* @(#)26 1.1 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcp_dlls/samples/sample_dhcpapi.exp, dhcp, tcpip720 6/9/99 23:15:29 * IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * tcpip720 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcp_dlls/samples/sample_dhcpapi.exp 1.1 * * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1999 * All Rights Reserved * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG #! sample_dhcpapi.dhcpo Initialize Shutdown messageReceived addressOffered addressAssigned addressReleased addressExpired addressDeleted addressDeclined