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,,,,,0,.==:v2v2-Ano-tnororw%s%s%s%srorwrororwrwr+bfagea-u-gr+noyesyesyesdevro,rw,devlogdevdevvfslogefsvixlogjfsdevjfsdevoffyesvfslog=/dev%s: fast%lld%lld%lld%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: fastlog=%s: sizefragnbpicopyfast%s: true%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: %s: typesizequerysize+quotafalsefalsefalsefalsefalse%s/%squotaquotamountmountcheck/dev/INLINEfreezefreezeumountnormalnormalfreezemaxextnormalmallocfscntlfscntlfscntlfreezefscntlmntctlmallocscanlv%s, %s/dev/%stmpfileublockslogsizelognamemanagedoptionsreclaim%s%s=%s%s%s=%smanagedmountedmanagedtmpfile optionsaccountlsfs.catlog=NULLrefreeze%s -l %sreclaim=readonly%s,forcelogsize+compressrefreeze%s -L %s%s -f %s%s -l %sunmanagerefreeze%s %d %d%s -N %s%s -N %snodenameuserquotatmpfile()device=%ssplitcopyagblksizeisnapshotunmountedtmpfile()log=INLINEgroupquotaInline logmountguardFILESYSTEMSmk_jfs2.catchfs failed%s -C -g %schfs failedchfs failed%s -T -g %s%s -T %s %schfs failed%s -T -g %s%s -T %s %s%s -T -g %s%s -T %s %s%s -z %d %s%s -n %d %s%s -T -g %s%s -T %s %s %s%s = %s %s%s = %s %s -L %s %s%s -C -g %s%s -f %s %schlv failed/tmp/tlist%d%s,device=%s%s,size=%llu/etc/objreposLPTOUB = %ld getvfsfromdev%s -k %s -X %s%s -K %s -X %s%s -K %s -X %s%s -K %s -X %s%s -K %s -X %s%s -k %s -X %s%s -K %s -X %sputlvcb failed/usr/sbin/chlv%s,increment=%d/etc/filesystems/etc/filesystemsfile_type failed/etc/filesystems/etc/filesystems/etc/filesystemsuj2_getvfsnumber/etc/filesystems%s -L %s -r > %sLog create failedLog format failed%s -l %s -s %d %s%s -v %s %s %s %s/usr/sbin/getlvcb/usr/sbin/putlvcbFDn:a:m:u:A:p:d:t:FDn:a:m:u:A:p:d:t:doFreeze: Thawing /usr/sbin/putlvodm/usr/sbin/getlvodm/usr/sbin/lquerylv/usr/sbin/lqueryvg/usr/sbin/savebaseCorrupt superblock./usr/sbin/lreducelvdo_ch: newsize = %s %s is now unmanaged Invalid option syntaxNot a JFS filesystem.%s: %s: invalid size do_ch: part_dec = %d do_ch: part_inc = %ld Boot program is too bigPrototype file is emptyInvalid option specified%s: update of %s failed %s: update of %s failed just canonized to "%s" %s: update of %s failed /usr/sbin/extendlv %s %dRead of proto file faileddo_resizefs: opflags: %s getfssize(%s, %s) = %lld Filesystem size is too smallInternal error, fstat failedInternal error, ltop failed.%s: specify ro or rw for -p No boot program was specifiedCould not open prototype fileCould not stat prototype fileInternal error, strcpy failedscanlv("%s, partitions: %d") /sbin/helpers/jfs2/quotacheckBoot program is not accessibleInternal error, newblk failed.Filesystem size changed to %s Could not access prototype file%s,mounted,stub=%s,vfsnumber=%dInternal error, alloc_map failedInternal error, add_name failed.%s: Invalid attribute value: %s %s: Invalid attribute value: %s %s: Invalid attribute value: %s %s is now a managed file system The filesystem ran out of inodes.The filesystem ran out of blocks.ea, managed, vix, efs, mountguarddo_ch: new roundup fssize = %lld %s will be managed at next mount /usr/sbin/gmd/geo_extendgmd %s %dError in prototype file on line %dInvalid superblock version number.name=%s AND attribute=local_device%s: %s file system already exists %s: Cannot read superblock on %s. Internal error, irdwr memcpy failedUnrecognized compression algorithm.Inlinelog size changed to %.2f MB. Inlinelog size changed to %lld MB. Internal error, bread/bwrite failed.File is too large for this filesystemInternal error, get/put inode failed.Internal error, get/put super failed.do_ch: fssize old = %lld, new = %lld The filesystem size is already %lld. %s: %s is not a mounted file system. %s: attribute format is "attr=value" %s: attribute format is "attr=value" %s: attribute format is "attr=value" %s: attribute format is "attr=value" Unable to manage file system %s (%d) %s: %d is not a known vfs type value. Internal error, dispatch(): dup2 failedInternal error, dispatch(): exec failedInternal error, ioctl of device failed.do_ch: partitions old = %ld, new = %ld do_ch: inlinelog old = %lld, new = %lld Cannot unmanage a mounted file system: %s doFreeze: Freeze time = %d, Refreeze = %d No filesystem or volume label was specifiedCompression not supported for proto option.%s: The inlinelog size is already %lld MB. do_resizefs: newfssize: %s, newlogsize: %s %s: No record matching '%s' was found in %s. %s is now guarded against concurrent mounts. %s: There is not enough memory available now. %s: There is not enough memory available now. %s: Cannot get logicalvolume's striping width. %s: %s is not recognized as a JFS2 file system. %s: Cannot get logical volume's striping width. echo y | /usr/sbin/mkfs -V %s -l %s -o labelit %sInternal error, ltop called with inconsistent sizeThe fragment size must be 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096Big File file systems must have fragsize == 4096. %s is no longer guarded against concurrent mounts. /sbin/helpers/jfs2/mount -v jfs2 -o nomanager %s %sInternal error, irdwr called before Inodes allocatedInternal error, proto_count called with unknown modeInternal error, bwrite called with inconsistent size%s: The %s JFS2 filesystem superblock is corrupted. Internal error, proto_alloc called with unknown mode%s: The %s JFS2 filesystem superblock is corrupted. %s is unable to be guarded against concurrent mounts. x D L pBig File file systems must have multiplier from 1 to 5. %s: Reclaim command did not free any logical partitions. %s: Shrinking filesystem with a snapshot is not supported. %s: Cannot use reclaim command with a file resize command. %s: A file system with nbpi = %d cannot exceed %d 512 blocks Minimum size to be reduced is 1 physical partition (%lld MB). %s: There is not enough free space to shrink the file system. Internal error, lookup's args are bad or Rootdir is unallocated%s: inline log cannot be bigger than 10 percent of file system Requested filesystem size is bigger than the logical volume size%s: Cannot perform reclamation while live update is in progress. %s: A file system with frag = %d cannot exceed %d 512-byte blocks %s: Cannot shrink JFS2 file system smaller than %d (%d byte blocks). %s: Reclaiming space on a filesystem with snapshots is not supported. An allocation group size of %d requires one of following nbpi values: A compressed file system requires a fragment size of 512, 1024, or 2048.