (DIFFERENT_NODES)" (( INDEX++ )) done print "clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi INDEX=0 for (( I=0; I<${#list[*]}; I++ )); do [[ -n $type && ${list[$I]} != *\($type\)* ]] && continue [[ $dependency == *\+* && ${list[$I]} != *\+* ]] && continue [[ $dependency == *,* && ${list[$I]} != *,* ]] && continue ################################################################# ## TEMPORAL DEPENDENCY (order matters; location is irrelevant) ################################################################# if [[ $type == @(PARENT_CHILD|STOP_AFTER|START_AFTER) || \ $dependency == *\+* ]] then parents=${dependency%%\+*} parents=${parents//,/ } children=${dependency##*\+} children=${children//,/ } DEPTYPE=${list[$I]} DEPTYPE=${DEPTYPE##*\(} DEPTYPE=${DEPTYPE%%\)*} list[$I]=${list[$I]%%*([[:space:]])\(*} group_parents=${list[$I]%%\+*} group_parents=${group_parents//,/ } set_differences "$parents" "$group_parents" if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then group_children=${list[$I]##*\+} group_children=${group_children//,/ } set_differences "$children" "$group_children" if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_SUCCESS if (( return_list )); then DEPENDENCIES[$INDEX]="${list[$I]} ($DEPTYPE)" (( INDEX++ )) fi break fi else unset DEPTYPE fi #################################################################### ## LOCATION DEPENDENCY (order is irrelevant; only location matters) #################################################################### else DEPTYPE=${list[$I]} DEPTYPE=${DEPTYPE##*\(} DEPTYPE=${DEPTYPE%%\)*} dependency=${dependency//,/ } list[$I]=${list[$I]%%*([[:space:]])\(*} set_differences "$dependency" "${list[$I]//,/ }" if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_SUCCESS if (( return_list )); then DEPENDENCIES[$INDEX]="${list[$I]} ($DEPTYPE)" (( INDEX++ )) fi break else unset DEPTYPE fi fi done export DEPTYPE (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_dependency()" TIO k~2+\ bbb&\ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efsndency#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)85 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:26 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:32 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:26 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if EFS is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset OUTPUT= #================= : Validate input #================= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q \"group=EFSKeyStore AND name=mode\" HACMPLDAP" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG OUTPUT=$(/usr/bin/odmget -q "group=EFSKeyStore" HACMPLDAP 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG [[ $OUTPUT != *([[:space:]]) ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs()" H$ k 2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_eventency#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified event is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. event [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the event to search for on this node. 2. type [OPTIONAL] [set] The type of the event: ALL, CUSTOM, PREDEFINED =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset event=${1//\"/} typeset -u type=${2//\"/} if [[ -n $3 ]]; then typeset -n DISCOVERED_TYPE=$3 DISCOVERED_TYPE="" fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $event ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ $type == *([[:space:]]) || $type == @(\*|A|C)* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllscustom -t event -n $event" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ $($HAUTILS/cllscustom -t event -n $event | /usr/bin/grep -v '^#') != *([[:space:]]) ]] then rc=$RC_SUCCESS [[ -n $3 ]] && DISCOVERED_TYPE="CUSTOM" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom RC: $RC_NOT_FOUND" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi fi if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) || [[ $type == @(\*|A|P)* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q\"name = $event\" -f name -n HACMPevent" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG OUTPUT=$(clodmget -q"name = $event" -f name -n HACMPevent 2>>CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $OUTPUT ]] then rc=$RC_SUCCESS if [[ -n $3 ]]; then if [[ -n $DISCOVERED_TYPE ]]; then DISCOVERED_TYPE="ALL" else DISCOVERED_TYPE="PREDEFINED" fi fi else rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event()"  k\2+O bbb&O # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timertes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)10 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:27 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:52 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:27 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified fallback timer is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. timer [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the fallback timer that is to be search for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset timer=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $timer ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cltimerpolicy -a list -f smit -n $timer" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cltimerpolicy -a list -f smit -n $timer |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "cltimerpolicy RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_fallback_timer()" i k2+-bbb&- # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_systemertes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system.sh 1.12 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.9 Last Extracted: 6/13/16 11:34:43 Last Changed: 3/19/15 15:53:46 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified file system is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. vgname [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the volume group that is to be search for within the cluster. 2. rg [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference to use for returning the resource group for this file system. 3. nodelist [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference to use for returning the nodes for this file system. 4. vg [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference to use for returning the volume group for this file system. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset fsname=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n rg=$2 [[ -n $3 ]] && typeset -n nodelist=$3 [[ -n $4 ]] && typeset -n vg=$4 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN cmd_rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset name="" rem="" FS_FILE="$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHikfs.$$" typeset -i try=0 tries=5 typeset RG="" VG="" #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $fsname ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ $FS_COUNT != +([[:digit:]]) ]] || (( FS_COUNT <= 1 )); then while (( $try < $tries )); do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HASBIN/cl_showfs2" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $HASBIN/cl_showfs2 >$FS_FILE 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cmd_rc=$? print "cl_showfs2 RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && \ [[ -f $FS_FILE && $(head -1 $FS_FILE) != \#* ]] then cmd_rc=$RC_ERROR # Found unexpected, error output fi (( $cmd_rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && break (( try++ )) if (( $try <= ( $tries - 1 ) )); then sleep $try fi done (( $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR elif [[ -f /var/hacmp/tmp/chocls.try_out ]]; then cp /var/hacmp/tmp/chocls.try_out $FS_FILE else rc=$RC_ERROR fi if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then while read name vg rg nodelist rem; do [[ $name == *([[:space:]]) || $name == \#* ]] && continue if [[ $name == $fsname ]]; then if [[ -n $rem ]]; then rem=${rem%%+([[:space:]])} nodelist=${rem##*[[:space:]]} fi RG=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -n -q "name=FILESYSTEM AND value=$fsname" -f group HACMPresource) if [[ -z "$RG" ]]; then VG=$(/usr/es/sbin/cluster/events/utils/cl_fs2disk -v $fsname) RG=$($HAUTILS/clodmget -n -q "name=VOLUME_GROUP AND value=$VG" -f group HACMPresource) fi if [[ -n "$RG" ]]; then rg=$RG fi rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi done <$FS_FILE fi /usr/bin/rm -f $FS_FILE (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_file_system()" vg kv2+D bbb&D # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollectiontes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)93 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:31 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:21 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:31 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified file collection is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. fc [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the file collection that is to be search for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset fc=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $fc ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$fc HACMPfilecollection" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$fc HACMPfilecollection |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection()" er/u kN2+" bbb&" # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_groupllect#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)08 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:31 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:12 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:31 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified group is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. group [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the group to search for on this node. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset group=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $group ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/sbin/lsgroup -a ALL" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/sbin/lsgroup -a ALL 2>/dev/null |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue LINE=${LINE##+([[:space:]])} LINE=${LINE%%+([[:space:]])} if [[ $LINE == $group ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_group()" st=$3  k\2+gbbb&g # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmcpllect#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc =head1 VERSION Version Number: Last Extracted: 8/9/16 14:12:29 Last Changed: 7/29/16 10:31:33 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1631A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified HMC is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. HMC [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the HMC to search for on this node. Either hostname or IP address for the HMC. IPv4 and IPv6 format address are supported. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n hmclabel=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i found=0 typeset -A list #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $hmclabel ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset HMC="" rest="" typeset HMC_PROPERTIES= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc -c -u $hmclabel" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands HMC_PROPERTIES=$(cllshmc -c -u $hmclabel) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc -c -u $hmclabel rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$HMC_PROPERTIES" | while IFS=: read name timeout retry_count retry_delay rem; do [[ $name == \#* ]] && continue # Skip the column headers rc=$RC_SUCCESS done else #================================ : Convert Host name/Ip to Name # print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): host $hmclabel" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands HMC=$(LC_ALL=C host $hmclabel 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): host $hmclabel output=$HMC rc=$rc">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- $HMC | IFS=' ' read hmclabel rest print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc -c -u $hmclabel" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands HMC_PROPERTIES=$(cllshmc -c -u $hmclabel) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc -c -u $hmclabel rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$HMC_PROPERTIES" | while IFS=: read name timeout retry_count retry_delay rem; do [[ $name == \#* ]] && continue # Skip the column headers rc=$RC_SUCCESS done fi fi fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_hmc()" F k2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interfacet#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)67 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:32 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:44 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:32 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified interface is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. interface [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the interface that is to searched for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset interface=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset value= if_names= if_addr= LINE= typeset name= type= nw= nettype= attr= node= ipaddr= haddr= if= typeset gname= netmask= hb_addr= site= prefix= family= remainder= #================================================== : Convert the provided interface into its network : names and aliases, as well as its IP address. #================================================== value=$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $interface) if_addr=${value%%,*} if_addr=${if_addr##*+([[:space:]])} if_names=${value##*:} if_names=${if_names//,/} #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $interface ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else #===================================================== : Make sure to use the label of the interface, since : it might have been passed in as an IP address. #===================================================== print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsif -pcS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cllsif -pcS |\ while read LINE; do : Handle possible IPv6 address typeset IPv6= if [[ $LINE == *\[* ]]; then IPv6=${LINE##*\[} IPv6=${IPv6%%\]*} LINE=${LINE/\[$IPv6\]/[${IPv6//:/_}]} fi print -- "$LINE" | IFS=: read name type nw nettype attr node ipaddr haddr if gname netmask hb_addr site prefix family remainder : Handle possible IPv6 address ipaddr=${ipaddr//_/:} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\[/} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\]/} for value in $interface $if_addr $if_names; do if [[ $value == @($name|$ipaddr) ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi done (( rc == $RC_SUCCESS )) && break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface()" ACMP_ k ?2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_clientontes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)44 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:34 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:49 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:34 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified LDAP client is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. ldap_client [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the LDAP client to search for. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset ldap_client=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $ldap_client ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"group=LDAPServer and name=ServerList\" -f value HACMPLDAP" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset DATA=$($HAUTILS/$HAUTILS/clodmget -q "group=LDAPClient and name=ServerList" -f value HACMPLDAP 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$DATA" |\ while read LINE; do LINE=${LINE//\"/} LINE=${LINE##+([[:space:]])} LINE=${LINE%%+([[:space:]])} if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then LINE=${LINE//,/ } if [[ " $LINE " == *\ $ldap_client\ * ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_client()" LINE;  kh2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_serverontes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)77 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:35 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:51 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:35 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified LDAP server is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. ldap_server [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the LDAP server to search for. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset ldap_server=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $ldap_server ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"group=LDAPServer and name=ServerList\" -f value HACMPLDAP" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset DATA=$($HAUTILS/$HAUTILS/clodmget -q "group=LDAPServer and name=ServerList" -f value HACMPLDAP 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$DATA" |\ while read LINE; do LINE=${LINE//\"/} LINE=${LINE##+([[:space:]])} LINE=${LINE%%+([[:space:]])} if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then LINE=${LINE//,/ } if [[ " $LINE " == *\ $ldap_server\ * ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_ldap_server()" LINE;  kfa2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log_server#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)41 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:35 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:48 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:35 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified log is a recognized/known PowerHA log. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. log [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the log to search for on this node. 2. directory [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference to use for returning the current directory of the specified log file. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset log=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n directory=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $log ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clodmget -q \"name=$log\" -f value HACMPlogs" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clodmget -q "name=$log" -f value HACMPlogs |\ while read line; do directory=${line//\"/} rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log()"  k\2+)bbb&) # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volumetes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)84 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 7/3/12 12:09:18 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:32 Last Changed: 7/3/12 12:09:18 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified logical volume is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. lvname [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the logical volume that is to be searched for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset lvname=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset LV_DATA= lv= rem= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $lvname ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset VGS= CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups VGS 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG for (( i=0; i<${#VGS[*]}; i++ )); do VG=${VGS[$i]} [[ $VG == *([[:space:]]) ]] && continue print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HASBIN/cl_lsvg -l $VG" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG LV_DATA=$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C $HASBIN/cl_lsvg -l $VG 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print "cl_lsvg RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print -- "$LV_DATA" |\ while read lv rem; do [[ $lv == *: || -z $lv ]] && continue [[ $lv == LV && $rem == NAME* ]] && continue if [[ $lvname == $lv ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi done # End of the LV data loop done # End of the VG loop (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_logical_volume()" t IPv6= kDB2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method_vol#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)07 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:37 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:57 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:37 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified custom method is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. method [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the custom method to search for. 2. type [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference to use for returning the type of the specified method. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset method=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n type=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset name= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $method ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else # # SNAPSHOT / VERIFY # print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllscustom -c -n \"$method\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cllscustom -c -n "$method" 2>/dev/null |\ while IFS=: read name newtype rem; do [[ $name != $method ]] && continue [[ -n $type ]] && type="$type," type="$type$newtype" done print "cllscustom RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result # # NOTIFY # print -- "$HAUTILS/cllspgr -m \"$method\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cllspgr -m "$method" 2>/dev/null |\ while read name; do [[ $name == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue rc=$RC_SUCCESS [[ -n $type ]] && type="$type," type="${type}notify" break done print "cllspgr RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi [[ $type != *([[:space:]]) ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method()"  kz2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_groupetes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:15 Last Changed: 5/15/13 17:07:07 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified mirror group is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_group [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the mirror group to search for on this node. 2. TYPE [OPTIONAL] [reference] A string reference which can be used to return the discovered type of the specified mirror group. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset mirror_group=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n TYPE=${2//\"/} TYPE="" [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE="" name="" mode="" cg="" rec="" vid="" ss="" rest="" #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mirror_group ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mg_director -d\"|\" -h $mirror_group" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mg_director -d"|" -h $mirror_group 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then print -- "$LINE" | IFS=\| read name mode cg rec vid ss rest if [[ $name == $mirror_group ]]; then $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mg_director -d"|" $mirror_group | grep "^$mirror_group|" >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHikmg.$$ if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset STORAGE_SYSTEMS="" HORCM_INSTANCE="" REM="" /usr/bin/cut -f6,20 -d\| $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHikmg.$$ |\ IFS="|" read STORAGE_SYSTEMS HORCM_INSTANCE REM if [[ $STORAGE_SYSTEMS != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then typeset -A ssProps CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_system_attributes "${STORAGE_SYSTEMS%% *}" ssProps TYPE="${ssProps[TYPE]}" elif [[ $HORCM_INSTANCE != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then TYPE="hitachi" else TYPE="emc" fi rc=$RC_SUCCESS else TYPE="" rc=$RC_ERROR fi if [[ -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHikmg.$$ ]]; then /usr/bin/rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHikmg.$$ fi break else TYPE="" fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group()" l 2>&1  kz)2+3bbb&3 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pairetes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)32 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 10/24/12 17:29:23 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:18 Last Changed: 10/24/12 17:29:23 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified mirror pair is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_pair [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the mirror pair to search for on this node. 2. TYPE [OPTIONAL] [reference] A string reference which can be used to return the discovered type of the specified mirror pair. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset mirror_pair=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n TYPE=${2//\"/} TYPE="" [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE="" name="" rest="" #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mirror_pair ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else TYPE="svc" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mdp_director -s $TYPE -d\"|\" -h $mirror_pair" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mdp_director -s $TYPE -d"|" -h $mirror_pair 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then print -- "$LINE" | IFS=\| read name rest if [[ $name == $mirror_pair ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pair()" T  kRH2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pooletes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:42:03 Last Changed: 7/7/12 16:03:42 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified mirror pool is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_pool [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the mirror pool to search for on this node. 2. volume_group [OPTIONAL] [string] The volume group that the specified mirror pool is configured within. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset mirror_pool=${1//\"/} typeset volume_group=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN i=0 typeset available #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mirror_pool ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ -n $volume_group ]]; then if [[ ${available[$i]} == "$mirror_pool ($volume_group)" ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS print -- "$mirror_pool ($volume_group)" # Return these values fi elif [[ ${available[$i]} == $mirror_pool\ * ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS print -- "${available[$i]}" # Return these values fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_pool()" $rc" > khX2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_networkool#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)73 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:41 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:50 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:41 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified network is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. network [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the PowerHA network to search for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset network=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $network ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$network HACMPnetwork" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$network HACMPnetwork |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network()" r/bin/s k22+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_noderkool#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)99 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 7/18/13 11:42:20 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:14 Last Changed: 7/18/13 11:42:20 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified node is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. node [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the node that is to be searched for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset node=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= id= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $node ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else : See if a node ID was provided, instead of a label typeset cmd="odmget" if [[ $node == +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then if (( ${#node} > 10 )); then # Received a "GID" id=${node:10} # Remove the cluster ID, leaving only the node ID fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q node_id=$id HACMPnode" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q node_id=$id HACMPnode |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS if [[ $line == *([[:space:]])name\ =\ * ]]; then line=${line##* = \"} node=${line%\"} break fi done else cmd="clnodename" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clnodename" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset NODES=$($HAUTILS/clnodename) node=$(CL=$LINENO escape $node) if [[ " $NODES " == *+([[:space:]])$node+([[:space:]])* ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "$cmd RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$node" fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node()" is_kn k>|2+"bbb&" # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_novarkool#!/bin/ksh93 # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_nova.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_nova =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_nova =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified NovaLink is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. NovaLink [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the NovaLink to search for on this node. Either hostname or IP address for the NovaLink. IPv4 and IPv6 format address are supported. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_nova { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -n novalabel=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i found=0 typeset -A list #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $novalabel ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset NOVA="" rest="" #================================ : Convert Host name/Ip to Name #================================ print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LC_ALL=C host $novalabel" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands NOVA=$(LC_ALL=C host $novalabel 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): host $novalabel output=$NOVA rc=$rc">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then novalabel=${NOVA%% *} fi if [[ -n $novalabel ]]; then typeset NOVA_PROPERTIES= print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsnova -c -u $novalabel" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands NOVA_PROPERTIES=$(cllsnova -c -u $novalabel) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsnova -c -u $novalabel rc=$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $(cllsnova -c -u $novalabel | grep -v "^#") ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_nova()" lse  k2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_iptes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)08 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:44 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:52 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:44 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified persistent_ip is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. persistent_ip [REQUIRED] [string] The persitent IP that is to be searched for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset persistent_ip=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset value= pip_names= pip_addr= LINE= typeset name= type= nw= nettype= attr= node= ipaddr= haddr= if= typeset gname= netmask= hb_addr= site= prefix= family= remainder= #========================================================= : Convert the provided persistent label into its network : names and aliases, as well as its IP address. #========================================================= value=$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $persistent_ip) pip_addr=${value%%,*} pip_addr=${pip_addr##*+([[:space:]])} pip_names=${value##*:} pip_names=${pip_names//,/} #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $persistent_ip ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsif -pcS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cllsif -pcS |\ while read LINE; do : Handle possible IPv6 address typeset IPv6= if [[ $LINE == *\[* ]]; then IPv6=${LINE##*\[} IPv6=${IPv6%%\]*} LINE=${LINE/\[$IPv6\]/[${IPv6//:/_}]} fi print -- "$LINE" | IFS=: read name type nw nettype attr node ipaddr haddr if gname netmask hb_addr site prefix family remainder : Handle possible IPv6 address ipaddr=${ipaddr//_/:} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\[/} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\]/} [[ $type != "persistent" ]] && continue for value in $persistent_ip $pip_addr $pip_names; do if [[ $value == @($name|$ipaddr) ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi done (( rc == $RC_SUCCESS )) && break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "cllsif RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip()"  kG2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volumees#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)60 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 3/21/13 14:23:52 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:19 Last Changed: 3/21/13 14:23:52 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified physical_volume is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. physical_volume [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the physical_volume to search for on this node. 2. refnode [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference node where the specified physical volume is expected to be valid. 3. data [OPTIONAL] [reference] A reference to a return vehicle for cllspvids output. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset physical_volume=${1//\"/} typeset refnode=${2//\"/} typeset -i return_data=0 if [[ -n $3 ]]; then nameref data=$3 data="" return_data=1 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset ALL_DISKS= cand_name= cand_pvid= cand_vg= cand_uuid= rest= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $physical_volume ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ -n $refnode ]]; then ALL_DISKS=$(CL=$LINENO list_disks $refnode 2>/dev/null) else ALL_DISKS=$(CL=$LINENO list_disks 2>/dev/null) refnode=$LOCAL_NODE fi if [[ $ALL_DISKS != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -- "$ALL_DISKS" | /usr/bin/grep -w "$physical_volume" | read cand_name cand_pvid cand_vg cand_uuid rest if [[ $physical_volume == $cand_name || \ $physical_volume == $cand_pvid || \ $physical_volume == $cand_uuid ]] then rc=$RC_SUCCESS (( return_data )) && data="$refnode:$cand_name:$cand_pvid:$cand_uuid" else rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi else rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi [[ -n $data ]] && data=${data//[[:space:]]/} log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume()"  k(2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_reportl_vo#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to confirm that the provided input represents a supported # report type. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, below, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -l report=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $report ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else typeset orig_report=$report case $report in ap*) report=applications ;; av*) report=availability ;; ba*) report=basic ;; cl*) report=cluster ;; de*) report=dependencies ;; ev*) report=event ;; fs*) report=fsinfo ;; lv*) report=lvinfo ;; ne*) report=network ;; nw) report=network ;; no*) report=nodeinfo ;; rg*) report=rginfo ;; ro*) report=roha ;; rp|rep*) report=repositories ;; rs|res*) report=resources ;; sn*) report=snapshot ;; so*) report=software ;; st*) report=status ;; to*) report=topology ;; vg*) report=vginfo ;; *) unset report ;; esac if [[ -n $report ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS else rc=$RC_ERROR report=$orig_report fi print $report fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_report =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified report is a recognized/known PowerHA report. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. report [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the report to validate. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== ;  k2+*bbb&* # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to determine if the specified disk, in device name or PVID # format, is a CAA repository disk. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: If the third argument is provided, it is established as # a reference, and all data about the provided disk is # stored inside of it. Other than that, the only output # is any error messages that might occur. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, below, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset cand_disk=${1//\"/} typeset site=${2//\"/} if (( $# >= 3 )) && [[ -n $3 ]] then typeset -n disk_data=${3//\"/} disk_data="" else typeset disk_data="" fi if (( $# >= 4 )) && [[ -n $4 ]] then typeset DISK_INFO=${4//\"/} fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= id= ALL_DISKS= junk= typeset cand_name= cand_pvid= cand_uuid= typeset repos_name= repos_pvid= repos_uuid= typeset IDENTIFIERS="" REM="" #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $cand_disk ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ $DISK_INFO != *:* ]]; then typeset NODES=$REFNODE # Can be set in external env if [[ -z $NODES ]]; then if [[ -n $site ]]; then NODES=$(clodmget -n -f nodelist -q name=$site HACMPsite) else NODES=$(clodmget -n -f name -q object=COMMUNICATION_PATH HACMPnode) fi NODES=$(CL=$LINENO trim "$NODES") fi #====================================== : Extract the data for the given disk #====================================== CL=$LINENO getDiskData "$cand_disk" "$NODES" IDENTIFIERS 1 print -- "$IDENTIFIERS" |\ IFS=: read cand_name cand_pvid cand_uuid REFNODE REM else #====================================================== : As a performance optimization, if the data for disk : "$cand_disk" has already been collected by : the caller, also via getDiskData, then there is no : reason to invoke it again to collect the same info. #====================================================== print -- "$DISK_INFO" |\ IFS=: read cand_name cand_pvid cand_uuid REFNODE REM fi ALL_DISKS=$(CL=$LINENO list_disks $REFNODE) if [[ $cand_name == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$cand_disk" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_ERROR" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? elif [[ $cand_vg != *([[:space:]]) && $cand_vg != "None" ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 256 '\nERROR: disk "%1$s" is already in use within volume group "%2$s".\n\n' "$cand_disk" "$cand_vg" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #===================================================== : Create a list of all, already-defined repositories #===================================================== # Create the right filter # For NSC or SC: repositories are in a unique HACMPsircol which id=0 # For LC: repositories are in two HACMPsircol, one for each site, the id of site has to found first. typeset FILTER_SITE="" if [[ $CLUSTER_TYPE == "LC" && -n $site ]] then typeset FILTER_SITEID=$(clodmget -n -q "name=${site}_sircol" -f id HACMPsircol) FILTER_SITE="-q id=${FILTER_SITEID}" # # For NSC or SC, the 'id' qualifier can be dispensed # fi typeset KNOWN_REPOSITORIES=$(clodmget -n $FILTER_SITE -f repository HACMPsircol) typeset backups=$(clodmget -n $FILTER_SITE -f backup_repository HACMPsircol) [[ -n $backups ]] && KNOWN_REPOSITORIES="$KNOWN_REPOSITORIES $backups" KNOWN_REPOSITORIES=${KNOWN_REPOSITORIES//0000000000000000/} for disk in ${KNOWN_REPOSITORIES//,/ }; do #=========================================================== : Extract the remaining data for the given disk, so that a : complete comparison can be done. In other words, if a : device name was provided, then the PVID and UUID need to : be collected so they can be compared, too, if needed. #=========================================================== print -- "$ALL_DISKS" | grep -w "$disk" |\ read repos_name repos_pvid repos_vg repos_uuid REM [[ -z $repos_name ]] && continue if [[ $cand_name == $repos_name || \ $cand_pvid == $repos_pvid ]] then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break elif [[ $cand_uuid != *([[:space:]]) && \ $repos_uuid != *([[:space:]]) && \ $cand_uuid == $repos_uuid ]] then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi done if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then disk_data="$repos_name:$repos_pvid:$repos_uuid" fi (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_repository =head1 SYNOPSIS Determines if the specified disk is already in use as a repository. If so, a zero is returned, otherwise a non-zero is returned. In addition, the various identifiers for the disk are returned in the format: NAME:PVID:UUID =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified repository is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. cand_disk [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the candidate disk that is to be identified as a repository (or not). 2. site [OPTIONAL] [string] A site label, that limits which nodes the repository is validated against. 3. disk_data [OPTIONAL] [string reference] A reference to a string in which the disk device name, PVID, and UUID will be stored/returned. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  kfi2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)47 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:47 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:54 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:47 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified resource group is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. rg [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the resource group to search for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset rg=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $rg ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q group=$rg HACMPgroup" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q group=$rg HACMPgroup |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg()"  kh2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)78 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714, 1439A_hacmp714 8/26/14 13:54:18 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 9/25/14 17:45:42 Last Changed: 8/26/14 13:54:18 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714, 1439A_hacmp714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified service IP is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1: service_ip [REQUIRED] [string] The service IP to search for within the cluster. 2: LABEL [OPTIONAL] [string reference] A return vehicle for returning the network name for the service IP that was passed in. If the network name was already passed in, then LABEL should be identical to it. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to confirm that the provided input represents a service # IP/label within the cluster configuration. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, above. # # Outputs: If the optional LABEL input is passed in, it will be # populated with the network name of the service IP, if # that name differs from what was passed in. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, above, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714, 1439A_hacmp714 : INPUTS: $* typeset service_ip=${1//\"/} integer RETURN_LABEL=0 if [[ -n ${2//\"/} ]]; then nameref LABEL=${2//\"/} LABEL="" RETURN_LABEL=1 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset value= service_ip_names= service_ip_addr= LINE= typeset name= type= nw= nettype= attr= node= ipaddr= haddr= if= typeset gname= netmask= hb_addr= site= prefix= family= remainder= #====================================================== : Convert the provided service label into its network : names and aliases, as well as its IP address. #====================================================== value=$(LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/host $service_ip) service_ip_addr=${value%%,*} service_ip_addr=${service_ip_addr##*+([[:space:]])} service_ip_names=${value##*:} service_ip_names=${service_ip_names//,/} #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $service_ip ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsif -cS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cllsif -cS |\ while read LINE; do : Handle possible IPv6 address typeset IPv6= if [[ $LINE == *\[* ]]; then IPv6=${LINE##*\[} IPv6=${IPv6%%\]*} LINE=${LINE/\[$IPv6\]/[${IPv6//:/_}]} fi print -- "$LINE" | IFS=: read name type nw nettype attr node ipaddr haddr if gname netmask hb_addr site prefix family remainder : Handle possible IPv6 address ipaddr=${ipaddr//_/:} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\[/} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\]/} [[ $type != "service" ]] && continue for value in $service_ip $service_ip_addr $service_ip_names; do if [[ $value == @($name|$ipaddr) ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS (( RETURN_LABEL )) && LABEL=$name break fi done (( rc == $RC_SUCCESS )) && break done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "cllsif RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip()" 3: som k2+7bbb&7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_sitece_ip#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)09 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:49 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:57 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:49 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified site is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. site [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the site that is to be searched for within the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset site=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset line= id= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $site ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ $site == +([[:digit:]]) ]] && (( ${#site} > 10 )); then id=${site:10} print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q id=$id HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q id=$id HACMPsite |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS if [[ $line == *([[:space:]])name\ =\ * ]]; then line=${line##* = \"} site=${line%\"} break fi done else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$site HACMPsite" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q name=$site HACMPsite |\ while read line; do rc=$RC_SUCCESS break done fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$site" fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site()" e kn2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshotp#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified snapshot exists on the local node. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. snapshot [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the snapshot to search for on this node. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset snapshot=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset name= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $snapshot ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else # Smit is not able to parse snapshot name when name has colon, # hence escaping : with readable characters. if [[ $CLMGR_GUI == "SMIT" ]];then snapshot=$(echo $snapshot | sed 's/:/#!:/g') fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot -l" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clsnapshot -l |\ while read name; do [[ $name == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue if [[ -n $name ]]; then name=${name##+([[:space:]])} name=${name%%+([[:space:]])} if [[ "$name" == "$snapshot" ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot()"  k02+]bbb&] # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agentees#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)06 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 8/14/12 13:38:18 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:47 Last Changed: 8/14/12 13:38:18 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified storage agent is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. storage_agent [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the storage agent to search for on this node. 2. TYPE [OPTIONAL] [reference] A string reference which can be used to return the discovered type of the specified storage agent. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset storage_agent=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n TYPE=${2//\"/} TYPE="" [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE="" name="" rest="" #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $storage_agent ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_sa_director -d\"|\" -h $storage_agent" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_sa_director -d"|" -h $storage_agent 2>/dev/null |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then print -- "$LINE" | IFS=\| read name TYPE rest if [[ $name == $storage_agent ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break else TYPE="" fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_agent()" ue= k`2+Ubbb&U # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_systemes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified storage system is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. storage_system [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the storage system to search for on this node. 2. TYPE [OPTIONAL] [reference] A string reference which can be used to return the discovered type of the specified storage system. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset storage_system=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n TYPE=${2//\"/} TYPE="" [[ -n $3 ]] && typeset -n BACKUP_PROFILE=${3//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE="" name="" rest="" #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $storage_system ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else if [[ -n $BACKUP_PROFILE ]]; then # Check Storage System exist in backup management XML file output=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list_storage_profile "$storage_system" 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) if [[ -n $output ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi storage_type=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Storage_type" | cut -f 2 -d '=') storage_type=${storage_type// /} # removes space TYPE=$storage_type BACKUP_PROFILE="Enable" else isEnterprise if (( $? == 1 ));then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_ss_director -d\"|\" -h $storage_system" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_ss_director -d"|" -h $storage_system 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then print -- "$LINE" | IFS=\| read name TYPE rest if [[ $name == $storage_system ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break else TYPE="" fi fi done fi fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_storage_system()" B_H k02+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tapege_sys#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)46 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:53 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:54 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:53 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified tape is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. tape [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the tape to search for on this node. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset tape=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset LINE= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $tape ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllstape" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cllstape 2>/dev/null |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue LINE=${LINE##+([[:space:]])} LINE=${LINE%%+([[:space:]])} if [[ $LINE == $tape ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape()" e_prof k@2+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_userge_sys#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)72 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:54 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:09 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:54 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified user is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. user [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the user to search for on this node. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset user=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A list typeset LINE= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $user ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/sbin/lsuser -a ALL" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/sbin/lsuser -a ALL 2>/dev/null |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue LINE=${LINE##+([[:space:]])} LINE=${LINE%%+([[:space:]])} if [[ $LINE == $user ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_user()" CLMGR_ k42+#bbb&# # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_groupmes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)15 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 5/15/13 17:09:33 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:35 Last Changed: 5/15/13 17:09:33 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if the specified volume group is configured within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. vgname [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the volume group that is to be search for within the cluster. 2. rg [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference to use for returning the resource group for this volume group. 3. nodelist [OPTIONAL] [string] A reference to use for returning the nodes for this volume group. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset vgname=${1//\"/} [[ -n $2 ]] && typeset -n rg=$2 [[ -n $3 ]] && typeset -n nodelist=$3 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset name= rem= errfile="$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHikvg.err.$$" rg= nodelist= [[ -f $errfile ]] && /usr/bin/rm -f $errfile #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $vgname ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else #====================================================================== : Added a retry loop around "cl_ls_shared_vgs" after testing revealed : that it could potentially fail due to intermittent clcomd glitches. : The loop masks the user from the unfortunate consequences of clcomd. #====================================================================== typeset -i try=0 tries=5 no_data=1 cllsrc=$RESULT_UNKNOWN for (( try=0; try>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands cl_ls_shared_vgs_DATA=$($HACSPOC/cl_ls_shared_vgs -c -C 2>>$errfile) cllsrc=$? else cllsrc=$RC_SUCCESS # Already have the data fi print "cl_ls_shared_vgs RC: $cllsrc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cllsrc == $RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$cl_ls_shared_vgs_DATA" |\ while read line; do [[ $line == \#* ]] && continue name=${line%%[[:space:]]*} if [[ $name == $vgname ]]; then line=${line##${name}+([[:space:]])} nodelist=${line##*[[:space:]]} line=${line%%+([[:space:]])${nodelist}} if [[ $line != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then [[ -n $rg ]] && rg="$rg " rg="$rg$line" fi rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi done no_data=0 break elif (( try < (tries -1) )); then if [[ $cl_ls_shared_vgs_DATA == *cl_ls_shared_vgs:* ]]; then print -- "$cl_ls_shared_vgs_DATA" >>$errfile unset cl_ls_shared_vgs_DATA break else sleep 3 fi fi done if (( no_data )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 461 "\nERROR: unable to list shared volume groups.\n\n" 1>&2 /usr/bin/cat $errfile 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi if [[ -f $errfile ]]; then /usr/bin/cat $errfile 1>&2 /usr/bin/rm -f $errfile fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group()" use f k2+`bbb&` # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_grouprou#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)96 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:32:55 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:13 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:32:55 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group =head1 DESCRIPTION Determines if a node participates in the specified resource group. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. group [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the resource group to check. 2. node [REQUIRED] [string] The node to search for within the specified resource group. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset group=${1//\"/} typeset node=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset name= value= gnode= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $group ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 125 "\nERROR: no resource group label was specified.