%s: Not all the disks in this filesystem support the reclaim operation. A fragment size of %d requires one of the following allocation group sizes:nbpi value must be 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, or 131072%s: JFS2 file system %s contains unsupported features and cannot be modified. %s: JFS2 file system %s contains unsupported features and cannot be accessed. X X \ D L p %1$s: Please specify one of the following values for the %2$s option: %3$s, %4$s. %1$s: Please specify one of the following values for the %2$s option: %3$s, %4$s. The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. %s: chfs command failed, filesystem is now read only. Check error log for cause of chfs failure. %s: chfs command failed, filesystem is now read only. Check error log for cause of chfs failure. @(#)27 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/chfs/chfs.c, cmdj2, bos72X, x2021_50A3 11/1/21 14:56:23%s: The CLiC library (libclic.a) is not available. Check that clic.rte is installed and run 'efsenable -a'.    Usage: chfs [-n nodename] [-m newmtpt] [-u mtgrp] [-A {yes|no}] [-t {yes|no}] [-p {ro|rw}] [-a attr1=val1] [-d attr] fsname %s: A file system with size of %d 512-byte blocks cannot have nbpi = %d. Either increase file system size or decrease nbpi. %s: Cannot shrink smaller than an even multiple of the striping width. This file system can be shrunk to the minimum size of %lld MB.  h  #    P p | p   `         H  "     !  , % @       D     0 8 $  # *h 'x t %@ $` lbHbcc,cTcTcTbctcTcTcTcTc?@@AAAAAAHA\ABBD$DDDDEAAEF F, IDFreeTimehardsoftfileName%s: %s: QuotablockDMAPICurrentdefault jLocationreserved512-blocksFile Limits%-8s fixed:Block LimitsGrace PeriodEAformat%s%s%sSnapshot of %s Usage: %s %s block size%s%s%sinline log%s%s%sLog create failedLog format failedSnapshots for %s sparse files%s%s%sCorrupt superblock.Usage: snapshot %s Usage: backsnap %s Rollback complete Usage: rollback %s inodes %llu -> %llu blocks %llu -> %lluInvalid option syntaxNot a JFS filesystem.inline log size%s%s%s%s has no snapshots. %lld files defragged. Boot program is too bigPrototype file is emptyFor external snapshot: For internal snapshot: Invalid option specified0507-581 Cannot open %s Read of proto file failed%s is not a jfs2 log type Snapshot size already %lld Initializing quota file %s Filesystem size is too smallInternal error, fstat failedInternal error, ltop failed.%d kilobytes are available. %s is not currently frozen. No boot program was specifiedCould not open prototype fileCould not stat prototype fileInternal error, strcpy failedchfs completed successfully. %s filesystem not converted. Boot program is not accessibleInternal error, newblk failed.Logical volume %s must exist. Failed to lock file system %s Could not access prototype file0507-542 read logsuper failed. 0507-561 %s is not a snapshot. %s does not have an INLINE log j2edlimit -l [-u|-g] FilesystemFailed to reformat inline log. Internal error, alloc_map failedInternal error, add_name failed.Failed to unlock file system %s The filesystem ran out of inodes.The filesystem ran out of blocks.defragfs completed successfully. %lld kilobytes total disk space. quotacheck [-d] [-g] [-u] [-v] -aError in prototype file on line %dInvalid superblock version number.File system created successfully. %d kilobytes of total disk space. Failed removing logical volume %s Problem in restore of super block %s does not have an external log. Internal error, irdwr memcpy failedUnrecognized compression algorithm.0507-554 Failed reading inode map. Internal error, bread/bwrite failed.Snapshot does not match file system Snapshots remaining to rollback: %d File is too large for this filesystemInternal error, get/put inode failed.Internal error, get/put super failed.0507-525 A value is required for %s. Logical volume %s must be jfs2 type. 0507-567 The user %s does not exist. 0507-571 Error reading quota file %s 0507-572 Error writing quota file %s j2edlimit -d limID [-u|-g] Filesystemj2edlimit -c limID [-u|-g] Filesystem*** Checking user quotas for %s (%s) %d%% of the device has been completed.0507-568 The group %s does not exist. *** Checking group quotas for %s (%s) Internal error, dispatch(): dup2 failedInternal error, dispatch(): exec failedInternal error, ioctl of device failed.Defragmenting device %s. Please wait. Usage: defragfs [-q | -r | -s] device User Limits Classes for file system %s 0507-583 Cannot read superblock on %s. Restarting stopped rollback operation. Rebuilding block map state using fsck. %s filesystem is %d percent fragmented. Group Limits Classes for file system %s Limits Class ID 0 is the default class. Use '+' for ID to add new Limits Class. %-15s %lld %d-byte (DEVBLKSIZE) blocks Usage: j2edlimit [-e] [-u|-g] Filesystemquotacheck [-d] [-g] [-u] [-v] filesystem0507-551 Failed to format the log device. Failed getting information on snapshot %s Prepend '-' to ID to delete Limits Class. Extended attribute format is already v2. Small inode extents are already enabled. No filesystem or volume label was specifiedCompression not supported for proto option.Number of blocks that may be migrated : %d %1$s: 0507-548 Failed to read inode %2$lld 0507-560 %lld is not a valid inode number. 0507-564 User quotas are not enabled on %s 0507-569 The quota type %d does not exist. 0507-575 No such Limits Record found in %s Filesystem encryption is already enabled. Filesystem encryption cannot be disabled. The device specified is not a block device. 0507-565 Group quotas are not enabled on %s 0507-570 %s is not a valid JFS2 quota file. Usage: rollback %s snappedFS SnapshotObject Total number of blocks : %lld mkfs: 0507-541 Open of log failed. errno=%d Snapshot %1$s size is now %2$lld 512-blocks. Filesystem already has small inode extents. Snapshot for file system %1$s created on %2$s 0507-566 Could not determine quota file name. The %1$s timeout specified, %2$s, is invalid. Enter up to 11 characters for the volume label 0507-562 Cannot reduce the size of a snapshot. %s: Snapshot had I/O error. Snapshots deleted. 0507-573 Invalid control data in quota file %s j2edlimit -a limID {-u UID | -g GID} Filesystem0507-579 Error processing temporary file. (%d) *** Checking user and group quotas for %s (%s) 0507-574 Invalid Limits Record in quota file %s File system super block dirty in snapshot image Internal error, ltop called with inconsistent sizeThe fragment size must be 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096Big File file systems must have fragsize == 4096. Cannot create logical volume for volume group %s. %s: Snapshot ran out of space. Snapshots deleted. 0507-578 Error while editing temporary file. (%d) 0507-580 Limits Class ID must contain all digits. 0507-582 Incorrect filesystem size in superblock. The timeout must be a positive number of seconds. 0507-500 Filesystem must be at least %d megabytes. File system %s must be mounted to perform command. Internal error, irdwr called before Inodes allocatedInternal error, proto_count called with unknown modeInternal error, bwrite called with inconsistent size0507-550 filesystem block size must be at least %d. %1$s must be mounted to perform the %2$s operation. The superuser cannot be assigned to a Limits Class. File system %1$s being rolled back to snapshot %2$s Internal error, proto_alloc called with unknown mode%1$s: 0507-545 Cannot read superblock on device %2$s A thaw can only be performed on a frozen filesystem. File system %s must be unmounted to perform command. 0507-509 The system failed to extend the file system. File system %s is not enabled for internal snapshots. %1$s: 0507-557 Export of ACLs for inode %2$lld failed. %s: Snapshots were not recoverable. Snapshots deleted. Big File file systems must have multiplier from 1 to 5. %s has mounted snapshots which must be unmounted first: A refreeze can only be performed on a frozen filesystem. %1$s: The inlinelog size cannot be greater than %2$d MB. Must specify logical volume or size to create a snapshot. 0507-546 Failed to read block %1$lld. %2$s:%3$d errno=%4$d 0507-576 Cannot add a Limits Record in %s, all are in use. 0507-528 The value %1$d is not allowed for parameter %2$s. The timeout must be off, 0 or a positive number of seconds. The %1$s and the %2$s options cannot be specified together. %s: A file system with nbpi = %d cannot exceed %d 512 blocks %1$s: 0507-544 %2$s is not recognized as a JFS2 file system. Grace Period units: d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, or s=seconds 0507-584 Specify a valid value for the managed parameter: %s Unable to create filesystem. Device %s is currently in use. Logical volume %1$s is already being used by file system %2$s 0507-507 Log device is currently used by mounted file systems 0507-577 Limits Classes are not supported by %s file systems. %s is already frozen and cannot be frozen again until thawed. Internal error, lookup's args are bad or Rootdir is unallocated0507-527 The specified disk is being used by another process. 0507-540 An error occurred when reading data from the device. Requested filesystem size is bigger than the logical volume size0507-520 defragfs: Fatal error (%d). defragfs cannot continue. 0507-504 The specified device is not a mounted JFS2 file system. 0507-529 Failed to create a file system on the specified device. %s: A file system with frag = %d cannot exceed %d 512-byte blocks %1$s: 0507-547 Failed to write block %2$lld. %3$s:%4$d errno=%5$d %1$s: 0507-558 Inode %2$lld has stale b-tree page at block %3$lld Quiesce of file system %1$s failed; data may be stale. rc = %2$d %1$s must be at least %2$lld bytes for the snapshot to be created. Block Limits units: g=gigabyte, m=megabyte, or optional k=kilobyte Usage: defragfs [-q | -r | -s] [-f [-v] [-y]] {device | mountpath} 0507-559 Failed to read control page of Block Allocation Map. rc = %d An allocation group size of %d requires one of following nbpi values: 0507-506 Snapshot not created because the file system is marked dirty. %s filesystem not converted. Extended attribute format is already v2. A compressed file system requires a fragment size of 512, 1024, or 2048.Allocation groups defragmented : %d Allocation groups skipped - entirely free : %d Allocation groups skipped - too few free blocks : %d Allocation groups skipped - contains a large contiguous free space : %d Total allocation groups : %d Allocation groups that are candidates for defragmenting : %d Average number of free runs in candidate allocation groups : %d Snapshot device and file system device must be in the same volume group. %1$s: Log size is greater than %2$d MB Only %2$d MB of log will be used The %s option is exclusive. It cannot be combined with any other option. %1$s: 0507-549 Inode table for %2$s is corrupt. Cannot find inode %3$lld. Usage: backsnap [-R] -m mountPoint -s size=Size [backup Options] FilesystemFile system %s is dirty. Replay log before performing rollback operation. Filesystems enabled for internal snapshots can not have the DMAPI enabled. A fragment size of %d requires one of the following allocation group sizes:0507-543 Log device and file system device must be in the same volume group. nbpi value must be 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, or 131072Specified file system feature requires EAv2; specify either ea=v1 or %s only. The %s filesystem is among the list of filesystems that cannot have EFS enabled. File fragmentation before defrag: %.2f%% File fragmentation after defrag: %.2f%% JFS2 dense file systems are not supported. Creating a sparse file system instead. The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. mkfs: 0507-552 Internal error: Trying to mark block which does not exist. %1$s:%2$d 0507-502 Logical volume type should be jfs2log for outlinelog and jfs2 for inlinelog The %s filesystem is among the list of filesystems that cannot have the DMAPI enabled. @(#)05 1.5 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/message.c, cmdj2, bos720 1/16/01 09:33:04%1$s: 0507-556 Failed reading directory tree page at block %2$lld owned by inode %3$lld. 0507-508 Invalid value for ea option specified, %1$s. Valid values for the ea option: %2$s 0507-585 Invalid value for vix option specified, %1$s. Valid values for the vix option: %2$s The %s filesystem is among the list of filesystems that cannot have the mount guard enabled. 