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -z $node ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 126 "\nERROR: no node label was specified.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/bin/odmget -q group=$group HACMPgroup" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/bin/odmget -q group=$group HACMPgroup |\ while IFS='=' read name value; do name=$(eval echo $name) if [[ $name == "nodes" ]]; then for gnode in $value; do gnode=$(eval echo $gnode) if [[ $gnode == $node ]]; then rc=$RC_SUCCESS break fi done fi done (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print "odmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_is_node_in_group()"  kP 2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitorsrou#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)75 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 15:54:01 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect application monitor names. It uses the "cllsappmon" # utility to generate the list of names unless a search is # being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated # FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_appmon_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one application monitor per # entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsappmon -c" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllsappmon -c) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsappmon RC: $rc; monitors == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR for item in $(print -- "$OUTPUT" | cut -d: -f1); do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_appmonitor_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:11 Last Changed: 6/10/15 15:54:01 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appmonitors.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query application_monitor NOTE: the aliases for "application_monitor" are "am" and "mon". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of application monitors. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== O  k2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appserversrou#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)91 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 15:58:17 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect application controller names. It uses the # "cllsserv" utility to generate the list of names unless a # search is being conducted. In the case of a search, the # associated FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes # is invoked in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then # passed through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one application controller # per entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv -c" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllsserv -c 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv RC: $rc; controllers == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR for item in $(print -- "$OUTPUT" | cut -d: -f1) do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:11 Last Changed: 6/10/15 15:58:17 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query application NOTE: the aliases for "application" are "as" and "app". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of application servers. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  kD2+,bbb&, # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_filesou#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2019,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_files.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_files =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query backup_files \ BUCKET_NAME= \ RG_NAME= \ [ START_TIME= ] \ [ END_TIME= ] clmgr query backup_files \ BUCKET_NAME= \ [ RG_NAME= ] \ [ START_TIME= ] \ [ END_TIME= ] clmgr query backup_files \ RG_NAME= \ [ BUCKET_NAME= ] \ [ START_TIME= ] \ [ END_TIME= ] backup_files => bf, backup_f* =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the cloud backup files. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. bucket_name [OPTIONAL] [String] Bucket Name to list the files in the bucket. For aws, bucket name refers to S3 bucket. 2. rg_name [OPTIONAL] [String] It is used to list the files which are specific to provided Resource Group. 3. start_time [OPTIONAL] [String] If you provide the start time it will list the files which are uploaded only after start time. 4. end_time [OPTIONAL] [String] If you provide the end time it will list the files which are uploaded from start time to end time. =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_files { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" typeset bucket_name=$1 typeset rg_name=$2 typeset start_time=$3 typeset end_time=$4 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset available_rgs="" # To store the backup rg's typeset backup_type="" # To store the backup method, which is cloud or remote typeset cloud_rgs="" # To store the backup rgs which are configured for cloud typeset output="" typeset service="" # To store CLOUD service information typeset bOpt="" rOpt="" sOpt="" eOpt="" cOpt="" typeset configured_bucket="" # To store the bucket name which is configured for rg typeset service_list="" #==================================== : Check python is installed or not #==================================== LANG=C cl_get_python_version 2>&1 >>/dev/null rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1315 "\nERROR: Python must be installed for using backup feature.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $rc fi #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY elif [[ -z $bucket_name && -z $rg_name ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1202 "\nERROR: Provide resource group (RG_NAME) or bucket name (BUCKET_NAME) or both.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -z $start_time && -n $end_time ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1203 "\nERROR: Provide start time with end time.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result available_rgs=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS ));then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1197 "\nERROR: No resource group configured for backup.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi # Get the list of backup rgs which are configured for cloud storage. for rg in $available_rgs do backup_type=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list $rg | grep -w Backup_method | cut -f2 -d'=' | sed -e 's/^ *//') if [[ $backup_type == "cloud" ]] then cloud_rgs="$cloud_rgs $rg" fi done # Validate inputs if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) then if [[ -n $rg_name ]] then : # Checking the given rg is configured for cloud backup or not : echo $cloud_rgs | grep -wq $rg_name if (( $? == 0 )) then : # If bucket name not provided then take the bucket name from the xml file where we are storing the backup configuration : output=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list $rg_name 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) service_list=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Cloud_service" | cut -f 2 -d '=' | tr -d ' ') if [[ -z $bucket_name ]] then bucket_name=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Bucket_name" | cut -f 2 -d '=' | tr -d ' ') else configured_bucket=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Bucket_name" | cut -f 2 -d '=' | tr -d ' ') if [[ $bucket_name != $configured_bucket ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1209 "\nERROR: The provided bucket, %1\$s, is invalid because the given resource group, %2\$s, is configured with a different bucket name, %3\$s.\n\n" "$bucket_name" "$rg_name" "$configured_bucket" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi else cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1204 "\nERROR: The provided resource group, %1\$s, is not configured for cloud backup.\n\n" "$rg_name" 1>&2 cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1208 "Available resource groups which are configured for cloud are:\n\n" "$cloud_rgs" 1>&2 output=$(echo "$cloud_rgs" | tr " " "\n") print -u2 "$output" rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi elif [[ -n $bucket_name ]] then # Get the list of rgs which are configured with provided bucket for rg in $cloud_rgs do output=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list $rg 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) configured_bucket=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Bucket_name" | cut -f 2 -d '=' | tr -d ' ') service=$(echo "$output" | grep -w "Cloud_service" | cut -f 2 -d '=' | tr -d ' ') if [[ $bucket_name == $configured_bucket ]] then echo $service_list | grep -q $service if (( $? != 0 )) then service_list="$service_list $service" fi fi done if [[ -z $service_list ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1319 "\nERROR: The provided bucket %1\$s does not exist in any of the cloud configured backup profiles.\n\n" "$bucket_name" 1>&2 fi fi # Verify whether the provided start and end times are in proper format. if [[ -n $start_time ]] then validate_time $start_time if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1206 "\nERROR: The provided start time format is invalid.\n\n" 1>&2 cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1205 "\nERROR: Provide time in yyyy-mm-ddThh format.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if [[ -n $end_time ]] then validate_time $end_time if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1207 "\nERROR: The provided end time format is invalid.\n\n" 1>&2 cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1205 "\nERROR: Provide time in yyyy-mm-ddThh format.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi fi # Calling list utility if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) then [[ -n $bucket_name ]] && bOpt="-b $bucket_name" [[ -n $start_time ]] && sOpt="-s $start_time" [[ -n $end_time ]] && eOpt="-e $end_time" [[ -n $rg_name ]] && rOpt="-r $rg_name" for service in $service_list do cOpt="-c $service" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_cloud_utils -o query $rOpt $bOpt $sOpt $eOpt $cOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result LANG=C cl_cbm_cloud_utils -o query $rOpt $bOpt $sOpt $eOpt $cOpt rc=$? print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_cloud_utils -o query $rOpt $bOpt $sOpt $eOpt $cOpt RC:$rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( rc != RC_SUCCESS )) then rc=$RC_ERROR break fi done fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $rc } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_files()" #============================================================================== # # Name: validate_time # # Description: This function will validates whether the user provided time is # proper format or not. # # Inputs: start_time or end_time # # Outputs: None # # Returns: Zero if the provided time format is correct. # Otherwise a non-zero value is returned. # #============================================================================== function validate_time { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset usertime="" typeset datedelimiter="" usertime=$1 if (( ${#usertime} != 13 )) then return $RC_ERROR fi # Check for 'T' in the timestamp format datedelimiter=$(echo $usertime | cut -c11) if [[ -z $datedelimiter || $datedelimiter != 'T' ]] then return $RC_ERROR fi # Extract year, month, date and time to perform validation echo "$usertime" | cut -f1 -d'T' | IFS=- read year month day time=$(echo "$usertime" | cut -f2 -d'T') if [[ -z $time || -z $day || -z $month || -z $year ]] then return $RC_ERROR fi # Check if all the data provided like day month time etc are digits or not if [[ $year != +([[:digit:]]) || $month != +([[:digit:]]) || $day != +([[:digit:]]) || $time != +([[:digit:]]) ]] then return $RC_ERROR fi } #End of "validate_time()" ed_b kl2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_profile#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2019,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_profile.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_profile =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query backup_profile backup_profile => bp, backup_p, replication_profile =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of resource groups for backup_profile. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #================================================================================== # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_profile # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect resource group which are configured for backup_profile. # It uses the "cl_cbm_list" utility to generate the list of # names unless a search is being conducted. # In the case of a search, the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_attributes is invoked in verbose mode. # The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one resource group per # entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #================================================================================== function KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_profile { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= groups= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #==================================== : Check python is installed or not #==================================== LANG=C cl_get_python_version 2>&1 >>/dev/null rc=$? if (( $rc != 0 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1315 "\nERROR: Python must be installed for using backup feature.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $rc fi #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all #============================================== : List the resource groups. If there are no : resource groups, cl_cbm_list returns an error. #============================================== print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands groups=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list RC: $rc; groups == \"${groups//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result #Display error only in case of XML parse error if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS && $rc > 2 ));then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1197 "\nERROR: No resource group configured for backup.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi for item in $groups; do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_backup_profile_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_backup_profile()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ t k,12+"bbb&" # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_codup_#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_cod.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)69 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_cod.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1539A_hacmp720 9/17/15 10:47:38 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_cod # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect a list of COD-enabled application controllers. # It uses the "cllsserv" utility to generate the list of names # unless a search is being conducted. In the case of a search, # the associated FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_cod_attributes # is invoked in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then # passed through the "search_properties()" function to arrive # at a set of outputs that matches the provided search # parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one application controller # per entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_cod { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_cod.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1539A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset name= start_script= stop_script= value= typeset use_desired= optimal_mem= optimal_cpu= optimal_pu= optimal_vp= #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all typeset ROHA_PROPERTIES= print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv -cl" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands ROHA_PROPERTIES=$(cllsserv -cl) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsserv RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$ROHA_PROPERTIES" |\ while IFS=: read name start_script stop_script use_desired optimal_mem optimal_cpu optimal_pu optimal_vp rem do [[ $name == \#* ]] && continue # Skip the column headers optimal_mem=$(CL=$LINENO trim $optimal_mem) optimal_pu=$(CL=$LINENO trim $optimal_pu) if [[ $use_desired != 0 || \ $optimal_mem != +(0)\.+(0) || \ $optimal_cpu != 0 || \ $optimal_pu != +(0)\.+(0) || \ $optimal_vp != 0 ]] then list[$index]=$name (( index++ )) fi done fi (( ${#list[*]} >= 0 )) && rc=$RC_SUCCESS else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_cod_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_cod()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_cod =head1 VERSION Version Number: Last Extracted: 9/22/15 20:16:51 Last Changed: 9/17/15 10:47:38 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_cod.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1539A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query cod NOTE: the aliases for "cod" are "cuod", "dlpar" and "roha". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays a simple list of the application controller names for which Resource Optimized High Availability services have been configured. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== rtie kV;2+6bbb&6 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_dependenciese#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)04 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 16:20:10 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect resource group dependency names. It uses the # "clrgdependency" utility to generate the list of names unless # a search is being conducted. In the case of a search, the # associated FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_dependency_attributes # is invoked in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then # passed through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one dependency per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift if [[ -n $2 && $2 != *=* ]]; then typeset -n id_list=$2 shift fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset -i INDEX=0 i=0 j=0 longest=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset -A pcdeps stopafterdeps startafterdeps typeset parent= child= dep= value= OUTPUT= #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all ## ## ACQUIRE/RELEASE ORDER ## print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgorder -s | grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clrgorder -s) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgorder RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep -v '#' |\ IFS=: read sel_acq par_acq ser_rel par_rel for rg in ${par_acq//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (ACQUIRE_IN_PARALLEL)" (( INDEX++ )) fi dep= for rg in ${sel_acq//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (ACQUIRE_SERIALLY)" (( INDEX++ )) fi dep= for rg in ${par_rel//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (RELEASE_IN_PARALLEL)" (( INDEX++ )) fi dep= for rg in ${ser_rel//,/ }; do [[ -n $dep ]] && dep="$dep," dep="$dep$rg" done if [[ $dep != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then list[$INDEX]="$dep (RELEASE_SERIALLY)" (( INDEX++ )) fi ## ## PARENT/CHILD ## print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency -t PARENT_CHILD -sl | grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clrgdependency -t PARENT_CHILD -sl) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep -v '#' |\ while read parent child; do if [[ -n ${pcdeps[$parent]} ]]; then pcdeps[$parent]="${pcdeps[$parent]},$child" else pcdeps[$parent]=$child fi done for parent in ${!pcdeps[*]}; do list[$INDEX]="${parent}+${pcdeps[$parent]} (PARENT_CHILD)" (( INDEX++ )) done ## ## STOP AFTER ## print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency -t STOP_AFTER -sl | grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clrgdependency -t STOP_AFTER -sl) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep -v '#' |\ while read source target; do if [[ -n ${stopafterdeps[$target]} ]]; then stopafterdeps[$target]="${stopafterdeps[$target]},$source" else stopafterdeps[$target]=$source fi done for target in ${!stopafterdeps[*]}; do list[$INDEX]="${target}+${stopafterdeps[$target]} (STOP_AFTER)" (( INDEX++ )) done ## ## START AFTER ## print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency -t START_AFTER -sl | grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clrgdependency -t START_AFTER -sl) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep -v '#' |\ while read source target; do if [[ -n ${startafterdeps[$target]} ]]; then startafterdeps[$target]="${startafterdeps[$target]},$source" else startafterdeps[$target]=$source fi done for target in ${!startafterdeps[*]}; do list[$INDEX]="${target}+${startafterdeps[$target]} (START_AFTER)" (( INDEX++ )) done ## ## SAME SITE ## print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency -t SITECOLLOCATION -sl | grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clrgdependency -t SITECOLLOCATION -sl) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep -v '#' |\ while read dep; do dep=${dep//+([[:space:]])/,} list[$INDEX]="$dep (SAME_SITE)" (( INDEX++ )) done ## ## SAME NODE ## print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency -t NODECOLLOCATION -sl | grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clrgdependency -t NODECOLLOCATION -sl) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$OUTPUT"| grep -v '#' |\ while read dep; do dep=${dep//+([[:space:]])/,} list[$INDEX]="$dep (SAME_NODE)" (( INDEX++ )) done ## ## DIFFERENT NODES ## print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency -t ANTICOLLOCATION -sl | grep -v '#'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clrgdependency -t ANTICOLLOCATION -sl) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clrgdependency RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep -v '#' |\ while IFS=: read high int low; do high=${high//+([[:space:]])/,} int=${int//+([[:space:]])/,} low=${low//+([[:space:]])/,} if [[ -n "$high$int$low" && "$high$int$low" != "::" ]]; then list[$INDEX]="${high}+${int}+${low} (DIFFERENT_NODES)" (( INDEX++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_dependency_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$INDEX]=${allProperties[$key]} (( INDEX++ )) done fi fi if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for (( i=0; i longest )) && longest=${#dep} done (( longest += 3 )) for (( i=0; i # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:12 Last Changed: 6/10/15 16:20:10 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_dependencies.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query dependency NOTE: the alias for "dependency" is "de". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of resource group dependencies. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== ( l k2+C%bbb&C% # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_events#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_events.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_events # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect event names. It uses the "cllscustom" and clodmget # utilities to generate the list of names unless a search is # being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated # FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one event per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_events { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_events.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1613A_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift if [[ -n $1 && $1 != *=* ]]; then # Not a search. Must be a type. typeset -u evtype=$1 shift fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u uc_attr= uc_value= typeset value= while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" shift if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then uc_attr=${value%%=*} if [[ $uc_attr == "TYPE" ]]; then uc_value=${value#*=} [[ -z $evtype ]] && evtype=$uc_value case $evtype in P*) evtype="PREDEFINED" ;; C*) evtype="CUSTOM" ;; A*) evtype="ALL" ;; esac value=$evtype fi queries[$uc_attr]="${value#*=}" fi done [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset LINE= OUTPUT= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )) || ( (( ${#queries[*]} == 1 )) && [[ -n ${queries[TYPE]} ]] ) then # List all #======================== # CUSTOM CLUSTER EVENTS #======================== if [[ $evtype == *([[:space:]]) || $evtype == @(\*|A|C)* ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom -t event" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllscustom -t event) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ $LINE != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]=$LINE (( index++ )) fi done fi #==================== # PREDEFINED EVENTS #==================== if [[ $evtype == @(\*|A|P)* ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -f name -n HACMPevent" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clodmget -f name -n HACMPevent 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while IFS=: read LINE; do if [[ $LINE != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]=$LINE (( index++ )) fi done fi else # Searches were provided typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes "" allProperties TYPE=$evtype CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_events()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_events =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 3/29/16 17:47:11 Last Changed: 3/21/16 11:16:51 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_events.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1613A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query event NOTE: the alias for "event" is "ev". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of customer cluster events. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. evtype [OPTIONAL] [string] The type of events to list. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== NO se k=2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timersmes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)79 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 16:35:17 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect fallback timer names. It uses the "cltimerpolicy" # utility to generate the list of names unless a search is # being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated # FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_fallback_timer_attributes is # invoked in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then # passed through the "search_properties()" function to arrive # at a set of outputs that matches the provided search # parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one fallback timer per # entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= TIMERS= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cltimerpolicy -a list -f list" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands TIMERS=$(cltimerpolicy -a list -f list) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cltimerpolicy RC: $rc; TIMERS == \"${TIMERS//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR for item in $TIMERS; do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_fallback_timer_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:12 Last Changed: 6/10/15 16:35:17 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_fallback_timers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query fallback_timer NOTE: aliases for "fallback_timer" are "fa" and "timer". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of fallback timers. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== $LINE k62+B!bbb&B! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systemsrs#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect file system names. It uses the "cl_showfs2" # utility to generate the list of names unless a search is # being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated # FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_file_system_attributes is # invoked in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then # passed through the "search_properties()" function to arrive # at a set of outputs that matches the provided search # parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one file system per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset line= OUTPUT= vgname= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS typeset fsname= vgname= rgname= nodelist= #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LC_ALL=C cl_showfs2" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG OUTPUT=$(LC_ALL=C cl_showfs2 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_showfs2 RC: $?; list == \"${list[*]}\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read fsname vgname rgname nodelist; do [[ $fsname == \#* ]] && continue [[ $fsname == *([[:space:]]) ]] && continue #cl_showfs2 returns error string on stdout. #Consider only valid fs names starting with "/*" if [[ $fsname == /* ]]; then list[$index]=$fsname (( index++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_file_system_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/13/16 11:36:21 Last Changed: 6/10/15 16:39:49 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_file_systems.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query file_system NOTE: the alias for "file_system" is "fs". =head1 DESCRIPTION Constructs a list of the shared and/or concurrent logical volumes within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== es  k2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)72 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 16:43:11 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect file collection names. It uses the "clodmget" # utility to pull data from the HACMPfilecollection ODM to # generate the list of names unless a search is being conducted. # In the case of a search, the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_filecollection_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed through # the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one file collection per # entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all for item in $(clodmget -f name -n HACMPfilecollection); do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done (( index > 0 )) && rc=$RC_SUCCESS else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_filecollection_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:13 Last Changed: 6/10/15 16:43:11 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query file_collection NOTE: the aliases for "file_collection" are "fc" and "fi". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of file collections. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== LINE k2+x!bbb&x! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_groups#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_groups.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)39 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 16:48:21 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_groups # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect user group names. It uses the "lsgroup" utility # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_group_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed through # the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one user group per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_groups { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= LDAP_GROUPS= LOCAL_GROUPS= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all #===================== : Display all groups #===================== print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup -R files -a ALL" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands LOCAL_GROUPS=$(lsgroup -R files -a ALL 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup (files) RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup -R LDAP -a ALL" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands LDAP_GROUPS=$(lsgroup -R LDAP -a ALL 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsgroup (LDAP) RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi print -- "$LOCAL_GROUPS" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]="$LINE (files)" (( index++ )) fi done print -- "$LDAP_GROUPS" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]="$LINE (LDAP)" (( index++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_group_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_groups()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_groups =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:13 Last Changed: 6/10/15 16:48:21 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query group NOTE: the alias for "group" is "gp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the current set of AIX groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  kn2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcss#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)68 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 16:51:54 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect HMC names. It uses the "cllshmc" utility to # generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed through # the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one HMC per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset hmc= name= timeout= retry_count= retry_delay= value= #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all typeset HMC_PROPERTIES= print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc -c" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG HMC_PROPERTIES=$(cllshmc -c) 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllshmc RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$HMC_PROPERTIES" |\ while IFS=: read hmclabel timeout retry_count retry_delay rem do [[ $hmclabel == \#* ]] && continue # Skip the column headers list[$index]=$hmclabel (( index++ )) done else rc=$RC_ERROR fi else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_hmc_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs =head1 VERSION Version Number: Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:13 Last Changed: 6/10/15 16:51:54 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_hmcs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query hmc =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of HMCs. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== pese kv2+9bbb&9 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_hosts#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_hosts.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_hosts # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to list host names from within the cluster. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one host per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_hosts { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset -l TYPE="" typeset item= hosts= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase if [[ $attr == "TYPE" ]];then TYPE="${value#*=}" shift continue fi queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all if [[ -n $TYPE ]] then CL=$LINENO verify_in_set TYPE "$TYPE" "CAA CANDIDATES POTENTIAL SMIT" TYPE fi if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then case $TYPE in caa) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lscluster -m | grep \"Node name:\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG hosts=$(LC_ALL=C lscluster -m | grep "Node name:") rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lscluster -m | grep \"Node name:\" RC == $rc ($hosts)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print -- "$hosts" |\ while read item do list[$index]=${item#*: } (( index++ )) done ;; @(candidates|potential|smit)) list_candidates $TYPE rc=$? ;; *) CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clnodename" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands hosts=$(clodmget -q "object=COMMUNICATION_PATH" -n -f value HACMPnode) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clnodename RC: $rc; hosts == \"${hosts//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR for item in $hosts; do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done fi ;; esac else rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_host_attributes allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != HOSTNAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_hosts()" #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_candidates # # Description: This is a helper function that lists -potential- hosts # for the cluster. This is done by finding the intersection # between /etc/hosts and /etc/cluster/rhosts, and filtering # out addresses that are already known to be in use in the # cluster. # # Inputs: See the "TYPE" description in the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: The results are displayed directly on STDOUT. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function list_candidates { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -l TYPE=$1 # : The communication path for a new node cannot : be the communication path for an existing node, : or an interface on any existing node. Concatenate : existing values into a string to use with egrep # current_paths=$(clodmget -q 'object = COMMUNICATION_PATH' -f value -n HACMPnode | paste -s -d'|' -) current_ips=$(clodmget -f identifier -n HACMPadapter | paste -s -d'|' -) if [[ -n $current_ips ]] then current_paths=${current_paths:+$current_paths\|}$current_ips fi host $(hostname) | read localname is localip rest if [[ "|$current_paths|" != *\|$localname\|* ]]; then current_paths=${current_paths:+$current_paths\|}$localname fi if [[ "|$current_paths|" != *\|$localip\|* ]]; then current_paths=${current_paths:+$current_paths\|}$localip fi # : The communication path for a new node must exist in : /etc/cluster/rhosts. Since rhosts can contain IP : addresses or labels, we must form the list as follows: # rhost_paths=$(cat /etc/cluster/rhosts | while read i; do [[ -z $i ]] && continue host $i 2>/dev/null | sed 's/,//' | read ip is label rest [[ -n $ip ]] && echo "$ip#$label" done | paste -s -d'|' -) # : And finally gather everything in /etc/hosts # etchosts_paths=$(clgetinterfaces -h | cut -f3,5 -d'#' | \ grep -vw loopback | paste -s -d'|' -) if [[ $TYPE == @(candidates|smit) ]] then # # The rhosts and etc hosts entries are all formatted # into a string like label#ip|label#ip|... # : Now for the presentation: : show everything in rhosts that : is not already in the HA config # for path in ${rhost_paths//\|/ } do echo ${path%%#*} | egrep -qvw "$current_paths|loopback" && \ echo ${path#*#} | egrep -qvw "$current_paths" && \ echo $path | sed 's/\(.*\)#\(.*\)/\1 (\2)/' done if [[ $TYPE == "smit" ]] then # : In case the above code did not produce the expected results, : give some clues by displaying "potential" entries below. : This should provide the same output as the SMIT panel pick list. # print " # $(dspmsg -s 40 cluster.cat 201 "# Don't see what you are looking for ?\n") # $(dspmsg -s 40 cluster.cat 202 "# To add a node, you must first create entries in\n# /etc/hosts and /etc/cluster/rhosts.\n") #" # : Show the potential entries in comments, where "potential" means the : entries are defined in /etc/hosts, but not /etc/cluster/rhosts, and : are not already known to the cluster. # integer banner=1 typeset rhosts_egrep=${rhost_paths//#/'|'} for entry in ${etchosts_paths//\|/ } do if echo ${entry%%#*} | egrep -qvw "$rhosts_egrep" && \ echo ${entry#*#} | egrep -qvw "$rhosts_egrep" && \ echo ${entry%%#*} | egrep -qvw "$current_paths" && \ echo ${entry#*#} | egrep -qvw "$current_paths" then if (( banner )) then dspmsg -s 40 cluster.cat 203 "# The following entries in /etc/hosts do not exist\n# in /etc/cluster/rhosts:\n#\n" banner=0 fi echo "# $(echo $entry | sed 's/\(.*\)#\(.*\)/\1 (\2)/')" fi done fi elif [[ $TYPE == "potential" ]] then # : For "POTENTIAL" hosts, we are looking for entries that are : defined in /etc/hosts, but not /etc/cluster/rhosts. # typeset rhosts_egrep=${rhost_paths//#/'|'} for entry in ${etchosts_paths//\|/ } do if echo ${entry%%#*} | egrep -qvw "$rhosts_egrep" && \ echo ${entry#*#} | egrep -qvw "$rhosts_egrep" && \ echo ${entry%%#*} | egrep -qvw "$current_paths" && \ echo ${entry#*#} | egrep -qvw "$current_paths" then echo $entry | sed 's/\(.*\)#\(.*\)/\1 (\2)/' fi done fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "list_candidates()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_hosts =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query node NOTE: the alias for "node" is "no". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of hosts. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. TYPE [OPTIONAL] [set] An optional indicator of what type of hosts to list. By default, the communication paths from the cluster are listed. But the following types will change the output: * "CAA" Lists the CAA host members. * "CANDIDATES" Lists the entries that are common to /etc/hosts and /etc/cluster/rhosts, but are not already in use in the cluster. * "POTENTIAL" Lists the entries that are defined in /etc/hosts, but not in /etc/cluster/rhosts, and are not already in use in the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== e khS2+:!bbb&:! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_interfacesion#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces.sh 1.8 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)98 1.8 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/10/15 16:59:19 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect interface names. It uses the "cllsif" utility to # generate the list of names unless a search is being conducted. # In the case of a search, the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_interface_attributes is invoked in verbose # mode. The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one interface per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.8, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset line= value= OUTPUT= item= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN already_found=0 i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif -pcS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllsif -pcS) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif RC: $rc; interfaces == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read line do : Re-initialize these variables already_found=0 item= for (( i=0; i # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.8 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:13 Last Changed: 6/10/15 16:59:19 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query interface NOTE: the aliases for "interface" are "in" and "if". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of interfaces. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== "" all kL2+!bbb&! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_serversn#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)13 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 09:56:17 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect LDAP server names. It uses the "clodmget" utility # to retrieve data from the HACMPLDAP ODM to generate the list # of LDAP server names unless a search is being conducted. # In the case of a search, the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes is invoked in verbose # mode. The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one LDAP server per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q \"group=LDAPServer and name=ServerList\" -f value HACMPLDAP" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clodmget -q "group=LDAPServer and name=ServerList" -f value HACMPLDAP 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $rc; ldap_servers == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read LINE; do LINE=${LINE//\"/} LINE=${LINE##+([[:space:]])} LINE=${LINE%%+([[:space:]])} for SERVER in ${LINE//,/ }; do if [[ -n $SERVER ]]; then list[$index]=$SERVER (( index++ )) fi done done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_ldap_server_attributes allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != SERVERS@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue for NAME in ${allProperties[$key]//,/ }; do list[$index]=$NAME (( index++ )) done done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:13 Last Changed: 6/11/15 09:56:17 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_ldap_servers.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query ldap_server NOTE: the alias for "ldap_server" is "ls". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the current set of AIX LDAP servers. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== r k C2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumesmes#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)92 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 10:01:12 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr to # collect logical volume names. It uses the "cl_lsvg" utility # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_logical_volume_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed through # the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one logical volume per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LV_DATA= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_SUCCESS i=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all typeset VGS= CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups VGS 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG for (( i=0; i<${#VGS[*]}; i++ )); do VG=${VGS[$i]} [[ $VG == *([[:space:]]) ]] && continue print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LC_ALL=C cl_lsvg -l $VG" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG LV_DATA=$(LC_ALL=C cl_lsvg -l $VG 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_lsvg RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$LV_DATA" |\ while read lvname junk; do [[ $lvname == *: || -z $lvname ]] && continue [[ $lvname == LV && $junk == NAME* ]] && continue list[$index]=$lvname (( index++ )) done # End of the LV data loop done # End of the VG loop else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_logical_volume_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:14 Last Changed: 6/11/15 10:01:12 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logical_volumes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query logical_volume NOTE: the alias for "logical_volume" is "lv". =head1 DESCRIPTION Constructs a list of the shared and/or concurrent logical volumes within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== op k72+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logsal#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logs.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)99 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 10:05:33 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_logs # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr to # collect log names. It uses the "cllog" utility to generate # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_log_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed through # the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one log per entry. The only # other outputs are any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_logs { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllog -s" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(VERBOSE_LOGGING="" cllog -s) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllog RC: $rc; logs == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" | sort |\ while read item; do item=${item%%[[:space:]]*} list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_log_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_logs()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_logs =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:14 Last Changed: 6/11/15 10:05:33 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_logs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query log =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of logs. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== es kN2+*bbb&* # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_methodsvolumes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_methods.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_methods.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_methods # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect method names. It uses the "cllscustom" and "cllspgr" # utilities to generate the list of names unless a search is # being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_method_attributes is invoked in verbose # mode. The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one method per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_methods { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_methods.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $1 != *=* ]] && typeset -u type=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -n $type && $type != @(NO|SN|VE)* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": %2$s\n\n' TYPE "$type" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 'Valid values: %1$s\n\n' "notify, snapshot, verify" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all case "$type" in NO*) if [[ -s $ODMDIR/HACMPpager ]] then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllspgr" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands cmd="cllspgr" OUTPUT=$(cllspgr) fi ;; SN*) if [[ -s $ODMDIR/HACMPcustom ]] then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom -t snapshot" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands cmd="cllscustom" OUTPUT=$(cllscustom -t snapshot) fi ;; VE*) if [[ -s $ODMDIR/HACMPcustom ]] then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom -t verify" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands cmd="cllscustom" OUTPUT=$(cllscustom -t verify) fi ;; *) if [[ -s $ODMDIR/HACMPcustom ]] then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllscustom" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands cmd="cllscustom/cllspgr" typeset name= rem= cllscustom -c |\ while IFS=: read name type rem; do if [[ $type == @(SN|VE)* ]]; then [[ -n $OUTPUT ]] && OUTPUT="$OUTPUT$NL" OUTPUT="$OUTPUT$name" fi done fi if [[ -s $ODMDIR/HACMPpager ]] then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllspgr" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT="$OUTPUT$NL$(cllspgr)" fi ;; esac rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $cmd RC: $rc; OUTPUT == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read item; do [[ $item == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue if [[ -n $item ]]; then list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) fi done else rc=$RC_ERROR fi else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_method_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_methods()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_methods =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 5/3/16 18:53:58 Last Changed: 4/6/16 06:32:06 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_methods.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query method \ [ TYPE={notify|snapshot|verify} ] NOTE: the alias for "method" is "me". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of cluster snspshots. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. type {OPTIONAL] [string] The type of method to be queried. Valid values: {notify|snapshot|verify} =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== s[*]}; kt2+!bbb&! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groupss#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)58 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 10:15:56 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect mirror group names. It uses the XD utility, # "clxd_list_mg_director", to generate the list of names # unless a search is being conducted. In the case of a search, # the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_group_attributes is invoked in verbose # mode. The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one mirror group per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg $RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY $0 $LINENO return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mg_director -d\"|\" -h" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mg_director -d"|" -h >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHlmg.$$ rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_list_mg_director RC: $rc; mirror_groups == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHlmg.$$ |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *errno* ]] && break list[$index]=${LINE%%\|*} (( index++ )) fi done rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHlmg.$$ else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_group_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:16 Last Changed: 6/11/15 10:15:56 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query mirror_group NOTE: the alias for "mirror_group" is "mg". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of mirror groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== Pr kx2+!bbb&! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairss#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)88 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 10:19:34 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect mirror pair names. It uses the XD utility, # "clxd_list_mdp_director", to generate the list of names # unless a search is being conducted. In the case of a search, # the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pair_attributes is invoked in verbose # mode. The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one mirror pair per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg $RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY $0 $LINENO return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN COUNT=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mdp_director -s svc -d\"|\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$($HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_mdp_director -s svc -d"|" 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_list_mdp_director RC: $rc; mirror_pairs == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read LINE; do (( ++COUNT == 1 )) && continue # Skip the column header line if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then list[$index]=${LINE%%\|*} (( index++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pair_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:16 Last Changed: 6/11/15 10:19:34 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query mirror_pair NOTE: the alias for "mirror_pair" is "mp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of mirror disk pairs. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== lPrope kDn2+P!bbb&P! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_poolss#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)51 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 10:58:44 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect mirror pool names. It uses the XD utility, # "cl_lsmpvgs", to generate the list of names unless a search # is being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated # FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes is # invoked in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then # passed through the "search_properties()" function to arrive # at a set of outputs that matches the provided search # parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one mirror pool per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= OUTPUT= NAME= VG= REM= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN try=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all for (( try=0; $try<5; try++ )); do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_lsmpvgs -p" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cl_lsmpvgs -p 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_lsmpvgs RC: $rc; Mirror Pools == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR || break (( try < 4 )) && sleep 3 done if (( rc == $RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue print -- "$LINE" | read NAME VG REM list[$index]="$NAME ($VG)" (( index++ )) fi done fi else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pool_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:16 Last Changed: 6/11/15 10:58:44 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pools.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query mirror_pool NOTE: the alias for "mirror_pool" is "mp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of mirror pools. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  k2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_networksolss#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_networks.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)99 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_networks.