0507-563 Running defragfs on a filesystem with a snapshot is not recommended. Continue (%s)? Restored a smaller file system. File system logical volume is unchanged and partially unused. defragfs cannot be run on a file system with internal snapshots. Remove the snapshots first. 0507-587 Invalid value for %1$s option specified, %2$s. Valid values for the %3$s option: %4$s 0507-503 file system %s does not exist. Change logical volume type to be jfs2log for an outlinelog 0507-505 The file system version is incompatible with this program, or the superblock is corrupted. Cannot rollback to snapshot %s because it is invalid. Check error log for cause of snapshot failure. Not enough free space in %s to perform rollback. Free more space in the file system and then try again. defragfs cannot be run with -f flag on a file system with external snapshots. Remove the snapshots first. 0507-501 Log too large, no space for file system. An INLINE log cannot be larger than %d%% of the filesystem. 0507-587 A JFS2 file system with a %d-byte block size can not be larger than %llu %d-byte physical blocks. 0507-586 Only one filesystem conversion flag per command. Specify only one of the conversion flags at a time: %s Error: not enough free space in filesystem %s to defrag: Filesystem must have at least %d%% or %dMB of free space EAv2 is required for MLS enabled system; either specify ea=v2 or do not specify the ea option to take the default. %s: A file system with size of %d 512-byte blocks cannot have nbpi = %d. Either increase file system size or decrease nbpi. %1$s: The inlinelog size cannot be smaller than the minimum recommended log size (%2$d MB). The current inlinelog size is %3$d MB. Usage: snapshot {-o snapfrom=snappedFS -o size=Size | {-d [-s] | -q [-c fieldSeparator] | -o snapfrom=snappedFS | -o size=NewSize} Object} mkfs: 0507-553 Internal error: Inode table location does not fall in correct range. AGsize = %1$d Inode Table Location = %2$lld End AG = %3$lld Usage: chfs [-n NodeName] [-m NewMountPoint] [-u MountGroup] [-A {yes|no}] [-p {ro|rw}] [-t {yes|no}] [-a Attrebute=Value] [-d Attribute] FileSystem %1$s: The requested inlinelog size is too small. The recommended inlinelog size is %2$d MB. Would you like to change the inlinelog size to %3$d MB. (y/n) The %s file system is currently locked by a file system operation which requires exclusive access. Run that operation again to unlock and then attempt this operation again. The %s file system is currently locked by the file system operation %.*s which requires exclusive access. Run that operation again to unlock and then attempt this operation again. Warning: Filesystem %s shares a log with other filesystems. It is recommended that the filesystem be remounted with its own dedicated log volume to avoid performance issues. Continue anyway? (y/n): Unable to create JFS2 filesystem on specified device. Devices with minor number greater than 3071 cannot have external log. specify INLINE log or use devices with smaller minor number. /p 3 N 4 2 >h 3 5 2 3 4 20 6 0 0 8 4 3@ 5 F$ 7 F\ G N C F : ; K 2x 1 W D 6, 6P ;@ 8 9 5 1 7 1 8H 3` 4 8 R > O b Y DP Il WT R /t E `\ OX ^ RP 4@ d H ;h 6t S, Sx S T T\ ; T T O 98 NP K O B0 7( 7L 6 3 :x N A 5 W = L G J P$ > V$ 0 0 0 1 F = Y d< @ 8$ [L H Ph Q P ? c 5@ 1 P B` 2 A@ \ I4 E U@ M = 7p 4 0 0t / 0 0 / / I 9` D J\ A Vp 2 5` Y< D B Z@ ^L MP [ 0d R U / ?D @P A 9 : ?p 3 @ 9 9 B C ? J =4 5 : B :( ; < Q4 LP < = < / 0D 0, 0T / / / / / M D C E 0 6 =` CP :P : 08 1p 1 2 ET ; f f U G B KP E M 3 H I 0 / L eh c$ J @ 8p 4 6 HT C 7 ]( 5 \ a@ 4` > >< Ap G< 7 ] XD K ` X ? ? / 2H 2` 1 14 ] H V < Gt _ <0 8 1H 1\ b( _ Z W L h< \h _ 2 X a gt Qxrr,rdevlogdevlog %lld%s: %s: %s: %s: chfscrfs%s: %s: %s: %s: mkdir/dev/mallocmallocmallocmkpathmntctlmntctllogname%s: %s: %s: %s: %s: "%s": {m,re}alloc{m,re}allocOpen failureVOLUME GROUP:/etc/filesystems/etc/filesystems/etc/filesystemslslv %s | grep '%s'/usr/sbin/getlvodm -v %s/usr/sbin/getlvodm -l %s/usr/sbin/lquerylv -c -L %s/usr/sbin/lquerylv -L %s -s/usr/sbin/lqueryvg -g %s -s%s: Cannot get lg id from odm. %s: Cannot get lv id from odm. %s: Cannot get logical volume size. /usr/sbin/lsvg -l %s | /usr/bin/grep jfs2%s: Cannot get volume group partition size. %s: lv %s already being used for filesystem %s %s: can't find volume group for logical volume %s @(#)69 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/lsfs_subs.c, cmdj2, bos720 6/10/13 08:55:29-u-g-t%s/%s-cbpldLfshop_nullfshop_freefshop_makefshop_statfshop_checkfshop_usagefshop_nameifshop_debugfshop_chgsizfshop_statfsfshop_findatafshop_rebuildFilesystem Helper@(#)28 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/chfs/j2_chfs.c, cmdj2, bos72D, d2016_14B2 2/26/16 19:37:39%d%slogmegdevstubsize%s: %s: %s: querybytesforcedevicemntctlch_jfs2mountedublockskblocksreclaim wLogSize: %d p_chfs->LogSize: %d p_chfs->FSSize: %lld p_chfs->FSSize: %lld p_chfs->LVSize: %lld %s: do_mounted_extend() %s: do_mounted_shrink() %s: do_mounted_reclaim() exiting because of code %dattempting mount %s over %s %s: do_extend (%s, %lld)... %s: do_shrink (%s, %lld)... %s: do_reclaim (%s, %lld)... %s: a %s stanza must exist for %s. %s: logical volume %s is not large enough %s: extend failed. Free some space and try again. /sbin/helpers/jfs2/mount -v jfs2 -o nomanager %s %s@(#)26 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/chfs/ch_jfs2.c, cmdj2, bos72L, l2018_07A5 1/24/18 13:10:03 w, k v o w kx v k v k w v wD v wp v w v w v wL v w| v wT v v v w$ v w\ vtfTFynYN10,=,/noNONoyesYESYesdevtrueTRUETrue/usr/var/opt/tmpfalseFALSEFalsemallocunknownlibIN.catlibIN.catCannot open %s /etc/filesystems/etc/filesystemsNo device specified for %s } }< }D }L@(#)12 1.10 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/utilsubs.c, cmdj2, bos720 10/6/08 16:26:11 | | | | }$ }\ }, }d }4 }l | | | | } } } } } } | |rororqrwdevtruemountquotacheckfalseoptionsreadonly/etc/filesystems/etc/filesystems@(#)57 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/fstab.c, libcenv, bos720 