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 15:31:04 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_networks # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr to # collect network names. It uses the "odmget" utility to pull # information from the "HACMPnetwork" ODM to generate the list # of names unless a search is being conducted. In the case of # a search, the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_network_attributes is invoked in verbose mode. # The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one network per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_networks { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_networks.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset name= value= OUTPUT= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -f name HACMPnetwork" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clodmget -n -f name HACMPnetwork) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $rc; networks == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR for name in $OUTPUT do list[$index]=$name (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_network_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_networks()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_networks =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:17 Last Changed: 6/11/15 15:31:04 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_networks.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query network NOTE: the aliases for "network" are "ne" and "nw". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of networks. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== _at kp2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_nodesk#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)00 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 15:34:43 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect node names. It uses the "clnodename" utility, # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_node_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a # set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one node per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= nodes= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clnodename" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands nodes=$(clnodename) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clnodename RC: $rc; nodes == \"${nodes//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR for item in $nodes; do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_node_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:17 Last Changed: 6/11/15 15:34:43 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query node NOTE: the alias for "node" is "no". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of nodes. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== _V kJB2+Wbbb&W # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_novask#!/bin/ksh93 # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_novas.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_novas # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect NOVA names. It uses the "cllsnova" utility to # generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_nova_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed through # the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one NOVA per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_novas { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== # Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset nova= name= timeout= retry_count= retry_delay= value= #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all typeset NOVA_PROPERTIES= print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsnova -c" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG NOVA_PROPERTIES=$(cllsnova -c) 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsnova RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$NOVA_PROPERTIES" |\ while IFS=: read novalabel timeout retry_count retry_delay rem do [[ $novalabel == \#* ]] && continue # Skip the column headers list[$index]=$novalabel (( index++ )) done else rc=$RC_ERROR fi else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_nova_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_novas()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_novas =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query nova =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of NovaLinks. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== e kJm2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ips#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)26 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 15:39:28 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect persistent IPs. It uses the "cllsif" utility, # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a # set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one persistent IP per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset name= value= OUTPUT= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif -pcS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllsif -pcS 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif RC: $rc; interfaces == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep ":persistent:" |\ while IFS=: read name rem do list[$index]=$name (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:17 Last Changed: 6/11/15 15:39:28 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query persistent_ip NOTE: the alias for "persistent_ip" is "pe". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of persistent IPs. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== pe k꼎2+*bbb&* # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volumemes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr to # collect physical volume names for disks that are common and # unused across the given set of nodes. If a search is being # conducted, the same FPATH function is invoked, but this time # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed through # the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of # outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list hash is populated. The only other outputs # are any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 typeset NODES=${2//\"/} typeset -l TYPE=${3//\"/} shift 3 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset dname= OUTPUT= indexes= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase if [[ $attr == @(TYPE|NODE|NODES) ]];then shift continue fi queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done #======================================================== # If no nodes are specified, default to the local node. # This behavior differs from the verbose listing of # physical volumes, but is now a legacy requirement. # NOTE: if the type of disk listing requested is # tiebreaker, then go ahead and default to # all nodes. #======================================================== if [[ $NODES == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then [[ $TYPE != t* ]] && NODES=$LOCAL_NODE || NODES=$(clnodename) fi if [[ $TYPE != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then if [[ $TYPE == "tb" ]]; then TYPE="tiebreaker" else CL=$LINENO verify_in_set TYPE "$TYPE" "available, all, tiebreaker" TYPE (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all typeset -A props #================================ : Retrieve the disk information #================================ CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_physical_volume_attributes "" props "${NODES//+([[:space:]])/,}" "$TYPE" rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!props[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME* ]] && continue [[ -n $indexes ]] && indexes="$indexes$NL" indexes="$indexes${key##+([[:alpha:]])}" done indexes=$(print -- "$indexes" | sort -n -u) if [[ -n $indexes ]]; then for index in $indexes; do [[ -n $OUTPUT ]] && OUTPUT="$OUTPUT$NL" OUTPUT="$OUTPUT${props[NAME$index]}:${props[PVID$index]}" [[ $CLMGR_GUI == "SMUI" ]] && OUTPUT="$OUTPUT:${props[SIZE$index]}" done else [[ -n $OUTPUT ]] && OUTPUT="$OUTPUT$NL" OUTPUT="${OUTPUT}${props[NAME]}:${props[PVID]}" [[ $CLMGR_GUI == "SMUI" ]] && OUTPUT="$OUTPUT:${props[SIZE]}" fi else rc=$RC_ERROR fi if (( rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then index=0 print -- "$OUTPUT" | sort |\ while IFS=: read dname pvid size rem; do [[ -z $dname || -z $pvid ]] && continue if [[ $CLMGR_GUI == "SMUI" && $size == +([0-9]) ]] then list[$index]="$dname ($pvid) [$size]" else list[$index]="$dname ($pvid)" fi (( index++ )) done fi elif (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_physical_volume_attributes "" allProperties "${NODES//+([[:space:]])/,}" "$TYPE" CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume =head1 VERSION Version Number: Last Extracted: 5/3/16 18:54:04 Last Changed: 4/6/16 06:57:04 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query physical_volume \ [ NODES=,[,,...] ] \ [ TYPE={available|all|tiebreaker} ] NOTE: "node" may be either a node name, or a network- resolvable name (i.e. hostname or IP address). NOTE: the alias for "physical_volume" is "pv". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the physical volumes for the specified node(s). If no nodes are specified, defaults to the local node. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. NODES [OPTIONAL] string A list of nodes/hosts to query. Defaults to all defined nodes, if not provided. 3. TYPE [OPTIONAL] [set] The type of disks to list, from the set: available (only unused disks are listed) all (lists disks even if they are currently in use) tiebreaker (disks that are suitable for tiebreaker usage) =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== TH  kM2+x/bbb&x/ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_repositoriesme#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories.sh 1.13 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)18 1.13 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1531B_hacmp720 7/29/15 10:54:43 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr to # collect repository names and PVIDs. It uses the "clodmget" # utility to read data from the "HACMPsircol" ODM to generate # the list of names unless a search is being conducted. In the # case of a search, the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_repository_attributes is invoked in verbose # mode. The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one repository per entry, # with the active repository first, followed by any backup # repositories. The format of each repository entry is # " ()". The only other outputs are any # error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.13, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1531B_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift typeset -i RETURN_NODES=0 if [[ -n $1 && $1 != *=* ]]; then typeset -n NODE_MAP=$1 shift RETURN_NODES=1 fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset -i index=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN count=0 typeset REPOSITORIES= value= typeset disk= DISK_DATA= BACKUPS= NODES= SITE= REQ_SITE="" typeset DISK_NAME= DISK_PVID= DISK_UUID= REFNODE= REM= #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase if [[ $attr == "SITE" ]]; then REQ_SITE=${value#*=} else queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all if [[ $CLUSTER_TYPE == "LC" ]]; then for SITE in $(clodmget -n -f name HACMPsite); do [[ -n $REQ_SITE && $REQ_SITE != $SITE ]] && continue NODES=$(clodmget -n -f nodelist -q name=$SITE HACMPsite) NODES=${NODES//+([[:space:]])/ } : Retrieve the name of the active repository disk for $SITE for disk in $(clodmget -n -f repository -q name="${SITE}_sircol" HACMPsircol); do if [[ " $NODES " == *\ $LOCAL_NODE\ * ]]; then lspv | grep -w $disk | read DISK_DATA junk elif [[ -n $NODES ]]; then $CLRSH ${NODES%% *} "/usr/sbin/lspv | /usr/bin/grep -w $disk" | read DISK_DATA junk fi if [[ -n $DISK_DATA ]]; then REPOSITORIES[$count]="_$disk:$DISK_DATA:$NODES:$SITE" (( count++ )) fi done : Retrieve the names of any backup repository disks for $SITE BACKUPS=$(clodmget -n -f backup_repository -q name="${SITE}_sircol" HACMPsircol) for disk in ${BACKUPS//,/ }; do if [[ " $NODES " == *\ $LOCAL_NODE\ * ]]; then lspv | grep -w $disk | read DISK_DATA junk elif [[ -n $NODES ]]; then $CLRSH ${NODES%% *} "/usr/sbin/lspv | /usr/bin/grep -w $disk" | read DISK_DATA junk fi if [[ -n $DISK_DATA ]]; then REPOSITORIES[$count]="_$disk:$DISK_DATA:$NODES:$SITE" (( count++ )) fi done [[ -n $REQ_SITE ]] && break done else NODES=$(clnodename) NODES=${NODES//+([[:space:]])/ } : Retrieve the name of the active repository disk for disk in $(clodmget -n -f repository HACMPsircol); do # Want to show the name of the active repository disk # as it appears on the local node lspv | grep -w $disk | read DISK_DATA junk REPOSITORIES[$count]="_$disk:$DISK_DATA:$NODES:" (( count++ )) done : Retrieve the names of any backup repository disks BACKUPS=$(clodmget -n -f backup_repository HACMPsircol) for disk in ${BACKUPS//,/ }; do lspv | grep -w $disk | read DISK_DATA junk REPOSITORIES[$count]="_$disk:$DISK_DATA:$NODES:" (( count++ )) done fi integer ridx=0 for (( ridx=0; ridx < $count; ridx++ )); do print -- "${REPOSITORIES[$ridx]}" |\ IFS=: read disk NAME NODES SITE junk disk=${disk#_} [[ $disk == *([[:space:]]) ]] && continue list[$index]="$NAME ($disk)" (( RETURN_NODES )) && NODE_MAP[_$disk]="$NODES($SITE)" (( index++ )) done if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then (( index > 0 )) && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi else # Searches were provided typeset -A allProperties CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_repository_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue typeset NAME=${allProperties[$key]} typeset IDX=${key#NAME} typeset PVID=${allProperties[PVID$IDX]} typeset SITE=${allProperties[SITE$IDX]} if [[ $SITE == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then NODES=$(clnodename) else NODES=$(clodmget -n -f nodelist -q name=$SITE HACMPsite) fi NODES=${NODES//+([[:space:]])/ } list[$index]="$NAME ($PVID)" (( RETURN_NODES )) && NODE_MAP[_$PVID]="$NODES($SITE)" (( index++ )) done else rc=$RC_SEARCH_FAILED fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.13 Last Extracted: 7/30/15 19:50:43 Last Changed: 7/29/15 10:54:43 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_repositories.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1531B_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query repository =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the names of the currently configured repository disk(s). =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. NODE_MAP [OPTIONAL] [hash ref] An associative array that is used to return the list of nodes that the disks were found on. The key is the PVID of the disk, and the value is the node list. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  kY2+i bbb&i # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)01 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 16:27:12 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect resource group names. It uses the "cllsgrp" # utility to generate the list of names unless a search is # being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated # FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_rg_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one resource group per # entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= groups= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all #============================================ : List the resource groups. If there are no : resource groups, cllsgrp returns an error. #============================================ print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsgrp" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands groups=$(cllsgrp 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsgrp RC: $rc; groups == \"${groups//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR for item in $groups; do list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_rg_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:18 Last Changed: 6/11/15 16:27:12 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query resource_group NOTE: the alias for "resource_group" is "rg". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of resource groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== s  kjq2+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ipups#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)02 1.7 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 16:30:46 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect service IP names. It uses the "cllsif" utility # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_service_ip_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one service IP per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset name= value= OUTPUT= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif -cS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllsif -cS) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif RC: $rc; interfaces == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != $RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR OUTPUT=$(print -- "$OUTPUT" | grep ":service:" | cut -d: -f 1 | sort -u) for name in $OUTPUT; do list[$index]=$name (( index++ )) done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_service_ip_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:18 Last Changed: 6/11/15 16:30:46 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query service_ip NOTE: the alias for "service_ip" is "se". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of service IPs. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== ttr kZ3+zbbb&z # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_sitese#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_sites.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)15 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_sites.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 16:35:04 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_sites # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect site names. It uses the "cllssite" utility to # generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one site per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_sites { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_sites.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN matches=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllssite -c" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllssite -c) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllssite RC: $rc; sites == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/ }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read item; do [[ $item == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue item=${item%%:*} if [[ -n $item ]]; then list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_sites()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_sites =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:18 Last Changed: 6/11/15 16:35:04 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_sites.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query site =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of sites. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== allPro k83+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)04 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:39:47 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:56 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:39:47 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query smart_assist \ [ TYPE={SA|COMP|PROP} ] \ [ NODES=[,,,...]] \ [ SAID= ] \ [ COMPID= ] \ [ INSTANCEID= ] \ [ ENV="..." ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of Smart Assists. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. type [OPTIONAL] [String] Indicates what type of Smart Assist object is to be queried. The default is to list the available Smart Assists themselves. But if type is "COMP", then components will be listed, and if type is "PROP", then properties will be listed. 2. nodes [OPTIONAL] [String] One or more nodes to pass to clvtsa. 3. sa_id [OPTIONAL] [String] A Smart Assist identifier. 4. comp_id [OPTIONAL] [String] A component identifier. 5. inst_id [OPTIONAL] [String] An instance identifier. 6. env [OPTIONAL] [String] A misellaneous properties string to pass to clvtsa. =head1 RETURN The exit code from clvtsa is returned. =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -u type=$1 typeset nodes=$2 typeset sa_id=$3 typeset comp_id=$4 typeset inst_id=$5 typeset env=$6 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i errors=0 typeset cmd= var= #================================================================= : Some of the Smart Assists incorrectly attempt to add quotes to : their values, resulting in those quotes getting interpreted as : literal parts of the values. Not the intent. So it is safer to : remove leading/trailing quotes here, just to be safe. #================================================================= for var in type nodes sa_id comp_id inst_id env; do eval "$var=\${$var##+(\\\")}" eval "$var=\${$var%%+(\\\")}" done if [[ $type == @(C|P)* ]]; then if [[ $nodes == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\nERROR: missing the \"NODES\" argument.\n" (( errors++ )) fi if [[ $sa_id == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\nERROR: missing the \"SAID\" argument.\n" (( errors++ )) fi if [[ $type == P* ]]; then if [[ $comp_id == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\nERROR: missing the \"COMPID\" argument.\n" (( errors++ )) fi fi fi if (( errors == 0 )); then if [[ $type == P* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HASABIN/clvtsa -q queryPROPs -n \"$nodes\" -s \"$sa_id\" -c \"$comp_id\" -i \"$inst_id\" -e \"$env\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HASABIN/clvtsa -q queryPROPs \ -n "$nodes" \ -s "$sa_id" \ -c "$comp_id" \ -i "$inst_id" \ -e "$env" elif [[ $type == C* ]]; then print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HASABIN/clvtsa -q queryCOMPs -n \"$nodes\" -s \"$sa_id\" -e \"$env\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HASABIN/clvtsa -q queryCOMPs \ -n "$nodes" \ -s "$sa_id" \ -e "$env" else print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HASABIN/clvtsa -q querySAs" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HASABIN/clvtsa -q querySAs fi rc=$? print "clvtsa RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR else print -u2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_smart_assists()" OMPID=< k3+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshotssts#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect snapshot names. It uses the "clsnapshot" utility # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_snapshot_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one snapshot per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset item= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot -l" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(clsnapshot -l) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot RC: $rc; snapshots == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read item; do [[ $item == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue if [[ -n $item ]]; then list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_snapshot_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr list snapshot NOTE: the alias for "snapshot" is "sn". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the current list of cluster snspshots. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== "$OUTP kV3+!bbb&! # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)71 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 16:56:20 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect storage agent names. It uses the XD utility, # "clxd_list_sa_director", to generate the list of names # unless a search is being conducted. In the case of a search, # the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes is invoked in verbose # mode. The resulting data set is then passed through the # "search_properties()" function to arrive at a set of outputs # that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one storage agent per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might # be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg $RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY $0 $LINENO return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN COUNT=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_sa_director -d\"|\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$($HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_sa_director -d"|" 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_list_sa_director RC: $rc; storage_agents == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/ }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read LINE; do (( ++COUNT == 1 )) && continue # Skip the column header line if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then list[$index]=${LINE%%\|*} (( index++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:18 Last Changed: 6/11/15 16:56:20 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query storage_agent NOTE: the alias for "storage_agent" is "sta". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of storage agents. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  k*3+'bbb&' # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systemsmes#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect storage system names. It uses the XD utility, # "clxd_list_ss_director", to generate the list of names # unless a search is being conducted. In the case of a # search, the associated FPATH function, # KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_system_attributes is invoked in # verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at a # set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one storage system per # entry. The only other outputs are any error messages that # might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 5f56dbd 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Mar 08 2021 04:44 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= OUTPUT= value= PROFILES= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i backup=0 #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase if [[ $attr == "BACKUP" ]]; then if [[ ${value#*=} == "1" ]]; then backup=1 fi else queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all case $backup in 1) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list_storage_profile" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG PROFILES=$(LANG=C cl_cbm_list_storage_profile 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_cbm_list_storage_profile RC: $rc; storage_systems == \"$PROFILES\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS && $rc > 2 )); then rc=$RC_ERROR else rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi print -- "$PROFILES" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then list[$index]=$LINE (( index++ )) fi done ;; *) CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? == 1 ));then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_ss_director -d\"|\" -h" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$($HAXDWIZ/clxd_list_ss_director -d"|" -h 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_list_ss_director RC: $rc; storage_systems == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then list[$index]=${LINE%%\|*} (( index++ )) fi done fi esac else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties if (( backup == 1 ));then CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_system_attributes "" allProperties BACKUP=1 else CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_system_attributes "" allProperties fi CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:19 Last Changed: 6/11/15 16:59:20 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_systems.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query storage_system clmgr query storage_system BACKUP=1 NOTE: the alias for "storage_system" is "sts". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of storage systems. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== erie kb 3+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_tapese#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)81 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 17:02:45 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect tape names. It uses the "cllstape" utility # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one tape per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllstape" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(cllstape 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllstape RC: $rc; tapes == \"${OUTPUT//+([[:space:]])/, }\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]=$LINE (( index++ )) fi done else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:19 Last Changed: 6/11/15 17:02:45 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query tape NOTE: the alias for "tape" is "tp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the currently configured set of tape devices. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== E= k| 3+*bbb&* # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_userse#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_users.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)66 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_users.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 17:07:29 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_users # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect user names. It uses the "lsuser" utility # to generate the list of names unless a search is being # conducted. In the case of a search, the associated FPATH # function, KLIB_HACMP_get_user_attributes is invoked # in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then passed # through the "search_properties()" function to arrive at # a set of outputs that matches the provided search parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one user per entry. The # only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_users { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_users.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=${1//\"/} shift if [[ -n ${1//\"/} && ${1//\"/} != *=* ]]; then typeset -u type=${1//\"/} shift fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset LINE= LDAP_USERS= LOCAL_USERS= base= idx= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all case $type in AV*) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_manageallowpasswd -V" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands LOCAL_USERS=$(cl_manageallowpasswd -V 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_manageallowpasswd RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$LOCAL_USERS" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]="$LINE" (( index++ )) fi done ;; AL*) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_manageallowpasswd -L" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands LOCAL_USERS=$(cl_manageallowpasswd -L 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_manageallowpasswd RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print -- "$LOCAL_USERS" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]="$LINE" (( index++ )) fi done ;; "") #==================== : Display all users #==================== print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsuser -R files -a ALL" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands LOCAL_USERS=$(lsuser -R files -a ALL 2>/dev/null) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsuser (files) RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsuser -R LDAP -a ALL" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands LDAP_USERS=$(lsuser -R LDAP -a ALL 2>/dev/null) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsuser (LDAP) RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi print -- "$LOCAL_USERS" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]="$LINE (files)" (( index++ )) fi done print -- "$LDAP_USERS" |\ while read LINE; do if [[ -n $LINE ]]; then [[ $LINE == *([[:space:]])\#* ]] && continue [[ $LINE == *+([[:space:]])* ]] && continue list[$index]="$LINE (LDAP)" (( index++ )) fi done ;; *) CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' TYPE "$type" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_VALUE ;; esac else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_user_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_users()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_users [ TYPE={AVAILABLE|ALLOWED} ] =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:19 Last Changed: 6/11/15 17:07:29 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_users.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query user NOTE: the alias for "user" is "ur". =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the current set of AIX users. If the "TYPE" parameter is provided, then the display will include only those users who may or may not change passwords. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. 2. type [OPTIONAL] [set] Indicates which type of users to list, with respect to who is allowed to change passwords. Valid values: AVAILABLE, ALLOWED =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== e k 3+f&bbb&f& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groupss#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)76 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 6/11/15 17:12:11 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to collect volume group names. It uses the "cl_ls_shared_vgs" # utility to generate the list of names unless a search is # being conducted. In the case of a search, the associated # FPATH function, KLIB_HACMP_get_volume_group_attributes is # invoked in verbose mode. The resulting data set is then # passed through the "search_properties()" function to arrive # at a set of outputs that matches the provided search # parameters. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file. # # Outputs: The list array is populated with one volume group per entry. # The only other outputs are any error messages that might be # needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function at the bottom of this file for # the standard return code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups { trap 'on_exit_listvgs' EXIT LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A queries typeset -u attr= typeset line= OUTPUT= value= typeset -i index=0 matches=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN # Declare globally, so it is visible in the exit function errfile="$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHlvg.err.$$" # Global, for visibility in on_listvgs_exit()! #=================================================== : Check for any specified attribute=value pairs. : If any are found, use those to query the output. #=================================================== while (( $# > 0 )); do value="$1" if [[ $value == *=* ]]; then attr=${value%%=*} # "attr" makes this uppercase queries[$attr]="${value#*=}" fi shift done if (( ${#queries[*]} == 0 )); then # List all #====================================================================== : Added a retry loop around "cl_ls_shared_vgs" after testing revealed : that it could potentially fail due to intermittent clcomd glitches. : The loop masks the user from the unfortunate consequences of clcomd. #====================================================================== typeset -i try=0 tries=5 found=0 for (( try=0; try>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands OUTPUT=$(LC_ALL=C cl_ls_shared_vgs -c -C 2>>$errfile) rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_ls_shared_vgs RC: $rc; OUTPUT == \"$OUTPUT\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ $OUTPUT == *cl_ls_shared_vgs:* ]] && unset OUTPUT found=1 break elif (( try < (tries -1) )); then if [[ $OUTPUT == *cl_ls_shared_vgs:* ]]; then print -- "$OUTPUT" >>$errfile unset OUTPUT break else sleep 3 fi fi done if (( ! found )); then grep -q "cl_ls_shared_vgs: No shared volume groups were found." $errfile if (( $? == 0 )); then rc=$RC_SUCCESS else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 461 "\nERROR: unable to list shared volume groups.\n\n" 1>&2 cat $errfile 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi rm -f $errfile if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print -- "$OUTPUT" |\ while read line; do [[ $line == \#* ]] && continue typeset item=${line%%+([[:space:]])*} [[ $item == "caavg_private" ]] && continue list[$index]=$item (( index++ )) done fi else # A search was specified typeset -A allProperties CL=$LINENO CLMGR_VERBOSE=1 KLIB_HACMP_get_volume_group_attributes "" allProperties CL=$LINENO search_properties queries allProperties rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then for key in ${!allProperties[*]}; do [[ $key != NAME@(|+([0-9])) ]] && continue list[$index]=${allProperties[$key]} (( index++ )) done fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups()" function on_exit_listvgs { if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -n $errfile && -f $errfile ]]; then cat $errfile 1>&2 fi exit $RC_ERROR fi [[ -n $errfile && -f $errfile ]] && rm -f $errfile } # End of "on_exit_listvgs()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 6/16/15 17:51:19 Last Changed: 6/11/15 17:12:11 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1525A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr query volume_group NOTE: the alias for "volume_group" is "vg". =head1 DESCRIPTION Constructs a list of the shared and/or concurrent volume groups within the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. list [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the queried objects can be returned to the caller. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== (  lz3+ubbb&I # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_appmonitors   =einst "$CEIMNORST[]_acdmopr/1AGL\fghlu#&()-.02:DHPUbvy{}%,;>BYw!*+34yαw-)njɿ e VpLV3VTȴyS]Ť-'L0#lV~ (VD+`P@\ ڶ*!GlT ֫p|&a7y.w:Y?0AN+'A?Y1(&=$X`X?@]p0v8"EǤ0C"EǤ0edb,"+p@ E̹bx0$qYX1 aEkBCHMvDn~renY04.afEW@ܬ](h8 Ç#fEWQΰniǑ4 Z0O8P@_ *PUii T*@[qQ$_0Q8Fm8` 8QcRͧS4Oi$VY4" sN 74(jg1xg'# ?yL{U~v6m*5/,gWIcfRf8^_'ݍY)7p?.҅ޔm|Tqr=t.H+cȟ*>{3"c96ގ^0 mȈ2^ c3?#gE4SH hHy *4>m7?9UsNyͷiAYT<[ Bx\=]1ADL'# ?09uǔ/S?.c 3~sm V33izB4VS z0gE" E" f |z#K6+\V<-'bi)`Hyg*{I"ȦAS\?ZD\Oi5h PQ1,,Ԭfgh5@ a0ǤrDAXa1~[Rۆ&`*ou~uţ L3F FѳM3F- yai iζgE#\2[p@iζgE#]Śn(Ԧ%,Lk JmBR4c8bD뢢k23׀L0!Hr" /XFpA{pAK8bD뢢k22gpAK8a Ѡɟ4pm,pAF^n?ɿrspA@^F"h&DАjThM|n)Ei0k2aȞOiaCAe_RKi)S8)U_8)U 88?4UU H7uӛۂWR1)7ぁ!圩"*).ge4QogKR&Ql >#\0͛oGxO*&ś,^=7^ Hy >^"g1O:M/Xӏl8i RP,p?6m&&EǮLG) ೡ(z&f$</ 3RP<i RPgp@jp@ӏl8/:N}׊F`6ޏz,4ś,^=7 JmBP0_zBo?9UpG 3(+n~m8y/n~mAZnqg&]ٟeM±prۮޯu+#"yX7=J>E]IT i8d4=/7\z6wv<]3?04 քMMU~ _ydNN7Y?:ec z|gvQV&pqS(ZzBm67?9UChT43Dӏpe$<AVAe=_Ri@ aXc~)G:Jf1 `9$PEBIbi,C ME 8"ȴ(gl(jni@ a i%Y DuHË6XCILQ4WQUP]Pq &8g.Yʞ)z"Ĵ1O8bQ4WQUP]Pq &#;,!8PVp $hMvFpf8; RKi)S8)U_8)U 8pvi)*!b͖eǤrDroÒ48$h4H44Q4WQUP]Pq &i0ꃏPQ57 3izB4VS z0gE" E" 9wlxC$u LCqぁ!圩"*).g9gEٟc'*iV{^&0='*ps)Uk@gEݙ"{ ayʯ“ yʯ“ǻͥ[7eY+ (+.8]3 ?4vDOyʯȟ7N /LbcƱrt3D\OhQ055BxXX/XQM(ZzBmZn~rk K496މo7ZC =0C8bD뢢k23/Xc78`i懪AfvFs{%"ED%,bdQ쉋-i(+iBNqSA5 9dQ17 ySZQHq(FrWlj͖/84CqlӜy%EuiTT &g9NFoJ4%)!<.YʞH)i0‚s=D a`c3?. {_rDA[VOͲ Ѭawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvg1O8bAeǪ)p, V33ǝNquPYq)p6p *ˏUtS]@Y4r3D'1 `9$PEpD ap &聀\IAFpAq%I`> c3?y4wME$J#N]0 ("#M3=0 @PH.$#;,#3 <IĔdg A09Yg@zbi $e_RSqnnƅTr0‚sT<[ +4!+)v=Be3"ZY"ZIb `Ppvi)*!nEWvDFG: %2S74矜z&ぁ!圩 *g9g1tjm{vY+wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwfh/X ' u+*o[n1ƕDZSqnn Bp@96މ0k2a,l^gn>йj p3e:Zиn y* PcY򛏼sw4.Z L<(+:0OiaCAe_RC) 88(- Q z!XHӞ~sm4 8)U"ǖ/L7y pj7?<1Ӟ~sm蛃a.X g.Y!bn~zgB0qR K&EB,l^gn>йj"xPVt.wz砲XX/X9,_(wbZ5*PA)V<~rs/iC) 88(- Q z!ZHӧ{Sm4 8)U"ǖ/L7y p/7?<ӧ{Sm蛃a.X |< gc?Sky y! aǑH.xF<=ze)77xcBgAYйת{K z -^ƻHL2ǑH,ǑH$Pj KF~{n~{U~Ď#yS&܋ES$`hHĴkcu~r),Hwy=w2ᤦniӈ=M3^ƻHL2ǑH,ǑH$(8;4UUɷ"wϻ"b#A#BF)smq?rTUU3'#?r3'# ?4IyN /Ãۦk+A\-'ch -йBdgEݙ"xPVt.wz+,dE11ED΅TLUi𐜑qR D))nDABY3c3?#gE4SpNS qR K qR I,Alpp?ǔɿ OlUnE-+'M^ul.Jd8HxXk) H47Mefd-W"}J|D ұy)C 7>FVţ3:UŢ+şQ%2F$ # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_appserver =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:11 Last Changed: 9/27/13 17:56:03 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_appserver.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify application \ [ NAME= ] \ [ STARTSCRIPT="/path/to/start/script" ] \ [ STOPSCRIPT ="/path/to/stop/script" ] \ [ MONITORS={[,,...]|None} ] \ [ STARTUP_MODE={background|foreground} ] \ [ CPU_USAGE_MONITOR={yes|no} ] \ [ PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE= "/absolute/path/to/application/process" ] \ [ CPU_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL="1 .. 120" ] NOTE: the aliases for "application_controller" are "ac" and "app". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified application controller to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. appname [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the controller that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] The new label to attempt to apply to the specified controller. 4. startscript [OPTIONAL] [path] The full path to a new start script to be used for this controller's application (i.e. to launch it). 5. stopscript [OPTIONAL] [path] The full path to a new stop script to be used for this controller's application (i.e. to shut it down). 6. monitors [OPTIONAL] [string] A list of application monitors to use with this controller. Specify "None" to disable the monitoring for this application controller. 7. startup_mode [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates if the application should be started in the background (default behavior), or in the foreground. 8. cpu_usage_monitor [OPTIONAL] [set] This attribute controls the monitoring of cpu and memory usage of an application configured in a cluster. Default value is "no" and valid values are yes and no. 9. process_to_monitor_cpu [OPTIONAL] [string] Absolute path to application process for which CPU usage shall be monitored. 10. cpu_usage_monitor_interval [OPTIONAL] [integer] Indicates the interval at which CPU usage shall be monitored for an application process. Default value is 10 minutes and valid range is 1 minute to 120 minutes. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_appserver { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_appserver.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset appname=${2//\"/} typeset new_name=${3//\"/} typeset startscript=${4//\"/} typeset stopscript=${5//\"/} typeset monitors=${6//\"/} monitors=${monitors//,/ } typeset startup_mode=${7//\"/} typeset cpu_usage_monitor=${8//\"/} typeset process_to_monitor_cpu=${9//\"/} typeset cpu_usage_monitor_interval=${10//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $appname != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver "$appname" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $appname ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$appname" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 140 "Available Application Controllers:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " == *\ $new_name\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 229 "\nERROR: the specified object already exists: \"%1\$s\"\n\n" "$new_name" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $new_name && -n "${new_name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 105 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid characters include letters, numbers, and underscores only.\n\n" "$new_name" "${new_name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $new_name && $newname == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 108 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" attribute's value contains whitespace, which is not allowed: \"%2\$s\"\n\n" NAME "$new_name" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif (( ${#new_name} > $MAX_NAME_LENGTH )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1463 '\nERROR: Application Controller name %1$s should not be more than %2$d characters.\n' "$new_name" "$MAX_NAME_LENGTH" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $startscript && $startscript != /* ]]; then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$startscript") MSG="$MSG (STARTSCRIPT @ $LOCAL_NODE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $startscript && ! -e ${startscript%%+([[:space:]])*} ]]; then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$startscript" "$LOCAL_NODE") MSG="$MSG (STARTSCRIPT)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ -n $stopscript && $stopscript != /* ]]; then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$stopscript") MSG="$MSG (STOPSCRIPT @ $LOCAL_NODE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $stopscript && ! -e ${stopscript%%+([[:space:]])*} ]]; then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$stopscript" "$LOCAL_NODE") MSG="$MSG (STOPSCRIPT)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $startup_mode ]]; then case $startup_mode in @(B|b)*) startup_mode=background ;; @(F|f)*) startup_mode=foreground ;; *) dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" STARTUP_MODE "$startup_mode" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "background, foreground" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi # Valid values of cpu_usage_monitor are yes, no. Default value is 'no'. if [[ -n $cpu_usage_monitor ]]; then case $cpu_usage_monitor in @(Y|y|T|t|1)*) cpu_usage_monitor=yes ;; @(N|n|F|f|0)*) cpu_usage_monitor=no ;; *) dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" CPU_USAGE_MONITOR "$cpu_usage_monitor" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "no, yes" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi # process_to_monitor_cpu is a absolute path of an application process to be monitored if [[ -n $process_to_monitor_cpu ]]; then if [[ $process_to_monitor_cpu != /* ]]; then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$process_to_monitor_cpu") MSG="$MSG (PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE @ $LOCAL_NODE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ ! -e ${process_to_monitor_cpu%%+([[:space:]])*} ]]; then MSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$process_to_monitor_cpu" "$LOCAL_NODE") MSG="$MSG (PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE)" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS -1 "${MSG//+([[:space:]])/ }" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi # Valid values of cpu_usage_monitor_interval is 1 minute to 120 minutes. if [[ -n $cpu_usage_monitor_interval ]]; then if [[ $cpu_usage_monitor_interval != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then if [[ $cpu_usage_monitor_interval != +([0-9]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1312 'CPU usage monitor interval "%1$s" is not an integer. Provide an integer value in range of 1 minute to 120 minutes.\n' $cpu_usage_monitor_interval 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else CL=$LINENO verify_numeric_range "$cpu_usage_monitor_interval" 1 120 CPU_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi elif [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " == *\ CPU_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL\ * ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1313 'CPU usage monitor interval is empty. Provide an integer value in range of 1 minute to 120 minutes.\n' 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #====================================================================== : Modify the application server if no input errors have been detected #====================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset CMD="$HAUTILS/clchserv -o$appname" [[ -z $new_name ]] && new_name=$appname # cllsserv always requires new name and old name,hence same name is passed when it is empty [[ -n $new_name ]] && CMD="$CMD -s$new_name" [[ -n $startscript ]] && CMD="$CMD -b'$startscript'" [[ -n $stopscript ]] && CMD="$CMD -e'$stopscript'" [[ -n $startup_mode ]] && CMD="$CMD -O $startup_mode" [[ -n $cpu_usage_monitor_interval ]] && CMD="$CMD -i $cpu_usage_monitor_interval" [[ -n $cpu_usage_monitor ]] && CMD="$CMD -E $cpu_usage_monitor" #=========================================================== : Allow user to reset PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE to empty string #=========================================================== if [[ -n $process_to_monitor_cpu ]]; then CMD="$CMD -C $process_to_monitor_cpu" elif [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " == *\ PROCESS_TO_MONITOR_CPU_USAGE\ * ]]; then CMD="$CMD -C ''" fi if [[ -n $monitors || " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " == *\ MONITORS\ * ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $CMD -m \"$monitors\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands # If monitor list input as case-sensitive "NONE",then consider it as "None" # None : Disable the monitoring for application controller typeset -l mon_list=$monitors if [ "$mon_list" == "none" ];then monitors='None' fi eval $CMD -M \"$monitors\" else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $CMD" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG eval $CMD fi rc=$? print "$(basename ${CMD%% *}) RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 400 "\nERROR: failed to modify \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$appname" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_appserver_attributes "$appname" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify application_controller -h" "APPLICATION CONTROLLER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_appserver()"  l:3+ڣbbb&c # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_backup_profilemes   = _einrst"$CERacdflopuAGILMNOST[\]bghkmv#&()-./12:>PUy%*,0BDKVqw{|}!39;?FHQYx'+46p-X C˄L`ԞDa"Vf>JPHY`(rBB<,YjEDa"6UPy|AHǒDaAĈZ3fb|# M$ÑJ10p$B8ی4pF}9 hV qM)N2U ׌2rAAw`'8-%%E93^liW`OSPV+ tTֺb ug8U5!}e*jW)-*H38kUTY{wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvdT9?hC *aEMڛ+ň8)X2VqjfByCQu5 ⑐'EFے2iJd pg8\_0iM5Y2ԬY~P5Xz=һu8+ۤnfKsم6Ojl!%Xz<+Eq}ň]_qMnP:q`S4b pV:M7Z 8CgU ?]+X-J5SQX{n7Z Cjl 0iJMZm+򆡳&jjn7ZjN $/sfyR:Rș5\9B A`8+Nnr ~Lٝ5' hV jFKQSL8lTaq8U xO=MC=4 &DVfN Wj@1COnJ,RMC-li!5RK)5­Z 7 ]pૻ.ܕY 8(b$^q({Sex "(`( &_ VbOAO; ,U-@Ґ0 n`@Ҋh@JT*(rUI^*X$a}!3V*Ƨ R, *mnT]Ta aEM詨,B2UTm=y059 ed!%f.b̰:Z3.9C8u4@jo&MGOI4&'ɜEl+Exb̩!8tj xmvg<"Y <flQvHWelQvHW5g Br7&By6yP+1ΙwEڅ!\:=5b0innP+GlATm<1hz(?<^$ *m#/MEC@z5mx(M4(EE;xx@V:5 PphRC0|9 w$ٟJ- Uf wEڅ!\*~ 4XU⩒GJJJbR"K x1nL$Uf+RO`E^* $p#/MECpK*W@1hS$^zRP?.\jwh DyE4@jo Liث w$GH,'>BǓI0pRAVmg;`~z b`2Ϥ&v*_ 0y1dQH<44jwմE㈢I4D(1H;+!=0/ehS=VmnثMASn %f.b̵2SG5i!#S\a ΨpwWʕÀ? +1ve.ta}!3V|L? 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --hmce # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_hmc =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.8 Last Extracted: 10/29/15 19:42:04 Last Changed: 10/28/15 07:21:01 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_hmc.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1544B_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage cluster hmc \ [ DEFAULT_HMC_TIMEOUT= ] \ [ DEFAULT_HMC_RETRY_COUNT= ]\ [ DEFAULT_HMC_RETRY_DELAY= ]\ [ DEFAULT_HMCS_LIST= ] [ CONNECTION_TYPE={ssh|rest} ] NOTE: the alias for "cluster" is "cl". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the cluster hmc configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. DEFAULT_HMC_TIMEOUT [OPTIONAL] [integer] The default value for timeout for DLPAR acquisition/release HMC operations. This value is expressed in minutes. For memory release operations, 1 minute per GBytes is added to this value. The timeout value can also be set on each HMC separately. 3. DEFAULT_HMC_RETRY_COUNT [OPTIONAL] [integer] The default value for the number of retries on HMC operations. The HMC operation which timeouts will be retried this number of times. The retry count value can also be set on each HMC separately. 4. DEFAULT_HMC_RETRY_DELAY [OPTIONAL] [integer] The default value for duration of delay between two retries set on HMC operations. This value is expressed in seconds. The HMC operation which timeouts will be retried 'default_hmc_retry_count' number of times, with 'default_hmc_retry_delay' seconds between each retry. The retry delay value can also be set on each HMC separately. 5. DEFAULT_HMCS_LIST [OPTIONAL] [string] The default list of HMCs to be used by all nodes of the cluster. HMC list can be set at cluster level, at site level or at node level. We cannot modify the list of HMCs set on this DEFAULT_HMCS_LIST parameter. We can only change the precedence order of the HMCs of this list. For example we had 'DEFAULT_HMCS_LIST=HMC1 HMC2 HMC3', we can change this list to 'DEFAULT_HMCS_LIST=HMC2 HMC3 HMC1', to indicate that HMC2 has to be tried first. 6. CONNECTION_TYPE [OPTIONAL] [integer] The connection type is used to establish passwordless SSH vs REST API based connection to HMC for DLPAR,EPCoD and OnOff CoD operations. Default value for this parameter is SSH. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_hmc { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_hmc.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 shift typeset user_input=$* typeset default_timeout=${1//\"/} typeset default_retry_count=${2//\"/} typeset default_retry_delay=${3//\"/} typeset default_hmcs_list=${4//\"/} typeset connection_type=${5//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A clattrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_attributes clattrs #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ if [[ -z ${clattrs[CLUSTER_NAME]} ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 35 "\nERROR: no cluster is defined yet.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $user_input == *([[:space:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$(cllsclstr -cS | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f2)" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $default_timeout && $default_timeout != +([[:digit:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" DEFAULT_HMC_TIMEOUT 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $default_retry_count && $default_retry_count != +([[:digit:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" DEFAULT_HMC_RETRY_COUNT 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $default_retry_delay && $default_retry_delay != +([[:digit:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" DEFAULT_HMC_RETRY_DELAY 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $connection_type != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_in_set CONNECTION_TYPE "$connection_type" "ssh,rest" connection_type (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #===================================================== : We cannot modify the contents of the list of HMCs, : we can only modify the precedence order of the HMCs. #===================================================== if [[ -n $default_hmcs_list ]]; then #==================================================== : First, verify that the list of hmcs passed is the : exact list of hmcs already set on this cluster. #==================================================== typeset -i error_found=0; print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -f default_hmcs_list -n HACMPhmcparam" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands if [[ $(clodmget -f default_hmcs_list -n HACMPhmcparam | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u) != \ $(print -- "$default_hmcs_list" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u) ]]; then error_found=1 fi #=========================================================== : If verification step is not ok, then display error message #=========================================================== if (( error_found == 1 )); then typeset VALIDVALUES=$(clodmget -f default_hmcs_list -n HACMPhmcparam | sort -u) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" DEFAULT_HMCS_LIST "$default_hmcs_list" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "$VALIDVALUES" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi #================================= # Tune the cluster, if requested #================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $default_timeout ]]; then #================================================ : Setting default_timeout to "$default_timeout" #================================================ print "HACMPhmcparam: default_timeout=$default_timeout" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPhmcparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f default_timeout HACMPhmcparam) [[ $VAL == $default_timeout ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $default_retry_count ]]; then #================================================ : Setting default_retry_count to "$default_retry_count" #================================================ print "HACMPhmcparam: default_retry_count=$default_retry_count" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPhmcparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f default_retry_count HACMPhmcparam) [[ $VAL == $default_retry_count ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $default_retry_delay ]]; then #================================================ : Setting default_retry_delay to "$default_retry_delay" #================================================ print "HACMPhmcparam: default_retry_delay=$default_retry_delay" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPhmcparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f default_retry_delay HACMPhmcparam) [[ $VAL == $default_retry_delay ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $default_hmcs_list ]]; then #================================================ : Setting default_hmcs_list to "$default_hmcs_list" #================================================ print "HACMPhmcparam: default_hmcs_list=$default_hmcs_list" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPhmcparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f default_hmcs_list HACMPhmcparam) [[ $VAL == $default_hmcs_list ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $connection_type ]]; then if [[ $connection_type == "ssh" ]]; then connectiontype=0 else connectiontype=1 CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1142 "\nWARNING: HMC Connection type is updated to REST API,make sure USER_NAME and PASSWORD is set for all HMC(s).