6/7/00 16:35:25fscntl()devices.cdevices.cdevices.clibjfs2: malloc()Internal error: %s(%d): error %ld Internal error: %s(%d): bad mode: %d Internal error: %s(%d): Cannot create block device name from %s @(#)82 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/devices.c, cmdj2, bos72V, v2020_29A2 7/7/20 17:23:10inode.cinode.cinode.cinode.cinode.cinode.cinode.cinode.cuj2_rwinoPg mallocuj2_rwinoPg mallocInternal error: %s(%d): Invalid btree node Internal error: %s(%d): Invalid btree node Internal error: %s(%d): Error reading btree node Internal error: %s(%d): Error reading btree node Internal error: %s(%d): Bad map inode number (%d) Internal error: %s(%d): Bad map inode number (%d) Internal error: %s(%d): IAG(%lld) split across an extent! Internal error: %s(%d): IAG(%lld) split across an extent! @(#)91 1.20 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/inode.c, cmdj2, bos720 8/27/07 12:50:26 ux u u u u u v u u u u uJ2XLSYSJ2errno == 5log_read.clog_read.clog_read.clog_read.clogRead: logwrap (left +1) == rightloglpsn == lp->h.pageloglpsn == lp->h.pagelogRead: getLogpage failed findEndOfLog: pageVal[1] failed findEndOfLog: pageVal[2] failed findEndOfLog: pageVal[3] failed findEndOfLog: pageVal[4] failed findEndOfLog: pageVal[4] failed pageVal: readLogpageToIndex failed writeLogpageFromIndex: write failed errno = %d readLogpageToIndex: read failed errno =%d, rc=%d @(#)99 1.17 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/log_read.c, cmdj2, bos720 7/9/07 16:41:27/dev/error@(#)34 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/librts/errlog.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/13/09 10:50:38J2XLJ2XLJ2XLJ2FSJ2FSJ2FSJ2FSSYSJ2rc == 0/dev/%dlogredologredologredologredologredorc != -2rc == -3errno == 5lspage != 0lxaddr != 0j2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cj2_logredo.cOpen failed nextaddr == -3blkno < xfencelog wrapped... 0123456789ABCDEFLog create failedLog format failedlogredo: mntctl()logredo: malloc()/usr/lib/nfs_cntl/etc/locklog.%d,%dCorrupt superblock.j2_logredo: noredo j2_logredo: logwrap Invalid option syntaxNot a JFS filesystem.log read failed 0x%x /usr/sbin/rmlv -fB %sbad inode number %lld recoverEXFS: errno=%d Boot program is too bigPrototype file is emptyInvalid option specifiedlogOpen:makeOpen failed logredo: logform failed Read of proto file failedopenVol: makeOpen failed openVol: rdwrSuper failed magic number not right %d recoverShrinkFS: errno=%d blkno != 0 && nblocks != 0j2_logredo:Failed %d in %s openVol: bad serial number bad disk block number %lld log serial number no good xtTruncation: bread failed xtTruncation: write failed xtTruncation: bread failed xtTruncation: bread failed Filesystem size is too smallInternal error, fstat failedInternal error, ltop failed.openVol: log location wrong makeDevice: device = 0x%llx recoverEXFS: logform failed No boot program was specifiedCould not open prototype fileCould not stat prototype fileInternal error, strcpy failedlogredo: log already redone! logredo: log already redone! j2_logredo:end of log 0x%llx isFilesystem: open %s failed recoverEXFS: initMaps failed Boot program is not accessibleInternal error, newblk failed.logredo: record type = MOUNT xtTruncation: markBmap failed Could not access prototype filelogredo: record type = COMMIT logredo: record type = SYNCPT j2_logredo: Bad xdTable record j2_logredo:do block count = %d %d hanfs commit records found. recoverEXFS: updateMaps failed recoverShrinkFS: malloc failed Internal error, alloc_map failedInternal error, add_name failed.logredo: record type = XDTABLE rdwrSuper: read failed errno=%d fsError:bad error in volume %d i/o error log reading page 0x%x recoverShrinkFS: logform failed The filesystem ran out of inodes.The filesystem ran out of blocks.j2_logredo: commit queue problem j2_logredo: Bad Updatemap record j2_logredo: fatal error. Exiting j2_logredo:syncpt record at 0x%x j2_logredo:syncpt address 0x%llx j2_logredo:log record count = %d j2_logredo:nodo block count = %d %d hanfs state records provided. %d hanfs state records accepted. %d strange commit records found. makeOpen: open failed errno = %d logError:find end of log failed recoverShrinkFS: initMaps failed Error in prototype file on line %dInvalid superblock version number.j2_logredo: Bad NoredoFree record openVol:log minor number mismatch makeDevice: unable to create file UpdateMap log rec error. nxd=%lld Internal error, irdwr memcpy failedUnrecognized compression algorithm.logredo: logaddr = 0x%llx (0d%lld) logredo: record type = NOREDOPAGE logredo: record type = NOREDOFREE j2_logredo:after record count = %d openVol:contains locked feature %d openVol:contains locked feature %d io error reading block number %lld recoverShrinkFS: dbFreeBMap failed recoverShrinkFS: dbTruncate failed recoverShrinkFS: updateMaps failed Internal error, bread/bwrite failed.J2_LOGREDO:%s: %s is not a log file J2_LOGREDO:Error in recoverResizeFS J2_LOGREDO:Error in recoverResizeFS openVol:version number not right %d j2_logredo: FM_LOGNOREDO for vol:%d openVol:version number not right %d blkno + nblocks <= vopen[vol].fssizeFile is too large for this filesystemInternal error, get/put inode failed.Internal error, get/put super failed.logOpen: major:0x%llx, minor: 0x%llx can not initialize maps in volume %d j2_logredo: updateMaps failed, vol:%d Internal error, dispatch(): dup2 failedInternal error, dispatch(): exec failedInternal error, ioctl of device failed.recoverEXFS: write 1st superblk failed recoverEXFS: write 2nd superblk failed j2_logredo: Bad Redopage record, vol:%d makeOpen: unable to create special file can not read physical block number %lld j2_logredo:log error, format it. exiting openVol:contains unsupported features %d rdwrSuper: primary write failed errno=%d openVol:contains unsupported features %d j2_logredo: Bad NoredoPage record, vol:%d No filesystem or volume label was specifiedCompression not supported for proto option.rdwrSuper: secondary write failed errno=%d isFilesystem:couldn't read log superblock locklog: falied on open, tmpfd=%d, errno:%d logError: offset incorrect on log page 0x%x recoverShrinkFS: read 1st