\n" 1>&2 fi #============================================================== : Setting connection_type to "$connectiontype" \(0=ssh,1=rest\) #============================================================== print "HACMPhmcparam: connection_type=$connectiontype" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPhmcparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f connection_type HACMPhmcparam) [[ $VAL == $connectiontype ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then #=========================================================== # Set the "handle" attribute in the HACMPcluster class # to zero to indicate that an unsynced change exists in # the cluster configuration. #=========================================================== if [[ -n $default_timeout || -n $default_retry_delay || -n $default_retry_delay || -n $default_hmcs_list || -n $connection_type ]]; then print "\ HACMPcluster: \thandle=0" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPcluster fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_attributes properties fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "manage cluster -h" "CLUSTER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_hmc()" L == $d k&3+(bbb&( # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_nova#!/bin/ksh93 # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_nova.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces hmcing # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --novae # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_nova =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage cluster nova \ [ DEFAULT_NOVA_TIMEOUT= ] \ [ DEFAULT_NOVA_RETRY_COUNT= ]\ [ DEFAULT_NOVA_RETRY_DELAY= ]\ [ CONNECTION_TYPE={ssh} ] NOTE: the alias for "cluster" is "cl". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the cluster NovaLink configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. DEFAULT_NOVA_TIMEOUT [OPTIONAL] [integer] The default timeout for DLPAR acquisition/release NovaLink operations. This value is expressed in minutes. For memory release operations, 1 minute per GBytes is added to this value. The timeout value can also be set on each NovaLink separately. 3. DEFAULT_NOVA_RETRY_COUNT [OPTIONAL] [integer] The default value for the number of retries on NovaLink operations. The NovaLink operation which timeouts will be retried this number of times. The retry count value can also be set on each NovaLink separately. 4. DEFAULT_NOVA_RETRY_DELAY [OPTIONAL] [integer] The default value for duration of delay between two retries set on NovaLink operations. This value is expressed in seconds. The NovaLink operation which gets times out,then will be retried 'default_nova_retry_count' number of times, with 'default_nova_retry_delay' seconds between each retry. The retry delay value can also be set on each NovaLink separately. 5. CONNECTION_TYPE [OPTIONAL] [string] The connection type is used to for passwordless connection to NovaLink to perform DLPAR,EPCoD and OnOff CoD operations. Default value for this parameter is SSH. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_nova { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 shift typeset user_input=$* typeset default_timeout=${1//\"/} typeset default_retry_count=${2//\"/} typeset default_retry_delay=${3//\"/} typeset connection_type=${4//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A clattrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_attributes clattrs #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ if [[ -z ${clattrs[CLUSTER_NAME]} ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 35 "\nERROR: no cluster is defined yet.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $user_input == *([[:space:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$(cllsclstr -cS | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f2)" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -n $default_timeout && $default_timeout != +([[:digit:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" DEFAULT_NOVA_TIMEOUT 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $default_retry_count && $default_retry_count != +([[:digit:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" DEFAULT_NOVA_RETRY_COUNT 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $default_retry_delay && $default_retry_delay != +([[:digit:]]) ]] ; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" DEFAULT_NOVA_RETRY_DELAY 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $connection_type != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_in_set CONNECTION_TYPE "$connection_type" "ssh" connection_type (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi #================================= # Tune the cluster, if requested #================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $default_timeout ]]; then #================================================ : Setting default_timeout to "$default_timeout" #================================================ print "HACMPnovaparam: default_timeout=$default_timeout" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPnovaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -f default_timeout HACMPnovaparam) [[ $VAL == $default_timeout ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $default_retry_count ]]; then #================================================ : Setting default_retry_count to "$default_retry_count" #================================================ print "HACMPnovaparam: default_retry_count=$default_retry_count" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPnovaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -f default_retry_count HACMPnovaparam) [[ $VAL == $default_retry_count ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $default_retry_delay ]]; then #================================================ : Setting default_retry_delay to "$default_retry_delay" #================================================ print "HACMPnovaparam: default_retry_delay=$default_retry_delay" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPnovaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -f default_retry_delay HACMPnovaparam) [[ $VAL == $default_retry_delay ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $connection_type ]]; then connectiontype=0 #setting the connection type to ssh and is only valid. else connectiontype=0 #setting the connection type to ssh and is only valid. fi #============================================================== : Setting connection_type to "$connectiontype" 0=ssh #============================================================== print "HACMPnovaparam: connection_type=$connectiontype" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPnovaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -f connection_type HACMPnovaparam) [[ $VAL == $connectiontype ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi if (( rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then #=========================================================== # Set the "handle" attribute in the HACMPcluster class # to zero to indicate that an unsynced change exists in # the cluster configuration. #=========================================================== if [[ -n $default_timeout || -n $default_retry_delay || -n $default_retry_delay || -n $connection_type ]]; then print "\ HACMPcluster: \thandle=0" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPcluster fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_attributes properties fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "manage cluster -h" "CLUSTER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_nova()"  kЩ3+]7bbb&]7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_roha#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_roha.sh 1.7 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2014,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_roha.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_roha =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage cluster roha \ [ ALWAYS_START_RG={YES|NO} ] \ [ ADJUST_SPP_SIZE={YES|NO} ]\ [ FORCE_SYNC_RELEASE={YES|NO} ] \ [ AGREE_TO_COD_COSTS={YES|NO} ] ] \ [ ONOFF_DAYS= ] \ [ RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_ORDER={free_pool_before_enterprise_pool|enterprise_pool_before_free_pool|all_enterprise_pool_before_free_pool} ] NOTE: the alias for "cluster" is "cl". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the cluster Resource Optimized High Availability (aka roha) configuration. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. ALWAYS_START_RG [OPTIONAL] [string] If the cluster should always start resource group even if resources are insufficient. 3. ADJUST_SPP_SIZE [OPTIONAL] [string] If the cluster should adjust shared processor pool size when acquiring resources. 4. FORCE_SYNC_RELEASE [OPTIONAL] [string] If the cluster should force release of resources synchronously. 5. AGREE_TO_COD_COSTS [OPTIONAL] [string] If the cluster may use available On/Off CoD resources. 6. ONOFF_DAYS [OPTIONAL] [integer] The amount of days for On/Off CoD request. 7. RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_ORDER [OPTIONAL] [string] Tunable to define the order of resource allocation. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_roha { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_roha.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 shift typeset user_input=$* typeset -l always_start_rg=${1//\"/} typeset -l adjust_spp_size=${2//\"/} typeset -l force_sync_release=${3//\"/} typeset -l agree_to_cod_costs=${4//\"/} typeset onoff_days=${5//\"/} typeset -l resource_allocation_order=${6//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A clattrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_attributes clattrs #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && [[ -z ${clattrs[CLUSTER_NAME]} ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 35 "\nERROR: no cluster is defined yet.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $user_input == *([[:space:]]) ]] ; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$(cllsclstr -cS | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f2)" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $always_start_rg ]] ; then if [[ $always_start_rg == @(1|y|t)* ]]; then always_start_rg=1 # yes and true (lowercase or uppercase), 1 elif [[ $always_start_rg == @(0|n|f)* ]]; then always_start_rg=0 # no and false (lowercase or uppercase), 0 else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" ALWAYS_START_RG "$always_start_rg" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $adjust_spp_size ]] ; then if [[ $adjust_spp_size == @(1|y|t)* ]]; then adjust_spp_size=1 # yes and true (lowercase or uppercase), 1 elif [[ $adjust_spp_size == @(0|n|f)* ]]; then adjust_spp_size=0 # no and false (lowercase or uppercase), 0 else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" ADJUST_SPP_SIZE "$adjust_spp_size" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $force_sync_release ]] ; then if [[ $force_sync_release == @(1|y|t)* ]]; then force_sync_release=1 # yes and true (lowercase or uppercase), 1 elif [[ $force_sync_release == @(0|n|f)* ]]; then force_sync_release=0 # no and false (lowercase or uppercase), 0 else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" FORCE_SYNC_RELEASE "$force_sync_release" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $agree_to_cod_costs ]] ; then if [[ $agree_to_cod_costs == @(1|y|t)* ]]; then agree_to_cod_costs=1 # yes and true (lowercase or uppercase), 1 elif [[ $agree_to_cod_costs == @(0|n|f)* ]]; then agree_to_cod_costs=0 # no and false (lowercase or uppercase), 0 else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" AGREE_TO_COD_COSTS "$agree_to_cod_costs" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $onoff_days && $onoff_days != +([[:digit:]]) || $onoff_days == 0 ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" ONOFF_DAYS 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $onoff_days ]] && (( $onoff_days > 90 )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 175 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" maximum value is \"%2\$d\".\n\n" ONOFF_DAYS 90 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $resource_allocation_order != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_in_set RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_ORDER "$resource_allocation_order" "free_pool_before_enterprise_pool,enterprise_pool_before_free_pool,all_enterprise_pool_before_free_pool" resource_allocation_order (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #================================= # Tune the cluster, if requested #================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $always_start_rg ]]; then #================================================ : Setting always_start_rg to "$always_start_rg" #================================================ print "HACMProhaparam: always_start_rg=$always_start_rg" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMProhaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f always_start_rg HACMProhaparam) [[ $VAL == $always_start_rg ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $adjust_spp_size ]]; then #================================================ : Setting adjust_spp_size to "$adjust_spp_size" #================================================ print "HACMProhaparam: adjust_spp_size=$adjust_spp_size" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMProhaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f adjust_spp_size HACMProhaparam) [[ $VAL == $adjust_spp_size ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $force_sync_release ]]; then #================================================ : Setting force_sync_release to "$force_sync_release" #================================================ print "HACMProhaparam: force_sync_release=$force_sync_release" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMProhaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f force_sync_release HACMProhaparam) [[ $VAL == $force_sync_release ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $agree_to_cod_costs ]]; then #================================================ : Setting agree_to_cod_costs to "$agree_to_cod_costs" #================================================ print "HACMProhaparam: agree_to_cod_costs=$agree_to_cod_costs" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMProhaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f agree_to_cod_costs HACMProhaparam) [[ $VAL == $agree_to_cod_costs ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $onoff_days ]]; then #================================================ : Setting onoff_days to "$onoff_days" #================================================ print "HACMProhaparam: onoff_days=$onoff_days" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMProhaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f onoff_days HACMProhaparam) [[ $VAL == $onoff_days ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $resource_allocation_order ]]; then if [[ $resource_allocation_order == "all_enterprise_pool_before_free_pool" ]]; then allocation_order=2 elif [[ $resource_allocation_order == "enterprise_pool_before_free_pool" ]]; then allocation_order=1 else allocation_order=0 fi #================================================ : Setting resource_allocation_order to "$resource_allocation_order" #================================================ print "HACMProhaparam: resource_allocation_order=$allocation_order" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMProhaparam typeset VAL=$(clodmget -n -f resource_allocation_order HACMProhaparam) [[ $VAL == $allocation_order ]] && rc=$RC_SUCCESS || rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then #=========================================================== # Set the "handle" attribute in the HACMPcluster class # to zero to indicate that an unsynced change exists in # the cluster configuration. #=========================================================== if [[ -n $always_start_rg || -n $adjust_spp_size || -n $force_sync_release || -n $agree_to_cod_costs || -n $resource_allocation_order || -n $onoff_days ]]; then print "\ HACMPcluster: \thandle=0" | /usr/bin/odmchange -o HACMPcluster fi if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_attributes properties fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "manage cluster -h" "CLUSTER:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_roha()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ === lL3+fbbb&? # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_cluster_securityes   =eainrst "$CS_cdfhlmopAEGILMNORT\guvy#&(),-.1:;DHPU[]b|%*/02>Fkw!'34BKV5678 39W|׼lГJf M@3pFP39嗽okKMaӵC75;Ffٙtlt bwOe1|.յC8#+s3HCqkz1j2չړC^|3t76Zn/tP wN`ms^ʎ,*TI-{V 4PY`1axfQ򛠫Qo4 ܁,۠Qa8 3&HiDl6)3DTB0q7((,"y(T P 0( ] K ܣ-@$ƢHQ6ZUMF wjl:K`0Xx` 3 X, @ X#2K$!8nsa*@<.q6癕73w+gb[ K w+gs4 A%ӿmf]|` <NW=K޳tP$\H ;f۹\Nt @Is 4Ņ"HyTȔ<1V3j 7.R3snGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGbV<i{UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGw+*RQLTL'Fg@P+}W<5-FT @7497@m ~D ""cI%@DDLi1ㄨ"=4DƓ8JGw+gf]|Ff]|;f۹\!ѢK&⥈H"4<sP+P_3`3)A*9KÕwͷrCEHLP4iaɁM f/J aO;4WGvZ!6]ͭF7vjwEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQ葤&8ME2J|-S޶(I,,,GՓl-HU4D!S$$gJ֣e;jυxAgJ@) D LHpbCN,-fWϪBmX^..#{ɶdc $I*Ch"DHzX TB9үY:ojݨj58z<8 @)FJqTK3<5Q 5`XYx0$wT " $@,w+;"5|׽C1|C1|1#*nsF02;$LDʎ$PLމ@c$ƢHQ34`̧qMӜ^0fw-F9G^ 7 Y` )f@(ç8X4qpw,ձ\Z4m^k7JO1 2ó޶,-A5lb<׸D ""cI%A^jā{jأĈ$4 "8H; 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More specifically, the location; either "ldap" or "shared_fs". 3. vg [OPTIONAL] [string] The volume group where the keystore is to be stored. This option is required for mode "shared_fs", but does not apply at all to a mode of "ldap". 4. service_ip [OPTIONAL] [set] The service IP that can be used to access the keystore. This option is required for mode "shared_fs", but does not apply at all to a mode of "ldap". 5. password [OPTIONAL] [string] The EFS administrative password. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_efs { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_efs.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset -l mode=${2//\"/} typeset vg=${3//\"/} typeset service_ip=${4//\"/} typeset password=${5//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A efs_attrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes efs_attrs #================= : Validate input #================= CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_efs if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s 129 cspoc.cat 75 "EFS Kesytore is not configured.\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ $mode != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then if [[ $mode != @(l|s|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" MODE "$mode " 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset -u modeUC=$mode case $modeUC in LD*) mode="ldap" ;; LO*) mode="shared_fs" ;; F*) mode="shared_fs" ;; SH*) mode="shared_fs" ;; *) /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' MODE "$mode" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "shared_fs, ldap" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi fi if [[ $vg != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then if [[ ${efs_attrs[MODE]} == "ldap" || $mode == "ldap" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 "\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n \"%1\$s\" versus \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "MODE=$mode" VOLUME_GROUP 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then if [[ ${efs_attrs[MODE]} == "ldap" || $mode == "ldap" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 "\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n \"%1\$s\" versus \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "MODE=$mode" SERVICE_IP 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ $vg != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_volume_group $vg if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$vg" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 160 "Available Volume Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_volume_groups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip $service_ip if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$service_ip" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 156 "Available Service IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi #=================================================== : Enable EFS if no input errors have been detected #=================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset mOpt= vOpt= sOpt= aOpt= [[ $mode == "ldap" ]] && mOpt=" -m 1" || mOpt=" -m 2" [[ $vg != *([[:space:]]) ]] && vOpt=" -v $vg" [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]] && sOpt=" -s $service_ip" [[ $password != *([[:space:]]) ]] && aOpt=" -A $password" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HACSPOC/cl_change_efs$mOpt$vOpt$sOpt$aOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HACSPOC/cl_change_efs$mOpt$vOpt$sOpt$aOpt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_change_efs RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 400 "\nERROR: failed to modify %1\$s.\n\n" EFS 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== else if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_efs_attributes properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify efs -h" "EFS:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_efs()"  k(3+,?bbb&,? # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_eventencyur#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_event.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_event.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_event =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify event \ [ NAME= ] \ [ FILE= ] \ [ DESCRIPTION= ] clmgr modify event \ [ NOTIFY_COMMAND= ] \ [ PRE_EVENT_COMMAND= ] \ [ POST_EVENT_COMMAND= ] \ [ PREPOSTFAILS={false|true} ] NOTE: the alias for "event" is "ev". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified cluster event to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. event [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the event that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] A new label to attempt to apply to the specified event. 4. file [REQUIRED] [string] This is the command or script to be executed when the custom event happens. It is a required field for each custom event and cannot be changed for predefined events. 5. description [OPTIONAL] [string] A description of the event. If not description is specified, a default will be provided. 6. notify_command [OPTIONAL] [abs_path] This is an optional command to run both before and after the event command is executed. The main purpose for this command is to notify the system administrator that a certain event has happened. 7. pre_event_command [OPTIONAL] [custom_event_or_abs_path] This is an optional command to run before the event command is executed. This is used to provide pre-event processing by the PowerHA SystemMirror administrator. Multiple commands are allowed and must be delimited by a comma. You can also specify custom events, and mix absolute path and custom event names. 8. post_event_command [OPTIONAL] [custom_event_or_abs_path] This is an optional command to run after the event command is executed. This is used to provide post-event processing by the PowerHA SystemMirror administrator. Multiple commands are allowed and must be delimited by a comma. You can also specify custom events, and mix absolute path and custom event names. 9. prepostfails [OPTIONAL] {false|true} If set to true, failure of any user supplied pre or post event will fail the event and skip any remaining processing for the event. Default is false: failure of any user supplied pre or post event is ignored. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_event { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset event=${2//\"/} typeset new_name=${3//\"/} typeset file=${4//\"/} typeset desc=${5//\"/} typeset notify_command=${6//\"/} typeset pre_event_command=${7//\"/} typeset post_event_command=${8//\"/} typeset -l prepostfails=${9//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset -i PREDEFINED_EVENT_MODS=0 typeset key="" TYPE="" for key in COMMAND NOTIFY_COMMAND PRE_EVENT_COMMAND \ POST_EVENT_COMMAND PREPOSTFAILS do if [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " == *\ $key\ * ]]; then PREDEFINED_EVENT_MODS=1 break fi done #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $event != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event "$event" "" TYPE (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ $TYPE == "CUSTOM" ]] && (( PREDEFINED_EVENT_MODS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: one or more of the specified options is not compatible with "%1$s", which is a "%2$s" event.\n\n' "$event" "$TYPE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $event ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$event" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 170 "Available Events:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if [[ -n $description && $description == *:* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 103 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n\n" DESCRIPTION ":" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $file ]]; then if [[ $file != /* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$file" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ ! -e $file ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$file" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ $file == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 108 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" attribute's value contains whitespace,\nwhich is not allowed: \"%2\$s\"\n\n" FILE "$file" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $pre_event_command ]]; then typeset cmdEvt="" for cmdEvt in ${pre_event_command//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event "$cmdEvt" CUSTOM if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$cmdEvt" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 170 "Available Events:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi done # End of the event loop fi if [[ -n $post_event_command ]]; then typeset cmdEvt="" for cmdEvt in ${post_event_command//,/ }; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_event "$cmdEvt" CUSTOM if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$cmdEvt" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 170 "Available Events:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi done # End of the event loop fi if [[ "$new_name$desc$file$notify_command$pre_event_command$post_event_command$prepostfails" == *([[:space:]]) ]] && (( ! PREDEFINED_EVENT_MODS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$event" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #======================================================== : Modify the event if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && [[ "$new_name$desc$file" != *([[:space:]]) ]] then if [[ -z $desc || -z $file ]]; then : Preserve any pre-existing values typeset -A eProps CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes "$event" eProps [[ -z $desc ]] && desc=${eProps[DESCRIPTION]} [[ -z $file ]] && file=${eProps[FILE]} fi [[ -n $new_name ]] && new_name_opt=" -N $new_name" [[ -n $desc ]] && desc_opt=" -I \"$desc\"" [[ -n $file ]] && file_opt=" -v $file" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchcustom -t event -n\"$event\"$new_name_opt$file_opt$desc_opt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands eval clchcustom -t event -n"$event"$new_name_opt$file_opt$desc_opt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchcustom RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result #===================================================== : If a custom event was successfully renamed, update : it in the predefined events, too, as needed. #===================================================== if [[ -n $new_name && $TYPE == "CUSTOM" ]] && (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset predef CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_events predef TYPE=PREDEFINED for (( i=0; i<${#predef[*]}; i++ )); do typeset -A eProps CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes "${predef[$i]}" eProps TYPE=PREDEFINED for key in PRE_EVENT_COMMAND POST_EVENT_COMMAND; do if [[ ${eProps[$key]} == $event ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '*** Updating "%1$s" in event "%2$s" from "%3$s" to "%4$s".\n' "$key" "${eProps[NAME]}" "$event" "$new_name" case $key in PRE_EVENT_COMMAND) clmgr -T $CLMGR_TRANSACTION_ID modify event "${predef[$i]}" PRE_EVENT_COMMAND=$new_name ;; POST_EVENT_COMMAND) clmgr -T $CLMGR_TRANSACTION_ID modify event "${predef[$i]}" POST_EVENT_COMMAND=$new_name ;; esac cmd_rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS && $cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$cmd_rc dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: failed to update "%1$s" in event "%2$s" from "%3$s" to "%4$s".\n\n' "$key" "${eProps[NAME]}" "$event" "$new_name" 1>&2 fi fi done unset eProps done fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes "$event" properties fi fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && (( PREDEFINED_EVENT_MODS )) then typeset sOpt= nOpt= bOpt= aOpt= pOpt= typeset -A eventAttrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_event_attributes "$event" eventAttrs if [[ $notify_command != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then nOpt=" -n $notify_command" elif [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " != *\ NOTIFY_COMMAND\ * && \ ${eventAttrs[NOTIFY_COMMAND]} != *([[:space:]]) ]] then nOpt=" -n ${eventAttrs[NOTIFY_COMMAND]}" fi if [[ $prepostfails != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then [[ $prepostfails == @(y|t)* ]] && pOpt=" -p 1" elif [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " != *\ PREPOSTFAILS\ * && \ ${eventAttrs[PREPOSTFAILS]} != *([[:space:]]) ]] then [[ ${eventAttrs[PREPOSTFAILS]} == @(y|t)* ]] && pOpt=" -p 1" fi if [[ $pre_event_command != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then bOpt=" -b $pre_event_command" elif [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " != *\ PRE_EVENT_COMMAND\ * && \ ${eventAttrs[PRE_EVENT_COMMAND]} != *([[:space:]]) ]] then bOpt=" -b ${eventAttrs[PRE_EVENT_COMMAND]}" fi if [[ $post_event_command != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then aOpt=" -a $post_event_command" elif [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " != *\ POST_EVENT_COMMAND\ * && \ ${eventAttrs[POST_EVENT_COMMAND]} != *([[:space:]]) ]] then aOpt=" -a ${eventAttrs[POST_EVENT_COMMAND]}" fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchevent -O $event$sOpt$nOpt$bOpt$aOpt$pOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG clchevent -O $event$sOpt$nOpt$bOpt$aOpt$pOpt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchevent RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify event -h" "EVENT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_event()" $s"  l>\*3+Sbbb&4 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_fallback_timeryes  = eirst"$CELNR_acdfhlmnop)-1AGIMOST[\]uy&(,./2:;DHPUYbgkvw#%034>F{}6Yo `wr.,muitZ~YZZ6dySX$1'XVyQ3Q1VαUCӭVj$P@s/MūX朋Zyм FdCBѥdߌaI$S Md &I$S Md &×y04H@  j7I"h ɧWwb#/0801:i`@Bڊ MCR$"AbJdڬb..dg[QYINΒy3N a<, %]Ybw   XHԮK:-8` <C0  $Z yv.+R-jD$+J#lht:MpX)@*/F@(1q%"@:$&$1&MͶ*NFath+ie|-jRTVihY\!mEfE($TXC]dͶ*NFx Y93∐R`p?2<,,xnB΅Epx33_ (@j&XF`pPx33_ (@jZ(6!a`.M:Uj?A5,BA@fg1Lbe  !DI  6q„f€]aDv6l(R+M`ff(Yf#MͶ*NFgkN9̬vgVNFgV`~ T$$XD\~I}ZG⼙XYV\_WuW1&"G⼙VO;@Bڊ(DL)+ceeD(KQqd?;J<#9oZR]ƫըǘ2 YVܣMnr3iiap,mWTf1˔,Hd3ff嚎q_j.jT'#>V:qXކ^4&<;[ޞ]sSX&e9Əz4z@LPi7^+:0PwG8)N,ruUVI:- #zŎNjNq^V7 ks_E=n^ &T0;[^L,t]X]gM-U j+0?@($(""%N3ujVoRNƔɬRv4zo᠐H mHYR4"!kE7Ċe鸵k6\ӑvVO:ANY<HTDĕq$ɵYYV\]ZC"IK H$HPB,] vq$t?ñΒy 5``Ɩ]ꈐ@<ę6+6تˋY9ѠqIRX =EfCp&$&Xvx?m5;7(~4z805&jѩ3XCߍ#\V`|?m5yڴV ߍ#]*j MF UUEvx8`|?m5xp 0p`>6iIUC MFV,p80/DȨE$"L#\lYw֚c 6j4?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpj+=m'bƻfX/MŎkd2O %gI4S)ʈ6j"̝8HNxT"T4hV?xYYƦP[8T"I&EQDLA;8HHӳHhP557s?ñӎrvU 0䰫q?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~4q潞 P N6iuVߍ#\tX&6iALRd/ӼJdo*-zeBSoƑLeJ!0Y:r`]Tfǀl@ T( ‰l(4Pi)7"%ˇ1!iT8ɑ!Z8HNբ ~hg׏ ƍ]HNծyڴVca$LjGܠ:$LDz "ʑ+ 0*(Q@N,ܘlz?̢`8; 0} a(ayڴV;  YMk} cDȨTKg2**L+8 Y1,٨;0} :aӳaX(+`+B 8Vxxi`@l?潞 M($h(źF6iyڴVUvԎ{;Vj'axA5R@nիx|?wvX(H yڵa (H yڵ` *wvX/x& 7qjՀo@JǝVx|? &ETj yTDI;Vx|?(eR@nի(*wvXNATjǏ%gI4S)ڬQ(-z "Q-DȨ2Jǂs:P; 7&15y3(>LCtçd&XG8vǃa YMk} cDȨTKg2**L+8 Y1,٨;0} :aӳ& D &A@Jg (  @LVyTD X+=2PVx(g@"eI&$&Z^6iD )y2%D ^ %D ^XDMB/H@HP@ߍ#\@[<$0&+'CP[LjZacaDu50.,;0XP6racaEV'kxB`nHV¹f2iɔL@XM0-* @S,"&Q5BB2 @SQpHTM1TM1HLbI %ˇ1!iT8ɑ!Z8HNyFcr l,mWTf1+Y5.4hV?Xگ2b/g^eQ\gH&e5U>A"dTT%H&T\xNqQQBrtaf0f&e6^`@`@i`t@hyFcr`@l?JHhS]XP[L&EEJ[=QReHYRɌafF ya DžaX(+`+Nǃa5ThQDP,$ĄCC-0H*yFcr?Za[_0N *P Nq,mWTf1+Y$)mV(S=QRA"dTTR%pVprcYQv`tçgTM1Y& @P+<%D gh&QYD* @P+<!YHP@`@l?z*I4 ((TbBee̡̡SoƑ R*Y!0Y:rg2**U$L*D 'H I!K<$0&+'CP[LjZhZM8l?m5QRC Rat1>@.fX-u\b.ٳߍ#\D)gdc} c]vRZW ,o;V6pk"AD,T` bAlu0P ٪V3 ]j8R+Mg MFQTD EHko I!ERB I!HkoD HQTQRMFe,"!g(a!SoƑ9Q $(HY∐Q!Hɜ|sZ̙]˗Ϝ_էwPØdɐE#8NN7_եF#3V,f<>yZY1fZyڴٳZil$LjGܠ:$LDz "ʑ+ 0*(Q@N,ܘlz?̢`8; 0} a$ >q~+Vc&e5U>A"dTT%H&T\,ܘlh>0xVY`@l?z*I4 ((TbBe,?#~4qZUZCuZ*" 7ZYb3; @Big06w< E%!ER@o/jE6we," 7_եզ͝DH( 7igl7A+="IMvbAlu3H*l&EEI"W<aTPܝY1,٨~+əE8<0pw8`8æ;Q$H+|Vǃa YMk} cDȨTKg2**L+8 Y1,٨;0} :aӳM)HP+< E%!@e,"Vx$HPx0 6{=D$Q *I1!2hfPfP PӒt[YPz+S^L,ty3ʼ˻ g._>r3$p>2dndV?JHhSR$"AbJʊ˪mq <ޢ AJƍ9g,4bfPK7&y:wwwwwwwwp9r3>r3̙]aL0VN1Gܠ:$LDz "ʑ+s:P;[ug"±op+~o Iak 2EJL-Ź3~QS(YPiA41Caj Q(-z "Q-DȨ2J!EE (8<0vѦ}>q2@L:vq`@l? 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All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_collection.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_collection.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_collection =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify file_collection \ [ NAME="" ] \ [ ADD="/path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,..." ] \ [ DELETE={"/path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,..."|ALL} ] \ [ REPLACE={"/path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,..."|""} ] \ [ SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER={no|yes} ] \ [ SYNC_WHEN_CHANGED={no|yes} ] \ [ DESCRIPTION="" ] NOTE: the aliases for "file_collection" are "fc" and "fi". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified file collection to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. fcname [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the file collection that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] The new label to attempt to apply to the specified file collection. 4. new_desc [OPTIONAL] [string] A new description to apply to the specified file collection. 5. files_to_add [OPTIONAL] [string ref] A list of files to be add to the specified file collection. 6. files_to_remove [OPTIONAL] [string ref] A list of files to be removed from the specified file collection. 7. files_to_replace [OPTIONAL] [string ref] A list of files to be replace the existing set of files referenced by the specified file collection. 8. sync_with_cluster [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-style indicator of whether or not the file collection should propagate its files to all the cluster nodes every time a cluster synchronization is performed. 9. sync_when_changed[OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-style indicator of whether or not the file collection should propagate its files to all the cluster nodes whenever any of those files gets changed. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_collection { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_collection.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset fcname=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset new_name=${1//\"/} typeset new_desc=${2//\"/} typeset -n files_to_add=$3 files_to_add=${files_to_add//\"/} typeset -n files_to_remove=$4 files_to_remove=${files_to_remove//\"/} typeset -n files_to_replace=$5 files_to_replace=${files_to_replace//\"/} typeset -l sync_with_cluster=${6//\"/} typeset -l sync_when_changed=${7//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A fc_attrs= typeset -i i=0 #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $fcname != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_filecollection "$fcname" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $fcname ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$fcname" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 144 "Available File Collections:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_filecollection available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" elif [[ -n $new_name && -n "${new_name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 105 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid characters include letters, numbers, and underscores only.\n\n" "$new_name" "${new_name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ "$*" == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$fcname" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -n $sync_with_cluster && $sync_with_cluster != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER "$sync_with_cluster" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $sync_when_changed && $sync_when_changed != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" SYNC_WHEN_CHANGED "$sync_when_changed" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT #=================================================================== : Modify the file collection if no input errors have been detected #=================================================================== else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_filecollection_attributes "$fcname" fc_attrs [[ -z $new_desc && " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " != *\ DESCRIPTION\ * ]] && new_desc=${fc_attrs[DESCRIPTION]} [[ -z $sync_with_cluster ]] && sync_with_cluster=${fc_attrs[SYNC_WITH_CLUSTER]} [[ $sync_with_cluster == @(y|t)* ]] && sync_with_cluster=yes || sync_with_cluster=no [[ -z $sync_when_changed ]] && sync_when_changed=${fc_attrs[SYNC_WHEN_CHANGED]} [[ $sync_when_changed == @(y|t)* ]] && sync_when_changed=yes || sync_when_changed=no # NOTE: the seemingly odd, out of place leading dashes in the # command below are apparently *required* by the # clfilecollection command. So they are *not* the typos # that they appear to be! I suspect it was an attempt to # preserve them as positional parameters, although there # are other, better ways to accomplish that task. print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -c \"$fcname\" -\"$new_name\" -\"$new_desc\" \"$sync_with_cluster\" \"$sync_when_changed\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o coll -c "$fcname" -"$new_name" -"$new_desc" "$sync_with_cluster" "$sync_when_changed" rc=$? print "clfilecollection RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ -n $new_name ]] && fcname=$new_name else rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then # # REPLACE # if [[ -n $files_to_replace ]]; then typeset existing_files= for attr in ${!fc_attrs[*]}; do if [[ $attr == FILE* ]]; then existing_files="$existing_files ${fc_attrs[$attr]}" fi done if [[ -n $existing_files ]]; then files_to_remove=$existing_files fi [[ " $files_to_replace " != *\ ALL\ * ]] && files_to_add=$files_to_replace fi # # REMOVE # if [[ -n $files_to_remove ]]; then [[ " $files_to_remove " == *\ ALL\ * ]] && files_to_remove=${fc_attrs[FILES]//+([[:space:]])/ } if [[ -n $files_to_replace ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -r \"$fcname\" ${files_to_remove//,/ }" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -r "$fcname" ${files_to_remove//,/ } >/dev/null 2>&1 else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -r \"$fcname\" ${files_to_remove//,/ }" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -r "$fcname" ${files_to_remove//,/ } fi rc=$? print "clfilecollection RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 404 "\nERROR: an error occurred while attempting to remove file(s)\n \"%1\$s\" from file collection \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "${files_to_remove//,/ }" "$fcname" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi # # ADD # if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ -n $files_to_add ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -a \"$fcname\" ${files_to_add//,/ }" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfilecollection -o file -a "$fcname" ${files_to_add//,/ } rc=$? print "clfilecollection RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 405 "\nERROR: an error occurred while attempting to add file(s)\n \"%1\$s\" to file collection \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "${files_to_add//,/ }" "$fcname" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_filecollection_attributes "$fcname" properties fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify file_collection -h" "FILE COLLECTION:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_collection()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ o_ k$ .3+<bbb&< # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_systemi#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # @(#) 5d6dd76 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Sep 09 2021 10:49 AM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_system =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify file_system \ UNITS=### \ [ SIZE_PER_UNIT={megabytes|gigabytes|512bytes} ] \ [ NEW_FS_NAME= ] \ [ PERMISSIONS={rw|ro} ] \ [ EFS={yes|true} ] NOTE: the mininmum size for an enhanced file system is 16MB. NOTE: an alias for "file_system" is "fs". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to add a new file system. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. file_system [REQUIRED] [string] The mount point for this file system. 3. units [OPTIONAL] [posint] The number of units of the specified unit size (which defaults to megabytes). Combined, these determine the size of the file system. 4. size_per_unit [OPTIONAL] [set] The size of each of the specified units defaulting to megabytes. Combined, these determine the size of the file system. Valid values: 512bytes, megabytes, gigabytes 5. new_fs_name [OPTIONAL] [string] Enter the new filesystem name 6. permissions [OPTIONAL] [set] Sets the permissions for the file system, defaulting to "rw" (read/write). Valid values: rw (read/write), ro (read only) 7. enable_efs [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Enter "yes" to enable encryption for this file system (EFS). Valid values: yes, true, enable and 1. NOTE: this option is only valid with enhanced file systems. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_system { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 5d6dd76 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_system.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Sep 09 2021 10:49 AM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset file_system=${2//\"/} typeset units=${3//\"/} typeset size_per_unit=${4//\"/} typeset new_file_system=${5//\"/} typeset -l permissions=${6//\"/} typeset -l enable_efs=${7//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset INPUT="" ATTR="" VALUE="" typeset volume_group="" vg_disk="" rg_name="" typeset primarynodes="" secondarynodes="" nodes="" if [[ -z $file_system ]];then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsfs -c "$file_system" | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -c6- 2>/dev/null" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG lv_name=$(lsfs -c "$file_system" | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -c6- 2>/dev/null) typeset lv_name_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsfs command to get filesystem $lv_name RC: $lv_name_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $lv_name ]];then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q "name=$lv_name" -f parent -n CuDv" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG volume_group=$(clodmget -q "name=$lv_name" -f parent -n CuDv) typeset volume_group_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget command to get volume group name RC: $volume_group_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG volume_group=${volume_group##*VOLUME GROUP:+([[:space:]])} volume_group=${volume_group%%+([[:space:]])*} fi fi if [[ -n $volume_group ]];then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q "name=GMVG_REP_RESOURCE and value=$volume_group" -f group HACMPresource" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG gmvg_type=$(clodmget -q "name=GMVG_REP_RESOURCE and value=$volume_group" -f group HACMPresource 2>/dev/null) typeset gmvg_type_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget command to get volume group $volume_group type $gmvg_type RC: $gmvg_type_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $gmvg_type ]];then typeset -A rgAttrs print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q "name = VOLUME_GROUP and value = $volume_group" -f group -n HACMPresource" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rg_name=$(clodmget -q "name = VOLUME_GROUP and value = $volume_group" -f group -n HACMPresource) typeset rg_name_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget command to get Resource group name $rg_name associated to volume group $volume_group RC: $rg_name_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $rg_name ]];then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_resourcegroup_state "$rg_name" rgAttrs primarynodes=${rgAttrs[PRIMARYNODES]} secondarynodes=${rgAttrs[SECONDARYNODES]} nodes="$primarynodes $secondarynodes" fi # For GLVM volume groups, we should not allow changing filesystem when cluster services are running. for node in $nodes do clstate=$(LC_ALL=C cl_rsh $node lssrc -ls clstrmgrES | grep "Current state:" | cut -f2 -d":") if [[ ${clstate//[[:blank:]]/} == "ST_STABLE" ]] ; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): ERROR: Failed to modify filesystem,cluster state stable in one of the node $node" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1470 "\nERROR: Failed to modify filesystem \"%1\$s\". Cluster services are still active on at least one node in the cluster: %2\$s.\n\n" "$file_system" "$node" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY fi done fi else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): filesystem $file_system is not configured or its not associated to any volume group" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1471 "\nERROR: Filesystem \"%1\$s\" is either not configured or not associated with any volume group.\n\n" "$file_system" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #============================== : Validate the integer inputs #============================== for INPUT in UNITS@$units do print -- "$INPUT" | IFS=@ read ATTR VALUE if [[ $VALUE != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO verify_is_numeric "$VALUE" 2 "$ATTR" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi done #========================== : Validate the set inputs #========================== if [[ -n $permissions ]]; then typeset -l permissions_lc=$permissions CL=$LINENO verify_in_set permissions_lc "$permissions" "rw ro" permissions_lc (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $enable_efs ]]; then typeset -l EFS=$enable_efs CL=$LINENO verify_in_set EFS "$enable_efs" "yes true enable 1" EFS if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ $enable_efs == @(y|e|t|1)* ]] && enable_efs="yes" else rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $size_per_unit ]]; then typeset -l spu_lc=$size_per_unit if [[ -n $size_per_unit ]];then CL=$LINENO verify_in_set size_per_unit "$spu_lc" "megabytes gigabytes 512bytes" spu_lc (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi #====================================================================== : If no errors have been detected in the input, perform the operation #====================================================================== if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset gOpt="" vOpt=" -v jfs" mOpt="" unitsOpt="" FOpt="" pOpt="" typeset bsOpt="" optOpt="" ilOpt="" lvOpt="" lsOpt="" eafOpt="" typeset quotaOpt="" efsOpt="" tOpt="" fragOpt="" nbpiOpt="" agOpt="" typeset dOpt="" [[ $new_file_system != *([[:space:]]) ]] && mOpt=" -m $new_file_system" [[ $units != *([[:space:]]) ]] && unitsOpt=" -a size=$units" [[ $permissions != *([[:space:]]) ]] && pOpt=" -p $permissions" [[ $enable_efs != *([[:space:]]) ]] && efsOpt=" -a efs=$enable_efs" if [[ $size_per_unit != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then typeset uos_lc=$size_per_unit [[ $uos_lc == "megabytes" ]] && FOpt=" -FM" [[ $uos_lc == "gigabytes" ]] && FOpt=" -FG" [[ $uos_lc == "512bytes" ]] && FOpt=" -FH" fi # Bring rpvserver and rpvclients to available state in all the nodes if file system is associated with GLVM volume group. # This is used to avoid errors during varyon the volume group. if [[ -n $gmvg_type ]];then change_rpv_state "$primarynodes" "$secondarynodes" "$volume_group" "mkdev" change_rpv_state "$secondarynodes" "$primarynodes" "$volume_group" "mkdev" fi nodes=$(echo $nodes | tr ' ' ',') case $file_system in /*) ;; *) file_system=/$file_system ;; esac print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_chfs -cspoc \"-n'$nodes'\"$gOpt$dOpt$mOpt$pOpt$bsOpt$optOpt$ilOpt$lvOpt$lsOpt$eafOpt$quotaOpt$efsOpt$tOpt$fragOpt$nbpiOpt$agOpt$mandatoryOpts$unitsOpt$FOpt $file_system" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cl_chfs -cspoc -n"$nodes" $gOpt$dOpt$mOpt$pOpt$bsOpt$optOpt$ilOpt$lvOpt$lsOpt$eafOpt$quotaOpt$efsOpt$tOpt$fragOpt$nbpiOpt$agOpt$mandatoryOpts$unitsOpt$FOpt $file_system rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_chfs RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 400 "\nERROR: failed to modify \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$file_system" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_file_system_attributes "$file_system" properties fi # Bring rpvserver and rpvclients to defined state in all the nodes if file system is associated with GLVM volume group. if [[ -n $gmvg_type ]];then change_rpv_state "$primarynodes" "$secondarynodes" "$volume_group" "rmdev" change_rpv_state "$secondarynodes" "$primarynodes" "$volume_group" "rmdev" fi if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1474 "\nFilesystem \"%1\$s\" modified successfully.\n\n" "$file_system" 1>&2 fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify file_system -h" "FILE SYSTEM:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_file_system()" #============================================================================ # # Name: change_rpv_state # # Description: This function change the rpvserver/client to available to defined state and vice-versa # # Inputs: siteA_nodes - nodes where to change the rpvservers state # siteB_nodes - nodes where to change the rpvclients state # vg_name - volume group # cmd - mkdev/rmdev # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: None # #============================================================================ function change_rpv_state { typeset siteA_nodes=$1 typeset siteB_nodes=$2 typeset vg_name=$3 typeset cmd=$4 typeset node="" for node in $siteA_nodes do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rsh $node lspv | grep -w $vg_name | awk '{print $1}'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG typeset vg_disk=$(cl_rsh $node lspv | grep -w $vg_name | awk '{print $1}') print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rsh $node lspv command with VG disk list : $vg_disk" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG for disk in $vg_disk do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsrpvserver | grep -w $disk | awk '{print $1}'" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG server=$(cl_rsh $node lsrpvserver | grep -w $disk | awk '{print $1,$2}') print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsrpvserver command with server list : $server">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $server ]];then typeset ser=$(echo $server | cut -d' ' -f1) typeset pvid=$(echo $server | cut -d' ' -f2) if [[ -n $ser ]];then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rsh $node $cmd -l $ser" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG typeset ch_ser=$(cl_rsh $node $cmd -l $ser) typeset ch_ser_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $cmd RC : $ch_ser_rc">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi if [[ -n $pvid ]];then for noden in $siteB_nodes do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rsh $noden lsrpvclient | grep -w $pvid | awk '{print $1}''" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG client=$(cl_rsh $noden lsrpvclient | grep -w $pvid | awk '{print $1}') print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): lsrpvclient command with client list : $client">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -n $client ]];then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rsh $noden $cmd -l $client" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG ch_clt=$(cl_rsh $noden $cmd -l $client) typeset ch_clt_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $cmd RC : $ch_clt_rc">>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi done fi fi done done } # End of "change_rpv_state()" _ lr03+uJbbb&s/ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_groupystemi   =e ainorst$cdhlpu"/ACEGILMNORST[\]_bfgmy#(),-.12:Pvw&*0;>DUk{}!%'3469jBW ܱWMG?kIǝiAxyuRژ41 c1hkr̖0*6Jq5e($—1jUQTrJimv Ϛm oxj^UVb!u% Dy̧<RZvg\᝽,>p棥X?[rg|#oNk,UHi5RJ-OB8a;Jv?rJHe;A+~0]is8]%r8gkrJuq*4*jZԷוǔn`AԶ h6PI͝˚%r*KוDR3>\sRK+vՃ˜'z|l +۠n<m FIڒW)no5-C) ZˍqAx|#r /t-i8=qsχ/@IAo?5oN\K҃8l=K(j7kkv֞ԽY6s k Q+K48-C f9+ ί="vXWjIZgumslZ2|Խ8$ |7AKg + kB:F<"t/ns7zd 䵤櫤bԧqj^—qs5M*驷Q [eWY7*`q`RN.y&6^JGk=KAU`*QjSKJ X`n:-xNaZ >N>( @,407lqt8X,07}[Z`@`o`-v8 bx`o6L07:Ԃ2US 4E[*(𱁁 ^7A#pR-xNCxGm+,XDŧg`Hf(4̧<rJb5/IU;~D%'uKbu*UPoji|K\lqAxyuKim.KZNqRqZp=GK?.o4+^RArg\fųtd:j^IҞvקմKוL= )%rtUm<.j^2tUm=j?Ҟz@ه!;׾AKO= KZ.@ء ޭZ/te>6s+-hb?.{Ps*&`RIqsϛgu'u˚n2g !棥[ = 5k?ښ{WAheԼ`#@RYn5.,]4:p$2ו\sKp6RSKasRqB'r楺8FгSoY"o5-*U oio6\ԷEޔP;Oܭv6P{?D\E.!ԷƉU<c)Kjba10K|;abӹSԾ \[7AVZsE/;vKGU{aF˂I/lDZqZ|nP^)^.[>'Ja#O|'zl.PA|l{[-'<0(K^ҝ/喹\E-62^l X&Tz@ӂKͳt0JnD8 4q13 !8~0]l$DJ(Vp@i" qbL V[8Aah$-XN@<C%F܆*2P F(Ԑ,0$D8 LL&NX>J5$ Rtb 6r D@70ӊ5$ QdJ B?Z0Z7\ +~0]jD$"0aclW>'0aclW=! 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All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_interface.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_interface.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_interface =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:46 Last Changed: 8/6/13 16:56:50 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_interface.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify interface \ NETWORK= NOTE: the "interface" may be either an IP address or label NOTE: the aliases for "interface" are "in" and "if". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified PowerHA interface to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. interface [REQUIRED] [string] The address/label of the interface that is to be modified. 3. network [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the network to assign this interface to. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_interface { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_interface.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset interface=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset network=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset nodename= typeset -i i=0 #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $interface != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_interface "$interface" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $interface ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$interface" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 146 "Available Interfaces:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_interfaces available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if [[ -z $network ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" NETWORK 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network "$network" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$network" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 150 "Available Networks:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_networks available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi #============================================================= : Modify the interface if no input errors have been detected #============================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then #============================================================= : Retrieve the cllsif data to first, obtain a node name, and : second, convert any IP addresses to its matching the name. #============================================================= print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsif -pcS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cllsif -pcS |\ while read LINE; do : Handle possible IPv6 address typeset IPv6= if [[ $LINE == *\[* ]]; then IPv6=${LINE##*\[} IPv6=${IPv6%%\]*} LINE=${LINE/\[$IPv6\]/[${IPv6//:/_}]} fi print -- "$LINE" | IFS=: read name type nw nettype attr node ipaddr haddr if gname netmask hb_addr site prefix family remainder : Handle possible IPv6 address ipaddr=${ipaddr//_/:} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\[/} ipaddr=${ipaddr/\]/} if [[ $interface == @($name|$ipaddr) ]]; then typeset new_interface=${LINE%%:*} [[ -n $new_interface ]] && interface=$new_interface nodename=$(print -- "$LINE" | /usr/bin/head -1 | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f6) break fi done print "cllsif RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ -z $nodename ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 406 "\nERROR: could not determine the node name for interface \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$interface" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else : First see if the network was changed. If not, do nothing. print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllsif -ci $nodename | /usr/bin/grep ^$interface | /usr/bin/cut -d\":\" -f3" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands typeset NW=$($HAUTILS/cllsif -ci $nodename |\ /usr/bin/grep ^$interface |\ /usr/bin/cut -d":" -f3) print "cllsif RC: $?; NW == \"$NW\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if [[ $NW == $network ]]; then : Nothing to do rc=$RC_SUCCESS else #======================================================================= # If a network holding a service IP with only one network interface # then exiting with error message. #======================================================================= service_function=$(cllsif -pcS | grep -w "service:$NW" | wc -l | sed 's/ //g') if (( $service_function != 0 )); then boot_function_value=$(cllsif -pcS | grep -w "boot:$NW" | wc -l | sed 's/ //g') if (( $boot_function_value == 1 )); then rc=$RC_ERROR dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 1461 "\nERROR: Modifying or removing last network interface '%1\$s' not allowed\n\ as the network '%2\$s' holds a service IP.\n\ You can remove the service IP from the network, then try the operation again.\n" $interface $NW fi fi if (( $rc != $RC_ERROR )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchnode -n \"$nodename\" -l \"$interface\" -w \"$network\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchnode -n "$nodename" \ -l "$interface" \ -w "$network" rc=$? print "clchnode RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_interface_attributes "$interface" properties fi else rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify interface -h" "INTERFACE:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_interface()"  kL 53+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)04 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 8/6/13 16:56:50 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:58 Last Changed: 8/6/13 16:56:50 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 ARGUMENTS =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset mode=${1//\"/} typeset -n rgs=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A DependencyModes DependencyModes=( [SAME_NODE]="NODECOLLOCATION" [SAME_SITE]="SITECOLLOCATION" ) typeset DPMode= #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mode ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" MODE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else DPMode=${DependencyModes[$mode]} if [[ -z $DPMode ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\"\n\n" MODE "$mode" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t $DPMode -a -l \"$rgs\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t $DPMode -a -l "$rgs" rc=$? print "clrgdependency RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_location_dependency()" > kH63+ 4bbb& 4 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_logt#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_log.sh 1.9 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_log.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_log =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.9 Last Extracted: 4/1/15 00:23:42 Last Changed: 3/16/15 09:15:17 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_log.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1514A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify log {|ALL} \ [ DIRECTORY="{|DEFAULT}" ] [ FORMATTING={none|standard|low|high} ] \ [ REMOTE_FS={true|false} ] NOTE: when "DEFAULT: is specified for the "DIRECTORY" attribute, then the original, default PowerHA directory value is restored. NOTE: the "FORMATTING" attribute only applies to the "hacmp.out" log, and is ignored for all other logs. NOTE: the "FORMATTING" attribute only applies to the "hacmp.out" and "clstrmgr.debug" logs, and is ignored for all other logs. NOTE: when "ALL" is specified in place of a log name, then the provided DIRECTORY and REMOTE_FS modifications are applied to all the logs. NOTE: when "EVENTS" is specified in place of a log name, then an events summary report is displayed. =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified PowerHA log file to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. log [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the log that is to be modified. 3. directory [OPTIONAL] [string] The directory in which the specified log should be stored. 4. formatting [OPTIONAL] [string] The style of formatting to apply to the specified log (only applicable to "hacmp.out"): none, standard, low, high 5. trace [OPTIONAL] [string] The trace level to apply to the specified log (only applicable to clstrmgr.debug): low, high 6. remote_fs [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like value indicating whether or not to allow the specified log to be stored on a remote/mounted file system. Valid values are "yes" and "no". =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_log { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_log.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset -l log=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset directory=${1//\"/} typeset -l formatting=${2//\"/} typeset -l trace=${3//\"/} typeset -l remote_fs=${4//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset ropt= attr= typeset -i i=0 typeset -A logAttrs typeset -u uc_directory=$directory #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $log != *([[:space:]]) && $log != "all" ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log "$log" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $log ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$log" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 147 "Available Logs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_logs available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if (( $# == 0 )) || [[ $* == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$log" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ $log == "all" && -z $directory ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" DIRECTORY 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $directory && $directory != /* && $uc_directory != "DEFAULT" ]] then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to be in absolute format:\n %1\$s\n\n" "$directory" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $directory && $uc_directory != "DEFAULT" && ! -d $directory ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$directory" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $log != "hacmp.out" ]] && [[ -n $formatting ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1156 "\nERROR: the \"FORMATTING\" attribute is \n only valid for the \"hacmp.out\" log.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $formatting && $formatting != @(none|standard|low|high) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" FORMATTING "$formatting" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "none, standard, low, high" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $remote_fs && $remote_fs != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" REMOTE_FS "$remote_fs" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #======================================================= : Modify the log if no input errors have been detected #======================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -n $directory || -n $remote_fs ]]; then #================================================================ : If we need to know any current/existing values, retrieve them #================================================================ if [[ -z $directory || -z $remote_fs || $uc_directory == "DEFAULT" ]] then if [[ $log == "all" ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_log_attributes "hacmp.out" logAttrs else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_log_attributes "$log" logAttrs fi fi #============================================================ : Make sure that we have a valid directory. It is required. #============================================================ if [[ -z $directory || $uc_directory == "DEFAULT" ]]; then if [[ $uc_directory == "DEFAULT" ]]; then directory=${logAttrs[DEFAULT]} else directory=${logAttrs[DIRECTORY]} fi fi #============================================ : Make sure to preserve the current setting #============================================ [[ -z $remote_fs ]] && remote_fs=${logAttrs[REMOTEFS]} [[ $remote_fs == @(y|t)* ]] && ropt="-r" if [[ $log == "all" ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllog -C -v $directory $ropt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands VERBOSE_LOGGING="" $HAUTILS/cllog -C -v $directory $ropt else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cllog -c $log -v $directory $ropt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands VERBOSE_LOGGING="" $HAUTILS/cllog -c $log -v $directory $ropt fi rc=$? print "cllog RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi if [[ $log == "hacmp.out" ]]; then node=$LOCAL_NODE if [[ -n $node ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_log_attributes hacmp.out logAttrs typeset new_format=${logAttrs[FORMATTING]} typeset new_trace=${logAttrs[TRACE_LEVEL]} [[ -z $formatting && -n $new_format ]] && formatting=$new_format if [[ -n $formatting ]]; then case "$formatting" in "none") new_format=Default ;; "standard") new_format=Standard ;; "low") new_format=Html1 ;; "high") new_format=Html2 ;; esac else new_format="Standard" fi new_trace="high" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchparam -n $node VERBOSE_LOGGING=$new_trace DEBUG_LEVEL=$new_format" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchparam -n $node VERBOSE_LOGGING=$new_trace \ DEBUG_LEVEL=$new_format print "clchparam RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi elif [[ $log == "clstrmgr.debug" ]]; then if [[ -n $trace ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cl_clstrmgr_debug_level -c $trace" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cl_clstrmgr_debug_level -c $trace print "cl_clstrmgr_debug_level RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_log_attributes "$log" properties fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify log -h" "LOG:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_log()" ory lt<73+"bbb&Z # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_logical_volumeency    e=ailnorst "$O_cdghmpuv-CEGILMNRST[]fy&().1:>AP\b#,/02;DHUVkwx|!%'*4jqz{}378?@BFY69r !"Ժ7fbjt0׉BI|HYlR+)QS]S4zNW9Gvh A84O8y"CIAÆI'V|NCc='CfPakʫtwNjwJnnR]k' Ըtb>wEYzLħ&w.G.U7#N$4Dx8@iؽЄun_W4q䱿VMK#UuL:2 ^Ɋ1[ҸVfҳumG7BIվvJ.II>I|Lħ|CoԔ\+:{KvRuV]ӫF]S4zN̠׺w>%=Єu_(:tj>i HgbBIպku}_(ӬzWZU|T(0eU^W5\Vn7ܥ uz@NU+q3+=UVSt^QzטD׃u_(UإӪvU[bw=wNruL:2 _U]^`Ul $Ti3VngbS5TeJNNPzFz)yOIYJꙣt4헥t-Єuo='@:iQ:2 XDy!BN7\?JK轤;unUuA;GF53Gl -tJ|l&o $Qʫ{.Y1[n;}U*XXVƺh A[ٔZ'&4k8(tLeGHH|[R\ZuVz-Ņn|pItQU]]'GI'V. 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_method =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.7 Last Extracted: 4/18/14 01:31:41 Last Changed: 1/13/14 16:46:13 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714, 1415A_hacmp714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify method \ TYPE={snapshot|verify} \ [ NAME= ] \ [ DESCRIPTION= ] \ [ FILE= ] clmgr modify method \ TYPE=notify \ [ NAME= ] \ [ DESCRIPTION= ] \ [ FILE= ] \ [ CONTACT= ] \ [ EVENT= ] \ [ NODES=[,,,...] ] \ [ RETRY= ] \ [ TIMEOUT= ] NOTE: the alias for "method" is "me". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified custom method to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. name [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the method that is to be modified. 3. type [REQUIRED] [string] The type of method to be created. Valid values: {notify|snapshot|verify} 4. new_name[OPTIONAL] [string] A new label for the method. 5. new_desc [OPTIONAL] [string] A new description for the method. 6. new_file [OPTIONAL] [string] A new executable file for the method. 7. contact [REQUIRED FOR NOTIFY] [string] The contact information. Might be an email address, pager number, etc... 8. events [REQUIRED FOR NOTIFY] [string] The event(s) to provide notification about (i.e. when that event occurs). 9. nodes [OPTIONAL FOR NOTIFY] [string] The nodes that the notification will be sent from, in priority order. 10. retry [OPTIONAL FOR NOTIFY] [string] The number of times to attempt to send the notification before giving up. 11. timeout [OPTIONAL FOR NOTIFY] [string] The maximum number of seconds to attempt each notification before giving up. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_method { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.7, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_method.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714, 1415A_hacmp714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset name=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset -l type=${1//\"/} typeset new_name=${2//\"/} typeset new_desc=${3//\"/} typeset new_file=${4//\"/} typeset contact=${5//\"/} # Notify methods only typeset events=${6//\"/} # Notify methods only typeset nodes=${7//\"/} # Notify methods only typeset retry=${8//\"/} # Notify methods only typeset timeout=${9//\"/} # Notify methods only [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset dopt= Nopt= typeset -i i=0 #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $name != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method "$name" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $name ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 149 "Available Methods:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_methods available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if [[ -n $new_name && -n "${new_name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 105 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\" (\"%2\$s\").\n\nValid characters include letters, numbers, and underscores only.\n\n" "$new_name" "${new_name//[a-zA-Z0-9_]/}" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $type && $type != @(no|sn|ve)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" TYPE "$type" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "notify, snapshot, verify" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $new_file && $new_file == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" FILE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $new_file && ! -e $new_file ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$new_file" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi # : If nodes were specified, verify that they are known nodes. # if [[ $nodes != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then typeset checked= typeset -i all_nodes_found=1 for node in ${nodes//,/ }; do [[ " $checked " == *\ $node\ * ]] && continue checked="$checked $node" CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node "$node" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT all_nodes_found=0 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 fi done if (( ! all_nodes_found )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 151 "Available Nodes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi if [[ -z "$new_name$new_desc$new_file$contact$events$nodes$retry$timeout" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #========================================================== : Modify the method if no input errors have been detected #========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -n $type ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method "$name" else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_method "$name" type fi if [[ $type == *,* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 34 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\", is ambiguous, and could match any of the following:\n %2\$s\n\n" "$method" "$type" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else typeset CMD= CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_method_attributes "$name" properties TYPE=$type case "$type" in no*) [[ -z $new_desc ]] && new_desc="${properties[DESCRIPTION]}" [[ -z $new_file ]] && new_file="${properties[FILE]}" [[ -z $contact ]] && contact="${properties[CONTACT]}" if [[ -z $events ]]; then events="${properties[EVENTS]}" else events=${events//,/ } fi [[ -z $nodes ]] && nodes="${properties[NODES]}" [[ -z $retry ]] && retry="${properties[RETRY]}" [[ -z $timeout ]] && timeout="${properties[TIMEOUT]}" CMD="clchpgr" if [[ -n $new_name ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchpgr -m \"$name\" -c \"$new_name\" -d \"$new_desc\" -f \"$new_file\" -N \"$contact\" -e \"$events\" -n \"$nodes\" -r \"$retry\" -t \"$timeout\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchpgr -m "$name" \ -c "$new_name" \ -d "$new_desc" \ -f "$new_file" \ -N "$contact" \ -e "$events" \ -n "$nodes" \ -r "$retry" \ -t "$timeout" else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchpgr -m \"$name\" -d \"$new_desc\" -f \"$new_file\" -N \"$contact\" -e \"$events\" -n \"$nodes\" -r \"$retry\" -t \"$timeout\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchpgr -m "$name" \ -d "$new_desc" \ -f "$new_file" \ -N "$contact" \ -e "$events" \ -n "$nodes" \ -r "$retry" \ -t "$timeout" fi ;; sn*) [[ -z $new_desc ]] && new_desc="${properties[DESCRIPTION]}" [[ -z $new_file ]] && new_file="${properties[FILE]}" CMD="clchcustom" if [[ -n $new_name ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t snapshot -n\"$name\" -N\"$new_name\" -I\"$new_desc\" -v\"$new_file\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t snapshot \ -n"$name" \ -N"$new_name" \ -I"$new_desc" \ -v"$new_file" else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t snapshot -n\"$name\" -I\"$new_desc\" -v\"$new_file\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t snapshot \ -n"$name" \ -I"$new_desc" \ -v"$new_file" fi ;; ve*) [[ -z $new_desc ]] && new_desc="${properties[DESCRIPTION]}" [[ -z $new_file ]] && new_file="${properties[FILE]}" CMD="clchcustom" if [[ -n $new_name ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t verify -n\"$name\" -N\"$new_name\" -I\"$new_desc\" -v\"$new_file\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t verify \ -n"$name" \ -N"$new_name" \ -I"$new_desc" \ -v"$new_file" else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t verify -n\"$name\" -I\"$new_desc\" -v\"$new_file\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchcustom -t verify \ -n"$name" \ -I"$new_desc" \ -v"$new_file" fi ;; esac rc=$? print "$CMD RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 400 "\nERROR: failed to modify \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== else [[ -n $new_name ]] && name=$new_name if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_method_attributes "$name" properties fi fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify method -h" "METHOD:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_method()" ;;  lp;3+bbb&"g # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_mirror_group = einrst"$ER[]_acdlmopu/CGILMNOST\bfghvy#&()-.12:;>APUkw!%'*,0iX4~g6皛nGѩ6Lڌ56s5͹jmY e$%Z56qY,52EQ+`ÍPTuD@ÆEAjeH2k h0((h0"( SS.<@j6 l@SS.pqFQ۞jmF2wj3sTug6橩f)LT6 Uj3sTudP˿O*@6 l@SS.#-ͮ7 ɶr,AAxV-ʁ}b$2^@?rm 0H\HT6 +-jQbrӚqevM V m뮴 9A7 uf{mSSm4D"D+8ҏ,n+;fzg6皛nռ6b&cdP(,XBbTӥgQÔv9ӌ°{?qhXbve(LTn7Hʪ?m,ŧZie]=b\e &)1+:c#Ox`WV\snF|BUVc#Za-FVCzN3 ?,nFp9Q]vii0vczSpU6- V-ZL?i1g;%͹DV[2n,Z5f[Spm8+2kMV,7 ţ81mZJWh]N,BU3սnAxU]MO]f0ȇ?*A>mc+Ffr240~q]j nM2ň&*EM:VqX3PM\ n e7pqbܺB ?b4Ab "+8ҏ,n؍(H1n}MÜf+X.XIc 2ň&*EM3 FKf 0) eg@W'(,XBbTӤ*S0q!: ېՋr{332(%"@M{ 'TZnLb SMUG7Nb3 &)n}MvN23g\2mMjŹbVu} rb~" (,XBbTӥgQÓlCvc288WZn]!W\{4  P4YFcp2.Ұ88#Vwj3sM\cp1bMM-CkK5&zeVMn*1˴&sٌ eVζ3Y1սfeVjοm56sbZ,2,:AŦ`ܕ7EX4  P4YFcp܃\ʌh1n}M]iXOns:9'vb2jh"HzJD$"^yy"EP ӴblX^Gb/C$@RǪ@gAHDL "@ T*8UZ56qUYõ3j3sTu ֳg *T\pJCDf*T5?=X`i MeWg- 3H?\hЭk:&X ,7&tåѥjuj('$OB\w?QA>'!ѥjuqCA!F!gmͷ\?H 4N <ۮbo5Likqé8!*U+(YYa/1< ] (H$H ('$,sr9 n=iՍB[ёcC`s*rYɶ)HuRÙPLB@[\y N Bs9Rdm(T5SsPzW&yS<5:)  #h1G: Z j bЙֶԀteHJNC]Zqr+qfmFkY2C,E@gM=rd{WT('$+SBv13Rd{WT('$+SBϡV 3:i$X ,wYEѥjuY5ngO hҵ:-FkY2C,E@b13M x$14ĨIEunUݿKXZ/1"s2m?*:iT 2 .7VmqpEԆM2HT4bz;%iT 2 .7)6,RcC_lBϡ.{OB\wipe7QL,/i!g{ cLFCXPMIIRD$Ty\@@^HDŌ̻Ax̷dX潠HQ$YRŅ?^3:iЩ!SpƻI1 b5CXu4$=%J[@qCTQqIHK< nuq[CȼQ?= rb/C LqDDqeH,13ʑa*k!%G^J(Sp®X=fbՌu7Ax&TRȓ-Y`%riXJ Κz:; b8±­4K('$OAvHҰ{ :, POI駡SCσKܩVDH%ܩVv=f&t]R4%^$&2 N}MOM= r|\E0vHҰleK]R4%[>M3H?k(T5S@qCT%$=%IW痒)$Q!.281c8.ã^&c3-.x@.x<"] <<&TRȓ-ʑa* k(T5S@qCT%$=%IW3332(% B/#€M k T1Iŕ LX\13- r 7 ?k(T5S@qCT%$=%IWL^HDPNMY;ռ8<<82 DcЩ ~ ("h$9RI$GT1ar3:iRcPViX5L x$14ĨIEunUݿKXZ/1RBK"Hqf]*5hvTUݿ&tЩ!@e.qYb8¦ 1@aXaV POI[qf]hiV汨+CѠLOařv M1*8Q@E0vX?q@h)DH*GV4TbMZUj +8.5Tȕ+7 ?k(T5S@qCT%$=%IW痒)$Q!,qP œAioT ^E~ze k(T5S@qCT%$=%IW`.xŢVcPʝ`ȼ^ru-V08D4I$A£ *iUiV汨+CŢ̷<03,qh`%@44OaΚz-V0B*5/% POIN2yzXec 4"LnP:#{5*@$ʐ&,.Yb3H?k(T5S@qCT%$=%IW@l^HDPɓn c18<<,Q!QT T$ #a.'A&(*iX潠HQ$YRŅ?_f/L駠g6櫋FtׂCLJ,P7QA>']İzŅn31 ETXTEs2qhΏ Κz:;\ESB HeeqEmW4h(nm駠qf]wCLJ,P7QL,/]V2vF"@$`QJQąc2UmW8.5Tȕ+7 ?k(T5S@qCT%$=%IW痒)$Q!,qP œAioT ^E~ze  H?_r8`fU$@[ ni1#!Qƨk$TKh"HzJ*< xŢJ3sŖ$^E~ ("됤+qh`m$ L HYVcJg6櫋Ft8YX0qXb-V0 6O@"ŢhE@bTqe$ 7 ?UÝ/T+Z,a&T 1 rqpDs{潠HQ$YRŅ?^3:iЩ!SpƻI1 b5CXu4$=%J[@qCTQpIHK< Xܙ; 3Cȼ" $Q%EH$W,Fq|@P,E^Hr (H,bf/3&t7Ea%305/% POIWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv,1ajFG L `⪢LT "78.K@0Uݿ&tЩ!@aXaV?QA>'Κz$`w  T4SpXIc >X0`O@0 1FCA: 7 ?0؍0=fi1#!Qƨk$TKh"HzJ*< /$RHB\dqfbqf]G L f[\8t(\/.xD.xyyȤT*1P$ XIc @vb2jh"HzJD$"&x=fbqf]8t(^E~|gaC@{A!ʐ&8I"8 fi1#!Qƨk$TKh"HzJ*< I" gKۓ'sݤcSyq(xyy#UbIA-&i@{A!ʐ&8I"8 ^O@rqnq x$14ĨIEunUݿKXZ/18( ̻-tUŹƧ_wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwo4*uwyPV20UPOIHhN-5;O  諓sN]hLM@a84N-5;ghvb2jh"HzJD$"E$$%Gf,getr `eBKB燗8 ,E@8( W'? i1#!Qƨk$TKh"HzJ*<gf,gePKB^G"@M? ״c$#*@gYw &4d58 aD*mIIREGP)$Q!,8?icrdbjo<"/"`⪋$@D 3(+ZL*Gb/C LqDDqeH,13*eZŨ6p5/% POIWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwo3dktr `.LX2hUTH-Y`%n'Vj W]ݿ&tЩ!@aXaV?QA>'#h Me3LV4VN | Wd*-Aj~#"*L AU,@%?03@`kQqÑ*W h$9RI$GT1ar5Likqé8!*U+6/$RHBYq(~v7i1xE ^Eɋ&Mj⪖ I(+ZL*Gb/C LqDDqeH,13u*jm05/% POIWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv,1ajFG L `E" ,˰8.MM\®3N= F 7 ?&thҵ:;3('$cLFCXPMIIRD$Ty\Ay"E!C;&N!H1Ʀ(P/ F(D\*H\C,F. 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ZE5br&z,&ʝ`(miin,jͬrB\eJ0`Gy=pbJ]O6pcs˞5LikKK]Lᠢ#Y<"] ?h+` # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_mirror_pair =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:37 Last Changed: 10/24/12 17:32:19 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify mirror_pair \ [ NAME= ] \ [ FIRST_DISK= ] \ [ SECOND_DISK= ] NOTE: the alias for "mirror_pair" is "mp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to create a new mirror pair. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. pair_name [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the mirror pair that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] A new label to apply to the specified mirror pair. 4. disk1 [REQUIRED] [string] The first disk in the pair. 5. disk2 [REQUIRED] [string] The second disk in the pair. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_mirror_pair { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_mirror_pair.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset mirror_pair=${2//\"/} typeset new_name=${3//\"/} typeset disk1=${4//\"/} typeset disk2=${5//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_pairs existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $mirror_pair ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #================================================================= : Create the storage agent if no input errors have been detected #================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset nameOpt= ssOpt= vidOpt= pvidOpt= [[ -n $new_name ]] && nameOpt=" -N $new_name" [[ -n $disk1 ]] && d1Opt=" -d $disk1" [[ -n $disk2 ]] && d2Opt=" -D $disk2" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_change_mdp_director -n $mirror_pair$nameOpt$d1Opt$d2Opt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_change_mdp_director -n $mirror_pair$nameOpt$d1Opt$d2Opt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_change_mdp_director RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 201 "\nERROR: failed to create \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$mirror_pair" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_pair_attributes "$mirror_pair" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add mirror_pair -h" "MIRROR PAIR:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_mirror_pair()" fied s l*?3+Xbbb&7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_mirror_pool   = aeinorst"$_cdfhlmp#-ACEILMNORST[\]guvy(),./12:DGPbkw&*0;>BFHU{|}%'+347/6g%p7hh)aWI+9^X!964  C1( p C0spPB(@V(Mwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvэs ahS:B!8Pq~اXJ=VuxSOHYb`3-)OBse%=V~iWNQVՄэ'kA.Y < CTS%U\53*v ?freMgQnٓ'Wu^nagUgϑڲv7g'rG}:@_QcFeS9pWr7Mӫ g^xfeə{Fe <ο9gzYuY(GXJ-WQ焤PZba(b^BᚲUҮSFrQ.ua"rkF4eU; G4  C1( p C0spPB(@V(M9tA-oO>Luh}]NrLK!HS쾏zKah@HS쾏>AƐ }^q;D" oO>$4pM>WՔzT?i}CM$ܚIsֈDC oO>~)Y,.Ɛ }]HPZVI9E-x(886 Q*'(RUNQ@ (ɑ2"lXp`M>BJJobGhCà oؑ!!Aj%Y%7# mo:#,"bdJ xf@#/ebroty˝}wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmǬŵe=ڏVzk_0ܤuXDxUi(5.sN,= @8PQ>aMo˻ox(꿄Y;V\ɜh SII|ٶgſ>.^ fpqtG&&Y!IPK np3k`8[]%(9D$\䉉Hq2x j$ *XGb"s*oN\e=5JhQHqra@[#ZBV{ϛeE4tS_GLJ$LLCʓ&8v4ƈD$`0DD<LH9.CM@4 @4LL'1)z]GϬ-!|]gV~؅)o3k:!4n&QLHQ08ġFWq?T|j4jFMVS‚^D D"0y1 /"X[ԓdΈDy1!HmϋptN?ew&nRBب/]YO{ BfpqD4P @(P 5+7[bRp7Gdμ"s[8FNhh7X7IEoӴKHȔHA@z=Z$ P" H8y1DD!x'9M&e%b2h"zKa Q烢uu` =W pya@|,,gſQ(sM䉉H#,2ePŊѢ}8ʻeYop@4Cb1Hd1<12.&_ǝ*p?%N:ҥzNr̤zKa-e}qI`h!(8 A (TH{Al)L9GD:99g g&qx9 %Ƌ ]8*$C8.pST1ARM(Pq2RkF>А:Ʉ 8`(%r_h*L1sLR2Qm2g% &C6o2!hG&LPqx  *$@ \DD(THp% &AJ/k]ݷGZkY/W]}z7Va':ɿ:rνV{eDe68+Qed6:*BJI)X Q*)~l/ϋ}ԅh"(-D$*BJJobG}8IHPZA>a‰M;D@AF)B#Rpp`vIL wx$(ɑ2"l^li5N$(-h"(,[3R/N bۺ2%"sՔo Rp22Q>V~YɎ:d8+ї`s&tT9`>-fpqtRC dA{ԅGW2gCD"*$@pp`vZ15sfUJQ(sM䉉H#,2e(9,Xa%ї`8G@FpUgτO9x(|e]`UzKa:04@4@}e8IHPY OIs=#P;DTb$D@aD4+7Y^oV"%+}DAa'U !dȉ(`8 %45^o̙e .;kDQ$PX'6lgſZ$ PqWh"(,$I"D! 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Make sure that "%1$s" is valid, and that it is properly defined in /etc/hosts. If so, confirm that local name resolution is in effect by checking that "local" is the first "hosts" option in /etc/netsvc.conf.\n\n' "$new_name" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi elif [[ $new_name == *\.* ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): The specified new label appears to be in FQDN format: \"$new_name\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG new_name=${new_name%%\.*} print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): Stripping off the domain results in a new label of \"$new_name\"." >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi if [[ $new_network == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then new_network=$current_network fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_harvestIP_scripts -u $persistent_ip | tail -1 | cut -d: -f4" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands nettype=$(cl_harvestIP_scripts -u $persistent_ip) integer cmd_rc=$? (( cmd_rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR nettype=$(print -- "$nettype" | tail -1 | cut -d: -f4) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_harvestIP_scripts RC: $cmd_rc (nettype == $nettype)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result typeset netarg=$prefix if [[ -n $netmask ]]; then netarg=$netmask fi if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchnode -n $nodename -a ${persistent_ip}:${new_name}:${nettype}:${new_network}::persistent::${hwaddr}:${netarg}::${site}:" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clchnode -n $nodename \ -a ${persistent_ip}:${new_name}:${nettype}:${new_network}::persistent::${hwaddr}:${netarg}::${site}: rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchnode RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ -n $new_name ]] && persistent_ip=$new_name if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes "$persistent_ip" properties fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 'For more information about available options and syntax, try\n"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1$s". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv" (or "/usr/bin/man clmgr"),\nsearching for "%2$s" in the displayed ext.\n\n' \ "modify persistent_ip -h" "PERSISTENT IP/LABEL:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_persistent_ip()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_persistent_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 10/20/15 18:14:19 Last Changed: 10/16/15 14:31:26 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1543A_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify persistent_ip \ [ NAME= ] \ [ NETWORK= ] \ [ {NETMASK=<###.###.###.###> | PREFIX=1..128} ] NOTE: the alias for "persistent_ip" is "pe". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified persistent IP to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. persistent_ip [REQUIRED] [string] The IP address or label of the persistent IP that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] A new address to apply for this persistent IP. 4. new_network [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of a new network that this address should be bound to. 5. prefix [OPTIONAL] [string] A new prefix length for this persistent IP. 6. netmask [OPTIONAL] [string] A new netmask for this persistent IP. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== #  kꦉJ3+3<bbb&3< # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volumecy#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volume.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volume.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volume # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to modify physical volume names in the cluster configuration. # The C-SPOC utility "cl_rendisk" is what is used. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, below, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volume { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volume.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset disk=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset new_name=${1//\"/} typeset -l scsipr_action=${2//\"/} typeset refnode=${3//\"/} typeset -l all_nodes=${4//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN i=0 typeset data= #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $disk != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_physical_volume "$disk" "$refnode" data if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$disk" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 153 "Available Physical Volumes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_physical_volume available "" "" for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi #================= : Validate input #================= else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ -n $all_nodes ]]; then case $all_nodes in @(t|y)*) all_nodes=true ;; @(f|n)*) all_nodes=false ;; ?) dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' ALL_NODES "$all_nodes" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 'Valid values: %1$s\n\n' "false, true" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT ;; esac fi if [[ "$new_name$scsipr_action" == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 '\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for "%1$s".\n\n' "$disk" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #=================================================================== : Modify the physical volume if no input errors have been detected #=================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset nodes= n= name= p= pvid= uuid= rest= print -- "$data" |\ while IFS=: read nodes n p uuid rest; do name=$n pvid=$p for node in ${nodes//,/ }; do if [[ " $disk_nodes " != *\ $node\ * ]]; then [[ -n $disk_nodes ]] && disk_nodes="$disk_nodes " disk_nodes="$disk_nodes$node" fi done done # # Find all the nodes that this disk is visible on within the cluster # print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): LC_ALL=C cllspvids" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG data=$(LC_ALL=C cllspvids) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllspvids RC: $?" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print -- "$data" | grep -w "$pvid" |\ while read line; do if [[ $line == *"on all cluster nodes"* ]]; then for node in $(clnodename); do if [[ " $disk_nodes " != *\ $node\ * ]]; then disk_nodes="${disk_nodes:+$disk_nodes }$node" fi done elif [[ $line == *" on node "* ]]; then line=${line#* on node } line=${line%% *} if [[ " $disk_nodes " != *\ $line\ * ]]; then disk_nodes="${disk_nodes:+$disk_nodes }$line" fi elif [[ $line == *" on nodes "* ]]; then line=${line#* on nodes } line=${line%% *} for node in ${line//,/ }; do if [[ " $disk_nodes " != *\ $node\ * ]]; then disk_nodes="${disk_nodes:+$disk_nodes }$node" fi done fi done if [[ -n $scsipr_action ]]; then if [[ $scsipr_action == "clear" ]]; then # #Check if given disk is resrved or not , if not then throw an error else go ahead and clear the reservation # typeset reservstate="" reservstate=$(LC_ALL=C devrsrv -c query -l $name|grep 'Device Reservation State'|awk 'NR==2'|cut -f2 -d:|sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//') if [[ -z $reservstate ]];then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 397 "\nERROR: Unable to read the reservation state of disk \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 rc=RC_ERROR else if [[ $reservstate == "NO RESERVE" ]];then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 398 "\nERROR: Disk \"%1\$s\" is not reserved , this operation must be run to clear the reservation of disk if it is reserved.\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 rc=RC_ERROR else # : Clearing the registrations from the physical volume # print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clpr_clear $name" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG clpr_clear $name 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clpr_clear RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc == 14 ));then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 396 "\nERROR: Unable to open the disk \"%1\$s\" ,please check if disk is already being opened by some other process.\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 rc=RC_ERROR elif (( $rc == 12 ));then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 395 "\nERROR: Given disk \"%1\$s\" is a remote disk so can not perform this operation.\n\n" "$name" 1>&2 rc=RC_ERROR elif (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 109 "\nERROR: the operation appears to have failed.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=RC_ERROR fi fi fi else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 '\nERROR: invalid value specified for "%1$s": "%2$s".\n' SCSIPR_ACTION "$scsipr_action" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 'Valid values: %1$s\n' "clear" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi if [[ -n $new_name ]]; then typeset yOpt= [[ $all_nodes == "true" ]] && yOpt=" -Y $pvid" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rendisk -cspoc \"-n ${disk_nodes// /,}\" -N \"$new_name\"$yOpt $disk $pvid" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cl_rendisk -cspoc "-n ${disk_nodes// /,}" \ -N $new_name$yOpt \ $disk rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_rendisk RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR elif [[ -n $new_name ]]; then physical_volume=$new_name fi fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_physical_volume_attributes "$disk" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 'For more information about available options and syntax, try\n"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1$s". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv" (or "/usr/bin/man clmgr"),\nsearching for "%2$s" in the displayed text.\n\n' \ "modify physical_volume -h" "PHYSICAL VOLUME:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volume()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_physical_volume =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify physical_volume \ NAME= \ [ NODE= ] clmgr modify physical_volume \ SCSIPR_ACTION= \ [ NODE= ] NOTE: a reference "NODE" may be required if the specified disk is provided via a device name, such as "hdisk#". If the disk is specified via its PVID, then no reference node is needed. NOTE: the alias for "physical_volume" is "pv". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified SystemMirror physical volume to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. disk [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the physical volume that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] A new label to attempt to apply to the specified physical volume. 4. SCSIPR_ACTION [OPTIONAL] [string] To clear the disk of scsi persistent reserve registrations. 5. refnode [OPTIONAL] [string] The reference node for this physical volume. 6. all_nodes [OPTIONAL] [boolean] A flag indicating whether or not to update all nodes in the cluster with the new disk name, as appropriate. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== t in  lJK3+,bbb&~ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_resourcegroupecy   = aeinrst"$CER_cdflopuAILMNOPST[\]bghmy#&()-./12:;DFGUvw!*,0>BHKVYk{}%'4x|+34yTƑPdP*-*n4MY8W% [jlɠpO'eu ƱYXJA"P8 DxFNp&1?"  m"`|kSA DC ݸ%90xR&VT(sVm8%8(b̄N4n@|TҠvb̺}xӌlVZ+ 2Նjl!ASpUC#S x>cPV+ j|BYnB\F[MpOd5MFMW3 Ґ[өF{#2 ndu˂Mvb̀33N!m5 !XN q17 ֳ } JAn2̝8IX8%84h%!឴T,0vb̲̀1'$ZnʛjaLo6iX,7 0wf=u?9<)G:}s4nr pN*A/M+gpօ``vJ1}SeL4laq8U ixO=M=4DVfN Wn@`QBnJ,#>үϚV' a7 3`ᩇ8%7wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn]+X,8DIq,7Jb^2X^`[EB袑B``Spdғ[9CY&(8HDQ ,0"Gps;x7wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv,R |(/b &bwMݻZ!\6<մEAr $9P+ǍSB8Q)g<5bJL94i2c"4DJe $<\J &H\*I4RP50q"84YAI(82IGH8Te*QZH*H4$ I0r* $)P$Pq1d** &UAQ((U" @|!r%T="R!*4=% $d&4/Ʀ˸ETLM!E &PhSP4(838(*4U$DHPIG"L$@ȍ*8" )q&S`y $""SdEAAFDJLq$(Lȃ$Pc&89BdDDSL]I $4LqPr9B$H\"(DJ $<\J &H\]P)&UBcJIQ*Q$.W(b "PhS 4dLPq@f]&*&5H!tK(MD(H]4RŒ"M"j&BB颖UHPhpңT I1d jIhĈ@qB(.LPiTdɦMD(H]4R=:) 2U:$1g*52Qǒ*4xPAARP!jwֳS>fz%Tm{uRFV3a/T6gu Bcfw "Jum;an,1g=ȘȞąF1gD$4iy!Hą =]0e텻 Ş* "{ȊwaPP,x(L waF!1;an,1g&D"LLXPCQ(4G DdEAG[A4TEI%TDW-@!3CkYаCQ(4`-jS(X `#oF 1AKl r Ae…F 1ALsSphE"$XQj4rh"x !:7LE ^EgA$ gB£G DҦ'犍<5eB]5mPqI&HPqb]\1ŰhZ&[(XThࡨTG ˻ gB£G D`#ea/TogdРxx?+ajq8+B}MNjq8+Bz N'3ehSBL 1H;vL YIC]H*̖|ɕK@!H*̖|ɕ@8~wN BZ FГ+B N'3ehSBU,+B7wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnҍoɐAZ/FW8ƼiɑlnŴ&k ,XJ=X 00'$GH,,<w#㈤D 8,j$ iU' 2ՁT0,A<,/d/|Xy X `"'L00OY|meB&80YbTiH>'8ʸkb9A2 !]2ڜe\5\-BPRO9 (+ z @eI<<4 0'$01zh aDyd(]GMBb/$Lb[2d0"3 Ze<. <. ^E {[Tk ӌa g trZٓCȼBPRO9J*I Y$hh PxD@"h&I4D*|l6ZV‚)Wέop@ I!Q@CFI  nw{ty=j4rh"}YFyZ̠|,/a$Тܖ&f2Z6 ,+ɨ@L@3ƌ>,<Ȳ($^E~ wN Be;R"K P5b4ehSx̱6aaX`10=f]Ŵ|Xy Y[e Q#3*ᭈ痪>,<,LOwwjqpswww]%_Z4ٞAy^0XBq\SoXni6gɝ0u.bֳ  4dLPq@a Xz0`30`OIg-,@i(Ae… "4Y%P`O5 x20FPMGMBDyd PX /$Lb\d0"0FWfysQP^\D.xqyDhJ&(83=Nj|jQ5APEt@Y5)\k؊nQP'VMDiU&.U w9~U8LfFWW;0|HLb*N wW>LXPDE%$'-@Tq(8L(+Dh &R@Tq(8L"4z)g*8LƂ{ Űh "4z)1bAY "4z)QFPe,G=BBh̠|,/a)%>'I֣G(k # 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./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)95 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:48:24 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:53 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:48:24 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 ARGUMENTS =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset parent=${1//\"/} typeset -n children=$2 [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $parent ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" PARENT 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -z $children ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" CHILD 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t'PARENT_CHILD' -a -p\"$parent\" -c\"$children\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clrgdependency -t'PARENT_CHILD' -a -p"$parent" -c"$children" rc=$? print "clrgdependency RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_rgdependency()" w ktiN3+xNbbb&xN # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ipy#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ip.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ip.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ip # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to modify service IPs. It primarily uses the "clchnode" # utility to make all specified changes. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: The properties hash is populated. The only other outputs are # any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, below, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ip { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ip.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset service_ip=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset new_name=${1//\"/} typeset new_network=${2//\"/} typeset netmask=${3//\"/} typeset prefix=${4//\"/} typeset hwaddr=${5//\"/} typeset site=${6//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset nodename= current_network= nim_name= #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip "$service_ip" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $service_ip ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$service_ip" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 156 "Available Service IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi # # make sure new label is resolvable before we go on # if [[ -n $new_name ]]; then typeset NAME="" IS="" ADDR="" REM="" LC_ALL=C host $new_name 2>/dev/null | read NAME IS ADDR REM if (( $? != 0 )) then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 767 '\nERROR: Address or name \"$new_name\" cannot be resolved. Check the input and name resolution then try again.\n' $new_name 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi #====================================================== : Make sure the customer provided something to change #====================================================== if [[ "$*" == *([[:space:]]) && \ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " != *\ SITE_IP\ * ]] then typeset ERRMSG=$(dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 '\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for "%1$s".\n\n' "$service_ip") print -u2 "$ERRMSG" # This strips off one of the newlines unset ERRMSG rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT class="service_ip" display_operation_syntax 0 2>&1 | sed "s//$service_ip/g" 1>&2 fi if [[ -n $new_network ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_network "$new_network" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$new_network" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 150 "Available Networks:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_networks available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi if [[ $site != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then if [[ $CLUSTER_TYPE != @(SC|LC) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 267 '\nERROR: the "%1$s" option is not appropriate for a cluster type of "%2$s".\n\n' SITE "$CLUSTER_TYPE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ $site != "ignore" ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site "$site" >/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$site" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 157 "Available Sites:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_sites available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi fi if [[ -n $netmask && -n $prefix ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 36 '\nERROR: conflicting options were provided,\n "%1$s" versus "%2$s".\n\n' NETMASK PREFIX 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && [[ -n $netmask || -n $prefix ]]; then typeset ifName="" ifType="" network="" rest="" DATA="" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif -cS" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands DATA=$(cllsif -cS) integer cmd_rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print -- "$DATA" |\ while IFS=: read ifName ifType network rest; do [[ $ifName == $service_ip ]] && break done print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -n -q name=$network -f net_family HACMPnetwork" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG typeset NET_FAMILY=$(clodmget -n -q name=$network -f net_family HACMPnetwork) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $? (NET_FAMILY=$NET_FAMILY)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cllsif -J \\\\\| -Sn $service_ip 2>/dev/null | cut -d\\\\\| -f 15" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG typeset AF=$(cllsif -J \| -Sn $service_ip 2>/dev/null | cut -d\| -f 15) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $? (AF=$AF)" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -z $AF || $AF != AF_INET* ]]; then # # address/label is not yet defined in the cluster - make sure # it is at least resolvable before we go on # typeset NAME="" IS="" ADDR="" REM="" LC_ALL=C host $service_ip | read NAME IS ADDR REM if (( $? != 0 )) then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 767 '\nERROR: Address or name \"$service_ip\" cannot be resolved. Check the input and name resolution then try again.\n' $service_ip 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND else # # determine family based on general format # AF="AF_INET6" if [[ $NAME == +([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9]) || $ADDR == +([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9])\.+([0-9])?(,) ]] then AF="AF_INET" fi fi fi if [[ -n $netmask || -n $prefix ]]; then if [[ $AF == "AF_INET" && $NET_FAMILY == 2 ]]; then : The address, $service_ip, is IPv4 if [[ $prefix != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then netmask=$prefix prefix="" fi elif [[ $AF == "AF_INET6" && $NET_FAMILY == 1 ]]; then : The address, $service_ip, is IPv6 if [[ $netmask != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then prefix=$netmask netmask="" fi elif [[ $AF == "AF_INET" && $NET_FAMILY == 1 || \ $AF == "AF_INET6" && $NET_FAMILY == 2 ]] then #==================================================== : The network and address are of the same type. : Netmask/Prefix is not needed, and cannot be used. #==================================================== typeset TYPE="IPv4" [[ $NET_FAMILY == 2 ]] && TYPE="IPv6" cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 271 'The specified address, "%1$s", is of the same type (%2$s) as the specified network, "%3$s". So the netmask/prefix information specified for "%1$s" is not needed, and will instead be taken from "%3$s".\n' "$service_ip" "$TYPE" "$network" netmask="" prefix="" fi elif [[ -z $netmask && -z $prefix ]] && \ [[ $AF == "AF_INET" && $NET_FAMILY == 2 || \ $AF == "AF_INET6" && $NET_FAMILY == 1 ]] then typeset ADDR_TYPE="IPv4" [[ $AF == "AF_INET6" ]] && ADDR_TYPE="IPv6" typeset NET_TYPE="IPv4" [[ $NET_FAMILY == 2 ]] && NET_TYPE="IPv6" if [[ $ADDR_TYPE == "IPv6" ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 272 '\nERROR: the specified address, "%1$s", is of a different type (%2$s) than the specified network, "%3$s" (%4$s). A prefix length must be provided.\n\n' "$service_ip" "$ADDR_TYPE" "$network" "$NET_TYPE" 1>&2 else cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 273 '\nERROR: the specified address, "%1$s", is of a different type (%2$s) than the specified network, "%3$s" (%4$s). A netmask must be provided.\n\n' "$service_ip" "$ADDR_TYPE" "$network" "$NET_TYPE" 1>&2 fi rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi fi if [[ $prefix != *([[:space:]]) ]] && \ ( [[ $prefix != +([[:digit:]]) ]] || (( prefix < 1 || prefix > 128 )) ) then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 113 '\nERROR: an invalid IPv6 prefix length was specified: %1$s\n\n' "$prefix" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 'Valid values: %1$s\n\n' "1 .. 128" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #============================================================== : Modify the service IP if no input errors have been detected #============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset netarg="" if [[ -n $netmask ]]; then netarg="$netmask" elif [[ -n $prefix ]]; then netarg="$prefix" fi #===================================================== : Need to retrieve existing data for this service IP #===================================================== print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): odmget -q \"ip_label=$service_ip\" HACMPadapter" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands odmget -q "ip_label=$service_ip" HACMPadapter |\ while IFS='=' read name value; do name=$(echo $name) value=${value//\"/} [[ $name == "nodename" ]] && nodename=$(echo $value) [[ $name == "network" ]] && current_network=$(echo $value) done eval $(clodmget -q ip_label=$service_ip HACMPadapter | tr ':' '\n') if [[ $new_name == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then new_name=$service_ip # The name was not changed fi if [[ $new_network == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then new_network=$current_network fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget -q name=$network -f nimname HACMPnetwork" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands nim_name=$(clodmget -q name=$network -f nimname HACMPnetwork) print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clodmget RC: $?; nim_name == \"$nim_name\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchnode -T service ${nodename:+-n $nodename} -a ${service_ip}:${new_name}:${nim_name//\\\"/}:${new_network}::service::${hwaddr}:${netarg}::${site}:" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clchnode -T service ${nodename:+-n $nodename} \ -a ${service_ip}:${new_name}:${nim_name//\"/}:${new_network}::service::${hwaddr}:${netarg}::${site}: rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clchnode RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ -n $new_name ]] && name=$new_name if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_service_ip_attributes "$name" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 'For more information about available options and syntax, try\n"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1$s". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv" (or "/usr/bin/man clmgr"),\nsearching for "%2$s" in the displayed text.\n\n' \ "modify service_ip -h" "SERVICE IP/LABEL:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ip()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_service_ip =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify service_ip \ [ NAME= ] \ [ NETWORK= ] \ [ PREFIX= ] \ [ HWADDR= ] \ [ SITE= ] NOTE: the alias for "service_ip" is "si". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified service IP to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. service_ip [REQUIRED] [string] The IP address or label of the service IP that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] The new IP address or lable that is to take the place of the specified service IP. 4. new_network [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of a new network bind this address within. 5. netmask [OPTIONAL] [string] A netmask to use with the service IP. 6. prefix [OPTIONAL] [string] A prefix length to use with the service IP. 7. hwaddr [OPTIONAL] [string] The hardware address to apply. 8. site [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of the site to use this service IP within. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #==============================================================================  lP3+Zbbb&6 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_site   =einorst $_acdhlp"#CEILMNORSfmuy(),-./12:AGPT[\]bgvw&'0;>BDHKUk!%3457Sp+{"wqVZ b9/:cȝT6geSp+{"vU&Im%Ok|yW{D\!@@@ FAUȩo E "dE "Tȡ@@H4q%8' 2T9A80V`e8)r^u=:?DOR  % D!m% DC8:K1Lq%LA 4ayQ2!2f"?DOzuQ&Xs DaP bkt ,_qVZ4wT'KIf)8XPLW4J')P(L"{ EDŢ҄QIE0Ed$D#&p ޝ0Ee0`dI iBmmmm)1{ƚsͥ9mmmmD@2ċ%  **22Q4r3 zddFQQ(5lFpH' n==:H4QG# *OR  % D!m% DC8, C $`s[;scGYiN2cԘq67!PE h@:K1M5RzI_ McN2m8lj_&j&75c h+du22?F @ #h$DP0Ee0`dI iBmmmmmmm?K*Nx|VtB.7/{*|]Mmmmmmm./@PI9 `Ȓ,0(d\ 8̓$1Qc#'YiAspaDQC$-DQC2(gAb(a.`KkĖb(LM(͆;/ l4S4q <8a cЃ##h$DP0E̙&XQeBBammmmmmmOɚ&x/)%@r^Gxx't8Mn)0?K,\H%L%&<]"L7rSsϔ;cL7![mmmmmmmm XWt=  @^bFQ.d,ddYi鬊\h(TP&I h(TP%L`' 4 oEd6X5<i[\IyM* 4a@ ? 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All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_snapshot.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) c93cc36 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 25 2021 03:14 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_snapshot =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify snapshot \ [ NAME="" ] \ [ DESCRIPTION="" ] NOTE: the alias for "snapshot" is "sn". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified PowerHA snapshot to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. snapshot [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the snapshot that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] A new name to use for the snapshot. Note that the .odm suffix of the snapshot file itself is preserved. 4. new_desc [OPTIONAL] [string] A new description to apply to the specified snapshot. Note that this option modifies the "description" section within the snapshot file itself but does not rename the snapshot. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_modify_snapshot # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to modify a snapshot of the cluster configuration. Since # a snapshot is primarily a backup of the SystemMirror ODMs, # the only things that can be modified are the names of the # snapshot files, and the description associated with them. # # Inputs: refer to the "devDoc()" function, above. # # Outputs: No explicit outputs, other than the normal clsnapshot # output, along with any error messages that might be needed. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, above, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_modify_snapshot { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) c93cc36 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 25 2021 03:14 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset snapshot=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset new_name=${1//\"/} typeset new_desc=${2#\"} new_desc=${new_desc%\"} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset dopt= Nopt= typeset -i i=0 #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $snapshot != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot "$snapshot" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $snapshot ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 158 "Available Snapshots:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$snapshot" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 158 "Available Snapshots:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" elif [[ -z $new_name ]] && [[ " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " == *\ NAME\ * ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1422 "\nERROR: Cannot modify name of a snapshot as an empty string. Please provide a valid input.\n" rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ "$*" == *([[:space:]]) && " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " != *\ DESCRIPTION\ * ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$snapshot" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #============================================================ : Modify the snapshot if no input errors have been detected #============================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then : Provide escaping for some characters that are not safe in an eval new_desc=${new_desc//\$\(/\\\$\(} new_desc=${new_desc//\`/\\\`} new_desc=${new_desc//\"/\\\"} : Provide character entity replacement, a la HTML new_desc=${new_desc//\&apos\;/\'} new_desc=${new_desc//\"\;/\\\"} new_desc=${new_desc//\<\;/\<} new_desc=${new_desc//\>\;/\>} new_desc=${new_desc//\&\;/\&} new_desc=${new_desc//\&excl\;/\!} [[ -n $new_desc ]] && dopt="-d \"$new_desc\"" [[ -z $new_desc && " ${!_ENV_ARGS[*]} " == *\ DESCRIPTION\ * ]] && dopt="-d \" \"" # This is to handle DESCRIPTION="" case [[ -n $new_name ]] && Nopt="-N $new_name" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): eval clsnapshot -R -n $snapshot $Nopt $dopt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands eval "clsnapshot -R -n $snapshot $Nopt $dopt" rc=$? print "clsnapshot RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ -n $new_name ]] && name=$new_name if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_snapshot_attributes "$name" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify snapshot -h" "SNAPSHOT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_snapshot()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ ]]) ] kTcW3+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agentoncy#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agent.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)46 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 12/3/12 09:10:01 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agent =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:03 Last Changed: 12/3/12 09:10:01 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify storage_agent \ [ NAME= ] \ [ ADDRESSES=[,...] ] \ [ USER= ] \ [ PASSWORD= ] \ [ ATTRIBUTES=@[,@,...] ] NOTE: the alias for "storage_agent" is "sta". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify a storage agent. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. storage_agent [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the object to be modified. 3. new_name [REQUIRED] [set] A new label to apply to this object 4. addresses [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more (maximum of 4) IP addresses to be associated with this storage agent. 5. user [OPTIONAL] [string] The user ID to be used for communication with this storage agent. 6. password [OPTIONAL] [string] The password that is to be used with the provided user ID. 7. attributes [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more storage-specific configuration attributes. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agent { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agent.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset storage_agent=${2//\"/} typeset new_name=${3//\"/} typeset addresses=${4//\"/} typeset user=${5//\"/} typeset password=${6//\"/} typeset attributes=${7//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi CL=$LINENO isEnterprise if (( $? != 1 )); then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 184 "\nERROR: this operation requires IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Enterprise Edition.\n\n" 1>&2 log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -A saAttrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes "$storage_agent" saAttrs typeset type=${saAttrs[TYPE]} typeset existing CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents existing 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $storage_agent ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ " ${existing[*]} " != *\ $storage_agent\ * ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$storage_agent" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 163 "Available Storage Agents:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_storage_agents available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================================================================= : Create the storage agent if no input errors have been detected #================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then typeset nameOpt= addrOpt= userOpt= pswdOpt= attrsOpt= [[ $new_name != *([[:space:]]) ]] && nameOpt=" -N $new_name" [[ $addresses != *([[:space:]]) ]] && addrOpt=" -i $addresses" [[ $user != *([[:space:]]) ]] && userOpt=" -u $user" [[ $password != *([[:space:]]) ]] && pswdOpt=" -p $password" if [[ -n $attributes ]]; then for pair in ${attributes//,/ }; do attrsOpt="$attrsOpt -o${pair//@/ }" done fi print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAXDWIZ/clxd_change_sa_director -n $storage_agent -s $type$nameOpt$addrOpt$userOpt$pswdOpt$attrsOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAXDWIZ/clxd_change_sa_director -n $storage_agent -s $type$nameOpt$addrOpt$userOpt$pswdOpt$attrsOpt rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clxd_create_sa_director RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 400 "\nERROR: failed to modify \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$storage_agent" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_storage_agent_attributes "$storage_agent" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "add storage_agent -h" "STORAGE AGENT:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_agent()" requi lX3+@0bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_storage_systemncy     =e ainrst"$O_cdmop/ACEGILMNRST[\]bfghluy#&()-.012:>Pvw*,4;WenS՝yӖ`d z؆Z*} N/Vvm@h4W,Y1 |dAE4+" &T&AAAM 8`Po%ck`C`a*#DA&*,T؋ڒC)< ĄA j<$2n q!!@& ЬSb+sU ob|@tobhWq> DIhWSpX"HyANJ4+aa)Fxrpr-x,$v)̷1 g;[`ڳt3w0{[qRHe;_0TxJJq|osןq?s6vvynu 0r)HbW3M7gO3ϖfna1RS(4ħ ؎Sb.;{'.lft¯tl]=MC)n[0r)HbSt˞Zȃvs=|^q)He;\=\^&*\e54,D zהak9{1g6>6" ka1RS(4ħ=|;yz3jnSb.;|v# >nI^ػx=(~喍W,bȦPi#YN/M,b(' 9KLF_X PNAn" bȦPi#YN/M,b(' 9NLT $k1):iq6=]V qPE{t\ JLT $k1):i2y#Y^6ە d=q?6BQq0r)H` @1۠} CgNY]S%;|7 k;͹PZ=nXG*<,sd?B" |UONY[ZkiThO m`EwNv ^7M@=iVobH1@pT]q qRHe;_ 7'BX~8i" ©\apP C"c<q(8!RSb.;jI k#@H#A8 ɺ8ĄqH$oD#sA(TrȖ,DG(8`j:)"PyDonh# )ݿB?6BQqt4PsF\\8$HAŮ/8GI\`Xeyå82T,Y{7*4,ܮxsI<Q0QnW>/y03Hە eFbǟCA\\6%I"PyD,bᣉ}򚒛qRHe;^]_)q!AD&@ɊLRDQ< $D8hb|\vԒNחao4pHPQ!ĉ*rb kªxYӽeUUUUUUUUMy8t6"㶤vh+ F|-&W:ZC UB$LU [3JTOw/cݟA)f, =kX< DP,IV*9BdK"PJ ˵}34tV|04jt6"㶤v4 z%IwDPC UBeDLyR̢L#(1r2ͺ<"L30GE)M$2"($%IwDPC UBe@Ng<؋Y kL DP,I8p H$aosA0V k0 XEtO4j ɗ+bf7Ð hA+S|Ihxr-[i"(uB`91CJ.z`ƎJ/z=V3 R^|Ѭ,/0cJ.5iJlEmI!|ѠW3&W:ZC UB$LU [4LyR6" kg6>b?r{Se"e)D>];6"p_r>f`Pu DP,KoUPAɕ*v]ҝ`r&hnh6gH]ҝ1ˣ8\0'&\459&][t4v9f7Ŝ}InLܛ3"frÝ,--` 'Nqyf7Ŝ}IӜ^mCa0V a6g*E&frØH$,,`3 á喍W,ѠW3 7+Diw%H:ExpvNYhܥrGr 8ۖȎDܦ0i=Ѭ,/zlΑßDQot4ȖhM8q'$=91CI0r4 &9 \`{s0cHە eFbǟL`i(.2ϰwUt @D*|"tڒ>6؎ )M$2KJhY3Hl!dٚB43QMl'"3Iٜ@3oUz)H&h1"&PX4OTEe<%%|mY=(((DP1RIiw!}.o(XrՁ .V i:D/t,]H9{E arF+hM)METrF*I-H:H%qѬ,/63R63$W9{E`i( :v7 7*`fU겣&Db%(D<QWʎPAɕ*sG22^!Fa`f[[؋ڒC)qtKL,qHq"d *U2"($kϰuHF /#)ETtR GE"DJ(-a4'c,bᣉ <%6"㶤v`j-HP kZ3+-bbb&- # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)74 1.6 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 4/29/16 06:30:11 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.6 Last Extracted: 5/3/16 18:54:04 Last Changed: 4/29/16 06:30:11 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr modify tape \ [ NAME= ] \ [ DEVICE= ] \ [ DESCRIPTION= ] \ [ STARTSCRIPT="" ] \ [ START_SYNCHRONOUSLY={yes|no} ] \ [ STOPSCRIPT="" ] \ [ STOP_SYNCHRONOUSLY={yes|no} ] NOTE: the alias for "tape" is "tp". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to modify the specified PowerHA tape device to conform to the provided specifications. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the modified object can be returned to the caller. 2. tape [REQUIRED] [string] The label of the tape that is to be modified. 3. new_name [OPTIONAL] [string] A new label to attempt to apply to the specified tape. 4. device [REQUIRED] [string] The name for this tape device. 5. description [OPTIONAL] [string] A description of the tape device. If no description is provided, then one will be automatically generated. 6. start_script [OPTIONAL] [abspath] The start script for the tape device. 7. start_sync [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like indicator of whether or not that tape device is to be started synchronously. 8. stop_script [OPTIONAL] [abspath] The stop script for the tape device. 9. stop_sync [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like indicator of whether or not that tape device is to be stopped synchronously. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.6, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1618A_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n properties=$1 typeset tape=${2//\"/} shift; shift typeset new_name=${1//\"/} typeset device=${2//\"/} typeset description=${3//\"/} typeset start_script=${4//\"/} typeset -l start_sync=${5//\"/} typeset stop_script=${6//\"/} typeset -l stop_sync=${7//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 #================================================================ : Assuming an object was specified, see if it is a known object #================================================================ if [[ $tape != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_tape "$tape" (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ -z $tape ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$tape" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 159 "Available Tapes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_tapes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if [[ -n $description && $description == *:* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 103 "\nERROR: one or more invalid characters were detected in \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n\n" DESCRIPTION ":" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $start_script && $start_script != /* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$start_script" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $start_script && ! -e $start_script ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$start_script" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ -n $start_script && $start_script == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 108 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" attribute's value contains whitespace,\nwhich is not allowed: \"%2\$s\"\n\n" STARTSCRIPT "$start" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $stop_script && $stop_script != /* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 106 "\nERROR: the specified path does not appear to be in absolute format:\n%1\$s\n\n" "$stop_script" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $stop_script && ! -e $stop_script ]]; then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 107 '\nERROR: the specified path/file does not appear to exist on "%2$s": %1$s\n\n' "$stop_script" "$LOCAL_NODE" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if [[ -n $stop_script && $stop_script == *[[:space:]]* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 108 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" attribute's value contains whitespace,\nwhich is not allowed: \"%2\$s\"\n\n" STOPSCRIPT "$stop" 1>&2 fi if [[ -n $start_sync && $start_sync != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" START_SYNCHRONOUSLY "$stop_sync" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ -n $stop_sync && $stop_sync != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" STOP_SYNCHRONOUSLY "$stop_sync" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ "$*" == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 401 "\nERROR: no valid modifications were specified for \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$tape" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #======================================================== : Modify the tape if no input errors have been detected #======================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then [[ -n $new_name ]] && new_name_opt=" -N $new_name" [[ -n $device ]] && device_opt=" -d $device" [[ -n $start_script ]] && start_script_opt=" -p $start_script" [[ -n $stop_script ]] && stop_script_opt=" -P $stop_script" [[ $start_sync == @(y|t)* ]] && start_sync_opt=" -s1" # Sync [[ $start_sync == @(n|f)* ]] && start_sync_opt=" -s0" # Async [[ $stop_sync == @(y|t)* ]] && stop_sync_opt=" -S1" # Sync [[ $stop_sync == @(n|f)* ]] && stop_sync_opt=" -S0" # Async print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchtape -n\"$tape\" $new_name_opt $device_opt $start_script_opt $start_sync_opt $stop_script_opt $stop_sync_opt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchtape -n"$tape" \ $new_name_opt \ $device_opt \ $start_script_opt \ $start_sync_opt \ $stop_script_opt \ $stop_sync_opt rc=$? print "clchtape RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR elif [[ -n $new_name ]]; then tape=$new_name fi if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && [[ -n $description ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchtape -n\"$tape\" -D\"$description\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchtape -n"$tape" \ -D"$description" rc=$? print "clchtape RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi #=========================================================== : If output from this operation was requested, retrieve it #=========================================================== if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )) || [[ -n $CLMGR_ATTRS ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_tape_attributes "$tape" properties fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify tape -h" "TAPE:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_modify_tape()"  lޮ\3+bbb&w~ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_modify_user    et=ainors $O_cdfhlmpu"./ACEILRST[]gwy(),1:GMNP\bk!#&*-02;>DUvx{|}'3469 bH@(dDI Xxp',{7TtĢLU4dAU1ftܲܳ5{L:NOYzYh༸ q!$. 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_move_persistent_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:25 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:48:34 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr move persistent_ip \ INTERFACE= NOTE: the alias for "persistent_ip" is "pe". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to move the specified persistent address from its current interface to the specified new interface. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. service_ip [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the service IP to be moved. 2. new_interface [REQUIRED] [string] The name of an interface to move the service IP to. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_move_persistent_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_persistent_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset persistent_ip=${1//\"/} typeset new_interface=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset -A properties #========================================================================== : Verify that each specified object exists before attempting the operation #========================================================================== if [[ $persistent_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_persistent_ip "$persistent_ip" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$persistent_ip" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $persistent_ip == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then # The specified object was unrecognized /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 152 "Available Persistent Node IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_persistent_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" elif [[ $new_interface == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" INTERFACE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi #=============================================================== : Move the persistent IP if no input errors have been detected #=============================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_persistent_ip_attributes "$persistent_ip" properties #============================================================ : This operation requires an IP address or label... not an : interface name, such as "en3". In testing this has proven : very confusing for new users. So an attempt is made here : to automatically convery any "en#" specifications to a : suitable IP address. #============================================================ if [[ $new_interface == en+([[:digit:]]) ]]; then /usr/sbin/lsattr -El $new_interface 1>/dev/null 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset -A IFs CL=$LINENO get_interfaces IFs "${properties[NODE]}" "$new_interface" if (( ${#IFs[*]} > 0 )); then if [[ ${IFs[$new_interface]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then new_interface=${IFs[$new_interface]} new_interface=${new_interface%%+([[:space:]])*} else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 611 "\nERROR: no usable IP addresses were found on interface \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$new_interface" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clswapaddress \"${properties[NETWORK]}\" \"$persistent_ip\" \"$new_interface\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clswapaddress "${properties[NETWORK]}" \ "$persistent_ip" \ "$new_interface" rc=$? print "clswapaddress RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 128 "\nERROR: failed to move \"%1\$s\" to \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "$persistent_ip" "$new_interface" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "move persistent_ip -h" "PERSISTENT IP/LABEL:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_move_persistent_ip()" *([[ lꆲ`3+Qbbb&0 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_resourcegroup  =einorst "$acdlp#-:CEGILNORST_fghmuv()./1ADMP[\]by,02;>BHUw{%&'*+34KVkx|}!5679Ǧe6s:m @emmmmmmmmmhT&Hd -@r5i\%#ǐ._ 9-CX.vL0dCɁ "_0$Q *XvtkEh@m8z"̔*` *( !(bmmmmmmmmCv<f=Y4ʺeGmWر 2'z;!mmmmmmmmCy:2E+=$*XPV2\"S4?se?.c$`DEטLq_?kƷJ ⢠'%'R&Hp8 yx#&&`ɔXfPdg#!rF(T@zN /B pOELA‚L(LBXX7jFXhԾ[VC`p^TaJΓ͡X5MrFb&J!n\%![Fp .H% /ہBE(T@bGmW?:O6iMQ}ruf |?Ղ`o !H2\!H2"\|8 (,PB#z{/‰Cd4|9;\80Q(;]`Rsoq?'e yy<(tRytRkPCVaLO&YEANKP]ltRLB $\ X?8bƝƳoE'GQdQpp9!H2`DHR>3X$5oQN`@ B`ؼXd6COlHYiTGX8t[@goPyhTl:v[e]biUYUv0G4ԝg6ƛ d64Ӟu8 WZNc*3Hi:AZmWQ6ӟd]x贿q$3cM3Ċqsf]g> 16na99N2R,s@bED39Se]4N,st#^^S(2HPdd5LD @gAF81TrpH$ ܨ0NpH$ @gWsa9?CcM9Sݐq83Mqa}Ej ]L9N2- L^^XfNƚsΧ9e $]Xz?ӟ!y8f8|$6ƦU@goΦtƚsΧ9A)?/ln}I8kxNN7?>á,3'OB&t^S~x_ƸV9<ȹI-1+MbbӰ\T1mmmmmmmmmj2nQ5=71eb6)@i+#dqLXhI @fA@emmmmmmmmmڀ☴" D$br+b-mmmmmmmmm kib3+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ipup#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ip.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)19 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 15:48:36 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2ht-ml function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ip =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:28 Last Changed: 6/10/12 15:48:36 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr move service_ip \ INTERFACE= NOTE: the alias for "service_ip" is "se". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to move the specified service address from its current interface to the specified new interface. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. service_ip [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the service IP to be moved. 2. new_interface [REQUIRED] [string] The name of an interface to move the service IP to. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ip { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ip.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset service_ip=${1//\"/} typeset new_interface=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A properties typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 #========================================================================== : Verify that each specified object exists before attempting the operation #========================================================================== if [[ $service_ip != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_service_ip "$service_ip" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$service_ip" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $service_ip == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then # The specified object was unrecognized /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 156 "Available Service IPs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_service_ip available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" elif [[ $new_interface == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" INTERFACE 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_service_ip_attributes "$service_ip" properties if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS || ${#properties[*]} == 0 )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$service_ip" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi #============================================================ : Move the service IP if no input errors have been detected #============================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then #============================================================ : This operation requires an IP address or label... not an : interface name, such as "en3". In testing this has proven : very confusing for new users. So an attempt is made here : to automatically convery any "en#" specifications to a : suitable IP address. #============================================================ if [[ $new_interface == en+([[:digit:]]) ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): /usr/sbin/lsattr -El $new_interface" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands /usr/sbin/lsattr -El $new_interface 1>/dev/null 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG cmd_rc=$? print "lsattr RC: $cmd_rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $cmd_rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset -A IFs CL=$LINENO get_interfaces IFs "${properties[NODE]}" "$new_interface" if (( ${#IFs[*]} > 0 )); then if [[ ${IFs[$new_interface]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then new_interface=${IFs[$new_interface]} new_interface=${new_interface%%+([[:space:]])*} else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 611 "\nERROR: no usable IP addresses were found on interface \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$new_interface" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi fi fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clswapaddress \"${properties[NETWORK]}\" \"$service_ip\" \"$new_interface\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clswapaddress "${properties[NETWORK]}" \ "$service_ip" \ "$new_interface" rc=$? print "clswapaddress RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 128 "\nERROR: failed to move \"%1\$s\" to \"%2\$s\".\n\n" "$service_ip" "$new_interface" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "modify service_ip -h" "SERVICE IP/LABEL:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_move_service_ip()" {#avail lxd3+eWbbb&J4 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_offline_clusterup   =e ainorst$C_cdfhlmu"#AEILMNORSTgp(),-./01:DGPU[\]bvwy&2;>H|'*3459BFKWkx{}%+67qj3Ɲ52@aLDf 0e,$( %~a|#(ېj $V6$  yA4 j*)C$VA`+  Q60+,@ 1lg'RHsRI"XP\0Jj\ᇂùZ0zR fT"ԽӄqȪqXURԃ&.HL"X j\ԽW:PxVץ. 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Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_recover_cluster =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr recover cluster [ CANCEL_EVENT={false|true} ] NOTE: the alias for "cluster" is "cl". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to recover from an event failure on every node with the cluster. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. cancel event [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like value indicates whether the administrator wants to cancel or continue with the remaining event processing. Valid values include: {false|true} =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_recover_cluster { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_cluster.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -l cancel=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset nodelist= node= typeset node_data #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes node_data for (( i=0; i<${#node_data[*]}; i++ )); do nodelist="$nodelist ${node_data[$i]}" done if [[ $nodelist == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 600 "\nERROR: no nodes are defined within this cluster!\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi #============================================================ : Validate the recovery mode #============================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && [[ -n $cancel ]]; then if [[ $cancel != @(1|0|n|f|y|t)* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" CANCEL_EVENT "$cancel" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "false, true" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi #============================================================ : Recover the cluster if no input errors have been detected #============================================================ if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_recover_node "$nodelist" $cancel rc=$? fi if (( $rc == RC_ERROR )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 601 "\nERROR: the recovery effort has failed.\n\n" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_recover_cluster()" BM kw3+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_nodeerroup#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_node.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_node.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_recover_node =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr recover node [,,,...] \ [ CANCEL_EVENT={false|true} ] NOTE: the alias for "node" is "no". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to recover from an event failure on the indicated node(s), defaulting to the local node. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. nodelist [OPTIONAL] [string] The list of nodes that will be recovered. 3. cancel event [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like value indicates whether the administrator wants to cancel or continue with the remaining event processing. Valid values include: {false|true} =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_recover_node { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_node.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset nodelist=${1//\"/} nodelist=${nodelist#+([[:space:]])} nodelist=${nodelist//,/ } typeset -l cancel=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset node= typeset runcmd_flag= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $nodelist == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then nodelist=$LOCAL_NODE if [[ $nodelist == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 602 '\nERROR: no node could be identified on "%1$s".\n\n' "$(hostname)" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi else for node in $nodelist; do node=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node "$node") if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi done fi #========================================================= : Validate the optional recovery mode #========================================================= if [[ -n $cancel ]]; then if [[ $cancel != @(1|0|n|f|y|t)* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" CONTINUE_EVENT "$cancel" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "false, true" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ $cancel == @(1|y|t)* ]]; then runcmd_flag="-c" fi fi #========================================================= : Recover the node if no input errors have been detected #========================================================= typeset -i recoveries=0 if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for node in $nodelist; do typeset state=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_node_state "$node") if [[ $state == *FAILED* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 604 "Attempting to recover from event failures on \"%1\$s\"...\n" "$node" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clruncmd \"$node\" $runcmd_flag" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clruncmd "$node" $runcmd_flag rc=$? print "clruncmd RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 605 "\nERROR: failed to recover from script failure(s) on node \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else (( recoveries++ )) fi else dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 606 "Node \"%1\$s\" is not in a failed state at the moment; no recovery needed.\n" "$node" rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi done elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 151 "Available Nodes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed ext.\n\n" \ "recover node -h" "NODE:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 elif (( $rc == RC_ERROR )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 601 "\nERROR: the recovery effort has failed.\n\n" 1>&2 elif (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( recoveries > 0 )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 607 "Any current event script failures have been recovered from.\nWarning: more may occur if the underlying problem has not been corrected.\n" else dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 608 "At the moment, there are no known event script failures\non the following node(s): %1\$s\n" "${nodelist// /, }" fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_recover_node()" #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ at kLz3+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_siteerroup#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2018,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_site.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2009,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_site.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_recover_site =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr recover site [ CANCEL_EVENT={false|true} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to recover from an event failure on the indicated site(s), defaulting to the local site. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. properties [REQUIRED] [hash ref] An associative array within which data about the created object can be returned to the caller. 2. site [REQUIRED] [string] The site whose nodes are to be recovered. 3. cancel event [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like value indicates whether the administrator wants to cancel or continue with the remaining event processing. Valid values include: {false|true} =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_recover_site { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_recover_site.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset site=${1//\"/} typeset -l cancel=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset -A site_data typeset nodelist= typeset -u uc_attr= #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #================= : Validate input #================= elif [[ $site == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site "$site" >/dev/null (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_site_attributes "$site" site_data for uc_attr in ${!site_data[*]}; do if [[ $uc_attr == NODE* ]]; then nodelist=${site_data[$uc_attr]} fi done fi #========================================================= : Validate the optional recovery mode #========================================================= if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && [[ -n $cancel ]]; then if [[ $cancel != @(1|0|n|f|y|t)* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" CONTINUE_EVENT "$cancel" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "true, false" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi fi #========================================================= : Recover the site if no input errors have been detected #========================================================= typeset -i recoveries=0 if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for node in $nodelist; do typeset state=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_node_state "$node") if [[ $state == *FAILED* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 604 "Attempting to recover from event failures on \"%1\$s\"...\n" "$node" CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_recover_node "$node" $cancel if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 605 "\nERROR: failed to recover from script failure(s) on node \"%1\$s\".\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR else (( recoveries++ )) fi else dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 606 "Node \"%1\$s\" is not in a failed state at the moment; no recovery needed.\n" "$node" fi done elif (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$site" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 157 "Available Sites:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_sites available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed ext.\n\n" \ "recover site -h" "SITE:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 elif (( $rc == RC_ERROR )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 601 "\nERROR: the recovery effort has failed.\n\n" 1>&2 elif (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( recoveries > 0 )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 607 "Success. Any current event script failures have been recovered from (NOTE: more may occur).\n" else dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 608 "There are no known event script failures in site \"%1\$s\" at the moment.\n" "$site" fi fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_recover_site()" el k|3+V bbb&V # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_refresh_mirror_groupncy#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_refresh_mirror_group.sh 1.1 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2ht-ml function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_refresh_mirror_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 10/18/12 17:50:40 Last Changed: 10/8/12 12:21:43 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_refresh_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r712, 1242B_hacmp712 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr refresh mirror_group [,,...] \ [ NODE= ] clmgr refresh mirror_group \ NODES=[,,...] \ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] clmgr refresh mirror_group \ SITE=[,] \ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] [ REPOSITORY_GROUP={yes|no} ] NOTE: the "refresh" action is only valid for DS-Series Inband (HyperSwap) NOTE: the alias for "mirror_group" is "mig". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to refresh the specified HyperSwap mirror groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_groups [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more HyperSwap mirror groups to refresh. 2. nodes [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of one or more cluster nodes. 3. sites [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of one or more cluster sites. 4. system_groups [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates whether or not to include system mirror groups in the refresh. Defaults to "yes". 5. repository_group [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates whether or not to include the repository mirror group in the refresh. Defaults to "yes". =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_refresh_mirror_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_refresh_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r712, 1242B_hacmp712 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values CL=$LINENO OPERATION="refresh" KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group "$@" log_return_msg "$?" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_refresh_mirror_group()" 3/ k~3+0bbb&0 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_groupcy#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)04 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/11/12 09:03:50 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.5 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:40:15 Last Changed: 6/11/12 09:03:50 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group =head1 DESCRIPTION Removes the specified node from a resource group, if the last node from a resource group is removed, then the entire resource group is removed from the HACMP configuration. This is as defined in libclres/clwritecf =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. rg [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the resource group that is to be modified. 2. rmnode [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the node that is to be removed from the specified resource group. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset rg=${1//\"/} typeset rmnode=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -A newnodes typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_group_policy $rg startup fallover fallback (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_group_nodes $rg nodes (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then for node in $nodes; do if [[ "$rmnode" != "$node" ]]; then newnodes[$node]=: fi done print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clchgrp -g $rg -n \"${!newnodes[*]}\" -S $startup -O $fallover -B $fallback" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clchgrp -g $rg -n "${!newnodes[*]}" -S $startup -O $fallover -B $fallback rc=$? print "clchgrp RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_remove_node_from_group()"  k@3+:<bbb&:< # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_grouppcy#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group.sh 1.8 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)53 1.8 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 5/15/13 17:23:58 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2ht-ml function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.8 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:42:06 Last Changed: 5/15/13 17:23:58 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr swap mirror_group [,,...] \ [ NODE= ] clmgr swap mirror_group \ NODES=[,,...] \ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] clmgr swap mirror_group \ SITE=[,] \ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] [ REPOSITORY_GROUP={yes|no} ] NOTE: the "swap" action is only valid for DS-Series Inband (HyperSwap) NOTE: the alias for "mirror_group" is "mig". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to swap the specified HyperSwap mirror groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_groups [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more HyperSwap mirror groups to swap. 2. nodes [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of one or more cluster nodes. 3. sites [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of one or more cluster sites. 4. system_groups [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates whether or not to include system mirror groups in the swap. Defaults to "yes". 5. repository_group [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates whether or not to include the repository mirror group in the swap. Defaults to "yes". =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. ############################################################################## # # Name: display_active_path_info # # Description: Formats the output from the "activepath" operation to # make it resembel the default clgr output format. # # Inputs: FILE A file containing the active path output # # Outputs: The formatted output is displayed on STDOUT. # # Returns: n/a # ############################################################################## function display_active_path_info { typeset FILE=$1 cat $FILE |\ while read LINE; do if (( ++COUNT % 2 )); then ATTRS=${LINE#*:} ATTRS="NODE:${ATTRS# }" else for VALUE in ${LINE//:/ }; do ATTRS=${ATTRS/:/=$VALUE$NL} done ATTRS="${ATTRS}=$VALUE" (( COUNT > 2 )) && print print -- "$ATTRS" fi done /usr/bin/rm -f $FILE } # End of "display_active_path_info()" function KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.8, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset mirror_groups=${1//\"/} mirror_groups=${mirror_groups//,/ } typeset nodes=${2//\"/} nodes=${nodes//,/ } typeset sites=${3//\"/} sites=${sites//,/ } typeset -l system_groups=${4//\"/} typeset -l repository_group=${5//\"/} typeset OPERATION="$OPERATION" [[ -z $OPERATION ]] && OPERATION="swap" [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN cmd_rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 COUNT=0 typeset mirror_group="" node="" LINE="" ATTRS="" VALUE="" #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? fi #================= : Validate input #================= if [[ $mirror_groups != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then for mirror_group in $mirror_groups; do typeset TYPE= CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_mirror_group $mirror_group TYPE if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$mirror_group" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 167 "Available Mirror Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups available TYPE=ds8k_inband_mm for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" elif [[ $TYPE != ds8k_inband_mm ]]; then rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 9999 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" is not a DS-Series Inband (HyperSwap) mirror group!\n\n" "$mirror_group" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 151 "Available Mirror Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_mirror_groups available TYPE=ds8k_inband_mm for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi done fi if [[ $nodes != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then for node in $nodes; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_node $node >/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$node" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 151 "Available Nodes:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_nodes available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi done fi if [[ $sites != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then typeset site="" typeset -i ERR=0 for site in $sites; do CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_site $site >/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND ERR=1 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$site" 1>&2 fi done if (( ERR )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 157 "Available Sites:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_sites available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi if [[ -n $system_groups && $system_groups != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" SYSTEM_GROUPS "$system_groups" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else case $system_groups in @(y|t)*) system_groups="yes" ;; @(n|f)*) system_groups="no" ;; esac fi if [[ -n $repository_group && $repository_group != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" REPOSITORY_GROUP "$repository_group" 1>&2 /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else case $repository_group in @(y|t)*) repository_group="yes" ;; @(n|f)*) repository_group="no" ;; esac fi #===================================================================== : Perform the operation, $OPERATION, if no errors have been detected #===================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then typeset XD_CLI="/usr/es/sbin/cluster/xd_generic/xd_cli" if [[ $mirror_groups != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then for mirror_group in $mirror_groups; do typeset -A mgAttrs CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_mirror_group_attributes "$mirror_group" mgAttrs if [[ ${mgAttrs[MG_TYPE]} == "system" ]]; then typeset node_list="$nodes" node_list=${node_list/${mgAttrs[SYS_MG_NODE]}/} [[ -n $node_list ]] && node_list=" $node_list" node_list="${mgAttrs[SYS_MG_NODE]}$node_list" : Swapping SYSTEM mirror group $mirror_groups via node $node_list print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t sys -m \"$mirror_group\" -n \"$node_list\" -o $OPERATION" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t sys -m "$mirror_group" -n "$node_list" -o $OPERATION >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ cmd_rc=$? (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$cmd_rc unset node_list elif [[ -n ${mgAttrs[MG_TYPE]} ]]; then : Swapping ${mgAttrs[MG_TYPE]} mirror group $mirror_group print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t ${mgAttrs[MG_TYPE]} -m \"$mirror_group\" -o $OPERATION" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t ${mgAttrs[MG_TYPE]} -m "$mirror_group" -o $OPERATION >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ cmd_rc=$? (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$cmd_rc print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG else print -u2 " Usage error: clmgr $OPERATION mirror_group [,,...] \\ [ NODE= ] clmgr $OPERATION mirror_group \\ NODES=[,,...] \\ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] clmgr $OPERATION mirror_group \\ SITE=[,] \\ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] \\ [ REPOSITORY_GROUP={yes|no} ] " rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT fi if [[ $OPERATION == "activepath" ]]; then display_active_path_info $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ else cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ /usr/bin/rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ fi done # End of the mirror groups loop elif [[ -n $nodes ]]; then : Swapping mirror groups by nodes ${nodes// /, } [[ -z $system_groups ]] && system_groups="yes" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t node -n \"$nodes\" -s $system_groups -o $OPERATION" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t node -n "$nodes" -s $system_groups -o $OPERATION >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ cmd_rc=$? (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$cmd_rc if [[ $OPERATION == "activepath" ]]; then display_active_path_info $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ else cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ /usr/bin/rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ fi elif [[ -n $sites ]]; then : Swapping mirror groups by sites ${sites// /, } [[ -z $system_groups ]] && system_groups="yes" [[ -z $repository_group ]] && repository_group="yes" print -- "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t site -i \"$sites\" -s $system_groups -r $repository_group -o $OPERATION" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $XD_CLI/cl_clxd_manage_mg_smit -t site -i "$sites" -s $system_groups -r $repository_group -o $OPERATION >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ cmd_rc=$? (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN || rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$cmd_rc if [[ $OPERATION == "activepath" ]]; then display_active_path_info $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ else cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ /usr/bin/rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrmg.op.$$ fi fi fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then typeset ACTION="swap mirror_group" [[ $OPERATION == "activepath" ]] && ACTION="view mirror_group" [[ $OPERATION == "refresh" ]] && ACTION="manage mirror_group refresh" CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "$ACTION -h" "MIRROR GROUP:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group()" p  lR3+bbb&` # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_replace_repositoryp   =einorst $E_acdlp"CILMNOPRSfhmuy#()-.:>ADGTU[\]bgkvw&,/012;BFHKV!%'*4?Wqz{|}356x+79WtWY5%'"N` RL` !#8,X4<<*mmmmmmmmmO <+( "H""@d+wAsΞxV%0Q^,sCCLq59N,"(̜jcq pܫX 6N&w&5:lui)5"+ t8²-\`&xz8$N5H2C <+*r+CS//&kd5ܹœX蚗9Fo¿6ss&50i84j8VU<(9{^>oYT;+RBA:m]ww8_44 Mc'T;/&e]ˢ(*\X3Ց'(?2qEh': ̹MOSz'¿G+8kmcFs64 mmmmmmmmm̜jc LOMIIȹp4" JpRؼ=XX`z ??mp N` Y @ 4 LOMIIȹCh4ph014@0'H 4 `3% ?'WLvOE;PAPPN0dfA@q<^a1&Zf@P(\x( c&GR|2.yڀ ,`A 8du'"睨ԟ+ t((ŅjHx`du'"睨ԟ+ t@,XX> yX~"r.6X^Wt<^WY5$ܶ! ԟ+ t,<Ņ#>Wt uy [Po4(qƃ0h)Y4 M s>00jZIjF5@ $D% ?nemmOiSj"Umm?pۗ @BQL00ԴŅ#>Wt<\ !;iBs\MNIȹx* Lܟ6OE;q&"%T.yu +#fUiV@ojf狱Wt< *$rK|ڑ cz$D% ?2 ?? jT̹驉~tt23 ʌ2TqSR??k *ʡءC< 882eϞ&Q5" "$ IHmjOE:i8c3-͹Vd])mnpicih'9bmtq1\]ΘkʜRq9]F"i#dgMc5TqG,-@DK(ǒ ??&,-F{p,XX> cԴIX.nXl4&&]#h$LLD j%˕.ƍʺe 876w"d-)s&0DQŎoljQ8:ȚcqLPFs9*v]dԞ&|2.yv~ Oz&D%"PX ?qam23ŅjHxf00MKOaX[@!SHP#ۏ0@~00MKOQd5@"be0DˤL@xQ.\p>|CR!~w|g]d\󺬀ejylXX#/tu N`;ݐ鮻ܻ؜g24r=7-pE?Jr (@rHB¢ГY%` a Ht")@120&cP j%˕.F_&r<w|g]d\󺬀ejylXX#/ N`;ݐ鮻ܻ؜g24r=7-pE?Jr (@rHB¢aX azS.A!R"@h=Nܹ ``;i3 hA !;i T (BHzA$$6'"ǠIȹG+BO JHDJD&Y&A!u>Wt<=OE:?&8k5 Ԩ'Rzr  A0wR­mmmm~D솞2gdWtWGt#>Wt<i06:aX[B,_)Ul]d\.8qwRY%` a Ht")@120&c 1Drq(0] G4>UӆHh1~ 7uk]fu :8iE; ]6GR|2.y0@ ?T HBKDDJ?2̰,?n\BE E08zr  A0wRg HT%r @@+ LLCmpR#:dg+#Ycg p$`TLMKOz(TQ QRGk DˤaMH30 av\Ra]yM]d" ]6=22?k DˤaMH30222C$LLB*&$76 .E4&&]"f`h4j%˕.eg(7d3 (0]lET@DGU h@HH4b$@ZG%`Ҝ'|&XjuYѭ>]ό0 v~=OE:?iAdiR\DJ*\$"P azdLq6,ۃ0@#@ea2p@,6h 6N\``;i뽍=XX`Z TEKή96GR|2.yP+9A 'qV@oA:wAs솀iAdq8|a\Yc'nTUmmmmmmm;r((T )vːH1P&*-r dgŅjHxf00jZ h2+8;i "bT n@2b"TEE8i""@fY ?P-OE;P Qg*ljc 3Wt< La[mmmmmmmm~&S.|\iŎnm8ja.y48ÍXnadDjw"Ʀ04F܀qVmmmmmmmm8ɖYɖYKHI*$00jZ#i@sɖYG TXR\sQ<2Ƃ+᣺84`qhI TTRi;cI.' ?aX[ n#iMKO]lpz TTP~o*P%D H%HL!R#g[Q)"*a"2"X Q)"*a"2"X t8bwAs&68aa"QF0↧ "#WtWGuLpi%!a3 a$`M";i뽍@4JIDS  *P$ kt "$]L$X&DK4 "$]L$X&DK.lR|2.y``Դ,,0YDJ"PZ TPDw"ȉf\ Ѓ#"IPms/q\z {IȹEv.=IDS  qcF""@h19l>.&V#!i6Hp@AHPbED]lq$D% aJ  CNDŽDH-=G,Wt<@ RE,TEdDvMi6N""@h19l4 ǵ3sP` .2Ċ"$ + vQ)"*a"2"C;r4F v LڙddJ zXy뽍=XX`DQ "@A#I"$ '&&]!Be?ʛ^=F@ǨAQb$LLB*&cc @12 ,Hf'MQ"xp.qA<&WtbqH=Aaa"QGǷ@ ?2̰­mmmmmmxq7!YlXef\&lE:Ummmmmmȉ"PP@%Q JHDJƦ"LؒqOdu'"@Q$Lȉ"PP@%qy?Tg zr "\R``;iR\E $**PK²qCZek DˤaMH30LxlY1,hka7,p<]1زc+I T (BHzA$!4v Q5r ΘlY1.~4)1زc+H0aW8lY1Y  p,XX> c&68in<^(&œZE`<,?W6O]lpӀxg zr  A0wR{47$J D.SW(tK0Ah.b,"%D H%HTT]BH&V]L$LD 1ƨ"Qq{ IV@oD@XȉǠ]BH.b&DFU'PO Pک=Lr  A0ޥACj2g z r0*@& a&᤟18nXz (B|۠e8hD H%H4p83@ RE,TEdDjZ$76 .E4&&]"f`@ NjʗqŕejvntڮX&DKq&|jIlw"dñV2vܤʡh |ڑ c.A$K*\~=XX`zDQbqO2a,/Av$`TL;Av$*P$PS q5-?pQ<AJ,r9iVmmmmmm??&8jwqv4˞m8SeVmmmmmm?qal4 *HI"*a"$;?@.b,"% RY%` a Ht")@120&cF<].T~,GVc/6S3sr2"[5:lw"dñV2vܤʡh |ڑ c.A$K*\~=XX`zDQbqO2 mmmmmmmO`7Wq5:jDkuMmɩ& N6m6GsM3mLjMb if~Wt2@AHPbED?pۗ R0c q5-?*mmmmmmOk59EB2YmmѝVaq??MqcñCLjV^UN, nܤʬh:Ț0WGuLpi%!a3 a$`M";i뽍@4JIDS  *P$ea;r0*@& `p;r((T )mmmmmmiy]dԞ&|2.yݍjsa6M{'­mmmmmm?wǠ @*0H($`0?Qci1|a Q)"*a"2"Xkt (TI U?@"be&XQ3XmLj_+haD H%HL E22Ux*I뽍=Eƥ򻡗 $LLB*'XélmW|<Uju#qiN]d\p#j _|2.y5c VU.y7d4bɌ!8X^ːH18.b,"% 823 T@!RDSrƦ8kp/jf=(19l42gIȹpeǨ'$$M7?aP!􍜄R]yMqjqyZ[59- jyUs,G2ƫ 68[MsP­mmmmmmmmm²NQ5obc+L e c0 6d?k<+c!V& xUmmmmmmmmmxV8aS\8aXG tڬS<*mmmmmmmmmm< k 3+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_reset_clustertoryp#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_reset_cluster.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)59 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_reset_cluster.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/11/12 09:03:53 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_reset_cluster =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:19 Last Changed: 6/11/12 09:03:53 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_reset_cluster.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr reset cluster =head1 DESCRIPTION Resets all the tunables (customizations) made to the cluster, returning all options to their default values, but not changing the configuration. The cluster will need to be synchronized after this operation. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_reset_cluster { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_reset_cluster.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=============================== : See if a cluster even exists #=============================== CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #========================================================== : Reset the cluster if no input errors have been detected #========================================================== else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clsnapshot -t" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clsnapshot -t rc=$? print "clsnapshot RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != $RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_reset_cluster()" < kR3+Vbbb&V # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_respond_sitetoryp#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_respond_site.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2016 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)77 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_respond_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1612A_hacmp721 3/10/16 01:03:26 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_respond_site =head1 VERSION Version Number: Last Extracted: 3/23/16 01:09:00 Last Changed: 3/10/16 01:03:26 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_respond_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1612A_hacmp721 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage site respond {continue|recover} =head1 DESCRIPTION Allows a manual response to a split or merge event. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. response [REQUIRED] [set] The response to take for a split or merge event. Valid values: continue, recover =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_respond_site { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_respond_site.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1612A_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset -l response=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== # Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #================= # Validate input #================= if [[ $response == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 101 "\nERROR: this operation requires the \"%1\$s\" attribute.\n\n" NETWORK 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO verify_in_set RESPONSE "$response" "Continue, Recover" response (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if (( rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then #============================================ : Handle the response, $response, if needed #============================================ typeset continue=$(dspmsg -s 58 cluster.cat 77 'Continue\n') cl_smm_check >$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrs.$$ 2>&1 rc=$? if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then if (( rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then # No manual response was required rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrs.$$ else rc=$RC_ERROR cat $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrs.$$ 1>&2 fi elif [[ $response == $continue ]] then # : This node *is* part of the chosen surviving site # CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s 58 cluster.cat 79 "You have chosen for this side of the partitioned cluster to continue. You must now specify, on a node on the other side of the partitioned cluster, that it recover for PowerHA SystemMirror to completely recover from the split or merge." /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cl_sm_continue # you win some rc=$? else # : This node is *not* part of the chosen surviving site # CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s 58 cluster.cat 80 "You have chosen for this side of the partitioned cluster to recover. You must now specify, on a node on the other side of the partitioned cluster, that it continue for PowerHA SystemMirror to completely recover from the split or merge." /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cl_sm_recover # you lose some rc=$? fi [[ -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrs.$$ ]] && rm -f $TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrs.$$ fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_respond_site()" == kC3+bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_restore_snapshotyp#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2017,2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_restore_snapshot.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_restore_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_restore_snapshot =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage snapshot restore \ [ CONFIGURE={yes|no} ] \ [ FORCE={no|yes} ] clmgr manage snapshot restore \ NODES=, \ REPOSITORIES=[,][:[,]] \ [ CLUSTER_NAME= ] \ [ CONFIGURE={yes|no} ] \ [ FORCE={no|yes} ] NOTE: for "REPOSITORIES", any disks specified after the colon will be applied to the second site. This only applies to linked cluster. NOTE: the alias for "snapshot" is "sn". =head1 DESCRIPTION Apply the specified snapshot to the local cluster, blowing away the current configuration in the process (i.e. replacing it with the contents of the snapshot). =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. snapshot [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the snapshot that will be restored. 2. configure [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like indicator that indicates (yes*/no) whether or not to configure resources during the restore, as needed. 3. force [OPTIONAL] [string] A Boolean-like indicator that indicates (yes/no*) whether or not to force the restoration to continue even if a verification error is detected. 4. nodes [REQUIRED] [string] This option should only be used when a cluster copy operation is intended (i.e. restoring a snapshot from a different cluster to the local cluster). This is the list of nodes that will be used to replace the nodes defined within the snapshot. 5. repositories [REQUIRED] [string] This option should only be used when a cluster copy operation is intended (i.e. restoring a snapshot from a different cluster to the local cluster). This is the repository disk list that will replace the disk(s) defined within the snapshot. 6. cluster_name [OPTIONAL] [string] This option should only be used when a cluster copy operation is intended (i.e. restoring a snapshot from a different cluster to the local cluster). This value will replace the cluster name defined within the snapshot. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_restore_snapshot { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_restore_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset snapshot=${1//\"/} typeset -l configure=${2//\"/} typeset -l force=${3//\"/} typeset nodes=${4//\"/} typeset repositories=${5//\"/} typeset cluster_name=${6//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset Copt= fopt= HOpt= DOpt= LOpt= typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #===================== : Validate the input #===================== if [[ -z $snapshot ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 158 "Available Snapshots:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ -n $configure && $configure != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" CONFIGURE "$configure" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "yes, no" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $force && $force != @(y|t|n|f)* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 110 "\nERROR: invalid value specified for \"%1\$s\": \"%2\$s\".