superblock failed recoverShrinkFS: read 2nd superblock failed j2_logredo:update of superblk failed, vol:%d recoverShrinkFS: write 1st superblock failed recoverShrinkFS: write 2nd superblock failed logredo: rec type = REDOPAGE, subtype: 0x%04x isFilesystem: s_logdev is not a fs dev number unknown log record type log read failed 0x%x J2_LOGREDO:%s and log file %s version mismatch isFilesystem: stat of device failed errno = %d logredo: can't make a log device for logFormat J2_LOGREDO:Error occurred when open/read device J2_LOGREDO:logredoinit1 failed. rc:%d, errno:%d J2_LOGREDO:logredoinit2 failed. rc:%d, errno:%d Log device is currently used by mounted devices j2_logredo: snapshot detach failed, vol:%d rc:%d Internal error, ltop called with inconsistent sizeThe fragment size must be 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096Big File file systems must have fragsize == 4096. j2_logredo: rec type = UPDATEMAP, subtype: 0x%04x recoverEXFS: read second superblk failed errno=%d recoverEXFS: read primary superblk failed errno=%d Internal error, irdwr called before Inodes allocatedInternal error, proto_count called with unknown modeInternal error, bwrite called with inconsistent sizeInternal error, proto_alloc called with unknown modelogredo: log rec bad or i/o error...logFormatting... J2_LOGREDO:couldn't read log superblock:failure in %s J2_LOGREDO:couldn't read log superblock:failure in %s Big File file systems must have multiplier from 1 to 5. %s: A file system with nbpi = %d cannot exceed %d 512 blocks Internal error, lookup's args are bad or Rootdir is unallocatedRequested filesystem size is bigger than the logical volume sizebflush: write failed rc=%d, errno:%d, fd:%d, vol:%d, blkno:%lld J2_LOGREDO:Error occurred reading superblock to remove snapshots J2_LOGREDO:Error occurred writing superblock to remove snapshots %s: A file system with frag = %d cannot exceed %d 512-byte blocks An allocation group size of %d requires one of following nbpi values: A compressed file system requires a fragment size of 512, 1024, or 2048.A fragment size of %d requires one of the following allocation group sizes:nbpi value must be 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, or 131072The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. @(#)94 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/j2_logredo.c, cmdj2, bos72F, f2016_29A8 7/21/16 09:31:29%s: A file system with size of %d 512-byte blocks cannot have nbpi = %d. Either increase file system size or decrease nbpi.     t |  ( \ < < | l | D L t @ P x @  \  ( d  \ l 4x<log_map.cbread: bad block rXtree: bread failed readBmap: bread failed. readImap: bread failed. writeImap: bread failed writeBmap: bread failed readBmap: malloc failed. readImap: malloc failed. readImap: rXtree failed. writeImap: rXtree failed writeBmap: rXtree failed updDmapPage: cp=0x0%x bread: read failed rc=%d readBmap: rXtree: failed. writeImap: npages is wrong readImap: read_blocks failed readImap: read_blocks failed updateMaps: writeImap failed updateMaps: writeBmap failed readBmap: read_blocks failed. writeImap: write failed rc=%d writeBmap: totalpages is wrong writeBmap:mapsize inconsistent writeImap: updateImapPage failed updateMaps: bread failed errno=%d updateMaps: bread failed errno=%d (p->pmap[i] | ~ixmap) == p->pmap[i]initMaps: readBmap failed for vol %d initMaps: readImap failed for vol %d writeBmap: write_blocks failed rc=%d updateImapPage2:error for pmap and inoext updateImapPage3:error for pmap and inoext updDmapPage:illegal leafidx in dmap or Ln page initMaps: bread bmap inode failed. vol:%d, errno=%d initMaps: bread imap inode failed. vol:%d, errno=%d writeBmap: L1=%d L0=%d dmap=%d (at 0x0%x) nblocks=0d0%lld updDmapPage: tp->stree = 0x0%x tp->leafidx=0x0%x LEAFIND=0x0%x @(#)98 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/log_map.c, cmdj2, bos72F, f2016_29A8 7/21/16 09:31:45@(#)84 1.3 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/diskmap.c, cmdj2, bos720 4/25/05 09:55:32mknodsrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.csrSnapshot.c/dev/srXXXXXXxSMapGroup != 0sflag & SXD_INUSEsiod->ioCount == 0Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d ssd->ssd_flag & SSD_FREEssd->ssd_flag & SSD_POIPssd->ssd_flag & SSD_FULLssd->ssd_flag & SSD_POIPssd->ssd_flag & SSD_FULLsxd->sxd_flag & SXD_INUSEsxd->sxd_flag & SXD_INUSEnssd->ssd_flag & SSD_FREEnssd->ssd_flag & SSD_FREEssxd->flag & SXD_INITIALIZED(sflag & SXD_INITIALIZED) == 0(ipSnapshot)->snapshotList.nextsrLookupSMap: xaddr:0x%llx copied srLookupSMap: xaddr:0x%llx inUse:%d sMap:0x%llx i:%d sfd:0x%llx xlen:%d sMap:0x%llx i:%d sfd:0x%llx xlen:%d sMap:0x%llx i:%d sfd:0x%llx xlen:%d srCOWPageIn: ssd:0x%llx siod:0x%llx srCOWPageIn: ssd:0x%llx siod:0x%llx srCOWPageOut: ssd:0x%llx siod:0x%llx ssd->ssd_next->ssd_flag & SSD_OVERFLOWssd->ssd_next->ssd_flag & SSD_OVERFLOWssd->ssd_next->ssd_flag & SSD_OVERFLOWsrReadSMap: read sMapPage xSMap:0x%llx srReadSMap: read sMapPage xSMap:0x%llx srReadBMap: read sMapPage xSMap:0x%llx srCOW: ssd:0x%llx cowSegment[0x%llx:%d] srCOW: ssd:0x%llx cowSegment[0x%llx:%d] srCOD: ipSnapshot:0x%llx pxd[0x%llx:%d] srReadSMap: read ssMapPage xSSMap:0x%llx srReadSMap: read ssMapPage xSSMap:0x%llx srReadSMap: read ssMapPage xSSMap:0x%llx srReadBMap: read ssMapPage xSSMap:0x%llx srInit:snapshot subsystem initialization. srReadBMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xaddr:0x%llx srReadSMap: ssd:0x%llx region[0x%llx:16384] srCOWPageOut: pageOut ssd:0x%llx sfd:0x%llx srCOWPageOut: switch overflow to poip:0x%llx srReconstructSMap: read sMapPage xSMap:0x%llx smSearchXTree: xoffset:0x%llx xaddress:0x%llx srLookupSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xfdList:0x%llx srCOW: ipSnapshot:0x%llx sfd:0x%llx[0x%llx:%d] srCOW: ipSnapshot:0x%llx sfd:0x%llx[0x%llx:%d] srReconstructSMap: read ssMapPage xSSMap:0x%llx srReadBMap: read bMapPage from bfs xBMap:0x%llx srReadSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx sMap page notInUse srReadSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx sMap page notInUse srReadSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx sMap group notInUse srReadSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx sMap group notInUse srCOWPageOut: pageOutIODone ssd:0x%llx eosPageOut srReconstructSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xSMap:0x%llx %d srReadSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xaddr:0x%llx flag:0x%08x srReadSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xSMap:0x%llx bpSMap:0x%llx srReadSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xSMap:0x%llx bpSMap:0x%llx srLookupSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx pxd[0x%llx:%d] flag:0x%08x srUpdateSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xSMap:0x%llx xfdList:0x%llx srReadBMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx sfs xBMap:0x%llx bpBMap:0x%llx srReadBMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx bfs xBMap:0x%llx bpBMap:0x%llx srReconstructSMap: read ssMapPage, clear LOCKED xSSMap:0x%llx (sfd->sfd_flag & SXD_INUSE) && ((sfd->sfd_flag & SXD_COW) == 0)(sfd->sfd_flag & SXD_INUSE) && ((sfd->sfd_flag & SXD_COW) == 0)srCOW: set overflowSegment as new wipSegment:0x%llx sxaddr:0x%llx srCOW: set overflowSegment as new wipSegment:0x%llx sxaddr:0x%llx srUpdateSMap: ipSnapshot:0x%llx xSMap:0x%llx sfd:0x%llx[0x%llx/0x%llx:%d] srCOW: poipSegement:0x%llx becoming full at sfd:0x%llx: alloc overflowSegment srCOW: poipSegement:0x%llx becoming full at sfd:0x%llx: alloc overflowSegment (ipSnapshot)->snapshotList.next == 0 && (&snapshotList)->head && (&snapshotList)->tail@(#)64 1.13 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/srSnapshot.c, cmdj2, bos720 7/11/07 16:22:38bufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cbufpool.cpbp->pb_count > 0Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d Assert fail %s: %s:%d pbp->pb_flags & PB_INUSEpbp->pb_flags & PB_INUSEpbp->pb_flags & PB_INUSE(pbp)->_pb_u1._cacheList.nextpbp->pb_hashList.next == NULL(pbp)->_pb_u1._cacheList.next(pbp)->_pb_u1._cacheList.nextpbp->pb_cacheList.next != NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next == NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next == NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next == NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next == NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next == NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next == NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next != NULLpbp->pb_cacheList.next == NULL!(pbp->pb_flags & (PB_INUSE|PB_PAGEIN))!(pbp->pb_flags & (PB_INUSE|PB_PAGEIN))(ccp->cc_nFree == 1) || (pbp && pbp->pb_freeNext)@(#)78 1.7 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/bufpool.c, cmdj2, bos720 4/6/05 15:23:20(pbp)->_pb_u1._cacheList.next == 0 && (&(ccp)->cc_cacheList)->head && (&(ccp)->cc_cacheList)->tailJ2SSJ2IS@(#)72 1.6 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/snapshot.c, cmdj2, bos720 6/27/07 15:12:44?rc == 0log_work.cdoAfter: markBmap failed updatePage: bread failed updatePage: bread failed updatePage: bread failed updatePage: bread failed type error in doUpdateMap doAfter: updatePage failed updatePage: markBmap failed updatePage: markBmap failed updatePage: markBmap failed doUpdateMap: markBmap failed doUpdateMap: markBmap failed doUpdateMap: markBmap failed doUpdateMap: markBmap failed markBmap: block out of range doNoRedoPage: markBmap failed doNoRedoPage: markBmap failed logredoInit2: initMaps failed logredoInit2: initMaps failed updatePage: invalid stbl entry doNoRedoPage: unknown Noredopage type updatePage: invalid dir slot next index updatePage: invalid stbl entry in dtpage doExtDtPg: bread failed, vol:%d, blk:%lld updatePage:INODE segment offset is wrong %d malloc failed for nodo file hash table, errno %d updatePage: invalid dir slot next index in dtpage logredoinit1:malloc failed for redo page hash table, errno %d @(#)00 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/log_work.c, cmdj2, bos72F, f2016_29A8 7/21/16 09:32:01J2XL | / - \ logformlogformioctl failed Log create failedLog format failedCorrupt superblock.Invalid option syntaxNot a JFS filesystem.j2_logform: malloc() failure in logformat Boot program is too bigPrototype file is emptyInvalid option specifiedlogform: destroy %s (y)?Read of proto file failedj2_logform: Memory error j2_logform: mntctl error Filesystem size is too smallInternal error, fstat failedInternal error, ltop failed.j2_logform: failed in fstat No boot program was specifiedCould not open prototype fileCould not stat prototype fileInternal error, strcpy failedBoot program is not accessibleInternal error, newblk failed.j2_logform: failed in Stat(2) Could not access prototype fileInternal error, alloc_map failedInternal error, add_name failed.The filesystem ran out of inodes.The filesystem ran out of blocks.j2_logform:open failed, errno:%d Error in prototype file on line %dInvalid superblock version number.Internal error, irdwr memcpy failedUnrecognized compression algorithm.Internal error, bread/bwrite failed.File is too large for this filesystemInternal error, get/put inode failed.Internal error, get/put super failed.logform: Format inline log for %s ?Internal error, dispatch(): dup2 failedInternal error, dispatch(): exec failedInternal error, ioctl of device failed.try again but specify number of blocks No filesystem or volume label was specifiedCompression not supported for proto option.Internal error, ltop called with inconsistent sizeThe fragment size must be 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096Big File file systems must have fragsize == 4096. Internal error, irdwr called before Inodes allocatedInternal error, proto_count called with unknown modeInternal error, bwrite called with inconsistent sizeInternal error, proto_alloc called with unknown modeBig File file systems must have multiplier from 1 to 5. %s: A file system with nbpi = %d cannot exceed %d 512 blocks Internal error, lookup's args are bad or Rootdir is unallocatedRequested filesystem size is bigger than the logical volume size%s: A file system with frag = %d cannot exceed %d 512-byte blocks An allocation group size of %d requires one of following nbpi values: A compressed file system requires a fragment size of 512, 1024, or 