\n" FORCE "$force" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 3 "Valid values: %1\$s\n\n" "no, yes" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT else [[ $configure == @(n|f)* ]] && Copt=" -C" [[ $force == @(y|t)* ]] && fopt=" -f true" || fopt=" -f false" [[ $nodes != *([[:space:]]) ]] && HOpt=" -H ${nodes//+( )/,}" [[ $repositories != *([[:space:]]) ]] && DOpt=" -D ${repositories//+( )/,}" [[ $cluster_name != *([[:space:]]) ]] && LOpt=" -L $cluster_name" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): clsnapshot -a -n \"$snapshot\"$fopt$Copt$HOpt$DOpt$LOpt" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands clsnapshot -a -n "$snapshot"$fopt$Copt$HOpt$DOpt$LOpt rc=$? print "clsnapshot RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "restore snapshot -h" "SNAPSHOT:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_restore_snapshot()" be used k"3+)9bbb&)9 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoringcy#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoring.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 6fdea0a 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoring.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jun 09 2021 09:12 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoring # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to resume application monitoring for a specific application # running within a specific resource group. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: Informational messages are written to STDOUT, and any error # messages that might be needed are written to STDERR. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, above, for the standard return\ # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoring { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version= @(#) 6fdea0a 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoring.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jun 09 2021 09:12 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset application=${1//\"/} typeset rg=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i LIST_APPS=1 typeset -i BAD_RG=0 typeset -u APP_UC=$application [[ $CLMGR_TIMEOUT != +([[:digit:]]) ]] && CLMGR_TIMEOUT=60 (( $CLMGR_TIMEOUT < 10 )) && CLMGR_TIMEOUT=10 #===================== : Validate the input #===================== if [[ -z $application ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ $APP_UC != "ALL" ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver "$application" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then LIST_APPS=0 else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$application" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if [[ $APP_UC != "ALL" ]] && (( LIST_APPS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 141 "Available Applications:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if [[ $APP_UC != "ALL" ]]; then if [[ -z $rg ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 '\nERROR: this operation requires the "%1$s" attribute.\n\n' RESOURCE_GROUP 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT BAD_RG=1 else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg "$rg" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND BAD_RG=1 fi fi if (( BAD_RG )) then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 154 "Available Resource Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi # : Make sure the cluster is up and running # typeset CSTATE=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_state) if [[ $CSTATE != "STABLE" ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1300 '\nERROR: The cluster is not online, so this operation cannot be performed.\n\n' 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY fi #================================================================== : Only proceed with the operation if the result is still unknown, : which means no input errors have been encounter. #================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then #========================================================== : Create an array populated with all application/RG pairs #========================================================== typeset -i index=0 typeset -A rgattrs typeset arr= if [[ $APP_UC == "ALL" ]]; then for pair in $(clodmget -n -q "name=APPLICATIONS" -f value,group HACMPresource); do arr[$index]="$pair" (( index++ )) done else arr[$index]="$application:$rg" fi for (( index=0; index<${#arr[*]}; index++ )); do application=${arr[$index]%:*} rg=${arr[$index]#*:} # : Make sure resource group "$rg" is up and running # CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_resourcegroup_state "$rg" rgattrs if [[ ${rgattrs[STATE]} != "ONLINE" ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1301 '\nERROR: Resource group "%1$s" is not online, so this operation cannot be performed.\n\n' "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY continue else # : Make sure that monitoring for application "$application" : is in a suspended state for resource group "$rg" # typeset -u MSTATE=$(LC_ALL=C clRGinfo -c -m $rg 2>/dev/null | grep -w "$application" | cut -d: -f5) if [[ $MSTATE != *SUSPENDED* && $MSTATE != *FAILED* ]] then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1460 '\nERROR: Application monitoring is already active.Current state is "%1$s" for application "%2$s" in resource group "%3$s".\n\n' "$MSTATE" "$application" "$rg" >&2 rc=$RC_ERROR continue fi fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_RMupdate resume_appmon \"$application\" \"$rg\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands cl_RMupdate resume_appmon "$application" "$rg" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>$TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_RMupdate resume_appmon RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result # : Load all the known, translated error strings from cl_RMupdate. # These strings match those found in clRMupdate.sh. # typeset CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[0]=$(cl_echo 9665 "cl_RMupdate: Failed to resume monitor(s) for application $application.\n" cl_RMupdate $application 2>&1) CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[1]=$(cl_echo 5002 "ERROR: cl_RMupdate: Unable to update the Cluster Manager with parameters resume_appmon and [0-9]+! Manual intervention may be required!\n" cl_RMupdate resume_appmon '[0-9]+' 2>&1) # : Check the STDERR file for known error messages. This is done : because it is not possible to trust the return code from that : utility. We can only check for error strings in the output. # for (( i=0; i < ${#CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[*]}; i++ )) do if [[ -n ${CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[$i]} ]] then grep -q "${CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[$i]}" $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ if (( $? == 0 )) then rc=$RC_ERROR # Display on STDERR grep "${CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[$i]}" $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ 1>&2 fi fi done cat $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rm -f $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ # Remove the temporary data file if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR break else # These changes don't happen instantly, so wait for the state to change cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1307 'Beginning the process of resuming monitoring. Waiting up to %1$d seconds for the state change to take effect...\n' "$CLMGR_TIMEOUT" typeset -u MSTATE="" for (( TRY=0; TRY/dev/null | grep -w "$application" | cut -d: -f5) if [[ -n $MSTATE && $MSTATE != *SUSPENDED* ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1306 'Monitoring for application "%1$s", running in resource group "%2$s", has resumed successfully.\n' "$application" "$rg" break fi sleep 1 done if [[ -z $MSTATE || $MSTATE == *SUSPENDED* ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1304 'Warning: the state change has not completed in the allotted time (%1$d seconds).\n' "$CLMGR_TIMEOUT" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi done fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "manage application resume -h" "APPLICATION:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoring()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_resume_app_monitoring =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage application resume \ RESOURCE_GROUP= CLMGR_TIMEOUT Optional. Externally set in the environment. Sets the upper limit to wait for the overall operation to complete. If this limit is reached, an error is displayed and no results are returned. =head1 DESCRIPTION Resumes application monitoring for the specified application. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. application [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the application whose monitoring will be resumed. 2. rg [REQUIRED] [string] The resource group that manages the application. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== GR_SET  k3+Abbb&A # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_command#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_command.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)05 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_command.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1542B_hacmp720 9/30/15 12:00:04 #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_run_command # # Description: Allows arbitrary commands to be run within the clmgr context, # including logging into the clmgr log file. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, below, for the standard return # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_run_command { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_command.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1542B_hacmp720 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN if [[ -n "$@" ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $@" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands eval "$@" rc=$? print "$(basename ${1%% *}) RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result else print -u2 "\nERROR: no command was specified!\n\n" rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_run_command()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_run_command =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 10/15/15 19:21:01 Last Changed: 9/30/15 12:00:04 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_command.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r720, 1542B_hacmp720 =head1 SYNOPSIS KLIB_HACMP_run_command =head1 DESCRIPTION Runs the specified commands. =head1 ARGUMENTS "$@" The commands and arguments to be run. =head1 RETURN The return code from the last command is returned. =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010,2015 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== unction krk3+=bbb&= # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_discoveryitorin#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2019,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_discovery.sh 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_discovery.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_run_discovery =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr discover cluster clmgr discover interfaces clmgr discover volume_groups =head1 DESCRIPTION Runs discovery on the cluster, and returns the discovered IP and volume group information to the caller. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. vginfo [OPTIONAL] [hash ref] A reference to an associate array that will be used to return all discovered volume group information. 2. ipinfo [OPTIONAL] [hash ref] A reference to an associate array that will be used to return all discovered IP information. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_run_discovery { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_run_discovery.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset -u disc_type=$_CLASS if [[ -n $1 ]]; then typeset -n vginfo=$1 if [[ -n $2 && $2 != $1 ]]; then typeset -n ipinfo=$2 else typeset -A ipinfo fi else typeset -A vginfo ipinfo fi [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset NO_CLUSTER=0 typeset STDOUT_FILE=$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrd.out.$$ typeset STDERR_FILE=$TMPDIR/clmgr.KHrd.err.$$ typeset NODES="" CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined >$STDOUT_FILE 2>&1 NO_CLUSTER=$? if (( NO_CLUSTER )) && (( ! CLMGR_VERBOSE || ! CLMGR_FORCE )); then /usr/bin/cat $STDOUT_FILE 1>&2 /usr/bin/rm -f $STDOUT_FILE log_return_msg "$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCT" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? elif (( NO_CLUSTER && CLMGR_VERBOSE && CLMGR_FORCE )); then NODES=${_ENV_ARGS[NODES]} [[ $NODES == *([[:space:]]) ]] && NODES=$(/usr/bin/hostname) #=================================================================== # On the rare possibility that the host dies before this script # is done operating, meaning no HACMPnode cleanup would occur, # add an entry to the inittab to make sure that the cleanup takes # place when the host is brought back up. Note that if this script # completes normally, the inittab will be removed. #=================================================================== typeset ODMFILE="$TMPDIR/odm_nodes.$$" rm -f $ODMFILE print '\ if [ -z `/usr/bin/odmget HACMPcluster` ]; then /usr/bin/odmdelete -o HACMPnode fi rmitab hadisccln rm -f $ODMFILE rm -f $0 ' >$TMPDIR/hadisccln mkitab "hadisccln:2:once:/bin/ksh $TMPDIR/hadisccln >/dev/null 2>&1" typeset node="" host="" typeset cversion=$(grep CLUSTERVERSION= $HAETC/rc.cluster) cversion=${cversion##*=} for node in ${NODES//,/ }; do host $node | read host rest if (( $? != 0 )); then cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 9999 '\nERROR: "%1$s" could not be resolved via the /usr/bin/host command. Please make sure that "%1$s" is correctly defined in the /etc/hosts file.\n\n' "$node" 1>&2 return $RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi print " HACMPnode: ${TAB}name = \"${node%%\.*}\" ${TAB}object = \"COMMUNICATION_PATH\" ${TAB}value = \"$host\" ${TAB}node_id = 0 ${TAB}node_handle = 0 ${TAB}version = $cversion" >>$ODMFILE done # Add the temporary HACMPnode entries odmadd <$ODMFILE rm -f $ODMFILE print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HADIAG/clver -Nv" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $HADIAG/clver -Nv >$STDOUT_FILE 2>$STDERR_FILE rc=$? print "clver RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clharvest_vg -w" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG $HAUTILS/clharvest_vg -w >$STDOUT_FILE 2>$STDERR_FILE rc=$? print "clharvest_vg RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG elif [[ $disc_type == "INTERFACE" ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HADIAG/clver -Nv" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HADIAG/clver -Nv >$STDOUT_FILE 2>$STDERR_FILE rc=$? print "clver RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result elif [[ $disc_type == "VOLUME_GROUP" ]]; then print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clharvest_vg -w" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clharvest_vg -w >$STDOUT_FILE 2>$STDERR_FILE rc=$? print "clharvest_vg RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clmodclstr -K" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clmodclstr -K >$STDOUT_FILE 2>$STDERR_FILE rc=$? print "clmodclstr RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then if [[ $disc_type == "INTERFACE" ]]; then if [[ -r $HAETC/config/clip_config ]]; then typeset node="" interface_description="" iplabel="" ip_int="" typeset ip="" netmask_int="" netmask="" subnet_int="" subnet="" typeset logical_interface="" logical_adapter="" typeset hardware_address="" state="" nim_type="" attr_type="" typeset discoveredNet="" macaddr="" pair="" network="" rest="" while IFS='#' read node interface_description \ iplabel ip_int ip netmask_int netmask \ subnet_int subnet logical_interface logical_adapter \ hardware_address state nim_type attr_type discoveredNet \ rest do [[ -z $ip ]] && continue LC_ALL=C lscfg -vl $logical_adapter |\ grep -w "Address" | read hardware_address hardware_address=${hardware_address##*\.} macaddr="" for (( i=0; i<${#hardware_address}; i+=2 )); do pair=${hardware_address:$i:2} [[ -n $macaddr ]] && macaddr="$macaddr:" macaddr="$macaddr$pair" done if [[ $discoveredNet == +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then (( $discoveredNet == 0 )) && discoveredNet=1 if (( $discoveredNet < 10 )); then network="net_ether_0$discoveredNet" else network="net_ether_$discoveredNet" fi fi ipinfo[${ip%%/*}]="${node//:*/}|$iplabel|$nim_type|$subnet|$netmask|$logical_interface|$logical_adapter|$macaddr|$state|$nim_type|$network|$attr_type" done < $HAETC/config/clip_config fi fi if [[ $disc_type == "VOLUME_GROUP" ]]; then if [[ -r $HAETC/config/clvg_config ]]; then typeset node="" pv="" pvid="" vg="" major="" ecm="" typeset status="" quorum="" local="" type="" size="" while IFS=':' read node pv pvid vg major ecm status \ quorum local type size do [[ -z $vg ]] && continue pv=${pv# } node=${node//:*/} [[ $node != $LOCAL_NODE ]] && continue [[ $quorum == "0" ]] && quorum="false" || quorum="true" [[ $ecm == "0" ]] && ecm="false" || ecm="true" [[ -n ${vginfo[$vg]} ]] && vginfo[$vg]="${vginfo[$vg]}$NL" vginfo[$vg]="${vginfo[$vg]}$node|$pv|$pvid|$major|$ecm|$status|$quorum|$local|$type|$size" done < $HAETC/config/clvg_config for vg in ${!vginfo[*]}; do vginfo[$vg]=$(print -- "${vginfo[$vg]}" | sort) done fi fi if (( CLMGR_VERBOSE )); then case $disc_type in INTERFACE) typeset -A props typeset -i INDEX=1 for ip in ${!ipinfo[*]}; do print -- ${ipinfo[$ip]} | IFS=\| read node iplabel nim_type subnet netmask logical_interface logical_adapter macaddr state nim_type network attr_type rest props[NAME$INDEX]=$iplabel props[TYPE$INDEX]="boot" props[INTERFACE$INDEX]=$logical_interface props[IPADDR$INDEX]=${ip%%/*} props[NETMASK$INDEX]=$netmask props[NODE$INDEX]=${node//:*/} props[STATE$INDEX]=$state props[NETTYPE$INDEX]=$nim_type props[NETWORK$INDEX]=$network props[ATTR$INDEX]=$attr_type props[STATE$INDEX]=$state props[HADDR$INDEX]=$macaddr (( INDEX++ )) done # End of the IP address loop CL=$LINENO SerializeAsAssociativeArray props interface ;; VOLUME_GROUP) typeset -A props typeset -u type="" typeset VGS="" for vg in ${!vginfo[*]}; do [[ $vg == "None" ]] && continue [[ " $VGS " != *\ $vg\ * ]] && VGS="$VGS $vg" done typeset -i INDEX=1 for vg in $VGS; do typeset -i DISK_CNT=1 for vglabel in ${!vginfo[*]}; do [[ $vglabel != $vg ]] && continue print -- "${vginfo[$vg]}" |\ while read LINE; do print -- "$LINE" |\ IFS=\| read node pv pvid major ecm status \ quorum local type size rest if (( DISK_CNT == 1 )); then props[NAME$INDEX]=$vg props[PHYSICAL_VOLUMES$INDEX]="$pv@$pvid" props[CONCURRENT_ACCESS$INDEX]=$ecm props[QUORUM$INDEX]=$quorum props[MAJOR_NUMBER$INDEX]=$major if [[ $type != "UNKNOWN" ]]; then props[TYPE$INDEX]=$type fi else props[PHYSICAL_VOLUMES$INDEX]="${props[PHYSICAL_VOLUMES$INDEX]},$pv@$pvid" if [[ $type != "UNKNOWN" ]]; then props[TYPE$INDEX]=$type fi fi (( DISK_CNT++ )) done done if [[ ${props[TYPE$INDEX]} == "" ]]; then for pv in ${props[PHYSICAL_VOLUMES$INDEX]//,/ }; do pv=${pv%%@*} /usr/sbin/lqueryvg -Atp $pv |\ while IFS= read LINE; do if [[ $LINE == MAX\ PVs:* ]]; then LINE=${LINE##*+([[:space:]])} if [[ $LINE == +([[:digit:]]) ]]; then if (( $LINE < 128 )); then LINE="ORIGINAL" elif (( $LINE < 1024 )); then LINE="BIG" else LINE="SCALABLE" fi fi props[TYPE$INDEX]=$LINE fi [[ -n ${props[TYPE$INDEX]} ]] && break done done fi (( INDEX++ )) done # End of the volume group loop CL=$LINENO SerializeAsAssociativeArray props volume_group ;; esac fi fi if (( ! CLMGR_VERBOSE || $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ -s $STDOUT_FILE ]] && /usr/bin/cat $STDOUT_FILE [[ -s $STDERR_FILE ]] && /usr/bin/cat $STDERR_FILE 1>&2 elif (( CLMGR_VERBOSE || $rc == RC_SUCCESS )); then [[ -s $STDOUT_FILE ]] && /usr/bin/cat $STDOUT_FILE >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG [[ -s $STDERR_FILE ]] && /usr/bin/cat $STDERR_FILE >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi [[ -f $STDOUT_FILE ]] && /usr/bin/rm -f $STDOUT_FILE [[ -f $STDERR_FILE ]] && /usr/bin/rm -f $STDERR_FILE if (( NO_CLUSTER && CLMGR_FORCE && CLMGR_VERBOSE )); then # Time to clean up odmdelete -o HACMPnode >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>&1 rmitab hadisccln >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>&1 rm -f $TMPDIR/hadisccln >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>&1 rm -f $HAETC/config/clip_config $HAETC/config/clvg_config fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_run_discovery()"  k>3+9bbb&9 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoringcy#!/bin/ksh93 # ALTRAN_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2018,2020,2021. All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r720 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoring.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#) 6fdea0a 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoring.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jun 09 2021 09:12 PM #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoring # # Description: This is the main, FPATH function that is invoked by clmgr # to suspend application monitoring for a specific application # running within a specific resource group. # # Inputs: See the "devDoc()" function, below. # # Outputs: Informational messages are written to STDOUT, and any error # messages that might be needed are written to STDERR. # # Returns: Zero if no errors are detected. Otherwise, an appropriate # non-zero value is returned. Refer to the "RETURN" section # of the "devDoc()" function, above, for the standard return\ # code values/meanings for clmgr. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoring { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version= @(#) 6fdea0a 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoring.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Jun 09 2021 09:12 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset application=${1//\"/} typeset rg=${2//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i LIST_APPS=1 typeset -i BAD_RG=0 typeset -u APP_UC=$application [[ $CLMGR_TIMEOUT != +([[:digit:]]) ]] && CLMGR_TIMEOUT=60 (( $CLMGR_TIMEOUT < 10 )) && CLMGR_TIMEOUT=10 #===================== : Validate the input #===================== if [[ -z $application ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 RC=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ $APP_UC != "ALL" ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_appserver "$application" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? == RC_SUCCESS )); then LIST_APPS=0 else dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$application" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if [[ $APP_UC != "ALL" ]] && (( LIST_APPS )); then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 141 "Available Applications:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_appservers available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if [[ $APP_UC != "ALL" ]]; then if [[ -z $rg ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 101 '\nERROR: this operation requires the "%1$s" attribute.\n\n' RESOURCE_GROUP 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT BAD_RG=1 else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_rg "$rg" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 102 '\nERROR: "%1$s" does not appear to exist!\n\n' "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND BAD_RG=1 fi fi if (( BAD_RG )) then dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 154 "Available Resource Groups:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_resourcegroups available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi fi # : Make sure the cluster is up and running # typeset CSTATE=$(CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_cluster_state) if [[ $CSTATE != "STABLE" ]]; then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1300 '\nERROR: The cluster is not online, so this operation cannot be performed.\n\n' 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY fi #================================================================== : Only proceed with the operation if the result is still unknown, : which means no input errors have been encounter. #================================================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then # : Create an array populated with all application/RG pairs # typeset -i index=0 typeset -A rgattrs typeset arr= if [[ $APP_UC == "ALL" ]]; then for pair in $(clodmget -n -q "name=APPLICATIONS" -f value,group HACMPresource); do arr[$index]="$pair" (( index++ )) done else arr[$index]="$application:$rg" fi for (( index=0; index<${#arr[*]}; index++ )); do application=${arr[$index]%:*} rg=${arr[$index]#*:} # : Make sure the cluster is up and running # CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_get_resourcegroup_state "$rg" rgattrs if [[ ${rgattrs[STATE]} != "ONLINE" ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1301 '\nERROR: Resource group "%1$s" is not online, so this operation cannot be performed.\n\n' "$rg" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY continue else # : Make sure that monitoring for application "$application" : is actually active for resource group "$rg". # typeset -u MSTATE=$(LC_ALL=C clRGinfo -c -m $rg 2>/dev/null | grep -w "$application" | cut -d: -f5) if [[ $MSTATE == *SUSPENDED* ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1302 '\nERROR: Application monitoring has already been suspended for application "%1$s" in resource group "%2$s".\n\n' "$application" "$rg" >&2 rc=$RC_ERROR continue fi fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_RMupdate suspend_appmon \"$application\" \"$rg\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands cl_RMupdate suspend_appmon "$application" "$rg" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG 2>$TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ rc=$? print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_RMupdate RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands # : Load all the known, translated error strings from cl_RMupdate. # These strings match those found in clRMupdate.sh. # typeset CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[0]=$(cl_echo 9664 "cl_RMupdate: Failed to suspend monitor(s) for application $application.\n" cl_RMupdate $application 2>&1) CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[1]=$(cl_echo 5002 "ERROR: cl_RMupdate: Unable to update the Cluster Manager with parameters suspend_appmon and [0-9]+! Manual intervention may be required!\n" cl_RMupdate suspend_appmon '[0-9]+' 2>&1) # : Check the STDERR file for known error messages. This is done : because it is not possible to trust the return code from that : utility. We can only check for error strings in the output. # for (( i=0; i < ${#CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[*]}; i++ )) do if [[ -n ${CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[$i]} ]] then grep -q "${CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[$i]}" $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ if (( $? == 0 )) then rc=$RC_ERROR # Display on STDERR grep "${CL_RMUPDATE_ERRORS[$i]}" $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ >&2 fi fi done cat $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rm -f $TMPDIR/cl_RMupdate.$$ # Remove the temporary data file print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): cl_RMupdate suspend_appmon RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result if (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_ERROR break else # These changes don't happen instantly, so wait for the state to change cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1308 'Beginning the process of suspending monitoring. Waiting up to %1$d seconds for the state change to take effect...\n' "$CLMGR_TIMEOUT" typeset -u MSTATE="" for (( TRY=0; TRY/dev/null | grep -w "$application" | cut -d: -f5) if [[ -n $MSTATE && $MSTATE == *SUSPENDED* ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1303 'Monitoring for application "%1$s", running in resource group "%2$s", has been successfully suspended.\n' "$application" "$rg" break fi sleep 1 done if [[ -z $MSTATE || $MSTATE != *SUSPENDED* ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 1304 'Warning: the state change has not completed in the allotted time (%1$d seconds).\n' "$CLMGR_TIMEOUT" 1>&2 rc=$RC_ERROR fi fi done fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLMGR_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLMGR_SET $CLMGR_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" "manage application suspend -h" "APPLICATION:" "$CLMGR_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoring()" #============================================================================ # # Name: devDoc # # Description: This is a never-to-be-called, wrapper function that all the # clmgr FPATH functions implement in order to hide embedded # syntax from trace logging. This information is implemented # in POD format, and can be viewed in a number of ways using # POD tools. Some viewing suggestions for this function's POD- # formatted information are: # # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html # # However, the more important use for this information is that # it is parsed by clmgr to display the syntax for this file's # operation. The information in the "SYNOPSIS" section is used # for this purpose. This feature was originally implemented # using the man page information. However, in a code review it # was pointed out that this approach had to be changed because # customers do not have to install the man pages! Therefore, a # built-in dependency on man page information would break the # automatic help feature of clmgr. So the SYNPOSIS section must # be used instead. # # IMPORTANT: As a result of this, it is imperative that the # information in this SYNOPSIS be kept in sync # with the man page information, which is owned # by the IDD team. # # Inputs: None. # # Outputs: None. # # Returns: n/a (not intended to be invoked) # #============================================================================ function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_suspend_app_monitoring =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage application suspend \ RESOURCE_GROUP= CLMGR_TIMEOUT Optional. Externally set in the environment. Sets the upper limit to wait for the overall operation to complete. If this limit is reached, an error is displayed and no results are returned. =head1 DESCRIPTION Suspends application monitoring for the specified application in the specified resource group. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. application [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the application whose monitoring will be suspended. 2. rg [REQUIRED] [string] The resource group that manages the application. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of "devDoc()" #============================================================================== # The following, comment block attempts to enforce coding standards when this # file is edited via emacs or vim. This block _must_ appear at the very end # of the file, or the editor will not find it, and it will be ignored. #============================================================================== # Local Variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # End: #============================================================================== # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab #============================================================================== or k3+Fbbb&F # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collectiongcy#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collection.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)30 1.3 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 10/17/13 09:15:02 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collection =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.3 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:43 Last Changed: 10/17/13 09:15:02 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr sync file_collection =head1 DESCRIPTION Change the specified PowerHA file_collection, using the specified parameter(s). =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. fcname [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the file collection that is to be propagated throughout the cluster. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collection { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.3, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collection.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset fcname=${1//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #================================================================ : Check for a defined cluster. No need to continue without one. #================================================================ CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #===================== : Validate the input #===================== elif [[ -z $fcname ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clfileprop -m \"$fcname\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clfileprop -m "$fcname" rc=$? print "clfileprop RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed ext.\n\n" \ "offline file_collection -h" "FILE COLLECTION:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_sync_file_collection()" Re k:3+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changesion#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changes.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)36 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/11/12 09:18:22 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changes =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:13 Last Changed: 6/11/12 09:18:22 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr manage node undo =head1 DESCRIPTION Restores the cluster configuration to its state as of the last synchronization. Effectively, this "undoes" any current, unsynchronized configuration changes. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changes { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changes.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=============================== : See if a cluster even exists #=============================== CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #======================================================================= : Undo the configuration changes if no input errors have been detected #======================================================================= else typeset a= b= c= d= junk= NAME= /usr/bin/date | read a b c d junk d=${d//:/.} NAME="Restored_From_ACD.$b.$c.$d" print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cl_dcd_acd -d'Restored_from_ACD' -n\"$NAME\"" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cl_dcd_acd -d'Restored_from_ACD' -n"$NAME" rc=$? print "cl_dcd_acd RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_undo_cfg_changes()" -m \"$f k3+ bbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_unlock_clustersion#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_unlock_cluster.sh 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)69 1.2 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_unlock_cluster.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 6/11/12 09:18:23 # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_unlock_cluster =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.2 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:15 Last Changed: 6/11/12 09:18:23 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_unlock_cluster.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr unlock cluster =head1 DESCRIPTION Issuing this command will force any locks set by a Dynamic Reconfiguration (a.k.a. DARE) event to be released. =head1 ARGUMENTS None. =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_unlock_cluster { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.2, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_unlock_cluster.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i rc=$RC_UNKNOWN #=============================== : See if a cluster even exists #=============================== CL=$LINENO isClusterDefined if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then rc=$RC_MISSING_DEPENDENCY #=========================================================== : Unlock the cluster if no input errors have been detected #=========================================================== else print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/cldare -u" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/cldare -u rc=$? print "cldare RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result (( $rc != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_unlock_cluster()" ma l)3+Vbbb&4 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_verify_and_syncion  =einorst acdfhlp"#$ACELNORS[]_gmuvy&()-./:>DGIMPT\bw,012FHUk|}!'*4;BYx{367ԐF`ؼXʲ!Y"Ƃ0``n֥9UF;!K6]RUklVu+i,v90ף9)=І ;YX#/ Y{ˊ kAUdjQcgQ#9# ]X#qi,/YTc]9ZK9{>]Ja*qQɢYg V[;yǥ@v&ZTwgrAAcu(cCPخv0ŕd5(M8mvi,sQ[qخv;SUVPZciX"Ɇǥ%ED*Vy59{i.ijڐl`,RU 'A`^*(~&PT,\?O0p>Ԩ<.48"O0j9MÃƇP1l.48"b*"UE?}y [ITZnaGq?}y [:Ţx,88\hpE^a1LUrp.48"ɊNxrbpp ;&8b'bQ(88\hpE^a1qli<0q?}yYbG88\hpE^a1(pp DPDPp8Z cȓ,hQ!!2]rS3&p wʵc^S9EcmmmmmC?E5b+0ymmmm&8c7G"hP*!&9BM **h"B$hѨ1@Bɜ$'Z }S?Ǩ8p D, ̙Bu@!4)1=/b (hA@'2g0Kء$' n4x72e-CД?Kء!0cA98HNµ@!-701:Ţ=@P$ Ђ`NdbcicXX!`=rN{( (>X3蝋s)F!`=rN{( )`Ndv.I|^QaCz'bQ{A98HNع'=k\>c-70*ncM^7D\J%WC'טLuɊNWq^7ρUP0c÷~`72g U^4h` 96(Lj cqli38ٶ4UF CzzSۍ?039IUF0j aǜ3&*8^4hayɊNP0cع'={qs&prN{(^4haz'bQN9ۍcc/E(̙BtN9Uxѡq蝋s)Dj aǬj1i̙BumF-%W[Ťj a2g ‚{baxHO/{ƍ ||ty12+e2)0x{"h8Ea`_ef1:9x刚.\LB(D  LL"F׷(68ɉ$P*PDX~&($Xа2H68cq,qqx&($Xа2Hǥ$&TKcc&h ͣ:뽍4x$(,be *d(yrDJ.ǥb!4z1c7DcB‚ʉ ‚4z1cۂ/?Xp\ I^0 IH .?$XR-Ԝqu3F_a9nR.tvQ#9>ԕ{X"ֺ8sJyŋqVE.z1cN8OE謶'0|:ֱ<99|拴])Y{:CE7CybE *$P,  Cg4״Ə,D"Ŋ LL"F׷Q!GB&&PBB$DAaK-_$\n <1A"ƅIC'טLw"矣F5FCaPpA%bȓ,hXPTQ ?ޕ]lq!Af(HS!C˒"Tp%KB//"zXP"&AcqI 4,(*LS ޗn *P]lqyAEA `;1@X @x7)5Wt<1)1|2.y 0`> 2"ƔsdndVZKN 2,I^0 IhI,T~E}*56t;E"GIc|2.y9QE.Ѹ(@$6ii7XA2 $*H"@Ѹ(Tj{qAmm"F3㭶mjS0cK BqPn52VZp\ Ǒ&($XrB$.$_0V bKVq҄F-rsG$8nckR"TPPPLa2 <+Q4': C11<ɜ$'|MDȚ L#| +*'<]YȐ!F^qUVs(đ$[ILmmmmmm$be +fEH%EH qʼnc+dc>ܱEH._ BwG"hbK!CaA[4(Je0Cz]b&$\VZRƟ ̙-CummmmmmmC?DGId|`[*?(bklS|Zܺ&ьŦmmmmmmmL1&p @R4AU喔4/2d ⬵QJrdzTxCwAmmmmmmjUwtM90u$P2K&犨tke>.wg]]hŎnX?[mmmmmmmcޗnX$I/!9BM **h"B$h`?b1?ئ`=rN{(^=^Qas&P?!;Vt=/J,=9':l"~# wńI,=/i,pN"NaqaEqz*(Ķ7E0"EP1pb,XF(Q^'_!zZx;^0|/dc-Cwe󱰌1cMU-*y5ae9L5زQϐFVCsg[IH#$t^'_;fS㸻2qw=cyjrht=/Z퍌ұܫR%Kqu3F XEϔPҖ  v]ӣS6Ƣ\XDbڌZt =CF!GB&&PBB$DAai2A,z_>8llǤ-70*q蝋s)DǬj1i*q&*8^#qI 4,(*L,2k8ޓEHT#Dʉ FD $~qliǢv.I|/{ŤǜUxcc 0'9IUYͱʯzJsPaB(H!$&TKdD5oI"˹ȓ,hXPTQ,vbshug6ƛC,.H2BBeѺK& |OcsҒcM^8EWQVr$i,vb ?ޕXE,CF!CummmmmmmP˦gZqE]G<1lAj)VAehPcыYYRyz1cId|UbJ86F`OKc^|s88MF8;\ Z4$7-j㭶mmmmmmmڇR{?02VZ‚K,Dpq$*PIcPh IlrDIcG*D3E En*@rB8Hi,v90ף9{bHŎnŎn*@rB;.4y2H4P!q-);IOcqqeDDRX YoQ'!P(KS4u9B$ɕ"@DI Q"`7&HG&HGCIcIQνKأF,sw//F,spa2dw7k\heH&hQBCq,ZSv+-'QZGʉ{>*NCFQ!|h G!(Tj{q;$)$@EMCjf}A[mmmmmmmmmjD'\{YVCd4vxd\1!"Ҙ#z+/:Ԣ7Ee(8m0T7PRl8r[]瓃r@G8ٶ4n,!9ݐqu2J9#E"bs̑Octv81/ܦ2g`ƛ@w-ܻNy2ƛtٹXQ!uEh TbG<19zM`&LB0\dd (HA@a9900L"  ;r`bqlɒ(@P x#saa:Y Q8XQ t_ O?o6Au?Y}Dsj1i rb47Vv5G<1cUip4QRe7d39Ud5νwBCqeY IF'_80cQYc.S@woE蛝Q8X x#ctt̑@w w1QY {I]TSbtE/Z2L5?Ir` 7=/bEEʔ Lb{l01ZQhbƦđLeYvG<Q#9YX#/sTaF,sCqeY Ŏj"u?NËO?Y1orUV_x̀! 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As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "verify method -h" "METHOD:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_verify_methods()" oc kꌓ3+6$bbb&6$ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_logtho#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_log.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990,2010 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)00 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_log.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 5/15/13 14:22:11 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2html function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_view_log =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 1/31/14 04:41:46 Last Changed: 5/15/13 14:22:11 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_log.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr view log [ {|EVENTS} ] \ [ TAIL= ] \ [ HEAD= ] \ [ FILTER=[,,,...] ] \ [ DELIMITER= ] \ [ CASE={insensitive|no|off|false} ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Displays the contents of the specified PowerHA log, in the indicated manner. If one or more filters are specified, then they are applied first, before limiting the number of lines. If both TAIL and HEAD are provided, TAIL is applied first, then HEAD. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. log [REQUIRED] [string] The shortname of the PowerHA log file that is to be viewed. 2. tail [OPTIONAL] [integer] The number of lines to display from the bottom of the file. 3. head [OPTIONAL] [integer] The number of lines to display from the top of the output. 4. filters [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more search strings. 5. delimiter [OPTIONAL] [string] The string separator to look for in the specified filters. Defaults to a comma. 6. case [OPTIONAL] [string] An indicator of whether or not the specified filters should be used to search the log in a case sensitive manner (the default). Valid values include: {insensitive|no|off|false} =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function on_exit_view_log { [[ -n $EVFILE && -f $EVFILE ]] && /usr/bin/rm -f "$EVFILE" (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && exit $RC_ERROR } function KLIB_HACMP_view_log { trap 'on_exit_view_log' EXIT LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_log.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset log=${1##*/} shift typeset -i tail=${1//\"/} typeset -i head=${2//\"/} typeset filters=${3//\"/} typeset delimiter=${4//\"/} typeset -l case=${5//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i default=500 status=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN # Declare globally, so it is visible in the exit function typeset -i i=0 typeset DIRECTORY= GREP= EVFILE= # Declare globally, so it is visible in the exit function typeset -u UC_LOG=$log [[ -z $delimiter ]] && delimiter=',' #===================== : Validate the input #===================== if [[ -z $log ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT elif [[ $UC_LOG != EV* ]]; then CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_log "$log" DIRECTORY 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$log" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND elif [[ ! -f "$DIRECTORY/$log" ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$DIRECTORY/$log" 1>&2 rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if (( $rc == RC_NOT_FOUND )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 147 "Available Logs:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_logs available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" fi if [[ -n $1 ]] && (( tail <= 0 )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" TAIL 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $2 ]] && (( head <= 0 )); then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" HEAD 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $filters == *@(\`|\$\()* ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 133 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" option contains a shell execution character: %2\$s\n\n" FILTER "$filters" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ "$*" == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 134 "Warning: no options were provided for log \"%1\$s\".\n Defaulting to the last %2\$s lines.\n" "$log" "$default" tail=$default fi #================================================ : See if an events summary report was requested #================================================ if [[ $UC_LOG == EV* ]]; then DIRECTORY=$TMPDIR log=clmgr.KHvl.evs.$$ EVFILE=$DIRECTORY/$log print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $HAUTILS/clevsummary" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log commands $HAUTILS/clevsummary >$EVFILE 2>/dev/null rc=$? print "clevsummary RC: $rc" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG # Always log command result fi #=========================== : Display the log contents #=========================== if [[ -n $filters ]]; then IFS=$delimiter for filter in $filters; do GREP="$GREP | /usr/bin/grep" [[ $case == @(i|f|n|off)* ]] && GREP="$GREP -i" GREP="$GREP \"$filter\"" done GREP=${GREP# \| } #====================== : Insert the log file #====================== if [[ $GREP == *\|* ]]; then GREP=${GREP/\|/ $DIRECTORY/$log \|} else GREP="$GREP $DIRECTORY/$log" fi if (( tail && head )); then eval $GREP | /usr/bin/tail -n $tail | /usr/bin/head -n $head elif (( tail )); then eval $GREP | /usr/bin/tail -n $tail elif (( head )); then eval $GREP | /usr/bin/head -n $head else eval $GREP fi else if (( tail && head )); then /usr/bin/tail -n $tail $DIRECTORY/$log | /usr/bin/head -n $head elif (( tail )); then /usr/bin/tail -n $tail $DIRECTORY/$log elif (( head )); then /usr/bin/head -n $head $DIRECTORY/$log fi fi (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR fi [[ -f $EVFILE ]] && /usr/bin/rm -f "$EVFILE" #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then CL=$LINENO cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "view log -h" "LOG:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )) && rc=$RC_SUCCESS log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_view_log()" r  kP3+/ bbb&/ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_mirror_groupon#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_mirror_group.sh 1.1 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # Start of POD-formatted documentation. Viewing suggestions: # perldoc # pod2text -c # pod2text -c --code # pod2ht-ml function devDoc { : <<'=cut' >/dev/null 2>&1 =head1 NAME KLIB_HACMP_view_mirror_group =head1 VERSION Version Number: 1.4 Last Extracted: 10/18/12 17:50:40 Last Changed: 10/8/12 12:21:43 Path, Component, Release(, Level): src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r712, 1242B_hacmp712 =head1 SYNOPSIS clmgr view mirror_group [,,...] \ [ NODE= ] clmgr view mirror_group \ NODES=[,,...] \ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] clmgr view mirror_group \ SITE=[,] \ [ SYSTEM_GROUPS={yes|no} ] [ REPOSITORY_GROUP={yes|no} ] NOTE: the "view" action is only valid for DS-Series Inband (HyperSwap) NOTE: the alias for "mirror_group" is "mig". =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to view the specified HyperSwap mirror groups. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. mirror_groups [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more HyperSwap mirror groups to view. 2. nodes [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of one or more cluster nodes. 3. sites [OPTIONAL] [string] The label of one or more cluster sites. 4. system_groups [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates whether or not to include system mirror groups in the view. Defaults to "yes". 5. repository_group [OPTIONAL] [boolean] Indicates whether or not to include the repository mirror group in the view. Defaults to "yes". =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =head1 COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2010 All Rights Reserved =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_view_mirror_group { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_mirror_group.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r712, 1242B_hacmp712 : INPUTS: $* [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values CL=$LINENO OPERATION="activepath" KLIB_HACMP_replace_mirror_group "$@" log_return_msg "$?" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_view_mirror_group()" 2 l\k3+Jbbb& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_report  = Eert"$AILOPRST_acilnops#()-/:>CDMN\dfhm%,.1Nhv}_S8w 7wmmɚ r}'8>V{PAA? ӡZOq8w uQf8w!N)3QϬ@'~X: ;3]'<::#Bkr{P@덵W{h]hQ\I+X``dG\{ ӡZ=\;8j:CNhpG`- oqN6\xWwg zv}'9uo TaԂ>Nj==g_j>=_yEOqI* _S.ۢt8wt`+ m4/4v~4v{`iᎯ<ۢƧS8b;5:i|Ux`nrfv5ؤ_hDwS(>'r=]'rhbfhTGouWhmw_|S| <0ǛtXI+F@#}NOuWyO6ƱAg@'xcy:)<ӐC4-X ?8w!r_r|0M 3YNGfNN!w!r_` DtGkNz7:QCIYY ԩ3 {j(q#"NOri:֓ ?mވ|S51r϶`{͋<\}b :\ܰT1wūoTn?;uK$&:+@4<^H!m֩c:?6г\3mBQmvOSWr5}N4yaS\;0PZvm_4g -ENr3;}' npE3AX{΁;+qgMpQyy§#O68_;>j r}\;=]'tPzNO!'Lr̰y( Ŏ;mӢܘ?~‚O`voWm~Lгs5M oj8*pa"PA&iW*LLL&'Tˇ,  X GxY/%0$!Tˇ,  X ",$^J1hLr̰y( ǎ֛P_ޘ?j4(E>U6uޯ d=dVueEU?8wƞStZq|NXv>iF1GBsoөش5|8pTZ>'hpcj78Bq p|{v<o;3`t h] u8Bp|Y_yMg}NOhW|vg_Ӯqx(sq @I1# AyPeŝpȚ?(QY qVt/ @xrD#zA4H‚c^ET0Yr]uڬf\3;71e~PS.,U5HK@x(&Cx0X |ޏq @I1# AyPeѭfv Wnj9?",$^J1#NCZq 8r/h4T:E0]R,IN( SNCP8h)#=+ӭPmMCEr0Lr̯&4 \9fKX<*ORzNU50=nV]~`|óDŽ }P 2 ",$^J0~P BY \9fJ\& bbx GDXe5@deÖdˢ`,S.,,*Je"f^>1xF Y%6Z Rbbq&*UfJebU`XnP/@(p Cz TKmӢ Cn܏Ą/h*%CL1Y5 aàU22*p.rѭfv W·\yi᎓:ӏ8Nup^|} 2@ Y/%? 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The "view snapshot" command displays the contents of the specified snapshot's ".info" file, if that file exists, in the indicated manner. If one or more filters are specified, then they are applied first, before limiting the number of lines. If both TAIL and HEAD are provided, TAIL is applied first, then HEAD. =head1 ARGUMENTS 1. snapshot [REQUIRED] [string] The name of the PowerHA snapshot file that is to be viewed. 2. tail [OPTIONAL] [integer] The number of lines to display from the bottom of the file. 3. head [OPTIONAL] [integer] The number of lines to display from the top of the output. 4. filters [OPTIONAL] [string] One or more search strings. 5. delimiter [OPTIONAL] [string] The string separator to look for in the specified filters. Defaults to a comma. 6. case [OPTIONAL] [string] An indicator of whether or not the specified filters should be used to search the log in a case sensitive manner (the default). Valid values include: {insensitive|no|off|false} =head1 RETURN 0: no errors were detected; the operation appears to have been successful 1: a general error has occurred 2: a specified resource does not exist, or could not be found 3: some required input was missing 4: some detected input was incorrect in some way 5: a required dependency does not exist 6: a specified search failed to match any data =cut } # End of POD-formatted documentation. function KLIB_HACMP_view_snapshot { . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" : version=@(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/lib/ksh93/hacmp/KLIB_HACMP_view_snapshot.sh, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM : INPUTS: $* typeset snapshot=${1##*/} snapshot=${snapshot//\"/} shift typeset -i tail=${1//\"/} typeset -i head=${2//\"/} typeset filters=${3//\"/} typeset delimiter=${4//\"/} typeset -l case=${5//\"/} [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == 'med' ]] && set +x # Only trace param values #=================================== : Declare and initialize variables #=================================== typeset -i status=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN typeset -i i=0 typeset GREP= [[ -z $delimiter ]] && delimiter=',' if [[ -z $SNAPSHOTPATH || ! -d $SNAPSHOTPATH ]]; then SNAPSHOTPATH=/usr/es/sbin/cluster/snapshots fi #===================== : Validate the input #===================== if [[ -z $snapshot ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 100 "\nERROR: a name/label must be provided.\n\n" 1>&2 rc=$RC_MISSING_INPUT else CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_is_known_snapshot "$snapshot" 2>/dev/null if (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 102 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" does not appear to exist!\n\n" "$snapshot" 1>&2 dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 158 "Available Snapshots:\n\n" 1>&2 typeset available CL=$LINENO KLIB_HACMP_list_snapshots available for (( i=0; i<${#available[*]}; i++ )); do if [[ ${available[$i]} != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then print -u2 "\t${available[$i]}" fi done print -u2 "" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND elif [[ ! -f "$SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.info" ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 137 "\nERROR: the specified snapshot's information file could not be found.\n\n" 1>&2 print -u2 " $snapshot.info\n" rc=$RC_NOT_FOUND fi fi if [[ -n $1 ]] && (( tail <= 0 )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" TAIL 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT elif [[ -n $2 ]] && (( head <= 0 )); then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 111 "\nERROR: \"%1\$s\" requires a positive, integer value.\n\n" HEAD 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi if [[ $filters == *@(\`|\$\()* ]]; then dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 133 "\nERROR: the \"%1\$s\" option contains a shell execution character: %2\$s\n\n" FILTER "$filters" 1>&2 rc=$RC_INCORRECT_INPUT fi #======================================== : Display the snapshot ".info" contents #======================================== if (( $rc == RC_UNKNOWN )); then if [[ -n $filters ]]; then IFS=$delimiter for filter in $filters; do GREP="$GREP | /usr/bin/grep" [[ $case == @(i|f|n|off)* ]] && GREP="$GREP -i" GREP="$GREP \"$filter\"" done GREP=${GREP# \| } #====================== : Insert the log file #====================== if [[ $GREP == *\|* ]]; then GREP=${GREP/\|/ $SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.info \|} else GREP="$GREP $SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.info" fi if (( tail && head )); then eval $GREP | /usr/bin/tail -n $tail | /usr/bin/head -n $head elif (( tail )); then eval $GREP | /usr/bin/tail -n $tail elif (( head )); then eval $GREP | /usr/bin/head -n $head else eval $GREP fi else if [[ "$*" == *([[:space:]]) ]]; then /usr/bin/cat $SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.info elif (( tail && head )); then /usr/bin/tail -n $tail $SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.info |\ /usr/bin/head -n $head elif (( tail )); then /usr/bin/tail -n $tail $SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.info elif (( head )); then /usr/bin/head -n $head $SNAPSHOTPATH/$snapshot.info fi fi (( $? != RC_SUCCESS )) && rc=$RC_ERROR || rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi #======================================================================= : If a user input error was detected, provide some helpful suggestions #======================================================================= if (( $rc == RC_MISSING_INPUT || $rc == RC_INCORRECT_INPUT )) && \ [[ $CLVT_GUI == *([[:space:]]) ]] then cl_dspmsg -s $CLVT_SET $CLVT_MSGS 104 "For more information about available options and syntax, try\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr %1\$s\". As an\nalternative, if the PowerHA SystemMirror man pages have been installed, invoke\n\"$HAUTILS/clmgr -hv\" (or \"/usr/bin/man clmgr\"),\nsearching for \"%2\$s\" in the displayed text.\n\n" \ "view snapshot -h" "SNAPSHOT:" "$CLVT_PROGNAME" 1>&2 fi log_return_msg "$rc" "$0()" "$LINENO" return $? } # End of "KLIB_HACMP_view_snapshot()" kj3+7b՝ab&7 # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/log_entry_HA#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/log_entry.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG ############################################################################## # # Name: log_entry # # Description: # # This file is intended to be sourced in, not directly executed. At the # top of the file/function that you want to add tracing support to, # insert something like this: # # . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/log_entry "$0()" $CL # # Inputs: # # LE_FN The name of the function being entered. For a file, "$0". For # a function, "$0()". # # LE_INV_LINE The line number from the *previous* function, that invoked # the function being entered (i.e. the function name in # "$fn"). This is optional, but helps make the call stack # more useful. # # As an alternative to passing in the value as an argument, # to your functions, it can also be passed in via the # environment variable "CL". This is a bit less invasive for # existing code. In order to make this work, the "CL" # variable from the example must be passed in to the function # that is being traced. So for example, if I am invoking # function "bb()" from function "aa()", in "aa()" I would do # this: # # CL=$LINENO bb # # LE_MIN_TRC The minimum CLMGR_LOGGING level which will initiate # tracing. # # Outputs: # # There are direct outputs from this function; nothing gets printed to # STDOUT/STDERR. However, the side effect of this function is to update # the global call stack, "CLMGR_STACK", the PS4 variable, and to invoke # tracing (i.e. "set -x") as needed based upon the current value of the # "CLMGR_LOGGING" variable. # ############################################################################## #=============================================================== # Avoid using this function if it not being called from within # the clmgr/clvt context. The PS4 format cannot be guaranteed # in that case, and might get a little... mangled. #=============================================================== [[ $PS4 != CL@(MGR|VT):* ]] && return set +x typeset LE_FN=$1 # The new function that is being entered typeset LE_INV_LINE=$2 # Line number that the new function was invoked from typeset -l LE_MIN_TRC=$3 # Minimum tracing level if [[ $LE_INV_LINE != *([[:space:]]) && \ $LE_INV_LINE != +([[:digit:]]) && \ $LE_MIN_TRC == *([[:space:]]) ]] then LE_MIN_TRC=$LE_INV_LINE unset LE_INV_LINE fi [[ $LE_MIN_TRC == *([[:space:]]) ]] && LE_MIN_TRC="low" if [[ $LE_INV_LINE == *([[:space:]]) && \ $CL == +([[:digit:]]) ]] then LE_INV_LINE=$CL fi unset CL # Since this is global (if used), it has to be removed each time if [[ -n $CLMGR_TMPLOG ]]; then if [[ $LE_INV_LINE != +([[:digit:]]) && $0 != */sa/* ]]; then print "\nWarning: clmgr internal error (log_entry): missing invoking line number ($0; $LE_FN; $*)\n" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG fi fi #===================================================== : Update the call stack, and the PS4 trace formatter #===================================================== [[ -n $LE_INV_LINE ]] && LE_INV_LINE=" at line #$LE_INV_LINE" if [[ $LE_FN != *([[:space:]]) ]]; then CLMGR_STACK=${CLMGR_STACK%%+([[:space:]])} if [[ ${CLMGR_STACK##*${NL}} != $LE_FN* ]]; then CLMGR_STACK="${CLMGR_STACK}${LE_INV_LINE}${NL}$LE_FN" : If we updated the stack, we should update PS4, as well print -- "$PS4" |IFS=: read LE_SENTINEL LE_TID LE_RC LE_FUNC LE_REM LE_FUNC=${LE_FUNC#*\[} # Remove old function LE_FUNC="${LE_FN}[${LE_FUNC}" # Insert new function PS4="$LE_SENTINEL:$LE_TID:$LE_RC:$LE_FUNC:$LE_REM" unset LE_SENTINEL LE_TID LE_RC LE_FUNC LE_REM fi #======================= : Update the FFDC file #======================= if [[ -n $FFDC_DIR && -d $FFDC_DIR ]]; then print "\ ===================== clmgr Call Stack: ===================== $CLMGR_STACK" >$FFDC_CS_FILE fi fi if [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == @(low|med|high|max) ]]; then LE_INV_LINE=${LE_INV_LINE##*\#} typeset OUT=$(print -- ${PS4/\$?