2048.A fragment size of %d requires one of the following allocation group sizes:nbpi value must be 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, or 131072The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. @(#)01 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/logform.c, cmdj2, bos72F, f2017_25A1 6/15/17 11:17:01%s: A file system with size of %d 512-byte blocks cannot have nbpi = %d. Either increase file system size or decrease nbpi. ͠ ` Π L @ ` H \ Ќ ΀  l ( 4 , T  ̄ \ h ό | д D ̜ p d @ 0 Ԥ  Ґ Ӥ | resource=devno AND value1=%d AND value2=%d@(#)42 1.2 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/j2_odm_subs.c, cmdj2, bos720 9/13/05 16:39:46 %s%s%s%s/quota.user/quota.user/quota.group/quota.groupLog create failedLog format failedCorrupt superblock.Invalid option syntaxNot a JFS filesystem.Boot program is too bigPrototype file is emptyInvalid option specifiedRead of proto file failedInitializing quota file %s Filesystem size is too smallInternal error, fstat failedInternal error, ltop failed.Error reading quota file %s Error reading quota file %s Error reading quota file %s Error writing quota file %s Error writing quota file %s Error writing quota file %s Error writing quota file %s No boot program was specifiedCould not open prototype fileCould not stat prototype fileInternal error, strcpy failedBoot program is not accessibleInternal error, newblk failed.Could not access prototype fileInternal error, alloc_map failedInternal error, add_name failed.The filesystem ran out of inodes.The filesystem ran out of blocks.%s is not a valid JFS2 quotafile Error in prototype file on line %dInvalid superblock version number.No such Limits Record found in %s No such Limits Record found in %s No such Limits Record found in %s No such Limits Record found in %s Internal error, irdwr memcpy failedUnrecognized compression algorithm.Internal error, bread/bwrite failed.File is too large for this filesystemInternal error, get/put inode failed.Internal error, get/put super failed.Internal error, dispatch(): dup2 failedInternal error, dispatch(): exec failedInternal error, ioctl of device failed.Invalid Limits Record in quota file %s Limits Class ID 0 is the default class. No filesystem or volume label was specifiedCompression not supported for proto option.Cannot add Limits Record in %s, all are used. Cannot complete change to quota management on %s Internal error, ltop called with inconsistent sizeThe fragment size must be 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096Big File file systems must have fragsize == 4096. Internal error, irdwr called before Inodes allocatedInternal error, proto_count called with unknown modeInternal error, bwrite called with inconsistent sizeInternal error, proto_alloc called with unknown modeBig File file systems must have multiplier from 1 to 5. %s: A file system with nbpi = %d cannot exceed %d 512 blocks Internal error, lookup's args are bad or Rootdir is unallocatedRequested filesystem size is bigger than the logical volume size%s: A file system with frag = %d cannot exceed %d 512-byte blocks An allocation group size of %d requires one of following nbpi values: A compressed file system requires a fragment size of 512, 1024, or 2048.A fragment size of %d requires one of the following allocation group sizes:nbpi value must be 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, or 131072The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. @(#)88 1.6 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/j2qutil.c, cmdj2, bos720 5/6/05 15:15:17%s: A file system with size of %d 512-byte blocks cannot have nbpi = %d. Either increase file system size or decrease nbpi.  L #     L      \ p h  l l "  "< " #` !h "t    #   % !    0     D  @  ,  $p  # & %\ ! " $ $( J2FSJ2FSJ2FS@(#)10 src/bos/sbin/helpers/jfs2/libjfs2/super.c, cmdj2, bos72F, f2016_30A5 6/17/16 12:55:32 R` RP RR` R` R  Zx h /p Z Z q Z Z Z cX c` ch cph uP kp kt v kx | s   ( P T X `    א h ƨ Rh R     T   X  `  % 5 5 U U U$ U( U0 U8 a8 8 @ @ @ @ D H ( ` R , 0 h 8 p x | ׀ ׈ ׌ א ט נ ר ׬    װ  ט QykCDK8 P@%@ -@ 6@ ?@ G@ P@ X@ `@ h@ q@ |@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@'@ 4@ H@ Q@ [@ d@ k@ r@ {@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @  @ '@ /@ 9@ A@ J@ Q@ \@ e@ p@ y@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ @ '@ 0@ ;@ E@ N@ W@ a@ m@ w@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ (@ 1@ <@ G@ Q@ [@ d@ m@ w@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@ /@ >@ O@ _@l@{@  R@! ? ? ? ?$ h? ? ? ? ? ? ? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? ,@? ,H? ,P? ,X? ,`? ,h? ,p? ,x? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? -? -? -? -? - ? -(? -0? -8? -@? -H? -P? -X? -`? -h? -p? -x? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? -? .? .? .? .? . ? .(? .0? .8? .@? .H? .P? .X? .`? .h? .p? .x? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? .? /? /? /? /? / ? /(? 0? i? i? i? i ? i(? i0? i8? i@? iH? iP? iX? i`? ih? ip? ix? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? i? j? j? j? j? j ? j(? j0? j8? j@? jH? jP? jX? j`? jh? jp? jx? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? j? k? k? k? k? k ? k(? k0? k8? k@? kH? kP? kX? k`? kh? kp? kx? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? k? l? l? l? l? l ? l(? l0? l8? l@? lH? lP? lX? l`? lh? lp? lx? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? l? m? m? m? m? m ? m(? m0? m8? m@? mH? mP? mX? m`? mh? mp? mx? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? m? n? n? n? n? n ? n(? n0? n8? n@? nH? nP? nX? n`? nh? np? nx? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? n? o? o? o? o? o ? o(? o0? o8? o@? oH? oP? oX? o`? oh? op? ox? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? o? p? p? p? p? p ? p(? p0? p8? p@? pH? pP? pX? p`? ph? pp? px? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? p? q? q? q? q? q ? q(? q0? q8? q@? qH? qP? qX? q`? qh? qp? qx? q? q? q? q? q? wh? {8? {@? {P? {X? {h? {p? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? |? |? |? |(? |0? |@? |H? |X? |`? |p? |x? |? |? |? |? }? ~? ~? ~ ? ~? ~? ~? ~? ~? ~? ? ?  ? 0? @? 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