/0}) if [[ $LE_FN == *\(\) ]]; then OUT=${OUT/\$LINENO/1} else OUT=${OUT/\$LINENO/$LE_INV_LINE} fi OUT=${OUT/\$SECONDS/$SECONDS} typeset LE_SPACER=$NL typeset LE_LAST_LINE=$(/usr/bin/tail -n 1 $CLMGR_ERRLOG) [[ $LE_LAST_LINE == +([[:space:]]) ]] && LE_NEED_SPACER="" if [[ $LE_FN == *\(\) ]]; then print -u2 -- "${LE_SPACER}${OUT}${TAB} ENTERING FUNCTION \"$LE_FN\" at $($HAUTILS/cltime)" else print -u2 -- "${LE_SPACER}${OUT}${TAB} ENTERING FILE \"$LE_FN\" at $($HAUTILS/cltime)" fi unset OUT LE_SPACER LE_LAST_LINE #if [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == "med" && $LE_MIN_TRC == @(low|med) ]] || \ # [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == "high" && $LE_MIN_TRC == @(low|med|high) ]] || \ # [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == "max" ]] if [[ $CLMGR_LOGGING == @(med|high|max) ]] then unset LE_FN LE_INV_LINE LE_MIN_TRC set -x else unset LE_FN LE_INV_LINE LE_MIN_TRC fi fi  k ;3+ b՝ab&  # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_parse_argumentsoupon#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r721 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_parse_arguments.sh 1.9 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2015 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)60 1.9 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_parse_arguments.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1607A_hacmp721 12/28/15 10:52:49 #================================================ # The following, commented line enforces coding # standards when this file is edited via vim. #================================================ # vim:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:expandtab:smarttab #================================================ #============================================================================ # # Name: KLIB_UTIL_parse_arguments # # Description: Parses the "name=value" input pairs for clmgr, and stores # them in an associative array. # # Inputs: list A reference to an associative array. This is # where the parsed results are stored. # # The remaining arguments are whatever pairs were passed # in to clmgr for this invocation. # # Outputs: Nothing is output to STDOUT/STDERR. # # Returns: 0, if no parsing errors occur. Otherwise, a non-zero. # #============================================================================ function KLIB_UTIL_parse_arguments { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" max : version=1.9, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_parse_arguments.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r721, 1607A_hacmp721 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n list=$1 shift typeset OPT_ARG=$* ORIG_ARGS=$* typeset name="" value="" value_regex="" typeset -u nameUC="" typeset -i argCnt=0 rc=$RC_UNKNOWN ORIG_SIZE=0 NEW_SIZE=0 typeset -i brake=50 # Just to be *sure* there are no hangs...! while [[ -n $OPT_ARG ]]; do OPT_ARG=${OPT_ARG##+([[:space:]])} # Remove leading whitespace (( argCnt++ )) #================================================= # Search for the first variable name in OPT_ARG. # It can be found by simply removing everything # after the first equals sign from OPT_ARG. #================================================= name=${OPT_ARG%%=*} if [[ -n $name ]]; then OPT_ARG=${OPT_ARG#${name}=} #================================================================== # If there is another variable assignment, the current values ends # where that next assignment begins. Otherwise, all the remaining # values are assumed to belong to the current variable. # # Starting with an OPT_ARG of --> abc=123 def=456 ghi=789 # The line of code, above, extracts the first/leading variable # name, then removes it from OPT_ARG. In this case, that is "abc", # leaving a remaining OPT_ARG of "123 def=456 ghi=789". # # Case 1: # OPT_ARG -------> 123 def=456 ghi=789 # Match/Remove --> ^^^^^ # Remainder -----> 123 # The remainder is the value assign to the current variable. # So on the first pass in this example, list[abc]=123. # # Case 2: # OPT_ARG -------> 789 # All other variable assignments (if there were multiple) # have already been processed. Therefore, whatever value(s) # remaining in OPT_ARG must be the values for the last # extracted variable name. So in this example, list[ghi]=789. #================================================================== if [[ $OPT_ARG == *+([[:space:]])+([[:alnum:]]|_|-)=* ]]; then value=${OPT_ARG%%+([[:space:]])+([[:alnum:]]|_|-)=*} if [[ -n $value ]]; then value_regex=${value//\(/\\\(} value_regex=${value_regex//\)/\\\)} value_regex=${value_regex//\*/\\*} value_regex=${value_regex//\]/\\\]} value_regex=${value_regex//\[/\\\[} # The odd quotes are for ksh93 -n! value_regex=${value_regex//'|'/'\\|'} value_regex=${value_regex//'&'/\\'&'} ORIG_SIZE=${#OPT_ARG} OPT_ARG=${OPT_ARG#$value_regex} # Remove the value from OPT_ARG NEW_SIZE=${#OPT_ARG} # Make sure the removal was successful if (( $NEW_SIZE == $ORIG_SIZE )); then rc=$RC_ERROR break fi fi elif (( argCnt == 1 )); then value=${OPT_ARG#*=} unset OPT_ARG # Kill the loop. All input has been processed. else value=$OPT_ARG unset OPT_ARG # Kill the loop. All input has been processed. fi if [[ $name != -@(c|x|d|h|v|D|E|S) ]]; then nameUC=${name//-/_} # Convert dashes to underscores list[$nameUC]=$value # Store the name/value pair in the return list fi fi if (( --brake <= 0 )); then rc=$RC_ERROR break # Avoid hangs, please! fi done if (( rc == RC_ERROR )); then typeset CLMGR_LOG=$CLMGR_TMPLOG if [[ -z $CLMGR_LOG || ! -f $CLMGR_LOG || ! -w $CLMGR_LOG ]]; then CLMGR_LOG="$(ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos $HAUTILS/clodmget -q name=clutils.log -f value -n HACMPlogs)/clutils.log" [[ ! -w $CLMGR_LOG ]] && CLMGR_LOG="/tmp/clutils.log" fi print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): ERROR: an internal error occurred within KLIB_UTIL_parse_arguments(). Original Args: $ORIG_ARGS Problem parsing this: \"$name=$value\" Unprocessed Input: $OPT_ARG " >>$CLMGR_LOG else rc=$RC_SUCCESS fi log_return_msg $rc $0 $LINENO return $? } # End of "KLIB_UTIL_parse_arguments()" the k꼔3+ b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_runCommandGetHashpon#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_runCommandGetHash.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2013 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)39 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_runCommandGetHash.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 1/16/13 13:55:20 function KLIB_UTIL_runCommandGetHash { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" max : version=1.4, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_runCommandGetHash.sh, hacmp.assist, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n data=$1 shift typeset headings="" key="" value="" values="" typeset OUTPUT_FILE="$TMPDIR/.clmgr.rcgh.$$" typeset -i rc=0 try=0 tries=5 if (( $# == 0 )); then rc=1 else #================================================== : Run the command, retrying a few times if needed #================================================== for (( try=0; $try < $tries; )); do print "$0()[$LINENO]($SECONDS): $*" >>$CLMGR_TMPLOG "$@" >$OUTPUT_FILE 2>>$CLMGR_TMPLOG rc=$? if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && \ [[ -f $OUTPUT_FILE && $(head -1 $OUTPUT_FILE) != \#* ]] then rc=$RC_ERROR # Found unexpected, error output fi (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && break || rc=$RC_ERROR (( try++ )) if (( $try <= ( $tries - 1 ) )); then sleep $try fi done if (( $rc == RC_SUCCESS )) && \ [[ -f $OUTPUT_FILE && -s $OUTPUT_FILE ]] then headings=$(head -n 1 $OUTPUT_FILE) values=$(tail -n 1 $OUTPUT_FILE) while [[ -n $headings ]]; do key=${headings%%:*} headings=${headings#${key}:} value=${values%%:*} values=${values#${value}:} data[$key]=$value [[ $headings != *:* ]] && break done fi fi [[ -f $OUTPUT_FILE ]] && /usr/bin/rm -f $OUTPUT_FILE log_return_msg $rc $0 $LINENO return $? } # End of "KLIB_UTIL_runCommandGetHash()"  k-3+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_word_countetH#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_word_count.sh 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2012 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)19 1.5 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_word_count.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 6/10/12 14:05:15 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_UTIL_word_count - Count the number of words in a string # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset string="HACMP v5.3 on AIX 5.3" # typeset -i word_count=0 # KLIB_UTIL_word_count word_count $string # echo "Number of words: $word_count" # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Counts the number of words in a string # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] counter returns the number of words counted # 2+ [scalar] strings to count # #=head1 RETURN # # None # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_UTIL_word_count { LINENO=2 . $HALIBROOT/log_entry "$0()" "$CL" max : version=1.5, src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/KLIB_UTIL_word_count.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 : INPUTS: $* typeset -n result=$1 shift result=$# log_return_msg 0 $0 $LINENO return $? } # End of "KLIB_UTIL_word_count()" ad  kꮤ3+ b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)18 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:19:22 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ - Return a list of fields that are different # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset -A array_1 # typeset -A array_2 # typeset differences # array_1( \ # [test]="foo" # [abc]="def" # ) # # array_2( \ # [test]="123" # [abc]="def" # ) # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_field_differ array_1 array_2 differences # for $key in ${differences[*]}; do # echo "field: $key is different" # done # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Determines the differences between two KSH93 hash arrays # and places those differences into a third hash array # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] first hash array to use in comparison # 2: [by ref] second hash array to use in comparison # 3: [by ref] resultant diff, this list will contain those field elements # that are different between the first and second arrays # #=head1 RETURN # # None - see 3rd array as output # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # # Name: KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ # # Description: Make a list of fields that differ # # Arguments: First array variable # # Second array variable # # String variable to return list in # # Returns: True if there are array fields that differ # # Results: String list of differing fields # # Global Refs: None # # Usage: KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ array1 array2 string_var # Return: list of fields that differ function KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_fields_differ { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n arr1=$1 typeset -n arr2=$2 typeset -n errlist=$3 errlist= typeset keylist KLIB_UTIL_LIST_unique_key_list keylist ${!arr1[*]} ${!arr2[*]} typeset key for key in $keylist; do [[ "${arr1[$key]}" != "${arr2[$key]}" ]] && errlist="${errlist:+$errlist }$key" # clean append idiom done [[ -n "$errlist" ]] }  kI3+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_load_by_token#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_load_by_token.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)17 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_load_by_token.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:17:24 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_load_by_token - Loads an array by tokens name = value # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset -A array # cat file | KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_by_token array '=' '$1' '$3' # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Receives text on its stdin and splits each line # using the second argument as the delimiters. The # 3rd and 4th arguments are simply used as assignment # descriptors to save data to the array using the 3rd # as the key to store the 4th as the data # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] array to load data into # 2: [scalar] IFS value to use in splitting data # 3: [scalar] single quoted string used to determine name field '$2' # 4: [scalar] single quoted string used to determine value field '$3' # #=head1 RETURN # # None, see the first argument for the array output # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_UTIL_LIST_array_load_by_token { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n arr=$1 typeset do_strip=$2 typeset _ifs="$3" typeset key="$4" typeset value="$5" while read line; do # ignore empty key values IFS="$_ifs" set -- $line eval [ -z \"$key\" ] \&\& continue eval tmp=\"$value\" $do_strip && { tmp=${tmp#\"} tmp=${tmp%\"} } eval arr\[$key\]=$tmp done } R k3+{b՝ab&{ # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_hasharray_datadumperoup#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_hasharray_datadumper.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)12 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_hasharray_datadumper.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:13:43 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_hasharray_datadumper - Similar to the perl Data::Dumper module, dumps ksh93 hash # tables as sourceable strings # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset -A data # array(\ # [test]="foo" # [bar]="123" # ) # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_hasharray_datadumper data # # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Dumps ksh93 hash tables as strings that can then be sourced by another script # to internalize, used for persisting data between ksh93 sessions # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] array to dump # #=head1 RETURN # # None # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_UTIL_LIST_hasharray_datadumper { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n array=$1 if (( ${#array[*]} == 0 )); then return 1 fi echo echo "unset ${!array}" echo "typeset -A ${!array}" echo "${!array}=( \\" for key in ${!array[*]}; do echo "\t[$key]=\"${array[$key]}\"" done echo ")" echo return 0 } $"" kz3+ub՝ab&u # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_is_in_lista#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_is_in_list.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)14 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_is_in_list.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:14:50 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_is_in_list - Informs caller if a value is in the list # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset list="a b c d e f g" # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_is_in_list list "c" && { # echo "Element c is in the list" # } # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Informs caller if a value is in the list # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] array to search (haystack) # 2: [scalar] value to search for (needle) # #=head1 RETURN # # 0: value is in the list # 1: value is not in the list # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_UTIL_LIST_is_in_list { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n array=$1 value=$2 for element in $array; do [[ "$element" == "$value" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } == k a3+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_remove_list_itemser#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_remove_list_items.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)15 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_remove_list_items.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:15:49 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_remove_list_items - Remove specified items from a list # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset list="a b c d e f g h" # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_remove_list_items list "a" "d" "e" # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Remove an unlimited number of items from a list # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] is the name not value of original list # the original list will be rebuilt after its contents # are saved. The returned list will not have the same # order as the original list, just the same members # excluding those listed on the command line # # 2+: [scalar] Any number of items to be removed from the original list # #=head1 RETURN # # 0 - success, # 1 - failed, # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_UTIL_LIST_remove_list_items { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n orig_list=$1 typeset -n remove_list=$2 typeset -A keep_set typeset -A remove_set typeset key shift for key in $orig_list; do keep_set[$key]=: done while shift; (( $# )); do key=$1 if [[ -n "${keep_set[$key]}" ]]; then unset keep_set[$key] remove_set[$key]=: fi done orig_list="${!keep_set[*]}" remove_list="${!remove_set[*]}" }  k3+b՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_unique_key_listser#!/bin/ksh93 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_unique_key_list.sh 1.4 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)11 1.4 src/43haes/lib/ksh93/util/list/KLIB_UTIL_LIST_unique_key_list.sh, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:12:31 # #=head1 NAME # # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_unique_key_list - Remove duplicates from a list # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # typeset list="a b d e f b a a b" # KLIB_UTIL_LIST_unique_key_list list # echo $list # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # # Removes duplicate entries from a list # #=head1 ARGUMENTS # # 1: [by ref] list of elements to remove duplicates from # #=head1 RETURN # # None # #=head1 COPYRIGHT # #(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2005 #All Rights Reserved # #=cut # function KLIB_UTIL_LIST_unique_key_list { . /usr/es/lib/ksh93/func_include typeset -n list=$1 typeset -A array while shift; (( $# )); do array[${1}]=: done list="${!array[*]}" } th l3+$bs՝ab&g # ./usr/es/lib/libcl.ail/$$ $0%* e8_`aclrst,.0@AHKdgimnop| !%(/345:;NTbfhuy} $)+1267CDFIPkvx #-9[^ -e!h3OZֵkZֵf5kZֵkTkZֵkZֵFEJֵkZֵkZƕkZֵkZֵOZֵkZֵkZd3UkZֵkZcQ=kZֵkZ֩ZֵkZֵkZQyxkZӗֵkZeZֵkZjbcZֵkSֲFE%dTЃ Rvt wMn[饰_*M"A,nįPI?r |r gɢcG z %W̝S=ĀR@ HWI`R3d~V!@XBfSJPHhZfNV|tI\'A^4݃T)&HZ`;6,u?"&SJ<͋_mkϛ;>p|=`O,h}VﺁUa7N+bBPԞ)E@vou\* .9kPϿ-XD%̧DZ| ysa a ?dAݛdHߣ1@a8pNI"a+V L C EXDu2^ɔ菠a ̧DӺB/XDBИ\(znA;=qZAr3IGh@! 䖄K&5XB):ҕ>znA;=qZAr3IGh@! 䖄K&epl_U6NKiJO=D7J Mȭ # \ЅrKB%FuuRQ Һ'g f܎ЁrCB-%MJTy!uN\Ah@! 䖄K&S1K  UX'mrSϩ Ai.}V(̘&h1 yҼtvz B%FubzK\tp'̝%M <8  b?W=iąY8<{%M>7Rxt{ERx%Y8t{5'U|nt8IbY8rOҹIju4+q)<'O4+q<ʲpBOҹO(:U?t{=RyJ'|nt8TduX@o4+qTdX@4+qO3X@ iW=T}V>7Ja: Ou"Ry>W\AhD(n>W\AhD(ng +Gg "\i7W_ +Gg "\i7W_Sφn㣳Z.J4ᛥxK&A}% !j5%' ;ЩQ ~SPCj)?@P_5 rd :PPΠ(/N%`yr#Dw` D Uzw;f 'cB)`' ;';f 'cB ')W{0<>) :"`%V8Bi7WDÀ ARuBΠ @0=8 :)3I'T : R R :&j& FۣwGI,p:)>S ,. 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Currently, the supported formats are: XML The format of the data structure can arbitrary: a hash of hashes, a hash of arrays; an array of hashes or anything with no limit of depth. There should be no circularity, otherwise the writers may go into an infinite loop. =head1 COPYRIGHT (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2003 All Rights Reserved =head1 METHODS =cut ## # # Developers, # The Programming Perl (Camel) book, 3rd Edition says the use of # prototypes on methods are not honored. They are included for # documentation purposes only, and can be easily removed with no # loss of functionality or safety. # # Also, as the need exists, change the 'internal' document format # to POD. ## use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use DataWriter ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( ); our $VERSION = '0.01'; # Preloaded methods go here. =head2 new() Description: new() is the constructor for the DataWriter. This allows the developer to separate data from its presentation. XML, as an output format, specifies that entities be written out in a particular order. This DataWriter allows the developer to specify 'rules' as to how hash structures should be sorted when writing out the data. Arguments: This constructor supports named parameters; the following are supported: Indent_text: the text to use to indent the text; by default it is four spaces Show_nonexisting_tags: if 1, tags specified by a sorting rule but having no data will be printed. Returns: A new DataWriter object. Example: my $xmlWriter = DataWriter::new(); my $xmlWriter2 = DataWriter::new( Indent_Text => "\t" ); =cut sub new($;@) { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; my %args = @_; $self->{_indentLevel} = 0; # the indentation level $self->{_sortRules} = {}; # used to store the rules $self->{_indentText} = $args{Indent_text} || " "; $self->{_show_nonexisting_tags} = $args{Show_nonexisting_tags} || 0; $self->{_show_null_values} = $args{Show_null_values} || 0; return bless $self, $class; } =head2 writeToXML() Description: writeToXML() is the method for writing the complex data structure as an fragment of an XML document. Currently attributes are not supported. It is up to the calling program to write out the XML declaration, DOCTYPE declarations, and so forth. Arguments: $: a reference to the compound data structure (hash of hases) $: (optional) the filehandle where the XML document will be written. If not specified, standard out will be used. Returns: 1 if successful; 0 if there are errors (file I/O). This routine will use Carp to write out the errors. Example: $xmlWriter->writeToXML( $cluster, \*XMLFILE ); =cut sub writeToXML($;$) { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; return $self->writeArrayToXML($data, $fh) if ( ref $data eq "ARRAY" ); return $self->writeHashToXML($data, $fh) if ( ref $data eq "HASH" ); Carp::croak "Not a compound data structure $data"; return 0; } =head2 addSortingRule() Description: If part of the compound data structures are indeed hashes, the programmer can use addSortingRule() to specified the sort-order of the hash data structure. Hash structures without sort rules will generate XML with no particular order associated with it. Arguments: $: the entity with which a rule will be associated. \@: the list of indices for the hash structure that will be used for for sorting. Indices not specified will not be listed. Indices which no data corresponding will be listed if the Show_nonexisting_tags parameter was specified when the DataWriter object was created (see new). Returns: Nothing. Example: no strict 'subs'; $xmlWriter->addSortingRule( CLUSTER, [ "META:DEBUG", VERSION, VALIDATED, CLUSTER, NODES, NETWORKS, IPLABELS, INTERFACES, GLOBALNETWORKS, APPLICATIONS, APPLICATIONSERVERS, APPLICATIONMONITORS, SITES, CLUSTEREVENTS, NODETTYPORTS, PAGERS, DISKS, VOLUMEGROUPS, LOGICALVOLUMES, NFSEXPORTS, TAPES, TIMERS, RESOURCEGROUPS, PROCESSINGORDER, SETTLINGTIME ] ); use strict 'subs'; =cut sub addSortingRule($\@) { my $self = shift; my $tagname = shift; my $indices = shift; $self->{_sortRules}{$tagname} = $indices; } # The following are not documented with POD since we do not want them in the # resulting documentation. # Name: pad # # Description: # Internal method for returning the proper amount of indentation. # # Arguments: # None. # # Returns: # a string containing the spacing for indentation. # sub pad() { my $self = shift; return $self->{_indentText} x $self->{_indentLevel}; } # Name: writeArrayToXML # # Description: # An internal routine for writing an array out as XML. # # Arguments: # \@: a reference to an array to be written out. # $: (optional) a filehandle. By default it's STDOUT. # # Returns: # True if successful. # sub writeArrayToXML(\@;$) { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; my $rc = 1; foreach ( @{ $data }) { $rc &&= $self->writeToXML( $_, $fh ); } return $rc; } # Name: writeHashToXML # # Description: # An internal routine for writing a hash as XML. # # Arguments: # \%: a reference to an array to be written out. # $: (optional) a filehandle. By default it's STDOUT. # # Returns: # True if successful. # sub writeHashToXML(\%;$) { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; my $rc = 1; for my $key ( keys %{$data} ) { $rc &&= $self->writeTaggedDataToXML( $key, $data->{$key}, $fh ); } return $rc; } # Name: writeTaggedDataToXML # # Description: # An internal routine for writing out compound data structures as XML. # # Arguments: # $: the tagname # $: the data. Currently only is allowed are scalars, references to # scalars arrays and hashes, or nothing (empty entities will be printed). # $: (optional) a filehandle. By default it's STDOUT. # # Returns: # True if there was no errors in printing, and the data was what is # supported. # sub writeTaggedDataToXML($$;$) { my $self = shift; my $tagname = shift; my $data = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; return $self->writeTaggedArrayToXML($tagname, $data, $fh) if ( ref $data eq "ARRAY" ); return $self->writeTaggedHashToXML($tagname, $data, $fh) if ( ref $data eq "HASH" ); return $self->writeTaggedScalarToXML($tagname, $data, $fh) if ( ref $data eq "SCALAR" ); return $self->writeTaggedNullToXML($tagname, $fh) if ( !defined $data ); return $self->writeTaggedScalarToXML($tagname, $data, $fh) if ( not ref $data ); Carp::croak "Not a compound data structure $data"; return 0; } # Name: writeTaggedScalarToXML # # Description: # An internal method to write out a scalar. # # Arguments: # $: the tagname # $: the scalar data. # $: (optional) a filehandle. By default it's STDOUT. # # Returns: # True if there were no errors in printing. # sub writeTaggedScalarToXML($$;$) { my $self = shift; my $tagname = shift; my $data = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; my $endtag; ($endtag) = $tagname =~ m/^(\w+)/; return print $fh $self->pad(), "<", $tagname, ">", encode( $data ), "", "\n"; } # Name: writeTaggedNullToXML # # Description: # An internal method to write out an empty entity. Currently, the # the format is , as opposed to the format. # # Arguments: # $: the tagname # $: (optional) a filehandle. By default it's STDOUT. # # Returns: # True if there were no errors in printing. # sub writeTaggedNullToXML($;$) { my $self = shift; my $tagname = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; my $endtag; ($endtag) = $tagname =~ m/^(\w+)/; return 1 if (!$self->{_show_null_values}); print $fh $self->pad(), "<", $tagname, ">", "", "\n"; } # Name: writeTaggedArrayToXML # # Description: # An internal method to write out an array as XML. # # Arguments: # $: the tagname # $: a reference to the array to be written. # $: (optional) a filehandle. By default it's STDOUT. # # Returns: # True if there were no errors in printing. # sub writeTaggedArrayToXML($\@;$) { my $self = shift; my $tagname = shift; my $data = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; my $rc; my $endtag; ($endtag) = $tagname =~ m/^(\w+)/; $rc = print $fh $self->pad(), "<", $tagname, ">", "\n"; $self->{_indentLevel}++; foreach ( @{ $data }) { $rc &&= $self->writeToXML( $_, $fh ); } $self->{_indentLevel}--; $rc &&= print $fh $self->pad(), "", "\n"; return $rc } # Name: writeTaggedHashToXML # # Description: # An internal method to write out a hash as XML. If the indices have # been specified as part of sorting rule, then these will be used. # NOTE: I am intentionally blurring 'keys' and 'indices' because in a # sense we are treating a hash as an array by indexing it. # # Arguments: # $: the tagname # $: a reference to the hash to be written. # $: (optional) a filehandle. By default it's STDOUT. # # Returns: # True if there were no errors in printing. # sub writeTaggedHashToXML($\%;$$) { my $self = shift; my $tagname = shift; my $data = shift; my $fh = shift || *STDOUT; my @keys; my $rc; my $endtag; ($endtag) = $tagname =~ m/^(\w+)/; # Load up the indicies (sort rule) if found. if ( defined( $self->{_sortRules}{$tagname} )) { @keys = @{ $self->{_sortRules}{$tagname} }; } else { @keys = keys %{$data}; } $rc = print $fh $self->pad(), "<", $tagname, ">", "\n"; $self->{_indentLevel}++; for my $key ( @keys ) { if ( $self->{_show_nonexisting_tags} || exists $data->{$key} ) { $rc &&= $self->writeTaggedDataToXML( $key, $data->{$key}, $fh ); } } $self->{_indentLevel}--; $rc &&= print $fh $self->pad(), "", "\n"; return $rc; } # Name: encode # # Description: # An internal, static method to encode the string. # Currently all less-than and greater-than symbols will be translated # to < and >. # # Arguments: # $: the string to be encoded # # Returns: # The encoded string. # sub encode($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s//\>/g; $string =~ s/\&/\&/g; return $string; } 1; __END__ $ kjn5+$lbW՝ab&l # ./usr/es/lib/perl/MsgCatalog.pm$$# @(#)46 1.2 src/43haes/lib/perl/MsgCatalog.pm, hacmp.libcluster, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:09:48 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/perl/MsgCatalog.pm 1.2 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # Restricted Materials of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG package MsgCatalog; =head1 NAME MsgCatalog - Perl extension for handling access to AIX message catalogs =head1 SYNOPSIS use MsgCatalog; my $cluster_cat = MsgCatalog::new("cluster.cat"); $cluster_cat->dspmsg(1, 5, "PowerHA SystemMirror"); my $utilities_cat = MsgCatalog::new("utilities.cat"); $utilities_cat->dspmsg(1, 27, "Could not detect node (%1\$s).\n", "$nodename"); =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides a Perl-like interface for accessing AIX message catalogs. A MsgCatalog object is a 'handle' to a real message catalog so that arbitrary messages can be output. The operations currently supported are: new -- creates an interface to a message catalog dspmsg -- retrieve a message from the catalog =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); require Exporter; use Carp; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( ); $VERSION = '0.01'; =head2 new() Description: This is the constructor for MsgCatalog objects. It takes the name of an message catalog and 'ties' the catalog with a new Perl object that's created by this method. Arguments: $: the name of a message catalog @: optional parameters Returns: A new object used to represent the message catalog. Example: my $catalog = MsgCatalog::new( "cluster.cat", LANG=>"en_US" ); =cut sub new() { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; my $catalog = shift || croak "argument 'catalog' is mandatory"; my %args = @_; $self->{CATALOG} = $catalog; $self->{LANG} = $args{LANG}; return bless $self, $class; } =head2 dspmsg() Description: dspmsg() retrieves a message from the object's message catalog using the AIX dspmsg command call. Arguments: $: a reference to the catalog object $: the message catalog set number $: the message number $: the default message @: one or more replacement parameters for the message (optional) Returns: none (the message it output to stdout) Examples: $clstr_cat->dspmsg(1, 5, "PowerHA SystemMirror"); $util_cat->dspmsg(1, 27, "Could not detect node (%1\$s).\n", "$nodename"); =cut sub dspmsg() { my $self = shift; my $set = shift || croak "argument 'set' is mandatory"; my $msg = shift || croak "argument 'msg' is mandatory"; my $default = shift || croak "argument 'default' is mandatory"; my @paramlist = @_; my $cmdstr = (($self->{LANG}) ? ("LANG=" . $self->{LANG}) : "" ); my $params = join ( " ", map { "\"$_\"" } @paramlist); my $cat = $self->{CATALOG}; $cmdstr = "$cmdstr dspmsg -s $set $cat $msg \"$default\" $params"; system("$cmdstr"); } =head2 getmsg() Description: getmsg() retrieves a message from the object's message catalog using the AIX dspmsg command call. Arguments: $: a reference to the catalog object $: the message catalog set number $: the message number $: the default message @: one or more replacement parameters for the message (optional) Returns: The resulting string. Examples: $msg = $clstr_cat->getmsg(1, 5, "PowerHA SystemMirror"); $msg = $util_cat->getmsg(1, 27, "Could not detect node (%1\$s).\n", "$nodename"); =cut sub getmsg() { my $self = shift; my $set = shift || croak "argument 'set' is mandatory"; my $msg = shift || croak "argument 'msg' is mandatory"; my $default = shift || croak "argument 'default' is mandatory"; my @params = @_; my $cmdstr = (($self->{LANG}) ? ("LANG=" . $self->{LANG}) : "" ); $cmdstr = "$cmdstr dspmsg -s $set " . $self->{CATALOG} . " $msg \"$default\" " . join ( " ", map { "\"$_\"" } @params ); open( MSG, "$cmdstr | " ) or return undef; my @retval = ; close MSG; return "@retval"; } # this is a module, so it must end with a plain 1. 1; __END__ 1 # k5+-bW՝ab&- # ./usr/es/lib/perl/ODM.pmlog.pm# @(#)87 1.5 src/43haes/lib/perl/ODM.pm, hacmp, 61haes_r714 11/28/11 15:07:10 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # 61haes_r714 src/43haes/lib/perl/ODM.pm 1.5 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2003,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG package ODM; =head1 NAME ODM - Perl extension for Handling AIX ODM classes =head1 SYNOPSIS use ODM; my $odm = ODM::new("HACMPnode"); foreach my $node ( $odm->get() ) { print $node->{name}, ": ", $node->{object}, $node->{value},"\n"; } print $odm->get(-q=>{name=>"nodeA", object=>"VERBOSE_LOGGING"})->{value}; =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides a Perl-like interface for accessing and manipulating AIX ODMs. An ODM object is a 'handle' to a real ODM class so that arbitrary operations can be performed on it. The operations currently supported are: new -- creates an interface to an ODM class get -- retrieves data from an ODM class error -- returns the error from the last command, if any or undef. ODM data, as returned from 'get' is an array of hashes, where each hash contains the descriptor names as hash keys and descriptor values as hash values. =head1 COPYRIGHT (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2003 All Rights Reserved =head1 METHODS =cut ## # # Developers, # The Programming Perl (Camel) book, 3rd Edition says the use of # prototypes on methods are not honored. They are included for # documentation purposes only, and can be easily removed with no # loss of functionality or safety. # # Also, as the need exists, change the 'internal' document format # to POD. ## use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); use Symbol qw(qualify_to_ref); use Carp; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); # AutoLoader ? # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. @EXPORT = qw( ); $VERSION = '0.01'; # Preloaded methods go here. sub stream2hashes(;*); sub buildquery(\@); # # Name: DCD # # Description: # Returns a string containing the PowerHA SystemMirror ODM Default Configuration Directory. # # Arguments: # None # # Returns: # DCD path # # Example: # my $dcd = ODM::DCD(); # sub DCD() { return "/etc/es/objrepos"; } # # Name: ACD # # Description: # Returns a string containing the PowerHA SystemMirror ODM Active Configuration Directory. # # Arguments: # None # # Returns: # ACD path # # Example: # my $acd = ODM::ACD(); # sub ACD() { return "/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/objrepos/active"; } # # Name: create # # Description: # Creates a list of ODM objects give a file containing the # the definitions of the classes. This is analogous to the # odmcreate command. # # Any preferences passed in as extra arguments will be applied # to all of the objects as well. # # Arguments: # $: filename containing the class definitions # @: optional named parameters # # Returns: # A list of created classes. # # Example: # my @classes = ODM::create( "classfile", ODMDIR=>"/etc/objrepos" ); # sub create($;@) { my $filename = shift; my %prefs = @_; my @results = (); my $ODMDIR = $prefs{ODMDIR} || $ENV{ODMDIR} || croak "ODMDIR not set"; open( PIPE, "ODMDIR=$ODMDIR odmcreate -c $filename|" ) or return (); while () { chomp; push @results, ODM->new( $_, %prefs ); } close( PIPE ); return @results; } # static function sub show { } # # Name: drop # # Description: # Deletes an ODM class given a valid ODM object. If the object is not # valid, this routine will croak. # # Arguments: # $ : the Perl object representing the ODM class. # # Returns: # The return code from the system call to drop the ODM. # # Note that the ODM object passed in still has valid data, but there # no longer be an ODM to back it up. References to this object # should be deleted. # # Example: # ODM::drop( $odm ); # sub drop($) { my $odm = shift; croak "drop argument must be an ODM object" unless defined( $odm ) and ("ODM" eq ref($odm)); return system "ODMDIR=$odm->{ODMDIR} odmdrop -o $odm->{_classname}"; } =head2 new() Description: This is the constructor for ODM classes. It takes the name of an ODM class with optional parameters and 'ties' the class with a new Perl object that's created by this method. Arguments: $: an instance of an ODM class. @: optional parameters Returns: A new object used to represent the ODM class. Example: my $HACMPcluster = ODM::new( "HACMPcluster", ODMDIR=>"/etc/objrepos" ); =cut sub new($;@) { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; my $classname = shift || croak "argument 'classname' is mandatory"; my %args = @_; $self->{_classname} = $classname; $self->{ODMDIR} = $args{ODMDIR} || $ENV{ODMDIR} || croak "ODMDIR not set"; return bless $self, $class; } # dump # utility function to write the ODM data to a file handle sub dump(*@) { my $self = shift; my $fh = qualify_to_ref( shift, caller ); my ( $key, $value ); foreach ( @_ ) { print $fh "\n".$self->{_classname}.":\n"; while (( $key, $value ) = each %{$_} ) { print $fh "\t$key = $value\n"; } } } # # Name: add # # Description: # Adds a stanza to the ODM object. The parameters to add must a hash # which contains field/value pairs that would comprise a complete # stanza for the ODM class. # # Arguments: # @: A hash representing a stanza to add to the ODM class. # # Returns: # The return code from the system call to add the ODM stanza. # # Example: # $HACMPports->add( # node => "myNode", # tty => "/dev/tty0", # ); # sub add(@) { my $self = shift; my ( $key, $value ); open( PIPE, "| ODMDIR=$self->{ODMDIR} odmadd" ) or return (); $self->dump( *PIPE, @_ ); close PIPE; # TBD add return code handling!! } =head2 error() Description: Returns the error from the last operation, or undef if no error. Arguments: None Returns: A string representing the error encountered, or undef, if successful. Examples: $HACMPport->get(); if ( $HACMPport->error() ) { die "Error encountered: " . $HACMPport->error(); } =cut sub error() { return $_[0]->{_error}; } =head2 get() Description: Returns a list of hashes containing the results of the query. The arguments for the query can be one of: -q => "string containing query" -q => { queryterm1 => value, queryterm2 => value } # they are ANDed -q => ( queryterm1 => value, queryterm2 => value ) # they are ANDed undef # that is nothing, in which case the entire ODM is returned. If there was an error encountered while performing the operation, the error status will be set; the error() method can be used to detect it. Arguments: @: A hash representing the query; please see the Description for how to form a query, or the examples below. Returns: The results of a query as a list of hashes. Examples: $HACMPport->get(); $HACMPport->get( -q => "tty = /dev/ttyS0" ); $HACMPport->get( -q => {node => "myNode"} ); =cut sub get(;$) { my $self = shift; my $QUERY = buildquery( @_ ); my @results = (); # clear the error state delete $self->{_error}; if ( ! defined open( PIPE, "ODMDIR=$self->{ODMDIR} odmget $QUERY $self->{_classname} 2> /dev/null |" )) { $self->{_error} = "$!"; return (); } @results = stream2hashes( PIPE ); close PIPE; return @results; } # change: # [ -q => "string" | -q => { key => value, ... } ] # list of references to hashes sub change { my $self = shift; my $QUERY = buildquery( @_ ); open( PIPE, "| ODMDIR=$self->{ODMDIR} odmchange -o $self->{_classname} $QUERY" ) or return (); $self->dump( *PIPE, @_ ); close PIPE; } # # Name: delete # # Description: # Returns the count of stanzas that were deleted from the ODM. # The arguments for the query can be one of: # -q => "string containing query" # -q => { queryterm1 => value, queryterm2 => value } # they are ANDed # -q => ( queryterm1 => value, queryterm2 => value ) # they are ANDed # undef # that is nothing, in which case the contents of the entire # # ODM is deleted. # # Arguments: # @: A hash representing the query; please see the Description for # how to form a query, or the examples below. # # Returns: # The number of stanzas that were deleted. # # Examples: # $HACMPport->delete(); # $HACMPport->delete( -q => "tty = /dev/ttyS0" ); # $HACMPport->delete( -q => {node => "myNode"} ); # sub delete { my $self = shift; my $QUERY = buildquery( @_ ); my $count; return system "ODMDIR=$self->{ODMDIR} odmdelete -o $QUERY -q $self->{_classname}"; open( PIPE, "ODMDIR=$self->{ODMDIR} odmdelete -o $self->{_classname} $QUERY |" ) or return (); while() { if ( /\s(\d+)\sobjects deleted/ ) { $count = $1 } } close PIPE; return $count; } sub stream2hashes(;*) { my $fh = qualify_to_ref( shift||"STDIN", caller); my @result = (); my $hash; while(<$fh>) { chomp; /^\s*$/ and push @result, $hash; /^\w+:/ and $hash = {}; /^\t(\w+) = "?([^"]*)"?$/ and $hash->{$1} = $2; } push @result, $hash; shift @result unless ( defined $result[0] ); return @result; } sub buildquery(\@) { my $array = shift; my $QUERY = ''; if ( defined ($array->[0]) && $array->[0] =~ /^(-q|-query)$/ ) { shift @{$array}; $QUERY = '-q "' . hash2query( shift @{$array}) . '" '; } return $QUERY; } sub hash2query { my ( $key, $value ); my $result = ""; my $hash; if ( ref($_[0]) eq "HASH" ) { $hash = $_[0]; } elsif ( 1 == scalar( @_ ) ) { return $_[0]; } else { my %hash = @_; $hash = \%hash; } if ( ($key, $value) = each %{$hash} ) { $value =~ s/'/''/g; $value =~ s/^\s*"(.*)"\s*$/'$1'/; $result = $key. " = " . $value; } while (( $key, $value ) = each %{$hash} ) { $value =~ s/'/''/g; $value =~ s/^\s*"(.*)"\s*$/'$1'/; $result .= " AND " . $key . " = " . $value; } return $result; } sub parseclass(;*) { my $fh = qualify_to_ref( shift||"STDIN", caller); my %hash; while (<$fh>) { /(char|vchar|nchar|longchar|binary|method)\s+(\w+)\s*\[(\d+)\]/ or $hash{$2} = { type=>$1, size=>$3 }; /(short|long|long64|int64|ODM_LONG_LONG|method)\s+(\w+)/ or $hash{$2} = { type=>$1 }; # /link (\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\[(\d)\]/ # or $hash{$5}= {type=>"link"}; } return %hash; # char DescriptorName [ DescriptorSize ]; # # vchar DescriptorName [ DescriptorSize ]; # # binary DescriptorName [ DescriptorSize ]; # # short DescriptorName ; # # long DescriptorName ; # # long64 or int64 or ODM_LONG_LONG DescriptorName ; # # method DescriptorName ; # # link StdClassName StdClassName ColName DescriptorName ; # } # Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program. 1; __END__ QUER l3.6+*bW՝ab& # ./usr/es/lib/perl/libcl_disp.pm   #e $ainorst_cdflmpu"().;=N[]bghy'-/01:@AEIOPRSvw{}&+,23BCDFGHLMTU`kq46>W\x| 59vl.jR* k]`apxq{f=`dܥy>! b(  kM$59c+աup|/N<)+hc2jrp8H%c|nS7D0h2yATAO6Aa,K]z* 8&&UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKS'=#t$k'Rq&ssYM8?3t]mzܓ8t$y]UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-j4Lޓ:JZՍa0#MFml*Grexrt9ɭuVWqq$Vᅮiς+8ZՕM!@Eņxșktogq&!Q< ()Dą 0F7#K|zJwGA>Z"s;->'9﹍!cP栄WyǤq_"sTP"tL&N'5E4fGAAepљNjNF;NGAAeS8=|Εi܎'5E'D6r>.RgAएD樢qqrM1iH"sTP"tLNi4ŤD\F}LZKNtNj/N8i+k;:jGggAIYN*bSl"q+)W)vt9B)vt9ϝk;:"_D模D_# 9(t:&W{R=T;5$5q_HRlԒ'L^.]3e`z6v,)9jI@j=2/FKE%ςr0QC2MҸ89&8I-|l8HŌͳqR01`ojn=\=%e;Vk`@L/` _Jb$Q ` *E`PLL_Bb`(00,0 A`PQEX_ A1R$(22&88 *   /!A0xPx@Pd&p4"(p0\(FD'EAQ8u$(22&8(2(0pȸ0T*( _B#"`C@TPB"EVSjv@jԒ88f'Jm@qJqLN;_IYN36VSbSlMQI/@VYVka+j ͳ/IB 6&R0ryB 6&E%X!rDME$)MfQRr,ؚ/JWbZbҐ"j)% "j)%x 3!dDRKE\vQI/I`=|n#N>,I5&W$0f@bj()\F}36 _#Jğ,S/,Tx%N|(,X!k}n HYUB2_cpZBȌF}ZbҒĜQi36 6VZĜf _ͳ/I1D,36$N"j)%Rr+`PPp"A`ĥqq*QI/c5T"Ԓ^6؋RHO Yk]c*zzMf>[c{jw(\w?4s5f9Jk9Zgd05Sz0cr4AIJsрţ挽5`AIJsрţL@ "MrT!r98$\1GA>Y&*c{S|( 05S:O c\17'9C &*cjHI-)NjN ak7(t:Wg$&*c}n Ni4ŤAIJӃ8FGAD䩌N8i+d$%LrggAHҔ♘"MrT)vt8$\1SggAIYN@5SD $%LrggAQiA"MrT)vt91D,A"MrT)vt9(t:&H1IJ.G) 9Y'5E'D05SD\F}LZDD䩎qkgdD䩎qkg`e8&'9ă\1n<k5# 6&*cB>dDc & E VQHÞzJwֺIYN4KT"  p a O`Px R"L&'I6vc@QEX@HS ipՆ\R` a{O0Y+)yM.Pv bc0 &T( X)!j$%40&X  bASB"#' cܚa+ 7>^Y+)y\F}loipՏ&5{ 3QsZzMMa+3MVV3QMAY5z5 loMYO1|=(1q<\2 5)5RlR762]bRzj9( l<1l-PA#cc3l5XRzj9cRr$c@nQ&X**8dX(0 &5r =&ųt-^f@o7l8>5q%nGM|\jxbJ/F j{f>[q湚atԜ%X=%e;VdRHҔ♘)vOؔjGMkzJwvO a+)FU1)vMkؔjE`jvMkĚ&+I8=ӄd,Hq' ,ؚ_$0f@bj(Oq' #I IlME एfPq&;5XJFNA2V\fPq$ZP!dDRDcJ4U@LZRDME$Oĥqq*;? }n HYӏLZR&+JWbHY55XCFd,Hq#&d,Hq$\ܧiY55XHSA3qq!dDRDָ+IBʵ;? |w"V8X4q'>wZ}lc9fml$"" dO }n ͳ_$$ 6VY5#|nPV'f0UMH$r\M &+$5qMpV;jIiax$ָ+I!zLxkĞG#^S<ꪪuyt"]l[;].mI]5o9]i!l[8Dסk~8FYN<-r&ub̹sz5|<3MeE|ᘾp [tI"_5z*|^eVQY򰺶,0D3k_ZNMӄe7 0᜜eD۞gϔ Zۦi_ᅃ6 0f6 /EQӾ!Fųw?1sy-teTuËw=Eg1i, _+Ql.j6-"EuËK9;7<稬-'& P]3M $behsVo`IueTS_frWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK9=5`1hh/҃wݡEnl1s~0`,HT'[7jFlKXIF7#@%zj9,\5X9W7A+=5`1hh/MG=.X6|\XLr]jwVz.J>6ꪪrT'-܍4e "8Sl؀!5o`PPp@SaŃ˓_a8Ԍ 9y$* y5y+)C%f;ȒG|&i3\nj`BNY+)tMYO|&^%\or|jnKтA;cz08f\5z_ ^3Wܴafsц7a(@,фw?Bo`0"  * yLx Q   I Q!@B1!EʃLx Q   I Q!@B1 I!Bɯ3{ʃLjI$ $ H$ H@y5o`2LjI$ $ H$ $ <7`pLL&(p,`L0!LjI$ $ H$ $ <7LcceA)$ $$$ $ $ HH@$$ !qRc1Ihsy<-#;/iU$o43VS\F}˷V,Ur #2T$.*T,pP'rIf/ԙסbIf5|&5q-<4Sr9e`PPp@$ֿ_`3W>5z WKN =0`H\&2(ܓqF?dm8N JJѭEʃ**8X(' & Etr=(g썧 X!xPPp5L 80&Tp`PPp@=0`H\&2(ܓqF?dm8N JJѭ`h p,`L0!>!qRc2{`,LdP9Y'M ҍV~p  a[ʃ**8X(' & Etr=(g썧 X!xPPp5`PdXP`C}%BBA d!pXȠrrNAǥ;+/**F   02T$.*T,pP&O`@L+7$zQ*NB!qRl4kaQ@,0ʃ**8X(D`9Vs1kITX(M_@7 YςDq*& Bk_nj1P(McUxOMG= Z1.h$=4*].mI].8U;|"*?3WY\|mUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR䩎OMG= Z1.h$=4* #U6- _f  , 6X<5'N卹$+CFmV.odZ U2kdZ U<̄Z085qr.=tg+Ѕڔm tNJaQFidZ U1GȵA3yMϙ`p9kZ>6i䯜8f> נ**8d0*.cæzj9M6L^9\/ [p#dH\T8X`LykR.|pO@a H\p=T y5>x8\'`@L 0̸4Þy5>x8\' EF 0 & E\p< xkR.|pOKX * 3H=Ð窒@KǓ_s烅xgaaP@i<`P*0( 8   &  Aa1QbKǓ_s烅xg1@iAAdPddTX1PP' (*0( 8 A%ɯHx8\'X * gXg,5#ivV^{cp[}%BBA `KǓ_BV@."M7)di8!%BBA Ecȓ_v**8d0*.D/|ݡ8r܏3Wӄ|VPIYN4] /TwOA<2`f`PPp@m%Rf nK4ѫq7𙫎!kr$0c2T$.*T,pP&?"8#^>n/)_Mɯu꨿2!qRcA1IuD1*ip՜!dG~R` &_L":]`^|.G9t#&\I&"@!r,\ԋd!dIX|Xꪪuyt"sqE܎|.X6|\.jۤO<^Op~u!k'*oW_8yqjv\1GA>Y_f'>wZ}Ț7B,\фm79BGŀTG^S:y l=$N|$Hd{/A 0MGHd{ |8 aX/qbN|(#aX.M)^8"C ,/_cl| _}ǑQYĜQi F,&uD1ϝr,\ԋMcUxN΂'9t#&X#c;->iJ@*29LHz7*2y5Fy3{=$H,osrQ'Lp69D59/A 0MGHdX/B`6Az%b9Dqs,\W;RqDAz%1~,dXKO9ŀP `a@*0Zf9; 1&@(DA|(9N s,\Dq`P `b@(6S& @((XG ` Dq`75bz%˓XX_ԋwZ}Fy3{=$H,osrQ'Lp69D59/A 0MGHdX/B`6Az%b9Dqs,&_!c`Q~ GHdX/B`6Az%a}|(#_njKɯu㽥+HdX/B`6Az%a}|(#_C)_0Zf9C 15# tzGHdjG=1r9*25LW:#b0U`S"8Ջ9_W:EϞ2 aT$r3Iȑ, 8%@QR7>wZ} JrBa %sqE{,xTWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKϛcpX"s9!܏X\^"6[,, 1x BxɹN :1Hlӏ5;->fK'*oW_8yqjvań ~6nR]UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.JsBAAc/3{/)ɯ3{Sań _`E)皳еV7gs5{z;->;|#z pj6iǚ27g8Ջ#m<֙| Rr$GS799(@8CD܉ Kb>Y 1D _(G"8Ջ9&HB`A*NFy)9=eAXx+**T#O0N\^r $~=P~=<*McUx)#IYN]`ۑrt"n>5{ڝ˂;RKj$7A]/@O7)a'F0uʩ!]UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.Jڢ:8$/3xTRYL*0$. 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All rights reserved. # # ALTRAN_PROLOG_END_TAG # # %Z% %ci% %fn%, %R%, %t%, %G% %U% #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import Python Modules #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import sys import inspect from datetime import datetime try: # For Python 3.0 and later versions from subprocess import getstatusoutput except: # Fall back to Python 2 version from commands import getstatusoutput #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Definitions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSP_MSG = "/usr/bin/dspmsg -s" HA_UTILS = "/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities" UTILS_LOG = "clutils.log" CAT_FILE = "scripts.cat" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions # displayMsg #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def log_message(logfile, msg): """ Function : log_message Description : log message to log file with file name and line number. Arguments : Logfile and message. """ filename="" # stack utility of inspect Python module returns the list of frame records # for the caller's stack. First entry in the returned list represents the # caller. Fetch the caller details for the function. frame = inspect.stack()[1] # Fetch the file name of the caller function from the stack frame filename = inspect.getfile(frame[0]) file_info="[" + filename + "]" + "[" + str(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno) + "]" date_info=datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') msg_info=date_info + file_info + ": " + msg with open(logfile,'a') as log_file: log_file.write(msg_info + '\n') def getFilePath(fileName): """ Function : getFilePath Description : This function fetches the log file path configured on the node from HACMPlogs odm. Arguments : fileName - Required; Log file name Return : Log file path configured on the node. In case of failure, this function returns default path of logfile as /var/hacmp/log. """ # Fetch the log file directory configured on the node from HACMPlogs odm. cmd = "%s/clodmget -q name='%s' -f value -n HACMPlogs"%(HA_UTILS,fileName) status,logDir = getstatusoutput(cmd) if (logDir == ""): cmd = "%s/clodmget -q name='%s' -f defaultdir -n HACMPlogs"%(HA_UTILS,fileName) status,logDir = getstatusoutput(cmd) if (logDir == ""): logDir = "/var/hacmp/log" logDir = logDir.strip('\n') logFile = "%s/%s"%(logDir,fileName) return logFile def displayMsg(*args): """ Function : displayMsg Description : This function displays converted message to the user and logs the message to the specified log file based on input argument. Arguments : args[0] - Required; Log file name to which message is intended to log. In case logging is not required an empty string should be passed as first argument. args[1] - Required; Set number of the message in catalog args[2] - Required; Name of the message catalog args[3] - Required; Message number in catalog args[4] - Required; Default message to display args[5:]- Optional; any arguments that the message may need Return : 0, On success 1, On Failure """ utilsLog = getFilePath("clutils.log") # Validate if set number, catalog file, message number and default # message arguments are passed argLen = len(args) if argLen >= 5: logFile = args[0] setNum = args[1] catFile = args[2] msgNum = args[3] defaulMsg = args[4] else: msg = "echo 'displayMsg: Invalid Arguments!'>>%s"%(utilsLog) status,output=getstatusoutput(msg) return 1 # Fetch full path of the log file configured on the node. if logFile != "": logFile = getFilePath(logFile) dspCmd="%s %s %s %s '%s'"%(DSP_MSG,setNum,catFile,msgNum,defaulMsg) # Capture arguments to message, if any. msgArgs = "" for arg in args[5:]: msgArgs = "%s %s"%(msgArgs,arg) if msgArgs != "": dspCmd = "%s %s"%(dspCmd,msgArgs) # Execute 'dspmsg' utility status,output=getstatusoutput(dspCmd) if status == 0: print(output) # Log the message to log file if logFile != "": msg = "echo '%s' >>%s"%(output,logFile) status,output=getstatusoutput(msg) else: msg = "echo 'Command %s, failed with reason:%s' >>%s"%(dspCmd,output,utilsLog) res,output=getstatusoutput(msg) return status def displayMsg2(*args): """ Function : displayMsg Description : This function displays converted message to the stderr and logs the message to the specified log file based on input argument. Arguments : args[0] - Required; Log file name to which message is intended to log. In case logging is not required an empty string should be passed as first argument. args[1] - Required; Set number of the message in catalog args[2] - Required; Name of the message catalog args[3] - Required; Message number in catalog args[4] - Required; Default message to display args[5:]- Optional; any arguments that the message may need Return : 0, On success 1, On Failure """ utilsLog = getFilePath("clutils.log") # Validate if set number, catalog file, message number and default # message arguments are passed argLen = len(args) if (argLen >= 5): logFile = args[0] setNum = args[1] catFile = args[2] msgNum = args[3] defaulMsg = args[4] else: msg = "echo 'displayMsg: Invalid Arguments!'>>%s"%(utilsLog) status,output=getstatusoutput(msg) return 1 # Fetch full path of the log file configured on the node. if (logFile != ""): logFile = getFilePath(logFile) dspCmd="%s %s %s %s '%s'"%(DSP_MSG,setNum,catFile,msgNum,defaulMsg) # Capture arguments to message, if any. msgArgs = "" for arg in args[5:]: msgArgs = "%s %s"%(msgArgs,arg) if (msgArgs != ""): dspCmd = "%s %s"%(dspCmd,msgArgs) # Execute 'dspmsg' utility status,output=getstatusoutput(dspCmd) if (status == 0): sys.stderr.write(output) # Log the message to log file if (logFile != ""): msg = "echo '%s' >>%s"%(output,logFile) status,output=getstatusoutput(msg) else: msg = "echo 'Command %s, failed with reason: %s' >>%s"%(dspCmd,output,utilsLog) res,output=getstatusoutput(msg) return status def executeCommand(node, command): """ Function : executeCommand Description : This function executes the command on the node Arguments : node, command Return : status - return code of the command output - output of the command """ # Fetching paths using cl_get_path all, this is set as PATH while executing command status,PATH=getstatusoutput(HA_UTILS+"/cl_get_path all 2>/dev/null") # Appending path to command command="PATH="+ PATH + " " + command if node: # Fetching local node name status,localNode=getstatusoutput("PATH=%s get_local_nodename 2>/dev/null" % PATH) if node != localNode: # Check whether node is reachable or not cmd="PATH=%s cl_rsh %s date 2>/dev/null"%(PATH,node) status,output=getstatusoutput(cmd) if status: defMsg = "Error: Failed to communicate with node %1$s in a cluster\n" displayMsg(UTILS_LOG,44,CAT_FILE,3,defMsg,node) return (status,None) else: # command is executed using rsh only if node is not localnode command=HA_UTILS+"/cl_rsh "+ node + " "+command status,output = getstatusoutput(command) return (status,output) def log_stderr(msg): """ Function : log_stderr Description : This function logs the message to stderr Arguments : msg - message to print Return : None """ # This will work for both python versions 2.7 and 3.0 sys.stderr.write("%s" %msg) def check_config_file(path): """ Function : check_config_file Description : This function will be used to check whether the given file is exist and it has data. Arguments : Filename with fullpath Return : 0 - File is not present 1 - File exists """ # Check if file exists and it has data. if os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.getsize(path) > 0: #If file exists, checks the read/write permissions return 1 else: return 0 def rotateFile(filename): """ Function : rotateFile Description : This function will be move the file data in to new files. Arguments : Filename with fullpath Return : 0 - successfully rotated 1 - failed to rotate file data """ filenames=filename+"*" # retrieving the list of existing files associated to file which is passed as argument. command="ls -lrt "+filenames+" | awk -F\" \" '{print $NF}'" status,output=executeCommand("",command) if output: filesList=output.split('\n') # retrieving the number of files associated to provided filename. command="ls -lrt "+filenames+" | wc -l" status,output=executeCommand("",command) if output: # Removing leading and trailing spaces count=output.strip() for file in filesList: # Rotating files count should not be exceed 8 if ( int(count)<8 ): newfile=filename+"."+str(count) command="mv "+file+" "+newfile status,output=executeCommand("",command) if status != 0: return 1 count=(int(count)-1) if (int(count)<0): break command="touch "+filename status,output=executeCommand("",command) if status != 0: return 1 return 0 dspC l'+$,bX՝ab& # ./usr/es/sbin/cluster/reports/templates/cl_report_template.htmr$$   a"12<=>DTcdelrst%-./03456789R_ino,LbghmpwABCEHIOSVfuvx!:;MNPky#FGUYZz{}&()*Kq j+W@|X[]@L P`sa$aB(((((((((((((((((()'  TʃB AQe ]v1xE!la6{kdCE I…I9P$Ȁp Hy,,.xӉ4aG8QO8^a%Cj.Iu I…I9P-Bp(T @Re_ ((((((((((((((((((P (T &Ia890"# .`bZmvF2[hck0hbeq,Y{kl<*H!SHY$y\24P 61Br`:i;(I9V`)CK@cY20Le@rCdw lPA@xrl ((((((((((((((((((((]C"%ssfL`)d$! ,!@LL,)S,d3<0! 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